m cheap groceries - digifind-it.com · pbh»co, boat* «md bt|m painter, no. is ouilden 8trekt, new...

23 (Jlatn *«•> » Lio«a") rOHVElDEH Watohmaksr OwefceVato. OuunamBUuaJmaur *a* U anlar. Plain OoM Rinje ma4o a* <*e hear • aouoa, as y carat, weight or eiae. Fifce Watekea ud Pr»ieh OtMkilwarranled to keM aan aad fcgfiih wa*£e« l if t Aawriau , _W. Mualeal Boxeacaaaieed. Al r a*4 Wartehea made by ma war , _ Jnkai witala a jraar repaired with oat ooet | repalriaa; ooatlr and etrongly dana. Daairoaa of pleaaing all wbo mar favor 1 with their patronage, 1 aolldt a hearty suppa: trem the omnmuafty. Terr vewpeoUallr Toara, JeneT-fy-a JQUW r)CU»E]D«R. Wta* tad Lager Beer Depot. WIOT AND LAGBR BEER at WHOIJi BA'IKAHP RETAIL, PICNICS AND BALLS BUPPLIBD AT SHORT NOTICE. Afaatj ot tbeHawartakewing Company PAUL KLEIN, •ylHy «00 BnmetHaTaet WITCHN AMU JKWELKV fine Ttnepiaoaa a Specialty. A general aaaortment ot CHAINS, KI.NUS •WMMCLM, etc. AU kind, of KBTAIBING promptly unrated L. P. TARBOX, M Dwnia etreet. formerly at Harah'a. AU wetcnea lelt for repair iniured agaiaat low by lire. au8B-lT Marsh's American Billiard Hull AND RESTAURANT So. MAlbany itreet, Hew Bruaiwiek. Where can be foand Plea, Pnddinga and Betrethmeiita of all kinde. myH TTBNKY HIJUUttHAN, PBH»CO, Boat* «Md Bt|m Painter, NO. IS OUILDEN 8TREKT, NEW BBDMVWICK. Rooni Preteoed In Oil or Water Color*, lor 986 and opwarda. aUao, lala-oxlDlsx and Paper Hanging. (training dote at abort notice, by tbe new proeeaa, eoattag So par oent. leaa uian BT the old nvelhod. ^ je»T-lj CTATERHA1V * HATFIELJD. AROHITEOT8, An Mechanical Knulneer*. s — 1 « Ge«r»e Btraat, (rtevar'a ••ildinge. J. OUfiHTON, Tailor twd Excelsior Clothe* Vtoauaer and Kepslrer. Aiaorttaatt of Second-hand Clothing. *- Neok-Uea, CoHan, n«., Eto. Da £>ennia Street, Oae Deo* from corner et Uiram atreet. 1l Steam Oyer_and Scourer. 1>. KVaUNAK, No. IS Ohvoh itreet, New Braoawiok, it now nrcnared to do ererj deaeription ot builneBs in nil tin*, Ut the heat manner and at reaaonable rataa. All orden promplly attandad to at ihorl T«BN SCHWAB, IT TMA.tm •THHBT, Cu»ToM-MiJJ» B o o n AND Baaa-aawed, alwayi en hud. REPAIRING tone at ihori notice and In the bait manner. Alao, a fall eaaortment of MANKFACTURED WORK . llwajrecn hiad. »p1-lT Cozzens & Housell, House. Sim S OmameiLtal Painters NO. US BUUNET STREET, Foot ol Bchureman. Gilding, Graining and Kalaomimnr. A oom- plete aaeortment ot Palnta, Oile, Olaw, Pally u d Bnuhee eonateotly on hand at the loweet Ranges and Furnaces. The Best in the World. The Magee Elevated Ranees,. IVIajfee Furnaces an the moat aurprtalng and aoooeeatnl 0401' tiflMaOM ol letanilUe reeturae aver brftngat to- lothef. It il only neoeeaary to aeathem to be mTfeMea that nothing better ean be pnrehaaei. ALBO FOR BALI, THE Phenix Furnace The Walker Furnace Ma »i*.ll«* artejea aad highly approrad. «rOailaltba Ftnaaklnf and BMtlag BaUbUahmmt, DIUHII OTHBBI". P. FIRE I FIRE II FIGHTING FIRE !!! FIRE M#aeWl| who dedm- of tie oeiaea ot Flee; 1 OtW|Mrlnf Fin JMfMMHHUl^MWt. TTEaUIAHi>Bfe at HALL, Civil Engineer BKUIVSWICK, N. J., FRIDAY AUGUST 22. 1875 163 •U&VBYQRS, &AOBOE BN«INBEKII«O, ETC. .wlreaiwki, Oiry leta and hrmi aurreyed and plotted j land •eaa calou'atW, alao conUta ofall farnia of artaoaaaad aolldii landa laid out, diridad np Bd puthionad 04. OutUne ud topgrapiieal apt. Plane foraiihed lor lirmg out and oria- mentuif (rounds, etc. HILLHOU8E. T. M. DOUGHTY, J. C.WBSTON Civil Engineers AM* ARCHITECTS. ita a*on» i VT ARCHITEC1', 781 Broad Street, Kewark, N. J. Fint National Bank Building. fully I CHEVAMEB, DBJVTI8T, >0» Bun at Street, Haw Brnaawtek. lyS9-ly PIANO TUNER. Ordera left at Heilre Schneewelaa'a, Oeorft reel; Prof. Oarland'a lluile Store, Albany ireet; Dr. Meeker 1 Drat Store, Barnet itreei, 111 he promptly attended to. Keeldepoe, Wo. 81Hiram atraet. »«9-1r T. HUNTER & SON, Heal 0 Bayard Street- USKH, LOTS, JFA11M3 FOB HALE, KENT, LEASE OK EXCIUNUE ON KASV TERMS. FIRUT-OI.ASS PBRIODIOAL3. DUSKWODO'* dlnburgh ^agazine 'DINJi'H, LONDON QUAR- TERLY, WESTMINS1ER AND liRIHSU |UARTERLY REVIEW, eprinted without abrifyemmt or alttra- tion, and at about one-third the jiria o) the originals, BT THB EONAItD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 PULTON BTRBKT, 1WW TOBK. TERMS OB SUBSCliirTION: raa>ne Renew M oo Taay tw* qerlews 7 * ir anr-threw BtTlewe 10 00 r ail lour Beriewi U 00 ir Biaekwood'a Haguiae 4 00 ir Bla'ckwood andone Ktrlew 7 00 irBlackwood andtiro BsTiewa 10 00 r BlaDkirood and three ReTiewi IS 00 BUakariud and | h | lour BoTiewa... 15 00 Poeta^e two oenta a number, to be prepaid tbe quarter at tbe office, ol dellTery^BI ;CLUBS. A discount ol twenty per cent, will be Uowed toclobs ol four or more persone hue: fourcopieeol Blaokwood or ol one Ke- iew will be tent to otw aidtiu lor »H.B0; four piea of tbe fonrReriewe and u aokwuod for L8, andHD'on. To oluba ol tan or more, in addition to thi >o»e diacount, a onpy Ktatla will allowed the getter up ef the olub. PREMIUMS. New tobscribera (applying«rlf) lor the jeai BJJ may haTe, without charge, the number! or the taut quarter of 1871 of inch pertodkala aa they may •obeenbe for. Or Inalead, new tubacriban to any two three or four of tbe abora periodical*, maj fb " F K i e w e " for 181a; eon- f th " K "H>ir hree or four of tbe o are onaoftbo "FourKeriewe for 1 cnbere to all Bre may bare two of the Beoiewa" for 187S. Neither premiuna to anbaorlbara nor diacouo > ololia can be allowed nnieai tbe omuor u m ittad direct to tha publUhara. Ho prem:in [Ten to oluba. Circular! with further particular! may be bad in application. T7w Leonard Scott Publuhing Co. HO *alM» Street, Km Vorh QI LEOSARD 80OTT PDBLWHI5Q CO. Alao pnbliah THE FARMER'S GUIDL To BolanUfio and PiaoUoal AgTrlonlture, B. 8., Bdlodnrjh, and P. Norton, Prolaaaor ol Bdentlni - -Jolli T UmrrBtypheoa,?. B. B.. •dlnj.rgb, a; delate J. srloaltnn •-,— - V>o rota. Boyal Oataro. I.M0 fwaa an; nltnre InYala College, Maw Baren. jumerona engrarlnga. poclpald, 18. . P. P R O W S T , AUCTIONEER Real Estate anil Siocl 6fnk AND SALEROOM, Odd FaUowe' HeJL MtllaoB Btra»t. i ofOeod, Keelrad VJn »ld at Pri- ir r-bll» Auction. MajMMVaadMtiakbnfkt andaold. •' " '"" ' .aanoa, a.UI aaiea are F. A. WISEHH Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 7 CHURCH STREET, ttMli '" 1 ° f hi » «••>»* to hi. eiten.i.. atock, 1.1,1, replanlahad b: Rich Jewelry, Watches. Clocks, 8JZVX11 AND PLATED WARM, HAIR JEWELRY, 8PS0TAOIBS, MOeiOAX, IN8TBDMBNTB AKD TRIaa»a«NO8. W BapairinK done well, and wamatad. Drtuurvvick «n m o Store. CHEAP GROCERIES 6RKAT T«K PEICEB OP "|-EAS AND QOFFEE8 Sugrars, Flour, Raisins, Currants. We invite »peoi,] attention to our recent invoicea ol Wines, Liquors and Champagnes. CHAMPAGNE CIDER warraDtcU toj keep aweet all the year round, ind will be sold at a very w price We have made arrangementB for arcgfnlar snpply of HOICE ORANGE COUNTY BUTTER, t T' direct from the N<?w York Dairic8 . , by the p6und or iu larger quantities. LOW You can HA Vh /TOM 20 to 30per cent, by purchasing of he Great China and Japan Tea Co., 209 BURNET STREET. WS1KWTOOK *k , Propri.ter. FINE GROCERIES CAN BE PURCHASEDAT. OOBNBS or NDILBOIf AND •OHT7aUBHA<V BTHBDTI, at ai Low Batei aa any place In the city. THE BEST .FAMILY FLOUR T5 par 100 toutda. Mt. Taniea Branded Uami at IS eta. per Ib. Estimates Furnished ooks, " OTHHB AT HQtrAllT LOW •HOES REJUVENATION ! A, II. IUIEINELANDER'S Gleaning, Scouring, Repairing NO. 32 Tailoring Establishment, ALBANY STREET. \ Ne. SJ Ocntletlten'a buiht Repaired ami thoroughly Cleaned, and the original color •stored. mylil-ly NEW AND FASHIONABLE STYLE OF HATS AND CAPS FOR SUMMER WEAR NOW BEADY A.T J. S. & E. STEWARTS, NO. 4 ICING BLOCK!, Also a Largo Assortment oi FiiFnisliing Goods, Umbrellas, Canes, Grloves. Also, Agents for the world renowned Singer Improved Sewing Machine, AT J. S. <fc £. STEWARTS. SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE. The Weeklv Times, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, (inly $150 Per Annum! CHAS. A. CARWE^L NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. SOLE AUEN*- VOR CHICKERINO A8ON'8 CELEBRATED PIANO8 TAYLOB &FAKLEY^S 0R6ANS. A Urg« «ndaelected Mook ol BHEET MDBIC. Pianos and Organs for Hire «U*t&«M iMuL«wi, 'tbtommm Mt t» mil. ~\: I The Times STEAM THE DAILY TIMES. Printing House No. 22 Albany Street, NOW BanNCWIOS. •• pedal Ittention ho hail won the allectioim o ul and interestiiiL' girl, Sarah the daughter of thelate crlo- ih bi Sh ld IS CAM,HI) TO OUK Sl'l'Eltlon FACILITIES FerTbe exeoutioi of FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING OF Pamphlets, •IgHlflMJI, Taw Krokem •earl. BY WAJHINOT0M 1CVIIO. Kvcry one iirnM recollect the tra "'» "I Holmrl KinniHt, Itif In III .i, luj iL wa» I.in nulling I" BOOU lurgOttl-O. Duimj; Lha in IrelauJ, lie waa Iritid, coademDei and metuU'il, ou » cLar^c of trewpn Hie faUi IIIA>1U U deep iuspr«Beiun O public Bjruipatliy. lie wax »o youug no intelligent, BO gtixroutj,so Lravc- 80 everything that we aru apt to lik in a young mail. IIin conduct umlc trial, too, was HO lofty mid intrcjur 1 Tbe noble indignation with which h repelled the charge ol treason agaitml titS country—the eloqnrjnt jlndicatior of his name—arid his pathetic appeal posterity, in thehour of coixlemna- tiuu —all entered deeply into every generous boeoin; and even ht» eneini lwnvnted tho steni policy that de- manded liiu execution. But, tlitre was ouu heart, whom 1 tfuiab it. would be invain to do Bcnbe. lu happier days aud(airer , hohail won the allectioim o a beautiful and interesti 'urran, the g •rated Irish barrister. She loved him with the diRintPn'Bted fervor of voman'fl only love. When every orldly maxim arrayed itHcIf agaiiiHt him, when blasted in lortunr, and dis- grace and danger darkeDed around his name, aim loved him more ardently lor his Huilerings. II, tliun, hia late ;ould awaken even the sympathy of is foes, what uiun liavu beenthe .ngui»h ol her whose soul was occu- pied by Ins image? Let those tell who have had the portals of thcloinl uddenly closed between them and he being most loved on earth—v/\ lave sat at thin threubpld, as .one ihut out iu a col.I and lonely world, from whence all that wa« most lovely mil loving had parted. But then tho horrors ol such agrav so dishonored ! There was nothing or memory todwell upon that could oothe tho pang ol parting—none oi hose teuder though melancholy cir- umularjccs, that endear the parting ceue—nothing to mejt thesorrowin- o blessed team, sent like, thedews of eaven, to revive the heart in the hour anguish. To render her widowed situation lore deiolatc, she had incurred her lather's displeasure by her unfortunate ttachment, and W.IN an Mile fromthe laterual roof. Hut could the nym- lathy and kind offices of friends have cached a spirit so shocked and driven by horror, she would have eiperi- uced no want of coDBolatiou, for tho risL area people of quick aud gencr- IUS sensibilities. '1 he most deli- ale and cherishing attentions ere paid hei by families 61 wealth and distinction. She was led into society, and they tried by all ands of occupation and amusement, o dissipate her grief, and wean her ' i ' h Nevspayeri. Dill Heads, Cards and Circulars Kxecuted prmuptlj-eoil with arliatie akill. SUUSCRIBE FOK The Weeklv Times Only 81 .50 per Annum. / conlaima oamfullt/ teleoted resume of all the netif* of the week, particii larly that which relates to our pity and County. It also contains Stories aud Articles both In- structive and Amwriny. The Ckeapest Weekly Paper Issued IN THI COII.1TT. H'c aim publish, monthly, Tie. ,{Uutolktitf, A ifwrkBot ud enmttlnlng y ind scorch the soul—that penetrate e vital seat ol happiness, and blast , never again to put lorth bud or [oaaom. She never objected to fre- ucnt the haunts of pleasttre, but she ?as aB much alone there as in the epthsof solitude. She walked about a sad reverie, apparently uncon- cioua of the world around her. She arried with her an inward woe, that mocked at tbe blandishments ol friend- hip, ami heeded uot the eong of the harmer, charm he ever BO wisely. The person who told meher story, iad seen her at a masquerade. Viter strolling through the splendid ooms and giddy crowd, with an air if utter abstraction she sat herself town on the steps ol an orchestra, and ooklng about sorno time with a /acant air, that showed her iusensi- >i!ity to the garnished scene, she be- ;auwilh tbe capficlousness ol a sickly leart, to warble ahttlo plaintive air. Jhe had an exquisite voice, bat on his occasion it was so simple, BO ouohing, it breathed forth such a soul t wrctehedMM, that drew a orowil mule and silent, around her, aud melted every one into tears. The story of ono so true aud tender iould not but excite great sympathy n a country rcmarkablo for enthusi asm. It completely wou the heart o a brave officer, who paid hits addresses to her, and thought that ono so true to the dead, could not but prove af fectionate to tho living. She declined his attention*, for her thoughts were rrevocably engrossed by tho memory ol her former lover. He, howevor, persisted in his suit. He solicited uot her <lend.errieinp.but her esteem. He was assisted by her conviction his wortb, and a sense of her o destitute and dependent situation for she was oxisliiur on tho kindnes if her friends. In a word, he a length succeeded in gaining her hand though with the solemn assurano .hat her heart was utterly another's. He took her with him to Sicil\ hoping llict a change oi scene migb wear out the remembrance of earl woes. She was an amiable and exem- plary wife, and madn an effort to be a happy one; bnt,nothing could cur the silent and devouring melaiichol' that had entered into her very sou She wasted away in a Blow but hope- less decline, and at length sunk inU lha (pave the victim ol a brokei heart. U. a MAP. LINE. StMn. botwan Haw Tork, Qu«e»at<rwn ft. UrersooL ' ilpe Manhattan, MIMMOU, 'aw T«k.n«r* St. Pit8r^_K.8fiM This Uatiiutiun is indebted to th« mem iwre of the rongregntkiu oi St. Peter'i n.urch iu thirt city fur iUt iacflptiou ;•• AI laiViu aad ibt iwiitributiuiiH wliicl iu.«• ,-tn hHtM-U ut acliittr cost of $30,000 Hit- ptvjHirt; uu whi.il the jirowut building i, ULHI vsUii'li it is propobuil, iu occa eidii uiuy.rt'iiuli'c. to i-ulargc by jiavillion aU &> as tu nn>fi nil the dcnmiicU U[MJJI it Un- .lit- sick \*«n of Iht city. Hum uutxliiidc of tin- jnui>LTty tli' 1 ciitci'iirif; 'f'H'ii iiM'jwuniljIy ai<]i--t liy contribulim; fruiii IMTWHI.- oi uUit-i .Iciwinumtiolie. Th Din-cliiiu Jbmni nf Mulim! (H)iuTh un iiirgeouti foci coutiiUiut that wiicu iU ol cctn ami orpuii/.atiou arr fully uiHlcnrtort jy tlic jitiMic, it will | H: gcaci'iUly •H.'ulruUlt.'jl to hi of ^n-at plililii lu-rvi hiul Jt.i J.-WI\1IJ- .,(' all jicceitoury aid f itrf f'jui.'lcir., jiruiniiU-rM uwl {mtrou^iWe IJIT'VVII il ojn'n f. utl tliu deserving porfed liirt (ii>, uiili(,ut (Iwtiuctkm of (•!(•(•(.!, na ioimliiy, u^c, Hf.\ or c ulur, ajul <U'' U<n«- »uly require tl.iit the opplicaMt hliull (, Tl-utuMu < liara.-tt-r foe propriety of dc iicii^^^ 'I'IK; MiMuicut proffhaion of tin. ity hjivc ii-.vj.i.ndcd tu tbu rcqiK^t madj liiui that tiicy would Udu; tlitir»(j of jtw ovcriiiiiiiit uud jwamairttrulicii, and liiyvt •ntm-d u|wu llic dutiL-s they Lave been re ;UC8UJ.1 to UftbUiuu uudrr guiiraiiU^-a whicli ecuto them jxT|>ctuu] mu-tuiwirih in tin; iuuiuL'uiiit.itmKldn<rti..u of th«; licwpital, hil-j they intuiit lum: uuule Huch MLijuilu <>m UH will ht-ijurr lo it«- Iiiatituliuii in him u- huccenhiun the , mim of a mrpa ot klatruus UIHI .ScrviUu-, w;le.cte.[ fnjiu aii •der wlutec R'puliitioii hun Ix^eit e.itabliftlietl hospital M>n ii i; au'l iu [nivale. atLcnd- ieu upon the ->i<\ aii u.er the laud ior u urti:i of ii reuliiry. Sul-joiiu-d U a cojiy I Hie m t of luitLoiL/.aliim and euimuinsiou iiiUei whiehthc pi-ofrw-idu ha* taken charge >f Uie iii.-.|iiiitioii. It is hoped Ibal/it will can-fully n-wl, thut it will !«• f(,mU| .lllplu lo M-eill-e the buiijits of the charity > ail, without UiBliiiLtiou, oi tho ie|iiiLalile, ml orderly poor of the city, ami that in ic organization, guarantees aatinfactory to lie tjnlirc public will U- fuutid, giving Adi BMiranec tlial the Iiutittitiou willfoetnmi- iml with a ninjrli! eye (o the ifimfrirl mid -tjovery of all who may be received UiLo The followinn &»•<-• tho ai-tidea, with the rumble thiTi-to, uiiirh cr)intitute thu act \K)W. referred to: WIJKFESAA, The regular pructitioucre' of i-diciiie and .stirgi-ry iu the * ity of New iruurtwirk huvc been officially raiuusled to ik« ehurp: of thu ^ovemnifut and admin- tratHin of u Charity JtottpitiU biU'Iy cetab- d in waiil c;ity, umlrr the name, style lilhi of "Ht. I'elfr'.s ilcwpital;" aiul lii'iean, we, tin- undersigned, arc willing lu [tribute our prufeh»ioiiid herviwH of tit- ftiiltutt'c and advice in aid of uu institution 'tiluiiliilcd to IK; ofKreut public, benefit; and heix-as, itbiiH Ix^i. duly t-crtUUii l»'un, .roiiftli our comiuittw! \>y Uic ulerjry of ISt. VtiT'n fhurcl), rcprcMCutiog {^e ftmudrrv iroruutcrs ami patrons of the HaRfiiiHtitutiou, pf'lu'iuiffor arlmBBioif, ViiiriJlM^afifl" pftl milar pnietitioiicrK of mOdiciiK! and siir- ry will over he allowed to HCIHI jxiticntH < or tn'rtt them at ftuid Hospital; now, lerefore, we, the umlcrbi^ncd, do herriby jiutitulu uiirwlvw..u iKJurd.fuj j h e i>w- 3sca fxpix-ssed in the alK>vc preamble :ider the provisions of the following aiti- .'H, to-wit: 1. Thu Roiml ,-liall be c-nllnd " Tlie Hoard .f Medical Officers and Hurgconn," of St. *ctcr'9 lioKpital of the city uf New I.rmiB- rick. 2. The Board shall buvn rliarge of the ivernmcnt and mlniiniBtratioii of the mud lospitn], uiuler the pruvision.H of such rult> ind rt'gtilationa as*may t>e from timeto line agreed to liy tho votes of a majority >f the meiiuV'rs present at a stated meeting if the Hoard. 'A,' Tin- contributors to nai-l Hospital sha] uruish nil nci:o«*ary mcdkincB and im:d- •al cmnforLs and hospital Bupplios, and all iistrutnonts and surglral appllaacta which nay needed by the undersigned In lite ore and treatment of tho sick In Bald IIos- ntal, together with all articles necessary t< ;ivo effect to such 6anltary regulations an nay be adojitrd by the, Boanl, aud with al' 1MX)1IB andother facilities required by the Board in the transaction of its busincsH and the adniinirilration of the Hospital. 4. The Hoard will eciinonucally adrain iwtcr Uie Institution, anditSfcrTe to tho rt?[>- reHcntativcs of the foundera, promoters and iHtroDd, Uiuappointment of aLady Super utondeut, of MtUruiu and NUTSOB, of Stew- ,rd andBcrvitcra, when vacanclcu occur in iny such apiH>iutmentH. f>. None hut the indigent poor shall be admitted: totlio benettts of tho institutaon gratis ; andshould it he dweovcred that any inmatt not of such class is on froc adrdis- ;ioit, he or she shall bo excluded, unless uch inmate Hhall make mich compensation w the l*ady bupeiintcndent and tho Bout) >hall doom prupiT and sulllcient to indem- nify tkeiimtitutiou fur thu past aud future of the case. G. Then articles and tlie preamble there- i, shall be the basis upon which tbo mem- bers of tho Board agree togive tbeir BCJTICM to said^Hoflpltal. and so soon as tho shall be accepted 4p<T confinnod by tho Bait clergy of St. Peter's Church, representln tlic fouudere, promoters and patruus of tbe iaid noepital, Bhall tako effect, and be deemed anil takcu by us, tbo undersigned members of the Board, to bo out act of tui- thorizutioa aud commission, aud tho mem- wr= of tlic said Board will thereupon it once cuter upun thu pcrfornwmco of tbe duties hereby aasumod, aud it is hereby reserved to us that when ady vacancy shall -ccur In our Said Boftn), which Tucancy may rto deniMcl nccostary or advisable to nil, the Bamo shall he sapplied bytbero- aining members of tbo Board. Witness our bands the twenty-eighth day of July, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy- three. Signed, H. U. Bitownr, M. D. OnABLM DtTiWWK, M. D. ]>AV1D 0. JWdUBH, M. D. J. I. MiBOixr, M. D . W. S. JTiTnaQ?. |L D. rtusn Viir DYXS, M.D. 4 CHAS. H. VOOBHIHL M, IX NlOH. WtUlAiUOH. M. )>. t Tho Within and torMpg r mt " ^he pretttible - " ^'* ' ast&tct of In tuoclinioi), it addtbat UK ftwjud ence that u,,,,,. but ntHSrpSkS^B DMdlrlne ami mr^xf abaJl ever hn larinrkri in the inuueuaii, « a y ^it wffl » th. rule ot Uu LuUtaUao mat gejablio wor- ship orreligioua exhort»Ui.matiivktad sball be permitted in Uie •aia.teTjtW the Uospital premisca, but Ihffyfff may, at his or her request, be I r<-^.lariy nrdalded de^ 6Sp3J£[ inatiun lnjm Wbinn avefa f l i n n ni«y »a* lo receive the conatflntiQwoi mj^qa%jnd u this ilii-iu in uo reatrlctlou cxcertFtWUihe visitor fur this purpose' innst he a regular '-Icrgyinun in bis denomuuitfoll. « V l «!,.« Vul>TKav2a.JD>> ' CH»». II. Vooiunaa. U JX. Ii. C. K.Noijtui, M. P., Ilwiiltal Committee. Tliis Instiii!(ii,n Is nowopen for tbe re- ptiou nf jiatiintf, uiiiiiT Uie government d uduiinislrfitUiu uf tlio fofltfwlng Board yl Medical Officers afidSirfBBaa;" --*- II. 1!. ISM.HWIN, M. I)., 103George I eel. Inn. DUMI.-.U, M. D., 108"Oeorire ri*t. *• B I). C. Kvu.Inii, M. II., ,17 Albany street. •J. I. MiiaiiT, Jl. J)., r,S ararch street. W. K. WAITI.-OIN, M. 1)., 86 Albanv street. . . V.vi Dm, M. 1)., 1)2 Sotoenot H. VooiiiiE*;,, 31, a, 75 New NICIC WILUAMSUN, il. D.y 105 George 11'Ct. l>i: Ki -n VAN IJJKE inI'rehidcBt of the i'iinl, ami |) l; . ]). ('. Kxui.iKii U ^ccreUry. A]fplicatiiniH ior the aftiiiimion <rf the sick ny IKJ nuidts tu any meml»er of tlie Board. liit- lio-pital is (^(CJi U> llie poor of tlie ty, witii'iut K^aril tu uge, sex, color or •ligiuushclUT of the applicant fur 'adruiB- r»n. '1'ho stricUajt order anrl ijuict In tho wards cujuiiicrl. Fiiomla aud rtilutivoi of the >atwilts will U- (fcluritlud tusecthem on Holidays am! Thlirwlayi! of every week, at ('.a. ni. iu Summer, ami 11 a. in. In Win- er. AH convereatiou must be conducted i a subdued luiio, no ua m»t to diflturb other The, use of tdbaceo in]'tlic house, either •r smoking, clirn-fng (ir*Bnufflng, Is for- •Ideii; and no Npiritiioiu or -malt lhiuont. iuii or cid*T, axo tdlowcd, excejit by order r the Modir;d (Jllkcra and aurKeona. All ich articlf'H brought into tlio Hospital will •J coiin'pcated to the use of the Hospital. All article of diet brought by visitors for e. use of the nick, roust he given in charge tb<; Lady SupwUileudu.t. Conlrifiutiuiw are w'tlicttcd froDi all who •<• willing tu nM an inntitutlon calculated l«' nf irri,-itt |Hiblic Iwnefit. aatl.wbieb*4a uch nwxled. 'J'lie nianagemenl promises i i-couuniical but liberal a^dmiiiiritration, <:i>ulributi»mt5 of uujdicUicft, medicai com- )rtn ami hrtttpitul Hiipplics of food, cadt off othing and in.mty, will bo thankfully coivttl. In tho male wards ahirU, draw- s, tuK-kti aud slippers constitute the dress an ininatt, 1 , and, iii the i'eauile wards the 'IHiremenls arc comiiaratively as moderate. i«w; artieleri ran n-ndily lie made at the [ospital from materials donated, if not cou- enieuL to beml Uiem \(%n\y uiadc Fragments uf old linen, muslin flannel, 'o., can abo he utiliy.e.1 for drawing. All applicants forBrtmlBslon must be of :putablc chiiracter for honosly and pro- iety of duincumtr- ^'u peruou* will be ueived whu are laboring uudcr any dJs- .ni frailty, depravity or ro< i kloeaiKfla. The regular hour of sick call daily is at a. m. in Summer, auilJO a. m. In Winter. >*o visitors admitted on Sunday, except i KpreiiU C&BCH, -whmi a paw* from the Hos- ital Coinmitteo will IKJ required. Jiy order of the BoaiiL Ki-riii VAN UVKK, M. I)., ("HA-*. H. VuouilBEH, SI. D., 1). C. ENOLIHIT. M. I). Hospital Committee. New Iirunftwick. August 6, 1B7J3-

