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Making tomorrow’s mobility possible today Safe. Comfortable. Sustainable.

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Post on 18-Jul-2018




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Making tomorrow’s

mobility possible todaySafe. Comfortable. Sustainable.

Continental Corporation

Dear Readers,

The car of today is a networked system that regis-ters the car driver’s situation and his or her surround-ings in fractions of a second. It guides the driver and passengers safely through the traffic. And ex-pectations are growing: In future, the car will be expected not only to be extremely safe, more envi-ronmentally sound and more efficient, but will also be expected to remain affordable for everyone.

With our know-how, our technologies, systems and products, we play a decisive role in shaping the megatrends in the automotive industry – safety, the environment, information, and affordable cars. We are working towards making a reality of accident- and injury-free motoring, earth-friendly mobility that conserves resources, as well as intelligent and networked road traffic. Statistically speaking, three out of four vehicles on the world’s roads feature Continental products, which today bring you as the car driver to your destination – safely, economically and networked.

We make significant contributions to benefit socie-ty for a number of other key industries – such as wind turbines for efficient energy generation or conveyor belt systems to transport raw materials without harming the environment. We are a driving force behind innovation and new paths to industri-al progress.

Our BASICS form the basis for the lasting success of Continental. These guidelines of our Corpora-tion apply worldwide. They describe our vision, our mission and our values, upon which we base our corporate actions and the way in which we deal with each other and with all other stakeholders. We are convinced that our values create value, as we have been supplying our customers for more than 140 years, not only with high-performance products, but also with forward-looking solutions.

We would like to invite you to get to know the excit-ing world of individual mobility and transport. Jump on board – reading this brochure, for example, will take you on a journey into tomorrow. You will realize that the future starts earlier with Continental.

Kind regards,

Dr. Elmar DegenhartChairman of the Executive Board


A company with tradition

Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

We can look back on a long history of success since the company was founded in Hanover in 1871 as Continental-Caoutchouc- und Gutta-Percha Com-pagnie. Not only did we add impulse to industrial progress, we actively participated in shaping its development. In 1898, for instance, we commenced production of automobile pneumatic tires with a plain tread. Ten years later we invented the detach-able rim for touring cars. In 1909, Louis Blériot, the French aviator, was the first person to fly the English Channel. The flying surfaces of his monoplane were covered with Continental Aeroplan material. In 1955, we were the first company to develop air springs for trucks and buses. The first brake caliper with trailing instead of leading brake pads premiered on the Ford Escort in 1980. It became a highly suc-cessful product and was later fitted to larger cars, including the Porsche 928. 1984 saw the develop-ment of the automatic tuning feature and safety codes for car radios. We launched the first eco-friendly passenger tire some 20 years ago, and we presented the key technology for hybrid drive systems as long ago as in 1997.

New opportunities.

A company with tradition.


Today, we are one of the world’s five leading auto-motive suppliers. But figures do not say everything about a company’s success. We actively exercise our corporate social responsibility by pursuing economic, ecological and social goals. To Conti-nental, achieving sustainability means establishing an acceptable balance between the economic re-quirements of the corporation and the valid expec-tations of our stakeholders – groups such as cus-tomers, shareholders, employees, partners and suppliers. We believe that a company today must also prove itself to be a valuable member of society outside the direct economic categories of growth and profitability.

We want to create values for the future: for our customers, business partners and shareholders, as well as for our employees and the society in which we live.


q approximately 170,000 employees in 46 countries

Automotive Group

Chassis & Safety Division Pages 10/11

Driving safety for all markets

and vehicle categories.

Powertrain Division Pages 12/13

System solutions for vehicle


Interior Division Pages 14/15

Information management for

vehicles and passengers.

Rubber Group

Tire Division Pages 16/17

Tire expertise for almost every vehicle

category and field of application.

ContiTech Division Pages 18/19

Specialist in rubber and plastics




Doing more.

For safe mobility.

