mailmerge fields for document templates · productimage product image. use this mail merge to...


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Page 1: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2



Page 2: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 1

Table of Contents Samples ................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Purchase Process ................................................................................................................................................ 5

Purchase ........................................................................................................................................................... 5

POLines ............................................................................................................................................................. 8

POLineDetails ................................................................................................................................................... 8

POAdditionalCosts ........................................................................................................................................... 9

Prepayments ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

StockReceived .................................................................................................................................................. 9

ReceivingNoteByProducts ............................................................................................................................ 10

ProductLabelsBatch ....................................................................................................................................... 11

InvoiceLines .................................................................................................................................................... 12

InvoiceLineDetails .......................................................................................................................................... 13

InvoiceAdditionalCosts .................................................................................................................................. 14

InvoicePayments ............................................................................................................................................ 14

CreditNoteLines .............................................................................................................................................. 14

CreditNoteAdditionalCosts............................................................................................................................ 15

CreditNotePayments ..................................................................................................................................... 16

Unstock ............................................................................................................................................................ 16

OrderTaxDetails ............................................................................................................................................. 17

InvoiceTaxDetails ........................................................................................................................................... 17

CreditNoteTaxDetails .................................................................................................................................... 17

Sale Process ....................................................................................................................................................... 18

Sale .................................................................................................................................................................. 18

QuoteLines ...................................................................................................................................................... 21

QuoteLineDetails ............................................................................................................................................ 22

QuoteAdditionalCharges ............................................................................................................................... 23

Prepayments ................................................................................................................................................... 23

Order ................................................................................................................................................................ 23

OrderLineDetails ............................................................................................................................................ 24

OrderAdditionalCharges................................................................................................................................ 25

Pick ................................................................................................................................................................... 25

ExpandedPickGroup ...................................................................................................................................... 26

ExpandedPick ................................................................................................................................................. 26

Pack ................................................................................................................................................................. 28

BoxContent ..................................................................................................................................................... 28

Ship .................................................................................................................................................................. 29

Page 3: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 2

InvoiceLines .................................................................................................................................................... 29

InvoiceLineDetails .......................................................................................................................................... 30

BackOrderedInvoiceLines ............................................................................................................................. 31

InvoiceAdditionalCharges ............................................................................................................................. 32

InvoicePayments ............................................................................................................................................ 32

CreditNoteLines .............................................................................................................................................. 33

CreditNoteAdditionalCharges ....................................................................................................................... 34

CreditNoteRefunds ........................................................................................................................................ 35

Restock ............................................................................................................................................................ 35

QuoteTaxDetails ............................................................................................................................................. 36

OrderTaxDetails ............................................................................................................................................. 36

InvoiceTaxDetails ........................................................................................................................................... 36

CreditNoteTaxDetails .................................................................................................................................... 36

ProductLabelsBatch ....................................................................................................................................... 37

Sale Combined printing ..................................................................................................................................... 39

Sales ................................................................................................................................................................ 39

OrderCombined .............................................................................................................................................. 40

OrderCombinedByCarrier ............................................................................................................................. 41

Locations ......................................................................................................................................................... 41

PickCombinedNoBatches ............................................................................................................................. 41

PickCombinedNoBatchesByCarrier ............................................................................................................ 42

PickCombinedWithBatches .......................................................................................................................... 43

PackCombinedNoBatches ............................................................................................................................ 44

PackCombinedWithBatches ......................................................................................................................... 44

ShippingCombined ......................................................................................................................................... 45

Customer Statements printing.......................................................................................................................... 47

Activity – Customer Activity statement data ............................................................................................... 47

Outstanding – Customer outstanding transactions data .......................................................................... 47

Common – common data for customer statements .................................................................................. 47

Inventory Process .............................................................................................................................................. 48

InventoryTask ................................................................................................................................................. 48

InventoryAdjustment ...................................................................................................................................... 48

StockTransferTask ......................................................................................................................................... 49

StockTransferDetail ....................................................................................................................................... 49

StockTransferOrder ....................................................................................................................................... 50

FinishedGoodsTask ....................................................................................................................................... 51

FinishedGoodsComponents ......................................................................................................................... 52

Page 4: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 3

FinishedGoodsComponentsBatch ............................................................................................................... 52

FinishedGoodsOrder ..................................................................................................................................... 53

InventoryAdjustmentLabel ............................................................................................................................ 54

ProductLabelsBatch ....................................................................................................................................... 55

Price List .............................................................................................................................................................. 56

Header ............................................................................................................................................................. 56

Products ........................................................................................................................................................... 56

Disassembly ........................................................................................................................................................ 58

Disassembly .................................................................................................................................................... 58

DisassemblyPicking ....................................................................................................................................... 59

DisassemblyComponents ............................................................................................................................. 59

DisassemblyServices .................................................................................................................................... 60

DisassemblyLabel .......................................................................................................................................... 61

DisassemblyLabelsBatch .............................................................................................................................. 61

Job Costing ......................................................................................................................................................... 63

JobCosting ...................................................................................................................................................... 63

PlannedManufacturing .................................................................................................................................. 64

PlannedManufacturingComponents ............................................................................................................ 64

ActualExpenses .............................................................................................................................................. 65

ActualExpenseComponents ......................................................................................................................... 65

Product Specification ......................................................................................................................................... 66

Product ............................................................................................................................................................. 66

BOMComponents ........................................................................................................................................... 69

BOMServices - Labour & Overheads .......................................................................................................... 69

Suppliers .......................................................................................................................................................... 69

POS Section Templates .................................................................................................................................... 71

Receipt ............................................................................................................................................................. 71

Register Closure Summary .......................................................................................................................... 75

Product Label Template ................................................................................................................................ 76

Page 5: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 4



«Company» Purchase Order «PONumber»


# Code Product Description

Supplier Code Unit


Price Discount Amount

«TableStart:POLines»«ID» «ItemCode»







% «Total»«TableEnd:POLines»

Please note TableStart and TableEnd tags. If you need to customize standard templates make sure

that opening tag for any table «TableStart:Purchase» has matching closing tag «TableEnd:Purchase».

Below you can find all fields available in mail merge templates.

Page 6: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 5

Purchase Process

Purchase Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

Company Company name

Line1 Company Address Line1

Line2 Company Address Line2

Line3 Company Address Line3

ShipToDifferentCompany Shipping Company if user choose Different Company

ShipToDifferentContact Shipping Contact if user choose Different Company

ShippingAddressLine1 Company Shipping Address Line1

ShippingAddressLine2 Company Shipping Address Line2

ShippingLine1 Shipping Address Line 1

ShippingLine2 Shipping Address Line 2

ShippingCitySuburb Shipping Address City/Suburb

ShippingStateProvince Shipping Address State/Province

ShippingZipPostCode Shipping Address Zip/Postcode

ShippingCountry Shipping Address Country

VendorLine1 Vendor Address Line 1

VendorLine2 Vendor Address Line 2

VendorCitySuburb Vendor Address City/Suburb

VendorStateProvince Vendor Address State/Province

VendorZipPostCode Vendor Address Zip/Postcode

VendorCountry Vendor Address Country

CustomerPhone For Drop-shipped purchase tasks, this field holds Phone field value from originating sale task (Customer Phone)

CustomerReference For Drop-shipped purchase tasks, this field holds Customer Reference field value from originating sale task

MyName Company Contact Name

MyPhone Company Phone

MyFax Company Fax

MyEmail Company Email

MyWebsite Company Website

SupplierName Supplier Name

SupplierFax Supplier Fax

SupplierEmail Supplier Email

SupplierWebsite Supplier Website

SupplierContact Supplier Contact

SupplierPhone Supplier Phone

SupplierCurrency Supplier Currency

TaxNumber Supplier Tax Number

Terms Payment terms

SupplierAddressLine1 Supplier Billing Address Line1

SupplierAddressLine2 Supplier Billing Address Line2

Page 7: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 6

Field Code Description

SupplierReference Supplier Reference (e.g. Invoice Number)

InvoiceDate Invoice Date

InvoiceDueDate Invoice Due Date

RequiredBy Shipment Required By

Currency Organisation’s Base Currency

Rate Currency conversion rate

Tax Total Tax for document

PONumber Purchase Order Number

Date Date of the document

Location Warehouse Location

PurchaseOrderMemo Purchase Order Memo. Additional information you would like to print on the Purchase Order

Note Internal note from the task header

CreditNoteNumber Credit Note Number

CreditNoteDate Credit Note Date

POLinesBeforeTax Total Lines In Purchase Order Table

POLinesTax Purchase order total Tax

POLinesTotal Purchase order total amount

POAdditionalCostLinesBeforeTax Purchase order Additional Costs Before Tax

POAdditionalCostLinesTax Purchase order Additional Cost Tax

POAdditionalCostLinesTotal Purchase order Additional Cost Total including tax

POBeforeTax Total purchase order lines and additional costs

POTax Total purchase order taxes

POTotal Total purchase order including taxes and additional costs

InvoiceLinesBeforeTax Invoice Lines Before Tax

InvoiceLinesTax Invoice Lines Tax

InvoiceLinesTotal Invoice Lines Total

CreditNoteLinesBeforeTax Credit Note Lines Before Tax

CreditNoteLinesTax Credit Note Lines Tax

CreditNoteLinesTotal Credit Note Lines Total

InvoiceAdditionalCostLinesBeforeTax Invoice Additional Cost Lines Before Tax

InvoiceAdditionalCostLinesTax Invoice Additional Cost Lines Tax

InvoiceAdditionalCostLinesTotal Invoice Additional Cost Lines Total

CreditNoteAdditionalCostLinesBeforeTax Credit Note Additional Cost Lines Before Tax

CreditNoteAdditionalCostLinesTax Credit Note Additional Cost Lines Tax

CreditNoteAdditionalCostLinesTotal Credit Note Additional Cost Lines Total

InvoiceLinesAndCostsBeforeTax Invoice Lines And Costs Before Tax

InvoiceLinesAndCostsTaxTotal Invoice Lines And Costs Tax Total

TotalPrepayments Total of Prepayments

InvoiceBalance Invoice Balance is total costs minus payments

CreditNoteBalance Credit Note Balance

TotalCostOfGoods Total Cost Of Goods

TotalPayments Total Payments

TotalRefunds Total Refunds

Page 8: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 7

Field Code Description

POTotalDiscount Total Discount amount on PO

InvoiceLinesTotalDiscount Total Discount amount on Purchase Invoice

CreditNoteLinesTotalDiscount Total Discount amount on PO Return

DatePrinted Date Printed

DueOrCredit Due Or Credit for this invoice.

