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Study Guide for Lupita Mañana by Patricia Beatty T HE G LENCOE L ITERATURE L IBRARY

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by Patricia Beatty


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To the TeacherThe Glencoe Literature Library presents full-length novels, nonfiction, and plays boundtogether with shorter selections of various genres that relate by theme or topic to themain reading. Each work in the Library has a two-part Study Guide that contains avariety of resources for both you and your students. Use the guide to plan yourinstruction of the work and to enrich your classroom presentations.In For the Teacher you will find the following timesaving instructor aids:

• About the Work: pertinent background information on the work, including acharacter list, a plot synopsis, key themes, and an annotated bibliography

• Teaching Options: high-interest activities for introducing the work andindividualizing instruction

• Options for Using Related Readings: suggested approaches to the Related Readingsincluded with the work

• Answer Key: detailed answers to all questions and reading activities For the Student consists of the following reproducible blackline masters:

• Meet the Author: a lively overview of the author’s life• Introducing the Work: background information that provides a meaningful context

in which to read the work• Before You Read and Responding pages: prereading and postreading questions and

activities• Active Reading: graphic organizers for students to complete as they read • Test: a comprehensive two-part test of the work

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For the TeacherAbout the Work 2

Character List 2Synopsis 2Major Themes in the Novel 3Approaches to Teaching the Novel 3Further Reading for the Teacher 3

Teaching Options 4Options for Motivating Students 4Meeting Individual Needs 5

Options for Using Related Readings 6

Answer Key 7

For the StudentMeet Patricia Beatty 9

Introducing the Novel 10Chapters 1–3 Before You Read 12

Active Reading 13Responding 14

Chapters 4–8 Before You Read 16Active Reading 17Responding 18

Chapters 9–13 Before You Read 20Active Reading 21Responding 22

Related Readings Blackline MastersMis Padres (My Parents) by Adriana Ochoa 24from The Mexican American Family Album

by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler 25Theme for English B by Langston Hughes 26The Oak and the Reed by Aesop 27To Have and to Hold from The Circuit

by Francisco Jiménez 28

Test 29


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About the Work

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LUPITA MAÑANA BY PATRICIABEATTYLupita Mañana is the story of a youngMexican girl who, with her older brother,enters the United States illegally to obtainwork and send money home to her family.In the United States Lupita must cope withthe threat of being deported, the unkindnessof others, and the difficulties of living andworking in a strange country. Her new lifealso shows her that kindness is often recip-rocated, that sacrifices to help her family arerewarding, and that the optimism thatearned her her nickname is justified.

The book, first published in 1981, is setin the Mexico and California of that time.However, since illegal immigration is a cur-rent issue, the setting of the novel can stillbe considered contemporary. Lupita Mañanawas a Jane Addams Children’s Book Awardhonor book in 1982.

Note that the novel contains scenes inwhich characters are drunk or have usedmarijuana. You may wish to explain to thestudents that Patricia Beatty’s intention wasto present realistic characters who respondto adverse circumstances in believable, if notalways socially acceptable, ways.

CHARACTER LISTLupita Torres (Lupita Mañana), a thirteen-year-old girl so nicknamed because of heroptimistic attitude Salvador Torres, Lupita’s headstrong andmaterialistic fifteen-year-old brotherCarmela Torres, Lupita’s widowed motherAunt Consuelo, Lupita’s supposedly wealthyauntLucio Ruiz (Lucky), a young man whomSalvador admires in Indio Irela Ruiz, Lupita’s shy and soft-spokeneight-year-old cousin

SYNOPSISAfter Lupita Torres’s father dies, she and herbrother Salvador must go to the UnitedStates and live with their aunt in Indio,California. There they will work and sendmoney home to their family.

Salvador and Lupita walk to Tijuana,Mexico. The first time they attempt to enterCalifornia, they are caught by border guards.They stay in Tijuana for several days, lookingfor ways to cross the border. Finally a friendhelps them cross but demands their mostprized possessions as payment.

The children go to Colton, California,where they find work in a motel and café.When immigration officers raid their work-places, Lupita and Salvador flee. Several dayslater they reach Indio and seek out AuntConsuelo. The children soon realize thattheir aunt is very poor. Aunt Consuelo makesit clear that she does not want to keep hersister’s children. When she realizes that shecan charge them room and board, however,she allows them to stay.

The children begin working as migrantfarm workers. Before long, however, Salvadorquits the brutal farm work, moves in with hisfriend Lucio, and finds a job as a dishwasher.He is soon wearing fancy clothes, datinglocal girls, and saving money to buy a motor-cycle. Salvador’s new life alienates him fromLupita, and he begins contributing less andless to their family’s financial needs. Deeplyhurt, Lupita continues to send money totheir mother but does not tell her aboutSalvador’s new life.

At a local dance, Salvador is appre-hended by immigration officers. Lupitaescapes, but she later realizes that Salvador’slack of English had identified him as anundocumented immigrant. That night, hercousin Irela, responding to Lupita’s kindnesstoward her, offers to teach Lupita English.Lupita knows that this new relationshipholds the promise of a better tomorrow.

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MAJOR THEMES IN THE NOVEL• The importance of treating others with kind-

ness: Lupita’s experiences teach her thatkindness is often reciprocated. In Chapter10, Lupita treats Irela to a movie. Then inChapter 12, she buys Irela ice cream fortaking her shopping for a dress. At thestory’s end, Irela begins to teach LupitaEnglish in response to her cousin’s kindness.

• The duty one has to family: When Lupita’sfather was alive, he was a good father whoworked hard for his family. Lupita’s motherworked as a hotel maid and at home tookcare of six children. After their fatherdies, Lupita and Salvador undertake along and sometimes terrifying journey tothe United States to obtain jobs and sendmoney home to their mother.

• The strain of living in constant fear: Asundocumented immigrants, many of thecharacters live in fear of being sent back toMexico. “Do not make [Señor Rodriguezand Señor Elfren] displeased,” Conchawarns Lupita. “They can call la migrawhenever they want to.” When a workerin the fields becomes ill, she begs, “Do notlet the boss call for the ambulance! Lamigra will find me, and I have been hereso long now.” Undocumented immigrantscannot seek medical help, are taken advan-tage of, and are forced to live anonymouslyand secretly.

• The need to maintain an optimistic attitude intimes of difficulty: From the time she wasvery young, Lupita Mañana has alwaysbeen sure that things would improve forher family. Josefa asks her, “Is it true thatyou are called Lupita Mañana becausewhen your father does not catch as manyfish as he wants, you always say,‘Tomorrow, mañana, you will catch more,Papá’?” In the United States, Lupita ishopeful that things will go well and thatthe money she sends home will improveher family’s situation. When Irela offers toteach her English, Lupita is optimistic that“both of their tomorrows [are] sure to bebetter.” Lupita’s hopeful attitude keeps hergoing through the difficulties in her life.

APPROACHES TO TEACHINGTHE NOVEL• Teach students to identify character develop-

ment within a novel.– Remind students that characters are

developed by description, action, anddialogue. Have students consider: Whatdoes the character look like? How doesthe character feel about events and peo-ple? How does the character react in dif-ferent situations? What can be learnedfrom the things the character says, orfrom the way other characters behavetoward him or her?

– For each section, you may assign differ-ent characters to small groups and havegroups share what they learn aboutcharacter development with the class.

• Teach students to identify conflicts.– Ask students to determine Lupita’s inter-

nal conflicts. What are her feelings aboutleaving Mexico? What is so troublingabout how Salvador spends money?

– Help students identify external conflicts.Ask questions relating to the conflictsbetween the Torres children and othersand between the children themselves.Pinpoint reasons for these conflicts. Askstudents which conflicts are resolved inthe story. How do the unresolved conflicts affect the outcome of the story?