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Page 1: m CHEAP GROCERIES - digifind-it.com · PBH»CO, Boat* «Md Bt|m Painter, NO. IS OUILDEN 8TREKT, NEW BBDMVWICK. Rooni Preteoed In Oil o r Water Color*, lor 986 and opwarda. aUao, lala-oxlDlsx

23(Jlatn *«•> » Lio«a")



OwefceVato. OuunamBUuaJmaur* a * U anlar. Plain OoM Rinje ma4o a* <*ehear • aouoa, as y carat, weight or eiae. FifceWatekea u d Pr»ieh OtMkilwarranled to keM

aan aad fcgfiih wa*£e«

l ift

Aawriau ,_W. Mualeal Boxeacaaaieed. Alr a*4 Wartehea made by ma war

, _ Jnkai witala a jraar repaired withoat ooet | repalriaa; ooatlr and etrongly dana.

Daairoaa of pleaaing all wbo mar favor 1with their patronage, 1 aolldt a hearty suppa:trem the omnmuafty.

Terr vewpeoUallr Toara,JeneT-fy-a JQUW r)CU»E]D«R.

Wta* tad Lager Beer Depot.



PAUL KLEIN,• y l H y «00 BnmetHaTaet


fine Ttnepiaoaa a Specialty.A general aaaortment ot CHAINS, KI.NUS

•WMMCLM, etc.AU kind, of KBTAIBING promptly unrated

L . P. TARBOX,M Dwnia etreet. formerly at Harah'a.

AU wetcnea lelt for repair iniured agaiaatlow by lire. au8B-lT


American Billiard HullAND RESTAURANT

So. M Albany itreet, Hew Bruaiwiek.

Where can be foandPlea, Pnddinga and Betrethmeiita of all

kinde. m y H


Boat* «Md Bt|m Painter,NO. IS OUILDEN 8TREKT,


Rooni Preteoed In Oil or Water Color*, lor986 and opwarda.

aUao, lala-oxlDlsx and Paper Hanging.

(training dote at abort notice, by tbe newproeeaa, eoattag So par oent. leaa uian BT theold nvelhod. ^ je»T-lj



Mechanical Knulneer*.

s — 1 « Ge«r»e Btraat, (rtevar'a ••ildinge.


Tailor twd Excelsior Clothe*Vtoauaer and Kepslrer.

Aiaorttaatt of Second-hand Clothing. *-Neok-Uea, CoHan, n«., Eto.

D a £>ennia S tree t ,Oae Deo* from corner et Uiram atreet.

1 l

Steam Oyer_and Scourer.1>. KVaUNAK,

No. IS Ohvoh itreet, New Braoawiok, it nownrcnared to do ererj deaeription ot builneBs innil tin*, Ut the heat manner and at reaaonablerataa.

All orden promplly attandad to at ihorl



Cu»ToM-MiJJ» Boon AND

Baaa-aawed, alwayi en hud.

REPAIRINGtone at ihori notice and In the bait manner.Alao, a fall eaaortment of

MANKFACTURED WORK. • llwajrecn hiad. »p1-lT

Cozzens & Housell,House. Sim S OmameiLtal Painters

NO. US BUUNET STREET,Foot ol Bchureman.

Gilding, Graining and Kalaomimnr. A oom-plete aaeortment ot Palnta, Oile, Olaw, Pallyu d Bnuhee eonateotly on hand at the loweet

Ranges and Furnaces.

The Best in t h e World.

The Magee Elevated Ranees,.

IVIajfee Furnaces

a n the moat aurprtalng and aoooeeatnl 0401'tiflMaOM ol letanilUe reeturae aver brftngat to-lothef. It il only neoeeaary to aea them to bemTfeMea that nothing better ean be pnrehaaei.


Phenix Furnace

The Walker FurnaceMa »i*.ll«* artejea aad highly approrad.


Ftnaaklnf and BMtlag BaUbUahmmt,





FIREM#aeWl | who dedm-of tie oeiaea ot Flee;

1 OtW|Mrlnf Fin



Civil Engineer





BN«INBEKII«O, ETC..wlreaiwki,

Oiry leta and hrmi aurreyed and plotted j land•eaa calou'atW, alao conUta ofall farnia ofartaoaaaad aolldii landa laid out, diridad npBd puthionad 04. OutUne u d topgrapiiealapt. Plane foraiihed lor lirmg out and oria-

mentuif (rounds, etc.



Civil EngineersAM*

ARCHITECTS.ita a*on» i


ARCHITEC1',781 Broad Street, Kewark, N. J.

Fint National Bank Building.fully

I C H E V A M E B ,


>0» Bun at Street, Haw Brnaawtek.lyS9-ly


Ordera left at Heilre Schneewelaa'a, Oeorftreel; Prof. Oarland'a lluile Store, Albany

ireet; Dr. Meeker1 • Drat Store, Barnet itreei,111 he promptly attended to.Keeldepoe, Wo. 81 Hiram atraet. »«9-1r


& SON,

Heal0 Bayard Street-






dlnburgh ^agazine





eprinted without abrifyemmt or alttra-

tion, and at about one-third the jiria o)

the originals,BT THB



TERMS OB SUBSCliirTION:raa>ne Renew M ooTaay tw* qerlews 7 *ir anr-threw BtTlewe 10 00r ail lour Beriewi U 00ir Biaekwood'a Haguiae 4 00ir Bla'ckwood andone Ktrlew 7 00irBlackwood and tiro BsTiewa 10 00r BlaDkirood and three ReTiewi IS 00

BUakariud and | h | lour BoTiewa... 15 00Poeta^e two oenta a number, to be prepaidtbe quarter at tbe office, ol dellTery^BI

;CLUBS.A discount ol twenty per cent, will be

Uowed to clobs ol four or more personehue: fourcopieeol Blaokwood or ol one Ke-iew will be tent to otw aidtiu lor »H.B0; fourpiea of tbe fonrReriewe and u aokwuod for

L8, andHD'on.To oluba ol tan or more, in addition to thi>o»e diacount, a onpy Ktatla will allowedthe getter up ef the olub.

PREMIUMS.New tobscribera (applying«rlf) lor the jeai

BJJ may haTe, without charge, the number!or the taut quarter of 1871 of inch pertodkalaaa they may •obeenbe for.

Or Inalead, new tubacriban to any twothree or four of tbe abora periodical*, maj

f b " F K i e w e " for 181a; eon-f th " K"H>ir

hree or four of tbe oare onaoftbo "FourKeriewe for 1cnbere to all Bre may bare two of the

Beoiewa" for 187S.Neither premiuna to anbaorlbara nor diacouo

> ololia can be allowed nnieai tbe omuor u mittad direct to tha publUhara. Ho prem:in[Ten to oluba.Circular! with further particular! may be bad

in application.

T7w Leonard Scott Publuhing Co.HO *alM» Street, Km Vorh


Alao pnbliah

THE FARMER'S GUIDLTo BolanUfio and PiaoUoal AgTrlonlture,

B. 8. , Bdlodnrjh, andP. Norton, Prolaaaor ol Bdentlni

- -Jolli

T UmrrBtypheoa,?. B. B.. •dlnj.rgb, a;delate J.srloaltnn • - , — -V>o rota. Boyal Oataro. I.M0 fwaa an;

nltnre In Yala College, Maw Baren.

jumerona engrarlnga.poclpald, 18.


Real Estate anil Siocl 6 f n kAND SALEROOM,

Odd FaUowe' HeJL MtllaoB Btra»t.

i ofOeod, Keelrad VJn »ld at Pri-ir r-bll» Auction.

MajMMVaadMtiakbnfkt andaold.

•' " '" " ' .aanoa,

a.UI aaiea are

F. A. W I S E H HWatchmaker and Jeweler

NO. 7 CHURCH STREET,• t t M l i '" 1 °f hi» «••>»* to hi. eiten.i. . atock, 1.1,1, replanlahad b:

Rich Jewelry, Watches. Clocks,8JZVX11 AND PLATED WARM, HAIR JEWELRY,


W BapairinK done well, and wamatad.

Drtuurvvick «nmo Store.




Sugrars, Flour, Raisins, Currants.We invite »peoi,] attention to our recent invoicea ol

Wines, Liquors and Champagnes.CHAMPAGNE CIDER

warraDtcU toj keep aweet all the year round, ind will be sold at a veryw price

We have made arrangementB for a rcgfnlar snpply of

HOICE ORANGE COUNTY BUTTER,t T' direct from the N<?w York Dairic8.

, by the p6und or iu larger quantities.LOW

You can HA Vh /TOM 20 to 30 per cent, by purchasing of

he Great China and Japan Tea Co.,209 BURNET STREET.

WS1KWTOOK *k , Propri.ter.



at ai Low Batei aa any place In the city.

THE BEST .FAMILY FLOURT5 par 100 toutda. Mt. Taniea Branded Uami at IS eta. per Ib.

Estimates Furnished




Gleaning, Scouring, RepairingNO. 32

Tailoring Establishment,ALBANY STREET. \ Ne. SJ

Ocntletlten'a buiht Repaired ami thoroughly Cleaned, and the original color•stored. mylil-ly




Also a Largo Assortment oi

FiiFnisliing Goods, Umbrellas, Canes, Grloves.Also, Agents for the world renowned

Singer Improved Sewing Machine,AT

J. S. <fc £. STEWARTS.



(inly $150 Per Annum!




TAYLOB & FAKLEY^S 0R6ANS.A Urg« «nd aelected Mook ol BHEET MDBIC.

Pianos and Organs for Hire«U*t&«M iMuL«wi, 'tbtommm Mt t» mil.

~\: I

The TimesSTEAM


Printing House

No. 22 Albany Street,


pedal Ittention

ho hail won the allectioim oul and interestiiiL' girl, Sarah

the daughter of the late crlo-ih b i Sh l d



FerTbe exeoutioi of






Taw Krokem • e a r l .BY WAJHINOT0M 1CVIIO.

Kvcry one iirnM recollect the tra" ' » "I Holmrl KinniHt, Itif InIII . i , luj iL wa» I.in n u l l i n g I"

BOOU lurgOttl-O. D u i m j ; Lhain IrelauJ, lie waa Iritid, coademDeiand metuU'il, ou » cLar^c of trewpnHie faUi IIIA>1U U deep iuspr«Beiun Opublic Bjruipatliy. l ie wax »o youugno intelligent, BO gtixroutj,so Lravc-80 everything that we aru apt to likin a young mail. IIin conduct umlctrial, too, was HO lofty mid intrcjur1

Tbe noble indignation with which hrepelled the charge ol treason agaitmltitS country—the eloqnrjnt jlndicatiorof his name—arid his pathetic appeal

posterity, in the hour of coixlemna-tiuu —all entered deeply into everygenerous boeoin; and even ht» eneinilwnvnted tho steni policy that de-manded liiu execution.

But, tlitre was ouu heart, whom1

tfuiab it. would be in vain to doBcnbe. lu happier days aud (airer

, ho hail won the allectioim oa beautiful and interesti'urran, the g•rated Irish barrister. She loved him

with the diRintPn'Bted fervor ofvoman'fl only love. When every

orldly maxim arrayed itHcIf agaiiiHthim, when blasted in lortunr, and dis-grace and danger darkeDed aroundhis name, aim loved him more ardentlylor his Huilerings. II, tliun, hia late;ould awaken even the sympathy ofis foes, what uiun liavu been the.ngui»h ol her whose soul was occu-

pied by Ins image? Let those tellwho have had the portals of thcloinluddenly closed between them andhe being most loved on earth—v/\lave sat at thin threubpld, as .oneihut out iu a col.I and lonely world,from whence all that wa« most lovelymil loving had parted.

But then tho horrors ol such agravso dishonored ! There was nothingor memory to dwell upon that couldoothe tho pang ol parting—none oihose teuder though melancholy cir-umularjccs, that endear the partingceue—nothing to mejt the sorrow in-o blessed team, sent like, the dews ofeaven, to revive the heart in the hour

anguish.To render her widowed situation

lore deiolatc, she had incurred herlather's displeasure by her unfortunatettachment, and W.IN an Mile from thelaterual roof. Hut could the nym-lathy and kind offices of friends havecached a spirit so shocked and driven

by horror, she would have eiperi-uced no want of coDBolatiou, for thorisL are a people of quick aud gencr-IUS sensibilities. '1 he most deli-ale and cherishing attentionsere paid hei by families 61

wealth and distinction. She was ledinto society, and they tried by allands of occupation and amusement,o dissipate her grief, and wean her

' i ' h


Dill Heads,

Cards and


Kxecuted prmuptlj-eoil with arliatie akill.


The Weeklv TimesOnly 81 .50 per Annum.

/ conlaima oamfullt/ teleoted resume

of all the netif* of the week, particii

larly that which relates to our

pity and County. It also

contains Stories aud

Articles both In-

structive and


The Ckeapest Weekly Paper Issued


H'c aim publish, monthly,

Tie. ,{Uutolktitf,

A ifwrkBot ud enmttlnlng

yind scorch the soul—that penetrate

e vital seat ol happiness, and blast, never again to put lorth bud or[oaaom. She never objected to fre-ucnt the haunts of pleasttre, but she?as aB much alone there as in theepthsof solitude. She walked about

a sad reverie, apparently uncon-cioua of the world around her. Shearried with her an inward woe, that

mocked at tbe blandishments ol friend-hip, ami heeded uot the eong of theharmer, charm he ever BO wisely.

The person who told me her story,iad seen her at a masquerade.Viter strolling through the splendidooms and giddy crowd, with an airif utter abstraction she sat herselftown on the steps ol an orchestra, andooklng about sorno time with a/acant air, that showed her iusensi->i!ity to the garnished scene, she be-;auwilh tbe capficlousness ol a sicklyleart, to warble a httlo plaintive air.Jhe had an exquisite voice, bat onhis occasion it was so simple, BOouohing, it breathed forth such a soult wrctehedMM, that drew a orowil

mule and silent, around her, audmelted every one into tears.

The story of ono so true aud tenderiould not but excite great sympathyn a country rcmarkablo for enthusiasm. It completely wou the heart oa brave officer, who paid hits addressesto her, and thought that ono so trueto the dead, could not but prove affectionate to tho living. She declinedhis attention*, for her thoughts wererrevocably engrossed by tho memory

ol her former lover. He, howevor,persisted in his suit. He soliciteduot her <lend.errieinp.but her esteem.He was assisted by her convictionhis wortb, and a sense of her odestitute and dependent situationfor she was oxisliiur on tho kindnesif her friends. In a word, he a

length succeeded in gaining her handthough with the solemn assurano.hat her heart was utterly another's.

He took her with him to Sicil\hoping llict a change oi scene migbwear out the remembrance of earlwoes. She was an amiable and exem-plary wife, and madn an effort to bea happy one; bnt,nothing could curthe silent and devouring melaiichol'that had entered into her very souShe wasted away in a Blow but hope-less decline, and at length sunk inUlha (pave the victim ol a brokeiheart.

U. a MAP. LINE.StMn. botwan Haw Tork,Qu«e»at<rwn ft. UrersooL

' ilpe Manhattan, MIMMOU,

'aw T«k .n«r*

St. Pit8r^_K.8fiMThis Uatiiutiun is indebted to th« mem

iwre of the rongregntkiu oi St. Peter'in.urch iu thirt city fur iUt iacflptiou;•• AI laiViu aad ibt iwiitributiuiiH wliicliu.«• ,-tn hHtM-U ut acliittr cost of $30,000Hit- ptvjHirt; uu whi.il the jirowut building

i, ULHI vsUii'li it is propobuil, iu occaeidii uiuy.rt'iiuli'c. to i-ulargc by jiavillion aU

&> as tu nn>fi nil the dcnmiicUU[MJJI it Un- .lit- sick \*«n of Iht city. Hum

uutxliiidc of tin- jnui>LTty tli'1 ciitci'iirif;'f'H'ii iiM'jwuniljIy ai<]i--t liy contribulim;

fruiii IMTWHI.- oi uUit-i .Iciwinumtiolie. ThDin-cliiiu Jbmni nf Mulim! (H)iuTh uniiirgeouti foci coutiiUiut that wiicu iU olcctn ami orpuii/.atiou arr fully uiHlcnrtortjy tlic jitiMic, it will |H : gcaci'iUly

•H.'ulruUlt.'jl to hi of n-at plililiilu-rvi hiul Jt.i J.-WI\1IJ- .,(' all jicceitoury aid

• f itrf f'jui.'lcir., jiruiniiU-rM uwl {mtrou^iWeIJIT'VVII il ojn'n f. utl tliu deserving porfedliirt (ii>, uiili(,ut (Iwtiuctkm of (•!(•(•(.!, naioimliiy, u^c, Hf.\ or c ulur, ajul <U'' U<n«-»uly require tl.iit the opplicaMt hliull 1« (,Tl-utuMu < liara.-tt-r foe propriety of dciic i i^^^ 'I'IK; MiMuicut proffhaion of tin.ity hjivc ii-.vj.i.ndcd tu tbu rcqiK^t madjliiui that tiicy would Udu; tlitir»(j of jtwovcriiiiiiiit uud jwamairttrulicii, and liiyvt•ntm-d u|wu llic dutiL-s they Lave been re;UC8UJ.1 to UftbUiuu uudrr guiiraiiU^-a whicliecuto them jxT|>ctuu] mu-tuiwirih in tin;iuuiuL'uiiit.itmKldn<rti..u of th«; licwpital,hil-j they in tuiit lum: uuule Huch MLijuilu<>m UH will ht-ijurr lo it«- Iiiatituliuii in himu- huccenhiun the , m i m of a mrpa ot

klatruus UIHI .ScrviUu-, w;le.cte.[ fnjiu aii•der wlutec R'puliitioii hun Ix eit e.itabliftlietl

hospital M>n ii i; au'l iu [nivale. atLcnd-ieu upon the ->i<\ aii u.er the laud ior uurti:i of ii reuliiry. Sul-joiiu-d U a cojiy

• I Hie mt o f luitLoiL/.aliim and euimuinsiouiiiUei whiehthc pi-ofrw-idu ha* taken charge>f Uie iii.-.|iiiitioii. It is hoped Ibal/it will

can-fully n-wl, thut it will !«• f(,mU|.lllplu lo M-eill-e the buiijits of the charity> ail, without UiBliiiLtiou, oi tho ie|iiiLalile,ml orderly poor of the city, ami that inic organization, guarantees aatinfactory tolie tjnlirc public will U- fuutid, giving AdiBMiranec tlial the Iiutittitiou will foe tnmi-iml with a ninjrli! eye (o the ifimfrirl mid-tjovery of all who may be received UiLo

The followinn &»•<-• tho ai-tidea, with therumble thiTi-to, uiiirh cr)intitute thu act\K)W. referred t o :

WIJKFESAA, The regular pructitioucre' ofi-diciiie and .stirgi-ry iu the * ity of New

iruurtwirk huvc been officially raiuusled toik« ehurp: of thu ^ovemnifut and admin-tratHin of u Charity JtottpitiU biU'Iy cetab-

d in waiil c;ity, umlrr the name, stylelilhi of "Ht. I'elfr'.s ilcwpital;" aiul

lii'iean, we, tin- undersigned, arc willing lu[tribute our prufeh»ioiiid herviwH of tit-

ftiiltutt'c and advice in aid of uu institution'tiluiiliilcd to IK; of Kreut public, benefit; andheix-as, itbiiH Ix^i. duly t-crtUUii l»'un,.roiiftli our comiuittw! \>y Uic ulerjry of ISt.

