lli fesi sisnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/wns/1879/wns-1879-12-05.pdfbuss1mb ins...

BUSS 1MB ins mmmKKBtw wmmm&mmmm i - So J « H««!aK^; J jjr iM v*i<iriMfe**f«j. -WJ jr. " rmmSSBBB^ igff iBBBBBi jg pNpi si .dNl^AalntTii Kuimii^l^MP «* , Sqn, .4^t<?t*Mk ;;r^i ) oil; w&; biBi-^iub ¦DJOABTAJI—Mr. /EDWAan. BJUDWJJ * ,. Btationer , « <^oa^ ftn£lej<yjr»p h Offioe, ThsJ3o . uara ,;:..!.,, . , j i rS^.L-MVtp a^ aivj i' ' ¦ -uj f^ Tl ql/riar;!!, a?xrii, iPKorassoa. OIP: MUSIO -i*t.8iB<0 , - jiS .i /lKNarBriVl ^gZR8J3!. -K ' , : v< nT«^pnepfaio»tiori.... - . ^ I'(:; r - . i fiiild4»3m] l i; i i!« J:iiuRi?JRi 3{t Jf >)4>iX i 'Jj.$.:. V. J •; , .(if j mAXEN BA3LY V oJfc.i. WINTBB^and Jli wahid J T , . Ip. tho bMt ,4ty<e\4»T,.^li WmpprPTedJv •>J .it \.;\v:EHOrooRii:«, » STni>ioti:iI-j:;^. i-!i' .-'r. «5T 62y QUAY <£»' OB Bwrwcs) WAlEEFORD r ' 1 , ; !.<:-r : - > or. - . *ir:a , ' i: ^i vitjl~! ti ' :jk*2 "iy . ;,: r XHB ,IBJflH?i pAXa; . :• , J. - .J M. ;! ''. " >#.i^r^Mi' !-:lii' -N .BA ' Js I • • • _iLip i l . B.O Xii -A'J) . , ,T «• ..; , .:•, : , tjN^^jg^raig; MAXi SEEaLM^i,;: j , TU<^'!V 'i.-i JwuUiSoie . Steamers, of .thm J««jEiH^' . < 'iliney tj*a tnUne Bonfces , ' wicW ^ MMftlll i i "- meftaea bV *fc 1 Hiti&*<Wbotli ¦ ^•¦^¦¦¦^t&eOrctwiirdnd' Homeward Pas} ¦Mgjtii-u-^rj: ;tiU fa Jvfc \JiotiI-oi!-} i- ' -: ;.siit.<{ , . Thaso wep.knowq magnifioytt ffcners , allponstrgnt- , ed 07 Messrs,HAaiiAHD , ;4.rWpji/ '61 .. Belfast*are; appointed toiattweeWvisiihaeitt ^g lierMajeaty'* an&WUnHsd States Maila>-i- <iT - * '• ,:>:-A.<ir» : 1. '! : fi t' . ^ S>>3t- .gt»m-|jV1IBI»OOf^^!' « rf!nVl5' - 'i | GERMANIC .. ThuTsday, - .;>i:::i:lltWDob.i ; . ; CELTIC . V .. ,„,. Tues day.;;.*!;.,. 23rd,:Deo.. ¦ BBTTANSIO .:.. : ¦ Thuriaajr/ ; , ' . lsV 'Jan. ' ; : ADBIA. 'J20 " -; l .;. !: Tne«air. ' r i . 1 - J:v «ta '' Jan; r ' ¦ ¦ , yroni <^eenBto ^ (Ckirkj tho Bowing aiy '1 ' ! : i,.(I.. .-1 . ;:. ' .; n P«0H;Il«W.TOBKJii >: ':;vr , L) - .il ^•wC^v;-:(<» c , . . ¦ .. . - PANOYv'SHmTINO . STiANNBLS / ' : . . ¦ . H^RWNoftraDbTSjA^>ET^aOAT8 , ti£ii STJfivijsS- QUILTS AKD ' OOUNTEBPANES v\fl.y.(i oi!. ' . t^b. -r -v:, OAB^IAaE. --jLND ; ' R AILWAY BUGS , Ac. ft ; ' ¦ ¦ " ¦- . . - . ¦ - ,. .<^:^:- ^1L LL ^R ^ ^ ^^ ^~ '-- ' ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ "' . : " ¦ ' . . ' ¦ ¦¦ " ¦ - . " ¦ - . ;•¦- ' ¦ 'i ' -5: .. .v»r«uiAu, -,,.j .„.. . SMttraay, :.... m uaoeinoer. | , ¦ TnosA '^itofidTOU^^ ^DUCE tlijPASgAQStci ^Ii« ' BKort«s1lpoiaibl*«nio; alidifford io 1 S««eB^t ' i tt« ^igHBrt digiee bf obftfortKthttto atWnJla at «e«. ' : i -: ATer*8e PM»ag6J8iJd»y« in.8nBiin< | -9i'd4y» In 5*pmpattmant»L_* ¦ ., :. ¦ > ;, .- „-• .' .;iA'' - ' --n 'The ST^kio ' K8 are-un ' usa«Ilj^p«M3oiUK «ll-li«WeaJ rentilbtod, a nd warmed, and ParienWr» '^-tl>fa 'dlauj reoeire the nfiiioitofviliiy " aSa" »ttSifaon. - Cttle, Sheep] or. '^'JgaJkr.Uot' .tokQD tj- ' tUi'IUnVrriUclimittdj •npplj of Cooked yhmrions.V: Medical ooforta free of charge. Stewarde8M» in- Steerage to Aend the, ? ,^?S^.M4Children.; W i,v 1 .ir , v,(J, ^ i~ ^, - ^. - ] ¦ FaiBengers booked , throaoh , at low rates, to * a parts of W0m^fit*^ Sd- 'Oa&da;-- -w| ^J^ p.^"* . . ' '¦S: ? JOHN TOBUfrisnr.. fttmaifBaByaqiir. ''^' ; '^; ' >^ JAMES SCXWTVA'Co./Qireenitowii Otf rtitj ' - " l . . ., ilfiMAY , tlJEm ACo.V ^WAttr^trcet , U YAMO I. ¦ "¦ i / i! i Ti-Vi- ' -l AifE&MUu. i iJSJ!^.ihff ci., U i •^BnHiiiM ^idverpool to^Phiiadolplri j 1 ; i |K7W![ . !--n'«li:':'li»rttETOEy^WEDKlaniT.; " dl\ iv ,j: j . ' C^Uiw ' at Oneou^oTWfl^BiyShniSrtiyvi :U; Rrjt ^q lass ftJlVpowered , Wo Stfjarafhi pa arBjappoint^ i ABi>:ctivi r^;ii>o6:iff i *ik)istoTa ^GH. 1 -"i)Ml il s< TBNNSraViNIA5)W. ! W|TOmKA^ .:>:..^T) ? £:a *B»mte'EjteB*X>eo:a7 : j SamSH CROVAT Jan fi . ¦ No; intsxmadiataiiYFuMng^BL'^BTiM lOBiTTVjMtB rThBor^Kani-AitanboiSii ? »Ww«B^er «*9 .Up- ted8tMeg 'TlSK, " a»d tojaWaTAtteSSiti JBaftirfot tadil'«& ^^&.«FM»Fliw«rii ; vThcioooom- modaaoilioT all whtw jf isin&tekis«qtalto anj of wb&SIuU1M«B0rtertand'man<UMeiTODiBioaupuH« intb«[W««teraatat«ij>.T . (. 'iifUiiJlV Yi7fi ' ,v:. -v.- .i5i s {tk^priPta^tnti , aatoXS gttiMW^ BotaT^mdaita ^^natU>UT» ^«»«^iid*fi# Be4»llB«daiBff. aiiHaHMoea ^^.OT^mtfi.aMtva^T^btet^^'J f'Uf^tfjifc/'tfiwJ jti ^7 anaa»y»MMrtw)«t;t.i" .4y . , ¦: * -¦> ¦ ¦•^ t.^OTHl^JlBBWMPf flOW. veH ;^; Altand > aarricQ^CEBBatnfgttew;'l^WWnfi j^ ^ ! y l .. -^,>i ;:y ;. -j. -; i . . ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦•* ¦ . . ¦?a»' . - - . - cfV'z:j- - . - - -~ -.-a tyr aTTCiJ'^' TiTTfiritf- Riffliviii mmm i^Kpi pfeHs^i?^ life Ad >^: '^^•^ *b^;i^ only , at ¦ ¦:¦ . O fl3*T^OVt. V'| OlJ.iril .UO-. ' jtill./ i i> .*¦ y L U . j J 1 j - i w^ sm mmxsj ims} •iviitiiH. So " . " !!«.' h.iiii;./:. r II uj' ;:ii cwi>uJ[j -\. -' rranSEBKijrim havo>tb» IiABGXBX STOCK *!;T/wl3 intJif. - ' ; ;vh i:j jK vr;v o. 'SHOEB in e«o-i.)«3 .t' . 'i . ¦" ' i a.Micj iii ./¦ A: I S:' OH j>:i. v olii 'Ji . ' o 2y- Vli''li y' ' - 1 ' i tiii;-^)-: ' w /;; ;.. V ;. -: T/. ladies' Batton«d, I«c«d, and Elastic'Side : <*»W5oa ajoams^i ddroiiiTAao. i;f)(isfc\;r«iSii: ' iI !. r n V; i'v\a ;, J ...ii. ' vi- -Si ' .:. >. KB ) * . .- ¦ ¦ ¦ Please oT)ierre— " The Bin a^llUT i:o ::^ ':. );!¦ ¦>' L ; -( . - - .!. '^;i.V 'i'-fLlj J ;. v,,.Wa u woiJji , €tirep\,S peda^i. attantion,to c^qSWANSKIN , 1 , ' : MEDIUMi; ' :. 'WELS 3, - "" 'AND ! SAXONY . . ELANNELS , 1 1 ^^"!fe" ,^;;.^|E ta|6^ fe M.S]oBic.ii ivi-;- .v/ '' . •«.•«. . -j-ii-i- ~ i\; vu - ' > - 1 ' j | i^I t VjI-fU ¦ v?Ci-m:¦ : - 'it \i-.v:~,. - ¦ ,* ' v!:!.:-.O > ¦: ¦ ' : ' . ' . X> | l ilfeSiSi \)C,\ 'Vpix ^i>> ,1 ' ji^-f-a• iv<'>' r :- ¦?. . ' ( > > N j^»^i9H9P^^^D ^ ^^WJpPJMI^ fe^^^kia 'ftijl ^i^'A' .r i- ' rai '5. ; i>-V ' '^. ' '; V .- : ''~' *% ! ? <H|l| Sn yy : > < i^V*- - frt!>g'rV'y. >' - ^iTfjrtV r i«if^l'«-- **''n' "'<T>''i >-'i ; ^fl.*' - ' - |j^^g$|^fe^ wijtk^. at ?$) $& ^fel je .! s-7f?ra : . . iiMmsiwimr w:w u-vsWtwtwl >JuM.WW PJffi»lITH«B i MffliJLl,JIAY,,9 , :: i84g Vi»-fjiv , -.^j , , .. , w;i ;% •:¦ ¦ ' - ¦ t : r /: '' ¦ ¦ •»> «r»• ' ' «' - . ^" 4*via. f >¦> .VtisJJi' * ' '": ' Off««d *b/I'«te;';ip«WIb:?iit Jb±l i » - .V0C. 'r ; l , O.yJN.ib j \J.::. -.' ' v! - .v. - . ~ .;.j. '5.\s.vA » S3/. <JE0RGE:SiS|ro^ ' ET ,; ^A*BBi i 0ED: : i . inl jr .a ^ limited Mmter ' reniiin^urisp ldi ' .. ¦ tple^ HpuseiPnx^siriag ^ iB4^ . .; '' l8 J PLATE3 FbB: .Kra'CH ' EN, " "" ^ •• ,<U ' : SMiLI. .-:i- -;-A.V : i;: : . v,. ¦ :. - . ¦ /. ;; ' ; . - . .^vjuasHEs ,. :.. -- . - ¦ - . ' ' i ¦!»w2- ViXJBIABLELlilSHEai^ ^• ' > .;; ':; . ' i;* '' . '^ lSsB9W»»-i* -aojrs. '- -/- - ¦: ¦ (ssa-iy)-^ ; Bbbts ; i: v ¦¦ ¦ " ' ' " -'- " ••:¦; . ^ . l " ! -: - . ; do. ' IN EVEET STTDf ^ . ' •'i I . ' I ' .T, '' AND . : . ' ..i!' x | do f' LATEST FASHIONS^ i;; / j ' ;... ! ;. .; ' ;V : ' ; V ¦ . of ' toe - feg' Bodt. V .mterford. nr LAEQE and SUPERIOR STOCK of ¦ LEDLIE,; & . CQ., ,. ,. S3 t AND /64, ' QUAT , ^ WATERFOBP Pte -5^ ; :tHEHixiN8Ei)RW4aa^r PUONOURS:: ^J|H u V: | *^ffw^j4!r?? »fiyv'^) ^7. <: - . v ¦; J ": . * -^- , ; ¦; >: ' Wj^IiiijpiwWSll^^fcfii^^ap;' ' 1' --^. ; s . i Ti^BBKfroT^ sm ' elTrfiTlb' e^Wu ' dryanaBousoJ ^i ^ * ' II J . 'IJI t ' .V?t 'iLtiMJ>M*' if i i<iJijljy>Tln i to^1v^filiftiTlB ¦Titl^ ' ol^aaK^beth^S' &' tsh)^* tiS*r+ blhet So»p ' . l{ r^)M»Meid>teTWnt(i^(a/aBa5^jtorfB«Birt when owd for eleanB& g and pnJ. -i/ yilW : WUIWpooniiBeddinpj 4o. * ,;l^l«;fowm«d^i^jK ^^m»4«fffc^^ ' ron*t»4na-«treaf. ; ' -fi?«i*\ 1 J ^^if ,i l^^p^W^: *: '™ >^rn r^MSoa^S^? oca^rB^p%:'; I yciuijl)' pretlnr tton vgHMM>((i , ni]l jMMMW|i;if ttrtijWckI*ieT&gip«» trnttii tenaianyoh«i Ma* ol StiiilE iplii i ^;• IK. ' ^; . ' ^'/¦ IHTH AM)i 3ffT J!J ! , . "' ' " ; f V BSaJBTEBSi) FOB | 1' t TBANBitI88I0N A3BC : i . s/r. -4i' > ^HOTEL S^ - . -,• . ¦:!«:¦ ¦l-a-fs SELLT'S CEOWMTIHOTEL,; i ;Mjp. 'K.O ; K _ ST a " E ; E T; A"W: .B X i 1 0 RD fTT^ jia a. Central and ComfortaWe Hotel in i T Wo terms ^7^^ - - .^ oa '*h " ' ' ? 108t ' »<>?«»« ^BM*,J0nWin; andiiWerfrad Spiritaj Yalad , SrandLt AlWlS^?' ^ ^ Totmsf ¦ ¦?* . Son # B OfOeb»t» %' -^. Q n Wafct>iB .»Bor ^' »64A;V. : .; ,. . ' :, ' ' 6wW i^ -^y K' - VteitOM ^to ^london I i ¦' <•<; " MrjIjL fea Honie ComfortB; rininodeiate ' tetoi; * ; °a*nd. ¦: V. LSLACK , Proprletbr . ¦' < '¦ ¦ ." ' ¦ ;•• , ^22itf : :• - ¦ ¦ " ; ¦ " :. . •!' : - ' i);irvB. '-L ; mrvo ' ;. - ¦ •?. ::cri;. :. -. Oommetcial aadrPrtyiat* :3>wJgJiiff «6 JWO vlii'iS?fca? t ^ ll S?^Bo W a / 1U1 *^ '«>« ¦ oomttS* of i '¦ - ' v ¦ ; ¦' ^•- r. ' - r- - '-4^-i>——; ¦ - - .,. ' - ' ¦ •V^Sra ES ^ te^Wraiff will find at the B UBO ^ IUK, w«.^ I/r » 01 t ff?BEEr 5 > ¥*>¦ aooommodation wrtnmoderate oharges and utidaousattention ' .' - ' - ! T.^S° aod - elegantl y-appointed LADIES' COITEB nUOM. ; .i. ¦ ; .: . . > Wodaing BreakfMte . Balli! , Suppers , *o. V ^ Be^aunurhiT-Billiards . . Beds , 2s. 6d.i 2g. : , and Is J^OXO NT ; Proprirtor. : Oyat«ra , I Oystara ! Oysters I The Oomm*ncem *nt of the Season '' . BUELINQTON r RESTAXJEANT-AND' OYSTEB fTIHE P^PB^TOB- . bega " to !acquaint hit «j: FrlenoV M^the WbMc tW lie is^wj) «p ired OU oonitut Bnpply qt j EED BANK BUBEIN v£*rKr' l ^5Sr ; f^81? ^W^oalns own Beds in the : 'S»2SffiSfi ! ^ 1 ?-^ < !? <Wdemand for these deUpous ^^JKo iSS?^ - 1 ' ! 5°I«ffltiTe on the Propnifcr to ;•; ^* 3?V^ snprjWor hU Cnitomers. > . . . ¦ «w?5 « > WH. i K?5'J"? ^ rB - ' ' a la Carpus nind. i SrVSS^fe^ 8 - JohD . Jameson an a Very (MBrandy ; BantaiHirteH Ma Heinessy 'i •#* i JOSEPH C0BLE8»bliB , &o.. r > - , - - i 28, ST. AKDBEW ST. & CBXH^ 9R ~a^ ' n22) OYSTEBS |; . OYSTEBS T^S. i)uai i iK i .-:. - . - ,;. "Blie caydo Hotol > .i^?iL_5i A10>EBST01>r QITAT ,. GLASaCiVv 18 in the ~ immediate vicinity- of- tl/e -Eprfisit . . ^ Irish Steamers , including the Clyde 'Shippui CompaDy ' rf Steamers. ' Tonriats and'familletf yisit^ ing Scotlattd will find this: Hotel a comXoi ^ table home. " ' Charges Terytaoderate.- - ' - •- ;• . " " -' J ; sRly; "THE GEORGE HOTEL , 1 ' 6 , COLI.EOE.S l R, < md:29 K 3q , & ^FLEE^ST. ¦/; : - A:PATBICK SHEBIDAK^ CABEY; V . (Late of the City ^Manmon Hotel); PBOPaaroE. r. - .-Entrance/ 6 , CoIlege^Street. '¦ •Ni g ht' Porter'in attendatce. i'i ' ^1 u;-;:: -W:v ;. :<: . ; . .. . /;. . -ig&tf/- ttBXB. aac^ COMMEBClAli. HOTEL . . ¦ ¦:¦ ii, QUAY , WAT£BF0RD. ' . rry-i ' u ' iM ' . ' l6 H-A-isiTii KIRWAN - ; - - i ¦Tfj:AVING- ' i purchased ' . Interest' in the above ' XjL 'HOTEL. 'begs to ttnLcini«» thnt thni EBtab- ShrBent] OPBHKD oni SATUBDJX^fPTilB: 15 , 1879. ' .. <: < M.vJJ.<true ' fW by' etrict attdiiticf' tA' those who patronise ' THI SHIP ' AND CoirMKRciLiL HOTEL, to merit a continn ' iince of'their pitronage;1 ; '7< - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ) Quay, Waterfdrd;I' flb;il2, a87^ ; :,v > ' i' ' ¦' ¦ ¦ ' ' f28.U THB o GPEAfT, piiOBE.VHOTBU - j jf DU?LEr.(E8tabHahed40SBari,r ¦ ¦ . : 5f» 4 , 5 , :fcapdi?,!. LOITER BBIDQB^TBEETj ,i .- -:- ' ~;<£BICBA)lI><C t >FFET< VnwneiotM;: r< r "J- ' ; modern - impro vemen w . of: tno day, and: is uridei - tha.con8tttDt sppccrieion of 4Ir. «n4 JlMiCorFKTpProrn il4ctot^ljk^£bri i£w!n b' e^ CSiroiiyeld'ltowtonl«8 ''driverr6m7Sy<3tty®ilw»j T frmiiinW; aria i W<Jot^ from Kffiy» Kiatf?I>tfawaj Iiin& sSnppHoi arlB^niifcblaBsi qnaUtyioiCBmiijiJ. tfttMrJ creaid£*nd!(^egetables iromithe i farmtdaUy/aislii otJ : wilii«)»n4}ng:p5eBonti luKh . ratea,,t<JnnB Areieitofmaly. g^? t»1ftVifee «f^!t<i ; $RS Jfi! . W!i45«5SI* ((iiW 2sJ Beds, Iromls 6d. each:.. Tab^jd'H^ diiigys^eBK *days at two O' OIOOIL ' J , OH- SnndayQ At AVeto 'dlpck. 1 vj i'»^ : '!v A Nig ht Porte«4n _ tiandanoe , and all Serrantj pale by the Piqpn^tor. i 7^7yi^V' -- l:' > :.nT- .:V-:.v ' .v. p » ?'"i^£2iJ,iy, V o 4IXXWEB HACli. VJlljLE-STKEErr fimBi/lN 1 j ^* (Oppodte the General Po«t-Offloe and TelegrqiunQa^ 1 ¦^^^^^ThB;«o»t ^ntoftJ irUWe Ci ty. ; v.itVT5?^l -T»BEAinPAar^^wtoohb fc 4fiBi»; or:oo]diaiea(i; 2«. i r^r^hByt^flsjjcas^^^TO^viBapa* 3GwJi, SW.faixa Sf•j.jKtenaanoe , li.xacn^Muadlcf <'CoAe< Wto^BilHi^^mfeiV'j^^ v^^K :^^^^ ^ 71p57^|OTU^^gLI^TC>EE;^Prop ri^to^ri :; /•>¦ , . wisi^toibpard.bjC*«wiMjcte.ttl»;l8aBl?M .^g-;:,; f8.tf " «i 'i«^UwttWdgd^lj7«d4J^»djlsl]l«Wi« 3|l^ ' '\lirtnbT iMimu iiw QQUWW HMMknto iM^niit .MMLpoCuOtvt^QlvBlJT.YlMBO'l^ft *0^44K M4 ¦w^rJMvwL'lfi'O V I. Hi it wafc*! in.i^i^»lMffi Ji .. *.>—»< ^V< '^"-'^ y'ffr ' , ^{i-3i<. ' > t JiAUJra n 11-^jAiyx JS X-J'JyJ.T0P1 j6tOT» - q ' ^. i ' :; ;j. Plia» n^ AddM^5d j^iO^^jVBttGES^ l^^f^Ji r^^jifc^DDWW^^^fef-fe-rdU ^mT. . - ¦ j;; .t«O3 H«rtt^»j»OWtt«MnttA , Kt (X|a^waaUx, ?iAidntdur: OMiiri niiEimopi) . _ Tirtfc^BTf^^B*iBnTO|irti]>nrt*iiiih 1 i 3* »: ?i 00M •me i& nan "I TEfiffO vpja. W*dn«»dl i JH KIW n t dttxin* lojnwiU <m WED oor Daosm wttuiitt. . ' . » MOl £DH£SOA " K X* f .V.- Thaw: - .: Bttoim^ (* DoDu»}U> •« . (V? ?«f . vii rijinouUifja^lhiai DuUhr i ilPii OIK O) UJiCHr « ' -jf t j' .j iABAp ' *jgl*» «oaii arnr. >s>fl «w •'¦ V "OT?TiT<T?f SINGLE ' , coPY-8dl 42). j f XT Jtiiv ^XLllBY POST ^-SJd. . ' NOWSBADY , : ' .: Printed on Good Paper , and in large dear Type , . . A NEW EDITION ; BUTLER'S ° CATECHI3M. TO THE CATHOLIC CLEBGY , BOOKSELLEBS , Ao ¦ ' . j: On 8aU at The News Office , " ' ¦JVith the Becommendation of the Bishop of Waterfbrd ¦ "' ' ' ¦ ¦ and Liamore , the Bight T. DT.POWBB A Catechism for . the Instruction of Children, . .. i -• . . BT TH» . ¦ v MOST Bey. Dr. JAMES BUTLEB, Arflh- .. . ... . ¦% bishop of Casoel and Bmly, i . - .::¦ ¦ BK00HKSNDA T I0N 1 , ¦ ' Iappt . jye of of .this Edition of tne BightBw Dr- JArag BirrLKB' s Catechism , and recommend it to tie Faithful of these Dioceses. „„ .. < y * "JOHN POWEB, B.C.B. ^ r '^yrateribrd, Sept. lOh , 1878. " . ; ' - / .OibsBs from " any, .part of the Diocese, sent in*nd durepted to O.; :BiDxo?n) , i. Printer ; and; c PubljaB« , ' ^^SSSStB^S^SSS^^ . -:%vb?&d Betafl from ereqrCatiolio Boobelfer& the Djoceeo. . •:. :. ; .. v . . . . . . - - GAME NOTICE rfHE LANDS of BALLYDEBMODY , BALLY : -L: NEGEBEE, BALLYBBEQAN, BALLY PHn,IP BENVOY, BALLYGEGAN, LISAVI BON, and ABDNAHOE, are . strictl y Preserved Anyone found trespassing on thorn will be Prose cuted. (oir.tf) JAMES POWEB. ¦ ' TKA3SOBE. , HOUSES , fnlly ^ farnished, TO BE LET, by the Month, for the Season or by the year, at 8t ,BOSB'TBBaACB, Tramore. Apply to Mr. T. POWKB to No; 4, on the premises. " For the Blood i$ the Life . " OLAXKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTUES. Trade Mark—" Blbod Miitnre." OOB CLEANSING and CLEABING the BLOOD JD from all ImpnritieB, cannot bo too highly rocom- mended. For Scrofula, Scurry, Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kindB it is a neTer-faUing and permanent cure. : : It Cures Old Sores ; ¦; ¦ Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neok ,; Cnrea Ulcerated Sore Legs ; . ¦ . .Cores Blaokheads or Pimplea on the Pace Cures Scurvy Sores ;• . ; ' . Cures Cancerous Ulcers ; : ¦ . Cures Blood and Skin Diseases <^ Cures . Glandular Swellings ; . 'JW the . Blood from all Impure Matter from free fw> ' whatever cause arising. " ¦ . > . stitution ' r fef. i8 P le / l8»nt to thetaste .andwarranted •to-grra^Tf^? ul J n 5«>S to ' . the most delieate oon- / THOnsANDrSIJj. *?. 0 ^P 116 ! 0 ^ solicits , sufferera Sold in Bottles Zs. '^™ 1 " 6 -• •: ; :, . ¦ ' , 6 Bottle8, lls. i each, iu^9? 1A1 ?^ BO>t * HL PAHTS . in>lbng-standmg casei; BtPi ^ Cases , , <)ontaining Medioina ; Vendors ' throngWSE? 0 * a permanent enre any address on receipt of SOrorKS 11 "* 1 ?, ' **&¦ Patent F. J' . CLAEKE , Chemist , '-ApotheoS 0 "" 5 or sentto .; ¦ ¦ -v - gartle and Btono- yptiL^n "" ' ,5[B EB ESF0BL-8TBSBT , r ' WATERpC ~~ : : :i - ' : ': ' : : . ¦: (Established 1830). : i W; '" ' * S N •:i ' .;iv ./. . ¦ . .xj ..;;' . i>.v ., iV ; . ' ; -;. ^ . ¦ '. ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ;•• .;¦ ¦ ; ¦ - •¦> "HB9BBEBir * 1 A ¦ .TZENNED. Yje 1 . . i!SS^H^H^OP ; X-V .- , JA-_ spectfoHy. ' .sb- -P-a^^BH^fBn. ' v lici ts tlio;attention of the ^mmmmmWrnaW' rnblic to thelarge Stoc k' of -IBHS£Rili lu MONUMENTS, ' TOMBS, '^WmW&mMW> 'm E AD -S T ° NE S , and . yMMmmmWB &:\WJSA.l J TABLETS , , &c ; i JMHIHIBBV ^^ -also, a large Stock of Marble Chunney^ieces;;from .Italian and Iriah"Marbles , , Statnary,,Marble , ;. .Chiraney-Pieces ^ JichjT .; Ca ' rTsd t :and' whjoh i wUl l^ di^o^of at Oq^halfliie Qpg}' ' nal : Pripe8.- ":- ' / " ; '" " "" :' "- ' . " ¦ " ' ' y ' i '^Xi : -h ^-.- . iTySEASE^PBEYENTEDj : ' > >i ; - - ' ¦ - '' <' ' HEALTH RESTORED. -'•-•- ¦ ¦ V'- : U C;: : ^i-!;:< ; <4; . - " -j - r r i > ; - -' ¦ ) - -By, th« use , , of-.! .>..; , . f/ . Ji^AYE'S .WrOSSDELL'S JPlLLS, : i'Wliieh! ;th' e experi ence of . over 50 ' years ' proves ; #A ;, V .1$ W-i . ¦T\to\beihe l ' if - J i l , j . -Jl£i:i. \ ' . " :' : 'Best FamUy--Medicine. ' " ¦ ' ¦ :: ui^ :: ^ > K.'lO-rafel^Y.i^Xa^ PUBIPT . mE-BLOOD ' •. ' I CLEAHSE THE STSTEM . BBM0y£ OBgrBPCTIOKB; ntPBOTE rax DlQESnf al D]Sold;6very.wi*ra at ls-ilfiV 2s. 9dUj ahd ! 4s. 6$-' frr^r-r-^——— pw-toxr— ~ . 7r—r-jaW:em T^EA^lNa'S^GOUGH ; 'LOZpRJEB^An # t^ie^.increasing Bale-rf nearly 60 ' years..; . ^SStonllS'S! ' C0J7GH ^LdZENtiEa^The ^ ^^ ^ ^: ?si^S^«aIeat .|O; keep haSoi ^g poAetii^t^ai i^m^&'B^iqouQ^ 1 ^^^^^^.^^ -J^^uniTers^. iecpWBndodby.fto^SSi^-v.irv i ' 0«« SiB^aWb^' .trfei jour ;Conifa ' Joi«ii ge* in tidliS . b»T(i nrachT&Mniti m^tettttjflmt rtotJWti ^ii iff ci tr igact* in CUM of totiBtotConinmpttoa. A«thitn;»i>aia>onehi«l «g«o- eUt^^bareprtscrlbedUWMlTwitjLyM -b^HBuiSJ* Sold-iajTiis , tt?lW;;and 2s. Qi-eadh , b yaO^^ists. <yool7.W« : -- ' -l ? f ;i "> Hr -t>V;;j<.;;^Vri-ry^ * '%-">. i ~ i ^3pBWUS"!DEBmM"^iim8;^S ^Im^J^S^ii^^l^S^^^ jQ aix ' Jie ojujea, ' wfthoBt . .tbe' -alior .Qtuok«,ii:£r»a-<ai«Emtet Postage: Btampi. '«Addr«si;t' , S»canTiiT;'-iIin»tt«£a ii) Anatc^BirraingharoSiija.;? : v , c jj^. - 'EWoS.lBB* 1 " ->• «M»>adsB ^to«a lri s^k uif Br w:r SSife^cmbb^i ' 6T8P ' mB*IHWam»it. wttwy ^yMrBBrrothx^ gipw ^ xa ft*Hy porno BSi HlHi gpi®