Roads all over the world are getting more crowded. As traffic increases,

so does people’s need for more safety. Indeed, the number of fatal ac-

cidents worldwide has been decreasing since 1970 despite the expo-

nential growth in the number of vehicles. But even one accident is one

too many. This is why we integrate active and passive vehicle safety

components into all vehicle categories, thereby incorporating our tire

technologies as well. And today, we have already made sizeable progress

on the way to our major goal of creating a world without accidents.

Megatrend: Safety



Doing more.

For clean power.

Fossil fuels are getting scarcer all the time. The world is responding

to the challenges of the future by imposing emission limits and making

sustainable use of resources. This spurs us on to completely rethink

mobility. It is a process in which we focus on downsizing conventional

technologies as well as on developing entirely new ideas. Thanks to our

solutions, the human desire for individual mobility can be made consist-

ent with the need for low-emission driving.

Megatrend: Environment

Nothing is more valuable than having the right information at the right

time. This is especially true for drivers on the road. Not only is more and

more information being exchanged between the driver and the vehicle,

the stream of data communicated between vehicles and their surround-

ings is growing steadily. We network and evaluate that data. Our intel-

ligent systems collect and process information to enable the driver to

make the right decision fast – in any situation.

Megatrend: Information


Doing more.

For intelligent driving.


Despite a globalized economy, each market has its own rules. We believe

that mobility should be affordable for everyone and not just for the

privileged few. This is why we develop the appropriate solution for each

market and each vehicle. Our high demands on quality apply to all prod-

ucts, regardless of where they are manufactured. We are where our

customers are. So we are always nearby, worldwide, perfectly able to

respond specifically to different demands and needs.

Doing more.

For global mobility.

Megatrend: Affordable Cars

Chassis & Safety Division



More driving safety.

Fewer accidents. Chassis & Safety

We are convinced that, thanks to innovative tech-nologies, accident-free driving will be possible in the future – for all vehicle categories and in all markets of this world. This is why we develop and produce systems that protect lives and prevent injuries. As experts in driving dynamics, we place emphasis on technologies that combine safety with driving pleasure. Active safety systems, like elec-tronic braking and driver assistance systems, warn of imminent dangers and intervene to assist with steering, braking and suspension control. Passive safety systems, such as electronic airbag control and pedestrian protection, provide the best possi-ble protection in the event of an accident.

More protection • We have developed ContiGuard® to give drivers comprehensive support in dealing with the complex demands of modern motoring. ContiGuard® networks active and passive safety systems into an intelligent concept that ushers in a new dimension in driving safety. The system is being constantly upgraded to satisfy the requirements of the future. Integrating navigation data and improving the human machine interface to the driver, for example, is creating new options for ContiGuard®. The integration of telematics opens up even more possibilities. A key example of this is the life-saving “eCall”, an automated emergency call that provides details of the vehicle’s location and the time as well as a vehicle damage analysis. One technology remains our key focus, a technology that involves both protection and safety: the brakes. We invest continually in improving the performance of our brakes. By integrating emer-


gency brake assist and pedestrian safety systems, we are coming ever closer to the industry’s aim – a reduction of injuries in vehicle-pedestrian acci-dents, particularly in urban traffic.

More perception • Intelligent safety systems are inconceivable without sensors. Sensor technology enables vehicles these days to see, hear and feel. Regardless of whether the driver is keeping insuf-ficient distance or the road is covered in slippery leaves – nothing escapes the vehicle’s electronic senses. We are experts in the development and production of modern sensor systems. Thus we ensure that drivers stay well clear and well informed.

Less energy • Brakes capable of recovering energy, and the lightweight design of classic brakes, are important contributors to CO2 reduction. Regen-erative braking using our “MK 100®” allows braking energy to be recovered. In this process, the energy is converted into electricity, which in turn charges the battery, meaning that vehicles are not only brought to a stop more quickly and safely, but also more efficiently.

q Further information can be found at:


Powertrain Division

More driving pleasure.

