major male characters from "tom jones"

Paper. No: 2. The Neo Classical Literature. ‘Male Characters’ from “Tom Jones”

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Paper. No: 2. The Neo Classical Literature. ‘Male Characters’ from

“Tom Jones”

Name: Jayti Thakar.Roll No. 38.Paper No.2: The Neo-Classical Age.Presentation Subject: Major Male Characters from “Tom Jones”M.A. Part:1Sem: 1.Email Id: [email protected]

“Tom Jones” by “Henry Fielding” Tom Jones, a book of much vitality, hilarity,

and charm, reflects both the comic vision of life and the intense social concern of its author.

Sir Henry Fielding was born on April 22, 1707, at Sharp ham Park in well-situated, upper-class family.

Fielding took his graduation degrees from University of Leyden.

Continuing……….. He begun not as Novelist, but as Playwright; his first

play was “Love in Several Masques”.Fielding is a ‘Master Stylist’. Important stylistic element in Tom Jones is that

Fielding constantly keeps the reader aware of the fact that he is reading a novel which is a work of art carefully constructed for certain end. He does this through the guise of the objective narrator who discourses on the characters and directly addresses the reader.

Character Sketch of Squire. Allworthy

Squire Allworthy – sincerely attempts to live up to his name.

As his name suggests, supposedly a master of all virtues- wisdom, goodness, justice, generosity, mercy and godliness.

We can not doubt his generosity, for he is quite free with both his home and money.

However, because of his abstract concepts of justice and morality, we can doubt his wisdom, or at least his perception. (in case of Jenny Jones)


One might call him a conservative interpreter of the Mosaic Laws.

His position as magistrate or a strict observer.His justice is one of rules and regulations

rather than a more humanistic assessment in any situation or circumstances.

Character Sketch of Squire Western

Squire Western – is obviously a man much given to the enjoyment of life, but only on his own terms.

He is robust, rowdy, lusty, vulgar, and eminently delightful.

He can simply manage to infuse his every waking moment with a profound,

“joie de vivre”.


One feels that Western absolutely and thoroughly enjoys everything he does – from hunting, drinking, eating.

He violently argues with his sister.He is also both domineering and stubborn

figure.He like Tom, as he has enough of youthful


Character Sketch of Captain Blifil

Captain Blifil – a half-pay officer.He is brought to Allworthy's estate to court

Bridget Allworthy.He is an unattractive man, but he and Bridget

fall for each other.Captain Blifil is keen to inherit Allworthy’s

property through his wife, and dies of a apoplexy while imagining is fortune.

Character Sketch of Tom Jones.

Tom Jones – eponymous hero.

Continuing……..He Believed to be a illegitimate child of low birth,

but is brought up as a gentleman.He is handsome, generous, popular and passionate. He moreover a Casanova personality of the novel.The novel chart: his progress to adulthood and his

pursuit of miss Sophia Western.Tom’s action consistently indicates the impulsive

nature of youth and stem from “carpe diem” philosophy.

Continuing…….His desire for unrestrained expression of his feelings,

immediate gratification of his needs, and immediate corrective action for the injustice he sees- all these reflects the spontaneity and idealism typically associated with Youth.

Tom’s actions are series of impulsive responses based on emotions rather than on analysis.

Thus, while he is madly in love with Sophia, he can spontaneously go to bed with Molly Seagrim, Mrs. Waters, or Lady Bellaston.

Character Sketch of Master Blifil

Master Blifil – son of captain Blifil.He is Tom’s foil every way- estate of Allworthy

as well marrying Sophia Western.Anti-heroic figure of novel.His plan to inherit as a large share of the

Allworthy estate as he possibly can; Captain Blifil’s big hand after rooted this feeling in Son Blifil’s brain.


He wants to marry Sophia for her money and property not for love.

His decision to marry a young lady for money instead of love represents the ideology of his father Captain Blifil.

Comparison between ‘Tom Jones’ and ‘Master Blifil’

• Protagonist.

• Impetuosity of Youth.

• He has idealism and generosity.

• Wants to marry Sophia for true love.

• Liveliness in Tom, “carpe diem”.

• Antagonist , Tom’s foil as well.

• Lack of impetuosity of Youth

• whereas he has not.

• Wants to marry the same girl but for money.

• Busy with intrigues and all.

‘Tom Jones’ & ‘Master Blifil’

• Learner from experiences.

• Tom is Socially immoral character but intend well.

• Neither ideal nor worst.

• Tom is Full of healthy“animal spirit”.

• Lack of learning from experiences.

• Blifil socially moral but inside the head there demon seats.

• Pretend ideal as well moral but, fiend.

• Whereas Blifil is “Wholly of the devil’s party.”