FURTHER READING FOR THETEACHER• New Kids in Town by Janet Bode, the

personal stories of eleven teenage immi-grants, promotes a greater appreciation forthe rich ethnic and cultural diversity inthe United States.

• “Remembering Patricia Beatty” is a speechin honor of Beatty and her work, deliveredby Judith Auth, Director of the RiversidePublic Library, in November 1999.

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Judging a Book by Its TitleRemind students that the title of a novel some-times reflects a theme within the book. At othertimes the title might be the name of a place ormain character. • Before students read, offer titles of books or

movies with which students are probably famil-iar. Have them explain what the work is about.In how many works is the content reflected bythe title? What other aspects of the works dosome of the titles reflect?

• Discuss the title of this novel. Explain thatLupita is the name of the main character andthat mañana means tomorrow in Spanish.

• Have small groups brainstorm possible meaningsfor the title. (For example, it might be a storyabout Lupita’s future; Lupita might be someonewho tends to put things off until tomorrow.)Then ask group representatives to share theirthoughts with the whole class. Have students jotdown the different possible meanings in theirnotebooks.

• As students progress through the book, havethem keep their lists of meanings in mind.Which one(s) might reflect the author’sintended meaning?

Name That Prized PossessionHelp students explore the types of personal possessions that people value.• Ask students to think of personal objects that

have special meaning to them. Have themfreewrite in their journals, explaining why theobjects are special. Then have student volun-teers share their lists with the class.

• Divide the class into an even number of smallgroups. Have each member choose one objectfrom the journal list and tell group memberswhy it is special. Instruct groups to decide howto list each object for a game of Name ThatPrized Possession. For example, if Sonya’s objectis a stuffed bear that she calls Pin, the group maywant to just call it stuffed animal or stuffed bear.Group members can then either offer verbalclues about the object to another group or perform a charade. As a member of each group

offers a presentation, another group should tryto guess what the object is.

• Explain that some of the characters in LupitaMañana own objects that they value highly.Encourage students to look for these items asthey read and to determine why the objects areso special to their owners.

Mixed MessagesHelp students to consider the full impact of livingin a country where one does not speak the language. • Divide the class into pairs. Ask each pair of

students to create a short scene dramatizing oneof the following situations:– A native English speaker in Mexico wants to

know where the gift shop is located in amuseum. Once in the gift shop, he or she triesto ask questions about an item and its cost.

– A native English speaker in Mexico tries tofind out about an item on a menu in a restau-rant. For example, he or she would like toknow if the item contains a certain ingredientor whether it is spicy.

– A native English speaker in Mexico goes to anemergency room and tries to obtain treatmentfor him- or herself or for a family member.

Allow students time to think of their own scenarios.

• Give students ample time to practice theirscenes. Then have as many student pairs aspossible act out their scenes for the class.

• Once all students have acted out their scenes,lead the class in a discussion about languagebarriers in a foreign country. What opportunitiesare closed to people who cannot speak thenative language of a country? What kinds of jobsmight not be offered? What jobs would be opento them? How does the United States attemptto help nonnative speakers of English? In thecourse of the class discussion, explain that thetwo main characters in Lupita Mañana mustdeal with the problems that arise from trying tosurvive in a country where they do not speak thelanguage. Have students look for these problemsas they read.

Teaching OptionsOptions for Motivating Students

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The style and story line of Lupita Mañana makeit appropriate for average readers. The activitiesthat follow will help you present the novel in waysthat meet the needs and interests of all readers.

Less-Proficient ReadersHelp students remember the important events inthe novel.• As students read, suggest that they create a

chain-of-events chart describing the importantevents in the story. Remind students to namethe characters involved in each event.

• Have students get together in small groups todiscuss two to three chapters at a time. At thispoint, they can compare their chain-of-eventscharts, adding and editing as necessary. Thisediting process will reinforce what they haveread.

English-Language LearnersPrepare students for the use of Spanish words inthe dialogue.• Explain that students will encounter many

Spanish words and phrases throughout thenovel. Tell students that the Spanish words arealways italicized and that they are often followedby a translation; however, sometimes they arenot.

• Demonstrate the technique of using context tofigure out a word’s meaning by writing the fol-lowing quote from the book on the board andhelping students to figure out the meaning ofboth Spanish terms.. . . [S]he had married a pocho, a man of Mexicandescent born in the United States. He was a yanquicitizen, and by marrying him, she had become onetoo. (page 25)

• When possible, pair Spanish-speaking studentswith other English-language learners. Have theSpanish-speaking students provide pronuncia-tions and brief explanations of Spanish wordsand phrases in the book.

Pair students who have difficulty reading Englishwith students who are more fluent in the language.

• Have partners discuss each chapter after theyread it.

• Encourage the English-language learner tomake a glossary of unfamiliar terms as he or sheencounters them. After reading the chapter, theEnglish speaker can then explain the terms sothey can be defined in the learner’s glossary.

Gifted and TalentedEncourage students who enjoyed Lupita Mañanato read another book that has won the JaneAddams Children’s Book Award or one that haswon the John and Patricia Beatty Award.• Explain that Lupita Mañana won the Jane

Addams Children’s Book Award in 1982. Thisaward is given annually for the children’s bookthat best promotes peace, equality, and socialjustice.

• Explain that the John and Patricia BeattyAward recognizes distinguished books for chil-dren or young adults that promote an awarenessof California and its people.

• Allow students to evaluate the book theychoose, specifically with respect to the criteriafor its award. Does it merit the award? As therecipient of the Jane Addams Children’s BookAward, does it meet the standards set by LupitaMañana? As a John and Patricia Beatty Award-winner, how does it reflect an awareness ofCalifornia and its people?

Have students investigate migrant farm work intheir region of the country. • Ask students to write a brief synopsis of what

they already know, or what they believe to betrue, about migrant farm work in their region ofthe country.

• Have students research to find out more aboutthis topic. What types of crops do migrantworkers harvest? Where (in what states) are thefarms? How long does the season last? What dothe workers do before or after they work in thatparticular region?

• After students write about what they learned,ask them to note any misconceptions they hadthat have now been brought to light.

Meeting Individual Needs

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Related Readings Making Connections to Lupita Mañana

Mis Padres (MyParents)by Adriana Ochoa(BLM page 24)

A child writes a poem honoring her hardworking parents.

• As a pre- or postreading selection, help students see the parallelism in thepoem. Challenge them to discover the emphasis intended by the poet.

• As a postreading activity, lead students in a discussion about the respect andhonor that Lupita gives to her mother. How does it compare to that shownby the speaker in this poem?

Options for Using Related Readings

6 For the Teacher Lupita Mañana Study Guide

from The MexicanAmerican FamilyAlbumby Dorothy and Thomas

Hoobler(BLM page 25)

In these excerpts, migrant farm workers reminisce about their experiences.

• As a prereading selection, these reminiscences will prepare students for whatLupita and other characters endure.

• As a postreading activity, ask students to compare these reminiscences toLupita’s experiences. Also ask: Would Lupita, or perhaps her father, haveendured some of the trials described in order to work? Would Salvador?

Theme for English Bby Langston Hughes(BLM page 26)

Just as Lupita struggles with her new identity, an African American college student examines his own “American-ness.”

• As a pre- or postreading selection, bring in recordings of a variety of music.Allow students to respond to each piece.

• As a postreading activity, ask students to consider how the speaker’s experi-ences as an African American man in 1950s America compare to Lupita’sexperiences as an undocumented immigrant. What does the speaker mean by“That’s American”?

The Oak and the Reedby Aesop(BLM page 27)

This fable teaches that adapting to life as Lupita does can ensure survival.

