march 16, 2010

You can make it fit. Find out how at WILSON: SOMETIMES IT’S HARD NOT TO PROTEST AT CHURCH / P6 O’MALIA’S CLOSING IN 10 DAYS / P7 CARMEL DOCTOR TO BEGIN REGULAR TV SEGMENTS / P8 Tuesday March 16, 2010 FREE Photo Illustration Before residents vote on Carmel Clay Schools’ proposed referendum, some say there are questions that must first be addressed / P2 Rejuvenate Special Section Inside

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TuesdayMarch 16, 2010


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Before residents vote on Carmel Clay Schools’ proposed referendum, some say there are questions that must first be addressed / P2

RejuvenateSpecial Section Inside

Page 2: March 16, 2010

2 | March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel

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By Brandie Bohney Current in Carmel

Carmel Clay Schools has done much to promote the benefits of its proposed referendum up for a public vote May 4, but some residents still have unan-swered questions.

Carmel Resident Bob Huser is one of them. CCS is asking for $12 million to cover its budget deficits, but Huser said he questions if CCS has done everything possible to avoid it. For one, he said no one has asked why some individuals can’t take cuts in salaries and benefits in order to save the jobs of others.

“Why reduce staff if you can cut wages and maintain staff?” he said. “Why should the rest of the people suffer so that these people can main-tain their standard of living? . . . Their benefits are probably better than most people out in what I would call mainstream industry.”

CCS Superintendent Jeff Swensson said that any change to teachers’ contracts must be nego-

More Questions?There are 13 more informational meetings,

including three tonight, you may attend to get more information. The list is available at the school’s website (

If your club, neighborhood association, business, or civic group would like to hold an informational meeting, please contact Dr. Jeff Swensson, superintendent, at 317-844-9961, or [email protected].

Estimated Cost By Property Value

Home value Annual tax increase Monthly increase

$150,000 $105.19 $8.76

$251,400* $211.43 $17.61

$500,000 $471.92 $39.32

$750,000 $750.79 $62.56

*median home value for City of Carmel per 2007 U.S. Census Bureau ReportThe proposed referendum would expire in seven years: 2017.(Information provided by Carmel Clay Schools)

referenduM reviewBefore residents vote on Carmel Clay Schools’ proposed referendum,

some say there are questions that must first be addressedtiated in collective bargaining. Anything having to do with salary or benefits, he said, is a subject for negotiations. The school district may not simply cut wages or benefits; the cuts have to be agreed upon in the bargaining process. The system can, however, cut positions.

One of the CCS’ argu-ments for considering the referendum is that if property values. Swensson argued that f residents and those outside the community were to begin seeing Carmel as a district which does not value educa-tion as a top priority, there would be a detrimental effect on property values.

“No one really wants to see an increase in taxes,” Swensson said. “Having said that, we really see the refer-endum for sustaining how the schools are a key factor in

Carmel being a destination of choice.” Huser said he wanted Swensson to quantify

that for him and tell him exactly “how impor-tant that is.” Swensson said he couldn’t give spe-cific figures but stressed that it is, in fact, very important.

“While I can’t quantify a certain rate, people both leave communities when the schools de-

cline, and they just don’t choose to move in when that happens,” Swensson said. “That’s when you see – and there are examples across the nation – that property values really do take a hit.”

Huser also raised questions regarding the pos-sibility of future shortfalls. He said there could be yet another proposed referendum.There is currently a $2 million per year referendum in place that expires in 2012 which will overlap for two years with the proposed $12 million per year referendum.

Swensson said that CCS has worked hard to determine a figure that allows for its continuing growth each year without cutting programs or staff, but because the source of revenue from the state is unstable, the district cannot precisely

what is a referenduM?A referendum is the method by which school systems may increase their property

tax levies for general funds. The Department of Education states that a “referendum is an increased levy raised through a special fund titled, “referendum fund” for a period not to exceed seven years. However, a referendum tax levy may be re-imposed or ex-tended under the law.” The referendum may only be placed on a ballot for one of two reasons: the school board determines it cannot carry out its educational duty without one, or to replace property tax revenue lost through a circuit breaker credit.

why $12 Million?• $3 million: previously projected deficit• $3.8 million: 2010 state funding shortfall• $2 million: current referendum which expires in 2012• $3.2 million: Projected need to serve continually growing

student population (est. 275 per year)• $2.2 million per year to hire additional staff• $1 million per year to cover utility increases, property

insurance increases, etc.

predict what may or may not happen in future years. However, he added that referendums are based on voter wishes.

“This isn’t a mandate,” he said. “This is something all of the voters are in the process of choosing.”

Still, there is a question of tactics in Huser’s mind. Because the schools have a wide-reaching venue through which to distribute information geared toward getting people to vote for the referendum, he said the district is using school-children as “dangling hostages.”

“It’s a scare tactic, and basically somebody’s got to stand up and say something,” he said. “They are strictly a service. They create abso-lutely no wealth whatsoever. They’re being paid because they suck off the tax dollars.”

“This isn’t a mandate. This is something all of the voters are in the process of choosing.”

- Jeff Swensson, Carmel Clay Schools superintendent


Page 3: March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel March 16, 2010 | 3

Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, INVol. IV, No. 19

Copyright 2009. Current Publishing, LLCAll Rights Reserved.

1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220Carmel, IN 46032

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The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

VIEWS | Community | Panache | Education | Diversions | Pets | Dough | Anti-Aging | In Spirit | Relationships | Toys | Laughs | Puzzles | Inside & Out

Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitu-tion. We encourage you to bench-mark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the U.S. Constitution..

Article. IV.Section. 1. Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public

Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Section. 2. The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and

Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime,

who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due [Modified by Amendment XIII].

It is our position that the longer days and sprouting flowers can only mean one thing: Spring is upon us. While we are eager to welcome the return of blue skies and green grass to displace the dingy grey that follows Indiana winter, we are also reminded that higher temperatures and March Madness indicate we must be vigilant for kids darting out into the streets and lanes of our fine community. Cooped up for many long months (we’re talking about the parents and kids alike), many youngsters are breaking out the bicycles even before all the snow is gone.   

Spring break is just around the corner, and yard sale-signs are again dotting the landscape. And yet as we send our kids out to burn off some winter-stored calories, many of these children have forgotten the basics of traffic safety. Parents, now is the time for a refresher course on the outdoor rules. It is amazing how quickly we forget them. And also, please remember to watch out for those children who are all too rushed to see the sun. With a little attention, we should all make the happy transition without incident. 

Spring has sprung Mail it inIt is our position that a recent request by the

U.S. Postal Service to eliminate Saturday delivery and dramatically change the way it interacts with its customers (all of us) is worthy of consideration. While letter delivery is sacred to many, we believe the onslaught of other more efficient (and often effective) methods of communication have proven themselves capable to justify a serious assess-ment of the cost and benefit associated with the convenience and service provided by 6-day delivery. We are pleased that this quasi-governmental business is looking at all possibilities (in addition to price increases) to provide its services.  

We urge those in leadership at the USPS to continue to expand their thinking into all areas of the massive organization while looking for appro-priate ways to contain costs. Are labor and management costs in line with the earnings of the operation? In these economic times, many of us are looking for solutions that do not involve pushing our costs to the custom-ers. Decisions to prepay retirement health benefits will grab a staggering $5.5 billion from the coffers this year alone. Is it necessary? The USPS must consider all alternatives before cutting service and hiking rates. 



Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you.

In Colorado, a pet cat, if loose, must have a tail light.

Source: Weird Laws (iPhone application)

Photo Illustration


Page 4: March 16, 2010

4 | March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel

VIEWS | Community | Panache | Education | Diversions | Pets | Dough | Anti-Aging | In Spirit | Relationships | Toys | Laughs | Puzzles | Inside & Out

COMMENTaRYBy Terry anker

As is the nature of being a good citizen, we should all find ourselves routinely in the com-pany of our fellow would-be philanthropists. I have spent time in equal measure with the chari-ties necessitated by bringing children into the world (school, scouts, sports), those most affili-ated with my personal interests (the underprivi-leged, neighborhood boards), and those that support the arts and culture of our community (museums, music).

At a recent benefit for a number of small local arts groups, it was clear from demeanor and word that political statement was on the agenda next to pleas for cash. Attacking tradition and pushing others to think is admirable, certainly tolerable. But singling out those with differing views to ridicule and humiliate is not. From the hall one could hear, “If anyone in this room liked Sarah Palin, they are in the wrong expletive place.” I’m not sure I’m a fan of Ms. Palin, but

I am certain that all willing to assist these strug-gling arts groups should be welcomed.

Sadly, many chose to substitute profanity and ridicule for open-mindedness. Too many of us have allowed ourselves to become expensively educated and thoughtlessly liberal folk whose minds are so open that they have become closed again. Shunning intellect, we imagine ourselves above reproach but in fact are dangerously close to becoming little more than rude hipsters dressed in the costume of the self-offended children of the wealthy. Or are we errant intel-lectuals whose lives have not turned out as we expected – therefore it must be the fault of the establishment! As we preach tolerance, are we really tolerant?

Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at [email protected].

A report in left-handed The New York Times, no less, summarized ObamaCare thusly: The White House privately believes it only has a 51 percent chance to ram this bill down the throats of the American people. “That 49 percent chance of failure could dev-astate (Barack) Obama’s presidency, weaken Democrats heading into the fall midterm elections and trigger an even fiercer, more debilitating round of finger-pointing inside the administration,” the report said. … On a semi-related front, we’re wondering if you still are laughing at Obama’s executive order for set-ting up an 18-member, bipartisan commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform? We’ll save him the trouble and solve it right here, right now: IT’S THE SPENDING, STUPID!

