march chimes 2015

MARCH 2015

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A Word from Jerry

The Release

Lent schedule





11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024Phone (713) 465-3467

Fax (713)

Chapelwood’s Mission is to embody God’s grace as we receive it to those who need it.

The Chapelwood family is a service-focused body of believers who welcome all to experience God’s grace and goodness through Christian community. While we are determined to “take church” to those who do not belong to a local church family, we also delight in serving those individuals and families within our church. We provide ongoing faith-building activities and meaningful fellowship opportunities for men, women, youth, and children.



MARCH 7, 14, 21, 28 MERCY STREET5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall *

MARCH 1, 8, 15, 22, 29SANCTUARY SERVICES 8:25 *, 9:45 *, 11:10 a.m. *

CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICEMeditation, Communion,and Healing Prayer8:45 a.m., Chapel

THE BRANCHFamily Service in Spanish 10:30 a.m., 3911 Campbell Road

UPPER ROOM11:15 a.m., Upper Room *

* Services are broadcast live on the web.



Welcome Richmond Howard

New members

The Chapelwood Foundation

Staff list






United Methodist Women

GROW opportunities

Prayer Shawl retreat



Love 146

SHARE opportunities

Missions update



07 - 08






& 11

FAMILY PICNIC AND EGG HUNTJoin us for a day of fun! Saturday, April 4, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Youth parking lotJoin us for the third Annual Family Picnic and Egg Hunt. Besides hunting eggs, we will gather for worship, feast at a variety of food trucks, pet some furry creatures in the petting zoo, go head over heels in the bounce house, freeze our brains with some snow cones, get creative with crafts, snap a picture with the Easter Bunny, and take a journey to the empty tomb. For more information, visit

Scenes from Family Picnic, 2014.

SPIRITUAL PRACTICE AS A PATH TO LOVEABBA SILVANUS AND HIS DISCIPLE ZACHARIAS visited a monastery. The monks invited them to share a small meal before they continued their journey. Departing, Zacharias saw a pond by the road and desired a drink of water. Silvanus reminded him that they were observing a fast

that day.Zacharias protested, “But, Abba, we have already broken our

fast today.”Silvanus replied, “We ate with them because we love them. Now

that we are on our own, let’s keep our fast, my son.”The season of Lent invites us to intentional spiritual practice.

Jesus mentions fasting, prayer, and alms-giving (Matt. 6:1–18) as core spiritual disciplines, and the Church has typically focused on these during Lent. Many of us take up some form of fasting – or the discipline of giving up something – for Lent.

Fasting as a spiritual practice is more than giving up a meal or a certain kind of food, though it may certainly include that. While some abstain from certain kinds of food or drink, others fast from shopping, and still others make a dedicated effort to refrain from criticism, judging others, or trying to control that certain difficult-to-manage person.

The temptation with any kind of spiritual practice – and an especially tantalizing temptation with fasting – is to engage in the practice mechanistically for the sake of the practice. We fast because we are supposed to fast . . . we pray because we should be people who pray . . . we keep silence because we ought to keep silence . . . and so it goes.

Really, there is not much spiritual benefit from engaging in spiritual practices simply for the sake of the practices. It is something like cleaning the outside of a cup without attending to what is inside the cup. Or, as Jesus said, insisting on every letter of

the Law while neglecting the weightier, more interior aspects of what the Law is trying to accomplish.

The ancient story from the Desert Fathers at the beginning of this article suggests as much. We fast – or we break our fast – out of love.

When I first became intentional about spiritual disciplines, including fasting, I held a strong sense of “should, ought, and must” about the spiritual life. “I should be fasting.” “If I want to be a good Christian, I ought to pray a certain amount of time each day.” “To be pleasing to God, I must show God how earnest I am about the spiritual life.” My spiritual practice became a place for competition and pride, a kind of hero’s version of following Jesus.

Then I noticed something happening within me. When I fasted, for instance, I would easily get angry at others. I had little patience. I noticed that food and eating kept me distracted from the anger that lived within me. Without the “cover” of food, my anger and impatience popped right to the surface. Fasting became an opportunity to notice my interior landscape.

I soon learned that the recovery community already had that wisdom. H.A.L.T. represents Hungry-Angry-Lonely-Tired. These are the vulnerable moments in which a person is most likely to fall into habitual patterns that may be destructive.

But in a more positive way, they are also the moments when we are invited to give attention to what lives in our interior. Fasting and the spiritual disciplines simply help us to get to that “stripped down” place with some intention, in order to become aware of our interior and to receive God’s healing there.

In the end, the goal of spiritual practice is not harsh asceticism, nor competition, nor engaging in discipline for the sake of discipline. The goal is always love . . . a deeper and fuller love for God, self, others, and the world . . . so that we can love God with our entire self (heart, mind, soul, and strength), even the parts of ourselves that have been hidden from our sight . . . and so we can love others as unconditionally as possible.

