mary and the mice by zheng jiayin

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  • 7/28/2019 Mary and the Mice by Zheng Jiayin


    Mary and the Mice

    An extraordinary sight lies ahead of anyone who drops in on Marys residence. Upon stepping

    into the parlour, one would encounter a teeming mass of furry grey critters overgrown mice!

    journeying unhurriedly across the carpeted floor; their paws tracking grime all over as they spill out of

    the kitchen and scale the roof beams. As one, appalled, looks frantically for the housekeeper who led

    him in, Mary herself would emerge from the ruck and speak over the mices grating squeaks in an

    impossibly calm, velvety voice Welcome to my abode.

    Traditionally, Man had been the worst adversary of mice. Each generation of mice forewarned

    the next of Mans craftiness and lethal contraptions mousetraps and whatnot. But the fear of

    humans that had governed the rodents way oflife for thousands of years finally saw its end in Marys


    At the outset, Marys unreserved generosity towards the mice met with a deep-seated

    skepticism, but resentment ofher kind eventually gave way to acceptance, and then, trust. Over a

    decade, the family of mice flourished under her care. Never had they come across a better home or

    better food no longer the receiving end of human antagonism, tantalizing spreads were laid out

    exclusively for their whole lot, and they were allowed route to every corner of the house, as a pet would

    be. Looking back, the days where mice lived under the pulse of terror and scavenged for scraps in the

    bin almost seemed laughable.

    With such unimaginable transformations to the mices lives, wild instincts had been called

    into question, and many rendered obsolete. Mice now looked upon Mary fondly and no longer kept

    their guard up around her; some of the younguns had even taken to calling her Mistress Mary in

    private. Yet, Mary never did officially acknowledge them as pets, and although the mice craved for it

    quietly or overtly the dear lady always held aloof. Indeed, she put a sturdy roof above the micesheads (for which they were grateful), but beyond that, did little else.

    One morning, en route to the kitchen, the mice came upon Mary in her chambers, sitting

    remarkably still. Her head was bowed, but the mice caught an odd flicker in her eyes. Tipping forward

    to investigate, they found that she was wearing a serene little smile, a smile they hadnt had the

    fortune to see on her since they were born. The mice were enthralled. It was a special moment they

    shared then, Mary and the mice. One by one, they tiptoed out of her room in quiet.

    The day after, Mary called the mice up for an assembly at the dining hall. Such assemblies

    were uncommon, and the mice were excited at what it could possibly mean for them.

    Mary cleared her throat and began, My dear mice, it is time.

    10 years ago, I took in a few battered mice your ancestors, wounded by the neighbours

    chopper, I should think and gave them milk and bread. They were wary of me and refused the

    offering. But hunger prevailed over caution and soon they were lapping up the milk like gluttons. And

    I, in turn, watched them like a ravenous cat.

    A cat?one of the younguns asked. A very nice cat, an elder replied.

    For 10 years I have taken care of you and watched your clan grow from paltry numbers to

    what you have now. 10 long years it has been for me, but my efforts are not without reward.

    The mice leaned in with attentive ears, confused but expectant.

  • 7/28/2019 Mary and the Mice by Zheng Jiayin


    You know why? I have a massive, insatiable liking for mice flesh. Yourflesh. Sometimes the

    craving would drive me nearly insane at night. So I reared you up, and look what I have now

    succulent flesh staring right at me with adoration. You guys could never have left me on your own.

    At this horrifying announcement, one of the more vigilant mice started and made a bolt forthe door, but years of excessive feasting had made his body swell to the size of a plum. He couldnt

    have run more than a dozen steps before Mary came and picked him off the ground.

    Now, now, little mouse she said, placidly, smoothing the fur upon his head.

    And in a swift motion, ripped it off his body.

    Written by Zheng Jiayin

    (719 words)