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Page 1: lli feSi Sisnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1879/WNS-1879-12-05.pdfBUSS1MB ins mmmKKBtw wmmm&mmmm i - So J« H««!aK^;JjjriM v* i< riMfe**f«j.- WJ jr." rmmSSBBB^



i - So J«H««!aK ;Jjjr iM v*i<iriMfe**f«j.-WJ jr."


igff iBBBBBi

jgpNpisi .dNl^AalntTii Kuimii l^MP

«*,Sqn, .4 t<?t*Mk ;;r i ) oil; w&; biBi-^iub

¦DJOABTAJI—Mr./EDWAan. BJUDWJJ*,. Btationer,« <^oa^ ftn£lej<yjr»ph Offioe, ThsJ3o.uara,;:..!.,, ., j

irS^.L-MVtpa^aivj i'' ¦ -uj f^Tlql/riar;!!, a?xrii, iPKorassoa. OIP:MUSIO-i*t.8iB<0,- jiS.i /lKNarBriVl gZR8J3!.-K '

, : v< nT«^pnepfaio»tiori.... -.^I'(:;r-.i fiiild4»3m]

l i ; ••• i i! « J:iiuRi?JRi 3{t Jf>)4>iX i'Jj.$.:. V.J •; ,;¦ .(if jmAXEN BA3LYV oJfc.i.WINTBB^and Jli wahidJT , . Ip.tho bMt,4ty<e\4»T,.^li WmpprPTedJv•>J . i t \.;\v:EHOrooRii:«,» STni>ioti:iI-j :; .i-!i'.-'r.

«5T 62y QUAY <£»'OB Bwrwcs) WAlEEFORDr' 1

, ; !.<:-r :-> or. .«-. *ir:a,' i: ^i vitjl~ ! ti'q¦:jk*2"iy

:¦ . • ;,: r • XHB ,IBJflH?ipAXa; .:•, J.-.J M.

;! ''.">#.i r^Mi'!-:lii'-N .BA 'Js I• • • _iLipi l. B.OXii -A'J). , ,T «• ..; , .:• ,

: , tjN^ jg raig; MAXiSEEaLM i,;: j, • TU<^'!V 'i . - i JwuUiSoie . Steamers, of .thmJ««jEiH^'.< 'iliney tj*a tnUne Bonfces,'wicW^MMftlll i i"-meftaea bV*fc1Hiti&*<Wbotli¦ •¦ ¦¦¦ t&eOrctwiirdnd' Homeward Pas}

¦Mgjtii-u-^rj: ;tiU fa Jvfc \JiotiI-oi!-} i-'-: ;.siit.<{, . Thaso wep.knowq magnifioytt ffcners, allponstrgnt-,ed 07 Messrs,HAaiiAHD, ;4.rWpji/'61 ..Belfast*are;appointed toiattweeWvisiihaeitt glierMajeaty'*an&WUnHsd States Maila>-i-<iT - * '• ,:>:-A.<ir» :

1.'!: fit' . S>>3t-.gt»m-|jV1IBI»OOf^^!'« rf!nVl5'-'i |GERMANIC .. ThuTsday,-.;>i:::i:lltWDob.i ;

. ; CELTIC. V .. ,„,. Tuesday.;;.*!;.,. 23rd,:Deo.. ¦BBTTANSIO .:..:¦ Thuriaajr/ ; ,'. lsV 'Jan.' ;

:ADBIA.'J20 "-;l.;.!:Tne«air.'ri.1- J:v«ta'' Jan;r'¦ ¦ , yroni< eenBto (Ckirkjtho Bowing aiy'1 ' !: i , . ( I . . .-1 .• ;:.'.; n P«0H;Il«W.TOBKJii >: ':;vr ,L ) -. i l

^•wC v;-:(<» c , ..¦• . . . - PANOYv'SHmTINO .STiANNBLS/ ' : . . ¦.


v\• fl.y.(i oi!.' .t^b.-r -v:, OAB IAaE.--jLND;' R AILWAY BUGS, Ac.ft ; '

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- : ATer*8ePM»ag6J8iJd»y« in.8nBiin<|-9i'd4y»In

5*pmpattmant»L_*¦.,:. ¦>;,.- „-• .',« .;iA''-'--n'The ST kio'K8 are-un'usa«Ilj p«M3oiUK«ll-li«WeaJ

rentilbtod, and warmed, and ParienWr»' -tl>fa 'dlaujreoeire the nfiiioitofviliiy"aSa"»ttSifaon.- Cttle, Sheep]or.'^'JgaJkr.Uot'.tokQD tj-' tUi'IUnVrriUclimittdj•npplj of Cooked yhmrions.V: Medical ooforta freeof charge. Stewarde8M» in- Steerage to Aend the,

? ,^?S .M4Children.;Wi,v

1.ir, v,(J, i~ ,- . - ]¦ FaiBengers booked, throaoh,at low rates, to*a parts of

W0m fit* Sd-'Oa&da;---w| J^p.^"*

..'•'¦S: ? JOHN TOBUfrisnr.. fttmaifBaByaqiir.'' ';' ;• '• >^ JAMES SCXWTVA'Co./QireenitowiiOtf rtitj'-"l... , ilfiMAY, tlJEm ACo.V WAttr trcet, UYAMOI.¦ "¦ i / i! i Ti-Vi-'-l AifE&MUu. iiJSJ! .ihff ci., U i

• BnHiiiM idverpool to^Phiiadolplrij1;i •|K7W![ .!--n'«li:':'li»rttETOEy^WEDKlaniT.;"dl\iv,j: j .'C^Uiw'at Oneou oTWfl^BiyShniSrtiyvi :U;Rrjt qlass ftJlVpowered, Wo StfjarafhipaarBjappoint^iABi>:ctivir ;ii>o6:iff i *ik)istoTa GH.1-"i)Mlils<TBNNSraViNIA5)W.!W|TOmKA .:>:..^T)?£:a*B»mte'EjteB*X>eo:a7: j SamSH CROVAT Jan f i.¦No;intsxmadiataiiYFuMng^BL'^BTiM lOBiTTVjMtB

rThBor^Kani-AitanboiSii? »Ww«B er«*9 .Up-ted8tMeg'TlSK,"a»d tojaWaTAtteSSitiJBaftirfot

tadil'«& ^&.«FM»Fliw«rii; vThcioooom-modaaoilioT all whtw jf isin&tekis«qtalto anj of

wb&SIuU1M«B0rtertand'man<UMeiTODiBioaupuH«intb«[W««teraatat«ij>.T. (.'iifUiiJlV Yi7fi ',v:.-v.-.i5i s

¦{tk priPta tnti, aatoXSgttiMW BotaT^mdaita

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¦¦• t.^OTHl JlBBWMPfflOW .veH; ;

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aTTCiJ' 'TiTTfiritf- Riffliviiimmmi KpipfeHs i?lifeAd

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fl3*T^OVt. V'| OlJ.iril .UO-.'j t il l . / i i> .*¦ y L U . j J 1 j - i

w^smmmxsj ims}•ivii t i iH . So "•."!!«.' h.iiii;./:.r II uj' ;:ii cwi>uJ[j -\. -'

rranSEBKijrim havo>tb» IiABGXBX STOCK*!;T/wl3 intJif.- ' ; ;vh i:jjK vr;v o.'SHOEB ine«o-i.)«3 .t'.'i •.¦"'i a.Micj iii ./¦A:I S:'OH j >:i .volii'Ji . 'o 2y- Vli''li y''-1' i tiii;-^)-: ' w/;; ;..V ;.-:T/ .ladies' Batton«d, I«c«d, and Elastic'Side

:<*»W5oa ajoams iddroiiiTAao.

i;f)(isfc\ ;r«iSii:'iI !.rn V; i'v\a ;,J ...ii.' vi- -Si '.:.—>.KB )*. .- ¦¦ • ¦ Please oT)ierre—" The Bin

a^llUT i:o ::^ ' : . ) ; ! ¦ ¦>' L; - ( . - -.!.'^;i.V 'i ' - f L lj

J;. v,,.WauwoiJji , €tirep\,Speda i.attantion,to

c^qSWANSKIN,1 • ,':MEDIUMi;':. 'WELS 3,- "" 'AND ! SAXONY . .ELANNELS,

11 "!fe", ;;. |Eta|6^fe M.S]oBic.ii ivi-;-.v / '' •.•«.•« . .-j -ii- i- ~i \; vu - '> - 1 ' j|i I t VjI-fU ¦ v?Ci-m:¦ : - 'it \i-. v :~,.- ¦ ,*'v!:!.:-.O > •¦: ¦ ': '.' .X > |

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^limited Mmter'reniiin^urispldi ' . .


tple HpuseiPnx siriag iB4 . .;

''l8JPLATE3 FbB:.Kra'CH'EN, """ ^

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do. ' IN EVEET STTDf .' • ' iI . ' I '. T , ''AND . : . ' . . i !' x |

do f ' LATEST FASHIO NS ^• i ;;/ j ' ; . . . ! ; . .; ' ;V

:' ;V ¦.

of'toe- feg' Bodt.V .mterford.



Pte-5 ;:tHEHixiN8Ei)RW4aa^r


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ol aaK beth S'&'tsh)^* tiS*r+ blhet So»p'. l{r )M»Meid>teTWnt(i (a/aBa5 jtorfB«Birt whenowd for eleanB&g and pnJ.-i/yilW:WUIWpooniiBeddinpj4o.*,;l l«;fowm«d i jK^m»4«fffc^

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! , • . " ' ' " ; f V BSaJBTEBSi) FOB| 1 ' t TBANBitI88I0N A3BC

: i .s/r.-4i' > HOTELS - .- , • .¦ : ! « : ¦

¦l-a-fs SELLT'S CEOWMTIHOTEL, ; i;Mjp.'K.O;K_ ST a"E;E T;A"W:.B X i1 0 RD

fTT jiaa. Central andComfortaWe Hotel in iTWoterms 7^ "° - -. oa'*h"' '?108t' »<>?«»«BM*,J0nWin; andiiWerfrad SpiritajYalad, SrandLt

AlWlS^?' Totmsf ¦¦?*. Son#B OfOeb»t»

%'- .Qn Wafct>iB .»Bor '»64A;V.:

.; , . .':,''6wW

i^- y K'- VteitOM to london I i ¦' < •<;

"MrjIjLfea Honie ComfortB; rininodeiate'tetoi;*;°a*nd.¦:V. LSLACK, Proprletbr.¦' •< • '¦ ¦."' ¦;•• , 22itf ::•- ¦¦";

¦":. . • ! ' : -' • i);irvB.'-L;mrvo' ;. - ¦•?. : :cri ; .•:.-.Oommetcial aadrPrtyiat* :3>wJgJiiff «6JWO

vlii'iS?fca?t^llS? BoWa/


* '«>«¦oomttS* of i

'¦ - 'v ¦; ¦'^•- r.'- r- - '•-4 -i>—— ; ¦ - -. , . -¦ '

- ' ¦

•V SraES^te^Wraiff will find at the BUBO IUK,

w«.^I/r»01tff?BEEr5> ¥*>¦ aooommodationwrtnmoderate oharges and utidaousattention'.' - •'- !T. S°

aod- elegantly-appointed LADIES' COITEBnUOM. ; . i . ¦; .: . . >

Wodaing BreakfMte.Balli!, Suppers, *o. • • V

^Be aunurhiT-Billiards.. Beds, 2s. 6d.i 2g.:, and Is

J ^OX O N T ; Proprirtor.: W°Oyat«ra ,I Oystara ! Oysters IThe Oomm*ncem*nt of the Season ' ' • • .

BUELINQTONr RESTAXJEANT-AND' OYSTEBfTIHE P PB^TOB-. bega "to !acquaint hit«j: FrlenoV M the WbMc tW lie is wj)«piredOU oonitut Bnpply qtjEED BANK BUBEIN

• v£*rKr'l 5Sr; f 81? W oalns own Beds in the

:'S»2SffiSfi! 1?- <!?<Wdemand for these deUpous^ JKoiSS?^- 1'! 5°I«ffltiTe on the Propnifcrto

;•; *3?V snprjWorhUCnitomers. > . . . •¦«w?5«>WH.iK?5'J"? rB-'

'a la Carp us nind. iSrVSS fe 8- JohD.Jameson ana

Very (MBrandy ; BantaiHirteH Ma Heinessy'i •#*i JOSEPH C0BLE8»bliB, &o..r > - , - • - i28, ST. AKDBEW ST. & CBXH 9R~a^ 'n22) OYSTEBS|;.OYSTEBST^S.i)uaiiiK i

.- :. -.- ,;. "Blie caydo Hotol>.i^?iL_5iA10>EBST01>r QITAT,. GLASaCiVv

18 in the~ immediate vicinity- of- tl/e -Eprfisit .. Irish Steamers, including the Clyde'Shippui

CompaDy'rf Steamers. 'Tonriats and'familletfyisit^ing Scotlattd will find this: Hotel a comXoitablehome."' Charges Terytaoderate.- - ' - •- ;• ." "-'J ; sRly;

"THE GEORGE HOTEL,1'6, COLI.EOE.SlR,<md:29K 3q, & FLEE^ST.¦/;•: - A:PATBICK SHEBIDAK^ CABEY; V .(Late of the City ^Manmon Hotel); PBOPaaroE.

r.-.-Entrance/ 6, CoIlege^Street. '¦• •Night' Porter'inattendatce. i'i '^1 u;-;:: -W:v ;. :< : .;. . . . / ;. . -ig&tf/-

ttBXB. aac^ COMMEBClAli. HOTEL. •.

¦¦ : ¦ ii, QUAY , WAT£BF0RD. ' .

rry-i ' u'iM'.'l6 H-A-isiTii K I RW A N -; - - i¦Tfj:AVING-'ipurchased '. >» Interest' in the above'XjL 'HOTEL.'begs to ttnLcini«» thnt thni EBtab-ShrBent] OPBHKD oni SATUBDJX fPTilB: 15, 1879.'..<:< M.vJJ.<true'fW by'etrict attdiiticf' tA'those whopatronise'THI SHIP ' AND CoirMKRciLiL HOTEL, tomerit a continn'iince of'their pitronage;1; • '7< -¦ '¦ ¦ '¦ ''¦

) Quay, Waterfdrd;I'flb;il2,a87 ;:,v >'i' '¦'¦ ¦''• f28.U

THB o GPEAfT, piiOBE.VHOTBU- j jf DU?LEr.(E8tabHahed40SBari,r ¦


5f» 4, 5,:fcapdi?,!. LOITER BBIDQB^TBEETj • ,i.- -:-'~;<£BICBA)lI><Ct>FFET< VnwneiotM;: r< r

"J-'; modern - impro vemen w .of: tno day, and: is uridei- tha.con8tttDt sppccrieion of 4Ir. «n4 JlMiCorFKTpPrornil4ctot^ljk^£brii£w!n b'e^CSiroiiyeld'ltowtonl«8''driverr6m7Sy<3tty®ilw»jTfrmiiinW; aria i W<Jot^ from Kffiy» Kiatf?I>tfawajIiin& sSnppHoi arlB niifcblaBsiqnaUtyioiCBmiijiJ.tfttMrJcreaid£*nd!( egetables iromitheifarmtdaUy/aisliiotJ:wilii«)»n4}ng:p5eBontiluKh.ratea,,t<JnnB Areieitofmaly.g ?t»1ftVifee«f !t<i;$RS Jfi!.W!i45«5SI*((iiW 2sJBeds,Iromls 6d. each:.. Tab jd'H^diiigys eBK*days at two O'OIOOIL'J ,OH- SnndayQAt AVeto'dlpck.1 vji'»^:

'!v A Night Porte«4n_;»tiandanoe, and all Serrantj paleby the Piqpn tor. i7^7yi^V'- - l:'>:.nT-.:V-:.v'.v. p » ?'"i^£2iJ,iy,V

o 4IXXWEB HACli. VJlljLE-STKEErrfimBi/lN1j *(Oppodte the General Po«t-Offloe and TelegrqiunQa 1¦ ^ ^ ThB;«o»t ntoftJ irUWeCity.;v.itVT5? l-T»BEAinPAar^^wtoohbfc 4fiBi»;or:oo]diaiea(i;2«. ir r hByt flsjjcas^^^TO viBapa*3GwJi, SW.faixa Sf•j.jKtenaanoe, li.xacn^Muadlcf <'CoAe<Wto^BilHi^^mfeiV'j^ v^^K: ^^ ^71p57 |OTU^ gLI^TC>EE; Prop

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• ' ¦ V "OT?TiT<T?f SINGLE' ,coPY-8dl42). j f XT Jtiiv^XLllBY POST -SJd.

. ' NOWSBADY, : '. :Printed on Good Paper, and in large dear Type,


TO THE CATHOLIC CLEBGY, BOOKSELLEBS, Ao• ¦ ' . j : On 8aU at The News Office , " ' •

¦JVith the Becommendation of the Bishop of Waterfbrd¦"' '• '¦ ¦ and Liamore, the Bight B«T. DT.POWBBA Catechism for . the Instruction of Children,.. . i - • . • . BT TH» . ¦ v

MOST Bey. Dr. JAMES BUTLEB, Arflh-.. . . . . . ¦ % bishop of Casoel and Bmly, i

:¦.-.::¦¦ BK00HKSNDATI0N 1 , ¦• '

Iappt.jye of of .this Edition of tne BightBw Dr-JArag BirrLKB's Catechism, and recommend it to tieFaithful of these Dioceses.„„ ..< y * "JOHN POWEB, B.C.B.

r ' yrateribrd, Sept. lOh, 1878.". ; ' -/ .OibsBs from" any,.part of the Diocese, sent in*nddurepted to O.; :BiDxo?n),i.Printer; and;cPubljaB«,' ^SSSStB^S^SSS^^.-:%vb?&d Betafl from ereqrCatiolioBoobelfer&theDjoceeo. • . • :. :. ; .. v . . . . . • . - -


: -L: NEGEBEE, BALLYBBEQAN, BALLYPHn,IP BENVOY, BALLYGEGAN, LISAVIBON, and ABDNAHOE, are .strictly PreservedAnyone found trespassing on thorn will be Prosecuted. (oir.tf) JAMES POWEB.• ¦ ' TKA3SOBE. ,HOUSES, fnlly

^farnished, TO BE LET, by theMonth, for the Season or by the year, at 8t,BOSB'TBBaACB, Tramore. Apply to Mr. T. POWKBto No; 4, on the premises.

"For the Blood i$ the Life ."



JD from all ImpnritieB, cannot bo too highly rocom-mended. For Scrofula, Scurry, Skin Diseases, andSores of all kindB it is a neTer-faUing and permanentcure.: : It Cures Old Sores ;¦; ¦ Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neok,; Cnrea Ulcerated Sore Legs ; . ¦. .Cores Blaokheads or Pimplea on the Pace •Cures Scurvy Sores ;• . ; ' .

Cures Cancerous Ulcers ; : ¦.Cures Blood and Skin Diseases •

< Cures. Glandular Swellings ; . '• •JW the. Blood from all Impure Matter from

free fw> ' whatever cause arising. " ¦ .> .stitution'rfef.i8Ple/l8»nt to thetaste.andwarranted•to-grra^Tf ? ulJn5«>S to'.the most delieate oon-/ THOnsANDrSIJj.*?.0 P116

!0 solicits, suffereraSold in Bottles Zs.' ™1"6-•

• : ; :, . ¦',6 Bottle8,lls.ieach,iu 9?1A1

? BO>t *HL PAHTS.in>lbng-standmg casei; BtPi Cases,,<)ontainingMedioina; Vendors •' throngWSE?0* a permanent enreany address on receipt of SOrorKS11"*1?, '**&¦ PatentF. J'. CLAEKE, Chemist,'-ApotheoS0"" 5 or sentto

.; ¦¦• -v - gartle and Btono-yptiL^n""',5[B E B ESF0BL - 8TBSBT , r' WATERpC ~~:::i - ' :': ': : . ¦: (Established 1830).: iW; '" ' *SN•:i '.;iv ./..