• As a prereading exercise, ask students to name other objects that yield inorder to survive. In what kinds of situations might this tendency apply tohumans? When is adapting seen as a weakness in humans and when is it seenas a strength?

• As a postreading activity, allow students to develop their own fables aroundanother moral or lesson offered in Lupita Mañana.

To Have and to Holdfrom The Circuitby Francisco Jiménez(BLM page 28)

This account is about a boy who lived the transient life of a migrantfarm worker’s child.

• As a prereading selection, this account will set the stage for students’ under-standing of Lupita’s life as a farm worker.

• As a postreading activity, ask students to compare Jiménez’s experiences livingwith his family and working in the fields to Lupita’s experiences living andworking independently.

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ACTIVE READINGChapters 1–3Lupita: the cross necklace; her father; Lupita cherishes it andtakes comfort wearing it; Lupita’s fondness for the necklaceindicates that she was close to her father and that she is sentimental and religious. Salvador: knife; Dorothea; Salvadorcherishes it because it represents Dorothea’s forbidden love;he is headstrong and rebellious in that neither his father norCaptain Ortega would approve of his having the knife. Chapters 4–8Sample responses: Tijuana: Tomás; follow him and areattacked by robbers; harmful. Tijuana: Bartolo; gets themacross the border; helpful. Train yard: Mr. Rosario; shows themthe grain car; helpful. Colton freight yard: Hector Esposito; takesthem to Rodrigo; helpful. Colton: Rodrigo; hires the children,gives them illegal papers, provides housing; helpful/harmful;Colton: cook at motel; tells them how to reach Indio; helpful.Mojave Desert: gringos in car; shoot at them; harmful/neutral.Chapters 9–13Sample responses: Hopeful: her mother is benefiting from themoney; she plans to buy another dress for church; she plans tobefriend Lucky; Irela offers to teach her English. Lonely and hurt:Aunt Consuelo does not welcome them; Lucio refuses to playLupita’s request; Elvio calls Lupita and Salvador wetbacks,Salvador moves out and becomes cold to Lupita; Lucky doesnot talk to Lupita at the garage; Salvador and Lucky abandonher at the dance; Salvador is deported.

RESPONDING CHAPTERS 1–3Recall and Interpret1. Mr. Torres was killed in a storm at sea. Students may sug-

gest that the family will miss him and struggle without hisincome, and the children will grow up without his guidance.

2. Lupita’s nickname comes from her outlook that things willimprove. This story might explain how this attitude will helpLupita stay strong in the face of hardships.

3. Ortega dislikes Salvador and has forbidden his daughter todate him. Students may offer that Salvador takes offenseeasily and is not able to control his temper.

4. Lupita and Salvador are to go to the United States, find work,and send money home. Students may point out that thechildren could be injured or killed on the journey; they mightnot find work; Aunt Consuelo might not want them.

5. They are almost robbed; one of the men strikes Salvador.Students may say that the experience might make themmore cautious and mistrusting, keeping them safer.

Evaluate and Connect6. Lupita probably is more practical because she picks up the

money from Ortega, her mother chooses her to carry themoney, she says that taking a bus would use money theymay need later. Being practical is important, since they willencounter dangerous situations and untrustworthy characters.Lupita’s practical nature may help them survive.

7. Parallel phrases: carried a knife on his body/carried thethought of using it in his head. The idea being stressed is ifsomeone carries a knife, he is willing to use it. Salvador’squick temper may indicate that he would use the knife.

RESPONDING CHAPTERS 4–8Recall and Interpret1. Ensenada was a quiet place; Tijuana is a noisy city. Students

may point out that the police don’t bother them in the park;Señor Diaz asks if they are going “over there”; Tomás asksDiaz, “What have you brought in here today?”

2. The children secretly ride in Tomás’s truck and then followthe group. They are attacked by bandits and are caught and

then released by the border patrol. Students may say thatSalvador is clever, willing to take risks, and brave.

3. Bartolo puts them in crates on a produce truck. He demandsthe knife and cross as payment. The objects might be sym-bols of the children’s old lives in Mexico.

4. Rodrigo demands one-third of their first week’s pay for forgedsocial-security cards, one-third for Hector, and $140 a monthroom and board. If they choose, the men can call la migra.

5. As the children are walking down a highway, two men pur-sue them, yell insults, and fire guns at them. Students maypoint out that when the men pull off the road, the childrenflee; they have learned to hide well and to trust each other.

Evaluate and Connect6. Salvador wants to see what he is up against at the border.

Students may say that they too evaluate situations. 7. Sample responses: making the reader wonder whether the

children will be discovered in Tomás’s truck; creating afrightening scene at the border; ending Chapter 6 with thereader wondering whether the children will be discovered;ending Chapter 7 with the reader wondering whether lamigra will apprehend them. Reactions to the events will vary.

RESPONDING CHAPTERS 9–13Recall and Interpret1. Aunt Consuelo’s family is poor; her house is run down; they

receive welfare benefits. Students may say that UncleHermilio spends the family’s money on beer; Aunt Consuelocannot get a better job because she has not learned English.

2. Lupita makes a point of mentioning only the good things thathappen. She does not tell her mother about Aunt Consuelo’scircumstances, the difficulty of their jobs, or her problemswith Salvador. She thinks her mother would feel burdenedwith guilt for sending them away.

3. Salvador decides fieldwork and old clothing are not goodenough; he sends less money home; he treats Lupita coldly.Some students will say Lucio influences Salvador by criticiz-ing fieldwork and giving him clothing. Others will point outthat Salvador bragged about becoming rich and admired nicethings; his behavior is in keeping with his personality.

4. Lupita receives an expensive dress from her aunt. Studentsmay offer that Aunt Consuelo is growing more fond of Lupita.

5. La migra raid the dance and take Salvador away. Studentsmay say that Lupita’s actions are in keeping with her practi-cal and levelheaded character.

Evaluate and Connect6. Lupita discovers she can get a better job if she learns

English. Some students would learn the language to takeadvantage of opportunities in the new land. Some wouldfeel more comfortable in their native tongue.

7. Irela begins teaching Lupita English. Students may suggestthat this is foreshadowed by Irela’s remark that she likesher teacher and by her offer to take Lupita shopping.

RELATED READINGS Mis Padres (My Parents)1. They worry about her and give her advice. She mentions

that they come home exhausted from working so hard.2. She hears the door close as they leave. Students will

probably realize that it is very early in the morning.3. She compares them to birds flying inside her heart. The

image brings joy to the observer; her parents bring the poetjoy.

4. Suggested responses: I hear your sweet words; I hear thedoor; I see you; tired and exhausted; wonderful birds thatare always flying inside my heart. The imagery may helpreinforce the love the poet has for her parents and herrecognition of the sacrifices they are making for her.

Answer Key

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8 Answer Key Lupita Mañana Study Guide

5. Lupita’s poem might focus on the memories she has of herparents; Lupita may not have realized that her parents wor-ried about her. Students may say that Lupita may have feltthe same gratitude that the poet felt.

from The Mexican American Family Album1. He helps the workers because helping others is good.

Students might point out that the daughter, as an adult,mentions the lesson, even though she learned it as a child.

2. The men waited in the hot sun until someone hired them.They were determined—and even desperate—to find work.

3. She lived in the back of a truck. The housing provided by thefarmers must have been almost unlivable; the farmers hadlittle concern for the welfare of the workers.

4. The food was of poor quality; the barracks and outdoor toilets were filthy. The workers were afraid they would losetheir jobs if they spoke up.

5. Fidencio takes care of the sick woman and finishes pickingher row. He does not report her illness to the boss becausethat could lead to the authorities’ discovering her illegal sta-tus. Students may suggest that during difficult times, peopleare even more generous than in times of prosperity.