VtiT'n fhurcl), rcprcMCutiog { e ftmudrrviroruutcrs ami patrons of the HaRfiiiHtitutiou,pf'lu'iuiffor arlmBBioif, ViiiriJlM^afifl" pftlmilar pnietitioiicrK of mOdiciiK! and siir-ry will over he allowed to HCIHI jxiticntH

< or tn'rtt them at ftuid Hospital; now,lerefore, we, the umlcrbi^ncd, do herribyjiutitulu uiirwlvw..u iKJurd.fuj jhe i>w-3sca fxpix-ssed in the alK>vc preamble:ider the provisions of the following aiti-

.'H, to-wit:

1. Thu Roiml ,-liall be c-nllnd " Tlie Hoard.f Medical Officers and Hurgconn," of St.*ctcr'9 lioKpital of the city uf New I.rmiB-rick.

2. The Board shall buvn rliarge of theivernmcnt and mlniiniBtratioii of the mud

lospitn], uiuler the pruvision.H of such rult>ind rt'gtilationa as*may t>e from time toline agreed to liy tho votes of a majority>f the meiiuV'rs present at a stated meetingif the Hoard.

'A,' Tin- contributors to nai-l Hospital sha]uruish nil nci:o«*ary mcdkincB and im:d-•al cmnforLs and hospital Bupplios, and alliistrutnonts and surglral appllaacta whichnay .« needed by the undersigned In liteore and treatment of tho sick In Bald IIos-ntal, together with all articles necessary t<;ivo effect to such 6anltary regulations annay be adojitrd by the, Boanl, aud with al'

1MX)1IB and other facilities required by theBoard in the transaction of its busincsH andthe adniinirilration of the Hospital.

4. The Hoard will eciinonucally adrainiwtcr Uie Institution, and itSfcrTe to tho rt?[>-reHcntativcs of the foundera, promoters andiHtroDd, Uiu appointment of a Lady Superutondeut, of MtUruiu and NUTSOB, of Stew-,rd and Bcrvitcra, when vacanclcu occur ininy such apiH>iutmentH.

f>. None hut the indigent poor shall beadmitted: to tlio benettts of tho institutaongratis ; and should it he dweovcred that anyinmatt not of such class is on froc adrdis-;ioit, he or she shall bo excluded, unlessuch inmate Hhall make mich compensationw the l*ady bupeiintcndent and tho Bout)>hall doom prupiT and sulllcient to indem-nify tkeiimtitutiou fur thu past aud futureof the case.

G. Then articles and tlie preamble there-i, shall be the basis upon which tbo mem-

bers of tho Board agree to give tbeir BCJTICMto said^Hoflpltal. and so soon as thoshall be accepted 4p<T confinnod by tho Baitclergy of St. Peter's Church, representlntlic fouudere, promoters and patruus of tbeiaid noepital, Bhall tako effect, and bedeemed anil takcu by us, tbo undersignedmembers of the Board, to bo out act of tui-thorizutioa aud commission, aud tho mem-wr= of tlic said Board will thereupon i t

once cuter upun thu pcrfornwmco of tbeduties hereby aasumod, aud it is herebyreserved to us that when ady vacancy shall-ccur In our Said Boftn), which Tucancy

may rto deniMcl nccostary or advisable tonil, the Bamo shall he sapplied bytbero-

aining members of tbo Board. Witnessour bands the twenty-eighth day of July,Anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-three.

Signed,H. U. Bitownr, M. D.

• OnABLM DtTiWWK, M. D.]>AV1D 0. JWdUBH, M. D.J. I. MiBOixr, M. D .W. S. JTiTnaQ?. |L D.rtusn Viir DYXS, M.D.


Tho Within and torMpg rmt "he pretttible - " '* '

as t&tct of

In tuoclinioi), itaddtbat UK ftwjudence that u,,,,,. but ntHSrpSkS^BDMdlrlne ami mr^xf abaJl ever hn larinrkriin the inuueuaii, « a y ^ i t wffl » th.rule ot Uu LuUtaUao mat gejablio wor-ship orreligioua exhort»Ui.matiivktadsball be permitted in Uie •aia.teTjtW theUospital premisca, but Ihffyfffmay, at his or her request, be Ir<- .lariy nrdalded d e ^ 6Sp3J£[inatiun lnjm Wbinn avefa f l i n n ni«y » a *lo receive the conatflntiQwoi mj^qa%jndu this ilii-iu in uo reatrlctlou cxcertFtWUihe

visitor fur this purpose' innst he a regular'-Icrgyinun in bis denomuuitfoll.

« V l«!,.« Vul>TKav2a.JD>> 'CH»». II. Vooiunaa. U JX.Ii. C. K.Noijtui, M. P . ,

Ilwiiltal Committee.Tliis Instiii!(ii,n Is now open for tbe re-ptiou nf jiatiintf, uiiiiiT Uie governmentd uduiinislrfitUiu uf tlio fofltfwlng Board

yl Medical Officers afidSirfBBaa;" - - * -II. 1!. ISM.HWIN, M. I)., 103 George

I ee l .I n n . DUMI.-.U, M. D., 108" Oeorire

ri*t. *• B

I). C. Kvu.Inii, M. II., ,17 Albany street.•J. I. Miiai iT, Jl. J)., r,S ararch street.W. K. WAITI.-OIN, M. 1)., 86 Albanv

street. . .V.vi Dm, M. 1)., 1)2 Sotoenot

H. VooiiiiE*;,, 31, a , 75 New

NICIC WILUAMSUN, il. D.y 105 George

11'Ct.l>i: Ki -n VAN I J J K E in I'rehidcBt of the

i'iinl, ami | ) l ; . ]). ('. Kxui.iKii U ^ccreUry.A]fplicatiiniH ior the aftiiiimion <rf the sickny IKJ nuidts tu any meml»er of tlie Board.liit- lio-pital is ( (CJi U> llie poor of tlie

ty, witii'iut K^aril tu uge, sex, color or•ligiuushclUT of the applicant fur 'adruiB-r»n.'1'ho stricUajt order anrl ijuict In tho wardscujuiiicrl. Fiiomla aud rtilutivoi of the

>atwilts will U- (fcluritlud tu sec them onHolidays am! Thlirwlayi! of every week, at('.a. ni. iu Summer, ami 11 a. in. In Win-er. AH convereatiou must be conductedi a subdued luiio, no ua m»t to diflturb other

The, use of tdbaceo in]'tlic house, either•r smoking, clirn-fng (ir*Bnufflng, Is for-•Ideii; and no Npiritiioiu or -malt lhiuont.iuii or cid*T, axo tdlowcd, excejit by order

r the Modir;d (Jllkcra and aurKeona. Allich articlf'H brought into tlio Hospital will•J coiin'pcated to the use of the Hospital.All ar t ic le of diet brought by visitors fore. use of the nick, roust he given in chargetb<; Lady SupwUileudu.t.Conlrifiutiuiw are w'tlicttcd froDi all who

•<• willing tu nM an inntitutlon calculatedl«' nf irri,-itt |Hiblic Iwnefit. aatl.wbieb*4a

uch nwxled. 'J'lie nianagemenl promisesi i-couuniical but liberal a^dmiiiiritration,<:i>ulributi»mt5 of uujdicUicft, medicai com-

)rtn ami hrtttpitul Hiipplics of food, cadt offothing and in.mty, will bo thankfullycoivttl. In tho male wards ahirU, draw-s, tuK-kti aud slippers constitute the dressan ininatt,1, and, iii the i'eauile wards the

'IHiremenls arc comiiaratively as moderate.i«w; artieleri ran n-ndily lie made at the

[ospital from materials donated, if not cou-enieuL to beml Uiem \(%n\y uiadcFragments uf old linen, muslin flannel,

'o., can abo he utiliy.e.1 for drawing.All applicants forBrtmlBslon must be of

:putablc chiiracter for honosly and pro-iety of duincumtr- ^'u peruou* will beueived whu are laboring uudcr any dJs-.ni frailty, depravity or ro<ikloeaiKfla.The regular hour of sick call daily is ata. m. in Summer, auilJO a. m. In Winter.>*o visitors admitted on Sunday, except

i KpreiiU C&BCH, -whmi a paw* from the Hos-ital Coinmitteo will IKJ required.

Jiy order of the BoaiiL

Ki-riii VAN UVKK, M. I) . ,("HA-*. H. VuouilBEH, SI. D.,1). C. ENOLIHIT. M. I).

Hospital Committee.New Iirunftwick. August 6, 1B7J3-

Page 2: m CHEAP GROCERIES - digifind-it.com · PBH»CO, Boat* «Md Bt|m Painter, NO. IS OUILDEN 8TREKT, NEW BBDMVWICK. Rooni Preteoed In Oil o r Water Color*, lor 986 and opwarda. aUao, lala-oxlDlsx

mnrnt, « . MoaTkandav.


badvaaoe, 91.60 a«a «r am, $1.46 «•**,


of whatever nature,

. I ... A . K. « O B » O n .


, AUGUST 28, 1B73.

abac COAJL, MONOPOLY,Ifee poblk hare Kme rigbta va irb

pntmuuiVTtwnad to raped. Nojxaratlai it avar legitimated by taw fur Usowavaolf food—it must be culculaU-d to

n some waj to thf puMk- cou-Monopolies arc iliataatrfiil ti> tilt

p g ^ o nmiotts to the cummou iuttreel, «ub-Te«ii.T« orthe general couvciuuncc, autl i ipoaod to the spirit of the laws ami the•wUmomy of the Government. Now, inr l e w o f these facts, we hdld it L<. be theduty of coarta BO to construe the privilege*roncfuin. by charters that neither the iwo-pte Bh&ll Buffer loss nor the Governmentgh^n^ When a Uxly corjKjratu in i>ermit-ted by its charter to engage lu any bjx-ci-fled Industry, the terms of that cbarur caii-not be so enlarged aa to permit a troniliiua-tlonimder it which parctitaJly and in factamounts to no Iras than a mimot-ly. Tbink precisely what the Philadelphia andReading Iron Company has dun*.*. Thirty

^million dolhire were fxiwiiidi'd by tiiat com-pany in buying from private parties thecoal H-'"*** and lands of SchuvlkUl ajiuity.Peon. The Heading Hailroad ('nnipunybecoming its only stockholder, the combina-tion was readily formed and possessiongained of almost all the available anthracitecoal lands of Pennsylvania, which are, sofar as now known and utilized, confined l<<two counties. This was done with tbe pur-pose of raising the price of coal to ligtircncalculated to enrich tbe stockholders in aabort time. Tbe arrangement has beenlittenlly followed uut tlius far. To -avertsuspicion it was represented that Uicre wm-an ovenmpply of coal last year and pre-viously and that, in consequent:*, very littleprofit wss made by sellers. To offset thininconvenience it was said that lest* miniugwould be done this year and tlie price some-what advanced. The price was advance*],and that with a vengeance. Little byUttlfi it has crept forward until it isnow perfectly alarrfng. On the 2fcJth ofJune, 1871, coal waar freely sold forper ton at tbe Scranton auction sale*it retails at $7 and $7.50 per Urn. It ha*risen twice this mouth, involving an increaseof 25 cents on each occasion, or an aggre-gate increase of 5<* cents on the ton. TbtPhiladelphia and Heading Coal and IronCompany have used every means that fancycould devise to allay susmcion and yet fore-stall the market. *"Tftey discouraged purchases by middlemen, aud in fact wirti iview to becoming more completely maatereof the situation, tbey have quite generally

- • -- - , . - . ?, i - - . - J * - : . . -

at wholesale to middlemen. This hasbrought the company face to face with thepeople, and they have a right to ask some-thing like justice from a corporation funnedostensibly for their convenience. If this icsnot conceded it will be the obvious duty ofthe Pennsylvania conrtH to declare the (bar-ter of incorporation of the monopty forfeited by reason of it exceeding its j tower* ; orthe Legislature might net in tbe mutter inconformity with *»*2fi of Article I. of tlieConstitution of Pennsylvania, which em-powers that body " t o alter, revoke, or an-nul any charter of incori-orution hereafterconferred by or under nay special or gen-eral law, whenever, hi their opinion, it mayb» injurious to the citizens of tbe Commonwealth." The venal character of Pennsyl-vania law-makers and custodial™ of justiceforbids our hoping that they will interferein the matter. Tha <mly course left for usto follow, in cate tbe wrong cannot be re-dressed wh«t» it originates, is this, najnely,to strike off the duty of 75 rents per tonnow levied on coal, thus opening our mark-,ets to the Ron Bcotian supplies. We cnot expect a large quantity from Nova Sco-tia, to, be sore, but whatever we do receivwill certainly prove a alight cbecfc Upon tinoatngeotw exactions of the present monopO.T. •

rwmto enough

debt and taxation by the improvement*made and yet making in grading street*,laying pavement, ptirrha&ing .the Water-Works, augmenting sewage fad t t t t a ,nrMnto'iiiMt a lwgt fire depiuuntipreparuig for another outlay of manythousand dollar* in the Albany -street bridgepurchase. True, t be«;onerou*, but yet slight reflection- will clearlydemonstrate that if there are debts to Ncontracted aud ueretwary improvements l>be made It is far better for a city t<> fate itsresponsibilities at inxva than toiolngso. A city grows in projtortion witbtlifreputation it aojuirtit; fur public spirit, ami t>

>ursc tlm public b|iirit haU's slow n e * an<old fogyisiu.'* It IB iwdetja tn proteu;aintit taxation and debt when iiicurn-d iiaking Direeaaxy improvt'mcu.U*. If

person ixpeiuls a little more !>y way <>ta\f« tlian be tUtnkri it his duty u> pay, 1ought U> rest contcntrd in the ahfiiraiKthat the value of hin property will l>c m\allied yi at l.imt the sitim* rtili". At tlilime the city might woll afford U> purcuaue

fur a park Houiewhi-re In the eulmrlami fit it up and lx*autity it little by Hill

'caaiun may n•<[uiIT. Tin• BUIHLrbn <tbe city t oday will not l>r stii-h ten yeaibeui*, and the price for ubich. hiiitabproperty might now be bought would ^very little toward piurhiisiiig the same; h,i:

simple det:a*.b' from lo-iiay. Consly we think tbU not an im»pp<jrtii[

time to raise the <jiit-Hliun of " A Turk fiNew Hrmihivirk."

NEW JERSEY STATE FAIROur readers must not forget that tl:

State Fair opens a Waverly, near Newark,Tuesday, September I'Hb. The attractioj:

year, in all the1 departments, willfar ttryond those of any previous yThe fatt tiiat the Sicirty baa offered <one thousand premiums will call out n h...splay. In addition to tlie u>iml exhititiou nf agricultfiral products ami marbincrthe Society him arranged for a trialsteam firr engines upon a most mngniflcescale, at which it is expected over fiflfiigincs wl'l com pet*.1 for the gold modaloffered as premiums. This trial will

ipy at leant two days of the Fair.

A decided sensation hart been ciVat*among the farmers of New Haven conntCoftn., by tbe arrest of one of the hither'most rcspeituMe of their minil^r, Step1

Hitchcock, and a man named Hradley,stealing pyullry i'rom A. ('. Ba'>"dIJeiiiany. UradU'v and Hitchcock were

iglhe fowls into the;r wagon atmutcoupli

M mm* 1*4.

t^e Marietta andhursday rouilted in <bf*|

A N^iWwFof robHen In the>f 6alenDo, Italy.lias been captured and]

a Sp«oial CotxM|toadwi ut.

IACU, Aug.

uu Beach is 30 miles in length andariea from 1,000 f « * to a milt in breadth,^tending from Point Pleasant to Bamegatilet. At "Chadwkiig " fraa the bay to

the aea is about half a mile. Expoaed tobe full force of easterly galee. the entirejeach has been the scene of shipwrecks andiaaslen. The inhabitant* are, for the most

fishermen. Numerous stations fur theof vctwela iu dwtruas bavt been eaUL

i«h*;d by the Guvermuent, aud the care of.heae provkiee employment for m&ny during:he year. Tliey are hardy and adveuturIUH men. inured to exposure and danger,

accuMomed to do thing*, in their own way,with habit*, thoughts and modes of expres-Biuu peculiar to themBelvet*. Se|>aratod a*-

w ere from the rt*t of the world, .theyvv an individuality which Hocme to di^

tingui^h tbotu from others, a freedom>{ opinion which a* knowledge noiiuilatioxiw, and a license of ajKX'ch

not modititnl by the strictmt laws of refinenient. Tbey are bold and frank, detent

•anprj' and double dealing", are direct intheir approach and may IJC relied upon iuenicrgencies where courage and coomess arc

eil. rpou one rtubject, however, tl'eyaiv neiLiitivo—nliie, perliapci, to the compara-tive solitude ra which their lives arc jiaiwacr}to the wild scents of cicitenieut in whit Uthey have ]>articipatt;d, to the pmseoce ofthe o'-ean, with ita tMilemn monotone everbiiiging iu their ears, or the dreary wail ofwinter winds around their lonely habituturns. They are extremely bujveretitioua.They haup conv«n«.«d with disembodiedipirits, have Been them ujwu tbe beat band alK»ut their dwellings. No rcantjningcan weaken their convictions or dimin-

their faith- -what " they've, wen,they've Been, and that's all about it."'

One of them related to me an iurideutwhich illustrates the important service ren-deWl, tlie hazanloud nature of the experi-ence tbey encxjunler aud the peculiar HUB-ceptibility they exhibit in referring allmatters they are unable to explain to nujwr-natural and invisible agencies. It wat< onthe loth of January, Raid he, 1KG6. UncleBammy, Jim, Elijah, Jobnny and myself,were Hitting in tbe bar-room by a,good firesmoking our pipes. Tlie wind had beeublowing all day from tbe northeast, andinereaed in violence as night came on." In fact it bio wed so hard we had to lockthat door to keep it shut. About Beveii

The Carliat force muter Etto, Dorregaray,

tfflwr w m r of


Harry Robinson's

pthe Count dev 4»JtM|iiord has

I S PtNecputly* killetf^ll^htiAig iuIowa watt afterwards dibcovered to bayievery boue in itti lx«Jy broken.

reml that then1 arc iu Chicago's newhotel, the Grand 1'acilic, fifty nine flightsof ttlairs, ibirty-eight ralke of wire, and1,0711 doors,

Mary Liilh, a prisoner employed on th<Ward's Island b.t-uiurr MinnabtumtM-k, wai>fatally injured bv borne portion of the botit'-machincry Tbuftklay. . t

OrvUleamut, br^tmrf ttie devotiag In* attentlcu to % ^ t pof treating blocks for* wooden paveuientt.Now Umk out lor HOHH; big contract**.

Mr. Kem-aly, the couniicl for t ( claimant " in the Tichhuiuc case, cloecil tinr.|Mxvli tor the defence Thursday, which .•••

oa tbe liJ<l >4 J'Jy—u 23 IIHV-

11 lite-



I Real Estate & Stock

The Man with the Silver H«rii.CHAHI.EY KSTVOLT>8;tt.* iVvoriW Oom-

edi»u, formerly willi Duprez mud fieuedict'iM i t 'Minstre's

A man of wi years, nauiod Leggett, whihad )wvu once u wealthy ph<ysician, wastaken, starving and iiwiihibW*, froiii a NowYork tein'iiirnt house on Saturday. Hudied at Be'levue oa .Sunday.

The N. Y. Comptroller n^eived Thurudiiyan anouymoim coiiiiniuiicatioii sigtied " Ctiuscience'' enclosing f2^0 with tlie requestthat it'bt> put into the thr ('Hy Treasury.It wtw credited to the general t mid.

The distiller) IIIIMIH^ in Ntwburypojt^M&HH. , hae Ufii nearly dmihletl by tinfo eemeut of tlie prohibitory lSwnhowB tiiat New KiiLrland is not tut Car outIn considering prohibition mul protection awidctit'c J.

Husaiii lias constructed iiii iron-Had veswlof a circular inu.ie', with e'1 x propelling

•we arranged at regular inieniil.1- aroundits circumference, thus* potv-csMini: tbti :ul-yautagt'of saUing with cniual diUiculty inany tliirction. *

At Kirkwiiod, Del., fourteen buaui have!H-eii washed into the meadows by tlie brcnkiu the canul. The following an tuning theboats: ' i.;ite and E.irlv, .Mury Josepbiue,

Iv Ix>retto, Mury *Uratlv," Mclvrver ,Haiiilet, Flying Fish, mid flattie Dilmut.Several boats will !«• total \iirc'. .; .

At Wilmington. Del., the feeder nf theDelaware and Cliesapciike Caiml was curriei"away at two oVlock Tlnirsdiiy morningcauiimg the lostiof a portion of the DelawariIlailrttatl I'ompany'M liridge. A larijc forcuis vomii ig ou the reptiirb ; but there itmuch U> be done liefuie tiutflc CJIU bu reaunied.

John Yeager, a car]»ei.!er residing ut tincorner of (.'laiborne mid Sixtli t^trecln, Xeu(Orleans, IIJMJJI n-iiiraing Itii.uu Tluir^inyeveiling from bis work, fotii'd bis %vife,(.'atliarine Yeager, ii^ed ^ l^'in;tbe'vurd, with eight imck^.mt wound.*- in herbreast and left arm. Tlie e is no Hue tuthr

SOLID BtXTflX B A M S ,W itb gor|«nu Onauttcr Uoifora.