• • •We were incredibly proud to help sponsor

Ben Vereen’s recent appearance at Carmel High School on behalf of Carmel Community Players, but we thought there might have been a larger crowd to see the legendary stage, screen and TV actor and vocalist. The chance to see Vereen brought back memories and also created new ones for those in attendance. CCP did a wonderful job of acquiring the

Brooklyn-born and terrifically funny Vereen for the evening, and we hope the fundraiser was a big success. Vereen won’t be the last big-name entertainer to come through these parts, by any stretch, but if Hamilton County is going to be the “Arts Capital of Indiana” – as so often is discussed - we all need to commit to participating whenever possible. The Oscars telecast could have been a drain on attendance, but there is a bigger picture. This was a perfect opportunity for parents to expose their children to wholesome and awe-some talent at a modest price. Either we, as a community, support the arts as best we can, or we sit at home and wait for the next nail-biting installment of American Idol to begin.


Brian kelly & Steve greenberg

Dems heading for a fall in the fall?Counseling the arts

Too many of us have allowed ourselves to become expensively educated and

thoughtlessly liberal folk whose minds are so open that they have become closed again.

Antique Appraisal Fair

Come out to Riverwalk Commons for our Antique Appraisal Fair and find

out what your antiques, small collectibles, jewelry and other valuables

are really worth! Appraiser, Darin Lawson with Wickliff Auctioneers of

Carmel will be available to provide expert advice and appraisals! While

you are here, enjoy appetizers and enter to WIN one of four Cracker

Barrel gift cards when you tour our Assisted Living Apartments! All

first time visitors will receive a welcome gift and be entered to win a

$100 Visa gift card! We hope to see you here!

Wednesday, March 24th 1:30pm-3:30pm

BCA 100496

Page 5: March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel March 16, 2010 | 5

COMMENTaRY By Danielle Wilson

I was sitting in church the other day when the priest said something I completely disagreed with. As his homily continued, I became more and more irritated. I felt the sudden urge to stand up in the middle of the congregation and challenge his argument, like Amy Madigan did in “Field of Dreams” (“At least he’s not a book burner, you Nazi cow!”)

I quickly realized, though, that it was neither the time nor the place to channel my radical ‘60s vibe, so I remained seated and silent. But I did strongly consider walking out. Problem was, I had three of my kids with me. Marching the four of us straight out the back door would have been emotionally satisfying, for certain, but also incredibly rude, especially because we were near the front.

As I sat in the pew fidgeting and frowning, letting my anger simmer but not boil over, I glanced over at my little Catholics. It was hard to tell if they were paying attention at all. One most certainly wasn’t, as her concentration was com-pletely centered on the small hole in her leggings. The oldest might have been, and he was the one I was most concerned about. I didn’t want him thinking I agreed with the sermon, but I also didn’t want to call attention to the topic if my son wasn’t listening in the first place. I wondered whether I should say something later or simply pray he was spacing out.

Then I remembered a similar experience I’d had a few years back – on Mother’s Day, actu-ally. A different priest had gone on a rant about how Muslims were taking over the world and if we weren’t careful, there’d be a mosque on every corner by 2012. The entire speech was all very hellfire and brimstone-ish, and it totally disgusted me. I was alone then, and did walk out, though

unfortunately I was already toward the back, so my exit didn’t quite have the dramatic effect I’d hoped for. But that was OK. I had a clear con-science afterward and felt like I’d done my part to stem intolerance.

This time around, though, I decided to do nothing. I continued to listen and try and un-derstand what the priest was trying to teach me, but concluded he was being a hypocrite, at least on this particular topic. I’m 95 percent certain none of my children heard anything he said, and if they did, they probably didn’t understand it anyway. I’m not proud of my complacency, and I still may e-mail my priest to see if he can en-lighten me, but given the circumstances, I think I did the right thing.

And don’t get me wrong. I like being Catholic. It’s just that I want to be a tolerant Catholic and be respectful of different faiths and lifestyles, even if that goes against the Church’s teachings. More im-portantly, I want my kids to be the same. Walking out wouldn’t have accomplished anything but making me look like an ass, and that’s assuming people would have understood I was protesting. Most would have just thought that we were taking a family trip to the restroom! But now that I’ve had some time to mull it over, I think that the next time I disagree with the homily, I will encourage my children to really listen and then take the op-portunity to discuss it afterwards.

Or we’ll leave in a huff. Defying the establish-ment is extremely satisfying! Especially if you can legitimately call someone a Nazi cow. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at [email protected].

Sometimes it's hard not to protest at church

» You’re Invited – Bring the kids to King of Glory Preschool’s Annual Carnival March 20 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a great time. There will be food, games, a bake sale and a silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Lee Bucher Scholarship Fund. 

» IDC opens, signs new tenants – Trade Source Albert Square Ltd./J. Baker Interiors are now open in the Indiana Design Center and several new clients will come soon in-cluding: Outré, Julie O’Brien Design Group, Angie Fischer Design Group, Deborah Marr Interiors, Design StudioVriesman, New Incorporated, Jay Design Group, April Willy, and Ecotots.

» College Avenue closings – The section of College Avenue under I-465 is expected to be closed every night through Thursday from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. as crews work on I-465 as part of the Major Moves project.

» CHS places second at DECA – Carmel High School placed second at Indiana DECA’s State Career Development Conference. The following students will compete at the international level: Current in Carmel teen columnist Maddi Bourgerie, Ben Akinbola, Stephen Becht, Alexandra Chandler, Amy Chen, Colleen Clifford, Meg Collier, David Edgerly, Jon Micah Goeller, Taylor Herman, Matt Johnson, Quinn Jones, Elise Kelner, Caitlyn McNally, Alex Minnig, Claire Morgan, Amanda Nguyen, Scott Romaniuk, Ashlyn Sanders, Jason Shaw and Andrew Sullivan.


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Page 6: March 16, 2010

6 | March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel

Page 7: March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel March 16, 2010 | 7

By Brandie Bohney Current in Carmel

In just 10 days the Joe O’Malia’s Food Market at 136th St. and Meridian will permanently close its doors, after more than 20 years of ser-vice leaving just one grocer west of Meridian in the city and one less reminder of what was a longstanding, family op-erated grocery chain.

“I use this store be-cause it’s just my size grocery store . . . I’ll be very, very sad,” said Anita Kiesel, a Carmel resident and regular shopper at the store. “I really love this store – particularly since they combined with Marsh and the prices are the same. I just turned 80, so I’m not inter-ested in the big, big stores.”

The closing of the store doesn’t come as a surprise to all its shoppers, though. Butler University Associate Professor of Marketing Dan McQuiston notes that while he uses the store occasionally to pick up odds and ends on his way home, it’s never been his family’s pri-mary store in spite of their close proximity to it.

“The times I have been there, there’s just not a lot of traffic going in,” he said.

He doesn’t believe the location is a primary grocery store for very many people; instead, he

believes, many people probably use the store as he does: as a convenience store for getting a few items while using larger stores for most grocery needs. Part of that may be due to the difficulty of getting in and out of the shopping center, but more likely, McQuiston speculates, it’s a factor of pricing.

“Marsh in general is finding it very hard to compete in a couple of ways,” McQuiston said. “It’s hard to compete in price with Kroger, and with the recent downturn, Wal-Mart has seen a huge increase in its grocery sales. People are very cost-conscious these days.

“It’s no secret that Sun Capital (Marsh’s

parent company) has been trying to free Marsh up in the last couple of years to try and sell it. So my guess is this is probably a cost-cutting move.”

McQuiston also notes that Indianapolis is a very competitive market for grocery stores, using Cubs Foods’ inability to make in the marketplace here in 2001 as an example of the difficult marketplace. Ironically, when O’Malia’s markets were sold to Marsh in 2001, then-president of O’Malia Markets Daniel O’Malia made a similar comment in a press conference explaining the sale that, “When a company like Cub Foods can’t do business here, it’s got to tell

us something.” The O’Malia stores were sold to Marsh in an effort to access the needed capital to grow and remain competitive. Apparently, even Marsh couldn’t manage that.

A district manager at the store was unable to comment about the store’s closing but did say that the final day would be March 26. However, Marsh’s senior director of community rela-tions Connie Gardner said that she couldn’t confirm that the store will close. By press time, the company had said nothing else of the clos-ing, including what will happen to the store’s employees. Property management company Centro Properties Group had not returned mes-sages regarding the possible future of the anchor location at deadline. McQuiston doubts that the store’s closing will adversely affect the other businesses in the same strip, though.

“Is it an anchor for that mall? I’m not so sure,” he said. “It’s probably not in a sense where people are going to go to the grocery store and go to another store in that strip mall.”

He added that while the impact of the O’Malia’s closing likely won’t be a positive one for the other businesses, it shouldn’t be dramati-cally negative, either.

As for Anita Kiesel, the closing of her favorite store is disappointing, but it’s not the end of the world.

“Changes occur everywhere, so I just roll with the punches,” she said.

Photo by Brandie Bohney

The Joe O’Malia’s Food Market at 136th St. and Meridian will close March 26. As of press time, Sun Capital had not re-leased any information regarding its plans for the store’s employees.

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O’Malia’s at 136th and Meridian closing in 10 days


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Page 8: March 16, 2010

8 | March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel

By kevin kaneCurrent in Carmel

Beginning tomorrow, Carmel residents will notice a familiar face on a new local television show.

Dr. Carolyn Berghuis, founder and direc-tor of Joy of Raphael Holistic and Wellness Center in the Arts & Design District, will present her first segment tomorrow on WISHTV’s new live lifestyle morning show, Indy Style. The daily show premiered yester-day and present viewers with information on a variety of topics including sports, fitness, fashion, cooking and many more. Berghuis will make monthly appearances on the show discussing wellness and ways that viewers can make small but beneficial changes in their daily routines.

“It’s my objective to offer them, with each episode, information that they can use in their daily lives that’s practical,” Berghuis said. “You have to make wellness a priority but it has to be realistic. It has to be doable and fun.”

After Wednesday, Berghuis will not appear on the air again until April; however she said she’s hopeful and optimistic that the frequency of her segments will increase. Presenting view-ers with information more often, she said, will allow her to have a more regular audience with whom she can share more targeted, detailed information. Until then, Berghuis said she will keep her segments just as informative yet more

basic. On Wednesday, she will discuss factors contributing to weight gain, tips for healthy weight loss and liver-friendly foods among other topics.

