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Manual do Estudante Pró-Reitoria de Extensão

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Manual do estudante UFMG


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1Manual do estudante

Pró-Reitoriade Extensão


Manual do EstudantePró-Reitoria de Extensão

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Manual do EstudantePró-Reitoria de Extensão

Julho 2012

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Pró-Reitoria de Extensão

S u m á r i o

1 OqueéextensãOuniversitária........................................................ 61.1 COnCepçãO1.2 OFórumdepró-reitOresdeextensãOdasinstituiçõespúbliCasde


1.3 aextensãOnauFmG1.4 prinCípiOsediretrizesdaextensãO1.5 açõesdeextensãO1.6 publiCaçõeseOutrOsprOdutOsaCadêmiCOs1.7 áreastemátiCas1.8 linhasdeextensãO

2 sistemadeinFOrmaçãOdaextensãO–siex/uFmG........................ 11

3 estruturadeGestãOdaextensãOnauFmG................................. 113.1 aOrGanizaçãOdaextensãOnauFmG3.2 aestruturadapró-reitOriadeextensãO–prOex/uFmG

3.3 CentrOsdeextensãO–Cenex

4 FOmentOàextensãO........................................................................ 174.1 prOGramadebOlsasdeextensãO(pbext)4.2 prOGramainteGradOdeapOiOaeventOs(paie)

4.3 editaisdeFOmentOexternO

5 OsalunOseaextensãO................................................................... 185.1 partiCipaçãOnasaçõesdeextensãOnauFmG5.2 respOnsabilidadesdOsalunOsnasaçõesdeextensãO5.3 termOdeCOmprOmissO5.4 bOlsasdeextensãO5.5 deClaraçãOdapartiCipaçãOemaçõesdeextensãO5.6 CreditaçãOCurriCularpelapartiCipaçãOdOsalunOsemaçõesde

extensãO5.7 inFOrmaçõessObreasaçõesdeextensãOdesenvOlvidasnauFmG

CentrOsdeextensãOnauFmG............................................................ 21

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Manual do estudante

C o n t e n t s

1 What is univERsity ExtEnsion .....................................................................61.1 Concept1.2 the vice-President for Extension of Brazilian Public institutions of higher Education

Forum – FoRPRoEx – and the national Policy of university Extension.1.3 Extension at uFMG1.4 Principles and guidelines of university extension1.5 Extension activities1.6 Publications and other academic productions1.7 thematic areas1.8 Lines of extension

2. inFoRMation systEM FoR univERsity ExtEnsion - siEx/uFMG .................11

3 stRuCtuRE oF ExtEnsion ManaGEMEnt at uFMG ...................................113.1 the organization of extension at uFMG3.2 the structure of the vice-Presidency for Extension – PRoEx uFMG3.3 Extension Centers - Cenex

4 FundinG FoR ExtEnsion aCtivitiEs ...............................................................174.1 Extension scholarship Program (Pbext)4.2 integrated Programs for support of Events4.3 External calls for funding application for the development of extension

5 studEnts and ExtEnsion ........................................................................185.1 Participation in extension activities at uFMG5.2 Responsibilities of students in extension activities:5.3 Commitment terms5.4 Extension scholarships5.5 declaration of participation in extension activities5.6 Curriculum accreditation for student participation in extension activities 5.7 information on the extension activities developed at uFMG

ExtEnsion CEntERs at uFMG .........................................................................21

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6 Pró-Reitoria de Extensão

1 O q u e é E x t e n s ã oU n i v e r s i t á r i a

1.1 ConCepção

“aextensãouniversitária,soboprincípioconstitucionaldein-dissociabilidadeentreensino,pesquisaeextensão,éumpro-cesso interdisciplinar educativo, cultural, científico e políticoquepromoveainteraçãotransformadoraentreuniversidadeeoutrossetoresdasociedade”(Fórumdepró-reitoresdeexten-sãodasuniversidadespúblicasbrasileiras,2010).


1.2 o Fórum de pró-reitores de extensão das instituições públiCas de eduCação superior brasileiras – Forproex – e a polítiCa naCional de extensão universitária


1.3 a extensão na uFmG



1 Whatisuniversityextension

1.1 Concept

“university extension, under the consti-tutional principle of the inseparability be-tween teaching, research and extension, is an interdisciplinary educational, cultural, sci-entific and political process which promotes the transforming interaction between uni-versities and other sectors of society” (FoR-PRoEx)

From this perspective extension is, along with teaching and research, one of the es-sential dimensions of the academic activity.

