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THE -WATEKFOKD NEWS IST1CUSUED 1S17. (Alderman itKDiiONr., Proprietor.) Ii.M' .r.tST GlKCl I.AT1ON IN THE SOUTH or IRELAND. PitUi ' slu' .! evsr- j FriJay Evening, at Kb. 49 Kin g Sired [oprOFITr. TDK runVlXCIAt. BANK.] I' IUCK TIIHKK I'ESCK ; Y EAKIA ( IS ADYAXCK ) I OH .; By POST, Y KAUI . T, l«is., i.\ ADVAXCK . Agents for Sale of THE NEWS: WATKKl'OKD—Mr.W. K KI . LY , Little Gcorfib' s-strcet. TKAMORE—Miss CLA . NCT , llcfrcslimeut Kooms, in Stmnd-strcet. PASSAGE EAST—The Hisses LOVK , Hotel , S(jimre. 3AHKICK-OX.SUIR—Mr. J.M.JhmniY . Nuws Agent. DUXGAHVAX—Mr. EDWARD DKKNXAX , Stationer , Ac , Tost and Telegraph Office , Tho Square. KILMACT110MAS—Mr. 11. CI XXK , Grocer, ic. LISMOHE—Mr. Jons NOUNAX , Tho JlainVa rehouso NEW UOSS—Mr. P. MOKAX , News Agent , ic. SHIPPING THE G U I ON LINE. UNITED STATES WAIL STEAMERS. 3 *Yv &\ /^ k^^ ° r lll ° f°" ow'"6 or olhor First ^PJK '^^ . \J class, full-powured Steamshi ps ¦£SJSSDS B "ill be deapntchecl from LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK , EVERY WEDNESDAY. Captain. Cap tain. WYOMING 3 * MKS M OBGA MM INNKSOTA .C. J, lti-ildoa WISCONSIN T-W .Vr.«m»n MANHATTAX.J. 11. 1' EICB IDAHO .•>**• GU»RD MONTANA J AS . PMCB N£VA1> A "'" .... W. Korsytb DAKOTA Uiu.ld.niO * " fr ' TC i nn-nd. -<! to Snil M (ulloiv :— M \Xii \TTAN' Wednesday 25th Feb. MINNESOTA Wednesday •> Mar. WISCONSIN Wednesday U > Mar. KFVADA Wednesday lbth Mai. CAI-LING »t QUEKNSTOWX tlm day following, to embark Passengers. Passengers booked throug h to San Francisco and all inland toiviis at loiv rules. .. . ,. ,. , _ ,. liatcs of Pawnee finm Liverpool In Nrw York :-Ct>bin Pas^e iUS 16.. .nd i'17 17s., mid I'll. StorrajH- V.u,:,f O at reduced rates. The latter includes nn unlimited supply of provisions , :ooked »nd served up by the Compauj s Mnvmds - For iieiclit or pnssase , appl y to JOHN IlEVEKEUX, Quay, W Merloni , THOMAS KAVANACH . lbc Squnr. -, Dimpim-an. J \.MKS SCOTT <t CO., Quernstonn; or to UUION & CO.. 26 Wnter-streut , Liverpool . WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY. IXTESDED OHDKR of SAIZ1NG-FKB., 187-1. ATOTICE.—Tlie WaterfordStcamshi p •( "kS j. J\ Company receive Goods for Shi pmen t ?9SnCf ^ . on the following Terms only . —They reserve jflfcfi Srato the ri ght to carry by arty, not by particular c s witOU-rtv to Tow Ships and call at other Ports n " nill ' not be accountallo for injuries or losses arisinc from del« " ccideuts of the Seas Kivers , , the Queen luie- mies defective Navigation , or accidents Irom any o her cause " or for any loss which might have been covered by Insurance »or or Leakage , Breakage , Condition , Quality, or contents of °° y Parcels orl' -ickagc! . unless speciall y entered and <i. r<i - Irem Frei g ht paid. Goods not removed to be Stored at the risk and expense of the Consiences. WATER FORD AS1« BRISTOL. Gipsy, Xaro . or other tumble A o«cl , dmct. From Wnterford to HrUtol : J rom HnsfO tr> W aiofi.rd Tnr ' dar Itb. 3 ...mi Mom. Thnm ay, K-b. 5 ... s 3I«rii nwXaV ' l 10 -IS N oon. >Tttur«lay, W .. 1 Affu Tuesday, I ,. ' >!„„,. Thursday, V. ) ... a M,,iu 5SSbJ: ;: ' *•- * **• «•?»>«*«> •• ¦ ¦» - - A WU Wat.rfo.d to Uri.tol 'Trj m HriMol to W.iUrfoid , Direct calline at Pembrok e Duck . Friday. l>b- ••• . A , t . u Tll(: .,,., v : ]„ ... n Morll iri'Jay. •. ;; ' ••• ,, yx , m Tucwlay, 17 ... "i M"rn >ni ay, - M Va xucfilay. ., 2' ... H 5'«ru r nu«j it «2T On Karlv Morninc Sailings , the Cabin ol the Steam ersV^lil bo Open to receivo PasseuK':^ arriving I roin London by c!un ' Fare! 1 ^^ ; Servants and Children . 10, «,,!. Itetur . do., 25,. ; or with liberty to return from Dnbhn CorV or Weiford , 31.. 6d., Steward s ee included ; Deri »« fld Females attend the Ladies ' Cabin. WATER FOUD AND LIVERPOOL. Lara , Zep hyr , or other cliciblc Vest els. TROM WATEKFOKI.: f'OM UltKl-OOL: « ir Fib ' - A ffn Tuesday, Feb. :! 1- X<K)n Mowlay, H». - Tburtday, 5-1 Affu Friday, ,. ' '- \ (7=,, Tue<.l:iv, 1" V Affu Monday. .. ; - ^ * J.SK' rMav , ;: 12 - .i Aff u Fri'l"/ •• . ' , _ lt Affi.:Ti.c«Iay, 17 -11 -Mom Jt,,i .lay •• V, _ ij " X,OTiTiiur.1lny 111 -U S.KHI Irulay .. - _ Ul . n - lu ,,,,.,,. _ - _ 't I- Affn M.«.S;iy, - _ ii un, Tliur^duy, - ¦; I! Alt n Friil- i v .. - " ~ s •'"" inur^unj, ,, . -. ¦. <... .. Cabin Far., 17*. M i -Servants tTiav.llini; willi Faiuilits ,nd Children , lu.; U.-tk . lOs . Chiidien. us. Kunak- aUeud P ROS WAII KPonD-Daily, Sundays execpted , at :i.U r.M F KOM N K W lioss-Dailv . Sundays exceptcl . at MS A .M \V AT K 11V 0 It 1) AN I) 11 U N C A X N 0 N . T- ko» WyunronP-Dailv, Sundays ejept^, at 3.'JU r.M. F ROM DcVc»- xNO5-lJaiIy. Sundays cxa-pted, at 8.15 A.M. " tal " seo^d and ever/information given by the A.ente; Brijlof The general Steam Packet Other. Ln-trj,oot : Watertord S ea m Shi p Company 23 , llrunswu-k-street WnhiDRtoii HuiUinp, >ud .. t..n(:«u.p»uy s Jlhcf , the MALL , WATEHFOKO. .... ... .V-,, «vi) SOUTH WALES , AND THE SOLTH h OK lKELASu! « GllKAT WfcjTEKN UAlLWAY , ria MILFOP.D HAVEN , jn connection with tho WATER ™™ AND LIMF .MCK and WATF .KFOKD AND CEXTUAI . I KF.I.A M) Lines. SHORTEST ROUTE, and REDUCED FARES. •tvs f opr ess Trains and Keic Fust itail >K «p t^^ ' s(ra»icrs fv>;/; r II-A-KK- u/t r. ^1^ T; i> _LcaveWATEKVORi> nt 'lp.m., on Arrival of 11.20 a m. Train from Limerick , and 10.35 n.m Train from Mary borough, A UMYINU in Losnox (\vtu- thcr and circumstances ]iermiUing) at lli.3 on DOWN. I ' KAV ' J: LOM'ON (Padding ton) at -1.J0 p.m., nnd AimivK AT WATKHKOK I) (weather mid eir. .•umstanccs permiuing) about lO.aO a.m., iu time Tor me Tiains on the Waterford and Liine- r!r-k a,,d Central Ireland Lines. F A R E &—\VA TEliFOIU> AX U LOXVO * : (available 4 Days) 1st Class & Saloon , -K* 0. 2nd Class i baloou, .los du " " 3nl Class & Fore Cabin, ' M^ Oil liK-rriiNsfovailabie forl month) 1st.Clss & Saloon , 7Jj^ ind Cits & Saloon , u'Js Further information cau be obtained from Jlr. W Hmi i)li , Patriek-strcct , Cork ; Mr. K. -M. J OII . N- FC .X ]{nilway Tcnninus , Limerick , and Mr. Dou . vcv , Ailrhilii Wharf, Watcrfc.rd ; und the JS KI .UI . - KI . J AIIKS l,, t,vWn other important Stations , lli e I line J ables, nnd Throug h Kates for Goods , Ac., or Mr. W. J. J». s- NKI .I., tl.o Great Western Comraiiy is District Agent , J'aul's Square, Wuterford. j . G1UEKSON , Cencml Manager. I'.iddii.L'ton , Jnn., Ib71. [myl'S. NATIONAL LINE TO NEW YORK- Kir NOTICE . —This Company tnk<< llie libV. i.t ln.ui- ante (up to X1*KJ/ I/J« IJ tin each ot its VCJ-SL-IS, thus jriviti!. ' 1'ns.vnjier^ the t«t>i possible puamnti-e for safely avoid- »nci: of daii^n- at st;i . Tin. - most suutbi-rly niule h;i:< ln- .ii >lw»ys uduplid l.y il.U Company to nroi'l lcf ii iidjli- .nl- U ' ' ' P* V&* LAllCEST S?EASIEIW AFLOAT. irV^ji _ ^J»j* -^Voni y.iorasfmuii evenj TllVUSDA Y. riUIE well-known Full-Powcrcd Iron Screw 1- KTKA.M-SHIP S .S/'./i.. Totti Ships; Tout K*iYfT , Urv_ 'ati 5"J»»I 1CN<; L AM », Kcuip -. l'*«l i^l-AIS , Cnua- WH ' . TI1K yCEKS. Andrrwf... -Hit ITA1.V , liriirp« V»'J ¦ lll.I.I.AX!) , llr-v^ :i»t7 KK.VNCK . TliTOifuii :!571 KI' .I.X, Uiweon 3!O(i •JA. NAl>A , W.Wt.-r :• :,*, lli;l.VCTlA , . ^l»iii. -.r ^'7 t (iliKI-XK. Tlu.iiKK ;», I UKXMAKK , M.nmrr..... :;?. •:; Will S;nl n-iiin Lirerwmi >„ Ni-w Vi.i k n- nii'lcr: SPAIN Wcli>«s«lay Feb. i. - .tli. THK ymiK.V Wednesday Mar. 111.. KGVl'T Wednesday Mar. lltli. Leaving (]urciittu«ii the tuliuwiujt nays. I! ,,- Sale""" accmmiMlaiion i> -u. pas^d . i lie StHtr-iooino , - „_ . unusuall y l»r s c, and o v ,u .-Il lhe Haluons , Mtuattd in l"" l '" i '!- ur palace 12, lo , and 17 (lainras , accordine to ac- jlaiiou in li:ivin« Minf pr.viUjje in Z , 1 "" n « l'«-k«" . ¦IWKNTY-FIVK <:U'SKA«- «<! Tl e COMFOUT of SSTEKKA'iE 1' .pecPdl y consid P i.-d-lb. .u.' tomniudatu.u l-ei "K nmquulled fu VC'irK- "' 1 ^'' ^ y ,,y ot Url 1n T i.,:« ; Ie ».,,,;ln,-e «t IV...».,.« .«t«l »» ^"'J^r, d " Com,,».iv ' « . -ervant* . . ilwlical ntlrn-Iniiep rrfe. .i«rf.a ,Z at Jane on K.-...-I. >!.«.„, r^.W'"- SJt«-ra|te I'—nw-r* lor.v a r.h.1 I.. (l UKl,ff , '""' ", ' , ' ; ' , ( hiuutfh laS» o Ir;.i..-iM(. , aii l »ll i!.l..i.d ».»¦»• , fc j State- .,.,d C..h«.I» ¦'" '•"¦ """I" "•;»=' ' "-" 'V . '' S ht« .\ .l-l.»'•:. , N'- W /. •al«li'l . <. l"in» , «i..l •'"I-"- K.i r ' Fi rii-lit "' Vi— '- ' ;'l'!'!. v '" . , . , vl , Fl ,i S. M.I : 1.OI l"li mil l;|.•HI- : , .. MICHAKL IMlWX;;Y , Ulhe, , . M. nhant-- * M>. J. M. MUH 1-11Y . |--,.4*,,.. -.,., i ; H ICUA UI. ^ ; ' .Main Mm- l , d»-; i:«ciu t. u 1' I . I: I.A » , li.j.«i. ? '"" '/ ^' V Wx. Fo n iiUA' , <i,«. -t, . N.w «¦** ; 1' AIKICK L"«>. , Uoninahon ; or to A and J. Celsius »»d Jiuos., Quc-nstowu. . IWngers »¦• «Jv. M d to >ecu.e th.-.r l' ussag.-* vom the Loc«] Aseute l«f» re 1«»'U K bom<' - SHIPPING ril ll K ASIEKICA N 8TKA.V-SJN1' COMJ'ANV 01 X PHILADELPHIA. Regular Weekly Lino between LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA. The New First-ciuss Full-powcicd Iron Steauishi , Ships. Tons. Cplnm PENNSYLVANIA 3101 II KADBDBS - H. - OIUO 310-1 MOHBISOII «U^ INDIANA 3101 S HMSEB . < V^iM\yc^ -ll.L]NOlS 3101 F KKOBK . •fiiWmpilii f "i-'T-ri'irr 2551 DFUMOIK KKNlLWOKTIi 2538 J'lioweE. Sailing from Liverpool every \VednesJ.iy, callinj .it Qncoiistonn on Thursday. PENNSYLVANIA Saturday, Feb. 21. OHIO Wednesday, Feb. 25. •A B13OTSFOKD AVednesdny, Mar. -1 INDIANA Wednesday. Mar. ll •KENILWOUTU Wednesday, Mar. 18 ILLINOIS Wednesday, Mar. 25 •Theso Steamers do not carry iutcrmediato passengers 'l" ie*c steamers have been built expressl y for this service , in connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, nndcr special arrangements ; and this is thu oul y Trans- Athiilic Lius sailing under the United Statpj Flag ; and are tlte onl y steameri cnrry iuir the Arac.icnn Rafts for MII - iuf; life, besides the usual complemrnt of life bo..t. «. The accommodation for all classes of passengers in equal in elegance and comfort to any o! tlic European Steamshi p Lines. Pa^tngers and poods are landed on the Railway Com. pany ' s premises, and turwuidul inland at lowest Throug h Rates. tCP The Pennsylvania liailrond is the shortest and most direct routc^to all places in theWentern States. CABIN PASSAOK , Fittctn to Twenty Uuineas. Children two mid twelve years , llnlf Fare. Return Ticketu at reduced ralrs. SIEEIUOK PASSAGE M low its by any other Line, includ- ing nn ample supply of Provisions, cooked and serrud up by tlie Cciuipauy f s .Stewards. l J ASf vn ^em are foru-arded to Nc-iv Yoik , lioston , or Baltimore , without additional charge. I NTERUEPIATE PASSAGE.—Superior accommodation , in* eluding lteds , lidding, and all necessary Utensils und sc- . wratc Table, £;) 3s. extra . App l y in Philadel p hia to PKTJT . Wnioni & Sons, 307, Walnut-street; in London , to U ILEAD A. SMITH and Co., 23, f. 'b.iugc alley, Loubaid-jt. ; in liellast , lo E. J. h. A IIDT, 3, Custom House-square ; in Quceiistown , to J> ' . <t J. CUMMISB & llrottier * ; and in Liverpool , to KICI1A1SDSON , SPEXCE k CO., tf 17 and 10, Watcr-Mrci t. or JOHN DEVEREUX , Quay, Watorford. CLYDE SHIPriNG COMPANY. FEUKU A 1 1Y , 187 1. llcjular STEA M COUil UXICA TION Iclwecn Waterford and London , Plymouth and Southampton. Cork , Dublin , Belfast , AND GLASGOW. - "V ¦!. rilHE new and povffrlu) Screw Simmers. •SaWl^E^ J- TOWARD , CUM I1IJAE , WiCKLOW VlNj\ENg>-.SKKUKYVORE . El)l>YSTONi:. SANl)A. 5!*.,lrfif»(afrAKKL0W , are mtrnded t«> Sail as under (neatlirr prrniittini; , unless prevented by any unforeseen circumvtanccb), with liberty to Ton* Vessels, and to render Assistance to Vessels in Distress :— KIIO.M WATERFOKD TO GLASGOW, Widni'sday, -1th Fih. 1 p.m., via Dublin Wi-.lni.sdav -ltli ,, 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, (ill. 1 p.m., via Cork and IJeKast. Wediusilay, 11th 1 p.m., vu Dublin Wednesday, lltl. 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, IStl. 1 p.m., ria Cork and Ilclfnst. Wednesday, 18th 1 p.m., ria Dublin Wednesday, 18th ,, 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, 20th 1 p.m., via Cnrk mid lielfast. Wednesday li' ith 1 p.m., via Dublin. Wednesday iijth ,, 1 p.m., via Co.k . Fiiday, Ii7lh 1 p.m., via Cutk and Di-lfast. Wednesday, 111. Mar. 1 p.m. vin Dubliu. FROM GLASGOW TO WATEKKOHD , every MONDAY , WEDNESDAY , and FRIDAY , at 1 p.m. ; to Grcenock , 7 p.m. N OTE.The Stp.irnfr or. Friday cors via Cork. FKOM WATERFOHD TO UELFAST, Via COHK. Every FR I DAY, ... ... at 1 p.m. UELFAST TO WATERFORD , Via GLASGOW, Every WEDNESDAY. FKOM WATERFORD TO DL'iJI.hV , (Direct ,) Every WEDNESDAY, at 1 p.m. DUBLIN TO- WATERFORD , Via GLASGOW. Every THURSDAY. FROM WATERFORD TO CORK direct. Every WEDNESDAY ... at 1 p.m. Every FRIDAY , ... at 1 p.m. FUOM CORK TO WATERFORD dirccl. Evciy TUESDAY. WATER FORD TO LONDON. Calling At IMyiuonth, 1' ib. 10 -1 p.m. I T.iCMlay, March 3— 3 p.m. Saturday, lil 3 p.m. I LONDON '10 WATEKFORI). CaUiup at Plymouth and PL- IIZ - IUCC. Thur. -dav , Fib. 5 G a.m. I Tl.ur. -day, r.l.ruary J—C n.m Tnr-Mlav? ,, 17 o a.m. | Cuml- n-cvivrd for Mnnnu-iit :.t .Miller» and Wet hint \Vh:irvc« up to p.m. "ii day btfun- Miilii.L' . WATi:HKOltl . TO 1'L-KMOl.TU. l-l. vyul. 'TII TO WA1KKK0IU ' . Calliu^' at l' .rUTii ucu. Tuesday, Fib. ID— 3 p.m. . Friday, Ti b. Ii A p.m. Saturday, '21 tf .in. \Vi-«liic?idny ,, 18 X l'.m. Tue-il. -iy, .M. -uvli :!— :i | Fridav , ' . '7 !i p.m. WATKIC IOKII TU SUUTIIAJI ITOS. KOtTIIAMITO.N TO WATKr.t'Olili . Tmnshi piun^' at Plymouth. Tranhliippinp at I'lymouth. Tui-sclav , Fib. lu . 'i p.m. .S-itunlay, ., -1 '< p.m. Every Wednesday, ut S a.m. Tm. -duy , Mur. « ' <S p.m. PKXZANCE TO WATERFORD. Saturday, Fib. T !1 a.m. I Saturday, L'blh Fib. 'J a.ill Thuml. -.y, IU U a.m. | These Stcatcer.* have excellent Accommodation for l' .i s- cnKera. PASSAGE-MOXKY : Cabin. Iteturu. Deck Wateiford to GUn- 'Ovv & lielfast , 17s. Od. 2ns. 10s. Cork ... 'I-i 11 Si Dublin ... 10s (it Plymouth fc S(inlham|iton 2(l a IiO« KM Lcudou ... 2" >s 37s Cd 15s * •<¦ ' ¦ ' NOTE.—Tim Clyde Shi pping Company Insure all G.ic. i* Shi pped by the>e LMH. S of Steameis . at U^-ld. percent to Tn.dtrs liaviii}; yearl y ;>i;iet'iiuiit- s , nml Os per coul to oc- casional Shippers —values to lm declared nt time of shi p, mpnt. Vcirms and all iufiiruiiitiou l«. be h.vJ :tt tin- Oflice. FI . I- I' ates of Fri'i jfht , Ar., app ly to— CORK STKA MSIH P COMPANY ., Pcnrosu Quay, Cork ; CAIOLIN imii EOAN Kden Quay, Di'iJ-i.v ; J. C. I' INJEKI ^ TOS, 10 Victoria Si ., Ilellast ; H K . VBT I. WAUIKG , Pl ymouth ; J AMM H AKTLIC V, i CO., 137, Liadcnhall slrci'i , Loniliiu , also »t M ILLER ' S WIIAFF , F.a»t Kmithfield, mid WpsT JC EXT W HMIF , S.iiitkwarli , Lundnn ; Joim LVUDV , Limerick ; W. J) . M ATTHEW i. Sox. l' en/anc- , »ud the CLYDE S1H1T1NG COMPANY , Southamtiton , Greenock , Gbscnw. and \Vaie r f"rd THE IRISH JiUATM "W II1 'J. ' K S T A U " L 1 N E. UKITKD STATES MAIL bTEAJIKK.S , o . OOO Toiis liurtht;!. 3, 'JLU Ili.rjc-powei. .^^i&T i-^S ' ~i V I J ^ TC1 'P 00 ^ r ^ ew York fiX**^ BH5SSfe*'* l ^ ^^i-l''l'OWN every Friday, tf-rwardinp I'ufsi-iigirs to all parts of the United States aud , Returning Irora X.-w York evi-.y Saturday. Uy Messiis . H ARI .ASII & WOI . FF , I!illa>t , ssul as ui.dcr , Fiom LtvEBrooi. , via (jL'KK.iSTnirx HALT1 C .. ThnrKday, .. Feb. 2Ctb. OCEANIC ... Thursduy, ... liar. 5th. REPU11LIC... Thursday, ... Mar. 12th. CELTIC ... Thursday, ... Mar. lOtli. ADRIATIC ... Thursday, ... Mar. 20th. Tltoi- Sh-am~lii|is are all uuitoiu? ol !!><• hi |j ;hK>t 6|i.-.l , and >i:p]ftc with c.i.ivi-nit uc.-s it. i-viy d(t l..rtiin nt . Tin: « ..!.,.,» , rtatcniMiis , nn.I >mr,Vi-rnoms are amiriKlii j. . . Drafts ti*>-u( j d nn N.'.v York tree ol cl.a.ce. Saloon , £18 IS". 'Jl G UIIICH ; liituru TitleU li ' i Guineas ; Stic.aKe £0 li^. TLt! SjKKHAriKS an: unusuall y . -pneif,..-; , w.-ll liiihtcl , vcut.!..ti-d, *u«i Wiiimed , hod Pas>riipcrs (it tiiH rla^s ..c.-ive tin- ut.Lost ciiil.ty II .K I nttcutitiu. An unlimit.d supp ly <tl Cuokcd 1'ifi v^itiii-s . M.-dical cmnturK f.i-u uf tl.ii^r . Steu'lltdrssis in .Stc-^razi? (o the Wnmi-ll Ji.lU Cljililll-II Kl'-ernri! l<ie us h,« „, by nny nllur Lin.- . For Ill-i-ht Hlxl tnrll.iT p.ltirub.iy , appl y n! tl.o Offin< of llir Ci.mpal.y, l!l Iti.ikdivny, N.- w Yo.k , :n.'l 'M Mul' l it.cit. Chiman; m lju.-.-ii>.ri»'M , to . - rott & C". ; <" 1S.UAY, l.MI. 'IK , ,V CO., 10 WJ I I-LSI II - I- I , J.iv.j I ; und 7, Ej ^t rinli.i-»rnuf , London. Q..9-H ] T. S. JIAIiYEY , Littl.- (. "...u. -. ' s stiei t , und JAMES II1CNXKS- .Y , ( GiorK.N »t , Watrrliird . J M. .MUUPUY , 43, NVw L-iiif . Ciiirick.iiu.Suii- . ^ ASSELL'S CHOICE (J Q OFFEES , CELEIiJiATEI) roil UIIEA T HTUEXCTll AXI ' FULL FIM 'fj UH. CiASSELL'S OKIEKTAL COiTEE consists ; ,| u M-li-ttion of tl.« lii" -t H.U.. U.* <.I K.i-t Jmlia , It. tl.f prui-H»» ..I r.,;.. -liiiK aud Kiir.diii^ lln-luil »lrt-»)clli aii.l I ' ,,.i. -1.1.11,11 in- MiM-rvi-'l , n-.:dei:.iL' it ii|i.;,i tu ibi- ( . ' . II.- ^ u !:;;;,: :;: ,: " •,! . ; ici.:NTAi. c..uN'i iuKs'iin- rKi : . FECTiON "! COKFEE. Piif a- . P' ' «• ¦ C'1A.SSEI J I/S C(M' "J'I" .EiS arc nl.«;o f upjiliud at . ' . . . ¦ . |.| i. . t;i i- . si ., m-d I- l<i: .!•- -• ;. ., i-> <;¦ >.- lM .,i ,.;;, ' i.; ,.. . 'i. " .i - . ...«¦ ¦ ...< -..-««i. ir..i.,. -. Iru in i.ue mini'' . 1 1 " '" •¦' ¦'¦ ' ¦ CV S^I'J ' .S ( ¦(iJ^J- 'EKS l. avi: . -i-i-iirLil tin: ii.ust ' ' ,. "' . ' . -,„. ' .,.! . .., .•!.. .. . -.- I ¦!- •> ¦" >- '-"• l- ' - : -J ,,!„.,, .. . . I .. M .:. - - ¦ -. u-wl I" '• " l- - 'l- 'i ; " : " ••¦> A n'J MMl.i: "I' A i l.:- " li:i:^ .. . ' . - I- at ),.„¦ (;„„.;,, " ,„:¦ a. . . .;u S c.irn, -i >¦ '¦ > . "• »¦• •';' , ' -; lig ht A 'tiU- . l-J- ' .M SI I'I I.IKI. WllUl.KSAI .X I' .V C-\SSELL , biliTJI & CO., W IKXCliL itCil ST. L O N D 0 N ; & s A"A;«\ hold i<j CA-CH - SJ th.ou-j liotti i.vlum!. KA UAVA Y T1MK TABLES F0K JANUARY WATKRFORD AND ChNTIIAL IRELAND AND KILKENNY JUNCTION RAILWAYS. The fbnrtcat route from Waterfaiil anJ Kilkenny to Dublm , AUilone, rutumna , I' ar. -onnown.on IVauagli , larfci Maiyboro ". •C?* linproTeil quick ..ail lbrou|*h i!aily be- tweftit M, -.ryl.orou»l. AUrl otber bin lions to \V .it«tfor'j , thenco via New MilToril lo l.nmlnn anil alt Blatious on the Great Wes- tern rail*;.; of Ka^lanl], I THIIM Wf .r.K DAYS. _ RCNDAVS. KTiii ov. 14 A3 \ ~ lf ii' .2\3l kHiSi ' S\2A3 STATIONS . ClassOlass. ' Clais. Clas« . Clasi. Clnss , A.M. r.M. r. M. i P. M. noon j r.M. I. ... I. m " u ' ni " li m ' U m | h ... w . -\trrrofil...rff^nr/Mri - 7 Is 1 0 1 0 - '12 0 Kilnmcoiv _... 7 ii I 111 4 In -lli VI Mullimval 7 35 4 - . '0 I <l- ii5 Hally liale 1 SS 1 35 4 it) 1- OU Thomasluwn 8 It) I SO 4 S5 1 ¦ ' > ller.uelibliilttc 8 ' - >5 2 5 5 5 _ 1 20 Kilkenny Z.... arrival 8 411 2 21' 5 so _ 1 10 Do. 4 tiejiarlurc S 55 2 30 5 00 1 ¦ >.> Ba:iyrn»i4ft.» „... 9 IS -2 ill 3 OU - I" Atlanagh a L' .5 . -) 0 0 0 - ' J Abbeylcix 0 5U :) 15 C 15 2 . 'H Mar>Uoro ' arrirr.l 1(1 10 3 40 G 15 ^ U iMa.jborouiili ilep^vp 10 52 4 2 7 37 3 24 PortarlitiKton Ju.ic ' o 11 11 4 17 7 50 3 Ki Dublin.... arrival 1 5 5 4n 9 40 5 43 Aihlono Junction nrrlj f 45 8 JG Maiyboro ' .~drp doicn 1" 30 in »S2 B»ll ,brophy,» 10 5<i 7 44 - IU 2S Ko»c«a 1134 _ g 23 _ _ I' artonmown 12 4 e 53 Pettumna _ 12 44 9 38 Nenagh., 12 23 . D 12 _ TemiJtrmoro I I 8 11 10 SI Tl'urlca arrival : 8 35 TO WATERroRD. •TATioas I 2 &3 1 i A3 t i. !! I 4 5 I ii &3 t 2 &3 Clsas. Cii.K>. 'Cla». 'Clai>. CI BBI . CI(I »». . A.M. ¦ A.M . ! A . M. P.M . r.M. ' P.M . _. , : 1. m h m h m h m a in a ra Thurlet departure 7 HI 1 51 ' Teinpltmnrc ' _ 7 2!' _ 2 i3 _ _ Ball/broj/b/ .._ ! _ ? 54 _ •> 4;i _ . _ KeniRl _ (i 30 _ 10 1' oftumnil M,..j , c U ' Parrsooiitown : 0 40 1 20 Ilaicraa _ ; 7 13 _ t J5 ] Jllirj horo ' ...nrr( ...u;i 8 38 I 3 10 ' Att.lone JuDdlno ...' | 8 15 | Uulilln departure . C 0 0 II I 1 (I I 9 30 I ortarlinuton Juoci ' n 1 _ 7 5:, III 13 ' 2 45 11 31 Maryl.oro i ..ari-/._rfirn 1 ¦ 8 Ss '10 30 i 3 D 11 52 DOWN TBAIJf s. I . Mllil I3&.1 i ' ...departure ' 8 10 10 3- ' . ;i 311 I I) Abbey lcix 1 : ft 0 10 50 :i 5n i 20 AU0nae . l1 ... 0 15 15 -I X, U ? lyraRKi't _ !i « n 15 i ,r , 4 K> Kilkenny .... arrival , !l 45 ill 40 4 40 5 10 dep arlurr , 1 31 10 I. hi 45 4 5n 5S) nciinetsbridse '745 .10 12 I 5 3 _ r, :t> ThnniiiKttiwii IS S 10 •>. ¦ , 12 5 i . ' . iO ill Uallylinlc j 8 55 10 40 ;I2 15 5 311 - 111 Mullinavst 8 50 II 0, Ii 11 - li -J5 Kilmaenw U s 1I I0 , 2 4S a . _ , . j.; natcrlont arrival 0 30 11 00 : 1 0 0 .10 _ 7 U KpFcial tares a.c charged to Kir«l anil Second Cla« Paisen- ce.a bi.oklns to tratel l.y tl.o lisprcss Mail T raini on (iic.i t Simlhern and Western Line. r.clct« itaucd for Sin Kle Journey nro atailablc only for (be Train by Vtl.icb Ibcr are icineil . Return Tic' icls ate issued uclwrcn any two Klallons aiailabli for tl.c date ot 5uc ana .lay lullowinB : il.osc i>,uru lor any ¦l.slance exceeding SO inllt- , n | Ur. ataili.ble for niurn on tho dar of isKoe BH .I the tivu followirf- nays i r.i.O lor distances ex-; 100 miles , they are ati.nnbl* for iclurn on the dajof .sine anil (he three fo!lo«ini; IIBJJ Snlulajh not reckoned. Kfli.ra Tickets isnuc.l on Saturday are returnable on Kuturday, Sumlay, or Monilay. Tbrougli Tickets , at Ion fareB , aro Issued at Maryborough and Kilkenny, rla Waurfoid anilMllford Haven , and from Lou- 1 OD, Dotor , R«l mil , Aldcrshot , Iteadinir, Ba».ns»loko , Swln- ilou , Oiford , Bham, Worcester , Hereford , Chellcoham, lirl.ilol , OlouciiU-r , K.. »|K)rt , Mcrlbyr , AucrUa.c , Cird.tT , J.cru.1, S»«n«ea , Llautlly, Carmarthen , and Junction , and Ncw.M.lford. . . W. W11.1.1AJH. Secretary. WATKRKORO AM) LI.MER1CK RAILWAY. Up Tra ins from Waterford. __ TKA1KS ON WEKR niVS. H* 1>V WAimroriB ! ' ¦! *3 ' 4 « 0* I 7 " »1 TO LIM OIC ! '*« p 1 * 4 ! I . * . »*-i '1 4212131243 ¦ CI BBI . Class . Class. Class. Clas».;Clan. Ula«i ^_ I . * . ' M - ,. 1 ^. M * i ^-M. P.M. P.M . [ P.M. I. M. , , . . h m I. m ; h m h m li m j h m h m \ a 45 ... , ... ... ! ¦> 45 | H "0 8 3.1 Clonmel ¦ 7 5 ... ; ... 12 45 . 4 4 l,j u 10 0 linpeinrr ~...| 8 21. . ... |5(1 j 5 0 u 35 n ;|5 Juncliol ...... nrir/ H 15 ... t . . ... : ... IJ ^r ( ^j ^r t COHK firrim; 1 ' M ... .]. 4 35 ti 13 _ I J 3 u DCBLIN... flrrieo/ 1 5 : ... f ... r, 40 i II 40 I :to 4 :v\ Dublin ........ dep ... Do ... 10 30 10 7 IT. "45 Cork Ill 3 0 ... |2 .111 , - J 4.S !JU li III 6 Junction..... ,, 8 30 ili! l: j ... I 2 2b . 5 45 ,U ' Si 12 2:1 Limerick.... nrtri I> -JO J ... ; ... | j ;jy j , -((j Botcn Tra ins from JLimtrick. TRUNK ON WKr. K DAYS . H*i,T ,,„.,„ 1 2 4* 5 (i* " " ¦ |!i * :U 2 &»:i&!l 149; 12.1 142 I 2.V 3 TC WATKHroaD . cian/ClMS. Clasii Class ! Cluss. Clatj Cla.i A. M. A.M . A.M. KN. ; P. M. P.M. P. M. h 111 li in li 'n li in ' li m h in li m Limerick -dep 7 0 7 11 11 JO I 20 i 4 0 In 411 III 40 ' Ki/ 6 15 ¦ 8 25 12 21 i 20 ! 5 15 ' 4 SS II 85 Coik ..._ ' 1 3u 1 30 2 II 4 35 8 15 8 15 2 0 Dublin 1 ... 1 5 4 35 5 40 I V 40 lu 0 4 0 Dews .<V „;,.. » II ... ] I 0 : 1 0 7 45 CORK ,, G 0 ' ... I li 0 ... I SI 45 , 2 45 10 6 Junction 1 ... S 25 12 M ... I ... > 5 o5 12 23 Tipperary -835-730 12 4o ... I ... 1545 1250 Cloumi-1 8 3u : 0 45 ! 4)1 ... . ... 6 65 2 20 \Vntciford,..arir/ln 11 '11 111 . 2 4s ... i ... ! 8 )6 3 45 Mail Trains marked asterisk. 1' AKP.S—Flni Clam Single Ticket , 14k Cd ; ^ecnrol do. 11 Od Tt.ird iio, ':• 3d, Jicturn—Firkt ClbKi, -2U 9d ; Second do , 10B 6d J. F. N. COLL, Secretary. WATERFORD AX1 > TRAMORE RAILWAY Week Da .v Trains. - ^ ^ ^ 5 8 7 a 0 rFOM * 1. m : a in p ra . p m p m p m p m |. m p .0 1 li m 1. m I. iu I. in b in u m li m h in I. m Vlbd «8 O ' ll II U 15 '2 II 4 0 5 30 7 iu !l II ... T'.nre ' J 15 *11 30 I 15 3 u < 3u 'I 0 1 " V 30 ... Sumiaj/ Trains. I -i 3 4 . 5 (J 7 8 0 ' r«0M . B m ' a 111 p m p in p m p in p in p m _ p m ~ i. in ! I. it: I. in I. rv . h in : I. in I. m ' b rr. h m Wont »S 15 , 12 15 1 30 2 :1" 4 511 II . .. j T.oore !l 15 l-> 4. " . 'JO 4 0 «6 I. 0 ?n i ' ¦Moil C. N . II AKKR , Si-cretnry. TiALyi'liSX Y 1'OSTAOK ' CAHDS . All descri ptions of Printing on such Cards dS>" Erentlca ai TIIK WATKIIFUKD N KWS Ofiicr.. SKVf WORK J!Y DR. SMYTH. Just J' ublhliitl, pant tree far Two Stamps , GU1M-: Tu IIKAI. T11 ; or ADVICK AM) IN- .Siia' CTlO. N' S li.r (l.n CX'Jtt' of \KliVOUb DKBlUTY. -'iUlDK tu I1KALTH; « » New Jlclical ivoik mi lb« l- ' uie ol »\\ IWusi-a ol tin* Nervous Sys- t.-iii , .\f-rvi)U» l)i>l>ibly , . ^ ..ciilal am] l'liyairal I;rprc.s. iin.i , 1' ul pitalloii ol ll.e He.lit , Noi kcn ill tbc Head nml V.nxs, ln- <liTi>ion , lm|i;iimt Siglit and MiTr.uiy, Ilidi^'istioli , Loss of Knerity, I'aius in tin . li^c ' n, (' onst.puliuii , l llu>hiiiz , II y-,trii.i , Tuni'lltV ) Sell-I)i>trust , Dizziness , Lore -jf .Solilu.le , Ori.uii'l- le»s Kent-* , Weakues-s , .Muhcuhir Relaxation , A r., ii'-uiiiiu: fiom exbaustion of Nerve I' ower . Kent lii-e l.y post on i.Cript ot two jifiiuy Ktaiup« . RKVIKWS ol tbe WORK— " In tliii «-..ik il.e Oocti.r g iven ' A.lvuice as to cboice ol a l l lly^ii'iall ," \Vb;it tu Kut , lJiiuk , und AvoiJf , 1 ' Ili-alth ; liuw to ptucnio it , " i.ud Hjl-jtLts of lo r.ian its K*L-I) as wuii\hii. ' y ...Sunday Times , Muy i , Ib7. '). " 1'r. Hmilli liu* (mljliflud n.,n,,- ,-x- r.-lki.t! mill lif-tructiou for llie cure i.f Ni-iv.m* I)e- " Karal and Military Gazette , April 0, 1B73. AIIJ II-M )>r. II. MiiTir , 8 llui-lun Cri-sciut , I.umli.u , W.C. l.Ml-OI- .lAST TU COUMKT I'AII IIKTS—L ' O. Nbl'LT A j.UXUON I' HVDiclAX WITHOUT Fur.. Dr. II. hiiiTii , the emiiiunt . ^I'l-ciiili.Ht for ll.e Cur.' ol nil IJcb.litfitiDji JJiM-asr.', will , lor tin- Inn lit of country patients , ubo i-annol consult him per- sonall y, t.n receiving def .riptioiiH ot tl.e.r cn>ts , M-nd hi .s op inion , witb aud dirt-clious tor the must i-iu-ci-islul Jr>to.:. I Kin to ln-alth ami vigour. Addrtbs , Dr. II. SMITII , 8, ISurlon Crissrri l , London , W.C' . ll»H-tr IJIJ'JtOVKD nj ifl ECONUM1C CUUKKRY. f. ..i I.UCH10 LOMI'AXY'S KXTUAC'I" ol Jll- AT as *' S* ..icli " lor ln-i-f-ttH , soup. *, made tlinbcs , and aiitic i-d , !« iillf flavour and itit-at ttnugth. Invariabl y udoptcd ill huUbclmUs whin ts>i 11\ Irud. Cnliun—(jinuine >.i:ly \\ith Jf ill oil l.u-l.iic ' rt fH*ciini]r :irifis< < Ihclahel. n'JLll. NKKVOUS IJKI JJI J LTY , mill nil NKKVOUS AFKKCTIONS , v.|,.<tlirr tin. u-. -ult ..I .arl y ITIMIS ur o l l i r iv . i v , me by vi.y Mmp li; and im-ij.i i. -ivi- iiinui-. i|.iii>l ) i-r.r>-d in Loth l- ' riiuci: ami ttciuiauj. 'l lu- i.dvnliM-i a I > M- il,-nt in ll.u iun...i.y, "ill l.i- 1 ¦ J-> I" Mi.d In.- I,. ..II :•¦¦;.!•- t-.,i,N lull p..uiail;.i-. ..! il..-in.,d.-.,! iiiM-m a,,,,- hd. M ,t.,l , nil l . u . pl >'l ndllrrlril . All )..:-..ti> m.,y iun: Ilii-iii- >t-lvr- , ...i.l t^u* not mil i]ir ..-It ol IA-IIJF: t-irlitoixj. AdJr«e. s M.. H- . A. lJUVAI., 13, i\»winarkri.bli>-i t 1IIIII.IU I . -I I . IIK . lli:Al/ril AMJ MA.M.Y VKiOl:. —A m.ui.l JU }'•- .¦¦• ' .-iptiMiiiv in tin- ti.' ..iini-i,t ol NKItVUl. ' S I)K- .lli.n V , Sptllu:>l> i: :ill-l ..tli.-r ;il!irtinn.t .vtiicll ,ire olh 1. .icjuir.(I in tin.y . and unlit >.illiri lur inai..;¦-!• :.m| nlher social dulirs , liat li.ll.llsliid .1 l!ooli (, 'ii-iuif tl.o lull lieiuriit ol Mis h.i.K ti|n-iitrui'e trails , with pl.1111 diu-ctioii> tor tbe rerovi-.y i.l ilu.Itli und M.i u^lli, A MUKII! cupv M- iit ' .:. miy mldrt-ss r,u i ' i. .31 ot One Stamp. Adilu- . -s tntl.e Si-t-.^tary, I»»ut!it«M>t Aiu.loiny, Miriiiuii;liHm hl-lj I (lCntcrul nl Stationer* ' Hall , 1810.)—i'ri ' tc Is; Ly past U stamps. MANHOOD : A Mi-ilic.i l Kssay on the cnusp nnd Cureol ]'r. in.iHnc Incline i.i 111:111 , llie IVf. -.tiiirnt olNrrroi»! l'hyjical D.lrlitv ; llir r.-ult ol ihirly yi-ai* ' hucress- I11I pisii 'lic. I!y .1. I,, (. ' flit is , M.H., 15 , AlU-ii,.,ili-,tivi'l , l'lii-iiiliil y, London. iiKViK.wa t.r ini; I-IIKSS . "TI M- X- i ..I..-. ..I MT.H I l,y «1...|.| I In. I ,.,,U Wu| i. oi I.- li.uiiil u-.ii.l— U !¦••: lit -11. Ii |,,iM,h ln;M 1).,. nimi- 1, .,1 .. (¦.in-:. - , J. I... I ' I . I , i .r .!¦ i . ' . ili. -J l;. "—A' /i» , ma) |.. -JI. 1 . *• I M. I jitl l< J . i ¦!¦ :.ily il- ¦ ¦ nit - tl ¦ ¦ Miiirt . . I thi-. ,J:- . . .1.. . - «!. I ! I .:. .!i .... iin . 1.1 11, j.i;|i , ,, . 1,.,-i,. !iw|u. |, .:i |.|.ll. , o.i .-l.i . . ¦ ¦• lloil . 'l 7V/I ./I- . .;-/, . l, . l-.i. ,|, , M. nil, -7. ' ¦ ! i. «¦ ¦(. , .,- ¦ I I1J- .1 !' .• ¦ ..- -li .l .-I . 't'lVn::- ' MV- I'.l |-i.- i:i ti.-.! ¦ •' 1. I- ¦» ' •¦: ; i. -I .::-l ' i.>-;!.-.• !:!„ ..I .LM,-.- , «.ll l... !..ui,.l . l.y.l.. . ,., ., M... .. . ,,. .,,, , ,„ r.-l.l.ilii I.1...I. :.l, . |.- ..... i-i-.|i.!.u.,.i..o,l.,i t b n i l . i- i, y ,li.. r:i»e. lillli. no i-b,ih!!i.iiMl .is hop.;, -s ; a,i l lis ;n lusnl ivi.l l.lllU 1 on.lit.I in iMi.-y i. ho I: .\i- -^ivi 11 up 11!. a 1.: li^mlil lulu 1 1 :i.i-i:y .. .Lin..-iHBl.. in ' . ' - Mitinii.i/ II ra il). L"iiilmi : .V A :. ;. , lii.i ks.-iloi , ; ; ! > , C.inlnll i or I11.111 ibe Au ll.or. I'ul.l- .1 ; \\ . liini , lii.uL.i.lIci' , i l U.pel ttiii-l and No. 1 V ii lui in strut , Uell dM. (o31-0iu * SPECIAL NOTICE TO INTENDING PURCHASERS THE WHOLE SHALL ]3E HEADY FOR SALE, ON THIS AND FOLLOWING DAYS 2 & 3 BROAD STREET, and 1 LITTLE PATRICK STREET, December 30th, 1873 PERUVIAN GOVEEiNMENT GUANO. IlICHAKDSON BllOTHEKS & CO., OP UELFAST, DUBLIX , AND CORK , SOLE AGENTS IN IRELAND FOR THE ABOVE GUANO, (Representing J. II KNUY , Sciiiiono , & Co. of Lomlon), INFORM THK l'UBLIC that tbo Depots ore now bring Stocked for the coming Season witli ample Supplies, ami tbfj aro prepared to execute Orders on tbo following Terms:— 1'KICE, £13 for Lota of not loss than 30 Tons ; or £11- 3s. for any smaller quantit y, per Ton, in Bags , Gross Wei gbt, ex Scale. l'AYMEXT—Cash or Hank Draft on Belfast, or London. Further particulars on application. Agents in Waterford-GEORGE WHITE & SONS. DISSOLVED PERUVIAN GUANO I'llErAllED BY OHLEITDOKPF Sz CO., LONDON , A NT WE II I' , IIAMBUHG , AND EMMERICH ON 1UI1N K, GUAKAM 'KKU TO CONTAIN— Nitrogen equal to 10 per Cent, of non-Volatilo Ammonia. liO Solublo 1 Gunno •I Insoluble j Pliospliatu. 1 ' ltICE, £14 per Ton for . '!0 Tons and upwards ; .C15 per Ton for under . '10 Tons. Delivered Free at any of tho Depots in Ireland. Terms—CASH. THIS JIAXUKK is Prepared from CiENUIXE PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. Tl.o result of its special treatment is, Uiat tbo Ammonia is Fixed , tlio l'hospliutea in thu J{;i\v Ciunno renderuii SohiVle , and tlio JIanmo brought into tho condition of n free, dry powder . It I OBCS nothing from exposure to the atmosphere, or to the hint of tho sun. It is offe red to thu Farmer with a Guarantee of itB composition, nnd is, in fact, tho Kiclictt , and cunnidurinf; tlio quality, tlic r Cheapest Guaranteed llanure at present in tho Market. Its fertilisiug properties uru such ns will enable tin: con. Eumcr to derive the greatest cconoDiiciil advantage from tlio use of Guano. Keforeuco may bo mado to :— Dr. HODGES , Chemist to tho Chcmico-Ag riculturnl Society of Ulster, lielfast j Dr. CAMERON , Chemist to tho Koynl Agiicullurnl Society of Ireland , Dublin ; Dr. Ai'JOlIN , Professor of Chemistry, T.C., Dublin. UN'DKU THE KOLK COXTItDI, IX UtKLAXD OF RICHARDSON BROTHERS & CO. , BELFAST , DUBLIN , AND COKK. A GENTS IX WATEBFORD GEOKUK WHITE & SONS. RICHARDSON A G 1{ I C U J, T U 1 1 A L CHEMISTS BKLFA ST, DUBLIN , AND COKK. RICHARDSON'S BONE COMPOUND. RICHARDSON'S SUPERPHOSPHATE. SPECIAL MANUItES. POTATO MANURE. GRASS MANURE FLAX MANURE, (i RAIN MANURE TURNIP MANURE The Old-Established IRISH HOUSE, U, PATRICK STREET, WATERFORD. JOHN KOKINSON Ufga lo inform hia numerous Friends and the Public , that ho haa acquired tho Proprietorshi p of the above well-known Eatablish- meut, which ho had recently UK-OPENED, and is prepared to Supp ly GHOCKRIKS , WINES , BRAN- DIES , SPIRITS , ic., &c, which will bear comparison with aDy in the Trade. tjgj- He is SOLE AGKNT for Jlcsara. MUSOTTE and UIIIA11D, Wine aud Brand y Exporters, Bordeaux and Cognac. Waterford , 1st December, lS7a. tf M. POWER & SONS 1^\ESIRE respectfull y to direct the attention o( INTENDING PURCHASERS to SEVERAL CLEARANCE LOTS OF PILOTS , KEPFS , WITNKYS , SERGES , SEALSKINS, WINCEYS , TWEEDS , SHAWLS, FRENCH ilERINOS SKIRTS, Whicl i , owing to tlio great depression of lias just succeeded in securing nt IMMENSE REDUCTIONS FROM REGULA R PRICES ! RICHARDSON'S LINSEED CAKE AND MEAL III C II A II D S O N'S F E E DI N G CAKE. &%• Anal yses and Prices on A pplication. A GENTS IS WATKRFOUIJ GEORGE WHITE & SONS. iw-Cin To I lie Qutc-n mill Uoynl 1-ainily ; To U.K.II. tin: I'nnce of Wnlcs (tpecinl Appniiituiriit), And to tcrernl InJian rolcnt:ilc« , Forei gn tiovernracuts 1 and Knilwny Companies. K^ablislicil 17Jt>. J, W. BENSON, VI7 ATCH AND CLOCK MAKER , GOLDSMITH , VV SILVERSMITH , AND AUTISTIC METAL U'OliKICK , I'rizi- 3kJnli. -t ol tl.c W.ilon, DuHiii , :md I'uris Kxliib.lioii * i MnliT ol tl.c Oiri.nugr,i[ili hy which Hit Derby a ti il nil otlior Hucra niu! iirciit Jivi-ntu of the ilay me timed. MnnutMluiy City lluusr , »8 & OO. l.UDGATK 111.1.1. WKJ I End E-.tablislimi-iitii . Uo , OLD UOND STREET , und fl3 , WKS'J UOUKNK GROVK , LONDON. WATCH KS ; CLOCK'S Of alUimls , at2 1o iim I Of all kiwl.i . iit i to 1W0 , Guineas. \ Guineas. Levi-r, Vrrticnl , \ Church , Tunvl , Horizontal , Duplex , . Curiingr , Cliimi' , ClironoinctL'r , CliioiiORiaoli , Dining-tnpm nirl Di.iwini;- Ki- y liss , Centre Second. ", : room, KM , IShop, Rppi'atcr* , Indian , Ac. Library, Him ket , &<:. E NOII SII OK. MOLU CLOCK S, draifued by English Artists nnd uiBiiulactund by J. W. liESsox , lur exceed in briiiity tho-c iiuiiiulnc ' .ured huroml. They can onl y Im ohlninid at I his cfliblisbiiicnt. Flit s ART lltoszr.s ASU CniMSi:v Oii»Aji i!Ni» , of the newi-st designs , from Omitniciilal AU' .icm .if tliu holiest reputatiuii , :it iiioilt-r.itL 1 niicuii. A UTISTIC (J OI .D J KWKM. KUT , ut I he viclii-fit mid wait i-x- iiuisite. I 1- M|; IIS with Motionriiii- .s Ci<sl» , null IJevices , Kntinuu-lli-il in coloui. ", altir de^i gll^ Iiy ihuuuittt act-uinpli^li- i-d Arli*t* in the l'rcciuu> Aluliils. llrunelu-s , liLiLL-leta Nicklucen , Lockeln , Kuiju. und ull kinds ot bijouterie, as fcttpp liuu tu ' ileiuheis of the Couit itiid ulher distiiiKuiihi-d PlT. -OIIUliCJ. 1' KKsKriTATlos 1' wTE. —Trstiinoninls of different sorts. Racine; Cupe , end Jewelled mid oilier ^oxes , us proriJtd by Mr. H KNSOH for the Cotpor.itiuu of London anil utlici public Hoilie h , lu enclose 1 documents ceiivt-yiiig tint Kreedom of the City to the 1'iiiict* of WII I IM, Duke ul Edinburgh , &c. A:c. SlLVtK A>Ii KuXTUU-l' LAlLill the I1IO>1 reel-lit tn~. liit.11.1 nnd of thu must iluiublc matr. In ?:itcitn.l'la:L-it i., intu- bary to becurt! .snbiid materials mid ii >ullicieut contiii K of Aitvcr to n- . -iA t dull y u-eur .ind tt-ii r Milislitclori]}- . No ulher is frall y cLeap ;it uny price , nor wotth buy ing. \£ZF' Watches und Cloika repauctl l.y skilled workmen. Old Silver , Jcwclliry, Wntchc , &<- ., cxclmii|!t'il. MeichaulK Shi ppers , mill Club* Anpp licd . Ulustrateil Pamphlets , with full description of nil kinds of Walcht-s, Tinie-piefii* , Jewclle ty, mid Electro-l'lait* , with pria-ii nmiiiiil . si-nt luc h . v post, upuu npjihciiiou^ lu J. \V. IIKN.SOX, al i-nlifr ol tin- abovi- Adilnss.•> . Wnlchls , Clocks , .lenelleiy, iltlil l'la:r sent lo all pelts ot the world. (illS-l j) TO THE XEUMUS AXI) DEHlLlTA TEli . l' e.ul tin- New Work, enlilleil HOW T O K N SI/ U K 11 K A h Til. Ju«t 1' ublislicil , lur Tno fil»ui|¦* , lij Dr . ,1. A. H.UIMK ., M.D., (U.^.J, A T1!E.VT1SE uu Ihe LA\> 'S UOVK1 SNINU LH'^ . nml the Cautr. ' , Sjmptnir.s , anil Trritinriii «l »H disease* depiiuliuK MI KslniiMiuii ul Ntuvous VITALITY , surh us Ni-rvuub Debility, .Mental and I'liynicalUepri ssuili , I'ul pitiiliun ul the Henri , NOIUM in ll/e Jlead ami >' am, InilraiNiuii , Impaired Si«lit und Memory , luiliicesliuu , l'io>- tl- Hlluii , Lassitude , Depression ol Spirits , Ldls i.f Kneiuy and Appctue , l' uins ill llu H«li uwl l.imhs , TiUllill ty, -ell-IJi strukt , J)izziiies. » , l.ovu ol . Sulitude , Uiolindli-hs l-' eais , mill runny oilier ailments , whirl. , II neuleciid , briiij- t in; sufferi-is to an eaily iliriih. Ti.^rtlur wnh hint» ou Cliriiiiicliliimn.ilUni , IJ"Ut , Niur:u«u , Epilepsy, llysiri.i , Hliil all diseases ol the .Nervous ami alio.enlaiy ty»li:ui. 'Hie appendix lu this valuable « oik ci.iii.iiim u y u-e- lul I'liMiiplioni- for llie iilleviatiuii nl Midi i IIIL- , and I In: i:uie ul minor Hi>i.ideis , wilb lull ii.sliiielh,in l.i - llu-n- |.- .| and Us, -, l. ' otilnill" alr-'i -nll.e liinullv ailvici 'lill lljtmie , ..I llu- WAV HI 1 ¦Kh.hKlIYr. HEALTH. ' lllll-lla li.l l.y irM 'lS .lii.:. !r..c» K - . .l|. ' lll vlinil- nl. 'i 1 ..V,- l.'h |.-i«.i"l :- ¦ l.- . - .Mi Ilii-ii^l. il. e ..uihusi r-l t sin- - n - -.t ly. •"¦! |-.-i :i.. , in IMI - I |.: .. . !>. ¦ - an |:s , LI I" lilm i«. . -.' , ¦ ¦• >'¦- -I . .U-I- . .\.:>iii.- , |i i . J. A. llAUMS . I- . , I s.l.i .- M|U.II. - , iiall., I. . .H-I. I, . N. iMl'llliTAM lu CuCWKV I' A ' III.M'. —!' !:. l:AI.M' .^ may lie lonsulli-u peisi.luilly or l>> I.llu , I . I all puvalr ai. il e- ntideiiliul case. -; mid lur ihe brmlit m Xcivuus Mill. m> n liti caiiuiit vi-it him , he will , on itcn\ni|: u ilescii plK'ii ol Iheil- Cii-r , » in lii>:n^ II Mull.pill . i.veli.|.e li.i rep l y, In-1rall y lu |iivc Ills i-pilll i II iiui.1 1 Ihe ll»l!H i- nl thei- .,, i- , al:il llu- plT.irl- ph-s ol lii- .iiii.iut nicismlj In i Hi i:l :i pi-ilu-i cute. iCyAildii-s Dr. HAB , IB l.ulisilule Si|unn- , l^.rnsl.uiy, London . N. IniB-Oui * I FLANNELS , HOSIERY, BLANKETS , GLOVES , QUILTS , TIES , CALICOES , COLLARS, LINENS , HATS nnd CAPS Trade with AluntilUclurcrs. their BUYER BROS, & CO. , AKl) LINSEED CKUS1IE1 Post free for Six Slamp.i t open ends , or lli Stamp * i.t <i»t T1IJ-; JIKDICAI/ ADVISEK , on prci.Kitiuc dcc.iy ol the system, and its spm-d y resolution ; chap, ters on cerliiin ilisordeis , and the lust mentis for Ilii -ir ie- moval ; tin: tr.icro*rnpe Us an aid to diagnosis ; Mauia>;e , its disqualifications ; mla.i and piescri ptions tor iell-tnatment , &c. ; illustrnled with liumeiulis cases. l!y Dr. Waller De Kooi , Hiillortl iluutr*, Ifoilord .Squnic , I.onrlou , W.C'. DR. UK ROOS' celebrated GUTTLE Vl'lVE ur Lll-'K Dlt Ol'.Sl lur Spi . -iiiiiiturrliu.i , Nocturnal Kmis.sioiis , linputency , tii-xual Incapacity, Debility, Epilepsy, aud all those, disease* tor which Mcicury, Sar£:ipanlla , &<- ., arc too uilen eu.p luycd by English I'hysicians tu the ultimate ruin of the Sufle.ri-r ' s health. The (i U T l 'X V1T/K are the result of Ions practical in- vesti^ntion of tbc remedies best mlaplcd lor tiiese liisi-ii-iis. Th eir ri ch , siiinul.iLiiiK', stomachic qualities , ami , above all , their comp lete renovation of the nervous system , reude , them in i very respect worth y their significant title. The) may he taken wilhi.ut hindrance or restraint of diet , Ac , and in this respict alt' o they may claim prc-cmincntr over most oilier advei listd medicines. Uy promotim; (iiifestiuu— nourishiux the ciiii-itituliiin—cnrichiii|t without nil! ninny the hhiod —bracin g without stimulating tin! nervous M-stc-tn too Tiulciill j—they strengtheii theKencrul habit , anil restore the natuial healthy lone of tbc nervous and musculai lilires , tbus enlivenin g ;tn:l invigorating both body and mini! . The UUTTiE' V1TJE hove been particularly sr.u.s-iu with young people who have the appearance ofoM :> _ ; uh. an pale and eileininate , nml who , liavinjf an ullvr ih-l ' I,,; everytliin^. uri: incHpncituted for study, business urrut \ tu- nt. Th'-usiimis of apparentl y hopeless cases , .gi ' «n up by !. ' ¦• ,' «, cult y, have beeu permanentl y cuied , nnd hare home (tiui iiul evidence- of the fact. l'nce it. Ud., Us. and 33 *. ol all Clitinists , or dinet on receipt of stamps , or pohr-i.llicu order nildresstd tu Di. Di Roos, llolluni iloUM- , lI uH' ord S)uan-, London , W.C . bold l.y Jlc.Muster .V: Co., 121, Capel-slreet , Dublin ; Mr . White, Observer Off ice , liailynirna ; .Mr. ll.i .wt t , tu.pil.rrn Chnmielt Olllo', Llmeriik ; .Mr. i'ulsoii , fcrmana t; !. ¦ nil Oilier , Euniskillell ; r.r at The Ktux Olliee , U'aleil. - . l' aius in the Hack , Gravel , Lumbago, Khuuiiiuti.-iii , i. -> - Klaliilrimy, Headache , Nertullsniss , Dehilily. Stiieli. . .\- Dlt . DE ItOOS' COJM'OUND KENA!. PILL S, (as their name litnal , nr the Kidni-j - , in- dicates), are c.-1,1.1. ill.I all over t •- win Id , a-, llir salest and best liein.-il y lur llie ahuve runs i plaints , Dischati;eii ol miy kiiiil , mill Disease ol the Kulut-j s, IM.lihler , mid L' liuary Uru 'illis i;i-lieriill }, which , ll * ue^l.-cted , hei|uentl y end in Hiune m the iihuhler , mid u Immrun: , paiulul death Kur ili-pressiou lA Spirits , ICxcitelDellt , Incapacity for * sjo> ciely, ^tuili" or Husititjs , Loss ol Alcinoiy, U' reti'licdticis , Nervuusncss, and even insanity itscl', « hen (as is oltt-ii tlie cube) arising from or couibiueil with L' lill.iiy Diseases , they ate unequalled . l>y their salutary actiuii on lhle and Acidity ut the Stomach , they purity mid promote the Ueiul Hectetious , iheteliy prevent the lottiintiol l ul Slone , and thui cstalilish lor hlu the hralthy liinciioiis ol .ill theseoriuns. l'riec 1- . lid., ' !,. !ld., Is . I KI., 11" . ami 3M. per bux , with full ilneclious UIIOIIK II "II tliciimt.t. Tbi-lininiiio have Ihe words " Wnlter De Uoos , Lundun , " in whiu letteis , un the Stamp nlfiieJ lu each bui , by special direction ul Her Ma. jeely ' s Honorable Coiiimissioiieis , to piotuct the puMit: limn Irnuil , and lo imitate whieh i< felony and traii-porlatiuu. CAUTION. l^ome lltiptincip led Vellduis when »ikul for Dr. De Uuos ' Tills , have utteinp 'ril lo luist other ciiF.s or cumpouinls ul their own upun the jiutrhaser , wliirli tiny ul.laili l.iue prulil , bill which invariabl y elil.tli disappointment. Ask li.i Du. DK llous ' L'uMrol'. vu W I. NAL l'll.l.s , an,I do i.ul be |.eisu.i.l.d nitu ny.i^ ,iuj ll.iiu cUr ; bill -luillld Ihe le.i-, 1 d.llicully i.crur , eu.:l..-e tin- i:ut I.) pu-l- Ilic.- onh i ul slau.|-s as ab..v.- , ai.d I bey will he s' .-n: pi-r plum. S..:,l l.v McMa-ier k I' ..., 121 , 1 , ' aj., -!-!,,.: , llnblm ; Mr , While . (Ibstnvr Ollic , llallyiiur. '; .Mr. ll.i-seil , Houtlitni Llironicle Oilier , Lnneriik ; Mi . i'olson , t' trmnnng h Muil Olliee , Kniii.killeii; iiu.l ul -l!l , K ui*-sirt' .'i , Wai,11,,ul. DUKS YOUK II A 1 H FALL Ul- 'F, OH TUl iX itiKKY . &c. t ll MI , use KaS A LIK COU- PICLLIC ' .I CUINUTIilAli , liutr.l alli.ver the win Id lur its iniineuluiis piopeiti.-s , ai:d us tin! unl y leim-.I y that t-m be depended upun. it is ^iiaranleid to piodiu-e whiskers , itioustacl.ios , &c., in a I. w weeks , and will t.e toulld eiuin- enllv sicees!.|tll ill lioiirislnn^ .cm I III ^, uuu bei- .util)iii£ the hail ; checking Hreyuess , stn-ii^theuiiii; weak bur , pievelit. uu ita l. 'llui|; ofl and lestuniu- it in baldiit-rs hum ivli.iu-».-r iMii-e . Upivnlds ul I'm physieiiiis have recumiueu.leil it in the i:(nseiy, lor pioi/,otiiij^ a line, Jn-,i!tby head ul hair , and HVellilii! hal-lnefs III alter jeais, lu lutlles price ¦ !-. I- .H-I I . OI' -SKIiVK llini a IU paci- p.imp liiri is iiiciosed mill e.n h paikaue , Whitb h-.^ \\ reli stamp uuSl.le beallli^ II IH niinU |;- j.ahe l . ' i.ilp. I:- in ulnl.r leliei- ; llu- wtril- I' .i ui-i-:- . ' . Ci.i. i ni. ..i mi- .,!- ¦> II : I .II I-I I-.I ..eli I.-H 1 .,- . '* I \\ a* b,il.I niu- v- ll> , '' Ilt 1 '"'-I ii<w l,,i-t .¦i.ii n.^ i... |, :- -|. ' - .I. H IM :.- . " ' TI ;. II U :., >.. - .r Mull , I In- \- ,.i. . . i - ., . . ¦ •is - .M -n. ..: ¦! .<• ¦ .k- .s. . M ..J . -I I" «».. I .- ..I :-i my ' .Mir ,:, |.. K ;.,- , MI : n 1 ;..!¦.t |. . " -M:.. ll. - .M.t . " Alt-- . - ¦! «'- .. - ' > u..i UH. ii i... - ...: :ii :.n:. •:;•' ¦ /•>..t.l ;:: Tin: \i:ws «.>i tii¦- . A' .i ' n! nl. OLUMBERS AND GASFITTERS -"- 0O " J1 MI N S AND CO., fili , QUAY. &PiJ" Sund fur your 1'KI . NTIM ; to TIIK N KW . I Olliee , wliui u you will gut it good nud cheap. HOTELS TRAM OUE The Great Hotel , Tramore , County Waterford D;. <timc° . Jrom IV' oftv/oriZ la Kail Seven Miles. DUIUNCi Winter nnd coming Spring Months SPECIAL ArlltAXnEMENrS, AT VEHY OtEllUCED RATBS, iviJI bo inndo with intendiDg Visitors to this deser- vedl y famed, nnd fashionable Watering-place. Tlio Hotel is kept open during tho Winter, for the special purposo of affording to tbo Nobility 'and Gentry of tbo surrounding Counties tho accommodation douicd them by the closing of other Establishments at many of tho Watering-places in tho South of Ireland. Tho Climate of TK. OIOUB is mild and genial , and speciall y suited to Invalids. TitAJioit R is constantl y recommended by tho Medical Profession as a most health y aud invigorating rotroat. Thu HOTEL commands a splendid viow of tlio Bay of Tramorc, and is within Seven Miles of Wnttrford —T/nins running orery Two Hours each day. Iu. tending Visitors aro apprised that tho GREAT HOTEL is the oil' ;; f irst clnss Hotel iu Tramore ; that it is well appointed in every respect , and full y equal to any similar Honso in tho King dom. Tho Pro- prietor, havin-, ' secured tho sorvices of a first-dims Man Cook, is prepared to andertntco Halls , Weddiog Breakfasts, JfaiKiucts , or any special entertainment , either public or private , within 50 Mil™ of Waterford, on tho most modumto torms, and will guarantee tho highost stylo nf gastronomic art in each case. During the past season THE GKEAT HOTEL haa keen patronised by somo of tbo best Familios in the Kingdom—all of whom personall y congratulated tho Proprietor upon his liberal and efficient management of THE GHEAT HOTEL. Special care and attention have been paid to tho tln-ou most imptntant requirements of a f irst cl.iss w.iicrn IhM , viz—Kxcellenco of Cooking, i'irst-clasd Wines at a Kair IVico , and Scrupnlous Cleanliness, combined with the ordinary comforts of all modern establishments. Families can be nccommodaiod with private Sitting Konms without charge , until 1st Jiiuo 7-K During the Season of 1ST t, a LADY'S COFFEE ROOM will form one- of the Spceiiil Attructiuns of TIIK GKKAT HOTKL. The Proprietor takes this opportunity to thank his numerous patrons for their cord ial support during tbe pant Season , and heipes by vig ilant and unremitting attention , to merit, their continued support and patronage. Attached to tlio Hotel aro SPLENDID MILLIARD UOOMS , SMOKING 11OOM , KKADING HOOM , ic; and Stnbliiig for Ten Horses, Coach H<mscn , Ac. ¦1AMKS HKA1SXK , Proprietor , For six years Miiniiger Waterford Ciub , formerl y Chief Calerer to Garrison Assembly Hulls at Aldershot Club-house , ;iml Messmau Princess Victoria. Kcg iincnt (WJlli.) n7-tf JllLKOKD HAVEN. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL , ADJOINING the Terminus nf tho South Wales Itnilwny t' umpaiiy at New Mill' oiil , and tho Liui'liiiK SI:.- . -. ' nliliu Wntei-ftmi Iinynl JCail Paekets. Tin- IVMiv mi- n-ipi-eilull y informed that the nbovc e\ti'ii.-- -ivc J-J. riil'li- ' .mt-nt is rop lete with every aeeom- niiiihitinn. Ctilln- , Ciimmei'viiil , nnd Kilting Jfuoms ; liilliard and Smoking Kmmis. The I!<niins are larjjo bil' iy, nml airy, liciiulifiill y dcciivatril , plc^nntly fur- nishcil , imii lire nilirrivisi! liui-d ii|> with every regard lo ciiiulbrt tint! cuiivi-niencr. This lintel i- -i:u;iu-it on tho luniks nf the far- famed .Milfiinl IhiviMi , and emiiiuanu la exteu- . ^ive view of II.-i - Majesty ' s Dockyard , and of tho romantic ami p : .t . -;tn-o*<ruc Seenerv of the nei ghbour- hiiiid. Vi^itnrs , Tniirist-: , Cnmmcrcinl Gentlemen , and Families will lind this Establishment , for situntion nml comfort , ci.iiii ii .d with Moderate, Charijes , sur- passed by IKI nihi-i- iii the Principality- l^}" ll'.l , l' iti-1 , and Shower llath^. All eoii:iininii -:-.ii.-ti.s should be adtlresscd to (jyas-tf.) J. WIIKTTGN' , Manager. DUBLIN. Tho European Hotel , Bolton Street. r "| \UV. KtriiOl'KAX is tho largest , tho lipst situate, I am) tin; IIKIM rnnifoil. -ibln Hotr 1 in the Cit y. All IIIIJI I PI 'II iiniirevrini 'iitM have l:r- :n retontl y introduced , and the entire IluiifC papered , painted , and decorated. Twenty Suites of A partments for Fmnilirs. Draw- ing linunis tVniii -?. (!il. to . r >.s. Pitting Hooms on the ground floor I' m- ut ' charge. lgS^ySoup, Fish , Joint. " , Fowl , and Kntreo in Coflcc Room and Kestnunint , from Two to bevon o'Cloek dail y. Bed , including Servants , 2t>. CM., 2n.iind Is. fill. [inSl-lf] J. MOLONY , Proprietor. DUBLIN. Commercial & Private Lodging House I ' .I M A H L 15 0 It 0 U G n STREET. PAltTIt'S Visiting Dublin con be accommodated , with or nr without Board , and nil the comfoits of a home , on Moderato Terms. [o25-tfj fJ-X" Situntion central , close to Sackvillc strcet. F UIEKD OF A 1. L ! A* >!Ci i ' .-ii in all Vasts of the 11' orW. lien 's i, « .r Hvinrft j HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. l.Mrt-ltlTlKS Of TIIK ]il.SOU. —TllCSO WOlill erfu Pills are valued at the liUMiblrat luaillis a^ «.ll in ilu' bousfs ol ami winltli. Tlu-y woik .i II IUIUUIE I I puillicilliull tl.rnui;li tlie »I IU I L- fVatrm , witlmut ili . -onli ring the initurnl .ittii.n "I any DI ^ II , and t raiiu;.ti- HII .M? jtrruis ol comp laiulti iv liicli coii-i yn tm> ol Iliou. -aiuls lu mi i-urly griiVe. Hiioxcnms , Dirriinnn , Colons, ASD Loins— N O tli-eu. -i-* lire :mpi> nl , iimi lew more I I. II .|: ITIIII > Iliau allVctio iis »< tl-.- r. >|. -r:ilmy i.ii:an> ; no oiiili:i..n l ivis rise ti, mm.- h.ul ii...l--li> .H1..11 a - > i».|>!t- (V.I." Tl. f I' M -I >\ n .j't i in- 11 »» «l»iij' » b- nuiovitl ly il.r>u ri-liuwued I' ll!- ;.- ll»«-v i|ii t V.I 3- ivint.l y llie >tai!iialiiin nl Illuod , lin..l ' :ii!<- 'In- I.ul ii"l l,"-. ltl-i"K, Blnl i-linlile llu- »'ili.l-|.i |.e nml I 11111. - . in per nun ilinr lumlii'ii- wil 'l i tii-r aud ri-su- l.i .ty. I I.. . v al— , !•>• llll ir r-nriljius |.ii.|i' -rtii« , i-liniii-i- llie l.l.-i il I11.111 nil iii.pilii:i. - , :nnl Ilius l.irllly tlie M>lelll ii^aillsl Culi-ilin|. 'i.i" , i , nml' i pulinuiiiiTj- ' . I IMIII . IIY , !.". or Ari'KiirK , H KAUACIIK , J . VD J. OW. NhSS OP M'llllIF. TI IIM : l'lli- "ill , 111 n I.-W il»J> , 1-Hect 11 truly wumlrrlul. clinnni! in Debilitated Constitutions ( ID mallei their 1 jriiinB CIUM- I , us they -i-reaie .1 healthy uppetito, cuvrixl iniliKi-liuu , mn.ive exee<i nt bile , oveicuuie ciddim-", niiini-"'!. , ' ; ' k beiiil.u'lii', anil nil those Kl""Uiy lurfl, ,l.i'^- n 1 "u " I'-"' sioiinch 01 disordered diei-ti,.". ¦J in: . \1 I-:. IL |. VK i- .a K UMILK . ' , YGUNO ASH OLD.K,. I ..- . - .¦:.. mil,1; all •• -.-fiiclw »ii> , nml re»toiiii|; siis-iii-mifd , - ,„., . ;!„.,, . 1. 1.- i m- .li eiiii - to lie i-iinipnrrd to ilnrsx I'd!. . l' ..\ VI-I-II '' . > ¦¦ ¦ ' pieii »s llie one Kr.nul rcinnly lor l- ' i- ui il. - Cuun.1,.1, '- . ii > - *.- 1'ills Ciiiinot l.til,; tbey utretiKtlien 11. . -\-lcin , hi. .1 ' . ,. ¦'¦ l-iinp al^Mii wli.t is it-quired. To :.u-. .iii' .i i- n ' lciii..- ..." ,\ jin.inlioi-l , 01 :it tin. - liim ul life , tiny an- liivjluiblr , l-i-iua 11 peiltrt Milr|!llanl HK.iiusl llrt|i<.y, li.-a.lml...- , iml pilali'iH i.l llielil-illl , and all nti vuuj nllicliui" 1.11111 il^lii-i-mi: -! llu.»i- |.eii.j.U. CoMl-lAlNlS INCIIIKMAL 10 C' lllLUKKX. U lull-pill;; cnu;li , ......-. 1..-, >.ai-:..tina , f.-ti-r.- , ami all ill-i-a,cs i.l the nkin nmy Im niiiiirili.itel y eliiilt-fl, mid MKIII ciiri-d , hy tliou iiuni y iiiK I'ills . N" miiilin sliuul'l uc willmut tliein. One , twi' . ' urlli rcc (rcdm- sil lo poBilrrJ, inny be g iven n.), 'liil y, with tli e ci'rlaiiily ol dui»K gund. NKKVUL-S Disoit iiER?. —Any ile. -nnKi-nii-ut <>f the nei»es iifliei> ili«ii>lrim>ly l-utb ll"- ' body and <l'e 1. To Ibe iittivuui invalid liiesii lMIs me al fit.i l iircmii)- , -us Iliej- mil,ait Ion. 1 nnd vi jiour I" 'lit: hi!mini oritmi> , null tome. ipielill y ' ¦•> til' 1 imivuns >J >t.-m wlnuli pnviiJ.s anil ciinn.-.Ss I hem. lii-ueu their in.<rvrlli»w ruieii lit h}>li'ri», luw spitits , . -lia-iiis , Iii.- , iiervun- iwililungs , and other kindred coin plaints. JlolloKHi 's l'ilh ar the he- . t reined ) knmen iu the tiorld fur the following discuses : \.. u ,. r, v. r> "I nil l<riulill!i , or Kina ' i Kvil |\r:inu.i kmiiK s.ti- '::u..:.ip Ui'iu- '""it fi|.i . - ,,.,,,:ii. Jli-ml-iicli.- Gr»v<rl 111..Kin. - nn . . 'ii.iidutyS yin;:l..nn ,h.. vi,,11 I.iv.-r I :.- III - Tic ll.'uloi.rc-jx l;..»<-l l 'i.|H- pl.i.l.K HICN» .,; ,,,,1 ^ I.nin:,:.yi' \ . MI . TL-: I I A lii-Llii.nk li, , .,i. ty I' l l.. W.'ruiM'f> I,,..|,.y Itli- i.- ..i :tis.i. \\ *-:tl.|..— K , lii.i.i l- 'u.i.alf Irrryi- - K.-ti-i.ll"'. "f »luil«vi -r rau.r , lUlllic K I1 "" 11 \C., AC. Tin- I' llis .n.l (lililim-ul iin-Suii ' i at I' Mlr. -M/r ll.l.LOWlT 3 p%lnlili >biM-iii , oS' , (l\:iiri '.. -l!ii! , l.iuidi.11 ; .I I MI l>y u.-aily •vi iv i.-l.. tul.l.- Vi ml.'i "I . \i.-ili.:mr» ihi.iUKl.oii t Iliu »..rld , in ll. x.'s iiiid l' , al Is. 15.1 a*. !>.! ., Is B.I ., 11s., 'J'2- ., anil 33s. IUI -I I . The Mliallesl lti.X nl I'lll. i -illll.lilis lunr ' .loz.-n : and ll"' Hii.tlifl I' ul ol Ointment one ou'ce. N.l l .Ku ' .t |iiiiili'il tliri-ctioii s me n llixcd tu each tioi mid pot , and IMII lit- I M.I ill any lunguuite , eTtn in lurki-l.* Arinei.Mii , I'l-is iim . or Cliim-s" ' For the lllnuil '6 the Life." See Deuteronomy, chop. j ii., verse 23. Clarke ' s World Famed Blood Mixtur e, FUU Cl.KANHINli m-.I CI.lCAlilNG the liLUUI)lr..iu A LL lMl'L 'l i l I IK S, IIUMIIK fn in youtlitul iinli=rr'-li»li 01* -.iiy oilier r.ius-- , lit Ino bi tihl y 11-ioin. lli.-ll.l.-ll. ll cut'--* Old Suti- > ; , oil's Ul'Cl.lll-d .S .iii'rt ill lilt- Nu: k : U' S. IL- 1..--; ^ ; or l' linjtlt. -t 1.11 K..i.- , *-ri:.vy *s.,ii- ; C..IU.I..II- I'U- .I-. ; III O.KI nl d . ' 'kin I).- . ,- ..-. - , 1 ' .;... i:n;. - .i >. M- *: . I -, .- . a..l < -i. - ..r- l!i - tiinu ,.ll In.I 1,i. ^l:i *'.< l , Itolil Mi..l' -.11 r-u.f it i>n.if. 1. »: 1. |.!.«.;.i I.. . -I. -- I .I - I - , ..i,i! 11 .1,1.1.:..! I.,, I.. -.,, :. . :.I.!J nl. ' . I. i 'H 1 l. ' » ..I.I I. "1 .... . . :n> 3 -,,|.. I.., :l. ¦- .. • •• . . li- ' .. .i. ' .iui ¦ ll..- I' m. .. 1-1 .. .l.ii. . Mill. III!- I,. \. It ;. I.t..I I" I. -I IU v. -.l-r. T,I*H' > .O :- . - .'I' IXIl'M. VI.S I'ti O.M AI .I. I'A lt T. -. ¦ ' . 11 in Imitics 'J- . M. ,MI, , .ml 111 OHM . - , nn.laiiiiii-< I Hill 1 s, 11- . i- nt-l. , -U ' .lici. l't I., llli 't' l II J). Hll:ili,|il illie ¦ i.,n-:--tiiiidliii{ iust» , !•}• »il t.h.'iiiisl. - 11111I I'atriil Mtdirin. 1 V1 ntlnr-s ; ur »rul to «*ny lulditss fii Kceiut ol 27 or J J^ '"" ' * ' 1'! J. CI.AI iKK , t'l.un'sl , lli-h.stlul . Liiiioll.. WIIO LtaAl-K AGEM8 - ljnii'luy &, ^0119, I.undou , and all tbe Wbolesule lloubi-n BUTLER 'S CATECHISM TO CATHOLIC CLEKGY, BOOKSELLERS , ic. On Sale at The News OJpce , With the Keconimcnuauon of the Bishop of Waterford >Dd Lismoit . tbe Kight Ker. Dr.O BRISK A Catecliism for the Instruction of Children BY THE MOST Eov. Dr. JAMES BUTT E* . Arnhbisbop of Cashel and Emly. RECOMMENDATION I " I approve of this Edition of the Ri g ht RcV. Dr. JAMKS BUTLER' S Cntoohism, and recommond it to the Faithful of theso Dioceses. " ?p JOHX POWER , K.C.H. " Waterford, Sept. 16th , 1873." Printed on Good Paper, and in large e' enr Type. t3i " Orders from nny purt of tho Diocese, sent im and directcil to C. II EH MONO , Printer nml l' liblwhoi- Waterford News Ollke, 4'J KitiK-atrci't , {iroiiipily at tended to. Tho Trndoaupp lied on moderato terms Jlay bo had Retail from every Catholic Bookseller in tho Diocese. SHIRT S-(Fit Warranted) OUH FIXK FLANNEL SHIRTS (wiirmth nitli. out wei ght) nro well Cut , Thi .niviilil ' j . S '.. "iiA- , nnd moderate iu Prico. Our WIUTK and COLOKKU I.ONGCLOTH :intl LINEN SH1KTS nrc mndc to Menpuic in IL •¦upriior mnnucr. Our EVENING SHIRTS nro r.- .nl y for immediate uso iii all sizes. Our SOFT TWILL SIGHT SHIKTS arc worth y of specia l notice. 1\ T0B1N & SOXS, . - ,8 AND r,U , QYAY , Shirt ami Collar Malctrt , J.i.'i'i n ai..' Coin, in I 0'i'/'f' r N.Ii. —Patterns and Kstiniatcs will bo ffni u ' application. B. HYAM , 2'J AND 30, DAMK STKKKT , I)I;I)[,IX , AMI CASTLI-; PLACE , J1KLFA ST, Resprctfull y invitrs ntti-nti'.n lo his IMM.M K. NSK STOCK of SUPKKIOK STYLK »f CAIIMKNTS fnr tin* Present. St'iisim. li rA .M '.S ^k VlvKCOAT.S , in . -ill ti,<; . NVu ' \J . -!...,.. . . ' JO. . IIYAM'S S\ Y E K U O A T S , in ;.l! . Van - V7 M J I UM I S , - 2l) . . nYAll' S /" VVKItCUATS , have Vclvi . -f C,,l- UYAM'S r\ Vj;i:CuA'r.S , '" Waniil y J 'i"" 1 IIYAM'S /\VJ:J!CUA'L'S , Fasliimii tlili: M.v V/ ii-. uU . 2il. . J1YAIM'S r\VKi:COAT.S , Wliiin. v. = , Ji.-av- \J rr. , It,:, M: ' JI YAM'S /" fcYJCKCOAT 'S , i'ilnis , I Vc-iilenls , J1YAMS' rwVKHCUAT rs , Klvsians , B;ilU:ur< \J .Vc, :w. . IIYAM'S i~kYJ-:KCOATS , nil r,ca.liiiK (n \J I..IU - , :is< . 11Y-VM'S /\ \'KKC(JATS , Well Cut ami \J .M..d» , :)v. HYAM'S / " kVJOIiCOATS , N-iv. -i Kulj i-ii:.- ilYA.M' S ^\Yi;KC0ATS , all !atr. -i. lni|iiuvi . - - \J in. ni. . !, " >. . IIYAM'S i " k Y K U C ( . ) A 'L' H , I DI - Cliililiun , \J lii-m (!- . II YAM'S ( \YKKl'OAT:S for Iiuys , frutii l'S. HYAM' S /" VVEKCOATS , Hir Youth. - , iV-mi \J l:l' . HYAM'3 "ITtrALKlNC; COA'J'S. '\\w. ,U , I! Cl.nli. , Ac. li.. HYAM' S TXTALKINlr COA'l'S , nil Si _y l«> , TV »n.i MI UMUI ., in. . ILYAM'S XX7ALKLNG COATS , \Yur. -t ei] f T and F.uic. v C»..tili|i^, - " »« . IIYAM'S OUlTf- ., eVL-ry .Shape anil Man rial. IO 4»«. IIYAM' S QUITS, unei|italk-il i-lspwlu.-rc . in- . HYAll'S mROUSElii? . Variety (if Pattern: *, JL K>< . IIYAM'S rpROL'SKUS , faHliionable Man- i , ] I. . IIYAM'S muul'SKHS :lM il V K S T , t.. -L M,itcli , I' - . IIYAMS TIT 1( 0 i; S K K .S anil TKST , mi- J- ii|iinl:iil Vail;.- , I 'll- . HYAM\S QLL1C HAT S, iiiisur]ins si-il , In- . It YAM'S -f TWL'V JIATS , i-vcry . "!}iii|w ami J J ...I -II , , u. II YAM'S IT O.SIKH V or OVCIT kii. -I , at £X Win.!.-:.!.' Pruv>. An Inustniul 1-KICK LIS'C, «iili lull dirrriinns for »c- CU..H'- Sri'.Measurement , will tic loHv.udi-il , I'o^l Krcf , "n >I>|.lic.iii.iii. I'jiivK of the value nf T'. n PnumN anil iipminN will M f.irn'iiiilrd CAItltlAUK I'AID t.i miy U.(llw«y Slatiun III Inland. 15 . II Y A Jf . , TAILOH , CLOTH IKK , HATTKH . AXI) OUTFITTKH , ^'J AMI 30, UAME.STKKKT , ULIiLl.N, A . M. 'M , CASTLE PLACE, BELFAST. L'^- t -f THE CONTINENTAL WINE AGENCY Ofii-rs lo large and s-tnnll Crii>unn-rs iqiir. ! mlTan tnges in the purchase of PUKP: AKD WIIOLKSOMKAVINKS. —The I (I.NIINKMAI. WINK AUK.NCY . -ul.ri,ii. errxj Wiiii- lu a >> AICIII . N O >;X4M1.> AT . ION, anil nulil.t. pir- ¦:hn>ei» to M II-CI ir^m u Murk ro. -s-tt'i. Nt. KJELIAJILK IICALI TIK8. A* tin* A gtncy dL-c. 1 * nut <Ji--l in unj- Lul pt riftir} ¦orsn AM > TI' M'KIH v M.m'i.i.n wisr . « , I... s' .uinpt wnl b(! ll.Hilp In C',|ll[,i-tL- with [,nc. s wlltcll lu cr^>itittt Iht-bdlr t-f Imt-riui' qu.ililii.- . NrTlltlnrIe >> , a jn-»l cuir.p..ri. *.,u ol tl.r Wint- . -* . -U| (,lii-tl l.y iln- A^.iu-y willi <>ilu-i> at Mm.L.r piict . -. will at I . IILC <irri.(iii. - ti. -.tL' tl.c tlti<|tit>li (iiMi/lr ;^. .> ullurrd tu tin: ptllil i-. Auutiiif llie imp.. tHtin :i> nf llii- »^' t -nrr nllputi,-n i> |-atli- inl.irl j- dun: id i.) ll.o lullowiiif; M-H. - IAI .LV . - IM- AII II WlKE" , IMIlll 'ly " JlAHK l.A.Vi: M1KKKY. " at :i- . ' < . jin dizcu and 'M ANSION ll(.;li >E l'WKT , " al UU. . . prr dm-n, li..ulr.i iliduJct'. I) HiincliTi: ii.iiuis I LITP lu-i 11 pun to tlii-ft! \A*inc* to luait lla-iu as M'lciM. Illr. » nl llu Atchry, Ihcic in, II, in qn.ililie. H and vi*iy inudt-r.ilc puri-s a^•Ul*ln< thi-ui HII rici-ptii.iiall . v l.irfli rrpulaliun. Tliry no- miM aimniil j - ; I » I I, L -I I M lur ^cm:ial ptup.)-i$ , and ML- "t-ll Mii' .-d tn tlit- r.tiuir. lufi.' . N i.t tin* invalid. Tin- 21.i. CD KIsl'JIAS IUN u.ul^i.s .1 l.n:ilr. l' nri , .1 lintib's Sluiry , 3 l..iii! .-» Cl.u.t , 3 1J.- It-s. .MIIIM !,, , i-m-e rti.d Ktltctrtl wiiii', lut-k and kt-y, li.iiil'- uidurl. -.l . (I' llie quantity, 41..) The 3IK. CIIKISTMAS MIX c. mains ;i IMII V S Port , 3 bolllt- . i Sllrnjr , . ') bull It' s Cl:i|.l , 3 I11.IU.. ' Chaiiipii^i.r , Mipt-iiur ijll.thlv. l.o, k :ii.d I.t v "''I "h^ iiiin.lul ( tlu' ii'.a 'iitity, r. st .) The -In- . ClIIU.Vr.MAS HlX cnniain> :i l.olil' .i 1'i.i t , :l Imlil.-s Hii-ii), ;) lii.til.s (" miri , 3 b..til.'» Cliainpapi..' , v, iy liiit> f|ii ,ili:y. 1."< 1> ,u,.l li 'i :,»J I'.nil" mclu.liil. 11 >.,11 lie lli.' Huantit), i "Ss.) Tin-si? Unix ::ii- atliuiial.l y adaptol . ' or pn' M-liu. XOTK !—A I)i.aK!i if Wisr. ».vi A CKLLA I 10 KM. P dl'2.131 It IX FOR O.\K Ul'lllEA. TIIK LONTlXK.VTAI. WIXR ACKXCV ll , UUAL'KCllli 'liCII «TI!KKT , LONDON , K.I' . V KHMS CASH . l*ost-i:lli. * ' 1 ^nUr* p.ivaldi- to .1. O- MII^I. WEIR'S 55s. SEWING MACHINE lMI'UOVEl) mid VA TEXTl:!) [l;i;e J/.nV. .). Pntiouiscd by II KK JI AJ KMV HIK QIT .K. V. ^ «J XX * WKIlfS MlJCTig, Nt:w I' ATK . NT I XTBHMHUAI . l| ^f Uj|jnCjTlM,lils (uu drtarlii-d N11K , n jfl f ^*Nj UBM | Ci <nr .priut<), Sll.KATbril!A L y* ^J^BI l (J BABJ , SATKTV STITCH Kiur. q^ &t*r, " j ~jL^K/ I . ATOI :, I^H' KUVKIJ N IU II K ^ LIDK ^^J BPVj ^^P' (JIMMi IIOLI- , .111:1 ulll^r spicia- I,|i>l..-J al .1 l.tirhlj- .tpiirt' 'I .M-cl. ' .l... .111M .,1 all sysSrius , equall ing ill , dinal.ilii), »u.l \V \,f, ,,| wmk , miy A'l" M-itbini'. WOISK^ IlY HAM) OK KUOf CA L' TIH N. inltiini imitniio' .i. Mre ollm-il us "Th e Wtir , ' nr " Weir I'rmciplr , " rn-iy ^nnniL- .M.iilrli.' li..s llir 'lia.le M.u k j-pani,..l 1.11 llir \\ .nk I' .., - ' . N OTI CE.—Tin- Oii |tiinil ' •> ' <"• M»cliiiie , as Sold l.y W tin ilunnn many y.-;ns , \i >till iiiniiuliiLiiiiid by I mii , on,I in.w knun 11 and fulJ nt tin- Krduced I' rice ut 1 «s (. igim-iK , tola- P T!lE * yLOHE X.i -1: FAMILY SKWIXU MACHINK. Kvuiy gtuuiup l.lubi: lias W KIH V Name MII .I Ad.ltc>. ulamp. d iiilu 11"- iiuidli-p ln:.- . Siiid lur piu. -|,ccto> and niic Spi-iiuifiis ot Wuik , pu. -i trie. J AS . G. WEIII , i CarlialC'Strcet , Sobo Squnro , London. A' jenU—Mrs. SCOTT & Co., 112 CJu»r , Wntcrloid. T. O. I luw EL, IronnuiiKcr, Currick-on-Suir 10 UK O'lVKN A WAV J A Nr>»r Mfdirnl Woik un JI«iiB|r.- , tin- can-.- anrl cure of | m'ii>aiur.' <l.i'liiic 111 man, NirTrani iKtiility, Im^'U-iicj , \i:, unit liulm Inr n- vi'ii! ivilani '!:-iiiialini'iiliiinit l l.s -l.IV 1 tl*- lll.|.|.IMMlil Will'I'll l. il.' , 01 pV ' Klt y AIAK }II S (j\V .\ DOCTOR. Jil l r..i To.. M..n.|. MM- 11 a, ilV -,i.| Ihe ....,...- !.¦ 1. "I ii" 1 '"' I I--I- I'.i l'.. -! ,ii.» , piilili-l, I..1,. .III...... I- »l.,.i. ll.' \ »iii' 1I.1. >.l>.-. , I,, in,. ..- 1 »..-». I,,, in iii.Hi'ti.i'.J .I'-Ulii-. .* .;-!.-!' ^ . - 1... n..- .... i-,.>, , vv 11 li in.-. 1.14 ii.. i,.i.d 1.1 M..1..M. I- , ,,:.ii (.il.1; .i.-..ulilit"> 113 LI ut-1 «n IU«-y an-il.-. -.ptivi- . A pi.) . ..rial. , 'Ji liars ixll 11.l\ ill triilll^c.l 111 I lit' tri'iillurlll III l )l'bllll) ill'- v;:i:uu. I.IL'Ulal null UflAllUS ullt-Cli.'lln 1.- sullllig Ibi'rrlioiii , ml) -,1-iid Inc. 1111 rctx-i pt i/f 'J' ttu Penny Sluii.pH < .u pii'p.iy ptisMci- , a I' .in.plili-t cniiiuiuing bis lii ^bly stuTi-s*lul and y ^ali ' tii'iiinieiil , ui th nil tbc ui-i*t-s. .aiy piu»,i-rip!iiimt iimi by which i»ufleri-rs ludv citr^ llitiiiselvi-« n trilliiig cuat. Addnta Mr. LAtrm, Medina Publikbcr , 11 Utud Court , Iloluum, London.