Berghuis said she didn’t have to audition for her role on the show and added that a rep-resentative from the station told her she was “everything they were looking for.” Berghuis said she was chosen for her outgoing personal-ity, public speaking abilities and her area of expertise. Holistic medicine and wellness is a growing field but Berghuis said there aren’t many in the area with training and a practice comparable to hers. The opportunity to in-troduce this information to a more people, Berghuis said, is something that excites her about the show.

“That’s my lifelong goal, to improve people’s lives,” she said. “This is a vehicle to help me do that.”

Views | COMMUNITY | Panache | Education | Diversions | Pets | Dough | Anti-Aging | In Spirit | Relationships | Toys | Laughs | Puzzles | Inside & Out

Photo by Kevin Kane

Dr. Carolyn Berghuis will have a segment on WISH-TV’s live morning show, Indy Style. The show will air at 9 a.m.

COMMENTaRYByJeff Worrell

I predict the April 22 headline will go some-thing like this: “Girls softball team inaugurates new stadium by trouncing Pendleton.”

What should you do with this futuristic information? Why of course, make plans to be there to witness the victory and the grand open-ing of the new Carmel High School Softball Complex for yourself. The beautiful, state-of-the-art field of dreams is located on the Cherry Tree Elementary School campus.   

Candy Jones, chair of the big coming-out party for the new stadium April 21 at 5:30 p.m., admits, “It has been a long process and a lot of hard work, but opening day is now clearly in sight.” 

Paula Bosler, working with Candy on all of the planning and organizing, emphasizes the new four-field complex is for the entire commu-nity, not just 50 high school players. Pointing to the close partnership with the Carmel Dads Club, more than 400 young female athletes will use the new ballpark in its first year. Maintaining and running the facility will be a joint effort. 

The two ladies have spent well more than a year planning and looking forward to April 21. Candy says, “We have had great support prepar-

ing for the grand-opening game. We have been successfully soliciting corporate sponsors, but then out of the clear blue, an individual will call up and offer $100. The community has just been great.” 

The varsity, JV and C Teams from CHS will call the new field home. A big change for the players will be putting on and taking off their uniforms. Most of the girls became very com-petent at going from school clothes to practice gear in the backseat of a car. But their new home offers clean, private, secure locker rooms.

Senior Maria Huber can’t wait, saying, “We are so excited about the new softball complex. We have waited so long to have a facility that can be compared with the best in the state. It’s exciting to have a home field we can all be proud of.” 

The public address system, stadium lighting, restrooms and public facilities are state of the art and designed to blend in with the surrounding environment. For more information, contact Candy Jones at 317-490-1922. See you there!

Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at [email protected]

New softball stadium a product of hard work and big dreams

Carmel doctor to begin regular TV segments

Page 9: March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel March 16, 2010 | 9

Views | Community | PANACHE | Education | Diversions | Pets | Dough | Anti-Aging | In Spirit | Relationships | Toys | Laughs | Puzzles | Inside & Out

» Get framed – Thick-framed glasses are back.  If you’re thinking of buying a pair for yourself, here are a few before-you-buy tips:

• We're talk-ing about substantial plastic frames here, not wire-thin Donald Rumsfeld glass-es. You will get noticed, and people will comment. So be prepared.

• If you're buying your first pair of glasses, go for reasonably slim frames. Once you've established that yes, you wear glasses now, you can go the chunky Woody Allen route.

• Even the smartest frames don't look great on every face. Only buy off the In-ternet if you've tried the glasses on first.


» Hair trends 2010 – Sun-kissed high-lights always in, but platinum one-pro-cess hair color has made a come-back and will continue to do so. We’ll also be seeing more cyber '80s dos with touches of wild pinks, blues, greens, and black in unexpected places, as well as luxe all-over color – think richer reds, deeper browns, and glistening blacks.



When the adage “rules were made to be broken” was first uttered, it was not by a de-signer. Yes, rules can be broken, but only with planning and vision will the room be a design success.

Principles are the rules, formulas and evalu-ations about interior decorating that are the unchanging guides to good design. When the rules are ignored, you will most likely feel there is something amiss with a space. You might not be able to verbalize just what the problem is, but it is almost certain a rule has been broken.

The basic design principles are balance, focus, harmony, proportion and rhythm.

Balance: You will most likely feel if a room is unbalanced. Balance simply refers to the visual equilibrium of a room, which is achieved by the placement of objects within a room according to visual weight.

Shape, color and texture all help to determine their visual weight, which is merely how much space objects takes up within a room. Try to distribute various objects throughout a room to maintain balance.

Focus: This refers to the direction the eye

travels and remains as it first enters a space. A multitude of focal points in a room make it quite uncomfortable, as there is no place for the eye to rest. A room with a fireplace, television and large window featured on separate walls is an example of a collection of focal points. When colorful art, strong furnishings and complex patterns are added to the mix, it becomes a visual cacophony.

Harmony: This is achieved when the elements of a room work together to form a visually pleasing cohesiveness with the proper balance of variety and unity. Harmony in design is similar-ity of components or objects looking like they belong together. This unity can be defined as a design thread that tells a story from one element to another. Color harmony may be achieved using complementary or analogous colors.

Proportion: Ah, proportion and his best friend scale. This is something the real estate agent fails to mention when showing you a home with a two-story great room. Technically, proportion refers to how the elements within an object relate to the object as a whole, while scale relates to the size of an object compared to the space in which it is located. In other words, a sofa that appeared gargantuan in a family room

with eight-foot ceilings will look like it was custom made for the Lilliputians when moved to the large room with high ceilings.

Rhythm: The rhythm of a room controls the visual flow around a room. Rhythm allows the eyes to move around from one object to another and creates a harmonious atmosphere in a room. It is created through repetition of line, form, texture and color. It can also be created by pro-gression, which is simply a gradual increasing or decreasing in size, direction or color.

Whether purchasing new home or planning a redo of an existing home, just being aware of the elements and principles of design will help to ensure a successful outcome. The ele-ments within a room are not unlike the paints an artist uses in the creation of a breathtaking work of art: Each color and brushstroke plays off another color within the guidelines of design principle.

Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact [email protected].

Rules were made to be followed

Whether purchasing new home or planning a redo of an existing home, just being aware of the elements and principles of design will help to ensure a successful outcome.

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Bring this in and recieve

$10 off our no chip manicure

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By Alex Paredes“I love the versatility of hair; it can be

long, short, straight, curly, up, or down. It can change with your mood or your outfit,” says Katie Rector. As a mentor at Salon 01, Katie tries to pass on this philosophy to all of our emerging stylists.

Before joining the Salon 01 team Katie was an educator in the beauty industry, teaching at a local beauty college. She trained under well known educators Vidal Sassoon, Vivienne Mackinder, Sam Brocato and Jamison Shaw.

Currently Katie is a level 3 stylist and a valuable part of the educational team at Salon01. She teaches our stylists to connect with guests, creating lasting impressions on everyone they touch. “I like to keep it about them and what their needs are. I believe consistency is important,” Katie says. “It makes me happy to make them happy.”

Aside from loving everything about the beauty and fashion industry Katie really likes to work with her hands. “I LOVE to cook and garden, much like Martha Stewart!” To book an appointment with Katie, call Salon01 at 317-580-0101 or visit us online at where you can find all of our stylist profiles.

K a t i e RECTOR

Water cures a lot, but not

dry skinMany folks believe that drinking eight glasses of water a day keeps a person’s skin hydrated. That is a myth, and we’ll debunk it here. It is important to keep your body, including your skin, hydrated, however the outermost layer of skin does not absorb water since it is made up of dead skin cells. Moisture level of skin is not determined by inter-nal factors, but rather external ones, such as cold or hot air, dry heat and by the number of oil-pro-ducing glands you have. So if you want to hydrate your skin, exfoliate it weekly with a sea-salt scrub or other exfoliating agent to remove dead skin, and then apply a rich moisturizer while your skin still is damp.

By: Alex Paredes “The gratification I get out of my career is what keeps me going,” Laura said when asked about her passion for doing hair. Laura has been with Salon01 since the very start of her career, and over the years she has accumulated a number of techniques that she can apply to all types of hair. Her training is in French Cutting, chemical relaxing, hair extensions with Hairdreams, and her newest technique involves the Keratin Smoothing System. As a level 3 stylist, Laura knows how to help her guests achieve the image they desire. “I connect with my guests by having consultations before every service, that gives us a great connection.” Laura also helps her guests understand how they can achieve their look at home. “One of the most important parts of my job is to make sure my guests use the best products for their hair at home,” she said.Aside from her love of hair designing, Laura has love for art. She really enjoys photography and drawing. “Art is a huge passion of mine, whether I’m at work or home I really enjoy having art as an outlet in my life.” Call Salon01 at 317-580-0101 to book and appointment with Laura or visit us at to see all our stylist’s profiles.

L A u r AS y m O n S

Looking to update your hair color this season, but not sure what is right for you? Consult with an expert who is trained to help you understand what your ideal target hair color might be. Color experts, such as the advanced stylists at Salon 01, are trained to formulate your hair color based on what is best for your skin tone

and eye color.In addition, trained stylists who have mastered the art of dimensional color, are able to strategically place highlights and lowlights that work with the shape of your haircut. Consulting with a professional, rather than trying to alter your color alone, will ensure that you achieve the look you are going for!


March 31, 2010!

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Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammar-related question, please email her at [email protected].

COMMENTaRYBy Brandie Bohney

Have you ever had a boss who thought he was more important than he actually was (or is)? Even if you haven’t, you probably know the type: He values his own opinion above those of all others, he considers certain tasks simply be-neath him, and he wants his job title capitalized all the time. He, by the way, could just as easily be a she. This shoe comes in peep-toe pumps, too.

As much as this person might annoy you, there is really only one thing you can do: Stop capitalizing his (or her) job title. In fact, with the information I am about to give you, you could stop capitalizing his job title almost all the time with just an adjustment to where it falls in the sentence.

Bwa-ha-ha-ha!That’s a maniacal grammarian’s laugh. Use

your imagination.Seriously, though, there are only a few times

when job titles should be capitalized. Most of the time, they shouldn’t. And when someone insists that his (or her) job title be capitalized all the time, we grammarians refer to it as vanity capitalization. Capitalizing your job title when it doesn’t require capitalization is like laughing at your own joke. Only in this case, the joke is really lame. It’s an attempt to make something appear more important than it really is.

