major figures from the american civil war


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Post on 18-May-2015




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  • 1.

2. The American Civil War (1861-1865)
Ever since the creation of the United States of America, 1776 (Declaration of Independence), there had been a noticeable separation between northern and southern states.
Southern states mainly practiced various forms of agriculture, such as growing cotton and tobacco.
Increased demand of produced goods in the 18th and 19th century demanded more intensive labor to be performed.
This inevitably led to the creation of slave based labor, especially in the south.
The north, however, focused on developing a more industrial based society and didnt resort to slavery after the turn of the 18th century in America.
3. Who of the following was not a member of the Confederate States of America?
4. Incorrect
Jefferson Davis was the President of the CSA!!!
5. Incorrect
Nathan Bedford Forrest was one of the major CSA generals during the American Civil War.
6. Correct
William Tecumseh Sherman was one of the major contributing factors to bringing the war to and end in Union favor in 1865.
7. The American Civil War (1861-1865) Continued
In the 1840s and 50s, several southern states began to pull away from the United States Union because they felt they would lose power if the North continued to pursue the destruction of slavery.
After gaining multiple means of new land, (through purchasing the Louisiana Purchase from Napoleon and capturing Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona from Mexico during the Mexican-American War in 1846) arguments began breaking out over whether or not the new states would be admitted into the Union as free states or slave states.
This would lead to the secession of 11 states, ranging from Virginia to Texas to Florida.
This would lead to the bloodiest conflict on American soil in known history.
8. President Abraham Lincoln
In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected to be the President of the US in a landslide victory.
This was considered to be the last straw for southerners as they almost immediately formed what was known as the Confederate States of America.
They even went as far as to elect their own Confederate President,Jefferson Davis, to lead their newly declared nation against the oppression of the Northern Union.
Lincoln is known for being one of the best and most peaceful presidents in US history.
"Do I not destroy my enemy by making him my friend?" (Pena)
9. Which elected president was Lincoln?
10. Incorrect
George Washington was the first congressionally elected president of the United States.
11. Incorrect
James A. Garfield was the elected the twentieth president of the United States.
12. Correct
Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth elected president of the United States.
13. Ulysses S. Grant
Most famous Union appointed general during the American Civil War.
Considered to be the right hand man of Lincoln himself!
Was the one who captured Robert E. Lee at Harpers Ferry and forced him to sign the treaty at the Appotomax Courthouse to end the war.
14. Robert E. Lee
The most famous Confederate general during the American Civil War.
Was a brilliant tactician who helped defeat the Mexicans in the Mexican-American War.
"To Grant, the Mexican War taught the importance of leadership, morale, and a well-fed and well-clothed army. For Lee, by contrast, the Mexican War offered an immersion in strategy and field operations under varied conditions. (Woodville)
One of the contributing factors to keeping the CSA in the war for so long.
Appointed several very successful generals, including Stonewall Jackson and Nathan Bedford Forest.
15. Nathan Bedford Forrest
Born to an illiterate blacksmith on July 13, 1821.
Grew up poor and with as little as six months worth of formal education.
Became a wealthy plantation owner.
Eventually grew to the rank of Lieutenant General in the Confederate Army.
Practiced a new form of war called Total War, which was coined by William Tecumseh Sherman.
Using a force of only 2,000 cavalry soldiers, he single handedly captured a Union force of 40,000 led by George McClellan.
16. William Tecumseh Sherman
Often thought of as the first modern general of his time.
Served as US Grants right hand general, answering only to him and President Lincoln.
Practiced total warfare to bring a quickened end to the Civil War. (K1.5)
Famous for his March to the Sea to capture the Carolinas, following the burning of Atlanta, Georgia in 1864.
He blamed every man, woman, and child in the South, viewing them all as collectively responsible for any act against the invading Union forces. (Tooley)
17. Shermans Burning of Atlanta in 1864
Sherman declared Atlanta to be a military encampment and ordered the civilians to leave the city. (Bengston)
After they refused to leave, Sherman took his force of nearly 100,000 men and divided it in order to conquer the state of Georgia in the spring of 1864.
By November of 1864, he had successfully defeated Confederate generals, Joe Johnston and John Hood.
He then Marched to the Sea and captured Savannah, North Carolina on December 23, 1864. (An early birthday present for President Lincoln)
CLICK HERE to see a video on Shermans March to the Sea.
18. Jefferson Davis
The President of the Confederate States of America (CSA) during the Civil War.
Davis serves only as an organizational device, a thin thread on which is strung not only a military history of the war and a lot of biographical data about a goodly number of individuals. (Cutrer)
Appoints many powerful generals under his reign as president, including Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Nathan Bedford Forrest.
19. GLCEs for Social Studies Grades 9-12
K1.1 - Know the defining characteristics of the disciplines of history and geography.
K1.2 - Know that each discipline is subject to criticisms and limitations; be aware of the primary criticisms of history and geography.
K1.3 - Understand and analyze temporal and spatial relationships and patterns.
K1.4 - Understand historical and geographical perspectives.
K1.5 - Understand the diversity of human beings and human cultures.
K1.6 - Analyze events and circumstances from the vantage point of others.
K1.7 - Understand social problems, social structures, institutions, class, groups, and interaction.
K1.8 - Apply social studies concepts to better understand major current local, national, and world events, issues, and problems.
K1.9 - Integrate concepts from at least two different social studies disciplines.
K1.10 - Understand significant concepts, generalizations, principles, and theories of history and geography as disciplines.
GLCEs Website
20. Works Cited
Confederate and American Flag Picture
Robert E Lee Picture
William Tecumseh Sherman Picture
Abraham Lincoln Picture
US Grant Picture,%201866-500.jpg
Robert E Lee Picture
Nathan Bedford Forrest Picture
Grant and Lee Surrender Picture
Map of Civil War Battle Sites
Burning of Atlanta Picture
Jefferson Davis Picture
21. Works Cited Continued
Cutrer, Thomas W. "{Jefferson Davis, Confederate President}." Civil War History. 50.1 (March 2004): 71-2.
Pena Diaz, Hector. "Abraham Lincoln and the American Dream." Americas. 61.2 (March/April 2009): 52-3.
Tooley, T. Hunt. ""All the People Are Now Guerillas": The Warfare of Sherman, Sheridan, and Lincoln, and the Brutality of the Twentieth Century." Independent Review (Oakland, Calif.). 11.3 (Winter 2007): 355-79.
Woodville, Louisa. "Common Bonds: The Duty and Honor of Lee and Grant." Humanities. 28.4 (July/August 2007): 24-5.