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3 *Yv&\ /^k^^ °r lll

° f°"ow'"6 or olhor First^PJK' ^. \J class, full-powured Steamships¦£SJSSDSB "ill be deapntchecl from LIVERPOOLTO NEW YORK, EVERY WEDNESDAY.

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N£VA1> A"'"....W. Korsytb DAKOTA Uiu.ld.niO

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CAI-LIN G »t QUEKNST OWX tlm day following,to embark Passengers.

Passengers booked throug h to San Francisco and all inlandtoiviis at loiv rules. . . . ,. ,. , _ , .

liatcs of Pawnee finm Liverpool In Nrw York :-Ct>binPas^e iUS 16.. .nd i'17 17s., mid I'll . StorrajH- V.u, :,f Oat reduced rates. The latte r includes nn unlimited supply ofprovisions, :ooked »nd served up by the Compauj s Mnvmds-

For iieiclit or pnssase, apply toJOH N IlEVEKEUX, Quay, W Merloni ,THOMA S KAVANACH . lbc Squnr.-, Dimpim-an.J \.MK S SCOTT <t CO., Quernstonn; or to

UUION & CO.. 26 Wnter-streut , Liverpool .


ATOTICE.—Tlie WaterfordStcamship•( "kSj. J\ Company receive Goods for Shipment

?9SnCf .on the following Terms only .—They reservejflfcfiSrato the right to carry by arty, not by particular™ c s witOU-rtv to Tow Ships and call at other Portsn "nill 'not be accountallo for injuries or losses arisinc fromdel« "ccideuts of the Seas Kivers ,, the Queen „ luie-mies defective Navigation , or accidents Irom any o her cause"or for any loss which might have been covered by Insurance»or or Leakage, Breakage, Condition , Quality, or contents of°°y Parcels orl'-ickagc!. unless specially entered and <i. r<i -Irem Freight paid. Goods not removed to be Stored at therisk and expense of the Consiences.

W A T E R F O R D A S 1« B R I S T O L .Gipsy, Xaro .or other tumble A o«cl, dmct.

From Wnterford to HrUtol : Jrom HnsfO tr> W aiofi.rd

Tnr'dar Itb. 3 ...mi Mom. Thnm ay, K-b. 5 ... s 3I«riinwXaV' l 10 -IS N oon.>Tttur«lay, „ W .. 1 AffuTuesday, I ,. ' >!„„,. Thursday, „ V.) ... a M,,iu5SSbJ: ;: •'*•- * **•«•?»>«*«> ••

¦¦» - - A WU Wat.rfo.d to Uri.tol 'Trj m HriMol to W.iUr foid,Direct calline at Pembrok e Duck .

Friday. l>b- ••• . A ,t.u Tll(:.,,.,v : „ ]„ ... n M orlliri'Jay. •. ;;' ••• ,, y x ,m Tucwlay, „ 17 ... "i M"rn>ni ay, „ • - • M Va xucfilay. ., 2' ... H 5'«rur nu«j • it

«2T On Karlv Morninc Sailings , the Cabin ol the SteamersV^lil bo Open to receivo PasseuK':^ arriving I roin London

byc!un 'Fare!

1^ ; Servants

and Children . 10, «,,!.

Itetur . do., 25,. ; or with liberty to return from Dnbhn

CorV or Weiford, 31.. 6d., Steward s ee included ; Deri

»« fld Females attend the Ladies' Cabin.

W A T E R F O U D A N D L I V E R P O O L .Lara, Zephyr , or other cliciblc Vest els.


« i r Fib ' — - A ffn Tuesday, Feb. :! — 1- X<K)nMowlay, H». - Tburtday, „ 5 - 1 AffuFriday, ,. ' '- \ (7=,, Tue<.l:iv, „ 1" — V Af fuMonday. .. ; -

• * J.SK'rMav , ;: 12 - .i Aff uFri'l"/ •• .', _ lt Affi.:Ti.c«Iay, „ 17 -11 -MomJt,,i .lay •• V, _ ij " X,OTiTiiur.1lny „ 111 -U S.KHIIrulay .. - _ Ul.n -lu ,,,,.,,. _ „ -_'t — I- AffnM.«.S;iy, „ - _ iiun, Tliur^duy, „ -¦; — I! Alt nFriil- i v .. -" ~ s •'"" inur^unj, ,, .-. — ¦. <... ..

Cabin Far., 17*. M i -Servants tT iav . llini; willi Faiuilits

,nd Children , lu.; U.-tk . lOs .Chiidien. us. Kunak- aUeud

P ROS WAII KPonD-Daily, Sundays execpted , at :i.U r.M

FKOM N KW lioss-Dailv . Sundays exceptcl . at MS A .M

\V A T K 11V 0 It 1) AN I) 11 U N C A X N 0 N .T-ko» WyunronP-Dailv, Sundays ejept , at 3.'JU r.M.FROM DcVc»-xNO5-lJaiIy. Sundays cxa-pted, at 8.15 A.M.

"tal " seo d and ever/information given by the A.ente;Brij lof The general Steam Packet Other. Ln-trj ,oot :Watertord S eam Ship Company 23, llrunswu-k-streetWnhiDRtoii HuiUinp, >ud .. t..n(:«u.p»uy s Jlhcf , the

MALL , WATEHFOKO . .... ... .V- , , «v i ) SOUTH WALES , A N D THE SOLTHh


jn connection with tho WATER ™™ AND LIMF .MCK andWATF.KF OKD AND CEXTUAI . I KF.I.A M) Lines.

SHORTEST ROUTE, and REDUCED FARES.•tvs f opr ess Trains and Keic Fust itail >K «p

t^^ 's(ra»icrs fv>;/ ;r II-A-KK- u/t r. ^1

T;i> _LcaveW ATEKVO Ri > nt 'lp.m., on Arrival of 11.20a m. Train from Limerick, and 10.35 n.m Trainfrom Maryborough, A U M Y I N U in Losnox (\vtu-thcr and circumstances ]iermiUing) at lli.3 on


'J: LOM'ON (Paddington) at -1.J0 p.m.,nnd AimivK AT WATKH KOK I) (weather mid eir..•umstanccs permiuing) about lO.aO a.m., iutime Tor me Tiains on the Waterford and Liine-r!r-k a,,d Central Ireland Lines.

F A R E &—\VA TEliFOIU> AX U LOXVO * s (available 4 Days) 1st Class & Saloon , -K* 0.

2nd Class i baloou, .los du" " 3nl Class & Fore Cabin, 'M ^ Oil

liK-rri iN sfovailabie forl month) 1st.Clss & Saloon , 7Jj^ind Cits & Saloon, u'Js

Further information cau be obtained from Jlr.

W Hmi i)li , Patriek-strcct , Cork ; Mr. K. -M. J O I I .N-FC .X ]{nilway Tcnninus , Limerick , and Mr. Dou .vcv ,Ailrhilii Wharf, Watcrfc.rd ; und the JS KI .UI .- KI . J A I I K S

l,, t,vWn other important Stations, llie I line J ables,nnd Through Kates for Goods, Ac., or Mr. W. J. J» . s-

N K I .I., tl.o Great Western Comraiiy is District Agent ,

J'aul's Square, Wuterford.j. G1UEKSON , Cencml Manager.

I'.iddii.L'ton, Jnn., Ib71. [myl'S.


Kir NOTICE.—This Company t n k < < llie libV. i.t ln.ui-

ante (up to X1 *KJ/ I/J« IJ tin each ot its VCJ- SL-IS, thus jr iviti!.'

1'ns.vnjier^ the t«t>i possible puamnti- e for safely avoid-

»nci: of daii^n- at

st;i . Tin.- most suutbi-rly niule h;i:< ln- . i i

>lw»ys uduplid l.y il.U Company to nroi'l lcf ii i idj l i - .nl-

U'''P* V&*


irV ji_ J»j* -^Voni y.iorasfmuii evenj TllVUSDA Y.

riUIE well-known Full-Powcrcd Iron Screw1- KTKA.M-SHIP S.S/'./i.. Totti Ships; Tout

K*iYfT, Urv_'ati 5"J»»I 1C N<;LAM», Kcuip -. l'*«li ^l-AIS , Cnua- WH '. TI1K yCEKS. Andrrwf... -Hit

ITA1.V , liriirp« V» 'J ¦ lll.I.I .AX!) , llr-v^ :i»t7

KK. V NCK .TliTOifuii :!571 KI'.I.X, Uiweon 3!O(i

•JA.N Al>A , W.Wt.-r :•:,*, l l i ; l .VCTlA , . l»ii i .- .r '7 t

( il iKI -XK. Tlu.iiKK :¦;», I UKXMAKK , M.nmrr..... :;?.•:;

Wi l l S;nl n-iiin Lirerwmi >„ Ni-w Vi.i k n- nii 'lcr:

SPAIN Wcli>«s«lay Feb. i.-.tli.

THK ymiK.V Wednesday Mar. 111..

KGVl'T Wednesday Mar. lltli.Leaving (]urciittu«ii the tuli uwiu jt nays.

I ! ,,- Sale""" accmmiMlaiion i> u« -u. pas^d.i lie StHtr-ioo ino,- „_ . unusuall y l»rsc, and ov,u .-Il lhe Haluons , Mtuattd in

l""l'"i'!- urpalace 12, lo, and 17 (lainras , accordine to ac-j laiiou in li:ivin« Minf pr.viUjje in

Z , 1""n « l'«-k«" . ¦IWKNTY - FIVK < :U'SKA«-«<! Tl e COMFOUT of SSTEKKA 'iE 1'

.pecPdl y consid Pi.-d-lb. .u.'tomniudatu.u l-ei "K nmquulled

fuVC'irK-"'1 '' y ,,y ot Ur l 1nTi.,:«;Ie

».,,,;ln,-e «t IV...».,.« .«t«l »» ^"'J^r, d"Com,,».iv '« .-ervant*. .ilw lical ntlrn-Iniie p rrfe . • . i« r f . a

,Z „ at Jane on K.-...-I. >!.«.„, r^.W'"-SJt«-ra|te I'—nw-r* lor.v ar.h.1 I.. (lUKl,ff , '""' "• , ',';

' ,

(hiuutf h l aS » o Ir;.i..-iM(., aii l »ll i!.l..i.d ».»¦»• , fc j

State- .,.,d C..h«.I» ¦'" '•"¦"""I" "•;»=' • ' "-" 'V.'' Sh t « .\ .l-l.»'• :. , N'- W /.•al« li ' l . <. l"in» , «i..l •'"I-"-

K.i r'Fi rii- l i t "' Vi— '- ' ;'l'!'!.v '" . ,. , v l , Fl , i

S.M.I : 1.OI l"li mil l ; | . •HI- : , . .MICHAKL IMlWX ;;Y , Ulhe,, 1» . M. nhant -- * M>.

J. M. MUH 1- 11Y . |--,.4*,,..-.,.,i ;

H ICUA UI. ; ' •

.Main Mm- l , d»- ; i:«ciu t. u 1' I . I:I.A » , li.j .«i. ? '""'/ ' VWx. FoniiUA' , <i,«.-t, . N.w «¦** ; 1'AIKICK L"«>. ,

Uoninahon ; or toA and J. Celsius »»d Jiuos., Quc-nstowu. .IWngers »¦• «Jv. M d to >ecu.e th.-.r l'ussag.-* vom the

Loc«] Aseute l«f» re 1«»'U K bom<'-


Regular Weekly Lino betweenLIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA.The New First-ciuss Full-powcicd Iron Steauiship«,


- H. - OIUO 310-1 M OHBISOII«U INDIANA 3101 SHMSEB .<V iM\yc -ll .L]NOlS 3101 FKKOBK .•fiiWmpilii f "i-'T-ri'irr 2551 DFUMOIK

KKNlLWOKTIi 2538 J'lioweE.Sailing from Liverpool every \VednesJ.iy, callinj .it

Qncoiistonn on Thursday.PENNSYLVANIA Saturday, Feb. 21.OHIO Wednesday, Feb. 25.•AB13OTSFOKD AVednesdny, Mar. -1INDIANA Wednesday. Mar. ll•KENILWOUTU Wednesday, Mar. 18ILLINOIS Wednesday, Mar. 25•Theso Steamers do not carry iutcrmediato passengers

'l"ie*c steamers have been built expressly for this service,in connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,nndcr special arrangements ; and this is thu oul y Trans-Athiilic Lius sailing under the United Statpj Flag ; andare tlte only steameri cnrry iuir the Arac.icnn Rafts for MII -iuf; life, besides the usual complemrnt of life bo..t.«. Theaccommodation for all classes of passengers in equal inelegance and comfort to any o! tlic European SteamshipLines.

Pa^tngers and poods are landed on the Railway Com.pany 's premises, and turwuidul inland at lowest Throug hRates.

tCP The Pennsylvania liailrond is the shortest and mostdirect routc^to all places in theWentern States.

CABIN PASSAOK , Fittctn to Twenty Uuineas. two mid twelve years , llnlf Fare. Return Ticketuat reduced ralrs.

SIEEIUOK PASSAGE M low its by any other Line, includ-ing nn ample supply of Provisions, cooked and serrud up bytlie Cciuipauyfs .Stewards. l JASf vn ^e m are foru-arded to Nc-ivYoik , lioston, or Baltimore, without additional charge.

I NTERUEPIATE PASSAGE.—Superior accommodation , in*eluding lteds, lidding, and all necessary Utensils und sc-.wratc Table, £;) 3s. extra .

Apply in Philadel p hia to PKTJT. Wnioni & Sons,307, Walnut-street; in London, to U ILEAD A. SMITH andCo., 23, f.'b.iugc alley, Loubaid-jt. ; in liellast , lo E. J. h.A IIDT, 3, Custom House-square ; in Quceiistown , to J>'. <tJ. CU M M I S B & llrottier * ; and in Liverpool , to

KICI1A1SDSON , SPEXCE k CO.,tf 17 and 10, Watcr -Mrci t.

or JOHN DEVEREUX , Quay, Watorford.


llcjular STEA M COUil UXICA TION Ic lwecnWaterford and London , Plymouth and

Southampton. Cork , Dublin, Belfast,A N D G L A S G O W .

- "V ¦!. rilHE new and povffrlu) Screw Simmers.•SaWl E J- TOWARD, CUM I1IJAE , WiCKLOWVlNj\ENg>-.SKKUKYVORE . El)l>YSTONi:. SANl)A.5!*.,lrfif»(afrAKKL0W , are mtrnded t«> Sail as under(neatlirr prrniitti ni ;, unless prevented by any unforeseencircumvtanccb), with liberty to Ton* Vessels, and to renderAssistance to Vessels in Distress :—

KIIO.M WATERFOKD TO GLASGOW,Widni'sday, -1th Fih. 1 p.m., via DublinWi-.lni.sdav -ltli ,, 1 p.m., via Cork.Friday, (ill. „ 1 p.m., via Cork and IJeKast.Wediusilay, 11th „ 1 p.m., vu DublinWednesday, lltl. „ 1 p.m., via Cork.Friday, IStl. „ 1 p.m., ria Cork and Ilclfnst.Wednesday, 18th „ 1 p.m., ria DublinWednesday, 18th ,, 1 p.m., via Cork.Friday, 20th „ 1 p.m., via Cnrk mid lielfast.Wednesday li'ith „ 1 p.m., via Dublin.Wednesday iijth ,, 1 p.m., via Co.k .Fiiday, Ii7lh „ 1 p.m., via Cutk and Di- lfast.Wednesday, 111. Mar. 1 p.m. vi n Dubliu.


FRIDAY , at 1 p.m. ; to Grcenock , 7 p.m.N OTE.—The Stp.irnfr or. Friday cors via Cork.

FKOM WATERFOHD TO UELFAST, Via COHK.Every FR I DAY, ... ... at 1 p.m.


FKOM WATERFORD TO DL'iJI.hV, (Direct ,)Every WEDNESDAY, at 1 p.m.


FROM WATERFORD TO CORK direct.Every WEDNESDAY ... at 1 p.m.Every FRIDAY , ... at 1 p.m.


W A T E R F O R D T O L O N D O N .Calling At IMyiuonth, 1'ib. 10 — -1 p.m. I T.iCMlay, March 3 — 3 p.m.Saturday, „ lil — 3 p.m. I

LONDON '10 WATEKFORI ) .CaUiup at Plymouth and PL-IIZ-IUCC.

Thur.-dav, Fib. 5 — G a.m. I Tl.ur.-day, r.l.ruary 2»J—C n.mTnr-Mlav? ,, 17 — o a.m. |

Cuml- n-cvivrd for Mnnnu-iit :.t .Miller» and Wet hint\Vh:irvc« up to '¦ p.m. "ii day btfun- Miilii.L'.

WATi:HKOltl . TO 1'L-KMOl.TU. l-l. vyul.'TII TO WA 1KKK0IU '.Calliu^' at l'.rUTii ucu.

Tuesday, Fib. ID— 3 p.m. . Friday, Ti b. Ii — A p.m.Saturday, „ '21— tf i» .in. \Vi-«liic?idny ,, 18 — X l'.m.Tue-il.-iy, .M.-uvli :!— :i | Fridav , „ '.'7 — !i p.m.WATKIC I OKI I TU SUUTIIA J I ITOS. KOtT IIAMITO.N TO WATKr.t 'Olili.Tmnshipiun ' at Plymouth. Tranhliippinp at I'lymouth.

Tui-sclav, Fib. lu — .'i p.m..S-itunlay, ., -1 — •'< p.m. Every Wednesday, ut S a.m.Tm.-duy , Mur. « — '<S p.m.

PKXZANCE TO WATERFORD.Saturday, Fib. T — !1 a.m. I Saturday, L'blh Fib. — 'J a.illThuml.-.y, „ IU — U a.m. |

These Stcatcer.* have excellent Accommodation for l'.is-cnKera.

PASSAGE-MOXKY :Cabin. Iteturu. Deck

Wateiford to GUn-'Ovv & lielfast , 17s. Od. 2ns. 10s.„ Cork ... 'I-i 11 Si„ Dublin ... 10s — (it„ Plymouth f c S(inlham|iton 2(la IiO« KM„ Lcudou ... 2">s 37s Cd 15s

*•<¦'¦' NOTE.—Tim Clyde Shi pping Company Insure allG.ic. i* Shi pped by the>e LMH.S of Steameis .at U^-ld. percentto Tn.dtrs liaviii}; yearly ;>i;iet'iiuiit- s , nml Os per coul to oc-casional Shippers —values to lm declared nt time of ship,mpnt. Vcirms and all iufiiruiiitiou l«. be h.vJ :tt tin- Oflice.

FI .I- I'ates of Fri'i jfht , Ar., app ly to— CO R K STKA MSIH PCO M P A N Y ., Pcnrosu Quay, Cork ; CAIOLIN imii EOANKden Quay, Di'iJ-i.v ; J. C. I'INJ E KI ^ TOS, 10 VictoriaSi ., Ilellast ; H K .V B T I. W A U I K G , Plymouth ; J AMMH AKTLIC V, i CO ., 137, Liadcnhall slrci'i, Loniliiu , also »tM ILLER 'S W IIAFF , F.a»t Kmithfield, mid WpsT JC EXTW HMIF , S.iiitkwarli , Lundnn ; Joim LVUDV , Limerick ;W. J) . M ATTHEW i. Sox. l'en/anc- , »ud the

CLYDE S1H1T1NG COMPANY ,Southamtiton , Greenock , Gbscnw. and \Vaie r f"rd



o.OOO Toiis liurtht;!. 3,'JLU Ili .rjc-powei.

. ^i&Ti- S'~iV IJ^TC1'P00^ f°r ^

ew York

fiX** BH5SSfe*'*l ^ i-l''l'OWN every Friday, tf -rwardin pI'ufsi-iigirs to all parts of the United States aud ,

Returning Irora X.-w York evi-.y Saturday.Uy Mes siis . H ARI .ASII & W OI .FF , I!il la>t , ssul as ui.dcr ,

Fiom LtvEBrooi., via (jL'KK.i STnirxHALT1 C .. ThnrKday, .. Feb. 2Ctb.OCEANIC ... Thursduy, ... liar. 5th.REPU11LIC... Thursday, ... Mar. 12th.CELTIC ... Thursday, ... Mar. lOtli.ADRIATIC ... Thursday, ... Mar. 20th.