So when do you capitalize a job title? When it precedes the persons’s name, essentially becom-ing a part of the name.

Executive Vice President Michelle Williams will attend.Please forward all correspondence to Chancellor McAdams.All poo patrol volunteers should report to Head Poop Scooper Pam.

And even if the title precedes the name, if the title is preceded by an article (a, an, the), the title does not get capitalized.

The head of mechanical engineering, Bob Cotterpin, is a nice guy.

Now, there are a few exceptions to these rules, but they are few and far between and not neces-sarily widely agreed-upon. So stick with this as your basic guide. If you need a more in-depth analysis, drop me a line, and I’ll try to help you out.

Oh, and if you want to make sure you never have to capitalize your boss’s title, just make sure it always follows his (or her) name. Unless it’s part of the signature line of a letter – that’s one of those exceptions.

For the sake of vanity …

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Permacrush lead singer Chris Crush (front left) had to replace the band's bass player and drummer. Now all three band members share the same first name, as Chris Caudill plays bass and Chris Elberfeld drums.

» Free remodeling seminar –Join Case Handyman & Remodeling for a free seminar on kitchen and bath remodeling. The 90-minute session will provide the basic building blocks plus all the latest styles. The seminar will be March 20 from 9-10:30 a.m. at 108 W. Carmel Dr. Call 317-846-2600 to RSVP. 

» Cactus magic – Use nature to ward off any fears about the possible links between cancer and electromagnetic fields. Research has shown that employ-ees who used to suffer from headaches and fatigue felt better after two years of working with a cactus next to their com-puters. The science behind this is cloudy, but why not give it a try?

-Quick & Simple

» Organize your gardening tools – Make room on your garage or shed wall to hang a clear plastic shoe bag. It’s a great way to keep your gardening tools and gloves in one place. You can also use an old rolling golf bag to store rakes, spades and hoes. When you decide to use your garden tools, what better way to drag them around than a golf bag?

-Household Magic


What: An exhibition highlighting 35 years of the career of artist Ed McGowin When: March 10 through April 17 Where: Eleanor Prest Reese and Robert B. Berkshire Galleries, Herron School of Art and Design, 735 West New York St., Indianapolis Info: www.herron.iupui.eduDetails: Ed McGowin began “Name Change” in 1970 to explore his theory about the way in which art history would evolve in the future. Instead of looking at an artists’ career as a series of linear events and logical developments, he pro-posed a trajectory that was more com-prehensive in which the artist simultane-ously explores multiple paths of artistic exploration.


name change

By haley Vannarsdall Current in Carmel

Carmel-based rock band Permacrush has al-ready experienced notable success with a recent single. Now on the verge of releasing its first album, the band is optimistic about its future while remaining realistic about the likelihood of making it big in music.

Currently, Permacrush gets airplay on college radios across the country as well as local stations such as X103. Its single, “Only Friend” was rated high enough to beat out tens of thousands of bands on and receive the spot as a featured band on the Web site. The song will be included on the band’s debut album Snake Oil, but even if the album doesn’t match the success of the single, lead vocalist and song-writer Chris Crush said he’s proud of what the band’s accomplished.

“I’d rather be a one-hit wonder than a no-hit wonder,” he said. “I have been doing this long enough to be realistic. With no high expecta-tions there’s no room for let down...It’s always been a struggle here in Indy.”

Some of the struggles have included simply maintaining a full band. Awhile back, Crush found himself searching for a new drummer and bass player. He found Chris Elberfeld and Chris Caudill to fill those respective positions and the band’s continued without missing a beat.

“It was like the stars aligned and everything

fell into place, we all even have the same first name, Chris,” Crush said.

Last month, Permacrush entered the Verizon Wireless National Battle of the Bands and was selected as one of three finalists with a chance to open for Gym Class Heroes in New Hampshire

in April. Fans can go online and vote for Permacrush at Verizon Wireless’ careers page.

On March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, Permacrush will be playing at the Brockway Pub from 7 to10 p.m.This May, the band will release Snake Oil in Fountain Square.

Carmel band optimistic about its future

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Chef Michael R. Vlasich, CEC, AAC, is a Carmel resident and the executive chef at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown. You may e-mail him at [email protected]

General Manager, Noodles and Company

Where do you like to eat? Kona Jack's

What is your favorite dish there? Seabass

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Carmel’s Mellow Mushroom brings a new taste to pizza. The chain restaurant features over 100 locations in over 18 states. Each Mellow Mushroom location has a different “vibe.” They want to make sure each location has the same great taste, without sacrific-ing the creative atmosphere they are known for. Mellow Mushroom was started on a college campus and geared toward the college diet: pizza and beer. The Carmel location offers draft beers such as Bells Two Hearted, Stella Artois, Smithwicks and many more. Their menu offers many unique pizzas and the option to build your own as well as an additional selection of calzones and hoagies. Mellow Mushroom offers a delivery and carry out. If you’re in a rush, they also have an option to order online. Mellow Mushroom is a great alternative to the average pizza experience.

COMMENTaRYBy Chef Michael Vlasich

Christian or not, most of us will be raising a pint to toast the saint who converted the Irish to Christianity and drove the snakes out of Ireland. Funny enough, he wasn’t Irish; he was actually Scottish from the town of Dumbarton. With his triumphs came the three-leaf clover, a metaphor for the Irish, but really of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). What, you may ask, does this have to do with the cost of potatoes in Yorkshire? Well, it all helps in deciphering the influences of the foods that make up the cuisine of this parcel of Great Britain.

For centuries, Ireland has been invaded. Early on, it was the Vikings and Romans, then later the German, French, and Russians settled, and the trade routes helped influence the cui-sine. For example, we all equate potatoes with Ireland, but the truth is potatoes, known in Gaelic as “praties,” came to Ireland, in the early 1600s by way of South America. According to Irish food experts, milk and potatoes are all the human body needs in a diet to survive.

Then there’s Irish stew, the second most well-known food item from Ireland. Like most countries’ favorites, it started as a peasant’s dish made from the cheapest and readily available ingredients. Sheep, being abundant, were raised not only for food but wool, clothing, milk for consumption and cheese. Include root vegetables, which thrive in that climate region, add in the stout dark beer made from the local-grown barley and wheat, and cook for a couple hours, accompanied by a loaf of soda bread. The next thing you know, you’ve got a great hearty meal.

The most celebrated dish from Ireland is what everyone thinks is Irish corned beef and cab-bage, which actually is not. While there may be some truth to it, generally very few in the coun-

try could afford beef; however, up until the early 1800s, it was one of the major exports for the country.

The term “corned” came because to make it you place it in a large pot and cover the beef with large rock-like kernels of salt, also referred to as “corns of salt,” which preserve the meat. However, very

few Irish men ever tasted corned beef, cabbage and potatoes in their lives, let alone every Saint Patrick’s Day.

We all think of soda bread as dry as cow food, but included is a great soda bread recipe in case you are tempted to try it on the holiday.

Fooled on St. Patrick's Day?

Ingredients:• 4 cups all-purpose flour• 1 cup granulated sugar• 1 tsp. baking soda• 2 tsp. baking powder• ½ tsp. salt• 3 eggs• 1 pint sour cream• 1 cup golden raisins• ½ cup black walnuts pieces

Directions:Mix the dry ingredients including salt; add the eggs and sour cream, then raisins and nuts. Mix until combined. Distribute batter between two each greased 8X4 loaf pans. Place in a preheated oven of 325 degrees for 1 hour; use the skewer test if in doubt.

unique soDa breaD


mellow mushroom

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‘Nunsense’Actors Theatre of Indiana will present “Nunsense” March 3-28 at the Carmel Community Playhouse at Clay Terrace. All Wednesday and Thursday night performances are only $20. For details on tickets and specific show times, call 317-669-7983.

‘Sunlight’The Phoenix Theatre of Indianapolis announced the National New Play Network (NNPN) Rolling World Premiere of “Sunlight.” Written by Sharr White, this play starts Feb. 25 and runs through March 20 on the Phoenix Mainstage. For more information on tickets and show times call 317-635-PLAY or visit

‘Carousel’The hauntingly poignant Rodgers and Hammerstein classic “Carousel” takes a ride at the Indianapolis Civic Theatre, playing March 12 through March 28. Show times are Thursday at 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Prices are $25 (Thursday) and $32 (Friday-Sunday). Go to for tickets and details.

‘An Evening with the Ambassadors’The nationally ranked Carmel High School Ambassadors Show Choir, with their special guests The Accents and The Ambassador Brass, will pres-ent “An Evening with the Ambassadors” March 25 and 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the Dale E. Graham Auditorium. Tickets are on sale at the Carmel High School Bookstore during regular school hours and will also be available at the door. Ticket prices are $15, $12 and $10.  


Mickey’s Irish PubThe following musical acts will be playing live at Mickey’s Irish Pub,13644 N Meridian, Carmel. For more information, call 317-573-9746:March 19: Endless Summer BandMarch 20: Daniel Joseph Band

Mo’s Irish PubThe following musical acts will be playing live at Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more information, call (317) 770-9020.St. Patrick’s Day, March 17: Lemon Wheels (inside) and Flying Toasters (outside).

Bar Louie March 17 - Barometer Soup, 7 p.m.-11 p.m. No cover. (Smokeless show). 14299 Clay Terrace Blvd., Carmel. For more information and reservations, call 843-1200.

Morty's This non-smoking venue features six shows each weekend: 7:30 p.m. shows Thursday through Sunday with a second, 10 p.m. show on Fridays and Saturdays. This week the lineup is headlined by Tom Mabe with co-features Troy Davis and Chris Bowers. All tickets are $10. Call 848-5500 for reservations, which are recom-mended but not required. 

Purdue Varsity Glee ClubThe acclaimed Purdue Varsity Glee Club, which has wowed audiences around the world and has per-formed at five presidential inaugurations and Carnegie Hall, among other notable venues, will perform in Carmel April 24 at 7:30 p.m. Reserved seats are $15. For tickets, call 317-582-0127. 