Lower emissions. Powertrain

Our products not only make driving more environ-mentally compatible and affordable, they also en-hance comfort and driving pleasure. Starting with the concept of clean power, we offer our customers a comprehensive portfolio of gasoline and diesel systems including sensors, actuators and tailor-made electronics, through to fuel supply systems, engine management and transmission control units, down to systems and components for hybrid and electric drives.

More efficiency • For decades we have been a forerunner in the fields of electronic engine manage-ment, injection technology, combustion optimization


and exhaust gas aftertreatment. Our modular ap-proach includes solutions to further enhance fuel efficiency for all kinds of combustion engines in all vehicle categories. Our injection technologies and turbochargers to reduce fuel consumption are examples of these solutions.

Lower emissions • Internal combustion engines will remain the predominant drive system beyond the coming decade. This is why the advanced de-velopment of gasoline and diesel engines remains one of our focal points. Here lies considerable po-tential for improvement. Our systems and compo-nents are capable of reducing combustion engine


fuel consumption and emissions. Above all, our hybrid technology systems make a contribution to lower emissions.

More flexibility • We pushed forward with the de-velopment of core components for electromobility already in the 1990s. As Europe’s first supplier, we have been producing hybrid systems in series since as far back as 2003, including the world’s first series production-ready lithium-ion battery system for hybrid drives. Our focus is on scalable systems for the anticipated future mix of energy carriers and drive concepts. All components can be used in different vehicle categories – from compact vehicles

to offroaders, including electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicles. The flexibility of this modular concept enables prompt realization of customer specific applications, while reducing time to market, and costs.

q Further information can be found at:

Interior Division


More information management.

Less stress. Interior

“Always On” is our vision, under which we group together all activities dealing with the collection, processing, prioritization and visualization of infor-mation in vehicles. The aim is to make all the ne-cessary information available to the driver at the right time and to present it so that it can be com-prehended quickly, thus enabling the driver to make optimal use of that information in the current driving situation. The data comes from different sources: Traffic signs and the routing of roads are examples of external information, while the instrumentation, navigation system and driver assistance systems are internal sources. An important trend that we see is the continuous linking of vehicles with the Cloud. This makes it possible to externalize computer ser-vices to the Internet and thus utilize complex func-tions such as voice processing.

A better overview • As the amount of data inside the vehicle grows, so does the importance of opti-mum information management. The human machine interface is becoming increasingly important, and for that reason it is imperative that it also becomes more transparent. We want to unburden car drivers and guide them quickly and safely through increas-ing volumes of traffic. For this purpose, we develop and integrate intelligent products and systems covering all aspects of instrumentation, cockpit, navigation and multimedia – to make future driving even more comfortable and safer.

Experiencing more • Our “Simplify your Drive” operating and system concept and the associated system integration enables carmakers to integrate any number of driving identities into just one vehi-cle. To achieve this, existing functions are bundled together with new ones in profiles that can be acti-vated at the push of a button. Depending on their

wishes and the driving situation, drivers are able to switch, for example, between Sport, Comfort and Eco profiles in the vehicle. The customer can thus buy just one vehicle and yet have the experience of driving different vehicle types. This approach is also finding its way into commercial vehicles.

More connectivity • Our AutoLinQTM technology is the platform for an open, flexible and future-proof concept of bringing web-based services into the vehicle. AutoLinQ™ provides completely new func-tions by creating an environment in which drivers can communicate with their vehicles – from the home, from the office, or via their mobile devices. It is similar to the apps offered for modern cell phones. It can be adapted to the driver’s require-ments and his or her personal lifestyle in order to improve driving comfort by providing drivers with all the services they need depending on the situation. Infotainment systems are then able to automatically provide information – on the basis of personalized settings – about restaurant locations, free parking spaces, and other useful topics, for example.

More economy • The smooth flow of data is also a basic requirement for efficient and reliable opera-tion of a commercial vehicle. It continuously ex-changes data with mobile devices, fleet headquar-ters, other vehicles and infrastructure. With the aid of our modern fleet management systems, the deployment of vehicles and drivers can be managed cost effectively, traffic jams and empty runs can be avoided, routes optimized and traffic flows improved.

q Further information can be found at:


Tire Division


More safety.

