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Madisen Sleconich St. Gianna Catholic Health Academy Electronic Portfolio

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St. Gianna Health Academy


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Madisen SleconichSt. Gianna Catholic Health Academy

Electronic Portfolio

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Orientation Week

• During orientation week, we had several speakers about what to expect this semester. We learned basically what the Via Christi hospital is about and all the rules that HIPAA entails. We were given helpful tours of the hospital which we would have been lost without.

• I’ll never forget the big rule sheet that Mrs. Hang gave us that we had to read through the first day we came in. It was very long and intimidating.

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Handmade Thank You’s

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Handmade Thank You’s Cont.

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Professional Thank You’s

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Professional Thank You’s Cont.

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Mentor Forms

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Mentor Forms Cont.

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Mentor Forms Cont.

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Blogs from Rotations

• Rotation 1: MICU– For my first rotation, I went to the MICU. This

was the medical intensive care unit. I didn't realize how much I would already be familiar with this unit because of my experience I have of taking care of my grandmother. I saw things ranging from a colonoscopy to a patient diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was very sad. I also got to watch a dialysis; I was so intrigued! It is so amazing that you can have a machine that can work as your kidney.

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Blogs from Rotations Cont.• Rotation 2: ER

– ER was so intense; it will blow your mind! It was beyond hectic. Right when I went in there I was thrown back and forth between triage and surgeries; literally, nurses were grabbing my arms and pushing me places! The Nurse practitioner that oversaw me was Vicki Beaumont; she was so nice. I followed a different nurse around each day; the irony is that I knew both of them! The first nurses name was Jeanne, she has worked with my mother before. The second nurse was Laura, and she is my friend Rob Tinkers aunt. On Tuesday, I followed Jeanne around in triage. Basically, that is where the patients that enter the ER sit down in the waiting room, hear their name called, and go back to talk to the triage nurse about all of their signs and symptoms. I witnessed suicidal and hallucinogenic people, diabetic, sick babies, heart failure, and much more. the second day I followed around Laura who was a registered nurse who treated all of the patients. In the ER, I learned that basically all of the nurses share each patient; mostly, there are not set patients for each nurse. Yesterday, I experienced A LOT of IVs and saw a lot of blood. I really enjoyed the ER, but I don't know if I could work there. You are always on your feet and everything happens so fast! I enjoyed it though.

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Blogs from Rotations Cont.• Rotation 3: Therapy

– I loved therapy! Not only the fact that I got to go at 1:15 everyday instead of 12, but it was a really cool because I got to follow around a physical therapist. Ever since I was little my mom has been pushing me towards being a therapist so it was really interesting actually following one around. Therapists are so much different than nurses. They don't give meds, or really help the patients that much in the way a nurse does. They do more of seeing if the patients can manage on their own by walking, and their daily activities. Physical therapists and occupational therapists mostly work on a team and see the patients together. My physical therapist that I followed both days was Amber, and my ocupational therapist was Julie. One of the things I got to see two different patients who both had two completely different brain tumors. It was very interesting. I am happy I got to go on this unit because it is something I am very interested in!

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Blogs from Rotations Cont.• Rotation 5: 5SE

– For my fifth rotation, I was just at the nursing station 5SE. Although it doesn't sound like the most exciting unit, I think that it was the most life changing unit I went to. I followed a new nurse each day. As for patient wise, I basically saw a few minor car wrecks and motorcycle accidents and general surgery recoveries. As for life changing, I got to witness a very sad, tragic event that left an effect on a great deal of people. I was in the nurse break room with three other nurses while the nurse I was observing, was having a private talk with a one of her patients family members. While in this break room I witnessed a nurse get a call from her husband who had to break the tragic event that her 29 year old only son, who has one step-son and one baby daughter, had commit suicide by hanging himself. Not only was this heart-wrenching and miserable, seeing all of the nurses come together and comfort the mother in her sorrows was awesome. It is one thing to see nurses pick up each others shifts and help each other with their patients, but to see everyone come together for this nurse was very cool. Although I would not like to return to this nursing station for this reason, I am never going to forget this unit because it made me realize how valuable our lives really are.

