marianne schram_12 tocpa conference_eng_april 2014_russia

12 th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA April 26-27, 2014 Moscow, Russia 12 th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA TOC for Services Marianne Schram, MASconsultancy, The Netherlands 26-27, April 2014

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Marianne Schram_12 TOCPA Conference_Eng_April 2014_Russia


  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    April 26-27, 2014 Moscow, Russia

    12th International Conference of the

    TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    TOC for Services

    Marianne Schram, MASconsultancy, The Netherlands26-27, April 2014

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    Marianne Schram

    Marianne has more than 15 years experience inprocesmanagement (business, design,optimalisation, handbooks etc.). She has become aTOC adept since 4-5 years ago and is now closelyworking together wit Gijs Andrea (InternationalHouse of TOC) and Hans Steenpoorte and MichelStijlen (TOCresultants). They are the founders ofCTM, the TOC-based software for serviceorganizations that want to deliver services faster &more reliable.

    Marianne is married and has two mid-twentydaughters who both graduated from university lastyear.

    Marianne herself studied Russian language atuniversity, but did not have much exercise sincethen .

    [email protected]


  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    CO-WRITERS MASconsultancy

    The Dutch TOC book:

    DE DIENSTENFABRIEK (The Service Factory)

    Spring 2014

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    GOAL: MASconsultancy

    Managing the operations of Services:How to plan, execute and improve service delivery so that more services are delivered faster, more reliably with the same people/resources and without compromising quality/or working conditions.

    Public servicesProfessional

    Services (lawyers) Healthcare

    Business services(banking, tel.cos)

    ICT services

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    What is the problem? MASconsultancy

    1. Conflicting interestsSuboptimalization of sections / departments, who are thereforecompeting in stead of cooperating.

    2. Not enough capacityAt least that is wat they think. As the work in process (WIP) is notreally growing, capacity is notthe problem

    3. Inefficient processIf there are complaints, workstress, problems withdelivery, organizations wants to optimize their processes

    4. Priority conflictsPeople dont know what to do first. So they use FIFO, triage etc.

    5. Peaks & throughsWork comes in flows, but organizations make them bigger, without knowing.

    6. Insufficient performance measurementsManagers in Services organizationsask their workers if the are fine, wether they need training or coaching. Managers do not ask: howmany did you deliver today?

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    And why do the problems occur (1) MASconsultancy

    Conflicting interests

    There is no focus on a common goal, because the common goal is unknown. Departments are not aware of the commonclient in the end of the process. They justfullfill their own targets

    Managers sometimes dont have any ideahow many services should be delivered, orwhen or how fast

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    And why do the problems occur (2) MASconsultancy

    Not enough capacity = too much WIP (work in process) = delay = not enough capacity

    John Littles Law: # files (100) = LT of 5 weeks# files (20)/ week

    Reason 1: Batching(maybe efficient for you, but not for your collegues, because it createswaiting time)

    Reason 2: Multitasking(because we dont know what to do first)

    Result: poor quality , complaints, reworketc. a never ending story

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    And why do the problems

    occur (3)MASconsultancy

    Inefficient process

    What is the reaction when organizations face complaints, workstress, delays letsredesign our processes

    Or they want to become lean.But being lean might even create a bigger problem

    The real problem is that there is too little overview onthe semi-products and end-product

    A B C DEnd-


  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    And why do the problems

    occur (4)MASconsultancy

    Priority conflicts

    Workers often have a lot of work to do. And thisbecomes urgent a certain moment. But what is most urgent?What to do first, the work for the person you like the most, or the one who shouts the most

    So, organizations look for fair solutions: FIFO (first in first out) Triage (in hospitals) MRP / ERP

    What is missing, is a clear definition of what is urgency

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    And why do the problems

    occur (5)MASconsultancy

    Too much peaks & throughs

    Peak: there comes more that you want Through: there comes less that you want FACT: Work and capacity comes in peaks & troughs,

    but workers only experience peaks!


    Reasons: The responsibility for tasks is more and more assigned to one

    person.Great for the boss & the client you know whom to go to,but what if he or she is ill? DELAY.

    Too much work is assigned to specialists,but what if he or she is ill? DELAY.



  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    And why do the problems occur (6) MASconsultancy

    Insufficient performance measurements

    All organizations have measurements, they formulateKPIs, targets (10% growth!) etc. They have learnedabout Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA), and yet they are not performing the way they want to

    Reasons: Products & services are not well defined (output) Leadtimes ar not defined (LT) Reliability of supplies is not defined (reliability, % failure ) No structure in building reports (top-down), based on these 3 No structurearound the reports on a daily, weekly & monthly

    basis (meetings)

    Managing focus is on soft skills (illness, coaching, training etc.)