1.2 TheVice-PresidentforExtensionofBrazilianPublicInstitutionsofHigherEducationForum–FORPROEX–andtheNationalPolicyofUniversityExtension.

the FoRPRoEx, created in 1984, is an or-ganization dedicated to the definition and articulation of academic policies for exten-sion, committed to social transformation towards the full exercise of citizenship and the strengthening of democracy.


as provided in the Rules of uFMG:

Art. 83 – Extension, an academic ac-tivity identified with the goals of the university, is an educational, cultural and scientific process, inseparably ar-ticulated with research and teaching, broadening the relationship between university and society.

Sole paragraph – Extension activities take place in the form of programs, projects, courses, services, advising and consulting in the areas of science, tech-nology, arts and culture.

Art. 84 – the different academic units and other academic organs are in charge of the extension activities, and are responsible for the integration of their work plans.

Projeto de Extensão Brinquedoteca Hospitalar Unidade: Faculdade de Medicina

Coordenador: Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira






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7Manual do estudante

parágrafoúnico -asatividadesdeextensãosedãosobaformadeprogramas,projetos,cursos,prestaçãodeservi-ços,assessoriaseconsultorias,nasáreastécnica,científica,artísticaecultural.

art.84-asatividadesdeextensãoficarãoacargodasuni-dades e seus departamentos, ou outros órgãos, devendointegrarosrespectivosplanosdetrabalho.

1.4 prinCípios e diretrizes da extensão

• Indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa eextensão: reafirma a extensão como processo acadê-mico,vinculadoàformaçãodepessoaseàgeraçãodeconhecimentos, tendo o aluno como protagonista desua formação mediante a obtenção de competênciasnecessáriasàatuaçãoprofissionaleàformaçãocidadã.na aplicação dessa diretriz abre-se a possibilidade dacreditaçãocurricularpelaparticipaçãodoestudanteematividadesdeextensão.

• Interdisciplinaridade:caracterizadapelainteraçãodemodelos, conceitos e metodologias, buscando consis-tência teórica e operacional que estruture o trabalhodosatoresnoprocessosocialconduzindoaumanovainterinstitucionalidade,baseadanainter-relaçãodeór-gãos,programas,políticas,processoseindivíduos

• Impacto e transformação: estabelecimento de umarelação entre a universidade e outros setores dasociedade,comvistasaumaatuaçãotransformadora,voltada para os interesses e necessidades da maioriada população. visa à superação das desigualdades eda exclusão social, comprometendo-se com políticaspúblicasecomodesenvolvimentosolidário,democrá-ticoesustentável.

1.4 Principlesandguidelinesofuniversityextension

•Inseparability of teaching, researchand extension: this principle reaffirms the concept of extension as an academic process, in which every extension activity must be linked to the formation of indi-viduals and the generation of knowledge, having the student as the protagonist of his/her own education by obtaining the skills and competencies necessary for professional practice and civic education. this guideline permits curriculum accred-itation for the student’s participation in extension activities.

•Interdisciplinarity: characterized by the interaction of models, concepts and methodologies, seeking theoretical and operational consistency which struc-tures the work of the authors in the so-cial process, and which leads to a new inter-institutionality, based on the inter-relation between programs, policies, or-gans, processes and individuals.

• impact and transformation: establishment of a relationship between the university and other sectors of society, aiming at a transforming activity, focused on the in-terests and needs of the majority of the population. it aims at overcoming social inequalities and social exclusion, engaging with public policies and with democratic and sustainable development.

Curso Intensivo de Preparação de Mão-de-Obra Industrial (CIPMOI)

Unidade: Escola de EngenhariaCoordenador: Aldo Giuntini de







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8 Pró-Reitoria de Extensão

• Impactosobreaformaçãodiscente:asatividadesdeex-tensão,indissociáveisdoensinoedapesquisa,constituemdecisivosaportesàformaçãodiscentesejapelaampliaçãodouniversode referênciaqueensejam,sejapeloconta-todiretocomasgrandesquestõescontemporâneasquepossibilitam enriquecimento da experiência discente emtermos teóricos e metodológicos, ao mesmo tempo emquereafirmaoscompromissoséticosesolidáriosdauni-versidade.

• Interaçãodialógica:desenvolvimentoderelaçõesentreauniversidadeesetoressociaisapartirdodiálogo,daaçãodemão-dupla,datrocadesaberesedasuperaçãodoex-clusivismoacadêmico,peloreconhecimentodalegitimida-dedosmovimentossociais.

1.5 ações de extensão

as ações de extensão classificadas em programas, projetos,Cursos,eventoseprestaçãodeserviços,recebemasseguintesdefinições:



• impact on student education: extension activities, being inseparable from research and teaching, are critical contributions to student education, either by broadening the universe of reference they give rise to, or by direct contact with the major con-temporary issues that enable enrichment of student’s experience in theoretical and methodological areas, while reaffirming the ethical and supportive commitments of the university.

