martine ainsworth wells

The “London Approach”

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Visit London


The “London Approach”

The London Approach

• London is the leading world city at the beginning of the 21st century.

• London is the world’s leading financial centre and Europe’s business capital

• London is the place to study for international students• London is the place to visit• London is a leading centre of research, science and

technology• London is a leading centre of the Creative Industries• China will be the dominant economy of the future

The London Approach

Mayor’s Office pan-product and pan-agency approach toChina:

• Tourism – Visit London• Film – Film London• Foreign Direct Investment – Think London• Creative Industries – Creative London• Science and Technology – Catalyst• Higher education – Study London• Government relations and Public diplomacy – Internationa

Affairs team

= Mutual benefit and shared experience and knowledge; comfort; sense and welcome

Pan-London activities

China In London Season• Nov-April 2006

London in China• April 2006

• Visit London Activities• Jan 2005-date

China in London

The biggest celebration of Chinese culture ever seen in London.

More than 150 events at locations throughout the capital between January to March 2006:

Festivals, exhibitions, films, food, art, talks, children’s activities, poetry concerts and performances.

Beijing Olympics Photography exhibition held at City Hall, January – February 2006

Chinese New Year Celebration, Year of the Dog. Trafalgar Square, Sunday 29 January Organised by London Chinatown Chinese Association and supported by the Mayor of London, the event attracted up to 200,000 people making it the largest event of its kind ever to have taken place in the capital.

Lion Dance in Leicester Place, Chinatown, Chinese New Year celebration 2006

Gold Sail Dance Group from Beijing perform in London, 29 January – 1 February 2006 at venues including British Museum, Royal Opera House and selected West End stores.

Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone and Chinese Pop Idol winner Li Yuchun, switch on Chinese New Year lights at Oxford Circus, 26.1.06

Chinese New Year Lantern Display, Oxford Circus

China: The Three Emperors 1662-1795.

Royal Academy of Arts

Magnificent exhibition devoted to the artistic and cultural riches of Imperial China.

Spanning the reigns of three emperors, Kangxi (1662-1722), Yongzheng (1723-35) and Qianlong (1736-95), it focuses on the most powerful rulers of China's last dynasty: the Qing. Some 400 works include such treasures as paintings and painted scrolls, jades and bronzes, porcelain and lacquer ware, precious robes, palace furnishings, clocks, scientific instruments, weapons and ceremonial armour.

Drawn largely from the remarkable collections of the Palace Museum, Beijing, many of these unique objects have never been shown outside China.

Shanghai on Screen Film Festival

February 2006

Organised by Chinese Cultural Centre in association with Shanghai Administration of Culture, Radio, Film & TVand British Council, Shanghai.

Supported by Mayor of London, Film London andUK Film Council.

Platform for Art, London Underground. Photo by Anna Chen from ‘China Dreaming exhibition at Southwark

Underground station

Specially commissioned London Bus for China in London 2006

CHINA Beijing 2008 – London 2012

West End Banner campaignFebruary – March 2006

London In China

London In China


Shanghai Agreement



Shanghai Film Festival

Science & Technology

Visit London In China

Visit London In China

• Attend Trade, Press and Consumer Events in China.

• Provide support to VisitBritain and BA/Virgin facilitating press and trade trips in London.

• Maintain relations with Municipal Governments.

• Promote

Visit London In China

• Mayor’s Office visit Jan 2005. • Joint VL, VB, UK Inbound, ADS mission Jan 05. • Press/Trade workshop event with VB and Virgin Atlantic in Shanghai to

launch Virgin’s new London package and attempt to further shift perceptions of London. Jan 2005.

• Trade fam and press trips trip hosted in London – Spring 05• BITE – June 05 – Beijing - scoping mission; trade and press briefings.• Hosted the London leg of the fist ever VB ADS group to Britain – June

2005. London reception at the Tower of London hosted by Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.

• Exhibited at CITM – November 2005• Attended VB sales mission – November 2005.• Chinese website launched Nov 2005 –• China in London celebrations 2006 - support.• Hosting London leg of Shanghai trade trip – Feb/March 2006 with VB• London Mayor’s office opening trip in Beijing and Shanghai – April 2006.• ITE/BITE June 06• CITM Nov 06

CITM – China


The London Approach

• Mutual benefit - showcasing of each city’s product

• Shared experience and knowledge • Sense of comfort and welcome • London is the leading world city at the

beginning of the 21st century……….China is the future