IsServiceOnly Flag indicating that sale Is Service Only Purchase no inventory involved

LinesInAdditionalCost Total Lines In Additional Cost table

LinesInPayment Total Lines In Payment table

LinesInReceived Total Lines In Received table

LinesInPrepayment Total Lines In Prepayment table

LinesInPO Total Lines In purchase order Table

LinesInPOAdditionalCost Total Lines In purchase order Additional Cost table

LinesInInvoice total Lines In Invoice table

LinesInCreditNote Total Lines In Credit Note table

LinesInCreditNoteAdditionalCosts Total Lines In Credit Note Additional Costs table

LinesInRefund Total Lines In Refund table

CreditNoteLinesAndCostTax Credit Note Lines And Cost Tax

CreditNoteLinesAndCostBeforeTax Credit Note Lines And Cost Before Tax

POTotalQuantity Total purchase order quantities

StockReceivedTotalQuantity Total stock received quantities

UnstockTotalQuantity Total unstock quantities

InvoiceTotalQuantity Total quantities invoiced

CreditNoteTotalQuantity Total quantities on credit note

AdditionalAttribute1 Supplier Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Supplier Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Supplier Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Supplier Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Supplier Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Supplier Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Supplier Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Supplier Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Supplier Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Supplier Additional Attribute 10

Carrier Supplier Default Carrier

PurchaseAttribute1 Purchase Additional Attribute 1

PurchaseAttribute2 Purchase Additional Attribute 2

PurchaseAttribute3 Purchase Additional Attribute 3

PurchaseAttribute4 Purchase Additional Attribute 4

PurchaseAttribute5 Purchase Additional Attribute 5

PurchaseAttribute6 Purchase Additional Attribute 6

PurchaseAttribute7 Purchase Additional Attribute 7

PurchaseAttribute8 Purchase Additional Attribute 8

PurchaseAttribute9 Purchase Additional Attribute 9

PurchaseAttribute10 Purchase Additional Attribute 10

Page 9: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 8

POLines Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

ItemCode SKU

ItemDescription Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

SupplierItemCode Supplier code

SupplierItemName Supplier name for the product

Unit Unit of measure

Comment Line comment

Quantity Quantity to buy

Price Sell price

PriceNumeric To print Price with decimal points (it need to add field switch to mailmerge field #,##0.0000)

Discount Discount %

Tax Tax if applicable

Total Total for line item

Barcode Barcode

Description Product description

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

StockLocator StockLocator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage ProductImage. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity


Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

ItemCode SKU (of product or family)

ItemDescription Product/Family name

Page 10: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 9

Field Code Description

ShortDescription Product/Family Short Description

Category Product/Family Category

Brand Product/Family Brand

SupplierItemCode Supplier code (only for products)

SupplierItemName Supplier name for the product (only for products)

Unit Unit of measure (of product or family)

Comment Line comment

Quantity Quantity to buy

Price Sell price

Discount Discount %

Tax Tax if applicable

Total Total for line item

Description Product/Family description

ProductImage ProductImage. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

OptionsTable Table with options of family to buy (color-size matrix)

POAdditionalCosts Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

Description Description of additional charges

Reference Custom line comment

Amount Unit Price

Quantity Quantity

Discount Discount %

TaxRule Tax rule applied

Tax Tax

Total Total for line item

Prepayments Field Code Description

ID Line number

PaymentMethod Name of account used for payment

Reference Reference

Amount Amount of prepayment

DatePaid Date when prepayment was made

StockReceived Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

ItemCode SKU

ItemDescription Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Category Product Category

Page 11: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 10

Field Code Description

Brand Product Brand

SupplierItemCode Supplier specific SKU

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity received

Location Location

DateReceived Date item received

Received Flag indicating that item has been received

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number

Description Product description

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

PriceTier1 Price tier 1

PriceTier2 Price tier 2

PriceTier3 Price tier 3

PriceTier4 Price tier 4

PriceTier5 Price tier 5

PriceTier6 Price tier 6

PriceTier7 Price tier 7

PriceTier8 Price tier 8

PriceTier9 Price tier 9

PriceTier10 Price tier 10

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

ReceivingNoteByProducts Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

ItemCode SKU

ItemDescription Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Category Product Category

Page 12: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 11

Field Code Description

Brand Product Brand

SupplierItemCode Supplier specific SKU

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity received

Location Location

DateReceived Date item received

Received Flag indicating that item has been received

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number

Description Product description

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

PriceTier1 Price tier 1

PriceTier2 Price tier 2

PriceTier3 Price tier 3

PriceTier4 Price tier 4

PriceTier5 Price tier 5

PriceTier6 Price tier 6

PriceTier7 Price tier 7

PriceTier8 Price tier 8

PriceTier9 Price tier 9

PriceTier10 Price tier 10

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

ProductLabelsBatch The same content as in StockReceived except that for each line with X quantity in StockReceived

there are X lines in ProductlabelsBatch table

Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

ItemCode SKU

Page 13: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 12

Field Code Description

ItemDescription Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

SupplierItemCode Supplier specific SKU

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity received

Location Location

DateReceived Date item received

Received Flag indicating that item has been received

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number

Description Product description

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

PriceTier1 Price tier 1

PriceTier2 Price tier 2

PriceTier3 Price tier 3

PriceTier4 Price tier 4

PriceTier5 Price tier 5

PriceTier6 Price tier 6

PriceTier7 Price tier 7

PriceTier8 Price tier 8

PriceTier9 Price tier 9

PriceTier10 Price tier 10

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

InvoiceLines Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

Page 14: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 13

Field Code Description

ItemCode SKU

ItemDescription Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

SupplierItemCode Supplier specific SKU

Unit Unit of measure

Comment Line comment

Quantity Quantity received

Price Line item price

Discount Discount applied

Tax Tax if applicable

Total Total for line item


Barcode Barcode

Description Product description

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

BatchorSerialNumbers Comma-delimited list of all batches or serial numbers for every item included on the invoice

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity


Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

ItemCode SKU (of product or family)

ItemDescription Product/Family name

ShortDescription Product/Family Short Description

Category Product/Family Category

Brand Product/Family Brand

SupplierItemCode Supplier code (only for products)

SupplierItemName Supplier name for the product (only for products)

Unit Unit of measure (of product or family)

Page 15: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 14

Field Code Description

Comment Line comment

Quantity Quantity to buy

Price Sell price

Discount Discount %

Tax Tax if applicable

Total Total for line item

Description Product/Family description

ProductImage ProductImage. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

OptionsTable Table with options of family to buy (color-size matrix)

InvoiceAdditionalCosts Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

Description Description of additional charges

Reference Custom line comment

Amount Unit Price

Quantity Quantity

Discount Discount %

Date Date charges occurred

TaxRule Tax rule applied

Tax Tax

Total Total for line item

InvoicePayments Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

PaymentMethod Name of account used for payment

Reference Reference like receipt id

Amount Amount of payment

DatePaid Date when payment was made

CreditNoteLines Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line Number

ItemCode SKU

ItemDescription Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

Page 16: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 15

Field Code Description

SupplierItemCode Supplier specific SKU

Unit Unit of measure

Comment Line comment

Quantity Quantity on credit note

Price Price

Discount Discount %

Tax Tax for line item

Total Total for line item


Barcode Barcode

Description Product description

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

BatchorSerialNumbers Comma-delimited list of all batches or serial numbers for every item included on the credit note

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

CreditNoteAdditionalCosts Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

Description Description of additional charges

Reference Customer line comment

Amount Unit Price

Quantity Quantity

Discount Discount %

Date Date charges made

TaxRule Tax rule applied

Tax Tax amount

Total Total for line item

Page 17: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 16

CreditNotePayments Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

PaymentMethod Name of the account payment made from

Reference Reference like receipt id

Amount Amount

DatePaid Date payment made

Unstock Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Purchase task ID

ID Line number

ItemCode SKU

ItemDescription Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

SupplierItemCode Supplier specific SKU

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity received

Location Location

DateReceived Date item received

Unstock Flag indicating that item has been unstocked

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number

Description Product description

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

PriceTier1 Price tier 1

PriceTier2 Price tier 2

PriceTier3 Price tier 3

PriceTier4 Price tier 4

PriceTier5 Price tier 5

Page 18: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 17

Field Code Description

PriceTier6 Price tier 6

PriceTier7 Price tier 7

PriceTier8 Price tier 8

PriceTier9 Price tier 9

PriceTier10 Price tier 10

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

OrderTaxDetails Field Code Description

Name Display Name of the tax component

Amount Value of the tax allocated to this component

Percent Tax rate

InvoiceTaxDetails Field Code Description

Name Display Name of the tax component

Amount Value of the tax allocated to this component

Percent Tax rate

CreditNoteTaxDetails Field Code Description

Name Display Name of the tax component

Amount Value of the tax allocated to this component

Percent Tax rate

Page 19: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 18

Sale Process

Sale Field Code Description

TaskID Unique Sale task ID

Company Company name

Line1 Company Address Line1

Line2 Company Address Line2

Line3 Company Address Line3

ShipToDifferentCompany Shipping Company if user choose Different Company

ShipToDifferentContact Shipping Contact if user choose Different Company

ShippingAddressLine1 Full Shipping Address Part 1 (ShippingLine1 + Shipping Line2)

ShippingAddressLine2 Shipping Address Part 2 ()

ShippingLine1 Shipping Address Line 1

ShippingLine2 Shipping Address Line 2

ShippingCitySuburb Shipping Address City/Suburb

ShippingStateProvince Shipping Address State/Province

ShippingZipPostCode Shipping Address Zip/Postcode

ShippingCountry Shipping Address Country

BillingLine1 Billing Address Line 1

BillingLine2 Billing Address Line 2

BillingCitySuburb Billing Address City/Suburb

BillingStateProvince Billing Address State/Province

BillingZipPostCode Billing Address Zip/Postcode

BillingCountry Billing Address Country

MyName Company Contact Name

MyPhone Company Phone

MyFax Company Fax

MyEmail Company Email

MyWebsite Company Website

CustomerName Customer Name

CustomerFax Customer Fax

CustomerEmail Customer Email

CustomerWebsite Customer Website

CustomerContact Customer Contact

CustomerPhone Customer Phone

CustomerJobTitle Customer contact’s job title

CustomerMobilePhone Customer contact’s mobile phone number

Terms Payment terms

BillingAddressLine1 Customer Billing Address Line1

BillingAddressLine2 Customer Billing Address Line2

CustomerReference Customer Reference (e.g. Purchase Order Number)

TaxNumber Customer Tax Number

InvoiceNumber Invoice Number

InvoiceDate Invoice Date

Page 20: MAILMERGE FIELDS FOR DOCUMENT TEMPLATES · ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage» PriceTier1 Price tier 1 PriceTier2 Price tier 2

April 2019 19

Field Code Description

InvoiceDueDate Invoice Due Date

RequiredBy Shipment Required By

Currency Customer Currency

Tax TaxRule Name for document

SONumber Sale Order Number

Fulfilmentnumber Fulfilment number associated/Linked with Invoice

Date Date of the document

Location Warehouse Location

QuoteMemo Quote Memo. Additional information you would like to print on the quote

InvoiceMemo Invoice Memo. Additional information you would like to print on the invoice

CreditNoteMemo Credit Note Memo. Additional information you would like to print on the credit note

OrderMemo Sale Order Memo. Additional information you would like to print on the sale order

Note Internal note from the task header

CreditNoteNumber Credit Note Number

Rate Currency conversion rate at the time when goods were received.