•Dialogical interaction: development of relations between the university and sec-tors of society based on dialogue, two-way activities, exchange of knowledge and the overcoming of academic exclu-sivism in recognizing the legitimacy of social movements.


the extension activities, classified as Pro-grams, Projects, Courses, Events, services, are rendered the following definitions:


articulated set of projects and other exten-sion activities (courses, events, services), of educational, social, cultural, scientific or tech-nological character, developed in a continu-ous manner, integrating research and teach-ing. it is endowed with a methodology that articulates the various related activities in or-der to comply with extension guidelines and manage them through a common axis, con-stituted by an audience, a theme, a line of extension or a geographic region.


activity of educational, social, cultural, scien-tific or technological character, with focused goals that integrate research and teaching. it must comply with extension guidelines, and it may encompass, in a connected manner, courses, events and services.

II Colônia de Férias da UFMG Unidade: Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia e Terapia OcupacionalCoordenador Sílvio Ricardo da Silva





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1.6 publiCações e outros produtos aCadêmiCos



Pedagogical activity of theoretical and/or practical character, be it classroom or dis-tance learning, planned and organized in a systematic way, with a minimum workload of eight hours, and with defined criteria for evaluation and certification, complying with extension guidelines.


activity that involves the presentation and/or exhibit, open to the public at large or to a spe-cific audience, of the knowledge produced or the cultural, artistic, sporting, scientific or technological products that were developed, preserved or recognized by the university, complying with extension guidelines.


it is the study of problems and trouble-shooting in the social or professional are-as, such as the development of new peda-gogical and research approaches, with the transfer of knowledge and technologies to society by faculty/staff technicians, and with the guided participation of students and other parties committed to the politi-cal and academic project of the university.

1.6 Publicationsandotheracademicproductions

Extension products consist of publications and products of social, cultural, scientific of technological character, published and dis-seminated to society. the list of extension products can be accessed in the Manual of the information system for university Exten-sion (siex/uFMG) at

Concerto de Natal no Conservatório UFMGApresentação do Coro Carlos Alberto Pinto Fonseca e da Orquestra de Câmara Sesiminas A


vo d

o C




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10 Pró-Reitoria de Extensão

1.7 áreas temátiCas


todasasaçõesdeextensãodevemserclassificadasporáreatemática, segundooobjetoou temaenfocadopelaação,esãoclassificadasemnoveáreastemáticas:

• Comunicação

• Cultura

• direitoshumanoseJustiça

• educação

• meioambiente

• saúde

• tecnologiaeprodução

• trabalho

• institucionalizaçãodaextensão

1.8 linhas de extensão




the thematic areas guide the systematiza-tion of extension activities, organizing them in according to the needs of society. all ex-tension activity must be classified by sub-ject area, according the object or theme on which such activity focuses, and are thus classified in nine thematic areas:

• Communication

• Culture

• Justiceandhumanrights

• Education

• Environment

• Health

• Technologyandproduction

• Labor

• Institutionalizingofextension


the lines of extension specify and detail the themes for the nucleation of extension activities, not being necessarily linked to a particular thematic area.

the purpose of classification into lines of extension is the systematization of activi-ties, in a way that favors the studies and reports on the production of university ex-tension. it also allows the articulation of

individuals or groups working within the same line, thus having special im-portance for the construction of pro-grams. the extension activities can be classified into 53 lines of extension (in order to see the list and descriptions of these lines, access the siex Manual at

Projeto de Extensão Atendimento Odontológico ao Portador de Necessidades Especiais Unidade: Faculdade de Odontologia Lia Silva de CastilhoVera Lúcia Silva Resende






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linha.dessemodo,temespecialimportânciaparaaconstru-çãodeprogramas.asaçõesdeextensãopodemserclassifi-cadasem53 linhasdeextensão (para conhecer a relaçãoedescriçãodessas linhas,veromanualdosiexdisponívelem

2 S i s t e m a d e I n f o r m a ç ã od a E x t e n s ã o – S i e x / U F M G

O siex é o sistema de dados e informação da extensão dauFmG.éumsistemaemredequepermiteoregistro,arma-zenamentoepublicaçãodosdadosdosprogramas,projetos,cursos,eventos,prestaçãodeserviçoseproduçõesdaexten-sãodauFmG.


3 E s t r u t u r a d e g e s t ã o d ae x t e n s ã o n a U F M G

3.1 a orGanização da extensão na uFmG




Cabeàpró-reitoriadeextensão(proex),emcolabo-raçãocomosCentrosdeextensão(Cenex),coorde-nar, induzirearticularaçõesdeextensão,asquaisocorremnoâmbitodasunidadesacadêmicas.exis-tem,nauFmG,29Cenexsendoessencialaperma-nenteesistemáticainteraçãoentreeleseaproex.


siex is the database and information sys-tem for university extension at uFMG. it is a network system that allows the registry, storage and publication of data from the programs, projects, courses, events, servic-es and productions of extension at uFMG.