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Blogs from Rotations Cont.• Rotation 6: OR

– For my sixth rotation I was in the operating room! It was AWESOME!! Besides for the fact that I got to scrub in, I got to see actual surgeries! It was very bloody and gory; I didn't think that I would be able to handle it at first but I was. Both days I wasn't really following a nurse , I was just thrown and stuck into different operating rooms (two per day) by a nurse named April. I really liked it that way. The first day I got to watch a lapiscoptic surgery of a gallbladder with gallstones being removed; I forgot what the next surgery was called but I basically saw a stomach cut open! The second day I saw a Hernia and also a robotic surgery that took out a kidney. It was awesome and very interesting! Another thing I enjoyed was how surgery is; it was very informal. Nothing like on TV! At one point in the surgery, music was playing the entire time, jokes were made, and at one point the surgery was even on his phone. Anyone who has this as an upcoming rotation, get excited!

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Blogs from Rotations Cont.• Rotation 12: Laboratory

– For my twelfth rotation I went to the laboratory. I was only in this rotation for the second day because on the first I was at a funeral. I am making up this rotation on Saturday, November 12, 2011 at the Burn Unit because the lab is one of the only rotations that you can not make up. During the time that I was at the Lab though, I really enjoyed it. I had a mentor named Jose Martinez, also referred to as “Big boy,” “No way,” and “Mr. Taco.” Jose was really funny, I enjoyed observing him. Like therapy, Lab also goes all around the hospital to treat people. We went around the hospital drawing blood. I actually saw a man who had jaundice, liver failure. His skin color was yellow and it was very sad.

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Lecture Reflections• Dr. Singh

– Dr. Singh basically talked to us about what we were supposed to expect from his class, and about making life choices. Whether these choices are in high school, college, or life after college; I really enjoyed how interesting his lecture was. Even though I had troubles understanding him, he seems as if I have the ability to learn a lot in this class. He seems as if he has a lot to teach, and has had much experience.

One thing that impressed me was that he was able to reach out to each student and sound as if he is interested and able to help us out each individually if needed. Often times students feel lost and get confused when it comes to career decisions and Dr. Singh made it known that help was available.

Dr. Singh told us that this class is basically an overview of science and health professions through lectures, demonstrations, videos, formal interviews, and guest speakers. These speakers are practicing professionals in all different fields. The course is designed to provide factual information and guidance for students considering a career in the health or science professions.

Dr. Singh wants us to be aware of career opportunities in the health professions, and to provide us with an opportunity to discriminate among health science careers in terms of education, practice, and professional requirements. He wants to teach students basic research skills in learning about a career, and to have students make a career choice based on first-hand experiences and assessment of their own personality traits, interests, values and qualifications to pursue a career in this field. Lastly, he wants to provide students with face to face dialogue with a professional in their chosen area.

I look forward to all the different speakers we are going to have in this class and I know it is going to help me out when it comes time for me to make my decision. I have narrowed my choices down to a few but I still haven’t been exposed to all the choices in the medical field. As teenagers we are expected to choose the path we want to take for the rest of our lives, yet we have zero experience in anything that has to do with long term careers. I feel very lucky to have Dr. Singh as my teacher and to have the opportunity to listen to actual practicing professionals.

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Lecture Reflections Cont.• Jeanne Cleary

– Jeanne Cleary is a registered nurse who works in the emergency room dealing with medicine at the Via Christi St. Joseph Hospital in Wichita, KS. One cool thing about her lecture is the fact that I have actually gotten the chance to observe her and what she does at work. ER is basically solving a problem, very quickly. Jeanne is a Triage nurse that only has two to five minutes to decide whether someone is dying or if their case can wait. Her job is crazy busy; yet, an absolutely fascinating, rewarding, and life changing place to work.

The Via Christi ER uses a triage system which started in the 1950s in the Korean war in the battle fields. It is a five level system which is emergent. Red star would be an example of strokes, or gunshot wounds. Yellow star is an example of abdominal pain, diabetic crisis, and pregnancies; these patients are usually treated within the half hour. Green star patients are treated within the hour and teal patients are treated within two hours.