SalesRepresentative Name of Sales Representative

SalesRepresentativePhone Phone number of Sales Representative

SalesRepresentativeFax Fax number of Sales Representative

SalesRepresentativeEmail Email address of Sales Representative

PriceTier Name price tier used for the document

CreditNoteDate Credit Note Date

QuoteLinesBeforeTax Quote Lines Before Tax

QuoteLinesTax Quote Lines Tax

QuoteLinesTotal Quote Lines Total

QuoteAdditionalChargesBeforeTax Quote Additional Charges Before Tax

QuoteAdditionalChargesTax Quote Additional Charges Tax

QuoteAdditionalChargesTotal Quote Additional Charges Total

QuoteBeforeTax Quote Before Tax

QuoteTax Quote Tax

QuoteTotal Quote Total

PrepaymentsTotal Total of prepayments

QuoteDue Quote Total - Total of prepayments

SOBeforeTax Sale Order Amount Before tax

SOTax Sale Order Tax (if applicable)

SOTotal Total Sale order amount

OrderAdditionalChargesLinesBeforeTax Order Additional Charges Before Tax

OrderAdditionalChargesTax Order Additional Charges Tax

OrderAdditionalChargesTotal Order Additional Charges Total

OrderBeforeTax Order Before Tax

OrderTax Order Tax

OrderTotal Order Total

InvoiceLinesBeforeTax Invoice Lines Before Tax

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April 2019 20

Field Code Description

InvoiceLinesTax Invoice Lines Tax

InvoiceLinesTotal Invoice Lines Total

InvoiceAdditionalCostLinesBeforeTax Invoice Additional Cost Lines Before Tax

InvoiceAdditionalCostLinesTax Invoice Additional Cost Lines Tax

InvoiceAdditionalCostLinesTotal Invoice Additional Cost Lines Total

InvoiceBalance Invoice Balance

CreditNoteLinesBeforeTax Credit Note Lines Before Tax

CreditNoteLinesTax Credit Note Lines Tax

CreditNoteLinesTotal Credit Note Lines Total

CreditNoteAdditionalCostLinesBeforeTax Credit Note Additional Cost Lines Before Tax

CreditNoteAdditionalCostLinesTax Credit Note Additional Cost Lines Tax

CreditNoteAdditionalCostLinesTotal Credit Note Additional Cost Lines Total

CreditNoteBalance Credit Note Balance

TotalCostOfGoods Total Cost Of Goods for the document

TotalPayments Total Payments for invoices

InvoiceTax Invoice Tax

InvoiceBeforeTax Invoice Before Tax

InvoiceTotal Invoice Total

CreditNoteTax Credit Note Tax

CreditNoteBeforeTax Credit Note Before Tax

CreditNoteTotal Credit Note Total

TotalRefunds Total Refunds

QuoteTotalDiscount Total Discount amount applied to Quote

SOTotalDiscount Total Discount amount applied to Order

InvoiceTotalDiscount Total Discount amount applied to Invoice

CreditNoteTotalDiscount Total Discount amount applied to Credit Note

DatePrinted Date Printed

DueOrCredit Due Or Credit

LinesInQuoteLines Total Lines In Quote Lines Table

LinesInQuoteAdditionalCharges Total Lines In Quote Additional Charges table

LinesInInvoice Total Lines In Invoice table

LinesInInvoiceAdditionalCharges Total Lines In Invoice Additional Charges table

LinesInBackorderedInvoice Total Lines In Backordered Invoice table

LinesInPrepayment Total Lines In Prepayment

LinesInPayment Total Lines In Payment

LinesInCreditNote Total Lines In Credit Note

LinesInCreditNoteAdditionalCharges Total Lines In Credit Note Additional Charges table

LinesInRefund Total Lines In Refund table

LinesInPickList Total Lines In Pick List table

LinesInSaleOrder Total Lines In Sale Order table

LinesInPackingList Total Lines In Packing List table

LinesInReceipt Total Lines In Receipt table

LinesInBoxContent Total Lines In Box Content table

IsServiceOnly Flag indicating that sale Is Service Only sale no inventory involved

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April 2019 21

Field Code Description

QuoteTotalQuantity TotalQuoteQuantity

OrderTotalQuantity Total Order Quantity

PickTotalQuantity Total Pick Quantity

ExpandedPickTotalQuantity TotalQuantity in ExpandedPick table

RestockTotalQuantity Total Restock Quantity

InvoiceTotalQuantity Total Invoice Quantity

CreditNoteTotalQuantity Total Credit Note Quantity

Status Sale Task status

CustomerAttribute1 Custom Attribute 1 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute2 Custom Attribute 2 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute3 Custom Attribute 3 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute4 Custom Attribute 4 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute5 Custom Attribute 5 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute6 Custom Attribute 6 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute7 Custom Attribute 7 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute8 Custom Attribute 8 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute9 Custom Attribute 9 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute10 Custom Attribute 10 value assigned to a customer

TaxMode Totals are tax "Inclusive" or "Exclusive".

Carrier Carrier Service Name from Carrier/Service on Sale Order screen (Default Carrier setup in Customer Record)

StripePay This mail merge field will be replaced by Pay By Stripe hyperlink image enabling clients to pay the invoice by Stripe. Stripe integration should be enabled and configured.

PayPalPay This mail merge field will be replaced by Pay By PayPal hyperlink image enabling clients to pay the invoice by PayPal. PayPal integration should be enabled and configured.

SaleAttribute1 Sale Additional Attribute 1

SaleAttribute2 Sale Additional Attribute 2

SaleAttribute3 Sale Additional Attribute 3

SaleAttribute4 Sale Additional Attribute 4

SaleAttribute5 Sale Additional Attribute 5

SaleAttribute6 Sale Additional Attribute 6

SaleAttribute7 Sale Additional Attribute 7

SaleAttribute8 Sale Additional Attribute 8

SaleAttribute9 Sale Additional Attribute 9

SaleAttribute10 Sale Additional Attribute 10

QuoteLines Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Name of the product

ShortDescription Product Short Description

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April 2019 22

Field Code Description

Unit Units sold

Quantity Quantity sold

Price Sale Price

PriceDiscounted Sell price with all discounts applied

Discount Discount applied

Tax Line item Tax

Total Line item Total

Barcode Item barcode

Description Product description

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Comment Additional information for line item.

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

TaxPercentage Tax percentage applied to this line

TaxRule Name of the tax rule applied to this line

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

Option1 Product Family variant option 1 value

Option2 Product Family variant option 2 value

Option3 Product Family variant option 3 value


Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

ProductCode SKU (of product or family)

ProductName Name of the product/family

ShortDescription Product/Family Short Description

Unit Units sold

Quantity Quantity sold

Price Sale Price

PriceDiscounted Sell price with all discounts applied

Discount Discount applied

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April 2019 23

Field Code Description

Tax Line item Tax

Total Line item Total

Description Product/Family description

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Comment Additional information for line item

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

TaxPercentage Tax percentage applied to this line

TaxRule Name of the tax rule applied to this line

Category Product/Family Category

Brand Product/Family Brand

OptionsTable Table with options of family to buy (color-size matrix)

QuoteAdditionalCharges Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

Description Description of additional charges

Comment Additional information for line item.

Amount Unit Cost

Quantity Quantity

Discount Discount %

Tax Tax

Total Total for line item

TaxRule Tax rule applied

TaxPercentage Tax percentage applied to this line

ServiceDescription Description field of the service

Prepayments Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

PaymentMethod Name of account used for payment

Reference Reference like receipt ID

Amount Amount of payment

DatePaid Date when payment was made

AccountCode Account used for payment

Order Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task ID

ID Line number

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

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April 2019 24

Field Code Description

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity to sell

Price Sell price

PriceDiscounted Sell price with all discounts applied

Discount Discount %

Tax Tax if applicable

Total Total for line item

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Backorder Flag indicating that item was backordered {Yes, No}

Comment Additional information for line item.

DropShip Print YES or NO as per selection in Order line

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

TaxRule Tax rule applied to this line

TaxPercentage Tax percentage applied to this line

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

Option1 Product Family variant option 1 value

Option2 Product Family variant option 2 value

Option3 Product Family variant option 3 value


Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

ProductCode SKU (of product or family)

ProductName Name of the product/family

ShortDescription Product/Family Short Description

Unit Units sold

Quantity Quantity sold

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April 2019 25

Field Code Description

Price Sale Price

PriceDiscounted Sell price with all discounts applied

Discount Discount applied

Tax Line item Tax

Total Line item Total

Description Product/Family description

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Comment Additional information for line item

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

TaxPercentage Tax percentage applied to this line

TaxRule Name of the tax rule applied to this line

Category Product/Family Category

Brand Product/Family Brand

OptionsTable Table with options of family to buy (color-size matrix)


Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

Description Description of additional charges

Comment Additional information for line item.

Amount Unit Cost

Quantity Quantity

Discount Discount %

Tax Tax

Total Total for line item

TaxRule Tax rule applied

TaxPercentage Tax percentage applied to this line

ServiceDescription Description field of the service

Pick Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task ID

ID Line number

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity to pick

Location Location

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number

Barcode Barcode

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April 2019 26

Field Code Description

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

PriceTier1 Price tier 1

PriceTier2 Price tier 2

PriceTier3 Price tier 3

PriceTier4 Price tier 4

PriceTier5 Price tier 5

PriceTier6 Price tier 6

PriceTier7 Price tier 7

PriceTier8 Price tier 8

PriceTier9 Price tier 9

PriceTier10 Price tier 10

Comment Comment from Sale Order line

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

Option1 Product Family variant option 1 value

Option2 Product Family variant option 2 value

Option3 Product Family variant option 3 value

ExpandedPickGroup Can be used as parent table for ExpandedPick to show Kit components grouped by kit name/sku.