V M. OOTTUOLD. O«n'l Agent.. WkHSTKR, AdTt. Agent, 80 8t


Water Saturday, for the


__,_., aTter, wh' n a youngwho WP«J Kitting no " • lurling " heanl the o'clock it came on lo HUOW, aud, I declareutiiawk of the fowls, and a pursuit wus l ( ) u R n o W f c d m t h k . k couldn'tinBUtuted which resulted in their capture. , , J

During the n i T t h n * or f o w ^ ^ r s the f t t f * ^ * * ^ o u t o n t b ( ; P ° r c U a n > ' a i r 6 t a 1 1 "mers witb'n a circe of 50 miles of New nothiu1 but suow. And dark! why mister,

found iu thu arnst ofBradley. What makes tb<'

Haven have Buffered numerous depletionaof their live Block in tl e night, und it wtliougbt that a e'ew to the perpt'tratore has

' Hitchcock andeaae moat sin-

giilar ia the fact thitt Uradley, who i.i aItcthany man, was fo BCVUI years an asses-sor of taxes, and for four ye, rs a t-electman, and IIH1* been a iran of considerablewealth, owning al one f'ne nearly Nut) a^rcaof land, five nouses, and p.nperty in brick-yards and farm5nit utork. He has also beenan active UWIIOHH mau, HftUing a great quan-tity of fai'in produce, such an veal, appk *Af»th men aro in New HHVCU juil nwaitiog

Frauds in the revenue are constant in thethe New York Custouvhouae, and threoheavily importing mignr bout's have beencaught in HH.' toilrt, from one of which thegovernment claimed $75,000 and acceptedfcJR.OHO; from another fi.V><v) and took$7,1100, and froui the third, of which it do-mandul $12ri,0O*i, it rect-ived $50,000 andwao satiaficd. Another, a dry gootls houw,was pi o. Tilted for an alleged fraud of|4n,0(iiif and CSCUIKM] by [laying $2i!,"0H.Anoilier cai+e, is statc<lof a lace and import-ug housti, where tbe fraud is uBiiniated uttli,5^0,tMx.*. No action haH l>ren taken iu

this case,, but appl:cal;ons have Ix-'e'n madefor a settlt'ineut in ui'^m with those re-ported, in nil of which custom ofticials,who go unpunUbcri, are charged with hav-iug aided in the fraud. It iiiny reasoimblybe qiictt.toned wbetber connivance at a falne"nvoicc IB wuiHe than couynjuuulu^ a crime;and it is difficult to sec in what other lightwe can consider tlie action of the govern-ment ufflcn.).

if a Hkuok were tied to your teeth and youcould not smell him, would you Uriufcyouhad any nose ? No more woukl you thiujjthat night you had any eyes. You couldn'tsee notbin'. The clock had just strucknine, we had taken a drink all 'round anduncle Sammy was standiu' in the guu-rnomthere ligntin' bis candle to go to bed, whenI thought 1 beard a gun. Boys, said J, lis-ten—there'H aometliin' stirrin1. And, sureenough, alwve the howling of the wind we


Weogdagood public park In this city.It b pealry nothing leas than a tine gunno*; *nd when the city will have furtherexpended hn limits, increased its populationand amplified its wealth, the want will heera. more observable than now. The ap-proprJaitaets of these parvi rures in urbc

be qwatkmed in any instance, ina n absolutely necNtary to con-

renieDoe aad health when a large ibarc of*' the population are working people, u \& the

oaM hi tbWcity. Parks have justly beendenominated the breathing places—thelings of a city, and surely, after the hardtoil of the fay, vhon the working peoplegather from shops and factories for a few

—hoars' rest and relaxation, they become infact nothing lew than " breathing plat-os."Er«y city of much consequence haa one orn u n of' them. Mew York, fur inatanoe.might he noticed in Una! connection. Weall know that real estate upon ManhattanAland to very valuable. Orer a million ofpeople lfre then now, and yet Hi area isMfcfractkm over 92 square miles or 70,-lS#»W0 Kjaare yards. Being as it is the« K and cento of the American metropolis-tbe value pf land la almost neoestarily verygnat T«t It baa eighteen public squarestm& parfc% which range in stae from Ablng-te Bt]QM^ with Ita area of 0.021

„ ^ y Up to Central Park, with

Advices from Perry comity, Arkeusat>,'tate that after tlie constable's post**, whowere cndctivoring U> arrest Mores and hisparty for their attack upon Matbews andtl-e HuperviHor'B C'ou. i had diMperaed, Mores,with a crowd of altrjjt thirty men, enteredHcrryyille, and took pom& ?ion of the ('ourtHouse, b A'ciu'ug they WOJUI kill forty ineiifor the killing of Trice. Supen'isorB Triceand Holmes, in fear uf personal violence,left town and are now in tiiiecity to lay tbefacts before the Governor. They declareit ifl unsafe for them to return without pro-tection. It is understood Adjutants.eneralBishop wiil^leave* for the scene of disturb-ance in the morning.

At the adjourned term of the

lire, held at Concord,Court uf Nuw

90G MKB. XI» parkst Wew Tort a n mow

tteo |he caatMl obeerrer would

In the case m equity of the stockholders ofthe Asuuelot KiulroaU Company agaiimtJohn Ilepry KHiot, tiusteeof the mortgagebondholders of th^ road, brought for thepurpose1 of redeeming the road anil compelMug Mr. Kllioi to account for his manage-ment of It for the last twelve years, theCourt derided for the plaintiffH. Mr.Elliot's defence against the claim was onthe ground that the rights of tbe stock-holders had been foreclosed by special actof the Legislature passed for that purpose,but the Court overruled thai defence.

The lawyers are evidently ahead in Minnesota politicfl us nearly everywhere else.The Republican ticket hint a lawyer forGovernor, * lawyer for Lieutenant-Uover-nor, n lnwyur for Secretary of State, a law-yer, of _ tourer, for Attorney-General, and abpokpr U>v Treasurer, other professionalmen, 0 ; farmcra, 0 ; medianics, 0 ; laboringmen, 0. The farmers and otherH think, tbt;ticket a little one-sided. It ought to lm re-membered, however, that Credit Moliilierofficiate abould undcrstAnd law, they haveto look to its loophole* so often.

From the records of tlie Le Observa-tory it appear! that the sun's Burfaco wassubject to oTnervatibns on 108 days duringthe year 1972. On no day was it whollydralUnte cf spota, and usually the numberwas large. On July 13th 65 spots, dividedinto 10 groiipa, were seen. On tlu fourday* preoedhi , the least nirnitw of spotasewn was 40, and the smallest number ofgroup* m a 10. -

the sea. Mister, I've been down to thatbeach purty often, but I never before had

ich a hard time to get there. We couldiiot hear each other speak. .Couldn't seenotbin' of nolKxiy, and if it hadn't abeenfor tbe roar of the breaker* none of uscould have got there nohow without bent

imtrThe discharge of one gun after another

up the iKach enabled uft'at last to ascertainthat u vewjel was l>eiug driven ashore nearlyin front of tbe Government House. Thetide was at the firnt of the ebb and a big HCBwan getting bigger every minute- • Weburned-Witt- tiirbtn tn let irni know we werewaiting for 'em. Then the: life-car wasbrought down and the fix was to see enoughof the ship to send a line to. Guided bythe rackets' glare we managed to reach herthe tirst time, I got iu that car myBelf andwas dragged right through them breakersandhauled aboard. The brig had been forced

- tbe outer bar and was twing batteredall to pieces. There were two women anda boy, Hcvon male passengers and a crew ofnine. All this took time, I can tell you,and it was daybreak before the passengerswere safely landed. Now I waa down inthe cabin talking with the captain. He-wasa (filing me bow he come to git ashore andall about it, when I we Jim Gaunt comedown tlie cabin stairs. He walked right upto where 1 and the captain was sitting, andsaid tojne 'Bill, give me some tobacco.*1

I took out my box and gave him some,lie never said another word, but went rightout. When the captain had got done talk-ing I thought I'd look up Jim Gaunt andfind out how he got aboard. But that'awhat I never did find out. Nobody but thecaptain and me had seen him. Jim Giuutlived over on tbe-main,and what brought himaboard tbe brig that eight puzzled me. But,mister, when I come to learn about it, JimChiunt died at his own holme that night overon the main; but I swear he come to mefor tobacco, and got it, I see'd him put itin his mouth, full an hour, as his folks toldme, after the breath left his body; nowthat'sthe "lord's truth!"""""

And thin in but one of many singular ex-jKTienccw related to mo witA a minutencs.Hoi detail and sincerity of expression whichconvinces one who hears, that in the mindsof these uncultivated men at least, " therearc more things in heaven and earth thanarc dreamed of in our philosophy,"


.lames Shannon of White H;iven, l';i., itsection band on the Lehidi Valley Kuilwan yesterday morning wen with iiuoltrfsrperwm, both drunk, in the r^wild 1111411office at the lower end of the valley siilingnear Penn l lavdi , ami nt in mn bin bodywas found half a mile from tlic aiding, witl:his brains ftcnttcml about and nil 'hi* rtyth-ing torn off except a shoe. There HIT "UK

ic.imiH of foijl play.

The ('(irtch, by a vote of *>>\ yens to ii:1

nay a, lms consented tn tlm trial by the civiltribunals of Henitan, one. of its inembers, wbcparticipaleil in the (':iMlon;il in.,11.1 jct'im.Tbe Minister of War bus icceiv^dOe. ;>atc'ie>announcing that u buttle bus taken phine.ir Berga, between the He^uhlinms nt'urlist iuaurrcci.ioniNtH, wliicb rewulti-d inbritliimt vicituy for the f emer . After

erals Saballs and Tristunv. TlicBerga has been raised am! theare in full n'treat.

Merchantf raskeastbfca * Siohel'i'Im Building,


1 am DOW prepared to ofl.r a new .DO COSO-pleUalockol Bummer Clothing, decidedl; baiterthan any ia the city. lhaT.a!aoa!arg*etoek o*

Flae Cfcvrtot Sana, . .Flue BluktPraek Ooala.Via* BUf k aalta

tioiotliHOIotliUt lo Ui

lm» Ulk nix*« »ult.,. .Obll«rau>« SdltaBej»' an* Vaolba' Suits,


V»BUI»', Boys' aid Children's


(Outm MIMltajt'.Ball),

r 3?" *m •"F a r Male.

fF ran want to buy u Mil a oity rnideauL b.ildiat all. oaB on A. F. PKOVO8T.

T F Too want to boj or Mil a °!>T_reeideiiu 01

IF yon vaat lo boy or aeU aaoak or otheraewsfWaaaall oa A. P. PKOVOBT.

, ' ' fcoMy « • LfaUa,

IF ye.Vsiit fo'foaii or Wrrow moneroa ,• MV. FBOVOB'

at Ik*,A

Ik* aA, pT

IF yon waat t« purchaa* pajaage tieketairaftaoJoa . i . t. HMT08T.


FlorWa (rrove.Somb & Pertli AmlioySaturday, Aug. 2$.

t Htm III ummck >l a »• A:: I.:,. »l 10 30 « m 1

1. »ud 1 l>. tn.nil 5 p. m.

Fare, Twenty Cents.Excursion TickrtN, 30 Cts.

Music by Darrow.RefrerttiuiL-nta on board by B. D. Burt, but

o stiiriiuuuB liquora,auivp 14 il . B. CiiOSBETT.


TSLaaKAPB, OrrlCB NO. IS PRACI HTBKKr.N m Yo»«, Annual 22—1U.3U A. M.

Gold opened W-daT at 11,'U. 8. 6's l'lllf I 1887 11!'18«2 lliijj 18B8 lib186« 117 | KMO'a 1151865 1I85< I Cur. bond! 11»New t/7 |Coup IU:

STOCKS rcl.orlt-J l.y Eilnii'raaixl r

Chiirrli nlrt-rl!UoldCanton

yock Hri'itiT r <i

l|U0llUH l Bt

Cmajerluid. . .Western UnionQuicksilver . . . . .Maripot*

" Preferredlostoo Waver Tuner

W. K. A Co 'a KxprMK ".".•".'.Anerictn Merchant's UnionAdams'United Hl*tes..Pacific I.ailNaw York Central. . . .Krit I . . . . . " . " ; . ;

" PreferredHudsWQHarlem...Re»diDg.....7 . " . AMichigan CeelralL»ke Shore '_]Illinois Cc itralPflburit.North Wort '.". . ' ,

" Prelerred....kl i land. . . .

.M.dSL Paul....".".'.';.•.';;;_ . " I'reterredToledo MdWabwh. . .ft. W»yn« ' *Onlo«nd MisBiHippi....'.'..'."..'!0. and Al len . . . . . . \ : *

" "referredMaiket firm.

i i C.iorjfc mi


. . . 93

. . 1 3 0 1 :

. . • I l "

. 51


To Let.Fire Rooms to Let


Apply to Mrj. A. A. Doimfll/, 2'i Deniiin

Hot AugtlBt nighta seem to vox GeneralSpinner's Blumljero. Jle hatt bees writinganother opinion upon the currency questionand giving It currency in tbe papers.y pM«rk it, C w n i ; ilWoUUnd pliiTb i d tb k i t iM«TbAna

, ; W U diDotn, and tbe kaittar

fr m.idi tbat

d p l i ;i ia the faa.

t h i tvita knot.

he faa.thair thnad

Do •» ' loVh.Bt it; It la ani/ Moth.Advices from Cbeupeske City, ltd., say

that the canal to broken, and that tin waterhaa uodermtnad a tnn l boom, from whichthe occupanu had to. be cwriad out. Abreak 1B a |» reportrtl ni Delaware City.

Tr» Julian cAh*«amanta and Hig Tree I Ttw prfaoners taken br Uw SBirilih Gov— -"ooHWii Tent,On •vTedn«ihjr1v lwfl»eB» Joroea, Jn »elr e i w i d W

iron the pebrtCTtlary, en roato'th« Ckmiotui Ad aomm»ml«tb t o f


Boarding School Tor Bojs,A! NEBIIAKIC, Somerset Co., N. J ,

Will REOPEN ,SEl'T. 171/,, |f.7:i.

Hena fur Circular. mi'ji (]«wlro

For Sale.A Fresh Milch Cow,

»e years old. Apply to WM. «.". BMlTi!Pisoataway To*n, or eddrcas I1. O. box 18New Braniwick.

Also for sale 800 Chestnut PnHu. Vj ltwat

A Fair Warning.Whereas, John I). Uuckrlew, Eiq., Pherifl o

Hie Cunuty oT Middlesei, Iu the Hute ot NewJersey, Las advenifted tor public sale, in the

ity ol New Brurnwirk, in said county, ODm-ndaf, ibe 2<<\h day ol Aimuat, A. 1). 1878.

at two o'clock p. in- of that davt certaio real•sUtie and premiseB viaate ftod being in (hevillage o r Cranburj, in stkid county ot Middle-sex, ot about 44 a«r*s, aud $aid U belong io tbei'state of (leorgi Farr, deoeasad;

Now, tbia is to give public warning *cd makeknown that the said rtal M^ate and premisesare a part of lbs Baid real e»tat« and premioettol which osepb McChesnev, Enq , late ot Raidcounty, 4i4d eflizptl. and lfo l bif heiri cl#imtitle fo ibe iaiBe. »i.d Uiut a tint l.a« t*en tnaU(ntea (througli' t(je iubacriber, broptfhv br ibeHOB. JamM Wilton, aultled by three of theleading itttoriu-vfl uf the Siute) and ia nowpetulin/, in tbe Tailed States Circuit Ooort forthe Third District oi Now Jersey, lo rtcovertheuaid real estate and |/remUeti adrertiaad uuloreseii!; and limt whoerer pmchaaeB thesmite, KI Haul Bbend's aule, or otherwise, willalarj purchase a long and expenaWe law suit,aud IH the end he lurncd out of possession.

J. UOLMkS UUOV1L&,For the heirs of Joseph MoChesney.docckKc i.an'20-MilUw

73. Summer. 73.ATTENTION!

Wbick I effor at Lower 1'ritoa than any tther

• « •

I shall always hare on band a large aasortmeDtor Imported Clotha. Caaainuret and Vestings(or Uoatw wort I naiaateaa perf»t It anaaatiitraction to ail lay atool of


Values aid Satchels,Is rerv desirable, and I solicit yourinspection.


Administratrix Bale «r RealEat tie.

PURHl'ANT to su order of tlie Orplian'nCourt ul the county of MiddleHez, made

on the sicond day uTJune, A. 1). lt*7yt tbe sub-scriber will bell at public Hale, on

MONDAX tbe 15lb day ot September,

A. D., I8?8, at two o'cluck p. m., at tbe CourtUouee in tbe city of New Urunswiak, ull thosetwo certain lota of land situate in tbe FourthWard ofthecitv of New rlrunswu-k, and knownas lots <iiS anil eSi, in Parcel No. 44 on tba^uydam-Urabam Man <t tbe Fourth Ward lota,rtaid map is Hied in the Clerk's offlse of MldJIt-sei conntv. Haid tola front on t'uydain street,ani are ii feet Iront and rear and U0 teet docp.being a part ol the same property of wbiehJohn Crafton died aeized.

Conditions made known on Hy of atle.ANN UBAFTON,

AdmlniBtratrii, with the Will annexed, ofjohnCrafton, deceased. aul&-oaw4t

. «airtm«ea*Ha'Wi>>n'a»A Bater-prise call on A. P. PR0T08T.

F yon wwai-tbr aarri«at«t an iuotiooaarin oitr or oooatr on reaaonable term! or'I


Sawla>«M «tt atll K t a a U .fF y.a was any ktad «f bntloaH dote on

reaaonable terma oall onA. P. PK0VO8T.

Lot JH «Mt int. will tifMC'iwiaWsar.Bo»i , f o^»idlUon. nSUiMH^mmj

Si' ~ ""' '"£TLwH'."For tola.

HOUSE sad L a i n Patent* ttraat, s torethe Kailraad.

jal8 ' • .. , . *•^L,^i«T•

A V Pl i lirtaUUM Bao« p U « t a . Mora.J\. Bpiendia btatiaa and, doiig • tae buai-neaa. Reaaao for MlHnt, Illboifhl ot Ul« pro-ariator. SaqalnoP / '



Far tale.tTM aofT Two Lota OB Jeran an

U House in good condition. Well lalahad.Good well water, frail tree*. p>WeJa {ear.


Pure Blooming Complexion.It la Fnrelr VegeUble, and 1W operattOD U SMD

and felt at once. It does away with tbe FlushedAppearance caused t>7 Heat. Fitlpur, and Excite-ment Heals and removes all BlutcLea an • Pimples.

nuenoeman_Ues'Uie"id«l c, • IUUTHJTL BUWH AFB BIA0T#.

or tba ptVH* at large Is

A. Wolfson's

Crystal Clothing Store,fl«< OOWattBBOD S Q T A B X ,

where In to be fonnd tba largett and finestilock and tbe latest styles ol*



toady-made & Made to Order.initable for Men, Youthi' and Boys', »t pricesbat defy competition.

ar«ftt>t»eu[ioi i« paid to Customer Work,wbich is lashioliibiy oat by tho most

A.i*tlstio Catterod welt mad*. AI»4 A iplendH •KBortment p(lentlemeD'B FuroUbiog Uoodt of «lt kind*.Special attention ii called to the '

Hosiery DeDwtment,rlanufactured by the J4ow Bnmawick fcnd

" " * HoBlory Gotnpan!ei.


• We iDTlteroa to oall u d tuwloe HP ••«le itock befure purchMlng •laewa«re, and we

rthe Public, u l l h u bean b«raloft>r« >«*»w«d oaQe old rflllkble


342 Oommeroa Square,,• NIWBBUNBWICK.N.J.dw


Atfeht ion l

Drain Pipe.The uftdtriigned U prt;{iarad to furnish every

stjlt of

TEBEACOTTAPIPEFor Sewers and Drainage, with all the neces-sary connections.


Tases and StatuarvAt the very lowest market rates.

Thau ftood* are manafaetnrtd ky tb« Bow-in an Terra Cotta Works at Treotoo, whosegoods are acknowledged to be of a superiorquality,

1'leace call and examine before purchasing olother mauulaciurera.

Israel Johnson,NO. 46 SOMERSET STREE1

( Ibore Calliolic Cnnrcli), New JSrunswick.ja7-8mdaT . •/

Garria^eFaciorv.MoCRXXIS BROS.-

" Someraet itreet, otar;Neiuu,L,

Hare just finished a large^ and commodiousBuilding lor the mannfaoture and exhibition ot

Carr iages of B r a r y Dwac*ipUaa>

Tbey now t a u in tlieir Bapoaitory anaaaartiaeai ol .Vahiolaf nlada by lAemaelrea,whioh tbey will tail at very low prloei, and war-rant the saino to ba ot toa heat natarial andworkmananip.

Vebioljt oVall ilBJt »Kl« to order at shortnotice. Painting af Carrlagea, ace., a apeeiaityaaddoneia tbe best manner at reaaonable rates.

Jjlackamithlag of rariont deecrtptiona, andtepsirin| of Vahielea with neataaa* aad dis-

Tbe publlo are reipefitfully requested to oalland awd-Mi w i p r u k a a S H au l i ty cf gooda,as we are determined to gire aatialaction andnot to be undersold by parties at home orabroad. «JOHN MoCBlI.lA, DAN1KL HcCHELIg.


For MM.

SfOtJSE ana two LoU on B«;4eaa atrae»,ae«rL fiailroad arenae. llouaa aeatama nineme and good cellar. Will aell tofetaar or

* ^ L l ' A. M. WAl .

For Hale.HOURE and Lot <7 gcbureman atreet, b.-

]o<Oaor|aitre«i. Lot IOIIOO. Horn.in sood oonditioo, 12 rooms, goad eellar, ate.lill *. M. rf»\T.

For Sale.

HOUSE and Lot on Seaman street, aearRailroad arenae. LotSSxlOO. House UiSK.

_jal_8 A. H. WAT.

For Sale.HOUSE and Lot on Baldwin street, between

Kailroad and Oodwlw » « » , Booaeaearly.aaw. Oaa ba bovghfon Yl


F o r Male.m U A T Desirable UWBIXINO H0C8K andX. Dock property on Waterstreet, ad|oining

the Haohlse Shop ot Mupn A Q»., lalely occu-pied br C. 11. Henker, deceased. Lot U 44 loot11 inches front by W feat in depth, with »Hstory brick building oontaining 9 rooms; baa agood water front and well calculated' tor a

f c t T 'g a d wellinanufactoiy. Terms easy.

jal8 A. «. WAT.

W. H. FISHERJMerchant Tailor



R O B E R T L E ECiitt«r.

Dry Goods! Dry Goods!

Still Greater RedactionsAT

James McMahon'sDRY GOOD.J

10V 15URNKT STREET.(Under Oreer'l Uall.)



Summer Dress Goods

No- I Paterson BlockN K W B R U N S W I C K .


73. SPRING. 73.



We are prepared to meet the wants olHousekeeper* for the Spring, and hare maduup our assortment with care, among wbichmay be found a lull line of



With tbe m.lt Improved FUturea."








Cbildren's Carriages. Pfotnra Frames i dMioMlnga. PletnrsTramlng done to order.

Our line ol Hardware will be found fall, com-gM> « n f « lo»»«"prtcea. ' . mhl»-daw

I n Chawicory ot H e w Jeraejr.rno CHAELES C. PBATT, LKONARD AT-1 WATBB, EDWABU J. HOLDEN and


HFor Bale.

OUSE and Lot corner Otiver 1.. ._ l Heilaonatreete Houae is iq fwneot araar and

offered at a luw figure. Qas and watat.ml 6 . A. M. WAT.

For Bale.TIIAT desirable Privet* Healdeaa. »r»er of

NetlsoD an4 llvrria s4aaMf,-^aiouae hal1 tbe modern Unproreinanta- KDd ean benight cheap and on easy terms.I*'8 A. K. WAY.

For tele).'LOT No. nil. Parcel 29 Saydam Map ol

First Ward, on Remsen areone.Lot BfifW on Oaorga street, bt(*a#Bohure<

man and New stmtB.2 Lots corner ot Xae-aTeima and Bnydam St.Desirable Lot on Collage avenue, lOOxlW It.4 ^ Acres of Laid on Codwlse at eaae.City Property to Trade lor Small Farm,islij M.M< WAT.

A. Kare Cbano«m o b u j a fine Building Site on UrtajatorX avenue. Beren Lots on the hlgb groanda.the finest on the avenue. Oan fee vIBBfat oreaav terms. A. it WAT;jalS Real Estate >geat and AncUoneer.