Theme for English B1. The assignment is to write a page about himself. Possible

response: Write about your feelings, hurts, and dreams;choose words that express your emotions and thoughts.

2. Possible responses: The narrator’s questioning shows he isintelligent; his descriptions show that he is reflective. Hefeels connected to his culture, yet part of a bigger culture.He says he feels, sees, and hears Harlem; he admits thathe is a part of the instructor and that the instructor is apart of him, which is part of being American.

3. He recounts his journey home and then immediately startswriting. The speaker may be doubtful that he can meet theassignment, so he wants to let the teacher know that atleast he followed the assignment as closely as possible.

4. He and the teacher are a part of each other. The teachermay learn that the truth the student writes comes out ofboth of them since they are a part of each other.

5. Lupita is affected by the Americans’ culture—their cities,their forms of entertainment, their language, their attitudes.Americans are affected by Lupita’s efforts as a farm worker.

The Oak and the Reed1. The oak tree has the strength to endure storms. It is proud

of its strength and thinks it is invulnerable.2. The tree is knocked down by a particularly strong storm. The

reed seems so weak and not able to withstand storms.3. The reed’s weakness is its inability to stand up to storms.

The weakness of the oak may be its inability to know whenit is beaten.

4. The tree speaks; it is amazed and proud, purposely pittingitself against storms. The reed speaks, recognizes its weak-ness, and purposely bends. The author may have personifiedthe objects to represent human behavior.

5. Instead of refusing to do fieldwork, Lupita accepts it andmakes money to survive. She also adapts by recognizingthat she must learn English to find better work.

To Have and to Hold1. The pennies are a 1910 Lincoln Head and a 1865 Indian

Head. The pennies may provide him with security: one repre-sents his father’s love and the other his friendship with Carl.

2. They ride bikes together and Carl gives Panchito one of hisoldest coins. The friendship may have been the only timePanchito bonded with a schoolmate before moving on.

3. He uses it to write down words and spelling rules. It showsthat Panchito is determined to learn English.

4. His sister spends his pennies, and a fire destroys his note-book. Possible responses: my heart dropped to my stomach;I felt my face on fire; Everything blurred; crossed outLincoln Head, 1910, and Indian Head, 1865.

5. Panchito lost his prize pennies, his notebook, and Carl.Lupita and Salvador lost their father, their family, and theirprized possessions. Students will probably agree theTorreses’ loss is greater because it is more permanent.

TESTRecall and Interpret1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c6. They follow a group that is attacked by robbers and are

sent back to Tijuana. It taught that they must beware of“coyotes” and that the threat of being caught is real.

7. Bartolo hides them in crates on a produce truck. Salvadorbelieves Bartolo can be trusted.

8. The children must pay their employers a large share oftheir earnings. If they complain, their employers could callla migra. Rodrigo talks to Hector as if he’s brought peopleto the motel before; the demands Rodrigo lists seem to berehearsed.

9. Aunt Consuelo lives in a rundown house, her family receiveswelfare benefits, and she works in the fields. Her husbandmay have been embarrassed to admit their situation.

10. Salvador does not want to live with people who do not wanthim, he wants to have fun with teenagers his age, and hedoes not want to work in the fields. Lucio may see Lupitaas a threat to Salvador and Lucio’s friendship.

Evaluate and Connect (any 2)1. Lupita may not feel close enough to her relatives to share

her intimate life with them. She may also not want them toknow that Salvador did not remember her. In addition, herbirthday is a sign that she is growing up in America, whichmeans she is growing farther away from Mexico.

2. Sample essay: I think Tomás is the most interesting charac-ter. “He was fat almost to the point of roundness, clean-shaven, and had a merry-looking face with small, twinklingeyes” (page 58). When he begins talking business, hebecomes serious. When robbers attack the group he is tak-ing across the border, he runs away and keeps their money.“That fat coyote . . . saved his fat hide, but my husbandmust go to jail,” one of the women says (page 66). I thinkTomás is interesting because he is a real coyote.

3. Sample essay: At the beginning, Lupita and Salvador getalong like an older brother and younger sister. Salvadorbosses Lupita around. “Don’t look back,” Salvador orderedher. “Keep your eyes ahead, and don’t weep” (page 43).Lupita does what Salvador tells her to do because shelooks up to him. In Colton, their relationship stays aboutthe same, but when they reach Indio, Salvador changes. Hemoves in with Lucio and gets a job. He stops visiting Lupitaand forgets her birthday. He sends less money to Mexico.Lupita is hurt and vows “Never again would she cry overSalvador. . . . She no longer had a brother” (page 180).Students should explain whether they were surprised by theway things ended between Lupita and Salvador and why.

4. Possible plots: Lupita’s learning English, getting a better job,and either staying in the United States or returning toMexico to live, and Salvador’s reentering the country andeither returning to Indio or settling in another city.

5. Students might refer to Lupita’s nickname and discuss heroptimistic outlook. She survives because she’s determinedto work hard and she’s learned whom she can trust.

Answer Key (continued from previous page)

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someone who “knows”. . . will be agreeablysurprised by the trouble taken with a children’sbook—and a novel at that. We will not hold ourbreath until this happy event occurs. . . .

Beatty was born in Portland, Oregon, in 1922.Because her father was a commander for the U.S.Coast Guard, the family lived at Coast Guard stations, moving several times during Beatty’schildhood. According to Beatty, she was affectedmost by the Coast Guard stations located onreservations for Native Americans. There Beattydeveloped an appreciation for the history and customs of Native Americans.

. . . I have lived on the Umpqua Reservation inOregon, the Neah Bay Reservation inWashington, and most memorable of all, on theQuileute Reservation at La Push, Washington.Here I lived from the age of nine to thirteen.When my father retired to Portland, I took mycherished memories of the Quileute Reservationwith me and since that time have turned theminto several published novels for children.

One other childhood event contributed toBeatty’s becoming a writer of historical fiction. Atthe age of ten, she became quite ill and spent fivemonths in a hospital. She passed the time byreading. Speaking of this experience, Beatty oncesaid:

I read somewhere that many authors who writeespecially for young people are individuals whohave had suffering in their own childhoods . . .or known intense loneliness. I believe suchsuffering while young makes for a deeper, moresensitive person, who can feel the pain andproblems of others and put himself or herself intothe other person’s difficult place.

Beaty spent most of her adult life in Riverside,California, and developed a specific interest inCalifornia history. Beatty’s husband, John, was alsoa writer and the two coauthored many books untilJohn’s death in 1975. In 1988, just three yearsbefore she died, Beatty established the John andPatricia Beatty Award for exceptional children’sbooks that deal with California history and culture.

Meet Patricia Beatty

Putting yourself into another person’s place,putting on his skin, zipping it up, and trying to

think and act as he or she would is what anauthor does in every book he or she writes.

—Patricia Beatty (Something about theAuthor, Volume 30, page 18)

Patricia Beatty had a great love for history andwrote many historical novels. In all, she

authored fifty books. Beatty was a historian herselfand wrote historical fiction in order to educateand entertain. She felt strongly about the need toknow and understand the past. Beatty thought thehistorical novel was an excellent way to teachhistory, saying, “What is learned by a young readerpainlessly in a historical novel stays with him.”

Though her books were fictional, Beatty tookgreat care to present all historical facts and con-texts accurately. Once she reworked an entire book(Campion Towers) that was ready for press so thatshe could get it right. In this work, the main char-acter had kept a journal. While Beatty had beencareful to write all dialogue in the language of theday, she had not been so careful with the journalentries. She painstakingly checked over 10,000words in a special dictionary (sometimes verifyingone word took 20 minutes!) and corrected everyoversight. Of this undertaking, Beatty admits,

All of our efforts, chances are, will never berecognized. We can only hope that one day

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I don’t take a rosy view of life. I see it as astruggle—to be born, to make a living, to earn aplace, no matter how small, in the sun andhopefully to leave something behind after onehas left this earth. I realize mine is a rather hardview of life but then life sometimes is hard.

