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This magazine shows a spiral effect but isn’t perfect as writing is positioned in each box using up the full front cover. The Title as well isn’t positioned accurately because you can see the letter C of Clash doesn’t fully fit in the top left hand box. The photo however is placed exactly in the middle of the page, front centre with the male’s eyes, nose and mouth in the box, which makes the cover look The Page harmony of this magazine cover is not very effective at all. The central focus point is not clearly positioned which makes the reader loose interest. The left top line however does almost perfectly cross over the B of ‘Billboard’ which makes the title stand out. The small information

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Post on 19-Jul-2016




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This magazine shows a spiral effect but isn’t perfect as writing is positioned in each box using up the full front cover. The Title as well isn’t positioned accurately because you can see the letter C of Clash doesn’t fully fit in the top left hand box. The photo however is placed exactly in the middle of the page, front centre with the male’s eyes, nose and mouth in the box, which makes the cover look neat and well structured. The largest triangle runs through the tag line ‘Adele after the Glory’ perfectly showing the small boxes of text around the central focus.

The Page harmony of this magazine cover is not very effective at all. The central focus point is not clearly positioned which makes the reader loose interest. The left top line however does almost perfectly cross over the B of ‘Billboard’ which makes the title stand out. The small information boxes are not placed in a specific area and in some cases overlap the lines at the bottom, not giving the page a very clear structural layout.

The structural layout of this magazine is good because the lines cross perfectly over the strap lines in the right hand corner, which shows time and consideration has been put into making it look just right. It is important that each magazine follows this convention because it attracts the reader to look at the title of the publisher first. Alex Turner’s left eye and finger are positioned perfectly in the middle box.

This magazine cover follows the convention of the page harmony but in some cases is not as precise as the NME cover below. The Strapline at the bottom of the page does follow through the lines however the title DIY is slightly less accurate than NME which has the lines running perfectly through the letter and between the text. This magazine cover is appealing even though it has the minimum amount of text included because each letter and the photo are placed just right to follow the spiral of the eye. As well the right hand box is completely empty with nothing there to attract the eye.

This Clash magazine cover is similar to the cover I evaluated before with the Clash title across to the top of the page but the C doesn’t fully fit inside the box. The central image of the cover is focused on the middle of his face- the top of his golden teeth which is done to make the photo stand out and attract a younger teenage audience. The tag line and strap line just under the title are positioned almost perfectly with the larger square line going straight under the text showing that thought and effort has been put into every inch of making it look effective and bold.