¦• ..xj..;;'. i>.v. , iV;

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. i!SS^H^H^OP ; X-V .-, JA-_ spectfoHy.'.sb--P-a^^BH fBn.'v licits tlio;attention of the^mmmmmWrnaW ' rnblic to thelarge Stock'of-IBHS£Rili lu MONUMENTS, ' TOMBS,' WmW&mMW>'m E AD-S T °NE S , and.yMMmmmWB&:\WJSA.lJ TABLETS, ,&c ;i JMHIHIBBV^ -also, a large Stock of MarbleChunney ieces;;from .Italian and Iriah"Marbles,

, Statnary,,Marble,;. .Chiraney-Pieces JichjT .;Ca'rTsdt

:and'whjohiwUl l^di o of at Oq halfliie Qpg}''•nal:Pripe8.- ":- ' /";'" " "" :' "• - ' ."¦" ''y 'i 'Xi :-h -.- .

iTySEASE PBEYENTEDj: '>>i ;- - '¦'¦- ''< ' '

HEALTH RESTORED.- ' • - • - ¦ ¦ V'-:UC;: : i-!;:< ; <4;.

-"-j - r r i> ; - • -'¦) - -By,th« use, , of-.! .>..;,.f/ .

Ji^AYE'S .WrOSSDELL'S JPlLLS,: • i'Wliieh! ;th'e experience of . over 50 'years'proves;#A ;, V.1$ W-i . ¦T\to\beihel 'if - J i l , j .-Jl£i:i.\'. ":' : 'Best FamUy--Medicine.'"¦'

¦ ::ui:: > K.'lO-rafel^Y.i^Xa^PUBIPT. mE-BLOOD '••. ' I CLEAHSE THE STSTEM.BBM0y£ OBgrBPCTIOKB; ntPBOTE rax DlQESnf al

D]Sold;6very.wi*ra at ls-ilfiV 2s. 9dUj ahd!4s. 6$-'f r r ^r - r - ^— — — pw-toxr— ~.7r—r-jaW:em

T EA lNa'S^GOUGH ; 'LOZpRJEB^An#t ie .increasing Bale-rf nearly 60'years.. ; .SStonllS'S!'C0J7GH LdZENtiEa^The

^ ^ :?si S «aIeat.|O;keep haSoi g poAetii t aii^m^&'B iqouQ1^ ^ ^ . ^-J^^uniTers .iecpWBndodby.fto^SSi -v.irvi

' 0«« SiB aWb ' .trfei jour ;Conifa'Joi«iige* in tidliS.b»T(i nrachT&Mniti m tettttjflmtrtotJWti iiiffcitrigact* inCUM of totiBtotConinmpttoa. A«thitn;»i>aia>onehi«l «g«o-


Sold-iajTiis, tt?lW;;and 2s. Qi-eadh, byaO^ ists.<yool7.W«:-- '-l?f ;i"> Hr-t>V;;j<.;;^Vri-ry *'%-">.i~ i

3pBWUS"!DEBmM" iim8;^SIm J S ii^ l S^ jQ aix'Jie

ojujea,' wfthoBt ..tbe'-alior .Qtuok«,ii:£r»a-<ai«Emtet o£Postage: Btampi.'«Addr«si;t',S»canTiiT;'-iIin»tt«£aii)Anatc BirraingharoSiija.;?: v ,c jj .-'EWoS.lBB*1" ->•

«M»>adsBto«alris^kuifBrw:rSSife cmbb i'6T8P'

mB*IHWam»it.wttwy yMrBBrrothx^ gipw xa ft*Hy porno



Page 2: lli feSi Sisnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1879/WNS-1879-12-05.pdfBUSS1MB ins mmmKKBtw wmmm&mmmm i - So J« H««!aK^;JjjriM v* i< riMfe**f«j.- WJ jr." rmmSSBBB^

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In <A« Ko» of WrLLiAii BjuiT CokictNBf ej^ ^

Tp > be Sold by Public Au orii |At WALSH'S SALE-BOOMS, in.tSo'CrrrlS %'¦¦ :-:Vv: ^^'':^- V/iWatertord, - - '?: - :t4;;p:'!fH

On SATXTRDAY, the 20tU i day p? DEO., 1879,, :.; - . :. ii; At the honr of One o'clock,- -4 -.',:;- ¦ •>) '¦'¦\ LL THE rS8TATB AND IKTBEESXot ihe

•qcrJAWEBgggrhM-ABSIQNEESand-MqST-•S^ tfWaWi&d CSioF jrlf friStoJfa^al rare),

ttttWitrtt^^ yiiniWGit/of.Waterfwd.ltit-iljrCfiRPi K^^ l^ dA^ Le ri ayfcus.iwuu Mth MarcbrlSW/at Eentof ;JE46, payr

ablo haif-yearjy, 25ta>Sttro6,Q£nd 20th Sept - xr(fj.J^Si2t~JE'op«*.<.j0»i0«s,;,4iId.rPBrjliHM;ih the

raage leadiB(frfrorjijthe< ,-£juay to Goorge's-Streeti,the - City, otTW&exIord, held'by Lease for 63J

years,7!roui7 26thA Maroti, 1868/ at -Yetrlrlknt ofone*shiiKff; ;r'" ";sii. xV

¦¦ 'f'"*" " ^K-- /.IheTBt^BOTit^kOT

'by the.'.Auotioaeer. will Sosubmitted to the Court,;at tha Poor Courts, Dublin,

..cmlJjpSDAY.the ^cddttycrf DECEJ^BEBil? ,wtien.';jf apjjroyedjof/t^^

' ^t eftt '.lodged,in the Office of tihWCouit, paa.moy. be so i

":;abo in'thd Office of the underpinned SolioiWnJ, b*ar'-ing CaiTkgft'Of the Sale, aid at th« Office of JO6»HW. Howivnc; Solioitor;thd Mall,'WaterfoKL . . ;^>jji

• '• »ated(tJu8 2nddflir6fI»ee«riJber>Vl879.--i'lfi-';'« . i i w 4i i. }.;;irrTHOMAS >FABRELL;Chi«f Clerk*K' < ..

¦• ¦¦ ¦ • ¦ . •. ,,.. ..- .•i , ,,-.!¦ ' ioiaifliiJl'J-

• • ' ' : DESOEIP IVE-PAEaaCTI^BS^U il¦ Lot 1 comprise* tho weU.Vaown. aijd 'eiVenaiv*

t:'Shi'ai^ wtaeT^ tb^^Bai^ .nun9;M? .tiitf• Hardware.'Jftade;! They are situate in theTery best•f a^^ e-bofdnap^rtioKorthe ^dg^Ht• -VXot a comprfflea tne [Forge, Offices, ana PremwefcilatelyinlthepdMeBWBfll the. Baakrapt, ': ;-|]'' The Parohaser of eaoh lot will be entitled'towiinimediate possss njiii completion of the Piuwhiselii

Proposals •lor- Porotmse by-Private Contract ¦*}$be received by. the Official AseiKn^e; up, to the .hour

\bf,X?elTtfo;Cl6 i6bhi'ohf ihVl6thidfty'df.D«cMi- ara; iSw If anfe b6Jnade whioli'can recoSiJ¦,Jnended. by the^ VfehdOrt; ifr l be submitted'to ui<'Court for, approval "withoutfurtaer notice! ' ' ¦'*'¦¦¦'}!¦ •

"' ; ForfurHiBr'finfbrniation apply torf!1; C'V;, i_• jVCfir/crosfS. BEE^lNQ/'E8q.;::;j!- - "Official-. .Assignee,-. Merchants' Quay¦ • : . Dab*£v<p ,-v - ,- -, i - i\T3R

'•!¦¦• ¦-,'! ' iMEAXWitE'f-WELDO^Sbij tOTi-il!.Br> "¦ ".;."¦•':•,''• vi'lavirift caSrtj repf. the $816,137, North_ i . • i .j :'' (ji fc 1Qeor^ treetJ;:i)91olin,,ifhpi{«. i.i_niay_l)e! seen'.. Slatement'oif JSSne *anc"^ vCouditaonBpf.Sal^vviVa-'" ¦ V > v : JlJ08EPHVW;HpWAED, Esq.i SoUoitorJj

. . ; for Mbrtowes, WaterfprdTJ ¦.v* liPEIESE(paJjXT.vEsq.y 8ojjcitor for Iji

,. - , . . r,v,r-Moitgagew/';W'aterIbKL;r ' -.' J ' - ' ''>• '<•a•'.- •'. THOltS -VTALBH, •Anctioneer.'i Watet.Zt^-yV for^ ^C ; ^ ]-. ^

imonB^Boi» iFyAtictr6N;'Ibn .anpsi&ATi;± ;.»thHDECEMBEEr;i«9> at (12a'qpekratBALIINYOHEB (o: one J.V iiler'from "WaterfortBridge), by airectionB of ("KniiAKfBliaBi 'l!Bq.',jj j

iv ;. OlJtE .JBICKiCOEttliASTiiTrEAB'S'HATv^¦¦j - -«:-K-':J^ i (First Crofltf^^ ^&J!'ONE-BICK OiP^HIgl t jeAB'SyQIKJitTOH:!!:;TbeyYcpnt»hli-ob6iit;.12:fca ni aM^¦nrime ebnai«on:-HaVinff b<^'WTBa,1'witn6ntrttUtt

,-fi3«l£BS^%SSS^^^,tteirmveiien(Se i|T >-^ ;Sl i Pj' IrSpHOMAs-yrAisi iT?bN^^ C*g* f

; :i'T-$Ea feb^M©K<>nn th.e^w>£&«'• ,^ j \«fg l%hbojuh<)odJI-Jniv«'£^¦! '-- (^^^ AifpaaoNEEfi 'syLftffiN.saX r i /: 'j uiriai»*&*** such in the Coloniea for eonJe Jeari.¦¦'" ." | ;: iqfc5 ^^ )q»^ eUlc»to .to;tE*ititoJ4, g?A 2y»i I- feeloonfldentinBoKdang-patronagdHi Vjp' iirsbaU alwiys endearouri.byJ'BTBio-r andpioKWyH^*ettta»9nC !of_eco6ohtsj?-to;jprore':yorthyof^ oonfln,,•5'' - dence ia all njattera entxns t^BWi)h*rge*?<Vj f;

: ; ;>'« .C!o;iaicuIca1iona;Teoei *ed'>t,1 fijaG^"oij

<: i ; UW w^i 9ri*sg0hm i&§.i; ;¦¦¦ ' u sffi tox roB r o fS^ fj; [i- EtKS rm^&'fee imertliS^bWt^it. ¦'¦'ilJ.'f they hare kdaedtethdi'basinew i large anil'

\ ¦¦¦- ¦ : ¦'/ ¦'•' v Nibssr8jil»»^wrH»»vBBANDIESp-v

' 3 : 5./M!PBJOT 6«4«w^^ 0 H!

¦rirfia«Jllka €B-»t«tiW^: - >--"' '1Hf>»BM*,')- ;

v tTJtDljXUlION fatS % Bffi« ii.•j Fi..^^ .Ai 4n>.yfcHrLDBEH? i63PLACEyE-t

^ ' •A/J Sp^AwinOt iB^BJQ'^PtodL,?<

¦¦ ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦Vw> .T2WWWSl«g; ?*$SSOT?«S1-*; .«3


Stock, having eqakl priaiity;>itli the-MortgigwBonilji,b»ring Interest at toe rate of'4J per Oanfc in perpe-^'.•' Applieations to be adibStia .'fo'theTaidBrtigMJiat'tile ComDa&T1S f M i s ^iK-Mff kiMrf iwA Vitr^^ »' - s^v^'^aVtkt** ssj s^TT^R3Ey!... i^- *?;." • . ffy^^

«'W^ ^r*WAM*>riLWAMS^a«Or«iry;>":


' rTlffiE^Sreseiit TbiJif iiffeoS' bn'atitf'JBVTne* in(Otr CKew^M raabK iOTib^mperwfla^;;rto Wiflwibfl gni j erTOnteRiixm s i -M

;>10«.fi jnji> 3-1&} p.m; 1 eaTe>BalbakriU}e;JimQtkm^10.5: a.miv'l.0 p.m.,'i6.E,*tp.m.^MB .p.ntiYarriTeF^ceirai f .l ^pAJrarriireKe jaiUel

?U 0ra:ffl:pIi8.8 .W P« iS i§ iP; ;D0WN TBA&S,i-iI»TelNe (aaleMiM*.|!'iiU0 .mu>8 p ia^

!F yna^&M £ I2.1S

pVni., 60 pan. &j iyXf e xi*>i&<A%®aP*i k df y >i:*¦will:,be ia co3neoaon nth&S»a.m.,from-Foynea

4'Pj" ff i*^***?^? *£ "f T i if1k \LA {l vnf l Tt[ .tJB14Wlt1nfeme4iata<Muo1 |ca1iXbe"1h1^TO"reJereweW.thevGomr^nyjf'Kme^i^hleBooli toTtA'ob^aiMd'atIattr'6f tt'eirStatioWbr'Offlcei^^ lkFjM^IJ'n'rffll;Tenn^n<ijHgx#'W|.187>&'y«yA'a^

mHirordiiiirv (ioodtf . 'raina or Hpeciat iwan*,,:i%; 'inlijoarrxl«Tej8toAto^Limeriokt-J>"W»t»)rford,';i.Ennis,Saturday, Deoesiber.fiUii^ f^ i:;!' -if'-' 'i.-t-.,Cahqr,lor,Newtta''Jalr3 8atordajr/,CUww4 ( "¦?$&?'Vc ;Vonf af WMMf ili^Wto&M®it'f rAii limeade Jmdf a Xeittoltit&ota Afr; JCondajri 8th y<-Ennffi for Tulla JairrSwdayf 8th.fe^'*> £ti?;S« •-v"Athen>y/.fcnr<Wir»yII^Tii*^*»tnViKHi«: :.t-EniUBrforMUtown.M»Jl«iiur fue »y,th:;T:ITi.• KnialoeiJfosfB*riff fti RwMayVwefsg!.* js?- Cahor, for CiihelFair.-.Weiiesday.lOSh.tli'i fe-

r NewoasUe, SigVvkaf i To«tdayj»tfc»-:#"--<: ¦: ?t"/¦ ,iipp«r»ry, t tu»jF«ir,->ww[iiTnay1^waia.¦;,>>¦ ; -t.>; v jajawTMBiMniiyioueuea. ..-' - ¦; ¦? ; :

SSa BsTLwjItoroSTOlrtRwB ^

imcMC' of,* reoUng.fc taM^W wwire:.to.,thti

iinittwVthe,! * ^ !!*;!^ othersr^ ]root i ,1an iiBJit^i *&Te;-:Don»tioM ; h*ip«t a<tiSm^ j e;-B T:'-B ;C 8»Tf !aipfflt«a';rtoiis i;iiuasMr vr^i fpiit^^bUk^i&oapSre.; * ^_E«olBMf—That the Secretanes be requested to;addre88>,CXjrctiliU tte^;JoaH, >CAe»T;PJ.;?Bolii4tinipthe«.il iwm^: u;oq4>pe»tto:in:$D's;Ba.OTM^ t »^ ^{fr.InV; oompliai > )|j>i)teTwr«Niiii^,the $ BtcxeUrie-; fe*nV,«tiflS;ih»tVtkv^Bay•<^nt.:o4; many fAuidaSwhc itriU^W^ plipeal for,aid in the" workjthiis' tMV&^^ t l tJl

K?:oV'r;§V.WILIffJJf^HE3 J F3j*il^: ffr1:Kilro3seity JHliactWiatf*JD^ ]il^M^



V • ¦ Good.Br^li^iO^*-:Broad I :. ,EOBQB'S-E rMBABlBBTtijilaW K ttTfa).. # - i :H; £p^i<:.. •¦ 'H [ : ¦"?

STfAVINa:;pWfcaoed%t! »Ure>y ;Conceras ofi|3L;S.the UtejT. F.^ ap ow in a position;toyjapply k iwant lonnr felt in'Waterford—that of: :>cv; aiO:Pi»*B'X:E"AjPM| ,Vr .-;- ; > > ¦;

l.rttj#n6ttito;M»t'!tJ «Be*)Br»>idt( of/Slouf -w*w *H«rSn&onSvBwad iectndtoRon^ili rn<fT"ii<isWiiiti f ^"'1 "''I IIII I L

' 'I-W.?/*'-' !l * " ' . * 'i ' '' "* !:*'"i.wr;v. vAi'-TEXAL'BiflFiKrnruLiiT SoLicmo. 'ie6*0m

-iPT.TTinfErg;tf -pff | flff !i;iiJiftrhfT>mt:-1: n, (, w-gnrrraR

Tr.rrrisFpjiKiay ioa^HAHT;r»o.r.-:- ::¦• : ¦ ~ ¦ T

Baring pnrekased tte Interest and Plant of the lft«f;.v A>.>Jiff.Vi'J! ^

:iVii''sKria'-of\ 'W'<W v- .)i i5.^ < i . - ..- ,i t >¦

ttr-'AJ jCflLBA'N^Airoill o'IvNT0,8 H , V: . ;Enables »• to exeoute all jOrders entrusted to me as.TJLTntBEB^BKASSf S tJNDEB;.

and < GAS-SIX-

"X WSSSi f alsoHeatlntf of Qresn-honseei-Oonserra-tories; and^bUnt^ulHfajs.jOn-thamoBt imprpiiedprinclUeiWW'apftaSSoiaMlhotSrater?^^^^^^^

• Bo *H aM t BKp 'WcUn-'f i to f iUj 'Vatht i Lift andP o n $ P % r w $ i H y d r a vi i 4 'Sfrnk ^GcuaUerr, Ga* Seat-<nj,4HMl,0»oWna ftpvM 'atiMyi 0H.:fK»n<J«.i ,-, - '[mhfl.tfl'rpfSiitt^ic •'^•^'^

¦i^^SSy<pHABLB3ijMpBSXO^HiU j. v:v ^PLU^B J IBlii-yOUITDEBs vc^*mm a^*fiiAbi;KEBpBAirt;rv;y

leading O«strT«<^rs*stf«H siJtMWisMwCoun^Si*

^W«^W;traisM,W"i^gi^•"'••• ^" ^ ^ B P S B PB^ B^^SMBBVS BS ' ^ B P 'P' ^ISVS ^ HI P ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ _ f c ¦ ^ ^ ^ Tl n

I »m'enWiWTWsBHsRswllPsHw^Ctililg at too

v*AU wSajjni»¥'"»''»l» .'»? "f llni IIII I I imi f nnii i andworta aaj*} ahdjwinvbe;"eiscuted on- the most Bii,-


¦ig'j . .!?; ;? ^:""- ':v •-.?¦>¦¦ --i A :¦: •t?$M*|BMgii;:'jmdVidOKiE»AHT,--- -' - - -OOAOH BTJILDEBS'iAlOJHABNESSJMANTJFAC-f4i£S? t! .TWy5TtnfflE8 jr r{'-5v'' ;<f "¦" "" ' *'CATHUKUSnS} STBBEOrANDTpABADE QUAI}*M f frasW'ATBBKOBD; ";iw-! . ¦ . ' /, ¦=-

BtiM'Carria flf o -^eweitDefflgnand Finish,?J=&;i;''/-^.' 3'? J?«pm^"ung-,. - -:^ •. .• ¦. -. •. •. ¦ ,. - . •T ¦* ;:. : Bijcui«o»,*LionTNWw, Aiii> DimAmuTT.i .A Tttriety f. Phj ttB/iSide CarW, Dog and PoloAftCarttVCwjrdeitt;;*ei'<iwn soTdwasonsblsi." "Carriigea BfcoredpBougbti or.Sold on commission: -Old JCartiageB1

? tJ^^^^^W^Swid- 'maiiey6>fe^:|4?:?3^M l*5-«eir.-y>'V: ,> .'~ - ¦:• . - :: - , .: ;First - ,cl»»a.trWdt»WT»»hWand-'-best , Seaeonod

: i5 o:B>XB;tfiBi.B;^M|o;j):EjR:A'|p.'iB-;r ;•;.;CartiageBi'for jf'HliSBiywitliiidptioni of ^pnrohase^

a»<>c«mT;*»di«rati*xrt«i3iifliimeni",ip PA*BiOie« E4S|« j ¦ ¦'¦•.¦ ^#l -»MS^?|mBsW;)iyk;" - - ¦• :¦. ¦ .i-H^^fP^haWdai^knt^H-rn- the'above 'ntTlLlf^bfl atftheiiwrt-


termi.^W «Sy1^ bM«ibottd£inUi .O»e

Trade, a«4

; SS,'&s#^ iiio i<iark:bla0r:! ;


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ SS S] J SJZ M^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 4«H l i sssss^

g ifeip


^;:: ¦' ¦T»2r |sT»»sUI«« P :¦aTO¦T|{l%:: ^p ^p nmMmmmmmmM'iS|8Jo^n^SSoW^«irrai A»the'fCwB oMpis|ftHtl«rr^ ifiw:,*if ?¦i»tii» f.Bi^;vWA*i«i^;*«*;iB!*P!!||¦.¦

~3&S V--^?"ft^-.v !.:;":'!? •• •-Hfjj -"-- ¦'-* ;'• ''•'iigj ' ffiB6^ rN*^:ATiB> B T ? S!j»BOZr., ., . ,j ¦... '¦.

¦ :'..¦.'•- .•'. wi.Tiwoip.;-y-::-r-:!i-^ l .'vt>?fBOZ!

BOZ ,t :,- . . -; ' -V ¦ '-

¦¦S+-r-±-t.i- '¦ SiW ^*^BOZ^

BOZUxifB/>KBSlUrS' tTaUBBDAT; cmf - "JflO!.BOZiiiU":;: :V^ ™a4r; i :i.'+~-4 .r~BQZiBOZ I:.:: DiosiBiilQ;11/and IS. "^ -BOZ:

BOZ 'v;V-.> -; ¦:¦;;.,¦.. .- ,-j;- . - - ;;*^<;;a ¦ . iV u i SSQZjBOff'-rll^ONABdH'oit NTOBEBST^BOZ~f>r^>- "-^TtfiPf H»A<j£?i:'x--^^:iBOZ;BOB JPALAOB IOPFENOHASTMBNTJ i BOZB0Z.^mM>;/- :¦¦*- - • -¦ • • •j'- ^ . ^• -


B0Z :P*>>«««H iV«»-" King of hia Art",.BOZ.3dZ^*B

;->.;:- :- :v- 'V

'v '. ''¦

• "'¦/ : ¦:' ¦'• - : v ¦ '>'¦• BOZ'

BOZ Each Entertainment will conclude with; BOZi¦BOZ-ffS'.^CCirJL-vUftiiiarTeUonB ¦; ' - ¦¦ ¦";'• " 'uitBOZ'BOZ ;rU^:i-D A B XivS'E-Att C E I ;i' iKBOZ!¦

jBOZ,?4S---st'6i*- ¦ •¦'t^T r.fciO'tii '••

¦ ¦¦" " '.¦rvTBOZ;B0Z > ;wPBi6i8H-6B.,'8«;i 2e.', Is., and tfd. r 'f BOZ^

BOZP TicVe^ VatVWALBH&PowiB's.'BOi;B'OZ.;/fe:;.; • OustonilieBBe; Qiiay/.-:-;. >: vii 'i^BOZ!=BOB^;:iV.';ji;^{.fsa^ r{f.^:i'»\-J.-i!.fa|WMBOZ ? Doors open BV7 0 ; commence1 at 8; '1BOZ;BOZ !;>; >:,; Carri gesat -IQM&kl ':& (2t)B0S:sii -;-;,y . <,;.; . :,'i»« ; S -.*r-Wsri>- > . ;.:' .'. ,. , ^ :.. ,>,

fDISOSvlipfm^DB w«tl (hejh'ii-ilOTOTifl «tJU9 i:iix]yirjiB0X'isi/ '' [i ? TnfiWa>TnTnij ''*iii' 'Wfl lio^M

;Ws j f iU f pV-lMio»t 6mf9^ y^^<»»

i Sn BOM ranTAnaWsis made ;by Doorxi ':/ :«x|wsm p wx^\m&itf !!m;;

oir -

iSrEdinbnrghitbfithe Waters of 8T. STE. "!rr/ JPHE»PCBE1WEBT, WATEBFOBD, ittitinieatl5ss oottstiWeritaare indenticalwith ' jXL ippeari'Jts ooutiMento are indentical with'\- \ those of the unrivalled Waters of Burton-;10Cbn;Tr«nt.UpThis !,;cdr«mst«nbe^ "ooupledt -j ' witili the Very superior quality of the Maltrt and Hops uaed, account for. the success:S~ wnic¥' has attended the Brewing of Pale|,'ni2AJ!B«,ij ;i!3;«V-;fo-j!:.v:. ;•> •.< •.'¦•• tlvS: "(DlFit*!; ;; :;;«ATKtOKijZEILTo!4; ONS? :;.¦ ' •Tb 'OeTOBEB BBWlNdS' are':ynow

ready;for delivery;, in Sparldlng Condifen,' andvcontrMl'moirt'V/aTodrably'iA QiiiKty

; • • jujj neejwith'ariy Imported Ales, i 2 1'v¦ NJ) l—If liiveTe& Free at all .Railway 8tgHont

'iViin ii&y -rhf riZ i-.V. -} 01MWi«i i (n28.tf•-¦ IiEINSTEB 'WINTEB ASSIZES," 1879.