Field Code Description

KitSKU Kit SKU. For not auto-assembled products = “Items”

KitName Kit Name. For not auto-assembled products = “Items”

KitQuantity Quantity of assembled kits

ExpandedPick Has the same content as Pick table, except that auto-assembled products are replaced with their


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April 2019 27

Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task ID

ID Line number

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity to pick

Location Location

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

PriceTier1 Price tier 1

PriceTier2 Price tier 2

PriceTier3 Price tier 3

PriceTier4 Price tier 4

PriceTier5 Price tier 5

PriceTier6 Price tier 6

PriceTier7 Price tier 7

PriceTier8 Price tier 8

PriceTier9 Price tier 9

PriceTier10 Price tier 10

Comment Comment from Sale Order line

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

KitSKU Kit SKU. For not auto-assembled products = “Items”

KitName Kit Name. For not auto-assembled products = “Items”

Option1 Product Family variant option 1 value

Option2 Product Family variant option 2 value

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April 2019 28

Field Code Description

Option3 Product Family variant option 3 value

Pack Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task ID

ID Line number

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity to pick

BoxNumber Box number where item packed

BatchSN Batch or Serial number

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Price Item price

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Comment Comment field from related sale order lines

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

Option1 Product Family variant option 1 value

Option2 Product Family variant option 2 value

Option3 Product Family variant option 3 value

BoxContent Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task ID

BoxNumber Box number

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April 2019 29

Field Code Description

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity packed

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

Barcode Barcode

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

Ship Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task ID

ID Line Number

ShipmentDate Date when goods were shipped

Carrier Carrier name

Boxes comma delimited list of boxes shipped

Status Shipped/Not Shipped

TrackingNumber Carrier tracking number

InvoiceLines Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task ID

ID Line Number

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit unit of measure

Quantity Quantity on invoice

Price Price

PriceDiscounted Sell price with all discounts applied

Discount Discount %

Tax Tax for line item

Total Total for line item


AccountCode Sale account used

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

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April 2019 30

Field Code Description

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

Backorder Flag indicating that item was backordered {Yes, No}

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

BatchorSerialNumbers Comma-delimited list of all batches or serial numbers for every item included on the invoice

BatchSerialNumbersExpiryDates Expiry Date of each batch

Comment Additional information for line item.

PriceTier1 Price tier 1

PriceTier2 Price tier 2

PriceTier3 Price tier 3

PriceTier4 Price tier 4

PriceTier5 Price tier 5

PriceTier6 Price tier 6

PriceTier7 Price tier 7

PriceTier8 Price tier 8

PriceTier9 Price tier 9

PriceTier10 Price tier 10

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

TaxRule Tax Rule applied to this line

TaxPercentage Tax Percentage applied to this line

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

Option1 Product Family variant option 1 value

Option2 Product Family variant option 2 value

Option3 Product Family variant option 3 value


Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

ProductCode SKU (of product or family)

ProductName Name of the product/family

ShortDescription Product/Family Short Description

Unit Units sold

Quantity Quantity sold

Price Sale Price

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April 2019 31

Field Code Description

PriceDiscounted Sell price with all discounts applied

Discount Discount applied

Tax Line item Tax

Total Line item Total

Description Product/Family description

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Comment Additional information for line item

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

TaxPercentage Tax percentage applied to this line

TaxRule Name of the tax rule applied to this line

Category Product/Family Category

Brand Product/Family Brand

OptionsTable Table with options of family to buy (color-size matrix)


Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task ID

ID Line Number

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit unit of measure

Quantity Quantity on invoice

Price Price

PriceDiscounted Sell price with all discounts applied

Discount Discount %

Tax Tax for line item

Total Total for line item

AccountCode Sale account used

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

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April 2019 32

Field Code Description

BatchorSerialNumbers Comma-delimited list of all batches or serial numbers for every item included on the invoice

Comment Additional information for line item.

PriceTier1 Price tier 1

PriceTier2 Price tier 2

PriceTier3 Price tier 3

PriceTier4 Price tier 4

PriceTier5 Price tier 5

PriceTier6 Price tier 6

PriceTier7 Price tier 7

PriceTier8 Price tier 8

PriceTier9 Price tier 9

PriceTier10 Price tier 10

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

TaxRule Tax Rule applied to this line

TaxPercentage Tax Percentage applied to this line

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

Option1 Product Family variant option 1 value

Option2 Product Family variant option 2 value

Option3 Product Family variant option 3 value

InvoiceAdditionalCharges Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

Description Description of additional charges

Comment Additional information for line item.

Amount Unit Cost

Quantity Quantity

Discount Discount %

TaxRule Tax rule used

Tax Tax

Total Total for line item


AccountCode Sale account used

TaxPercentage Tax percentage applied to this line

ServiceDescription Description field of the service

InvoicePayments Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

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April 2019 33

Field Code Description

PaymentMethod Name of account used for payment

Reference Reference like receipt ID

Amount Amount of payment

DatePaid Date when payment was made


AccountCode Account used for payment

CreditNoteLines Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task ID

ID Line Number

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit unit of measure

Quantity Quantity on credit note

Price Price

Discount Discount %

Tax Tax for line item

Total Total for line item


AccountCode Sale account used

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

Backorder Flag indicating that item was backordered {Yes, No}

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

BatchorSerialNumbers Comma-delimited list of all batches or serial numbers for every item included on the credit note

Comment Additional information for line item.

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

TaxPercentage Tax percentage applied to this line

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April 2019 34

Field Code Description

TaxRule Tax rule applied to this line

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

Option1 Product Family variant option 1 value

Option2 Product Family variant option 2 value

Option3 Product Family variant option 3 value

CreditNoteAdditionalCharges Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

Description Description of additional charges

Comment Additional information for line item.

Amount Unit Cost

Quantity Quantity

Discount Discount %

TaxRule Tax rule used

Tax Tax

Total Total for line item


AccountCode Sale account used

TaxPercentage Tax percentage applied to this line

ServiceDescription Description field of the service

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April 2019 35

CreditNoteRefunds Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

PaymentMethod Name of account used for payment

Reference Reference like receipt id

Amount Amount of payment

DatePaid Date when payment was made


AccountCode Account used for payment

Restock Field Code Description

TaskID Unique sale task id

ID Line number

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Units of measure

Quantity Restock quantity

Location Warehouse location

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or serial number to restock

Barcode Barcode

Description Product description

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

PriceTier1 Price tier 1

PriceTier2 Price tier 2

PriceTier3 Price tier 3

PriceTier4 Price tier 4

PriceTier5 Price tier 5

PriceTier6 Price tier 6

PriceTier7 Price tier 7

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April 2019 36

Field Code Description

PriceTier8 Price tier 8

PriceTier9 Price tier 9

PriceTier10 Price tier 10

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

Option1 Product Family variant option 1 value

Option2 Product Family variant option 2 value

Option3 Product Family variant option 3 value

QuoteTaxDetails Field Code Description

Name Display Name of the tax component

Amount Value of the tax allocated to this component

Percent Tax rate

OrderTaxDetails Field Code Description

Name Display Name of the tax component

Amount Value of the tax allocated to this component

Percent Tax rate

InvoiceTaxDetails Field Code Description

Name Display Name of the tax component

Amount Value of the tax allocated to this component

Percent Tax rate

CreditNoteTaxDetails Field Code Description

Name Display Name of the tax component

Amount Value of the tax allocated to this component

Percent Tax rate

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April 2019 37

ProductLabelsBatch This table contains the same data as InvoiceLines table, but each line is repeated n times where n =

Quantity in the line. Use this table to print labels for sold goods.

Field Code Description

TaskID Unique task ID

ID Line number

ItemCode SKU

ItemDescription Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity received

Location Location

Comment Line comment

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number

Description Product description

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

PriceTier1 Price tier 1

PriceTier2 Price tier 2

PriceTier3 Price tier 3

PriceTier4 Price tier 4

PriceTier5 Price tier 5

PriceTier6 Price tier 6

PriceTier7 Price tier 7

PriceTier8 Price tier 8

PriceTier9 Price tier 9

PriceTier10 Price tier 10

WeightUnits Weight Unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalLineWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

Option1 Product Family variant option 1 value

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April 2019 38

Field Code Description

Option2 Product Family variant option 2 value

Option3 Product Family variant option 3 value

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April 2019 39

Sale Combined printing Data in these tables are only for templates related to combined documents printing from View All

Sales form. Normal tables do not apply to combined sale printing.

Sales Field Code Description

CustomerName Customer Name

CustomerFax Customer Fax

CustomerEmail Customer Email

CustomerWebsite Customer Website

CustomerContact Customer Contact

CustomerPhone Customer Phone

Terms Payment terms

CustomerReference Customer Reference (e.g. Purchase Order Number)

TaxNumber Customer Tax Number

InvoiceStatus Invoice Status

InvoiceNumber Invoice Number

InvoiceDate Invoice Date

InvoiceDueDate Invoice Due Date

RequiredBy Shipment Required By

Currency Customer Currency

SONumber Sale Order Number

Date Order Date

ShippingAddressLine1 Combined Shipment Address Line 1

ShippingAddressLine2 Combined Shipment Address Line 2

ShippingLine1 Shipment Address Line 1

ShippingLine2 Shipment Address Line 2

ShippingCitySuburb Shipment Address City

ShippingStateProvince Shipment Address State

ShippingZipPostCode Shipment Address Post Code/Zip

ShippingCountry Shipment Address Country

BillingAddressLine1 Combined Billing Address Line 1

BillingAddressLine2 Combined Billing Address Line 2

BillingLine1 Billing Address Line 1

BillingLine2 Billing Address Line 2

BillingCitySuburb Billing Address City

BillingStateProvince Billing Address State

BillingZipPostCode Billing Address Post Code/Zip

BillingCountry Billing Address Country

QuoteMemo Quote Memo. Additional information you would like to print on the quote

InvoiceMemo Invoice Memo. Additional information you would like to print on the invoice

OrderMemo Sale Order Memo. Additional information you would like to print on the sale order

Note Internal note from the task header

SalesRepresentative Name of Sales Representative

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April 2019 40

Field Code Description

SalesRepresentativePhone Phone number of Sales Representative

SalesRepresentativeFax Fax number of Sales Representative

SalesRepresentativeEmail Email address of Sales Representative

Status Sale Task status

CustomerAttribute1 Custom Attribute 1 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute2 Custom Attribute 2 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute3 Custom Attribute 3 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute4 Custom Attribute 4 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute5 Custom Attribute 5 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute6 Custom Attribute 6 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute7 Custom Attribute 7 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute8 Custom Attribute 8 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute9 Custom Attribute 9 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute10 Custom Attribute 10 value assigned to a customer

OrderCombined Field Code Description

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

WeightUnits Weight unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

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April 2019 41

OrderCombinedByCarrier Field Code Description

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity

Barcode Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

WeightUnits Weight unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»