During Lent, this is why we fast. Peace and Love,Jerry Webber



THE RELEASE is 75 minutes of corporate prayer and praise where we come together to "LET GO" of our burdens, weights, sins, stresses, and worries in an environment of anticipation, gratitude, and excitement. Join the Upper Room Worship and Prayer teams for a night of uplifting music, explosive praise, and transformational prayer. If you are in need of a spiritual, emotional, relational, or physical breakthrough, then you don't want to miss THE RELEASE! Childcare will be available so bring the entire family.

For more information, contact Cherri Washington, (713) 365-2808.


L E N T E N N O O N S E R I E SWednesdays , March 4 – Apr i l 1 , Chape lTh i s ye ar ’s ser ies w i l l fo l low our Len ten Sermon S er ies , “Wisdom o f the Wi lderness ,” ver y c lose ly. Top ics a re no ted for each week .

March 4 — So l i tude/Sabbath , Me l i ssa MaherMarch 1 1 — S t i l l ness/S i lence , John S tephensMarch 18 – S imp l ic i t y, Je r r y WebberMarch 2 5 — Endurance , Chr i s t i an Wash ing tonApr i l 1— Se l f-con t ro l , Lu i s Pa lomo

M A U N D Y T H U R S D A Y A L L - C O M M U N I T Y W O R S H I PThursday, Apr i l 2 , 7:00 p .m . , Fe l lowsh ip Ha l l

G O O D F R I D A Y S E R V I C E W I T H T H E C H A N C E L C H O I RFr iday, Apr i l 3 , 7:00 p .m . , S anc tuar y

E A S T E R S U N D A Y W O R S H I PSunday, Apr i l 57:00 a .m . Sunr i se Ser v ice , Chape l Cour tyard 8 :30 a .m . Trad i t iona l Worsh ip , S anc tuar y (Wes ley Cho i r )8 :45 a .m . Contempla t i ve Worsh ip , Chape l9 :45 a .m . Contemporar y Worsh ip , S anc tuar y (Wayne Watson)9 :45 a .m . Contemporar y Worsh ip , Fe l lowsh ip Ha l l 1 0 :30 a .m . The Branch & Mercy S t ree t , a t The Branch , 39 1 1 Campbe l l Road1 1 :00 a .m . Trad i t iona l Worsh ip , S anc tuar y (Chance l Cho i r )1 1 :15 a .m . Upper Room, You th Bu i ld ing Upper Room





Say “Hello” to Richmond Howard – Chapelwood’s newest associate director of student ministry. Most of his job duties are primarily centered on middle school and high school guys, but some of

his work reaches youth of various ages, across all Chapelwood communities. Currently, he’s helping with Bible studies, before-school devotionals, and Life Groups, in addition to all the regular Sunday morning activities. Richmond says, “Growing up in the youth ministry was so important to my development spiritually, so I really wanted to give back in the same way. That’s why I love youth ministry.” Richmond graduated from A&M on December 19 and started here just ten days later – his first day at work saw him heading out with all the folks attending the Wesley Choir Camp mini-retreat. “December can be a dead month to start because everyone’s out of school, or on vacation,” said Richmond. “This was a good start – jumping right in, meeting the kids.”

Richmond was born in Dallas, but grew up in Austin attending a high school similar to Memorial and Stratford in terms of academics and demographics. He is the middle of three children in his family – his older sister teaches at the Village School here in Houston, while his younger sister is a sophomore cheerleader at Texas Tech. He has interned in student ministry at Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church in Austin and at Memorial Drive Presbyterian here in Houston. Richmond says, “I love working with youth. For students who don’t have a lot of in-house discipleship and Bible teaching, I love to help guide them spiritually.” (Cont. on page 13)

Richmond HowardNew Associate Director of Student Ministry

JIM JACKSON BOOK SIGNING AT SPRING THING MARKETFormer Chapelwood Senior Pastor, Dr. Jim Jackson, will be at the 2015 Spring Thing Market signing his new book, Covenant

Friendship: An Ex-Loner’s Guide to Authentic Friendships. Preview Party - Tuesday, March 3, 5:00 - 8:30 p.m.Market - Wednesday, March 4, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and

Thursday, March 5, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

GET AWAY FROM IT ALLWhether you prefer to bask in the sun by the beach or lake, or escape the heat, we’ve got a vacation home for you. Spring Thing Market’s Silent Auction will once again offer some fabulous vacation homes. The best part is that all the proceeds from these auctions will benefit women and children in need. Visit the Market for the opportunity to bid on these homes and other wonderful items.

Spend seven nights in a luxury home in Breckenridge, CO. Enjoy breathtaking mountain views in this five bedroom, five bath

home that can accommodate 12 guests. Visit for more details.