Calendar of'Priaoaeifs \and- Traveraor*iJIOB' TBIAII kt klLKENNT on TUESDAY.1J3- the 9th DEC. 1879 :— : !¦; ! : :.,.

¦.' - . .' .: <arr . ojp , wATXBj>OBo. ' . .: ' Margiret: CnUeiii ; manslaughter' of Mary Hate

Douine.;j;;.;;_j:,._^^.. ;• . ,. v. ' | ;{;.£-'S^ k'K-.OaTOCT <}V.WATJSRK>BD. j- Mary Dee, infantioide. :

I: jEllen ¦Walsh'<jr EcoUe, stealing fowl, the propertyof PeterHuskey. • ; . ; . - ;;¦.T'SimeV stealing foor sheep, the property of GeoffryDrohaki'.: i,.;.,:

'v ¦ ' ¦ • . . . ;¦ . , l . ^r ; '. .:;/ Tnoms 'Power, <ori baU); embezzlement'of ptior'siaWi-


¦¦ ;.':¦

;¦, . ,.

'". - . : : • : - - . ; f ; \

' Thomas Tobia,! stealing one Heifer, the propertyofZateAhearne. l - -_ ¦¦ - ! ¦¦.-.James Brien, larceny from dwelling-house. ' ' .. !i\: '''( i.f . i '?: ^ooxixTT.or WKXTOBD. '• •

¦ ¦!: Michael Walsh, manslaughter. ' . ; I

>• £': 0OTOTT;'TrPPBHABT (BOtJTH KO)J»O).'U.! .¦;; William OaU*y« obtaining money under .false

'pretenoes 'HH-'vVr : ', ': '¦ " ¦• ; ' ' ":" ""'':r" '.»_ Patrick Quinlan, assault by stabbing. VJjjpfiBJelEyan, murder. ¦

. : ' ¦ ¦:' ,awOTlCE;: iiSL HEB^TrCfTYML that'allner-

:.'*ns bound: by^S^aBW .'B iSy&d prose-OHbu^pr^giTe evidence

for. or against

any of the

jff)ia sjir. BaTer8eia above named, are requiredWf i gf m m t ?* VnVto day of ..NoTember,;jkT>;«M« ,»amrecognisancfci» appearand7ro-

^SN^ Br a^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ""'¦'

S S ho^ t^^ ^SudoSer iaTe

iipli iipiWi^H-fJ^ jAj fS^M k^MM

BlluiSi imount of the Chief. IW to te

BuMH- i»pi oTT»^ at»jtoBdby^^^n fGotwnmeafeapb^hVSThlflSIoneyLoi;tejrAutoinsj^MlOjP »« '' *W #W-!??

ii siswss sptt


LARGE.SlilSTK d aU ere WririffR^Sf

>n •Mf»l JI»W» \Waterl<>t<Li!o Appiy

ftfeipi ipfi/ ¦¦ il tol £? >opW^ e^^hat there•lilts; amongst them aniAsvlum; where the strayingSheep. are'reeeived and-maintained,' and taught, byWifiWlir»JtMi-tm"<V Jitf WUcVil uafttht%9£l%lH i JV~ i_grjr.fix . 7| I n flr iT^m rjCjl i/TvirTviBSB*NV WJBSS OMB lQ*a V«p^KAy. WlbD EflSDli . . ^ •,.VJ .J .J >l>MM% y«nnipn''y have sptnjally-¦deTptedthett-liTes is'paeiBiat-»PBealrnioststronglyto"

B«p£tifeo4ild<rf»»*3are Sheepfold of their Master;bnr&OkmtatlTlu/lttm loonld anord a refuse for 1504tHi *hmw *p *aMf- tinnhnJrhrnTigh' irant nf TrnrV itSuters.do notUppoal f»E.\jidney,bnt they ask theoharitable and the Mni-liearted to send work in theWhape of washing and ni»dleworkl.that:so they may beenabled-ito-k*«p in safttythoseTof.Otu.fiaien felloir-lereatarenwhbwiU prasent theauetrM fo* proteotion.Atpratt*owinytcrwantrf'»aoh|work'Yriany_of those'|>e ateW^ ^ n% /;a ;ile«vi;ttd-ABylum;toyr«ti^perh»p«, tj>;their, Ioruie'riinf<4.]l»ve8, there-fore tne^Cwod'SEepherd'Nunii'ask'itM people of Wa-ttrford^Micl'itt.viaulityjto iendithwaaomei work forlh<is*?p(><5*'Mafdaleii?»' and by BO' doing-they will bejoininfintheftnmd work of the'SaTiour of Mankind,Who came to call sinners to repentanoe. Full partjoa-J»r#>inbe had on^rofe'renoe.to the Superioress, Good8ti«pberdConvent,3enae8»y'B Eoad. Waterford.

>yWv.C>.' t . i ; f t St « At <.-:£' 4 <¦ . ¦ ': •' I ¦" .¦

>'i->- '.." (sl2-ly.

Pj.Wvln' Obristmas Bazaar.'If'lHEi'siSTEES OF CHABiry. gratefully so-.-JL:v-; knowledge 'the following.)additional¦• Gifts tothe BAZAAE:—Mrs. J. Stafford, a' very handsomeTableCbT«er;Mrs. .Gurran, 808. rMrs.FlanHgan,•rhandsotoe Evening Set of China ; Miss Murphy,A^be toJjBquarfl^WalnutWhat-Nbt,:;- "' ;. '^ ¦5f^^T SiPix r

: ¦¦ ¦ ¦: ¦: ¦¦ >/ >mB3, HOUSE.NoT2,.fet7TTfoinMV^iiacgrcaB-¦ _L r.taining five Apartmenteip:'.Please apply 'toEv; J^Kupv Mayor's Walk, WaterfoM.

¦' ¦•? . d5

: L jB^fiflETE ajn) DBIWAMV ; .{Late of the Firm* if ihtirt': Walpo leand Chapman)..; ;•: ... ( ~ - TEA "

MEECHANTS,". . , . ! ¦¦ '. , ¦ )tmrMOLESALE and -FAMILY - GEOCEBS,'j X r'. - W jlTAtiiH CWAiiHonspcBN, • •'. ..-. .

. ' 5, i and 6," LTTTLE GEOEGE'S-ST., :WILL OPEN on SAT1JEDAT, the 18th last

A *t netmtn BirtM,Harri<igu,andDial} i4;m\utbtpri-pai ii.t q"a"l UiHr jg j ijl'jfjfoV" ""

, '. On Uia'lJt ifl«t., at the Smuue, DuJDigarran, tha wibof.BE. fireian, Esq., or a dmachter. i, ; . , , > , , - , ¦. ::• KOT. 30, at.12, Lower.XMSoa traet, Dubllo, tho wife o!Johi Oualo/ B/rne, borriitor »t l«wf ol a ion. ¦

Nov.-A *t-6V Harootut-Btreet, DubUn, the wife of C.P«lV,E«l.,;ot»clan«hter.- jl . -j.- . t..,-. • . ., ?,

KOT. 26, at Main-otroot, Timr>es, tha wii'of P. M'Brlde, of&4jwrhtdr. I o" * . . 'i ¦ • '. -. ¦. ;.,. . i r ¦-. .

At Obethim-plkce; Ibndoni L»dy O'&unnl ol a danzhter.-Qit the 2ad.Ta»t., ot Abb«j.«Sp8et,rCk>nmoI, the wife ofDermot Q'Donphoe; Esq., Solr., of a danshtar. .

V.- ; - ..;;;; j ^.M A;B ;B:1-A-O;E;B;. . ;:. V .* At the wudihohoroh-MalliJiihone. Joseph Wtlahe, "Eta.,Eedboj. Kilkenny, to £Uan.Tera*>, Mb daughter of th« lateS!ioh««l MoHallr, E»q, B«lljctill«ii; MnUlaiiooe.'.NOT. », at the Charoh o/The Three P»tro«, Sathgar,AldermaaSlebisl O. Ktroaa,' QnnthasMtreet, to SuuuaMrif Barbara, TOtrngCTt diaffhtn.otUia late-Wm. HanghtonBendwoood,of WertUQdiow,M>abiiii. . ¦ - ;;. ¦. . ;~ .-v.-On tJ«S7U»Nor., »tSt.Pitriok'rChorehT. J. A.MaDer-ml±T.f MiurArWets; to astBerJae;(X»M»); only daujhterp: thflUte WlUUm Coa loUr.Emi OnniUik, England. ,J k Hdr.'27;»tBatlioe (JathqlJe Clraroh,;,T«trlok, jouAj es t sonof th« Ut«:Kdwar<l Mobre QMlBpntiparJer, TolTow to Annie,oqlr daughter ,o>. the lA e Tbccxtf Pwjer, Oimnge, Carlow.'

v "• Orf'the •2»th'- iltlmp;; at- Christ •¦ Ciurch/'CS)*.' WUnuaajnapjrrejB, jaq., jt,n.,,.n_«.o;™ urweu, , to Alice, seconddoogatAr o: James StannmroV.Zag. J BrioVelsiPwn Eon«e,Pdiat/'Weirord. * • • f-'- ' F? .-- .••• ;• •;¦: .'i- • ¦-¦:;i •: On!-&•' »th ulfci^»* Ko'octoiha, John.eldest •oi'bl Thoinart•Beaiianiir-KaoWdw, ToittSaV-to- Miirr;Teres», eulesdanshtaroif the]».toMiobaelHoBan.Krgnai)e. , • • ^ rT--;-( .'SO, tt:SVJajiBysJ^a ,i*adon,sI h»ld-W'/»ue:Bob*rf»y oJ. «k Oto«b»3tarJ>IacB, Iontim,' to Alice EmBf,eiaerti: njiter of thelate Sit WlttUin Vemer, Bart., MJP.,«adj «jnt«r o;-tha pi«soat Barraet, of Cborch-hUl, ooaityArtn-s'i, «aawldowoJ Christopher SetOW.'Bagoti of Aagh-

S?;-J »4 th»jW*th lrilt M^borOB«h-rt«>et. Dublin,V.O'Kara.-.wmfsst oon of V. O'KeUl, a^KUlurigh

Hon»e,yojm«» jailrfcki»t6 JOr><Josephloe,- daughter ofMlchMlBnrft«»,«*i., D«ibUa. >• '; |. ('i: .-. .; ¦'.. .KoTtnOwr .21 is OMtla-kaoeklChnTan, John, second son of

n*ilatA Tonn RIMHV ' ht lUnia h' MAH«4— iff«-/ KK« ' x<._ AM

Anal. toUajjAnnst tafhtar of tha Ute Thomas XennanM t^n .M ffli«MiTi. /«». - r iyUn.Tin. "'-"'¦l-:'"-Wiiodford, oo. TIpp«rmr/, to ifarrEllabeth, eldest daoghterof tty Itta rnnds J. Power, J.P., ATonmore, SOllorgan, eo.¦.¦-, v > . ¦;::.

¦('.I : £¦. . • • :

¦-:¦<. .•• ' .¦¦;,: i. ¦:.".• .;¦. . - ' i i ¦>' .r. ;N - .t-ji-l. --

ISe .itlifi11' 11^": - • ¦ '£?»'%i,*!h-:i4ji*laihta iisldenoe, Bantr>; iheVarr Bar.'CinonO"B«tan,P.P., .V.F. if i ,-(¦..:. r .- . '',. .:,... ., ;. i . : .

¥ 4"!™ toW^ C**T"VKnkanny..the Very EerJL. O.Jto«ass/,5O;8fl1].t -t«k».x»p«eted-:Qa«W!an' of t'aa!

¦ - AtBatttzocaabk,' f a fci» eovol ITaSkrorfl; rti the.29th nit, ;Blebart Keo»dy, ftthtr ot ttto: M JldaaaoT Kfianedr. of \^^^MaSwUal ^WjaWscJIvfatzlala, of the Sistersof cSS&»»l»x<tha dsr. 'AwsM, who wu in the 74thjS^K^^MMdsfotMtUi^MMnv .anddeiiervoUr• fwSSwBi'inst/fftbi,W«»3uteTOrrlokKra^air, Mrs'y til VH V.;' « TMJ«; V5fct of Mr. Pttrkk gaehan.;

iSSttJ WCTTOT.,rt itoiri aanM . Swaasoo-terrMa,;>tia»rt'WQi»dXt»/K*l-.rtyowi«rt brother of Jeremiah(YOkiij ^IlKiSmji tJilurqaorUioo.Zdmarick. .. . ••:.:"¦. J ,¦A»n« (iWE«iivMltaM s^wQ,£ddla Am Browne,;aU#)ihuSofjWfll^naBd:lkrj,.Ea»a;Browao, agea.tea

fe S^ j-at riiUrtl; -BdWbmh;: .lleat 'OolOTel \*&**»**&, lite of tbtM PmkSuor, and matarial

^^1to'1K« 'JohaPiOT«,W.ft ii>aotypilleany..., -;;..i,,tj

f£i iii 3< .,.U». po1*,-:-W»torfoTd,- <ioi'i;LUMriek, si'-JOtfotdTlra**Art.- s Cj Am. S8, Ursrpool,.Va4ssM*4fM«*r->W'S aa) il,!Wata:'!oril,'rp:'''--:'. ¦ '

SffifJsi s ll^Wiprt^Watarforf, ooaisj.'Wlcktow.

ijsByrsTiTsiiFTZf^^^-^^ -i --*—r"™f *•

rcjri5riliSj5c tCiW<5i«W'CSgtoit »a



HATiyB VB^Ti tt s lr lPricas L tols hl«h«.B CK OAT6Te»1fe ,'and sajpea war*: conre.n»

to poy an advance of 'M.-i Slttongh there is no correspondUtfadTanoe »t the other sMetf-Mjvj ' . .'• ; , X 'i'. ' "V :'

F0BEIQN ¦WSEAT HoxihJBige. V ,. ', . .;.; ":"'S;y iTgE—TiS|7B ><i/} bn) liij nj miAX! • •". .¦ ~

'jalLD E -3U. .0 jCT-B ILE JE T - ~- -:IRiaHr"" *

¦ Old. , New.

WHEAT, vm barrel of «01W.J«.. d. «• da. d. a. <—

¦ Whlto ¦ • 700 Oto W -124 0to25 0

— Bed - - - /> 0 00 021 0 ,,, 23. 0»- - Snippingdo-— '• "• rM) 0 0 017 '0 ¦¦V> 0BABLET, fer bnrrel«|2841b».\)..- v i I . . .. — ¦ urlndlng !/'..V • ': 00 0 00 0U 0 11 6

— •¦; Malttoj - • ,00 0 U 018 0 17 0OATS. p«r barrel oJ lfii'hs.. . . . .(. ;•: /....•._ • • Blabk ^1 . - ••' •->! 10 o U 810 10 11 0

— Whito . " . .. kvo o o o.oo. o t w o— ! Graji saw:- ¦"¦• ¦- ' -1 C-) 0 <-/ Oil 9 13 0

FT OCE, p«r. s»ok, of 2801b». I . | •• ¦•

¦• — •¦ ¦ StmorBnea -'¦ - 'v « 0 '5 0.00 0 03 0

— imeriora • - • )-¦ « 0 <1 000 0 00 0OATMEAL, per Sock ¦! . • • ' ,'• 82 c0 £3 . 0.00 0 09 0BSAN, Mr CVt.- - - ( - 0 0' ' S 6 0 0 0" 0VOLLAMD do.-.1 - -¦:' '. :- « e 8 0 0 0 00 0

. ':\\t. : yOBEIGN. y': ¦ : ; : ;| __Pni2.Wfl'fiAT, per Ibiml ofEJUibVln" :

>~d. T~o

: - — American SD.-IUJT - \ ¦ - - - - 31 6 to 00 0: — Ea4.Wtoter .old ' -'/: -. • N 9 O 0

— Bad Winter new '-> • -¦ -.- '< • •<*> 0 00 0— . Ghixkn, TafcanxoK.'aad Odessa •- -00 0 - 0 } 0

' — ijidi ¦- :••-. ..;v . . .... ¦ . .'oo o u oiNDUN COr.iT.Yellow;Ode^aand Galatt .'17 6 U 0• _ . ._ - it Ibraaand Foionlan (old) .'CO 0 CJ 0:¦ ¦ i — : : — ¦; American 014 -; - -0C 0 CJ 0

— - '— Do. New f ) , *-.:.¦. •• - .'16 8 IB 8—: ti , —: ., Danoblan ( Id-.!• •:,• • ¦¦'¦• ¦ .'00 0 00 S— " ' ..:-?

¦; ' Do.rNew:'- , .V- '.. . .'18 9 ~ a o

FLOIT J, American, pe:hair I of ISfilbs. • .'no 0. C>¦¦•¦¦—•< ¦¦ Aenoli; per sack; c 2801ba. • -OO 'O or eINDIAN MEAL, American" lertack - ¦ -00 0 00 0

_- . '..: <Jf i \ Home Mi rafactue, per 711 7 . 1q ' .•^r^.itf vlvr^vSaelj jfaWBbs.'?"-. -) !1'.. :8 18 /

XfldtaJ^ Com.;;/ •¦¦— .Quartan. 'IndianCorn mQnartSsWJeat . 29 do. Wher.t............ eOOUami.OatSL. ...-.:.....;. .— do. "Oats.. .. . . 542? dtBarley. -Sacks. Barley. :..".'l787 d»Fiour'ZV" ' •r SO5/'D d9- c Plott.-... .'........ 407 Saoa.„ , t Barrels: - , Oatme*l 16 toMeal. „ OSffSaota.'• • • Indian meal... — Jk>

; ' :(CotTiettd ihii day for 'the Waterford Neva).•»r 'tr, ,yr.- < < ;•• PJiovisioirs.':""' - • > »-< •t Biixrs Pio», psr cwt. " — — * Oa. Od. toMj M.;8ra*M .•','•: do;•!'.¦• ¦ . • — • i — eo o »oo o«W do. . — .• ': — 9 0 flO 0

Boaips . .do. ' — y . ; — «a o ,' H o., l*ao (ohandl»r's) . — ¦•• — 00 0 < n o\

'-L l

¦'¦¦ - • r ¦ BUTCHEBS- MEAT. . ,'/,'lS22> Pe»lo.k - .— . — 0s.6d fc 0». 9i;...MimOT,i>etlb. — — *

¦• o 7 V 0 8iiM.per lK.' '. _ ; _T 0 8 '¦' 0 9. 7ui.ver.lb.- ; — , - 0 6 ^ 0 7. . POBx.perlJ:; - '.' _ o 7 i 0 8

POTATOESnST-W —" - . .- 0». 6jito0.. 7Jd.Old, por stone — o t 0 0_ . . . . . . . BEEAD. IWHrre,per,Ub«.- ¦•_/ ; • _ 0». d. to 0a. OdHoosBHOLB, per do. — — 0 1 0 0

. ¦'¦?' .' ¦WHISKEY.Draiji .-pergnUon — — 20s.0d. to20s. 0d.Coax, puncheon, — — u 0 16 0OLD COBX, gallon, . — _

.18 .0 - 00 0- • >• FISH.SSWKJUBDLUTO, per out. — — • 2k. Od. to 21». OdHstBOtss, Bound, per barrel — 13 0 0 0Bu.KO», perlb.- • ¦• — — 0 0 0 0Put,, par do. •• ¦ '¦ • _ i_ ¦ o o Q QSpur;perdo. _ _ i 2 x 3TrasoT/perdo' ¦¦ — — i 3 1 4., „ . . FOWL AND EGGS.¦ OHIoOHSi per pair — — Sa. Od. to 3i. 6>.'Turkeys, per pair — • —

¦ 16 0 to 0Doras; per pair ' ¦ — _ : 3 0 0 0Guu, perpeif — . _ ' jo 0 CO 0- -•EMS, per 18) ' .- — - .9 6 10 0. Fowl, per pair. • " — ' ¦ ' - 3 6 4 8¦-'

¦¦¦ ¦'¦' ¦ SOAP AND CAJOLES.

WHITE, per cwt. ¦ ¦ _ ¦ ¦ ¦ ,<_ 20s. Od to 21s. OdBEOWM.per doV ; f — r— 20 0 23 0

MOOIJ>, perdosenlbs.1 — .' — s o 6 0r ¦ Din, per do. ' — / — 5 3 S S'- ¦¦ -• . • • WOOI. AND HIDES.¦r I08"*" WOOL. . — 1 — la. Id. to O - .Od.:.w«rmB * FWS — ¦

.;- . — 1 1 0'JSp* WOOL ;. — , . ¦— ¦ 0 Ud 0 3-.-Hn>iB,perarrt;. — • — 28 0 CJ 0

:!Kira, per owt. — — 29 0 0 0. C ILT, per dozen — — 23 0 0) 9.:' ¦;. ¦ ¦:,•:' ¦; • TUBEE. '

• ' Era Pui» per ton, - — 60s. Od. to 70r. Od.YILLOW Pm per do. — — 65 0 70 0Snvr.9, per 10CO - _ 60 0 70 0hitUB, per do. — .- 12 0 13 0. C O A L S .COAls, per ton - — 14s. 6d to 16s. OdCon, por do. — — 13 0 00 0

FODDEB AJTD GEEEN CEOPS.H*x, per ton (old) ; — - 70». Od. to 80s. Od.

Do. (new) : — — 55 0 65 0STBAW, wheoten, per do. — — , f5 0 SO 0

Do., oaten, per do. — — 25 0 30 0Ttrsjriro, per do. ¦- — _ 20 0 22 0IIiaooLss, per do. , — — . 20 0 £2 0CASSOTS, perdo. . • — — 3) 0 85 0

WATEBFOED BUTTEB MAEKBT.Number of f irkins iciighed at the Public Butter if arli

Jor week eTiding Friday (thin d a ) and prices.Saturday, — ,-¦&•> . — ¦ 128s. 11. to HOs. Od.

^Mojday. : — ig. — ' UOM. Oj. to 126J. Od.

;,.tThur»d»y, —.- ' -,' 83 —' 126a; Ci. ' to 131s. Od.¦Friday, — 0- — 00s. OS. to 000s. Od.

. ."• No.'i>f Fliidns oarreiipo'liUng week last year 574; Price per owt ....'. 112s. Od. to 120s. od.

. V . TO 00RRE8P0NDBNT8.. ¦ Communications, whether advertioenianta or other-wise, are not ' sne of insertion when received only on:

x ndajs:.,,K^ 4 . :i: ,';:, . .;,f..o:: - ',;'j - -.-: / ¦: r i^c J 1. ^''- <ar Mrs: man; Barker,- 199 Higher- Audloy etioSi1';iBUnkbnrny Micaahlro, writes to us for infornntioa it '.'to the wh'ersaSonfcs of hect brother, Thomas Fairer, fri x -ldener, who; lie says,." lived with one 8trengman.'T:-!lf i'she has.any ioney. to spare, ier whereabout) wfl\,iitoidoubt, ¦be.-TaTTnatisfaotory news to,Thomas, who,'we I:tru»t,'Wft*id er'alter tins no&se;''- •¦•\- '"i.- •¦:',.'':g^ij

! T'-'tmi^*' Giuwaai" Ew'6rioH>'—The :¦ letteriofjI ,MrTpiSA* Watah, PJ^Q.r on this, important subject*.we regrejM Win^able

touubi'sVthis wt>ok. IS;WJ1H|

KowOTeW»l.a»»a;'as:tlioWhsfony.eyent?/ onwhicoilrtfipeotu»Js* wmtjp:aeferredby,tfia|ToiieVto Ittrs^m^ualWdj 6111i<m office' by sbinetuing' iiot short oZSr/jTofejflff nw^^;>;wa j^ '¦¦'.-, i] ^^0 m,.r^ ,B*if4N r8T00K;iEXCHANQE—THiit1)AE JJ?• •• ' **.

¦ r :-> - ^"BANKS ': ¦¦¦ :¦*:.¦ J-ksafr -M- '

Qp tSnMl Bint-: .V:i:. ': ¦¦¦ •:.., -.<ii.'..^?- 68| tf ,

t ,jaistalan-'iBaak.'-1'. '- .<.v" ¦/ f v ' . ¦.'•. ' , 45*fe5t', ;•'¦SjEifeBanl; > ijl i:;r..;>. V / - ; ¦¦. ' ¦¦ ^m -¦Ml- '- ¦(;"-i«i'.Hi- -I.-BMT.WAT8; ¦¦•i'Rllf QJrtS ' 't-i:#at SonUwrii'ft'-Veitora • ¦' .->*e S^WlWS»' -..-i' jBdland Great Wjtsia'iii'1'«!'-"'::? ::¦¦:;:•'.' ..'.r«JS/- -'T :. ' .>JWw4wdj»i Central Irdand-i-i i-iv.-.f/ ~ :w t1 J^aierforaaniLimeriok ^ ,,.v'/- -» "-'.%'By 34- - ¦JareatMorthBrnBailtrayii >5« >-.-ft/' 118 -' ".


aterfoW-BiMifMOiaientatt*! ' 187*i ^

?;..t & . r;u^ix *: .i.i S«P5:7.*? -Waterfmrtr.'