G. Con over,33 Church titreet. 33


• a full line o

I n Ctaunccrv o f New J c r m v

TO JAMBr) W. UNDKRB11.L.By Tirtne cl an order ol the Court o

Chancery ol New Jeriey, made on tli, day otbe oate hereof, in a cause whrrtin ihe DimSavmnBaok ol t b . Oily of Rihw.y . „ ,plaiaanta aad you and others aie d.fendk..,,yooa»r«qo i r« l to appear and plead, demuroranlwer te the bill of u id complainants onor belcr. the TVY.KTIIITH day of OCTOBER

I thePowaaad 0oBH««Bche triboa,I «rlew to farther pear*.

Ami see Ihe «rj»t barsnalohea from ibe i

BROS.» i p i that lutv« IKfT(jwring t'temint.

FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!Wtat gfitrfm RtiiltH atina^roui(%t tiomiay !

Lul In »n»r ponttil hnakf, w» t t ag«»« mod•rumen ot thli Ticinitf, he brings ntniles andplenty.

At extraordinarily low prices, determined toclear out a11 Hummer (Joodu before thu aeaaenil o'er, ret{rrdle«B of cost.

" -- - Cambrics, Piques,which we %re claar

Grcnadineii, HareeilWhile Ooods

OK out at alaiighteriiifr ]ir.wUD.'Atiia daj received a lew more of those o^tra


Qrsy Mohairs and M i x e d Pongees,

for Rcdingotes, at prices that are right. Tbeyare ol better colors and qualities tbsn usual

BLACK BILKS 'and BLAOK ALPACAB atprices to antt Ihe times and low state ol mostpeople's pocket Looks.

We are also offering a large apiottmeot ofLadies' Hal', aad N«k IlufUinge at balf thetegular prices.

Juet opened a aplendid asiortmeat ofHopp SSIRTS, NB*/ BiraTLaa, Naw Coasins,

' inate marked at pnees bayond cotoi-lon. Our stock of UOMtdTiC i)«YDS Tl now completef baviog taken advenl-

B j virtue of an order of tbe Oaurt of (%an.oery of Kew Jeraer, made on tbe day of tbadate hereof in- a canle, Henry B. Post Is com-plainant and yon aad others are defendanta,wOu a n required to appear Md plead, aaiweror oemnr to the bill of eaid oofnplalnanta1 on orbefore the TWENTY-FIFTH day or AUGU8Tneit, or tbe said bill will be taken aa confessed*i»<ti4t yon.

said bill is filed to ioreolose a mortgage"•- " " ' Elisaoethriven by Garret Q. Broknw and



Gentlbinen's Furnishing Goods.

The Otutom JD«nai*tanflntwiil tlwari-conUtn a choice. ejlalUon, <fibs

l o s t Seasonable Goods,which will b« mad8 up to order ta tb««ott »p-prortd ityle.



T A DIES and gentlemen of tbia eitr andXJ Tioinitv are invited to call ana aae tbaaneat-looking and beat Patent orand Orgaaanow manulaolnred In this oouatrj, and torsale at about half fries, at theMuait Slare, No.I Hiram itrMt, C I

brancea-on said tendi.Dated Juns Mth, 1878.

"anton and v a M P, 0 an^ S < J 9 D U 4 yd",

8W,i(, TioEPlinntl*d" h

•ge ol tbe late panic in the notion market w.Jan nojroffera Urat-olais linepf - • - — - ' < • ' •and 8<TI|TIN0lS • » a Male ilbolprf reacbtd Jlnaajk. war.eMesfof TOVrtlSfClffgtfEg , • „ , . . ,„

i T W l ^ , ' * * 1 1 * " ' * ' b«'lng lien X S ? *'"•"'° lh" °"' l i r "•»». Blacf and

». 6fb Ai., corner 19th i t , Sasr Tork. •oaKorelttss I

3&2Hats and frames, all m . new anaaat i i BonaetRibbons and Silks. Hata trimmed to order.

C«saaaAsaiafrTS.-Tbe urgMaaaortueM In .he city, from low prlaa to

Qpest gooff. Kxantult our »klrt»—»tne wcks,batt mnilln, Bo oanta. * **n O S M T I , ^ W t oflor a French Core*'\J tor 75oenta-sold all over for t l . i l . .

HCMUa»T^-The, fern.!' stock in tin»mev Jfali. raiK .ad. UtSfBoss, It m h i . Britiab, full, regalar madt

sat ALBraTpio"*'

$1,000 ta offered as a challenge to ihoaawho call tbemaelvea proleawrs, »r B«J f i m l w ,•ao will produoe ^ - >< J

PIANOSsnnerior to what 1 am selling, that will wear aawell, that will stand In tone aa wall, or thatLave tbat valnme and power of taoe equsl tomine, after a lair trial; and ' a m telling thanat about

Bali the Wow York PiicM.Uy I'lanoa aranade I j Ita 1 H

Calomel.Don't fall lo salt and eiamioe our

X1 apHw 101 athaT.,tot, lilb. rtFLOWER8! PLOWiERSt FLOWEHI

. ? ^ , ^ townshipdbridga. in the oounly ol Mlddlssei andf New Jataey, dated JFsbru.ry 17. « T D

. MoMAHON^Sooils Einpofium,

IS Clmrola Street.

Page 3: m CHEAP GROCERIES - digifind-it.com · PBH»CO, Boat* «Md Bt|m Painter, NO. IS OUILDEN 8TREKT, NEW BBDMVWICK. Rooni Preteoed In Oil o r Water Color*, lor 986 and opwarda. aUao, lala-oxlDlsx

,wMs Padsf

fe™_ daits.br flarru-ssiSaatass, daisy, Joisaitaa Was*, antl.

arttknasoaaiiis, WHtU---•--"•- CUiasjiati, St.

~«.l*r. M Boiahsra latarasa, dailj, lor Harris-harf. rVisboric, »•<> »>• ftouttt-Wea*, saUlM M H.UM Uarslhroagh, witauratokaaga,tannsburg, CoUmbua sad OimUutl.



Uara tkrouda. wkhamt as_js)S. toOnstltae, Kf i Wagns, OutageHis.Washington and th . Boutb, TU

I AirXiliB," «t M l A. at.Snndaj, witt, ae» F»Jlman

. if'";lanfB.lti-

nwslsUioad at l6.1T A. M. dallr, eio.ptMoods**' jrtsa Cbair and Comp "trlment CareSttssasfL ]M t. II. with Uompa-tment Oara,aoalQ.sa P.Tal dailr witA Clis Ir and SleepiugOars attoshsd. .

lew York, l.tS, 8.20, 7.10," " "".; I a-i-I t.U P. H.

Hpndsj trains, a.aland II.to A, M.rV Elisabeth, ».S6, S.08, 6.S6, 6.40, 7.10, 7.4S,

Ma, «.M, t'll, V.H, 10.86, 11.65 A. si.: 12.66ll.J7.VI.il, 4 to, 6.JU 6.66, 8. and 8.64 K « .SeBdaSW"' I.JiLS.08,6.JS, «.1S, S.66, A. K.;>Jtt^a>Snd,a.MV.Ii.

L 1.14 • .«,».«•, l i t , W.85. . . X a.M, », «.»4 P- M.; Bon-t.iltA.a.i 8.64 P.M.

t*{i.a.0a,'B.'l8,'9>»,and'll).'24l''al.', tiaiPhiladripl.ra; 8.26 A. M. and 7.81 P. «.,Eaaaington. Sunday traiua7.31,8.12, 9.411,

and 10.44 P. M.For Kaat UilUlone, 8.40 A. U., 1.S0, 6.81, «.4f.

f. M.For LambertTiHe and Fieniington, 10.17 A. H.- and ».«1 V. M.

For Phillipsburg and BeUidere, 8.21 and 5.11

For BordentOwn, BnrHngton and Oamden, 8.25and 10.61 A. i t ; l . « , 1.81, Ml , 6.03 and(.IIP. M.

For Freehold, J.46 A. M ; S.81 and 5.11 f. M.Leara New York for New Brunawict, 7 and 8.10

A. M.: IS noon, », «, 4.10, 6.20 O.lu, B.sM', 'Jt. aL, aaxl 11 sight. Suudej, 6.10, 8.80 »ud 9I: ft-


Orrioi BOOU-FEOH 7 A. M. TO 8 P. II- S o n i n j w > 7 vt a t. M.

Cls»laasr a a d D e l l r e r y e f M a l l a .fiHi or oumifo.

Km York, Nortu, Xa»t and Welt, (.90 A. M.,l.tOaada.lSP. M

r\llt4elphU, Baltimore, Waakiagtol a»d tbaSouth, B.CO, ».6O A. M. and 4.60 I1. M.

HioaMuk tad MUlaW-ie, 8.46 A. M.•mtbKiTM, l i .Wf MPRaeaiaa, Trenton, B r

u < Oamdw, S.0* A. H. aad 4.60Franklin Park, 8 A. M.Fonifn Mail. ».1« and 6.16 P. H.

TIHI or i iuTi i r .•ew York, North, Ka>t and Watt, «.0O, 11.00

A. H. aad a.00 and t.W P. M.Jarety Oitj. Newark, kl'iabeth and Rabwaj,

Raw Jaraoy Way, ».0O A. M. a»d «.t 0 P. H.Pkilauelpair, Baltimora, Waibington and

taa 8*1.5, »M A. M.: 8.8'> and 7.00 P. M.f kUadelphU and tba Welt anil Gauden and

4ukOT Way, 11.00 A. H. and t.OIrV. 11.liiddlebaih and Hillatone, 6 00 P. M.g l B i 1 « ( A H

u k tad MUlaWiTM, l i .Wf. M.

T Bordentown, Burlingtond 460 P. 11.

KiakBn Park, 11.00 A. M.HUltown. 10.00A. H.Faraiga Mail, 9.00 A.H. and 7.00 P. H.HennMlh Juution Kingiton Hook;

iga , 9. A.HennMlh Juution, Kingiton, Hook; Uill,

BarVagaa and Blaweabnrg, fl.00 A.U. and 7.00



Those of oiu readers who purpoeo leav-ing the cit£ to pass th« Summer elsewhere,and proprietors of hoU'Ui who wish the pa-per for the accommodation of tlu'ir guccan have the DAILY TIUKB by umil at COcents per month.

Sunday-School Convention.The-Cotnmittcc having in charge tlio ar-

rangements for the Seventh Annual Sunday-V^txA OorjTOUlion la Wigwam Grove,JanHsbuqr, on Wednesday next, have com-

' 'j)IeU)9 the xrrogramme. From 10.30 a. in.to 12 m. and from two to four p. m. therewill be Instructive and eutcrtalnlug diBeua-Blons of Suuday-school interests. Hon.John mil, C. B. Stout of this city, and H.W. Clark, Secretary of State Sunday -school.Association, -will address the Convention..Instrumental music will be furnished by thqPerrlneville band. Vocal music will beunder the direction of William W. Beatify.RefreshBKnta can be procured of the severalstands, for those who are not othcrwitto pro-vifleA The grounds will 1» under tlientire control of the couimittce, and proper-ly policed. Peddling, hawking and sideshows, will not be allowed. Should theday prove stormy, the Convention will beM14 the icxt fair day.

An American Kindergarten.On Monday, September IS, Hisses French

A Randolph"!! boarding «ad day school foryoung ladies, and the kindergarten for boysand girls from three to eight years of age,

; • i l l reopen at 116 Hamilton* street Thesaladies are teachers of acknowledged ability,Miss French being s.graduate of our StateNormal School, while her associate, MiaRandolph, graduated from our public schoolwith high honors. Tlio specialty Is thokindergarten; Literally it us a children'sgarden where the infant mind ia " devel-oped," as a writer expresses it, "fromwithin outwards, by plunging Into itspeculiarity of imagination and feeling;realizing the child's Idea untUJJ becomes afact tangible and present." Last year tbeschool was In an excellent condition, no

"less than 86 pupils being in attendance.

Our State Teachers.The twentieth annual meeting of tho

New Jersey Btate Teachers' Association,will be held at Vineland, commencing onTuesday evening neit. At 8.45 o'clockthat evening Prof. Atbertou of ItutgeraOyOtge In this city will spoilt about " Edu-cation In New Jersey." On Thursday sf tcr-attm Prof. Pierce, Principal of our publicschools, will apeak upon the subject of"Sflhool Supervision" for forty minutes.Atnmgesasnta will probably bo made withtfae railroads to return free such of ourleathers aa desire to attend the aesMona.

... „ . In Camp.Company D of this city, together w

UM aster "boys lo gray" at Cape May,ate tuaertbe atrittcat mlUtajr rules, gen-eral orders bebg Isaued from time to Urns

Mas maaUcato trash beef, rice, beans, salt,

had at 5.80 a * . , bratkratt cafi «.8D,— * ~ and drills during tbe day,

at «. so, tattoo lo. 80* and tapaof

-Soett ChaptevNo. *, a A. at. willmeat this evening.

—It ia reported that grapes will be veryplentiful Uiis aeaaoa. •. , _

'llT' aX|jmCBsv BW la^^^T^ TVBSJ* XsTuWl.

Peaches we •eUing aft wry knv nrtee.—The time agreed Upon toj contrsct forring the ni*"r1*'f • d a t a * not expired

, -To-dmy tbe co^orad midettU of ourdiy BMde an aLevmton to Pleasant Valleyin tbe Wyoming-

—Tba ••aMn.Maiflii el 'teaehem fur cerUflcatwi will take place to-moiruw week iotbe Grammar School-

—The rumor tbat Rov. P. D. Oakey hadtnaaferred bis boardlug wbool from Ne•hanle to Jamesburg w u falee.

—WUllawn Breen attempted to Jump offthe train at Tracy's Stattoa oae day tfaieweek, and as a result he la minus a foot,

—A. little unp.Mtoutneae occurred yeeterday in theFtrttWan! between two fami-lieu. The Courts will iure&t.g&tc the matter.

—Tbe CouTocation of New Bruuwicknu>i in regular aewiuu at Christ Chinch,HhrewHbury. on Tuesday and Wednesday

at.—- The flagging for the side walks around

Masyiuc Hall is being cut at tbe quarry, itla said, so that it will be ready to lay without the usual chiaeling.

—Tbe Odd Fellows and Qood Templars)f Jamesburg made an excursion fy> tllC*ligtilands on WodneBday. It took four•ATS Lo accommodate them.

—TlHJ iHxly of the woman who waa foundlying dead on the track at Bound Brook onMonday waa buried ou Wednesday. ThtreniuinB were not Identified.

- T h e plank walk In front of the Club-house of the New Brunswick Club, on Albai.y streot, was removed thin morning injrdcr that the flagstones could be laid.

—The Second Presbyterian Bunday•chool went on an excursion on the IxmtiMirage and Minnie, to Florida Grove, tbiimorning, Thow who desire have theprivilege of taking a trip down tho bay.

—A thief on Tuesday last robbed tbehoutic of Mr. Jubn V, Buuderland, a foumresident of this city, of $500 worth ofclotliiug and furniture. Mr. iSuuderlaudrcniden at 0 West Hamilton place, .1 erst7City.

—Peter G. Voorhees was found lying onBtoop in Neilson street yesterday, suffer-ig from his usual complaint, the " palsy."

It took Officer lioudlnot, two other jitnon and a wagon to remove Peter to tbejail. The Recorder gave him six days.

—The Man with the Silver Horns—HurrytobiuBOD, and his excellent troupe, will givelie of their unrivalled performances at

3rcer'H Hull to-morrow evening. Thfa•ompauy has a nrnt-ciass. reputation, audbe entertainment wh t'h tbey give la enjoy-ible.

-—Mr. Bartles has furnished $5,000 bondfor the faithful {wrformauce of his contractto build the Kii»ton avenue bridge. Ho into have the bridge completed by November

, or he will forfeit $50 for each and everyday thereafter that the work remains unfin-ished.

—The sidewalk1 in front of tlic residenceof Recorder Ncvius is bciug lowered some.18 Inches to make It conform to the newicrade, IIU Honor will endeavor to saveija trees by placing boies around tho roots

und filling them with soil. A thick layerof shale under the trees prevents him fromDwmiig them.

Arbitration.It is often thought better for parties wh

have mutters iu dipute to nubinit them tour!>itratlon. Of this class are Messrs.Kirby <fc Co., who have a restaurant onHiram and Dennis streets. Souio time pnT.OUB to tbe 1st of May, Mr Kirby and binwife, who resided near Morristowu, aniWilliam Crandell of Newark, formed ftverbal copartnership ami bought out tb<stock and fixtures of L. A. Houville, whiwafl to Iwrome the proprietor of the Hull'sHead Hotel. Mr. Kirby and his wife furnisheil, we believe, four-fifths of thq cap-ital and Mr. Crandell the remainder. ' Botlmale partners were to Bhare ulike intbe-^profltB. Lately Messrs. Ktrby andCrandell sought a dissolution, but alnnit tinterms they could not agree; BO they decidedto leave the matter to arbitrators of theirown selection. Mr. Kirby chose II. J.Hannal, E»q., and Mr. Crandell chose K.T. B. Qpadcr, Esq. Thusugentlenu'iicboiMas the third man, D. M. Vail, Esq. Mr.Robert W. Helm was iflaccd in possesaioiif the restaurant as receiver. Judge

Provost made an appraisement of the tyx]aud fixtures. Last evening all the partiesmet In -the office of Judge Cowcnhoren tomake tlieir statements to the arbitrators.At the conclusion of these Judge Coweo-hoven epoke in behalf of Mr. Kirby, andSurrogate Ueiley in behalf of Mr. Crandell.It was 12 o'clock before the case was closed,and at that hour the arbitrators did not feelmuch like "deciding between man andman." -

To Make an Award,"When the route of the proposed new

ralbruad" from Eastou to Aniboy was surveyed through New Market the propertyowners eitimatcd the lands to be taken 'at$102,090. The commlsslbnere made anaward of $13,061. This manning Gen.Mclntoshrl«i-6heriff Clark, and C. a Scott,Esq., the Commlssionera, proceeded toPiscataway to make an award on six piecesof laud, tho pmpcrty-ownera and the railroad company having failed to agree upon aprice. There ia considerable difference W-tween tho parties, and in one instance aproperty-owner refused to give the right ofway^at any price.

Bunaway.About eleven o'clock thii mornun a teaen

of ltursea, sorrtl and cheetnut. attached toa carriage, broke a baiter (hat tied them toa post in front of the poet-office and atarteddown the street At Bull'•,Head Hotel oneof the animals ran against the remains ofthe old liberty pole and-was thrown. Theother wia secured before It could get -away.Tint hoeae that ran again*, the post wasfound to be badly injured, ao much so thaiVeterinary Burgeon Byrnei pronounced iilikely to die. ' The team was owned by 1

• % Jat^Owtart, » i m t i v i t o i tba Cwburytttrtipikft -. • • • '


The Last.To-murrow tua Wyoming will make k*t

iWn \np t& {rlQniK VltTTV KOtruW AfllDO^iIt will be suds* .the ma*agtweot of H, *'rossett, wkoaawel oia^ucte| tbe

sions on trie two prevMn 8aturday«.row'b Band has been engaged to furniiab tbemusk Hurt furnishes the edibles. Theboat will leave our city at eight a. in. aadone p. hi., aud-Aiut/oy at 10.90 a. m. andOre p. a. Tar*,' 20 pants; «e»rsioai tick-eta, ~9O cents. Nb HiitrHnoas Hquors wiH besold on the boat



Ladies are now permitUxl to juiu theYoung Meu'ri Christian A^eoflatiou of New-ark. - .' '•

There are B4I uuBates in tbe BudjlOa coaa-,y AlmB-house. The expense of maintalnmgthe institution during tbe last four monthswaa over $5,800.

Hoboken being a city of more than fi<>,-J00 inhabitants dtttuiH Hie right of free.rOHtai delivery. There aru uone but private:arricrn in the city.

While MirbaH Rmith, residing on New-,rk avenue, Jersey City, wa» puoHiug Mount'leasaut on bis- way honi*1, on Wednnday

nigut, he waB knocked down and robbed of$6.

The Oiiumitteeof One 1 laud red has il*-fidetl lo i'o'd a public meeting in Military'ark, Nc, vark, at an ea'ly day, to take

lueaHures for wxui Ing a better obwrv; ucc;f the Habbath.

Tin; Kin! CnnmiisMonerH ot Jerwiy Cityiav<* ado[),cd a rule Umt no frame building

cvtxY ig 29 feet in bigfat from the curb,'hull be erected within the city limits with-out ]r.T]iii,Hr,ioii fru.ii tbtt Hoard.

At I'assaic, ou Wednestlay night, Johnllorrigai) broke into Mfjad's salcxm. andafter lielpia^ himself to tl'O mo^ey in tie

luwcr, drunk so inucli liqtior that lie \\tu*iiiinl in the saloon the next morning

it retched out on the counter drunk.The 1'aternon Finance Committee, in &r-

ordjince with tin; requent of the Mayo;,a\v- succeeded iu culiin^ dowuad|ie city tlx-«naes $47,O(X' for the ensuing Ducal year.

Contemplated Iniprovemonts on streets, &c.ure [>oHt|H>ned to a more convenient season.

Josiah R Hhcjipanl, of No. 249 Beatwenty-aixtb street, agent of the New Yor't,

West rthoit; aud Chicago Itailanad C'ompuny,in charge of the Hoboken wharf, has ljeeniiifwiiig slnre Saturday evening. He hadomc $S(M) with him at the time of his (Us

uppoaranco.The uewfl depot of J. W. Fronie, in <)r-

\iv3v. street, Uofcvillc, was entered by bur-;ljirn early yesterday morning. The robl ersI'litenwl tlm Mtore by a skylight, antl goinginto Lbc bedroom ot Mr. Froine at the rearf tlic ntnre, where ft lamp W»H burning,

stole his clothes uud $15 in money. Theycarried off about $'20 worth of cigars.

The sheep on tho Jersey City Heights aredj ing from what appears to be a similar dis-ease to tiftt which Afflicted the horses last

'inter. Tlmndayfieveralsbeepbelongiligto<irov«r were In a dying condition from the

disease. Many jwople who have wen theanimals intend to oraw1 mutton and muttonsoup from their bill of fare for some time.

On Wednesday morning the water range,11 tho house of .Iii(i(;« Joliu T. Nixon, onVospect avenue, Trenton, exploded, knock-ng down the servant girl and creating no

little ronsteniation throughout the liousc.Tbe lire waa thrown out upon the floor, and

nt for some men who were at woik at tlicuoxt liouBe tbe beautiful rcsideuc-e of tho

itdge would nave been burned down,

The meadows at the foot of the Jersey,'ity IlightH ure BO overflowed with the sew-

age and drainage from Jersey City as to beahnotU uninhabitable, These lands, nowunder tho control of the Drainage Commis-sion, cannot bo properly drained so locg as;hey are overflowed from Jersey City Hights,iiucc they are at a lower level than the riverIj4*d. ExiveiiBivo pumps aro employed, bitiue insutlicieul for the work, and steps willbe taken to compel thu Jersey City author-lion to abate the iiu'-*nuee.

As the ferry-boat I). 8. Gregory, of theJersey City Ferry, was leaving her slip inJersey City last night, at half-pout eleven,a man wan seen running for the boat, whichwas several feet out. When be lauded Iistumbled over the chain aud fttlL Pickinghim up It was discovered that he. was dead.In his pocket wan H card bearing the nameof Thomas Ganon, and a Custom-house in-

Bhicld was found in his vest pocket.His body was token to tbe Morgue at JIT-

•y City and the county physician notified,

Great excitement was created in front ofJustice Paulin's office, on Hroad street,Newark, Thursday, by a long Pnc of miser-able-looking horses sUiaVog along the side-walk. It seems that Officer Strahn of theSociety for tbe Prevention of Cruelty toAuiuiula had )>cen making a raid on canal

and also UIK>U horses owned l»y 3Ir.Peters of the hay market. Ttw ownerswere lined und allowed to depart, but thehorsen were left utanding in front of the

•C'H oftlces with a large crowd of menanct irOys around them all tbe afternoon.