Work on your tan this summer while spending five nights in a five bedroom, three and a half bath beach house in Pirates Beach, Galveston. Relaxing beach

views and accommodations for 14 guests will have you forgetting Houston is just a short drive away.

Get away for the weekend and relax on Lake Livingston. Enjoy a

two-night weekend stay in a large lakeside four bedroom cabin with room for 10 guests. Fish, kayak, or just hang out in the hammock enjoying the breeze off the lake.

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN INVITE WOMEN FROM ALL COMMUNITIESWomen from all of Chapelwood’s worship communities are invited to attend and join in United Methodist Women (UMW) activities and small groups. Through UMW, small groups participate in book studies, service and mission work with a special emphasis on women, youth, and children, and support mission activities and partnerships all over the world. Following is a description of the March circle (small group) meetings. If you would like to know more and are interested in becoming a member of UMW, please contact Membership Chair Carrie Hoye, (713) 856-7774, or [email protected]. Come join in grace with us.

Martha Circle will volunteer at Spring Thing Market, March 3, 4, and 5 and will meet for lunch – date and time TBA. Contact Kelly Hicks, (713) 789-8583. Deborah Circle will volunteer at Spring Thing Market, March 3, 4 and 5. Contact Pam Camp (713) 824-1000.

TUESDAY, MARCH 10UMW Sew Sociable will meet at 9:30 a.m. in W202 to work on Linus Blankets for children in area hospitals and other special projects. Contact Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720, or Judy Glasford, (713) 468-8908.

TUESDAY, MARCH 17Moms on the Grow Circle will meet at 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Linda Withers will continue her series on "empowering moms." Nursery care can be provided if reservations are made by emailing [email protected] by March 10. Also they will meet for lunch at Spring Thing - date and time TBA. Contact Sally Towe, [email protected].

TUESDAY, MARCH 17 (cont.)Priscilla Circle will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor. Program to be given by Gregg Taylor on Easter. Contact Rockie Deboben, (713) 871-9043, or Marian Murray, (713) 973-8254. Vivian Osburn Circle will meet at 11:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall 1 for a luncheon and program given by Marilyn Green on the Israel tour. Contact Vicki Jud, (281) 496-9127, or Carol Hill, (713) 278-2266.

Sarah Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Susan Parrish. Susan will talk about the Israel tour. Contact Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720.

Lydia Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. in W203 for a light supper and program given by Janine Roberts on Zimbabwe. Contact Susan Johnson, (281) 682-3031, or Marie Mathieu, (713) 467-3841.



GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPThe Grief Support Group meets bi-weekly on Mondays from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., in LC201. Upcoming dates: March 9 and 23, April 20. For more information, please contact Nancy Sterling at [email protected] or (713) 354-4458.

PROSPECTIVE MEMBER CLASSApril 12, 19, 26, May 3If you are considering becoming a member of Chapelwood United Methodist Church, you are invited to attend a four week course for prospective members. We will meet from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for four Sundays, April 12 through May 3 in W101-102. Melissa Maher, Pastor of Adult Discipleship, and Allen Quine, Resident Theologian, will be leading the discussions.

The course is designed to help you better understand our Biblical and theological foundations, and your individual giftedness that is meant to be shared with the world. Here’s a brief outline of what to expect:

• April 12 – Biblical and theological foundations; spiritual gift inventory; testimony preparation

• April 19 – Ordinances and shared testimonies• April 26 – The Church, Chapelwood, and

membership vows• May 3 – Sharing our giftedness: ministry opportunities

If you plan to attend, please contact Margaret Bedell, [email protected], (713) 354-4432 so we can get an idea of how many to expect.

LENTEN DEVOTIONALSDaily devotionals will be available for the Lenten season, beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 18, through Easter Sunday, April 5. The daily devotionals will follow the theme “Wisdom of the Wilderness,” with each day’s devotional thought corresponding to the spiritual practice being highlighted during that week of Lent. The devotionals will include stories and sayings from the Desert Christians of the third through fifth centuries, drawing on their wisdom for our contemporary lives. Jerry Webber will add some material for reflection to these stories and sayings.

The “Wisdom of the Wilderness” devotional material will be posted each day during Lent on, the Chapelwood Facebook page, the Facebook page for the Center for Christian Spirituality, and on Jerry Webber’s blog,“A Daily Lent,"


Spend the weekend of May 1 - 3 at lovely Jordan Ranch, situated on 83 acres near Schulenburg. The Annual Prayer Shawl Retreat will provide the perfect opportunity to knit, crochet, pray, reflect, relax, and worship. The retreat follows a relaxed pace designed to allow participants the space and time needed to recharge. “You don’t even have to knit,” said Nancy Sterling, Director of Praying Ministry. “And, there’s plenty of free time for socializing or strolling around the property.” Sit by the fire pit, swim in the pool, visit the prayer room, or attend an optional class if you would like to improve your knitting skills – or even learn how to knit or crochet. The participants are friendly and more than willing to share their knowledge with newcomers. “We would love to have 30 people register, and 40 would be even better,” said Nancy. “In 2013 we filled the rooms and were the only group at the facility.”