Queries to this database are open to the public, without prior registration, access code or password. it can be accessed at

3 StructureofextensionmanagementatUFMG



the Extension Chamber is the collegiate re-sponsible for monitoring the implementa-tion of general extension policies, defined by the Board of Education, Research and Extension (Conselho de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão - CEPE), and under the responsi-bility of the vice-Presidency for Extension.

43º Festival de Inverno da UFMG Apresentação Os Amantes de Sherazade




m 1




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12 Pró-Reitoria de Extensão

3.2 a estrutura da pró-reitoria de extensão – proex/uFmG






vinculada à administração central da proex está a rede demuseuseespaçosdeCiênciaeCulturadauFmG.Criadaem2000,procurasomaresforçoseotimizarrecursosparaode-senvolvimentodeaçõesconjuntaseapoioaosseusdiversosespaçosintegrantes.atualmente,aredeéformadapelosse-guintesespaços:




it is up to the vice-Presidency for Extension (PRoEx), in collaboration with the Centers for Extension (CEn-Ex), to coordinate, lead and articu-late the extension activities which take place within the academic units. there are, at uFMG, 29 CEn-Ex and it is of essential importance that they permanently and system-atically interact with each other and with PRoEx.


aiming at the development, monitoring, evaluation, coordination and dissemination of the extension activities of the university, which are developed within their academic units, the vice-Presidency for Extension has the following organizational structure:


1. vice-President and adjunct vice-President

2. office of the vice-Presidency

3. secretary General for the vice-Presidency

Linked to PRoEx’s central administration is the uFMG Museum network. Founded in 2000, they seek to join efforts and optimize resources for the development of joint ac-tivities and support to its various member units. Currently, the network consists of the following members:

a) Morphological sciences Museum, natu-ral history Museum, Botanical Garden and school of architecture Museum;

b) Memoir Centers: school of Medicine Memoir Center, odontology school Mem-oir Center, school of veterinary Medicine Memoir Center, school of nursing Mem-oir Center, school of Engineering Memoir Center, Physical Education Memoir Center, Physical therapy and occupational therapy Memoir Center, and school of Pharmacy Memoir Center.

GEMTI: Grupo de Estudantes que Multiplicam e Transformam Ideias

Unidade: Instituto de Ciências BiológicasCoordenadora:Maria Norma Melo






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O museu guarda um importante tesouro da arte popu-lar:opresépiodopipiripau.eletambémabrigaexposiçõespermanentesdearqueologia,mineralogia,paleontologia,Físicaequímica,alémdasexposiçõestemporáriasquesãorenovadasacadaestaçãodoano,comoobjetivodesem-pre trazernovidadesaosvisitantes.Omuseuatendeaosestudantesdaredepública,particularedemaisinstituiçõesdeensinoeaopúblicoemgeral,pormeiodevisitações,oficinasformativaseoutrosprojetos.



adpetemcomoatribuiçõesofomento,agestão,omoni-toramentoeaavaliaçãodasaçõesdeextensãodauFmG.para efetivação de suas atribuições, atua na articulaçãocomasdemaispró-reitoriasacadêmicasvisandoaintegra-ção entre as atividades de extensão, ensino e pesquisa ebuscandoefetivaarticulaçãocomosCenex.

c) Reference Center for historical Cartogra-phy and Eschwege Center for Geology;

d) Ecological station;

e) Cultural Center, and Laboratory for Mu-seum and Education studies (Laboratório de Estudos em Museus e Educação - LEME);

f) tiM uFMG Knowledge Center

g) the Museum holds an important treasure of folk art: the Pipiripau nativity (Presépio do Pipiripau). it also houses permanent ex-hibits of archeology, Mineralogy, Paleontol-ogy, Physics and Chemistry, in addition to the temporary exhibits which are renewed every season, in order to always bring some-thing new to the audience. the Museum caters to students from public and private schools, other educational institutions and the general public, through visitations, workshops and other projects.



the dPE has, as its assignments, the de-velopment, management, monitoring and evaluation of extension activities at uFMG. For the execution of its duties, it acts in conjunction with all the other academic vice-Presidencies to integrate between ex-

tension, research and teaching activities, and seeking effective articulation with the various CEnEx.

this Board houses:

a) Coordination office for Ex-tension Evaluation (Caext) - its function is to evaluate and monitor the extension ac-tivities, contributing to the management of extension at uFMG. it includes the manage-ment of siex;

b) Coordination office for Ex-tension Management (CGE) - its function is to implement policies to support extension activities at uFMG. it includes

I Colônia de Férias do Museu de História Natural e

Jardim Botânico da UFMG

Marcela Káritas.