Disney’s Aladdin Jr.Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre’s Pyramid Players presents “Disney’s Aladdin Jr., the stage adaptation of the popular Disney movie as their first Live Theatre for Kids series, weekends through March 20, then April 10, 17 and 23-24 These one-hour shows take place on Fridays at 10 a.m. and again on Saturdays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Adam Crowe, formerly of Noblesville, plays the Sultan. The audience has the opportunity to meet the cast after each show for pictures and autographs.All tickets are $12.50 and include a snack. For reservations, contact the box office at (317) 872-9664.

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From Big Hoffa’s Barbeque (800 E. Main St. in Westfield)  Ingredients:

• 40 medium shrimp, cleaned, no tail• 1 bunch fresh cilantro• 5 medium tomatoes• 1 small red onion• 1 medium cucumber• 1 medium avocado• 1 cup ketchup• 3 tbsp. Frank’s Red Hot sauce• 5 limes

• 1 cup cold water• Saltine crackers

Directions:Chop cilantro, tomatoes, onion, cucumber and avocado into very small chunks and put in bowl. Add cold shrimp, hot sauce, ketchup, cold water and squeeze in lime juice. Add a dash of fresh pepper and mix together. Serve in a martini glass with saltine crackers on the side. Makes a wonderful cold soup any time of the year.


mexican shrimp cocktail

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An Evening with Ben VereenLegendary, Tony Award-winning performer

Ben Vereen came to Carmel on March 7 for An Evening with Ben Vereen, a musical recol-lection of his life and times in show business. After the performance, Vereen came to the Carmel Community Playhouse for a VIP re-ception. (above) Cindy Collins from Actors Theater of Indiana re-introduces herself to Ben Vereen. Collins danced with Vereen in Florida in 1991. (left) Ben Vereen with his personal chef Doug Gifford at VIP reception at the Carmel Community Playhouse.

Submitted photos


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a musical comedyby Dan GogginNunsense

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COMMENTaRYBy Dr. Mary Marcotte

Today I took my beloved 5-year-old dog Bert to see Dr. Lori Thompson, a board-certified veterinary dermatologist for intra-dermal allergy testing. Bert Doodle suffers from severe allergies that have been un-responsive to just about every treatment option available for the general practitioner.

Bert has been on special diets, shampoos, steroids, antihistamines, dietary supplements, cyclosporine, topical sprays and a “desensitiza-tion treatment” via allergy injections. The injec-tions he was given were based on a serum allergy test. This is a blood test that can be performed by your regular veterinarian. The limitation of the blood test is that it is not as accurate as the skin testing, which I witnessed today via Bert’s results.

Bert was put under heavy sedation and a patch of skin was shaved on his side. Eighty-one allergens were injected into the skin marked by a grid (see photo). After a few minutes, the test areas were measured for skin reaction and graded on a scale from 1 to 4 (4 being the most severe).

When I compare the blood testing results to the intra-dermal testing, I find that there are

multiple discrepancies as outlined in the chart below:

I was shocked to find out Bert is allergic to people! He received his first desensitization injection today, and is on an every-other-day schedule. I will follow up with his progress in the next article. As of right now, he is laying by my feet exhausted from his day!

Pacer is a 2-year-old male tri-color hound/shepherd mix. Pacer is yet another dog that was surren-dered to the shelter because his previous family could not afford to care for him. Pacer did nothing wrong: He got along well with other dogs and he got along well with the children. Pacer doesn't understand why he no longer has a home, why he no longer has a family or what is going to happen next. So it's not surpris-ing that he was a bit protective of his food during his temperament test; however, he wasn't protective of toys. Pacer can learn not to protect his food.

Larry is a 3-year-old gray and white male DSH. Larry arrived at the shelter with his brother Hen-drix when their owner passed away and no family or friends could take them. They both miss their home, and Larry seems to be having a harder time with the situation. He isn’t comfortable in the shelter and is shy around strangers, so he will need a patient person to help adjust to a new home.

For more information on these and other animals at the Humane Society, call 317-773-4974 or go to


» Adopt a pet – reTails will hold its next pet adoption event March 28 from 11 5 p.m. at Circle City Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Hospital, 9650 Mayflower Park Drive in Carmel.

» Stop the shake – When bathing your dog, you probably get wet when he shakes the water from his fur. To stop him from shaking, watch his nose. When you see the nose start to shake, gently but quickly grab his nose to stop the shake. Also, dogs tend not to shake until their heads are wet, so wash and towel dry everything else first, then try to get the head and neck separately.

-Household Magic  

» Pit Bull Awareness Day – Join the Ham-ilton County Humane Society March 20 from 12-4:30 p.m. at the shelter (1721 Pleas-ant St. in Noblesville) for  Pit Bull Awareness Day. Activities include a free pit bull educa-tion seminar and the chance to meet Chris Denari, announcer of the Indiana Pacers, and his beloved pit bull Bailey. Fernando Pastran, a dog trainer and bully-breed advocate, will be discussing dog safety and conducting a pack demonstration.  


Dr. Mary Marcotte is a Carmel veterinarian. You may reach her at [email protected].

Bert goes to the dermatologist

Allergen Positive on serum only

Positive on both

Positive on skin only

Molds 2 0 2Trees 0 2 1Grasses 6 2 1Insects 1 1 2Weeds 2 1 1Cat Neg PosHuman Neg Pos

Because April showers bring April mud.

Subaru, Forester, Outback, Tribeca, Legacy, Impreza, WRX, STI and SUBARU BOXER are registered trademarks. 2EPA fuel estimate for Legacy 2.5i and Outback 2.5i with CVT 31 and 29 hwy. Actual mileage may vary. 4EPA estimate. Actual mileage may vary. 5Claim based on cumulative awards won since 1997 from Car & Driver (5 Best Trucks), (Editor’s Most Wanted), and RL Polk & Co. (Polk Automotive Loyalty Award). This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy.This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy.This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy.

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Subaru, Forester, Outback, Tribeca, Legacy, Impreza, WRX, STI and SUBARU BOXER are registered trademarks. 2EPA fuel estimate for Legacy 2.5i and Outback 2.5i with CVT 31 and 29 hwy. Actual mileage may vary. 4EPA estimate. Actual mileage may vary. 5Claim based on cumulative awards won since 1997 from Car & Driver (5 Best Trucks), (Editor’s Most Wanted), and RL Polk & Co. (Polk Automotive Loyalty Award). This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy.This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy.This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy. This is not the real legal copy.

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Page 18: March 16, 2010

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What makes something have value? What makes one thing worth more than another? Why is one house worth more than another house? Is it the location? Is it the amenities? The answer is easy. It’s neither. Sure, the location and the amenities are critical. But the more correct answer is it’s the perception of the buyer. It’s what the collective buyers think it’s worth. Value is set by relevant buyers’ perception of what is offered and their ability to act on that percep-tion (i.e., can they afford it?).

There are no inherent values in sticks and stones; value is created and maintained by perception. Don’t believe it? Imagine a 4,000-square-foot house with an in-ground pool, five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a swanky basement and a four-car garage. What’s that package worth in Carmel? What’s it worth in Martinsville? What’s it worth in Boston, in San Francisco? The number will change drasti-cally, but it’s the same house. Why the change? It’s what people believe the different locations are worth. It’s their perception of value. There are probably more buyers in Boston and San Francisco, so there is more demand, and with more demand comes a higher perception of value.

The same is true of brands. What makes a

name brand worth more than an off-brand? Again, it’s the perception of what the most likely buyer thinks that product or brand is worth. What makes a Lexus sell for more than a Camry? Certain buyers think the Lexus is better. Those who don’t buy the Camry. You can argue about amenities, but the reality is value is set by what buyers are willing to pay. And amenities are only worth as much as the relevant buyers believe them to be worth.

Like the house, a brand has value if buyers think it does. Brands don’t just sit on a shelf. Brands exist in the hearts and minds of people. A brand is the sum total of perceptions about your product or service in the heads of your relevant audience, more affectionately known as your buyers or your market. And, if your market doesn’t perceive value with your brand, you have a problem. To avoid being substituted for the generic equivalent, you have to create the per-ception of value. When people hear the name of your product or service, they must think value. Otherwise, you are just a commodity.

David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David wel-comes your questions or comments at [email protected].

» White joins Krieg DeVault – Krieg DeVault recently announced Charles P. White has joined the firm in an of counsel capacity. White joins Krieg DeVault with several years of legal experience and local political involvement. 

» Real estate career seminar – F.C. Tucker Company will hold a free real estate career seminar April 17 from 9 to 10 a.m. at its Carmel office, 1119 Keystone Way. Call 846-7751 to make reservations now.

» Two stocks for the long haul 1. SunPower (SPWRA) - Demand will

pick up eventually for solar energy companies as the global economy crawls toward recovery.  

2. Goldcorp (GG) – This mining com-pany might be a good buy, as the 10-year trend is toward gold as a hedge against increasingly devalued currencies.  


DISPaTChES Value is all about perception


COMMENTaRY By David knall

One of the major issues that makes this period so very unique for fixed-income investors is the “almost zero” level of interest rates. Bill Gross from PIMCO calculated it would take 6,932 years to double your money in a money market fund at 0.06 percent. The collateral damage of this zero-percent rate situation is that it invariably leads to a misal-location of resources and wild boom and bust cycles.  Zero rates distort investment decisions, causing investors to place funds in vehicles never contemplated when rates were higher (in the good old days).  Another consequence of “forcing” the public to stretch for yield (and take more risk) is that these desperate individuals may really feel it when, inevita-bly, their bonds go down in price from credit downgrades and/or inter-est rates going up.  The Federal Reserve has driven rates to levels where banks can earn a very nice interest margin, therefore “saving” them.  There is no question that we need a healthy banking system, thus, the steep yield curve. Unfortunately, the “responsible” individual who has saved their money for a rainy day is earning a horrible rate on those dollars. 