Lower consumption. Tires

The Tire division includes the Passenger and Light Truck, Truck, Bus and Industrial Tire business units, as well as the two-wheel tire activities. Based on our broad product portfolio as well as continuous invest-ments in R&D, we make a major contribution to safe, economical and ecologically efficient mobility.

More safety • Vehicle safety starts with the vehicle’s tires. The demands placed on them are enormous since one meter of braking distance can make a crucial difference. Ultimately, the tires are the only link between the vehicle and the ground. On a surface which, depending on the tire dimensions, equates to the size of a postcard or a normal sheet of paper, they transfer all forces applied to the vehicle. Their

bearing capacity determines the permitted total weight, and they influence the maximum cornering speed and the shortest possible braking distance. As such, they are often the decisive factor in whether an accident occurs, or if it can be prevented.

Lower consumption • Thanks to their low rolling resistance and optimized weight, our tires help to significantly reduce fuel consumption without com-promising safety. Since 2002 we have succeeded in lowering the rolling resistance of various truck and trailer tire lines by 8%. For the average 150,000 km traveled each year, this works out to diesel fuel sa-vings of 1,600 liters. Back in 1991, we were the first manufacturer to launch an eco-friendly car tire – the


ContiEcoContact summer tire. Over the past ten years alone, we have succeeded in reducing the rolling resistance of our car tires by about one third while, at the same time, significantly improving the safety-critical features. Our industrial tires, specifi-cally developed for the industrial vehicle segment, reduce energy consumption in these vehicles. The low rolling resistance of the tires is particularly rele-vant for electrically powered industrial vehicles be-cause it means their batteries require less frequent charging, thus increasing productivity.

More diversity • In close consultation with our automotive industry clientele, we meticulously work out the details for every new car. We can offer a

suitable tire for every application. This is the case from passenger cars to trucks, from buses to con-struction site vehicles, right up to industrial vehicles. The same principle applies in the field of two-wheel tires. Whether a pro in the Tour de France or a Har-ley Davidson enthusiast, bikers will all find their perfect premium tire in the Continental line-up.

q Further information on the various tire units can be found under “Rubber Group” at:

ContiTech Division



Cost-effective solutions to ensure a sound environ-ment, thereby improving people’s quality of life – this is what guides us in our work. Therefore, we are working together with our partners to find innova-tive responses to the urgent issues of tomorrow. And we have been successful in this: Our unparal-leled broad expertise in the area of rubber and plastics technologies makes us the preferred expert for many of the world’s key industries.

More commitment • Engineering Green Value – this basic idea stands for our special commitment and our special technological expertise in the develop-ment and application of ContiTech products. Indeed, we are always concerned about the environment and the global climate. We strive for sustained business for the good of present and future gener-ations. Today and tomorrow what motivates us is the determination to create true added value and to do business ever aware of our duties.

Lower emissions • ContiTech products meet cur-rent and future needs. They do so in the areas of mobility, health, nutrition, a sound environment, energy production and energy efficiency. As devel-opment partner of the automotive and transport industry, we are working on engineering products that enable cars, buses and trains to be operated in an environmentally sound and convenient manner. Our systems and components help to save fuel and


More commitment.

A higher quality of life.

reduce emissions. Our experts are also working very successfully on solutions for sustainable energy and water management: These include products for the comprehensive insulation of industrial sys-tems, for sewage and water treatment, for water and coastal protection and for energy production.

More individuality • We develop and produce exactly the rubber and plastics solutions our cus-tomers need – individually customized and resource-efficient. We use renewable resources, replace chemicals with natural ingredients, reduce energy consumption in our plants, release fewer emissions from our plants and continually lower quantities of waste.

q Further information is available



Continental Aktiengesellschaft, P.O. Box 169, 30001 Hanover, Germany

Vahrenwalder Straße 9, 30165 Hanover, Germany

Phone +49 511 938-01, Fax +49 511 938-8 17 70

[email protected],

Continental AG is an Offi cial Sponsor of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™.