Tltoi- Sh-am~lii|is are all uuitoiu? ol !!><• hi |j;hK>t 6|i.-.l ,and >i:p]ftc w i t h c.i.ivi-nit uc.-s it. i-viy d(t l..rtiin nt .Tin: «..!.,.,» , rtatc niMiis , nn.I >mr,Vi-rnoms are amir iKli i j ...

Drafts ti*>-u( j d nn N.'.v York tree ol cl.a.ce. Saloon , £18IS". 'Jl G UIIICH ; li ituru TitleU li 'i Guineas ; Stic.aKe£0 li^.

TLt! SjKKHAriKS an: unusuall y .-pneif,..- ;, w.-ll liiihtcl ,vcut.!..ti-d, *u«i Wiiimed , hod Pas>riipcrs (it t i iH rla^s ..c.- ivetin- ut.Lost cii i l .ty II .K I nttcutitiu. An unlimit.d supply <tlCuokcd 1'ifi v^itiii-s . M.-dical cmnturK f.i-u uf t l . i i ^r .Steu'lltdrssis in .Stc-^razi? (o the Wnmi-ll Ji. lU Clji lil ll- IIKl'-ernri! l<ie us h,« „, by nny nl lur Lin.- .

For Ill- i-ht Hlx l tnrll.iT p . l t i ru b . iy , appl y n! tl.o Offin<of llir Ci.mpal.y, l!l Iti . ikdivny, N.- w Yo.k , :n.'l 'M M u l ' lit .c i t . Chiman; m lj u.-.- ii> .ri»'M , to .-rott & C". ; <"

1S.UAY, l . M I .'I K , ,V CO., 10 W J I I-LSI I I -I- I , J.iv.j I ;und 7, Ej^t rinli.i-»rnuf , London. Q..9-H ]

T. S. J I A I i Y E Y , Littl . - (."...u.-. 's stiei t , undJ A M E S II1C NXKS- .Y , ( GiorK.N »t , Watrrliird .

J M. .MUU P U Y , 43, NVw L-iiif . Ciiirick. iiu.Suii - .



CiASSELL'S OKIEKTAL COiTEE consists; , | u M-li- ttion of tl .« lii" -t H.U. . U.* <.I K.i-t Jmlia ,

It . tl.f prui-H»» ..I r.,;..-l i i iK aud Kiir .di i i ^ l ln - lu i l »lrt -»)cl l i aii.l

I ',, .i . -1.1.11,11 in- MiM - rvi- 'l , n- .:dei:.iL' it ii |i.;,i tu ibi- ( .'. I I . - ^u

!:;;;,: :;:,:" •,! .;ici.:N TA i. c..uN'i iuKs' i in - rKi :.FECTiON "! COKFEE. Piif a- . P' ' «•¦

C'1A.SSEIJ I /S C(M'"J 'I ".EiS arc nl.«;o f upji liud at.' . ..

¦ . |.| i . . t ; i i- . si ., m-d I - l < i : . ! • - -• ;.• ., i-> <; ¦ >.-

lM ., i ,.;;,'

i.;,.. . 'i.". i - . . . .« ¦ ¦ ... < - . .-« « i . i r . . i . , .- .

Iru in i.ue mini''.1 1 " '" • ¦ '¦'¦ '¦¦

CVS ^I ' J '.S ( ¦ ( i J ^J - 'EKS l. avi: .- i - i- i irLil t in: ii.ust

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A n'J M M l . i : "I' A i l.:-"l i : i : . . .'.- I- at ),.„¦(;„„.;,, " ,„:¦ a....;uS c.irn, -i >¦ '¦ > ."•» ¦••';', ' -;l i g ht A ' t i U - . l- J - '.M

SI I'I I . IKI . W l l U l . K S A I . X I'.V

C-\SSEL L , biliTJI & CO., W I K X C l i L i t C i l ST.L O N D 0 N ;

&sA"A;«\ hold i<j CA-CH-SJ t h . o u -j l io t t i i.vlum!.



The fbnrtc at route from Wat erfaiil anJ Kilkenny to Dublm ,AUilone, rutumna, I'ar.-onnown.on IVauagli , larfc i Maiyboro ".

•C?* linproTeil quick ..ail lbrou|*h i!aily be-tweftit M,-.ryl.orou»l. AU rl otber bin lions to \V .it«tfor 'j, thencovia New MilToril lo l.nmlnn anil alt Blatious on the Great Wes-tern rail*;.; of Ka^lanl],

I THI IM o« Wf .r .K DAYS. _ R C N DAVS.KTiii ov. 14 A3 \~lf i i '. 2 \ 3 l k H i S i 'S \ 2 A 3S T A T I ON S . ClassOlass. 'Clais. Clas« . Clasi. Clnss

, A.M. r.M. r.M. i P.M. noon j r.M.I. ... I. m "u'ni "li m' U m | h ...

w .-\trrrofil...rff ^nr/Mri- 7 Is 1 0 1 0 - '12 0Kilnmcoiv _... 7 ii I 111 4 In — — -lli VIMullimval 7 35 — 4 -.'0 I — — <l - ii5Hally liale 1 SS 1 35 4 it) — — 1- OUThomasluwn 8 It ) I SO 4 S5 — 1 ¦'>ller.uelibliilttc 8 '->5 2 5 5 5 _ — 1 20Kilkenny Z....arrival 8 411 2 21' 5 so _ — 1 10

Do. 4 tiejiarlurc S 55 2 30 5 00 — 1 •¦>.>Ba:iyrn»i4ft.» „... 9 IS -2 ill 3 OU — — - I"Atlanagh a L'.5 .-) 0 0 0 — — - 'JAbbeylcix 0 5U :) 15 C 15 — 2 .'HMar>Uoro ' arrirr.l 1(1 10 3 40 G 15 — — UiMa.j borouiili ilep^vp 10 52 4 2 7 37 — — 3 24Port arliti Kton Ju.ic 'o 11 11 4 17 7 50 — — 3 KiDublin.... arrival 1 5 5 4n 9 40 — — 5 43Aihlono Junction nrrlj f 45 8 JG — — — —Maiyboro ' .~drp doicn 1" 30 — in — — » S 2B»ll,brophy,» 10 5<i — 7 44 — - IU 2SKo»c«a „ 1134 _ g 23 _ _ —I'artonmown 12 4 — e 53 — — —Pettumna _ 12 44 — 9 38 Nenagh., 12 23 . D 12 _ —TemiJtrmoro — I — I 8 11 — — 10 SITl'urlca arrival — — : 8 35 — — —


•TATioas I 2 &3 1 i A3 t i. !! I 4 5 I ii &3 t 2 &3Clsas. Cii.K>. 'Cla». 'Clai>. CI BBI . CI(I »».

. A .M. ¦ A.M . ! A .M. P.M . r.M. ' P.M ._. , : 1. m h m h m h m a in a raThurlet departure 7 HI 1 51 ' Teinpltmnrc ' _ 7 2!' _ 2 i3 _ _Ball/broj/b/ .._ ! _ ? 54 _ •> 4;i _ . _KeniRl _ (i 30 _ 1 0 — —1'oftumnil M,..j — , c U — — — ' —Parrsooiitown : 0 40 1 20 Ilaicraa _ ; 7 13 _ t J5 — ] —Jllirj horo' ...nrr( ...u;i — 8 38 — I 3 10 — ' —Att.lone JuDdlno ...„' | 8 15 — — | Uulilln departure . — C 0 0 II I 1 (I I 9 30I ortarlinuton Juoci 'n 1 _ 7 5:, III 13 ' 2 45 — 11 31Maryl.oro i ..ari-/._rfirn1 — ¦ 8 Ss '10 30 i 3 D — 11 52

DOWN TBAIJf s. I — . Mllil I 3 & . 1 ' ...departure — ' 8 10 10 3-'. ;i 311 — I I)Abbey lcix 1 : ft 0 10 50 :i 5n — i 20AU0nae. l1 ... — 0 15 — 1 5 — -I X,U? lyraRKi't _ !i « n 15 i , r, — 4 K>Kilkenny ....arrival — , !l 45 i l l 40 4 40 — 5 10

"« dep arlurr , 1 31 10 I. h i 45 4 5n — 5S)nciinetsbridse ' 7 4 5 .10 12 — I 5 3 _ r, :t>ThnniiiKttiwii I S S 10 •>.¦, 12 5 i .'. iO — i l lUallylinlc j 8 55 10 40 ;I 2 15 5 311 - 1 1 1Mullinav st 8 50 II 0 , — Ii 11 - li -J5Kilmaenw U s 1I I0 , 2 4S „ a. _ ,. j . ;natcrlont arrival 0 30 11 00 : 1 0 0 .10 _ 7 U

KpFc ial tares a.c charged to Kir«l anil Second Cla« Paisen-ce.a bi.oklns to tratel l.y tl.o lisprcss Mail T raini on (iic.i tSimlhern and Western Line.

r.clct« itaucd for Sin K le Journey nro atailablc only for (beTrain by Vtl .icb Ibcr are icineil .

Return Tic'icls ate issued uclwrcn any two Klallons aiailablifor tl.c date ot i«5uc ana .lay lullowinB : il.osc i>,uru lor any¦l.slance exceeding SO inllt- , n||| Ur. ataili.ble for niurn on thodar of isKoe BH .I the tivu followirf- nays i r.i.O lor distances; 100 miles , they are ati.nnbl* for iclurn on the dajof.sine anil (he three fo!lo«ini; IIBJJ — Snlulajh not reckoned.Kfli.ra Tickets isnuc.l on Saturday are returnable on Kuturday ,Sumlay, or Monilay.

Tbrougli Tickets, at Ion fareB , aro Issued at Maryborough andKilkenny , rla Waurfoid anilMllford Haven , t» and from Lou-1 OD , Dotor, R«l mil, Aldcrshot , Iteadinir, Ba».ns»loko , Swln-ilou, Oiford , Bham , Worcester, Hereford , Chellcoham,lirl.ilol, OlouciiU-r, K.. »|K)rt , Mcrlbyr, AucrUa.c , Cird.tT, J.cru.1,S»«n«ea , Llautlly, Carmarthen , and Junction , andNcw.M . lford .. . W. W11.1.1AJH. Secretary.

WATKRKORO AM) LI.MER1CK RAILWAY.Up Tra ins from Waterford.

__ TKA1KS ON WEKR niVS. H*1>VWAimroriB ! '¦! *3 ' 4 « 0* I 7 " »1

TO LIM OIC ! '*« p1*4 ! I . *. » *- i '1 4 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 4 3¦ CI BBI. Class. Class. Class. Clas».;Clan. Ula«i_ I. *.'M- ,.

1 .M * i ^-M. P.M. P.M . [ P.M. I . M., , . . h m I. m ; h m h m • li m j h m h m\ a 45 ... , ... ... ! ¦> 45 | H "0 8 3.1

Clonmel ¦ 7 5 ... ; ... 12 45 . 4 4 l,j u 10 0linpeinrr ~...| 8 21. — . ... • | 5(1 j 5 0 u 35 n ;|5Juncliol......nrir/ H 15 ... t . . ... : ... IJ r( j rtCOHK firrim; 1 'M ... .]. 4 35 ti 13 _• IJ 3 uD CBLIN. . .flrrieo/ 1 5 : ... f ... r, 40 i II 40 I :to 4 :v\Dublin ........ dep ... D o ... 10 30 1 0 7 IT. "45Cork Ill 3 0 ... |2 .111 , -J 4.S !JU li III 6Junction.. . . . ,, 8 30 ili ! l: j ... I 2 2b . 5 45 ,U 'Si 12 2:1Limerick....nrtri I> -JO J ... ; ... | j ;jy j ,-((j

Botcn Tra ins from JLimtrick.T R U N K ON WKr.K DAYS . H *i,T

,,„.,„ 1 2 3« 4* 5 (i* "l«" ¦|!i *:U 2 &» : i & ! l 14 9 ; 1 2 . 1 1 4 2 I 2.V 3TC WATKHro aD . cian/ClMS. Clasii Class ! Cluss. Clatj Cla.iA. M. A.M . A.M. KN. ; P.M. P.M. P.M.h 111 li in li 'n li in ' li m h in li m

Limerick -dep 7 0 7 11 11 JO I 20 i 4 0 In 411 III'Ki/ 6 15 ¦ 8 25 12 21 i 20 ! 5 15 ' 4 SS I I 85Coik ..._ ' 1 3u 1 30 2 II 4 35 8 15 8 15 2 0Dublin 1 ... 1 5 4 35 5 40 I V 40 lu 0 4 0Dews .<V „ ; , . . » II ... ] I 0 : 1 0 7 45CORK ,, G 0 ' ... I li 0 ... I SI 45 , 2 45 10 6Junction „ 1 ... S 25 12 M ... I ... > 5 o5 12 23Tipperary - 8 3 5 - 7 3 0 12 4o ... I ... 1 5 4 5 1250Cloumi-1 8 3u : 0 45 ! 4)1 ... . ... 6 65 2 20\Vntciford,..arir/ln 11 '11 111 . 2 4s ... i ... ! 8 )6 3 45

Mail Trains marked asterisk.1'A K P . S —Flni Clam Single Ticket , 14k Cd ; ^ecnrol do. 11 OdTt.ird iio, ':• 3d, J ictu rn—Firkt ClbKi, -2U 9d ; Second do, 10B 6d

J. F. N.COLL , Secret ary.


5 8 7 a 0rFOM * 1. m : a in p ra . p m p m p m p m |. m p .01 li m 1. m I. iu I. in b in u m li m h in I. m

Vlbd «8 O 'l l II U 15 '2 II 4 0 5 30 7 iu !l II ...T'.nre 'J 15 *11 30 I 15 3 u < 3u 'I 0 1 " V 30 ...

Sumiaj / Trains.I -i 3 4 . 5 (J 7 8 0 '

r«0M . B m ' a 111 p m p in p m p in p in p m_ p m~i. in ! I. it: I. in I. rv. h in : I. in I. m ' b rr. h mWont »S 15 , 12 15 1 30 2 :1" 4 511 II ... j T.oore !l 15 l-> 4.". ' J O 4 0 «6 I. 0 ?n i

'¦Moil C. N . IIA K K R , Si-cretnry.

TiALy i'liSX Y 1'OSTAOK 'CAHDS .All descriptions of Printing on such Cards

dS>" Erentlca ai TIIK WATKI I FUKD N KWS Ofiicr..

SKVf WORK J!Y DR. SMYTH.Just J' ublhli i t l, pant tree f a r Two Stamps ,

GU1M-: Tu IIKAI. T11 ; or ADV ICK AM) IN-.S i ia'CTlO.N'S li.r (l.n CX'Jtt' of \KliVOUb

DKBlUTY. - ' iU lDK tu I1KALTH ; « » New Jlclicalivoik mi lb« l-'uie ol »\\ IWusi-a ol tin* Nervous Sys-t.-iii , .\f-rvi)U» l) i>l>ibly , ...ciilal am] l'liyairal I;rprc.s.iin.i ,1'ul pitalloii ol ll.e He.lit , Noikcn ill tbc Head nml V.nxs, ln-<liTi>ion , lm|i;iimt Siglit and MiTr.uiy , Ilidi^'istioli, Loss ofKnerity, I'aius in tin . li^c'n, ('onst.puliuii , l l lu>hii iz , II y- ,trii . i,Tuni 'lltV ) Sell-I) i>trust , Dizziness, Lore -jf .Solilu.le, Ori.uii 'l-le»s Kent-* , Weakues-s , .Muhcuhir Relaxation , A r., ii'-uiiiiu:fiom exbaustion of Nerve I'ower . Kent l i i - e l.y post oni.Cript ot two ji fiiuy Ktaiup « .

R K V I K W S ol tbe W ORK— " In tli i i «-..ik il.e Oocti.rgiven ' A.lvuice as to cboice ol a l llly^ii'iall ," \Vb ;it tu Kut ,lJiiuk , und AvoiJf ,1 ' Ili-alth ; liuw to ptucnio it ," i.ud ull.erHjl -jtL ts of ii. ter .ht lo r.ian its K*L-I ) as wuii \hii. 'y

...SundayTimes , M u y i , Ib7.'). " 1'r. Hmilli liu* (mlj liflud n.,n,,- ,-x-r.-lki.t! mill lif-tructiou for llie cure i.f Ni-iv.m* I)e-bil . ly."— Karal and Mi l i tary Gazette , April 0, 1B73.A IIJ II-M )>r. II . MiiTir , 8 llui- lun Cri-sciut , I.umli.u , W.C.

l.Ml -OI-.lAST TU COUMKT I'AII IIKTS—L 'O.Nbl 'LT A j .UXUO NI'H V D i c l A X W I T H O U T Fur..— Dr. II. hiiiTii , the emiiiunt. I'l-ciiili.Ht for ll.e Cur.' ol nil IJcb. litfitiDj i JJiM-asr.', will , lortin- Inn lit of country patients , ubo i-annol consult him per-sonall y, t.n receiving def .riptioiiH ot tl.e.r cn>ts , M-nd hi.sopinion, witb aud dirt-clious tor the must i-iu-ci-islulJr>to.:. I Kin to ln-alth ami vigour. Addrtbs , Dr. II. SMITII ,8, ISurl on Crissrri l , London , W .C'. ll »H-tr


as *' S*..icli " lor ln-i-f-ttH , soup.*, made tlinbcs , and aiitic i-d , !« iillf flavour and itit-at ttnugth. Invariabl y udoptcdill huUbclmUs w h i n ts>i 11\ Irud. Cnliun—(jinuine >.i:ly\ \ i t h Jf ill oil l.u-l.iic 'rt fH*ciini]r :irifis < < Ihc lahel . n'JLl l .

NKKVOUS IJKI JJI J LTY , mill nil NKK VOUSAFKKCTION S , v. | , .<tlirr tin. u-.-ult ..I .ar l y I T I M I S ur

o l l i r iv . i v, m e by v i .y Mmp li; and im-ij .i i. - ivi- i iinui- . i|. iii>l )i-r.r>-d in Loth l-'riiuci: ami t t c i u iauj . 'l lu- i. dvnliM-i a I > M -il,-nt in ll.u iun...i.y, "i l l l.i- 1 ¦ -¦ I¦ J - > I" M i . d I n . - I, . . .II :•¦¦;.!•-t-.,i,N l u l l p..uiail;.i-. ..! i l . .- in .,d . - . , ! i i iM-m a,,,,- hd. M,t . , l ,nil l .u .pl >'l nd l lrr lr i l r l iVrl i .pl- . Al l ) . . : - . . t i> m.,y iun: Il i i - i i i ->t- lvr- , ...i.l t^u* not mil i] i r ..-It ol IA-IIJF: t-ir l i toixj . AdJr«e.sM.. H- . A. lJ U V A I . , 13, i \ » w i n a r k r i . b l i >- i t 1 I I I I I . I U I .-I I .IIK .

l l i : A l / r i l AMJ MA.M.Y VKiOl: . —A Mulu. i l m . u i . lJU }'•-.¦¦•' .- i ptiMi iiv in tin- ti. ' ..iini- i,t ol N K I t V U l . 'S I)K-.lli.n V , Sptllu:>l> i: :ill-l ..tli .- r ;il!irtinn.t .vtiicll ,ire olh 1..icj uir.(I in tin.y . and unlit > . i l l i r i 1« lur inai..;¦-!• :.m|nlher social dulirs , liat li.ll.llsliid .1 l!ooli (,'ii- iuif tl.o lu l llieiuriit ol Mis h.i.K ti |n-iitrui'e trai ls , with pl.1111 diu-ctioii>tor tbe rerovi- .y i.l i lu.Itli und M.i u^lli, A MUKII ! cupvM-iit '.:. miy mldrt-ss r,u i'i . .31 ot One Stamp. Adilu-.-s tn t l . eSi-t-. ^tary, I»»ut!it«M>t Aiu.loiny, Mirii iuii; l iHm h l- l j I

(lCntcrul nl Stationer *' H a l l , 1810.)—i'ri'tc I s ; Ly pastU stamps.

MANHOOD : A Mi-ilic.i l Kssay on the cnusp nnd Cureol]'r. in.iHnc Incline i.i 111:111 , llie IVf.-.t iiir nt olNrrroi»! l'hyjical D. l r l i tv ; ll ir r. -ult ol ihir ly yi-ai*' hucress-I11I pis i i ' l ic. I !y .1. I,, (.'flit is , M.H., 15 , AlU-ii,.,ili-,tivi'l ,l'l i i - i i i l i i l y, London.

i iKViK.wa t.r in i ; I-I IKSS ."T I M- X- i ..I..-. ..I MT.HI l,y «1...|.| I In. I ,.,,U Wu|

i. oi I.- li .u i i i l u - . i i . l — U !¦••: l i t -11. Ii | , , iM,h ln;M 1)., . n i m i - 1,.,1 .. (¦.in-:. - , J. I . . . I ' I . I , i .r .!¦ i .'.i l i .-J l;."— A '/i» , ma) |..-J I. 1 .

*• I M . I j i t l • l < J .i ¦!¦ :.ily il- ¦¦ n i t - t l ¦¦ Mii i r t .. I thi - . ,J: - .. .1.. .- «! . I ! I • .:. . ! i . . . . iin . 1.1 11, j . i ; | i , ,, . 1 , . , - i , . ! iw|u. |, . : i|. | . l l . , o . i .-l .i • . .

¦¦• l l o i l .'l 7V/I ./I- . .;-/, . l, . l- . i . ,|, , M. n i l , -7.'¦ ! i. « ¦ ¦(. , :¦. , - ¦ I I 1J - .1 !' .• ¦ ..- - l i .l .-I .'t ' lV n : : - ' MV-

I' . l | - i . - i : i t i .- .! ¦• ' 1. I- ¦» ' • ¦: ; i. -I .::-l

'i .> - ; ! .-. •!:!„ ..I

.LM,-.- , «.ll l... !..ui,.l . l.y.l... ,., „., M... .. . ,,..,,, , ,„r.- l . l . i l i i I. 1...I. :.l, .|.- . . . . . i - i -. | i . ! .u . , . i . .o , l . , i tbni l . i- i, y ,li..r:i»e. l i l l l i . no i-b,ih!!i.iiMl .is hop.;, -s ; a,i l l i s ;n lusnl ivi.ll . l l lU 1 on. l i t .I in iMi .-y i. ho I: . \ i - - ^iv i 11 up i. l i 11!. a 1.: li^mlill u l u 1 1 : i . i- i:y .. . L i n . . - i H B l . . i n '. '- M i t i n i i . i/ II ra il).

L"iiilmi : .V A :. ;. , l i i . i ks.-i loi , ;;! >, C. i n l n l l i or I11.111 ibeAu ll.or . I'ul.l- .1 ; \\ . liini, l i i .uL . i . l I c i ' , il U.pel t t i i i - land No. 1 V ii lui in strut , Uell dM. (o31-0iu*



2 & 3 BROAD STREET, and 1 LITTLE PATRICK STREET,December 30th, 1873



SOLE AGENTS IN IRELAND FOR THE ABOVE GUANO,(Representing J. II KNUY , Sciiiiono, & Co. of Lomlon),

INFORM THK l'UBLIC that tbo Depots ore now bring Stocked for the coming Season wi t l i ampleSupplies, ami tbfj aro prepared to execute Orders on tbo following Terms:—

1'KICE, £13 for Lota of not loss than 30 Tons ; or £11- 3s. for any smaller quantit y,per Ton, in Bags, Gross Weigbt, ex Scale.

l'AYMEXT—Cash or Hank Draft on Belfast, or London. Further particulars on application.

Agents in Waterford-GEORGE WHITE & SONS.




Nitrogen equal to 10 per Cent, of non-Volatilo Ammonia.liO „ Solublo 1 Gunno

•I „ Insoluble j Pliospliatu.1'ltICE, £14 per Ton for .'!0 Tons and upwards ; .C15 per Ton for under .'10 Tons.

Delivered Free at any of tho Depots in Ireland. Terms—CASH.THIS JIAXUKK is Prepared from CiENUIXE PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. Tl.o result of

its special treatment is, Uiat tbo Ammonia is Fixed , tlio l'hospliutea in thu J{;i\v Ciunno renderuiiSohiVle , and tlio JIanmo brought into tho condition of n free, dry powder.

It I OBCS nothing from exposure to the atmosphere, or to the hint of tho sun. It is offe red to thu Farmerwith a Guarantee of itB composition, nnd is, in fact, tho Kiclictt , and cunnidurinf; tlio quality, tlic r CheapestGuaranteed llanure at present in tho Market. Its fertilisiug properties uru such ns will enable tin: con.Eumcr to derive the greatest cconoDiiciil advantage from tlio use of Guano.

Keforeuco may bo mado to :—Dr. HODGES , Chemist to tho Chcmico-Agriculturnl Society of Ulster, lielfast jDr. CAMERON , Chemist to tho Koynl Agiicullurnl Society of Ireland , Dublin ;Dr. Ai'JOlIN , Professor of Chemistry, T.C., Dublin.






S P E C I A L M A N U I t E S .P O T A T O M A N U R E . G R A S S M A N U R EF L A X M A N U R E , (i R A I N M A N U R E



JOHN KOKINSON Ufga lo inform hia numerousFriends and the Public , that ho haa acquired

tho Proprietorship of the above well-known Eatablish-meut, which ho had recently UK-OPENED, and isprepared to Supply GHOCKRIKS , WINES, BRAN-DIES, SPIRITS, ic., &c, which will bear comparisonwith aDy in the Trade.

tjgj- He is SOLE AGKNT for Jlcsara. MUSOTTEand UIIIA11D, Wine aud Brandy Exporters, Bordeauxand Cognac.

Waterford , 1st December, lS7a. tf

M. P O W E R & SONS1 \ESIRE respectfully to direct the attention o( INTENDING PURCHASERS to



Whicl i , owing to tlio great depression oflias just succeeded in securing nt


RICHARDSON'S LINSEED CAKE AND MEALIII C II A II D S O N'S F E E DI N G C A K E . &%• Analyses and Prices on A pplication.


To I lie Qutc-n mill Uoynl 1-ainily ;To U.K.II. tin: I'nnce of Wnlcs (tpecinl Appniiituiriit),

And to tcrernl InJian rolcnt:ilc« , Forei gn tiovernracuts1

and Knilwny Companies. K^ablislicil 17Jt>.J , W. B E N S O N,


U'Ol iKICK , I'rizi- 3kJnli.-t ol tl.c W.ilon,DuHiii , :md I'urisKxliib.lioii * i MnliT ol t l . c Oiri.nugr,i[ili hy which Hit Derbya ti il nil otlior Hucra niu! iirciit J ivi - ntu of the ilay me timed.MnnutMluiy City lluusr , »8 & OO. l .UDGATK 111.1.1.WKJ I End E-.tablislimi-iitii . Uo , OLD UOND STREET , undfl3 , WKS 'J UOUKNK GROVK , LONDON.

WATCH KS ; CLOCK'SOf alUimls , a t 2 1o iim I Of all kiwl.i. iit i to 1W0 ,

Guineas. \ Guineas.Levi-r, Vrrticnl , \ Church , Tunvl ,Horizontal , Duplex , . Curiingr , Cliimi' ,ClironoinctL'r, CliioiiORia oli , Dining-tnpm nirl Di.iw ini;-Ki- y liss , Centre Second.",

: room, KM , IShop,Rppi'atcr*, Indian , Ac. Library, Him ket , &<:.ENOIISII OK.MOLU CLOCK S, draifued by English Artists

nnd uiBiiulactund by J. W. liESsox , lur exceed in briiiitytho-c iiuiiiulnc '.ured huroml. They can only Im ohlninid atI his cfliblisbii icnt.

Flit s ART lltoszr.s ASU CniMSi:v Oii»Aji i!Ni» , of thenewi-st designs , from Omitniciilal AU'.icm .if tliu holiestreputatiui i , :it iiioilt-r.itL1 niicuii.

A UTISTIC (J OI .D J KWKM .KUT , ut I he viclii-fit mid wait i-x-iiuisite. I 1- M|;IIS with Motionriii i-.s Ci<s l » , null IJevices ,Kntinuu -lli- il in coloui.", a l t i r de^i gll^ Iiy ihuuuittt act-uinpli ^li-i-d Arli*t* in the l'rcciuu> Alulii l s . llrunelu-s , liLiLL - letaNicklucen , Lockeln , Kuij u. und ull kinds ot bijouterie, asfcttpp liuu tu 'ileiuheis of the Couit itiid ulher dist iiiKuiihi-dPlT.-OIIU l iCJ.

1'KKsKriTATlos 1'wTE.—Trstiinoni nls of different sorts.Racine; Cupe, end Jewelled mid oilier ^oxes , us proriJtd byMr. H KN SOH for the iuu of London anil utlic i publicHoilie h , lu enclose1 documents ceiivt -yiiig tint Kreedom of theCity to the 1'iiiict* of W II I IM , Duke ul Edinburgh , &c. A:c.

SlLVtK A>Ii KuXTUU-l'LAlLill the I1IO>1 reel-lit tn~ .liit .11. 1nnd of thu must iluiublc matr. In ?:itcitn .l'la:L-it i., intu-bary to becurt! .snbiid materials mid ii >ullicieut contiii K ofAitvcr to n- .-iA t dully u-eur .ind tt-ii r Milisl itclori ]}- . No ulheris frall y cLeap ;it uny price , nor wotth buy ing.

\£ZF' Watches und Cloika repauctl l.y skilled workmen.Old Silver , Jcwclliry, Wntchc , &<-., cxclmii|!t'il. MeichaulKShi ppers , mill Club* Anpp licd .

Ulustrateil Pamphlets , with full description of nil kinds ofWalcht -s, Tinie-piefii *, Jewclle ty, mid Electro - l'lai t* , withpria-ii nmii i i i l . si-nt luc h.v post, upuu npjihciiiou^ lu J. \V.IIKN.SOX, al i-nlifr ol tin- abovi- Adiln ss.•> .

Wnlchls , Clocks , .lenelleiy, iltlil l'la:r sent lo all pelts otthe world. (illS - l j )

TO THE X E U M U S A X I ) D E H l L l T A TEl i .l'e.ul tin- New Work, enli l leil

H O W T O K N S I / U K 11 K A h T i l .Ju« t 1'ublislicil , lur Tno fil»ui|¦* , lij Dr . ,1. A. H.U I M K .,

M.D., (U.^.J,

AT1!E.VT1SE uu Ihe LA\> 'S U O V K 1 S N I N U LH'^ .

nml the Cautr.', Sjmptnir.s, anil Trritinriii «l »Hdisease* depiiuli uK MI KslniiMiuii ul Ntuvous VITALITY ,surh us Ni-rvuub Debility, .Mental and I'liynicalUepri ssuili ,I'ul pitiiliun ul the Henri , NOIUM in ll/e Jlead ami >'am,InilraiNiuii , Impaired Si« lit und Memory , luili icesliuu , l'io>-tl - H lluii , Lassitude , Depression ol Spirits , Ldls i.f Kneiuyand Appctue , l'uins ill llu H«li uwl l.imhs , TiUllill ty,-el l-IJi strukt , J)izziiies.», l.ovu ol .Sulitude , Uiolindli -hsl-'eais , mill runny oilier ailments , whirl. , II neuleciid , briiij -t in; sufferi-is to an eaily i l ir i ih. Ti.^rtlur wnh hint» ouCliriiiiicl iliimn.ilUni , IJ"Ut , Niur:u«u, Epilepsy, l lys ir i . i ,Hliil all diseases ol the .Nervous ami alio.enlaiy ty»li:ui.

'Hie appendix lu this valuable « oik ci.iii . i iim u y u-e-

lul I'l i M i i p l i o n i - for l l ie ii l leviat iuii nl Midi i I I I L-, and I In:i:uie ul minor Hi> i . ide i s , w i l b lu l l i i . s l i i ie lh , in l . i - llu-n-|.- .| ai i . l lc .n and Us, -, l.'ot i lni l l " alr-'i -nll.e l i i n u l l v ai lv ic i ' l i l ll lj t mie , ..I l lu- W A V H I 1 ¦K h . h K lI Y r . H E A L T H .

'l l l l l - l l a l i . l l.y irM 'lS l i - l .n i- . l i i . : . !r . . c» K - ..l|. ' l l l• v l i n i l - nl . 'i 1 . .V,- l . ' h | . - i« . i"l :- ¦ l . - .- .Mi I l i i - i i ^ l . i l . e

. . u ih u s i r-l t s in- - n - -.t ly . ••"¦! |-.-i : i. . , i n I M I - I |.: .. .• !>. ¦¦

- • an |:s, LI I " l i l m i « . .-.' , ¦ ¦• > ' ¦ - -I .. U - I - . . \ . : > i i i . - , |i i . J.A. l l A U M S . I- ., I s.l.i .- M |U.II . - , i i a l l . - i . i l ) , I. . .H - I . I, . N.

iMl ' l l l iTAM lu C u C WK V I' A 'I I I . M ' . — ! ' !:. l :A I . M '.^may lie lonsulli-u peisi.luilly or l>> I . l l u , I . I all puvalr ai. il

e- ntideiiliul case.-; mid lur ihe brmlit m Xcivuus Mill. m>n liti caiiuiit vi-it him , he w i l l , on itcn\ni|: u ilescii plK'ii olIheil - Cii-r , » in lii>:n ^ II Mull .pi l l . i.veli. |.e li.i rep ly, In-1rall y lu|iivc Ills i- pil l l i II iiui.1 1 Ihe ll» l!H i- nl thei - .,,i- , al:il llu- plT.irl-ph-s ol l i i - . i i i i . iu t n ic i smlj In i Hi i:l :i pi- ilu- i cute.iCyAildii-s Dr. HAB M» , IB l.ulisilule Si|unn- , l^.rnsl.uiy ,London . N. IniB-Oui *


Trade with AluntilUclurcrs. their BUYER

BROS, & CO.,AKl ) L I N S E E D C K U S 1 I E 1

Post f r ee f o r Six open ends , or lli Stamp * i.t <i » t

T1IJ-; JIKDICAI/ADVISEK , on prci.Kitiucdcc.iy ol the system , and its spm-dy resolution ; chap,

ters on cerliiin ilisordeis , and the lust mentis for Il i i -ir ie-moval ; tin: tr.icro*rnpe Us an aid to diagnosis ; Mauia>;e , itsdisqualifications ; mla.i and piescri ptions tor ie l l -tnatment ,&c. ; illustrnled with liumeiulis cases. l!y Dr. Waller DeKooi, Hiillortl iluutr*, Ifoilord .Squnic, I.onrlou , W.C'.

DR. UK ROOS' celebrated GUTTLE Vl'lVEur Lll-'K Dlt Ol'. Sl lur Spi.-iiiiiiturrliu.i , Nocturnal

Kmis.sioiis, linputency , tii-xual Incapacity, Debility, Epilepsy,aud all those, disease* tor which Mcicury, Sar£ :ipanlla , &<- .,arc too uilen eu.p luycd by English I'hysicians tu the ult imateruin of the Sufle.ri-r 's health.

The (iUTl 'X V1T/K are the result of Ions practical in-vesti ^ntion of tbc remedies best mlaplcd lor tiiese liisi-ii- iis.Th eir ri ch, siiinul.iLiiiK', stomachic qualities , ami , above all ,their complete renovation of the nervous system , reude ,them in i very respect worth y their significant title. The)may he taken wilhi.ut hindrance or restraint of diet , Ac ,and in this respict alt'o they may claim prc-cmincntr overmost oilier advei listd medicines. Uy promotim; (iiifestiuu—nourishiux the ciiii -itituliiin—cnrichiii|t without nil! ninnythe hhiod —bracin g without stimulating tin! nervous M-stc-tntoo Tiulciill j—they strengtheii theKencrul habit , anil restorethe natuial healthy lone of tbc nervous and musculai lilires ,tbus enlivenin g ;tn:l invigorating both body and mini! .

The UUTTiE' V1TJE hove been particularly sr .u. s - iuwith young people who have the appearance ofoM :> _ >¦ ; pale and eileininate , nml who , liav injf an u l l v r ih- l .¦'.¦ I, , ;everytliin^.uri: incHpncituted for study, business urrut \ tu - nt.Th'-usiimis of apparently hopeless cases, .gi'«n up by !.'¦• ,'«,culty , have beeu permanentl y cuied , nnd hare home ( t i u i i i u levidence- of the fact.

l'nce it. Ud., Us. and 33 *. ol all Clitinists , or d inet onreceipt of stamps , or pohr-i.llicu order nildresstd tu Di. DiRoos, llolluni iloUM- , lI uH'ord S)uan-, London , W.C .

bold l.y Jlc.Muster .V: Co., 121, Capel-slreet , Dublin ; Mr .White, Observer Off ice , liailynirna ; .Mr. ll.i .wtt , tu.pi l. rrnChnm ielt Olllo', Llmeriik ; .Mr. i'ulsoii , fcrmana t ;!. ¦ nilOilier , Euniskillell ; r.r at The Ktux Olliee , U'aleil . • - .

l'aius in the Hack , Gravel , Lumbago, Khuuiiiuti.-iii , i . - > -Klaliilrimy, Headache, Nertullsn iss , Dehilily . St i i e l i . • . .\-

Dlt. DE ItOOS' COJM'OUND KENA!.PILL S, (as their name litnal , nr the Kidni-j - , in-

dicates), are c.-1,1.1. i l l . I all over t !¦ •- win Id , a-, llir salest andbest liein.- il y lur llie ahuve runs i plaints , Dischati;eiiol miy kiiiil , mill Disease ol the Kulut-j s, IM.lihler , midL'liuary Uru'illis i;i-lieriill }, which , ll* ue^l.-cted , hei |uentl yend in Hiune m the iihuhler , mid u Immrun:, paiulul deathKur ili-pressiou lA Spirits , ICxcitelDellt , Incapacity for *sjo>ciely, ^tuili" or Husititjs , Loss ol Alcinoiy, U'reti'licdticis,Nervuusncss, and even insanity itscl', « hen (as is oltt-ii tliecube) arising from or couibiueil with L'li l l . i iy Diseases, theyate unequalled . l>y their salutary actiuii on lhle andAcidity ut the Stomach , they purity mid promote the UeiulHectetious , ihete liy prevent the lottiintiol l ul Slone, and thuicstalilish lor hlu the hralthy liinciioiis ol .ill theseoriuns.

l'riec 1- . lid., '!,. !ld., Is . I KI., 11" . ami 3M . per bux , withfull ilneclious UIIOII K II "II tliciimt.t. Tbi-lininiiio have Ihewords " Wnlter De Uoos, Lundun," in whiu letteis , un theStamp nlfiieJ lu each bui, by special direction ul Her ely 's Honorable Coiiimissioiieis , to piotuct the puMit: limnIrnuil , and lo imitate whieh i< felony and traii- porla tiuu.

CAUTION. — l^ome llt iptincip led Vellduis when »ikulfor Dr. De Uuos' Tills , have utteinp 'ril lo luist other or cumpouinls ul their own upun the jiutrha ser , Ir-. inwl i ir l i t i n y ul.laili ;¦ l.iue prulil , bill which invariabl y elil . t l idisappointment. Ask li.i Du. D K llous' L'uMrol'.vu W I. N A L

l'll.l.s , an,I do i.ul be |.eisu.i.l.d nitu ny.i^ ,iuj ll.iiu cUr ;bill -luill ld Ihe le.i-, 1 d. llicully i.crur , eu.:l..-e tin- i:ut I.)pu-l- Ilic.- onh i ul slau. |- s as ab..v.- , ai.d I bey will he s'.-n :pi-r p l u m .

S..:,l l.v McMa -ier k I ' ..., 121 , 1,'aj., - !-!,,.: , llnblm ; Mr ,Whi le . (I bstnvr Ollic , l la l ly i iur . '; .Mr. l l . i - seil , H outl i tniL lironicle Oilier , Lnneriik ; M i . i'olson , t 'trmnnng h M u i lOlliee, Kni i i .k i l l e i i ; iiu.l ul -l!l , K ui*-sirt' .'i , Wai,11 , ,ul .

DUKS YOUK II A 1 H FALL Ul-'F, OHTUl iX i t iKKY . &c. t ll MI , use KaSA L I K COU-

PICLLIC '.I C U I N U T I i l A l i , liutr.l a l l i .ver the win Id lur itsiniineuluiis piopeit i.- s , ai:d us tin! unl y leim- .I y that t-m bedepended upun. it is ^iiaranleid to piodiu-e whiskers ,itioustacl . ios , &c., in a I. w weeks , and will t.e toulld eiuin-enl lv sicees!.|tll ill lioiirislnn^ .cm I III , uuu bei-.ut i l ) i i i £ thehail ; checking Hreyuess , stn- ii^theuiiii; weak bur , pievelit.uu ita l.'llui|; ofl and lestuniu- it in baldiit-rs hum ivli.iu -».-riMii-e . Upivnlds ul I'm physiei i i is have recumiueu.leil it inthe i:(nseiy, lor pioi/ ,otiiij ^ a line, Jn-,i!tby head ul hair , andHVell i l i i ! hal- lnefs III a l ter jeais, lu lutl les price •¦!-. I -.H-I I .

OI'- S K I i V K ll ini a IU paci- p.impliiri is iiiciosed mille.n h paikaue , Whitb h-. ^ \\ reli stamp uuSl.le beal l l i ^ II IH

n i inU |;-j.ahe l .'i.ilp. I:- in ulnl . r l e l i e i - ; l lu - w t r i l - I ' .i ui- i- :- . '.Ci. i . i n i . ..i mi- .,!- ¦> II :I .II I-I I-.I ..eli I . - H 1.,- .

'* I \\ a* b, il .I niu- v - l l > , ''Ilt 1 '"'-I i i < w l , , i - t .¦i .ii n.^ i.. .|,:- - | . '- .I. H IM :.- . "'TI ;. II U :., > . . - .r Mull , I In- \ -, . i . . . i -., . .

¦•is - .M -n. ..: ¦! .< • ¦ .k- .s . — .M ..J .-I I" « » . . • I .- ..I

: - i my '.Mir ,:, |. . K ;.,- , MI : n 1 ;.. !¦.t |. ." - M : . .ll. -.M.t . " Alt - - . •-• ¦! «' - ..- '> u..i UH— . ii i... - ...: :ii :.n:.

•:;•'¦/•>..t. l ;:: Tin: \i:ws «.>i ti i¦- . A' .i'n! nl.


fili , QUAY.

&PiJ" Sund fur your 1'KI .NTIM; to TI I K N KW .I Olliee ,wliui u you will gut it good nud cheap.


The Great Hotel, Tramore, County WaterfordD;.<timc °. Jrom IV'oftv/oriZ la Ka il — Seven Miles.

DUIUNCi Winter nnd coming Spring MonthsSPECIAL Arllt AXnEMENrS, AT VEHY OtEllUCED RATBS,

iviJI bo inndo with intendiDg Visitors to this deser-vedly famed, nnd fashionable Watering-place. TlioHotel is kept open during tho Winter, for the specialpurposo of affording to tbo Nobility 'and Gentry oftbo surrounding Counties tho accommodation douicdthem by the closing of other Establishments at manyof tho Watering-places in tho South of Ireland.

Tho Climate of TK .OIOUB is mild and genial, andspeciall y suited to Invalids. TitAJioit R is constantlyrecommended by tho Medical Profession as a mosthealthy aud invigorating rotroat.

Thu HOTEL commands a splendid viow of tlio Bayof Tramorc, and is within Seven Miles of Wnttrford—T/nins running orery Two Hours each day. Iu.tending Visitors aro apprised that tho GREATHOTEL is the oil';; f i rs t clnss Hotel iu Tramore ; thatit is well appointed in every respect , and fully equalto any similar Honso in tho Kingdom. Tho Pro-prietor, havin-,' secured tho sorvices of a first-dimsMan Cook, is prepared to andertntco Halls , WeddiogBreakfasts, Jfa iKiucts , or any special entertainment,either public or private, within 50 Mil™ of Waterford,on tho most modumto torms, and will guarantee thohighost stylo nf gastronomic art in each case.

During the past season THE GKEAT HOTEL haakeen patronised by somo of tbo best Familios in theKingdom—all of whom personally congratulated thoProprietor upon his liberal and efficient managementof THE GHEAT HOTEL.

Special care and attention have been paid to thotln-ou most imptntant requirements of a f irst cl.issw.iicrn IhM , viz—Kxcellenco of Cooking, i'irst-clasdWines at a Kair IVico , and Scrupnlous Cleanliness,combined with the ordinary comforts of all modernestablishments.

Families can be nccommodaiod with private SittingKonms without charge, until 1st Jiiuo 7-K

During the Season of 1ST t, a LADY'S COFFEEROOM will form one- of the Spceiiil Attructiuns ofTIIK GKKAT HOTKL.

The Proprietor takes this opportunity to thank hisnumerous patrons for their cordial support during tbepant Season , and heipes by vig ilant and unremittingattention , to merit, their continued support andpatronage.

Attached to tlio Hotel aro SPLENDID MILLIARDUOOMS , S M O K I N G 11OOM , K K A D I N G HOOM , ic;and Stnbliiig for Ten Horses, Coach H<mscn , Ac.

¦1AMKS HKA 1SXK , Proprietor ,For six years Miin iiger Waterford Ciub, formerly

Chief Calerer to Garrison Assembly Hulls atAldershot Club-house , ;iml Messmau PrincessVictoria. Kcg iincnt (WJlli.) n7-tf


AD J O I N I N G the Terminus nf tho South WalesItni lwny t'umpaiiy at New Mill 'oiil , and tho

Liui 'l i ii K SI:.-.-.' n l i l i u Wntei-ftmi Iinynl JCail Paekets.Tin- IV Miv mi- n-ipi-eilull y informed that the nbovc

e\ti'ii.---ivc J - J. r i i l ' l i - '.mt-nt is roplete with every aeeom-niiiihitinn. Ct illn- , Ciimmei'viiil , nnd Kiltin g Jfuoms ;lii lliard and Smoking Kmmis. The I!<niins are larjjobil 'iy, nml airy, l ici iulif i i l l y dcciivatr il , plc^nntly fur-nishcil , imii lire nili rrivisi! liui-d ii|> with every regardlo ciiiulbrt tint! cuiivi-n iencr.

This l intel i- -i:u ;iu- it on tho luniks nf the far-famed .Milf i inl Ih i viMi , and emiiiuanu la exteu-. ive view of I I . - i - Majesty 's Dockyard, and of thoromantic ami p:.t .-;tn-o*<ruc Seenerv of the neighbour-hiiiid.

Vi^itnrs , Tniirist - :, Cnmmcrcinl Gentlemen, andFamilies will lind this Establishment, for situntionnml comfort , ci.iii i ii .d with Moderate, Charijes , sur-passed by IKI nihi - i - ii i the Principality-

l }" ll'.l , l'iti - 1 , and Shower llath^.All eoi i:iininii - :-. i i . - t i .s should be adtlresscd to

(jyas-tf.) J. WIIKT TGN ', Manager.

D U B L I N .Tho European Hotel, Bolton Street.

r"| \UV. Kt r i i Ol 'KA X is tho largest , tho lipst situate,I am) tin; IIKIM rnnifoil.-ibln Hotr 1 in the City. All

IIIIJI I PI 'II iiniirevrini 'iitM have l:r- :n retontly introduced ,and the entire Il uii f C papered, painted , and decorated.

Twenty Suites of A partments for Fmnilirs. Draw-ing linunis tVniii -?. (!il. to .r>.s. Pitting Hooms on theground floor I'm- ut' charge.

lgS^ySoup, Fish , Joint.", Fowl , and Kntreo in CoflccRoom and Kestnunint , from Two to bevon o'Cloekdaily. Bed , including Servants , 2t>. CM., 2n.iind Is. fill.

[inSl-lf] J. MOLONY , Proprietor.

D U B L I N .Commercial & Private Lodging House

I '.I M A H L 15 0 It 0 U G n S T R E E T.PAltTIt'S Visiting Dublin con be accommodated ,

with or nr without Board , and nil the comfoitsof a home, on Moderato Terms. [o25-tfj

fJ-X" Situntion central , close to Sackvillc strcet.

F U I E K D OF A 1. L !A*>!Ci i'.-ii in all Vasts of the 11'orW. lien 's i, «.r H v inrf t j

H O L L OW A Y ' S P I L L S .l.Mr t- ltlTlKS Of TIIK ]il.SOU.—TllCSO WOlill erfu

Pills are valued at the liUMiblrat luaill is a^ « . l l i» in ilu 'bousfs ol ami winl t l i . Tlu-y woik .i I I IUIUUIE I I

puillic illiull tl.rnui ;li tlie »I IU I L- fVatrm , wi t lmut i li .-onli ringthe initur nl .itti i .n "I any DI ^II , and t raiiu ;.ti- H II .M? jtrruisol comp laiulti iv liicl i coii- i yn tm> ol Iliou.-aiuls lu mi i-urlygriiVe.

Hiioxcnms, Dirri in nn , Colons, A S D Loins— N O

tli-eu.-i-* lire n-i. ir :mpi> nl , iimi lew more I I.I I .|:ITIIII > I l iau

allVctio iis »< tl- .- r. >|. -r:ilmy i.ii :an> ; no oiiili:i..n l iv is

rise ti, mm.- h.ul i i . . . l - - l i> .-» H1..11 a - > i».|>!t- (V.I." Tl.f

I'M -I >\ n .j ' t i in- 11 »» «l»iij ' » b- nuiovit l l y il.r>u ri-liuwued

I'll!- ;.- l l» «- v i|ii t V.I 3- iv int . l y l l ie >tai !iialiiin nl Illuod ,lin..l

': i i !<- 'In- I.ul i i"l l,"-.l t l - i "K , Blnl i- linlile llu- »'i li.l- |.i |.e

nml I 11111.-. in per nun i l inr l u m l i i' i i - wil 'l i t i i -r aud ri-su-

l . i . t y . I I.. .v a l— , !•>• l l l l ir r-nr i l j ius |.ii.|i'- r t i i « , i- liniii- i- l lie

l. l . - i il I11 .111 n i l i i i . p i l i i : i . - , :nnl I l ius l . i r l l ly tlie M> le l l l i i^aillsl

Culi-ilin|. 'i.i" , A - l l . i n i , nml' i pulinuiiiiTj- .'.

I IM I I I .I I Y , !.".-» or A ri ' Ki i rK , H K A U A C I I K , J.VD

J. OW.NhSS OP M'llllIF. — TII I M : l'lli- "ill , 111 n I.-W il»J> ,1-Hect 11 truly wumlrrlul. clinnni! in Debilitated Constitutions( ID mallei the ir 1 jrii in B CIUM- I , us they -i-reaie .1 healthyuppetito, cuvrixl ini l iKi - l iuu , mn.ive exee<i nt bile , oveicuuieciddim-", niiini-"'!. , ';' k beiiil.u'lii', anil nil those Kl""Uiylurfl , ,l.i '^- n 1 "u

" I'-"' sioiinch 01

disordereddiei-ti, .".

¦J in: .\1 I-:. IL |.V K i - .a K U M I L K .', YGUNO ASH OLD.—K,. I ..-.- .¦:.. mil,1; all •• • -.- fi iclw » i i> , nml re»toiiii|; siis-iii-mifd, -,„., . ;!„.,, . 1. 1 . - i eiiii - to lie i-iinipnrrd to ilnrsxI'd!. . l '..\ V I - I - I I '' .> ¦¦¦'• pieii »s llie one Kr.nul rcinnly lorl-'i- ui il . - Cuun.1,.1, '- . i i > - *.- 1'ills Ciiiinot l.til ,; tbey utreti Kt l ien11. . - \ - lc in , hi. .1 '. ,. ¦'¦ l - i i n p al^Mii w l i . t is it-quired. To:.u -. .iii' .i i-n'lc i i i . .- . . . " ,\ j in.inlioi - l , 01 :it tin.- liim ul life ,t iny an- liivjluiblr , l- i- iua 11 peiltrt Milr|!llanl HK.iiu s lllrt |i<.y, l i . -a .lml. . .- , iml pil a l i ' iH i.l l l ie l i l - i l l l , and all nti vuujnllicliui" 1.11111 il^lii-i-mi: :¦-! llu.» i- |.eii.j .U.

C o M l - l A l N l S I N C I I I K M A L 10 C'l l lLUKKX. — U lull-pill ;;cnu;li , ......-. 1..-, >.ai- :..tina , f.-t i- r.- , ami all ill-i-a,cs i.l thenkin nmy Im niiiiirili.itel y eliiilt-fl, mid MKIII ciiri-d , hy tliouiiuni y iiiK I'ill s . N" miiilin sliuul'l uc willmut tliein. One,twi'.

'url l i rcc (rcdm-sil lo poBilrrJ, inny be given n.),'liily,with tli e ci'rlaiiily ol dui»K gund.

NKKVUL-S Disoit iiER?.—Any ile.-nnKi-nii-ut <>f the nei»esiifliei> ili«ii > lrim>ly l-utb ll"-' body and <l'e 1. To Ibeiitt ivuu i invalid liiesii lMIs me al fit . il iircmii)-,-us Iliej-mil,ait Ion. 1 nnd vi j iour I" 'lit: hi!mini oritmi> , null tome.ipieli l l y '¦•> til '1 imivuns >J >t.-m wlnuli pnviiJ.s anil ciinn.-.SsI hem. lii-ueu their in.<rvrlli»w ruieii lit h}>li'ri», luw spitits ,.-lia-iiis, Iii.-, iiervun- iwil i lungs , and other kindred coinplaints.Jlo l loKHi 's l ' i lh ar the he-. t reined) knmen iu the tiorld

fur the following discuses :\ .. u,. r, v. r> "I nil l<riulill!i , or Kina 'i Kvil|\ r:inu.i kmiiK s.ti- ' Ui'iu- '""it fi|.i

,, . ,,, :ii . Jl i-ml- iicli.- Gr»v<rl111 . .Kin. - nn l i . iJi sr . i i i . i l .-« .'i i.iidutyS yin;:l..nn

,h.. v i,,11 I.iv .- r I :.- III - Tic ll.'uloi.rc-jxl ;..»<-l l'i.|H- pl.i .l .K HICN»

.,; ,,,,1 ^ I.nin: , :.yi ' \ .MI .TL-:I I A l i i - Ll i i .nkli , , . , i . t y I' l l . . W. 'ruiM'f n l :k i . . i l>I, , . . |, .y It l i - i.- .. i :tis. i . \\ *-:tl.|..— K , lii. i .il-'u.i .alf I rrr y i - - K.-t i-i.ll "'. "f »luil«vi -r rau.r ,

l Ul l l i c K I1 ""11 \C. , AC.Tin- I' llis .n.l ( l i l i l im-ul iin-Suii 'i at I' Mlr.-M/r l l . l . L O W l T 3

p% lnl i l i > biM - i i i , oS ', (l\: i iri '..- l ! i i ! , l.iuid i.11 ; .I I MI l>y u.-aily•vi i v i . - l . . tul.l.- Vi ml.'i "I .\i.-ili.:mr» ihi.iU Kl .oii t I l iunv .li-.l »..rld , in ll. x.'s iiiid l' , al Is. 15.1 a*. !>.! ., Is B.I .,11s., 'J'2-., anil 33s. IUI -I I . The Mliallesl lti.X nl I'lll. i-illll.lilislunr ' .loz.-n : and ll"' Hii .t li f l I'ul ol Ointment one ou'ce.

N.l l.— Ku '.t |iiiiili 'il tliri-ctioii s me nllixcd tu each tioi midpot , and IMII lit- I M .I il l any lunguuite , eTtn in lurki-l .An.l i..* Arinei.Mii , I'l- i s iim . or Cliim-s"

' For the lllnuil '6 the Life."— See Deuteronomy, chop.j ii., verse 23.

Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture,FUU C l . K A N H I N l i m-. I CI . lCAl i lNG the l iLUUI) lr. . iu

A LL lMl 'L'l i l I IK S, wl i . t l . tr IIUMIIK fn in youtlituliinli=rr'- li»li 01* -.iiy oilier r.ius-- , t-i. lit Ino bi tihly 11-ioin.

lli .-l l . l . - l l . ll cut'--* Old Suti- > ; , oil's Ul'Cl.lll-d .S.iii'rt ill lilt-

Nu:k : U' l S. I L- 1..--; ; or l'l inj t l t .-t 1.11

K.. i . - , *-ri:.vy *s. , i i - ; C . . IU .I . . I I - I 'U- . I -. ; III O.KI nl d .''kin I ) . - .

,- ..-. - , 1 '.;... i:n;. -.i >.M - *: . I -,.- . a . . l < -i . -..r- l!i - l lu . i l t i i n u , . l l

I n . I 1 , i . ^l:i * '.< l , I t o l i l Mi.. l' -. 1 1 r-u.f it i>n.if.

1. »: 1. |. ! .« . ; . i • I . . .- I . -- I .I - I - , ..i,i! 11 .1 ,1 .1 . : . . ! I . , ,

I . . -. ,, :. . : . I . ! J n l . '. I. i 'H 1 l. '» . .I .I I. "1 .... . . :n> 3 -,,|.. I..,

: l . ¦- .. • •• !¦. . l i - ' . . .i. '.iui ¦ ll. . - I ' m. . . 1 - 1 .. . l . i i . . Mill. I I I ! -

I , . „ \ . It ;. I . t . . I I" I . -I IU v. -. l - r.