This table can wrap following 4 tables to group picked/packed items by location

Field Code Description

Location Name of the location of Picked and Packed products


This tables holds picked products grouped without batch/serial number information

Field Code Description

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity

Location Location picked

Bin Bin name

Barcode Product Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

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April 2019 42

Field Code Description

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

Stock Locator Stock locator information of from the product

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

WeightUnits Weight unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand


This tables holds picked products grouped without batch/serial number information

Field Code Description

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity

Location Location picked

Bin Bin name

Barcode Product Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

Stock Locator Stock locator information of from the product

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

WeightUnits Weight unit

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April 2019 43

Field Code Description

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand


This tables holds picked products with batch/serial number information

Field Code Description

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity

Location Location picked

BatchSN Batch/Serial Number

Expiry Date Expiry date of the batch

Bin Bin name

Barcode Product Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

Stock Locator Stock locator information of from the product

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

WeightUnits Weight unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

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April 2019 44


This tables holds packed products grouped without batch/serial number information

Field Code Description

Box Sale Order # + Box number

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity

Location Location picked

Bin Bin name

Barcode Product Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

Stock Locator Stock locator information of from the product

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

WeightUnits Weight unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand


This tables holds packed products with batch/serial number information

Field Code Description

Box Sale Order # + Box number

ProductCode SKU

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Unit of measure

Quantity Quantity

Location Location picked

BatchSN Batch/Serial Number

Expiry Date Expiry date of the batch

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April 2019 45

Field Code Description

Bin Bin name

Barcode Product Barcode

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10

Description Product description

Stock Locator Stock locator information of from the product

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

WeightUnits Weight unit

ItemWeight Product Weight per 1 quantity

TotalWeight ItemWeight * Quantity

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand


Holds information about shipping lines from all selected sale tasks + general sale information

Field Code Description

Boxes Number of Boxes

Carrier Carrier Name

TrackingNumber Tracking Number

ShipmentDate Shipment Date

CustomerName Customer Name

CustomerFax Customer Fax

CustomerEmail Customer Email

CustomerWebsite Customer Website

CustomerContact Customer Contact

CustomerPhone Customer Phone

Terms Payment terms

CustomerReference Customer Reference (e.g. Purchase Order Number)

TaxNumber Customer Tax Number

InvoiceStatus Invoice Status

InvoiceNumber Invoice Number

InvoiceDate Invoice Date

InvoiceDueDate Invoice Due Date

RequiredBy Shipment Required By

Currency Customer Currency

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April 2019 46

Field Code Description

SONumber Sale Order Number

Date Order Date

ShippingAddressLine1 Combined Shipment Address Line 1

ShippingAddressLine2 Combined Shipment Address Line 2

ShippingLine1 Shipment Address Line 1

ShippingLine2 Shipment Address Line 2

ShippingCitySuburb Shipment Address City

ShippingStateProvince Shipment Address State

ShippingZipPostCode Shipment Address Post Code/Zip

ShippingCountry Shipment Address Country

BillingAddressLine1 Combined Billing Address Line 1

BillingAddressLine2 Combined Billing Address Line 2

BillingLine1 Billing Address Line 1

BillingLine2 Billing Address Line 2

BillingCitySuburb Billing Address City

BillingStateProvince Billing Address State

BillingZipPostCode Billing Address Post Code/Zip

BillingCountry Billing Address Country

QuoteMemo Quote Memo. Additional information you would like to print on the quote

InvoiceMemo Invoice Memo. Additional information you would like to print on the invoice

OrderMemo Sale Order Memo. Additional information you would like to print on the sale order

Note Internal note from the task header

SalesRepresentative Name of Sales Representative

SalesRepresentativePhone Phone number of Sales Representative

SalesRepresentativeFax Fax number of Sales Representative

SalesRepresentativeEmail Email address of Sales Representative

Status Shipment status

CustomerAttribute1 Custom Attribute 1 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute2 Custom Attribute 2 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute3 Custom Attribute 3 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute4 Custom Attribute 4 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute5 Custom Attribute 5 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute6 Custom Attribute 6 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute7 Custom Attribute 7 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute8 Custom Attribute 8 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute9 Custom Attribute 9 value assigned to a customer

CustomerAttribute10 Custom Attribute 10 value assigned to a customer

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April 2019 47

Customer Statements printing Data in these tables are only for templates related to customer statements printing from View All

Customers form.

Activity – Customer Activity statement data Field Code Description

DocDate Effective transaction date

Activity Document type

DueDate Document due date

Reference Document Number

InvoiceAmount Invoiced/Credited amount

Payments Payment/Refund amount

Balance Outstanding balance

Outstanding – Customer outstanding transactions data Field Code Description

DocDate Effective transaction date

Activity Document type

DueDate Document due date

Reference Document Number

InvoiceAmount Invoiced/Credited amount

Payments Payment/Refund amount

Balance Outstanding balance

Common – common data for customer statements Field Code Description

Company DEAR Organisation name

CustomerName Name of the customer

BillingAddressLine1 Billing Address Line 1

BillingAddressLine2 Billing Address Line 2

BillingAddressCitySuburb Billing Address City/Suburb

BillingAddressStateProvince Billing Address State/Province

BillingAddressZipPostCode Billing Address Zip/Postcode

BillingAddressCountry Billing Address Country

OpeningBalance Customer opening balance on the From date

StatementDate Statement Date

FromDate Date From for activity statement

ToDate Date To (inclusive) for activity statement

ActivityCount Number of Lines in Activity

OutstandingCount Number of Lines in Outstanding

ActivityDueAmount Activity Due Amount

ActivityPaidAmount Activity Paid Amount

OutstandingDueAmount Outstanding Due Amount

OutstandingPaidAmount Outstanding Paid Amount

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April 2019 48

Inventory Process

InventoryTask Field Code Description

Date Date task created

StocktakeNumber Sequential stocktake number

Account Expense account

Status Status of the task

Reference Document Reference Number

Location Location where stocktake is performed

DatePrinted Current Date

Company Company name

InventoryAdjustment Field Code Description

ID Line Number

ProductName Product Name

ProductCode SKU

Unit Unit of measure

Location Warehouse location

Barcode Product barcode

WeightPerUnit Product weight per Unit

Comments Comments

QuantityOnHand Quantity on hand at the time of adjustment created

Adjustment adjustment quantity

Varience difference between stock on hand and adjustment

BatchOrSerialNumber batch or serial number if applicable

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

Category Product Category

Brand Brand

StockLocator Stock locator

AdditionalAttribute1 Product additional attribute 1 value

AdditionalAttribute2 Product additional attribute 2 value

AdditionalAttribute3 Product additional attribute 3 value

AdditionalAttribute4 Product additional attribute 4 value

AdditionalAttribute5 Product additional attribute 5 value

AdditionalAttribute6 Product additional attribute 6 value

AdditionalAttribute7 Product additional attribute 7 value

AdditionalAttribute8 Product additional attribute 8 value

AdditionalAttribute9 Product additional attribute 9 value

AdditionalAttribute10 Product additional attribute 10 value

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April 2019 49

StockTransferTask Field Code Description

Date Date when transfers was created

From Source Location

FromLine1 Source Location Address Line1

FromLine2 Source Location Address Line2

FromCitySuburb Source Location City

FromStateProvince Source Location State/Province

FromZipPostCode Source Location Zip/Post Code

FromCountry Source Location Country

To Target Location

ToLine1 Target Location Address Line1

ToLine2 Target Location Address Line2

ToCitySuburb Target Location City

ToStateProvince Target Location State/Province

ToZipPostCode Target Location Zip/Post Code

ToCountry Target Location Country

DateReceived Date Received

DateSent Date Sent

InTransitAccount In Transit Account

Status Status of the transfer task

Reference Document Reference Number

Number Task number

User User who initiated transfer

DatePrinted Date the form is printed

Company Company name

EffectiveDate Transfer effective date

LinesInDetail Number of Lines in StockTransferDetail table

LinesInOrder Number of Lines in StockTransferOrder table

StockTransferDetail Field Code Description

ID Line Number

ProductName Product name

ProductCode SKU

Unit Unit of measure

Location Location & Bin from which item is picked

QuantityOnHand Quantity on hand

QuantityAvailable Available Quantity

TransferQuantity Transfer Quantity

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or serial number when applicable

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies Default location of the item as specified on the product

FromStockLocator Stock Locator for source warehouse location of the product

ToStockLocator Stock Locator for target warehouse location of the product

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April 2019 50

Field Code Description

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

FromLocation Location where the stock is coming from

ToLocation Location where the stock is going to

Barcode Product barcode

WeightPerUnit Product weight Per Unit

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional attribute 1 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional attribute 2 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional attribute 3 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional attribute 4 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional attribute 5 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional attribute 6 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional attribute 7 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional attribute 8 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional attribute 9 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional attribute 10 value of the product

StockTransferOrder Field Code Description

ID Line Number

ProductName Product name

ProductCode SKU

Unit Unit of measure

Comments Comments for line item

QuantityOnHand Quantity on hand

QuantityAvailable Available Quantity

TransferQuantity Transfer Ordered Quantity

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies Default location of the item as specified on the product

FromStockLocator Stock Locator for source warehouse location of the product

ToStockLocator Stock Locator for target warehouse location of the product

FromLocation Location where the stock is coming from

ToLocation Location where the stock is going to

Barcode Product barcode

WeightPerUnit Product weight Per Unit

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional attribute 1 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional attribute 2 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional attribute 3 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional attribute 4 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional attribute 5 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional attribute 6 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional attribute 7 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional attribute 8 value of the product

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April 2019 51

Field Code Description

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional attribute 9 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional attribute 10 value of the product

FinishedGoodsTask Field Code Description

AssemblyNumber Assembly Number

Status Status of assembly task

LastUpdatedBy User made the most recent change

Location Warehouse location

Quantity Quantity to assemble

ProductCode SKU

Name Product Name

Barcode Product barcode

WeightPerUnit Product weight Per Unit

Weight Total weight for Line

Company Company name

Date Date assembly was created

DatePrinted Date report is printed

WIPDate Work in Progress date

CompletionDate Completion date

Account Expense Account code / Finished Good account code

WIPAccount WIP Account code

Unit Unit of measure

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number if applicable

TotalCost Cost of the finished goods

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Bin Name of the bin assembled product is placed to. Can be empty.

