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  • 8/4/2019 Manual Reebok


    Reeltok(RQUIGK STARTWet the rubber part of the backside of the chest transmitter.This will ensure a proper signal.

    Once you are wearing the chest transmitter press and holdthe lower left hand button for 3 seconds. You will now seeyour heart rate.

  • 8/4/2019 Manual Reebok


  • 8/4/2019 Manual Reebok



    IntroductionKey features..................

    Watch .......................

    HEART RATE MONITORModel: PRECISION TRAINER XTUSER MANUALCalculating maximum / lower / upperheart rate |imit................................................. 6Running the intelligent training program ......... 6

    Chrono mode (stopwatch) ................................. TSetting the stopwatchRunning the stopwatch

    Heart rate a|ert ..................Viewing data while training in timeror chrono mode .....................Viewing records after training in timeror chrono modeSaving records ..........Memory mode ...........Keypad toneBack|i9ht....................Training tipsCare instructions ................SpecificationsWarnings


    Getting startedReplacing the watch or heart ratetransmitter battery ...............Wearing the heart rate transmitter belt ......Strapping the watch on bike or exercisemacnrneTransmission signal ................

    Switching between mian modesTime modeSetting the time...........

    Selecting time zone ....Alarm mode

    LCD Display .....2.....3.....3.....3..,..3.....3.....4.....4

    . . ' ' . . . . . ' . . . . . . ' ' ' . . ' ' . . . . , ' ' 4

    .............................. 4

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


    ,'''....' 8.........8..,'''''' 9......... I.........9.........9.......10. ....10

    Setting the alarm ..............,,Turning the alarm sound off...............Activating / deactivating the alarm .....

    User modeSetting the user profile.........Activity level (0-2) ................................,...,...... sView fitness index ....................,...................... 5

    Timer mode (intelligent training program) ....... 5Setting the intelligent training program ...........5



    Training intensity level (1-3) .......... ...6

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    5. -Q : Turn on backlight for 3 seconds.Dear Customer,We hope you enjoy using your new HEART RATEMONITOR PRECISION TRAINER XT,In this box, you will find:' Watch' Heart rate transmitter belt. l\4ounting bracket' 2 x CR2032 lithium batteries - already installed,one in the watch and another in the heart ratetransmitter beltPlea'ie read the operating instructions carefully toavoid damaging the device and to prevent it frommalfunctioning.

    1. MEM / - : Display training records; decreasesetting value.2. LCD screen3. MODE: Switch to another disPlaY.4. ST / SP / + : Start / stop timer: increase settingvalue.

    6. SET: Enter setting mode; select another settingoption; display different information duringtraining.s

    1. e: Stoowatch mode2. I :Timer mode3. N: Battery status4. Large display: Shows - current time / alarmtime / zone time / menu items / heart rate5. Small display: Shows - date / mode / stopwatch /sub-menu items6. llI|ll: Displays text or % maximum heart rate7. (!D: Heart rate icon8. $: Kevoad tone is oFF9. li :Ataim mode10. 72 : Time zone two11. avg '. Average heart rate display12. kcal: Calorie consumption display13. tq,lll : Body weight unit14. MAx : Maximum heart rate display




    tiii! itii! i#ii ili:i il!]!-

  • 8/4/2019 Manual Reebok



    '1. Use a coin to open or close the batterycompartment at the back of the watch or hearlrate transmitter.2. Replace the old battery with a new one, with the+ side facing upwards.

    l! means the battery is low.lttiFiiirnr'!,r.' All batteries must be disposed of properly.' Keep batteries and the article away from infants.' The batteries supplied must not be recharged,reactivated by any other means, dismantled, putinto fire or short-circuited.:,.,,.,:t: :.,::,,...,-:--r:..ri.:.,. . .::t:,:. .t:,..r:t.:r.ri,: .L'..The heart rate transmitter is used to count yourheartbeat and transmit the data to the watch. lfthe watch is kept idle without receiving a heart ratesignal for 5 minutes, the heart rate receiver will turnoff.1 . Wet the conductive pads on the underside of thetransmitter.2. Strap the belt across your chesl.3. To ensure an accurate heart rate signal, adjust

    the lransmitter so that it falls above your heart.iii!:Avoid areas wilh dense chest hair.In dry, cold climates, it may take several minutesfor the transmitter to function steadily. This isnormal and should improve with several minutesof exercise.