The coroner's inquest in concluded inI'aterfiou in the caw of Simon Ueorge, the[•Yencbman who waa fatally beaten near.he Siuguck brick yards a few nights ago.A g'.rl named Hose Kckhnrt testified thatshe Haw one McCarthy und a youth namedNugent Btrike one of several Frenchmenwith beajrr clubs on- the night in question.Nine of thej|2 Jurymen give in a verf^tiinpliohtiBg Jfugtot and McCarthy and sev-eral Qthen lathe death of George. Theother three jurymen only implicate the twonamed. The whoV country la excited over;he murder, for tlioujU such fights haveFrequently occurred thererlxmts amoit^irick-yaid laborers of diffeicit npMonalilics,.his in the first having a fatal termination.

The Htorm has worked considerable dam-age to tho road boda of New Jersey rail ways.Tbe Midland, the Jenny City and Albany,and the Northern Hallway of New Jersey,which run nearly parallel acrons tbe llack-ensaek meadows, were all damaged by theoverflow of water, Ou Tuesday night theMidland Railway track about a mile east nfNew Durham Bank eighteen inches, and thefirst eastward bound train, a locomotive,baggage car and four passenger cars, jumpedthe track at 7, Thursday. Shortly afterwardthe Wortendyke local train ran off near thesame place, mid this was followed by trnliinlit, 11 und 13, all of which were off therack at 9 o'clock A. M., and travel was

completely obstructed.' The through 0>Bwe-go mall and train 10, local, to West BloomIngdale, Ijoth westward bound, occupied thewestward track and were delayed throehours. The meadow rotHl beds have beenso much Injured and undermined that it innot thought to be safo to run at a high rateof speed.

Laoon, a N. Y. Chinaman, w u takesbefore Judge Joachlmsen yesterday oncharge of fraudulently obtaining $6,000worth of cigars from Gustavo Solomon &ndothers. Mr. Wise, counsel for tbe plaintiff,showed bow Laoon had first married aTotoretflady ixwUMstJVrf gome means, thenswindled a countryman of. $700. whom besent to a laundry at Belleville, N. J.t andhaving obtained $1,000 by hM sharp practice,ijave up hb ltofc dgar Itand at 160Chatham street, and, retrnjaeoUng Unuelfas worth $0,000, got credit for 80,000 ci-gars, which be endeavored to tell at a Ion,then disappeared. HewaatenttO Uidjow

HTD, 1MB., April 1«. 1S6V< am OOBU«11MI U> MkBowlatdtn that roar

Pcrsr u d A|oe Pill* h»T« .fleeted ioni« it-tt you •eut m« • uuiBb«r

- w ( swv that EBj i*0r*4altty w**Id».u...Usiii3iii1tfra>4ri«a<h«D.. and we eaa %m-Wj that; ia MT«D ebattnivtfl n u i io which thejbare been tried, they h»r« proved *D iatalliblticurs, and h»re nut I ailed, ID K MUftle iuUoc*.Wbftt UbvUaritili, tt • diuftMdoc*ao.Kturo,and the ijritem U l«:t <a a robust aad btwlthj-tate."

DssfiLis'i I'iLLB are now >>• tbeo, a remedy*o bs relied upon aa t j*j,it V4 ear* for Fefer

od Ague.

We oarne*iily recoruinuad our readera to give.]> the use ol puiaonoui hair preparations, aa

ther too frequently pioduue, tint, headache,ana aft«rwajda. mora neriou* ooisplau>t«. Uie

«tor»r, Mtr«Jr barmMo, aof «och i oneV«V Uhptal fflmovtry certainly Is.

VIMPLKti ON Tim .Blackktwads and FlMbworina,

Uie I'arry'i Improtftd Comedone and I'implviiemmij—tbe Great Skin Medicine. Frepar*dODIT b j Dr. I). C. J'erry, Dermatologist. Uepot•1,3 Bond itreet, New Turk.

The atorekeepen of touiamaborgh had toclose their stores last night on aooountof

want of light. ThefMtBatMhadAUadw a M i d tb "

qurnl. If*t]ual. I f iaktndariag*tt.*~MuoD ii p n r a t i*>ror wd ajuit tyl oiaaf iai#naii1ini wrwrn*

aal V • •

of out aamil'e b«kt|ai lisa ef (bans." CattsTUrliuKaaatt. Tarn or l a t w A a e s ^ Ha»j iwsa. try it

M r Ooifaa's Taatlaacoy,jeara ago, baa bean cuofinued b;

Scott Chapter No. 4, R. A. SI.Tbere will be a regular Couro

cation or Sooll Chapter No<, B. A. M., on FRIDAY

1 EroniuK, Aug. i% «t ^ o'clock,[>reciselv. A puuctiial atteu>l-ance of all membera and so

; coni|>auiuiiH is r»i|ue»l-


NOTICEIs hereby given tbat tbe mioVrsignd ia NOLONOKR A COPARTNER in the linn of

JAMR* ABBOTT & CO.ol New Brunswick, and that bia name is notauthorised to be used as auob in the future.

PHILLIP B. ALLENDOKF.Dated New Brunswick, April 20, 1H7I.

aag'20 8td

Just Received,Direct from the manufacture™ in France, andfor gale at a small adtauce above cost ol im-portation,

J'Yench China Decorated

Dinner and Tea Sets.NEW PATTERNS.

White French C?4na Dinner &eU, 102pieoe*, $85.

Engli«h\Gold Band Tea Sets, 44 pieces,

French (fold Hand Tea &c(«. 44 pieces,$1(1.

trench Gold Hand T>a 8?t«, b$ piece a,$11.60.

The abore goods are o tie red below theirralue, and if J*u want cheap China now Uta« time to «eoure U.

Silver-plated Ware, BronzeaAnd FaucT Uooda at popular pnoea.



Drain Pipe.'J, ;t, 4, 5, 0, 8, 10 antl l'J incli


Witb all oeces**ry FittingB, such aa

Trapi^BandB, Blbowi, Ti, Vi, •t.c,

Are cons tan tlf on band and fur sale nl tbe


Nos. 152,154 &, 150 BURNET ST.

TheM Pipes are a rerj superior artitle, beingmade- 01 the very best quality of clay aod thor-oughly Titnfied,

I will deliver Pipe in any part'ot the city, atshort notice, tree of charge.


~^30[3 (0 DUO 0) US'AS | it

HONm 33UJ1OH*I9(M|g i: 'o\

For Bale.

A Good Work Horse and a FineFresh Milch Cew.

. Enquire ol IAMI8 D. 8TELLE,aull.dawlw Htelton, M. J. P. 0. Boi_18. _

(Established 1664.)

H. B. ZIMMERMAN.Importer and Manufacturer of


80 Oharob Strsst, New Bmaawiok.Wholesale and ReUiL

Tba onlr manaftoinrar ol Human HairIn KSV Vruswlak.


In Chawicery of New Jersey.m O R08WKLL O. PIERCE, ELIZ1BCTHX VAN TDYL and AKDBBW VAN T0YL,nara»baal: •• Br Tirts* si sa arta* ol lbs Court ol Ohanoerr

W Ia» Jafaar, mad. on Ilia day ol the daishstssf, taaoaosswksrala.mnb HsKiman Ussanlsiusat sad jn aie dsltadssls; ;oa atwraqairwd ts appear aad plsad, dsmar or aaawstto tha <K»npu5?aut's bill on or bsfcrs tba tlf-Mf|IW Sar of BIPMMBEB nan, or ttw


BotnuiaAiiiiiTKmtFor iouo | Ladiea aad Ux sTIasVaisaalai farbora aad girla from tare* to alas* «ail« of af a,will reopen at 116 Haenihon itnst, Raw Brasa-wick, B. J,,

Msadav, aVajat. U . UT3.Application f-'r afciiasinn mar be n«4a altar

Baptenjber I, at tba aeheol. as90-loadaw


BOARDING1 AND DAY SCHOOL,Forneil; known u Miaa Boyt'a, st Mo. 11 LJT-—«on aienue,

WEDNESDAY, SEIT. 17.The prompt attendance ol pupUa ia repeatedCirculars upoD spplicatios, or at tbe bookaU.ras ol the citj. au!ljlii_dsw_



Opens Tuesday, September i.

U. T. HBILEY, R«ol..r

FURNITURE.U-.H. Voorheei*4

NO, -2-M 11UHNEI

Is DiW oflering a

Fine Stock of FurnitureAt Ueduced Prlcei.

AndtoltcttB thr> public tn


Uie assortmeat, whioh'is as large as* any inNew Brunswick. I call particular attention to

uiy stock con lilting of

Painted, Chestnut, Walnut and

Mahogany Suite*,Which I om selling at a VIET LOW 1'KICK.

I have vUnstaiiUyloD band


PAHL0K SUITES,Ot my own make,

T in iiu<l iu the best manner and warranted as

J' cutte call aad examine th« stock, of FnrnUui« ID our ipacioua showrooma.uolO-dawly

Central Goal Yard.Elias Runvon tfe Son


hare reoeired s fraah aupplj

Newly-Mined Coal

and also keep eonatantly on baud a largfatock ol

Hay, Straw, Flour,

Feed, Grain, Cosmo and t'iue Suit, Gr»asSetdd, t'ertiliier*, etc.


apB-lyto and Irom New Tort

Mauler's Sale or Real Estate.

IN Chancery of New Jersey, between Ilaa-dolph ChaaBberlin, ComplamanL »DJ Cha>.

I'. Mount, et ala., DefaDdanti, Fi. t*. on fort-closure, <Uta*cl Juat i*. Ibtt,

By Tirtue o( th« aaid writ p( ¥1. Fa., issuedla the nboTe stated oause,directed and •'•hreredto mo, the uDdersigned, one of the Masters ofthe Court of Chancery of New (Tarser, I will ex-pose to sale at I'ublio Vondue to (he highestbiddar, on MONDAY, Sept., . , , 187f, b«twf.«nthe hours of IS and.5 o'clock p. m.f it wit: atthe hour of S o'oloclc in fb« alteruoon of saidday, at 8. D. Vandenburgh's HoU). Red Tanrn,in the township of MOD roe, ia the county oiMiddl.sex, N«w Jersey, all the following de-scribed parcels ot land and premises, all of .whicharo aituata) in the township of Monroe, in thecounty of Middlesex, rii.;.____,!. A tract oI laud and premiics. situate intuwnsbip ol Monroe, in tbe county of Middlesexaid Slate of New Jersey, tba first of which isthns described:

Beginning in the centre of Millstone Brookhere the old roads leading from the Bed Tav-

ern to Perrineville. crosses said brook, thence(l)souih twenty four degrees thirty minuteswent two chains and feurtees links alenc tbeold road, thence (8) south ten degrees and lor-ty-five minutes eras', fire ebainsland forty-threelinks to a corner in said road, thence (3) southeighty-one degree* and thirty minutes east twochains and thirty-isren links lo a stone, thence(4) north eleven degrees aid lorty-Qra tnionteseast lour chains, meru or less, to the middle otsaid Millstone Brook, thence (6) bound downalong tho middle thereof to the place of begin-ning, containing two acres ana sixteen haa-dieths of an acre./,2. The second is thus described;

beginning in the centre of Millstone Bridge,in-tbe roads leading Iron, tbe Bed Tavern torerrinovUle, tbence along aaid road (1) northnine degrees and tb'rty minutes west fourchains, tbanoi (2j north lour degrees and thirtyminutes weat one chain „and fourteen linkj,thenoe (3) north slity degrees weft one chainand seventytfeven links to a stake mjha afen-said road, tUence (4) sonth eighty-three degreeseaat saveoteen chains aad eighteen licks to acorner ol land sold by Hamphiey Radgera toJobu J. Iraos, thince along tfae line of tbesame (ft) south thrte degrees and thirtr minuteswest thirteen oLvainsattdiiinttT-iiz links, thencs/-; south eighty-six degrees aad flltr-threeusinntes west Hire* chains and sixtj-three linksto tbe middle ot ths aforesaid Mill.tore Brook,thence down the tame the seTsrat csursea thW-of to the begUftiag. oontainiag eighteen soresaad eighty.Qisa hundredths Q! an acre of land,be tfae same more or teas.

8. The third lot or tract is thai described: ,ttogtulH at a stake in tbe middle oj tbe pal-.

lie road leading from the Red faVern to Per-—Hla, and being at th. ooroer ot f .Ux Ben-rujiTiUa, and being at the corner ot Felix Ban-

d«|l'i let. wd niuin£ thuoe (!) akrng saidbendtli's lino sooth eighty degreu aa4 HhirtT.six miaatai *Mt Bin ohalnt and IMrteettUbif

W...T., Hi%M ft IIT ITd.

A NEW BRICK HOUBltOa Draws aanas, kaa ia U W aUoaas, iaataeVIM avatauwoss, sad all assasn issproTSmaats;akssi ha.ssiaalss* walk tram sojot. Will Urested.tontlns or ia aailaa ol rooua

prsmtsss Wtiitifl^ttpiPtsii E?Browa atreat asoond door Irons Franeh.


To Rent.kOOiteu Is , 1| tmot sttm ; aaitaAU lur

Ofloss or Club-raonu—raoantlT oceupiad bv UioOalkolio Social Club. Poaaessku jiyen Maj 1.

FBAnKMTEm k RICHEL, *Noe. u aud 11 I'uu^a strut-)

Old Papers


Apply at tki« Oice.

BOARD:At $4.50 Per Week

Enquire otW

For Sale.Tbe'property now owned aad occupied by

MICHAEL HATCH,Situated on the corner ef Tlroop avenue cadRedmuud street.

KDquire on the premises. mj2.-18m

To Charter.Bids Wheel tialoon

Steamboat Argo,For Bundaj-acnotilH, Picnic aod privata partiaa.

Applr lo WM. H. HAZARD, Jr.,j ; i t lin »i Harri.un ulreat, H. V.

H. W.flbbon.Real Estate Agent


Washington HalLJOHN O. DBIMZBR, PrcpV.

To »ENT for ..Balls, Sociables, etc., onreaaonab'e terms.

Applj toJOBB a. DEUXKB, or


Partiaa wiabin( Berreshmants. etc., eaa bsTSthe same ita reasonabla Bgare br applriji|l attie Restaurant andornMth the Hall. .

sajo-iT^ JOHN B I W .

Edwin Elberson k Co.,


N«ur Brun$trtrk. jr. J.

Five per Cent. Ipterest per Annum

Allowed on Deposits, subject to Check

at Sight.

Seven per Cent. Interest per Annum

Aliotoed on all Deposits running

Thirty Days.


Banking Business

Boy aid Sell on COOILMO.

Bonds, Stocks,[Cold

And all Bacuritiai qnotadlat the New YorkStock Eiohinge. "

We are prepared to carr; Uuld land Stocksipon tba usual " Margin."

Quotation/ direct from the Ife.w YorkStock hzohangt every ten minute).

Invettment orders for trutt]and otherfundt promptly executed.

We fell Drafts.on all the prlncipacitiet of Euroas. •

Loans Negotiated


>-• ic'irgtmUatd with tbe following

Lewis A puletrate. President; Henrr Blumer,Becretary; V M. W. Hoydsui, Treasurer ; Blla*D. Urimatead. Solicitor.

DIRICT0B8: Uwis Applegate, Ranras E,Outcast, A. J. Wark, CooS1»Htine Hingber,Win. Boylan, Chan. A. Oliver Cbai DunbWDM. D , Fredk. Hlaats, Jan. H. Van Anglen.

The Flrtt lutalntentswill be received «n the HL-CGOIJ Wadoesday olSeptember by the HfiTHary.

bubscnptujiia received by any ol the above»med officer" au7-l*w

The State Insurance Co.

tsams («> atoag. a%U Hsmaf*4atrass ana) Itrsj.grs sriaiilss

d k t f k l T

WOOD * O l * A i TOHKSTKUT, BTOVB AM]Dg s s s l a a i i a a d d a l i w a s i . I k U

ti. 8TIVH8OI * 00.,Baraai atraat, faot af Biebsaoad

OUpsr oTHailsgai aad Bawlum sirsaas.Hat-Sm • . • •

Reorganized.The Citizens




139 George Street(Urorsr'a


TKit Company Inturtt Buildings,Mtrnitun, Merchandue and

other Insurable property atrtatonable ratet of prem-ium, and for a term of

yeart when desired.

IMreotors :Jobu Halliard,O. 8. Oreiorj,Andrew ClerkCharlM II. O. Neill,Charles ferreil,John Van Vorst,Blakel; VTUso:

IADSIIIK Zabriskii)Hugb McKar,L'liaa. O. Binaony. Beillaj,I. Watson,John Callio,H. F. Coi,

, n. r.i(. 1). Taylor.







Has tbe Urgnt and Mast Varied Aeeert-saent ol

P A R A S O L S \S w elklblted In New Brunswick. Also

Umbrellas, Canesand Satchels.

. Umbrella* Repaired and Covered atibor> notice, with good material. m_rl6-dly


Practical y^atchmaker,

P«ac*t foot of Church Strait,

Navr Brunswick,

Tl»« auUeriber would inlurm htl frienda andthe pibUc that he has engaged the Miricea ofMr. A. O. Yoorh—M, who u faUrcumpMtat to"•purand put in iboronKh orderWatSs• verj class.

Work more promptly'and thorooffhlr donethan bsretofore.

Ellas Baker,





Foot ol Hew stnai, New Bruswisk,

Qler to the trade, and public lo general, thaiUrge Slock oi

Pine Hemlock & Oak Timberfor Bulldio, Purposes, aad all kisda ol

Drssssd and OulrasMd Laabar,

at greatlr radotsit prioss. Psraaaasrs willconsult Iher iatanst By omllhif and axamiatB(Ibtlr atook and gat prioss, kafors purooasumauswhera, «

Satisfactory Inducements, u , , Oadonan (uraatasi.

mr mm? •'tamtam #




IKfB OWJjauajda.

OrBBTT aa tftfiMfkijimM.

BOY CUM * Banutt.F s w f s O « . - "• ' '••> »

srrrDAx a i w a j

T i O l M »V>bUsM strsataW:a. assr #isift aWlsv rt tSktMt

UUTDAJl 4 AqfaWlr. 'Vaw Bait*

TT0U8K sad M>T s#

John A. Vigus;Late wIU EllaCBaksr,



.W Countrj orders and ordsn tar lisa »a4«proiuatlj uscatsd.

Jewalrr naatlj rapsirai'. flatr Walk M4ato ard«r.

A Una aasoitmeat ol Watahss sad Oasasjust recalled diraot rroo) to* importara.|




Desires to inform his' mao j friends aad pat*rona el New Braaawtak aad Tiotaitj thathe has latelr aacorad tla asrrioe. of a ]£ ;


Baker* Ornam outer£ m . ? ' i r ° r k atT, and la "naw prenartd tafamMh Wedding, and otaer partlea sMai bettarthan lormerlj, hating also yurotaiad. ssaarsateiponso, a magnlloODt act of

"LOAN WARE,"oonaisting ol Silrir and deoontad China. J

Proteased Cooks and Waiter) npputd.

1'arUeslar aUeatlon giTta is OraaiaaBtlaf

Bride's Cake,Charlotla da Rnsss and Wins JaUlss.Nojat Maoearast aad C o m

Pyramids made to order.


Confectionery, lea IBitcuU, JUe.Eienrsion and Pienlo ParUas HrpplMl

Parlor Carpets oOTorad nioelj with DaaolaBuga.

Few Branawlek, F. J., April a-fly

Mrs. Frances Walling53 CSVRCBS1REJSJ,Sols Agent la Uis eronlr tor the

Domestic. vPAPER PATTEItiNSlor L*ti«, Mlwss and CnlMtsh, sipdf _ Wrespwt to anr paper pattam now in&« mar-

A7KB88 AMD OUOAMMAMMO JIn all its braucass.

Koeps oonttanUjr oa aaad s gesanl saaailaiaal

Fnntea, Linings and hoaierj osTio Blastbi t Al ftU U f

Cents' FurnlshlB?|nt«-daw«m °

W. H. Armstrong

STOVES,Sheet Irea, Tia aid Cower

No. 2


-VI''- '"i



Page 4: m CHEAP GROCERIES - digifind-it.com · PBH»CO, Boat* «Md Bt|m Painter, NO. IS OUILDEN 8TREKT, NEW BBDMVWICK. Rooni Preteoed In Oil o r Water Color*, lor 986 and opwarda. aUao, lala-oxlDlsx


H «(l»aia»a»e tJaM watt to b a alneud•Ulaajaae te - la at oWk >aMw l Mt WELLS 0/OBU9WB

are a alan eon for ail,O M » J)aa»e «> tbe ell/ olleraar.

l nueWlV aa*BT er awl m i

maaaht Oe Ua» war< af » , Citj»»iok, Oo«»ty-«t Mltdtaei aad Hate »1

f *a4 kaoara a*d itaatajiajet aa> Ma Noi. MtH, k«inrarkepittftiidf an

t her she'll wiak


I me a living, aDjJim replied':

, perhape it dikes f butyea ain't too taiy tu

H r

awifWaaVm Hook **»o#fe atkf* for' « f ajdBfctttion 1* Hie tnaibfy o< tbe

•jdMari fcr • * « . Conversion of tbe" T « K H i Ml4 ha }r«a quite unable

to jhre auj money, bat i i ibe eooietyjNaur Mad Vim a Jew, he would doIfc bat to oenTert him.

A gentleman, lately a resident inTtetotMMe, tehtlea tbe following; HeM|Wkra4 v>» neiajiboring iarrUr lo

• g—M« aerae ihe J, and was adtrrewedaa tollowa^ " Sir, it's not tba 'aid

keHlsMinter ot the 'andSgh mad."It ia litineccseary te add that ifarrier was born iu England.

Every family should liavo a nowaorew-dnver. The borrowed ncrewdriver l>aoV\ fot any handle to it

Cor. of Helton J iram Streets.FALL TEHN u-iil Uyin Sept. 22.

Catalogue* can be had during the remaiuder u/ this week at the l^fftce, price16 oftrlfs. . jyH lytlaw


H E R R I N G S A F EFor Sate.

r ltoo blunt for tbe screw, and onecorner ia gone. It slip* and sticksinto yonr thumb, and breaks thescrew in two and throws you off yourfet$, fcfld ilwm it gets lost, »mi howner comes around for it, and swearsit was nearly new, and valued mostlyma account of itB associations, and bewouldn't have had it IOBI lor 10 tim a

its Value tn solid goid. You bad Lwlet buy a new •crew-driver at once.


M. SCHAWB,nd Oonllit



From Taesday, Sept. '-', to FridaySept. 5.

Having used Eye-Glasses and Speo-Uelea mpplfed by H. SCHWAB, and

manoiactured by him, we would cor-f ,T*xHnmenil him to all who

Ufj aids to sight aa a mostul Optioian, and an oUiging and


Kav. Dr.1l*. II. Campbell,PmM<>l tt BWtgere College, New Bmni-

ProL Oeorje U. Cook,ol fcrifore College, S n Bnonciok, N. J

ikf. Joton dark,

n-tenon,Bow Branawuk, V. J.

So«rtUr7 of the NswArauaWk Fire Inrora&c

Ex-Oov. P a r k e r- Jrwahold, H. J. .

I hare no Pedlanor Agents.

* r t

Tae Continental

iifc iBurasce Co. of Kef Tori,A n « U , 97,090.000.


-wly Paper*. Agan4 tor Naw Jersey.

"AlTl'Mi*— A * i f . ^ ' l 8 -For tbejerea

li hj-gieoiv btersVm, OUR UI


Will bu told tor leas tlistj co»t. Safe bu«ncrer been uaed.