Notes Multiline notes

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional attribute 1 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional attribute 2 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional attribute 3 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional attribute 4 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional attribute 5 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional attribute 6 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional attribute 7 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional attribute 8 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional attribute 9 value of the product

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional attribute 10 value of the product

Description Manufactured product description

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April 2019 52

FinishedGoodsComponents Field Code Description

ID Line Number

TotalQuantity Total quantity to use in assembly

WastageQuantity Assumed wastage (quantity)

WastagePercent Assumed wastage (percent)

ProductCode SKU

Name Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Cost Cost of 1 quantity

Unit Units of measure

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number if applicable

TotalCost Cost of the component for TotalQuantity

Barcode Product barcode

WeightPerUnit Product weight Per Unit

Weight Total weight for Line

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Bin Name of the bin finished goods component is taken from. Can be empty.

AdditionalAttribute1 Product additional attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product additional attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product additional attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product additional attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product additional attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product additional attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product additional attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product additional attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product additional attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product additional attribute 10

Category Product category

Brand Product brand

Description Component product description

FinishedGoodsComponentsBatch Field Code Description

ID Line Number

ProductCode SKU

Name Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Unit Units of measure

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number if applicable

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

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April 2019 53

Field Code Description

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Barcode Product barcode

WeightPerUnit Product weight Per Unit

Weight Total weight for Line

Bin Name of the bin finished goods component is taken from. Can be empty.

AdditionalAttribute1 Product additional attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product additional attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product additional attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product additional attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product additional attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product additional attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product additional attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product additional attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product additional attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product additional attribute 10

Category Product category

Brand Product brand

Description Component product description

FinishedGoodsOrder Field Code Description

ID Line Number

Quantity Quantity to use

TotalQuantity Quantity to assemble

WastageQuantity Assumed wastage (quantity)

WastagePercent Assumed wastage (percent)

ProductCode SKU

Name Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Barcode Product barcode

WeightPerUnit Product weight Per Unit

Weight Total weight for Line

Cost Cost of 1 quantity of the component

Unit Units of measure

TotalCost Cost of TotalQuantity of the component

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

AdditionalAttribute1 Product additional attribute 1 value

AdditionalAttribute2 Product additional attribute 2 value

AdditionalAttribute3 Product additional attribute 3 value

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April 2019 54

Field Code Description

AdditionalAttribute4 Product additional attribute 4 value

AdditionalAttribute5 Product additional attribute 5 value

AdditionalAttribute6 Product additional attribute 6 value

AdditionalAttribute7 Product additional attribute 7 value

AdditionalAttribute8 Product additional attribute 8 value

AdditionalAttribute9 Product additional attribute 9 value

AdditionalAttribute10 Product additional attribute 10 value

Description Product description

InventoryAdjustmentLabel Field Code Description

Location Warehouse location

Unit Units of measure

Quantity Quantity

ProductCode SKU

Name Product name

Company Company name

DatePrinted Date report is printed

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number if applicable

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

Comments User entered comments

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

Barcode Item Barcode

WeightPerUnit Product weight

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Price1 Price tier 1

Price2 Price tier 2

Price3 Price tier 3

Price4 Price tier 4

Price5 Price tier 5

Price6 Price tier 6

Price7 Price tier 7

Price8 Price tier 8

Price9 Price tier 9

Price10 Price tier 10

Category Product Category

Brand Product Brand

AdditionalAttribute1 Product additional attribute 1 value

AdditionalAttribute2 Product additional attribute 2 value

AdditionalAttribute3 Product additional attribute 3 value

AdditionalAttribute4 Product additional attribute 4 value

AdditionalAttribute5 Product additional attribute 5 value

AdditionalAttribute6 Product additional attribute 6 value

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April 2019 55

Field Code Description

AdditionalAttribute7 Product additional attribute 7 value

AdditionalAttribute8 Product additional attribute 8 value

AdditionalAttribute9 Product additional attribute 9 value

AdditionalAttribute10 Product additional attribute 10 value

ProductLabelsBatch The same content as in InventoryAdjustmentLabel except that for each line with X quantity in

InventoryAdjustmentLabel there are X lines in ProductLabelsBatch table

Field Code Description

Location Warehouse location

Unit Units of measure

Quantity Quantity

ProductCode SKU

Name Product name

Company Company name

DatePrinted Date report is printed

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch or Serial number if applicable

ExpiryDate Item expiry date

Comments User entered comments

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

Barcode Item Barcode

WeightPerUnit Product weight Per Unit

Weight Total weight for Line

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

Price1 Price tier 1

Price2 Price tier 2

Price3 Price tier 3

Price4 Price tier 4

Price5 Price tier 5

Price6 Price tier 6

Price7 Price tier 7

Price8 Price tier 8

Price9 Price tier 9

Price10 Price tier 10

Category Product category

Brand Product Brand

AdditionalAttribute1 Product additional attribute 1 value

AdditionalAttribute2 Product additional attribute 2 value

AdditionalAttribute3 Product additional attribute 3 value

AdditionalAttribute4 Product additional attribute 4 value

AdditionalAttribute5 Product additional attribute 5 value

AdditionalAttribute6 Product additional attribute 6 value

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April 2019 56

Field Code Description

AdditionalAttribute7 Product additional attribute 7 value

AdditionalAttribute8 Product additional attribute 8 value

AdditionalAttribute9 Product additional attribute 9 value

AdditionalAttribute10 Product additional attribute 10 value

Price List

Header Field Code Description

Company Company name

PriceTierName1 Name for price tier 1

PriceTierName2 Name for price tier 2

PriceTierName3 Name for price tier 3

PriceTierName4 Name for price tier 4

PriceTierName5 Name for price tier 5

PriceTierName6 Name for price tier 6

PriceTierName7 Name for price tier 7

PriceTierName8 Name for price tier 8

PriceTierName9 Name for price tier 9

PriceTierName10 Name for price tier 10

DatePrinted Date when price list is generated

SelectedCategory Category selected as a filter

SelectedBrand Brand selected as a filter

SelectedTag Product tag selected as a filter

Products Field Code Description

ID Line Number

ProductCode Product code

ProductName Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Category Category

Barcode Barcode

Description Product description

CustomField1 Value of custom field 1

CustomField2 Value of custom field 2

CustomField3 Value of custom field 3

CustomField4 Value of custom field 4

CustomField5 Value of custom field 5

CustomField6 Value of custom field 6

CustomField7 Value of custom field 7

CustomField8 Value of custom field 8

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April 2019 57

Field Code Description

CustomField9 Value of custom field 9

CustomField10 Value of custom field 10

StockLocator Stock Locator. Specifies location of the item in warehouse

Option1 Name of the option 1 (For product families only)

Option2 Name of the option 2 (For product families only)

Option3 Name of the option 3 (For product families only)

Price1 Price tier 1

Price2 Price tier 2

Price3 Price tier 3

Price4 Price tier 4

Price5 Price tier 5

Price6 Price tier 6

Price7 Price tier 7

Price8 Price tier 8

Price9 Price tier 9

Price10 Price tier 10

UOM Unit of measure

Tags Comma delimited product tags

Available Available stock (includes allocated)

OnHand Stock on hand (doesn’t include allocated)

ProductImage Product Image. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

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April 2019 58


Disassembly Field Code Description

Date Date when disassembly task was created

DisassemblyNumber Unique number of the disassembly task

Status Status of the task

Location Location where disassembly takes place

ProductCode SKU of disassembled product

Name Name of disassembled product

Quantity Quantity of disassembled product


Date when Pick in disassembly was authorised (in case of Undo it keeps original Work in Progress date)


Date when disassembly result was authorised and task status changed to Completed (in case of Undo it keeps original Completion date)

DatePrinted Date when the document is generated

Company Company name

AssemblyInstructionURL URL of the assembly instruction if specified for disassembled product

StockLocator Stock Locator field of disassembled product

Barcode Barcode of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional Attribute 1 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional Attribute 2 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional Attribute 3 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional Attribute 4 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional Attribute 5 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional Attribute 6 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional Attribute 7 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional Attribute 8 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional Attribute 9 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional Attribute 10 of disassembled product

ProductImage Default image of disassembled product. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

ComponentsTotalCost Total cost of components produced as a result of disassembly (excluding cost of Labour and Overheads)

ServicesTotalAmount Total amount of Labour and Overheads associated with disassembly

TotalCost ComponentsTotalCost + ServicesTotalAmount

TotalComponentLines Number of components produced as a result of disassembly

TotalComponentsQuantity Quantity of components produced as a result of disassembly

Unit Unit of measure

TotalServicesLines Number of services used in disassembly

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April 2019 59

DisassemblyPicking Field Code Description

Quantity Quantity to pick

UnitCost Unit cost of this product batch

Cost Quantity * UnitCost

BatchSN Batch/Serial number

ExpiryDate Expiry Date

ID Line Number

StockLocator Stock Locator field of disassembled product

Barcode Barcode of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional Attribute 1 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional Attribute 2 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional Attribute 3 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional Attribute 4 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional Attribute 5 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional Attribute 6 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional Attribute 7 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional Attribute 8 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional Attribute 9 of disassembled product

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional Attribute 10 of disassembled product

Bin Name of the bin pick line is located at. Can be empty.

DisassemblyComponents Field Code Description

Quantity Quantity produced

Cost Cost of the whole number of units (not a unit cost)

BatchSN Batch/Serial number

ExpiryDate Expiry Date

ProductCode SKU of the produced product

Name Name of the produced product

Quantity Quantity of produced product

StockLocator Stock Locator field of produced product

Barcode Barcode of produced product

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional Attribute 1 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional Attribute 2 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional Attribute 3 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional Attribute 4 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional Attribute 5 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional Attribute 6 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional Attribute 7 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional Attribute 8 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional Attribute 9 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional Attribute 10 of produced product

PriceTier1 Price tier 1 of produced product

PriceTier2 Price tier 2 of produced product

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Field Code Description

PriceTier3 Price tier 3 of produced product

PriceTier4 Price tier 4 of produced product

PriceTier5 Price tier 5 of produced product

PriceTier6 Price tier 6 of produced product

PriceTier7 Price tier 7 of produced product

PriceTier8 Price tier 8 of produced product

PriceTier9 Price tier 9 of produced product

PriceTier10 Price tier 10 of produced product

ProductImage Default image of produced product. Use this mail merge to display image «Image:ProductImage»

ID Line Number

Unit Unit of measure

Bin Name of the bin disassembled component is placed to. Can be empty.