    :::l:You can wear the watch on your wrist or strap it on abike or exercise machine with a mounting bracket.1. Clip the mounting bracket onto the handlebar ofthe bike or exercise machine.2. Thread the tie through the holes of the mountingbracket.3. Then thread one end of the tie through the holeof the other end of the tje and pull it tight tosecure the mounting bracket.4. You can now strap the watch onto the mountlng


    The heart rate transmitter and watch have amaximum transmisslon range of about 62.5cenlimetres (25 inches). t flashes when the watchis receiving a signal from the transmitter. lf the watchis kept idle without receiving a heart rate signal for 5minutes, the heart rate receiver will turn off.lf the signal is weak - the watch heart rate monitorwill only show "0":' Shorten the distance belween the heart ratetransmitter and watch.' Re-adjust the position of the heart ratetransmilter.' Check whether the conductive pads are moistenough to ensure soiid contacl.' Check the batteries. lf they are low or exhausted,the range may be ts,ll}iit Signal interference in the environmentcan be due to electromagnetic disturbances. Thesemay occur near high vollage power lines, trafficlights, overhead lines of electric railways, electricbus lines or trams, televisions, car motors, bikecomputers, some molor driven exercise equipment,

  • 8/4/2019 Manual Reebok


    cellular phones or when you walk through electricsecurity gates.

    There are 6 main modes: TIME, ALARM, USER'TIMER, CHRONO and MEMORY. Press MODE toswitch between the main modes.;Sg Vou cannot run the Timer or Stopwatch(Chrono) at the same time. lf you have been usingthe Timer and do not reset after use, you will not beable to run the Stopwatch and vice-versa.

    1. Press MODE to switch to Time mode.2. Press and hold SET until the first setting flashes.3. Press ST / SP i + or MEM / - to change thesetting. Press SET to confirm the setting andmove on to set the next one.4. The setting sequence is: 12 | 24 hour format,hour, minute, second, date format, year' monthand date.5. Press MODE to exit any time or after completingseillng.m*H ft'" clock is programmed with a sO-yearauto-calendar, which means you do not need toreset the days of the week and dates each month

    There are 2 time zones, the '1st time zone is usuallyused to display the current time / date and the 2ndtime zone is indicated as "T2" on the top right-handcorner.1 . Press ST i SP / + in Time mode to select the 1stor 2nd time zone.

    2. To permanently set to a time zone, select thetime zone then press and hold ST / SP / + for 5seconds.3. To set the time / date of the permanent timezone, refer to "Setting the Time" section.

    1. Press MODE to switch to Alarm mode.2. Press and hold SET until the first setting flashes.3. Press ST / SP / + or MEM / - to change thesetting. Press SET to confirm the setting andmove on to set the next one.4. The setting sequence is: hour and minute.5. Press MODE to exit any time or after completingsetting.

    Press any key to turn the alarm sound off. The alarmwill automatically reset itself unless you deactivatetr. ''- ;1. Press MODE to switch to Alarm mode.2. Press ST / SP / + to activate or deactivate thealarm. |} appears when the alarm is activated.


    Press MODE to switch to User mode.Press and hold SET until the first setting flashes.Press ST / SP / + or MEM / - to change thesetting. Press SET to confirm the setting andmove on to set the next one.

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    4. The setting sequence is: gender, age, MHR(l\4aximum Heart Rate), unit for weight, weight,unit for height, height and activity levet (0-2).5. Press MODE to exit any time or after completingsetting.You can browse and adjust your user profile anytime. To browse, press MEM / - in User mode.$6tl ff the gender or age is set, the MaximumHeart Rate will be updated, as \^iill the upper andlower limit for the target zone of both Timer andStopwatch (Chrono) mode.The activity level is your own self-assessment of lheamount of exercise you regularly perform.

    l::,::, .::,l,.:,:.:l ..i::,:::::i iii:i:li:i:ililili'Your watch generates a fitness index based onyour aerobic fitness. This index is measured by thebody's ability to deliver oxygen to the muscles intraining. The higher the index, the fitter you are. Thetables below show a rough guide as to what yourfitness index means:

    . . . , , . : - " i .. . - - . . . . . . , . . . , - , , . : : i , : . : : , r : : : - l . t ;l . , , . - . i . . ,The intelligent training program enables you tocomplete exercise cycles effectively. Once you have

    entered your user profile and selecled the trainingintensity level, the program will monitor your heartrate, and allow you to check the calories consumedand the percentage of fat burned.,iiQ1- Vou cannot use the intelligent trainingprogram if you are running the Stopwatch.1. Press MODE to switch to Timer mode.2. Pressand hold SETuntilthefirstsettingflashes.3. Press ST / SP / + or MEM / - to change thesetling. Press SET to confirm the setting andmove on to set the next one.The setting sequence is: training intensity level,lower and upper heart rate limit, alert ON / OFF,target calorie value, target calorie alert ON /OFF, timer hour, timer minute. timer second and

    warm-up time (0-10 mins).Press MODE to exit any time or after complelingsetting.

