locations for music video


Upload: sorrelgrundy

Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Locations for music video


Page 2: Locations for music video

This is the location we used to shoot shots 17 and 18. We decided to use this road as the trees gave cover and the light looked good coming through them. Also the leaves on the ground makes the atmosphere darker and colder as it gives the sense that the seasons are changing from summer to autumn.

Page 3: Locations for music video

This is the location we used for shots 12 – 14. We used this location because it was secluded and there was not very much traffic, as this is the place where the ‘hit and run’ occurs we thought that the less people around the better. As this is quite a suburban area it juxtaposes the action which is taking place in the location. This is an intertextual reference to the opening in “Blue Velvet” in which there is a suburban area in America which seems perfect from the outside but the undergrowth and some of the connotations are of something less ‘perfect’.

Page 4: Locations for music video

This is the location we used to shoot the river and final scene before Jacob gets back into the car. We chose this location because of the openness of it and because many different shots could be shot in this area. This location reminds me of John Crome’s painting of Sheppard's on Mousehold Heath, which too has prominent cloud in the sky and a large open field. This gives another level of intertextuality as John Crome was a Norwich born painter

Page 5: Locations for music video

This location we used for shots 19 – 22. We used this location because it would be good for reflection shots and also gives a sense of unease because of the emptiness and the road by the side of the river which you can see in the background. This is an intertextual reference to the film “The River” (1951), the narrative of this film is similar to the narrative of my music video. “the movie attests to a teenager's first love, and how her heart was broken when the man she fell in love”.

Page 6: Locations for music video

At this location we shot some shots that were not on our original shot list. We used this location because it was different to our other and so gave some variation to our music video. The shot was of the female character standing in the middle of the street with people moving around her. This in intertextually linked to the video “Look Up” which is all about not letting social media take over our lives.