Within the ER, everybody feels as if “their blood is the reddest,” and as if they should be treated first. St. Joesph has two critical rooms; although, any room under any circumstance could be considered a “critical room.” With walk-in traumas and code reds being very common, there are exactly thirty rooms at the St. Joseph Emergency Room that are equipped for all sorts of emergencies. Many of these traumas are flown to St. Francis.

Dental pains are also very, very common in the ER. Some people don't have very good dentists so St. Joe is their medical way. Most of these patients, 90%, are smokers. That is why dentists tell us not to smoke. Most smokers start at age fifteen due to peer pressure. This does a lot of damage. Jeanne Cleary made a clear point that a common question she has to ask to patients is if they would feed their children sour milk. Sour milk does to your babies stomach what smoking inside could to yours, yet alone children’s lungs.

When I followed Jeanne around, the first thing that I learned was that being a triage nurse is very, very hectic and hard work. You have to be able to keep up with a fast pace throughout your entire day, and to build a really good relationship with her patients very quick. With this happening, everything runs much smoother. Although I really enjoyed her lecture and following her around, I don’t think that this is the job for me. Bless her heart though!

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Lecture Reflections Cont.• Dr. Carissa Coleman

– Last week, Dr. Carissa Coleman came in and talked to our class about her job. She is a psychologist. A psychologist is basically a person who studies the human mind.

– Instead of having us sit as if she were going to lecture us, she made us sit to where she could see all of our faces; as if we were having a discussion.

– Psychologists work on the well-being of others. This has always been a subject that highly interests me. Currently, I am taking Psychology classes at Kapaun Mt. Carmel and it is seriously one of my favorite classes, besides for Health Academy. Both of those classes work hand-in-hand.

– She informed us that there are several different types of psychologists, the biggest being clinical and in a community. In this it is a therapy that is basically in larger populations, interested in prevention, social justice, and equality. The community was started in the 1960s by a clinical psychologist.

– Clarissa also said that about 34% of psychologists are self-employed, mainly as private practitioners and independent consultants. Employment growth will vary by specialty; for example, clinical, counseling, and school psychologists will have 11 percent growth; industrial-organizational psychologists, 26 percent growth; and 14 percent growth is expected for all other psychologists. Job opportunities should be the best for those with a doctoral degree in a subfield, such as health; those with a master’s degree will have good prospects in industrial-organization; bachelor’s degree holders will have limited prospects.

– Basically, she works as a community psychologist, and specializes with larger populations. Community psychologists are interested in prevention and strive to stop the growth of disease. Before Clarissa even started talking I was very interested in her talk. It is so cool you two have been best friends for so long, Mrs. Hang!

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Lecture Reflections Cont.• Dr. Greg Reichenberger

– Dr. Greg Reichenberger is professional who treats disease, disorder and injury in animals, also known as a veterinarian. “It's not just all about the animals, it's also about how you let your work portray yourself,” Reichenberger stated, “I love my job; I couldn't imagine doing anything else. It was my goal from the start.” Since he was a little boy, his dream was to grow up and be a vet. Reichenberger ensured us that dreams do come to as long as you put forth the effort. He told us to never give up and to strive for anything and everything.

Dr. Reichenberger is a high school graduate from Bishop Carroll and a college graduate from Newman and Kansas State University. He opened up is very own West Wichita Pet Clinic in 1996; which in fact, is where he still works today.

Reichenberger informed us that in order to get into veterinarian school, you do not need to have a degree; all you need is a certain number of prerequisites. Kansas State University has one of the best vet programs in the nation, Reichenberger said.

Since the economy isn't doing so well, being a Veterinarian is becoming a tough profession. Dr. Greg Reichenberger estimates that there are only about 15-20 thousand veterinarians today. This profession needs doctors of all traits. Dr. Reichenberger looks at himself not only as being a veterinarian, but a surgeon and an anesthesiologist because of everything this career entails.

Dr. Reichenberger usually brings in his dog, named Cat, to every speech of his although recently she hasn't been feeling to well. Reichenberger loves animals, and is very kindhearted. Not only did he put together a PowerPoint full with pictures of all different types of procedures and animals, but he also left us with words of wisdom. I really enjoyed his lecture.