This year’s retreat is the seventh since the Prayer Shawl ministry started eight years ago. Every other year the retreat is off-campus, allowing participants a change of scenery. The retreat begins on Friday afternoon with check-in at 2:00 p.m. and concludes Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Several rooms are ADA-approved, and there are a number of single rooms available. Registration is open through April 9, or until the retreat reaches its capacity of 24 occupied rooms. The cost per person for double-occupancy is $200; single-occupancy rooms are $325. While there is currently only one male member of the group, anyone who wants to attend is welcome.

For more information, see or contact Kristin Lewis at [email protected] or (713) 354-4438.




MEN'S FISHING TRIPApril 17-18, Hackberry, LAInvite a friend and bring your son to this weekend fishing adventure. You will receive a guided fishing tour, meals, and lodging. Cost is $295 per man. For more information or to register, contact Alba Aguilar, [email protected].

“WISDOM OF THE WILDERNESS”SINGLES BRUNCH WITH MELISSA MAHERSunday, March 22, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.Fellowship HallMark your calendar and join us for our brunch with Rev. Melissa Maher, Pastor of Adult Discipleship. We will explore the cross-community Chapelwood theme of “Wisdom of the Wilderness.” She will offer insights of how to engage these spiritual practices that historically have sustained persons in places, times, and settings of spiritual “stuck-ness” and barrenness. These practices lead to vitality and a life of expanding awareness . . . of God, self, others, and the world. They invite persons into experiences of Spirit that may stretch them and open them for growth in surprising ways.

Come join Singles from across all of the Chapelwood communities! No reservations are required. For more information, contact Gloria Mounger, (713) 354-4465, or [email protected].

YES, YOU CAN GET CONNECTED AT CHAPELWOOD!Sunday, March 8, 11:15 a.m., YB100Chapelwood is often described as “a large church that feels like a small church.” That may be true, but navigating our many options is tough for many people. Come join Ginny Itz, Director of Connecting Ministry, in this first in a series of conversations we will offer for those who are interested in finding their own “small church” at Chapelwood.

Our time together will include sharing a Second Sunday lunch. So, first thing get your lunch in the Fellowship Hall and join us in Youth Building 100 across the patio from the Fellowship Hall. For us to know how many people to plan for, please register at keyword: get connected. For more information, contact Gloria Mounger at (713) 354-4465 or [email protected]

CHAPELWOOD IRELAND TOURThere's nothing like Ireland in June!Chapelwood's Chancel Choir is inviting anyone who is interested to join them this summer for a tour of Ireland. This tour is designed for non-singers as well as singers, but singers are definitely welcome.

June 13 is the departure date from Houston direct to Dublin with highlights to Kinsale, Westport, Derry City, and ending in Belfast.

Please join us for a memorable adventure in the emerald land.For more information, contact Pamela Moore at (713) 354-4480.

JOIN JOHN STEPHENS ON ITALY TOURCultural Tour of ItalyTrip Leaders: Stephanie and John StephensDates: June 8-19Cost: $5,690“I hope you will consider joining Stephanie and me and other Chapelwood friends as we tour Italy’s most famous cities together. Our tour will include Venice, Florence, St. Gimignano, Siena, Pisa, Pompeii, and several days in Rome. We will have our own tour escort and private motor coach, and we will stay in some of the best hotels in Venice, Florence, and Rome. It has always been my dream to do these types of tours a little differently. I want to lead great people to special places taking in the unique shaping forces in religious history, arts, and cuisine – which are all passions of mine. Our tour will be refreshing and life giving as we experience firsthand some of the most amazing sights in the world. This will be a trip you will not want to miss.” John Stephens

Richmond Howard (Cont. from page 5) Richmond knew before he left high school he wanted to go

into ministry, and, with the help of his youth pastor from Westlake Hills, decided early on to treat his time at college as a mission trip – a ministry experience, of sorts. While at school earning his degree in finance he settled into Grace Bible Church and became involved in several organizations at school, even serving as the president of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. In addition to the business involved in leading a fraternity chapter, he found an opportunity to have a spiritual impact on some of the guys there, which was his goal going in. A few leadership conferences and a term as student senator for the business school rounded out his academic experience. That’s not all he came away with, though. While at college he met McKinzie Jones. They’ve been dating for a

little over two years, and she’s on track to graduate from A&M this May.

When not doing youth ministry, Richmond loves to read. Favorite popular authors include John Grisham, David Baldacci, Vince Flynn, and Tom Clancy. Favorite Christian writers include Timothy Keller and Matt Chandler. He notes, “Now that I have time, and am not in college, I like to go home and enjoy what I’m reading. That’s a refreshing change of pace.” Richmond also likes to work out and stay healthy. He was a wrestler in high school, and to keep his weight at the right level, he learned early in life how to cook (and eat) healthy.

