magazine inner pages research 1


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Page 1: Magazine Inner Pages Research 1


The masthead of the page is featured in small, basic font in the upper right hand

corner of the page. This masthead is relatively simple and subtle, with “lady”

featured in lower case italics and “GAGA” in upper case letters in order to draw

attention to that word.

Main Image

The main image of the double page spread shows the featured artist, Lady Gaga.

The image is in black and white mid-shot and uses high key lighting in order to

show her in a positive way that is also slightly mysterious and contemporary. She is

posing seductively and giving direct mode of address with makes the reader feel

like she is looking directly at them.

Design Balance

The page has an informal design

balance as all of the text is

featured on one side of the page

only and the other side is taken up

by an image. The large L behind

the text also adds a sense of

informality and is effective as it

adds a balance to the page making

the text and image of equal



The font is this article is very small

and uses a formal and more

simplistic layout to other

magazines, with the whole of the

page and text being black and

white. However this is contrasted

by the large, bold ‘L’ which is

positioned behind the main body

of text and covers the entire right

hand side of the page. This is

effective as it is the artist’s first

initial and therefore brings the

focus on to her and the article.

Design Principle

The Guttenberg design principle is

used on this page as the image of

the main feature, Lady Gaga is in

the primary optical area and is

therefore the first thing that the

reader will see.

Target Audience

The main target audience for the

magazine is likely to be young

adults and adults, and this is

reinforced by the sophisticated

and modern theme of the page

and its colour scheme.

House Style

The house style of this magazine is contemporary and sophisticated with an edge, which

is shown by the pop of colour on this double page spread. It has a formal and modern

theme however juxtaposed by the bright colour and seductive image which take up the

majority of space on the page. Another feature of the magazine which is typical of the

house style is the large bold letter in the background which is featured on the majority of

Q magazine’s double page spreads.