lre propshaft maintenance

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  • 8/2/2019 LRE Propshaft Maintenance


    HONflE\NORKSHOP:.: r::iW,itrr;:t..i:a.r*tj::li with RoversNorth

    Leaf-sprung models

    similarn termsofmaintenance.

    th e outout rom thetransfer ase o reach hereardifferential.t must bestrongenough o takepower rom the engineandtransmission,et f lexibleenough o permit x leandwheelart iculation. o LandRoverpropshafts,whichlook ik eone ong pieceofsteel, re actuallyn twosections.One shortsection ndsin a spl ine, hich n turnfits nto a splined leeve nth e second ection. hesplines an be greasedthrough nipple n theoutercasing f the shaft.Ateachen d of the propshaft,universalointspermit heshaft o move reely n alldirections. he universal

    jointssi t nside ircularyokes; ne on eachendpermitshe shaft o beboltedto the transfer aseand o the differential.

    generally ave hreegreasenipples one hat putsgreasento splined haftsand one at eachof thefront and rearuniversaljoints.Theyshouldbegreased very ime yo uchange he oil,every3000-4000 milesor at least verYthreemonths.Figureshows heir ocations.It is best o usea handgrease un as he Pressuresunderwhichhydraul ic unsoperate an be too high orolder eals. umpgreasenunti l t seeps ut fromaround he universalointend caps,or it seePs ut ofthe grease ipple tself.

    l f the universalointsor thesplined haft un dry ofgrease,he ywil l wear armore apidly ndwi l l a i . .Yo uwil l feel he result nthe form of a harshvibration, articularly nderdeceleration,r will hearaclunking oundwhen heshaftmovesup and downovera roaoway.Forsafety, hock hevehicle's heels ecurely,engage he parkingbrakeand select eutral. hencrawlunderneathhe LandRover nd eel ormovemenr.There houldnot be anymovement n eitherpropshaft.lf there s movement,check he bolts hatconnect he propshaftyokesat the front and rear;they may ust be loose.

    @Series ropshafts i l l

    Propshaftaintenaropshaft wear showsitself hroughvibration and,occasionally, clunkingsoundwhile starting offfrom a stop. Neithervibrationnor clunkingwas part of the designbrief in a Series andRover, o it is importantto diagnosean y potentialproblem. Land Roverswil loften continue o move

    along with tremendouswear in drivetraincomponents.Their verYstrength hides heproblem rom you.On LandRovers it hselectableour-wheel-drive(s o he Stage V8 is notincluded ere) he rearpropshaft eceivesmost ofthe wearbecauset doesmostof the work - unlessyou regularly perate nfour-wheel-drive. owever,both propshafts requite


  • 8/2/2019 LRE Propshaft Maintenance


    Whileyou ar echecking, ecertain hat any movementat the front of the shaft(transmissionrakeend)stopsat the shaft tself. fthe yokealsoseems owigglewithin hetransmission rakeassembly,hen you mayalsohavea loose utputshaftnu t whichcan beeasily ightenedbyremoving he propshaftfrom th e transmissionbrake.Theyoke at the frontuses olts hat ru n throuqhthe transmissionrakeassembly hile he rearyoke bolts o thedifferentiallange.ThesewereWhitworth-sized oltsoriginally, ut by now mayhavebeenreplacedwithSAE /16-inchbolts.Theywil l be tight andchallengingo remove.First, hey are orqued hardand he clearancest eitherend permit the useofopen-end panners nly.Secondly,he nutsshouldbe Nyloc nutsat the rear.Thesenuts havea nylonlining n th e threads ha tprevent hem fromloosening ndervibration.Yo ushouldplanonreplacinghem any imeyou remove he propshaft. # # @ s f f i #Hlnt 1: When removing hepropshaft,emove hedifferential nd first.Thenyou can manoeuvrehepropshaft ut of the wayand usea socketandextensiono loosen he

    December002 LIIIDR0VERnthusiast

    boltson the transfer aseyoke.Hint 2: Whenseparatingpropshaft, ou should irstscribe l ineacross ot hhalves seeFigure ). Uponreassemblyou can matchthe two halves,herebyavoidingpotential alanceproblems.Hint 3: Onceyo u removethe propshaft, ou wil l seeth e output shaftcastle utan d a cotterpi n inside hetransmissionrakeassembly.f therewasmovementat thisend ofthe yoke,check o see fthe output shaftnut ist ight (the entirearrangementooks er ysimilar o that of the axlehalf-shafts).heoutputshaftnut shouldbetorqued o 9 5 lb ff youwi l l needa 1- inch eeosocket o complete he job.Hlnt 4: When you removethe propshaft, wist it atthe splineso check or an ymovement.Again, hereshouldbe next o none. fthe splines re oo worn,yo u wil l have o replacethe sliding oint of th epropshaft.Most ownersfind it better to replace hepropshaft ecausereplacinghe sl iding ointrequires he services f adrive-line pecial ist.heresultingabourchargesorweldingand balancingoften exceed he priceof anew shaft!The realadvantageo fitting he

    latestCenuinePartspropshafts he redesignedsliding oint which*#lf the flange nutswere ightand there wasstillmovement, ou willprobablyhave o replacethat universaloint.Whilethe universalointscan bereplacedn the field withonly a few tools, t is mucheasiero do if you haveaccesso a benchvice,apairof circl ip liers nd anarrowdrift.LandRoverused wcrdifferent-sizedniversaljoints n the Seriesmodels.Cenerally,he differencesemergedbetween heSerieslAand Seriesl lmodels.Howevel since hepropshaft okeswereidenticalat the point whereyou bolt them to the frontor rear langes,herehasbeen plentyofinterchanging f parts.Measuringro m thebearing ap,or trunnionends,of the yoke, hedimensions ill be either215116 n or 3 713 2 n (seeFigure3). Youneed oremove he two circlipsonthe oppositesideswhichhold he end caps n place;the circl ip l iersmake hi smuch easier. ince hey si tin a groovewithin the yoke,you should leanan ydirtout first.Then,unscrew hegreasenipple(LandRoversupplies ne w grease

    nipplewith eachuniversal

    joint). Placehe yoke n aviceand tap out thebearingcapsusinga softdrift or an old socket; tshouldn'tak emuchstriking o move hem out.A second ap with a driftwill remove he universalfrom the yoke tself.Repeatth e sequenceor the f inaltwo bearingend caps,andyou can now install he newuniversaloint.Installationequiresouto remove he bearingcaps(do so gently o avoidlosing he needle earingsinside)on oppositeends.The LandRoverWorkshopManual uggestsouremove he bearingcapdownwards o avoiddropping he roller,orneedle,bearings seeFigure4) . Instal lhe universalointin the yokeand reinstallhebearing aps.With he bearing aps nplace you may have o usesome orce), nstall hecirclips.Becertain hat thecirclipshavesnapped ntotheir grooves; ou mayhave o tap them in with athin drift. When theuniversaloint s assembledwithin the yoke,you shouldhavesmoothmovement nany direction,with nobinding.Depending n when hepropshaftnutswere astremoved, he whole ob willtake1- 2hours. f yo u keepthe new universalointsan dsliding ointsgreased, oushouldenjoyyearsofdrivingbefore equiring