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14 Pró-Reitoria de Extensão



b) Coordenadoria de Gestão de extensão (CGe) – temcomofunçãoimplementaraspolíticasdeapoioàsaçõesdeextensãonauFmG.incluioapoioaosCenexeacoor-denaçãodeprogramaspermanentesdaproex.


desenvolvediversosprojetoseprogramasculturaiscomam-plarepercussãoereconhecimento,comosãoosfestivaisdeverão e inverno, quarta doze e trinta e outras iniciativasrelevantesnocampocultural.essadiretoriaobjetivamanterefortalecerasaçõesculturais,bemcomofazerdasmanifes-taçõesartísticasuminstrumentodeenriquecimentodasati-vidadesdeensinoepesquisa,alémdefomentaraprojeçãoexterna da universidade na sociedade. integram a daC oConservatórioeoCentroCulturaluFmG,amboslocalizadosnaregiãocentraldebelohorizonte.

• ConservatórioUFMG–foi,inicialmente,Conservatóriomineirodemúsica,constituindo-seemumcomplexocul-tural,dotadodesaladerecitais,galerias,auditórios,salasdeaulasecompletainfraestruturaparaeventos.alémdeoferecerumaprogramaçãomusical,buscapotencializarações no campo das atividades artísticas, desenvolven-doprojetosdeformação,treinamentoequalificaçãodemúsicos, além da construção e reparo de instrumentosmusicais.OConservatóriocontacomváriosprojetosper-manentes,comagendaextensaquevaidesegundaado-

support to the vari-ous CEnEx and the coordination of the permanent pro-grams of PRoEx.

- Board of CulturalActivities-DAC

it develops several cultural projects and programs with broad impact and recog-nition, such as the

summer and Winter Festivals, Wednes-day twelve thirty (Quarta doze e trinta) and other relevant initiatives in the cultur-al field. the board aims to maintain and strengthen the cultural activities, as well as turning the artistic manifestations into tools for the enrichment of research and teaching activities, as well as promoting the external projection of the university in society. the Conservatory and the Cultural Center, both located in downtown Belo horizonte, are part of the daC.

•The UFMG Conservatory was initially the Conservatório Mineiro de Música, thus becoming a cultural complex en-dowed with concert rooms, galleries, auditoriums, classrooms and a complete infrastructure for holding events. Be-sides offering musical programs, it seeks to leverage activities in the artistic field, developing projects in the education, training and qualification of musicians, as well as building and repairing musical instruments. the Conservatory has sev-eral ongoing projects, with an extensive agenda that runs from Monday to sun-day, including shows, concerts and recit-als. in addition, the Conservatory’s doors are open for courses, conferences, semi-nars, meetings, trade shows, record re-leases, book releases, and other events.

Fachada Centro Cultural UFMG

Arquivo CCUFMG

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• Centro Cultural UFMG – CCUFMG – inaugurado em1989,estávoltadoparaaprodução,promoçãoedivul-gaçãodaculturaedasartes,atuandoemtodasassuasesferas através de exposições, espetáculos de música,poesia, teatro, dança, performance, mostras de filmes,encontro,debates,oficinasecursos.Comosededeativi-dadescomunitáriasedeatividadesculturais,oCCuFmGatendehoje a várias áreasdauniversidade, instituiçõesdacidade,associações,escolas,artistaseórgãosgover-namentais.entreasprincipaispreocupações,buscaam-pliarsuaatuaçã



a)mapearaproduçãoeacirculaçãocientíficasnauFmGe produzir dispositivos que promovam a sua visibilidade,circulaçãoeacesso;




For further information, go to

•UFMG Cultural Center - CCUFMG,opened in 1989, is focused on the pro-duction, promotion and dissemination of culture and the arts, working in all its spheres through exhibitions, music per-formances, poetry, theater, dance, film exhibitions, meetings, debates, work-shops and courses. as a venue for com-munity activities and cultural activities, the CCuFMG caters to several areas of the university, the city’s institutions, as-sociations, schools, artists and govern-ment agencies. among its main concerns is the quest to expand its operations in order to participate directly in the cul-tural movements of Belo horizonte. For further information, go to:


this Board is dedicated to coordinated ac-tions of communication that seek to pro-mote the debate on scientific culture as part of civic education, directed towards the following goals:

a) map the scientific production and dissemination at uFMG, and produce devices that enhance their visibility, cir-culation and access;

b) promote the links between tradition-al and scientific knowledge;

c) promote events, courses and activi-ties that foster the formation of youth researchers;

d) contribute to the diversification of sources of information dedicated to the popularization of science;

Programa Bioindicadores de Qualidade de ÁguaUnidade: Instituto de Ciências BiológicasCoordenador: Marcos Callisto de Faria Pereira












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addCabrigaaCoordenadoriadepolíticasdeinclusãoin-formacional (Cpinfo)que temporobjetivos identificar, sis-tematizar, organizar, produzir e disseminar informações econhecimentosdeinteressepúbliconainteraçãouniversida-de/sociedade.temcomoperspectivaademocratizaçãodoacessoàinformaçã

3.3 Centros de extensão – Cenex

Cada uma das unidades acadêmicas da uFmG têm umCenex,quecontaumcoordenadoreumaestruturaadminis-trativa.essesórgãosexecutamagestãodapolíticadeexten-sãonasunidades,emconsonânciacomapolíticageraldeextensãouniversitária.



