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Jamasp Namag

1 The 'Jamasp Nameh' (var: Jāmāsp Nāmag, Jāmāsp Nāmeh, Story of

Jamasp) is a Middle Persian book of revelations. In an extended sense, it

is also a primary source on Zoroastrian doctrine and legend. The work is also known as the Ayādgār ī

Jāmāspīg or Ayātkār-ī Jāmāspīk, meaning [In] Memoriam of Jamasp.

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Jamasp Namag

1 The text takes the form of a series of questions and answers between Vishtasp and Jamasp, both of whom were amongst

Zoroaster|Zoroaster's immediate and closest disciples. Vishtasp was the princely

protector and patron of Zoroaster while Jamasp was a nobleman at Vishtasp's court. Both are figures mentioned in the Gathas, the oldest hymns of Zoroastrianism and

believed to have been composed by Zoroaster himself.

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Aristeas of Proconnesus - Arimaspea

1 Aristeas was supposed to have authored a poem called the

Arimaspea, giving an account of travels in the far North. There he

encountered a tribe called the Issedones, who told him of still more fantastic and northerly peoples: the one-eyed Arimaspi who battle gold-

guarding griffins, and the Hyperboreans among whom Apollo

lives during the winter.

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Aristeas of Proconnesus - Arimaspea

1 Similarly, the Chiliades of John Tzetzes|Ioannis Tzetzae quotes the

Arimaspea. These two accounts form our entire knowledge of the poem,

which is otherwise lost.

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Henri Maspero

1 'Henri Maspero' (; December 15, 1882 – March 17, 1945) was a France|French sinologist, today particularly remembered for his

pioneering works on Taoism.

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Henri Maspero - Biography

1 After studies in history and literature, in 1905 he joined his father (Egyptologist

Gaston Maspero) in Egypt, and later published the study Les Finances de

l'Egypte sous les Lagides. After returning to Paris in 1907, he studied the Chinese

language under Édouard Chavannes and law at Institut national des langues et

civilisations orientales. In 1908, he went to Hanoi, studying at the École française


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1 'MasPar Computer Corporation' was a minisupercomputer vendor that was founded in 1987 by Jeff Kalb. The company was based in

Sunnyvale, California.

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MasPar - History

1 MasPar along with NCUBE criticized the open government support, by

DARPA, of competitors Intel for their hypercube Personal SuperComputers

(Intel_iPSC|iPSC) and the Thinking Machines Corporation|Thinking

Machines Connection Machine on the pages of Datamation.

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MasPar - History

1 Samples of MasPar MPs, from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,

are in storage at the Computer History Museum.

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MasPar - History

1 MasPar offered a family of SIMD machines, second sourced by DEC. The processor units are proprietary.

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MasPar - History

1 MasPar exited the computer hardware business in June 1996, halting all hardware development and transforming itself into a new

data mining software company called NeoVista Software

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MasPar - Hardware

1 MasPar is unique in being a manufacturer of SIMD supercomputers (as opposed to vector machines). In this approach, a collection of

Arithmetic logic unit|ALU's listen to a program broadcast from a central source. The ALUs can

do their own data fetch, but are all under control of a central Array Control Unit. There is a

central clock. The emphasis is on communications efficiency, and low latency. The

MasPar architecture is designed to scale, and balance processing, memory, and


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MasPar - Hardware

1 Maspar uses a full custom CMOS chip, the MP-2 PE, designed in-house,

and fabricated by various vendors such as HP or Texas Instruments|TI.

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MasPar - Hardware

1 The MasPar architecture is Harvard architecture|

Harvard in a broad sense

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MasPar - Hardware

1 The Maspar machines are front ended by a host machine, usually a

VAX. They are accessed by extensions to Fortran and C

(programming language)|C. Full IEEE single- and double-precision floating

point are supported.

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Maspro Denkoh

1 'Maspro Denkoh' is a Japanese electronics


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Raebareli - Samaspur Bird Sanctuary

1 Twelve varieties of fish are there in the lake at Samaspur.

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Tahmasp I

1 'Tahmasp I' () (22 February 1514 – 14 May 1576) was an influential Shah of Iran, who enjoyed the longest reign

of any member of the Safavid dynasty. He was the son and

successor of Ismail I.

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Tahmasp I

1 These layers, solely composed of ethnic Circassians, Georgians and

Armenians, would continue to play a crucial role in Persia's royal

household, harems and in the civil and military administration for

centuries after Tahmasp and also eventually fully eliminate the

effective power of the Qizilbash in most of the functioning posts of the


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Tahmasp I

1 Tahmasp is also known for the reception he gave to the fugitive Mughal Empire|Mughal Emperor Humayun, which is depicted in a

painting on the walls of the Safavid palace of Chehel Sotoon

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Tahmasp I

1 One of Shah Tahmasp's more lasting achievements was his

encouragement of the Persian rug industry on a national scale, possibly a response to the economic effects of

the interruption of the Silk Road carrying trade during the Ottoman


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Tahmasp I - Regency 1524–1533

1 On 5 July 1527 as Div Sultan arrived for a meeting of the government, Tahmasp shot an

arrow at him

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Tahmasp I - Regency 1524–1533

1 Tahmasp lost patience and ordered a general

massacre of the Takkalu tribe

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Tahmasp I - Regency 1524–1533

1 The leader of the Shamlu faction, Husayn Khan, now assumed the regency but, in 1533, Tahmasp

suspected Husayn Khan was plotting to overthrow him and had him put to death. Tahmasb was now old enough and confident enough to rule in his own right.Roger Savory, Iran Under the Safavids, (Cambridge University

Press, 1980), 51–58.