DisassemblyServices Field Code Description

Amount Amount of money spent on this service. It is distributed between components to calculate unit cost of produced products

ProductCode SKU of the service

Name Name of the service

Barcode Barcode of service

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional Attribute 10

PriceTier1 Price tier 1

PriceTier2 Price tier 2

PriceTier3 Price tier 3

PriceTier4 Price tier 4

PriceTier5 Price tier 5

PriceTier6 Price tier 6

PriceTier7 Price tier 7

PriceTier8 Price tier 8

PriceTier9 Price tier 9

PriceTier10 Price tier 10

ID Line Number

Comments User entered comments

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DisassemblyLabel Field Code Description

Location Location where disassembly takes place

Unit Unit of measure of produced product

Quantity Quantity produced

ProductCode SKU of produced product

Name Name of produced product

Company Company name

DatePrinted Date when the document is generated

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch/Serial number of produced product

ExpiryDate Expiry date of produced product

Cost Cost of produced product

StockLocator Stock Locator field of produced product

Barcode Barcode of produced product

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional Attribute 1 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional Attribute 2 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional Attribute 3 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional Attribute 4 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional Attribute 5 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional Attribute 6 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional Attribute 7 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional Attribute 8 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional Attribute 9 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional Attribute 10 of produced product

PriceTier1 Price tier 1 of produced product

PriceTier2 Price tier 2 of produced product

PriceTier3 Price tier 3 of produced product

PriceTier4 Price tier 4 of produced product

PriceTier5 Price tier 5 of produced product

PriceTier6 Price tier 6 of produced product

PriceTier7 Price tier 7 of produced product

PriceTier8 Price tier 8 of produced product

PriceTier9 Price tier 9 of produced product

PriceTier10 Price tier 10 of produced product

ProductImage Default image of produced product. Use this mail merge to display

image «Image:ProductImage»

Bin Name of the bin disassembled component is placed to. Can be empty.

DisassemblyLabelsBatch The same content as in DisassemblyLabel except that for each line with X quantity in

DisassemblyLabelthere are X lines in DisassemblyLabelsBatch table

Field Code Description

Location Location where disassembly takes place

Unit Unit of measure of produced product

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Field Code Description

Quantity Quantity produced

ProductCode SKU of produced product

Name Name of produced product

Company Company name

DatePrinted Date when the document is generated

BatchOrSerialNumber Batch/Serial number of produced product

ExpiryDate Expiry date of produced product

Cost Cost of produced product

StockLocator Stock Locator field of produced product

Barcode Barcode of produced product

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional Attribute 1 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional Attribute 2 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional Attribute 3 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional Attribute 4 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional Attribute 5 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional Attribute 6 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional Attribute 7 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional Attribute 8 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional Attribute 9 of produced product

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional Attribute 10 of produced product

PriceTier1 Price tier 1 of produced product

PriceTier2 Price tier 2 of produced product

PriceTier3 Price tier 3 of produced product

PriceTier4 Price tier 4 of produced product

PriceTier5 Price tier 5 of produced product

PriceTier6 Price tier 6 of produced product

PriceTier7 Price tier 7 of produced product

PriceTier8 Price tier 8 of produced product

PriceTier9 Price tier 9 of produced product

PriceTier10 Price tier 10 of produced product

ProductImage Default image of produced product. Use this mail merge to display image


Bin Name of the bin disassembled component is placed to. Can be empty.

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Job Costing Job Costing Planned Expenses: Includes only finished goods tasks in Status = AUTHORISED with Job costing account selected as Finished Goods account. Used to print all "to be manufactured" goods and their components.

Job Costing Actual Expenses: List of Expense tasks (Finished goods, Purchase, Issue to production) allocated to a specific Milestone (happens when you invoice for these expenses via Job Costing) with details like list of purchase invoice products, finished goods components and stock issue to production (written off for a job). Purchase Tasks should have Invoice Authorised/Paid state to be included in the actual expenses (you can invoice them through job costing anyway before that). Finished goods and issue to production tasks should have COMPLETED status to be included in the actual expenses.

JobCosting Field Code Description

StartDate Date when Job started (user-defined)

CompletedDate Date when Job completed (user-defined)

JobNumber Unique Job reference

Status Current Job status

Name Job description

AccountCode Job account code

AccountName Job account name

Contact Job contact name

DatePrinted Date when the document is generated

Company Company name

Comments Comments of a job

AddressLine1 Job address line 1

AddressLine2 Job address line 2

EstimatedValue Estimated job value

BudgetedMargin Default margin that is applied to new sale invoices generated by a job

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional Attribute 1 of a job

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional Attribute 2 of a job

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional Attribute 3 of a job

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional Attribute 4 of a job

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional Attribute 5 of a job

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional Attribute 6 of a job

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional Attribute 7 of a job

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional Attribute 8 of a job

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional Attribute 9 of a job

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional Attribute 10 of a job

ProjectManager Name of project manager who is responsible for a job

Phone Job contact’s phone number

Customer Name of a Customer job is being associated with

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PlannedManufacturing Field Code Description

AssemblyNumber Unique identifier of Finished Goods task with Authorised status

ItemDescription Name of a product being produced

SKU SKU of a product being produced

Quantity Quantity of a product being produced

Cost Estimated cost of a product being produced

Barcode Barcode of a product being produced

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional Attribute 1 of a product being produced

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional Attribute 2 of a product being produced

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional Attribute 3 of a product being produced

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional Attribute 4 of a product being produced

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional Attribute 5 of a product being produced

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional Attribute 6 of a product being produced

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional Attribute 7 of a product being produced

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional Attribute 8 of a product being produced

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional Attribute 9 of a product being produced

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional Attribute 10 of a product being produced

Date Date when finished goods task was created

Unit Unit of measure of a product being produced

ID Sequential finished goods task number in the list (from 1 onwards)

PlannedManufacturingComponents Field Code Description

ItemDescription Name of component used to produce finished goods product

SKU SKU of component used to produce finished goods product

Quantity Quantity of component used to produce finished goods product

Cost Average Cost/Service cost of component used to produce finished goods product

Barcode Barcode of component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional Attribute 1of component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional Attribute 2 of component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional Attribute 3 of component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional Attribute 4 of component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional Attribute 5 of component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional Attribute 6 of component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional Attribute 7 of component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional Attribute 8 of component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional Attribute 9 of component used to produce finished goods product

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Field Code Description

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional Attribute 10 of component used to produce finished goods product

Unit Unit of measure of component used to produce finished goods product

ID Sequential product component number in the list (from 1 onwards)


Field Code Description

TaskNumber Unique identifier of Expense task associated with the job

ItemDescription Name of a product being produced (only for finished goods tasks)

SKU SKU of a product being produced (only for finished goods tasks)

Quantity Quantity of a products in expense task

ExpenseAmount Actual total amount of Expense task associated with the job

Barcode Barcode of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional Attribute 1 of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional Attribute 2 of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional Attribute 3 of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional Attribute 4 of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional Attribute 5 of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional Attribute 6 of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional Attribute 7 of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional Attribute 8 of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional Attribute 9 of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional Attribute 10 of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

Date Date when finished goods task/Issue to production task was created or Invoice date of purchase task

Unit Unit of measure of a product produced (only for finished goods tasks)

ID Sequential expense task number in the list (from 1 onwards)

ActualExpenseComponents Field Code Description

ItemDescription Name of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

SKU SKU of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

TotalQuantity Total Quantity of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

ExpenseAmount Actual expense associated with product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

Barcode Barcode of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute1 Additional Attribute 1of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

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Field Code Description

AdditionalAttribute2 Additional Attribute 2 of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute3 Additional Attribute 3 of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute4 Additional Attribute 4 of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute5 Additional Attribute 5 of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute6 Additional Attribute 6 of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute7 Additional Attribute 7 of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute8 Additional Attribute 8 of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute9 Additional Attribute 9 of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

AdditionalAttribute10 Additional Attribute 10 of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

Unit Unit of measure of product in Expense task / component used to produce finished goods product

ID Sequential product number in the list (from 1 onwards)

Product Specification

Product Field Code Description

ProductCode Product SKU

Name Product name

ShortDescription Product Short Description

Category Product category

Type “Stock” or “Service”

Company Company name

DatePrinted Date when the document is generated

CostingMethod Product costing method

Length Product length dimension value

Width Product width dimension value

Height Product height dimension value

DimensionUnits Dimension Unit of measure

Weight Product weight

UnitofMeasure Product unit of measure

Barcode Product Barcode value

MinimumBeforeReorder Product stock level below which Reorder function becomes active for this product

ReorderQuantity Quantity of the product to reorder when it’s available quantity falls below Minimum Before Reorder level. If 0 is specified then Product is not included in reorder. Has no effect on Reorder Backordered stock function

DefaultLocation Product location by default

PriceTier1Name Name of Price tier 1 as defined in General Settings

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Field Code Description

PriceTier2Name Name of Price tier 2 as defined in General Settings

PriceTier3Name Name of Price tier 3 as defined in General Settings

PriceTier4Name Name of Price tier 4 as defined in General Settings

PriceTier5Name Name of Price tier 5 as defined in General Settings

PriceTier6Name Name of Price tier 6 as defined in General Settings

PriceTier7Name Name of Price tier 7 as defined in General Settings

PriceTier8Name Name of Price tier 8 as defined in General Settings

PriceTier9Name Name of Price tier 9 as defined in General Settings

PriceTier10Name Name of Price tier 10 as defined in General Settings

Price1 Product Tier 1 Price. Will be 0 if no access to Prices information is granted for current user on Product page.

Price2 Product Tier 2 Price. Will be 0 if no access to Prices information is granted for current user on Product page.

Price3 Product Tier 3 Price. Will be 0 if no access to Prices information is granted for current user on Product page.

Price4 Product Tier 4 Price. Will be 0 if no access to Prices information is granted for current user on Product page.

Price5 Product Tier 5 Price. Will be 0 if no access to Prices information is granted for current user on Product page.

Price6 Product Tier 6 Price. Will be 0 if no access to Prices information is granted for current user on Product page.

Price7 Product Tier 7 Price. Will be 0 if no access to Prices information is granted for current user on Product page.

Price8 Product Tier 8 Price. Will be 0 if no access to Prices information is granted for current user on Product page.

Price9 Product Tier 9 Price. Will be 0 if no access to Prices information is granted for current user on Product page.

Price10 Product Tier 10 Price. Will be 0 if no access to Prices information is granted for current user on Product page.