T , I *H ' > .O :- .- .'I' IXI l 'M. VI. S I'ti O.M A I .I. I'A lt T.-.¦•'• . 11 in Imi t i c s 'J-. M . , M I ,, .ml 111 OHM .- , nn.laiiiiii-<

I Hi l l 1 s, 11- . i- nt-l. , -U '.lici. l't I., l l l i't'l II J). Hll:ili , | i l i l l i e ¦

i.,n- :--tiiiidliii{ iust» , !•}• »i l t.h.'iiiisl.- 11111I I'atri i l Mtdirin. 1

V1 ntlnr-s ; ur »rul to «*ny lulditss fii Kceiut ol 27 or J J^'"" '*' 1'! J. C I . A I i K K , t'l.un'sl , lli- h.stlul . Liiiioll..

W IIO LtaAl -K AGEM8 -ljnii'luy &, ^0119, I.undou, and all tbe Wbolesule lloubi-n


On Sale at The News OJpce,With the Keconimcnuauon of the Bishop of Waterford >Dd

Lismoit . tbe Kight Ker. Dr.O BRISKA Catecliism for the Instruction of Children

BY THEMOST Eov. Dr. JAMES BUTT E*. Arnhbisbop

of Cashel and Emly.RECOMMENDATION I

" I approve of this Edition of the Right RcV. Dr.JAMKS BUTLER'S Cntoohism, and recommond it to theFaithful of theso Dioceses.

"?p JOH X POWER , K.C.H." Waterford, Sept. 16th, 1873."Printed on Good Paper, and in large e'enr Type.t3i" Orders from nny purt of tho Diocese, sent im

and directcil to C. II EH MONO , Printer nml l'liblwhoi-Waterford News Ollke, 4'J KitiK-atrci't , {iroiiipily attended to. Tho Trndoaupplied on moderato terms

Jlay bo had Retail from every Catholic Booksellerin tho Diocese.

S H I R T S-(Fit Warranted)OUH FIXK FLANNEL SHIRTS (wiirmth n i t l i .

out weight) nro well Cut , Thi.niviilil 'j .S'.. "iiA- ,nnd moderate iu Prico.

Our WIUTK and COLOKKU I.ONGCLOTH :intlLINEN SH1KTS nrc mndc to Menpuic in IL •¦upriiormnnucr.

Our EVENING SHIRTS nro r.-.nly for immediateuso iii all sizes.

Our SOFT TWILL SIGHT SHIKTS arc worth yof special notice.

1\ T0B1N & SOXS, .-,8 AND r,U , QYAY ,Shirt ami Collar Malctr t, J.i.'i'i n ai..' Coin, in I 0'i'/'f' rN.Ii.—Patterns and Kstiniatcs wil l bo ffni u 'application.

B. H Y A M ,2'J AND 30, DAMK STKKKT , I ) I ; I ) [ , IX , A M I "»

CASTLI-; PLACE, J1KLFA ST,Resprctfull y invitrs ntti -nti '.n lo his I M M . M K .NSK

STOCK of S U P K K I O K STYLK »f C A I I M K N T Sfnr tin* Present. St'iisim.

li rA .M'.S ^k VlvKCOAT.S, in .-ill ti ,<; .NVu'\J .-!...,.. .. 'JO..

IIYAM'S S\ Y E K U O A T S , in ;.l! .Van -V7 M J I U M I S , -2l) . .

nYAll'S /"VVKIt CUATS , have Vclvi .-f C,,l-

UYAM'S r\ Vj; i:CuA'r.S,' " Waniil y J 'i""1

IIYAM'S /\VJ:J!CUA'L'S , Fasliimii t lili: M.vV/ ii- . uU. 2il. .

J1YAIM'S r\VKi:COAT.S, W l i i i n . v.= , J i . -av -\J rr . , It,:, M: '

JI YAM'S /"fcYJCKCOAT 'S, i'ilnis , I Vc- iilenls ,

J 1YAMS' rwVKHCUAT rs, Klvsians , B;ilU:ur<\J .Vc, :w. .

IIYAM'S i~kYJ- :KCOATS, nil r ,ca.liiiK ( n\J I..IU - , :is< .

11Y-VM'S /\ \'KKC(JATS , Well Cut ami\J .M..d», :)v.

HYAM'S /"kVJOIiCOATS , N-iv.-i Kulj i- ii:.-

i lYA.M'S ^\Yi ;KC0ATS , all !atr.-i. ln i | i iuv i .- -\J in. n i . . !,">. .

IIYAM'S i"k Y K U C (.) A 'L' H , I DI- C l i i l i l i u n ,\J l i i - m (!- .

II YAM ' S ( \YKKl 'OAT:S for Iiuys , fru t ii l'S.

HYAM'S /"VVEKCOATS , Hir Youth. -, iV-mi\J l:l'.

HYAM'3 "ITtrALKlNC ; COA'J'S. '\\w.,U,I! Cl.nli. , Ac. li..

HYAM'S TXTALKINlr COA'l'S, nil Si _y l«> ,TV »n.i MI U M U I ., in..

ILYAM'S XX7ALKLNG COATS, \Yur.-t ei]f T and F.uic.v C»..tili|i^, -"»« .

IIYAM'S OUlTf-., eVL-ry .Shape anil Man rial.IO 4»«.

IIYAM ' S QUITS, unei|i t alk - il i-lspwlu.-rc . in- .

HYAll'S mROUSElii?. Variety (if Pattern: *,JL K>< .

IIYAM'S rpROL 'SKU S, faHliionable Man-i , ] I. .

I IYAM 'S muul'SKHS :lM il V K S T , t..-L M,it cli , I '- .

I I Y A M S TIT 1( 0 i; S K K .S anil TKST , mi-J- ii|iinl:iil Vail;.- , I'll- .

HYAM\S QLL1C HAT S, iiiisur]ins si-il , In - .

It YAM'S -f TWL'V JIAT S, i-vcry ."!}iii|w amiJJ ...I-II , , u.

II YAM'S IT O.SIKH V or OVCIT kii. -I , at£X Win.!.-:.!.' Pruv> .

An Inustniul 1-KICK LIS'C, « i i l i lull dirrriinns for »c-CU..H '- Sri'.Measurement , will tic loHv.udi-il, I'o l Krcf , "n>I> |. lic.iii.iii.

I'jiivK of the value nf T'.n PnumN anil iipminN will Mf.irn'iiiilrd C A I t l t l A U K I 'AID t.i miy U.(llw«y Slatiun IIIInland.



THE CONTINENTAL WINE AGENCYOfii-rs lo large and s-tnnll Crii>unn-rs iqiir. ! mlTan

tnges in the purchase of •

PUKP: AKD WIIOLKSOM KAVINK S.—TheI ( I . N I I N K M A I . W I N K AU K.NCY .-ul.ri,ii. errxj

Wiiii- lu a >> AICIII.N O > ;X4M1.> AT. ION, anil nulil.t. pir-¦:hn>ei» to M II-CI ir^m u Murk ro.-s-tt'i.Nt. K J E L I AJ I L K II CA L I

T I K 8 . A * tin* A gtncy dL-c.1* nut <Ji --l in unj- Lul pt riftir}¦orsn A M > TI' M'KIH v M.m'i.i.n wisr .«, I... s'.uinpt wnlb(! ll.Hilp In C',|ll[,i-tL- w i th [,nc. s wlltc l l lu cr^>itittt Iht- bdlr t- fImt-riui' qu. i l i l i i .- . NrTllt lnrIe >> , a jn-»l cuir.p..ri.*.,u ol tl.rWint-.-* .-U| (,lii-tl l.y iln- A^.iu-y w i l l i <> i lu - i> at Mm.L.r piict .-.will at I .IILC <irri. (iii.- ti .-.tL' tl .c tlti<|tit>li ( iiMi/lr ; ^. .>ullurrd tu tin: ptllil i-.

Auutiiif l l ie imp.. tHtin : i> nf l l i i - »^'t-nrr nllputi , - n i> | -at l i -in l . ir l j- dun: id i.) ll.o lul lo wii i f ; M-H.- I A I .LV .- I M-A I I II

WlKE ", IMIlll 'ly —" J l A H K l .A.V i: M 1KKKY. " at :i-.'< . jin dizcu and

'M ANSION ll(.;li>E l'WKT ," al UU... prr dm-n, li..ulr.iiliduJct'.

I) HiincliT i : ii.iiuis I LITP lu-i 11 pun to tlii -ft ! \A *inc * toluait lla-iu as M'lciM. Il lr . » nl llu Atchry, Ihcic in, II, inqn.ilili e.H and vi*iy inudt-r.ilc puri-s a^•Ul*ln < thi-ui HII

rici-ptii.ii all .v l . i r f l i rrpulaliun. Tliry no- miM aimnii l j-rrci.u - il ;I » I I, L- I I M lur ^cm:ial ptup.)-i$ , and ML- "t-llMii' .-d tn t l i t - r.tiuir. lufi. ' .N i.t tin* invalid.

Tin- 21.i. CD KIsl'JIAS IUN u.ul^i.s .1 l.n:ilr. l'nri , .1lintib's Sluiry , 3 l..iii! .-» Cl.u.t , 3 1J .- I ¦ It-s. .M II I M !,, , i-m-e rti.dKtltctrtl wiiii', lut-k and kt-y, li .iiil ' - uidurl.-.l . ( I ' l l iequantity, 41..)

The 3IK. CIIKISTMAS MIX c. mains ;i IMII VS Port , 3bolllt - .i Sllrnjr , .') bull It's Cl:i |.l , 3 I11.IU.. ' Chaiiip i i^i.r ,Mipt- iiur ij ll .t hlv. l.o, k :ii.d I.t v "''I "h^ i i i i n . l u l(llnui. ie tlu' ii'.a'iitity,

The -In-. C l I I U . V r . M A S HlX cnniain > :i l.olil '.i 1'i.i t , :lImlil. -s Hi i - i i ) , ;) l i i . t i l .s (" miri , 3 b..til. '» Cliainpapi.. ' , v, iyliiit> f|ii ,ili:y. 1."< 1> ,u,.l li'i :,»J I'.nil" mclu.liil. 11 >.,11 l i elli.' Huantit) , i"Ss.)

Tin-si? Unix ::ii- atliuiia l. l y adaptol .'or pn'M-liu.XOTK !—A I)i.aK!i i f Wisr . ».vi A CKLLAII 10 KM. Pdl'2.131 It IX FOR O.\K Ul' l l lEA.

TIIK LONTlXK.VTAI. W I X R ACKXCVll , UUAL 'KClll i' l iCII « TI!KKT , LONDON , K.I' .V K H M S CASH . l*ost-i:lli. *'1 ^nUr* p.iva ldi- to .1. O- M I I ^I .

W E I R ' S 55s. SEWING MACHINEl M I ' U O V E l ) mid VA TEXTl:!) [ l ; i; e J/.nV..).

Pntiouiscd by II KK JIA J KMV H I K QIT.K.V.


• XX * WKIl fSMlJCTig, Nt:w I'ATK .NT I X T B H M H U A I .l|| fUj|jnCjTlM,lils (uu drtarlii-d N11K ,njflf *NjUBM| Ci <nr .priut<), Sl l .K A Tbril!A Ly* J BIl (J BA BJ , SA T K T V STITCH K i u r .

q &t*r,"j~jL^K/ I .ATO I :, I^H' K U V K I J N I U II K ^L I D K

^ JBPVj P' (J IMMi I I O L I - , .111:1 ulll^r spicia-

I, |i> l..-J al .1 l. tirhlj- .tpiirt' 'I .M-cl.'.l... l l . i t .111M kll i . j . lv .,1all sysSrius , equall ing ill prrlnli .ni , d ina l . i l i i ) , »u.l \V \ ,f , ,,|

wmk , miy A'l" M-itbini '. WOI SK ^ IlY H A M ) OK KUOf

CA L'TI H N. in l t i in i imitniio'.i. Mre ollm-il us"Th e W tir , ' nr " Weir I'rmciplr ," rn-iy ^nnniL- f i i .pn .v.d.M.iilrli.' li..s llir 'lia.le M.u k j-pani ,..l 1.11 l l ir \\ .nk I' .., - '.

N OTI CE.—Tin- Oii |tiinil '•> '<"• M»cliiiie , as Sold l.y W tinilunnn many y.-;ns , \i >t i l l i i iniiuliiLiiii id by Imii , on,I in.wknun 11 and fulJ nt tin- Krduced I'rice ut 1 «s (.igim-iK , tola-PT!lE

*yLOHE X.i -1: FAMILY S K W I X U M A C H I N K .Kvuiy gtuuiup l.lubi: lias W K I H V Name MII .I Ad.ltc>.

ulamp. d iiilu 11"- iiuidli-p ln:.-. Siiid lur piu.-|,ccto> and niicSpi-iiuifiis ot Wuik , pu.-i trie.J AS . G. W EIII , i CarlialC'Strcet , Sobo Squnro, London.

A 'jenU—Mrs. SCOTT & Co., 112 CJu»r , Wntcrloid.T. O. I luw EL, IronnuiiKcr, Currick-on-Suir

10 UK O'lVKN A W A V JA Nr>»r Mfdir nl Woik un JI«iiB|r. - , tin- can-.- anrl cure of|m'ii>aiur. ' <l.i'liiic 111 man, NirTrani iKtii l ity , Im^'U-iicj,\i:, uni t liulm Inr n- vi 'ii! ivi lani '!:- iiiialini'iiliiinit lh.itl l .s - l . IV 1 tl *- l l l . | . | .IMM li l Will 'I 'll l. il.' , 01

p V 'Kl t y A IAK }II S (j\V .\ D O C T O R .Jill r..i To.. M..n.|. MM- 11 a, ilV -,i.| Ihe ....,...- !.¦ 1. "I ii"1

'"'I I - - I - I'.i l'.. - ! , i i .» , pii l il i - l , I . . 1 , ..III. . .. . .I- » l . , . i . l l. ' \ » i i i ' 1 I . 1 . > . l > . - . , I,, in , . ..- 1 » . . -» . I , , , ini i i .H i'ti .i '.J . I '-Ul i i - . .* .;-!.-!' ^.- 1. . . n..- ....i-,.> , , vv 11 li in.-. 1.14i i .. i,.i.d 1.1 M . . 1 . . M . I - , ,,:.ii (. i l .1; .i.- ..ulilit"> 113 LI ut-1 «n IU « -yan- il.- . - .p t i v i - .

A pi.) ...rial., 'Ji l i a r s i x l l 11.l\ i l l triilll^c.l 111 I lit' tri'iillurlllIII l )l'bllll) i l l '- v;:i:uu. I .IL 'Ula l null UflAllUS ullt-Cli. 'lln 1 . -sullllig Ibi'rrlioiii , ml) -,1-iid Inc. 1111 rctx-ipt i/f 'J't tu PennySluii.pH <.u pii'p.iy ptisMci- , a I'.in.plili-t cniiiuiuing bis lii ^blystuTi-s*lul and t.nly ^ali ' tii'iiinieiil , ui th nil tbc ui-i*t-s..aiypiu»,i-rip!iiimt iimi by which i»ufleri-rs ludv citr^llitiiiselvi -« n trilliiig cuat. Addnta Mr. LAtrm, MedinaPublikbcr , 11 Utud Court, Iloluum, London.

Page 2:… · THE -WATEKFOKD NEWS IST1CUSUED 1S17. (Alderman itKDiiONr., Proprietor.) Ii.M'.r.tST GlKCl


TO BE SOU), by Directions of Jfro . Toli .X, whobaa changed her ltcsidcncc, her INTKUEST iu

tho LEASE of that most commodious iloueo knownas X o. 19, tho 3IALL, W,ITEII > OIIP. It contains 3largo Sitting Rooms, 7 Bud Hooms, Servants'Apartments, Pantries, Kitchens, Coal Cellars, largoTank eupp lied with best City Water , 2 W.C., a com-pact Yard aud Garden , the wliolo in perfect Order,not requiring One Shilling Outlay, held undor LKASEfor 38 Yearn, from the 1st DKCF.M HK.K, 1855, at theAnimal Rent of £-12. Immediate Possession will boGiven.

For fu'thcr Particulars nnd Cards to View apply toTHOMAS WAL>11 i. SOX.

Tho Jfall, Watciford, February LSth, 187-1. (It)

A U C T I O NOf IN-CALF COWS, to a Thorough-bred Bull ;¦ do


Tho Subscriber has beeu fiivoured with instructionsfrom Mr. THOMAS SIMKKOIV , who is giving

up his Dairy Farming toS E L L X Y A U C T I O N


TUB underneath VALUABLE STOCK and othorproperty :—20 first class .Milch Cows, in calf

to a pure thorough-bred Hull ; 1 Yearlini; Bull , pur-chased at a very high price from tho stock of ColonelFisher ; 10 Store l'igs j about 30 Tons of prime well-nAYod Upland Hay, in Rick , saved in ('iy weather;10(1 Milk Tuba and I'ails; i Churning Machines withgears ; 1 Portable Threshing Machine, of t ivo-horsopower, by n first-class woll-known English maker j1 do. by llornsby ; 1 Hay Tedder do. ,- Hay nndStraw ; Cutter ; Winnowing Machine ; DrainingPloughs, with other Farming implements.

Tho Subscriber bc<pi to call attcution to tho fa.vorable opportunity for purchasers desirou3 of poss-ossing Stock of first-class breeding and quality.

Tho aboyo will be sold iu lota to suit purchasers.Terms of Sale—Cush. Purchasers <o pay o pet

cent auction fees. Salo to commence at half-past 12o'Clock sharp.

TUOMAS CHAPLIN , Auctioneer , ValuatorHouso & Commission Agent, Patrick-street ,Kilkenny.

T E A ! !H E N R I ' W H I T E & C O .

ALL attention to their CHOICK TEAS AXDCOFFEES.

T1IK TKA AT 3s- l'KR LU.Is highly recommended.

WAKEUOUSK : 30 & 31, QUAY , WATKKFOItD ,(li\T K l;i:i & 131, I'.V K A H E ).

K.4M;>M isas. [uUl-lim]u r, x v.); A L c o M M r s s i o x A X D


M I C H A E L D O W N E Y ,(Late Agent for tho Milfonl and (ilusgiiw Steamers),1~)EGS respectfull y to inform Owner-! of all lies-

J criptions of .Mcrclmihlui' that ho has com.mcnccd tho Business of GKXKit .VL COMMISSION'anil I 'ORWAKDIXG AGENT , ami wil l iimlertafce tlioSale, Ac, of any Good* entrusted to his care.

Ho further begs to state that , from iris long ex.perienco in connection with tho Port and Trad e ofWaterford , lie hopes to j ;m; .'very sati-faetion to thoseMerchants who may kiudl y favour him with theirOrders.>'o.2, Adul phi. Watcrford , January , 1S7I. j l iMt


BEG to int imate thai they have now added to theirbiisim-ss a 1SKASS FOUNDH Y:md BSGIS ESU.

ING KSTA1SL1SHMENT , where Hrass Work of everyjoscrifitioii will li« cast and liiiislnil <rll ' in First-class*lyle, and with as little delay as possible.

MFLKAN- and M C I NTOSII also beg to tender theiisincere thanks for the kind patronu'eo bestowed onthem, and hope, by their constant attention to busi.ness, tn merit a iunume of

S&j T Lta il , lit -r t f f , ( '")')'> T, and Jinn Hurt's3, LIT'm: OKOIH JK ' S .s'l'HKKT , V'ATKUk'ORD

and It OKK -IXX STiiKKT ,— (ireeu-housos CuMsiTViitorics , and Public

Buildings Heated on the most improve! princi ple bythe circulation of hoi water. (mvl3-'im *

l l , lSAKICON.STII .lNl, S l I t K K T , W.U Kl lWUUSS-rtembrrZ Ut , 1ST:.'.

H E N R Y A U D L E Y & CO."VXT HILK returning their sincere and grateful' * acknowledgments to the public for tho

•wtiMiJ- ive Patronage hitherto bestowed upunthem , hrg to acquaint tln -ir kind patrons thatthey havo milled to their Stock, n all Depart-ments , <' " M 1' i: I s i N i.:(juocKlilKs .U'.cl Oll.s, I'n.I I MKItVITA LI A N U ODH S, Cui.uiiis, (..'I I A X I I I X I I V ,

l):n-i;s, COUDAOI :,CANVAS , Ac.

which they can eonlidciitl y—Sow Aiii:srs in Wateiford for I'K .V.IICK

and IK-CIIAX 'S PATENT PAINTS.CJj" Orders executed with accuracy ami des.


M R . C A U 1) £ >'.


fc»3"' TJIK MALL , WATKJ 1FORI ) .

TO BE SOLD,rt vn: I .AX D S or I ;J ;I;KM !.\N K . App ly t»X

¦ jail t '• I. Tl lORXTOX , Solicitor


SO QUAY , <nnl Ciinior uf ( .'(t .ND L'lT LAN 'K,ii ' .rn-.v.Ty.'.1/' .

W I L L I A M 1'l .H V K i :ll'-^-i respi-ctl 'ull y 11/ iniiniai .- hi Frii-i.ds thu

I'ublii: i-i.i.|-:illy, tl ';.i. li"! liasTVT"W Ol'KN , Hie iilmvi- STOHKS , when.- W ln.pes ,.L\ In- siriri attvi i t ioi i In I IIIMI :<'-S mid kirfp iugI 'ny very BUST W i X E S and SI'l HITS imrit n^ll;^rc ul' p.itrciii:i '<' .

Mm M- KKI "i 'Ki:s w i l l 11ml il their intiTC.-l I" patruli-ifi: t i n - a i/ ov< - .> T J .'i l / I i .- l i i i i i-nt .

C«4*" Pi 'M>v jli.vrvf the addi i 's* :Si>. f i ' I ' J IK I }I;AY ,

( <:. . , - „ ¦ .¦ r,f I:,,,I i . i i i i .nuc),fi> s '\\:\ri-:i;tviti>.

CI, K A li A X ( -' I-: .S A L E .

i i . w i Ni ; cuMi' i . i : i KD .\;v

A X X I " A I , N T Of K - T A K I X t i .AM'

RE -M.\ r .Ki :n nil-: i sKsinn: OF MY STOCK ,Considerably Under Cost,

1 W I I .I ,O P P E U ALii FOR S A L E

i / V V<A.V "A'«' 'U ' J .. ' rnt.l.'j U I X < ; OA Wi.

W 1 1- I . I .\ M K l v h L Y ,i l i l . r . l .V K K Y , MAXTLI - :, A N D GEXERAL

pl.'A l 'K l iY WA l lKI IOL ' SK,

C^>" " 7 ' . U '¦' - I 1'. »'A TK U h ' O U D .

S. I!. A J'(H" OF


G I; i: A T I- V II E 1) I" C E J) P R I C E S!

February li , 1S71. W-tf


J - > ( i r i U . E TDXTi r i iE Drab or lilack Proof CoatB,>

' '

. . , . lMi i i .^.. . . . . .. . ; . . il - i . do. for WalkiD!;.

i i - .,"i, Tx i i l W.i 1. . i- |.i'i. iif Coals, « i i!i movable Log.

^•iii. ' i..,- l i- -•-I...11 , lSiii.t" i- llu: 1 n^ Aprons.I , . ; i , C ' l l i l l ' l I ' 1 - I M . - A pl'llliM.

C . . l- l | tl :l-li " > ll;';'' l.lli.' 'T Ho.V f.'-i-'lH.

I - ..; , j : , , : , » .- > l. -u-.- i i . -.'- and Fi-!iii . ( { StockiugH.1 , 1 , - ' : ;. . . t - ai ii l.'idin^' J 11-I eta iu Drab ami

i ; , . . : : . . !..- ..V l. - ii r. -iiii.c.-, bl.icl; rovors 'ljle Walking(• •• - .

Aii- .Ciislii»i '. -", I'illuw / ", kv.r>-." .>„ ¦ • • .

¦ ¦•¦. (- ¦ : 1 i;ri ,- ,.i-..' ..i.vh: lu <-r.l - 't.' I 1. TUU1N A- «ONS,

ji r , . i l i (ju: iy, Waterford .X If. • ¦ A' .fM -1 l"1' tlie . 'M IMTAUV K KHI'LATION WA -

Ti l:, -i ;'. '.it 'M »'•

V/.atcvford and Limerick Railway-

- -D Tl lT !-> !ll-"f.-.l!V < i I V K N ', thai tho TRANS.'• • Vl- I! r-.H >: K a' .'l .Si'A K K BOOKS of this" ' .,,v w ;'i !•<• '•!"•''' !">m ''"' 1:'"' until tho 28tl1

.'''". ' i , , - \ , - l-s ! c' i- :vc—It y order,

' r " ' ., , .• •.VI.,: ¦ XICOLL , Secretary.

Wa 't-rlord, Oth Fi 'brnavy, i>71.


THIS is n, Central and Corafortablo Ilotel, in whicheverything can bo had Ok tho raost modorato

terms.83J- Best Dublin and "WexTora Spirits ; alsoBrandios

Wiucs, Porter, Ale, 4c. (nui5-tf.)t§5" Cars oa Iliro at tho ahortost notice




Granted to CANADA. Particulars of which can behad on appp lication to J. II. JltJ iwiv , Agont.

Steamers to Now York twice a week, from Queons-iotvu, Liverpool, Dcrry, Dnbliu , Glasgow, and London.First-class Ships from Liverpool and London to Aus-tralia un<i Queensland once a month.

KmiRiation Office—43 NEW LANE, CARRICK.ON-SUIR. [jaO-tf?






P R I Z E M E D A L ,D U B L I N E X H I B I T I O N , 1 S 7 2 .

D I P L O M A OF M E R I T ,V I E N N A K X I I I B I T I O X , 1873.


¦WHY S H O U L D I ?ilViy sltoubl I gn lo 3f. SMYTH for WJ HOOTS tn

preference to any of/ic t ?WHY YOU SHOULD :—M. SMYTH keeps the

lurgiist and roost varied stock of HOOTS in theCity, everybody being fitted at tho shortest notice,Why you should : Tho Manufacturing of M. SMITH'SBoots aro specially attcuded to, nnd you may haveconfulcnco in them. Why you should : M. SMYTH 'SBoots nro always adapted to tho Season ; therefore,yon can always bo on a right footing. Why youshould: M. SMYTH aims moro at keeping SuperiorBoots, and charges tho Lowest remunerative Profits.Finally, why you should : M. SMYTH makes no SecondPrices, so that all , young ami old , are justl y deal t with

Koto—THE GLASGOW HOUSE , Sign of tho .Mon-ster Boot, 3K, HAUltONSTRAN D-STHKET (Next thoGroat Clmpel), Wutcrford. [jy 'J-iat]

Establishments—Kilkenny and Carlow.


MAN of largo experienco wishes for Employ-ns abovn; has been particular)* emp loyed with

much success in tho Breeding and Rearing of Stock .Understands Tillage and tho care of Pasture. Can>o hig hl y veciunmraded. A pply, " J. W." OlKco ofthis paper. -t

W A N T E D,A D A H ! Y - M A I D and TWO DA IRY (URLS ,

fcii" A pp ly 10 JOHN BUTLER , MIXAL ' S, CALLAN, Co. Kilkenny. ffi-'tt

The Ulster Marine Insurance Co. (Limited)

CA P I T A h :—£100,000, full y subscribed.niBKcrous:

C!a.\s. Dl FUN , K«|., Clmiruiiiu , I ALI:XIS1'1: R M'LA I S I:, K«IM. It. D.U.MAV, K»|., M.I'.; IlKMir I!i>YH, Iv'ij.J. I". CO K K V , !!-<)., I K. H. Tim»rso.N, K«|.

SliuiOTi ami l.'iHli rwritcrs, Messrs. SiNCLAiu & llovn. IlutfCurgoes nnd Freights Insured on Moderate Terms.

C liras prompt l y and liberally settled. Kates takenupon the spot by the Local Agent ,

L. A. RYAN , Watcrford.X.B.—This is tho only Irish Ollice doing Marino

Insurance liusiuess. [ja!2-l y]


COLLIERY EXTKXSION.Notice of Deposit of Final Award."VTOTICE IS H K U K B Y GIVKN , that pursuant toJ^l tho "Tho Southeni Railway [Deviation audBranches] Act , lSlili," " The Railways ' Act (Ireland),lt>r.l," "Thu Railway s' Act (Ireland), 1SUU," aud" thu Railways' Act (Ireland), 1SIH," the undcrnamedJnsKi 'ii Fisili ioi ' i iNK, of Ashlield Hall , Carlow, iu thoQueen's County, Esquire, tho Arbitrator appointedby the Commissioners of Public Works iu Ireland ,has framed his Final Award, setting forth tho Priceor Compensation to bu paid by tho Southern RailwayCompany, iu respect of tho severa l interests in thoLauds required and specified bv the Compauy for thoconstruction of the COLLIKKY KXTMXS 1ON HAIL-WAY (n« authorised by thu lirst mentioned Act) , orinjurious ly alt'ected, ami the Works to be made andmuiutaiiied -by the Company for the accommodationof the lands adjoining tho Railway—»which Award ,bearing date the Oth day of January, 1S7-1, w«s dul ysigned ami sealcil by the said Arbitrator, and was byhim dul y deposited , 011 01 before the iind day ofFebruary, Jh7-I , with tho Conimissidncrs of PublicWorks in Ireland , al tui .'ir Ollici: iu tho CustomHouse, Dublin , and ou or before same dato a Copythereof was deposito! with the Clurk of the Peiicjfor the county of Ti ppemry, at his OlHco in theCourt Hmise , (nonmu! , iu tho .Southern Division ofthu (."011111}- ; and on or beforo the same dato copiesof so much therej f as relates to the Electora l Divi-sions in which any such lands are situate, with theClerk of the Poor Law Union in which such L'lec-tural Division i< sitiiali.1—thai is to .«ay, with theU h i k of the I'oor Law Lniuu tif Cashel, u: his ofHeciu Cashel , in thu County uf Ti puurnry 1 ; and with thuClrrk of thu I'wir Law L'uioti of L'l'lingfoni , lit hisOlliee iu L'rling f'j rd. iu the County of Ki lkenny.

A MI Xuiiri: is J l i .'i iKiir FniriiKit (J UKN, that allpersons ehtiming to Imvt: any .light to, or interests intlii! J.:ui'l.<, tliv [ iiicu or fwrnp-iis.-i l iun to liu ]i»id i/ire.-pi ."ft of which i s -.isci'ita 'iM'd by such AwarJ , wivrc'fjilil'i-d 10 il'.'livrr, on or before Monday, the :(rdilay of March , 1>>7" I . I') lip: Company, aL thi .-ir Olliucs ,Kti:ulbiir^h House, Bi-.'nii|i .<).'ati: Mn:et Within , iu the.City uf London , or In ihcir U!:iler>i gin.'d Sulicilor , aslioil Miit i-mi 'i i i ( iu writing) nf tlui iiatuni 11! suchclaim, aii 'l a sliv rt ali-n.i'.". nt 1'it- t i l l e «» wliied suchl.i foli lnlril .

D.i'.ud this iml Fi-li., 1V 7 I .Jt l Sll l 'l l n.- i l l l l O U I iX K , Ashlield Hall ,

Carlow , Ai'liitralorI!. K K R N . VGH AN , Solicitor , Hi , Lower Fit/.,

utrunt , Dubliu ,70 Bisliop-giiii!street Within ,London. (I2.:it

THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY.¦XT OTICK IS H K R K I I Y ( i l V K X , that the G B N K -i>l R A L I IAM ' - Y K A K I . Y MKKTI N ( i of thoS I I A R K I I O L D K U S i i f t h u ubnvu CO.UI 'AX Y, will boIn-Ill at thu liuHi'd-riiain , 7", l<i>hup 's-gali> -«ireutW i i l i i n , L'linliiii , \'.\'., mi S A T l J I i l J A Y , Il iu iSth dayul 1'KliKl ' Al tV , 1 7 1 , al lnilf.p:^t Uvu u'ciock in thoalturiiiiun , 10 ruci-iv o tlin uf l int Dir. Ltors, andb.ilain .'c >ln;i!t to :llst Dic.-inli •!- , |s7:i , and thu audi-tor 's report thureou.

And iioti-ji: is htMvby given tint Mjij or.t irm.'rall l i invink'g, CM!., ami Win. Fin-li"s , K.«|., ( l« n o l thediu'Clor.-J , and Henry Miiotc I' l-owiiri gjr, i'.'-'ii-, (iitiuol ' tiiu ai i ' i'ilors), rctin: liy lotatiou , Inn being i:!igil;kl,thfy iv.-| eclivrly oll'i .'f i l iuit inflve a for re-election.

Hy order ,K. F. M U L Y A N Y , Sravtaiy.

And notici: is fuitli i.-r givi'M tiiar. iiniiifdia ti.'ly ontho coi'.elusioii of lliu onliiiai -y busini .'S?1, ihc nieulingwill liu made fpi:cial for thu lollmvin;; pui|iosi .'S, viz :

To con^iihT , and if a'-'ri-ed 10 approve nt ,I. " A Hill now pending in raihainciil promoted

liy tUo Compuiiy, unlitluil A Hill to em(i'»ti ;r tin."Soiillic-ni J.'.iilivay Coiu|iiiiy lo 111 iko an lixlensiunrailway to Tlnirles , to fitter into trallic arrangiMnenlswith other iMilw:iy t-ompiiiiics toi-u.ili lo tlm Waterfordand LiiiK-rick Itiiilwny Company to subscribe f. -.rportion of I hi! capital of tin* ('oinj iuiy, and for otlicrpurposes."

•Jt. An agri'i .'iiii .'iil l ic lwi ' i i i i l lu! (,'o:npany of the om:part , mill (.he Watrrfoiil ami l . i ini 'riuk l tai lwny Coin-puny ol ' tlm (itlii .-r , for 1 In; winking , in:tin , '11111renewal by tliu last ti -itni:d Compuoy of tfio AlainLino Railway and Colliery Kxtuisun Line K-ii twayof tho Company.

Dated this 2nd day of February, 1S71.'I!. F. M l i l . V A X V , Si'crotarv.

I!. K K H S ' A l i l l A K Si.ilicimi '


NOTICE I S H K R K l i Y K I V K N , that ihu OrdiiLi iry1IALF.YKAK1.Y ( i K N K K . M j M KK V I N I ! ol

the Shareholders in thu WaHTl 'iinl ami I i i i n i i u k l{ -. il -way Company wi l l hi! held at tin: H K .MI D r i i i 'i .s olt!iu Coui|.aiiy, W A T D I i l O I M I T i : i : .MlXi ; .<, o-i Sumrday, llw SSili F I M I I S U A R Y , in.-i'.., at l ln- hour ol]J H'ClOck , 11OO1I , (l.l- till! pill '(HiM! Ill ' H'CI .'il- ilij r ;,|,|lonsiilclillg ll"! ninctuis ' lt -l> .n I . ;m I SI :I 1. M I I .T U I . O

Accounts of the ('<iin|i»'iy fur lint I .IM )I - I

thu lilsv D W K M B K H h:M , and fur thu li'at.sauiiniof other Ordinary H i'i"'!-s '.1 ih- C imp my.

A. STKl ' l l l '.yS, ( :i.:iiinmn.,1. V. N1COI.L , Scvrutiu-y .

][i!iid OlUeu.-;, Waiurf.inl Turin inns ,Huh I'rln- i:.rV , l> w l . f l 'J.'.'i i .

The Eclipse Baking and Egg Pov/dcrSURPASSES all in .hers , si'id i:i i lm bi-i- i. and must

ili-est iv.-. '..'ho SHAH'S SAI .X'i : ami 1 l.rSHAH'S KKLI.SH. and all kind.i of Fi-h Sam-i-s :.ndCoiidilili -nt!' , wlK ilei ialf uf I In- Mniiu i i iei u i"i .-, SI I A M I

\- Co., Kxporl l'riivisiiin M':n:h inn :u»l Sln|i !'n,v.- .ilores, Oivcn Uank , Too!t'y .suc> 1 , I. - H I I I - I M , ."- .I J .

5 }* Hams, H.uon , cin 'i s'', I'.-rk , !*•»: : > l > > - ^ , amiOiits j inichiisi'ii tu any i'. \ : i n i . il .'i

r^ALCOHl'h'!;! A-t-C KfiiLV. A\ ' ti 'OIDEJp lil I'liM, I'l.Jons FALI-OVI', i.'J L l - J - i r S.ic!. vil i- .-. I - i ui , D uli l iu



(jTENTLEMEN :The lato hour on Monday night

at which tho poll wa9 declared of tho election oftho Roproscntativcs for your County, preventedmy being able to thank you personally in opencourt, as I intended to have done, for tho greathonor you have conferred upon me, not only inchoosing me as ono of your representatives, butalso for placing me in tho proud position of beinghead of the Poll.

For this honor I now bog leavo to tender toyou my most grateful thanks, and to assure youthat 1 shall study to tho utmost tho interest ofyour County and shall give my support to anymeasure which I Hhall consider will benefit .Ireland.

T reorrct that I was prevented by tho short-111 ¦ 1.. ,ime allowed for my canvass from mak-ing the personal acquaintance of each of you, aamy wish was that no elector should be a strangerto me; and I trust that my career in Parliamentwill meet with your approbation. It

I remain,Your obliged and faithful servant,

CHARLES DERESFORD.Curraghmore, February 17th 1874.

To Schools, Libraries, Literary Institutes, &c


Bonnd Volumes and Fifty-sovon unbound Nnmborsof tho bighly-ostecmcd Magazino , " REVUE DESDEUX MOXDES." Application to bo mado to thoLibrarian. U

PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO.¦plCIIAllDSON , BROS., & Co., havo pleasuro in£\) iuformiug the Trado that tho Dopots aro nowfu l ly stocked for tho season with Genuino PERUVIANGOVERNMENT GUANO, and orders will bepromptly executed.

Thoy caution Consumers against importations ofinferior Guanos, which nro boing offered to tho Publicwith inducements in price impossiblo to bo givenwith a genuine article.

Tho names of Joiia fide Dealers in Peruvian Go-vernment Guano ia oach district will bo furnished onapp lication.

Any information regarding sales of spurious Guanosin tho namo of Genuine will bo highly valued andreccivo immediato attention. s20,3t

30, Donegal Place, Belfast, 2mo. lltli , 187-».


BlfliHBlSj NOTICE TO BUILDERS.( Offico of Commanding Royal Eugincot5 in Ireland , Dublin Castlo,( 11th Fobruary, 1874.

riTENDKU S nro required from persons desirous ofJL entering into Contracts (from 1st April, 1S7 I , tn

31ut March , 1S77, inclusivo), for tho pcrformanco ofsuch ARTIFICERS' WORK as may bo required attho undermentioned Stations , viz. :—

C O R K D I S T R I C T .(As per tho War Department New General Schedules

for Ireland).1. Balliucolli g.'I. Haudou , nud Clonnkilty.It. Unntry and Whiddy Islands ; and Bcro nnd

Garnish Islands, Itantry Bay ; and Skibborcon ; (1Cper cent, extra allowed for work at Bere and GarnishIslands, and 10 per cciit. extra for Skibborcen).

\- Buttcvant , Mallow, and Millstreot , ami RifloRange nt Ballinvonear near Bnttovant , and TemporaryBarrnck at Killmnllock (IU per cent, extra allowedfor work at RiQo Rango) .

o. Cahir , and New Inn , and tho Riflo Rango atScarlnnglornno, near Cahir (5 per cont. extra nllowcdfor work at tho Kitlc Range).

0. Carrick.ou Snir.7. Cashel .S. Clare Castle, and Temporary Barrack at Eunis.!l. Cloghccn.10. Cloumel , and Riflo Range near Clonmcl (5 per

cent, extra allowed for work at Riflo Range).11. Cork, Cat Fort, Elizabeth Fort , and Lock

Hospital ,1U. Cork Harbour , viz., Quecnstown , Haulbowline ,

ocky Island , Towers, Spike Island , Camdon Fort,and Cnrlislo Fort (10 per cent, extra allowed forworl: at Catnden and Carlis/o Forts).

Hi. Duncaunon Fort , Rifin Range, and Towers (5per cen(. extra allon-cd ibr Uagabon Toivtr).

11. Duugarvun , and Knlliramult (5 per cent, extraallowed for Jlallinamult.)

13. Ferinoy , and Mitehclslown , and Riflo Rangonpn r Kanturk (S per cent, extra allowed for work atRifle Kiu.Be).

lit. Fethard.17. Fort.i on the Lower Bhannon , viz., Can-rick

Inland , Donuaha , Kilcrctlanc , Kilkcrrun , ScatteryIsland , and Tarbctt.

IS. Kilkenny.lil . Kinsalo, including Clmrlos Fort, and tho Rifle

Range near Pregliane Racrcourso (H per cent, extraallowed fur work at tho Riflo Range).

20. Limerick ; and Riflo Range and Huts al Wood-Cock Hill (10 per cent, extra allowed for work ntWoodcock Hill).

ai. Ncnag h.21. New Uoss.'S- i. Roscrra.'J I. Tcmplcmorc, and Riflo Rango near tho Barracks

(5 pi^r cent, ax t ia allowed for work at Rillo range.)'S'I . Ti|ipur.iry.•H i . Tnilec, and Killanify (10 per cunt, extra al-

lowi-il for wc;rk at Killarney).•S i . Wexfui-il .a!). Ynuglinl , and Rillu Range (3 jior cent, extra

alhiwi'd lor work at Rillu Kiinge).Onu I'ci.-'iin nr C'oinjiiiny may Temlrr fur any 0110

ur iimn; iil' lhe fciregning Cnutraets.'i'liis I'ui-.-on WIIOKO Ti-ndor limy bo acccopted must

bo prepared to miter intii a Bond, w i th i.wo eligiblosccuritii'5 , jointl y and si'paiai.d y tn bu bound underIt penally lit 1" "", for thu duu |K.-rforinai:cu of thoCiiiiu acl.

P<!i'so>i3 iii;.iin>i].s of Ii-iidering can oluain t't>n»iof T(;mh:i- with Condil ions uf Cunli-aci, a,til i!ie prin-ted Kuhi'diilijs D [ I' ricL1.-, as well us vvvry information,on app lication at the Hoyat Kng iurcrs* Olliccs atCork , Cli iuuiul , Ferinoy, ur Limerick , cm any week-day between the hours uf lOav.d 1 o'clock , np toSaturday, 1 lus istli lVhni.-iry inclusive , nftcr whichdatu in) Forms will be issued.

A payment of Kighl .Shillinpa ami Kight Peucewill be recpiirwl from ouch Ctuididato for tho Sched-ules of tlm PricCF.

Tho Letters of Tender t" be Kcalud , and transmit-ti .'d under covet tn " Thi! DiuHj tor of Cot itracts, 5,New-street , Spring Ganlun , London , S W.," so UMin hi; rcL-L'ivod on or buforu '1'iiesday, tho 10th March1S7 I , nuil us hi ; niarke'l 011 thn mitsidi : '• Tendj r forWork, &c, at ," as llie case may bo.

Tlm Seerelary uf Stale for War doi's nul bind himsoil' in ncuiMit the lowest or any Tender.

N O I b . —r i irtiR S about to 'l ender aro informedthat owing to ihi: incriMlse in thej prices of workman-shi p and material *, the nso of the. old A and li WarDepartment Scheduh-s in to bo di.ictuitinuud, midN«:w Guiiera l Schedules havo been prepared , to cunioj nio oj ieratiuti ou 1st April with tho Ni ?<v Contracts.

Alliance Life and Fire AssuranceU U Jl 1' A N y ,


r It K s 1 11 B X T:Sir M LWK K MoNtKnoii K, Hart., F.R.S.

(55}", Rate of Assurance mid evoijinl'orniatiim may bu bad of

Mit. K1011A HI ) HA1UUS, A«cnt,Stock and Shurebrnkur , Lr. Thomas -st.. Wuter ford.

U A U I X K ASHVl lAXC K.Cargoes, per Sti.-iiini.-r and S.-iilini- Vensul, to imy

Port in tlm Irish , Bristol , nnd Kn^li.ih ChiinnoUInsini'd nil viTiy Mndci-aio Turin:', as well as all Senrisks. War risks taken. (i(\

JUDSON'S DYES-18 Colors, 6d. each.RIBBONS , WOOL , SII.K , FKATII fJKS , comp letely

Dyed in Ten Miiiutu.", without soiling the hands.f u l l i',i s'i-H '.(i' *.ipp i;ei l. Of all (,'/n'mi's(.<

n..i H lul iw.-/ .

JUDSO.WS DYK.S'. - mix,; AT inoi K.—JUU iO.N ¦

HUI |,I K I I V K - an; ||I"»I II TI II ) ;H ,,I ,l].- . I ,,:,:. IIil ,!,,. !. ,.^»il '<« , fi'.-nliHS sea rlii , lao-, Ki.ii.l . %Vil. , l i . i i . l l . . n:lii< ., I- !,. UI N'I , IIMIO -.- , SI I-I I - HII KI U W I. , ,., .„„• m, , . l l ,irtu:l > ' i 'fib |.» i' MIK-.<lly Ire '1 )"1 i" •< !->« ¦ 11. IIT ,- ,' »i i l , , .ut ,,1,11,, ^ ii, r I,.,,,,!, ,Ti.,|.:t t iil » ^(iitii ,cruiUMi , :I . .; II \V, |,iii|i||., pink , |iiiutv;ul , cl.url ,&:

JCD'ON'S DVH-i . -I'II 'ITI I;:, .H'I I I I : y \ r n a IM - I T I V K «ni iiiinTo-i-niM- »liiiuM !..¦ .I,,, , . ,, | ,,. l,,,i v> ;m-i ..nd il.mvi li inmiitid I" ¦! I I .II Intli nl J U I W I X ' s DYES , l l nu i t i lu lil i ' - its nri: Hm.i |II «.!IIIV 111 Irtn- ii , I' III S- , llmn-ii , .IIM I yntlii - r l iu i i lul ciilmi >. - -U . . -J u . l , , , , , 1, Dj,» l.r (UMiriul liutiu s!

,I U DS:iS' .-- l)YKS. -i'Kt:x« , iiiii,-i:< , yi ,o\TER< , nml«i;.*.\vi:i:n '" ¦> be ilvt-il it ,-.\i]twi.r r..l<nii!<, uirrn, ciiin-? ¦•II . |iui|.l. -, ".riirlc-t , *c. liv 'l i l i li ly I |I ;.|I I I I » l l l i -Hi ill a unlll-11 us ..1 , IUI>S ON ".s D Y K S . I'liaunn,^ ll,mi|iict m.iy beC'-mp' ^'"l.

. l i ; i»SII .\'S I)VK S- i.u- - IMC - IM; -A Nixiii-niiyl:>i:il, nf JUK .-iu.V.S DVI -. -, Yi.. i.-i , Url . < i ,M ,.¦.•• ¦11111 , willin ;> k> * l inl ' a |> ii it ni luii l iah L w i l l i n g ink l it '.ini> tiiii iult ? liyM 'M lil y 111M1111; Im: willi'l .

.IU I KILN'S DVK>.. l-°i- r< -i.l iiu riiiv Aii:l.ilri:lui'al I'l.u,- , Ar..\lucll tl-illljlir ui.<y lif >;Uril in >.'lin I I|_> II;. rulilllis In || tllll-I -Mil t in '. 'i'! i j HM > !¦• 11.•¦ I i i l l i ' i ir, li l.nisl, or |n i:.l;.i-.- I'.i.k . l'n,:'li , I' . 11 i.tli mjr , lii.¦!¦.,, I;,,,,M.i'j mi ':', urn '. 1-J -'Hu t -li ¦¦'• ¦

J U H - U.N'.S D Y E- i. - l- '"!' >' aiii ' i. - W.i..«l t\i\.,:,,\ wil l ,» i '. 1. Tl.i.« Mnk i l . - ip ly 111 I.1 l l ,<- U M . . - tiuU »il | IM .t rn |, 0||.Tliry 'mil" ll:i- mini r ..,1...;. ¦, .ll M ill .11 IWinI , |,i |(|,tI t i i i i i i '«¦!- N:.i 'mi.- nii) m II - i - ¦ \ ¦ ; • ! : • ; N'.- . •_• U! . , ,k i uriv. i lnu' ; l.'. , i i u > li, - .. l : i , ; ... - , , i. '.:ik , .'.iri-niln maijr iil.i ,; .l , l , , . . i . x , , !l , . t ,• .:„¦, .. ,

M.\Ti:xri: I - KI ; I'.nrt 'i.i-: op CIIKSII - TS A M -r TAl ' lU . N Kl I S h V K l . 'Y " 11SI.'!.'. j. 'i.o'm


Bog to call attention to theirQ T J P E R I O B W E L L . H O P P E D ATJ B* t&~ AT 1B. PER GALLON,Which is patronisod nnd highly approrod of by

Public Institutions and by Private Families.IT IS IN BRISK AND SPARKLING CONDITION ,



5IESSRS. DAVIS STRANGMAN & CO.ARE open to receive TENDERS for tho Construc-

tion of STORES and MALT-HOUSES at MARYSTREET, Waterford, as per Plans and Specification ,Copies of whioh may bo bad for £2 23. oaoh, or in-speoted at tho Brewery, Proo of Charge f20.3t*

"PROPAGATION OP THE FAITH.Total amount roceived from all Ireland from 1ST

JANIMKI , 1874, to 2ND FEBRUARY ... £431 1B- 3d,DlOCKSE OP OSSORY .

Ven. Archdeacon O'Shca, P.P., Ballyhale,Knocktopher (annnal) 1 0 0

Subscriptions por do 2 0 0From Parish of Gowran, per Rov. John

O'llanlon, P.P. (including £1 Is 8d, thoannual subscription of Mr. Miohae tHogan) 6 1 0

Per Rev. James O'Gorman , P.P., Conahy,Jenkinstown , (including £l , tho annnalsubscription of Miss Brennan, Counhy) S 0 0

Per John Nolan , Killadooly,Donoughmore ,Queen's Co 0 17 0

£11 18 0DtOCF.SE OF W.lTEUrORD.

Subscriptions from S.S. Potor and Panl,Clonmol, por Moat llov. Dr. Power, LordBishop of Watcrford , through Rey. C. J.Flavin , C.C., Clonmol 10 5 0

Per Mr. Francis E. Cane, Manor TorracoHill , Waterford 0 C 0

Per tho Right Rev. Dr. Fitzpatrick , LordAbbot, Mount Melloray Abboy, Cappo-qnin 4 6 8

Mi83 Hannah Browne, Great Georgo's-st.,Watcrford (annual) 1 0 0

Per do 0 3 0

£W O 8


Apply to JAJIKS KXO.\, Blackfriars, and SijnaroIt

STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORSIn tho Goods of THOMAS PIIE LAN , late of John 's-gstrcct , in tho City of Waterford , Bras3 Founder

and Commission Apcnt , - - - Deceased.NOTICE IS HKUKBY GIVEN, pursuant to the

Statnto ii'Juii nnd 23rd Viet. chap. 35, to allPersons Claiming to bo creditors of, or otherwise tohavo any Claim or Demand againBt tbo Estato of thopaid Deceased, that Letters of Administration of allanil Bingnlar , his Personal Kstntc and BtTecta wcrogranted forth of tho District Registry nt Wntcrfordof tho Court of Probato in Ireland to ELLKN PHELAN ,of Jobn 's-street, in said City of Watcrford , Widow,on tho 37th day of May, 1873. And all PersonsClaiming to bo Creditors! of tho said THOMAS Pi! ELAN ,Deceased, or otherwise having any Claim or Demandou his Estate aud Effects, are hereby required on orbeforo tho 1st day of April , 167-1, to send to saidELLEN PHELAX , to her residence in John.streot,afore-said, or to nor Solicitor, tho undersigned JOSEPH W.HOWARD , the particulars of all such Debts, Claims, orDemands.

And in dofanlt thereof tho said ELLF.N PHELAN will ,on or immediately after tho saiil 1st day of April ,1871 , proceed to disposo of tho Assets of tho saidTHOMAS PHELAX amongst the persons CDtitlcd thore-to, having regard only to tho Claims of which thesaid ELJ.KX PIIF.LAX , or her said Solicitor , shall havohad notice.

Dated this 12th day of February, 1874.JOSEPH W. HOWARD , Solicitor , 37 Nerth

Great (icorge's-strect , Dublin , and 3DKing-stroot , Waterford . f20-3t


WORKHOUSE SUPPLIES WANTED.rilHE BOARD of GUARDIANS of the above UnionJ- will , at tlieir MEETING , to lio held onTHURSDAY, tho urn MARCH, 1H74, considerTEN'DEKS for tho following, doliverod free of charge-,at tho Workhouse, at Hucli times und in such quanti-ties ns may bo required.

fuj Provisions (us specified in handbills) from 23thMarch, 1874, to 3!Jth September, 1874.

(b) Establishment Sundrios , from 25tli March ,1«74, to 2Uth September, 1874.

Tenders for tho above, accompanied with Samples,will bo received by me, not lator than 4 o'cloct, p.m.,on TUESDA Y, tho 3ui» MARCH.

The Guardians will, on sumo day, consider TEXUEUSfor:—

(c) Clothing (quantities required set forth in Hand-bills) according to Standard Samples in possession ofMaster of Werkhouso.

((?) Medicine for Workhoaso aud four Dispensariesfor 12 Months , from 'J3th March , 1874.

(<•) Printing of the Union for 12 Months, from 25thMarc h , 1874.

(/) Inserting all the Ordinary Advertisements oftho Union for same period.

Tcndei-ii for ahovo will be received by mo up to 11o'clock, a.m., on TIIOSIIAY , GTH proximo.

Thu Perfion declared Contractor for Medicine willbo required to ,«uppl y Five Cop ies of his Tender.

Forms of Tender with list of Articles required canbe had ou App lication.

By Order of tho Hoard ,JOHN F. HOYLE , Clerk or Union.

Cli .'ik ' s Office , llith February, 1K74. (f2U-3t)


OUSH .'.:» MAXtm -STKEKT , containing 1-1Apartments, with Water Uloaet nud I'anlrics.

An amp ly supp ly of Spring Wnti'r.A pply to JollX II VAN , liroad street.-\uv. I I , Ih73. tf



•Si'curity required . T. 'l\rr.OK , Indigo BlueWurks , (J KKAT C;KoiiiiK '.s.sTiiKCT, URISTOL. fKI-2t



(.Siicowor U, 11'. X/mi/iv).

Ml!. O'llKILLY begs to inform the Nobility,

Gentry, aud Public of the County and adjoin-ing Ciinntii.'S that Ilubineas is RKSUMED in tho nbovoold established Factory. A largo variety of-Carriages,Curs, Croydons, &c, un hands, uud every descri ptionof Carriage , Cars, &e., will be found equal to Dublinor London Built. s!£34" Rupa ii-K done in supcriorstylo , nt Low Prices.


R O S S .

3Jovt ilctos—2JassrtftcA R R I V E D .

lllh—liinty, s, llun -i, llrUtol , R O : Kulccdiik, Scli«riantAmstLril iuii , X.:w York , bullu«t.

1-vtll— .Siiutd til Iri'l.uiil , ii , 1'i-arn, Milfonl , % c.llith—Two liriitli'T!» , Portiiiriti^, F\nti».17tli—DriiHiis , Alitaiiiw, -Vi i» S'ork, whwit ; Towiird, 8,

<Jl:i'i:mv, g c.J>it)i—Siiniln, », lihisi'mv, JM:; Lara, *. Voltvj; LiTcrpool ,

i r u ; Vulturu, a, U.ivi.', llilfunl , j; c j Apollo, a, lltixtol , HV-torfunl, <i c.

lUtli— S/ II DI r,f In-laml, .-, .Milfiml,ir c.

S A I L K D .1 itli—lircat Wasti-rn . s, MilforJ , l'caru , K C.IStli—Kililj rstuui', a, l/iiidou, ft'iiriug, j; c,I litll—Mivniir-, Ijivi-rj i'iol , Olivr , nntitllli ; Cl«r« J.f <ior Dablin

Mlnri ^ , malt; Kidnmt (.'II I MI L-U , XeaCti , Kiltuuuds, «<tiU ; Scren,ltrilth'jr-, Cork , Miir^iiii^, alales ; 1'ro^rcaB , He'fii.-it, Kvans,fliiy.s ; Toui:li .Not, itristiil , Wi-^tlukit , o;it* ; fartlin , n.irrotv,Li'u-is, liitwiiuil ; '/.i-nliyr, s, Livi-rpwil, O'Donuoll , c ; Vulture», , Dims, K I :.

17tli— -lime limy, Liverpool , Ovvrns , pitwoml ; llricnt/T.-oou ,Hyun, Imltii t ; '1 r,*T:iu'i:nnT, l':ir, .lum-8, niv'ji ; Mary Klixu,Kvimy . c.:it- ; Priuiiy.-, l)iil,|iu , lliinii'v , rnult ; W IU M I IUIIJI , Cur-•liIF . Williiiius , li:ill:i-t : DoiiFOii Newport , Juim*, pit-wooil ;(.'lil'i -tilllm , Ciinhir, li l i l i i l l i ", Inlla-t ; Kxiirii-j, NVxfonl, t.'arr,(• ntiii : l.'yril , WVxfwnl, llunlcn , wlii:ijl.

lhtli— Knuibli -r, DuMj n , Win l;in, wait ; Sill (lurvtirili,I..,tt.r", wlii-ut ; 1'wn llnatlirn , I|»wirll , flfttl-s ; llriulltlll ,Caidiir, ulil iron ; I'liil.'iiitlniii.'.'t , A Uiberecn, coalt .

UUXTIX t i APPOINTMENTS.Tin: ('ri iiuiiiiMniiKK .—Fcbriuirr—Tucrtinr, Jltli , CurrnuU.

inin-o l.'onrt-yjinl ; Tlmrsihij, i;th, (ilciitunru , ,Vi-t<l;iy , -7th ,D.iuijnti Ili- iil-^r ; Tiic^liiy, .ilurcli rJril , l-"iiU]iU'j.'>r ; Tliu-*<l:i;j ,'till, lianlcU .M«.:riB ; lYillliy, IJtll, U&>H1)O.-OUKII . — At I3l!fl-!1ti t lock.