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Tahmasp I - Foreign threats 1533–1553

1 The discord in Iran had allowed its enemies, the Uzbek khans in the east and the Ottoman Empire in the west, to seize

territory. The Ottomans were at the height of their power during the reign of Suleiman

the Magnificent. They launched four invasions of Iran between 1533 and 1553.

Since the Ottoman army possessed overwhelming numerical superiority,

Tahmasp avoided pitched battle with them and resorted to alternative tactics.

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Tahmasp I - Foreign threats 1533–1553

1 Tahmasp avoided direct confrontation with the Ottoman army, preferring to

harass it then retreat, leaving scorched earth behind him

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Tahmasp I - Foreign threats 1533–1553

1 In 1548, Suleiman and Alqas entered Iran with a huge army but Tahmasp

had already scorched the earth around Tabriz and the Ottomans could find few supplies to sustain


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Tahmasp I - Foreign threats 1533–1553

1 During the final Ottoman invasion of Iran in 1553, Tahmasp seized the initiative and

defeated Iskandar Pasha near Erzerum. He also captured one of Suleiman's favourites,

Sinan Beg. This persuaded the sultan to come to terms at the Peace of Amasya in 1555. The

treaty freed Iran from Ottoman attacks for three decades. Nevertheless, Tahmasp took

the precaution of transferring his capital from Tabriz to Qazvin, which was further away

from the border.

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Tahmasp I - Foreign threats 1533–1553

1 Between 1540 and 1553, Tahmasp conducted military campaigns in the

Caucasus region in both his territories and beyond, capturing

many tens of thousands of Armenians, Georgians and

Circassians.Roger Savory, Iran Under the Safavids, 64-65. These would

become an important new element in Iranian society.

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Tahmasp I - Royal refugees: Bayezid and Humayun

1 Humayun reluctantly agreed and also gave Tahmasp the strategically important city of Kandahar in exchange for Iranian military

assistance against the heirs of Sher Khan and his own rebellious brothers

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Tahmasp I - Royal refugees: Bayezid and Humayun

1 Tahmasp then handed the prince

over to the Ottoman ambassador

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Tahmasp I - Final years

1 Tahmasp himself was believed to favour Haydar but he prevented his supporters from killing Ismail.Roger Savory, Iran Under the Safavids, 69.

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Tahmasp I - Final years

1 Tahmasp died as a result of poison, although it is unclear whether this was by accident or on purpose. On

his death, as expected, fighting broke out between the different court factions. Haydar was killed and Ismail emerged triumphant as Shah Ismail II.Cambridge History of Iran Vol. 6, p.


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Tahmasp I - Final years

1 In 1574, Tahmasp also had the 36th Nizari Ismaili Shia Imam Murād Mīrzā

executed, due to the perceived political threat he posed.

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Tahmasp I - Tahmasp and the arts

1 Tahmasp was an enthusiastic patron of the arts with a particular interest in the Persian miniature, especially

book illustration

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Tahmasp I - Tahmasp and the arts

1 The reign of Tahmasp I is considered the most brilliant period in the

history of the Azerbaijani language and Azerbaijani literature at this

stage of its development.

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Tahmasp I - Tahmasp and the arts

1 Tahmasp was against music and dispelled all the musicians from his


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1 'Maspalomas' is a tourist town in the south of the island of Gran Canaria,

Canary Islands. It is part of the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana. It includes the resorts of

San Agustín, Las Palmas|San Agustín, Playa del Inglés, Sonnenland and


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Maspalomas - Overview

1 Its name may derive from that of Rodrigo Mas de Palomar, a settler and soldier from

Majorca, or from Francisco Palomar, a Genoa|Genoese friend of Alonso Fernandez

de Lugo who purchased 87 Guanches|Guanche slaves from Güímar and settled in

the area.[ Historia del nombre de Maspalomas - Playa de Maspalomas -

Gran Canaria]

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Maspalomas - Overview

1 the urbanist Langueneau and the economist Michel Meill) and covered the 1,060 ha and 19km of coast that

constitute the core area of Maspalomas - Costa Canaria

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Maspalomas - Overview

1 Unlike the Resort-like development model later extended to other

locations in the Canary Islands and the Caribbean, Maspalomas has a

personality on its own, as it evolved into a fully equipped town much closer to the touristic concept of destinations like Palm Springs,

California or Palm Beach, Florida|Palm Beach, Florida

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Maspalomas - Overview

1 Maspalomas serves as the base for Gran Canaria's only English language newspaper,[

m] The Canary News, Views Sunshine which serves a print

readership in excess of 20,000 every month and reaches up to another

30,000 readers on-line.