Do we now change our stripes and buy lower-quality bonds with longer maturities for our clients?  Do we stretch for yield?  We don’t think so.  We view our bond accounts as “dry powder” for tomorrow’s opportunities, which enables us to sleep at night in years like 2008. We are not sure what we will do with this dry powder, but the point is that we will have options. When will rates go higher? When will stock prices give us better opportunity? That is the end of the story.

What's your primary method of payment?

“Debit. It helps me keep tabs on my cash flow a little easier.”

Ann SmithCarmel

“Cash. You’re more aware of what you’re spending.”

Hannah BarbatoCarmel

“Credit cards usually, for convenience.”

George FerchCarmel


Type: TraditionalAge: Built in 1997Location: Near 146th Street and Carey Road Neighborhood: Foster Estates offers a swimming pool, clubhouse and easy access to the Monon Trail and Clay Terrace.Square footage: 4,410, including 1,100 in the finished basementRooms: This four-bedroom custom built home has a large kitchen with center island, four full bathrooms, family room, formal living and dining rooms, main-floor office, finished basement and three-car garage. Strengths: This home has an attractive curb appeal and is situated on a wooded lot. Currently, there is approximately five months of inventory in this price range in Carmel, which means it is in demand. A balanced housing market between buyer and seller is often consid-ered to be six months of inventory.Challenges: Many of the homes in this price range will have granite countertops, and although the countertops are neutral, they are laminate.



Don’t climb rickety ladders

David Knall is a Senior Vice President/Investments and Managing Director with the Knall Cohen Group at Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated, Member SIPC & NYSE, and can be contacted in the Indianapolis office at (800) 382-4353.

John Pacilio and his team specialize in Hamilton County real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 216.8500 or [email protected].

Fine Lines, Inc.Hair & Nail Salon

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Page 19: March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel March 16, 2010 | 19

at 13610 N. Meridian Street in Carmel is closing.

• 116th St. & Keystone Pkwy. • 146th St. & U.S. 31 North • 106th St. & Michigan Rd.

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COMMENTaRYBY Brooke Tetrault

Skin rejuvenation is a general term used in the aesthetics industry to describe a number of available treatments – usually used in combina-tion – that revitalize the skin. These treatments have become increasingly popular in the last decade, and with science ever-evolving, results are very effective and fit a range of budgets.

According to, rejuvenation, by definition, means, “to restore to a former state; to make fresh or new again.” The natural aging process, sun exposure and environmental factors – such as pollution and even stress – all play a role in the deterioration of the health of our skin. Over time, our skin becomes lax, uneven and dull. Wrinkles, age spots, acne and veins can make us feel insecure. Many people find the mirror does not reflect how good they feel on the inside. Healthy, youthful-looking skin is part of feeling confident.

A variety of skin rejuvenation treatments are available to restore your skin’s health, ranging from at-home skincare regimens to inject-able treatments like Botox or dermal fillers to lasers or plastic surgery. Regular facials, chemi-

cal peels and other exfoliating treatments like Vibradermabrasion can be beneficial as well.

Lasers have been used for decades and are safe and effective when used by licensed practitio-ners. These procedures can reduce sun damage, wrinkles, pigment and veins. They can also stimulate your own natural collagen and tighten the skin.

The number of options and types of proce-dures on the market can be overwhelming, and no two patients are alike. Scheduling a consulta-tion with a physician trained in medical aesthet-ics or a dermatologist is a great place to start. These professionals will help you build a treat-ment program based on your skin condition, concerns and budget.

If you are bothered by your skin’s imperfec-tions, perhaps it’s time to consider skin rejuve-nation. Treat yourself this season to the healthy skin you deserve.

Skin looking old? Maybe it’s time for rejuvenation

Brooke Tetrault is director of operations at ClarityMD and can be reached at 317-571-8900 or [email protected].

» Community ranked among top health networks – Community Health Network is proud to announce its rank-ing of 19 in the SDI IHN 100, a report rating the nation’s top 100 health care networks on performance. Community is one of only two health care organizations in Indiana to make the top-100 list, and the only one in the Indianapolis area.

» Buck to provide free assessments to infants – Erin Buck of Busby Eye Care is one of 7,600 optometrists nationwide partici-pating in InfantSEE, a no-cost public health program developed to provide professional eye care for infants. Buck will provide a one-time, comprehensive eye assessment to infants in the first year of their lives. 

» A helping hand - When a cancer diag-nosis turns your life upside-down, even the practical issues can be hard to deal with. How do you tell your boss you’re sick? Can you get assistance with things like paying for gas to drive to appointments? CancerCare, a nonprofit organization, offers free counseling to cancer patients and their families. The toll-free number is 800-813-4673

-Quick & Simple


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Soft-filtered water ... not a hard decision

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TalkToTucker.comF. C. Tucker Company, Inc.

Tucker’s Showcase of Homes

665 WOODRUFF PL MID DR$219,900

MLS# 2941253 Picture-perfect home. Fenced 4BR/2+BA w/FP, hardwood flooring & formal dining room. Sun room, parquet flooring, pantry. Patio & deck. SI JOhnSOn, 216-4085

4830 MORganS CReek Ct $699,900

MLS# 2945734 5BR 4.5BA w/incrdbl quality & attention to detail! Hdwd flrs, gourmt kitchen, LL w/wet bar & Media rm, huge BRs w/walk-in clsts, prof landscpng, cul-de-sac, a must see! SPenCeR kLIne, 753-7282

13004 tRaDD St$629,900

MLS# 21003785Charming 4BR/3+BA brick with formal dining room, master suite and hardwood flooring. 2 fireplaces. Wet bar, high ceilings, Dual Vanities. Breakfast nook.angeLa Raab, 735-9610

4877 MORganS CReek Ct$699,900

MLS# 29457354BR/3.5BA new construc-tion, hdwd flrs, grmt kit w/granite cntrs, main flr mstr, huge LL w/wet bar & media rm, wooded cul-de-sac lot, incrdbl attn to detail.SPenCeR kLIne, 753-7282

6100 ManSFIeLD Ct $255,900

MLS# 2945006 Secluded 3acre wooded home site with quick access to I65, shops & restaurants. Site has large hardwoods and good drainageSI JOhnSOn, 216-4085

499 banbURy RD$229,900

MLS# 21006075 Outstanding 4BR/2+BA woodland-view Tradition-al-style. Hardwood & tile flooring, walk-in closets, breakfast nook & Deck.SI JOhnSOn, 216-4085

1433 gWynMeRe$484,900

MLS# 21005830Immaculate 4BR/3+BA home in Claridge Farms. Brand new gourmet kitchen w/granite, SS appliances, hdwd floors, fin bsmt. 3-car garage, backs up to preserve. SPenCeR kLIne, 753-7282

7601 e SR 334 $2,800,000

MLS# 2100478040 acres! Live in this home while you build your dream home or up-date this home! Wildlife & pond is great for swimming.angeLa Raab, 735-9610

105 MagnOLIa Ln $409,900

MLS# 2906701Wonderful 4BR/3BA woodland-view residence on 0.50 acres. Security system, 2FPs, 3-car gar. Huge foyer, office. Workshop.SI JOhnSOn, 216-4085

5875 DOveRtOn DR$139,900

MLS# 2847683 3BR/2+BA single-level! Some of the special features of this welcom-ing home are vaulted ceilings, two-car garage and fireplace. Walk-in closets, garden tub.SI JOhnSOn, 216-4085

3148 e FaLL CReek PkWy n DR$80,000

MLS# 2938652Gorgeous 4B 2BA historic home close to down-town. A little polish will return this home to its former glory. Great value!angeLa Raab, 735-9610

1218/1222 tURneR DR $149,900

MLS# 2948762One-year-old 4BR/2+BA home. Vinyl/brick town-home w/private master suite, huge foyer. Walk-in closets, 2nd-floor laundry. Two-car garage, mature trees. angeLa Raab, 735-9610

12462 SPRIngbROOke $287,500

MLS# 21007102Bright, neutral open floor plan. 4BR, 2+BA w/2-stry foyer and family rm, master w/cath ceilings. 3-season sunrm. Woodbrook Elemtry. Waterstone amenities.SPenCeR kLIne, 753-7282



9785 heROnS COve #33$179,900

MLS# 2955168Enjoy maintenance free living close to shopping, golf & the Monon. Spa-cious 3 bed, 2 full bath condo with tons of upgrades! Private wooded view. Traditional-style. Hard-wood & tile flooring, walk-in closets, breakfast nook & Deck. SUSan van Den heUveL, 508-1276

16947 FULtOn PL $112,900

MLS# 2952268Bright & immaculate 2BR 2.5BA. New carpet & paint, large BRs, loft area, all appliances stay. 2car garage. Washer & dryer included. Maintenance free, move-in ready. SPenCeR kLIne, 753-7282

Dr. Eppley is an Indianapolis board-certified plastic surgeon. Comments can be sent to [email protected]

COMMENTaRYBy Dr. Barry Eppley

The mere mention of the word “facelift” to many people evokes frightening thoughts. These misconceptions and fears have led to a surge of procedures that have become broadly known as “non-surgical facelifts.”

Cleverly marketed as appealing improvements known as “lunchtime facelifts” and “liquid facelifts,” these facial procedures are hopefully performed in a doctor’s office with a combination of Botox, injectable fillers (such as Juvaderm and Radiesse) and light and laser treatments. They are tremendously appealing pre-cisely because they are not surgery, and because they involve no scarring or downtime.

A patient of mine recently inquired about the “new” Y-facelift published in a recent New York Times Sunday Magazine. Buried in the center pages of the magazine was a story titled “Houston,

We Have Facelift.” Reading this story got me thinking about everything both good and bad about the non-surgical facelift “revolution.”

The concept:  Developed by a dentist who claims to have taken four years to develop this approach, the Y-facelift involves filling the face with large volumes of injectable fillers, molding it around with one’s fingers, and then treating the skin with radio-frequency treatments to tighten it.