• Colaborar na estruturação de atividades complementaresdenatureza formativadosalunos,buscandoa integraçãoentreensino,pesquisaeextensãoenaestruturaçãoeim-plementaçãodeprogramasinterdisciplinares;

• buscarmecanismosdevalorizaçãodaparticipaçãodosalu-nospormeiodeintegralizaçãocurricular;

• OrganizaredivulgaraproduçãoacadêmicadasatividadesdeextensãodesenvolvidaspeloseuCenex.

e) contribute to the debate on national and international networks of scientific collaboration;

f) to promote the collaborative production between the different units of uFMG.

the ddC is home to the Coordination of in-formational inclusion Policies (Cpinfo) that aims to identify, systematize, organize, pro-duce and disseminate knowledge and in-formation of public interest. its approach is to democratize access to information. For further information, go to:


Each of the academic units at uFMG have a Cenex, which has a coordinator and an administrative structure. these organs carry out the management policy of extension in the units, in line with the general policy of university extension.

it is through the actions undertaken by the Cenex that students are able to participate in extension activities developed at uFMG. it is up to Proex, in collaboration with the various Cenex, to induce and articulate the extension activities developed within the academic units.

it is also up to the Cenex:

• Collaborate in the structuring of comple-mentary activities of a formative nature to the students, seeking the integration of teaching, research and extension, and

Fórum da Mulher do Jequitinhonha, realizado pelo Programa

Polo de Integração da UFMG no Vale do Jequitinhonha

Unidade: Pró-Reitoria de ExtensãoCoordenadora: Maria das Dores

Pimentel Nogueira

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4 F o m e n t o à e x t e n s ã o

4.1 proGrama de bolsas de extensão (pbext)


4.2 proGrama inteGrado de apoio a eventos (paie)


4.3 editais de Fomento externoaproexmonitoraapublicaçãodeeditaisdefomentodedi-versasinstituiçõesqueatuamnaáreadeextensãocomoob-jetivodeinformaracomunidadeacadêmicasobreapossibi-lidadedeobtençãodeapoiosexternosàsaçõesdeextensãodauFmG.assessoratambémoscoordenadoresdestasaçõesnaformulaçãodaspropostas,queconcorremaessaslinhasdefinanciamento.Citam-se:

the structuring and implementation of interdisciplinary programs.

• seek mechanisms to value and credit the participation of students by means of curriculum integration.

• to organize and promote the aca demic production of extension activities developed by their Cenex.



it aims to support the development of extension programs/projects, designed to broaden and strengthen the interaction be-tween the university and society by granting scholarships to students regularly enrolled in undergraduate courses at uFMG. this happens through the support of extension programs, encouraging the participation of students, thus contributing to their techni-cal-scientific, personal and social formation.


this program, which is coordinated by the vice-President for Extension, is adminis-tered by the vice-Presidencies for Extension, Research, undergraduate and Graduate schools and aims to support the realization of events within uFMG.


Proex monitors the publication of applica-tions for grants of various institutions work-ing in the field of extension in order to in-form the academic community about the possibility of obtaining external support to uFMG extension activities. it also advises the coordinators of these activities in the formulation of proposals which apply for these lines of credit. We mention:

Restauração da Casa Padre toledo tiradentes, mantida pela Fundação Rodrigo Mello Franco de andrade

superintendente Executivo: André Guilherme Dangelo


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18 Pró-Reitoria de Extensão

• Programa de Extensão Universitária (Proext): pro-gramadoministériodaeducação/secretariadeeducaçãosuperior(meC/sesu)destinadoaapoiarinstituiçõespúbli-casdeeducaçãosuperiornodesenvolvimentodeprojetosdeextensãouniversitária,comvistasaampliarsuaintera-çãocomasociedade.édesenvolvidoemparceriacomoitoministérios: Ciência e tecnologia; Cultura; pesca e aqui-cultura;saúde;Cidades;desenvolvimentoagrário;desen-volvimentosocialeCombateàFome;trabalhoeempre-go; além do instituto do patrimônio histórico e artísticonacionaletrêssecretarias:direitoshumanos;políticasdepromoçãodaigualdaderacialepolíticasparaasmulheres.