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Maspalomas - Overview

1 The area includes the Natural Reserve of the Dunes of Maspalomas,

which constitutes an important landmark of Gran Canaria. Much

appreciated as a winter destination for foreign tourists, mostly from

north-European countries (Sweden, Norway, Germany, Netherlands,

etc.), it remains as the largest tourist destination in the Canary Islands and

a worldwide-known destination for LGBT tourism.

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Maspalomas - Overview

1 There is a 68 m tall lighthouse, named El Faro de Maspalomas, at the southern point from where the 12km

long beach and dunes, a nature reserve since 1897, lead to Playa del


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Maspalomas - Overview

1 In September 2012, the World Tourism Organisation organized its

World Tourism Day in Maspalomas, as a form of commemoration of its 50

years of existence.

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1 The 'plasmasphere', or inner magnetosphere, is a region of the

Earth's magnetosphere consisting of low energy (cool) plasma (physics)|

plasma. It is located above the ionosphere. The outer boundary of the plasmasphere is known as the 'plasmapause', which is defined by

an order of magnitude drop in plasma density.

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1 Traditionally, the plasmasphere has been regarded as a well behaved cold plasma with particle motion

dominated entirely by the geomagnetic field and hence

corotating with the Earth. In contrast, recent satellite observations have

shown that density irregularities such as plumes or biteouts may form. It

has also been shown that the plasmasphere does not always co-

rotate with the Earth.

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1 The plasma of the magnetosphere has many different levels of temperature and

concentration. The coldest magnetospheric plasma is most often found in the plasmasphere, a donut-

shaped region surrounding the Earth's middle. But plasma from the

plasmasphere can be detected throughout the magnetosphere because it gets blown

around by electric and magnetic field.

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Roque Máspoli - Career

1 Born in Montevideo, Maspoli began playing in the youth ranks of Club

Nacional de Football. He would make his Uruguayan Primera División

debut with Liverpool de Montevideo in 1939.

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1 The 'Arimaspi' were a legendary people of northern Scythia who lived

in the foothills of the Riphean Mountains, variously identified with

the Ural Mountains or the Carpathians.Rival theories in Antiquity variously locating

Hyperboreans and Arimaspi are explored by S

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Arimaspi - Legendary Arimaspi

1 The Arimaspi were described by Aristeas|Aristeas of Proconnesus in his lost archaic poem Arimaspea.

Proconnesus is a small island in the Sea of Marmora near the mouth of

the Black Sea, well situated for hearing travellers' tales of regions far

north of the Black Sea. Aristeas narrates in the course of his poem that he was wrapt in Bacchic fury

when he travelled to the north and saw the Arimaspians, as reported by


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Arimaspi - Legendary Arimaspi

1 This Aristeas, possessed by Apollo|Phoibos, visited the Issedones;

beyond these (he said) live the one-eyed Arimaspoi, beyond whom are the Griffin|Grypes that guard gold,

and beyond these again the Hyperboreans|Hyperboreoi, whose territory reaches to the sea. Except

for the Hyperboreoi, all these nations (and first the Arimaspoi) are

always at war with their neighbors.Herodotus 4.13.1

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Arimaspi - Legendary Arimaspi

1 Arimaspi and griffins remained stock images associated with the outlands

of the north: the Aeschylus|Aeschylan Prometheus Bound (ca

415 BC?), describing the wanderings of Io (mythology)|Io, notes that she is not to pass through the north, among

the Arimaspi and griffins, but southward.J.L

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Arimaspi - Historical Arimaspi

1 Arimaspi can be the plow horse, plow

man, rider

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Arimaspi - Historical Arimaspi

1 It has been suggested that the griffins were inferred from the

fossilized bones of Protoceratops.Adrienne Mayor Michael Heaney, ‘Griffins and

Arimaspeans’ in Folklore, Vol. 104, No. 1/2, 1993, pp. 40–66,

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Arimaspi - Historical Arimaspi

1 Notwithstanding these reservations, Tadeusz Sulimirski (1970) claims that the

Arimaspi were a Sarmatian tribe originating in the upper valley of the River Irtysh,

while Dmitry Machinsky (1997) associates them with a group of ajna|three-eyed ajna figurines from the Minusinsk Depression, traditionally attributed to the Afanasevo

culture|Afanasevo and Okunevo cultures of southern Siberia.Machinsky, D

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Arimaspi - Mythological background

1 The Sacred Centres of Eurasia and the Legend about the Arimaspi and the Griffins

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1 The 'Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta' (Correctly Established siddhanta|Doctrine of Brahma,

abbreviated BSS)

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Brahmasphutasiddhanta - Brahmasphuta-siddhantas rules for numbers

1 Brhmasphuta-siddhanta is one of the first mathematical books to provide concrete ideas on positive numbers,

negative numbers, and zero. He wrote the following rules:Henry

Thomas Colebrooke. Algebra with Arithmetic of Brahmagupta and

Bhaskara. London 1817.