Kll .Kl lSN y FH X H I I I I N H K .—Vc-hrunry — Mtmilay, Inl F Toniiy-p:irk l.'roas HIKU I* ; Wi-ilia-fiiliiy, *jr»lli, TLouiastowu ; Friiluy,-7tli , Troynwooil ; Momluv , .Atiirch -J . Dim iion- ,; Wt.-i!iiii«l.- iv ,¦till , Wimlcaii; 1'ri.liiy, (jth , UHI^O l'ark (iati:—At K'uri-iiu'clnck.

C I .OS « I:L FIIS Kouxiix. — Fiibruary. — Miinilay, XInl,l::ilJitt;if:l.lllli ; 'J'hilr.-d.'iy, L'o'lli , .Vrirrn tli.'.— ij o'clock.

LOCAL 11AILWAY TRAFFIC ,For the 1IY.-A- ciitd'Hy Friday, Feb. ]2, 1871.

Wiiliifonl Allii iuy Llmr'nk Wntrrf'tt Kilkenny•*IIK I mill > I 'M I uuil.Kil- j Junction

l.iii.m.-'.;, Kimi* KI I I I W kcunj (.111 ItailwnyI I I I ' , III II I < II :M milo.1 -IJ mili-s iiiik'K |2i>t milts

"priij . . O|H- II . v} K-n. oiK -n. f o} >co .

t ». il. t t. il. j; «. A. £ «. dJi s. i .I' :I .- .- I uaiTs , - I

I'sut-i- lH . &v. U-Hi j lll ! I 3 I 1 R 217 10 7 110 8 Sl;.HK ^ , (.'nltli- l:>i:l 8 II 141 1H 5 158 7 7112 3 0

Tiitnl _ .. iVffl U !>380 IS ll?... — ... 07fi 7 2 ;!22 11 S

Hwk' liuti '

r.^ll'i I liSW 111 ' '"21 2 5250 15 0

ffittatcrtorti ittmrftctsWatcrford , February 20, 1871.

Weather eioocdingly fino. Supplies ot Katiro Gra in triatnsDemand flow. Value nnaltoictl.

FORKIQN WHEAT—A fair lale. at Into rates.INDIAN 00BN—Owing to Blow Bale, raluo declined 6d. pn

barrel.FLOUR-A steady consumptiTC demand, at tho price of las

lut week.COLE & PROSSOtt.

IRISHWHEAT, per barrel of 280lbi. .. d. ». d.«. t . «. &

- mito • - - - O O OtoOO O M O t o J I S O_ Rtd - - - - 0 0 0 110 033 0 M 6- Shipplng cio - - 00 0 00 027 0 S« 0

BAHLBY. Bcr barrel of 22«bs.- (JrintUdg - - - 00 0 00 016 0 17 0- Malting - - - 00 0 00 023 8 24 0

OAT3, per barrel of 14filb3. - '- Block - - - - 00 0 00 013 3 15 3- Whito - - - 00 0 00 000 0 00 0- Grey - - - 00 0 00 000 0 00 0

FLOUR, per sack, of 2801b.. '- Superfine! - - - 50 0 51 000 0 00 0- Inforiors - - 10 0 « 000 0 00 0

OATMEAL, per Suck - « 0 ¦« 0.00 0 00 0BRAN, pcr Cwt. - - 7 C S O , 0 0 00 0POLI/AKD do . . . 7 6 8 0 ,

. FOREIGN. _ FU?! WHEAT, per barrel of 230lba. ' *." d ». d

— American, Spring and Winter - -36 6 to 36 6— Mnrianoplo M 6 35 0— ncnlinuskl *» * M °—. Ohirka, Tag&nrog, nnil Oilcs.'u - -35 i> CO 0— - - - - - -I HI 0 00 0

IXDIAN CORN , Yellow, Odrssa and Gnlati ¦» « 22 0— — Ibrnil anil Fojouian - - -Wl 0 00 0— - AmcncnD, - - - - 20| U 22 0— — French nail American Wliito • u» 0 00 0_ _ Egyptian - - - -00 0 00 0— — Damaecd - - - - 1» 0 18 0

FLOUR, American, per barrel of lOfflbs. - - W 0 00 0— French, per sack, of IWOlb.i. - - - <«< 0 00 0

INDIAN MEAL, American, per sack of ss/)Vu>. W 0 00 0( Homo ManufricturD, pur ¦) .,. G " s o— — t sack, of 2S01bii. J ; " " "a

Imports #" Exports for Week ending (Vi'ir.i 'av , VJth.IMPORTS. KXPOltT.t.

\fhmt • Qnarttm. Wheat - < "0 Durrc-ls.Indian Corn >lo. O:it< - - ¦«-' t|o.Oat» - - W do. Ilarlcy • 51 i do.Barley- - Socks. Inilinu Corn *"> do._ c 58 do. 'Flour - - 55i Sacks.Flour i narrels. 'Outmcnl - do.Mca| 23 S.-ick.1'. llmliiin mnal ¦!¦'.

WATERFOKD BUTTER MAHKE T.Number of Firkins weighed at the Public Butter Market

f o r Week eniinq Friday (thil day) , and Prices.Bntunlay, — 2S — l:"i.«. 0.1. to W». OilMonday, — 0 ~ (100s. HI. Ol. Oil ,lucsdnr, — 0 — Orf ls. IU. V'.. WWcdncNlny — !l — 155s. Od. 175-> . Oil ,Thursday, — 17 — 195i. 0.1. 17.'-. 0.1.Friday, — ll — O.-i. Oil. Vs. Oil.

No. of nrkiuB'corrcspondioB week lost year — 2;;1'rko I K r c w t . — 105s. 0.1. to Hi0.< Od.

(Corrected this day Jor The Wulerfm-d X CKS .)1'KOVlSIO.Nn.

DACO.V 1'itin, i«r nvt. — — l i t . M . to KU. nd.STKAKS du. — — ''"• ¦ ii l. "i*. 0d.KKKT do. — — l::i. ".I. U- . IM -H K A K S do. — — :;¦>¦'. i*l. iw-". OJ.Sciurs .lo. — — -w.-.. iM. I".-. &l-liiliu (cluiuiUcrd ') — — I'Js. Ijil. fji . Uii

BITCH KIIS' MKAT.Bcrr, i«r Hi. , 0 7J.1 to 1. d. I J,AM», i«r qr. Iu oil to OH IM

Do. steak , l'Al to 1.1 111 I V BA I ., in-r lli . M t'. (idMUTTON, Jier 10 Sd to lud | 1'URK , per ll>. SI to Od

POTATO];*.Average price, 03. Oil. to 'M . ... per *tony.

]I»KA I>.WUIIE , l«r -lib — 7il. to «!d | H OUSULD , per Hb 7.1 to Od

WHISKKY.DUJIII .V, per jf.illoD, 2>>s. 0.1. 1 OLD Corn:, gallon, 18s. OdConn, puncheon, IBs. 9d. |

F.'I S H .N'FSDtN ciTt. 20s. to 2ls. I'EAt — On (VI . to OH ftlHtuiUNiiS, perbrUiii. to 2I.<. KOLI:, — us I.K|. to fli 10,1SA1.MON , pcrlb.,; Od to li 3d. TUII HOT, — 0» Od. to IU lud

FOWL AXD KOO rf.Fowl,, per pair, 4B Od to 4s. Otl I KiitiS , p,;r 120, S.< Oil to 0* OdG RKBK , If* to 13a. a couple. | Tt/ittcrs, Us to li;-i pcrpair

SOAP AND CANDLES.WHITE, per civt. 24c to 0». I M OULD, per doz iba C^ Cd to 7nBnowN , do. 23s. ud to 0s. | Dirr, do. 5<. W. to 4 8 Sd

WOOL AND HIDES.IIOnor.T TV'OOL ,1.< . Od to Is. 10.1 HuiKti , 0-. to-'Ik. 0.1 per civ.\Vi:Tii >:ii t KwK ,ts 7d to If . »1 Kir.f, :M. to W. per Hi .SK I X WOOL, Id Od to Is. 2.1 CA L K , O.«. to + . i>l i»cr dor.

T I M 11 K It .E. PI N K pur ton, 90s Od IB Od I STAVES , per I'm), iv).V KLLUW 1'ixi:, do 90i 0d to Ws | LATiis.per do lfo. Iu S.;.< .

( J O A L S .COALS, per ton, 2C.i. 0.1 to 26s Od. I COKE, per ton, -7«. Oil to OOJ

FODDKR AND GIIKKX CHOI'S.HA V , per ton, old, 759 to !IO>\ .MA.v,;0M«,pcr ton, Stilta 21jSrkAW , wbrattn, r>os to 0.1-- TuitsirH , per ton, 19i to 2i;.i

Do. oaten . 55* to G04. CAKUOTS. Dor ton, -Ua to -43*

13trtU«5, #X»xtii\ %c$t vV TlcatUss *Announcement t of B 'trths %MirTiaQc$!i( Uealht , 1~ . each—p re-pa id

B 1 K T H S .At Johnron -strcet , Clonmi-1, on the 10th inst., the wito of

Mr. Patrick Ncnfli;, of a pou.At Hibernian Bauk, Ki'kenuy, the wife oi W. F. Casack,

Ksq., of a dittlKuter.February II , at Clarges-strcet, Loudun, tbc L;uly Prcscitt ,

of a daughter,Feb. 17, nt Upper iVm!irnk<;- !tiret, Ditlilia , tbo wife of

Joli ii SulliTiui, Ksi) , l).-irrisUT-it-Uw, of a daughter.

M A R U 1 A G K S .On Tuesday, at tho Proto'tant Catlicdnl , by tho 7..n.

Archdeacon,, St,a of tliu lato Mr. Prf.icott, toKlizahetb , ilait'litcr of .Mr. J. Kjan , llarrr ;k street.

Oil till: lltll inst., at thu Catholic Uluipnl , Knockmnylsn,Thomas Aylward, Ksrj., d'aulstowii , to Jlargnrc t, ilnuy htcr ofJJImoml ritipatrick, Esq., Kilcrudy ili.u.-t.

On Die I ltd inst., nt St. -Mary's t'linrch, Xennxh, HinryNi-lFOn l)aTi.lj :e, K=q., Provincial Hank , NVnaRli, to Lizzir,widow of Jotiu Conierford , H.e.|., Kihii.j i-^ Il.iuco. ami daughterul Tboina.1 It. Uruy, K-i|., (irijfort. ciiuuty Tip|«-r:tr7,

Ou tlm 11th iusl., nt the Catholic Chureh of llnnska, Mr.Kdinond Ku^lish , of Carrishnmri', C!n«hoL-u, to Mi- .i AumiQiiirki' , of Sliiun.-liij- li , Illi-n «,( Aln-rloir.

At tho Catholic Church, Mitcbrhtown, Mr. William Roche,of C.ibir, County Tipiu-rn ry, to Mary Josephine , HdratJauirliter of Mr. William I'ani', Kinsston-siiuare, Mitc 'ii-b-towu.

On the 12th inst., at Duiii;arvan , County Watcrford , JohnI) . Walsh , Esq., "f Illackburu, to liridgi-t, daughter of Williamlluye.s M-q., i.f Dungarvan.

D E A T H S .On 'l'lK-ulay, tho 17th inst., at liis ivjidenco, the Sqiiani, in

tliiii i-ity, .Mr, John Horo, an npriaht and hniiett cituiMi , adi-votciUatbir, and an cM-mjiUry Christian. Tin- remain.' oflhedm-.'151-d n-i-ri:n-muvi-d UtT interment on yoU-rday, followi-.lby his tunny n-latires and friends.

Kub. IC , at Hwi-et I'.riar Park, Tnnnore, Patrick Stepheninu ,Kf<[., of Fairhrwtk, Coiii.ty W'aUrtimi , n cd »W ytiirf- . aiijchn^rctu-d by liiii family, and re^pertiil hy all tluife who (milthe pl.-aRiire of lii ^ AL-i iiiailitan t-c.— -May hi- rest in pi-acr.

On tin: Huh inst., at hi* residence . , after aprotracted iUni's.--, homo with a Uliri.-tian resiKiuvtiun ,, I'liilipUrowno, K - IJ ., merchant iu tlii.s i-ity. — I t . I . I * .

Fib. 12, nt ISat.ll , Prtur Paul' M a.-Swin.-r , ii|{C.l il years ,second fiurvivinj: sou of Aid. MacSwinev , uf Dublin.

Of fiin-iiroptioii , Kichard Uyrni- , i-I.l. si sun of thu late Micbl.Ilyrne, IJnunilrvaii , County Watcrford.

SHIPMENTS K01C JANUAIIY.The following aru tb.! shipuii-nts of butter , Ijac'.n , aud *-m,

from Wiitirforu to i*In-:it Urititiii dtirin? t)m month of DIT.,fc.1 compilcl from official returns ;—

IlL 'TrUll.Firkin* . Firkinn.

Dec. Jan. Doc to Dec.

It. Mahnny and Co 103:1 iVPi7 P O'Mcura — *l loaK Cniirtriiiiy — li'.'l 13 H7 J. Killcy — M —T Ei;nn IS5 USUl E Forau — 27 <17M HilJ-M — •!'«) 50U1 J. Fitmvtt — 2.i .;%!!1". Dohirty — 2IJ :i70<J J. Hurliy — Xi K.\.1 Kynn — 214 XW W. Power — 25 177Dlta'ihou — 21:1 17<!I J.O 'Donovau — 21 7rtH Ilidirwny — 2.i7 WJ1 M. Flood — 21 tin¦I Fielrtin;' — I 'S 11> t U Hknlmu — I.! !I77J lx>nsdalu — 1:!" l 'SU It. Heuatou — IS WK Kciiui'fii-k — ll "> 1210 J Crinshair — — l:ili Plnlau - lul 2i'if M .Mahout — ¦•> 3IHE Siuithwirk k S.,u IW 712 A. Petti»r«w — — 20J Ponvr — K t 7SI4 W. O'Couuell — — »iW O 'Donman — »• 1-H Jl Dwyir — — I!.1 /1- A P..w.r — 77 3rO9 Maher 4 Co. — — I2JII Bc'l — CO !H>3 E Power — 10 «H

N I'ower k Co. — 57 Hk'H n A Milwird — — 7J C!arap»lt — £ • 2HiO M (iib.nn — — .1J. Hcnsou — su ISM Jl W.lili — — 12W O'Ciorman — ll 1117 M Christmas — — JM O'Meara — H — linrrow NaTigation Co.— 101

B A C O N .Ha!« Hales

J J IticliardJon 2IW 2V-W I !> M Vrovhr — 417;H Di'liliy aud Son :!0»7 :KH»i I S Kinq-h aud Son t2.> 4U97.1 k M Slattery lUl'.l l^U I W. Chirry — — 1511 Keuuelly A Co. — 1155o' |

K no S .Caj> -H. Caj*ra.

C Slieclian — -W 1SIU I J. Daniel — li 500J. Pnwer — 32 2W7 1 M. O'Connoll — 2 —R (Cciiuy nnd Son I D I(W |

y ew Moon.. Monday, „ IB 7.16 p.m.First Quarter Monday „ 23 10.15 a.m.


Three p»r Cent. (,'OIIMI U — 01J —Xcw llv ur Cent Stock — lloJJ 00JConk of Irclauil J di i 3()3J —National Hank Ill) o!»S 6818Muniti-r ILiiik , I.iiniti -cl — BJ »illibcriiiau Mauk — 58i —1'iwiiiriiil liauk - »o IH} — uf Liverpool ( l i in i i . l l 1*> 1:<U1 13|ItCity ol" Dii li l i i iSl eainCiniipii i iy. . I'M 107 ' —

ItAII .WA 1>WaU-fl'uid & CriiUal In-laml *. p.r out 1"3JWnlrilord & LVmiul lii-kuid fl"U paid lUit —Wnti'tlunl and Liiunick , nil puid — —Wnterlorci ,nid I. i imriik New -11 p r

cent, ri'de.'miilih' 117 —Orriit Southern uud \Ve>icru — — 112

^he SSaterforb gttos" HE JUST , AND t'F.AIt >OT."


The result of the County Klccl inn lms bcon ,as wo predicted smcl advocated in our last, tlioreturn of Lord C IIAI ILKS H KUKSFOIUI aud SirJOHN ESMOXDK , and tlic .sqimndcring of betweenfour and five hundred votcR for Mr. LONUBOTTOM .Tho fact of Lord CII .UU.KS being at. the head oflie poll must uot he tukoa as un oridecco ol'

that " Conservative reaction" whioh we ar7as- THE LOKD WtUT^X O lO* THIS COUNTV

Xet SbU? SSSSt SLSiSS be One of tho most justl y deserved und moat popularTtowSd M a HSW IW *« the P°UtiC8 •Ppointmcnts mado by tho l»to Premier, Mr. Glad -hitherto professed by the Honae of BEBESPOBD,but must bo regarded more as a social notary,owing to the popularity of

h^hly-esteeinedhead of that famly- It is a significant fact thatso little fear was entertained from the oppositionof the " Great Unknown," that some twelvehundred electora abstained from voting, andwhUsfc Btriot injunctions were issnea to tnetenants on tho estates of Conservative .Landlordsto plump for Lord CHARLES, the Liberal electors,left to thoir own choice, and with a disinterest-ness which does them credit, divided their voicesbetween Sir JOHN ESMOSDE and the repre-sentative of the House of Curraghmoro, in orderthat no danger might ariso from the Londonadventurer. These facts, and not any retro-,cression of principles amongst tho patrioticSectors of tho County Watcrford , account fortho result that Lord CHARLES heads tho poll atthis election.

Tho Home Rule Leaguo did good service indisclaiming all knowledge of, all connectionwith, the candidate who first introduced htmseJfas a Conservative to the constituents of Dungar-van, and then, to suit what seemed the fortuneof the hour, flung the Home Rulo bauncr overtho electors of the County, and, under its folds,sought to reach tho goal which appears to bohis ambition , under any political principle, or atany price. Mr. JOHN MA any, M.P., the Secre-tary of the Homo Rule League, resolved to dc-stroy the woll-conccivcd practical jo ke, and,though we have no doubt many who have sailedinto Parliament under tho Homo Rule flag, willsoon show their predilections for self-preferment,situations for needy relatives, and equivocal ho-nors for gutter agents, rather than for Nationalinterests, voting with the Tory Government,or with whatever other party may be inpower, patronago being in view all through,good service was done by awakeningthe electors of the County of Waterford to thodangerous trap which was being prepared fortheir doivn-fall, in this first election under theBallot.

Now that the representation of the CountyWaterford is ngain divided with tho House ofBERESTOUD, we trust that its interests in particu-lar, and of Ireland in general, rather than anystrong political partisanship, will be tho aim ofthis newly chosen representative of tho Curragh-moro family, and that when ho again presentshimsel f before the constituency of this importantcounty, ho will be ;iblo to render a satisfac-tory account of his stewardship.

Tho past services for over twonty-two yearsof Sir Jons ESMOXDK , may bo taken as a guaran-tee for the future that everything Liberal , justand honorable shall have his hearty support ;that , as heretofore, the cause of tbc tenantfarmer will find in him an honest advocate ;that education to suit the consciences of thepeople will meet in him an earnest cham pion;tli in the release of the politica l prisoner:) willreceive his earliest Parliamentary attention , andthat , whon the time comes, and that tho i(iu.s-tion of Homo Rule will be introduced into dieBritish Parliament , in a tangible form, we arothoroug hly satisfied that tho representative ofthe ancient, unwavering :uid always patrioticIIOUKC of ESUO.VUK will be found amongst itswarmest supporters and advocates. In the re-sult of the election , under the circumstances, weheartily rejoice, and we have reason to believethat in tho solectiou made the County will restsatisfied.


There is no truth in , nor never was there anyfoundation for, the penny-a-line reports in theDublin papers, and the statements in unin-formed local journals of an intention to presenta petition against the late returns for the repre-sentation of this city. Sir. Gmsos, Q.C., is wellContented with tho battle that, ho has fought, andis tuiict ly resting on his oars in Dublin , await-ing the near approach of the reward , which iseminently due to him by the coming Govern-ment , for tho battle he made for hi.s party. -Mr.BKKNAL OSIIOIIXK lies iu the shades of New townAnnor, sick un<l disgusted with the electioncontests, and most probably wearied of parliamen-tary life. Mr. JAMBS DE I A I I K N IV , we have nodoubt , is rejoiced to ho relieved from the labo-rious duties which a faithful parliamentaryrepresentative, such n-> he was, had to discharge,and his gratification at the result must be nowall the greater when ho sees coming into powerthe hereditary enemies of Ireland—tho ToryGovernment—whose chief recommendation tothe Eng lish Constituencies was their hostility tothis country, and under whose regime the ad-vancement of Irish interests is impossible. Not-withstanding, the loss of Mr- Delalmnty to thiscity, as a thoroughly practical , useful member,is ii great, evil indeed.


This election was decided on Tuesday, andremarkable to say two strangers to the county—one an Englishman, Sir George Bowycr, and theother a briefless barrister , just called to theEng lish bar, a native of Cork , Mr. O'Cltry—were declared elected. Bowycr polled :i,-K> 7rotes—O'Clery, 2,78-1-—Power, l ,:!:!-2—Diiro (aTory), 1,22-1 , Before Bowyer was heard of , andlong before O'Clery was born , John TalbotPower's father and grandfather, were battlingfor the rights of Ireland—in the cau.-ic of ourcountry and faith , they have spent not hundreds ,bill thousands ; and now that an opportunit yolfcied , the county lin.s accepted two men whohavo ncit a rood of hind within it , and no con-nection whatever Jivith it , rejecting -Mr. J. T.J'uwcr—:t liiitivo -whoso property and intere.--tsaro bound up with it in ever}' possible way.What are Sir George Bowyer's claims tm tin:constituency of tho rr eiimty of Wexfonl, or uponany const itt ieiicy in Ireland ? Wo confess ourinability to discover , except it bo his Catholi-cism, lie wont before the electors as therejected of Dundalk , and we cannot forget ,although the people of the county Wcxfordappear to have overlooked the fact that duringthe years be was in Parliament. Sir G. Bowyer'svotes and support were persistently given tothe Tory Government , a course of action whichmay be understood in Eng land , but is a perfectriddle in Ireland.

Who is the Chevalier O'Clery '? We know—and tho fact forms ubnut the sum of our know-ledge—that he is a young English barrister , nodoubt desirous uf preferment in his profession,•nd that speedily, with a perfect command oftwenty four hours out of every day, to devote,apart from the study of his 'briefs, to the dis -charge of his parliamentary duties.

Those arc the men the electors of Wexfordhave sslected, and this is done under the nameof Home Rule ! Sir George Bowycr is, we haveheard , a man of considerable wealth ; but whata young barrister, who ought rather be lookingDut for somo industrial pursuit , wants in Par-liament—except to hunt for place—no one buthimself knows ?

We venture to say that the county, in itscooler moments, will yet regret tlii.s step, madeunder a mistaken zeal to promote Home Rule.—Bowyor and Power, under all tliecircumstait ct 'S,should have been tho men elected.


Now that Parliament ia about to meet , thecountry should be prepared to ask tlio ministerwhat he means to do with the surp lus—said tobo over ir;"i,000,000—of the Irish Church pro-perty, yet undisposed of. It should be appliedto some charitable purposes, such as the sup-piirtofhospitals ,inunnarics,lunaticusylums,orthcreduction of poor rates. This property was origi-nallytakcnfrom thepoor .and it should—even in aminor degree—be now restored to them. If theIrish people, of all creeds, do not hastily bestirthemselves in tbis matter, the large wind-fall--the exclusive property of this country—maybo mado away with for English or Scotch pur-poses. There is not 11 moment to bo lost. Theleading Homo Kulers should bo on the alert tosave this property, and obtain it for Ireland ,if possible.

SIX-l'KNNT TELEGRAPHSU10 late Government caused a bcnoficial reso-

lution in the telegraph system of the country.We hope the now (iovernment of DJSK .IKI .IK '.Swill not. stop short , but rather follow thu goodexample. Tlio six-penny tel egraphs has beenutablioUcd for some time in London. We HOCno reason why it .should not be made uniform-say for ten words—al l over the three kin g-

doms. It would be a grea t boon , thoug h midoubt a gain in the end to the dopartment.

Salmon sold i:i Kilkci ny this wcck , nt Is. Si u-rlbs ; in cuti 2.».

Jtr. Disraeli calls Home Rule ll:u i lismcuilninu uttit the kingdom.

stone, jo st prior to his leaving office , WM tho croationof Sir Kicbard Musgravo, Bart., Tourin , as LordLieutoonnt of this county, in succession to tho lateyenorablo and highly csteomod Lord Stuart do Decioa,In selecting a gentleman of Sir lliehard llnsgravo'shigh standing ia tho county, the son of tho patriotioBaronet, whoso honored Dsmo 13 indiasnlibly con-nected with that of tho CTer-to-be-rememberod LordStuart do Dceies in tbo glorious struggles whichomancipntod this country from a dire political thra l-dom, tho late premier p;iid a. gr.iooful oomplimeut tothe Irish peop le, aDd mado an appointment whichboth upon that acconnt, and by reason of tho manypersonal merits of Sir Richard Musgravo himsulf,must prove highly acceptable. Wo hoartily wish SirRichard length of yeara to enjoy his now dignity.


As wo stated in our nocond odition on Saturdaymorning, tlio polling for this couuty took placo onFriday, and was characterised by a peaccfulueas, un.lorder creditable to tho people in general.

In this city the polling was of tho tamest cha-racter. There wero bnt from 37 to 10 voters to poll ,and littlo orer ono half oxorcisod tlio franchise. InTramoro the voters came up pretty freely, and thegoneral opinion throughout tbo day w:n that LordCharles Uoreaford and Sir John Esmondo were thowinning men. Their opponent ivas hold as bcioff f a rbehind in tho running. Going lo the west of thecouHty Kilruactbomaa showed tho saino quietade, ;i:ldetermioed to follow tho caution givon by themanifesto tfrom tbo Humo Itulo League, to oechevs*the stranger, known to no one. Upwards of 110voted here. In Cappoquiu, Lismoro, Tallow, DUM -g.irvau, and Villiordtoivn , supposed to constitute tliustronghold of Mr. Longbottoiu , tho very n-armu3tdesiro was mauifestod to return Lord Charloii andSir John , and the result tncre li.-is proved tho sin-cerity ot that resolution. At liall ymacnrbory occa-sionall y throughout the ilay CIICPM wore given forLongbottom by tboro who congregated oulsido tlioboociia. Out of i-'.T rotor.i on D10 list IN!) weropolled. At Old Brid ge, Cloumel , nothing could ex-ceed tho dullness of tliu polling iu the foreiiuun ; uplo twelvo o'clock scarcely nine pursuits had vot.-il.Subsequently they began to visit tin ; Imut li in twosand throes, and at five o'clock , as many as HO , out oflOt on tho list , had polled. The general beliul ' iathat GJeimheiry sent not mnrc Ui.-m sir cir sererisuppottors to add to tho Toting—such a-i it. was—for" tho man with the peculiar name." There w..-ru nutn dozen persons around the booth al any t ime , aminot a cheer escaped the few tlmt .IM happru to Liimrthere. A K K I V A I , or T H E u\i.1.1.1 r.uxi *.

Tho liallot Uuxns from thij CiuiiuH portion of ih':county arrived here by train 011 T'ri'l.-iy ni^ht a 1, h. t li'-past eight , and were put under a Uoii.-i -.almhiry ij unnlfor the ni ght , and next day, at tho County (,'MIN -house. On Saturday evening tin: .Su!».slierilf, It - .''.Hudson , Ksc( ., arrived in a carriage :,m l pair wi th .1police escort , convey ing th'j remaining lioxw , t>-n innumber, from tlio west of tho county, and th .:y ;ii- 'iwere taken 111 charge, unt i l Momlny IILM -MI'I:,', ihv duyfixed for i M K sri it t ixv .

Tho scrutiny of votes commenced on Mori'l;iy fnoi :i-ing in tho Couuty Grand Jury llooui , IU t':ii o'clock ,beforo the High Sheriff , E. Quiim , E3r|., J.I'., Shankii-lHouse; the .Sub-shurit f, It. (j. Hudson , BVq., Sir JohnEsmonJe nnd Lord Charles JJcreslbrd being in at.tendance, with [their conducting (ignits JlcsHrn . J.\V. Howard , Sol., Waterford, and K. I'ower, Sol.,Clonmel , for Sir Joh n , an J II r. Slatlory, Sul .,Lismoro,and Sir. J. Ifonuer, Sol., Clonmel , lor Lord Chnrl iM.Mr. Longbottom , who did not appear , was repre.sented by hia conducting agent , Mr. Juhn T. Luther ,Sol., Cloumel. During the day speculation was rifoamongst tho comparatiro feiv of the public present asto the chances, but all through thu predominantfeeling Bcemcd to bu that Mr. Longbuttom was , nudwould bo a long way astorn. An adjournment. f.,rdiuuer took placo at, half-past six , and the scrutinywas resumed at eight, the Court-house , nnd ap-proaches, beiug closely shut to all except thoso en.gaged iu the duty . Shortly before eleven thofollowing was announced as

THK ST.\TK III' TIIF. roi.r..Beresford .. . . ... l"i"uKijmondo . . . . . . . 1.11*0Longbottom . ... .. 1 Ifi

On Tuesday the above numbars were postuil ; tilt!ballot boxes »vcre removed to Dublin , under escort,tho principals ha.l already gone, tin- nyeuts now lefttowu , aud so ended our comity election fur 1X7-1.

ANALYSIS Of TI1K I'Ot.LIMI.Xo polled in Hi booth.-* throug h the county, :M7l!

V!?. :—Ardinore, 114; Uallymacarbery, 170; C'nppulquin , KiO j Clashmore, Ii5 ; Carrickbeg, 2SI ; Call.i.Jinne , U W ; Uungarrnn , 2-lti ; Kilnutcthomas, 110Liamore, l i l t ; Old Brid ge, Gil ; 1'ortlaw, 11,2 ; Sirmi.bnll y, l'Jo ; Tramore, 237 ; Tnlloiv, lai ; yj llicrs toivn ,71 ; Wuterford , 2.J.; Plumpers, 1233 ; split*, l lsjSpoiled papers, D1. Polled for Lord Chas. liureaford— Plumpers , H10 ; splits, 027. For 'AW John Ksmoiiilt—Plumpers, HOS ; splits, 1082. For Mr. A. I1. Lon».bottom—i'lumpcrs, Si ; splits, 3f!l. No of rvif istcrn lelectors, :i 10U. JJiil not vote, DU1. Recorded voter-i2-US.

Kl f .MACTIIOMAS.On tho announcement of the return uf Lord Charles ,

Heresford as one of tin; repre.-eutal ivi-H for this count v ,the inhabitants of Kilmactiiomas , wi ih whom his lord -shi p i.-t a deserved favorite , i l luminated their dwell,ing.-t , and manifested genuine n 'j uiein^ JI t the re-Mul t .Of course the uoblu landlord of the place, the Mar-i|iiis, has been sincu hi.-i childhood , er. r popular here.This everybody know.-".—Coneipi iwU.-,>.'.

l H K NEW CAHIXE 'lLatest London nnn-.s of v''-<S'--ril.-iv -i.-ivi it is c.m.

fidqntl y stated that Mr. lirewster wilflH- t l i u l r i . -hLord Chancellor. TJiu lion. Mr. I ' lunU-it is i,.-ini. .-,lfor Chief Secretaryship. Duko of Aln.-rfi.rn in M:II-.|to be Lord Lieutenant. '1'I ILTU is si,mo dmibi a lmutliis Grate acceplinj .-. Lord Derby go.:s to '.he Forvi:.'/!Office, and Lord V,. llniiiillon "M.I' ., n-]uc-.-n:s ih. -department in the Common.--. Tli- Hnlc- of U l c -i: .mond will become Secretary for War, an.l ( .'.ij ,i.. -.nStanley will bo Und er rierretary in ;h.; l lou.-c o;'Commons. Tho Admirali ly n.'uiaiiu im — - t t i i ^ i , hut.tho appointment of Mr. H u n t U mmv l t i au possible.Mr. Cross will become prt-siili.'iiLof t in- I. 1c.1l lim-em.ment It-ard . Lord Salisbury will ri-mrn to tho In-dian Oflico witli Mr. liurke , 'L'nder Secretary in thellouso of Commons. The Chancellorship of ihi: fis.cliequr will bo conferred upon Sir Stafford Northe.Ho.

Later accounts state:—The completion oftho NewMinistry will not be made known until it lnis boensubmitted to and aj ipmveil by her .Mn/estv whichlakes placo to day. It is Purmiscil that iu tiie i-Ti -nto f t r o Duke of Abercou doclining the Ijj r.l fiicuc cii-ucy of Ireland it will b.: uirenvl to lie.mchamp. Iti:i presumed fro m the interviews which Loni Cairnshas held with Mr. Disrauli thai ho will return to thoWoolsack an Lord Chancellor of Kiijj laml.

The Sun stati-s tlint Mr. Disraeli will on to-morrow(thu day) proceed to Windsor io submit to herMaje sty the names of his colleague in the mm-Ministry. Two Councils wil l bo held at Windsor onSaturday. At thu lirst Mr. (iladst,,,,,. nm| his col.leagues will resign tlm seals ofollice, and at, the secondCouucil Mr. Disraeli aud his colleagues will rcceivotheir respective seals.

Auothor and tho latest account gi Tes the following

First Lord of the Treasniy-Mr. Disraeli.Lord Chancellor—Lord Cairus.Lord President of tho Couucil —Uul;0 of Bucking,

ham. °Chancellor of tho Exchequer— .Sir Stafford Xorth.cote.Homo Secretary—Gathorno Hardv .Foreign Secretary- Earl D01 by *Colonial Secretary—Earl CarnarvonSecretary for ludia—Marqui s of Salisbury .Secretary of Stato for War—Duke of Richmond ,t ir.-t Lord of the Aclmirali iy_Mr Ward Huml'ri*ideiii of the Board of Trado-Mr. Cro« or MrW. It. Smith. "l'rosident of the Local Gorernment lia.rd-S;

Massey Lopes or Sir Stiehao l Hick,, ueaci¥Commissioner of Works-Wd John Manner-Jud ge Advocate (ioucral—j| r . Mowbrav

geralddCr ScCrClUry for '"'"a-S'r ^yw uur Hu

Ditto for War—Mr. Percy HOI IH-I I

UiltrDyke!08 '° tL° Traun'ry-t-1oi . Tay lor an,! Mr

D7;«; uaTw s«. —¦\\u ilwplj rc-irot to auiMiinu. t |, . . . L ,,, ' , , , - ,

Hi Switt liriar 1'urk, Tram.iri.- -, t i - 1 • "" lil" '""""r'. -

Su-l,iiKii«n *>.» n «. iitl.-ra;,,l ,,|,,, ' l. ""J WnltrfiirJ. Mr -an.l n-.-fx] lil,., „„,!„ ),j. ,„.: '' ' '•' •'"•• t '.ir.-.. Uf a IJI l i." ¦•"¦!oinciti.*. ii>..K-l.v.-ilcl l,ii,i,, '|f ,„

¦** ,;; ,"l;l ""f t-'rMt l I""'a |i»Mti.>ll winch I,,, maiutai, ,! V. ";1' .tl..n uinuiiL-H,.llMcrnMly Clljuyul «[,-,.,„ ,,f ' ,, '' t-"1 "I"" thu «.r» jui.lii.|! iimirti.*. llv tliu »m,.,,L-i ,iL. I * '" """ "'"' ,ue«llb;1r-llnift ; by imlnitriviM .-,„,,[ /.,,;

¦1-'rv-'""- ol .striot, lionorj uf ,i char, cnmiu,-,- . ",' i'"'. ""J1 «'t.-ri>ri.«. tb. fia-n-11 wr; ciiiisidi.-nil .li! f.,r t.n,,. |. . ,'• •>•'-. St-i .huna'Ui Mina.--.- l<»ii« largely f.,, Li,,,...,, ' ,' '¦'¦"".'<' .iprratiom. wlill-ll«ttlltl-.-i ill wh'icll tll.-r • '"• 1'"1'U < "i« l .. li.-uvlit»i«.Ur UiolliiKO un.lL-rtukiii^ .-liim, 1," ,-"" ""• """""f "l"';mil« In.111 this f i i vw u , . , • , '.: 1

l;!l"'1''r'»* f.,ctiirjr. about nvllm i-xc.ill.-nt wouirm (:,l , ,., ; , ' I UILJ - »'l»c:. ..r..r iti IIK •».•!t!..- .-.uth .,t Ir.-I;«.,i , .",":," l " ¦¦»'.¦"» . .:ill.l..tllf CIC«ll.-.l ill

llin .idi ve uiilli> Kn,;vi i, u \M r: "K-l'!";.."...! IIIL I n-HW f romInn-Is uf liif l-oii , aM.U- , ... '.'"""'••'Y. »-l,i..n IK- nwM m II1.1u-iiimiiinr di-iarti\t ¦ [ K

' i'l r J"-V '">: '"," w''"-'-'!"'»"'!»¦"• '" '"'sonic time prior to lii ' .|7 '| "•''"!•, lu,ll": L''""tJr Kllkcunj , f. ,i-

li,. - .iii:,l uSivr „[ II," . '.. ''*:"•¦'•.Ur- -~::;l''"'>.-'". tlu-. j.- rl. ,1

KILK K N 'XY UNION— YESTIEDAT.G»*«* KKl, , El K*q.1 J.p.l iB ,tactair.


-.™"*1"1'";*111- >VC^J and James Doylo7,™'" ."'«' '"""o <>¦> I por/ona . |u« year, 642,11 8 It i-s this year. Out-door relief, £38 18s. 3dAvcrat'L. cost, iid per weet over co.t of last v«»r.

Page 3:… · THE -WATEKFOKD NEWS IST1CUSUED 1S17. (Alderman itKDiiONr., Proprietor.) Ii.M'.r.tST GlKCl

L O C A L IT ]•: M SA SFKiora X HSAXCE .—For a length of timo :i

nuisance of n very reprehensible character lias beenOf public uotnrioty iu thu back lanes of our city, thojaoro particularl y rc|iti'liei)siblo bocauso indul ged inby tbo yontlis of tender years, uml that , teo, nutConfined to tho class generall y known us thu Arabian.To riW to the . criminal essence of tbis rud imentarygambling we li.ivo seen elderly members of tbo mal'J801 engaging witb the juveniles in thin most nefariouspractice, ami thus, instead of repressing n vile amuse,ment , <=o fur ns they could do so, help to instil iut otho young mind tho germ* of future destruction.From somo source—a tuost erroneous one—it hasbocomo a prevalent notion with a certain i*l:iss thatpitch and to3-, tho sport! to which wo allude, is npursuit of a privileged character , tlmtl'u author itiesmay look "", and condemn , but cannot Inteiforo.Our worth y energetic mayor, (Ald.Conr.uius), thinksotherwise, ami all rig ht.minded people concur withhim. On Monlay evening lioiough Constable .lamesMahouy, a recent appointment to the force, c^moupon a gambling locale of tho kind oft' 15oltou.stri\t ,nud nabbed, out' of the delinquents , two others iimk\jng oil". He took him before tho Mayor who severely,and j ustly lectured him upon hia ooiiducr , andtold him that a recurrence cl such a practice wouldget him the jail , and its penalties of the most strin-gent character. Constable Mahony has got specialinstructions from his Worshi p to put down thisBaden-lindcn in our midst , aud ho'H do it.

BASK <"' IKELA.VIJ.—We Irani, with very great"pleasure, of the promotiou of John Water.--, Ksq., Sub-HCCUt , Clonmel , to tin' maiiiiucrshi p of the Cavanbranch of tho Hank of Ireland. During his stay inClonmo), Mr. W.itrrs, by his genial and gentlemanl ydemeanour , won to himself the warm regards of manyfriend.'-', ""d his discharge of otlieial duly was Michas gave tho most entire satisfaction , while it wasoalcubted to benefit the institution with which hoWt>' connected.—>V<c 1'irw.

XAVAI . ArroiNTMKM. —Mr. J. I". (I. Fitzgerald , sonof IScrald Fitzgerald, K.-q., rioiiinel, having passedthroug h the " Worcester" training -shi p, and obtaineda first-class certificaio, has been appointed as mid-Bhipmau on board (lie tVimlw Caf tU ; (Cnpiain X.Harrison), one. of Messrs. Green 's service, which is 10Bail for Melbourno from tho Fast ltidi.i Docks 0:1 the15th instant.—Ft?* 1'iWf .

Tin: M AUIM - RACV .—Uiehard ]!;igwcll , K-i|., of In.nislomigh , Clonmel , lia>' been appointed to tlir: Coin,mission of the Veace for tie county of Ti pperary

At 't 'EAKASi 'Ks D ECEIVE .—A truo saying, verifieddaily, il not otherwise , in this deceitful world of oursaud wholly irrespective of class. A littlu illustrationof the truth of the aphorism occurred in (he Mutiotthe other evening . It was there previousl y known ,as a secret of course, that two of the- gallant Jt oyalswore tnej itaiing a ty ing of t l ie noose—only in themarital way, bo il clearly understood—and every in-dication denoting a movement to 0M cliurcli .v;uwatched by eager eyes, tho feminine, of course, pre -dominating. •' IIopi ; deferred" Ac.—evcryoue now-ill tl:o>o days of cheap literature knows the rest ,when Ki! cm !->.-» urd.-iy .-iflci iioon up to the barrackdour drove a chariot and pair , and there came to ahri h . Now for a rn.-h 10 iho centre of attraction.The vehicle was sperdilv surrounded , and mirer eves]irered into the doorway for a sight of the heroesabout taking arms in t h e service of H ymen, Pa-ticnt ly in the eld stood the expectants, everymoment adding to tl i . - i r niiinber , aud inn ; nun - evenbcj.'iiu to be- lu urd as to the delay, .lu-t as c.-igorcuriosity was raised to the hi ghest p itch 0111 issuedfour be-wbi>kcruil , moustached, big.eoated constableswlio:.i- b t idu l favors consisted , not of lillies , or 01 herHgns <i connubial rejoicings', bin four menacinglooking litles , will, side arms to mutch . Amazement[loop seized the beholders ; " vox faueilius hae.-it ," asVirgil till ' king of reporters once wroie upon another6tirring occasion : dumb were the females as iholioyuU t tin-red their carriage, when just at tha tniomeitt obc, who bv a vioh-ti t wtcueh loudened hertongue strings , l-awlcd out "oh ! may J iiiver siu htt tthey're going to get married with their ritl-.-s." Uutno; the progress of constabulary drill , quick as it is,bns not reached that peifeciioii yel : the constablesseated, tl.e driver cracked Ms wl.ip, and (iff dashedIhe charint in the direction of Kilmucthomns. Themurder was out. The coach, instead of being onefeed by Hymen , was one which conveyed the respectedSub-sl.nit!', it. 0. Hudson , Ksq., ibe name nfiernoouwith tbc uallol boxes fiom tho west of tin: county,rind tl.e ui<-u. thought by the crowd lo be licuedicts ,forw il hi- escort , ami they had t;ow left for 1 heirreturn ;¦> J)in,garv:in. Are not ajipc unuiccs very[Ifcepliv e ': Sub-Constable* Hurry and (libl -s. tlioiriti s in question, carried out their intention sVi - l lv since.l'oi.u i. (>J J I:,ITJO .\ S.—The Constabulary audit office

nt il;e City Hall , dors not , of late, >bow much entrieshum ti ;e L'let iiing House in l'ctcr-street , under tha table <.tV: c'.'i' Constable iJoy lr. t)u Mor .ilay there werebu: six items of inebriation Mibmiuul to be wi-itleiitill'Ly il.i- Mayor, 31 r. Uiillivry, iiinl Ca/itaiu UrL-naii.TU/ii'.;is Tiibin was <i . lh<' s(|ii:ire ix ibti Square 011^i"ii!:iv niirht. IK? Couldn 't deny the report , and hepaid Its <<• g1 1 clear. .Mielrul Dub i-i-ty did the- .-amo,IV,r it : >- -Miii 1, mid then i:j» cume .f(.hn Cartl.y wi.uw;,' li ini . l ; tii Ihe i 'iiay on S.itunlay nigh:, l iu i l '-a-cr' .u : ai.d co^ts \vi le tuq - OM d, l,ut .lol.o uas <'o |/prr-li s,. ;:!:¦; l.c threw liiii isi'U upon his cotiii11 y tor -1l.Mur - . J' .4t: i i -k liiir.- ..- . uml Wiii iam Comiully, gotdii . i -L t h i ' i i got figblii.g in Colb'.ck-strei 1 011¦S.tiin..'iy M'L-I I I. 'il. 'y I ' ll win l)n - )«),/)<¦ of S;jb-Cnt ..--.:i b ;i. )¦> . and , C'msiubN- Uny le having put in agM:d v. ' i d f ' l t l. ' in , t l .ev wi re M I fn- u ui: p ayim-ntot' a >- i.i!iii 'g at .d eo.-!t". Mary Siai terv .a v i iy publiccli!iia > -i ' .¦¦ ifi'li-td , ri.'etiitly from 111.der guvcriimeiitpali < 'i::iL''', was sent back i'ur a moMh , becausi; sJitCouiiln t ai.d she wouldn 't keep hola- r in (.lows' LUUG ,On Tui'^dav the number was Mill fewer. A mannamed James IJ.'irmody paid Is for coming hoimdrui.k ft i .m n wedding, niiil J'ntrick l'belun Wiissttnp - l ,ai / ip i- i id tha t lie caino lull bun- 011 to :t lamp.po-i , ai.d w:i> ;a anchor on the flags the next second.His cjo wn was l.f. -A* Uitnanded , but 1'at held firm, amibd.-aici- i |uart i n i l on the enemy lor IS hours. ThuJ'ublic notici: wi th admiration the benevolence of t in;special t .nl.oritks in icgulat ing that the .Sub.Con-stabh s oil Mrw.-t cluty now cairy their batons ina ii-alh '-ni ca' i- uruppd l at the led side. This re-gulation t iM l> to keep I he oilicial badge frcu from theteve i i ty o! tl.e wcathi -r, and guaranties a re;cut ioiiof :l«' 1 o!i.-b > i , n i|aisit'.' lor ihe due appcar .itice oltht lu - i iumei . : . 'II. 1; officer's hands are now per-fect ' •

¦ In '¦ :>. In: st i-ps the Hag? , and nursery escoitalire ^w.V

t;P rap idl y.

Tli i W . M I K I O U I . .V 1.IS1KK1 CK llAll .«A V Co' I l A M. —T!" HireuHns of this Company propo-i; to n c ¦m' . ¦:' t l n .ir lialt-yearl y mi-eting, 10 be helil 1,11 tin;"."--.h i :^tain , a divi , :>- ,.d lit the ri.te of tl.r. e per cutujc. r i t !'" iit«.c 'i. (;f the Company for l lu- half-yearn.'i. 'g "I'1 "ec, lS'.l, carving lorwsird .t ,i;!«; !•..". iid.

l' i I.«I Ml—Dr. Thos. |li>l!ci.zy the late excellentnitibc-.i t lliiciT o f ih i .- KilU'caden ili.-pin.-ary di .-irictit prepa i ii - h im- el f lor an important uppon .tmuiiwii X 'u we an- l- :>['pv to know will secure- u-i arOi,:ii,unnee of his valuable professional services intki- locality . Il W!»* ""•' 'i"-cqu<.-iico of this ik-ti-rini -j iaiii -n il.ul IJr. i!e-l!eii/.y lell himself cnll i-d upon tortsi-.'n '•'" po.-ition in the Kilnieadeii dKlriel when-,iu a biv' ! period , In.- mudo h im-n l f warml y e.ti.'emuda.'i' ! re-p'cti d.

Ti - H K u N i A l . F' M- . — Tl.e Treasurer of 1 hi- K-.-v. I:l'. , « > i I' .l'., ic.-t iu ioma l fiwulgriiiefiilly ackoi .wie i jj-.s:). .• ii .liowiiig adJi t iomil n.b.-cripiioiis :—sir J. l,nK»m "- .ii: l i i irf - , il.l'., k2 ,' Kduiuiiii l' lti'yeiald , K M|.lL:\ brack , J t l .

oi;u TDWN COMIIISSIOXKMS.Hi- Wor ship tin ' Mayor. (Aid. IV. K. C.min iii -J,

(. ,;;, ,j ;, nUCHIIg of ibe 'I'OW' II Coillllli-riol.t I - (.'. «..

Il:': CDtpM -iiti on), lor 'I'ue.-d.-iy at twelve o'clock , intii- Ci.mii .il Chamber , City Hull , to h'-ar a nrpu ii ofh ciiimiH'"! ilealing with th- hackney < of tin->::iv.i iMl t'» act ibereon. !u cal l ing tbi< ni M-t ii ; his\vi."i- !,.p impressed uj ion tl.e (.'oniinissioners i i bisc:itii '.:ir «.f coiivi 'iiti ' iii , that tins would In- ll. i- loiinh!iti < n.j .t IIIIK IL- at getiii.g Iwi-my tcioi of tla-in to-gi- ' ( luo- tbi ids of t l. i- whole number , In) each otthe pri v:.,us thre e having failed, clea rly adding thatif 11.eie hh nuli l be !i!iotln-r li,n,e, .jn tin: absenteeswould n->i tin ! rc-spon.- ib i l i iv . After SOUK - l innul i sw:-i' ii- c Itjond twelve l o r t h < ij u i . iuni th': Mayor said|,i; wimid slay u n t i l haif .p.'isl for the r i-'p iisiti!UUtnb-r, but i;ot any lui.grr. During the half hour ,l!.c /oH"»'i«g memhi r.-, wnx- f,ri ->i m wi th the KinhlWorsbip ful llu. Mayor :—Aldermen \V. J. ,bii s<.ii . .1.1'.,s( . Oci'lge Kn.-i -iii a»i , -I ''-. 1'. A. I'uwi-r , J . I ' .. C.'llr iliiiond. CuiiiRillurs T. I' U I I I -II , 1' . K' c.^h , T.I''.fcVily . J- -McKhi -ry, K. Co'.ii lMi r. v . II . Ca i iwey . .I.I 1.,I I-'ircinan , •). llv.-m , .1. (.'lafn|i'-l! . ' < • U'alpoie, (i.\VliiK -. •'• l-'' "'"-, W. M:is..u , {,. 1. Mueki-y, M. I ) .,

Md W. Kelly. "Tin- Mayor omi: to the cl.nj r as th': clock p'ciiied

»l,e l.alf 'i"1"' i"""'r twi ''v(i , nt.d .-talt-d he bad !i-ll it),j. ij uiv to call lli'-a t"pcih«r to iJ<-a l >vii ) i tin.-

li.iel.m-v cars ol the ci ty, I he charge .-, of whose di ivei swi-ie complained <.l by -lian^rs ji ari ieulurl y, and ,In- i i "ietied to say, wi 'h t otj much n-nsoii. Il wa-iijn -i---arv f"1' l '"' r:'^' "' l'lI! public to lake .-oim:

tiri'ioii '•" tl ;L' in''"""' •'"¦'' that was t t l iy /»¦ li - > i

(.-• illi-il tin-in to m'-i-i I'it'i 'hat ilay. Th<; law rii-

cii ir i d an iilt ei - 'Iiiuc" of iivo-tliinU -if their body,

t « . 1 l \ ' <evcl l llicoi 1 '1 '- . t" Iffc'iili.-.: a n yt h i n g ibey

wi.u '.l'd" '"" :is I l l l ' -V '""' ""t tIl: 't i>» "il« -i - ll." "'.lyre-, uree left to l i im was to di-iui s^ U ,I ,.-I - wl... had

l .'n, l ind enoug h to a t t' i . d . 1|(. „•,,„,.,) ^ive t l .is

M',1 >! -¦• ' 1 hut i'l ll "' 1"1"'1-" "' ll'" O.iineii of the I th

f'j l'-iiVb whi n li« would "i-i lnei,ty- .Hv n im nibi is

, , ' . , t U- wot l '.' l --"'I' ''"• «'" l"-i'an: pn eeediii '^s


'i • ihis du i v . oti.- wnii .J. WOII M ,,,,t ..,.t- u py HM .I «

ti -n ' I'iv t - or ten niinnK ' --. was being .b.-cl,arr;ud. The

i- ' ' ,,.,s ,,i'.'.-'.'n t lh- i i M-p:ira!e.J.I ,,m.i ,i.-Mo n


ili!(i U1 J:ic|)1| ] y _ M | H

SI IV M ' C suit >v,.rd Pi th " May .., ,h ., t l . ey1 "'. 1 • me'"'' :' il< ll "'.v li:"' '" :illl'"'l .b. ! l.c...i .i

. •¦' ,', , ,'i ' t ln : n'aK- i fo id :.nd t-k l !: i i l«a\?•' "'"' , ., i. 'tl. they aic members , aad r.iuuci 'loi




''f '¦•»"•

,. . . j BIVS that it is coercive mc.'.snies , aud 110¦ . ,'f,,', keeps Iieliii. ii quiet .


1eveU rok,nU|.,,.,M-^qU


, .s

in,.!.- v "No not oiactly,1 n.-|'t..:d bunons. " 1...hMy bioken tlr-. or toar wiww..

lH.)AItl ) OF ( I UAHI)IASS—W F.IINKS I' .VY .Mr ]:. .1. I'.H- I., }) :u-t., .1.1'., Cliairm.ill of tlie Ullioll , in

the i-li:iir.11 v .'! I1"*1'1'1--"1'- T. W. J:n i,b, .I.P., V.C., C:i|>t. I'oov,v' n

V-^ lTf - C- U"R"r'. J-l'-. I1- V.-al... ,1.1,. Conn, \X .

.! ¦• . '.,' :ll,lv > M- l>'«li.-r. J. l.aivkss, T. Diipsa n , .1.C!.'.uq»tt , AW. Itclmoml , J. Lrauir.

WATKI 1K0UII DISI -KXSAKV.The commiliL-o sitting ou Tucsilay, Mr. Ii. A.

It yan , l'.L.G., in tbo chair, seut iu its periodicalreport . Tho substauco was chiefly routine. Kepeitsot medical officers noted tho satisfactory sanitarystall- of ihe city. Dr. Hrowuo reported having suc-cessfull y vaccinated fit) caaos botween December ,ISTa, and February, 1S7-1-.

COAL TK .VPF.1IS,For I!0 teas of coal tborc wero tho following

teuders—one ut ^Os. u ton ; 0110 at 27s.; then at 25a.,'2 Is. 1 lil., and iast at 20a. Tho master Btuted ho hailpurchased twenty tons of tho entiro quantity of fif tytoes required as follows :—ten tous fj ora Aid. U.Power, at 25s. Id., and ten toMs fro m tho Messrs,Cox, at 25s. Cd. a ton . On motion of Mr. C-'INN ,seconded by Mr . K EI.I.V, the lowest tender was takeu.Contractor , Mr. A. Kelson.

Aid. JACOH —It mnst be a satisfaction to every oneto see coals coming down.

CIMWJIA.V —It would be very satisfactory if , incoming down , wo found wo bad less to pay thanbefore. 1 find I have still to pay as much as thirtyshillings a ton , the same as ever (laughter).

^31 ASI Kit—Mr. Xeliou's lender lo 1110 last woek was

27s. n ton .HKMEK—T1IK " liOfOHAL."

Tho irrepressible " liouchal ," Jliehael Vower,1'rnmorp, was again beforo tho board to-day, pro-seutiiii; a memorial , signed by severa l parties in thatiown, snpnorti (i< ,' a prayer on his behalf for out.relief for bis family aud himself.

The CH A I R M A N , alluding to iho app lication , Raid hewas certainl y against, giving out-rclicf to any person ,who, like this man , Tower, was living iu a charitableinstitution. It would , certainly, bo establishing avery br.d preci'deut , for if one charitable institut iongot any of its inmates so fuvored, others would havean equal claim to similar relief. They could givethat man tho shelter of that hou6e,--ind , that boiug So,there could not bo any ri?k, and there woftld beevery justice in refusing him tho out rebel (hear).

Mr. CI.AMI 'KIT —An extraordinary statement wasmade in one of the papers iu reference to the pro.cccdings iu this case last day, that this Power wast ho owner oftiousc property iu Tramoru. Hr. O 'SllEA :The paper (Mail) bad not tho slj adow of a founda.lion for making any such statement. Mr. CI.A .MI -I:I Ithen proceeded to question Mr. Doyle, )!.()., aa to bisofficial treatment of Power 11s a recipient of relief ,and the officer 's answers were that he had given himuut-relicf up to the Jl rd of February, when bo stoppedit , as be found ho had received Xli lUs. in mom))*That, amount Power received every quarter. Hi(Mr. D) saw a document with Power tho day beforeshowing Unit he had pa id £1 out of tho amount foifood , for which he had received credit; ho (11.0.)believed the document U> he a genuine ODC, but hedid not make any inquiries of the pally to whom themonry purported to be paid. Supporting Power'sapplication , Mr. CLASH - KIT said ho wholl y did'ercdwith the Chairman , and hold i f. was not because aman lived inn charitable institution , and, periodica lly,received a small money allowance , that he war ; to berefused relief , aud bo called on to eonio ill hero , andthus break up his own little place before ho could»el help. They Had nnlliiu ^ lo say to tho allowancegiven to this man ill a cliariiab lc institution ; hiswife and childre n were in .1 destitut e state, and wereentitled to relief , as they had a place of their O'A'Hwhich they need 1101 break up. and thus becomeJestitiue.