• Apoio a Projetos de Extensão em Interface com a Pesquisa:programadaFundaçãodeamparoàpesquisadoestadodeminasGerais(Fapemig)quetemporobje-tivo financiar projetos de extensão em interface com apesquisa científica e/ou desenvolvimento tecnológico, aseremexecutados emminasGerais. temporfinalidadefortalecer a ação transformadora da pesquisa sobre osproblemas sociais e estabeleceruma relaçãodediálogoentrepesquisadoresesociedade.

5 O s a l u n o s e a e x t e n s ã o

5.1 partiCipação nas ações de extensão na uFmG


• university Extension Program (Proext): program of the Ministry of Education / Ministry of higher Education (MEC / sesu) designed to support public institutions of higher education in the development of university extension projects, in order to broaden its interaction with society. it is developed in partnership with eight min-istries: science and technology, Culture, Fisheries and aquaculture, health, Cities, agrarian development, social develop-ment and hunger alleviation, Labor and Employment, besides the institute of na-tional historic and artistic heritage and three departments: human Rights, the Promotion of Racial Equality and Wom-en’s Policies.

• support for extension projects in inter-face with the research: program of the Minas Gerais Foundation for Research support (FaPEMiG), which aims to fund extension projects to in interface with scientific research and/or technological development, to be executed in Minas Gerais. it aims at strengthening actions to transform research on social problems and establish a dialogical relationship be-tween researchers and society.

5 Studentsandextension


students can partici-pate in extension ac-tivities as volunteers, scholars of the Ex-tension scholarship Program (Pbext) and scholars of extension activities that have ex-ternal funding. For more information on how to participate, look for the Cenex at your unit.

Escola de Dança e Ritmo Sarandeiros

Coordenador: Gustavo Pereira Cortes

Unidade: Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia e Terapia



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5.2 responsabilidades dos alunos nas ações de extensão


• Cumpriro regulamentodopbext, colaborando comodesenvolvimentodoprograma/projetodeextensãodoqual participa, dedicando-lhe a carga horária semanaldevintehoras;

• Cumpriratividadesestabelecidasemseuplanodetrabalho;

• participardasatividadesdoencontrodeextensão,apre-sentandotrabalhocomoautoroucoautor,alémdepar-ticiparintegralmentedasatividadesdouFmGConheci-mento&Cultura;

• participardaJornadadeextensão;

• enviaroquestionáriodeavaliaçãoaofinaldasatividadesdoprograma/projeto.

O envolvimento do estudante nessas atividades constitui-seumavaliosaoportunidadedeformaçãoacadêmicaepessoal.

5.3 termo de Compromisso


5.4 bolsas de extensão

asbolsasde extensão, assim comoasoutrasbolsas acadê-micas, após seremdevidamenteautorizadaspelo coordena-dordasaçõesdeextensãosãoprocessadasedepositadasnacontacorrentedobolsista.emcasodedúvida,ãoéomesmodasbolsasdegraduaçãoedeiniciaçãocientífica,fi-nanciadasporagênciasoficiaisdefomento.


it is up to scholarship students, who are par-ticipants in extension activities:

• to comply with Pbext regulation, work-ing with the program development/ex-tension project of which they take part, dedicating the weekly workload of twen-ty hours;

• Comply with established activities in their work plan;

• Participate in the activities of the Extension Meeting, presenting academic work as an author or co-author, and fully participate in the activities of uFMG Knowledge & Culture;

• attend the Meeting of Extension students;

• send the evaluation questionnaire at the end of the project/program activities.

student involvement in these activities con-stitutes a valuable opportunity for academic and personal formation.


the Commitment term is the document es-tablishing the links between the extension students and the extension activities. if you participate as volunteer, you must sign the terms of Membership.


Extension scholarships, as well as other aca-demic scholarships, after being duly author-

Grandes Grupos Instrumentais Unidade: Escola de Música da UFMG

Coordenador: Antônio Lincoln Campos de Andrade

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20 Pró-Reitoria de Extensão

ized by the coordinator of extension activities are processed and deposited in the student’s checking account. if in doubt, students can contact the Proex secretariat through the email address: [email protected]. the value of extension scholarships is equivalent to un-dergraduate scholarships and undergraduate research scholarships, funded by official devel-opment agencies.

5.5 Declarationofparticipationinextensionactivities

Every student participating in extension ac-tivities are entitled to the declaration of par-ticipation issued by Proex. to that end, it is indispensable that the extension activity is registered with siex, that the student fully accomplishes the work defined by the exten-sion activity’s coordinator.