Make it a point to seek out Richmond and say hello – particularly if you’re a parent of any of our students. We’re all glad he’s on board.

Membership is your commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the areas of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Fred Lowe, [email protected] or (713) 827-3916.



Nick Hernandez

David Williams(Mason and Lydia)

Lindsay and Grant Amburn(Caroline)

Lisa Rose-Morrow(Madison and Lily)

Amanda and Jeff Davies

Jaclyn and Stephen Wedemeyer(Milly and Briggs)

Brenda and Steve Warren

Amanda and Steve Hesse(Stephanie and Carson)

Amber and Mike Lewis (Evan & Cade)

Edie Lee(Oliver)

Brad Martin

Annie and Tyler McQueen(Cash and Lila)

PALM SUNDAY BOOK PARADE Sunday, March 29Donate new or gently-used books for students at Spring Branch Elementary.

Watch for details in worship bulletin announcements and community weekly emails. Contact Amy Taylor, [email protected].



CHAPELWOOD WELCOMES LOVE146 FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING STUDY Would you like to learn more about how you can become a modern day abolitionist? Have you heard about the atrocities of human trafficking and wanted to get involved but weren’t sure how? This is for you! Chapelwood’s Local Serving ministry and Human Trafficking Awareness Core Team (HT-ACT) is hosting Love146 in April for their “Abolitionist Curriculum” for all church members.

The first step to becoming an abolitionist is to have an understanding of what the phrase "human trafficking and exploitation" even means.

The Love146 Abolitionist Curriculum will be presented as a series of learning exercises about local and global trafficking, and how we as a church can mobilize as a community of faith, finding our call to action in the gospel work of mercy and justice. The curriculum will take us through six modules, presented over four evenings.

No single effort will bring about the abolition of child trafficking and exploitation — it will be a movement united with a collective shout. Traffickers are highly organized in their crime – we must be more organized in our movement to undo and abolish their work. This requires listening to those who are knowledgeable. This requires networking to build relationships and communities committed to ending this atrocity. This requires audacity. This requires empowering a movement of God’s love.

Love146 is an international anti-trafficking nonprofit that trains professionals on the subject, presents preventative education to youth, and offers safe harbor and restoration for rescued victims here and in two countries abroad. Love146 both protects and restores to the best of its ability the precious innocence of young girls and boys throughout the world. During its 18 months in Houston, the organization has reached 4,000 HISD students and will expand its educational and survivor care efforts in 2015. They work with several Houston area churches in helping them determine how they can most effectively step into abolishing human trafficking in our city and world.

Christopher Grady, Texas Strategic Partnerships Coordinator for Love146, will educate and empower as well as facilitate our discussion around next steps that HT-ACT will take towards abolition! Join us! For more information, email Amy Taylor, [email protected], or Marilyn Green, [email protected].

In 2002, founder Rob Morris traveled to southeast Asia to investigate how he might impact sex trafficking. He was taken undercover with investigators to a brothel. Young girls were waiting behind a glass -- to be chosen. They were identified by numbers. Almost all the girls looked lifeless, having been raped repeatedly every night. The one girl that stood out to Rob, did so because she was the only one in the group who looked like she still had a spark in her eyes. She was number 146.



We would like to offer a big thanks to the UMW SewSociable group who created over 40 beautiful, sturdy bags during the month of January. Those bags were filled with school and health supplies by Chapelwood children and families during a pizza lunch on January 25. On the same day, Chapelwood commissioned a team of 20 members. They carried the school and health kits with them to UMCOR-Sager Brown in Baldwin, Louisiana, where they served from February 1-6. Our kits, along with others sent to the UMCOR-Sager Brown supply depot, will be sent around the US as well as to Haiti, Iraq, New Guinea, Kenya, Syria, Yemen and Serbia. In addition, Chapelwood supports UMCOR each year with at least $10,000 of support toward global relief programs. Thank you to everyone at Chapelwood for your part in providing vital support for UMCOR’s global development work and making a tangible difference in people’s lives all over the world.

THANKS FOR MAKING ALTERNATIVE CHRISTMAS A GREAT SUCCESS!It was another successful year of giving from faithful Chapelwood members! The Alternative Christmas Market donated $27,630 to various missions sponsored by Chapelwood. Thirty-one missions benefitted all together. This is an annual event during the month of December which offers each of us an opportunity to share our support for our favorite mission or the favorite mission of the person receiving the gift.

A seed was planted here at Chapelwood more than 20 years ago. The very first year, when no one really knew about it, we gave $3,000. Over the last 9 years, we have given $356,000!