Alter 3D T e a n of trial haa proved to h«the b m t b e a l l n c mini pe>lm ealHtK-

ing L l a l t t i B t I n tba World. ^ ^

it I* reoannnenfed with nn>wimd»d1 ra»c. of outa, IlniiwH, Bunu,

Jam. Hard BweUiuga, Ititci, Chi*.Lie Jolnla, Frozen Feet, Ears, Ao., 4c., among *U

erauua, and for Hpraiuii, Founder., Ringbone, Poll.Evil, Kcrat<:hPB, WlmJ-flallBj, Hoof-ale, 8pt.vtn», 8prlng-lalt.Had'lle. ColUran" " " " " •)f Uio Lyo and Eai ia

I Bhram, HolaWIOTI JJIK-B, EJloruai IX'iro au

•cle Affectiona, Bora Klpplea, &c, and may 1

,' WOUNDSI Ukl t did * o t

p f v p In » dtty or m. ye«r,prodo«lnt)HCMT U l t l D *WD TjBWiTUmiX rTIKUl I'UIMIHMf-Pom* AK> MumutoMLnrnujn*. lhilweth««xpdrl«nr«cf over thlrtjr yr*rf of triftl, withtba mi>at •ubflbhotial nmilUt, u J hy ft muitituJ« ~

If the liniment li not u

Money mil be Befnnded.Do not beimpos.a upon by using any otli'ei

uiniintjpt claiming tin- same properties or re-juitd. Tlicv are a cbeat and a fraud. He nunand yut nothing but

Pelican Mustang |_inimentD C U I N T H V .-T"ilt- AT

25c, 50c. and 100 per Bottle,I B i l l OF BoTTl.1, STTL1, XTC.


My JoUy Friefttfa Secret9r: D » fttwrt* n w work It an taifnMM tao-

eeea, Bare* money, woiry and precioui health,

•Mai. Agent* are ariainff jnontt/ and doiagawerld of fftod^rKh i l belay out, bat address

" - " -"•»**. Pub , " '


20 Sheets of Choice Hualo, $1 00.

;<• tolfot lr«ia oor DUuatuc

nr K UllfUimr, or 10 or Hum

V i M a a >VHipt e( Qae DeUtt. Sol.ieen>»rtM«tt)««

, J. W. HWUKODOK. Pnd.,

Uap «xr8m « 9 Third Avenue, New York.

• N o t i c e .

f lmft Director of the Board ol Choasn Free-JL_ JutMezLJ)t JtiddlMax eouair can be aeenat the County COIIMMLI-'B ofBaa ~OD tbeatcond


In Cfcaacerr #f New Jerwy.r p o BOS* ELL G. riEBCK. ELIZABKT1IL VAN TUVL n d l.N'UHEW 1'. VAKTUTL, her ha.btnd.

H 1 1 * * UMCoori ot Cftnoer;

t b . i« b d

A you aft deiendanTa; jou aee-_ . B I to appear and plead, demur or an-awer t* the coinpiaiDant't Qill OQ or before theUBHTU dar oJ SKPTEMbltK xext. or the• 3 0 ^ W l & e laJM» MeontMaea against ?ou.

. T V u S i M b i U U i U d tobreeioee 7mor.gaf{e,dated JoSeie, 199T, made and giren br UerretQ. Brokav aad Jll sabeth, kii «ne, to Peter A.flfdt""" oo laoda in the oily ol New Bruns-wfak, Mlddjttei'Ooantr,Ne* Jeriej. Und you,tMWiJKil*ellff. ?i#&«. « • » » « » deiend-

taea; and yoi, the aaid Klixabelb Van Tajl aidAserew p. Van Tajl, her husband, are madedeltiiltafU^WVee^rM hold a Kortfrajre opontke laid premieti and bj r-rtue thereof claimte have eotne iatereat tbeniu.


Solicited ot Com plaint nt,He. 140 George ht., Niw Bmu.wick, N. I.

^toTlt^ieTg. jyil-ellaw

SHEltiFl^S B ALE.-Mid(eBei^om-• M rieaa. ISAAC VOURHKhg v». MABY A^>

riaeat. P. M-Utthe Coort Hemae (a tbe city :<if

ftetaie tTaad le all that certain' warl

I t promote! the OnOWTM,

VES tha COitOR, and tjeereAaea t o e

V l » e r HMd BEA.CTVO f the HAIR. ~

Om THIBTT TKAM AOO LTO»'» KATSAIBOII »OBTW liAa wan nratpiaced ID the romrknt by FrofoeaerB. Thirnna LJKHH a, gjad«a4»or Prbwotea Gqll««eThe OMDe-la deriVed from the Greek -tUBlgnifying to cltante, purify, rigvimittf, orTue favor It h u reoetttfd. aud the popularity It h uobtained, la unprecedented aod Incredible. It Ircreaaea the Oftowr* aud BMDTT of Ute UAIB. It» flaUtfMftil dreatlnff. It vreflloatei 4-ndraff. iiteevMHa khe lialrfrom turning (r>«. H|t«^« * k

nfad cool, and gtrce the hair a rirh, soft, gloaaypearanco. It la tbe BAHC la QCAHTITT and QUALaa It wa« over a WDaUTCa of a CKMTUBT AGO. am•old by ail Dtogginte aad Country titorea a t o n l y 50Cajtta p e r B o t t l e .

ATHAIRON•ill dinpoae of NEW 1'IA.VO.S, MKLOUEON!eodOHtiA33, ol six &r»tclaaa nakera, including Watera'l, al Tery low prices for caili, oipart caah, aad balance in ima[l mootblr initallmeaO. New T-octate Srst-claaa I'lANOSmodern imnrovemente. for V27fi caih. So«read; a CONCERTO PARLOR ORGAN, lh<oiaaa beajeiifial itele aaduerleafctont) ever madellleelmle* (ii«tog»oa mailed. Hneat ¥•»<and Mneie Mert'tiRiitiinw. <i-:l*-nftWlT

Writ* for Large lllnitrated i'riee Liet. Addre,

Breecii"oaaiBg Sbot Ganp, %it to <vvDoable Shot Ouna. »8 to t">". Single Oen$3 10 $80. Riflea, »8 to $76. llevol.erj, Hi IIKD Piatola. $tto $8. UUD Materials, cisbinglaekla. Larga Diaoeullt te Daalere of OlubaLraiT float. RavolTera. ato.. boeKtat tr tradec

ror^OoSt'ient bT «pr..i C. iTl). tob . . ,ammed belore p/K* t*r.

?i«O 0OTO

QUO, .7

Bjationer,Pa»r, t n

i t M » » J , . ...• « ! « * F. tL, ai Uu J i w a t e l U»t»l,

eabarg, Biiddleaex eoanty, New jorwy.

JOHK b. BDOIILrW, Bhanl.E. I). KajaM,ao»citoief<V,aipl..aaiHa.

ntaTnT'b"c»rffii*Jlee i f ^ l r t f i n B P a i l fkaWfUc wine uraailaN nerataTwn «oairtf«4 te tba•aid Win. K&ber ayp O.'H fcoQartftt aaowtfe brOeed laud S7IU ol Jua>, ltU, u T n e w O I la W -

7hamh.0lM.ei ala., l i l w a u l i , Fledu toreeloenre, dated April U, 1878.The tale of the •aid' Unda, under and by rir-e of the above itated writ of execution, itaodaluurned to TBUSHDAY, th* ftiifc 4%j ot

D. 1878, at the hefer H two o'0,w»C«oe« of Hit w*id <kv. at 4-W'UlfLe cii> ul Hvm bruniwick, New Jer-

/ ' ABM. V. 8CHENCKUaitler in Cbuocery ol Sew Jersey.

•u'i oaw4«r

prlrTtrfii, DeivdlUmeDtc and »pp>lea»,ii( to In ear wtta ~

JOHN 0.K C(Hf.**«i',R<'lit»;or.

Obtoeerr ol Hew Jer«tT.—Between Joen

Maria llcMespie, Costplnnant, mod Ann

alifa rt all.. DefendaoU. Fi. Fa., t i c , en

>re<loBure. Duted May K , 1673.

The aalu under Ute abore writ BIAOIII ad

id to

TUESDAY, Meptember 'i, ! ^ ; - ,

Mock I'. M.( at ttie Court tloust m the

iv ul iinr Brntrtsics, New J « * e j .

JO US D. BUCEELIW.gherifl.

A. J. Rougsa, BoliciWf uf CompUinu.uU.

iaul4 td __

F LI^-Iu Chancery

o of ihf ahove "tileil w n l lo me direca«i Ul B*'O atl |Ulbllt; TtJllduU UD

-It R M.,*» ltie •Ouairt BfuM In in« City ofMk W0»Jor»»7

ii tl'is Fuiloit ins deaerilMJ paroal nT land nnJ preini, via. i Ail IIIOM Mro oarialu tola qt laDat, altuaiB,

nag uid lu'iiif iu the Ural Ward uf (lie l i l y orl e v ifruDawtok-'tn ibe u d fcftata or Now Jaraej,UUWIJ tui<i <!miiuaiulatie<l UUJU I i;trliln map fllud. 111

k, t uflico uf Uiu Cugutj ol UUUi>M&a, euti U«dr Jan.I situ.Lc In tln> Cltj or Hew Hruusw^k,.! MiomtMi am) UUU o( New Jcraey, lai»ly<y Juiin N. Kerfiptm, and Vj dim aolu w Wil

iaiu Wr^bt, iurvcyc<l«iod divided tolo ]>>U. Oulo-r, 1<)1, by J .U. MtVell.Sirvtyor.aa lol« unniber- di 'irt-B tlrirty nne afid ihlriy-twi),*!! in liiu^k uum-

I<iKiUiVr wltli all and «iBf«l«rtber1|fttl<, Hlx-rlleei\'ilt^i-h, Iti-ri'diUQiuuia ami apjiuileuiucea lucre

JOMN It. twCKELtW, t i er ill

I)«i#-d July 1, IH.a. ' jy.')l-5tw

J Circuit (UirlSTK1.LK, ¥i. V*.

By urmB uf U^ i

BALK. — Middlew.'xJiEOHUK W. STU.LK vu. JAM ha

nor III-welter IT aloDgmet iiu/rv or leaa lo

n. H Boica,Ja


d'eloflt in t&o afiufriooti it iTio Court Howe*lily ul N-'W llrunawick.Nfw Ji^rwy, all Oiai

deing ia lUe ciiy tX Now Sruuawu k, Uwaiy ol Uidand 8l»it- or New Jenry, aud bounded aa foWo wil : liotficoiutj >t the uurlL-tMlerly oora liit <>( luDd lately tit long lug tu Abraiiant 1'

it 4[>ti by tiUD coo my ad io oue WUJ. LfgsenIlia faico t)«iug UH BarlU-euNtrly corner ut Uiu loi

' it ended tu be conveyed, and froni inmctauuitierly ajoug aai l i^i^ett'a llu* OB«

ami iurea het Hier»or keaalu theltue of tinJCTW9J Railroad an* TraniporUUon* Co.'iifacnco porti) •••Jtcrlj'alopg tbenuoe Uity-eigfii

i«t ai ore or I MM to nlllfJ N«Wctt'a ournt-r ; tli^uccuid Nuwett'a Hue nxty-awvantua aforesaid l'«l«rioii Htrect .ly along llie uiuti lo itlaco o!

II and iln^ular tbe Ocfeudacl'*uli rent Ironi, lo#iiiil ool of Lbe

JOHN L. BUCKt^KW, aiieriff.

173.- ' • |y'24—5lw

'S SALE.—By virtue olidry wriU »f Ki»rl Faoi»a io me uirec .it of lo» NKW JKHM%Y tWCRiOIK COl'KT, I

will expose lu a»le at public wotlua oo

BfONlMT. AUOl'OT » , 1878,

Chu. Farr1. Uuul, Is Uw vilU^e or Craabtiry,ildltNMX ^«uuty, New Jaw*)7, all Hie tbiteudMat

•NyVfc-H'S riKht, Utle aad iuureiit lutbe follow)a( (leaorHMtl i>ro)>er(7, vis.:tbe lul owlDg deacrlbed llirco i»rcoli or lan<l

,uU preniiBM, wliuato. lying and belug iu the lowuUipuf SouiU DruQBwlca, lii ibeCouuly of Middlent,[> retwlJ ; aoil are boutided M (JIIUHI, VU. :TLe D m t> lQH to the miidlo ot llie road leading

•omCtaaburv w ITincetun, L«euty>live link* aoulbn a awoB aud lino lja*w«eo tb* wid parUu* ; iheiioeiu w i i road aunb iwVeaiy-mine Jaireoi wi l t , I;halna tun! UTO llukr, tbiriy-uino llnkn oortU ofed»r tret* ; ttiouce IOUUI two aud oLo-luurtli degree*rrst, niile cbaiui aad luriy-liiree "uki U) Jaimi'ullen'i Hue , tucuce along bi i line nunh. leTetityigbt degreu west, lizteou cbalni aod ei^ty-roujlui iUi a shine In the one Hue; iheiiou aioug llxtune noritt eleven degree* cut , ueTemeen chftluimil forty^me liukJ,aboul Ure lmk> wi-il of au uid:b«auiiu ituDip, uic., < f Jajnea I'uJiiu'a netwloir lot

uluug LIB lino aouthclgbly-ihroe de^reeivaat,ii clialu* uuu ality three iluki j iLuuce DI "de|[re«B east, two cbttiua a&U flftj^tivenl]jiludlu of the brook , Uiooce up itie iaiJ brouk

oaat aoout teo cbaina tu ib« line between il>e aaidM , UifDto (iu-lb« dlviBlou hue, BOUIII four de-auit ouc-btiir eaet, two cliaini anil (ltl)-eigbllo a ulH'Biuul lrc« ; iheuofl eouib lire Ue»xeten etialna aud atrfeuiy-aii link! to itM plR#euing, contulalug forty-two aorea aud BmoredtiiB.

' swoud tract, knowu aa the 8lory tract, liqgti- iiurlh-eaaitrly corner uid curutT ui J*niMi'u iiiuaUuvv lul, tbcucti tuutU e level, tlegruenl*euty tbree ctiaina tud ilxty-«lgbt lloki to ain wUd I'ollcD'i line and orutir b> lUnry C

Stnry iLiMii'.e along Ins line tiurtli eighty degrveflwont, iiltjft rhaloi aud lUly-elglil links iu a w r —

' 1>'VI Mattitw ; tbencc along lila line nnrtb el<tgrteu ear.t, tw«lT8 chaintaml cigbly^scvcn Iiutio mid(llu of llie ruad , ttieoc* iluoj Hie tatua n<• vtiiity-iHic «nJ ihrte (ouribi ile^ra«* wettl,lolne ami •cTCDly-iu linki ; iticuco north fourteen,v-Iourlh uVgreos e u t , litneiecu cbaiuB and leutiU io I he Biuldle uf tlio brtwk ; ibcuct- a|i the earue

ining ihiriy-tlirooacrea aud forty ouo-huodredthaThe third iraot l i a wood lot amlalomg tee acres

Ktihuil by a deed of OVM 4 a u herewith

iitr wnb all »Q'l Hlaipiiar tbe righla, tU>ertlei,II , bercdiunicnlB aD<l evp^uu-uaiiciot tlier*-I'tuglug or ! • any wUe apperUiDing.

JOHN It. BUCKLUi.W,rtacrllt,; S-II*MTI, SoUciiw.

JHKIUFf"S SALE.—In Chancery5 • / Ntw Jrraey. ittitwieu 11IK MUTUAL LU^.M'KANCt tOMI'ANV UY NKW YOKK, Uom]ilalo-iU,»nU JAMt.S All'l.tlJArK, Kecflver of ILBUK ofK'jKliK 1'AltK, det.easeil', cl all,, IK'leuUmin, f i dii-ins tMI n,ret:]us»re. imfU JULC 18, '.tsVi.i! | \ittu-" uf ttiu dUovu *Uteii writ lo mi' directed


ill aoV'ock-P. M-, «itb« Court HOUM HI ll.c City -aBiuii»"*k.t, N»'W Joriey , all lliul tenalu iul p

'I MI laud au* |>r*-imi« BiluaM, ty tn, ami bein|u t>iwuahli> i)f Soulb llruuiwick, )u tbe county uifiBii and •itaieof Ne«r Jersey, IS aaiO bftl deal.

iaMd M ih i Or*1 lra«t, •»<! leeerlbad «A rtHom :Outlining al tUeteuib-wrat ootuwof Ulid tfKbJii

,ntl Amboy TurtM>ik« n«"l| »i"l runutujf Uiuuc* by,aid Uniw-n'ii l^e tin rib tluy degro«» atid lUrlyulniitea wo>t. U D cbama and Lmelj five Imkl lu •

itidtna ami aui)' llolu io a curuur ; tbtned by laud>f Ik&j^inio HJJvtr* iiorta ttltf-uiua taUtfreea wett,iwclvit oliatca and tdx^eeo Ithence anqib lweol)-lir« <li

ug and iliirly et.iit links *luna; aaid Ucurgre'* roadie middle of Hie rTiucetou KoaJ j iliitiiue iiKafjiuldle of Mid ITluteLuu Itoadcm e#8t, » x oliiiloa ho thu curuur vt land ol

iudii B- H.^mei ; lUeaee by hie luiaaaa land of Win.,noulh |«aoiy-ifra riefrcea weat,teu cbaliB am!y.luur itcka Lo UH; church lul; Ibeuc* by llie iid

uf Beild lut louth Bcveuty-uiue drgrfoi aw_d Uftewuiiiiilliiai t:tt»t, lour ctialQs acd riereniy-lbree liukl tu*tnlL'uto» u uud Ambuy Turnpike ruad ajorfaaid.II«LCB t>y bald roa<l nortb Ony-ooo tlfgrM-t 4a*tlevt'ii cliaiLH aud iliirtf-luur liukm, aad>y it.* MIUC ru»<l furi>-#ii drgmta etui, »wenty-Joar•tiztm and nineteen Vntx ro tCe beKluuliig.aLd cuu>jiitjiuif lorty-lotir acreo, more or I MI.

AiM ull ihiui- IWD ceruiu luu ur parcels of laiind,prauiw:iiltaalo. .yliigaau being In lbe towliipof SJUUI HruuBMick.lntboCoubty of MUdlatv

mu ttule uf NLW Jrrary, In laid bill di-ilgu&lod a*.nil-and third I

ribed ai follow! :bnaudeu and d«-

["DO 8ccoud Tract bejinnlng at a Btou« for a oufnerknau>tl ID lh» liuu of ikudi ur T. I'. CruB,r aad be-

m a corner to luitl of Julia Aim Scudder :lli> nee with btr <luc Bootb elotca degre«i aod a balweal, tofiy-elgbl cbalua and oluetf^ursa liqju tostorio ID tue middle AT the road leading (rorn tba,Fi«|T*FiTB to toleiaect the ro*4 leadlBf tna Crubur

tbu L'ruia Ko*di ; thence with tbe u i d road auui[bty-oue and a Mali degree* w i t , thiriy-two CU«(DBd Bixty-flTtf link* io a atike ; ibcuoo atlll with Un

aa.nl rwattuurtli aisty-uae aagieua&il UtrnaMiuartanI M I , aeveD cbalni and flft/.flve linki to aootfbetlUiko lu wid roavl ; theac« north eve deiree nodli»lf eaar, cne cbaln uod twenty-three Iluki to a itup,

i tbaia lo a oumcr of CbarUji Dy<laud; tlii-Doa wllti blB Una north thirty mtugica««l, thifiy-soTeu cbaiua and Or ty four Itdtu io~»utle lo Srml.im1* bronk ; tbcoce norlli teventy-obe

Jegr OB Bud iwenty-twu mtSutM waat lolrty-tWoHKlforty-eiibtliohatotbeplaeeorbt^lBi "log oue huuilrtd and itjUy aoree and etjinndrcdtba of an acre or land, be tbe

bl/d Traet ba|la>lHa«aaa wllwMdala

t I M M D i t l M otaetd I 1U0 lb

H al Ike' Bo-1» n««t l ldalaof I t e m * ntf piotaera (1) limisa' ai "b t t j r t d

moreTbeTblrd Traet

odrasreT * * • • *

!oedle pointed in lUdtMlb twunty-twiTdaaTeeT an.b.riy inlnntei weat. four obaltiaed auiy-alu hMto aitouei (i) tbeao* aouth twalTB dtgreeautoeteeuolaaiDi a&a «igbty.two llnli to "*Oya'lliaa, (») " ^ ' "


greet and

ith iadl

i)D««lar the xlobU, Utxrtk.,U and aupurtCMfiCe* .l.«rtir t i

^ _ _ _ J>t«fciw

SALE. —ircuitOourl—JOHN k. PKhTTYMAN VI BKVU. BROWN. H.Ym ,ctc. IMtud June 11,1(J7J.

jme of the «l'"Tu etalwi writ lo me direcu-l,w i u eajHM w aaie «4 psblw veeaue, oa

TIE8DAV*.SiiPtaHBtB 8, H78,:lock P. M ,at lbe Court HtHite in tbe city »1

iuw Brouawiok. New Jereey.ail tbe right, Utle uiJJ lutereiik of the (lefoudiiui, BcitJaDiiu H. llrovtuaud w « l the following duaorltHMl property, v i z .

All thee* oartale lota ur paroeii o t land aud jireiuB miaalu, lyliatf «ud betag to tbe Tuwnelnu ui•ruu, ixiuuly uf UiOdltivx, and State ur New•uy, bt'iug lbe aiOie Iriaol or uutd whtcb »IIJU)LI

i property of tbe Hothodnt ProUaUnt ChurcU atHUM V*jJ#y, *ud now in tbe iua Bed DutMawnob oiI.e deKMriavt, B. U. Browo, be.»g aJae **m maaie

eiui«t» conv#yod,u* aaid Brown and wife by d««daDOI IMuiul l)ye aud wife aad Jotin N. Van 'id wife, ca iwlamg iu alt f^rty aurea, mere orSAX *4tii>J4U 1V 4*eam*tbad Ul |ri Q^ XufLv^ai Ua B

;agti,yage nnu tiUDdreu sad twelve, e ic . , Iullerk'u uffica < ( Wniaiu«ui Cuuuty, rt-rcreucu tbei

beinff bad wtti ln«r<-fully tud at itrgl ijj

KriWAftn W. k . .Uilu.l July IU, l*7o. ftugO-Mw

JliKKlFF rar~KAlX--"iiiddie8i'>J C m u t t (JottrU—MAN.MNti KKUCUAN \t. J AH, ( AK1IAN , ltbNKY C CAltMAN uuu IKA B. UUU.

uiVTiVa.1" "m '" *' "'JBy »;rluo qf tbe above a l l i e d wri t to m e directedv ul uxtH)aUr b> Bale a l jfubJic vondiJc, i'U

TUaBUAY, Ht lTKMiiWt It, 167J,3 u'nJock 1'. M . , a l the Cnurt fiuutiu m ttiu c u r u;* Hruii iwick, Saw Ji-r^uy,

tain lour b u i t o i n i i nmi U.I ur cur i l lam

»tv fully (ud at itrga aiipi^r

lieuUrly ti

Urn Bum

c (1st) afrtbrick ureti aud muctitnery. <

il lmi|;twelr« leet wldo, louriei-n foul

•i wid.>, evTi-uiy loot lonj., twenty

t wlito, a«vuaty laot ktOejf auU iwruty

Wry, t

iwry. i

vtruly fe«i »nlo, Uiirly icut IOLK, piitio kaiU Uuiltimg aru trocWd uu u itaattcd in the tuwofInp ur lUriUu,leael aud Slate ol Mew Jrr««>, bi'jriltepvat ourunr of bamuvl l-uli>iy»'uit*rly aide <rf rvad !«miug iroiu

letuclit n, and ruuLluja I bum L' hu

u>K Mi

tbe awilbwvBt coru«r of u bulidiiikj mi the lulurtlu deacribed , liioiice uirtheriy al right uiglebuui tin: Oral couran, (nur huuilna ami inni'lj-iiiiieei ; itieuci.1 oahtvrly ii&d purulU'l HIUI LLU itiainine lour biiuurtid «ud Uili i j fwi ; ibi-m't; fcimib-•ly j>aruilti «ud with ibv >><j iL,d c>ur«t Uiur buudruif»d utgliiy luet ; U«aee uanenjr ujid uuml.ui w.tu

luttiurly Biuug Uii' aiid rwtd MU fet t tu i i i f j^laceol

JOHN II. lil'CKLl.hW, SheriffABM V. t*CHKSi\, Ailorney.

