loss-in-weight system specifi cations

Loss-In-Weight System 04/07 Danvægt A/S · Fanøvej 3 · DK-8382 Hinnerup Phone +45 86 98 55 77 · Fax +45 86 98 66 37 [email protected] www.danvaegt.com From 10 to 40 t/h. Fully electronic Fast and precise outloading of: Grain Feedstuff Powder and granulars Exceptional Value Proven Performance Reduced Service Costs Continously material flow Toughest Industrial Environments 10 t/h 15 t/h 20 t/h 30 t/h 40 t/h Designation A 765 765 850 850 950 mm. B 585 585 670 670 770 mm. C 731 865 910 1080 1080 mm. D 550 685 730 900 900 mm. E 1150 1325 1390 1625 1870 mm. F 785 975 995 1205 1325 mm. G 210 250 250 300 350 mm. H 210 250 250 300 350 mm. I 845 915 935 1020 1065 mm. Total length 1740 2020 2060 2380 2365 mm. Capacity 16,6 25 33 50 66 m3/t Charge 180 270 330 510 660 kg. Refill 60 90 110 170 220 kg. Cycle time 20 20 20 20 20 sec. Power cons. 1 1 1,5 1,5 2 kW. Specifications

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Page 1: Loss-In-Weight System Specifi cations

Loss-In-Weight System


Danvægt A/S · Fanøvej 3 · DK-8382 HinnerupPhone +45 86 98 55 77 · Fax +45 86 98 66 37

[email protected]

From 10 to 40 t/h. Fully electronic Fast and precise outloading of: Grain Feedstuff Powder and granulars Exceptional Value Proven Performance Reduced Service Costs Continously material fl ow Toughest Industrial Environments

From 10 to 40 t/h. Fully electronic Fast and precise outloading of:

Exceptional Value Proven Performance Reduced Service Costs Continously material fl ow Toughest Industrial Environments

10 t/h 15 t/h 20 t/h 30 t/h 40 t/h Designation

A 765 765 850 850 950 mm.B 585 585 670 670 770 mm.C 731 865 910 1080 1080 mm.D 550 685 730 900 900 mm.E 1150 1325 1390 1625 1870 mm.F 785 975 995 1205 1325 mm.G 210 250 250 300 350 mm.H 210 250 250 300 350 mm.I 845 915 935 1020 1065 mm.

Total length 1740 2020 2060 2380 2365 mm.Capacity 16,6 25 33 50 66 m3/tCharge 180 270 330 510 660 kg.Refi ll 60 90 110 170 220 kg.Cycle time 20 20 20 20 20 sec.Power cons. 1 1 1,5 1,5 2 kW.

Specifi cations

Page 2: Loss-In-Weight System Specifi cations

The right weigh

The Danvægt A/S Loss In Weight System has been developed for continuous dosing and flow measur-ing of solids.

Thanks to new data filtering technics the size of the scale has been minimized in proportion to similar systems. Thanks to PC technology it is possible to control, to operate and to monitor up to four scales on the very same PC by means of an easy-to-use graphic interface. The four scales can either work independant of one another, or as a system hav-ing one scale regulate one scale or several of the remaining scales.

As a standard model each scale can regulate 3 liquid admixtures. As an option, however, this can be enlarged if necessary. Optionally the Loss In Weight System can be integrated in the Danvægt PC-dosing system which means that all data as regards liquid admixtures and the like can be en-tered directly in the actual recipe for the material in question. Likewise it is possible to integrate the loss in weight control system with several press controls on the market.

The highly informativ PC-display for the loss in weight system is updated in real- time, which al-lows fast intervention from the operator in case of an error. The PC-display can if required be adjusted for the actual application.

Danvægt A/S loss in weight system is also capable of working with the Amandus Kahl Rotospray sys-tem, controlling the flow of dry material and liquids, for instance when spraying enzymes, die and the like. Also the loss in weight system is an interesting alternative within the chemical industries, for ap-plications where continously controlled dry material addition/mixing is desired.

Besides standard screw feeders, the loss in weight system can, if required, be supplied with other sorts of dosing units, for instance belt feeders, grid slides or similar.

Way of function

The figures above and below shows the function of a Danvægt Loss In Weight System. At start of operation the system is filled with the quantity of material A + B where-af- ter dosing begins. When the refill limit B is reached, the refill quantity A is added, either directly from the factory´s transport system or from a very small feeding section that can contain the refill quantity.

Feeding simultaneouslyNothing prevents a feeding section from feeding several loss in weight systems simultaneously, only the same material should be fed to all weighers. If the factory´s transport system is used for refill-ing, it is on condition that the capacity of same is 3-4 times the actual capacity of the Loss In Weight System.

Inexpedient oscillation avoidanceIn order to avoid wide swing of flow from the scale by refill, the quantity B shall always be present as buffer and thereby diminish the affect on the dose aggregate of the scale in a way that inexpedient oscillation of the dose aggregate will be avoided.

Between refillsDuring the period between refills, the dosing regulated proportional to the weighing signal, which is continously compared to a table of updated values achieved in previous dosings. This means that the weigher will be able to learn from its mistakes.

Data generationDuring the refill period when weighing shall not be possible, the operation itself, from tables of experience, automatically generates the data necessary to obtain a correct weighing and a stable flow from the scale.

Check upThe fact that the dosing is regulated on a check up of the actual weight signal against experi-ence from previous dosings, shall prevent possible changes of the material composition from causing dosing errors, as the change of the actual weight signal will be constant and therefore cause the system to adjust accord-ingly.

In consequence of the experience achieved from previous dosings sudden brief changes (touch, material avalanches etc.) will on the other hand be considered an error and will therefore not result in an adjustment of the system.

Start: Filling the weigh bin.

Step 1: Dosing and filling the refill section.

Step 2:Dosing and filling therefill section, just beforerefill like start.

Continuous mixing of solids and liquids.Continuous mixing of several solids.Constant regulation of quantity.Continuous weighing of pre-selected quantity.Flow measuring of solids for propor-tion regulation of liquid admixtures.And of course combinations of the above possibilities.


Application possibilities

Scale Control / Weight registration

By means of an advanced weight indicator complete control of the scale is taking place. Together with a PC with printer, complete docu-mentation is possible. And of course with possi-bility of link to your external control system.

Danvaegt recommends world known parts.

The outloading scales from Danvaegt are equipped with the most powerfull equipment in both load cells and weight indicators. In this field we are co-operating with some of the best experts in the world to ensure you service at the best.

The new ILIW Scale

Our newly developed model, called the Intel-ligent Loss - In - Weight scale.