As you go through 2015, keep the Alternative Christmas Market in mind for your December gifts. You may also want to bring this idea to your Sunday School, UMW Circle, small group, employees, friends, family, teachers, ministers, or all of the above! This is a great way to be a blessing to others during a time of year that we consider how much God has truly blessed us. Thank you Chapelwood!

SEWING FOR A CAUSEMaking a difference in the life of a girl whose eyes light up just to own a new dress inspires Chapelwood members and friends. For the past five years, Chapelwood has hosted a biannual Sewfest where sewers and volunteers get together to work for a greater cause. They utilize their sewing and organization skills to

contribute to the “Dress A Girl Around the World”( sewing campaign. We will host our Spring Sewfest on Saturday, April 11, from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the Williams Building rooms 101 and 102 to sew pillowcase dresses. These dresses will be sent to impoverished girls around the world. We are looking for volunteers to join us for Sewfest and/or donations of new pillowcases. You don’t need to sew to participate. For more information, please contact Jacqueline Wright at [email protected] or (713) 464-6708.

Imagine a World where every little girl owned at least one dress!What if that dress were made by you?Help us change a life by sewing a simple pillowcase dress for a

girl in need.

MISSION ON THE MOVESunday, March 8, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m., Fireside RoomBring your Second Sunday Chicken to the Fireside Room and join us to hear stories from Mission on the Move! Steve and Hope Shearouse, missionaries to Tapachula, Mexico, will give an update on the children's homes that Chapelwood has supported over many years. Members of our congregation have witnessed the children grow into who God created them to be. Come hear how we can best pray for and support this mission. For more information, contact Judy Jones, [email protected].


THE CHAPELWOOD FOUNDATIONYour gifts to the Chapelwood Foundation can be a special way to honor someone or mark the joy of a special occasion while helping to build an

endowment for Chapelwood in perpetuity. For more information, contact Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485 or [email protected].


Ray L. ChapmanKelly Crews and JB Kolodzey

Joanne MillsMary Sweet

Ruth and Mike NordmeyerCharlene and John Storms

Marion HawkinsMary Catherine and Joe Davis

Jean and Bill HarwellSuzanne and Thomas Musgrove

JoElla and Ocie HarrisCJ and Lynn Yeoman

Cynthia Duboise

Ross DawsonMary Catherine and Joe Davis

Jason CrumpMary Catherine and Joe Davis

Jennifer SmithBernadette and Harold Rochelle

Alan ParkerThe Blair family

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton (Dean) Bybee

Deanna and Brie ReesMarcia and Victor Shainock

Patti and Bob AllenSewell family

Roberta MillerThe David Balderach family

Allen B. CluckRuss Hankins

BJ ArnallBible Class

Robert AppelSue and Dike Howe

Irene CarterKim and Charles Mueller

Stan FrankDonna and Mark Greek

Mr. and Mrs. Charles MoretonJulie and Paul Moreton

Marty ShroffLinda Binion

George Anderson-WoodCharlotte McNulty

Pamela and James HarrisGay and Bob Beamon

Mary Catherine and Joe DavisDixie MullinsMary SweetJuanita Hill

Gay StewartMary Kay and Mark Allen

Stuart ToomeyMary Kay and Mark Allen

Harlan WeinertStephen Ministers

Parker ScottMarion Hawkins

Mary Catherine and Joe Davis

Van BallardRuth and Mike Nordmeyer

Marion HawkinsNuala and Dick Haddox

Liam DickeyMarion Hawkins

Thomas AdkinsMarion Hawkins

Mary and John Barrett

Patricia JonesVivian Coltrone Chambers

Don CarterGerry Barnett

Barbara BakerTom Baker

Bill MarshallDonna and David Marshall

Loretta MaherFellowship Class

Jim LedbetterTeresa and Clayton Cannon

Gene WagenechtJim Sullivan

Teresa and Clayton Cannon

Glenn JensenDonna and Mark Greek

Pete DaltonErin and Matt Roorda

Art ReedJim Sullivan

Candlelighters Class

Robert BrattonDonna and Mark Greek

Ruth PhillipsJean and Bill Harwell

Paulette PreissCharlotte McNulty

Dot AugustDixie Mullins

Elizabeth “Ann” HaislerDot August

Emmy BrownMary and Richard Moen

Mr. and Mrs. Ben P. Eubank, IIIKelly Bennett and John L. WilsonAmy and John Bone and family

Leslie and John BrittainVirginia Benfield

Anne and David RaeThe David Balderach family

David GarrettMeredith and Garret Searight

Mary Frances WallaceAnne and Thomas Laborio

Susan and C. Douglas BrownJane and David WiseDebbie and Pat Perrin

Lucy and Johnny Smith

Amy and Lindsey MagdanzJoann and Dave Magdanz

Susan and Jim Jackson (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund)

