magazine analysis covers and contents pages

Magazine Analysis By Emily Higgs

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Post on 12-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Magazine analysis covers and contents pages

Magazine Analysis

By Emily Higgs

Page 2: Magazine analysis covers and contents pages

Pun, cleverly links to the blood running down her face. Adds a sense of drama as well as intrigue for the viewer.

Masthead is very bolds and so immediately distinctive to the viewer. Red and white colours are very striking on the otherwise relatively bland page, drawing great emphasis to the name of the magazine, optimising publicity.

Main feature artist, written in graffiti like font, gives across a very contemporary feel. Potentially reflecting the kind of music she will produce. The pastel pink colouring also reflects that she is a very stereotypically feminine artist. Could also meant that its aimed towards a mainly female audience.

White, stereotypically associated with purity and femininity , links to the use of pink within the font.

Plain background effectively draws emphasis to the information the magazine is actually displaying.

Crown , indicates she wants to be taken seriously, is of high importance.

Varying colours of yellow and pink in a diagonal set up make the heading extremely eye catching.

Side stories adhering to the overallcolour scheme of white and pink.

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The smallest of details, even down to his shirt, correlate with the colour scheme.

Simplistic, yet eye catching colour scheme of pinks, black and blues, which portrays an upbeat vibe.

Central image of music ion Kanye West. His expression is quite mutual, potentially reflecting his serious manner.

Masthead written in very bold, deep blue font is very dramatic. The fact that half of the title is blocked out by the central image of Kanye, indicates the magazine is well established as they don’t even need to clearly demonstrate their title to readers.

Cover story, written in bold pink, stands out against the grey background.

Matching typography used throughout. Which helps to solidify the overall theme.

Secondary stories are written in much smaller, yet still of corresponding colour and font, showing they are not of as high importance to this months issue.

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Bright pink background complements the purples and pinks of the central image. This overall cements the colour scheme and gives off a very feminine vibe. Thus appealing to a largely female audience.

Covered with flowers, which are again associated with femininity, also bright and visually appealing to look at

Side stories written in relatively small and simplistic black front, which makes it easily to distinguish from the vibrant pink background.

Small sections of yellow font, bold black lines and vibrant colouring gives across a fun pop art appearance.

Masthead is very bold and striking, so it can be easily recognised. The gaps within the a and d are filled with blue and yellow colouring, which overall adds a quirky stylised appearance.

Heavy makeup and overall airbrushed appearance to make her appear flawless/desirable.

Colourful Flasher instantly draws attention to the articles within it.

Main cover story, again in large black font, makes this one of the main focuses of the magazine and lets the reader know who the central image of.

The subheading of ‘The New Queen Of Pop’ indicates to the reader that Katy Perry is a very successful artist who is dominating the pop genre.

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Section dedicated to reviews of new albums, music DVD’s etc..

Large image of Adele, suggests she will have a large feature within the magazine, and labelling her as ‘Britain's brightest talent’ makes her seem very appealing to those who have not already heard of her.

Date clearly displayed and issue number.

Subsection specifically for women in music, including topics such as ‘at home with’ and ‘girl power’ therefore this particular feature is clearly aimed more towards female readers.

Regular features, clearly displayed, including cross words and subscriptions.

All features are set out clearly, with page numbers, allowing the reader to easily locate the article they wish to read.

We see regular uses of the magazines logo ‘Q’ across this page which subtly reinforces the brand within the readers mind.

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Black and white colour scheme, gives across a very contemporary vibe.

Bright red colouring of the heart, gives a sharp contrast to the generally mono colour scheme.

Bold black title, with striking arrangement, is very eye-catching to the viewer.

Central image of Kanye West indicates a large section of the magazine will be dedicated to him.

List of features, In relatively small font.

Sub Features, such as fashion are written in larger italic font.

Bold V, could be a reference to the brand of the magazine. Slight difference in colour, also makes it stand out more from the rest of the page.

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Extremely bold heading, clearly displays function of page. Curved font gives across a contemporary feel, suggesting the magazine will be displaying the most current artists/news.

Personal quote from Katy Perry, makes the reader feel able to relate.

Simplistic layout draws particular attention to central image of Katy Perry, whose positioning is quite contained but then her expression looks

Basic colour scheme, of black with 2 pops of varying colours of blue and pink to emphasise certain words.

Clear issue date written in black italic to stand out from the rest of the text.

Mushroom adds a splash of colour to the page and really catches your eye. Gives across a pop art vibe.

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Artists name is written in very large bold, distinctive font, showing the reader that she will be the focal point of the spread.

Nicki’s hand is positioned so that the dramatic ‘Icon’ ring she is wearing is prominent to the viewer. Suggests she is to be thought of as a world wide success and so admired by fans.

This part of the title is written in rather traditional black font, which contrasts greatly with the overdramatised pink flash of her name, indicating that she breaks traditions through her music and is bringing something different to the music industry.

Overall colour scheme adheres to black and pink, which has connotations of femininity and youth , thus suggesting that her target audience is largely female orientated.

Strap line tells the reader that Nicki has risen to the top earning her title of ‘queen of hip hop’. Also labelling her as a saviour implies that she has revived the hip hop genre with her music Her clothing is very contemporary and

individual, making her appear very distinctive against the pale pink of the background. Zebra print suggests she doesn’t want to blend in and really wants to stand out from different artists.

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Rita Ora’s name is the masthead of this double page spread, to emphasise that the article is solely about her. Intrigues the reader If they haven’t heard of her before, or if they have they immediately know they can read more about her.

Red graffiti like font on the backdrop of a brick wall, makes an immediate statement and implies that her music will be current and relate to urban, RnB genre. The colour red is often associated with danger of as warning, and so the title could be warning viewers to listen out for her music.

Clear colour theme of black red and white sustained throughout, makes the spread look far more organised and visually appealing.

The spread is an interview with Rita, giving the viewers an opportunity to get to know the women behind the music, this also enables them to feel as though they can better relate to her. Solidifying her fan base.

Masthead overlaps image of Rita Ora, but is translucent so after reading the title, we can then put a name to a face. She is dressed in all black in quite casual clothing wearing trainers, again highlighting the fact that she is an urban artist and giving across the impression that she can be easily related to.

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Quirky headline, relates to one of her incredibly successful singles ‘you’ve got the love’.

Use of elaborate italic font in the drop letter to begin the article, comes with connotations of femininity and decadence, reflecting the audience Florence may be aiming to appeal to, or potentially how she wishes to be perceived. This is also the same font as the second half of the headline, keeping the overall theme consistent.

Masthead, in large bold font instantly gives an overview of the basis of the spread. This is further supported but the American flag Florence is perched on top of .

Her positioning is quite provocative, appealing to the male gaze and this is reinforced by her all black leather clothing. Although this could also suggest that she wants to stand out.

Intriguing catch line, with rhetorical question makes the viewer want to read on.