mark hennessy cs351 dept. computer science nuim cs 351 introduction

Mark Hennessy CS 351 Dept. Computer Sci ence NUIM CS 351 Introduction

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM CS 351 Introduction

Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

CS 351 Introduction

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

CS 351 Cirriculum

Before:Functional Programming : CaMLLogic Programming : PrologParallel Programming : C examplesGUI Programming : Java


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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

CS 351

This year: Functional Programming via CaML

Theorectical Aspects of FP Learn syntax of ML via lab practicals.

Logic Programming via Prolog Threory with lab practicals.

Object-Oriented Paradigm via C++ Learn about Inheritence, Polymorphism,Multiple Inheritence and the generic Paradigm viaTemplates and the STL. ( Possibly some GUI.)

Scripting Languages Bash and Python.

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Course Objectives

To provide students with :An understanding of programming

paradigms, and the relationship of language type to application areas

Knowledge of representative languages, and experience in using them

Understanding and experience of how to approach programming for the various paradigms

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Lecture Overview

A brief history of Computer Languages Introducing the Paradigms

Defining the Paradigms Declarative

Functional e.g Lisp/Scheme, ML, Haskell Logic Languages Prolog

Imperative Von Neuman Languages Fortran, Pascal, Basic, C Object-Oriented Smalltalk, C++, Java#

Textbook: Programming Language Pragmatics by Michael L. Scott, 2nd. Ed.

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Evolution of Programming Languages

• FORTRAN ( FORmula TRANslator) Goals : Scientific Computations Efficiency of execution Compile-time storage determination Features : Symbolic Expressions Subprograms Absence of Recursion

• COBOL Goal: Business Application Features : Record/Structure; File Handling

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Evolution of Programming Languages

• ALGOL - 60 (ALGOrithmic Language)

Goals : Communicating AlgorithmsFeatures : Block Structure (Top-down design) Recursion (Problem-solving strategy) BNF - Specification

• LISP (LISt Processing) Goals : Manipulating symbolic information Features : List Primitives Interpreters / Environment

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Evolution of Programming Languages

• Pascal Goal : Structured Programming, Type checking, Compiler writing. Features :

• Rich set of data types for efficient algorithm design

• E.g., Records, sets, ...• Variety of “readable” single-entry single-exit control structures

• E.g., for-loop, while-loop,...• Efficient Implementation

• Recursive descent parsing

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Evolution of Programming Languages

Object-Oriented Programs: Smalltalk and Ada in the early 1980’s. C++ started in the late 80’s but only standardised in 1998. Java is only about 10 years old.

OO Programming removed the need for monolithic programs.

Programs are developed in teams and code sharing and re-use is fundamental to the success of the OO paradigm.

OO places a strong emphasis on correctness, robustness and reliability. E.g through Data Abstraction, Encapsulation and Strong


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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

What is a paradigm?

500BC, articles shown side-by-side on a market-stall so they can be compared

300BC, an article used as a sample of goods

1000AD, an example of a general class of objects.

1600AD, a standard example used in teaching (humanities).

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Scientific Paradigms

1700AD. A standard example used to test a theory or a method.

1800AD. A theory or method.Computer science: A coherent set of

methods characterised by a single principle, simple to formulate, that have been found to be effective in handling a given type of problem.

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Definition of a Paradigm

An archetype for modeling and solving problems.

Inherent are basic assumptions about the nature of problems, how they are to be approached.

Paradigms are the way that we think about problems

Fundamental to the study of programming languages

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Relationship between components of a paradigm

S ortin g w ord s a lp h ab e tica lly

im p em en ta tion

m eth od s

con cep ts

P rin c ip le : th e fu lly sp ec ified an d fu lly con tro lled m an ip u la tion o f n am ed d a ta in a s tep -w isefash ion .

P A R A D IG M = p rin c ip le + con cep ts + m eth od s .

A lloca tab le d a ta(record s )

re fe ren ce to d a ta(p o in te rs )

rep e tit ion(w h ile loop )

lin kedlis ts

exte rn a l d a ta(files )

in p u tou tp u t

P rog ram(sorte r)

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Whats the point of studying paradigms?

valuable for solving problems because: knowing one's paradigm reveals

assumptions being made in modeling a problem, which can clarify programming objectives;

being able to state the advantages and drawbacks of various paradigms permits someone to decide between them based on the problem at hand.

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Choosing a paradigm

It can be shown that anything solvable using one of these paradigms can be solved using the others

However, certain types of problems lend themselves more naturally to specific paradigms.

Different Programming languages implement differnet paradigms.

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Assembly Language

Use symbols instead of binary digits to describe fields of instructions.

Every aspect of machine visible in program:One statement per machine instruction.Register allocation, call stack, etc. must be

managed explicitly.No structure: everything looks the same.

10101100100000100000000000010101ADDI R4 R2 21

ADDI R4,R2,21

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Pros and Cons of Assembly Language

Avoids Absolute Addressing relocatable, reusable/shareable

Uses Symbolic Names readable

Low-level programming wastes effort in coding a solution rather than solving a problem.

Difficult to build and maintain large programs.

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

High-level Language

Provides notation to describe problem solving strategies rather than organize data and instructions at machine-level.

Improves programmer productivity by supporting features to abstract/reuse code, and to improve reliability/robustness of programs.

Requires a compiler.

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

Solving Problems via high level languages

Three basic techniques:1. Decomposition: subdivide the problem2. Abstraction: ignore irrelevant detail

safely3. Contextual checking: independent

agent checks for internal consistencyStructured programming: over-used

term for using complexity-reducing techniques (meaningless these days).

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

1) Program Decompositon

“Divide and conquer” “Solving several small problems is easier than

solving one large one of the same size”

Lead to: Step-wise refinement functional decomposition Modular decomposition Object-oriented design

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

1(a) Stepwise Refinement

In each step, one or several instructions of the program are decomposed into more detailed instructions

Terminates when all instructions are expressible in programming language

Data may be refined, decomposed or structured in parallel.

Each step implies a design decision. Alternative solutions at each step

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

1(b) Modular Design

Uses abstraction and information hidingFunctional independence, measured by:

Internal cohesion (does/deals with one thing)

External coupling (interface complexity)Makes modification easierReduces error propagationReusability

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

1(c) Object Oriented Design

Builds upon 3 software design conceptsAbstractionInformation HidingModularityProvides a mechanism to achieve these

without complexity or compromiseSystem maps to real world rather than


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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

2) Abstraction

Abstraction = “ignore irrelevant detail in a safe way”

Irrelevant = no concern to user in solving the problem e.g. representation of a date as:a triplet recordan integer (days since 1/1/1900)

Implies the existence of a user/object interface

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

2(a) Object Interfaces

Includes operations on the data typeIndependent of how data is implementedUser can abstract from internal detailsImplementer can change nternal detailsInterface can be in mind of user

Restricts themselves to ‘published’ facilitiesRequires disciplined programming

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

2(b) Abstraction ‘in a safe way’

User is forced to abstract from detailRequired facilities built-in to languagePackage or Module

Encapsulated implementation of a set of services

Achieved through name manipulationNames of secret objects unknown on

user’s side of interface

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Mark Hennessy CS351 Dept. Computer Science NUIM

3) Contextual Checking

Only simple checks possibleundeclared ids, # parameters in procedure

Some checks recursively insolublee.g. termination, overflowRun-time errors

Strong type checkingHeuristic checks - necessary but not sufficient

e.g. escape from recursion