    Low - You do not usually exerciseMedium - You engage in modestphysical activity 2-3 times a week,totalling t hour per week.High - You regularly participate inheavy physical exercise orvigorous aerobic exercjse.

  • 8/4/2019 Manual Reebok



    Maintenance60-70% This is the lowest

    training intensity level.It is good for beginnersand those who want tostrengthen their car-diovascular systems.2 AerobicExercise 70-80% Increases strength andendurance. lt workswilhin the body's oxy-

    gen intake capability,burns more calories,and can be maintainedfor a long period oftrme.

    AnaeToolcExercise J0-90% Generates speed andpower. lt works at orabove the body'soxygen intakecapability, buildsmuscle, and cannot bemaintained for a longperiod of time.

    MHRMale MHR220 - ageFemale l\.4HR

    UPPER LIMITMHR x uppertarget activity %activity is 0Upper Limit =MHR x 70%)

    N4HR = l\4aximum Heart Rate'''.:.: : .:. -,,:. ...,., :-.t:i,,,.r.......,,,, ...- , . :.,,.:.Before you begin any exercise program andto achieve maximum health benefits from yourworkout, it is important to know your Maximum HeartRate, lower and upper heart rate limrt. To manuallycalculate your own heart rate limits. follow theformula below:

    !$Q!E The intelligent training program will automati-cally set your Maximum Heart Rate, lower and upperheart rate l;mit once you entered your user profileand selected the training intensity level. However,you can still change your upper and lower heart ratelimit if the automatic setting does not suit you.: .. .:-,.,.,..,,..,r,, . ,. .. - ', ::::il::After setting the intelligent training program, youcan now run it for training. Press MODE to switchto Timer mode and you can perform the followingfunctions:

    ii Eit I appears when you are in Timer mode, orwhen Timer is running. At the end of each timercountdown you will hear 2 beeps.,ilifi* tne calories and fat burned wrll not be count-ed during the warm-up. When the target calorievalue is reached an alen will sound and the targetcalorie amount will be displayed for 5 seconds.

    Press ST / SP / +Stop the Timer first thenpress and hold SET. TheTimer will automaticallyre-start from the warm-up

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    iiii yo, cannot use the Stopwatch if you arerunning the intelligent training program.

    The Stopwatch is useful when you are unsure howlong your activity will lake, or when you want tomeasure the time it takes to complete a task andyour performance over that time.1. Press MODE to switch to Stopwatch mode.2. Press and hold SET until the first setting flashes.3. Press ST / SP / + or MEM / - to change thesetting. Press SET to confirm the setting andmove on to set the next one.4. The setting sequence is: training intensrty level,lower and upper heart rate limit, alert ON / OFF,target calorie value, target calorie alert ON i OFFand warm-up time (0-10 mins).5. Press MODE to exit any time or after completjngsettrng.Xdii*-o get the most out of your Stopwatch, youmust complete your user profile. lf you have notcompleted the user profile you wrll be unable to usethe calorie and fat burn function.r'_,'".-.' r

    ,'After setting the Stopwatch, you can now run it fortraining. Press MODE to switch to Chrono mode andyou can perform the following functions:

    TASK ACTIONStart / pause i Press ST i SP / +.resume

    Press and hold SET.When you reset theStopwatch, it will automaticallyre-start from the warm-upsetting.

    Skip warm-up Press MEM / -,&(i! fne catories and fat burned wiil not becounted during the warm-up. 2 beeps will be heardat the end of the warm-up session.ii$!.$:ft'e Stopwatch begins measurement in min:sec:'ll'l00 sec. After 59 minutes, the disolav willchange to hrs:min:sec.$i.@ Vou cannot use the intelligent trainingprogram if you are running the Stopwatch.,We upp""rs when you are in Stopwatch mode,or when StoDwatch is runnino.When the heart rate alert is activated, a sound alert(every 6 seconds), and flashing heart rate readingwith up / down arrow will appear on the display toshow which heart rate limit you have surpassed.:&qg ( ,J witt ftash when you exceed your upperor lower heart rate limlt.