Al.l. J A I O I : said he did not think that this manPower, had any claim , whatever , for out.relief. Tincase of the man was frequentl y left with the reliev-ing officer , Doy le, with orders lo give relief whenand when ho would deem it necessary, and beyomlthat point this board had no power to go. lie wasoffered tho shelter of the house ; lie null his familycame into it , Uut left it in a few hours , and would notremain. He (Aid. J.) foil a good deal for this manwhen hi- (Aid. J.) Hrsl went to reside at Tramoir ,but Power would not do anything by which he couldearn bis bread (hear , hear , from Mr. Hall y). Mr.J.'ogcrs oflered him a .shilling a day to mind cows—and not on tho sido of a nionn 'am as was said bysome one—but be would not do the work. His sonwould not take employment i-illicr, aud this wastbu family said to be destitute , lie (Aid. J.) sawPower beting alms, .iml that very act wholl y dis-qualified him from getting ihe relief be now sought ,if ho had , otherwise , ever so strong a case. He badthree of his children going to school , and they gottheir breakfa.-t every morning at the schools ; he andth" whole family lived in idleness , ami were theratepayers now lo hel p them to live in that condition(hear , hear) ? If they gave this relief they shouldgrant relief to every alms' bouse choosing to ask forit , aud that be need hardl y say woul-1 be qnite outof the question (hear, hear}, l/o (Aid. J.) certainlyfound very great cause of comp laint with the way inwhich this man kept bring ing his case before theboard (hear , hear). Ho went and canvassed parliesin Trainore to support his claim , arid those- sigua-turra ho broug ht bel'oru thu board at the close of theproce..dings, aw] pressed his claim upon tbom whentin- guardians would be about to rise. Jle (Aid. J.)ivotild not mind tho Biguaiuix's of irresponsibleperson.-:, ol those who, many of them at least, wouldbigri .my document f.ik-iilatei) to rid thorn of theannoyance of the" Bouchal" (hear, hour, and laughter).

Mr. .H.M.i.v—I say Mr. Chairman it is most unfairfor men who pay nothing to the rates to be abusingtho-e who do, am) who attend to their business. Mr.Hall y was here requested not to anal yse tho rnemu.riaii sts, and he, at once, a/j ecded to the wish of thuchairman. Adverting to Iho " claimant" Mr. Hallytaid that young Power was emp loyed on Mr. Mal-comson's farm , and Mrs, llouclttd was doing verywell , for a time, picking cockles. Howeve r the spiritof work did not last lony, tor Mrs. II., declared shewould not allow her son to be getting up at fivto'clock iu the morning for any d U led shankedfarmer, and look him home 10 live upon bis ways andmeans (bear , hear) . Jlr. Clampetr , out of li is greatcharily, Hod bless bim , went out to Tramore to setwhere the liouchal lived , and broug ht out a gcutle-inaa with him, ami tho moment llu: gentleman sawthe. place he said , relief should not bo given tuero ntall (hear , hear), Those gcutlcmen signing thesepetitions were very fond of giving alms, but it wasonl y wheu ii did not touch their pockets (laug hter) .II they gave i.'.",2 a yea r 10 tho rates, :,s J 1I0 , theywould not lie MJ ready with their names (hear , hear) .I know that Mr.-. (Jliristmas give-s Is. i;.l. .-mil I'S. a-weeU in charity there for year? , and whv can't thosegentlemen do the saino (hea r, hear) •¦ This is allii'j u-eiw: from the liouchal , and we can't listen to it.

Capt. POMKK —This man hu-t coino so often beforethe hoard that lii -i 11:1 rn. ; has become quite a bye.w'.-rd ; he is now the Hf ' l v i t from Tiamore (hear ,bear). II the man is destitute •—

CI M I K M A X —1 do not look upon th emun a-, at all ,destitute! (hear . hear).

(.'apt. 1'owKii—Who will now give this man ashilling a day r l .ookai ibis document (thu memo-ria i) .

Aid. J AI or.—1 do not care a s-.raw for 'hose pi gin.lures (nil ! from ilr. dampen). I do not mind them ,fur many pcr.*cus would .->i(,n a paper to gel rid olill .- man.

Capt. I'D U K K —Th.! nian'st wife was not able lo con-tihi i i - picking cockles, because she «:w recently con-fiined, and I would , at all events, havy the relievingoliicer in look after them. Aid. J AI .'UI :—He was In.- ,qiienily intruded so before. G'II.UK M AN : 1 do notth ink that individual guardians , chairmen or others,hhould do anyth ing except that in which the genera lb -ard woul l b..- joined. Jtoth Aid. Jacob and my.i-e!f know that lo our COKI , and believing ili.'it weshould not supp lement the funds of any charitableii.-t.iititi .ui willi tin- rates, and liolditiir , boiidcr', thata man like Ibis Power getting .en Hn ;« quarter is notdc.- l i t u f e , / certainl y will not sign atiy order givinghim out-relief from this board (bear , hi-ar).

-Mr. Oivx s.-iid he always h.-li the . derisions in suchc.u-i-s as the present w i t h the guardian* of ihn divi-»:< ,ii most c.mceriicd. in tliem. Following out thatriil , - , }ii.-i opii:inn w.-is governed ii -j\\* bv what heh.-ar.l from Ald .-i- iii.-in Jacob, and from tho lion ,nu mber lor Trainore , in addition to which fact helii-ld tha t princip le was adver.-o to iho application ,and , ih.-relore, his vi.ui MIIOIIIII be a;-'aiust il.

j j r. l-LA J ii -Kii .-aid he did go to Tiamon: to lookin to th is man 's cis'-, and he thought. In: Mas quitej u - t i l i ed in doing so. It was urged that 1 lii- i iniiu gutt in a yar, bin tha t sum was not sixpence pi:r headj . r w'.-.-k lor I'at-h of ihu famil y.

.\ |r. Doy le, I !.U., in ai.swi-r to A Met mnn Jai-i/b ,q -.iti t i 'd I'rniii bis report book a month ' s relief to t in ;f . l n i l v . of l '»s I ' 1'!. '1 hn relief was slopp<*;i whenPower L'ot his money.

Mr. H.M .I.V (wi th his peculiar forci-) — A b .' ll iey 'ronothing short ol being pampered. Why thei 'ivliving in clover. The /.'¦"..-'..i' >avs he 's di- s i imt i - ,and be g"b he has M is. llnuel .al i.'otdiiieil down thereevery t '. ine months (prolonged I.earty lai i ^ i i t i igl'i'.- :e.l t b i > 11- W la'V ill H a i t i 1' .-) .

Tlie ,- nbj 1 t.'I ciii/cd l iy ihe. t*-itcriu<? onitv.-'* hi:iri[>

directed in liau- his eve alt.-r t i i .- ;;. ... /.../.

I'.A I . I . I X A . V I . . - H i i ' i :t i l H ' : ) .

Mr. W. K I . I .I .V r .i ¦¦¦<• 10 I I H I V I - t i e fol!<,win«. ol w h i i-b

h < - had g ivi-li t h e n - na l u n t i e- : -' ' T h a t t. n l'-rs 1,..

i n v i t .-d b.r t h e l i l l i s l l i l l g of St . < Ht , i;,, ; 'H ,Cat ln,! ie)

M..riiiarv Clnpel , areonling t" ib" yp' -i.-i li.-.-iii-iii ><t

lb.- .-ir.:liit.'ei , .l am. - T. U v a i i , INq , and t h at , il n,..

ce.- .-ary, p e t ' iu i .--si.i ii bi- .l from tin; Loca l l i u v e r n .

IIH 1.1 'lioa id to borrow a. M i n i ol tn .ii.-y for t h .

A .de rmai i I I KI KP A O -aid ! h>- < ' l i a p < I should i."w I,.

l i i i i *l i . .-'l ; •¦"> til ', il was a HIM -: I :I > ililab!.- wink (lieai ,.

I I - a-k .- il Si r ll .iVrt . lo !¦•..!> ¦¦' lh" ccaie l .-rv w!,.-:i

i:. .: p.i' .-ii.i: 1l .1t » .iy , - . i d ).¦• v...u '.l .¦¦••.- how m-.i h

il % v . - n i r e a-l y i n i | p.'v .d : n na d 1.1- 1 in a - i i i l i H ' l i i .

i'..ndiu'- .i. , q i.'i i- ;. <b .. - a e h r i - nat i <- .u i . t i y

(¦ a i-l I I " l A ld It .' . » s -. :: il I i . le a r n I b a l- l b . .- b i^ n ly

.• .-,. 11:. ij | - : l i - l . p i l - ' - l ..! l i . i l l y l. l . .'I. . II , ( K ev. I ' .

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L-cni pleuV/ii of tbo ehapd, il ivai deu d better to

pci-tpj 'i.1." i l .i- subject for n week, to nwnii t b - reliu -iiof tho .;leik , at present on |

The bo iid adjourned early._ STATr. nj, TIIK UoiiKE .—Rcinniniupon F.itur.hv. F.iiruarTV. , il ml . 1, : n-iiminin^ on Ftbruaar I t , DOS ; less than thif. linytwclvru «»n1 l,< . 7.S _. ,,,,,,,b,.r ia lnf.rm.-iry, .IRS: in tcvrr,I- , co.-.i ,,f provision., ami in crs-am-s reccivnl , .C175 Cs. 0,1. ;1 -. COIIH11II.-. I . x iM i Ts. i.,l , : v..ii..ral .iTi-niRo m«t .,f .-1.1 inmalo ,! ini', ,.V 11 ,'" "!fir ">:lry. '¦<*¦ M - i ti-nr lioR |iit;il , f,i. fi.l. ;.uuiuc linn . .'-. sj . ; nimiU r on nut-rolict, 1.117-1* cost C-VIhl 'n i ' S"\- '•"' ¦r":ir- '•-VI: e"-"l. -CM l::i.. 3.1. Jl.dnnci inFuror cl gnnnliaus , Cl . '12 11s. lot.

: CITY PETTY SBSSIOXS—Fiitnu'.Beforo th o Hi ght Worshipfnl Aid. COMMINS , Mayor,

Aid. St. G. Freeman, Aid. T. W.Jacob, Capt. JohnsouMr. Jdin Slalterv nnd Cn'it. lirotan .

CoAf.s ox TUB QtMr. —Mr. 11. N. Ncvitis, Seorotaryto tht llarbour Commissioners, proceeded against MrSinclair , of tbo Clydo Shi pp ing Company, for havingleft On.U on thu Quay longer lhau is allowed by tb obyo-lew. Mr. Strange appeared for the pla'iutiir,and tlio defemlaut wiin unreprcscuttd. Aftor 11 wit-ness 1 ttracd Patrick Donovan had been oxamincd , Mr.Sinclair said bo n*iabcd to havo tho caso adjourneduntil that day week, as ho was unrepresented , andtho beach ruled according ly.

MA.?cr.iL Asn AI 'P K K X T I C S .—A youtJi named JolinLoary, of Xow-strcet , proccutlcd against bis mas-ter, Thomas Hayes, bair-drea.-or, Johu-street , forhaving refused to instruct him in b's trade, iiccoi-dini"to Iiii indenturos. Mr. Strange uppoared for thoplainuff. ilr. Strango (to plaintiff)—Do you com-plain that your master is coutiutiall y drunk nndswea -ing at you when you arc working ? I do. Mr.Straige—How much is duo to you now ? I'm out,of tho shop for tho last threo weeks. 11ns ho conti-nued to pay you ? No. How much wages have you toget *rom him. I baro threo weeks' wages. Capt.Jobnsou—Docs bo ever abuse you ? Ho does. Mr.Strango—What names doCB bo cal l you ? Ho usedto call mo a whel p. Defendant now cross-examinedplaintiff'. Did yoit not leavo thebouso without rybmoor roanou ? No. Did you not frequentl y go aroundthe Quay, nnd como homo drank , and then bring inrour ; drunken companions to mo ?—No, I did notllavi you not Stolen tools from mo? Plain '.ifi"—No , I never did . I'll toll you all about this yourworshi ps. Ho charged mo, one timo, with Imviu glake 1 his tools, and, in a long timo after, ho sent sametools to tho cutler to get them ground (laughter) ;when tho catlor asked him wero they tho samo tgol.if toc k from him , ho said they wero (laughter). Tliocutler, Martiu Tobin, was now callad as a witucsa fortho plaiutilT. ilr. Strango—Did you ever see thisyoung man drunk ? Witness—Woll, no ; but I sawhim under tho influenco (laughter). Ho'scontinuallymak 'ug complaints to mo that his master iron 't teachhim .his businesa, and ho told me several times thatho t'irued him out. Is tho boy a good boy ? Ito insir, » very good boy. Tho Mayor (to plaintiff )—Didyoui- master ever turn you out ? Ho did , air. Mayor—What would ho Bay to you wheu bo would boturning you out P Ho would say, " go out , you whel pyo" (laug hter) . Defendant—Yer worships, he'sabsenting himself at all times , and bring iu ' in hisdrunken campauiDnu at nightfall (laughter). He'stho • most consummate young rascal I over met(laughter) . Wh y, be actuall y thinks 1 ought to sendhim to London, for hair to teach him his business(loud laughter) . Mayor—Hat hucomp laius that youdon ,t teach him auylhing. Defendant—Wbat hewants me to teach him is the last branch of out-business , aud if I wero to show him that ho wouldonly laug h al me (laug hter) . Mr. .Strange—Do youwat 't to keep iho buy ? Defendant—Ves. Mr.Str(uigo—You would not allow him to go about hisbusiness now ? Defendant—^No. 31/lyu r—I thin kyou. hare Dot acted fairl y towards this boy. Woliava heard the evidence , and we think you do 7iotinstruct him ill bis trade, as you aro bound to do.riirir worships now ruled that the plaintiff' s inden-ture's be cancelled , and tho defcuduut left tho courtloudly complaining.

Mimxors SAILORS .—Captain Kobartson of theiV/iii. 'i- prosecuted two sailors aud tho steward forhuviug refused to perform a lawful work. Mr. J. K.Uacron , solr., appeared for tbo captain, ilr. J. Dcvo-roux deposed to baring mad-; a survey of the shi p.Mr '. Jlarron—Have you examined her thoroug hly ?Mr. Dovoreur—1 bopo so. Mr Darron—Do youlieJ iovo tlio fhi j ) to bo staunch , Btout and strong. ?Mr. Devcroux—I do. Captain Power, another wit-ness, stated , in answer to tho Mayor, that il wasabsolutoly necessary to havo another hand on board.John Hasel sworo tho vessol was making :m iuch ofwater iu iho lM hours. Mr. Iiarron—Do you thinktbiro is a suflicicui number of bauds on board ?There's 0110 mure than over. Tho sailors wero uowasked if thoy were satisfied 10 go on board her Dgniu ,bui thoy declared that they would " rather di«ashore" than do 60. Wm. Thompson , steward andcook , was uow called and asked wh y bo had refusedto do duty. Ho said , tho reason wh y 1 refused isthere's a ahap on board whom I have adopted as myowu ton, and this chap is not bciug fairly treated ,and nil becauco bo's Jloirish (laughter). Be. Ilnrtou(laugh ing)—Arc you Irinh ? No, I' m not. Mr. llan-raliau (to tho boy)—Aro you badly (routed ? liny —No, I'm not b.idly treated 113 yet , but it is promisedto me (laughter) .Sti.'n'iird—Tb o only complaintI Imvc to make: is that tli« yuuug felloiv U Ij c-iny ill-used. The sailors wort - asked whether they wuuldJo duty, and one of them said—" No, I would rather[jo iivhore first ; J W113 once on board an Amoricauship liko tbis , an' by 1 suffered" (laughter).riieto won wei-u uoiv sentenced to tivo moin .li-.1 ita -prisoumcut each, witb baru labour. Tbo Mayor , ad-lressing tho Captain uud tho steward , remindedthorn that his young countryman was going out tolluulio.-i Ayrcs without any protection , aud begged otthem to be careful of him. And (to tho boy) , Iwould beg of you to try and do your duty, aud keepup tbo credit of your country. The boy promisedto do so. Adjourned.

l'ANXIMi'S IN 'STITUTK—TUKSI IAT .Archdeacon A 1.1:0cK iu tho chair.

Also present—Messrs. M. Hl-uioy, J.P., J. Uoborty,J. Stranj t inati , bon. treasurer ; T. liowe, K. J.liarrou , solictitor; P. F. Power, A. P. Mahcr.

Cll.NTI IACrs.Tho committeo reported they had takeu the month' s

supply of btead from Mr. Ii. Adair , Lad y-laue, .11,7[d , per I lbs.; thoy accepted the meat tender ofMr. Fleming, Ki-.ig-street ; they took four sacks ofIndian meal from Mr . W. Cherry, nt :il= . G.I. a sack ;mid look the Mi .-ssrs. (Jrimu '.s for the cementing,Ac, of the front of the houso at JC1IJ5 , under bond ,and the inspection uf Jlr. (i. JlcClellund.

A D M I S S I O N S , tYC.

Tho committee fur ther reported they bad ilccid'.-don having lour fi i .-o udmissions , which would make upthe l iumhor of it.ttiates to a hundred.

CH A I R M A N —Then you r f.i- ids must b-.: iu a flourish-ing couditioil ?

Mr. SI.A N K V —Well no , thoy are nut; but wo havenot had uuy free admissions since 1WJ, and thopublic are tlusiro .H to have some as soon as possible.U'o havo iii-cording ly ventured on recommen dingfour. Jlr. SlHANnMA N : Our funds will JU3I admit ofour doing so, and no more.

Mr. T. liowK moved Iho adoption of tho ivcom.meudation to havi: four free admissions at tbc iu April , 11 mouih ' .s noiico to be given lo eachgorw.ior of Iho 1'uci. Tasicd unanimou sly. Noticeof applicalious to bo surved by next mouth.

l tF.Sl l i S 'ATI Ij N .A report was also read from the committeo statini ;

thut tho hull-porter hud sent iu his resignationnolely "on account of famil y reasons," returning Jiit -r-spectful tbauk < to the governors for iho kindnessb'.' had received from them. Ou motion of Jlr ,II A K IIOS , seconded by Jlr. liuwi , il was agreed tcadveni-e for 11 nucct-^sor at a fixed salary of JL'l."i ,iyear , with the usual allowancc-i.

A D KA TII .—The comiuitteu reported the death olJlary Kelly, an inmate lor eleven years,

A I' l l l l l ' l lbKI ) A t l M I S S I O .V .Jlr, DonKirr r gave notice that , at n'.-xt meeting, 111!

would tuov<! t/ic udiiiinnou of l'a t rick Callinuno, agH7U, b j r u at . liull ydavid , a resident of Waterford forton yeiim , u widower , on payineiit of £'M.

Jlr. STBAXI .MAN —One dilliculiy you will have tnovercome in thi.i case, and that is , one crmteil by tho^2nJ byo-luw , which tays that a citidiilrttc, to beeli gible , must bavi.- resided within tho boundaries ofthe city for tho lust soven jcar s prior to his app lication.

Jir. Doi lKKIV—The m ia u reHolution on the books—ibi: dale I canno; say—which mudilir.-! that rcsolu-iion to a fcsidcnci: of BCVCII j -eurs during th< > life o(tho applicant.

Jlr. SJ.A X KV said In: was not aware of any suchresolution. He i-cnn -iiihrrc- l quiiovvcll t 'uat the 'Slut lbye-law wtl.s SIIHJieud.-d in tin: ea*>: of Dan Doyle,who had Rlroiig claims to admis.-iou , but lli:it wasthe only chair^ u mad.j by tin: board.

Mr. Doi iKi in reil-ia '.e.l his eonvii .'i ioii , and theHi.n. T K K A M T.KH fu^geKt i d

to Jlr . Dnhnr ty that a

veiy guild plan lo adopt would bu to sen Jlr. .lo-:liuaW. Snaii-jinan upon iho subject. Jlr. 1 Inn l.i: 11 saidhi: would do so, ami the notice Was received. Thef i l l i n g then eoncludi d.

Fro m lln .- accounts nf the past your, just publishedTre extract the following ili-ns:—•

In Ihe i t isl i tution .'{1st /Ji -'ceiube.r, 1^7'J , ~itt wornei) ,¦Ij men ; iidinilK! ' ! in '7:'., 2 worn.-1. , 1! men; dii d inllii- fame year , I WOIIH -II , I! meii ; I.-ft the bon-c, ]wi.tnrn , 1 niati ; in hou-e li ls t Dec .'inb' -r , '7d , 5IJKin nmi . .11 men ; .-iveiugl ! U"St I)f I'ilcll in l l ia t l - , £1 1l'.i>. 1"VI. I" liie yo .ir's reia -iptH , .imoiicliing toJL'i,"l:i IU. lid., c.-.dit. was given fur Clli.'i for ad.ii n-.-i.ins ; (our iife subscri ption ", C IJ ; anil bequestof the la!i: Vi ry li .-v. Dr. Flymi , P.P., t l lld. Thecost of :t:s,.", |l> lbs. of bread for ll iu year was .1:2:15ll'-. U.I., til. .-average price per \ lbs. b' .-ing li;d. ; f<ir1 l.T i '.l UM. of mi nt , £^7:i 17s. ."id. : for ^ ,'.1117 ; gallonsol swel l mi lk , C l l l (Is. :M.; i;s« l gallons of .-kinnnedmilk , i:\J, ;,*. >l. j and 70 luii- s of coal , Cl 1 I.

Ti- . 't i ' i n \ N< I .—A n n e t i i i L ' of tin- operativr-s all-nd-. d at t i n - Hal l , l!i-i' i 's l .i id - s ( i-< i -i . I I I K I. ni ght lo lieai- miii .l -l r . • :,s ..ii i-iiipi -i:iin: u from .Mr II. htewart , ilupu-Mi li - .-iii i lu . |,aiii ,! i=> ,ci-ly. Tim chair was i.ctfU -p i - . i l.y .'.!(• . li.-i .f. . .: , W .A., i|,i. iudefali t fabli : dull. bi!C.,,: I - . .- |.,-.-, ; >. - .-•, - .. Tii.- addi.-se.- d .- l iv . -r - d by Mr.

¦' ' , " •¦ ¦::¦ H I M - , :- :i*l Mr. Hns-ey, l.' iig-.nlI " '¦ "¦;. ..' , « . i- lisl-n. ,1 in w i t h d.- eji allelition ,» a i m i.pplai iM) very lrcquouil y greuliut ; tbom.

INQUESTOn tho evening of tho 20th of January, as our

renders may remember, a lino little boy named Jol.nKunmi!, Bon to Mis. Jlcauu', of tho .Squuru , fell intutin: liver nt tin: filnsgo w hulk , and was diowiicd.Despite t'very exert iuu at thu time tbo body was notfound , anil it «as onl y on Wednesday that the rc-tmiii.s wero got on a inar.ib at Kuockiim:, at thecounty Kilkenny sido of tho river. They woro c^ii-veyrd ID the residence of lii.-s bereaved mother , and!\n inqnost was held there yesterday by tho Corouor ,B. N. Power , Esq., before tho following jary, sup-plied by Constj iblo P. Dull y, Lady-lano station :—Me.s-rs. T. Cutrau , forcmau ; W, Walsh , J. Koox , T.HcKonna, P. Connors , I). Nolan , P. Flynn , JohnPower , Stephen Power , T. Corcorau , J. 'i'obiu , W.Morris. A littlo boy living in Alexander -strecf , de-posed that he retnoinbcral tho 20lh of January lust;deceased and another boy named Shcohan were attin: ISristoI hulk, driving pigs and shesp into theOif if j steamer j 0110 of the i>ortor s at thy sto.imcrhit a boy on tlio lingers thero, whose name wasMurph y; that boy was in tho way ; that man 'snamo was Martiu Fauning ; deceased thought ho wasgoing tn hit. him , and he. jumped backwards, andweut b>. ,-, ecn iho bulk aud tho steamer nown intothe river ; deceased flouted as far ns tho steru , and aman ran and got a book , but ho onl y succeeded incatching his cap; no otic hit ilearoe; the cap wasflout iu.' at, the time.

Jlrs. Jlary Jlor.m deposed sho lived at Knockano ,in tho county Kilkenny, noar tho river ; about twoo'clock yesterday aho saw tho bod y of tho deceasedon tho mud of tho mash near bur placo ; she sentword to tho police

Jfr. John Kell y, Hakehouse.lano, identified tho bodyis that of John ilcarno, son to Jtra. Ilearuo, of thoSquare. The jury found that deceased , John Ileurue,was act idoutall y drowned in tho SJuir at the Quay, onTuesday, tho 20th of January, 1871. Deceased wascloven years old last November. A numerous audhi ghl y respectable funeral procession followed thoremains of the poor boy to St. Mary's Comclery,Knockboy, iu the afternoon , wbero they were, iutorred.

It. .P

SHIP NEWS.'I'llK Ii.Mi: (J AI .K.—On Thursday morning whilo the

late gale was far from having subsided u schooner ,the t'catl t) Days , owned and commanded by CaptainAnthony, of this city, was working her way intoWaterford harbor. .She had ridden out tbo storm ,when just outsido Dunmoro a mouutainous wavostruck her, smashed in her bulwarks, and othcrwisodamaged hor. Two of tho men who had been holdingtho wheel suffered frightfu l injuries, ono having hisright cheek laid open from templo to chiu , and tlioother having his forehead cut deeply by being struckwith somo of tho timber. Tlio youmj captain succeed-ed in bringing his vessel into port without furtheraccident , and tho men wero removed to hospital ,where thoy still lio suffering cxltemol y.

On Suuday morning last a three-masted schooner ,tho UI 'JSSCF , laden with coals from Bristol , put iutoWatfirford witb her fore topmast gone, and her hulkrather seriously damaged1. When about fifty milos,off Lundy Island , sho waa struck by a heavy sea,which , ns it swept over her, carried off everythingmoveable. Fortuuatol y, none of tho crow sustainedmy injury.



In sovcral parts of tho county Kilkcuny, thopeop le gavo unuiistakoablc proof* of their unboundeddeli j ;bt at tho triumphant re-election of Gcorgo UrynnKsq., Jenkinslown .as senior member for tho county.At Cbatsworth and at doug h this exuberancu wasBtriking ly observablo. The actual numbers wero notknown iu Clough until after fust JIass on Sunday ,when a special messenger arrtVcd tliaiu f rom CistJi;.comer, aud soon every body hai l it. Unit Jlr. liryaustood almost (ivo htit idrcl vote.3 over the juniorBomber for tho county, 0)n Jlonday, many of the ten-:uit3 suggested tliat some form of rejoicing .should boadopted to cclobrato Jlr. I'ryan '.i victory, anil a hn.stymcetiug of the people of Chatsworth and Clouj ln WH9bold, when it was resolved that a bon firo would betfio most fitting, as it would bo the simplest, compli-ment to b.) paid to Jlr. Hryan , under the circum-stauces. Tin's was especially felicitous as ou Fri-day a splendid scam of coal , hitherto unequalled inIrish mines , wa3 found by the enterprising Eng lishCompany who havo lately become, lessees of Jlr.Jiryun 's extensive coal minoi in tho neighbourhood.A deputation was at oneo formed towaitou Jlr.Xcvins ,tbo popular manager who kindl y promised tbat tho firstcoal sold from the pit should bo that which waspublicly to bu buruod in honour of tho popular pro-prietor . According ly, four liirgn loads were ordered ,nnd , on Wcducsday fal 'tcrnoon , it vr;u broug ht in pro-cession throug h Cloug h and Chatsworth , to tho en-trance gate of what was once thu residence of tho Dunfamily, and there bu ilt up into an enormous cone,surrounding a gigantic, picco of timber, together withauvoiiil creels of dry bl ick turf , which wero supp liedby a respectable tenant residing in tbo Queen 'sCounty . All was quickl y set ablaze and , night closingin dark and Middy, but without rain , the , immenseblocks of coal soon cmitt::d liurci,- hcac nml brilliantli ght , wbil.'t hundreds of thu peop le, for miles nroundcamo to join tlio fcslivitiod. WR bad abundanco ofmusic as well as of creature comforts, uml the juvo-nilos of both soxod enjoyod the pleasures of tho daucowhilst their oldei and more serious friends discussedthe nicrilH of tbc late general cloctious, voto byballot , &c. Very many times throughout tho pro-ceediuj fs loud , bearty and spontaneous checr.-i burs tforth at tho meuiion of Jlr. llryan 's name. Thorevel was kept up spiritedl y, aud songs aud speechesenlivened tho intervals of the dance , wliilst theutmost good order characterised the entire proceed -ings. Au interesting feature of the. demonstrationwas tbo presence of Jlessis. Nc.vins and Cburlulon ,the- representat ives of thu Eng lish Mining Company,who seemed thorough ly to enjoy the innocent amuse-ments, and whoso coming win welcomed by cbecr.i,again and again renewed. .Mr. Patrick Bicnan , Hoe,addressed the lurgo audience in (lowing language , hissubject being the connection between tho Hryanfamil y and tho people of Kilkenny for centuries padt.

IHKIiA N 'D'S KYIIi'dlmid' s l'lyo is brill ' itm , is piercing ; its glunces

arc everywhere ; it sees everything ; it penetratesto our inmost faculties ; wo read , and , in our mei-ri -incut , wo pick up wisdom. This week's number olthis young but fast I'avimiiti! is all , and more than isconvoyed in the above ; its contents aro extremelyracy, nnd oiic '« (inly regret is, that the end cmcHtoo soon. The glanc: at " .Men and Events" the pastweek is really rich , it i-i a true poi- ;r.iiluro in words.Talking of pnrliait s , the present issue comes out witha cap ital otio of Sir A. Guinness M P., tinned cap-a-p ie, with wise ntolioe on his eHclitilcheoii ,newlyrendered" U-.ser and fur 'ncr ," tho . .j ngiiizuncu beinga hog-head of iho well-known doublo Stout , with theExhibit ion Pulaco in the dUtanc , and ibo cheeringiulimali iii " wil l shortl y be reopened." The " Eyo"is a. cap ital sustaiucr for the mental sp irit. 4 .

THE (iA.IiWAV EI iECTIO N '.This election resulted on .Monday ai follows :—

r.'njit - . Nolan , i',:!4S; Jlr. Mitchell Il iTuty, 2,270 : MrU'Aruy, 1,070. Cialw.iy bus donu its duty by (.'aptNolan.

SALMON —Thu season for trawlers , cotn Ac, ope.netou Monday morning, and a fair supp ly was at marlnilhere about mid-day. Several good fish cauin fromthe U'iss district , and eight from tbo Ivcrk fishingground an unusual circumstance fro m that loca lily atthe opening of tlm market. Tins market , prids on.Monday waa Is. Kil. The retail (iguro was 2.s. apound , of which price .Mr. Gullaher , (islimougerI.omburd-strcet , sold very lino cuts. The averagewei ght waa from I I to 2 I lbs. Ou Tuesday the supp lywas airaiu good , biit price wns down to Is. Stl. OnWednusduy upward s of a 1"" film fisli wero neii t in ;price Is. :id. lo la. 2d. per lbs. Yesterday themwere r>0 fish at market price,wholosalo.l.s lid por 1b. To-day the supp ly was about 100, and prico Is 2d.per lbs. Sonic neat lish were sent into town fromrods from iIn: 1st of tho month , running to about11 lbs., and tvero taken an averagi; of Is, Id. per Ibi ,principall y by -Mr. Ciallahcr. Theseasou is expectedto be good.

TlIK ( J l tKA T KotTIIKliS ANII W KSIEH N ll.\n. W A V(.'oui-A.vv.—TIIH half yi-arly meeting of ll.-.: (JreulSouthern aud We.-lern llailway I.'oinpnuy wus heldon Saturday, l u l l , - couise of his opening speechtin- Chairman espies-od dissalislal inn i i i th tho ni-sull of the experiment wbii -b had be.-u madi; inrespect In the d-vctnpinenl of thi rd chics t ial l ic . .'J'bn diip c '.ors' ie|iori , which recofiinieiided it d ivi-dend tn. tin ; int.: of ."il per eeiit ., was adaptedwithout opposiiiim. A Iciigtbuiied dismission tuckp'.iicii respi-ctitig ill.- proposed extension of tin: lim:at Queenstown , which was ojiposed by Mr. Sugrucand other Cork shareholder.", ou tlio ground ihut itwould iuvolvo great expense, ami an undertakingwas given by tin) board that this portiun of theEche.mii would not bu pressed wi thout tin: sanction ofthe shareholders. Subject to thi.i iitidet rftatidinu',llu: meeting uutbnriv..:d the Hoard to proceed witbtin: bill , of which notice lmd bci.n givi.-n , |'or thopurpoHu of tliu extension of tin: line.

During the past month Komt! iliti-re.stiiig Iriiil .-i I I.-ITIJ

been mudn oil' liirkenhead , by lln: ollici .'i'.' of her Jlii-ji .'My 'K shi p Caledonia «l' n lifeboat desigm d by Jlr.Charles Chapman , u nautical eng ineer, "i"In; boat isvery unl ike u boa t , being formed of two coin s joiningby their banes. Sim is buil t of iron , is \LV, feet, long,w i t h an e.vtri-iro l.i -i^ht ill tliu cei . l ie of 7i fcet.Then: are iwo squaii: upi-i-tiin-.i whii-li op-n into ¦!¦•:interior , and »hi: is bu i l i to ho!d 7n men . Shi: iswater ballasted , and bus one ina. i , which woiks on ahinif v , so Ihnl it can In: lowered i ti d il y and quickl y.A li ght wiru balu^li -aih : runs iiloii ^ ; I In - top, and li ^btbang ing cbaius allixcd along the sides , so thai theymay be grasped by any ono in till: water. Tbo in-ventor has placed his Imal in tin- disposal of any ofher .MlljcHtj'\i ollicer.s imd s-atii.-n , *' io destroy her ifthey can by means ol the wind and oceuu waves.11

l)r. David Strauss , auth or ol " This l.ili: of .lesus "aud other works , died at tun o'clock yc.ucrdajevouiug ut Ludwi ysbuii;, iu bis liu'th year.

CATHOLIC CHURCH.TitK VitAsascAS CIWUCH .—O U Sunday last tho

organ in tho Franciscan Church, Lady Lino,after re.pairs nod improvements, was re- >poned ut solemnUigh Mass commencing at twelve o'clock. Tho VeryItov. J. A. .luckinan O.S.li1. officiated as celebrant ,Itcv. C. S. Hcgloy O.S.i-\ m deacon , and Uov. T. L.Hrad y O.K.F. as sub.ile .icon. In tho evening a veryimpressive sermon, nppropriato to tho special occasion,was preached by tbo Very Rav. P. J. Cloary O.S.F.ami tho devotions closed with Benediction of tho mostHoly Sacrament, The powers of tbo instrumentunder tho accomplished bunds of Mra. Marlowe, andtho singing of tho very cnpablo choir, uuder tbo ex-perienced leadership of Mr. J. Washington , werohi ghly effectivo.

R K L I G I O U S UECKPTIO.V.—On tins S.Vtli ti lt, tbo reli-gious reception took placo at tho parent houso of thoUi-iulino Order of Thildonct, Belgium , of Jliss FrancosMargaret Hyan, eldest daughter ot Mr. Thomas ltyan ,Jolin 'K-hil ) , Watorford ; in religion , Sccur MarioAnastatic. Thu interesting ceremony was presidedover, io tho nbsenco of tbo distiuguishod Arcbbisbopof llaliues, by Dean Vondolmans, ussistcrt by tbocure, tbo vicar, tho father director of tbo convent ,and a distinguished priest of tbo Jesuit order, whososervices the g-ood rov. mother «pocially obtained fortho occasion. After tho Gospel , tho Jesuit fathertook for his text tho word s of our Lord , " Whosoevershall leave father or mother, sister or brother , andcome after Me , shall receivo a hundred fold , aud shallpossess life) everlasting." Tho eloquent preacher,whoso discourse extended over three-quart ers of anhour , vividl y porli -ayed tho sacrifices mudo by thogood peop le of Ireland to keep alive, tho lamp offaith , ns was exemplified hy tho self-sacrificing devo-tion of tho beautiful and accomplished young reli giousnow before them.

COXVI -NT or POOR CI.AHK S, K KNMAIIK .—Ou tho11th inst. tho solemn profession of two sisters of thisincstimiiblo order took p laco in tho beautif ul ,-Impelattached to tlio convent , Tlio Kcv. FatherDavis, P.P., Snnom, presided , iu tho unavoidnloabsciico of tho Bishop, tho Jlo.-i' Hnv. Dr. Moriiir t -y,nnd that of tho Von. Archdeacon O'Snllivan , P.P.,V.O., Kcnmnre, and was .assisted by tbo indefat igable,curnto of Tho young ladies professedworo—Jliss Mary (lertrudo Fitzgorul , oldest, daug htorof P. W. Fitzgerald , Esq., the Square, Dnnyarvan ,in religion, Sister Mary Frances Joseph ; and MissLizzie . Uuisiini , neon.I daug hter of J. Uuisaui , K.-q.,I'litrick-Btrect , Cork, iu religion Sister Jlary Clare ,both of whom consider thomsolvos tho two especialchildre n of thu saintl y Nun of Kenmaro (JlissCusack). A very impru.ssiuo discourse was deliveredupou tho solemn occasion , by tho Itcv. Father Dan-is ,to a crowded and hi ghly respectable congregation.The sacred music wan rendered by a very elli'.- ientchoir , and nftor tho ccrcmouicd, tho holy rev.mother hospitably entertained tho relatives nnd oilierfriouds of tho newl y professed , witli tho clergy, to ftsumptuous ilcjcuncr.

Dli. W. II. CLEARV , JI.P.A combined meeting of tho students of the 7,(.'d-

wich School of Medicine and of St. Vincent's Hospital ;was held iu tlio ilicutii.- of tlio former institution onWednesday, to tako into considerat ion the best menu?of presenting an address and to Dr. W. IIO'Leary , Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in theXiCilwicli School, and Surgeon to Si. Vinccut's llospi.tal. Amongst those present worn tho following :—Dr. Lcdwicli , Dr. JI;ipother , Dr. King laud , Dr.M'DowolI , Dr. Wa rd , Dr. Camero n , Hobieson A. II.Riug l.-md , Jf.-ismi , &c. On Ihemtit ionof Jlr . O'llagan ,seconded by Mr. Fitzmaiirice, Dr. Jl. A. Ward wascalled to tbo chair.

Dr. Ward—You arc all aware thut wr- arc assem-bled here to-day in order to congratulate Dr. O'Leary,one of tho lec-urcr.-i and professors in this school , andsurgeon to St. Vincent 's Hospital , on having attainedtho proud and enviable distinction of being elected toa seat iu tho great, lrgislntive assembl y of the em-pire , and to concert measures for ihu purpose ofpresenting him with an address and testimonial(cheers). A.s the idea of calling this meeting logetlierentirel y oig ina'cd with tbo students , nnd as H iseminently a students1 conference, I shall only detainyou willi a few observations , first thanking you forasking me to preside (hear , bear) . All profession *are moro or less .-idcquately represented in thcllou-iMDf Pnrlinir.cut , except ours , and , when wo con-idcrtliu many and various grievances which our mcdieulbrotlwea in the army, navy, nnd poor-la w Kcri ' i trHlabor undei-j I am sure it will be a source of g ia id i .Cation to each of us w/ien wo sec- a nie'lie.'il i/ ian j .:-turned to Parliament (hear , hear) . Dr. O'l.-.-m-y banlaboured among you for years, ;.nd is known tu yuall as a most popular and attractive lecturer, -"i.d Iam confident t h a t wlir t i lie enters tho House of ( .'..i n -mons he wil l up hold the iiiteii.'.-ts of bis piofr. .-i"n.mid, taking his stand as an independent nieni l ;<T -- ntho broad platform of justice , wi l l endeavour i> . i . - .dress tho wrongs of mir brethren , no matter l i o u iwhat quartiii' they may emanate—for medical men ot;ill sli.-ule.-i o(' |iolitics run happil y unite in a commonL'fi'ort to advance tin: interests and stains of our muchneglected profession.

The following gentlemen Were appointed iue. i : ryout the object of thu meeting :—.Messrs.. Cidl .i:i:. '.iK'eays, O'tlagaii , .Monks, Pooler , William s . Cox , ."¦!¦:ward , Courluey, Taull'c, Fiuuiii'iricc , Warren , C>\ ,aud Joucs.

Jlessis. Jlasou and Taafio having been appointedtreasur ers, null il vote of thanks having been pushedto Dr. Ward for bis dignified conduct |i:i tlio chair,tho nicotine; terminated. Considerably over twohuudrcd students wero present.

ELECTION PKT1TI0N.S.Arising out of tho present getii.-ra f election s u i--

oxpected that a number of election petitions will b"Clod within tho timo prescribed by the ParliamentaryElections' Act which wus passed iu the year 1M!S, andcontinued by subsequent statutes. After the generalelection in lbUS, the number filed in that year wasGO, and five in the following year. Hy tin: liallotAct, which has now being tested by n general elec-tion , the offence of " persouatiou " can bu added tothe charges of br ibery, trc.-.tiug, and undue influence.The niodo of proced u re is by tiling a petition in theKulo Odico of ihu Court of Common Picas , containingtho allegation* charged. A soat can be claimed ornot on the part of an. uusucccssful candidate. Ueforea petition is at i-j sue a. recognizance iu a sum of£1,001) must be lodged , or a sum lo that amount de-posited in iho Hank of Eng land. The next proceed-ing is to appoint tin: tria l , alter which the sil i in j jin. tuber can obtain " parlieulars" of the. olVcuc .-alleged , and within a few day s ol the tria l the namescan be procured of tlu i parties imp licated in ".bebribery , Scu. Tin: liallot Act was passed on tinISth of Jul y, 1S7:J ; it is to continue , iu force uMitho Hist ol December, ISSIJ, aud no longer, UII I I - SMParliament otherwise determine Several v. iir . i :-»weru repealed during tbo operation of the ue;. Itwaa proposed to tnako it an offcuco lo indue .* anelector to disclose for whom he voted, but the n i > > -. i-sion was struck out. Iu iho present i.- U-ctu.a"secrecy" was not obseiTcd, and cauls were forwar-ded on b.rhalf of candidates and returned after vo' inu vIt will be for consideration in tin: new I'iirli:tmenlwhether umciidmenIs are not needed in the stulii i " .Hy the "i till section of tin: liallot. Act (J lj and '¦'¦¦ 'Vic, cap. XJ) il i.s jiroviiled thai if on tho trial of ¦'- ..'election petition any catididatt - in found by ihe j n ¦ !: •by himself or his agcuts , to havo been guil ty ¦•'pcr.soiiuiioii, or to have aided or profure il such p' ' ¦HOu atiuii , at mi election , such candidate shal l i-iiicap.'lo/L* ui titling in P.-irJi.-iwient for a county inborough during the Parliament then iu existence ;and by tlio followiii- ; si-dion , on ii petition claim ingthe scat , if it is -moved that the candidat e or his,-lgems liavu Ucen guilty of bribery, treating, oruudtlo inMuoiicc , tiictt i sliall , on u .scrutiny of tbcnumber of votes, bu struck oil' from thi : number ofVotes appearing lo have been given to such candidateone vote for every person who voted at such election ,tiud is proved to havo been so bribed , irculcd , undul yinfluenced , or retained or employed lor reward . Al-ready uolices ol election petitions have , bco.-i given ,[Hid ii j i lo tho present liiue severa l havej ieeu filed. Apetition must bo lodged with in a spceiKcd peiiudiflcr each election.

A ( ASSAL'I.T.—In tbo Petty So.siiotis p.'p .inin another column appears thu easo of tin: Captain ofthe* JJu 'jrnic , boutd from (ilasgow to liuotios AyrcB ,aguiusl Somi: of his sailorM for str iking work , on the(j rounil of lln: vessel being unscuworthy. Tim vesselnas adjud ged as requiring o.d y n -li ght ovi-rlmu l ing ,bin two of tho K ailo is held out , null went to pii sonfur tw.i mouths. Il was in rosary, befoie tho vesselL-l.:iM leave. In pr,,CUl'i- t wo III C II to Slljlp l y tl . < - p lacesnf tho mutineers , and for t h i s pnrp .j .i ' a Capi uu ouboard i'l uhargo of the cargo, had nu int . i vi.j w willin H 11i i >| > ii J

¦_' niasl'-r in town n.imed Sh.-:i , rvRultiu '^ inbin promising to ublain two suitalil" bunds naming,amuiigst oihi.-r.-i, u man ii.iiued Luuronci! Power , fr.»iuHook Co, Wuxfor.1. <Jn Wednes lay ereiiuig, tho dayniter this conservation , the Capta n dined at Coinin i ti '.iCiiiiinercial Hotel , merchant 's (j uny, nnd met SheainiUidc as ho left , nocosting the Shi pp iug-tna -itertin ) Captain tolil him he would not In; reu.iy unti l

next day to thoso men to sign. U illiout theslightest provocation—never bavin .; spoken t- > theCaptain unt i l the day beftin :—slm a an at Hie str-in--.¦IT, nnd .struck him a brutal blow on th 1: ri ght check ,ep l in ing it , causing blood t .j fl-.iw copiously, andt h r u made oil'. The injured man niaile his way intothe. mayor 's cst ihli-dnmr iii , close at hand , when!In: saw his woiship, to whom Iu: told what had hap-pened. Tin: mayor very l.ind ;y, tin s Captain 'wound dressed , und ll .ei , in. ..ii: out a wununl . fur l l iu.H I .-.-I of .Shea, svlii-:b I.'- -j av.. inlolln: h .t.-I.S i'l I 'll 1

|.,.hci: !'•.!• .'Xcllion , ¦J- >uv.; I. M I I -. U' l.i aid iu th e s.-airb ,ad,aeioiiipaiiied by :.t,i: eump !

qlt . -ul l y bl 'oll -^lil belor t : t i i•¦.,11 at the (,' i ty Hul l , .Hid ,

ulia nl. .>;iea lias¦ May or and Cap ta inon ii i i > H I IOVI - J i i i - i

In ,n, !"-n- l : . i .- |. . i

.mi- I l l . l . i .:i , i itenced lo a line uf £,",, or two ' iiuprisoi.meiii ,tin: utmost extent all,,wed by law. Shea declined to| nv , aud was placed in custod y. A woman , however ,st.i ted to Lc his s ir t i 'r Mibf- :ei|Uenlly p .iid the ti::e, andSl. i- .i was dir clmrp ed- A more unprovok ed us -; .ult ,al.d t h i t , tt .-o, on iJn- per.-.oli of an lluollelidiu g , u du -cutcd Aiui:i-icun geuileiiiuti wo have rarel y, i; ev.:i 'rocorded.


HOARD OF GUARDIANS— TtttrRsiiAV.John K. DOWER, J.P., V.C., in the chair.

Also present— Messrs. llor.ry A. Fitzgerald. J.I'.,Richard J. TJsshor, J.P., T. Williams , John l'obin ,Patt Flynn , Eilmon o" Power, T. Power, Jobn Wal l,James O'Brien , Pan Brett and Edmond Kierwan.

MEDICAL ATTKMIA.NCE—The following explauatoryletter wns read from Dr. liuut, the Medical Officer :—"Sltt-I bnpr to nckuuwlcilj o the receipt of your sommnnj -

•i-liou of tlio 2StU nltiiun, nlntivo to the &;'« ot .Miry Council ,who was cuutiiiLil of a ^til l-born cliiUl , ouSuuilay.thc ittli -jut1-,ixtnl who TV.IS not vii--itcil br me on that ilnv : and ftl^'O C'llbnt?

* * ¦ • * * >" • ¦»* *4%* w , (,- | V V<4 &# * ¦» ¦ . « *\1 | ||,| k ^ X ** J v« - -i * w —¦ - - — i~r

oq me lnr nu i-xplaiintinti of my uWi-nco fi'3:il bolh lins)iitiih unfi-Miuent occn-inus for thi* last six uioutb?. In reply, I wouldboi to ftat;:, that with ritfcruocu to Marv Conutll , whuin I «»'and pxauiincil on Friilay and Rntnnliiy, 1n-r i-a^o «»- "noot labour, rciiiirins- no otber n^sistinco bat wU;it couldbo ri-ndcr«l by aoy ordinary midwife."

"My al>?cncc frnm the ivork-honsi: on tnat Buiutay w.v illnw? ,produced by over filtijjili! (mm atti-n .»i my daiwiiter ,wlio vf.-m, us many uf the- iriuirtliaiu kuuir, daugrroui'y i'd ofRCarlet fever." With reference to my ab«encu OQ frcqu»-ntocca-iion^ durinjr tin- l:i.-t six montli!*,reiorcuci! t'i tht- I IOII IC will ,I tliink , tbuiv thut rithi -r tbi-ru were were m, p-uientB iu theliOBpitul , or niu- ..? two ull.nvcd to rcinaiu for afu w days atterrecovery for Fume tt ieciut reason."

After a few remarks in reference to observationsmade by Mr. P. Flyun ngiunst tho doctor aa to hisalleged atteudance , tbo board passed aresolution stating they were full y saustied with Dr.Hunt's exp lanation ,

TIIK Ni'."' I-'F.VKU IIOSI -ITAL —Tho board next pro-coedcil to appoint a Clerk of Works to superintendtfco erection of the nnw forer hosp'ua) . There »croj itinj proposals, viz.—Thomas Almnu , ColliKan tender-ed at !{ p.'r cent, on tho outlay of .Cl 10'j : .MatthewHenry at. 11 per Cent ; Hoberl F. Harry, o per cent ;K. 1) . M'Sivcnuy, 7 per cent ; Miehacl) Kellick, G percent; Jnme:i Doy le, 7 percent ; Wm. Harrison J percent or JL'O a uiont l i , and John Hutler , at 2) per cent.

A pol l was taken between Messrs. Butler nudAlmnu , when tho lat ter wasappointed by a majority,tho polling beintj ti to 1.

Tut: L.m: LOIMI SffAitr—This bcin^ the firstmooting of ihij bnard sinco the death of tho niuch-likrocnted Lord Stuart d« Dccies, tbo following welldeserved resolution of sorrow for bis demise wasproposed by Henry A. Fitzgerald , Esq., J.P., so-condod by Itichard 'j . Usdlier , Esq., J.P., and adopt-ed nnanimou al y :—

•' HtsOLVED. —Tlio i'.'.aiil nf (iiliudinns of tliu I)un?arv.-inUnion ha»c lrai'ni d with f.:elin»a of prnfouud n'Ri'ei, i:it,-lli-trrnco of tdo ile.-ab of Ifio Itnj iiT llo.v. lyjwi. STUAflT l.i:DlTlKs ,— u iioliluiimn , who from tlio datu ot tli>:ir furiii ,tlurinj; a p.-ri".l ,-\t. - :nlii»u ' considerably OTIT .1 <ill:irter of aL' .-iiliirv, .n:.:iiiiii'.| tlia < ]i...-ition aiuoiiL'st tlietn to whic li hi*own iirstiil!.'ili-h<:.l merit :uost j nfllly i-lititlcd him. .Vssridutcdwith tlii.' lio.l.v us (Jh:iiru::iM . the Kiu'ht Hnn Lnnl Stuart, tins attiin-'- -wli.-n fuuiinc pi'i.--nl most sexm-Iy lij ion the lnnics oftin- |H.or , an.l r.'iul..-rc l tin- idininistrutioti nt roliff no rasy ta^kf or If iurti * j /^-lla;rJia»- - J.'lT.'iriabl^' Jumiifested , in an i-iaineut'U-{;i'i:o, tlios..' iiuulit ;- -> . f pater iiHl ciru uud tolieitiidti iu thoiill -.-viatioil <:f fli*tn- i.wliich remlrr thimi irrut' .-ful tu his liuine,whilst tha :ipf . iiil i- lh^ .-iit , r,:.ticn t in»|iliry and forlx-aralicewhich hi: lireimht to Inur iipc.ti tin: gtii.luacc ot our proctpVui£sL'oul.l not full tu ;i--ui -i.iti: llii mt- inory with feelitlKS of deep'orroiv for his ili-p:irture from auinitu'St us, ami .sywp.-ttiiy forLhi- one who so worlhily siK-'-ea.l.^ him. un.l to whom wu kvn totender this tribute of n-.-prctful condolence."

DL'NGAIIVAX UXI0X— YKSTEKDAV.Ilr. J. H. Dow en , J.I'., V.C., in the chair.

Also present—Messrs. Michael A. Anthony, D.V.C.,and P. Flynn .

MASTER 'S K PI -O ICT.—Tlio master reported llj. it Ml.firad y, aged IS, an inmate , absconded with a suit olthu nuion clothes on .Vouilny last, lie reported sameto tho Constabulary . Dr. l iuut being unable toattend on tho li l ih instant , iho muster called uponDr. Allthouy t'j visit both hosp itals. He is entitledto a reasonable fee. Ordered that one guiuun. be paidto Dr. Anlhony, same I - J be deducted from Dr. l l u n t '.isalary.

TI I K Hotsi:.—The vi .- i i ing committee suggtstcd cor-tain repairs which WI IV aj tj irovcd.

SA N I T A R Y .—The l,ocal (iovcrnment IJoard wrote ,O1.1l they had roceivrd tlm periodica l report of theirinspector, I>r. Kit. -_r. slat inj r condition of liou:--<: satii-factorv , no ej. ;d,'ii.u ' . and but three pati ents in tin ;fever ho.-|.ita! ,

A l i - t t . -r t r - .i-.i -.a;i , " iu referctice to tender for newfever l iu .p i iu i »;¦- pu- ' p-iiied , 'iml t in- boariI>'O|>a rated

Awr.ri 'i .i .v Srni iKX D K M I I .—A very respectablofarmer named Jobn Flynii , l iving in iho vii- iuily ofCRppuijuin , wen t to n tumult 's wedding on Thursdayni (,'th It i-I. and , al ter enjiiy iiijr himself fur .1 consider ,able lime, luine.l of slight illness , lie wusdiii .'t i eil to xo j n toa 'u.-d room tjuilo cuitVCuicnL , whichhe dit l 111.1l after b.-in ^ there u few minutes a messengerWaH desjiatchi 'd lor I d - witc , but when .ihe arrived In:w:,^ in-eiisible . Th.' i'l ' ie-t uml docior were proinp l yin ui 11 n.!u' but 1. - !'. . i i .' lln-v an iv i .-d his spirit ha-lIl"d.

. \ i i t. . \ t "i: 1.1111 1.. M r . Uiehard K. I W e i i u a uDiiiiy .i rvan has ¦ • -.:¦. d an act i ' i i i for libel againsttht : pi'opi' ie lur c!* a 1. > ' ¦- '. >'o:.: i - t v . i t ive jou t ' i ial .. lama^t ' .-a: e.-,lll). t ' i n j . '.M i i - .:. \ M. '. icilur • « Kell y,K..( j ., S.- .-sionii l S,,!K- I ' OI -. L', L i n k - ticor^ .:'s streotW:,:.-r:'-r.l .

'! .' 'l l . i :l . W: 1. : An it api ' -s t was held on Thurs-day .•:. t l . " l.' i . i i ' s . ! t in- i w . i - a i l o i s of t l i .j Mii,;i !,rjfSi :,- Kii - c',:e.! i i . i l , . - !a - i - ._'a|... i.lf I tu H i n a c o u r t v I.i-^ht .hiii i .-i\ Ti:e luidi'.- .-: we:.; a l l . I ward.-: iutiTi' .d iii i l l .aiiciei.i. ^rave. '. a id ol K i i i n i n i ' i n . W.: an; i t i fwrmojI hi: caryo wa.i i:'.- ine.l . The i <.i:. 1 "bul.-ny fp .ln It i lu .^a rvau , under K. M 'l Je r in i .u , K ~ t \., :-ub.i]..-p'.'Otorwen: promptl y 0:1 'I n ' S CI -I M - of i h u di.-a.-t.-r , an.rendered every a.- - i-i : iuce in ibi ir powrr : in also MiJtcdii iond , 1!..\I., i lr. Will ia -n li.inoii, Capt. l l a im-vMr. Jnuies liinld , who lnnl tl.e two M i i v i v o i s broirs'bti n t o town on ) :is car and a t t e n d e d to. On Wednesdayn i ij rniui ; , 'l ie collier , //• . ; - ./ of Vouy hal , (Kvat . s ,ri t .'isler .-ind O W I .I - I ) * u w i t h ouls, went n.-horiinear l l c l v i c Head , bat t in . crew were rescued by the\il 'f l'.i.'il Irnt .'i IJa lb i iaeoar ty . Sho is breaking up ,A sulisi-ri pti iin t . ia id tlie s-irvivofs of the .Woivf iW>it, tr wti.s generously K..I up in town dar ing the week.

c.u:i;icK-ox- 'ii:iu coiuiKSvoxtif ssciHOARD OF flU.VIlDIAX S— SAT U UIIAY .

(,'l.KMKST SA IU.IKK , Esq., .1.1'., V.C., in th.: chair.Also present—M essis. .luhi t Uichurilson , James

Hit-key, William ij rit inn , John Slieo , Michael Caser ,Patrick I'helan , CaiTick-be ;; ; and F. Ilny an and Dr.O'llyan M.O.,

S A N I T A R Y Kr. l '. i l i l i .

Messr.". l,:,wreiii-e , l > .ilt..u . Ij i t i ik o , rrporl .-.lsatisfactoril y of ihu .- t a t e of ideir r.^p -eti've .liV-Lricts. Fever and scarlatina I ,ml dccivas :.! w i t h i nlhi: week , und in •; i.- il , a liea 'lliy state of tilingsexisted. No li i i i -an i- . ¦• w.'r.' pniM 'i.'u;i:.l. 'I'll.: bu<i-IU.SS was very b^!.: , and rhc l.uurd ndj - i 'irn 'I '-.i:-)r.