Hatuu July S . ^ J , ni]_T-fnw

JIIKlUFF'ti SALE..7 ol New Jersey. . ..

'UlnMit, aatl JEW IMA L. M t.U.^r.l.h.-h b

i. ——J ii Chancery•li C i i . A K I . K H N . t i l<I<Jl i . ->,

red, I will expueu u

, 2 o'clock I'. U., AltbMiCourt Huutir In the cityNew Uruuawick.Nuw Jeiuey ,

All iheloiioW'Dx deeuribed pared of land m d iirtm-loa, vi*.: All Ibote VW0 OHn**-WM*»-(rr iHud uu«.rumiai-e cotnprUinK the twmu,it*d Titrm, lau theirupuriy ol Wamuei LuDKBlroiu, doci'anud, (tilimic, tnthe lowniliip w Buutb Itruunw nk, Uludiucex CuuDly,and fetalaul Naw Jur««f j-ili*jflrei bfjiiiiimx "•» alarire'plne-oalcIrt'oaUndiig oilUuuldcoai'*Drouk in liit u,,o

Abran lluagiand'a laud , llieiiu? uortd s i l l y Itvcnlegpeee aud iniriy miuulca wont, iwtiny-iour cli*iubuid tuir lyul i links to * bilm-Ji Irt-v, (n ing H turn.T

' Win. uulick'K itt'id ; thcuit: aluuj; luc I mo ol Buiilulick'a laud nunh ihirteeu Ut^noa uud tbirty nun-loa i'aBt.HljLUiui chaniu uuU iMuuiy-ivur I I I . . J lu a

arge wuilu (ink irt-f , tiiLint* uonli sovunty degreesma flfUsea unuut«a ©jaal, iuur otialua mm Uiiru-fD

i« auotlief corner ul Mil Uuiluk'a laud ; tuetiuislorlb aevcuieeu tlu^reoiaDU avveuu-eu muiuVca w«»l,i* chitiuB aiid tweuty-Kii lluk« tu tht I riuu'tuii and.lUKBloi, Urniich 'lurupiku houd ; iiieiicn uiuug boldTMiiuU 'i'uruyiau Koad auulli ettfliiy uuu d>'|(ri ft mjubiriy mlDute« «*J*t, twnuty-iwu oualua aud iwtiuy

.reeai'i) land Buiilh t*eul>-Liuu U^rct i etu-t, iwcuLj-mr ohains lo tLe miJdlt of Ji.-aihcoai » Hruok ,leiice down aald Urook ihu itvi-rul uribfB in tlir

id eighty-ailliundreu'tua oi an an utreul laud^inrserving tberewltli and ibtnlriMn five atres m d BISjudredlbi of an acre uicujiird by tiie Iri'iitoii aii<itw Urunnwick Turnpike KoavJ anil iLo Culuduu tiuuDiboy Branch JUiir»a*i.

Tuoulhor ur ncond tract coutatuiug furmcrl; ul"ooUluutl, bcgiDUlnn al a mriinr ol Wui Itiyk's

aud on Lbe uorib tldu of I'riuceu u ami Ki^tU.i,:trancti lurupike ltimU ; tlieucc uluii^ unJ H.iynvH

HUT lli lorty-auvuu di'^row Oast Juur chaiuu null



ng al * U


ala imk

t-tt' laudr-UUtJ dl

H 10 U

orthcnty 1

•greetail brouk, curaid .stuUJlllllLWI

aluUK b*

, Blaku ;u/ty-eii

l iukaio MUCL-BIOIII

i uuoi, Bl;nt-r dl J

iu' iiiii* Hoaih, cuBl,II d -N


«w liruiii J n . i l MHiLh

tl) BUCO

i fl



i n *

mil i t

Uii m i

It)-u> M t i


t, bi


i UlldIts' 111lue tli tweiTurbt


rty iiikut-gri1'

g auid

u Vi in.

y iii.kjt

en Riiilinkn tuKuud ,

L'B ami

,he i'riuculuC aoiU lviugN>uu luroiiiku liuinl; ibeinulong aaid brmuLit ruad aouili seveuit-t'l^lii iltKr<-ibud lorty-Ilve roluuU* wunl, lour UIIUIIIH und UilrijInks; iheuce anil along nuiii braLi:li roud ui>nii

:hiiluBaDd Uurty-urtiu liuka lu tbu p l u u It UL^IL-_ ; oouUinin^ Iweuiy-iureu acre* aud a i 'wui ) -

ili UundrsdlDa ul »u axru uf Uud, bu Uiu MIUO UJOIU_ JI ; e i cep i in^om of Bald iwu t r a c u Oio \>mw-

l l t a eaumyau by luaiiuld party uf tbe first punby tb.rt« itvor*! d e e d . , ibe Urn to 1'uilii' <Jan<yD|

tinted April IU, IW>V, u i d rt*-orded IU m u d i e i a

f eaaa t idcM and niteHi, outiviytug SOTCUIJ'-UIH.;indraaibB ot au acre , aua two otliuri lu llie Cau««tii

Had. AlBuoy Aailroad ami Irausporu-Uun twiiimiiy,U » » f l m 4 - t « l A K " 16, Jo(.J,aud rtxordod iu Ut ,u

iveW, tneuuitfia d*te*l i>«l. fiy, 1H6J, aud rucurufdIJDer urpoty-flTe,folio turnc nuudrud dflj-iiiuu, in

aaia UterK's iHUoc, cuuTeylog i « o thouauQd tu^uiBlKlKtl aad BUy-aiK t»,J*JV) l»<jt, more or lutB , uc-IH l a a w i a o pft-Baiaea,conTtyed ity ihu inlJ dnt f^r tbfi Mid Jenutiui i . klormltm, b ; dfcea baarlnti IA tu

DaXt dX Jbc. li»al t* fl f - TIH'I muiaMtf tlmrvitl itit'i QXtotelii-j«.akw ihur^vui ttlUheu LWU ir«xti of t .nu iyiu^iud b i fbg ln tue'I'owDBbip of tjuuib UruuBwu-k, ibu Oirumj- of Ifiddhjaui and Stam oi Nuw Jcu . t> , bL.;tnulng aiacorut-T of UiarieBHute'e laud.tuid ruunn^

ae {I) LoriL a l i ty ilegru.a and thirty inluuUn

IX Oegr«w w«at, lour cuaiithe oasicrly llde of Hit

/aMW( Ibe aaitl t-a*ierly Kr o l W t o U l t

VJ aJwig «nid Uttrl.;^utj-nuietiukH to a tirlc'a I1UV UOfUi tl.

tmdtevoj i i -e ig i i itraigut turuuiKe ; Iite <ii tbe iaid g.r

and B«voniy four'» I*BU t i b n f (o}Ui}«h.Ji. itu

|w«iity-ai;vun degree* u u i , i» ,hu-. Iu b a l u a u a iw*ut>-luVca nuki tu i ie«Hiw»t a uwu*.Uiwuoe ^Cj alouK a*jj tuooft tlm oevBTal uiumua in t lu

.'JflDUIlig i Ctiutialuiug Ik lr t j^ ix BUILS aud IWcnl)irte biuiircdtua oi >n ticrt, afiur dtdu^liug umiciudlug tbe bind occupied by tnu rallronu i'om|ianjTb«Mwnd tmct Is ijuuaduii and ilfc-cnbea u fui

Iowa, via.) ttttlaiiliig ta a u a k u on the *e*u-i lai>ieul UMBt<atKlit iuruulk*,a4;urtiurul A. 11. L^LKiaua.aaulruunit igi i ikuvDiijKloDg ,LC u i u w m i n i

ma uf aaid t u m ^ U e vltivuu m*4li», a w e b t y irnka iHUake ; Ibtliue ('J> Uortb bovbutj-uuo diumms we*

WJ iLu iiwd.tt now puiutk) iuilriecu cbaiun to u BL.iku Lbo U m OI fVillUiDt u.^B^yltB* laii.l • i luum I.Jk>.g bia hu« (a* tbti oeedl« potutud m tLe year iKoy

u iru i larty^tK degrew aaw, tlnrtfeo cltalDi unawrtaty-kiurltaaa Vwe turner j Ibuuce 14) Blill altm•uyd Buyte'ri Uuoeouili BAiy-uiuu *lt(rt.-«i» euai, iivctialus «j)d tweuLy liuloi tt* »4.io i l n i drouk , lliuuc;fc) alubg lbe " i d A. 11. Wiitf'a Hue auuil. tkivuuL>-o]

a A

atrea aud iwemj-«*v«t i t l l t f t


krm lnn turn

uvryuj h\

H l

titid, being a part of the tfcrmCaartte U.UfllKB t o l L . M | d J t i n i i u . . . „ .aua a lauapartur ib« samB prtuuiio, den<:rtbi.iiyttur onator'a hiU 11 citupiiaiiii.

>r wnt>aU*f.Ufltu»tjiar tbe rUjlilB, liberili1, OWtdltUBUiW eUtl rlppU/U'ttailUUII UlUI

into b


Fine Parlor and Bed Boom FurnitureOf Our O WS MANVFACTURBand WarranUd at Rtpmenttd.


STEIN WAY'S PIANOS.The Craftier, Emerson and Gordon Pianos,

Priota Iran WT» to «M°.



Violins, Aceordeona, QuiUrt, CoDfertixa*, Flutfa, Ilajmoaicoui., Piieo^i, TambonnM'la«eo)«t«, Bonea. Banju, Drumi, Fifea, Trias ale*, Pitch Pipea, Tuorng Forks, Jew'iHarpilasio Boxes, Violin fcnnnga, OiiteJ- String!. Banjo 8'ringa.

S H U T HCIIO—tbe largeat collection er*r k«pt in thia cAlj,

Botur ' i Chaap MuBioal PubLioatiODa. Litolfl'i Cbsap Claasical Huiio. UiLchcock'a Dimind Half Dime Music.

Mou€ B o o u «f cratr daMriptiom, for Runday, Public and Private Sohoola.Pianos, Oryaw ami Melodeoot tuned by an exp«niD«ed Tuner trora New Tork.

Garland's General Music Store,


H. P. CHRISTIAN,TETBIIIUHT mrKaEon,)Uld<j«ll thea.ttear««« ol tba I'ublio to hii

I dUeaan ol Horaet; Cattle,

iMltrk, where he etodlel

BOTM llaelora for live

aii "o ree ilUw" Mtmm VB<,HM,*5$fit,iUwtaia, ete. ^ noerjia^ alrty jeaiV

4ka»baxwMn1k«'matai 4tBenlt

Walla' OartK)Se*T%leta are pot ap onlr lablae boua. Take ao u b a f a t w . If ibej

fnttnlreic Tork, Who will forwardthem bj retora mall.

Dop'l.ba aaeeiial b; Initotuma.

Bold by oTOjIiU. rMeeSTdtL a box.Jaha i b f i . g ( . 1 t P U t t MrMLHaw Tor*.

Sole Agent ler tEa H. a. Baal lar oiroo



Thompton'*10 Fourth AT

toma.J»«( . UdMa* dapaXmaat aapjrtle i(friplij laujki to mu, women, bijt n aprutioallfr Tanti redacei ti t i l . Ademand lor operatora jjlOl

84 Albany Street,


Pianos, Organs and Melodeons toOK BOLD OH M0KTHLT INSTALMENTS.



at AX.BAMT BTaXBT. »1WlebS-da>'r

H. J.






(NSATIJ Oppoiitc the Btato Bask.)

p f r nti rdemand lor operatora

College,.w Tork OUy.


A Work «) UfeawJa^p; M4Iitrtaa|e Talu.

OCE^Ufm STORY:Br the glltwl aon of the fafcaM "fttat HlWj."

A grapllo Hlatory or OgatavMtUMl}. a4-


frou « u t to kaep clear of OoUU andEhenmati«m. Kotbiog waehet better. Alwaye k&epiaoft. WILL HOT SHRINK. Aak jour etorekeeper lor t^ jylO-4w

Byli BfiCW ailWaV*«BjaBLivaftBa>

.rt 101 ordora in four

v.j*two.da7let#.} aalla*.thouaaod Igeftta Wftntad. .tion and clroolar«. EOBB781 gamma Bt.. fblla., fa.

Diseases of Uw KidaeysI'ainful aSeatioDB of the bladder and urinarr

ornoi, grareily deporita, Irritation of the nockot the bjaild.r, wil£ dtHeult; of holding tbeurine, in atriclaro, aemiDal weakoeH, audio alloonditiona of the parts accompanied by debility,

ill be found a moit emoaoious remedy. BetidularatoB. KBlTH A CO., 41 Ub«rtrtor circ

etreet, N. V.tie, or 8 for $S

t i per bot


WAtf¥BS>—All menmoney te tend tor a ptospblet oentain-

Dstmotions, eto^ wbich «T«rjbodj shouldknow. J, 0. TIL1W. Pittaburg. Pa. au8-4w

It tbe molt powerful olesnier, •trengtfcei.eiand remover of OlaiutuUr ObelructluniU> Mattria M-iufa.

It i i Bpeoiallr adapted to'conatitnMons wordown" and eebilitalei by tbe warm weather oSpring and Summer, when tbe blood It aot itactire circulation, consequently (fathering imparities from alaggiahoew end imperfect actlorol the aecretire prgans. and ii mairtfeflted by

Tutnori, Eruptions, blotcbet. Boil", PoBtulei.Scrofula, *o.; Ac.

Wben weary and languid from orerwork. an<llneBB, drowitneu and Inertia take the plac

ol energy aod rifror, the lystem Bttds a Jbniito build it ap end help ibe Vital Forces to regain tb,eir recoperatire power.

In tbe heat ot Bummer, frequently tbe lAv

and tipletn do n6t properly perform their functiope; tbe Uterine and Urinary Orgarn are inactive, producing weakness of tbe stomach an<

estines and a d i i t i t bili dintesti

raDgement.predisposition to bilious d

KXTPRACT OF JUKUBfiBAis prepared directly from tbe South Am eric BIPlant, a id ia peculiarly suited to all these diflioulties: it will cleapse ibe Vitiated Blood,strengthen the Jiife-giring Potrers, and Removall Obatruotiom tVom Impaired and EnfeebleOrgan*.

It should be freely taken, as Jurubeba is prononnced by medie&l writers tlie most efGcieolPurilier, Tonic and Deobitniint known in thewhole range ot medicinal plants.

JOHN Q KBLUJQQ, fs Platt itreet, N. T.Bole Agent for the United Btites. Price OnDellar per Bottle. Hend tor circular,





An examination of our Specimens and Prices is Solicited.


Published Every Evening,



Bolh of Ihera papers have a largo and daily mereaiiag oircalatipn Mfdare read by all classes of the pouudonily. •

Tha DAILY TIMES ia read by ajnw.tev.ry <amliy in New Eruoawk*,being regarded M a aefieaaary adjunct toith* ooinlort ol a houaehold.

.it rtad by fliofe lormltig tha Infant btuH.-i


Originated'the use of Lawghing (las for paJnlfl*

eitractinn ot teeth in 1SC3, and bare gir*n it t<

or«r «1T,S*O | > a t l « n t e without a failure o:

accideni. J)o not judge ui by the lai lure o<

others. Come to Head-Quarters, 19 Cnopei

IosUtuta*. -New York. _ ai£l-l2v



Beddingi.&cAt tba Large WholeaeJe and EeUU

Carpet £ Furniture Warerooms500 TO 516 8th AVENUE,'TOorner 8ith and 86th Bta.)

N E W Y O R K .P. KEfcLY




Thii deliglitful, abeolutelj pare, Pellucid 01!la an eatiirelr naw dieoorerj i narer beoemeiruwid er itioky; praaarrai aad<J»aatlnaa xhi

hair to the lateat period of lira. Bold wholeeele and retail at Betobolor'e Wig, Touaee amOrnamental Hair Faolorr, \t Bond atreet, 5eiYork oltj. Aik joar grocer for U. jjrS -

Picture and Book Agent*Hbould addreea at once for cironlart, aVc.(nbioh will ba aent irae,) daaortbing a new amauparb work ot a-rt, b j a pupular artlat, DOInearlj ready for deltTerj, and whicb I* eure thare an enornwes aala. r BHparianaed egemalioald haatea to •eoora tarritorj. Uauaual indaoements will ba offered thoaewho tnean aleadeuir««tio work. OBO. BACL(AN, Publi.bei"M Banana llreet, Pbila, juliUw

Drunkards and OpiumI 1 C I M O. C. BKgaS, M. D., $U 4thAtenue, Hair Tork, haa a psimaiiant agd painleae remedy. Ten }tut' meceufnl eiperlcio*Our* DiMaataM. Bend alemp for atidaaM,

L. . 55^"»W°it'lkia'r!arafteedK BM-

apeetableemplOTnientathem«;*«T orornlngiBO eeoiul reqaired i foU UatieoUmaend ralda-bit package of gooda to etart with eent free brmail. Addrau, with ail cent r»toni Kemp, ILYoung i Co., 175 Ureenwioh Mrwt, New V»

Ganruiiiag Sovkt aeot rYee for

Pr*f. Fmrier's «nat WorkOn Maohooi Womanhood u d tbeir V a t u

lnur-ral*U«ii>; Lera: l u I^wa, Power, tit,

A i n u a n eeihoi from Wto lOooplea or '

WBTS • (Ur. »njlTta e*nd a o«n«aW«g1

matvaaj'aMU. idaraaa, at t t la iupm*

Nallonal >oElUhlng Oompwr, PkJlad eJpU

THE IISIWS HlCflMMQ.Fltcbburg, Maia, XaanlkoUreinl of

Vertical & Horizontal Steam Engines)nr Combined fingidw andBoilera ara made Ug^mno'..les end to etttadaragatlgea.

Oor Combined

Boil jQ^gangaa,

ao that all paria are inur*ebmigaab'e. Can be run withgreater eafotr a.ud leal ex.pease than maj other engii•nanulactnrad. Siaaa m1 <o >0 borea power. WAR,KOOMB, Mo. 46 COBTLI.I,IST., N. V. Bend lor circular.

a i 1 8

Look out lor the Astounding OflerTo be Diude as a premium to jearlr anb-

aoribars to

Demoresfs lllastrated MonthlyMagazine,

To be announced next month. Everybody will

aatoniahed. < i i



BROMO - CHLORALUM,The New Odorless and N#n-Foi*>nou8


It d.stroys all bad odors and pokoDoaa emauatious about yoqr prwniees, and therebypretentH contagion tnd dLwaMj oovtaito* no

' SOD, has no odor and ii alwaya safe.Diploma awarded by tb« Atnanaaa IiwtituU

tn Tildeo ft Oo., for Bromo-Oblorainm. Theyconsider it of value as being Don-poiaOnoQiandiiiodureuH, and can recomftiead it eipaiJallyfor medical and general booaehold porpoteiwhere dtninfeijtioti and deodoriaation is ohliedtor."— JlxMbitio* 0/^187.,

Prepared only by TILPBH- luflfihyjSold by all draKjrislB. SnrTort.jj»4-4w


The Cheapest and Best:Cures and Preventa

I All Dlaeaaea Incident to

Tbe Horse's Foot.



RATION A T,with plate*, illwitrating how to peiform opera-tion! and cure foot troubles. Bent by mail onreceipt of one dollar. Bend atoaifr for oiroular toGOODGNOUUU UORSE-BH0E.4] Dey. itreet,V. Y. frW-Hw

AGENTS WANTED ^" Blessed are the Pure in Heart.Jaat ready, from an original painting by IDAWADQB. This ptcttire ii greatly admired by allwbo Bee it, and ii ran to beooma b.pia&f popu-lar. Though »i ecu ted in tbe highest ityfe of tbeart, in order to reach the maases and securelarge sales, the prioe ii made snuib loirer thantliai at ntiicb aor Chrotuo of like quality haserer been sold. Ttrrna extremely liberal Elclu-

a e territory. Bold oniy bV-ff ,Apply at «noe to secure choice ot territory.Circular*, Ac, free. OBO. MACLEAN, Pub-litbjer, 718 Bansom St., PhUadelphia, Pa,

j 2 i r t

$412 Q A I I FOUR WS£K8' 01N.aOU VA8SINU waaooe agent1 •

prollt on llrraat'a " Iiibrmrr of Poetrr andHungi" $70 In one weak on " Tbe New Konie-keeper'allaiiukl," b; t l iu lleodior and, Jfre.Ktowe. Any tctire man or w«nan ittt nare an»^ocy. J. li. FOBD • CO., Haw York, Boi-t.n, Cblcajto and Ban Francisco., jySi-8w

aaolAltD iff P B I U . SAUI IKOBKUINO.

2,000 more LIVE AGKHT8 WiNtHU for our

LIVINGSTONE 38 fn to AFRICA.Over (WO pages; enly #860. Incomplete anaInferior worla aro ofEeced, look, pat fat then.—8«nd for circulars and see PBOOVof (fie (.BSATSITsDOdsra of tbe teaBom. Ppoket OMipanionworth $10 mailed free. HUBBAfiD BROS.,Pub's, 718 Sanwm St.. Phila. f .jft*"**


end beat illnllraled waakljr pnyr pabllahed.firer; number oontaina from 10 10 lo originalengraringi ot now machinery, novellotenuona,BndgeB, Sngineering worka, Areblteettua, im-proved rann lmplemcnte, aod every nnw dia-cflVery in Gbemlltrr. A Teir*a nnmbflft con-tain 988 pagei u d aereral hundred eajrarfagi.Ttipjiianda of TolumM *** nreearvad ler bind- •log aod refcrenoe. Tbenrfcottoal recetpta erewell worth ten tlmea tin lubMrldtioa price.Term, $3 a Tear br Kail. Spejlmeoa lentfree. May be bad of all New> Di.lert.

P ATEB'fS obtained on tbe beat tenna, Hodelaol new inreatlom and aeetobn e<anin*d, andadrioe tree. All patent! a n nnblnAM in theaoicjuiflcAmeriMn Ue week ikeviaaae. Bendfor Pamphlet, 110 pagea, conlainiog lawe andfull directions lor obUlnlnij Fatenta.

Add'eet lor th».Pap6r, oroan»»nilllgP»t«nU-IWNNiCO^STParkiow.K. VjBranoh OPHer, corner F and 7lh .Ilreeta., Waablngton,p. 6. »ug7-«»

PfeVCBOMiHOY, o r S O U L tt.How eltter aax mar l»eolaa»»ajidgar» tha

lire and efleplloni ot anj peraon tier . ohooaeliiUntiy. Thla ilmple mmul ae<inlreni«irt alloan poeaeaa, fra», br Ball, for Wo., tayttharwith a marriage guide. Igrpt iu (Traale,Dreame, Hint l 5 5 > 3 lAc. Aqneerbook.TTddrif.bllahart, Philadelphia,

aa, fra», br Ball, for Wo., tayttharmarriage guide. Igrptiu (Traale,Hint. l5u5lae,>ed3lD.»igbtShln,erbook.TTddriaiT.mhlfkUkCo.

t, Philadelphia, , , : jaMAw