'!'Rn-ir i;X^«.' WK'3 SKi?nBE ¦ij -L Uj -iij.f i; *. : '.\

T'a te'S.MlafiwMMsl^ ^M Mf **"*' ' : rf ' ' * ~ * - ' IT" J- gt rV I


ili^ K

• ni

xne expionon 01 the mine caused a gap in the per-manent way four feet eight inohe? deep, sixteenfeflt long, and .eighteen broad. The . outrage oc-C S? on Monday night, nud was not made publictill (Tuesday morning, wbea an oScial deputationproceeded to the Kremliu bo coogvatulate the Czaron tbe faflure of fee p'.ot. The Emperor,-in re-

T^'£ 'V?™ lel} oiu£<°™. said that seditionsbonld be extirpated. . He appealed to aU ri2at-minded persons to aid in the eradication of tbeerilwhich has token root ia Eussia. Tbe minewas

of whichjhayedBappoa.ed, learinff no trace behindthem. ..;, . ,- ¦. -

AB BOon as tho news reached St. Petersburg ofthe periVescaped hy the Emperor, audof the speechdelivered by him at, the Kremlm, the p -incinal

8treetB,yere.decoriited with flags in tescioaony ofthe public rejoicing.

TiJ.e'fleepest indignation prevails " nmong allclasses/and a warm and brilliant reception is beinepcepafed for tho Emperor, who is expocted thereimmediately.

BeJLGur, WBDNJXDJL T N IGHT.—The murderouaatteapt on the life of the Czar attracts naturally agref£ deal of attention here. The Berlin Press1 ishofjified and disgU6ted at |the brutal manner inwbph the affair was attempted.

IA-BIS, WeoNisDAT N.OHT.—It can hardly bedescribed the sensation caused in diplomatic circlesbeje, and among the political world generally, bytba news of the attempt on tbe lifo of foe Czar.

fHE COEFOEATION—DISOEDEE EETUENETJ1 ? ; The Council met on Monday last, pursuant toStatute, for the transaction of important busi-ness/and a<!ter the eleciionof Aid. L. A. RYANto the diatinguiBaed office of Mayor, by a majo-rity of the entire Oonncil—the proceedings cor.-nected therewith, having been conducted inmost amicable and satisfactory manner, the ¦suit being hailed with the loudeat mauifestatii :of approval—Mr. JOSEPH FISHBE, whopgence-from the meetings of this body for acv, . . -.:months . pastraliowed-tha JiuBiness to be pro-ceeded with, to tbe great.advaflffige'orrhn M ,;.lie, no^ jnmped np, in order to seize •¦ .presence of theontaide crowd, before \ '¦. -departure after tho election of May< ¦• .;menced, in a loud and discordant rt odeliver a Buncombe haranjar .of place, it is unnecessary to say, .style, and intended, palpably, for th-reading. Mr. PlSHEa, we all— :-.-:ii -tbe memberB of tae Conniy W.'- . • J .'.niftn. 'Club—know to be a new-bo> • . v a»A inhis second childhood, as if ve ;•/(>" . •' torepent of his early and inr!- , i ;.' :, c't 1 nnci.pies, now assumes the rol- ,.' a».iiip!..u or thevictims of a Govemmev.. i f u? hut. He -was,of coursej boibcerons an A-llk-osc in talk, anddisregarding ovder, defi ill- ai.iHjority of , andt-.-ied to, ins alt the Mo' . H::.. '-: defied hisWorship's ruling on L pohit.s. he capped theclimax, ;n the zen'tUf his r;igo, by declaringhis belief, that in the 'enty- ftv- .- y ears Waterfordhas been disturbed/ his presence, Dr. MACK-1ST was "the wovMayor that had filled thechair." To this suiting observation, whichwas received with orough indignation by theassembled mult'tut Councillor GOFF. with thewarm approbation nil present, declared thatthat pronounceme, coming from ihe quarterit did, was the Ligkt encomium.that,could bepassed en the MAS, und so the assembly en-dorsed wannly. 7is needless to say that theintended speech w squelched by a vote of theCouncil, and thoossessor of it beat a rapidretreat, after whh business proceeded in anorderly manner. ¦

Looking at the.any violent displays of " pa-triotism'' with iiich ire are afflicted in thesedays of evil : ozm, and judging by ' the . greattest of "antecemts," we, who have been all ourlives, when neceaoy,'.on theLiberal and popularside.fee! someiat perplexed to understand thotide that has ;t in of Orange converts, who ap-propriate toiemBelves aU tKe patriotic zeal,ofthis historijly Catholic and Liberal city ofWaterford. We see, however* signs of the delu-sion passinfiway from our people, and we mostearnestly tpe for an early consummation ofthat very tsirable end. . '. ' ' .


The roortof the directors .of this company, .Bubmitti to the shareholders at the half-yearlymeetinj }ield in London on Wedneaday, andpubjiald in THE NEWS. Mr. E. POWBB, J.P.,Po er*i,urf, Tramore, TicetChairman, in theu'utiirv! o'.'w yx ^SSP iiix i ^eimrafria^VWtiga.larlyii 10/iEesd dep'essed times whioa affeot, BOinju>6u»Jy, railways as well aa^all other nnder-takdijflo.wnether. of a publio or a private nature.nietoeotorB'inforni tue proprietary that " not-mtBtaiidiu3 the considerable falling off in thetrafic ^receipts in; common with other Irish lines,thVg'riat saving effected in the working expenses«u#a disposablB balance of je4,175:12a,;=lia.,

O^utwhicni yonr directors recommen

d paymentf .J^M'jAnii lAn '+liA nmPflnniMI afru lr fife tVlA

i 'bf 4 per cent; per annum, leaving £237 183.Ii3to;ba carried forward tonesunalf-year'B'jboan b." ¦THiBrecom endatip.n.nwnthe.face

hlf it, ;dexnonstrates a continuance of that excel.7ent system of management'which'has so long,knd'so beneficially marked the, worfcinSf of'thwJne,' cbjarabterized aa .that'managemeh jsi byable directors, a mostfeffiofent'sMr ary, and aiaorbrigbly coinpetent;: 8tafti .Labonas underthe severe- visitation-of tii'e-seiioTia ilhiesS' ofinelr indefatigable, able-rOn4irmanV:MJrj DElA.nosvx, MJB., the d^ t»w£aveiRKe'ii; n siiudicioui step^m adding, to Itheir.'number,'andLare plaoed uppn tbe.tioara. unSeriie reciwito..nthrtritv. two valnable. additions,, onedn ihe¦person'of.THOKAS ADAha;j Eoi»,ot LewiWiani,•Lo»a6n;.a"\keatlb '6riOTg iffi jatt^"esperiejwjp -S:>aiiway.,afea\rs; -and; thje.^ofttoitt"the 'erBon of HETOT'.LkE,,<;Eaq., -merotantol»thiaWityyior several years one pf.tno.compaay saudllore, a*d by this step they giwto the Bhaw-'holders '.the' ttpBt7 reliable' .• asraranee'-'pf ;;t»eit•detarndniH^:ib'-Bctria:th'efiit?re;r.J« 'j»>y:.w^;d6ne;m U'e paat,' with a ean ':deternmiationto db what is feir]jr:.in. their power,- .to <adrancethe:interesti(of'tiie proper of which they nareaie'eharfeer-; Id tliis work they have a-thorougbly'able ofooerin .'their^ expeneii(ied,^.'as8iaubTi|i. ana'irnly.conrteou8 Secretary,:Mr.; 'WnxiAMfl; ofwhom-Mrl^AMS-rind'ao better judge/couldexpress <toe' opinion-^-eaid at thereoent meetingiafelre'inew Mr.:'WiiiiAM8foVthfl> jast twenty.thr&y&rBTtoat heinanaged tKe.lino admuably,dnAjrfiohVfraa his iconfidence in thatgeatlenianthat-hevwaa qulttfiatianedrtolleaTe the entare¦manaReaieTit of "fl»' lineria-hiBi»ajKl9-Bn«nco.%&Mfff toriL<. a->Kgh'5'«ithorityj;ry aj warmly•iec ved by'! t^Mineeting.r;J! The'iidea IB beingmm Stj im> '<>>£•**.6? iWTLuk3ta

^nBwrestS Vdnerouaiiwbrking :of: thevbusiness'of^ « rbairyy

fe'TSe -'dir.»;<) n 'furth'ei' |tellthefffpr^Wtgra vthttW' in. __ addition;'fo the;rMuOTWii™88rtirtho' -forking eiperaes of'tnela1£-yeafift;yqnr'direcUi'«, sinoe tbe close rf theaaoouiaBk'lBiTeBtiD foi-.her consi aUyredaced

^ bJ T omraeBidationvof V .th« 'TiflnaU-<3lw-:3^ atiBB*ia£i?oi/Kyper sutT. on. the Central

;QtxQeBt esbem:xS»'x. ' . v.»i. tlM-whole. wefe that tliiff^report'dis-'losfta a L..istenoonrag-in Bta 'iof

¦affsjrfl,i"tkc e! it U- - .iVareholderB'Sff elfrp eaaaaea'wi i tfa-e t. . ntrid ffhioh»^ jrtj>artj;iabeingdir«. toi . ', ,\u'.;.: -s ¦

'MBvti&ii&f w0w&1- to y v . g p em,-^ -f i d l of j i p w h t M t'f d -thes.'.eetine, vre arosttoy,

>3S3dSOTi£'fS {'-wiiaJ>6'1>I r?g injudidlouiBi was1.¦ imSSff iS^ . ineeting r. Qdx»rEBi|i teV>

;aCMmt t h«li '«uropMonitlrt-ba*b ;.


ei^Wwe^KlifeCflQareioldere.jCQmp& y--

ti2i*»i»»f5iyUnfe+i'pr'BtaTtdi-on oui4 thft resal&,|oi,m:

Page 3: lli feSi Sisnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1879/WNS-1879-12-05.pdfBUSS1MB ins mmmKKBtw wmmm&mmmm i - So J« H««!aK^;JjjriM v* i< riMfe**f«j.- WJ jr." rmmSSBBB^

<tj.X. ">7i

: •.' ¦¦¦, : ¦< - \ !. ¦

• ; { • ( ¦ •¦. .,j -^ : '¦ .:•

¦• : ¦ • • ¦

- •.V- '--3=""-:''s ' •

" "'' ¦' l^'!.!V'l .tT ' 't?Ty;! I y;* y^ i* »^ ^ '

1 e« -mtosiiW;im«1>ed',fori»«k;:«ortly bri<%et

•;. ..^ ,*»ibsi»fcme .ma4e£^- ; ¦ ing. oVfficultiesj ov8rcpmei*Sndd«My;tioweverynhdone might mysteriously, aUthttenerCT became

jT£$aimW^;;ftiitherJ jbogriss* ;waa**rett3faM:t -","i'ow jwegrass , is growing over the-partially,-, oojnple-eifc. ted section of .the permanent vn^ aiMarvbocough,:

• temJWag ey^UenHy^no dbuWj !tyt' eloquently,;¦"¦'¦y aseMeffMa ftus fat .'i of ^umlMtiJdfly

aband«sMd whioV;,Jras carton, if Vanied oat,in- aeoorfaaee-tfitiithe griginaJintontionfeof theripro-*.-' jettrtii-to d«wlop the material ia»uAj*oI,'one of. the finest districts, in Twfly itcaveneqcny/* v.mSL.• wmy;}^We«uinpt:taidet«tond ¦why.ttxs tenaltmofthe rifl>rfj;;from Ijliryborough:'to Mufiugar' has

. tJj^J»i^Jbewboo)plet©d t No'dqubt Jlie lcngj-io «t|d lamented illness of Mr. D«LAHtnmf, M.P.; has'

proved a serious'iiindrance' to' the irorlr ibd th«;- Joss ot his greatVbuainees - capac-ty Md etoerience, mnrtAbo keenly felt In the councils'of.tbSse -fwho

havejjbeehcbirgcd iritb. the pio^ecotion of this im.pra t' iray.entoprico.)* bot, t±1heCsa e time,no oMinpoBseasiou of the fact* connected -With thet «tkkln canlu^ngTitm«elftof belieyo- ty»t Mr.Ditiatmi'fl lUlnesa ,,ia . the ¦ sole joau ''iitv; the

.,. wor>£_of. eataMkin hid; been diioonUnced. Ayhat,tten;4» the'cinseP.|'l» money not to bo obtilied f.Have; '$be promote!* (Jincovered tbat toe' lino .^ptild

ba'nniemuneratiTifj HaTethey come'to .thej bon-;' oluaion that it is betljer to lose'the"money; iidy.expended thanto incur further', outlay! when' were"

- is no prospect of a'riturn ? =, The publlo will asfa.-.rally aalrthoseqneatioaa, and it is incumbent nftn

H : those who are'able.to'dd so to~ jriTe;'a.?B»HsfactoW¦ reply^Inthe year1876,the Kilkenny Jnnction Ean.;"way Company;, parted with their rights to, and weteconsequently relieved by the, Wattrford and*C*i-

•''trtl'CqmproT of their . liabOity to oonatroetVtJjV:V«jten«on to Qeashill, and the mutaal ;atrangemenV'' thea'.come to Iwa*/that the latter pompftny.ihoald,

; allojr the! former a rebate of je2^00, a year, 'which, • sum,'howev.erL was not to be handed; over to the

I Kilkenny . Junotioh Company, tat should be allowedto"*lie aaff accomulftte1 in 'thej.iwfienj'fipf .;:th«

' .ViteHwS i&i>:( l iC pi^ Xh'ei ttj^.*>la r:':rebate now?5 onntr< toivafcI6 PO,rtod ji«

"^Tr<)j fing g*fffi*fa^^ wiT {y -loiL the" whole i simouhtue -iksaryv to 'construct the railway'.* „

¦ Therefore,iuiodgh the Waterfotd'and Central- Ireland Bifl-ffaT Coropapy declares a dividend Which aboorbsastun ot ¦CWfrS aeaVinjft balanoeof only iB37 t» be

, carried forward),; the diiectorB1 at the same -time, Hcinjj. unablaljat prekent . to eeCtle . the^balanoev sluBf thciaii the,benk, we eanoiot come to the

. "ittwldsion that the:want of money is'tbe causejioa\ has j sapped itie" wott, ¦ becans* . the' large

kCcttmuBt(iar,jteb*te;'must still be available >The.revejane &&<£ent of*itln. Kilkenny 'Junction¦ Com*p^Hrftt*.1plirt baif/earstiU ehows a decreaseof\ J^S/o^otymparV

with the "oorresponding'vpe;

riod'of Ja*t jrear;xtonB9<ioenUy -we hear of no divi-. vdendi atijresent to the debentttre holders.f And'

w« TfAtur«r1t<iisi3er>!Ahat;nntil t>e 'extension to. ;,G«a*!!illi»SJi>«fl:<H»t,llje directors of the Kilkenny

Ju'JCtionCooljifayr will \ remain in the same vnen-rTJ e;posi«bn^U*_\yot^ort^saidjCfeatfalCom.pany*,wUl tn rt4pB^ramT.-»^ j-V6>iAdu.;Tict,that cor'dnot fail w>yieldliBtt|B»il*tia 'torafltkbl*traffi«;^ni«ttU

>r U;Xef^'pSaiia fipirthis; ree-pect; or .liav ; faU to.t i yttaUoM Jof otherrailway, pr. ijctors, %npw<UAtesii roold;;proTeaatagoiii''vj to (hose olbc 'U .'QUunpy Junction8adWn'jrfordand; Cloni E Ji 'Eoilwiijr.Com-ip»nit«.. :>;.JJpw;: we. trust thatrtiie* dirwtt?»|<rf -theWaterford and Central IreUddpaOiWjWJoWeny'w'U not permit them^elTes to' 'wmyadjgffi^rrowtseliaga . j ig}»elflaa';,f»TB.f /eomi^anb^Bay- eii-1dMtoor. to peiBUde them thin tiCtlunjsioiMtrnetJ

' will tben be at the mercy of iii crSirtljUl ft^rf ithe'; >lOl any Jono^nCompanft wi tfrna^be' nolln^. «<" j itate.haah termsii U i mMSi m' "--^ nen nct'of theirsectionCtJf t e',liae?':<?omttg

o inie fien :the .Watcrfoid-*nd(C«rtfkrMia^'ny'fl«eotk>n»,at botb'ends of the fc»tiii« '«Jrilem'?S«j pi o-!

^po ;£;Th>;i£xeo<»ra':. vbotf; MSHrrite i °aU'Honourable men, who**; interests i a' fli|i mitt* are,

i&ainiha.Ti a .Uenti , a .thilertfllUioirof this,./line in the direction alreadyLinaicaiea i«,; B« riar. as

•" ,- iqnieneno*ofthOT"8e4i«;<* »V«ii«P?omag! f ^^ J^^ F*} ^^^^^^o.iiSSSHthe Waterford ial StimjMBi 'ny : «^ AS*°,n 00H»,X^

n0w*?*J?«V??g j^V^U.atfidalp^'1 ! : ^nTSarterfenuJ^S, Klew'nS"pi ;T:The &reotorB .of>bQai iaBMlle»-, jtreiBll the'Court of d£i jaw it iSi W TOS S MrvSKv^&n blemeni whow;mtere|£.ia';51mW^^^ S ^^^^' T J^ - ^limnthaTisaid/Identical, and.tMUirtw'sfoir<>f,.thU' -jaiiJi or:HoBii*r--OnMondayTooin»«lWaUaJ and./line in the direction already iddiiMtii i«,* aa riar< as Son; sold ar nun leiof hbrrei far different Bwnen at" we can we, their ohief hope of befaipt&0<imr to a&- < ».1*W*W»'Bta«rford'stf8efcrThe sales- gettrafflc to p>ydindendr«nnma4auaite wlth the: ¦S|?5iK1;:TO 'A:# '

?P^k«ads6me- mMliiiif»pW!wUeh^WmiB*eitcil;,}V 'Sf^ 'i ¦¦ \ SsL ^ J^ tT^0 } ^''Vj treport:wff.m>hA ;:«he me8 Itertirin;ui W-iBinUi^'and pni'-fiaS^ SS JJ? ?nnderstanft why the.estenai^C ishVr inot up for sale the Ua»ehol4itart«t of 'tha Hosnied horiselproceeclingVaB -rapidly aslw |jjisVwTO«MK*iaW «f «^

brtata/jlaWy 7the!p6s»isaion'oi-Mr^Vnm^WaterfSrd'dirMWrtJI^a^ai^ ' WS^S^SSISKS^^ *$£l&p»ctitianerB!t6: <lealm^Pp »u5S^|o?S S ^£*becomes unperauTe, on. tbe«i,w-,bto1 c»ntiou8| fnllart latisttotW^ -Vff.vTf - yTt^^ MVW' J

having regard ¦ to the interesta f theirLBhare- :>; 'Ouauoui-g.Ai»#-Ther»WJWlirWOTppKrofi»ttlsholders. - If the Watarford?.Ckfflijp»%if?wilhout; tothU;isfr.^;rWebgjdsj ^ '«a»tBdrfanb4'bf

>»' tho«mgUjr;;tinaing «iitt ii£ \'witoTth5 SS * iMfck*

ji7'?j ¥r^

from Harrb rorgh 'to Geaahill,Wti^wouldcbe Lidonwli -klBauSSax liiCjniSlOiTb'iT V-M?

^MnT;' or Btopping it1 altogether.Vn iM»iiqaoBBl t.Jo*.«**jqJ:stMs4 'lsX.'a.• H: 3f«S]Tthn?ec ip eL Serfor^

.. ' ' from their newieiteiisioii;' ;Tbin, -irtat.would. become of the 'interest on the outlay; by ;the"

T~-r WaterfordqdnipWLy P ;v i. ¦rtU- 'ftV ila'!

' ¦- • r

¦' 1 ¦¦'- >

'. "¦' :. mim' "

' *~*•¦;*¦¦¦£;¦.?¦>'& i>?'- \

•^ THE 'KB PBAlUTICjiCWffi pt BB:. ';| In transferring the following notioe* of *the first

, • appearance, on Monday night, of the member* of ther

; ''above-ittimed Clnb at tie Cork OperaH6u»e t'airords'. . UB all the,more pleawire jn doing so,'when we flndj

' . tMfopinfon»Vwe; have; ¦ freqoentjyexpioaeed: of the: l r n^riUf

of <w young;drsmatio,;attists,BofaTnrtbly- .endowbd.by, critic* who must be taken to be wholly[

^plMsMHinaiBa.fsneh as- Coj i wnH^ V¦. knownito possess:1! Gratiftaa WaU are at thlakiJ<i*4

.'^amojiht bfjitt)! ierh in hfatriojjiic>Wi^ tr«h Palaxnis'liorne' isr.ndnd.JidWCthat talent wqoldhave)

' ^Wnjdonnant. rei* Jt.npt;|hat %ome f«w gentteoeni

rjumona promoUamongfj nrdrama faand.ronri.[.yxa av ofsaajtr etodr handsome TnOttrt^atTgreat'^OH <aj ^O, ouuauucx«a:i» aanaaoawAanun;IU> ({TCIU. rK-<Ain>AoiOViJ^Oa~'SsssiMB'ittUikaiilHhlBSf riiia Si

: cejpflasfeimai»b^ to themselvee,-;and^we are sorryj -a^W*onit^1)£armfE«2s«^a3IBl^5S5:Vtbtsay.thataopooiyindeed,ihai MM1.their'reward,' .MMn^nt ¦ BI ISM BitPlsMaii sKi Ss^m

- thst^ Ve w rftolv^^giBiMitftn'e nBd&r. ha'dons 1 so; whe ieasl*%1l is*rSs«s^S&S• tatfaigl1 '-Thai-Boardbt -JPirectwir-oonslltulodi in

r~l l1ir'liiiir .:iiii]jss "s1WikiQltl.li(jLlu"'ri!

* . this arrangemeni Bow proposed; i« not agreed mpbn 'Sff SS Tg B- S- ra yiiffirafjfWbyl»thl>i>tfc tbeplartwffl be verti ttora«le, L iSSSSSS«wJ l?IsuS sblsttft£ttsiaa

* ' STtfl1 'WWt ""* F* lf T"*f*"M * ^*l*'j TOQTv-PryWHfljj WH iQf ffQDflZUMBlHUEnflKtf'OV ' Msssssstssssss teAssWlss ssb^a sss sWAiU^ ssl^3V *f '¦ \~ b^Mu» - J sjltfBtf -riPLTA ¦f'AsyJtrtlW^* is^WtJ stf^wiVsSiyj .^a'l^iBBBtf. J f' BBATII * ^ JWIIO V Wwt^ j _ 3 latMUta^ %s a^ B^Bvia* a A l3#BBB^a^ ^ iB ?sBaU ii S

I > nbtioaii *atfyth iaek*h?A)UwjwUl,wS«3dJpji|Jbe ij^ a .e^ ffi STMEKB'. :; SvSthe:caw^ ^^^f«* jigw#..'f fiwga&^^. ; ; In the first notice wa append.'taken froni the Cor* >' SSS Si wSSZSSlSFi kS&it f iS' 'BMi iur 'ourioiJtempoiw'kWj oniJtt^ tote ' SS?S! ga S!gsaT£g S5


; , thiAWaterfe na a.;*trrin /<!la{tf<^ JTlt* 1] 1fi i' f J1r'fr1|tsr 5 88^woo^ai^

wonajwtfeh«rt,.arthetroth ii^that he .iw'f i md b

waSjborn ia:,thi», il7;inV, i 'aitn«te4«yifl du&xiathU

i f fa*b»B in*pMeaiional«igage«entJx«re^{iXh» •itr*W*'"i*'i

. :s.r.eMoi^ «enttff^»^ery^n»sr<»«. adieiio»?«». *~B!gL92?-woihla4attttOpsr»H<mMtowtt»M^«»ipgrfbmaoo« JSSS&S

' F f JiMl?*--* HWHn«,' w'f • (JhrfsUaoBewun

f SiS^^ S^ rnS^1 " 'yyjjffl* P r°j[wW. «aaofasld rowihaflaariitar.