—Patricia Beatty

BACKGROUNDIn Lupita Mañana, Lupita is an immigrant fromMexico to the United States. An immigrant issomeone who leaves his or her native land to settlein a new territory or country. Throughout history,there have been immigrants. Since the founding ofthe United States and even before, many peoplehave come from all over the world to settle here.Between 1820 and 1900, over 30 million immi-grated to this country. Most of them came fromEurope—Italy, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, andGreece, for example. Many also came from otherparts of the world—Africa, Asia, South America—and every place in between. Because of this greatmix of people, the United States has traditionallybeen called a “melting pot,” a land where the different cultures of the many immigrants aremelted into something else, something uniquely“American.” This description has changedrecently, however. Many immigrants prefer tokeep as much of their own cultures as possible.Some may continue to speak their native lan-guage or eat their native foods. Others create sep-arate schools for their children. Still others live incommon sections of the country, creating commu-nities that reflect the cultures of their homelands.A more accurate description of the United States,then, is a salad bowl. In a salad bowl, the ingredi-ents remain separate, but each contributes to theoverall flavor of the salad. In the United Statestoday, many immigrants keep parts of their owncultures while contributing to the common culture.

People are still immigrating to the UnitedStates today. In recent years, more people havecome from countries such as Bosnia, Nigeria,Vietnam, Cuba, and Thailand than in the past.This is because the political climates in these

countries are such that people do not always feelcomfortable living in the places where they wereborn. One of the largest group of immigrants toenter the United States in the last few years hasbeen from Mexico. Many of these people come asdocumented immigrants. They intend to becomeU.S. citizens and go through the process of natural-ization. Because of the difficulties of immigratinglegally, others enter as undocumented, or illegal,immigrants. They do not go through the requiredsteps to enter the country. Instead they find a wayto cross the border between Mexico and theUnited States. Many of these people are sent backto Mexico by U.S. border police. But many makeit safely into the country and begin their searchfor work.

THE TIME AND PLACELupita Mañana takes place in northern Mexicoand southern California in the early 1980s, andthe book is reflective of its times. In 1964 thebracero program ended. This program had allowedseasonal workers to enter the country legally. Afterthat, some farmers were afraid that unless theyhired undocumented workers, their crops wouldspoil before they were picked. Many of these work-ers were apprehended—sometimes over a milliona year. But while these undocumented workerscould be deported, farmers could not be penalizedfor hiring them. The Immigration Reform andControl Act of 1986 changed all that. This newlaw once again allowed seasonal agricultural work-ers into the country. It also enabled them to beeligible for permanent residency and, eventually,citizenship, if they desired. In addition, the Actgranted citizenship status to immigrants who hadbeen in the United States illegally since 1982.Equally important, however, is that under the newlaw, it became illegal for farmers and other employ-ers to hire undocumented immigrants. Employerswere now required to have all new employees showevidence of their eligibility to work in the UnitedStates. This made it much more difficult foremployers to hire undocumented workers—andmore difficult for employers to exploit such

Introducing the Novel

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While many Mexican American immigrants wereprofessional workers, others found jobs asmigrant farm workers. A migrant farm worker isone who travels from place to place, harvestingcrops that must be picked as soon as theyripen. Migrant workers are needed becausesome crops must be picked by hand rather thanby machine, and there are not enough localworkers in an area to pick the crops before theybecome too ripe. Examples of such crops aresquash, lettuce, grapes, strawberries, andapples.

Migrant workers often travel around, mov-ing to where work is available in a given season. For example, in one year in the United

States, a migrant farm worker might work onfarms in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, andMaine. There are three basic paths of migra-tion. On one migratory path, workers pick citrusfruits in Florida during the winter, then movenortheast throughout the year, ending up as farnorth as Maine, where they might pick apples inthe fall. The workers then move south to Floridain the winter and start the migratory path again.A second path involves people migrating fromTexas to the north central states as well as tomountain and Pacific states. Along the thirdpath workers move from southern Californianorthward through the state to Oregon and thento Washington.

Did You Know?

Lupita Mañana Study Guide 11

CRITIC’S CORNERReaders will be captured by the rapid pace of the drama as Lupita and herbrother make their way from their small fishing village in the Baja Peninsulaof Mexico to the sanctuary of their Aunt Consuelo’s home in Indio,California.

—Reader review,

workers. Since Lupita Mañana takes place beforethis Act was passed, the undocumented workersin the book are exploited, have little hope of

attaining citizenship, and, as such, live in constantfear of being deported.

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What are some reasons that people move away from their families?

Web ItThink about what it would be like to move to another location, far away from one’s roots. Make a word webfor the term moving. Include ideas about reasons to move, things that are left behind, and new experiencesahead.

Setting a PurposeRead to find out about why Lupita and Salvador must move far away from their family and where they areplanning to go.


Did You Know?In the Roman Catholic Church, confirmation is a ritual that confirms a person’s relationship with God as amember of the Church. Most people are confirmed at around the age of thirteen or older, when they areconsidered to be reasoning individuals. The rosary is a series of prayers recited to the Virgin Mary, who isbelieved to be the mother of Jesus. While saying the rosary, a person uses a set of beads, called rosary beads,to help keep track of the prayers.

Time and PlaceThis section begins in Ensenada, Mexico. The city of Ensenada is located on a bay along the Pacific coast-line and is home to one of Mexico’s most important ports on the Pacific. Ensenada’s major industries arefishing, agriculture, and tourism. The Ensenada area is also known for its beaches, surfing, and whalewatching. The section ends in Tijuana, Mexico. Tijuana is located along the United States border justtwelve miles from San Diego, California. Since many American tourists travel through Tijuana to visitMexico, it has become a major resort and tourist area.

Vocabulary Preview

cannery [kan�ər e] n. a factory where canned goods are packaged (p. 1)

condolences [kən do�lens ez] n. expressions of sympathy to someone who has lost a loved one (p. 14)

occupy [ok�yə p�´] v. to keep busy (p. 12)

permit [pər mit�] v. to allow; to give permission (p. 1)

privy [priv�e ] n. an outhouse or outdoor restroom (p. 9)

radiant [ra�de ənt] adj. shining with beauty (p. 25)

solemn [sol�əm] adj. serious (p. 5)

suspiciously [sə spish�əs le ] adv. in an untrusting manner (p. 11)

secure [si kyoor�] adj. safe (p. 13)

wizened [wiz�ənd] adj. dried or shriveled up due to aging (p. 16)

Before You Read

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In the first three chapters, the author develops the main characters, Lupita Mañana and her brother,Salvador. One method the author uses to develop these characters is to include objects they own and value.As you read this selection, look for the one personal possession each character carries on their journey. Notethe object in the appropriate space below. Then write down who gave him or her the object. Next, describethe owner’s attitude toward the object. Finally, think about what readers learn about the character from thepersonal possession he or she carries. In other words, how does the object help reveal the character for thereader?

Active ReadingLupita Mañana Chapters 1–3

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Lupita Mañana Study Guide 13


Who gave the object?

What is the owner’s attitudetoward the object?

How does the object developthe character for the reader?

Lupita Salvador

cross necklace

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Personal ResponseWhat might you say to Lupita if you could talk with her about what has happened to her inthis short time span? What do you think she might want to talk about?

Analyzing LiteratureRecall and Interpret1. What happened to Lupita’s father? Describe some of the ways that Lupita and her family

could be affected by this.