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -


    6 problems that organizations


    1. Conflicting interests2. There is not enough capacity3. Inefficient process4. Priority conflicts5. Too much peaks & throughs6. Insufficient measurements


  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    What is the injection? (1) MASconsultancy

    Conflicting interestsWork with a Product & Service CatalogA. Name Product / service (IT service request)B. What is delivered (the problem of the client is solved)C. Necessary input (name, tel.number, description of the problem)D. Responsible team (servicedesk)E. # of products / services to deliver in a yearF. Leadtime (# working days per product/service)G. % delivered in time

    A B C D E F G

    1 Service 1

    2 Service 2

    3 Service 3

    4 Service 4

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    What is the injection? (2) MASconsultancy

    Not enough capacityBut capacity is lost in too long leadtimes(touchtime 5-10%):

    Reduce the WIPArrange a special Sprintteam who starts workingupon all the already delayed products/services.Alternative is Pizzateam (if the work can only bedone by specialists) - overwork

    Work with a Deliveryplan: define a delivery date forevery (new) task

    Cut in half the defined Leadtime in the Prod.&Service catalog (which of course was based on experience in the past)



  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    What is the injection? (3) MASconsultancy

    Inefficient process

    Keep the proces simple: endproduct + semiproduct

    Find out leadtimes of the semiproducts (use swimlanediagram) and find out why it takes that much time

    Work with taskcarts

    A BB CC DDl



    Taskname 1. Standard Request for Change (RFC): Computer for new colleague

    Goal (what is to be


    The new colleague has a computer he/she can effectively work with

    Responsible team Servicedesk

    Leadtime 2 weeks

    Input (wat is necessary to


    Actions: what to do Output: what do we deliver

    Intake form,

    Completely filled and

    signed by the


    Order computer

    Install Software

    Make Emailaccount

    Install Outlook

    Install & test computer at


    There is a working computer at the right


  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    What is the injection? (4) MASconsultancy

    Priority conflicts Sometimes a deliveryplan works good enough, sometimes you need even

    more focus. Than use BuffermanagementUsing Buffermanagement means: always doing the right things at the right moment (not too early, not too late)

    Necessary conditions: Date of delivery Planned Leadtime Clock NOW (how much time of the buffer has been eaten already)

    We use the software CTM (Critical Taskmanager)to implement bufferamanagement in organizations

    9 days

    66% 100%

    3 days 3 days 3 days


  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    What is the injection? (5) MASconsultancy

    Too much peaks & throughs

    Work with teams, and prevent that tasks keep waiting to bepicked up (when a person is ill), organize daily stand-upmeetings

    Use aggregation: organize that every worker can do 80% of the tasks. Only 20% by a real specialist

    Use the deliveryplan and work top-down (first the tasks in black and red) and only pick up tasks (in CTM) that you are really going to execute soon

    And no cherrypicking (than more urgent tasks delay and yourcolleagues have to learn doing that task as well)

    Standardized procesContinuityWorkpleasure (more variety & the comfort of a team)

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    What is the injection? (6) MASconsultancy

    Insufficient measurements of suppliesOrganize a meeting structure

    Daily stand-up meeting Which delivery is in danger (black & red)? Which intervention is necessary?, do you need help?

    Weekly / Monthly meeting Compliments for what went well Report (green = ok / red = not good):

    Input/intake (how many versus plan) Output (how many versus plan) WIP (input minus output, versus plan) Leadtime (Littles Law, versus plan) % reliability (how many delivered in time, versus plan)

    The report shows actual results, but also cumulations, per team

    Organize improvements (monthly) POOGI What is the main reason for waiting (in CTM) What is te reason of not reaching the standard? What could be the solution? What is the impact on clients, workers and organization? Which date it can be implemented?

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    Summary6 problems thatorganizations experience:

    1. There is not enoughcapacity

    2. Inefficient process3. Priority conflicts4. Too much peaks &

    throughs5. Insufficient


    1. Sprintteam, deliveryplan, cut the work in half

    2. Swimlane, taskcart3. Buffer management4. Teams, daily stand-up-

    meeting5. Basis reports, structured

    meetings (week, month), POOGI



  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    Now we just have to get to

    work! MASconsultancy

    Explanation Enthusiasm &


    Implementation plan

    Planning Get it organized

  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    Implementation MASconsultancy

    The intermediate objectives (IOs) we use in implementation are:

    0.1 There is agreement upon the solution

    0.2 There is a plan & planning for implementation

    1.1 There is an PSC (product & service catalog)

    2.1 Deliveryplans are made, distributed & used

    2.2 The Sprintteam is prepared

    2.3 Ideas for improvement are registered

    3.1 Long leadtime processteps are simplified

    4.1 Deliveryplans have a bufferranking

    4.2 Ther is a daily stand-up meeting

    5.1 Teams are installed and are working together

    5.2 Teams develop themselves (continuously)

    6.1 Managementreports are made, shared & discussed (weekly, monthly)

    6.2 Management decides upon improvement actions

    7.1 Internal audit are organised every 3-6 months

    7.2 Training for new workers/managers is secured

    7.3 Clients & management are frequently informed about results en plans




  • 12th International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance -

    Thank you!