The bad: It may be shocking for some that everything in New York isn’t always better (although it is always twice as expensive), and the New York Times Style magazine does not carry the same scientific clout, for example, as the New England Journal of Medicine. Cosmetic procedures are fraught with a common prob-lem: marketing that frequently gets way ahead of proven science. The bottom line is the “Y-lift,” while based on a few known plas-tic surgery procedures, is an unproven amalgamation that most

likely benefits the treatment provider more than the recipient.What matters: The debate between non-surgical or surgical

facelifts can be debated ad nausem. Both may be appropriate for any patient under the right circumstances. But the non-surgical boom of cosmetic procedures speaks to an important but rarely discussed issue: value. The non-surgical Y-facelift retails between $4,000-8,000 for results that will last one year, maybe slightly more. The price of non-surgery, when looked at long-term, is frequently more than that of actual surgery – with results that are not nearly as long-lasting.

Are non-surgical facelifts worth the price?

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COMMENTaRYBy Bob Walters

A four-leaf clover, a pint (or several) of Guinness and a parade do not a proper Irish observance make for Patrick, the patron saint who drove the snakes from Ireland.

The four-leaf clover and snakes, in fact, are completely wrong, and pubs used to be closed.

St. Patrick, known as the Apostle of Ireland, was actually born in Scotland in 387 AD to a Roman family of high rank whose relatives included the great patron of France, St. Martin of Tours. Captured at 16 by Irish marauders, Patrick was sold as a slave in Ireland and tended sheep, during which time he prayed continually for deliverance and guidance, and spoke with God in his dreams.

By learning the Celt language, Patrick was well-equipped later to share his faith with the pagan Druids and win them – and all of Ireland – over to Christianity.

Patrick, a bishop, helped defeat heresies of the day, explained the Holy Trinity using the green three-leaf clover or shamrock, is credited with miracles of escape, healing and victories, and likely in his life never so much as saw a snake.

Snakes, you see, are not indigenous to Ireland. “Snakes” probably refers symbolically (think “serpent” in Genesis 3) to Druid pagan-ism, a religion Patrick drove from Ireland.

Patrick died in Downpatrick, Ireland, proba-bly in 461 AD and possibly on March 17, a date

ever since celebrated by the Irish who them-selves made Patrick a “saint” some 500 years before the Roman Church began the practice.

In the early 1600s, the Church formally put March 17 on its calendar to honor St. Patrick of Ireland. It wasn’t until 1903 that St. Patrick’s Day was an official holiday in Ireland – a day upon which all bars in Ireland were closed (until the 1970s) to preserve religious solemnity.

Oddly enough, the first “St. Patrick’s Day Parade” anywhere on record was in New York City in 1762, when Irish soldiers of the British Army marched to identify each other and build fellowship.

The traditional meal of corned beef and cab-bage is American. Irish prefer pork with their cabbage as pious Catholics take a break from their no-meat Lenten fast.

So it’s a three-leaf clover, not four. Druid reli-gion, not snakes. Pork, not beef.

But as for Guinness … aye Celts, a fine Irish quaff.

Erin go bragh! (Ireland forever!)

Bob Walters (, email [email protected]) here excerpts the beautiful prayer “St. Patrick’s Breast-Plate” for a proper St. Paddy’s observance: “… Christ with me, Christ before me; Christ behind me, Christ within me; Christ beneath me, Christ above me; Christ at my right, Christ at my left …”

Bars were closed on St. Patrick’s Day



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COMMENTaRYBy Rachael Noble

I am always grateful for the readers who kindly suggest column ideas. One request I have avoided many times is the subject of losing a significant other. I’ve been surprised by the large number of people who write in, sharing their touching stories of losing a loved one and asking if I could cover the topic. However, I’ve never quite felt I had the expertise to go into the matter. But recently I was terribly saddened to hear of my friend’s spouse’s death and to see the devastating effects it had on family, friends and community.

I guess there is no magic formula for recover-ing from such tragedy. A person like myself, who has never lost a spouse, can only hope to suggest what many of us do when tragedy strikes: take it one day at a time. I’m sure for those who are hurting so deeply, it’s not only a matter of one day, but one hour, one minute and one second at a time.

Friends and family gather around, hoping to be of some help and wishing they could say or do the right thing to help ease the griev-ing process. I’m sure their attempts at comfort can at times be a bit overwhelming. On the other hand, the idea of that inevitable day

when friends go back to their normal lives and the time comes to face reality and the un-known without your life partner can be almost unbearable.

What then? If young children are involved, how do you take care of yourself and the kids when just getting up and showering expends enough energy to want to go back to bed? How do you help little ones (or even grown children) heal when you can’t even begin to heal yourself?

Dear grieving friend, when getting back to real life, when taking that first step back to work, when fixing breakfast for your children all seems overwhelming and even facing the day takes your breath away, may you be filled with comfort and may each day, each hour, each minute, bring you closer to a place of healing.

I dedicate this to my friend and her children who are now beginning their new journey and to all out there who are learning to take it one day at a time as you travel on your path to healing.

Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and contributing columnist. She can be reached at [email protected].

The path to healing: One day at a time


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Scott Wharton is a registered representative with and securities are offered through LPL Financial, 9785 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego, CA, 92121-1968, USA (800) 877-7210. Member FINRA/SIPC... Wharton Insurance and Financial Services, Inc., and LPL Financial are independently owned and operated. The information set forth herein has been derived from sources believed to be reliable, but it is not guaranteed as to accuracy and does not purport to be complete analysis of the securities, companies or industries involved. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not

necessarily those of LPL Financial. Additional information is available upon request.

Scott Wharton is a registered representative with and securities are offered through LPL Financial, 9785 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego, CA, 92121-1968, USA (800) 877-7210. Member FINRA. Wharton Insurance and Financial Services, Inc., and LPL Financial are independently owned and operated. The information set forth herein has been derived from sources believed to be reliable, but it is not guaranteed as to accuracy and does not purport to be complete analysis of the securities, companies or industries involved. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not

necessarily those of LPL Financial. Additional information is available upon request.

Garlic Grilled



Servedwith:- Baked Potato- Salad- Dinner Bread

Page 26: March 16, 2010

26 | March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel

COMMENTaRYBy gary hubbard

Facebook has become an Internet phenomenon and a pri-mary method of daily communication for millions of people. It’s become an amazing one-to-one-to-many communication system that continues to grow in popularity. 

Of the 400 million people with a Facebook account, more than 83 million are active users of Farmville, which is why even if you don’t play the game, you’re going to get pelted with updates from your friends. 

What many users of third-party Facebook applications (such as Farmville, Café World and Mafia Wars) don’t realize is they are giving up their profile information in exchange for access to the game. 

And they aren’t just giving up access of their profile info to the Farmville game maker, but also to all of its advertising “affiliates.”

Depending upon how your privacy settings are configured, your game-playing friends can even allow these third-party com-panies to access your profile info, even if you aren’t playing the game. 

Facebook constantly updates its system (much to the dismay of many) but the upside is it continues to add tools that help us manage the traffic and our privacy on our own pages. If you simply want to hide Farmville posts from your “news feed’ (gen-erally the default page when you sign on to Facebook), the next time you get a Farmville update in your stream, float your mouse over the right corn of the post and click on “hide.” 

This should bring up three options: “Hide (username),” “hide Farmville” and “cancel.” If you click “hide Farmville,” you will not see any updates from this user or any other user playing Farmville.

Additionally, if you want to globally block Farmville as an ap-

plication to your profile so you no longer receive Farmville invita-tions, go to and click the “block application” link below the Farmville logo on the left side. 

You can repeat this for any Facebook application simply by putting the name of the app in the search bar and finding the page associated with the application. 

Most of your friends probably don’t realize they can share your profile information to third-party applications even if you are not using the application or the game. 

You can control what they can share about you by clicking “account” (in the upper right hand corner), then on “privacy settings/applications and Web sites,” then on the “edit setting” button for “what your friends can share about you.” 

Remove the checkmark for any of your profile information that you do not want shared via your friends to applications and Web sites, but remember anything that is available via your public profile can be readily accessed by third-party applications and Web sites at any time. 

If you want to see what information is available via your public profile, go back to the privacy settings screen, then click on pro-file information. 

Finally, be sure to click on the “preview my profile” button at the top right to double-check what the general Facebook public (and third-party applications) can see on your profile without being your friend first.  

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Gary Hubbard is the owner of Data Doctors Computer Services - Have a technology question? Send it to [email protected]

Blocking Farmville and other Facebook irritants» Microsoft pivot – Pivot allows you to create and access data collections made from massive amounts of web infor-mation in a visual way. It keeps the same interface indepen-dently of the content of the collection, allowing you to dive in the data with ease, zoom out, reorder the collection in any way you want, filter data with one click and establish relationships between different data sets with ease.


» Goin’ retro – If you still have a car with a cassette player, the USB Cassette MP3 Player from Brando looks like an easy way to bring new life to an old school gadget. It looks like a cassette tape, but it’s really an MP3 player with an SD card slot. Fill an SD card with your tunes, pop it in this player and then insert the player into your car’s cassette deck to enjoy music through your car’s stereo speakers. Earbuds can be used to listen normally, and it also does double duty as an SD card reader.


» Dr. Yi e-book reader – The Dr. Yi e-book reader could very well change the way e-books are manufactured, thanks to its high-resolution electronic paper. This is a genuine tech-nological revolution that offers a crisp black-and-white dis-play, making it look as though you were reading on printed paper itself. This $315 device will run on a Linux operating system, an ARM9 200MHz processor as well as 22 hours of battery life. No idea on its content delivery system though.



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COMMENTaRYBy Dick Wolfsie

It’s too late now, but I wish you would have sent my wife an e-mail and told her what to give me for my birthday. She really needed your help. Mary Ellen says I am difficult to shop for.  Last year I ended up with three-dozen golf balls. Even though I requested them, it was still a sur-prise. I didn’t expect pink.

In a desperate attempt to help her this year, I Googled “gifts for men in their 60s.” Maybe there was a place on the Internet where women could communicate with each other about what must be a common yearly dilemma.

One Web site was a blog where the children of people my age made gift suggestions. Here was the first comment:

The birthday party should convey to the cel-ebrant that he or she is still loved, respected and appreciated. It should also be a reminder of the golden days of youth.