.¦¦Vl ''SJ»i?6B;Bpzi'XkBi C0JI'JUBEkH't;;<n;i- This i»lebrated .vasi0« «;°v,»1?J!.!if5~:- "ii 1

inontba ui ttejaotnidty; J>nhlin;i« annonnoed toISSSto&i^ J0***


-menMng edneeaay,1 peostaber, loth! > e Signorhwarfe and the following Lone oUhe .many storiestold wawenangjl»i« «TrPne day iuti wramer.. iniondoB.Mr^Biward Teriy, theAwell-knownioomo-'aian.went ont and purchased an' expensive '¦' rinei'the shopof;Jte frniterer,- » very he*vy shower arain camej>rii*nd tte aotoir had totsont&e away forP*0* r Jft«*'J»« »W hipponed to* oonUiin. theoonjureT,andiDeing>weU.ao(iuaIntod with each othei•;;oonveimtH5n;rapidlyi«iaaed,>! "1 shall not>^»

f HS81* ' isqwsitive iremarks ;the :profe»coit iflegerdemain'.,,"bY intrairirur what.'». t« »«« . ..K J

Ing:«o: carefaUy"pnd"er Voor?coat*r~'"Ceitainly¦not; replied,the' actor } bA Vi a finW 'ptoe from 0 4tillw. ' ,«4tndeed,''.wa|:the'answerV'f.it *mS*->'ed to.'me Uke'.a aP'w ipecimen of redcabbage?'Smil ly-the actor 3ref ;it;,forth to 'sataarr-bUfnend,when 16' I to his intenie artonisbment, ingiiad

of the cherished pine.iWai one of the homely «ege>'tablftsjfeBxcltable,-'liki nS«t of biaprofesaion,Terr/started with anger and aiiatement.; How came itto-;pW <that'ih5j';:havin* 'purchased a^pinCHipplofrom the'shoJiTrf-aTespoii^ble'teidesnian,- ,shouldhaTe.hi^ght.aWa jn^h^fciwn hands, a large rediMbb^ ltiyas.enOMiai oigte;him'doubt hinW aoUt ' Xfter »T|«w3riiute«'spent by the actor

dj»^r»^^ ' |

^ ^ff nedm«rriment.'TOcS^^^oTag wmedjAstby*waiter, and re-'tilled the cabbage which he hadWnexed from tho':Ofant«r.v;.-.S..Vli-J f-> ".\i.:f t '!t!i::- .;. Ci.9f;.\ :r;i ' . •- • ¦ -

¦ ¦..": ;V I ,


.¦> ' ¦; ' -is ,i-¦¦

. •••i:p:0^X w^T*iaa;;..:;;

¦'. '; ';; A^ WxtMrosD.lpMotatBMK'-SAimrrAt this fair onM nday,,toen>;was5a, pretfr g*od skow of .stook, hotttfc» .was.scaro*ly any;pernepttbla o%n«i) ia-prioos todii inguiah it from its.pndeoessor. In faetqnallty,ga >raUy-speakiiiB, wi arsWiuaUBoeL scare*,w«\ quoted: at from «•. to GOs.' parWt ' VateaitisratU ,ati from JB9 to:jei5;'nuloh cow, X12 to <ei5';,stof bollocks,%&1 tQ 'AW i throe.ysar'ioU, £\Q to£l£ twoiyeirs'rold; jeilto.JBU j yearlii*'*, A to M,J£ stall supply of good theej brought fromSOs. to85ceaon and,mnttop,from7d. toSd. porlh. -fhare wer«no: Ucon pigs i.bonhams brought 20s. and sVores frotnSOs'.lo 85a., with a' slow demand. ,..:'-'. •¦*, ; \ .. ;' ,, ' ji-Btloi firKOYuJUiESTAM, Co. KfljatiNr;—OnSstoUay. Hessrs; T. Walsh and Son set np f<r sale atthpiiyaafltMyn riiwt, Msil.'tiry ioterostin too fabnseaudlandjat'EingrUlii; thi'littet oomprisiii^SlSaTlr. p.tstame,' aituatn on tha river Barrow; if miles Own thisel$rVVad' leTonJof Kew .Boss. The K ] s oA ;is let onlowse W.tva teoante'ai £Z) 7 8s. 9d,, opmbuied «On«lease la:for 21 years from J878, and the other has tw6yearslo.riUL.dr-ciae life from'the 25th JurohsiBXts %ndthe emre property is free' of quit or crown rent. ?h»finthgwasiy Mr. Eobert l)obbyn, »olr., 000 j' henest bjr Mr.'-J. W.lHoward^ loh-., <B2,500; ifr.Dbbbta'.^

, t. i\ IjttS; X3.500;: _Mr T. F. Strange, soU.iI e.miOOpl&lHiwaia: je^W yr -DoDbril¦,«)(^Mi,' U3t JB4.60O ;¦ fart braT^OOOj fi

at wHchJ^nhiSia, doolie t purehaieV'.ISSriJohtt'iiPlowe*jic:tk,-1«rM';« Messrs, . Power andg?a*

't)P S«M««'Mtre8t;. Waterford.j;'Mr. VJ.i J.\y • k•• W •rt 'of: thi«

¦city,hadtheca^of sale..•.:',. ;;\ ' -'\ ->': iii^ri£f Vi6A :':iO \. <-h U :. A.

.6dU cJ£rJ««irttatalsii bowl*'*. li««f storif,tf \Za-haH.y»ars' d,a»Jm.>JMsssraI)o61v,lvs>LiN; Kena*d>jJk«nsrt^r53ai *!. 'eab» twoisioMlMlrXI*nbtf"rsii8«fro*!J«sTto80i?sicHt?'At^on JCouday.pWJw^ «sdi» t «a.-Wr;owfc;' th

• A^Miratt«ui?LOj -^;8aiM^r»«aMiiwomenvnam#liE*<Uy,ot of th*l e?ab}Mt'ab3the- Mayorand Mr/ SUttry/J P., '•!<*• poB64;tt«rf" rmr>-'-l7';1>»riin'i '; trhi^W^WrtsilfiFtiMti.'rdmYth* fshoyfcf-T ypS yi ia-etifeti'iipled»W'?-t^ Th^"s«ismS^S eotil»»sbow a f«»Tfaliooi>r»i'Of;tral| Jpfjfe;elildibr"ti« 'nvHnt*^! fih»r is rieVeuksfaostHalJSStaWi « fJsh«$ rt^ p&K^^ litiie ther ^ tUfiiwi^osf-' ini i.-i.'Bj.itn8mi«Ihri« llpal^ rMth^*sr«viip iM«?5;Dota^sV?^7I^^; taejg rt^^fe

iM si' ^ i i-c^^

; - •¦.¦ ¦


.¦¦, .¦

' " ' ¦¦ : ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦• ¦' .

' ¦ ¦ ¦ : . ': --v : ; '

"i ; :' ¦' ¦ •

¦• '

--^^ ^ (^ iiu t tWt'jth'e tyShowia I)i ^ £S w^ vi{ *tri^^and tth^ p^^^^ lUi. dii^

w°w<MMiwJmCjiimM'8*uis4 •* »»< skow:!«*frM.bo btvaghliiftSi MtM^ fjr ) >< ««|.9tevMence~ano! vi<>e.Kw6nldloe-i5^

T»*r'*itl*>at "•¦Mju Bight;WoMbipful lMJGDI. Mackesy^ U.D.?oanslng e^or^bp^kai^tiiraiitbsB/Otelwgy; :P \>^^^^V»y».imiVU iAkr^'! - «?"-Wi ; •--I, tlierefoto^woild tniKeif tli»* the ttttpal landi

J) Alfcrni»Ti--<IV:iPQrceU," P^ManhlhJr, >C. Bedmond/

OWWP i4-ea6lrdistrietsB<:nldttto.UhWtol ,*? fe * '£? ;^


1 ^ i,?00**'' J-piLB<

to theiriminntesttinestfotM,«nd\»ttei retarnlet flofe«p;--:MMkey (torg*:i -WMte>H: aallwey. J-P-."them explain to eir neighbors%MtHh«y.consider J.N. White; W. G. D. Ooff.'J. H. ieGrath, J. O'fiefllyta be the oanciBiL««-*«*wt«W<>niteapWa^char a«dsjr fishery-with' Mr. jTvW. :Howard, solr;, Toirta< ti-the- T^:oejIriah ntte iaia'jrhetherf Cltrk.r^Mr.

P. Kent, sob.', .Borough Treasurer j Mr.;

tb' '- 'meittiffiDeW'ft'-'iio^eBi 'inVisiD 'llH eV |;F- Strange,sob.; I«wAdviser.|:.ifc. B. S.Kenneyr:* r^S^Tv-y-J: wS£ ?«S;£ii!S?5sTf W Ryot's Secretary, and B; H.f Bvan: ;Cibr Snrvevor.'bnite af'iioon

chined {:tMe'rgrj«M«rjs«« onrWUer wi»^esc^b^>few nTonuS sinee's iof ,sn«hinferio jn^Vxto bo"ni aleable,Jeic«pt;|U;r.tb^price of ¦ from 4d..to 6d.j>ar lb.)' and r»ee;.b>.ybui*quotation of;prieo»;in'Qftu if»w«ol)NoV.il> t 6the tarn*vauthority—the .principal of an ieminentflan of ,Waterfpid<biitteriWpl>an«» ' iesoVib s Irishbutter as almost.«natleableiil'I»oa4oni'/'(Are:we to'wait for this state of things'ontll oar children aroeduc»W 'in..;f d|LLviOOlltg«^'^a«>x)po«>d.'lnthe" Beport on Foreign DairyWt JMtiswedf—Toui";obedient servanf, >r A JUiouniBJ i.1 SooirrT.i:;,1.¦v ,..-,.-. -../ . .

'¦. ) " ' ' ' "' " ¦^¦¦ ¦''¦¦"at'jtf»le..i':'rY!'ii '

r - (.:Kyy J. JVO IVUJUUIUISJS.UJU9-iiWfli"i ¦¦: ¦'.;.w<TOi - jnrtK tJi*i:'1

iii»'sifc•vThtJia»trs(>»asto; prtntseU«w»»dttob>rdinWl,to;tUiQ««/!n5;flnJtoi4»»«tlljunuanoa of theto^TerMistuss* is ipisi-insklave now onviewhta< O»»a<M CTwnljbsr.ffraiversaiinipMtipii.'andaTokiaf nsUFffaniion. m. arlocaJItrwhitiHtW'SobSrtiaiJst'a

we notawiiaasrof tke^wt,'f wi* the^*ofcl* -: naitardownwards; with tttAfei sad hwt4saC. bt'tii*f6r«-nonnd is th« mmt, MsroMmsss piiWatrtora, aba a1Etas', to her ilfe6k6>iap'*<»o»*tto»baT.d,v.th*J^ of WateHor^^popnWlssMfcaf.stwta'admirsik;ljkeneuesi^ eac«lirfra«4oaW^OB:ilds8Pi< Jb t«kBn;w»


^^AthewJD jto.OmiwaaWiJaikSfrortli

«miraDV:P0rtrayB4.(iIiBmrtia^a«fc«»is4y-.Water-ford, UAy.Teiy youthful JJarl^.Tyroa^Biftowu!truly popnhr marqnis,[seated on adoakwrVeidsMsailiuby John; Byani a«ooad-i»UBtsaaBi(f la MBTiiweiilst*vm&ay arsi seen Lord lUrens B *t-tot4,MJ? *mm& Usfe Kf' b»tt. iI«rf .'D*)»yal,fewM>*osB:toihe%l_0fJ s ow^MflaiiMo«»_tww«rfnlr»7,aiidas if conversing w th. the Dowagtr MmSuomtm.lm *mhft? ^ 5*

'¦'**!«>hT«t«a spbrtssMVamdpopmlar:>maemsB Jt iWWtt>Tl;BrJsW)e,-0Esq5355

] < -?9ose«ia«ii 4 staadsjca«ra3aiik'VVisearifCroti" lord Wi}]ia«J;aod>>: oM teviac awsuUkporaalt.,' jprommant in;,t»» leading gM«p then isal»WW^ni» respecWi<5SWes»a» -4he;»»!rt oBesaborough.,aadi injtke M«ifW»owc4od an'Mr^anMU^3l0OT^d,,Wewpark,:Hi»«s«>'iwttb.l.*hefs«ili«.face of thtrespeofed-gonywy )8SMS>HT: of Ihej CtabTninrih nn«ngin»l|i Bsu. PTi't fsiljil—> VJmtt ' fap>SlankeTkit? !c*ntekri» k*owm ' V^^Major, Hnffffj W A .j*flfr fc f>nb sVrt [ saithyMrtsTiPaql^BaUyglan^mrfc#.-P»w«>,:J.P;i--Pssi>irihi<town^^ l^Powe .Jsl iMlsMsitJtt^OIJ^

iGandy, .Oldoourt rJlrj >1vvB;fisllNKl#d ilaaiasliE-CbrotmMil3l15r. 0>BTa»V:/Qiri5slp5ri'a*hil»t'j ^^ScSf<Sia?!SBS» W*SBSI !Utthew#r-»Mp*'4*^ P^a? [<**

"ntfo'nepOThSt wkte£' sj£»»fis«UtteiA<aiias<iito^ora^^dsswtiifa tair lsrfa fasiw*!" <^"s'1^7ii imMm ^\j,k4i\ f i l Si' es » Mass

HOOJU&aU IW'sWlM M^UM WssssssMashMsftsfJis^ 'l.

tlPPEBAB^ P^SS^^^WlKsi:

. j'l^S^ JJg j^lS^sBsmvi^BssssMsSijSL^^^

J§|TFB ; COjBP AWpN^Mp)m*T.^:/;; •¦,°BMJmoV''O»! fp*|,iM»;M VPATBr^•^^>ai*«llTATIV*..OI« 1.,THiL1;ii;«bj|B*f:JLB'R«S'tS—JOHNS*^fiK.Srt»"v'WK8 i'-irov~HraVjlooTnrriBfiRT'• »i,)tirHMLnn}'''i2f iraa'sotrrs^OTmiB'iTBics DIS-1¦§)>*«:¦¦»ciQOTcn-T; /leasw TH« ". WHWiiiB"'fj-i^TOV*«Jfy >!^/ ; V- -3^;;t;:W.7;;i.Vt t.'' -A. A r 'V : ¦!¦¦ rck Corporation metbn-STondayi'in the'Conno'l'ChamUr./foT-the election of ;Mayor of rWaterford'fc»!li8ao,- and for the dofpatoh of' other" buoineas.'

¦TObert resent'oiMnpriied i—' '-•v'^u-v;•¦¦:•-.? ¦' * j

.There j wail a largo"j aitsodanoe of .dtixans, some inndt,more outaido the bar,' andsaongit them wore t Moatra.Ctong ye ' BOJOM, ¦J.P., 'H*rw,-K''Sarjin<i.-W- A.'Sargent, •'B.I Jrl. J. 'Kencidy, 'Secretary,J Water-fora'; and - Idbe'riok' Bailway flompaay;. T. Currant J.CJaaoy,.'John Power; (Groat .Goorge's-strett),- T:' S.'Harroy,' E. Eidgwoy, John AiTobin-Wt H. Fennessy,'JUO'Donoghne, E«7. ,T. K»Hy, IMehard JarreU/ J.,WDson Downey,;C..Bodatond; junior,-JamesiPhelan,!Joseph: B. Tobin, J.; Jaonues , Bar.; W. Powor: J.O'IWII.J W.; Harvey,'J. Clarkf, W. Sage, J.*Holly,;I. prhornton,' solr.', J. Wall. solr. O. CoTet, v.Hoirara,'Itftoka. J.-Kelly, J. DJlonvfE. ITanajraii,'J. 'Qal-:

;iagh«r, J. Knox; T. TdpWJ;«HanriiAaa; G: Ciampstt/'HeaoVwnsta>le.O'Brienj>lt;'<rfcelani(Broad-st.);'&o.:.-ijN>^*- "naoTio :1©* niirosiijfOB' l8S0:w'.-'.- -./ .";i ¦if r rhe Tow* Cutairiiiforuieifthe Council that theirfl iwalMatVaa to elect a Maybr for 1880.- "• ':': ¦iilfr I>.^KwrT;,r6ee;arid?«Jd--Mr.i llavor. '"and';g»rtl |»ot;tbe;CV)nndl I^:to.propW to'jonJ|ilMa»''>lMrence-;Agf jBg i J *¦ a' fit and1 properjfiditobeliayor.of 'Wiftrrord ortniyear 1880(n».:Biear).^AHOTniari' yan>'quilijflcation8, fit-Ungiliimfor'the ofBoe, tre;ai well'.known to thisCMMBOI, and to the' dticeas - at large, as they arq tome, awl it is';not necesear/ that I should dwell opbnth«ar'at,'anyflength.!: Ha hag: aeryed; the 'pnbliointerestt'for.many-yearsi'inthis oonnal ;'be n'atabtae th> same in allnort'ril the other pnb'M*'boardso*f tbedty t he has been a most'attentire 'memberrfktheiOottntfl'mestlngBj'hs well>a»of the obmmit;te«er'oliwhich.ie is k> member, and in One'and all'ofthese positions,'he haashown business'qualificationswhfchWminently-flt'him for the'hiffh position towhich'thefBoifaivlyvaspinsr (hear/hear);-;! addi-.-UOB,'I feel that lildennan Byan hoa other sttongclaims- upon - you (hear^ iear); >' - He 'gives: employ-ment of a remunerative''character to huBdreds ofouTtpoorer jfellow-citizens, " and those men, ' whoihus ar»the means of bringing comfort and happi-ness to'msny a poor firetHae are'the men who arebeet entitled .to be the recipients; of tbe-'highestiooon'.whioh'/it is in' tha power of their fellow-citisens to bestow (warm' applause;' Especially from0u«U«3the Bar). Iu ,bin position as a candidate,' ATiles iiian Byan is debarredly custom fromiputtingWf Ijprogramme!- of ¦ bis . acts ¦ and -of hia > intentions'Won/oaot-he'is.not'.at liberty'to tell his fellow-^ciHsens how he/will gnide his act* for your benefit!

ajnoaoe irom j mm. wmqa-speais volnmes fur theittierest?w£ich he feela in the welfare of hfn TWVIw.-I«uowroiHKUia;iut»rt aeajj i.. aot OLjy as an emplbyer/does be oonfer ,lKneflt«: upon them, bat hi•bows,->byi.thiK notice «f nicitiOA upon'the' paperlow.5lie desirea to fend off; .'asi far as; he can,' th-destitutionv and;-the ; ndserys^rhich 'too' surel';tareateb(thejworking olaases (hear; hear/and'renewediapplause from 'outside:the Bar),-1 1 mighibriagcmanyiotheB'proofs before you' to'-'show thifitin'esf of Alderman Byan to^ fill the civic 'chairsS»w. *>: worthily occupied;(;he(ir, hear); but it is nojBt essar/:; his merits are well-known;and-1; hopeioetijotr,to hearthe worthy alderman return yoi;thahks for his electiou.Rs (Mayor ofI-WaterfdrdfoilMO (b«ar>:hear, and warm applause).- u"yj Y\ - : '¦'?,f/]^ /JCsniT—Ii have v.3173 great pleasure, Mrluyoiiaad genQenien ihtteoonding'the motion.t rWMiSmnxi i.V,—X hava beeaastedi'Mr.'Miwoi.aatfi gtatleoien, . to; propeve Mr.v; James '-HarnettMfeGrath as Mayor for;next year, and I do. so with;f lfs*jore,;a«.X"feel thaeMRfMoOrath's assiduity; opj;ngktsiis«,t*xperience: and judgment; ensure in him;«#!W#jdiSb**ige of-thefluUes of. the 6moe;r-1 do[¦( ¦yaefaMblniomentir)wiiih .to driwi anyiavidioos;fc«s« Bs^ ween the two caodidaUejsbutMr:^(eCKiFWmeforward^hjeaHiAiatlrt

sVtU aadM^Mdl«tswMl l-promis*4.hisiiy'-Bwl>iK)ft'.«I:aBi;) .» ,;tW -d efe)iia»;.'fttUy-a «;taat l^*ja« » jew^tigentleaiaa :oocupyiaf most r»4(»?SBWjpa*Jsonin^hi4cityV'he s«7ff«rtdsal;*~5M »ed-mAtlieitok a«i I'aW oonfswsil illssV MMsVefiir hf tliistpsii iJa<ili illi ilir vnU

miTio1i5tm*«ffliaat fmrThe tCooncU , tu*n

!«IiSl?<lKiauT2Q'MearaI ¦.Cherrr.; G.?vWmW]F.

06f/J:Wn¥a&!PmresIl.P.AiPowsVip:-stattuigf8kWaWantli; fleldfarr-MJMi? Oonuollyt t Msssn I>SBByi: KcUyr'and

Miy.ithereqy^VjsWihmiil >Jil Lanrtnoe

!«3lM4j i)3SSall flreoghltbe'^T>e torinal]jriiiliil js; declaringi?the1,,fM,|jte >y-| :jj^ saeaa4el by; Mr.?

^ ^^ • meVorwardtoss^ irai'mM^M^^'redV^On;

'Harry Bi Oallwey, \W.. E. KeUy, T.C.and A. Fax- Mayor, the chairman of th» water works, and thcTown«aD;fcC.'>v^'ti.:\;";:.l':1r ;./?? ;-V;J';, . - . ., ' . . . i Clsrk be nestea

to form • ,depntation,for.tkis pur-i -y . ¦¦> i - \± m riwva&TrikevninamT.. ': '. '. :. .????•¦?_; 'lllj ¦ • ' ¦-' ' ¦ - 'j '. - 1' ^- : \- -- -- 'ii&U*t£ih 'y*

'- • TfelMt'*:Borough5<1wa8nrer was the next buei- A **; 9LX1F!YJ! oppowi V^>B tp.the.expeniie of a

i ^-o^ rd^ ect the'preient ^^ f ^? ^^ ' ^respectedoffloetv pro/oiinoi.". • . . • ¦ -. ; • ¦r 'AId.P.JA^P6w«BJ J,P.rmbvedthe re leoUon of'Mr:- Patrick'Kent,' Bolr.; to the offloe, and wasseconded by'Ald. ParceU?'; ¦ ' . . ' . . .-. ' ¦ -.'¦. ¦¦¦ .?.;Mr.;Pi«HiBj urged ;.Uiat %the trensurer be eleoteddaring pleasure;' ' .' : ' " * •• ¦! "". '.'. ¦ ,- ' '.' . ¦¦ 'r.Ald. St! G. PMiitAM,' ¦JJ>., said , he saw everyobjection to'.:sdch a J iystem. It' /might' happen,at soine t;me,' there trould be a reason for removing-a treasurer 'and. it would' be very inconvenient ifsuch an officer was to' bo', changed in the ' course 0Jthe year.' The re-election of the treasurer for ayear was put and passecVV'- '.' .": / i ' ' ¦ '" ¦' ' ¦'¦"' ' P1TBIOTI0 liwkl«MN0, 40. ' . '' Mr. ISHIE roee'at the foot of the table, and said

he proposed the susper idon' of 'standing orders toenable him to move a muter of: the greatest publicimportance, ' the ; right ' of free discussion to thepeopled'.' Mr. Fiaher wae' proceeding.to address theCouncil, when - • - * ' •• • •'• ' J ' ' ' ¦¦ '¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ • ¦

¦¦ The MATOB said—Mr. Sisher, I can't allow a speeohuntil I know whether or not the Countil will consent toa suspension of Btanding orders.; ¦¦-'¦, ¦'

> Mr. FiSHia. (peremptorily)—Ton have a right to hearm»|whether standiTigorderi are suspended or not (oh I) Iam going to show, why I want standing ordors suspended.Mr, Fisher then proceeded to refer to the recent arrests,au< ohargod that, as the aconsatioa was. a bailable one,the parties should' havli 'been summoned, and not ar-res »d and pit into prison. The Attoraeyf General forEn tlaad1 had - gone to H-aghenden to tell the Premierthat these proceedings were illtgal (strong signs of dil-¦atlsfactlon. ):;. -is ; - . 1 'i ( ¦ ; }. . w .¦

¦ ( ¦ > ¦¦ : ¦ : : . • ¦¦ ¦ •.

•Mr. Gon—Mr. Mayor. I.want to know if there is tobf i speech on standing, orders (beari hear) f.~'. I, for one,w2 nol submit to .this prooeedmg, and if thoreis a pell,I w ill. vote afcalnafc a sospenslon of standing orders (hear,

¦hmk) ~?,''i.r':.;"'- -. ; ' • ; ' . « • :' .¦' ' ¦¦ .' • " . ¦'

|"• ¦ 1 ATOB (resolutely)—Yotfaro quite right ; there can-. not be a' speeoh: until wr first know if standing orders,are to bajsuspended (hear, hear); - - .; . • ¦¦¦¦ i ¦-?¦'¦ '] ¦ ¦•; AJA. MAHOHT—I sooond the motion that -standingord irs be suspended., ; .• ¦¦ io . • ¦• ' . • ¦ ;• ¦ ' ' ¦- iy Mr., FiflHSB^We will ,disouss, the qneatioi firtt(*pplause'!frbn: Outside tho. Bar, and strong dissentwit tin, " confusion, and cicitement, evidentiy raging>veir dose to the ; Speaker):''¦ '. - • ¦.• ¦• • ¦¦ ;

lArOB—Listm tome; Sir: Fisher (hear, hear). ->'!."afr.oRt8H»B:(very' exoitedly)—I'll not listen to yon(oh I oh I and crtei of ordnr). . - :• :"¦¦• . Iv, JtlTOB (emphatically)—-If yon do not lUten to me 1,wUl) , have to leave t the; chair (hear, hear, and cries of." ohalr.") : I have never, during my. term of offloei beenobliged to use thai threat nntil you now foroo me tj do it,"'» r. FISHIR (doggedly peisefeiinj)—Ton oanleartthe chair if you wish; but I have a right to nuke f.speboh, and yon' are bonhd to ho-.r me. ' It U your,but iiess 'to hear, me (cries of" order, sit down, ohaiz1,char/!) ' - ¦¦¦" " " ' • ' ¦¦ ¦' ¦¦ i '' •'¦¦¦ ¦'¦• : - : ¦ ¦ - ¦ ' ¦

. - ;¦MAYOB -YOU must tit down, sir, end let me havethit question decided (hear, hear). . , . - ¦ : : ¦ I, . Mr. Jf iBBJto—y :H not sit-down, and you must hear myspewh:(confusion.,Mr:. IHsher utonding at his ohair,dearly in a' white neat).1 - " . . " i' .Mr. -MoOBiTST-Let him cake his speech, ud whejthat is made, he does not cure a i-—-n what bocouei oftho teiolntion (hear,1 hear rad hearty langhter). ' '. ' |. ¦'Iur. 'FiSH>B.(hystoricaUy langhiag)—I am glad Mr.Mo(^rath shows how unfit: he is, by that speeoh, to beMayor of Waterford. ;

' .:¦ - ." ¦•.' '•¦•¦. 7 - ¦; '. ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ •¦

¦ ¦ I¦ J ATOB—I have boen now eleven motiths Mayor, and

I was never'before treated in this way (hear, hear). Itellj yon; emphatically, Mr. Usher," you have no right tomafie a speech nntil this motion is .decided. UJUJ thatia.dscideal will not heflrjon. Mr. 'fiSSBB: Oa what•.nf.1inrif.tr At\ TJ/\T« maira +.Visit: <lomb!\n 9 • \l k Tt\Tt • An rriT

own anthority (hear, hear).>¦¦< :¦: - '' ¦ ' ¦ - - ; |'•' Mr;FisH«B—I have-been twenty-five years in Water-fore . ¦• (A voice at the outer Bar——Longer tban wasgood for us), and a'worse Mayor I never saw (oh ! oh !)