Sun: .•?' t i n I I . . i s- | [ .- : i i'i i i i i i.... :d la-t r.'i iort . :i» ; Ad-

m i t, . ! H in i "- ; !„¦ v . .. ; . . ] - : .'•¦. . .l i-.-!i:ir/.-d i lur iu-.' ti i.- in . Ic ,:;i ; l > . i - i : . ' -, • '. • •: ,

¦- -. in iminuar;. , 1-7 : f.-v. r I i« .- |,iti:a1, £'¦;

i . - .-t'i i i i r i ij ^ .'ii .' i t - ' . i . - > : ¦:¦ . '- ' '¦'¦' : :.'. I I ..- -:::ii" ii- - r i , , . l i:i 1 7:'.. 4V* :

11. «-]- • ; l - , - f.;|- t!.-- |,:.-1 \ . : n- l!:» ; aa i- .UMt r, , - , in .1 il.n'i ii'.- wi-.-k

A'. i'. 1- . Ll . ; |.:.i . '.. ¦> ¦ ' • '•". '-' '".- . "d. : .- . " I. .I l. i"vi- i. . l is und

u. r. . > - i . - - . • < : {..* ' .- . - . 1 : . I - . , r. li.- i i t l . i . l . e.- l l'riduvr ;e.-,:

> -, ..I ;a. imua:. f.. . ll:. '-. ' . I., :'... ".M. ; iiitillnury il'i., "... 7<i. ;!,-v. .r l iM"p i!iil . '- . -. '. . : > ; . t - - . . i it - i a i.d i i i '.'. tl"l >*. Id. : t.:i!.i

in f . ivMiin. i' l i . i. .n , t l- ;i.i 1- - I I . ; X... "ti out iliwr-roli'-f !•'.» ;

M,l , L- l l l-.'i. ?¦!.

Tin: FAI I M — Sp . i i . _• operations on Ibis well man-li^ed farm «iv in :-- - : i i ' - pni^r -i-ss. Pints of earlypntu to . - i i uv I- ¦ ¦:• -. - V I I sii.e' i the middle of lastt i m i i i h . .- ¦•rl ¦) :.¦ v. ' 'i : .:• ¦¦ s Is am bi -iiu ; got, ihnvn

rap id.v . ' .< t i . i : tl"\i ' ¦'' depar tment a clearance ofiv./ i t f . i t -* . - ... k bu- I. - : i rep lai- .-d by new beddingand I. IM I'.- I p i -n i l - : u i . -l i i i idur the immediate supur-in: - nd. II .v of Yi--- . !- -: l i i nn i , mn<ter , and Dyron ,:: . ' ...' i l ' iUI ' is l . I l l ¦• '. H I M "i l l as I l i lber to , bekept up. .; . bi 'b clur.-in-i'.-i .

Tut: 1'iii.i.iNu A I' -iin: (.'ni 'M'Y Kl. Ki mix.—l-'rnm lltlflto I ' l i l voters polio I at l .'anicl .b g dur ing il iu day. A^rcat deal of noi-e and t*.\cileiilenl j ir i-vui led , :w itwas reporte.l ibat Mr. l.oiifibot.torn hud extensivesupport from the gentry of the Co. Waterford ,which iii iubt endan.'er Lord Charles lieresford' s•huuecs of tho honour of representin g the county inl'arliami' iit. About 11 , a.m. his. lordshi p at tendedby Mr. W. O'lJon nell , conducting agent and somefriends anived in town. Tin: tenant ry drew hishiidshi p's cni i iage up to t in- court.-liouso am idxt aNIX-II" of ihtoiisi! tiitliuniusiii. Xo counicractiiigclement prevailed owing to the popularity of thoCandidate 's, noble brother whose liberality and genth -manl y courtesy to tenantry, working people, and allUnder him , have madu him exlrcinul y well liked. Hisliu-dsliip addressi'd th .' crowd briefl y. He promisedto support all mia-iiires likely to improve tho tenantfarmer clash's , and h..ped to In: able lo do some goodto work ing men emp loyed in ih< ; country .it ngrieul-l i nu l I'ursiiiis. As li»r l l ' i inn I'.uli", he believed thatif landlords lived on i heir own estates, as his brotherdid . lh': Irish p»i) |>li> would soon become as happy andeoiiienied ns any race in Murope. Hi! wai repeatedl yi - ii i- i - i i - i f and gru'in-. were IVe.|.ieutl y gircn fur "Long-b'it loin.

Fi>ni:ii i l' i:o-i.. I ' l i os'.—A man named Dunne ,i- i :"i.lin^ "l l>All ye.-i nviiii , County WaU-rfonl , was seutt.) ..M<II lor two monilis speiring salmon in the .l.'lodng h. Tin-re wero sovcal other parties mulctedin benvv fines for II similar class of olfiMico. Messrs.Quinn , and Wilson , J.P., were thu presiding magis-trates.

Hitii ioKir. —There will be ii second meeting heldin connection with tho new bridge over tho Snir nI'IIW days. It is generally thoug ht that Mr. G.Malcomson 's project will bo now adopted.

U:-) .VSTKk C'lKCIJ lT.NV.Ni li l l—Til-—!:n , M-'rcli :tr.l , at 11 o'elntk.Kll .BK.1SY"S .it i i ' i l . iy, .V.iii . -li , "ill , ¦•' 11 o'cl.'ck.1' l.osMKl. — Wi- .l iu-d.i l , Vl .nt-l i l l l l l . at 11 oVIoik.W M I;U W O I I I I - M II ...1 IV , M - inh Klib , al 11 o'clnrk.W K X K O I I I I --Tlim- -;U> ". Me .'l i It i t l i . at 11 ¦•V-I-. 1-.Wi. h i o« -XL... 1 ¦> , M . i . h illr .l . -.Ml .iVI ' i tk .|:: II ..II ll.iws) i- :!.- -ail.v ju '(.v j-i-t H.I.IH--I i.-r Hi.- <

S IN ML '.VSTKIi.I Dunn- fl.iU ' t'.iriiL'liliur]

M l l X T l l l . Y1-t U'...l,,,-,l.,y.J u l \V.'.!n->.! '•>.. 12! I;.l - t Tu..-.l:iy.1-t MI.II-1..}- .,.1-t

- :(¦.! vV.illl.-dal.\Va',Tf..l.l-l-t Millllbiy.'I' allim- .. i:..i .Mi.n.l.iy.liii..t::irriin...3* .l W- dues

,1 M .l.i"-.' iii-lc 1 'ity . . 1 - t 'I'll!-

¦bll .Ti | . ;i>- i . , i ) . . . ".-.- l Tr.i-v. !.iv.I'l.lim:«l.. l,t \\ , hl .» 'b

it.! "11-1.l i l oM' ..

. lUlMll .

. ! , , !, li l!.i.| W.-.l'. '. lb.ll'- . U

I' .llll.M-U.ll-jll'-

l,i . : Tu. -.l.i.a.d W.i!iu».l



near Salisbury, N. C, on the 17th of Ia3t month ,ended ono of tho moat remarkable of natural pheno.meua. Thoy camo to thin country in liil'J , vrbea tlieywe-e 18 years old, having previously bcon shown inEurope. Thoy were bora on tbo coast of Siam, andtheir parents lived by fishiog. None of their fifteenbrothers and sisters wore deformed, althoug h manyof them wero twins. They mado tbo tour of theUnited Stalos, and , excepting Tom Thumb , wcio ill ..-greatest objects of wonderment to the people. X"rwns tho curiosity regarding iheM coufiued lo gup iugrutalista. To mauy men of scionco they were tliufirs t specimeu of joined und living humau beiegs.The flesh y li gature which linked them was about i>loot in length , two inches broad , and four thick , ni.dthroug h it r»n a largo artery aud many veins, mukingtheir circulation identical. Their breathing, toe, wuafiimitltuucouR when tboy were asleep. Thoy weiv.not so entirel y one, howover, bol Ibat each hud auentirel y scpurtito existence. Their sonse* wero to.tally disconnected. Onu could not feel a hurt inflict-ed on the other , tho ligaturu being the onl y part iuwhich tl-.ov wnrc sensitive in common. Much scien-tific discussion ar03e concerning them , mainl y bearingupon the i|iu:stiun of possible separation.

TllKtit l i lt ' K IN New YuiiK—liariium got tho twins in¦183H, and for scvciul years they wurn siiown iu hiaold museum. At tbat time they spoke Kng lish veryimperfectly. They were below the medium siz---.Chang was larger than ftug, und looked sevi .ial yi.-ar.-iyounger. He was , too , t h e menta l superior oi binbrother, althoug h both were ignorant , ,-ind had i.ii . :;i.gence thai scarcel y rose above low cunning. Tlu-irfaces were peculiarl y repelliu;/, yellow ii. liu:.', andclosely ri iscinbliug llioie of the Chinosu cigar sellersof Chatham street. Cliaiig was the mosi r.,bu .;. andgood natnred. ICug was often sic!;, and a iway .-,morose and peevi.-;.'i. T.'ioy liad a sJi'cpi'ig rn'im i:ithe niiHeuni , as b-.v.l the other curiosities , and om:night ,*t rutitpiis was heard in it. Ou breaking openthe d.j -r , the twin^ were flghtiug. Kng was on tin:tloor, iiutlcrnealh Chang, who was. choking him. Asa rule , however, Chang was nioio forbearing thantho irritable, disposition of his brother wari-anti.-d .They played checkers together Miuictiuie i , a i d lool;lessoiiK in F.iigl'.sh wilii slow resulls. Their pay wa .slOOdol.-i. a week , whicl^thcy cquitubly divided und putinto savings banks. They never visited their* hotiu.- .and aeetiii:d to have no care for their famil y. WhenKng wr.S sick Chang nursed him ; but perhap s did s,ifrom selfi ^ii tnot iv. :.-, as the serious idn-- .-*s of nn. -mudo it iiL-ci.'ssary for the well one also to g.» I.; b. -.) .Chung had sotn. -Llii t i ^ of an appreciative vein ' i f f t u ^nud liked to give scnsclcs; answers , in bis br .j k .-iiKuglish , to tin: questions of visitors.They remaiucd with I t an ium un t i l ISJ.'I, and it iibelieved tliat they had then saved about ¦!<¦,<«>» dois.each, tlrowing tired of show life , they decided toSCttlo down iu :i warmer pait of the l.uilcd .StuN.'-.

A Dorr .l .K W K H I J I X U .— Iu their travels they hadbeen in North Carolina , and its climate had pleasedthem. So they boug ht t-.vo p lantations , and securedwives to complete their domr-lic establishment.Hore they look the surname, of Hunker. They WIM - I -then bachelor-! of •orty-l 'our. Tlu.-y married Kng '.ish.sisters, ;i'_'i:d twenty-six ami tw iMit y -ei ^ht. Thrgirls ltntl !>.>(vi .•jermui.s, >iud it is suid that a Lanca -shire dialect st i l l clings lo them. The making ntthe double match involved much tioable , for a i thougl ,the twins wero nut- unduly exacting, it was hard tofind women who nun: both will ing und :tl all dl:> i.rahle. There was tio love-mnkiiig before t in: engage,ment , the coi i i t ing was doi.e. by proxy und corn s,poudnueo , and the ladies had seen their fu iurc bus.bands onl y at a show in Loieloii wheu they aeci-p' i.'dthe oil'-r of marriage. The twins based their choiceupon likeno-ies forwarded by their ag< nt , who (j ar.:ttssurnnces of the lesp' .'ciu'j i l i ty of the girls. A l lhaving b-.-cii arranged they wen: In ought , to America ,the twins pay ing their cxpeti-es , and the marria gi-Was Slllctlllli/.e d nui ' .- l iT in S.ihsliury. Tin: wiv ,. .swon; l:ol beautiful , bat were sir.,u;r , heaitliy l-.'nt '/iVdwoi-kiii:; gir '.s. Tin: d-m- siie i.v .-s of t lie c-iuph.swere p'.-cii l iar. lvich famil y h i d i:s own I I - JII .-".-, si-r.vants , and 'lome.stic »'Mnbli.-.l!inc!it. The p laii '.alionj iwere own- .-d and ut:tu:ij <eil separaf - ' l y. ;t {{ fictrl_; 2i inmailers of ecn.-cipi- -tic- (.'hang Ma s usuu.l y t l ias-ti .T. The wive-i lived i -u i i i i .-ly at. tJ ieir re>'[n-ctivohomes, and thu bu>ban-ls ulten.nted — .-.tnvin-^ r.n,.,week ui. I'Jng's. Kach loolci.-d a l te r liis piuutu iit ii ai,, |the oliii .-r business dur ing the weeXs ot ' l ivin g at 1 isown p laco , and the visiting brother vva.s not suppo.-.-dto iiiterrere . The wives did not iijzreo verv well ,and tin: - i iuugc ly tied lai.-i.-lies (j i iarie lled so seriouslythat ihe bi .itcrs fr .-ip ieii -.l j- had peri, ds of comp letecstl'all'.'.'iaeiit , l.'is:i:i^' lor w'ce!;s at a lime.

IJ II M K M I I - F i i 'K i .MY. —- -"Jo, altbongli Clunii; and Kngwere rich, tht -y did nol lire haispily. Mrs. C!.;n:gbad the first cliiM , and it lias a i " i-nf mute , ' f lu :famili.'S iiier.-n ied rapidly, until (.'iiiing !,ad nix ehil-drcii and Kng live. I If il.esi : rhildren four neverhea rd imr r puke , a '.ib i.ugh in all utbi -i - r. -spi-ets allwere strung :-n -l t. deformed, l.ej b' an: iiviu-/. thuoldest , a dan-;!,!.:'.' of seventeen , hi'.vin^ ]a;e!y beenmat'ri 'j d to th " l.'s-ee of a nee_'bb - .iii .g p lanta t ion .About. ei;:hl ) i ars u;:- . t ii. ,u^ t,era me ei .nvi r ;ed iu al'i<li'{i (i ll< revival , I Kn-^ al.-.i i:mln- .>i:ii, g ; lie l.. li. .lthey j' ,ii ' i ' -i : in: i l t p t i s ". t 'Int i - ; :i . 'fhey were regular ,iu the i r a'.'.'- l i ' l aa i e 'hei'i -aller , anil tclailu.-d theirstnr.d:ie; as g..-id I h: istinns. '1 iieir tetnpe i s , bow-ever, wen: n.,L improved by the spiri tual eliangt",and boi '.Te ihe euiati -i pa t iun llieu* slaves weie themost whi pped of any in the lTg iou. Thu rebellionfreed th eir -<1:I V I s ai.d Oll;crwi.-e seriousl y impaiicdI heir wealth. To repair their Ii i3 *--:s they ii^ain ex-hibited themselves throu gh the counti v , and atWood's Museum in New Votk ; but they wero onlymoderatel y successfu l , owiti"; p -ir t iall y to m rapacitywhich prevented managers, from having anything todo with them. A gr.-atur curiosity iu their line hadsprung uj i . too, iu tlio tivo-licai led a ir) —two negrochildren from South Carolina—who art: joined nt thohips, anil who were on exhibition in Paris. Chungand Kng bad grown ug lier us the hud ^rown older ,tho latter especially being wrinkled , tbni and bent.Their tempers wc-ru s,,tired , uud they l |iiui'relled witheach other con>tnt il l y. They hud gained greatl y inintelligence, however, and were more setiMtivo totin: gu/.o of the crowd. At the lleveri: House, wh. - iethey baarded , they received a few visitors , to whomthey complained of lists necessity which had driventhem back into show life. They n.';o retainedstrong secession proclivities. During their ab.-encutheir wivus manured the plunlations. Those of thechildren whe wen: nut deaf mutes were sent loschool , and aie now well educated . IVlbic the i r lastoxhibitiou here lliu twins had been again in Mar..)..- .

A Cc i u i iM V or L'Mu.v; ix IJ K A I I I Tl.e caiiM - oftheir inol'oseness ns they grew is b.- !ieved tuhave been th e probability nf the f ina l ell'i ct ol nne 'sd'-ath upon the oth i*. Tin: idea ol sepaiatin^ ' l ie inbv a surgical op '-raii i-n laid often been bruaclied . I IttpI'.y.Mi-ian s bad g.-nviu '.l y agreed iba t it would k i l lthe.u. Therefore each was haunted wi th a d read ofb.'itti; left hound to his dead brother, with almost acertainty of dying iimier any nilrmi 't lo .*cn<r himfrom the coipse. While in 1'aris and London , theyconsulted the most eminent sar-.-ci.iM . Our exp '-ri-tnetii , however , dashed al! hope of separate cxistet ice.The li gature was coiupi't.'.-'Si'd u n t i l all circulation ofblood between them was .slopped. Kiigsooti fuintei),and a remova l of the enmpres.1 was necessary topre vent death. This proved ilmt neither couldsustain .1 separate circu lation of blood , uud to havecut tho ligutuie. would havu killed l imb. With ibistnowledge, ihey returned to t lu ir homes and liv.-dus thny had doiu: befoi'i:. Later the health ol I JIL:xrv w worse, and Cliang was fi Kpiently obligpd ,[llthong b well l i i m a d l ', to keep to bis bed wi l l i hissick blether. Kill about a year UL- II Cham; sultcrcda paral ytic stroke , from which t:me. |uV Iu a i i l i wa-.the worse of the two. He took lo drink ;.3 a n li.-trrom suirering, and tbo lives ol the t w i n s grewwretched iiulecd.

The detail.' of their death arc meagre. Chant;died first , nnd a few lnomcnis aftcrwaids Kns, w luibud for a few duy s been well , foeeume. delirious andraved wildly. This may have resulted fiom thumental shock and apprehension as to his own lute :hut moro likel y it wus tin : resu lt of ti cessation olblood circulation bctwer-n liiin nud his brother. Astupor followed , aud he died two hours afterward .

Win JI.I H K or PA I 'KI S in 'A.v .—Tlu> uses ofpuper apan nr ..- ludiou!-l y various . I t . is used in(Kil y I > the drawing-room, Ihe nursery, nnd t in.kitehe i ways that are dark lo u iVireimier. .\Jnpai ini-vpi- at n loss for a -tring, a ..hei-t for :,letter , „ wrapper , a handkerchief , n loivel , or »pla^to r. In his bosom is a roll of puiicr . and wha ipip:-i- c:in neeonip lish is know onl y to the nat ive of.bij i in. When little Yezaburn lir K i m , , , , ,.||is hisfinaor , a lnnd-.i;.'i: is app'.i.-d and tears ib it d willi lh. .s um: article. Tin: .'xrpiis:t.- !v.dressed ymiii; ; la.lvtakes a roll of paper from her giidle , and lo ! it be.c.imn-ji n badkiTchief. Pass into this sttvet ou api iuy day in Vedddo , and you seo for miles a pan.orama of nit iving disks of paper, liolh mnlurlUsnnd purasois are made of paper, nnd a suit, ofoiled and water-proof , clothe-., hut , coat , trou.scrs, and BUOCB , may hi; bnug lit ali.iost everywheroin Japan. Hoxes, pipe.cases, twine , dihhes, tca-irays,r.irpi-t.«. chimneys, roasting.pans fur firing tp;t ,windows , , partitions , and screens, aro every,where made of paper. The p.,ur:cllu.l walls of homostnn> ir.adi of barileii.'d I'aper-pu l p, OKI .Inpum-^ .nrmoui- is largely made of compresed !acipi rt-d papi-r .Perhaps Kui-oneans ndopted ihe cust..»m of j iapei in. ,I I., - W i l l ? Of till! l|:..-|.->"'l ft.,111 !:n-M. pi-ii |,|c. 'l' i,7..UveUi li ^ s ,.|' ll .e li.-l!i 'l- .-:a. .-es ,,r .1 ,p. ,.,..-.- )„ ..,,, • a l w a y s papi-red , lli. .ll;l. I he In . I - u-, d a, ¦• ,,.,,ov,-r a lii' .l or .'I gii -.ccn iiiL- !i"s s.pi , , . .. •;' ,,..v .,. ,. .|.o,i-hed , silvered , gilded , col..n d , i.r j ., ,ntr. | , » , i I ,birds , llowers , aniinal s , nii - 1 many tusicful design.'in looking over a paper dealer 's suinplo book in Yo, one rarely sees i\ " loud" or uncout h pattern , ul.ways excepting that of rhedrn goii , in which tin 'normal Japanese doth so delig ht.

KriiJny m>)>t n Pnhl!,, H.netU names tbonppoiot.,,,,.nt nr Si- n. <-.., -;..,„. , , .,. M-P. for Dublin , as aCommiSBioiior of NatioDal Education, ia tbo room othe late Lord Chief Baron Pieott, deceased.

Page 4:… · THE -WATEKFOKD NEWS IST1CUSUED 1S17. (Alderman itKDiiONr., Proprietor.) Ii.M'.r.tST GlKCl

dcctiir Uoctrit *TIIK AXX iUl Ji S MOTlititt

>.»-vwr Jiil it kit uU-r nixLiicrNur.-e a child UJK -H li, r kiuv ;

Y.I I knew MIUIU how ur oihcrTIJ;I L >\u- alwnvs itransl fur me !

VVJi .n at SC 1UH »1 my ttm-lii-r tolil la-r1 was busy HS a Wti,—

I.riirniiij * more th;iu other* ultk'r.—Sim was pleased—jut li.Mri.-J fur inc.

All the aiiiusicr WIKXIS were ri iiRiujjVilth uiy sliouts (if joyous clfi',

Through the bim.*v shu UtNinl uio EUigiusYVt ^bu always fcsrttl for me.

Wiw she ivliiuisii.ii), or frolttnl ?—Tluit the ilcnr one could uut be I

Was I H-lli-.Ii , fafcu «.r iK.-tt. -U ?That she iilways U-arcil fur me.

Did Mio think I did u»t love her,Nor at ln-nrt with her a«wu r1

Ynin such ijiu .-.ittoii^ to discoverWhy AM uhvars icaixil for uic.

ltuT out* ltmrn , iu :ui{*uNh , wukiuij\Vitb u Un-:ulfu1 ;ip»iiy,

Shu s:ii<l , in ]it-n» my tuuall hand taking,*' iio miri dnnv'mM this d;iy ui nc.v"

Ami sl.p tulri how but otic otherHr.iucli irrcw fm:u IHT htmsrhohl tret1,

Aud li '«t 1, the bv*l , rhoultl wither ,"lliat w:i» why s«he fciirwtl for lue !

Tlit-u COM U M TCI.V .-lie m(-,r1! Uiujj me uiKUi lu f l:nir--

Tn Inr Wating In-Art >li«: cla^j K *l mr .While 1 5oi>LJL*-l , " Why !«ir for me"' tTor you told un; I mu«t wal k , too,In tin- tiiith JU.V father trwl,Aii 'I tha *. be, wi'.h uono to talk to,

On thc cct-ati walked with (jud.< < fl < ii iH'l yon tell mi-, niothwr.

That our fa tin -v 't- tloil wa.- mar -That his Saviour was tny brutbtr—

Vhtreiore i ?houM IIL- VIT U.\r.I 'l l walk ," 1 fati l , " .v did my father!

Whv llh-u .-huiild vim for me ?I'l l :.ut vricvr vuii , lur I'd nit her

T-\K I \> inside tiim in the sea '."TIK H , :</uin , 5-ln- hti '.'^ptl and ki^cd we,

\VMh- i MIW the >b;uli )n*s flcu]'r.mi I K r :m\i.m.- fcuv that blc->fld UK',,\mv hum .-ail furcb.iiltiii;s liteAnd sin; looked tn Hcnvui , cujit i^ ;:—

" Th-in lm.*t jriv 'n this child to mo !Whis - inrin ^ II'IT nie, as if praying,

" Nru r more i l l uar fur tlm;!"

THKKK IS I\U DEATH"ilii n i- *i -uhu th ! Tli»?t:> is >:o d<m' Hr- !-j .«- Ui.ull M.ll.t- f.lil1 ;

.Vint i r i .- .'n ill !i. :iv- u * j t - t t r l J e t l H'MWU'i ..¦ v -l . i i if i, r i v - rm-'iv .

• ; • . ¦-- . i- r . .!. ¦;, •!{ : ' I ; . - . : . ;* ; « . - ;i i :id*: :i i '.:.:!f .*. - bi i i i' . it i i \'..> - .- .i M - l i u i 1 ,-h'>W«lS,

T.. . •: ; . - ,- , .» ; :.- I! a , : . ; ,. i j i . im '. - 'U . t i i i . n l ll i. ut- i- .-.

! .» i. : . .v :' - : >u r , :a->; I tn v 1-tar ;i : . - i r ¦; :• ;. •. - . I r . ni i . l a i ! * hf ¦

Kr.- .i i f - l ;;:¦¦ •.:.;.*!.¦.. » » tr.'

:i. ¦ ¦!• . - i - I . -. I :.-.: 'I : Tiu ;. .:w- luav f . i lUTil. \l<\\ t rs may a; i< ! p:i« ;i.v.iy ;.

'1 n- y « 'i .!y w,;j ' , i l i p n i j l i w i u l iy l iunr 1,Tn- »¦ ¦n iiii; ; vi tin: .May.

'Hi -1 1. - i- i r> •;¦ i t l i ! An uujrel ftir.ilv. ;-.¦.. . i. 'i-r t i i. tarth u-i t l i . i iMi l t ruwl ;

l i - 1, ¦( ¦ ¦ ur hv '. t b i n u .-i HWUV,A:.-! :!: -i. u. call ! . .¦:-. ' •;¦ .i J. *

!!¦ I - M . .::¦!• I:, n i l :,;i .1- - ! n ; . . ,, : , , , ; . .,.:!!' !-.;!!, t , ,V.C |. -L lUm CV J

Tr.'i . - !' i- .i i i - i h:t<. l.;i - i '- . v i:.. wA-I 'Tu ¦'.:::i.-r: ..: 1 • r .

Ti- 1>: -- I ML- v i . i . < - . v I. • ;- -.MI - turns.*.!;••!. -:t:i.l III . . . . So H-» H Ht | an.! «-tr i f " ',

.-it _• - : ¦>« ;UJ i v . j | ; i - t i nj .-u:r,'Ai.i i -l Ib . - tr tx f f l i l -.

.Ui.1 wllUV huMwn Mltilo ttlll liliff llt.Or h .a i l tut . pur ,- f,,r ta in l and viei-,Mi - I»rar!«it t u t l c i l w-rM «.f lio-ht ,'l'o dwt- l l in i'aradi-i' .])> > :n into t|,:,t uiulr i i f p lii".- ,Tih'y lir .ivi; us I nit. t '< foiii '- :i;:i!u ;

Witli j »»y w* wi-lcomc Ihi-iu—Uie .-aum ,Kxrvpt hi .-in and pain .An I • v. r lnar us, though ;;n.-cui ,

Th-di-ar JMinnrtitl spirit s tnu-l ;I'.ir :ill th»- b'.niidl'.si L*niv< -r s.-Is life—t lu -r e arc u<» il-a-l.

SlQVtCUUUVC .( J'Vow t lf j I r !f h l- \i,:,. 'rs <lo:c!h) .

I) .\n:i CII « .I--CIH 'I:X I M !, At.—" .1. W.K ."—It is ntiuii fiom .\ pril ami ^iay ncxL 10 keep -0 cowsIn ii i i iki ; l iui l i r, t:i fi'dl , fay 211 culvcs ami -I bret-d.ilii; xuvs :.uil iln ir piogi .'tiv on lliu buttermilk', assis-t i l l by l i iu n.-iii tl iju.'intity i<\ ' j i.ilni-i.nt mc:il. 'i 'liuy>\ 'ill havy a run of 'M l Irish neiv:* uf fair jxriture,caiablo of carryiDK a twn-j r;.r olil l iullouk or heiferper ncic for tin; surnim-r moiitli^. J t is proposed losu|< |iloir.'- ii(. tli i. s aiu'^unc of pjisturo with fnrogccpips to l)i" grown on tliu farm, 'flicrn is :iv:iili in !<<la. lr., Irish , of a mi.uuu ! til" jj lasi, clover, Ac, smvnnd '-r uais r.n a wulhiuauurcil ^oil. This is to bi> cuttwo or tlirco tiinu s , by app ly iui; ^'oo^l tn|i.ilrcs."inj;ncconliui; as it, is cat. W*i11 t l i i . c) wi ;h the a(Mi 'i(i '>i- ! . NIV . Ii ill ' an anv , Iri.-h , n( vi- t cJiif.*, to bo sown inlliri 1'.1 lot.-', iii nmii! in in .succession fro m Juue ti l lS'.t I ' t - -'in'"' ( '. ''i ' >: 'i}jfirnL to k'.'i.'|» rh:it. !tiifnb'j r of CIMVJSin f u l l mi" ;. ': *i in-r t * inn t,v :.f!'!iril , vay, an uere nmla )ialf i - f cab'j a^L.-, sowti <<u .-.ii-i: ul' pu fa t o riili:c8.)*• :¦ w i h i' -r i'" ' - -i , t l .i 'i e \ \ i l l l ; i* avai lablo about l ive;UTI \-, h i s l t , ot root s, inan^ol^ , t u r n i ps^ a »-d j t i e nty• i! • 'c ¦','¦'. Lay, :nni l i i i i i - , -! j nrze. Th" ( | i i au t i ty ofI I T .'I i .i:.!*-r Inrau' i: r lops is l i t u i t n l for t h e n u mb e rII ! f.u>. .">! :.\ .•i i l i l i : l i l 'i i l pe::s i i l i 'l I-:::.' 'v i ' l i t h i rv-.s-i. . - ; l l i u IM .M I I I .- pvii l i y iMiprnv^ l i n -",'Ufor i n i lt r h c<i\v; :. l>. > yon r i-eoni/nvacl r.i |io ? Tin-r : .n : i t t y j n - tiph ; say t i t a t , ii. m.iki-s t i i e b n ' t e r j r i h ",aii'l i nu i i it - i -y ih '- ij ' i i ht r,y n!" m i l k :.i I !M ' «' .%;i ien>" nft i n : I ni 't ' i . Wi- l i i i n-h |M-•!•!!• vn , ii.s i-> r .ini' furthe pui | :o>i . V.'.i u i !:a; n.u.i ''

¦ ¦•: ¦ .1 I u - ivonl'l U ii •i i rl t r l l.i r i iu i n I h - ' .\ .:'¦;¦¦ ¦ :ij. ' j;i .!:. ur :!. .' civami/ii ' .- r V." l . :-.: •- : i - .- i i .i l u :• : r l ! :¦!¦:¦ (• .-¦• I' . r i 'vj .in-V-.-, i '> " • v;.,; ..¦ -I !.y - .•,. • .,¦ ¦¦• .-—..;-,- w n ii Mj 'l- i Ii .r t - ; r ::..;*:; i i . • i :; .::.i. 'i - i ; .-,_¦'¦¦- J H u . -'i i : .¦ u i - i r lL 'h i lM l f' ]' ii '-

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¦, i .:m " :.. :.rin ik '.s from th" in . ..I - .- .-- .. ¦. .. •¦• - i , '¦,¦!¦: l . i. : r . ••: ,.• ¦ ' .i ; y ear '.III . !.;..! ..!.¦ \ • •:¦ ..' ,:. .,.; .•„..: ,- , ; , . .. . ; .;. ,.boar la.-t Hi iHi ; : . . A ' .'.i.:. a ¦,,. :. - | ;\ ,. , . ,.1 /"•:• • ". .nuwuuM nearl y !.iit , ; : • : . I , -,j ,,,, |. , ! i ::I: (;, ,- .,anil ball")' li:.::i: , «i i ! i a \, ,y f :.:. • '.I . U I i h l i M I ' l l I b emiMlire . You n: iy

¦• . ; , N i ¦ ;. ..; ,,, (•.,.,, 1, 1,111 |t

becomes soft . an.I I .I -S. ; I . y i v i j . ' .: t i :- ; . i r ) :< ¦ mii.1an.l lj r n i . . r.- .:-.i i u ' ' ¦• " !.. | .t :..:.-... .,r M'.i:. .' i lu -rl.i-l oil , i,v a' .":•:_' :: ' •: '¦• ' j. '..- . , i .

V..i v. . I t . ; : . -... ¦r ., - ..v. - .. ¦ ;; .,-> ;.. i i i .. ¦„• „¦ •{¦>:¦ :i yi r . l i - i n i l I ' l l- : : - , • ¦, :,.¦ .,|

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,T i-v i - al ..>> .i i i t" - !y i - • ¦¦:, '¦ ,, .

¦ ¦¦;. f i .- . I i - - ,<: :) . •¦ u u il i <

tii "l M!> . anil n-eii .: V:. ;, ' ;;, :, ; ,„,,. ' . _Ai i ii . l ' l . n. I ' "

¦¦ .. r.; .,.. .V :J I¦ ,• i ¦. -• ¦-:i > .-

st., . ;i, , .i - -' —I l.nv" :. .. M.. : . i |., .„ .• .¦..• . • ,.., ;|., : -„ , ;• . v |.,:. .v.'s « :i ••>«:.¦

¦. .\!}T'.".'! - . . .- 'r- ..- - .„ i r . ,• :„• .• • • ¦ ." • :

how «1 IOII 1I I I :".-. :.| : i i . - i . .. , ; . '.• .• . ,, ,,. . • ' . , ; , .|Urong t i l l tlien (frim-i ii i ivii l lr) ? ,; ivi ; li. '. u i i i -ratetl cnttnn cake to tin: r -j t,, :: II,;. c arlidail y. My ewes have j .ltn iv o i

'h :, v - 1 a r u v ,nml I will have some earlv '_.¦ ~ .^ .. .;....J,.,.t...,i r.,,. t i...null i v .u i nave some rar .y ^ ,^ .. •|1-,..w..|-vi !il lor l i t - 'ew nR with twin Iambs : K I HIH IC* | j lt n . h l i f ,*., - , . - f v,, .. . i .vartilioial food af ter rlr Mip iti ._, '. jr f ., ¦•. .Ci :- ¦--.(i ivo for each ewe from I ) ,; * ,,,, i ]|). ,,f a a ; ,r -- nii'i '.llj . brnn mixed, daily . One ,,f my , ;-.t -f, .! I., i i . iv iu with a grunt :, inl :;iVai Iy MH-1!. :.I. .\ l vlier'l «ii'l she must liavo swall :i :l click" win adrinking; be giivc her so' m! sp ir i l-u f iu r | ."ii l i: ie , »:, '.sliu m» (soon UH well a n ever. \/:i.« th i s the resul'-of 'ood troatmont or ;l |ucky aeciih nl ? Thecnusn a>.'isn"d by your |,..|i| was ab.- u i i l ; but sp irit .-:of turpen tine i.i very r .¦irful ;,, eases of hi.veii . I wimito plant, some ei .minor , ;Vy to %vnw over a pi l l ar. I K

this tins prun r l i m e ? -IM.inl . I lie i v v now.

Tin: N MV ( ." . ini i " |{. , i :. .v . —TH " "i'.'in l l. . : i ( " I IM'^'.M .

]>her I'all"-. A t t u i M .y I ! . i . ' - a l , :.:¦ ¦ I. ¦ i. u l i V r i. l . a i. i lJii is accept ' •] , I ) . .- va ri .n i !.. ,„. : . . ,' : : ; . , . - , , i.ry of t l , .Esrhei|tn r. "I"! • ¦ I,I w (;;,;,.; . ::. . . . . . ;, ..ui:

'ul " t in

yonii^'i'ft r.-.' M v . U o |.v._.r at;. .i i: u : . i ic.'i a .b' ni'v .Jt orn in l^"'!, he «• .¦,» ( ;;,lle.l u. . in- .: ,r in I.V,:!'. ap.puinteil a '.'ini. i i 's '..'OUII -H i:j ,S ... . :- , , ,u : i to, ¦- ( J i .-ncrj .I

in Is"-, ami Aitiiniey .l iui iuni l ~ . i o t : I y ;;!'terwanls,on the elevation of" Huron llimm. j., i l . e lieneh. T1—Court of Excli !!i|i i r M i l l l iavo in i l>. new 1' ieFi i lent , aman who, to the .nostst.'iii:! >s cliir. totur , uui tes ubili.

tics of the highest order ami ::lmnMt, nnviralloil ^lure.,

n'lf-TOl CMii l il i^n



(IVir /M/ Zoir iiig ttp i>carctl in our Second Ed ition ofSatim!< nij .

This polling took on yesterday all overthe comity, and was conducted, with the utmostoriler everywhere. The proximity of the pollingplaces to the electors dispensed , in moat cascsjwith the necessity for the nso of cars, and thopeople walked along the roads for tho purpose ofrecording their votes iu the same orderly mannerns if they were proceeding to their places ofworshi p. There was an ent-iro absence of drunk-enness, and not, the least approach to disturbanceor riot. Tho early morning was very wet, butthe weather cleared up about ten o'clock, andfrom that out the polling was briskly carried on,and tho result will show that a large lun.i '.. :¦ <•tho electors recorded their votes. We regret iuliavo learned that instructions wero given tothe tenantry on tho JIAKQUIS of WAKM-OIID'Sestate, and on other estates where the ownerswere of tho same, political faith , to " plmnp"lor Lord CHARLES BLitEsrouu ¦ an injnnctionwhich; we understand , was Very largely obeyed atthe Carrickbeg and L'ortl aw polling stations.AV'e arc sorry to hear this, for it as hsuch anunmistakable mark of the old political rancourin it , and a breach of' l'aith , considering the sup-port received, under the circumstances , from thofriends of Sir JOHN ESMOND )-:, that , whatever thoresult will be, of which wo have no doubt , thatlino of action must wcakcu any professionscoming iu fulnrc from that '•ide. Indeed , it hasbeen attempted to be excused on the ground thathis friends wished to place Lord U IIAULKSat, the head of the [lull , but that is a position towhich he was in no way entitled , considering theibrbearanco of the Liberal party in not startinga second candidate , and the long services of SirJOHN E.S.MU .VDL'. In Watorford , Callahanc, atTiamore, and elsewhere tho advice of THE .N EWSwas acted upon , and the voles were marked forESMO.N' UK and Bi:iu ;.sionn, very few, if any, beingrecorded lor the outsider. The ballot boxes werebroug ht, into iho city last, ni ght and to-day,guarded by polio:, and placed in the custody ofIho Hi gh .Slicriir, wlm will not count them until!Mniulay oiurniii g ; Imt wo have uu he sitation inI'lidiii 'siii ? I In: genera l belief thai ^ir .Tol[Ni ;>MnNli i . liL-ails thu null , followed by LordL'I I A H I .KS lii - :i ;i:.M'( i!i ii , with LMN I .IIOITOM far astern--prohalil y having received -I'A> or ?jW votes.-Mr. .1. \V. ]Ju\v.i! t l> , solicitor, as conductingngentlor Sir .I U I I N Ks .voxin:, wa.i most autivo in in-structing tlioso under him in tho various stationson yesterday, and .Messrs. S.uHiKXT and lloxxtudid similar duiv for Lord C' II .\ I :I .I :S.

The following were the pulling booths, and thenumber ol electois in each :—

1. Arihnurc... ... ... K 1IT1 . IJall yniacarb. -ry ... ... If IS f >:). C;iH».;)iaiio " . . ... Wi•I. Cappoipiin ... ... "S.l\l.".. Carrickbej,- ... ... :)l(ili. (>'lashnioro ... ... ](!37. Clonmel (OliibriJre) . ... in .).> . Diingnrvati ... ... ;t.1'j!l. Kiltnacthoin.-is ... ... 121

HI. Lismorc ... . ... 21111. l'ertlaw ... ... ... 211)•_•. Ktrailball j . . ... 2(ilij: i. Tallow ... ... ... J h!)11. 'J'ramoro ... ... ... 1111J.I. Villierstown ... ... \VJJ( !. Waterford ... ... :),S

a. ici

COUNTY TIl 'I 'lJ ltAUV.'J'hc ballot boxes were all broug ht, to the Court.

liotise, Clonmol , on Thursday, when tho countingcommenced , but was not completed until yesterdayafternoon. The result , was then tlcclarcd as follows :—

Colonel White ... . ... :i S":iHon. Wilfred O'C'allay !:aii ... 2,s:tr,John Jlitchel ... ... ... 1.7SS(ieorpo Koe ... . .. JKI .",l'eter (liil . . . i;:t.-,Uii.-haiil ])utler ... . . I'M

'Thi' eleeteil members are ileelare i l Home Itul .'tv .

T i l l : KI.KCTIOX OF Jilt . 1\ J. SM V T II .T)-.v. rrsnlt of the election for \Ves;ini'.- ii l i wai lie-

cla ieil at, Mull in^ar nn Thur.- ilay as fo;lo\vs : —.Mr. 1". .1. Smy t h , Home

"Ruler . . . U'J II.'

I. llebi'i-t M o n t ag u , i ln ., . y | i ; iCnlfuel O n-v i i l e (!'..:'ii:er ine l i i l i" i j . . . i O l.Mr. I,nviiw . . . .'il'S

l.cii il U e r- i i i i .M"M \ i .r , who ha-, been KU tr ium-phantl y IMM M . ' I as Uie e'lllea^lii! of .Mr. P. .I. S M I I I I ,win. lir .-L in i ihu banner of I l i i ini : l!ult> in U'.-if.-r-Icn l , is a ycun 'er brother of iho Duke of .M

A .\ . - H I :STKI :,an il a tvell-kii inrn in''inber of Parliament. l i e Ion;;sat. for l lmi l i i i : .'iloii.-hi io , ln .M ollice iu '.he l:i~t Con-'ervati '-i? Adu i in i s i ra t ion, anil i .-; a man of v::ry re-markable a b i l i t y . I ,mil l l o i n r ur . some t iineM'uee , be-came a convert to l.'a t i mli e i t y , ami cirj»ei{tiei:ee,rji et'-.l Iruin l! i :ui in^'l i;n<!i ire at, I he lir.-:i opj ior luniir .( in ¦!. - : i- c - i u r n l. -i i. " il.:e!." i i i l in .Mul!ini;: i i-, i he town\v : M i a i ' i i i - ¦::¦ - , I 1 . " w l i ' i ! - - eeun ly l.;a /e,| w i t h l. '.n.I: : - - . . i: l . v - r v v . .. . i - - :' . ' n - . ! i i i : h u . ia.sui i- nia:. i-f. .-. ¦: . . i . : . .-. -. . !. !, ' - .Mh. : . .v . . » ! , . .mi l . -.; vi "iory. A i l

s ' : ¦.- ¦ C": :: i v .

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TliK SL'KAKEltSIIIPThe Standa rd says :—Much as we disap])rovcd

Mr. Gladstone's conduct in selecting a gentle-man of Mr, Brand's antecedents for tho cliair.wodeprecato a precedent which might lead parti,zaus to regard tho Speakcrshi p as a prize ofparty warfare. So long as the Speaker hasdeserved tho confidence of tho House, and isablo and desirous to retain his office, wo wouldnot disturb him on mere party grounds.

DlflKAELI ON HOME ltULEMr. Disraeli's reforonco to Homo Kulo in his ro.

cent speech nt Buckingham has been woll receivedby tho Tory organs. Tho Standa rd conj idors it tliomost important part of tho speech. Mr. Gladstone,it says, mndo a declaration in his olection addroas soBtudiously equivocal that tbo llorao Rulerii migbt , ifthey pleasod, read it to mean that tho LiberalGoTornmcnt would grant then) at least a portion oftheir dcaire if only they agitated enough, for hira-aolf and tho Conservative party, Mr. Disrncli em-:• " ' irall y repudiates all notion of pandoring to thelush ^Nationalist domand , averring tbat it in tho firstduty of Conservatives to regard tho conservation oftho Empire.

VESTEnDAY' S MARKETSLONIIOX Con.\.—Wheat quiot and pricos stoady.

Deans and peas without cliaugo in value. Oats slowsale. Maize unaltered at last week's prices. Barloyquiet.

LIVERPOOL COUN ,—ExcecdiDKl j thin attendance.AVhoat tiado almost at a stand still. Rod descrip-tions I'd., and whito descriptions 3d. per oeut. lower.Flour neglected.

LONDON I'IIODKCE .—lirown sugar moro in demaud ,at a declino of about Is per cwt; othor dcacri pticusunaltered. Calico wcut oft" heavier ; prices unalter-ed ; moro demand for lloatiug cargoes, ltico wnsquiet. Tulloiv—New l'.Y.C quiet , at 103. Linseedoil , :10s. ad ; Eng lish brown rape , 3:is :id. Straitatin , 10(i9. Iron dull. Copper quiot.

LONDON 1'UOVISIONS . — JJultcr : Fair inquiry forforeign , nt ubnut Into pricos. 1'Vieslaud, 150d. to151s. ; Kiol aad IJanish 110s to IGOs ; Irish remainsnominitl. Bacon—Li ght to moderato weights, 70s to77s j heavy and oversize , u'ls to 71s. Hums, 80sto 110d. Lard quiet , but, steady. Chcnso—Good tofine Americuu , u'ls. to 7-Js.



1. The "hli iisiliiin of I 'a^lin;; rein:iins in full vigour.2. In virtue of powers received from the Hol y

See, we jj ranl purini. ssiun to use flesh nie.'it :ilthe one princi pal meal tin all Sunilays , Mondays ,Tuesdays , 'riiursil ay.--, anil' Saturdays in Lent , ex-crpl Saturday of Quarter Tense, the i.sth of Fell.

:). K ';,'.i are I'm-liiddrii on all Fr.iilnys ; on allother days they are uljowcil at iho one princi palmeal , and on all Sundavs at ever 1,' nira l.

-I. On .\sli.\\r edni ;!iil:iy, -tt:iy iu Hilly Week ,and (.iuod l-'ritlay, I l.u fa i thfu l an: buiui '.l lo abstainIn ,I ], the u.-e iil ' ini l k and all whi tu meats ,

.I. Fish and Flesh meal aru lurbidtl cn ill the winicmeal mi any one clay iu Lent.

li. Persons who may reijuiro any further relaxationof the law of abstinence , may app ly to their Ciiuli:8-sors or l'.-11-i.-.h l'riesl-, tn whom power i.f ^'iven to dis-pense, when there is a just , reason for doing so.

7. The Faithful are exhorted tn perform works of1'icLy and Charily, to bo assiduous iu 1'rayer, to as-sist at tho Public Devotions aud Sermons, and topreparo for tho worth y reception of tho Blessed Eu-charist at Easter, to which they arc bound by a pre-cept of tho Church.

?Ji J, I'OWKII , Iiishop, &c.r.Miisit OK K IM, A N D N EWTOW .V.—Wo h:ive j )lea-

sure iu stating that his lordshi p the bishop of thediocese haa promoted Rev. John Sheuhy, C.C., TrinityWithout , to tho pastoral charge of tho important ,parishes of Kill and Ncwtown, vacant by tho trans-lation of tho Kev. It. Power, P.P., to S.S. Peter andPaul's, Clonmel. The exemplary, assiduous zeal ,ever evinced by him us n priest , with his deeplearning, aud thoroug h amiability of manners hig hl yrecommend Father Slieeh y for thifl responsible office ,and tho event gives unmixed satisfaction not onl yhere, but in thu puri.-*h of Crooke, whom the much-esteemed gentleman olliciated for vcars.

IJOAl'.I) OF GUARDIANS— W KI .NESDA V.L'apt. POWEH , D.V.C., in the chuir.

Also present—Messrs. C Royers , J.P., W. Kelly,P. Veiile , M. O' tj heii , .1. Loamy, It. MorrisHoy , .1. L.Conn , Aid. P. A. Power, J.P., Aid. C. Redmond , J.Vi. Cmidell.

JtKI.IKr. —Michael Powor, siirnatno<l the " llouclml ,"piexenti.-il an iuf luet i i ia l l y signed memorial from gentryand other ratcpny 'Trt in Tr.tmore , supporting hiselaitn i'nv some out-door relief. It , was found thatas the relieving i .Uii 'er, throug h whom tho app lication.thoi ild come, had leit , nothing contd bo done to-day.Jlr. Leatny flronjj l y nippurted Power's claim , ob-serving that the ratepayers iu Tr.-unore , .«i guing thinm-.-morial , knew Poiver 's ease much better than thehoa rd , .".nil there was im leasou wh y this inun shouldlie s'iperoistenti y iip irireil. Jlr. Ki .'ily .said he thoug htI' ou^ ht 10 geL snme additional relief. Thoapp lication was rel 'i-Tred In the reli ' :vin^ otiicer.

K II .MI :AIM :N D: > i\i:i. --Tho Jj 'j eal (it.vernm enlHoard forwarded their sanction to tho appointmentof Dr. Juhn J. Redmond , as medical ollieer of thisdupen smy district , ll .-yoml ihe u.-iiial miinlhl y ro-turn asked for as in r.itt 'S sriac!; in the union , therewan nothin g : else ftiiin the 1,' t iovernnieni Hoard .

Vls l i lM ; ItKI ' olil. —.'Hi..' I'ullowiiijj r .'pnrt was readfiuiii (,'ap vain Arniv:: - .iu._', .1 .1' ., as visitin g ^U iirdiatifor i h" V.. -.-1 :, il: I l ' .:!i . II , !- .;i :— "I vis:t< !il everyj.. .ri u!' I !.•: • ..,• ii-lio;:-:.* Li. ' s . ; i .- , .¦.'.¦r o n if i a n i i .'- l Ij y iln:m- i -l 'T . I .-a'.v , /ir.-i . i i .i' '-' 'M- ,

¦, w h i c h wi m ele'in

a n- i U'.'i! k"[,: . Inr.. u i i *.wv_ '.i::i-^ :• -v:':'al l , i i '.i:!i' -s u!ii, ¦- .;¦;. J i - : i - : - l ll.:r I ; ; . y \v. n- . l i - l i i .-j . -a i .u wi ' ^ n l , l i a i la n ., ;: i i i- .- , in t !u i; i i i i \ > - ; , Mi ' i 'i - . TM - - uur ; !. M-I - I I U ' I

•;n n l . Tii': li. .sp i ' : i l ;-i i -U \v. .|- .- iv in . ti . 'i Icddini;II - at , a n < i M i l i i c i - - l | i . A ' i t t ; - i u i i i i - 'S I !n- :-i ' t a u- l in -• I ' - . d t i i r o a -j i i i i : 1: wi .i.!'- ' .i:-.i 'i , . .^ ', .-;.:¦! • i. '-¦;,* .VTI- wryi ., :n !. t i - i - i l f ; - , .uid i r u i 1,1. .- O I J I I .!. . ;- .! -. Tivo id l i; '•-i :..' -, N o - . I l a n d I:.', a .- i a m b : • i n .-.i::- .. nf t i nu i i • r - , a n d .' t i ; ; ;. . : i i n- < ,| i I *. ,.- a - •., ¦;.: i t : i i,r , » v.' i i i. 'i i l

i i ' t l n - x - w i ' . > ¦ i .n- ., u . vl ' l ' >i ,,v a r!. i .i i . ; :> : : i: m i - . T h e i t

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t h .- i i i .- . v a l t i i i i i1!!. i l;. ' *i:!ioo!;ui-;l!-.- -..- ;iad he r gi . 'l .-' ,l! i in i inni l i i -r , iu ih i 'i r I thoug ht i h e i rw i i l i n^ very gno 1. T i n -

^irl .- , W .VI .M: ln-iids had ja::lIn:.- 11 washed, look,':! :n:: lt l .y and ele i l l . I t h i n k t in:maiia.'i'in' .'ii t i.l f h ' 1 .-i;hool is V I T V erediLab'- ; to . \ l i f-.-l( ) ' l !oui i i- !L The in la t t .- ehu-i l- rooin wns being pai in.i'tl , .-¦» I eui'ld onl y .- I ' i ' t l i e chi ldren, wl ius.- i- ii i . :i l to In- h'-althy am! t- . i 'au. A l l t h n s i e k iu t l i e :d i l l e ivnt wards .-. '.;in. 'il eo tnt i i r ta l i l e and ne l l earedfor ; ! l i t - i r l i i-dding was eli:;, a arid ;; o-.i'.l. My vis i tw a s p:*i<J i l l .*. Iain hour . Irmtt h a i !- j i r , s l t l iree t.n f i v,p.m., and wa- , I i h i n L , :n.;. i-xpreti d, u t.'aaL nnthinywas ^ut up tor sl iuw. I eant iuL i i - ! i a i i i from expres.-:-in:: :,n i . [> inion t h a i t h e eu'. ir, : i i ia^:t .. ; i - tniMH and stairof t i n - i- i .- i i - r i i - l l i - i - t , ^n.iii. i-ri- . l i i mi lim ma sli 'l* anilmatron." I n H'I ITI - ML- M to l ':.- - aij . - ^» :l l i i ;l i l . l i i ' .-> ott i l l ! Im::"!, 1 i l l ' : i l : i- l .- r n-p .'i l l i - d 1 i i : i -.. .!., • v . l i i l i - liri -... |wa- l u l l wi- ial : ! , and it. w..s ii.-.I y r.i n! Ij, -own whicl iw;n liar.-l\* ii-'ht.

V i .i i n .M. iM ii.M.'. v v - f i l i i . ;:,-i !umii.| , .Mr. W inKell y, and Dr. C i n ih ' l i \,-.:r '- : i; i ;> i ; : : i t ¦ I visil./ng ;,' i iar-i l l i l l i s r.n* t h e lli:-\ l l l l t i - i : wi <;ks.

1,1 - \ M . i l l A it -r s . i:. — 'I'h . r .-J-- 1-I; ' in . u n a r. iuiou-' l y^ r a i ; t -."i a wi- ,:'.s t . - a v i ' of a J^ 'j iic : : .-.

Tl.i : In t .-mi- .-- , tu.d.iy .va; i;;. .-i .--:i.i!l y !i/ i i t , ill id theIn ,aril ro-': al l i . i l l '.n t.wo u 'rl ic.:.

Si M l ; i.l I ln: ) l > > l > l . - l|. :„., i,;., : ..,, .-;, ni nl.i V. Jam) :.l'y -'it ,:nr ; :n in, , t t . -I . l i i r i u : 11. .. »-.. :.. .".•; ; ,.,.,,„ . I : |.,tUl. I ,H.V. ; .li-i- l i i i i ' J i - l , I-'.; .H-.I , ¦!; ;-i ,rn iii-i- i i l.r.inry 7 , iT I ; .-'. -I "I] aii- l nr i . , ni-. iv,- .i . 117'i 7.-'. 1...I. ; M.- l .C t ' i S 1V-. '-I . ; «.-:.. r.-l w. .-l. i l- av. r.,^.. i;.,st ..[ ;.n iu i in ti- , 1.'.• .2 ' > l ; i i . l i r i i ia i -v . :;- . -.;.I ; ) .•>. r I M - ;.:U.I , <;.-. -ii. ; Jiu. i i - ¦;... . I I , - . - , i - . .»l : -. .-v . i i . l - , i- . "I. i ln i i i | ....< i:il l , J. S.I ¦ .Nn,.„ ,, - i | . i |,.,.r | . l .. f . I. '.'.T: i- .-t .i- ' ;i -. L I T : ' : ¦ ilnr in i r «••-•> *c .L17 1- . i.i . ; ¦¦"•I .-.i i - - i , .ii I I I I ^

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PLOUGHING MATCHA very intorosting mid snccossful ploughing match ,

open to tho baronies of Ida nnd Tverkj county Kil-konny, nnd thoso of Ganltler nnd Middlothird in thocounty of Waterford , camo olf rocnutly at Mnllioabro,tho sent of Jolin K. Jones, Ksq., 1).L., in tho vicinityof this city. Tho weather was all that could bodosircd , nnd vory Inrgo uumbor s woro present towitness tho competition. Tho ovont owed a lurgoamount of its deserved succoss to tbo incessant ox-ertiona , for wooks boforo, of Mr. Thomas Donn,Carrigatiurro, who, for a long period , I'B most favor-ably know as a lending spirit in inch asoful contosts.Not alono from tho farmers was support received byMr. Donn, but tho gentry of tho difforont localities,inclading Mossrs. l>owor, Snowhill ; AndersonProspect ; Major 0'Gorman, M.P., Springfield ; Capt,Gilos, Kilmurry ; P. Kelly, Crown Solicitor , Rath-cnlliboen ; T. Stephens, Killaapy House ; T. Spencor,&c, readily gavo practical aid to an object in which,as it tends so muoh to adtonco tho interosts of agn.oultnro, thoy aro thsmsolvcs ao deepl y concerned.Tho ground to bo ploughed was ono half rood , planta-tion measure, tho sod to bo turnod eight inobosbroad by fivo deep, tho work to bo done in twohours thrco quarters. Tho managing comraittoowero—Messrs. T. Cloary, Prospect ; .1. Fitzgerald ,Slievornej Thomas Dcnu , Carrigaonurra ; EdwardO'Neill , Ball yvalln , with Mr. Jonoph Lawloss, Drum,downoy, as secrotnry and treasurer, to ono and all ofwhom ovcry credit is duo for tho success whichcrowned tho day's proceedings . Tho jud ges woic—Messrs. T. Cloary, Prospect; 31. Nolnti, Kilronan ,and Michael Daniol , Boflsboroug h. So desirons werothoy of doing full and accurate justice between thocompetitors that they took until uoit day to givetheir vordict , nnd tho rosult waa as follows —

First prize, £1, Jlr. K. Power, Quilloa , son of oarrespected poor law guardian, llr. N. Power, thoploughman gotting 10s. Second prize, £,t, Mr. N.Dcnn , brothor tn Mr. T. Dcnti , ploughman , 53. Acurioua nnd interesting foaturo was ovincod in thocompetition of ihoso two young mon. At a plough-ing match last year nt Liadnggan thoy occupied tbesumo rolativo positions for first prizfi, nnd showedsploudid ploughing. It was thoug ht by somo of thosothon present that Mr. Power had tho boat of tho laud ;Imwovor that may havo been, on this occasion youngDonn pushed his opponent ti ghtl y, and tho groundhero was of a nature to try tho nicttlo and thopowers of tho most cxporiouced. Tlio third prize ,£1, was won by Mr. Kenned y, Kuockan o, ploughman ,5s., and tho fourth by Mr. James Kenucd y, Kil-craggin , Mooncoin , prizo 13i>. Kowlcy O'Neill , H:illy-vallano, was hi ghl y lommended , and Nicholas Wall ,commended . Thomas Kenny, blacksmith , Pom-brokestown , won tho prizo of 5.?. for sel ting tho ironsof tho ploug h winning tho firsl prize.