Mary Catherine and Joe Davis

Eileen EasthamPamela and Bob Moore

Melissa MaherKaren Sherrouse

Sara and Kelly Williams (Sara and Kelly Williams Scholarship

Fund)Mary Catherine and Joe Davis

Mark GreekCandlelighters Class

Becky ChapmanKelly Crews and JB Kolodzey

Chapelwood StaffStephanie and John Stephens

Marriage of Thomas F. Brandino and Kathryn M. Haueisen

“Y” Senior Water Aerobics GroupVirginia and Stephen Rosetti

Kristi Thomas HerndonSally and Bob Thomas

Donna and Fred LoweLou and Mark Houser

Louise Nicholson CarterGerry Barnett

Frank JeffersA Chapelwood friend

Margaret and Leonard BedellJuanita Hill

The Stephens FamilyMary Catherine and Joe Davis

Collegiate Challenge ProgramKris and Mark Jodon





(As of January 29, 2015)

Mary Catherine and Joe DavisJoan Korpal

Susan and Shane SchlemeyerCarolyn and Guy Matthews

Susan and Walt AgnewAllison Carter

Debbie and Bruce MercerJames A. Butler

Ed JensenSharon and Robert BerryPat and Webster SpencerKathy and Bob Lassalle

Jane and Dick HumphreysAnn Chittick

Cristal and George Baylor


Jane and Jim Wise (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund)Fred Gregory (Scholarship Fund)

Susan and Jim Jackson (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund)Pat and Roger Medors (Community Outreach Fund)Judy and Henry Jackson (2015 Foundation Dinner)

Margaret and Leonard Bedell (2015 Foundation Dinner)Marty and Roger Ethridge (2015 Foundation Dinner)Suzanne and Thomas Musgrove (Scholarship Fund)

Connie and Troy Pike (Scholarship Fund)Margaret and Leonard Bedell (Margaret and Leonard Bedell Scholarship Fund)

Kris and Mark Jodon (Scholarship Fund)Chapelwood Alternative Christmas Market (Scholarship Fund)

Carolyn and James Jackson, III (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund)Debra and Robert Noel (Scholarship Fund)

Marty and Roger Ethridge (Scholarship Fund)


Nancy and Ted Nees, IIIThe Sterling McCall Family Foundation

Cathy and Forrest Smith, III

SAVE THE DATE FOR THE ANNUAL FOUNDATION DINNERThursday, May 7, 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall Keynote Speaker: Martha Macris, Executive Director of Memorial Assistance Ministries (MAM)Entertainment: KIPP SHARP Singers


John Stephens, Senior PastorBob Johnson, Executive PastorBob Lindsey, Business Administrator

ADULT DISCIPLESHIPAndy Cunningham, Pastor of Young Adult and

Men's MinistryGinny Itz, Director of Connecting MinistryMelissa Maher, Pastor of Adult DiscipleshipAllen Quine, Theologian in ResidenceJanine Roberts, Director of Global/National Missions Teresa Rossy, Director of Learning MinistryNancy Sterling, Director of Praying MinistryAmy Taylor, Director of Local Serving

CHILDREN’S & YOUTH DISCIPLESHIPCindy Booth, Director of Children's Ministry Josef Klam, Pastor of Children's & Youth Discipleship Carolyn Park, Administrator - Chapelwood School

for Young Children Sarah Pattillo, Director of Student MinistriesCason Sicking, Director of Recreation Ministry

PASTORAL CARE & REACHINGScott Endress, Pastoral Care, Reaching, and Senior

Adult MinistriesFred Lowe, Director of New Member DevelopmentBill Stell, Pastoral Care Wick Stuckey, Pastoral Care Ministry

WORSHIP COMMUNITIESLuis Palomo, Pastor of The BranchStephen Roddy, Director of Traditional WorshipGregg Taylor, Pastor of Mercy Street Christian Washington, Pastor of Upper RoomWayne Watson, Director of Contemporary Worship/

SanctuaryJerry Webber, Pastor of Contemplative Worship/ Director of Center for Christian Spirituality

OTHER MINISTRIESTeresa Cannon, Director of Chapelwood FoundationKaren Firenza, Director of Marketing and

CommunicationsColleen Lingle, Accounting ManagerBond McCall, Director of Technology for MinistryIvan Rhone, Director of Kitchen Ministry

11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808



Baptisms: Hallie Elizabeth Grau, daughter of Laura and Shawn Grau, on January 11, 2015.William Shane Yepez, son of Kinsey and Nicholas Yepez, on January 11, 2015.Milly Beth Wedemeyer, daughter of Jaclyn and Stephen Wedemeyer,

on January 11, 2015.Stephen Briggs Wedemeyer, son of Jaclyn and Stephen Wedemeyer,

on January 11, 2015.Lias Fletcher Steen, son of Barbara and Jeff Steen, on January 18, 2015.

Births: Twins, Claire Elizabeth Hall and John David Hall, born January 16, 2015,

to Whitney and Josh Hall.