W(r; Qonr—Mr. Mayor, twming from Mr. Fuho^ thatis tlfe1 highest compliment you oould'rtceire (emphaticcries'of neir.'hesr).' ' ¦' :" . : - ' : . '' ; ¦. '.: '- I';M|r. FISHIB (ooolly)—I suppose I may now go on,sir flanght sr) ?':! •"¦; ¦

;• ' . " v ¦¦¦ > ' ¦'¦ ;v- :" ' l- ' . '- : ':W; MATOB-^NO, eir, you nay not go on (hear, hear);Th() Major here put tho question as to the sospenaioaof standing orders, and we* answered by a a trona, clearnegative majority.,,Hi* Worship declared tha .•' Noes';to hare if:[ , Mr: Clampott denjauded a poll, and it waghad as* 'followB', rj— ".. ' ' ,) ' : ' ¦¦.;¦/."n'-.':.^ - "i " . I'. ..* ¦. '.'-Pn -Messrs^Clampetti Leamy," GaUwey; MahonyO'S eara, B: Power;K«he.-, j: Byan; Moran, O'EeUJ;—l( i.Ui;.

¦ ¦¦! •;:¦:' .i«ii;;;¦•'*.>!. 1 :>: ..(. .!,¦ ¦:•/..

¦¦ ¦ • • :- - . - - - .*.. . ¦¦•• ;- ' -

i'tAaainit—Mayor, i- Messrsi -'Goff , . Connolly, 'J; NWh to, Pnroell, Smith,iEgnn,-L.' Freeman, Kent, Ms?rUi)r, 1 Cox: < Scott MoQrath,' Kelly,- Fieldb?. ¦ L. AEyaii, MoEnery-ifamOl. .Qherry, G,;WhiiJ,, .Mackey

"T le MATOB'decIarod.tte' tngtion lo«t,'-«t whioh an{aou loejnent thero wa*; eridently; mnoh-efttiifaotionJsavi fiii one" spot, jwhert Mn Fisher was Been gatheringap 1 apers; and then leaving the Chamber: >Mr.*O'Beillj)andlAld.-; B.>Poiwer word .observed following in -b"!¦is* sijiiM&i^'i'-TSM iooioairrr»sa.-;s-l.v;«f¦>1.-,IV ••: ¦;-~.k i> O J motion of Aid. B.m)roBD,»oonded by Mt F*ai¦ u;. M .'.J.;N.';.Woito,r wa« •lector;to;,th»Finano«Ooaaittse in, room of- Mr.fl. Walpolo' retired- from thi.^motlbn'of d.L.' i iBT ieconka.bytAldtol«o >MesaTs:'I. .FiW^rmOTfa inaj

ins^^S*s<l k lii)roa»iot->Mr.-ifc»tjitarAWBPTras.po k Irrtumed .to )ih» Couneafat tk« r«e«e»'»Uetions.-.:it'On.- the motioa of Mxr;.( iJu»»«Tx,aeQio 4sd.!by MrMoQMTi;>Mr. Moran.was,,'ro-eloctad toith«,W»t«rwo» h'Ct)inmittee >n' i"'VX W$^**f r&r^.¦¦'•1 W M ATOB ILIOT ( mc-vid the .ro-eleoUon'jif ,MrW. Kelly to the SanitatrCommivtee',' whioh motion' wa»

,\\(, a the motion of rM»i CiUKMTX.'sdooudod' oy A13iJte >sw«DcMr;iiyr»«mai»'wa»i*«leote<l"aaoorpbraUi«c is>SB^Uve'6athe Hsrto -Boardi'4l '*i.'.;v;'>y,t»t'6.ri _;••M l flaaoal <)»iajw^^:>eren\re-eleetea,-:'iw;UK)B»i

1 [eira.''J.^Wilson>Dow^^Harry,B;,e ieot; ani.W. A. 8arrbt;JBX-.ir.iku; .rd^ Sarto;aaVjitts aid bf"the •ttorpm tt*^^*** ' *"*1'1i stoiis io ih«-MaU?tlu sikV4 'l*M^OS MWUmWeh hoWit. j>t»J ';»opipbwa.?n vfa^to. ths,d pq>»tfaM^attsi2a7

Ct oiU the

biDukn'lBilhe*iQ4alisvsyBaiss 'iasstvBesaL: i4>-' rJi']i^^;i sssio%s s lp»»%S^ P^-t'ssksa A-1— --^-^-'J—1^^— J,tJiTy-ji * ¦Wsfit sisiisT 1 »ff jfc ¦ IJi'ssiMsnVsilYl ¦¦I '.in n« iBi«pH«NMiil] pnfP«MisWi«ivriHHiit

l ^ ^ vT a Ls^ L^ Ha^ Bl^ fyVBBa^E^BBBMB a B Ba^BBBBBBBBBB I

—wv.« 'wwuguii WIIIV » iuwuwiM wuma ao* quice aswell, and be mush' less expanse. . f" !> 'f^3.'*-v>jiVi>i-' ;-:t.;.vl'he CHA'.eHaK oould only account for toe ddlay on thasuspicion tbat some on* hostile to the, lorn:was corres-ponding with the Treasury, and was influencing them.For that reason alone a deputation wasneoessary.Vi ';Mr. Cox proposed that a memorial be sans to"theTreasury for the Joan, and that the'Mayor and TownClerk go over as a deputation to support its prayer.' <.< :' Mr. KBILT seconded tbe motion, obsemngth.it"theczpenso of <85 or ilO a man for the doputabon wouldbe money well laid out .where a deputation would bemuoh the more effectual. ' <:. ¦¦ .;¦; •; ' • ¦¦;•. Aid. SCOTT supported this view, a* did alw Mr.SiDTir, and Mr. QALLWBT took the opposite. Th»Coancit divided as follows:— : '¦Tor Deputation-Mcisra Keily, J. N. Wh'.te, Smith,Ejan, Morrissy, Cox, Soott, MoGrath, Fielding, 1. A.Byan, McEnery and Kodmond—12. ¦ :

' Agaimt — Messrs. Clampett, Purcell, Lcamy,Gallwey—i. ' ¦Ine motion was declared carried, and the Councilseparated. . ¦

C0UNTT WATEBFOBD BAILWATThe fifteenth half-yearly meeting of the pro-p-i«tary of this company was convened for oneo'clock on Saturday at toe board room, company'soffices, Grattan Quay, but owing: to a- want ofa: sufficient attendance up to two o'clock, one hour

after tue chair was taken, there was no businesstransacted. Mr. A. Dxmrr, J.P., D.L., chairmanof the company, was in the chair, and there werealso presents—Sir J. H. Keane, Bart, D.L.,vice-chairman', and Mr. W. G. D. Goff, T.C:, directors;Colonel Millar, Messrs. H. Gallwo;, J.P., W.Gallwey, Dr. Beynett, G. Gibson, J. Ambrose, «o)r.;Bev. J. H. Norman, J. Penrose, shareholders; withMr. (i. O. Willis, secretory, and Mr. J.- Otway,engineer to the company. The following are the'¦ . . . . ¦ TBAlriO.BtOIIPTS. ¦ •¦¦


¦ :Beceipts for passenger traffic '... £3410 18 10

Mails, coals, live-stock, lug- , . : .¦ gag.}, Ac: ' ... ... £6373 X3 7Less rebate on parcels and ' ;. goods ... jei09 I8 10

£6281 9 9THB DIBICT0S8' BSFOKT. . 1 - . -

: " In respect of the earnings of tho past half-year, udetailed in the report, this lvne is no exception to therule ; and we, too, have to make the common oomplaintof reduced receipts . arising from the depression .-oftrade, whioh has been so general, and fro* tho un-favourable character of the weather during the springand' summer months. It is,- however, satisfactory toobserve, ' that some improvement has recently began'tomanifest itself, wb:sh we hope will be progressive.There' are -but three months of last year whioh wo bancompare with the i present ; and under all the aroam-stanoes the comparison is satisfactory. The dowaivardtendency has been arrested, and tho past six weeks'wor king_eihibits an increase of 10 per cent, in thetraffic. The workirg" expenses have ongajed the care-ful attention of the board, and arrangements Jhavebeen perfected, and will immediately bo put into oj»ra-tion, by whioh a conaiderablj sanng will be effected.Under the Company's Acts, formal application mnirt bamade at each assizes to the Grand Junes of the Countyand City of Waterford for the appointment of arbitra-tors to determine, in conjunction with the arbitrator ofthe Board of Trade, the amount to be asseessed on theseveral baronies and the city for payment of dividendon the then preceding half-year.:- Their oertifloate isdelivered, to the Grand Juries at the next assueo, bywhom the amount is ordered to bo lovied, and paymentis finally obtained from the succeeding grand juries.It thos arisos that the dividend for the half-year endingJuno in each.year is not payable by tha county andcity till J<il7 °f' the following year, and the Decemberdividend not until Maroh of too secocd year thereafter.The dividends havo hitherto been'paid in advahes,bycash raise4 on the personal responetbUiigr and securityof the directors, and at a' certain amount' of cost tothe interest account. There is no fund out of which thiscan continue; to be ' paid, and while the board repretsthe temporary; inconveoUmoe caused to the share-holders, it| is impossible that in future any dividendcan be distnbnted until the amount is actually reoelvedfrom' the! respective erpnd jnrios. „ The, dividend forthe half-year, 'ended. 31st December, 1878. which, waspaid to the shareholders:^ May last, will not ba re-oe'ived' from'the county and dtjr till Spring Assiiesi1880, and the dividend-for the'taH:yeartended 80t!iJune -last cannot-ba obtained till tho Summer Atiiisesof the-, same year. . Since the half-yearly meeting," heldon. 5th, Jnnelut, your directors have canted all booksand, acoonnts:of tho company to be'.examined. ftonitheir.commenoement, by Me«sr8...Crai«;.,GarcUi£r'&&).V pnbUo; aooonnUn .in.; order;. that-a statatoentvb'uohed' br an irideperidant anthoritj'might be plioedbefore?the ; shareholderti'- This statement,* a"6opy olwhtoh -has iBlready'- been forwarded toeaoh proprwtor,shows!under iwhatheads and to^whaf fextent the'direo^tors' were compelled U incur an outlay in exosss of theanthorised :{capital- an> exoess,'amdnnting/ in- ;rcnndanthorised ;.capital—an> eiooss,' amonntinp/ in- ;rcnndnumberi,; to"JB 125,000 »-.and,' las -the creditors: of j theooapaoy -were. naturallyaniibus for a-settlement oltheUicUmsi' it 'waa;.';d«emecl ,desirabfo that the share'holders should be fatlted to/a conference, with a nri»wVwrfui'oB^un, :J^Wi;e>of5i»t. last; atwmoa oonnicongsfSoasi'MfStiM Jo .w^on of. the slttreholdwi inleUtsoh toj these liabilities were eipr«»«od, and it wasultimately rdedded-'that VW oomminetTof : proprietor*shoold; pe appoihte,1> to o|rtalD tho dpinloi of iooonselttsf«Tipon.'gi The; caoe 'prepared by .the; commltteb;; inaeoMdaaoel with-tha^; dedtion' has been plaoed beforeeo«M«l,.,wlios«.'Dpiinon however, has" not' yet lbeeaOQmsianioatod. to itbeboard;!' The direotors whb'retireby>iptetkn> are'f Francis B."CurreyL;Esq.,aud' Jejnea'QWw»y., The.rstinngauditor i»-William Calwev,; Esq.All are eligible,''aad offer themselves for w-electwtu . .-

'iVVi'-T l- '^K-KW^r^'flswrWiraaSfBeerstMy^U..

.ts*wiol» of'th«:%mpany's:permanratiway, stations,.btM»tn,a ( 6tl«Vwdrk»hava,'durtng,tllopast.lSalf-;

i«esi^ i{ ^*iS A airM'<>«irATi?B«jliieii' -5V]T«» BJMD Botinio Si'O<il>-I hareby oartify that'.ttis iwaoWM-.'¦ the ;;qpmjpany'slrpl»nt, '¦¦ machinew tools,-.siJ1«ir«d:tafinM t«t «rf;H;<»rriage», andWaB|)6ns,;KWfdnriii?ik a ilt-;ear,;beiagVmaintaSid h"

jfS}wSMaM,WAX«riBVI>^00BWtiT0Eni^ar7si'Ao»n VC«»t^*1i*—Wo. litreb oirUfy'tKat'

:ita.ka «4MM^ ':aW-y arl/sRiboa b(.

laioalfill adtrjle MsMswnt ot-ttts tlns'TTt^ «au!itlon;

SS?rtutBOH-:fttmlshed)r indy«4^M-oadJti^kai

MSSroSSPSWg ia atpS P^ h e^g**g*ffS»gS^ !* a Vtotrafe of intra 'andhwasofpiied .

SS -'fi^^' ^^imViUAM ':Qisidn:4i fiy»|sis5fc8i4n4^White,on thagrojindtiatiti wpuia '

'JJtfVy g 'T^^^nwa^Vr'wAT-fy^fPjtinr:- v«si»i»stoswt«?rtvanagep1Mr.-g.r;Wbito;oh»eTVm .

Wm ssSSSsSSS^ ^ai^W^ "* 'jSram P*^ ^ --^" --^ " -'


flHsfH^Msst« 'MO ^9f9 ^^JE0S 3 LB%i JSBVXS ByflfOTffB t\* Tflf aassV t* '' •*' '¦ '

V; > I)UKGABVAN :;GTJAB1;IANS—TMTBBDAT.:. ;H; V. STUABT, D.L., ohairron, presided. Akopresenfcr-B. J. CJssher, J.P., V.C., Capt. Curran, S.O'Brien, E: Brett; T. Harty. . ' ;; v• - : BELXXT—Several r"persons got out-door relie!. J.Bnen, a: tailpr. ¦ applied for admission, stating thathe had aleptlont last night, and could get no em-ployment. - Captain Cunran: When you earn moneyyoadon't manage to think of those times. Appli-cant:, That is true, sir. Admitted, ''- r ¦A man named John Barry, aged 70 years, having a

large fanmy, and nine other paupers who were sta-ted to be living on .tumipa wifaout salt, weieallowed extern relief for two mouths.- The 'joardwere more. liberal than one of the great magnatesof the government.' The admissions'to the housato-day were not BO large as might be expected insuch trying jtimes: No correspondence from theLocal Government Board. : It wae ordered to payMr. John Scanlan the smount of bis bill.

BUTTIB ntPEOVEMEHT. SOHX1IZ.This important question lias been much appre-

ciated in this locality by the farming classes, andwill prove a > great sucoess, which will be chieflyowing to the exertions and ability of Mr. Boyle.Since the reading of - his detailed report, seventeenmembers have taken shares, .which is a great en-couragement to him to pursue his praiseworthycourse.' - A . first-class batter buyer in Water/ordstated to a respectable farmer in this locality, thatbutter in our market was not what it originallywas, and that the establishment of district dairieswould prove a great success in the making of but-ter, on the prinoiple so clearly laid down in theplan of Mr. Boyle.

ST. DO v; INTCK'S INDUSTBIAL SCHOOL.We find the following in the 17th report of theInspector ef Reformatory and Industrial Schools inIreland, which has just been issued:Average number of inmates in 1878, 120; in excess olimit, 4; voluntary inmates, 5. : - . .. 'STATB OF PBIKIBKS.—This school, orected at con-siderable oost,; is now. occupied by the children, andpromises to be very, perfect in its arrangements whencompleted. A heavy debt has, however, been inourrt dthorsby, but the leading families of Waterford, whot*k& a great interest in the school, are making arrange-ments' for a bazaar, topay off the dobt. The Marquisand - Marchioness of Waterford, the -Earl and Count JS aof Bessborough and other families in the neighbor •hood, are giving it every support, and I hare no doultIt will be a great saooess. "Situated on 12 acres of land, with a park of 19 aor«aadjoining, every fatality is afforded the ohildron tolearn farm industries, and tho roomv and well.vnnti.iaieo apartments will bo moat conducive to the healthof tho ohildren. The hyatoriea and baths are of whitemarble ; the halls, corridors, and kitohen floored withencaustio tiles, and no expense is being spared tomake the school as perfect as possible. 'HKAXTH 'ANI) GENERAL CONDITION.—Most aatis-factory ii 1878. ¦ No death or se.'iona illness oconrreddnring the year; and no appearance of zymotio diseaao.The uutiring care bestowed on the ohildren by theSisters has been most auccossful, and some who werevery delicate on admission are now strong and healthy.CONDUCT AHO DISC<PUKK.—The manager reports :—An excellent spiiit ; prevails in the .school. Thechildren are docile, ana easily managed; they are in-dustrious, bright, obearful, and happy, and anxiods toimprove. They endeavour to obtaij all tho advantagesthey can from the facilities afforded them: ' She adds :—)!n no instance was a serious fault committed duringthe year, and even trifling faults were yeiy raa>.EDHCATIONAI, STATC—Baading, writing, arithmetic,dictation, grammar, and geography, are tangbt. Thegirls write a good hand, and are enoonraged to writeletters to their teachers on feast days. The girls aiugand play well; and I was muoh pleased with tne man-ner in- whioh the National Anthem was sung by t'jemDrawing and instrumental mnaio are tanght to some.iNDUSTBlAi TBUNINO.—The girls are instructed indressmaking, millinery, and shirt-making. They usethe several Jewing machines; they out out and makeall the clothes they wear, and work for {the sliops.They are taught plain and fonoy knittuig,'orochet andcrewel-work, as well as varioos kinds of embroiJery.They bake bread-for tha entire establishment, cook,milk cows, make bntter.-care Dies 'and oonltrv. ™ «~instrnoted in the dutle> of honsehold'aerrants. .Theywork in the lanndry. and are most efficiently trained inthe dnties by .'whioh' the/, aro ,to earn their bread inafter life. : : ' . M - :- -''-: :; .- k ¦ :V:^:v c;. :-;: , . . •¦; SVXWT S—The; school: is ' managed by Mrs. EKiabethCrilly, 'with a staff of SUtors of the ' Goobd Shepherd,and paid assistanja.'; >:". ; >.:-v-":- -'.f-".: :.' ;-"V.'-r-1-^>,. ; '

I Total coat; of tho institution in 1878, £3,50008. 5d.,makidg tost per 'head ;£i3: 7s. 8d. .Industrial profit,•' ia3lS.-ri;-'- - 1 - ':::'- '¦;

'¦¦:>¦ '¦'¦ ::>- -:i..«.r . ¦:. Bsso)WS,',1875-6:7.i-AUjof- 40 discharged are rs-ported to be doirg well.;: ¦;; ..> •'¦. • •.¦'¦:;, . : .1 The mansgeristotee that she hag'snoeoeded itt obtain-ing very ¦ superior situations for somo;of tha iilSrAndthey have proved deserving of tie confidence placed inthem? Some,'at a distance,i.'oorrespond frequently.with the managers,'and consult them when they require

g'j tHMOBSOiItD-MosEiT;:':> :A specWmeettDsr of this body,, convened on circular

ilOiitr;?t8_lJUJeinto consid» <ation the ojvisabili of ,proceedinglwith tie construction of the'dry dock, 14 case

, the GoTOram'ent would advance the money at a low rat«of- interest,'.', waa-held; on. .Tuesday,'-;connienoing attwelr*o'clock. 1 .There' were present »— J.- '".- '- ¦ ¦¦••

¦•:-v?•Mr. W: MAIOOHSON in the chair ; Aid. L. A. Byan,

MaVor-«lect; ' Aid. Manning, Aid. Mahony.-Ald. P. A.Power; JiP. ;; Messrs D'.'.'£ent';XO.''; H. White> W.;B. :Keily, ¦ T.OJ } S.' White, H.'Denny, W.'G. D. Goff,-l'.O. j B.:Caibborhi'P."!MaokeT,< T.tt-;;W. JtSmith,T.C. ; L;< Freeman, T.CvandJ.'WDecm Downey, withMr. .W. Allingnam, 8»cretary, and Mri J. Otway, C.B. .toth8vboard.. .; >.>.;. K-.V»:V .'.- . -A y-^ -:- ':::--^ !•' ;;' Aid. BTAM,.Mayor-elect, said he was instrumental in 'having the reqfsition signed, whioh convened the presentmeetingraa- he'.was one ,of those who had thrown theproject oVerbn,*, farmer .occasion;because the proposed:00st was too heavy.'V Since then,'however; the. cirdum--«twce«'iwf*the| clse'had mnoh altered." -. When . the ¦:.nnd rtaking.was formeTly'.uridir,. consideration;' thaj lyehsjmcm.tha revenne'of.tbeportVas'set'downitje33C0;-but if .;thay;.ooald get tha loanadihreepercent theonargs wonid bo bnVX^OOOJi No one expected-{£s£ the.'dock (¦won d pay!them,«;T0VBnu8,;bntadookwiiei aMUTtenaut' w*- au'

important port; and-

if - they ¦':waat3.l»ibe Ja gBsj dlafs'port >hoy th«uidbe in> poa:-'-wm &g!v*«vaty facility to ahlpcj^g,aedforthat reason'. .¦•th»y;oagHt1: Hav»;»;dry',dook.Vrh la£niog that the':'oOTt^ J .ianVinTitin to orgOTXl^SOOa jear.^rereWaimatilyapplicabl»to oonBtrucUng^otherimprove- .wnUl' lh* pprt; AMiByan!pointodottttlattii9'dock^waa-Totamostamongrt jthem,- ondihey-wBre caBed on-m-dsraUTfUBgtp Jt»e<mJitajurtion.;?f.5Si*hsawud a'rfo de of preEmlW~&ul<l't*da«t the extent<f tl)e* works; very;co)iaiderahly. ¦tAlo^'Byaa cODdTade -'by",nioving_ b depabuioalito'the•So«d;<*^Wo?k»,;e<asistingo^Mi:.Maloia^

Page 4: lli feSi Sisnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1879/WNS-1879-12-05.pdfBUSS1MB ins mmmKKBtw wmmm&mmmm i - So J« H««!aK^;JjjriM v* i< riMfe**f«j.- WJ jr." rmmSSBBB^



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dto fie ||«j,tB(ken;4w ft*j^p ( uuifP^nttPior^Mojeitirv' nf;hia health.Ulan oe,

;4i()<''Ui. promaUag-the int,lie> lika dthet:inen,ih»d 1itboetfWilBgleydidit tfi

ffib of the-6fe)pafayJT)WL55lika ttriii»5n iihai fecwteheUiWIiwonld nbtj uaffittSffitlf

¦agfe l t '. -'Vi : ; ¦";,:.% . ¦,;;. .. . . !:

itboetfWiWgleytiJdit tfi>fettenrion'liBe.'MW- 1 MO) i,J *jfeySW44»tH A'oVed tw flftfi wwlptwn :" > ! ' „

v Ddn'trag'wjthing tiiitil s in- toV« settled tliefinw** fet&,3«j»l»lafl8 of-Hoiity % *«*ffl? T' .• "?•¦!??-¦

.i^W TdM thby'w int-ipore than tlleirlsW** «j »?<Tott <d!..Byiapathy-with-Mr-;'DeUhmit3r «n . m»

'Tfce*ttnb''theirVrofei < natWwuntantrto:>'Wiiw > j •«e»er8iMHiowmii.1'i/ :;' : ;• • ¦¦",f'"j. _-': ,.-.. .. ; (: ¦. ; ,ffct fe««mtt?i«i¥ya^niitif 'lWd'Tifl'Jwd&rte lii /rsSTteJoaotio? was ttnajamonslyjagteedto. - •<iMnriMgeBa ssi

5*K»rS5)MtM«;?took and J&f iMtlto> OLvfo r, jn atot^mMeMarilyi'bfid .mBeltei tAi.ai^P w*

fa^KaE atoilW.nottaidawotd sboirttlieM,:: •i o«i, i>.l>ah*W»!6p(Sa'iattl,'i «!'-«f ..tJi«:'.8o«? J

lUiji»innWrywihaTeoom8toi»n «gT«enH)iit w>ti>Jtt r itatim cthattoonw ba'awatfto^BiegoTernnioTit.oo Btr

. yjonw IwgowytohavejntrudedBpaiypji; Jai 4a»poor*hi i«h6titttw o6TOtiy:y Shbniai

,iag if t. tW^WMboUeni to tnipngn the:aceoun,»r;or , Uie mjtBimmBnt would no* Tcmtirt id nf use. v1 ':' ' '7

^antpditor ajSyeai itandiiig.'i tHiik hb ouj.htt > •^Witbttog»rd(.tc>.'th»qtie«tioilof>di5tri6t dairy,

qi9*ke.* W«i.(tt»U»nentA l. 5>.-i t >i':»i>iiH9 i> ou. wo:fc ' iponUrttead'fciieetaM^n n^^MMadBr.to W heli

^Q^^toe-Wa^rfoBl'iCenteatlwlaiidBtawky- iBSgffiS^feSrfSSffi ^^I^SC .

ii-4lr,; Diirt-I »b«4iMik}!:tto- wy¦ awordtO'Mt ei«et !rf gniteitous!»trfidcorTeUef^r3 idmiailoii'inJ. 1

i^iyaihe«rt<"ajid,a«hi* is alaoKiifiitahioldM'ifctfcijr hjIHio'TObjflCtiinihiiM dT«r fo«',«s5n»iaer«tit&, and t&s

iH»»»«PM3r<r»:clpn't;«ee;wby be ibobld notha»o t«6» ii ;)»«d waegbbgaltewaW i -'-'-j'-'jj'f;'-- ;- ¦: ¦•;;;', }J/;

?S«S fe^

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«!Wbo4-» v— «..*_ __ ..v—.-iv x. . i«i««»^Kfci^Mlllyi,-:^^Kj,MfiJSa%S^C»iiaokiJ<^Cnfcinl

. not We hi»:proMrt to bpi»ntin.i, Theprofefik»lal ohnSanka I okdlX r<JoK€Wniiiuns and.Chaa'.. !MCoanUat th >Kilk«nny/-«6in yi<'hM'?g^: (Wljr.iBtoikantpwM,•ad'cUoUredbimnUttKtAted' viBwll»w«^oir!-'EbiB«> MrK1QrCoriflOT ¦ bronght

Mr^WQUami.ii He.eoitncU.UiMMjiKbiriSia'xoi) i-

^^ IJnj;tMi»lMttli> r i]ir»iiwtfdgoniydai a<jM^ j g prhJelt; aw he^gMAt'jgonrfed < f

'iS*W«4d'::i»ihi*:riarJi -otkit JWp sart-Si ,

to act.M p«f«<* bann(||Mi1 nth, Ahe w, foe tta6y arojh.¦ifcj»*»iitii'i wWbc»30lIo ii.(liB«,(andiWe'cA«ilfiiiv.WotiraSdttfbcrfsft # tb«& ><a ih o^{bi

nnt <060Mion"ofr your Uking thfe chair/ sir; to fee. y>i>f.'atj ia,-iq?ogw[ai tt»ark»-ln ppoHtioito-itb.^wporti; o»(-toI'(iU>itt rqnirtJon fte rooilrs.

nluv «*i»^Vi«»» ih Thihiirflj« 'a4biin^:tliS»'fa

pSiy.'TpiiuMmiW'AMMi i»*to<>;4e*irowo£ remain-

ih'dnUibeiowte*ta;t<»uld-^w--tilflte'a fe

^>g |ga t i^ ^i toktarfoii-iti.>v>^rhnt

.*T:lfr.\WtT.T.r»yj-;i will f^Jjfft yp j gflntlPTnftPjtl'^W^ iTfUciWJIiQi iflUe tfewjand'wMcli >


SWpn^AWl^wholden i»Vtbfi;ooapauy


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• ¦* ''LJilr '"'^M'iai 'i tti'afataiwiMiM fe ASmaVilrtLarf ^^"Ajtfij ^£42M>

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b. -oanied-to

f^%*tSwwhi».l» leg»l?>> 'i'iV-'i'.''' ." w <- • j f • ' ._ •IflniJlTiTi!Ir!\l -.»* - r- • ,. _ --r.'Xl A. •:*. :«»a a onfTinnlld DV

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11 befoie^and:

naTOrSSl^ ianeition,;;) yD.l * i •! M iv;y ; ':' 'V Jl4e,inpUoaiF.as1BnaaiinpnBly ft«ee*to. :.m;:' ; <if x5£Q^!8"*RffW-*4

fonrtb: xeaolntion sr-i ...