Whilst tho ploug hing was going on several kindsof athletic sports wore got up in an adjoining hold byMessrs. liollnu , .junr., llrook Lodge , KoburLs, ofMount Dru id , ami other gentlemen , and , altogoiheyan exceeding l y p leasant and u.-efnl day was speiu. In-the th iiiis iiiids who hud tho iidvaut.agy uf beingpresent.

--«-L A U N C H OK Ti l l : '•" U l i l T A N 'M O," T I I K SIX'ON 'D

i.A iicKST STI-:A M S I H I ' I X T I I I : W O R L D.'I'll;; Jlrl f . t s l ]\'C K .\ I,- H IT ..I lii .' I 'l li inst. sn' -- Hi-

(n 'dmvini: m-aniiil nf tin' I much ..f l 'i.- nv-.v S.s. l lrUn.iuicli"liins iii i; t" tlm Whii , . C>ni|. in-.- : - " I'h - r - h i " iu-l!.r-ll l;lllll .- ll '.l fiom lli» -li:|l-!|.i:! hll.r y.r - 1 •> ( M.:--H". II I. '-lunl aii'l WII IIT, (iimen 'i N lin -I , lie! ' llril. iiinn: Hii-i i i i H lii; . ,ih fi hirjrisl. vi:-;sL'l i,( lh.: Wlii t i; Star Liu", ;in. l , tiux : t-i th.:firM l I'/i'trm, tlii ^ l iuri-it nl any :> cu-t'iin.iiyi:ri-ciuony uf christo niu^ wns it!ipi:n>i',l with , as now cPtt in- ^ tnnre oiniiiuu in Ilt-Ua^t th.m lonniTly. Agreat nu:nt)Pr of Indi es au.l (jciitli 'inpii were pr(:-"ui t tii v«^ th" nritniinic Klitlai^ Irotn h.-i- st- ickf , ;in<l cvcrytliinxwent off wi ld tint u< .«uccu«s. Wlicn eniupL'ti'ly linishnltlin Hritiuuiic will he coinminilt!'! tiy Comtnu'toie CaptainThompson, fit present tho coinin.itnU'r .if 1I10 Oltie. UUJI -tniu Thoinp-inn ii a f*.;nt Lninn t i win. has lieoti in lliu employ,ment ot [lie Whiln Star liimi C.nnpiny since iti commonce-ment , ftnil ho lins \vun ili « * fnvoumble op inion of manypiiswnwTi who hnvti crn.i*t'il (lie Atlantic under hi* cirr.The marvellous SIICCPM which lias altenilcil the White at.rLincol crn«-Atl.mtii: strHin rri i.< nomi'ili 'i iEio '» noii'lereilat. TI IB company only Martril into i-ji stcnto ?omc tlirrr.-i- .irs ;ipo , ami th'-j hnvi now no leu ."even alcnmcr.ioitntantlv rnnniii K Imtwi'i'ii LivLTpiml ninl N««r York , amillie--i! arc ninonif the l.ircrnt HIII I i ivitlcM afloat. In thecompetition Inr csny injj tll fl .11 mil frnin til e Ulli leil .Slati's011 b.ilunl j '!', tlio Wlii ti: Stir Line w^s sc.rcle-l from ;iiminbnr of umiiliii.'ilrs hy tlm l'oslm.ntor-ljnieral of I h uUiiitcil <i;tiitr> . 'I Im sel.-ctiou wa-. iiiflncnci-il by thecircum-n'iince that lliu particular lino pOMCS-iil this f.istestat^a 'iii 'r-ithat un I hat day Iruin New Yoik to Kn^land. Al-lliou ff li , as has been ttntnil , tlm uti- .enerH nf th is Lin^ onl ycotninfnrril tn run at so recent a diiti 1, J i 't, owing to tlieiiltentioa paiil to the fitt in g of tlio'iii- , anil t lie (?"«cr.d

tetaril to the cotofort lit llir p.isHPi.irt'rs, tlipy have boeo:ni:;i> ^ivat fiivouiiies .is any nf tliu nlil-i^t^hli-ilie.l line.- . Aii'lin this statement we incluilc not onl y Iho fhst-cla- t-i pn.s-n-n-IK-M, but alyo t in .- «tei'ra^o pas^eni,'ei!*. Thi- I tr i t -inni -.', i'nvitl., t....|.|,,:ilt vw-el , wi l l i...n- have l.rr maeh i lK -rv n t lu i l in.Tlic t 'l . -i iiiT pa i l i:l i t is alr.' .i.l y a t ll:e ij luy, anil wi i l ' j e^n-4ii^ "il n t Mrl - .i-l, Tlie li i-l l .^t H-ipL'.A-i. rl; Coinpinyv»ii; :i u nml f i t mil l l in «.il« , n m l tin: iip lr i l - t' - : v :>lnl o:h. r

li't l ini :< wi i l be Mip|ih. i l by Inc d firms. Thin t b e ufU.<jf i M wi l l h iv.' I I IP |.r.)it 'l M t i i f i c i i o n of M'l i'luii ' f n r l l iI roi t l t l i e i r slr.p-biitbt 'ii.: yni . ls tho tecouil irri -Jitrs l sloaii inhi pin I h^ worlil , iii ' iMilet i 1 in i-r-ij - part . The uintrhill1:!)' wasf,n . t ru i :'nl liy M i:-<r>-. .Maiiii-l.-y, Sons 't rVM. TI IP

^np i in-s v \ < l l In* l . iur t : i i i i ipi iuni t , ihu ct actin.:, nl i;0U 11 J1nin.1lnml .1,01*1 i-fl"i 'i:li*o l.orsf puwi-r , wi ll , n i^hl liin !~r< , l l n i l rtwu Iuinai:f t' , ami two liunn-N. The man nti'is nf the W h i t e^tar Linn hire inilnbt .-i l t he public to t l-rm n i . tuy mi-

P' l r'ant imprnveiiien '.s i:i t lm pa;.*..'iixiT nr.Tomino'Ialii iM uft lwir steaim-r s , 'I'D JIII I KI: hy t h e i:h.imi'!*r of t i n t ii' lv.-

-.ipaniiT , it t* rv i 'h'i i t th i :v ^ri! i le t . - i in i t i i ' d to ke^p up t in*p u p n l a i i t y nl 1 heir Line w i t h Ihp t rave l l ing public.

Al tb . i i i i f l i in L' .MiP ial t he It r i t in ii i i : i-t ciui<lructi.'.l si i n i l a t l yt.i t in : u l l i i -r VI-<S, -IH of the W' liil .- S:ar Liin- , .u-:, in e-iux- -I|II . III f i :< l .u/i ' -izo n i l 1:> '.T l-tliM . s.-v. -i .1! iiii|.;-.u-.-u;.-ai.luv . l i- i'U n i t io ln i : i ' i l . Tin ! I n.-I l i n! tli ¦ V1--1:! 1 1 -;- tn1.. «t . i .n i s -l.-i.Vt .; bre .i . l i l i .if I........ . 1 .-.;'

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i i i- n l — by a -n i'ii 'l , i- pi 'i i , K'li.- l i - l i tin-|.: i<- ,-, n i l " li , la l . , .|

I w r i l l l i ' l '.'.i '.' ' ll l l i ' ii r III . ' •>"..-¦ Wi r, , :.. ., ;, ,¦; , - ., |

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lh " l ib!-, ual il'.imt a w a v » n l i t in ' ol.l i i i i .. .n- .- : . i . - i i t -- ¦ : ! , . .

l-'n- u a i I ai i ' l .:lt nt t i n : - i l-. - iu a i . - 'In- < l . i l . ' r.i I :I.., w l e H i

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' rr iir.s nn' unn'r- i l lv i-nnsiiac l i- i l Inr two p. ..'iu»'is , an- 1 i ! i i -

;i! 1.111^'. u n l i t n t fn li l . l iml" >j .;n- .' t h a n is ^I'ln-rallr al lowi- .l inI I.- - .- - I1I .i.'.i a in l- i ';. K T .- I V ta .u i i i i i of the vr--i-l i-* thn i i iu i' li ly'. « i- i l l l ; i l i " t , n:..t h-.: nr r-.!.l ni l - r .in I i ; i h i v n . l t lih'.iMir- tn

! .- .- ¦ I V - t a l i '- 1 < i n n l>\ * I I . I - I I K 1.1 n ' > |- L.'IT I . i l l wnrkl'il llV - t i - . lai .

i I ' -.. |.-r ¦!:•¦ - I V ..n il'. "..1 ni i x . t i n.' mi ll t l i . -u bv

i - lain:-*!', i l" ii i l l i - i ' ""Ul- , ti n . "I - . *l n>|i < , ^ f i T i i n t - -ri;-,!!.",( .1. i..-.Hi " , u !n. -..:.-;l a , b i .'::nai' r..'iii..i.. l i in:nt , inao-r . inin ,j .mi i i ' i n -|.. c—i- T!i.- p in in rna . l .- - l - i I: !>>r t in! lirst-ci-i-. p , ^.- i, i, iC i't . I M I L- hv H ' f ; . n i .i . . Ii

i-i >i t i i . i : .nl un,:,,. I,,,, ,,| :!,. - I.!!.. ,l...- |..b.,:i-. -, ..:.! ba, nil il .1 .bck-b.ii lrF ,r ,:.i:»n i i . -, in ;'- !' !'ti li ''» ''." -l.-'-lill .1 It-1 '!i a I-;. -.::i- , ai i .- l i t ;i li . l -|.a. i..;-. < > . . l :..r l .^l i . ", ivi 'l i « b . n i i "In. i;m-

l. - . i M I I " wi 1 l . n- l n i l l r. 'l l y |.r >v<- n: irni:: .v.- . Tin' ri i l in- i ry

arr I I I / I I I ."II '^ -i 'i- v'-'v i:- .in|il.- t i , >pf i .uat.i iral l . -ys bcin^ prn-

\-nh' i tni r i l . i u .HI . I t f i i -. t i i u'i! p i - - i'«. -l- * f aa i ' •v,-iy: l;ai^ is

in) t i n- l-ir^r-i -.i -al i- . A l . i - t [ i . i i t i i-u l . i r at t i'n l i i in is p. i ii l In

! sanil i rv l i i a l li - r « . an I n i l l i i . i l «a - i m- i- ' ri ' ll- i-. I ¦ .-u il . ine

I for I i i—" . .'m l u i i ri.:.v »•¦¦¦ nl .i hir;. ' n i l i nb i- r . .I l ii - . n -

;.,--.¦ ii.- i-iip.V:iii: a - m a i l -]i in1. Tbe C i i i t f l >': .i ';-s !¦! i; '^i i t i - i ,

t ; . . i : l .Hl -< i. in i'i> , wlm hi.|.n:t .-v . - i y V . - . . I !b il nniu-i -.i u l ,

¦¦mi JI i a l .-'. i i . iv.- pt .!- .!, in [. ;:: :iru! n , I bu d- .i 'ii i> nf the

Vr.- . N ..' 111.* W l . i l i - Mai I. - in- . A I |. l l- -t .- li t t h e i r H hfinj .

h ii t i l i l l 'In' v . u i >.t M . - - - I . . I I i i l a i nl a i ..1 W"lft a >i-l . ' r shi pot * 11. .* *.i ,!i- l i a i t " i i - i. . i i * as t i n ' l l i if . i l i- r r . aii 'l for tin' siine

rnlnl .a l .y . I'l.n - ' " l . i i - b i|i I.* <- Jp.T'. ;l l i > b" l . i . . l i r; .. -.l in

a l .-.:r I h i i - . . i l l .) ) . :11- ."

A l i t i i a n V I K » < i i ' .M«. ( i n n s i i A K . — The i. '•./ . . / , .i .'a -.¦-.'/' • d r - i ' i i in .-;i .Mr. ( i l i i ' i s t n i u i as fi .Mov.'s :-- .Mr,( i l ads lo l l ' ' is ( -r r l t i in l y :i m n u of many ".ifts andta len ts , l int , us a s ta tesman he is con v idi'r:ihl y ovr.I 'H l i i n n l e i l liy the Knsj li sli . Tiu'V t.»ke him lo lie asehnlar. i r ii l i . r , Mali ' .- ma n , and l iuai i t ie r of '.Im firs l

i.-mk. I l n ir.:.v In- aeli i iowh'iL'i 'd n .-i a l iuaucier,'.iioiiL'h tli .ir.iu^ li | . ., l i i i > ' .i e.:oii,aiiie:il nd'orin.iliiln iu

( ho CCI - I I I .-. I , i.,.|,m, ,,|' t i n - word is w.nilil. .,'t o h im.

1| is p .-rfoi'iii iheiv. as ii echolar' h i m appear onl yil.s :l •l i lel ;i l i l | . . Il is vrry li"« t h a t an K'UH M SI I

siat I 'Miiiiu shi.ulil "ivii his leisure hoiir.-t to Homer ;bin : vr i . -ni ' i ' h.iij nr ,t hi i 'H !•»i'X |<i - i :L faun him. We w i l lnot .:'wj.ut' ! w i t h Iho..',! w hn b"lii:ve Mr. ('.l in l st in . i !:.¦ In- a ^

-.-i- al . ui -a lu i -, hut. his p ro l ix i ty l.i'Cuni i'S M I I I I ...l i r i i' i i i i M / p p o i i i i l i l i - . In I I KS deM.' l L t!inniv 'li whi i - i iun lv i-i i i ' le / .s i- ai i wad . > w i t h p lrii-uri '', "lie is al l timi. ir . ly i l'fri sh.- il nv ua-.:s. i .ul ali.ivi- al l l l . ia i - isw a n t i i i '.' in .\!r. Cl- i .'lsi . i i . " i l i i . t i | i i n l i l y whle i i ;. .. j i . ' i : - -.:.. u- H-" i n . - : i . n- .- 'ii-v ir a i r n l y KI 1 '1-" u t a t e . - i ' i.-ni :;. - ..::.! in-.!.• .-,• :,,..r,. -

¦;, «..u::.l ii;.l-i'i.i.'u:. whi'-h

. ;'¦* .. ¦. - !..: . . : :;; I I I . ;:-.; . I I . ~ i . l n.-G!al i lot i ac l i li-n . ' ss,

v . i .- . : : i - - , . '. i , - . - - - I - . ; ;' I . . - ;'. ;.; I. .-t i'-s i i i i d so|i!ii.--u i-- ,

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• i i . l i 'a ' . . - .'.. ' ,: . .- . . . , :, . - i .«- ,- i. ' -n . . .:. !"rv. , . . l , . , . , < : .

i : . i ¦ - ¦ ;¦' . .'.- - i l l v i i . i : . '/.- . » 'i i ; - ' i : = "¦¦¦ ' :; 'i n ij l i . v :. . - .

I . - I I i . i | I i .ui : .i : i .y i : ¦ •• v. . .: ;: i . .vs ol ; ;•;

A i r ; •: !l . .. . * . :- i : : ;¦: . - !r . V. a \- i . " !ln v . - -.- t

i ,1 - . . . - .. - . ' . . 11 •• :.. ' ¦ : - . . ¦• : ¦ : v |. - . - .. ;- . v . r i 'i li . 'N Ur i • ¦•

, :- . ; - , . : . \- . . " I I MT i :

. . i. r . . i . ; ,.w •• : ¦• ¦ i' '¦ ti i . - .-r .

,'. .;..,, '

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\' . - \> V . - .I - . ;'; : -¦ ... .: : ." .i n - • • ¦• n; ' .'i . .'i y ji ' a ln i l s ol

a .-U M .I .'I . l i ' l ' IT l i ' .- i! i !.- i i i : i -'t i r i ;-.l l a f c i 'l i i l i l o l . i ."• :...i;l y, I l ia - , . II" u io i n i l . -. in a > '¦' •¦) I ¦•:¦'¦ a t V-.-i . .-;! i i : ril' . l l r:i|- - I ' l l. 1 - - iv.-. I. - i l "!' .1 l a il i h 1 I r o l l l lln ;

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ij iir his iniiii/:. .,ui on ;l" ; im.i- I' .'vi w-m li. low."



TIIK TRAMWAYS—M1SCELL.VXKOUS-Tim UisUt Worshipful AM. CU SH I X-S 'Mnyor, ill tlio elmir.Also prcsout—Aldcrmuu T. W. .liieob. J.l'.. uiid 1'. A. Power,

J.I'. Messrs. L. FreuuiM, T.C., II. White, 1". I1. Brcnan , J.P. ,S. Harrin, J , Slattcry, J.P., V. Mannioff, T.U., J. Kent, E.Clibbornc, T B. Projsor, J.P., A. Dcrmj, J.P., with Mr, A.Stephens, J.P., Local Engineer.

THE LATE 1'ILOT IIOCAN.Tho SECRETARY reported that, acting undor tho

instruction of the Pilot Committee, ho had inquiredinto the circumstances of tho two children , a bo; Anda girl , of tho lato Pilot Hogan, as they had appliedfor a small pension. He found tiey wore eligibloobjCCtSj and so reported to tho oommittco , who nowrecommended that tho girl , Kato, bo allowed 5a amonth for fivo years, to bo stopped in caso oho gotmarriod within that timo. Sbo is now cightoon, Thoboy, agod elovon, was to got 10s. a month for asimilar period. Tha rbport was passed.


Tho Dry Dock Committeo reported a recent con-fsronco with a deputation from tho Ross HarborCommissioners, as to proposed nmondod clauses inDry Dock Bill. Tho conloronco was most nmicablycouduotod , and full powora woro given to tho Water-ford Dry Dock Committeo to watch tho progress oftho now bill. Tho chief amendment agreed onwan , to onublo the Ross board to collect their owntolls, inatoad of devolving that duty upon thoWatorford board , tho latter handing over its pro-portion to tho former. Tho report wns agreed to.

LOCAL ENGINEER 'S RETORT.Tho following was road from Mr. Stephens:—

(iESTl.natN—I Uarelo re|«rt coiupl. tinn "t Kant pniitoon lotnew Milfonl steamcr.-i. Tbo feennil i* uow in liiiniU. Thednvtlfrcr is «till om;weil deepening tlie water at tho cml quay.There were raiseil and rcmorcil by lier , MIICO la«t renort , l .atitons ot mud and sauil. I am now buildius new st^Rra (or Westhulk UJCII by the Glusgon rtcainirs, to renlnco thoso muchdecayed. This will complete the renewal ot the entire fonrb-cnatigemucd b>-»!». from tho Artei pbi WIiart to CustomHouiw Qoi\y. Tin old fislii"',' bnokcr, sunk In brntch Pill ,is ordorSl to bo lifted and roaovtd. Mr. Dohurty, tlie owner,has coniieptcil to rcmovo her nt his invu expense, aud I ba.voallowed Wan to do so.


Mr. John Dovoroux , shi p smith , repealed his ap-plication made at last board , for somo remunorationfor extra outlay on th n contract for repairs of ironwork, owing to iuereaspd cost of fuel , material audlabor. Al Isst board tho Commissioners resolved thatMr. Dcvoreux .should seiul in detailed grounds insupport of" a request lor consideration ," and howuulil then meet with dm auen '-ion. In hiB presentletter , Jlr. Uevereux wa.< held as not fully meetingthn rccpiiremonlsnfih e buard .

In answer to a general qtieslion , tin! SKCRKT.WIYsaid that Mr. IJeveru iix luuked fora wm of abont .Clior t i l - as compensation. Mr. .M \ N .\ i \ r , : Ho diunnot show us th e grounds on which Irs m:;ke.-s thoci lim. .Mr. I''I.' I :I.IIAS : ( i ivi* him CS iu fu ll of allIn- demands. Mr. l ) i: .\xv said he n-jrocd with Mr.M \ N .\ i xi i thai Mr. Devi'reux 'li I not, show reasons

why he should obtain what l i - SDiiy hl. Mr. Cl . l l t.

i; iii .\ K : l ie vrm no' i i i "I t!i:f. hi .I eo"lr:n:t was

:i'v..'pl::d , and tl.a' I'n-', i-i l . i n i l - n 'n' mi hui.Ii sides.

i Mwus did nn'. ulij-e;. l o . - n -r iiii'i i h e wo.-k . J n

I I ..|ici!.s-.! to Mr. C l i hl . i H l ' i ' . M i '. S'.'p hi'iM .-::id

u;. 'i 'i oil" oeea -. '.n , a' .'l upu'i o:i :v , h.: h-.d a- !- :."l Mr.

I » - v . - i - i i t i v !« ¦ • pu t. on I'Xt r. i l i ' i s i ' l - i a'. i! ; i s work. In

:i.i'iv::i- to Mr. I.> L- I I U V , Mr . St'-p h. 'iK ui-i -.: pos i t ive ly

s i i d hi: did not t i;l l Mr. !)¦ V- .TCIIX thai .' . v i t -.i work

wonl 'i bu p- ii i i for nul-'i'. l i ' l i i - i enatr.iel. .Mr. K ENT :

I f h'j askud Tor ti i is eom|n-'i • ai-in as a favor it. would

be difioi'L- i i l , 'nil when hn ii . -k s i: as a ma it'.- i- of ri^'ht ,

I do not see how we can ai:l upon his letter.The board resolved , upon the Kii^'.:slipii of Iho

Mayor , to inform Mr. Dovere ux that they could notregard it , at all , as a mailer of ri^ ht , but if ho askedcompensation a.s n favor , it would rcceivo overy con-sideration.

t.n.u.s i:i'ox THE qr.iYS.T ho SKCRETAR Y rcportcil comp laints mndo as to

obstructing the passage of the river sido of tho quayby lcaviug coals thereon , nnd selling them whilethere. He added that , in consequence), ho visitedthat part of the quays at which tho (ihugow steam,on were moored , nnd there found great quantitiesof coal. Tho 12th byo-law (rends) enacts that ves-sels discharging coal , culm , &c, shall tako up thoposition , in tior , assigned by the Harbor Ma-stor, andthe 30lh hyo-law forbade , under penalty, any sucharticle bning retailed upon tho quays.

Tho MAYOR raid his notice wail drawn to this mat-ter at tho last I'etty Sessions , whero a boy wasbroug ht beforo tho bench on a ehurgo of stealingcoal on the quay, belong ing to the Clyde Shi pp ingCompany. Tho boy was arrested iu the act by apoliceman , and the man who was in elmrgo of thocoal swore to its being tin: properly uf thu company,because it was Scotch coal , r .ithcr :i strange, proof ofproperty they should , at once, admit (dear, hear).Iio (Mayor) said , at tho time, il was very reprehon-siblo conduct for any company, or an y merchant , tobe using tho quay to relail co'tl.i, or any other kindof goods, and ho added he was sure tho practico wasagainst Iho law. The Hi gh Constable complainedvery utron g ly of tho number of partie s the pract icobroug ht about tho quays to steal , and ho (Mnyor)was convinced of thu force of thoso comp laints fromwhat ho witnessed nt oarly honr* on thu quay s, atiiiid near wheru this coal was deposited. It tihouldbo put n. stop to (hear , hear) .

Mr. W HITK —Coal , when landed , should ho takenat once to the yard. M.iv oi: : It should be cartedthere at once. Mr. Si . \ r rKi ;v: If this is allowed anyoilier company, or any other merchant , can keepcoal or other goods on the quay, arid sell them therewhenever they would d"sire. It is a practico which ,iis fur as pti .ssib|op \vi :i ,:i .'!ii to pii'vent. Mr. FKKF.M A N :X-. company ai.d I,., I I I .- I I - ! I - I I I >. ..M '..'hl lo he alloweds:u:li a p: iv i i , - ,.... -' - i • i i': i : Iv.'.-n wln - t i voxelsiir- ' a llow .- .l lo i | l < : : ::•: - . : .:p. n i l n : '1'iay, theyin- . ' i i'i i a: : i l. "i '.y : ¦ ¦ . . :. • '

. ¦• - • .

M r . l > i :v \ i — f .i 'i \ • ¦: .' : - i i a :' - ' a- . r :- i i i i - .. |>"

bi- -id.' < coal upon i :¦' . . ; . .- . and -,.,- i l il t ln-r. - : - M r .

I' i : . i- --N . j l t : You l i ! n v . - - I ! p: ; i . l < s (h i i- .- . A i d . .1 A I-I I I I :

'I 'i i - r i- i-i a -^pi 'e i-i l li v .' r-.- f .- .-. i i- . l i i .--; i.-oa l .

A I ' l . l'. i H n :- - . M r . M - i . 'H ! • ¦: - : > v^ l i n t !l.i!,'< i i l l'n'l i l

l. . ,^ ; , I . - : - i l l .¦- -. - - I :

' •• • - : ( - i - i . - i i i - . i . th i .iii :

V - ry w .- l i . A . I . I ' - ' ¦ ' : : • ¦: ':'"-- I I i-'s an:

a . !' iv .- ''. l l o t v l u a'

- i . . } i ' .. - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - • ; . - - -. i . : .- l . . -v - I I d ayd

( !. i :- i , l .- r l . M r . IV . i v .': I • - ! • .

" v .- i -v . ,;

•;. -, ; si-e

.M i. l' . , .v . r .- • • ¦: '. . ¦.: ¦ • ¦ ¦¦¦ - j - i iy •.'.- . • i i I r- i . - . : ! i fur

l":;liy . t iy , l - r_-. 'h- ' i - i !- .- : ;'-.v 1 : . : - I ' I - I .

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].. ,, i - I .. .; .!-,' a !v. - i -¦¦¦ "H I ' - : : : ¦":• ' ¦¦ V ¦• - I '.'.y t.'a.; rs

for I 1 - -X - l l li -' ti uc i'- *'''-'S I ' j 1 > *l i - i t h a t , t h" local "ii.

ginei -r was' i;i favor nf !i;ivi:ig a smi th o:' their own ,a s ! he readiest and ino^t ei-oiioinii: i! -.vay of doing theiron "oik.

Mr. D E N N V moved , nail Mr. I' lmvini: seconded him ,that. th i'T iidvertis i ; for ;i ¦•m ith lo .In ihe iro n workof tho board . Tin-: I I I A M I V .H .< .

On thn motion of Aid. JAI - UII , .II :COII .|.'.I by Mr.PKX .NV , it was rosolvcd tn oppoie Nn. I TnimwayBchemi! in Parliament. Aid. l'o» KB , the solo nudiblodissmitieut , said it vm*, by far, the best bill of Ihotwo before the public.

T I I K X K t t !i\S HIM..

On the lmilion "f Aid . -IA ' o« , si-condi'd by Mr.K't:.\T, il wax r":;nlreil to aj ' a ('ouiinilteo to rinijiinctii i i i wi 'h the Corporation iu watehii ig theparsing of the new (>as Hi l l throug h I' a r l i i i n e i i t .Tlie board thon hroko up.

|{I :.I I :CTI :I) .M K M I U :I:S OF I 'A U U A M K X T .Tha (.'.'.'.'(.Vi.. of I'Vb. 11 , .-ays :—" The Mil of ..Id

M.l' .'s wlm have cither iie-n n-j. -eti.'d liy conslii .tien.t-ii's , or who have retired of l ln - i r own ai.-conl , hasbeen mut-Ii auguienli-d sinre wo l:i< t . wrot i ' . Theso.-euhes of Mr. liouvt 'n'i! used tn jjain ihe approval ul

p'ersoiH of in te l l i gence and I'oniiiuin sense ; ti ie wit

and satire .if Mr. li 'rual Osborne were '.'I'ni 'i- .il ly inthe right direction ; but, both fi nllemiMi have linnrejected. Amongst nllicials , Lord Kutield , Messrs.Ayrton , I l ibber t , nii 'l Sir (irorgi; Voting (tho LordAdvocate), are numbered the slain Kepresen-tative men of some pr.imincucn iu l l n- ir variuus walks ,such as iiaron Holhsehild , Lord lit lry , Messrs. I.nekeKing, liaiiies . Candli-ih , Tmnliue , and Delahiint.y, havebeen il. 'l 'i 'ai".! by h'-s kunwii rivals. And uthi'i'S , asSir .1. Trelawny, Sir Ii. lili-nni:ihii-.sett , Sir (leorgofirev , l ion. A. "lli>rhei 't , and Mr. Mial l , have rolun-l.'iriiv n-lirn l froui tin* I I I T I M I nf politic --. We may> :v iif ln-arlv al l nf i ln'm tha t wi: an: -.i rv m lo-o

I li i .-m , t l in i ig l i in t'lany in-tani - . -s ihey wrro n. - i t l i . ' r ofour thinking, or lo our liking. Thn .'I 'l- i e i i t -e inpai-iiia ilai- ..f M.' .-i .-.r.-. I'a '.vi .'e.t aud Houvi 'i ii ' i i a per-fi-ci. I' lihimity lo tin- lli .ii .ii! for ih.'.v I'xpi '- . 'd and ili -f-I- Oliitited hllinl-ug in hi gh plarcs."

Tin-: nio ' i ;st ; OK CLOVM -:.Th e I' .'i' i. -h |»i- H ' s of I I I " dioe.-H " of I 'l 'iyun met

viv i .- rdav . uiid.- r i l ¦¦ ;... - id. : ry of f i n s Arelibi-dmp

ii i ( .'.i.-h.-i , to .•>' -I ".; ! l id i t-, lor the T.- i e i n i .«"e.

Tin ! n-' i i i i w.n - !'.r. . .: i .'-i i ¦'¦'¦:¦¦¦¦ !iy, - ¦' - / , . . .-

¦-/ , , i . •¦,

l l . a u i r .M -.hnny ai.d C . i u . n Ci i l l i i ia i i" , / u . fur

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'i' . i i : C. I I V .—¦{ ¦ '¦ ¦¦ ¦ i - . ¦ •"' ! - .• ¦ a "'

1 ¦. . '¦ r.-. i !y skilful|. l i ', i . . .' i i . a i i i -' .- . . ; ¦ ¦¦ • :

' ¦¦' .; of s h e h u n r i i i

;¦;„. . , [ , , : ! , ,. : ;- - ! . ;• : . . 1 . ¦ ¦' : •: ' i ¦¦ ii i'. - i. -r M ain l i ng

. ! ! < • -.- i s . T: . -i :. ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦' • ¦ '¦' t i; : v is rat h i- r

, ;. > . i . . i; i I . . . . . . I . ' - . : ¦ • ¦ - i . - a .,' i -u s t o i n

i t .- ¦. :¦; ;- : .* a 1. . ¦ > ¦ ' ' • ' •• ' ¦ • ' V i u

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¦ '> i- i ' ' in ,' one l l- i l» ! i

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' . . . .

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Til. ' i:ui-.. - :..;¦! : '. ;:. -. . - . . . - , : ¦- . I.!, -; :,., i, - ;,;; |li i 'anl I i - -v i - a- .in d i i i '.-i i . ai i . : . !; -.- u: :! i t h r Ic aiu r e .-I" .. - - - .- ...'!!1 I h" - : i i . i i"- l ". :;. i !i : i n t h ey liaw in- .-ii .A laei 1 ' y .a d i . i . v i i i ',- :'¦:.- . . ,. ,,| j.- , .- :,'. n <•.• !.. t in ': '-..;. -I . ' u ph y . . • : a - '.' • . ! ;.;: :o n.j i.'

| C.: i .! i . l l i ;.. ¦ • l> ! ¦ :. - . . '¦'. . • ¦ i • i i ! - I . . • : , •! i| , i . ..

n-oi ibl bo usiiiul'U I ' l l ;• -, i-M. .-

COUNTY TIPFEBABY ELECTION'.This Son! ns n.reOpy statod, tenninatec on

Wednesday evening in tho return of thei Ho... ChartsW. White, ono of its former representatives, nnd tbo

Hon. Wilfred O'Callag hau second son oi• V'"0™"Lisiuoro Tho Clonmel!c, writing ot i"»contest ears -"Poetically tho representation

=rhi^™«?S'££.«?0Thav indeed had littlo intcrost in tho strngglo. inu

defoat." . _ . , The same journal, describing the. official manage,

moot of tho details, slates :-Tho Sheriff . JohnBayly, Esq., ot Deb.borough, remained at^enagh,nnd at the close of the poll received tho

< sealed ballot-

boxes from the different deputies from that town andneighborhood. Having procured from Mr. G. b-IlbeVry, traffic superinten dent of the 0. S.and V.Railwu;, a ' through' carriage, Mr. Bayl/ left Ncnaghfor Clonmel on the morning of Thursday, npen roufe tho boxes fromRoscrea , Tomplemore ThurlesBorrisoloigh, Dundrnm , and CaPPawb,te Ho arrivedin Clonmol , thus freighted , nt two o c ock, p.m., amiat tho railway station was received by tho Sub-sheri ff and a lirgo con8tabul»rl y party, dul y armed ,into whose charge the further safe convcyanco of a 1tho pamphornalm of the Ballot was theu ontras cd.Tho bosBS wero piled on Uearuo'a '0=3; the pohcoformed around tho vehicle , aud onward , at a slowpaco it moved towards tho court-house , where theboxoa from Tipperary, Bansha, Caber , New Inn andother Btntions had had already boon lodged with Jlr.Fiugerald. . .

A GLIMPS E Bum.VD TnE SCENES .—At tho appointedhour, threo p.m., on Thursday, everything was readyaud in order for the commencement of the scrutiny,at which thero wero engaged—tho High Shoriff , asreturning officer , and his deputy, with the followingassistants, Mr. W. M. Casey, Captain Boll , and Messrs .HcCalfery, T. Barrett, uud Feaiherstoue. ColonelWhito alao nttonded , with Mr. H. T. Sayers asagent , and Mr. Kgan . Jlr. J. Hayes, solicitor,appearo d on the part of Jlr. Georgo Hoo, uuothcrciiudidate , who was himself personally present duringa part of the proceedings. Jlr. Richard Butler was,ilso personall y represented. The boxes having beenuii|iae ki.-d , wero opened scrialii. i , aud the uumber ofbillot papers iu each counted ; il WiiR found llial theaggregate unuihcruf papers w;ui 3,1st—oxc '.usive of" tendered" vnlcs, which reniaiucd sealed up inseveral packets. This pri:liinin:i ry task nli .no occu-pied ucarly two hours. Tho cnliro coll '-etion ofballot [ia]iers—folded iis they came from il .o thirtydillereut boxt :s—liiid next lo be mixed lu;; : her intoone confused heap, and then followed t ¦; secondoperation , thai nf opi -nin '4 "tit. each voi ,' papi::',lay ing them one over the ulht 'r , .M-re t 'j .o: - . , in con-venient bundle.:. The folio number—l ha .-o.'o clueto tho ideiili lieatie n of the voter , and lh: ul y by a^cvy ruutid-abuui , proe i-ss—b. ;ing upon I t -i- '-. ofthe Ij iillol p:iper , mi t!ms hidduu from v. -v . Thisprocess, -Vo. 2, e.^iiausted atnj tlier eoup li; of .. .I IM , hu ; ,iu the meantime , ll;O returning cllieer i-ruccededwith tho enumeraliuu ot the votes, aii ' l beforeseven o'clock •— at, which timo he wa i obli gedlo adjourn , all tlio agent.s not agreeing to con-tinue the scrutiny longe r that cu'uiug—M r. Uny lyhad recorded 1,300 votes. Tbo remaining u.iexainin cdballot papurs weru then placed iu boxes sealed opaud locked , and handed over into the custod y of aconstabulary guard for iho night. At nine a.m. nextmorning the laborious work was rammed by tlio Hig hSheriff at one end of the Grand Jury Room and theSub.shoiiff at the other, the agents of the parties andcheck-clerks acting in conjunction; nnd whilej thcythuB prococded any votes objeclcd to wero placed iua separato box, to bo opened for discussion at thetermination of the scrutiny. As tho number of theseway so few that they would not materiall y affect thegenera! result , it was subsequently resolved by the¦'igcuts on both sides to discard them in. Mo. The" rejected" ballot papers wero then classed underfour heads :—Rejected for not having official stampnil ; containing more mimes than thu candidates lube voted for, I t : Papers by which the voter could beidentified , 21 ; rejected for informality, W.i. Thetotal number of vote* enumerated for th'; severalcandidates was D.IST, affording somo idea of theamount of official labour involved. The euliru numberof persous who exercised their priv ilege of voting was5,1-S l, out of a constituency of over nine thousand.

T.iK DECLAR ATION'.—Tho scrutiny over Ihe return ,ing ofticer uud his deputy repaired to the Itccnrd Courtwhero proclamation was formall y made, the Hi ghSheriff declaring that Colon'.'l tho Hon. Char!':.* Win.White and the lion. Willi am l-'rederiek Ormon d ,O'Call.ighan , having the greater number of vote- ,wero dul y elected to represent thu of Tip-perury in the Imperial Parliament. The court waspretty well thronged with ;i very mixed aa'.-ie/nlj lage.Mr. II. T. Saysrs , solicitor, as agent , on behalf of Ihosuccessful candidates , proposed , nua Jlr. James lliiyi-ssolicitor , agent to Jlr. Koe—one of the defeated—seconded a reall y well deserved vote of thanksto tho rclurning olllecr and the Sub-sherit f , withtheir Ktaff , for ihe very impartial manner in whichtho clectiou had been conducted throug hout , aud forthu great facility nHnrt!i-il by them lo all partiescoucerm-d. This resuliiliuu was j.:is=i:d muchapplause , and thank j having hc. 'ii returned , the writof electiun , dul y endorsed, with ten packages nfballut papers and uiher ullieial dui'iiuieai -* , (h.-positrd with tip: Postmaster alC!olim>:l (Jlr. Wil l iam I!. Cooper) fur tlaaMiii s siuuto the Clerk of tho Crown and Uanap. -r. Ituthfcucci-sifu l candidates—the lion. l ion. Col. White , andtin: l l ' .n. Wilfred O'Calla^hau—u-i .-re .-lay ing iu townat II L-.U U 'S l lalul vvlu n tin: d.-elaralion Was liladr.Ti.ey ivcre iinii:i: l iat irl y vi ^i l i -d by I H .-. C l .aiabi.- t s ofti;.;ir IVii'iida , win. eoii 'r.i; iilated them ni'i-: \i- annlyilpoa the Ir i l iu ip h they had won. The I wo hon.>• ¦ ¦:.I ieiueu lefn.-luiiini .-l by tin- -I o'cloel. t i . . a:.d inh-ss than iiu hour tin.- - t n- i is wt.r..' i.s i|ii;v: . appi-ara . I.-" as if imt cvi-i i t l . i ' >h . i'l o w i .f : ;¦ ¦ ¦

¦¦¦ '. e..n-

t t s l l::nl !ii!i .-li vvii.:. i- .-sed l. "n-.l' \!:t u K.'.l. l i a . '-i l i n : M 1 1 - i i i . i . l. I ' A ;:. .. ..: :• :!i"

i l e i .n .i l i u a o' . l . " |.o:i a I..;-,.: o •:;¦„. : . o . u '., ;, :;,i

.- U l li ' i i i . . i -.;r.-; ..;' ll .- .v- i- -. . .Mi'ciii 'l ii:.' ! I!-" j .I I I ' ,. -.I

In t h i : i r i |- i : i r l i ! . .-' ii V l i l i s- i- i 't l l- .t e i , I ' .-. - I . . v, !p-n -

s :n..' i '. i h i : ;. : .d. is pr .¦< -. ¦- . !- .! :- . :/¦¦'. , u .-u ., ( .!' ! l . . ' w i n. ; . ..v s, :,: i ; , - ; . - i u h : i ' .l r •. , . -. . I . a:,. .¦;:.-.-- ..111'! tin!!' u r l ive h i l i i . l i i d |a- lSul S. M r . .i .!: u!i . .. t

K a i .I i i i i:, ha v i ng iii .- .i ; :- , : ;-- .! t h e H'.- U !L ..: l..- . t-',:;l. <i i wh ich t hey !iad j u s t l.-en eiit ;a^i-d , r . -lur . I I - , : I.v

Ctuse.-: which , hi: a-»^erf.i-d , had l>- d to tin: p. i-si -ui de-f.-iil nf the National party, so tar as Tipperary wasconcerned , lie deiiuunei d ihe Iulluence at work althis oleclimi as contra ry to the spirit and in ten i iunu tthe Ballot Act ; instancing, in tho fust place , t in:circular which hi: had .-ei 'u sent around nim.ugst thetenantry upon certain estates , ealliug upon them lovote as ihey had voted lj ..-1'on:. The spcak'n- was alsounderstood to refer to the clerical influence whichhad so much to do with th e issuo of the coufst. ' IIthese were the uses to which the liallut was to beapp lied , far heller for ti.e country that it shiuihl bedonu away with. He impressed upon his audiencethe fact , lha!. it. was net for the sake of individualslha National parly had entered into the strugg le,but tut' princi ples. Men would die mid perish , buttlio princi ple-! fur which they were contendingwould Iivo fur ever ! (limd clu.-ors). fr'or ihu pro -sent Iho victory wns against them , but he eouuselii 'dall who listened to h im , and all who sympathi sedwith the National cau> :e lo bear tlieir defeat quirt I y,and observed thai the genera l belief , as expn ?sed bythe best informed organs of public op inion in '.hoKuip ire . "as that .Mr. Uisiaeii would not be ali le :ohold thu ruins of ollie.: long, and that shot l i y w. 'would have ntrjlhrr dissolution and aauiher '/ "luia iL'lectiou, when , please (iod , lh"y would again putJohn Mitchi .'ll Tot ward as aeandidate for the re|ii . .-.- .- ii -taiiuii uf Ti ppt raiy. In curclusii u In- tliauke I t in-electors and non-elei-iurs of the couuty tin- the .-::p-port and U indl y reerplinn the dopiitaliou !,:id la twith siru.-e their arrival , no: ulnae in I 'i .uiuiel . I n n r.all t.hi- v iirious '-owns wliieh ti.ey i.ii I v i ^ i tr .1 (. -In - . H 'i idding Ihiit . lu- eoi-.liih-n:I y hopi-d i ln - la-xt t i m e In-addre.-sed them il would Im to cuugra '. iil .it" t in- ixn-slituency upon tin' i ol in n of John Mitche l l as ii ieui-I IIT fiir the pieinii 'i' null ity iu Ireland. I was in.i i i si<..'llf!i(_':i;i!. or l i l i i i i ij i u i La i . t I .ct t -h at, o u t u f t h < -."i.l l ' H I II u-n w h o had rccord- 'd lln .-ir voti-s on :h" pn - -aeni oerasion nriirl y li.Ut 'u had polled fur Mi t hc i ir l l ,desp ite t- vi 'ry intliiiii -e lo lh" eoiiirarv (cheers).

Dr. ( i ihalan follotv d iu a . iniilar .strain, and , 1 ikttin! previous speaker , advised th . . p.'op le lo hi 'aithemselves peacefull y, and not feel discouraged b\t in- prevent di-IV-at.

I K K I . A N I ) , LOOK OLT!Mr . I U N 1: A K I .I H i i - 1 in his .-pe. -cli l o his cui i s'i tuet i i s

nt l iu i 'k iu i;iiiim , on T.i".« . lny, that " l i nn " l iu h "nn-anl di .-nu.-u ib rna-i i l i.f the enipi i" , and t h a t'• cnen-ivi. measures, " not rhureh nr land ne t - , weret h e rea l cause of the peac'L-ahle condition i.l ' l ivland

:• ' |. ; . -e nl . This is mil a bad lori'tasle ul' w i . i t ui., vIir i - X | . - i- : . -d fur |,- L- ;; , . | ,I from l i m new I'm, v a : i v . -go v e i'M i i i ' i i t .

!;: i \ i v . n i U I I : U A L I V AL S I OV . \ l lm . . . , .\\,.

H I ' " i; l : i' l i i ) a l i l i n l l l i r r t h a t, t h e I! :u'--; : . i i- io . v i , -..1 A ., V

wa- i' ....|."iii..l for l l- i l l i i : o i l M - . u ! r .' I. i ¦: , ..- . .i,; ' : , i

t I.- , '.i-rm n i,r M r . I:;, v:i : i-!.. M . !1.. \f . Iv. a r i

i •:.!:• . x - ¦• i- :..->, .

¦>•" . Ti, • - i . , ;- . •.. ;i : i - •.-.• v

¦.. : , ;¦ ..

a ¦¦.:: ¦ V "I V ' S . I V a ' I . I " , j ' .m : i !-i > I . r !: . i i - . .

i • , :-! l':-7 : .- .' i: ¦;¦ -¦. :: ::.', ;¦ - : ;• • ! - , . :

I , - , - . ., -. _•. !.-.. ¦;•' - d. -.V I I t l . . i - - ¦ :¦-.- .. ; -. ¦. . . .

: . .. :, a ' I I . I'' :; .-i:. . :.l l i v i l l - ;¦ i :- .; !- ; . al. . . .. ; •

:: .l iv.vii: iain , l -.'. h i : .Ma.a.ine , I!'.."." ; \V. -x! :. l . l j .I In ly oi.e train v.- i i i run daily. ' i ) i i i i : i -,- i h e . inppng , ..of ihe liuo gn-i it iiiconvcniriicu was I'dt by the peop leraiding in the diMriel throug h which it p:i-i,ed , butw" hope thing s havo now t;iken a favourable lu rn ,and i t iu t lii ^ railway "ill hi- properly supported andi-ncouruj red uui il it i.s rompl'-i .-d i.i IJo^f ami VV : i«,i--i; ,iil, _»JV> turd l;.»\.-i »• •'«•.;


fWhc-r tw .> phecs !>r<- mentioned , the List nn inr.l i« 'h. it atwhich tlm i^eputof tbo liniment isstntioncd .J

CIVA LHT. a6th...Beni!al , Shoincliffe.l.t T Guards Hy de P«rk 27th...CurraghJadl/Gu»rf»3Vindior 28th... Midt» . BristolRoj .1 Hor,eGuard,..Regcnf. ¦••J; ;'-.,, „,„.


^SJfTi.0' C1"od Il01>t

7th Ditto ' Mund imter ,3Stli...C nrk , Chichc xtrrI lt oSoon....KJinl.urK h j Mth. A.Heslmt.24 Ditto Alder shot 37tb... Hcn K al , rort hUon

i.i TK»tn liencsl ' do. Wth. -llcngal , PreaJon.u S^S«.i-, ;'«• »f•••« ¦«»'¦"; UM *«>

6th DrsKoons...Ne<Tbriu^ 2'1 ...Gold Co«t7 h lLs

BurS...M»iJStou. J* ...»Wr, Cork8th Do...Un?lnril lit .....\ln. lr.-.., U nrley?rh T •lirrra York I5lli...lluvm ;ili , Pl ynn.iit h.Iotl,

LKrS:..Be,,B i.l, C.n.*tit},... li«blin , Fort T,.,,»tl.

terbury 17th... I 'rc-tnnlllh l)o... Reu gBl ,";aiitcib'rj' «tli...j :a'lra> , Wwilon12lh Uncer!....l.,cii» 4!ith... »"inluy, Mandic stcr13th Hussars , on luj sage to ".Oth... (, iilchr< .ter

India , C^Dtcrhu ry. olst... 1 *';,••> , Mane ...torUti, I), '...I)ul,lu. .Wml...(ii l...ilur, AM-rshot15ilido.. .Bombiy :C:mtfrl)'rT!S3rd... Ij cii i iu>.i . , hmii'ir .lOtli UM m ... Mailrw ; j

"> K i i . . . tenw , Cu.iilimnC.nt.rhurj r.5tli... c.iaal , Carl,, ,

1711. I)() ...»uhliii lr . Otl l . . . l Si . i .I .ay , \\ alley

I8th H MUW ... M '1M-; ; •.7tl i . . . '>y l...i ,C .,,t«l.ury *tli... WA A ;I", .ul

lOili Do Ahlrr«liot ;5! il!i...liui itt '( iy, Utiralry"Dili I>..... AIclcr-h "t 'i'. :h...M '"it., N'Tji Sctn ,21-t I) . Ciilcho-n-r : Wiiic l .esli-.- : 2:nl hill , H« M .

poor oi-Aiii)! !. 1 B «1 . lln : ;ir'! l"t ,-ilnirociiirc(irrn.vlirr limr.U...l«! Ul ,; •«'' } > "¦ |'';f :l'1",'! . ,

Wimlsor IUi-iacki . ; '-'ml Im'-i O U l— Kt . i i i sk i l lMi , HnstolWcllini ftuu li.irrsck-i ; 3i.i ;ii 'J 'l... lltncal , I'lyinuuth.,|,, 1ow.r ,;:).l ...H»n<;.l , A- lltjn

Cohlstrenm fiini.]H... l«t l,»t. i;itl i . . I.micni-kCI I »I M.I llarrot-ks ; 2in! •35tli...» cn?»l , Jcr», ChehM. .iGtl....l!ouih.iy, .VUncbsj tcr.

Scutt Fuiilii-r Gn»r.l.-, l»t I,;,t , 'i7t 1. . . J uru.ali , h:rt h »nWollincton ; 2nd hit , Dublin Odth...ii ".nl«v ,

IN F A S T R r l6'Jth... (i :;iridt. ir, Ilutiii.'ulolicl,t Ft 1st iiat , Ahli-rsliot jj70tl i ... lii-nK.iI, i

l'«iH immth.2nd lul l , Hrn K al , iio -7 I - l . . . -M»l!a, toi l t.M,r ?«

2liil...lsl bat , .Iiumli.1T, A I II -; ''-"- !'¦'•">»''. 'j1' ¦' ¦¦"*

lniir; 2nd bat , .lo i7:iil...C1i-j ;'.n ; Hamilton3rd...lsll) iit , IieiiE Rl , Canter- ;7- llh... .M»Hii j ftl.i.ri.chilo

hurj ; 2nd hat , Cuna.-h , .lo |7Mh...t' iM' O , « 'j m mill1th ..M bat., l'urlsmoulh ; 7lilh... M.i 'lin- , l iru. 'iy

2nd bat , WnnliT-cli -77tli. .. -\Mcrsliot , Woolwioh6th...lst, licngnl , ; Snd 71'- h . .. I "'/ li-orge

Inl , KilkM iry :70th.. . .V ihrshut , IVrlhti;h ..1st hat , li -ncM , 2ml do. 8 'it l i . . . 11 oi»K Ku "?. Ahlcnhot

U,,,, .,,., s la i . . . Cil '1-alt;. .- , rcrlhiciiili7t l .- . l»t hat , D.,T.r, Wiml 8J 'l-- (¦'"•' •' . , .

nich ; '.'mi , lu ' l ia , . 1.. . 8 M.. . i: - '."»-' .v , I .n i i sKi . l t i iSth ...M Imt , il.i^'al, 2ni 3l:h.. . . l .vw y

I, .,, i;.,,t |j.-, ih. . . l i i ' i ,K :. l , Aldenl o t9lh l»lb:il IVlllhrok .' I). r!c ; iS'Ith . -. I a;.,', Cmragh

li r .Ml y»r alii ; -Ju - 1 h.i:. S7t l i .. . '.: .v ., S-. , l i . , C.S.-nDover .I,.. i'tli..f !.hr- '..r , (i ..!-.v..y

Hi:!, U L I,..! , San ip- .i" <i!h. . .M-rlr : i - , M., 1 l lu .rt .'.ial l ia .n ; -J:i.l h . r , I 'ii i t - "'H' - 1' '•¦•' . ll.">:l:- :i|, .„ l l - -.. . . i : i i a !-n rj l ' , >f.ri :n<

ll'a. . . l- l !.:t , I!, n.-.d , I ' -.- -,, ''.i-l - I" .- -' I . Ai'"'"p u t : 'Jii l ln t , li.:V "ii|. ' ,i : i . ; . i . . .A:! '-r -i i . .t , AUeulcon

12th ... 1-t I..! , fu i r - i ^ 'i ; -Jn l l ; i i . . . .Mii l i : i .2 irI, . . I ;, ;,-..!, ,1.,. i-"j l i i . . . M iiiclifs 'i'r

131 !¦ l- '" l..',t M a i - .. -J:,- "^t - i . . . W.uUy, A,hton

l.:.t'.'.VuiV'y I7t! i . . . -I ;"na:r ,i , CulciiMtor.

l l t 'i Is ' l,'il , Il' . lir .i'i- -><>'¦¦.|;"li;i|1"'1. l.imeivc 1.'.f»pl ; 'Jinl, Al.|.-r >ln ,t , .In U 'th .>l".riifl,(T,'

loth 1st hat , Ci'utMi-cy ; -Jni :. 1 'iwn... ! '¦>' t<ii) . ,uth(io-imrt ' |01,:... Kl^t«- i , i - l, T:.i!.'8

ICth lstbiit , I'lyniouth ; 'Jin: l ' iJ . l . . . l ' "-kliur-t , N;.«hat , Cliathi i .n l":)'J . N-»'P"". >'"•"

17th...1st hat . liciual , I' lv- I D l t h , A ' . 'r-hul , I HIMmouth; 2nd kit , I' lyniMitl ln."ilh. . .Ailin , Mmicl.M 'er.

18th...lst hat , .Malta, l-'m l"i::h . . . l^ik',,nrst , ^niidprlmtlion-nBr; 2ml , ltowae- l ' l Tth. ¦ -:a .lr.i> , Chirlieil. r

19th...1st hat Al ik'i.-hut ; 2n. 1"S! l i . . . H unhay. CtirniKli.hat., Hi 'llL 'al, iln . | l l '.i[ l l . . . li.MlL.'.il , l i l l t trvallt .

20th.. .M l» :it , l:.-vm«i -I.i , I !u:v. I!"1''

1 l i : ' - n!''... 1-' I ' i i t , D.'IT ;2iul iiat , Ii i i it i , .In -jml 1..H , tiohl l.'.i:nt j .'3rd ilc

21- it. . .Ii t hat , M.ulr.K, Ayr ; Wi nclii -Hi rr ; ¦t-lli , L!e;iK«l ,2nd hat , GI.-I I .M W, Ayr , \Vinclic «t. -r.

22ud...lst Iiat , t.V-l. 'V ; -a' COLO5UL . . . H i ' ? .hat , li-iiz.d , Cln"iti-r. 1-t Wo.-t I It ...C.I I C-ia .-t.

23r.l , M bat Ahl-r - i lmi ; -Ju I . il...Oold Coast.;bat , (iulii C'i.i-i , Ali lnr ilmi. • '••j l»ii K'll« I J i .-^ iin.-n ' .i 'i y loi

Sith , 1st hilt , (i 'linll' iT, Ii r- Kuyal M ilia lVin i!.'..- , Maltacon ; 2nd hat , Aid sl.ot , lircon Armv .S-rr ec I .'.ap- , Wut25th ... li it hat , Ki i i - . i l - ; -.'in iuii i .-:c r.

Ke n zal , iln

DI.VI'K l l -X 'I' lON ' OF T I I K I t O V A I . A K T 1 1 . I .F . K VI I K A 1 I li I'A 1'Tl l!v , I.O M I ON.

A H.j r-o I S i i ,-. . . lv—I' -r l u - l l ' l i Hnci-I. ' , I l i i r . i . .-i.- p ir.' .it..r 12 th -.-. MalM

It ll' .i-! liri '.'a.l. ', A'.'1-i- .li..t Ct th ,!.i M. .-*,, Mn-rC: Ib.r- * lii-i ;::.'!", li.m.-;.'...:.' 1 l-.l, .In N-iv.'i-,:Uii ii.n - ..: i;-v^:,.!o, w.,..i»-ici. t '.t i i .!¦, I ; ;-.!..:.- .,I-K l l .nsr I! I I ,',,.J,-, Knk . , : l.;:li ii., W. ioKvicli.K ll .ir , - liTi i .i .lf , Umb.ill.ili 17th iln \ IJ .1I.A ,, l . .n- . ls-l i ,|,, Kn ^ .r1st Uru'.nl.-, h 'urfli.-1'l l'.l'.i. .I.i Mi-ui-iit.¦Jil l .1. IV ) I HU 'J'lch tin .Soi'uiiil.'r.i!.a:l:ir-l i| -> I ) v-r 'Jlst ilu I'. iit - i inmti iI:a i!n Dir .l in L'-Jinl .!¦) Jtrsi -r.-.:li .l.i S:. rii-ni i-,'. JIoi i ' .l •J.'lr.l d.i , .\l,,rar'i:li i!u l l . i u i t a y -J L i h dn , Kn iiiptro7i h i l n l l a l i ' ;.! - ij - h do , All.iliali.idith .I., l .u ik i in iv li.-v:iil», Shivrii nj:h ilu K n f c i "! C'i'ist J/r i^.iJe, tVu , »;..-(ilu:h d.. Di.-Tunp ii i t

T I IK IKI .S I I HANK llKTUI INS .An at-r -r.ii:t p'. i i -ua i i t In t in- ,\> :t .s .itid !l \'icti.ria , C.I J I . .'17

n( Jin - Am.unit nf I: ink .\'.. t .'. authmistd hy Law to Uis<in 'il I.y t in ; -i-v, r; .l U . -.l, . "f I--UC in Ir.-I.iii.l , .m.l Die;i v-.'r.i^i ' Ati i ot i l i t "f l!.in!% .V. '.-- in i- i icula t icn . an 1 > ,l r .ji ul.rlil i luri iu II I ' .' I'.ur wi 'i 'ki .-;.-l:a ,- tin: J l t l i d.iy ..I ,I.i-iiiinrv , i sT l :

A n r ai ' 'C. IC .I I H : -.a 'cicc.ra'.nin Ju- .

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A ''"uwi :—I' r ii itttl .•,,„! I'auluonl by K DWIBDMBrn i .v U,..vSKV i ,u The H -attrrori A'«« Uenerj lP ' ' ¦ -''k-Ui udiDg, and M achinc-R»ling KsUblish-mo ,i . r.i I-.,;...street, in lbs I'srub of Tiinity Within