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Lecture Reflections Cont.• Shelly Steadman

– When a crime is committed, crime scene investigators scour the scene for possible sources of DNA evidence. Evidence only requires a few cells, so this could be something so small as saliva on a toothpick or sweat on  pair of eyeglasses. Shelly Steadman, forensic biologist and DNA analyst, has collected this DNA evidence for some of the biggest crimes happening throughout Kansas - one of which was BTK.

– In order to be a forensic biologist and DNA analysis, much schooling is required. Although, with much effort comes much rewarded by working in the same building as the county cornier like Shelly Steadman herself. This job offers career opportunities in law enforcement, district agents, and others.

– Steadman follows a very distinct pattern for each case - screen, extract, quarantine, test, issue report, and finally testify in court. Her job is to test DNA for crimes to catch the murderers, rapists, or the “bad guys.” She creates a DNA profile of the crime scenes, and a DNA profile of the suspects, and then finally compares the two using microscopes, light sources, chemistry, and all sorts of different instruments.

– Whether it was dealing with her first headless case, when Douglas Belt left his blood sample on the porch, or her first homicide case with Tanner Green, Steadman’s job has changed her life tremendously. It helps her realize her priorities and understand the value of life. Steadman said that one of her most interesting cases was a rape case. It was with a man who thought he was being very clever and careful raping a girl wearing gloves and a swim cap. After the rape, the tip of his glove on his finger got caught in his zipper leaving a small sliver of his glove that ripped off with his DNA sample on it as evidence.

– “My job is definitely a very tough one, although all I get is the blood on the sheet,” Shelly Steadman said. “I never have to deal with victims, families, or the emotions. Some people have it much worse.” Steadman believes that her job helps her contribute positively to society and helps prevent the worse from happening repeatedly. Her and her job are truly fascinating. DNA analysis techniques have improved dramatically with time, and this field of forensic science is said to be increasingly important in years to come. I loved this lecture; it interested me greatly.

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Cover Letter

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Reference Page

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5 Career PaperAnimal Technician: I am interested in being an animal technician

because I love animals. In Wichita, KS typically I would make $30,554.

Neonatal Nurse: I am interested in being this because I love babies and children. I work at a daycare and love my nephew! In Wichita, KS I would typically make around $100,695.

Physicians Assistant: I am interested in this because my aunt is a PA. I am a very good helper and I think that I would be a good assist to physicians. In Wichita, KS typically I would make around $89,654.

Physical Therapist: I am interested in this because this is the career my mom is really pushing me towards. I wrote my career research paper over this and therapy was one of my favorite rotations. In Wichita, KS typically I would make around $74,522.

Physical Therapy Assistant: I am not really interested in being an assistant; although, for an entry level career I would love to be this. In Wichita, KS typically I would make around $45,782.

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Future Plans

• Being very indecisive, I still am not sure what my future is going to insist of. – WSU, KU, MU, FHSU– Journalism or


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Other• Extra Credit Thank You Letters

Other• Extra Credit Thank You Letters

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Other• Extra Credit Thank You Letters

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Final Reflection• Standing side-by-side with my grandmother for seven years while helping

her fight her Alzheimer’s disease, watching my sister give birth to my precious three-month old nephew, or working at a daycare hand-in-hand with an Epi pen for highly allergic children, something captured my interest for a career in the medical field. With my mother being a registered nurse, one of my sisters a CMA/CNA, another sister being Special Ed, and several life-threatening diseases amongst my family, my desire and strive to help others does not come as a shock to many. I have definitely experienced much for my age; whether being to love and to lose, the patients I have grown, my increased knowledge in the medical terminology, and simply the experience I have gained.

• Health Academy has definitely increased my knowledge in the medical field whether being seeing the ups and downs of the daily job on each unit, following around skillful and unskillful workers, and experiencing things most people my age don’t get to. I’m so happy that I took this class and I truly feel lucky to be apart of this! I think it will definitely help me in the long run. I do not regret taking it at all. Thank you Mrs. Hang!!