Extension activities can be converted in course credits. For such, it is required that these are properly recorded in siex and con-tain the student’s work plan, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the student done by the supervising teacher. therefore, the student shall apply to their Collegiate for the accreditation of their participation in extension activities. the collegiate will ana-lyze it, then assign credits to the project /program and define how they will be paid up during the student’s course.


For more information on extension activities at uFMG, visit the information system for university Extension (siex / uFMG) at or directly at the Cenex of your academic unit.

5.5 deClaração da partiCipação em ações de extensão

todoalunoparticipantedeaçõesdeextensão temdireitoàdeclaraçãodeparticipação expedidapela proex. para tanto,sãoindispensáveisoregistrodaaçãodeextensãonosiex,oplenocumprimentopelobolsistadoplanodetrabalhodefini-dopelocoordenador.

5.6 Creditação CurriCular pela partiCipação dos alunos em ações de extensão

a participação nas ações de extensão pode ser transforma-daemcréditoscurriculares.paratantoénecessárioqueestassejamdevidamenteregistradasnosiexecontenhamoplanode trabalhodoaluno,oacompanhamentoeaavaliaçãodobolsistafeitopeloprofessororientador.assimsendo,oalunodeve requerer juntoaoColegiadodeCursoacreditaçãodesuaparticipaçãonaaçãodeextensão.apósaanálise,oco-legiadodefiniráonúmerodecréditosesuaintegralizaçãonopercursoacadêmicodoestudante.

5.7 inFormações sobre as ações de extensão desenvolvidas na uFmG

paraconhecerasaçõesdeextensãodauFmG,visiteositedo sistema de informação da extensão (siex/uFmG),, ou diretamente, nos Cenex dasunidadesacadêmicas.

Semana da Saúde – Festival de Inverno da UFMG





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BibliotecaUniversitária–BU/Central LibraryFone:(31)[email protected]/cenex

CentroCultural–CCUFMG/Cultural Center Fone:(31)[email protected]/centrocultural

CentroEsportivoUniversitário–CEU/University Sports CenterFone:(31)[email protected]/ceu

CentroPedagógico–CP/Pedagogical CenterFone:(31)[email protected]

ColégioTécnico–Coltec/Technical SchoolFone:(31)[email protected]

EscoladeArquitetura/School of ArchitectureFone:(31)[email protected]

EscoladeBelasArtes–EBA/School of Fine ArtsFone:(31)[email protected]

EscoladeCiênciadaInformação–ECI/School of Information ScienceFone:(31)[email protected]/cenex

C e n t r o s d e E x t e n s ã o n a U F M G / Extension Centers at UFMG

EscoladeEducaçãoFísica,FisioterapiaeTerapiaOcupacional–EEFFTO/School of Physical Education, Physical Therapy and Occupational TherapyFone:(31)[email protected]

EscoladeEnfermagem/Nursing SchoolFone:(31)[email protected]/extensão

EscoladeEngenharia/School of EngineeringFone:(31)[email protected]/cenex

EscoladeMúsica/School of MusicFone:(31)[email protected]/cenex

EscoladeVeterinária/School of Veterinary MedicineFone:(31)[email protected]/academicos/cenex

FaculdadedeCiênciasEconômicas–Face/School of EconomicsFone:(31)[email protected]

FaculdadedeDireito/School of LawFone:(31)[email protected]

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22 Pró-Reitoria de Extensão

FaculdadedeEducação–FAE/School of EducationFone:(31)[email protected]

FaculdadedeFarmácia/Pharmacy FacultyFone:(31)[email protected]/cenex.htm

FaculdadedeFilosofiaeCiênciasHumanas–Fafich/School of Philosophy and HumanitiesFone:(31)[email protected]

FaculdadedeLetras–Fale/School of Literature, Linguistics and LanguagesFone:(31)[email protected]

FaculdadedeMedicina/Faculty of MedicineFone:(31)[email protected]/cenex

FaculdadedeOdontologia/Faculty of OdontologyFone:(31)[email protected]/cenex

HospitaldasClínicas–HC/Clinical HospitalFone:(31)[email protected]/cenex

InstitutodeCiênciasAgrárias–ICA/Institute of Agrarian SciencesFone:(38)[email protected]

InstitutodeCiênciasBiológicas–ICB/Institute of Biological SciencesFone:(31)[email protected]/cenex

InstitutodeCiênciasExatas–ICEX/ Institute of Exact SciencesFone:(31)[email protected]

InstitutodeGeociências–IGC/ Institute of GeosciencesFone:(31)[email protected]

MuseudeHistóriaNaturaleJardimBotânico–MHNJB/Natural History Museum and Botanical GardenFone:(31)[email protected]

TeatroUniversitário–TU/University TheaterFone:(31)[email protected]

Núcleo de Ações e Pesquisa em Apoio Diagnóstico - NUPAD






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pró-reitoriade extensão