I checked my pulse. I was still breathing, although my blood pressure had hit the roof.  I may be an irritant, but I don’t want to be a cel-ebrant. Not while I can still dress myself. Also, I may not have the best memory, but my youth was not golden. Stainless steel, maybe.

Their first gift suggestion had little appeal: “Why not a collage of stamps from

that person’s birth year, all in an attractive scrapbook? Can you think of a better pres-ent?” Yes, I can. How about a gift certificate for a colonoscopy?

There were several suggestions for personal-ized coffee mugs.

“What about an eye-catching cup with a list of all the famous people born on their birth-day?” I thought that sounded like a good idea, so I did a little research about March 5 …

Tang Gonghong (Chinese weightlifter)Jef Eygel (Belgian basketball player)Olusegun Obasanjo (former president of

Nigeria)Seriously, how long do you really own some-

thing special like this before someone swipes it? You put your mug down in the lunchroom, and it’s like leaving your Lexus running with the keys in it.

Here was another hint: a coffee mug deco-rated with the names of famous people who died on your birth date. What fun! I’m surprised Starbucks never thought of this. It seems taste-less, but it’s nothing compared to their scones. I checked the extensive list provided for March 5. The following people all bought the farm on my special day.  How festive that would look on my breakfast table next to the bottle of Lipitor.

Jay Silverheels (Tonto on the “Lone Ranger”)

Patsy Cline (country singer)William Powell (movie star)That list depressed me, so I thought I’d ask

them to add Joseph Stalin. I’m not sure when the Soviet dictator died, but no one is going to check and you do need something to brighten up the mug.

The other night we went to Cracker Barrel and I saw my wife eyeing one of those little books on the gift rack that features news and statistics about the year you were born. The top of the stand starts with 1985, and the years work their way down. By the time my wife reached my year, she was on her knees. There were a few books for older people even lower on the shelf.  Once the 4 p.m. dinner special was over, the floor was going to get very crowded.

So what did I get from my wife?  My favorite gift was the coffee mug that says:

I’M A SEXAGENARIANEvery morning when I have breakfast, I’m

going to read that phrase. It makes being 63 sound like a lot more fun than it really is.

Getting mugged on my birthday?

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at [email protected].

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28 | March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel

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CarmelkuCurrent Crossword Hoosier Hodgepodge

Solutions on page 30

Across1. Put an edge on, like an appetite5. Warp9. Indy’s “The CW” station13. IU Dental School gas: nitrous ___14. Oven at Creative Escape Pottery15. Tortoise racer16. Type of lemur at the Indianapolis Zoo18. Double-reed woodwind of the ISO19. Goes in20. Set down21. Indiana Beach roller coaster feature22. Colorado ski resort24. Hardly haute cuisine25. Carmel pet groomer: Platinum ___29. Got out of bed at Jameson Inn31. Unpaid debt at Indiana Mortgage Co.34. Subscribes to Indianapolis Monthly again38. Carmel autism group: ___ Star Center39. Intense angers41. James Cameron flick43. Type of gun at Conner Prairie (2 wds.)44. Take a dog home from the Hamilton Co. Humane Society46. Pacers player Murphy

47. Practice for the Indiana Golden Gloves50. Fills up53. Swindle54. Indy Youth Hockey: Pee ___ League55. Lilongwe is its capital60. DC Comics supervillianess61. Third person of the Trinity at Our Lady of Grace63. While lead-in64. 1/500 of the Indianapolis 50065. The Current and The Star, e.g.66. Indy’s PBS station67. Blurt68. Slangy assent

Down1. Indy’s FOX affiliate2. Help for the stumped (It starts with H.)3. Former Colts RB James, briefly4. PetSmart fish5. Go downhill at Paoli Peaks6. Indiana prisoner on death row, usually7. Local artist Wesch8. Indy’s Channel 239. Nick Nolte film: “___ Stop the Rain”10. It’s a no-no11. Westfield Brownies group12. Dan Quayle, e.g.13. Miner’s load

Build the words

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18

19 20 21

22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37

38 39 40

41 42 43

44 45 46

47 48 49 50 51 52

53 54 55 56 57 58 59

60 61 62

63 64 65

66 67 68

17. Long-eared beast23. Mas’ mates24. Barnes & Noble variety25. Indy cop’s grp. for kids26. Indianapolis Opera highlight27. “The Bachelor” airer in Indy28. ___ good example (2 wds.)30. Stitched at Carmel Tailoring32. Part of St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church

33. Go through volumes at the Hamilton East Public Library35. Direction of 116th Street in Fishers36. Indy station for Leno37. “Get outta here!”40. Indiana State Fair hog haven42. Perfume ingredient (2 wds.)43. Giant slugger Mel45. Dish at El Bodegon Tapas

47. Winter accessory from Claire’s Boutique48. Cerebral ___49. Valuable violin51. Type widths52. Insincerely emotional53. Indy restaurant: John’s Famous ___54. Formerly Channel 40, now on digital Channel 16 in Indy

56. Old Italian money57. Westfield HS geometry class calculation58. Indy station with the slogan “Your 24-Hour News Source”59. TGIF part62. “Are we there ___?”

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COMMENTaRYBy Randy Sorrell

Smart design is always critical, but it is especially critical when real estate is at a pre-mium. This curious 20’ x 32’ project squeezed behind our office on Range Line Road has fueled several redesigns. Balancing traffic flow and creating multiple living spaces were the pri-mary objectives, while taking into consideration a considerable drainage issue. 

Thoughtful privacy strategies were also neces-sary with neighbors in whispering distance. It resulted in an edgy outdoor living space we love and often use to entertain.

A custom cedar privacy panel at the end of the drive not only helps with privacy, but also serves to stimulate intrigue and causes visitors to lean around, anticipating the space where they are greeted by a nicely textured, multi-stem riverbirch. The two subtle rough-sawn cedar pergolas offer additional privacy, dappled shade and planting opportunities. A creamy blue slate transparent stain stimulates a definite sense of an outdoor room.

Stepping off the crushed stone drive and onto the rescued paver connection walk heightens the intrigue with textural differences. The curved path leads to both a rectangular deck off of the back door and the primary brick patio living space.

Our team installed Azek – a favorite virgin

synthetic decking material – on the slightly elevated structure and crafted a wrap bench for space-saving seating. The contrasting color on the deck and bench face suggests a modern touch on this 1950s house and calls attention to the single riser step. Nice, simple, clean and very usable.

My favorite part of the back yard is acces-sible through a functioning dry creek bed that accepts runoff during rains and empties into a sub-surface rain barrel we employ when it’s time to water the many cobalt-blue pots used for color and fragrance. The rippled brick patio easily houses a formal bench and a handful of tall bar stools. It’s enveloped by an 18” natural limestone

wall that retains the higher elevation and provides additional informal, yet painful, seating. A simple circulating antique bird bath attracts a gigabyte of birds and our occasional fox friend (have you seen him lately?).

Incredible outdoor living does not have to be complicated, vulgarly expensive or mammoth to change how you live, entertain and relax. It just has to be … yours. 

Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel home improvement firm. He may be reached at 317-679-2565, [email protected] or

A shining example of smart design – right in our back yard

Submitted Photo

This project off of Range Line Road has creatively combined privacy, intrigue and functionality.

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Dinner Dance & Silent Auction

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Social Hour 6-7pm

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Suggested attire is semi-formal


All proceeds help provide college scholarships for Westfield High School seniors and teachinggrants for classroom enrichment for students in all grade levels at Westfield Washington Schools.

For tickets, call the Education Foundation office 867-8085

Please, support local area non-profits with a donation of a

“Dreams Do Come True” live or silent auction item to be auctioned at this year’s

Mayor’s BallJanus Developmental Services, Inc.... is a non-profit organization with the mission of providing individuals living with disabilities the opportunity to become participating and contributing members of our community. We are one of three local area non-profit organizations that have been chosen as beneficiaries of this year’s Noblesville Mayor’s Ball. The other non-profit organizations benefiting from the ball are Promising Futures of Indiana formerly Hamilton Centers Youth Service Bureau, Inc. and the Noblesville Firefighter’s Food and Toy Drive. The theme for this year’s ball is “Dreams Do Come True in Noblesville”. It is only through the generous support of community members that such an event can be successful. Make dreams come true by giving to the heart our community. With over 500 citizens attending this event, we are honored to have the opportunity to recognize your commitment to the community and those living within it. To be included in the program, please contact Teresa Steege by April 30, 2010.

Items that could be raffled include gift certificates, themed baskets, autographed sports memorabilia, spa packages, and theater tickets, etc.

To donate a live or silent auction item, please contact Teresa Steege, Vice President of Operations at Janus Developmental Services, Inc.

317-773-8781 ext. 120 or e-mail at [email protected]

Page 32: March 16, 2010

32 | March 16, 2010 Current in Carmel

Make It Fit NowNow is when nutrition, activity and good habits can fit into your daily routine. No schedule is too busy to improve your wellness, and with the support of Clarian North Medical Center and the cities of Carmel and Westfield, you can access the resources you need to achieve a healthier lifestyle. The Make It Fit Now wellness challenge is underway, offering participants a progressive, 12-week plan in addition to screenings, educational opportunities, key health resources, classes, seminars and other free health events. Participants receive free health journals at our events to keep them motivated. Join the challenge by registering online at

Would you like to learn more?

Injury prevention in the “mature” athleteMONDAY, MARCH 22, 6:00 P.M.Clarian North Medical CenterLearning Center – Rooms C & D11700 North Meridian Street, CarmelDr. Pete Sallay will focus on injury prevention strategies for the common sports related injuries observed in the over 35 age group. Brief highlights include conditioning, hydration, warm-up, flexibility, strength training, equipment, professional lessons, and activity modulation.

Parents: Sports Safety and the Young AthleteMONDAY, MARCH 22, 6:00 P.M.Clarian North Medical CenterLearning Center – Room B11700 North Meridian Street, CarmelThe Baby Squad offers this “time out” presentation especially to parents with young athletes. Keep your child in the game by learning about injury risks commonly seen in the child athlete and the best safety tips to keep them injury-free in a variety of sports.

Space is limited, so RSVP now at