2. Why is Lupita called “Lupita Mañana”? What do you think the story might be about,based on Lupita’s nickname?

3. Why doesn’t Salvador want to ask Captain Ortega for his father’s job? What can youconclude about Salvador’s personality based on his encounter with Ortega?

4. What is the plan that Uncle Antonio and Lupita’s mother come up with to help theTorres family survive? What problems might occur with such a plan?

5. What happens to Lupita and Salvador on the road to Tijuana? How might this incidentaffect their attitudes for the rest of their journey?

RespondingLupita Mañana Chapters 1–3

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Analyzing Literature (continued)Evaluate and Connect6. From what you have read so far, who is more practical—Lupita or Salvador? What evi-

dence from the story supports your answer? How important do you think being practicalis for what Lupita and Salvador are about to attempt? Explain your response.

7. Parallelism is the use of a series of words or phrases that have similar grammatical form.Parallelism is often used to stress an idea. Patricia Beatty uses parallelism when she writes,“A boy who carried a knife on his body carried the thought of using it in his head” (page28). What words or phrases are parallel in this quotation? What idea is being stressed?How likely do you think Salvador would be to “use” his knife?

Literature and WritingWrite a Letter to a SiblingWith little time to prepare or even say goodbye to her brothers and sisters, Lupita leaves herhomeland. Write a letter of farewell from Lupita to her younger brothers and sisters. Use theword web you created in the Focus Activity on page 12 to help you. In your letter, describeyour feelings for the children. Also tell them how you feel about the move and how you wouldlike them to feel about it. Finally, be sure to explain the reasons you moved away.

Extending Your ResponseLiterature GroupsMrs. Torres and Uncle Antonio decide to send Lupita and Salvador to the United States;however, the conversation between the two characters is not included in the book. Who doyou suppose first made the suggestion? What would have been some of the reasons not to sendthe children away? In your group, write the dialogue between Mrs. Torres and Uncle Antonio.Then choose two students to role-play the scene.

Geography ConnectionUse an atlas to plot the course Lupita and Salvador might take from their home in Ensenada,Mexico, to Indio, California. Figure out the total distance (in miles), using a road map if possible, because it is likely the children will travel near the highways. Also, consider whatthe terrain will be like along the way. Will there be any mountains to cross or long distanceswithout natural water sources?

RespondingLupita Mañana Chapters 1–3

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What types of questions would you like to ask a recent immigrant to this country?

QuestionnaireSuppose you are going to write a paper about the experiences of immigrants who come to this country.Consider the types of questions you should ask: for example, why they left their homelands, what difficultiesthey faced along the way, whether they have learned English, and so forth. Create a questionnaire that youcould give to immigrants. You might want to include rating questions such as “On a scale of 1 to 5, rate howdifficult it was to get into the country,” as well as open-ended questions.

Setting a PurposeRead to find out about the experiences of Lupita and Salvador as they immigrate to the United States.


In 1941, the United States joined the Allied Forces of Europe in fighting World War II. Millions of menwere sent overseas, which created a shortage of workers at home. To help solve this problem the governmentcreated the bracero program. Bracero is the Spanish word for “arm-man,” or manual labor; braceros werepeople from Mexico who came to this country to work. Braceros were to be paid minimum wage; givenhousing, food, and health care; and protected from discrimination. Unfortunately, many employers did notfollow the agreement. In fact, the working conditions in Texas were so bad that at one point the Mexicangovernment declared that braceros could no longer go there. American farmers benefited greatly from thecheap labor of the braceros, and the program continued until 1964, long past the war’s end.

Did You Know?Citizens of foreign countries must go through a naturalization process to become U.S. citizens. The natural-ization process includes three steps: 1) file an application; 2) pass an examination; 3) participate in an OathCeremony. To begin the process, a person must be at least eighteen years old and have lived here, withpermission, for five years. He or she must also be of good character and be able to understand, read, write,and speak basic English. Can you answer these questions from the naturalization exam?• What is the legislative branch of the government?• Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.?• Who is the Commander in Chief of the U.S. military?

Vocabulary Preview

betray [bi tra�] v. to turn someone over to his or her enemies (p. 45)

delay [di la�] v. to stop or postpone for a time (p. 46)

dismay [dis ma�] n. shock; disappointment (p. 33)

gangling [�an���lin�] adj. tall and awkward; lanky (p. 47)

inaudible [in o��də bəl] adj. unable to be heard (p. 67)

obediently [o be�de ənt le] adv. in a manner that shows respect and willingness to follow orders (p. 33)

pursuit [pər soo¯¯¯ t�] n. the act of chasing someone or something (p. 51)

rebellious [ri bel�yəs] adj. disobedient; uncooperative with authority figures (p. 45)

scald [sko� ld] v. to burn with hot liquid or steam (p. 63)

veranda [və ran�də] n. a porch with a roof on it (p. 63)

Before You ReadLupita Mañana Chapters 4–8

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In Chapter 3, Lupita and Salvador encounter two men who try to rob them. The men even strikeSalvador when he denies having any money. As the two continue their journey in Chapters 4–8, theymeet many more people. Like the two men in the car, some of these people almost prevent the childrenfrom reaching their destination. Others, however, make it possible for the children to arrive successfully.As you read these chapters, list the people the children meet along the way. Briefly describe what happensin each encounter. Then tell if the outcome of the meeting is helpful, harmful, or neutral (neither helpfulnor harmful).

Active ReadingLupita Mañana Chapters 4–8

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Lupita Mañana Study Guide 17

HomeAunt Consuelo’s house





Train yard acrossthe border




Coltonfreight yard












Highwayto Tijuana

Meet: Two men in car

Encounter: Men try to

rob them; strike Salvador

Outcome: Harmfu l

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Personal ResponseWhich event from these chapters was most surprising to you? Describe the incident and tellwhat you had expected to happen.

Analyzing LiteratureRecall and Interpret1. How is Tijuana different from Ensenada? What evidence is there in the story that people

in Tijuana are used to seeing children like Lupita and Salvador?

2. Explain how the children manage to get across the border the first time. What happens?What do you learn about Salvador’s character from these events?

3. How does Bartolo manage to get Lupita and Salvador across the border? What is his fee?What might the necklace and knife symbolize, or stand for?

4. What does Señor Rodrigo charge the children in exchange for giving them jobs? Whatpower do Señors Rodrigo and Elfren have over their undocumented employees?

5. Describe the incident involving the two gringos the morning the children arrive in theMojave Desert. How do the children’s actions during this incident show that they havebecome wiser on their journey?

RespondingLupita Mañana Chapters 4–8

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Analyzing Literature (continued)Evaluate and Connect6. Why does Salvador go to the U.S. border on the children’s first full day in Tijuana? How

does Salvador’s strategy compare with your own strategies for facing difficult problems orchallenges?

7. Suspense is a feeling of curiosity, uncertainty, or even dread about what is going to happennext. How does the author build suspense in this section of the novel? For each instancethat you find, explain whether the suspenseful moment turned out the way you thoughtor hoped it would.

Literature and WritingWrite an Interview for a Television News ProgramImagine that you are an anchor on a local television news program. Your assignment is tointerview one of the characters from the first eight chapters of the book. First choose a character who would be of interest to your viewers. Then think about the types of questionsyou might ask. Use the questionnaire that you wrote for the Focus Activity on page 16 as aguide. Finally, predict the answers you might receive based on the character’s behavior in thestory. Write your interview in a question-and-answer format.

Extending Your ResponseMath ConnectionReread pages 60–61, which describe how much Lupita and Salvador will earn at their jobs inColton. Suppose that they work fifty hours a week. What is the total amount the two ofthem will make? How much will they have to pay to Rodrigo and Eduardo? How much willthey have left over? How much should they send their mother? How much does that leavethem to live on?

RespondingLupita Mañana Chapters 4–8

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Focus Activity

Is it possible to feel alone when surrounded by people?