!w3t8fow3 *"dS o»S«t'tbI« iopinpaDy,!lftopnflro??i; -« ,

'•.¦"¦••tKfcySKift^fntowJd'fiiii MnJ^wl?Uo^! !' )•

HW» IIW«l«|rijlyni»u.»»,v.M. _...

. ieliii^MW frilr^Biv'ta/Wl^d tS-raaUT

BSi e Jv fS?r ., 5 ; '¦ BRikl rmSnSno r-M.Ttat tti» CaibTriahea.M 3rd aibkltST.1 ¦ - 2ttK Tb^Kuth v , . -6*tefTO*r!K«a?lS3f>* • I £ !»i? «tanJV'bnveibe lanAlords of jio OQBnty tth-'POrtomdnth (torpodo) |25tH ;Bonnndtt.;;- : i""1

m{dnQ»Zv|M | SiES ib*iOMc°?' 5*Flf¥ife~VWiP''!iJW?«.fc»«i*?| 14th Dublin (a'anS?** 3&LU'u£fuiu.1 ffiwrt-MwPgwf ' g Tm T^ '"'



baflMWtWoea 15th Kensington. 30ib. Chatham

Wwmfi 9| ^jSS^%^6s ssaEiftBHU* ss-sss

- .

?»MP*I-'SS ^ W H?* iW<ift n?a <&**9.S()?*t1S ' u ' NEW TOWN HALL FOE CLONMEL; '"WViiHrtii-iiK > ^ » f*ip.»'S«Mnf''*pa^^&'H&SKS .-I' CLONXM, :W«DNBSDAT;-To ay. «nr active anaL'jMKeVoitfS ' f»teWW^% Ks'ft R^

MPII£?*S*y JS 5 nerpelib MayorV-Aia: O'Connel Haokett, J.P., left forF^KufSS Lwaft wi*>T#i* £& SjL"S??£fe .5nb ,,with:th« obieot af iaiaii.ga.loaTifrointlioBoardMMOWT SS • 3«'SaliS»Sae«:f*v*»rpeU^r«

9ojnbpn.WA)itt;W-f ft ,,TvvIJkJ..at the lowest Doaidble interfcat. toinfldr a

W?5»V «a^ *I ?*7?t ' ^ C^WOTift wite p fe fln -M»daa'-tel^ih=4mbA6ekfh>d«iffi-'iWt1*<»untt»»IfSR '^ ¦ ratltU1Itarthe.roa4 *.MUa9ftflBlMBii J Rflt^^^'W^ JwrSf j^ , Ted:a

t^dridheVin6th« i*iaready

care iehOiuWiliJi'my .wife, to; bring in three .bottles_ol' rter, whiobrthrt were drinking at tteltime'fte policeoamfein .rrbeSdfcwiiBfobleBiidhesearouodtho.hocBe,Sndlonndnothiaalurtberthere..: St8ok bamiforward,ana- deposed .th*6=he.gayo a ahflUnztd Quints wile tobrinfc three bottles of porter, and they were drinking it;when.the.poli6e;c«ne;!-..Ca8e;di8nlSiwed. ¦'¦-¦¦'¦¦ > ¦ ' ;.£. '* DsnHK*KJ«8n.- John Hackett was charged wW oe-Jngi drank in. the publio streebon the 25th Inafc, ana a>,tempting to- reikt-the-poKoer-He was finea only onesbilUng,, being, b ». first toffenoe. Miohael Power wasaUo otarfia wife }ike, offen(S.e, on same day. Fined Is.and'bost»?c'The .oonrt .then'ro'Be;."J ' > '

If-iTAnChatr i54P.y<»uSW*ii? "fw^w.w'wvw T"i

;- »:i ""' •'•ppLjiqB.Co.'ail'r—TanasDAT. t, ;. . ¦ '- ' • "

¦ ¦¦:!' (Bofore"H.:B.'Beamond,l.B;.M);;.I ; >. ' . •

; A;numbof of bebriates'were' nned'in'snms.yaryingfroVn' 69.u;W> "«0».'>. oa<Sh.' '8rfb-o6nBtabl8'.'Waiiftni -Bondohargea Miohael 8nUivan;A"bbey side; Vith'teingdrnnkOn-t&X7lh iMUnt.'; and deposed that«'atreight o'orookonithe.e»ehing>in.qneBtion, he was' ataadug'-w taobarraofcgate, iwhenl.he heard;defendant oooming down-the strejfe ,*Wlion Sullivan was within twenty yards of,thbinb^nstabWhe hearaa'BsUsh.itttha^ater., Thesnb-ooqettWo at once oaUed,for :aafnstonoe,t'and ran to.Vhorf'hof'thongat t e "man had. fallon Jn<-°. ,the tide,,follbwecl ^ iSub-conBtable Maher

and Punbeaidy. Iboy

were noM.ong seato1iikig; whieri'they. ai»«py6red Snllivan'floating'in the water, andwith some dlffioolty they snc-.oeeaed in^TOS0ilui^him.:'•• Sab-oonatoWe Bond eud thatthe man .would'certainly :have .been¦¦' drownod had thoynot been, jofortanate as to duoover hiswhereabontainfim« .» H,o nick t «>¦ .lack and the ntan.staiudli drn&k.:and aifull tiife in si ibb .'time., Hr. .E^ond"finedSnnivan 104., ahd.told ilm he onght to.be very.'thank-fnl'td Sab on'stable BonB,:and those'who accompaniedhJto,fdr fiii life.' ."'Wittrrtigard'to the conBtables.htfsaidthat their oondnct:wss mb«t praisawortyV-He1 Wouldatk Head onttable Barke 'to -bring the" matter nndorthe notioe of their'offioerfMr.' Milling, S.I.',with a viewto'/thekvipromotion.i Mr.vRfiPwkeiv.so'lioitor!t-Theopoduotol:the"ooo«tabl<i9 iB.idesorving cf .xeoognitionby, the Humane Sodajiy, And«nghtto bfl:bronght un orIts noUci., Tbfi|man,Vho|t was sworn was helplesslyafunk 'oh the',96oa8ion,|w6nld OQrtoiAIy,hava lost hiiliferbnitfor the Unlolyi,a*nfllaneeol .'.the'snV^dnstabld1 have'no'donbttbe1 Hciinaris'Society, will be fmiy''aUieto this fact, ani«hoW ihiir'approoiabon of the condnit«fi4ae c6fl»tabli*c(n thatQocamon, by forwarding'thanjSe'meaarof iig^ . f. -^^ sd^ J^ SJi '.j Xjnc :'.aiii: .-¦, <,, 1. ¦'—, >——-J T-VFT-.. . .:. '- . '. 1- jii u:ME8SES.*iDA'VTrT, DALY; AiND^KELLEN. ;

A meeidng wu held on Friday evening, aV4itohVnseof Mr. James Fr-Bjan. Bridge-street,- for the pnnoseof takine stoos fo.-raise ..funds fo /the defence

of the

above-named"acinsea." " "'" " " ,^¦» Mri THbMAtfO'OoiwoE -TiG.V was' moved to the;ohaiJf;;" There*frere also'prosent^Mesars.- JM?. %ari,¦T.0i?i3harles?MoCarthy, T.O.-'; -John- Ourrah, l.C. :• dmoaaKeoh»n"i'T.C.r; JohnE. Mahony/T.C; ; lhos1.Marahall.'B,OfShoa, &o~

. ¦'¦ ": '"«

¦- • ? •¦"•' ,•-'¦- J

¦'• •

• ' -Mr.~Keoha3 jroposad-a rds'olotion ftrtayor of htvingifnndrf raSsea{orlne'defence <if Messrs Davitt,'Dal>, and| tIMIenj now':tt«rcorated m.Bligo-gaol: 'He sa'd^hhr 'ifiH sonyttVw'eetihg'was'nut'ailarger'ono;;' Hjj need1;no4 tall tieinj being.' bnsfuesi ineit they 'were all jtwar^I of 'thb laot, -that their country' at' the present tino'was-passing'thrdngh' a'veiy' grave orisiB,. and that <epres-sionwu felt throngh'tneTengtKana breath of thf land.'An acitititJn'htd'trtOTr sot 6U foot in'ft •strictly otnstitu^tiorialUinnef,'toderisempanS tcr 8jem'over tiuaiide';ofdepreeiMtij? -Inthe press'anajon.tliepUtfpnn.'lrshnien1,•havinV •the; welfare, 'of ?, their L. '<JOnntry,«at "hokt,1 had'ddm'erfoTwardV'eipressng Jth"eir: -views'and su'gestilig-nMAitnL'i'tit.nWi^. fA ^ hnA -'Wlth tbe:sreat evil&t'*pfov

•e'ent-Hireatenlng! the''naSdri:.'' Among8tr'ih'o8e.'worthy'Irthmbrf ere'MeSBrB'.'DaVitt; Daly', mid Killm, whoialthSngW-'snrrouridBd! by the gpiea'of tWQovsnmentj'fiarlesaly-gavQ their1 ibpihiSns on the dqploraile atat^

1 ¦or thtf'conntry..' TKos toei.w'ere.arrestja fOr'iediKonilihgdigej ' but in-nis opiliioii tho'geribrai vdrdiit onthdMotion;'.: which the, Qdyerhment'^honlgai fit

to takc.infai

;flus StOtttteri'; Vfae', 'ithat it 'was' both anMse aaa tidiou*JotliV If-'ttey lookedlihey'Trbnld bnly nda-repetitioii

,bf all "there vwfongs-'whioh"'they 'have' bornq ' with" adpa'tientiy'-for^ntonei: e' Saxo'rolutoh:of tb-day;was caa • .stronr," ada. thft- Saxon '

¦ feeliw-towardUi, : thisoonntry>

>was'ns nin6orobsiuasbit mU7eenturie1s;agoi'Mr>fiyan secobded-the reisolntiqni whin passed nnani-jto6nsly;'I:;<)thler-| re'sdlntioiw"were'" al«f passedi ;and aoommittee wai formed to. reoaive '¦ slbsoriptions. ' Al.obnmdaraMe tnm' was 'aabihrlb'dd in tAe roomi'and tha'mee»inj\brbTw%p-.- -7s' . -';--' 'J:''';'|

;:- ^ .'" ': " !

'cqfeto \'imra^SM>' FA^EES1 -.JCJLTJB-

-'¦": . '"• -*11 ci "MOirrHI^ MEETM. " ' "". ' !Thi« Clob held its rnsual. mqitl y, meeting in tho.

To«h.uHaIl'oniWedneMaylaity V\- ¦", ",, 'V 'The Presiient; Mr. DBHIS BSLATTEET, solr.,* ;:"!. J\'i'ii- . .oooupied' theAair; . . ' . . ... ;'•Also ^

rUji JJMsrs r'Jto O'Callagb n,; P;itoCa'tth*.'"(6oh'. 'Veb's.J f Tff.j A. Anthony, <'JosephPUoar MioWl'Morriajoy, ghn Williams, Hiohael

'McQft»th;'.'M.itUiew rtValan.y.ames Cqaghlan, ThosiaTO ;|6d:j HioViey,:&p:.", 7 ,;;, .,;.:'. - ',i ¦¦; ;; ¦& ¦ \" Prbpoiod"Vyn!Ir.''Anth'oni seoonded by-Mr. .Walsh,

.and ^ananimoafily paasedj,'jjmitho.. .Clnb. hpld a

;meeting5"in.:]lSJuRoro-r6hj*rt fair;d?y;yw., thelOtUDe^mW;"aRt ffy^prdlpf;'; ^

-Thf) w tionvto ParUaJmenV if iavivSixUy tho WatHord B,9Ard of unardiana iniavWtaIth9GtoTerumaayaluatiog_jiaa) .op;tlje motioa

iinilTi»ijfaiAobil)i(s3\^yua./j;tinr«a»7 evening ia»t,tii»« ,*a«oa JoHw.Piwarjcrpiidii^

at Lttirtw, Bftarj

Jfoijtfatf «s r»9O9^mg hQme^'withfc<lo>a:'of^oo^B|

sS a*?!th« fti o1cdriiilt,; an.*'shortral«-!S2«s3* >4»wi^ hi::hora9^1ung^^wBlJfe ffr 7 -'--- ---^ <So thoiottdway/ttt" si nliisii Kill lnis>1 (111 'iuirr'hfr'tc V '"m-TTiin

.^^MH^MiMUorhimi' toajtBeWart j

S«nl2stlW 5d5 «nVna'l»o)Je fwo^ ftiaa'^ ts j^reie Jto^Wt'iOimewrrouiavw6«^TitfttBaWfl6«Fr^ <rvenli» firtftn-the1sUi£iM1i|Wr>Jia^W aJ^^w>qiiMVn'muSSm g^Ms 's 4y?Mr/>jI>9mfthy,;

! |Js|i5i| faiSt^e^w1^o*2L-

J^afSfiimwISM^Cfdrjj| ^ir|iiiii ijj»al (ii


.- oAAiiyao - iMT-xtus iJBlTISH AEMT'.r: ¦ .;! cOBBBfeTW> .i7P IO :> CBE;30TH-l|OV.'; '

•Where two pkces are menHonea, the litt-oanuirl j. «v t;. ,.. . ¦ at which the depot tartationed^H 1


. ;.i CXV1UET. ¦ ¦ . • •lst jiafo .QnanlB ...St. John's 21th..;i8t-(Josj)ort.. Btecnn

^g?'n -Gnard'-passagei27ai' Hoi>? ? ^,.2ndda.J}uUln bsth. yirmo*' • Brf^ i •Sftff;, : teS^5th do.l.Aliershot l31»t.. Chathin K3J0W8th do:.;Uniballa, Canterbury &2nd -PoSSd^S^7th do./.Aldsrdhot , 33rd...kamrt£T2llh .lstvDngOMU...Manche8tep • Mth...KonK' cSS'tf ££ESL to England, SiSHSLJ Vv», '- . ¦ 88th...Coxin«h ; "v :5th tsicem...Woolwich 3»th...Jl>anS. W<«m,n »v«njDr*goons...Edinbnrgh pOth...Dam5n^KSrfL7thHtmu«..Cahir . «at... Aldor&W c." ?8110118ttdo .Muttra, Cantoroniy 42nd...Porkh t P T

lltado...Alderahot 17th...Ctttia«rh Pr«»w


b^"-86011113' = ••CS,hore

P" rthamp.134/ Hosaare... Lncknow j 10th...Do7«r. Eoadini¦«sra5s3Ui. , a,. ^h-a^lS^rlfth do .-MerFnt, do S2ni .iSSho?' S? 0'«Slancer>...B^hton Kr4 AMShot? ^«ado ..On p<fflsag8 to India S*th..:Kan^otf j)erbv': "

gSddo°::feb ¦ "S SS ' Mdrenadier'Sua^ bat. feS£S&. 'Coldstream'aaapda-.-lat 'bat, 2nd baU/gtarisS?fl^*5" Shomcttffe i andbat, Tower Natal,. ' «h bat V^?8ooto FnnUiera aoard»...Ut Wincteste ' *"'bat, JVelUngton . Barracks j oliit:..llalta BriatDl. . 2nd bat, Chelsea ! >»nd...Mo5irDSiL '

»>i*1OV .HWa. " feorf ht«^' ?

^S iSSio^Ttat1; S&^SSiSSS^

Jth ..;lflt bat, PMhairarTal- 75th_5SSot W« *Vu1MJ. «o4 bat, Cnatlmm, 76th.. fflauSSOUth

wickj-> 2nd bat, Cawnpore, «th.v.Gibh5Sr, pitt °rP

rthT lfbat, Cork. Hoan h1 ''" ^

. "fE4011 s,- tati Kornm8*th...Do»er,,Tcmtelrart.

»v 9f'v;^?fg '1 8Sth...lfglvlniirtanr65ord9th...lst bat, ' Kinsalb ; Tar-8eth..;cha»ham, Belfast -

. month ; 2nd bat.AfghaniBtan S7th.. lAmerick Oalway«»&, Colcheker; Luv *%S% P" ^¦ ooln j 2nd bat; Malta; Lin- p9th...Burmah,' 'ArmaghiifS 1 v

'¦•„•"• . V j90*h-y"«»8» t(vrnaui,Hamn.11th ... 1st . hat, Hancheii- ton . ¦, •, ' . :• ¦ • ¦ ¦" ter.Exoter ; 2nd bat, Fob 91«t...The Cape, Stirlinit '¦ nah ; Exeter : j 92nd...Afgbanl»tan/Abera8ia12th ... 1st bat, PeshawiirVal.Wrd...GfbraUar, AbirdlBh• p ley 5 Bory.. St. Edmunfl'H • Mth...Natal, Armagh

2nd bat, Portsmouth, do 95th...Curragh, Derby13th ... Irt bat, DoTonbort ; D6th.'..Alderaaot, ABhtdn: 2nd bot, Bellary j NoirSi>rt 97tb_.-.Halimx/ N.S.' ; HaidUth...lst bat, Aden^adford; :i stone . . - ¦ - - , ¦

Impknow,.Bradford 3 • . .. 98th...Malta," Colchester15tK^V.

¦ l*t bot. Tfpptotary. 99tK'/.KataTfor Em>XUUi".-.: • l«t ; bot, Tfpriorary, mK/.KataVfor Bermuda,: Baverley ; 2nd •bat/'Peesa, Derires- • ' ' • -

Beverley ' ¦: : ; \, - lOOth—Seattoto, Birr16th ... 1st bat, Athlon.*, Bed- 101st...Halifax, NS ; Tralw. ford: 2nd bat, Seoondarabad, 102nd...Ceylon, Haas• Bedford - - ¦. \ ' ¦ lOSrd...Cork,-K'Bas " '17th... Zstrbat, Peshairnx Val. 104th...Belfast,' Tralee '

ley, IJprwich ; 2nd »ftt ,Na»; 10Sth...Nflin7, - Pontefraot!-serabad, do.' • I " 106th...Preston, Sandarlaad

18th..ilst bat, Moolttb, Clon- 107th::.Channei Islands,' Chi.mel^ndbat, Aldcrahot :do "Chester-1 - <• ' ' - ' ' . ~": -

19th-..lst bat, Bermndta, Bioht l,OSth..,'Portsmonth nmixulenniond ; 2nd bat, AlSdershot, )09th...iJdershat, Bin i

- Bisbmond - : •''' ' •> ¦ '•'' Eifla'Brigade; 1st bat,"!ild«r.20th... 1st bat, Cypn&s, Bnry j "• shotj 2ndbat, Gibml»>;3rd

.2ndbat,Hnllingaf X tarrl . .'bat,- Snblin-4tti.haC.Anma21rt...lrt bat, 8emm.derabftd, •Hflfa. WinchBstor- ..,, '¦ .¦' Ayr; 2nd bat, HaW,'Ayr -!" 1st West' India iegimeni...22nd:... lst' ibat,' l?ablln for Jamaica-';' 1 2nd: do., Siem

Cnrragh } 2nd; b««». AUaho- ieone . ¦;- : ; •, .':.:. . ¦had, Chester . .. 1 _ ¦• Boyd . Malta . F«Mdbla«, A*

23rd'V..' lst - bat, .Troolwioh, tiltory, Malta'Wrexham ; 2n« bat, GibH '¦¦' ¦ ¦ . . . -. . 'raltar. W r e i h a n l .. '. . , • - . .•- . : ; . -.. - .. .


iBoiMBrij., Woolwich —• 8th'Brisade;''W6olwich 'B Horse Brig., publin . ;;. .". 6thBrigade, ColohcsterCHone Brig., .>aldershot 7th.Brigade, Porttmonthlst Brifftde/WiioIwich1" ; 8£h Brigide.'Dev'onport2n43r%»d«/S>»effll>ld -..- :: 9fh Brigade,'TXrrer '"3rd Brigade, jtawbridgei. I'lth BrlgadeVCork; .- ..4th Brigade; ]yelth Fort ' .' 11th' Brigade, Sheerneis


breathed'her;last..! The intelligenee .waa concaunicated.to j toe. Emprera by.Kijig Alfoiso

jdw AwajtSdiflr.ar-nyal. at thqjrjausrayslabon.-;HerM»je*tyjei]Br6SKd,*wish.; tp j ' be ' oondnotad , W(h,ero njoffier rfsidmoe bnt

"PaJacBVV'TSa •ntmoktj-lYmptthy'f is <nipiyk'a"tbi*a*ll'her' by'taa1 paople' ofMadrid randtmaWffibu^aydltif>ers*Ba'ia?e 'gone .tolth9 ;Mba'PalaWTaifll1fiibf]BWitheBf niinev l>>u « ' ¦' •-¦t;o-'i ••• OJI inoiito^nimr.^ril;

.¦jV.Uac ven!4,C^merba'6Ben*-aretlj9bestttr»t>nte di''¦inUijir -.-iWr.ilr.-Ki !^. . : .UIw .u^uftjiHoiQpfirtdM;.'.¦ids WSWSiH^^W^ JJWW*'*? ** 'jays

J[a*toutr-Xh9BJNDyo:PEN8. ;,NoSk.''l,- a;.aiid.8j .

Specimen BatM conwiRtna All ite hrtfU. -is. ld^byforf

9V" Vitro ¦¦ > >'83-rBlair treet;EdinSnrjih;:.

? . • (c3.4t)..4''Ji-'--I:;. ''-"~ ;i • • ;(Eiit»bn»haa;H7Oy.r

onr"r«sbby*BioVohnae ering with the psonorwnftiijg.Woth?.*'Go itohoatoa chomist ana get abotUe of SM-iWnreitowjBBooxHniaSTBnP. . »-wiawlleveth»poereniferoriimmediatetyv'.i at.ia .perfeetly'.hytBlwis .andpl«rift»ntto Uote. jilt produoea a natural, qfniatisleeubjj^rrin»Hthe(roMdl£ijm1lpiinji;a3id.-.the;litlle eh£rsbfMOis»^V hii fc;a&-iia)nUbj J t c*the« th9OhUdi.it sottens; sne;(iuma> ausn ». .i-.-r— itod^rt«ul«»th%bic.W ,-a^ th8ib

known i^

initllCfci'dysenteij! and dJ«xriiieav»T»h8th«rfafadugii«oiitaUsteC rtMhtanMaae*? IMr^iTCmflowUo.SootiibwftztociftMU b>JW}atoIteal«r8«viTj»hitxs »tl»WPBiJfc)tU^ lsjairafsjofaired;jnTNb*'S '«ad»l^33,,QxCird-«tt«atJLond<>EJ'{Ss&tviiliv; # /;'Ji(dSM>(w