master file in cad cam

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Sahiwal “What is Item Master File?” Submitted to: Sir Abu Bakar (Lecturer) Submitted by: Waqas Kamal FA11-BME-062 Grade:

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Introduction on Master File In Cad Cam


COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Sahiwal

What is Item Master File?

Submitted to: Sir Abu Bakar(Lecturer)

Submitted by:Waqas KamalFA11-BME-062

Grade: Checked by:

Department of Mechanical EngineeringItem master file:A file of records relating to the products, components and raw materials of concern to the manufacturing company. Each record will be keyed on the item's code and contain permanent or relatively permanent data about the product in question - for example, its name, lead time and standard cost.Item master file includes three things which are mention below,1. Item master data segment:By cleaning and conditioning your organizations data, GHX helps you reduce errors and improve contract alignment. Our solutions help deliver more accurate, up-to-date data that supports enhances and connects hospital systems withminimal maintenance and redundancy. Really, its that easy.2. Inventory status segment:Inventory:Inventory is an idle stock of physical goods that contain economic value, and are held in various forms by an organization in its custody awaiting packing, processing, transformation, use or sale in a future point of time.Any organization which is into production, trading, sale and service of a product will necessarily hold stock of various physical resources to aid in future consumption and sale. While inventory is a necessary evil of any such business, it may be noted that the organizations hold inventories for various reasons, which include speculative purposes, functional purposes, physical necessities etc..Different Types of Inventory:Inventory of materials occurs at various stages and departments of an organization. A manufacturing organization holds inventory of raw materials and consumables required for production. It also holds inventory of semi-finished goods at various stages in the plant with various departments. Finished goods inventory is held at plant, FG Stores, distribution centers etc. Further both raw materials and finished goods those that are in transit at various locations also form a part of inventory depending upon who owns the inventory at the particular juncture. Finished goods inventory is held by the organization at various stocking points or with dealers and stockiest until it reaches the market and end customers.Besides Raw materials and finished goods, organizations also hold inventories of spare parts to service the products. Defective products, defective parts and scrap also form a part of inventory as long as these items are inventoried in the books of the company and have economic value.

Types of Inventory by Function:


Raw MaterialsWork In ProcessFinished Goods

Consumables required for processing. Eg : Fuel, Stationary, Bolts & Nuts etc. required in manufacturingSemi-Finished Production in various stages, lying with various departments like Production, WIP Stores, QC, Final Assembly, Paint Shop, Packing, Outbound Store etc.Finished Goods at Distribution Centers throughout Supply Chain

Maintenance Items/ConsumablesProduction Waste and ScrapFinished Goods in transit

Packing MaterialsRejections and DefectivesFinished Goods with Stockiest and Dealers

Local purchased Items required for productionSpare Parts Stocks & Bought Out items

Defectives, Rejects and Sales Returns

Repaired Stock and Parts

Sales Promotion & Sample Stocks

3. Additive helping data segment:Here we add the data segment of chemical and food industry,

IntroductionThis document provides guidance for the submission of the chemical and technological data that the Food and Drug Administration's Office of Food Additive Safety considers necessary for its evaluation of petitions requesting the listing of color additives for use in food, drugs, cosmetics, or medical devices. These recommendations are provided to assist petitioners who propose to impart color to a food, drug, cosmetic, or medical device that is subject to federal regulation by use of a substance (color additive) that is currently not permitted for that use. These recommendations are not substitutes for the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) or Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), sections which are cited in this document.FDAs guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agencys current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the wordshould in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required. Stability Data:The petition must include stability data, and, if the data indicate that it is needed to insure the identity, strength, quality, or purity of the color additive, the expiration period that will be employed as well as any packaging and labeling precautions needed to preserve stability. Recommendations concerning the stability data for petitioned color additives are as follows:1. The petition should include data which establish the stability of the color additiveper se. If the color additive is clearly stable or was previously shown to be stable, a statement to this effect with appropriate references and discussion may be sufficient. The stability data should reflect actual conditions of use and exposure. For example, if it is customary that the color additive will be stored in containers that are opened frequently for use in products, then the stability study should include periods of exposure to atmospheric air and humidity. If the color additive is likely to be exposed to sunlight or other illumination, then the study should include these elements. The study period should be of sufficient duration to allow an accurate assessment of stability over the anticipated lifetime that the color additive will have in the hands of the user. Usually, a two-year study is sufficient for this purpose.2. If the proposed color additive exhibits excessive instability, then the petitioner may propose that the color additive be listed, but with expiration date beyond which its use in products would result in the product being adulterated within the meaning of the Act. The petitioner may propose to use the color additive only as a stabilized color additive mixture with or without an expiration date depending on the stability of the mixture. However, the petitioner should clearly demonstrate that the color additive can be manufactured and used in a manner that ensures safe use.3. If the proposed color additive exhibits excessive instability, then the petitioner should provide a method for identification of and data identifying the principal decomposition products. If such data are unavailable, the petitioner may, as an alternative, provide an explanation of why the data are unavailable together with a description, in terms of chemical mechanism, of the likely.Acknowledgement:This assignment was very informative, after doing this i am able to understand about the item master file and terms which are related to it. Thanks to sir Abu Baker for giving such a informative assignment.