Think-Pair-ShareOn your own, think of some group situations in which a person might feel lonely. Discuss your ideas with apartner. Then share your combined thoughts with the class. Be sure to include examples of different waysor reasons that a person might feel alone in such situations.

Setting a PurposeRead to find out how Lupita feels while living in Aunt Consuelo’s house.


Did You Know?The Christmas season in Mexico traditionally begins on December 16. Starting that night, people knownas posadas, or innkeepers, reenact Joseph and Mary’s search for a place to stay in Bethlehem. According tothe Christian faith, Joseph and Mary, the expectant parents of Jesus, arrived in Bethlehem and could notfind lodging. The only place open to them was a stable behind an inn, and that is where Mary deliveredthe Christ child. Later, three kings known as Wise Men brought gifts for Jesus. The holiday that honorsthis event is called Epiphany or the Day of the Three Kings. It is celebrated on January 6. In Mexico it iscustomary to exchange gifts on that day. Also on Epiphany, people take their children to the plazas of theirtowns to have their pictures taken with boys dressed up as the three kings.

ForeshadowingForeshadowing is the use of clues by the author to prepare readers for events that will happen. As its nameindicates, the shadow (or evidence) comes before the actual event. Consider how the following examplefrom Lupita Mañana hints at what Salvador will do later in the story.

Getting that cardboard box of brightly colored shirts, jackets, and trousers from Lucky had not helped [Salvador’s]temper. The clothing fit and was of better quality than anything he had ever owned, but it was not what one wore toharvest crops. Salvador still dressed in Papa’s clothing when he went to the fields, but Lupita could tell by the wayhe put on the black-and-white checked coat and the felt hat that he disliked them for their shabbiness (page 102).

As you read this section, look for other hints the author gives that might prepare you for what is to come.

Vocabulary Preview

anteroom [an�te roo¯ ¯ m´] n. an outer room, often used as a waiting room (p. 122)

astonishment [as ton�ish mənt] n. amazement; shock (p. 81)

evade [i vad] v. to avoid (p. 107)

gesture [ jes�chər] v. to use motions, such as the waving of hands, in addition to or instead of speech (p. 88)

oleanders [o�le an derz] n. evergreen shrubs with white or red flowers (p. 124)

resemblance [ri zem�blans] n. likeness; similarity in appearance (p. 89)

rivulets [riv�yə ləts] n. streams (p. 90)

stupor [stoo¯ ¯�pər] n. daze (p. 91)

summon [sum�ən] v. to call for; ask (p. 107)

venture [ven�chər] v. to take a risk; dare (p. 93)

Before You ReadLupita Mañana Chapters 9–13

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In Mexico, Lupita earned the nickname “Lupita Mañana” because she had a positive outlook on life. ToLupita, things could always get better. However, her new situation in the United States has taught herthat life can be painful and cause her to feel lonely at times. Despite the hardships in her life, she doesn’tgive up her positive outlook. At the same time, she does become determined to protect herself from painand loneliness. The quotation below shows this new side of Lupita.

Lupita knew what she must do. She must make a skin for herself against a world that could be so suddenly andunexpectedly cruel. Si! She would trust her own instincts, which she now knew to be right, and develop a shell sohard that nothing could pierce it, not even being deserted by Salvador. (page 106)

As you read this section, look for experiences or events that help Lupita maintain her characteristicoptimism. Also note those that cause her to feel lonely and hurt. In the organizer below, record the eventsand experiences in the appropriate places.

Active ReadingLupita Mañana Chapters 9–13

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Lupita Mañana Study Guide 21

Experiences that make Lupita feel

Hopeful Lonely and Hurt

She discovers that the woman who helps them findAunt Consuelo is a nu rse. Lu pita is excited that apocho can have such an important job.

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Personal ResponseHow did you react to the way Salvador treats Lupita in this section? What would you havesaid to Salvador during this time?

Analyzing LiteratureRecall and Interpret1. How does Aunt Consuelo’s life differ from the way she described it in letters to the

Torres family? What might be some reasons for her circumstances?

2. Describe Lupita’s letters to her mother. What information does she include in her letters?What information does she leave out? How does this reflect Lupita’s opinion of hermother?

3. How does Salvador change once he meets Lucio? How much of that change, do you think,is due to Lucio? How much of the change is due to Salvador himself?

4. What gift does Lupita receive from Aunt Consuelo on the Day of the Three Kings? Howdoes the gift reflect Consuelo’s changing feelings for Lupita?

5. What dreaded event occurs at the St. Valentine’s Day dance? How are Lupita’s actionsduring the confusion in keeping with her character?

RespondingLupita Mañana Chapters 9–13

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Analyzing Literature (continued)Evaluate and Connect6. What does Lupita discover about the importance of learning English? If you immigrated to

a country where your language was not spoken, would you want to learn the new language?Or would you feel more comfortable staying with your native language? Explain.

7. How does Irela help Lupita at the end of the story? How is this foreshadowed in the book?

Literature and WritingWrite a Character DescriptionThroughout these chapters, the reader is shown many sides of Aunt Consuelo. Write a character description of Aunt Consuelo. You might consider some of the following: What wasAunt Consuelo’s reaction to seeing her niece and nephew on her doorstep? How does she treather own children? What is her attitude toward men? How is this attitude reflected in herbehavior toward her husband? How does she treat Lupita? How does she treat people at theworkplace?

Extending Your ResponseLiterature GroupsA nuclear family consists of two generations: parents and their children. In the past, nuclearfamilies often lived near their extended families. Today this is not always the case. People arelikely to move from one state to another or even across the country for job opportunities orother reasons. This means that families do not have the support that extended families canoffer. Grandparents taking care of grandchildren is one example of such support. In your group,compare and contrast Lupita’s situation in Indio with that of an American who moves to anew place. Consider the group situations and loneliness that you discussed in the FocusActivity on page 20.

Internet ConnectionThe National Farmworkers Job Program helps migrant workers and their families become self-supporting. You can find information about this program and others by looking Summarize the information.

RespondingLupita Mañana Chapters 9–13

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Save your work for your portfolio.

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Before You ReadFocus QuestionHow do small children often view their parents or guardians?

BackgroundThis poem was written by a Mexican American girl whose parents are migrant workers. When she wrotethe poem, Adriana Ochoa was attending a migrant program in the Salinas Valley of California. The migrantprograms are designed to help children get a better education.

Responding to the Reading1. How does the poet know that her parents are concerned about her? What evidence is there that the

poet is concerned about her parents?

2. How does the poet know when her parents have left for work? Why do you suppose she doesn’t seethem and say goodbye?

3. A simile is a figure of speech using like or as to compare two seemingly unlike things. To what doesthe narrator compare her parents? Why do you think the narrator chose that particular image?

4. Imagery is language that emphasizes sensory impressions that help the reader see, hear, feel, smell, andtaste things in the work. What imagery does the poet use? What idea does imagery help reinforce?

5. Making Connections Think about what type of poem Lupita might write about her parents. Howwould her thoughts differ from Adriana Ochoa’s? In what ways would their feelings be the same?

Creative WritingWrite a poem about a parent, other family member, or person whom you admire (such as a teacher orcoach). Use “Mis Padres” (My Parents) as a model for your poem. Here is the first stanza of a sample poemabout a gym coach:

You, my hockey coach, always sayyou wantthe best for me,and that the best always comeswhen I give my best

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Mis Padres (My Parents)

Adriana Ochoa

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Before You ReadFocus QuestionWhy do you think difficult times cause some people to behave in helpful ways and others to try to takeadvantage of people’s misfortunes?

