machine advisory committee review aps upgrade installation plan and schedule john noonan november...

Machine Advisory Committee Review APS Upgrade Installation Plan and Schedule John Noonan November 15, 2006

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Page 1: Machine Advisory Committee Review APS Upgrade Installation Plan and Schedule John Noonan November 15, 2006

Machine Advisory Committee Review

APS UpgradeInstallation Plan and Schedule

John Noonan

November 15, 2006

Page 2: Machine Advisory Committee Review APS Upgrade Installation Plan and Schedule John Noonan November 15, 2006


A working group was empanelled to develop plans for the storage ring/booster replacement, and the external ERL connection to the APS.

The group had major responsibilities during the APS construction.

Ralph Bechtold, magnets, mechanical, water

Dave Bromberek, rf

Horst Friedsam, survey

Joe Gagliano, vacuum

George Goeppner, MOM group leader, vacuum

Greg Markovich, power supply, electrical utility

Phil McNamara, power supply, electrical utility

Bruce Stejskal, controls, computer network

John Sidarous, conventional facilities

Ed Theres, magnets, mechanical, water

John Noonan

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APS 1 nm sector

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APS x 3 sector

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• No conventional construction required.

• Front ends remain in place but will need to be repositioned, concurrent with installation of ring.

• The APS 1 nm and APS x 3 lattices will require approximately the same time to remove and reinstall.

• All the equipment is fabricated and ready to install. Will need adequate storage space for new and removed equipment.

• The schedule is for a single shift of work, based on initial APS installation.

• Overtime will be used to recover schedule when required.

APS Storage Ring Replacement

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• A crew would be 2 or 3 technicians; depending on the technical group, an engineer would supervise all of the crews in a group. Estimates are based on three crews.

• The schedule shows the “critical path” for removal and installation. The groups are not idle when they are not shown, but performing other work, such as the BTS line installation, electronic rack installation, testing, front ends, etc.

• Most equipment will be removed from the tunnel. An example of what will remain in place is the DI water header, utility power and lighting

• RF work is significant, but fits in the same schedule

• If the SR replacement requires a booster upgrade, this work will be done within the time needed for the SR replacement

APS Storage Ring Replacement

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Schedule for APS Storage Ring Replacement

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The schedule shows that the APS would be out of operation for 56 weeks, additionally, the working group recommends a contingency of 4 weeks

• The removal and reinstallation of the storage ring and booster will take 48 weeks

48 weeks to remove and reinstall APS storage ring

19 weeks to remove the equipment

29 weeks to install the new systems

8 weeks to commission the machines

APS Storage Ring Replacement

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Assumptions if ERL is outside of the APS Storage Ring:

• The construction for the tunnel and accelerator, away from APS structures, will be performed during APS operations

• The initial preparation for connecting the ERL to the storage ring will be scheduled for normal maintenance shutdowns. Assuming a three to four year construction period, approximately nine of these will be available

Long straight section implementation

Utilities rework

rf cavity reconfiguration

The pouring of the foundation and the tunnel walls in the EAA, and installation of equipment in these tunnels, up to a point ~20 feet from the SR wall could be done during operation

• The final connection to the storage ring tunnel, at worst case, would involve missing one operational period, using the shutdowns on either end (~26 weeks)

• ERL commissioning will be interleaved with APS operations

ERL Injector

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ERL Injector

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Construction plan:

• The foundation for the tunnel through EAA would be joined to the EAA floor. The storage ring foundation is 24” and the EAA floor is 12”. A 12” foundation would be anchored to the EAA floor.

• The tunnel ceiling would be joined into the storage ring tunnel, so the EAA tunnel would have a lower ceiling.

• As a result, the EAA tunnel would be shorter than the existing tunnels and there would be a step between the EAA tunnels and the storage ring and the external tunnel.

• The smaller tunnel would save construction time and be less expensive.

ERL Injector

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Proposed EAA Tunnel

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ERL Injector

Assumptions if ERL is inside of the APS Storage Ring (least developed):

• Before any work can begin, significant relocation of APS utilities will be required. This will be done during normal maintenance periods.

• Once the utilities are relocated, the construction for the tunnel and accelerator, away from APS structures, will be performed during APS operations

• The final connection to the APS involves structural work in the booster enclosure, and cuts into Storage Ring enclosure. The duration of this work has not been estimated.

• ERL commissioning will be interleaved with APS operations, although this option would allow initial ERL commissioning in parallel with APS operations

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ERL Infield Option

Incoming Beam


This looks tricky