Weddings: Barbara Holdsworth to Timothy Rosser Irvin on January 2, 2015. Our Prayers and Sympathy Expressed to: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Castagnetta and family on the death of B. J.’s father,

Mr. Christopher Karl Hahn, on January 8, 2015. Mr. Don Condon and Ms. Nikki Williamson and family on the death of Don’s wife

and Nikki’s mother, Mrs. Linda Condon, on January 10, 2015. Mr. Grant Cook and family on the death of his son, Mr. Kyle Cook,

on January 11, 2015. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Darroh and family on the death of Leslie’s mother,

Mrs. Terri McCord, on January 12, 2015. Mr. Gary Olander and family on the death of his father, Mr. A. M. Olander,

on January 13, 2015. The family and friends of Mrs. Betty Espey, who died January 14, 2015. Mrs. Susan Neal and family on the death of her husband, Mr. Dennis Neal,

on January 16, 2015. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Maher and family on the death of Mike’s mother,

Mrs. Loretta Ellen Fitzpatrick Maher, on January 16, 2015. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Jensen and family on the death of Bill’s father,

Mr. Glenn Jensen, on January 18, 2015. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. McClure and family on the death of Dan’s mother,

Mrs. Marie Dolores McClure, on January 19, 2015. The family and friends of Mrs. Frances (Fran) Tennyson, who died January 23, 2015. Mr. Donald W. Bryan and family on the death of his wife, Mrs. Patricia York Bryan,

on January 24, 2015. Ms. Shari Robey and family on the death of her father, Mr. Marvin Peyton,

on January 29, 2015. Mrs. Camilla Fenner and family on the death of her husband,

Dr. Charles E. (Chuck) Fenner, on January 30, 2015. Dr. Edward C. Lynch and family on the death of his wife, Mrs. Nell Lynch,

on January 30, 2015. Mr. William F. Howell and family on the death of his wife, Mrs. Suzanne Howell,

on February 2, 2015. Mr. and Mrs. Amin Nosrat and family on the death of Janet’s mother,

Mrs. Martha Grace Killough, on February 2, 2015.


Mary Jo Conklin Marty EthridgeAiden Fordham Jean Hennington

Dean HillBrian Locher Ed Lynch Naomi Mitchum

Peggy PerryCharles PulidoBruce SealyAshley Shroff

Pam Slovacek Bob Moore

Recently Hospitalized:

MARCH 1Singles Rice and Beans, 11 a.m., Fellowship Hall


The Gathering Place, 10 a.m., Fellowship Hall

3 Spring Thing(March 3-5)

4Lenten Noon Series, ChapelJob Search 1026 p.m., LC214Wednesday Night Studies 6:30 pmChancel Choir, 7 pm

5 6 7

Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

8Change your clocks! Spring forward!Second Sunday ChickenMission on the Move (see page 11)


Katy ISD Spring Break (March 9-13)

10 11Lenten Noon Series, Chapel Wednesday Night Supper 5:30 pmWednesday Night Studies 6:30 pmChancel Choir, 7 pm

12 13Church Under The Bridge, 7 p.m.


Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

15 16

SBISD Spring Break (March 16-20)

17 18Lenten Noon Series, Chapel Wednesday Night Supper 5:30 pmWednesday Night Studies 6:30 pmChancel Choir, 7 pm


Student Ministry Day of Service

20 21

Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

22 23 24

25 Lenten Noon Series, ChapelWednesday Night Supper 5:30 pmWednesday Night Studies 6:30 pmChancel Choir, 7 pmThe Release7 p.m., Upper Room

26 27

Parents Night Out5 p.m., Nursery


Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

29Palm Sunday

Book Drive


Journey to the Empty Tomb, March 30 - April 4

31 APRIL 1 Lenten Noon Series, ChapelWednesday Night Supper 5:30 pmWednesday Night Studies 6:30 pmChancel Choir, 7 pm


Maundy Thursday7 p.m., Fellowship Hall


Good Friday7 p.m., Sanctuary

4Family Picnic & Egg Hunt, 11 a.m., Youth Parking lot. Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

5Easter Sunday(See page 5)No Sunday School


Church Closed

7 8 Wednesday Night Supper 5:30 pmWednesday Night Studies 6:30 pmChancel Choir, 7 pm

9 10

Church Under The Bridge, 7 p.m.


Mercy Street5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall



WEDDING GUILD DINNER Thursday, March 12, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., ParlorThe Wedding Ministry invites all current Wedding Guild members, as well as those interested in serving on the Guild, to come for food and fellowship on March 12. We gather to see those with whom we have not served recently, and to welcome newcomers. Whether you

have served on the Guild for years or have not signed up for a wedding in years, please join in the fun! Want to know more about this ministry and what we do? Come for dinner and see what we are all about. Contact Toni Meason with any questions, (713) 354-4436, [email protected].

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Vol. V, No. 03

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