BackgroundDuring the 1930s, the world suffered a period of extreme economic slowdown known in this country asthe Great Depression. Many people in the United States suffered economic hardship. Some MexicanAmericans were forced from better jobs in cities back into fieldwork.

In response to this crisis, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt developed the New Deal, a series ofgovernment programs designed to provide people with jobs. One program was the Civilian ConservationCorps, which provided work for young people, employing them to plant trees, clean up beaches, and aidother conservation projects. The National Youth Association also provided jobs for young people.

Responding to the Reading1. What explanation did the contratista in the first excerpt give his daughter for helping his workers fill

their bags of cotton? How do you know that the lesson stayed with the daughter?

2. Explain how the braceros got to work each day. What does this tell you about these workers?

3. Where did Elizabeth Newby live until she was fourteen? Since this was better than the housing providedby the farmers, what conclusion can you come to about that housing? about the farmers?

4. Why didn’t they demand better treatment, such as fair pay and sanitary working and living conditions?

5. Making Connections How is Señor Fidencio’s behavior similar to that of the contratista? What mightthis say about the human spirit?

History ConnectionCesar Chávez (1927–1993), a Mexican American, worked for improvements in the lives of migrant workers.Find out how Chávez helped improve life for migrant workers.

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from The MexicanAmerican FamilyAlbum

Dorothy andThomasHoobler

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Before You ReadFocus QuestionWhat elements make up a person’s identity?

BackgroundLangston Hughes wrote over 800 poems, and several short stories, plays, and humorous essays. This poemwas first published in 1949. The speaker in the poem is attending the City College of the City of New York(CCNY).

Responding to the Reading1. What is the homework assignment the speaker receives? Use your own words to explain what is meant

by line 4, “let that page come out of you.”

2. What kind of person do you think the speaker is? Offer a brief description of his personality, goingbeyond the information the poet offers. Then explain how you arrived at the description.

3. Explain how the speaker follows the assignment “to the letter.” Why do you think he is so careful todo so?

4. According to the speaker, how are he and the teacher connected? What do you think the teacher learnsfrom this student?

5. Making Connections The narrator explains that people of different backgrounds influence eachother. How is Lupita affected by people in the United States? How does Lupita affect people she meetsin the United States?

Geography ConnectionLangston Hughes is one of the most popular African American poets. Although he was born in Missouri,Hughes spent most of his adult life in Harlem. Find out exactly where Harlem is in New York City. Howdid the population of Harlem change in the 1920s and 1930s—the period known as the HarlemRenaissance? Find out what renaissance means and how it applied to what was going on in Harlem duringthat time period.

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Theme for English BLangstonHughes

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Before You ReadFocus QuestionHow do you respond to difficult situations in your life?

BackgroundPersonification involves giving human qualities to an animal, object, or idea. Aesop’s fables are knownfor their use of personification as well as for the morals they offer.

Responding to the Reading1. How does the oak tree manage to survive as long as it does? How would you describe the oak tree’s


2. What finally happens that causes the oak tree to fall? Why is the tree so amazed to see the reed stillstanding?

3. According to the reed, what is its own weakness? How would you describe the weakness of the oak?

4. How is the tree personified? How is the reed? Why do you think the author chose to personify theseobjects?

5. Making Connections In what ways does Lupita follow the moral of this fable? Give one or two examples from the novel.

Science ConnectionResearch oak trees and reeds. Find out about their needs for sun and water and about the types of ecosystemsin which they thrive. What are some similarities and differences between them? How does this informationsupport the fable?

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The Oak and the ReedAesop

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Before You ReadFocus QuestionHow might possessions offer their owners a sense of security?

BackgroundFrancisco Jiménez grew up in a family of migrant farm workers. As a child he spoke little English and evenfailed his first year of school because he did not know the language. Later, Jiménez wrote about his child-hood to record his family history. He also wanted readers “to hear the child’s voice, to see through hiseyes, and to feel through his heart.”

Responding to the Reading1. What are Panchito’s two favorite pennies? Why do you think he takes such good care of them?

2. Describe the friendship between Panchito and Carl. What is so special about the relationship forPanchito?

3. What does Panchito use his notebook for? What does this tell you about the boy?

4. How does Panchito lose his pennies? his notebook? Reread the last sentence of the Background information above. What words or phrases does the author use to help readers “feel through [the child’s]heart” when Panchito loses these possessions?

5. Making Connections Compare Panchito’s losses to the losses Lupita and Salvador experience. Whodo you think suffers the greater loss? Explain.

Learning for LifeFind out if Panchito’s two pennies would be valuable to coin collectors today. If so, how much would eachbe worth? You might want to start your own coin collection. Begin with one or two older coins that are insome way different from more recent ones. Add to your collection as you find unique or older coins.

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To Have and to Holdfrom The Circuit

by FranciscoJiménez

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Test: Lupita MañanaRecall and Interpret (40 points total; 4 points each)A. Write the letter of the best answer.

1. What is the main reason Lupita and Salvador leave Mexico?a. their father’s death c. Salvador’s dreams of richesb. a famine in their town d. to find work to support their family

2. Why does Lupita dress as a boy?a. so that robbers will be less likely to attack c. so she can beg for money more easilyb. so she can earn more money d. so she won’t embarrass Salvador

3. Why do Lupita and Salvador leave Colton?a. their employers become angry with them c. la migra raids their workplacesb. Salvador is caught stealing d. Aunt Consuelo contacts them

4. What is so unforgettable about working in the fields?a. the enthusiasm of the other workers c. the beauty of the countrysideb. the physical demands d. the generous pay

5. Why doesn’t Lupita tell her mother when Salvador moves out?a. so her mother won’t worry about her loan c. so her mother will think everything isb. so her mother won’t feel guilty all right

d. so her mother can still trust him

B. Write a short answer for each question below.

6. What happens the first time the children enter the United States? What does this experience teachthem about getting across the border?

7. How do the children cross the border safely? Why doesn’t Salvador consider Bartolo a “coyote”?

8. How are the children taken advantage of by Señor Rodrigo and Señor Elfren, and why can’t theycomplain? How does the reader know that the two men have done this kind of thing before?

9. How does Aunt Consuelo’s life differ from the way she described it in letters to the Torres family? Whydo you think her husband did not want her to tell the truth in her letters to the Torres family?

10. Why does Salvador move in with Lucio? Why do you suppose Lucio does not like Lupita?

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panies, Inc.Test: Lupita Mañana (continued)Evaluate and Connect (60 points total; 30 points each)C. Answer two of the following essay questions on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Read the following quotation from the novel.Lupita looked away to the windows, streaming with gray rain. Yesterday had been her birthday, her fourteenthbirthday, but she had told no one. Next week Salvador would turn sixteen. He and she were growing up, growingolder and further apart in this alien land to which they had never chosen to come. What would become of them . . . ? (page 168)

Why do you think Lupita kept her birthday a secret? Explain why Lupita is so concerned about growingup in this country.

2. Think of all the people Lupita and Salvador meet as they travel from Ensenada to Indio. Which character is most interesting to you? Describe the character’s physical appearance and his or her personality. Then explain what makes that person interesting. Support your reasons with details fromthe story.

3. Discuss the relationship between Lupita and Salvador. How does it change over the course of the novel?Tell whether you were surprised by the way things end between them or if you anticipated what happens, based on their earlier interactions. Provide details from the novel as support for your essay.

4. At the end of the story, Salvador is sent back to Mexico, but Lupita remains in Indio with her relatives.Explain what you think will happen to Lupita and Salvador now.

5. Read the following excerpt from a review of Lupita Mañana.Fundamental to the story is the main character of Lupita, whose resiliency of spirit places her among that selectgroup of characters called “survivors.”

—Reader review,

Write a brief essay in which you describe Lupita’s role as a survivor. How does Lupita’s outlook affecther ability to survive?

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