locations of full shoot

{ Locations of full shoot -Inside the home -school shots -symbolic shots

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Locations of full shoot


Locations of full shoot

-Inside the home -school shots-symbolic shots

Page 2: Locations of full shoot

Inside the home-protagonist’s bedroom

We chose to have this location as Ellie’s bedroom because it would represent a teenbedroom with it’s patterns, colours but also props within it. The Apple Macbook is used in many teen based films to represent the popularity of these devices in teens, as Seen here in ‘The Fault In Our Stars’. Similarly, we decided fairy lights on the bedframeWould add a similar aesthetic to the set , as it shows a girly and youthful approach.

Page 3: Locations of full shoot

This location will be used throughout the film . It will symoblise the absence of a family unit as Ellie will sit here alone surrounded by pictures on the wall of her , her mother and father before the death of her mother and her illness. It will also be the set for the final scene. This scene from film ‘Contagion’ is what we hope to achieve. We will hang fairy lights and a ‘Prom Night’ sign to give the representation of a prom dance.

Inside the home-lounge

Page 4: Locations of full shoot

We will only use the kitchen in establishing shots or as a set for casual dialogue . It is seen as the heart of a home and therefore because our initial impression is that this is a broken family we will make sure the kitchen is a set to represent that.

Inside the home -kitchen

Page 5: Locations of full shoot

This shot will simply show the absence of Ellie in school by a dolly of the boy looking over to an empty seat. Therefore to do this we will require a classroom , along with 10-15 extras . It should be equipped with learning materials to give a conventional classroom look.

School -classroom dolly shot

Page 6: Locations of full shoot

This set will be used to show the school social environment. Sam will get asked to prom by another girl here and she will say there are rumours that Ellie is not coming back to school. This will give the connotation of a gossiping teenage environment and infer how in a teenagers life their social image is everything.

School -locker shot

Page 7: Locations of full shoot

We have been given permission to take some of the more symbolic shots of our film in a local private wood. From this we can produce seasonal shots to symbolise the passing of time , but also the sun setting and rising again for the passing of shorter periods of time like days. Also, a shot looking up to the sky through the trees could signify the scale of a problem compared to the character, which in our narrative is a prevalent subject. Furthermore, in reference to ‘A Monster Calls’ the monster itself derives from a tree , therefore by continuing this imagery in our film will give it close reference to the narrative we have chosen to follow.

Symbolic shots