HasBOM “Yes” if product has Bill of Materials, otherwise “No”

AverageCost Product average cost

FamilyName Product family name

Description Product Description (multiline)

AttributeSet Name of the product additional attribute set

AdditionalAttribute1Name Name of the attribute 1 of the attribute set assigned to product

AdditionalAttribute2Name Name of the attribute 2 of the attribute set assigned to product

AdditionalAttribute3Name Name of the attribute 3 of the attribute set assigned to product

AdditionalAttribute4Name Name of the attribute 4 of the attribute set assigned to product

AdditionalAttribute5Name Name of the attribute 5 of the attribute set assigned to product

AdditionalAttribute6Name Name of the attribute 6 of the attribute set assigned to product

AdditionalAttribute7Name Name of the attribute 7 of the attribute set assigned to product

AdditionalAttribute8Name Name of the attribute 8 of the attribute set assigned to product

AdditionalAttribute9Name Name of the attribute 9 of the attribute set assigned to product

AdditionalAttribute10Name Name of the attribute 10 of the attribute set assigned to product

AdditionalAttribute1 Value of the product additional attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Value of the product additional attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Value of the product additional attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Value of the product additional attribute 4

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Field Code Description

AdditionalAttribute5 Value of the product additional attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Value of the product additional attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Value of the product additional attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Value of the product additional attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Value of the product additional attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Value of the product additional attribute 10

DiscountRule Product Discount rule name. “No Discount” if no rule is assigned

Status “Active” or “Deprecated”

Tags Product Tags

FamilyOption1Value Product family option 1 value. Only filled in when Product is part of the family

FamilyOption2Value Product family option 2 value. Only filled in when Product is part of the family

FamilyOption3Value Product family option 3 value. Only filled in when Product is part of the family

QuantityToProduce Specified number of units of the product that will be manufactured when specified quantities in BOM are used

StockLocator Product stock locator

KitAutoAssembly Kit / Auto-assembly option. “Yes” or “No”.

COGSAccount [Account Code]: [Account Name] for COGS account if selected for the product. Only for Stock type

RevenueAccount [Account Code]: [Account Name] for Revenue account if selected for the product

ExpenseAccount [Account Code]: [Account Name] for Expense account if selected for the product. Only for Service type.

InventoryAccount [Account Code]: [Account Name] for Inventory account if selected for the product. Only for Stock type

DropShipMode Product Drop Ship mode. “No Drop Ship”, “Optional Drop Ship” or “Always Drop Ship”

PurchaseTax Tax Rule used when purchasing the product

SaleTax Tax Rule used when selling the product

AutoDisassembly Auto-disassembly option. “Yes” or “No”

Image:ProductImage Default product image. Assumes size of its container table cell

BOMComponentsCount Number of lines in BOMComponents child table


Summary of AverageCostTotal field in BOMComponents child table


Summary of FixedPriceTotal field in BOMComponents child table


Summary of LatestPriceTotal field in BOMComponents child table

BOMServicesCount Number of lines in BOMServices child table

BOMServicesTotal Summary of Cost field in BOMServices child table

SuppliersCount Number of lines in Suppliers child table

BOMAverageCostTotal BOMComponentsAverageCostTotal + BOMServicesTotal

BOMFixedPriceTotal BOMComponentsFixedPriceTotal + BOMServicesTotal

BOMLatestPriceTotal BOMComponentsLatestPriceTotal + BOMServicesTotal

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BOMComponents Field Code Description

ProductCode BOM component SKU

Name BOM component name

SKU SKU of a product being produced

Quantity Quantity of a BOM component required to produce QuantityToProduce units of product

WastagePercent Wastage percent of a BOM component

WastageQuantity Quantity of a BOM component going to waste when producing QuantityToProduce units of product

CostPercentage Percentage of the cost this BOM component received when disassembling product

AverageCostPerUnit BOM component average cost

AverageCostTotal Total Cost of this BOM line including wastage calculated using Average Cost

Barcode BOM component barcode

Image:ProductImage BOM component default image. Assumes size of its container table cell


Latest purchase price of BOM Component

LatestPurchasePriceTotal Total Cost of this BOM line including wastage calculated using Latest Purchase Price

FixedPurchasePricePerUnit Fixed purchase price of BOM Component

FixedPurchasePriceTotal Total Cost of this BOM line including wastage calculated using Fixed Purchase Price

HasBOM “Yes” if BOM component has Bill of Materials, otherwise “No”

StockLocator BOM Component stock locator

UnitOfMeasure Unit of measure of BOM component. Quantity is expressed in these units

ID Sequential finished goods task number in the list (from 1 onwards)

BOMServices - Labour & Overheads

Field Code Description

ProductCode BOM component SKU

Name BOM component name

Quantity Quantity of service units used to produce finished goods product

ExpenseAccount Expense account code + Expense account name used to allocate Labour & Overheads expenses associated with Manufacturing

Cost Total line cost

UnitOfMeasure Unit of measure of the service. Quantity is expressed in these units

Suppliers Field Code Description

SupplierName Name of the supplier

LatestPurchasePrice Latest price the product was purchased with from this supplier

FixedPurchasePrice Fixed purchase price set for this product by the supplier

SupplierSKU Supplier product SKU

SupplierProductName Supplier product name

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Field Code Description

URL This product’s webpage on supplier’s site

DropShipSupplier “Yes” if this supplier is marked as Drop Ship supplier, “No” otherwise

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POS Section Templates


1. Print settings to manage printing.


Field Code Description


Treats current receipt width relative to 3inch paper width. It means that if current printer is 2inch all widthes and font sizes will be reduced with ratio 2/3. If printer has 3inch parer width it will be printed as is.

BreakWordsInTable Each table in generated receipt will have css: word-break = 'break-all' and word-wrap = 'break-word'


2. Cash management receipt. Used to print opening float and to print receipt for each cash

management operation.


Field Code Description

CashManagementOperation Name of current cash management operation

CashManagementAmount Amount of current cash management operation

CashManagementNotes Notes for current cash management operation

Parent.<any of main receipt fields>

This construction allows to use not table fields from main receipt in this receipt. For instance, Parent.OutletName will insert Outlet name


3. Vantiv card payment provider receipt template. Used to print card payment receipt from

POS on POS attached printer. All field below should be in vantiv receipt - it's Vantiv's rule


Field Code Description

VantivApplicationID Application ID

VantivMerchantID Merchant ID

VantivTerminalID Terminal ID

VantivReferenceNo Reference Number

VantivAccountNo Account Numer

VantivCard Card number with which payment was done

VanitvEntry additional information

VantivTransactionID Transaction ID

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Field Code Description

VantivApprovalCode Transaction aproval code

VantivExpressResponseCode Express response code

VantivResponseCode Response code

VantivCryptogram Additional information

VantivApprovedAmount Amount that was paid. Can differ from requested amount

VantivSignature Signature in internal format

Parent.<any of main receipt fields>

This construction allows to use not table fields from main receipt in this receipt. For instance, Parent.OutletName will insert Outlet name

TableStart:VantivTags start tags table

key Tag key

value Tag value

TableEnd:VantivTags end of tags table


4. Tyro payment provider receipts. Tyro returns ready to print receipts so here only

placeholders for this receipts.


Field Code Description

MerchantReceipt Merchant receipt copy to print

CustomerReceipt Customer receipt copy to print


5. Main receipt template fields

Global Variables

Field Code Description

ReceiptNumber Receipt number

Date Sale date

OutletName Outlet name where current sale was done

RegistryName Register name where this sale was done

CheckoutProductCount Number of items in receipt

SubTotal Sub-total of sale

Discount Total sale discount

CalculatedTax Total tax for sale

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Field Code Description

Total Total to pay

Balance Amount that is left to pay. In case of partial payments shows what should paid to complete sale/refund

Received Amount of money that was received by cashier

Change Change that was returned by cashier to client

ReceiptBarCode_code93, ReceiptBarCode_code128, ReceiptBarCode_ean8, ReceiptBarCode_ean13, ReceiptBarCode_industrial2of5, ReceiptBarCode_upca, ReceiptBarCode_upce

Barcode placeholder for different supported formats

Sales Representative Information


Field Code Description

SalesRepresentativeName Sales representative Name


Customer Information


Field Code Description

CustomerName Customer name

CustomerLoyaltyPoints Customer total loyalty points

CustomerLoyaltyPointsUsed Customer loyalty points used for current sale payment

SaleLoyaltyPoints Loyalty points that was earned by this sale payments

TotalLoyaltyPoints Sum of all loyalty operations above

Email Customer email from default contact or first contact if no default was set

Phone Customer phone from default contact or first contact if no default was set

MobilePhone Customer mobile phone from defaults contact or first contact if no default was set


Products in Sale


Field Code Description

ProductSku Product SKU

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Field Code Description

ProductName Product Name

ProductSerialNumber Product Serial Number if exists

ProductCount Product items count

ProductPrice Product price

ProductAmount Total amount per line

ProductDiscount product discount

AdditionalAttribute1 Product Additional Attribute 1

AdditionalAttribute2 Product Additional Attribute 2

AdditionalAttribute3 Product Additional Attribute 3

AdditionalAttribute4 Product Additional Attribute 4

AdditionalAttribute5 Product Additional Attribute 5

AdditionalAttribute6 Product Additional Attribute 6

AdditionalAttribute7 Product Additional Attribute 7

AdditionalAttribute8 Product Additional Attribute 8

AdditionalAttribute9 Product Additional Attribute 9

AdditionalAttribute10 Product Additional Attribute 10


Surcharges Information


Field Code Description

Surcharge Surcharge amount if exists


Payments Information


Field Code Description

PaymentTypeName Name of payment type (cash, custom payment and so on)

PaymentDate Payment date

PaymentAmount Payment amount


Sale's Notes


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Field Code Description

SalesNote Sale's note


Usage example can be found in current default POS receipt template.

Register Closure Summary

Global Variables

Field Code Description

SalesRepresentative Current register user identificator. Can be cahier name, outlet name, custom text. This can be set on POS integration page

OutletName Outlet name

RegistryName Register name

OpeningTime Register open time

ClosingTime Register close time

CashExpected Сash amount that is calculated by DEAR

CashCounted Сash amount that is really counted in till

CashCountedToBank Cash counted minus sum of all manual cash operations

CashReceived Cash expected minus sum of all manual cash operations

TotalExpected Sum of all expected amounts

TotalCounted Sum of all counted amounts

Cash Movements


Field Code Description

UserName Current register user identificator. Can be cahier name, outlet name, custom text. This can be set on POS integration page

Amount amount of operation

Type operation type name


Non Cash Operations


Field Code Description

PaymentTypeName Payment type name

CashExpected expected amount of this payment type

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Field Code Description

CashCounted counted amount of this payment type


Product Label Template TableStart:ProductLabels

Field Code Description

Name Product name

ProductCode Product SKU

ProductPrice Product price

ReceiptBarCode_code93, ReceiptBarCode_code128, ReceiptBarCode_ean8, ReceiptBarCode_ean13, ReceiptBarCode_industrial2of5, ReceiptBarCode_upca, ReceiptBarCode_upce

Barcode placeholder for different supported formats