    When the heart rate alert is activated, a sound alerl(every 6 seconds), and flashing heart rate readingwith up / down arrow will appear on the display toshow whrch heart rate limit you have surpassed.

    Stop / clearStopwatch

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    When the intelligent trainrng program or Stopwatchtraining has been paused or compleled, pressMEM / - to view the following records:AVGTRAINING TIMEMAX HRFAT BURNEDCALORIES% MHRAVG HRINZONE TIME(time spentwithout exceedingyour upper orlower HR limit)

    AVG HRBELOW ZONETIME(time spentexceedingyour towerHR limit)AVG HRABOVE ZONETIME(time spentyour upperHR limit)

    HR = Heart Rate

    When you reset the intelligent training program orStopwatch, the watch will automatically save thetime and date of your training session. averageheart rate, exercise time, maximum heart rate, andfat and calories burned.lf the memory is full, the display will show "FULLMEI\4ORY'. Press ST / SP / + or MEM i - to selectwhether or not to delete scTeens. Press SET$i$ rne memory works on a first in, first outbasis. For example, the oldest memory (ie no.1)will be deleted and the latest memory will becomerecord no.20.The watch automatically records the Timer andStopwatch training sessions and stores up to 20sessions.

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    ::ae:::::'To view memory records:' Press MODE to switch lo l\,4emory mode. Thetotal calorie and fat burned will be displayed. Youcan delete this display by pressing and holdingSET,. Press ST / SP / + to view the nexl memory record(ie lVElV.1, N/EM.2 etc).' Press MEM / - to toggle between memorydisplays in a memory record.To delete memory records:1. Press ST / SP / + to select the memory record.2. Press and hold SET to confirm to delete.3. Press MODE to exit.

    To turn on or off the keypad tone, press MEM / -in Time mode. $ appears when the keypad toneis off.

    To turn the backlight on for 3 seconds, press .g. .:tltiili L" backlight will not work when the towbattery icon is shown.To gain the maximum benefit from your trainingprogram, and to ensure that you exercise safely,please observe the following guidelines:' Start with a well-defined training goal.' Select a training activity you en.ioy, and vary yourtraining activities to exercise different musclegrou ps.. Start slowly, and then gradually step up yourwork out as you become fitter. Exerciseregularly. Torfnaintain a healthy cardio-vascularsystem, 20-30 minutes three times a week isrecommen0ed.

    ' Always allow at least five minutes before andafter exercising for warm-up and cool-down.' Measure your pulse after training. Then repeatthe procedure again after three minutes. lf itdoes not return to its normal resting rate, youmay have trained too hard' Always check with your doctor before starting avigorous training program.To ensure you receive the maximum benefit fromusing this product, please observe the followingguidelines:' Clean the watch and belt thoroughly after eachtraining session. Never store the products whenwet. Use a soft, slightly moistened cloth. Do notuse in hot water. Do not use chemicals. abrasiveor corrosive cleaning agents.' Do not bend or stretch the transmitter part of thebelt.' Do not subject the product to excessive impact,

    force, shock, dusl, temperature changes, orhumidity. Never expose the product to directsunlight for extended periods. Such treatmentmay result in malfunction.' Do not tamper with the internal components.Doing so will terminate the product warranty andmay cause damage. The main unit contains nouser-serviceable parts.' Do nol scratch hard objects against the LCDdisplay.' The watch is water-resistant up to 30 metres.The belt is splash oroof and should not be wornfor underwater activities.' Remove the batteries whenever you areplanning to store the product for a long period oftime. Take precautions when handling all batterylypes.' When replacing batteries, use new batteries asspecified in lhis user manual.

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    DESCRIPTION To ensure you use your product correclly and safely,read these warnings and the entire user manualbefore using the product. The warnings given hereprovide important safety information and should beobserved at all times.The use of the watch is for sport purposesonly and it is not meant to replace any medicaladvtce.The product is a precision instrument. Neverattempt to take this device apart. Contact theretailer or our customer service department if theproduct requires servicing.Check all major functions tf the device has notbeen used for a long time. Maintain regularinternal testing and cleaning of your device.Have your watch serviced by an approvedservice centre annually.Avoid pressing the keys with wet fingers. Do nottouch the exposed electronic circuitry. There is adanger of electric shock.Do not use the belt in aircrafts or hosoitals.The use of radio frequency products can causemalfunctions in the control devices of otherequipment.When disposing of this product, do so inaccordance with your local waste disposalregulations.



    Upper HR 80-240 bpm (beats per minute)


  • 8/4/2019 Manual Reebok
