living online frankie forsyth pp v1

Living Online or, who are these internet users and what are they doing? With thanks for inspiration to Hallmark “Maxine” I keep hitti ng ‘esca pe but I’m still here

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Presentation to Cradle Coast Tourism Forum 12 August 09


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Living Online or, who are these internet users and

what are they doing?

With thanks for inspiration to Hallmark “Maxine”

I keep hitting ‘escape but I’m still here

Page 2: Living Online Frankie Forsyth Pp V1

Original image: 'Kids # 43' Jean-Marie LBReleased under an Attribution-ShareAlike License

I’m not going online, ever!

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1 in 4 of the world’s population use the internet6 in 10 of the world’s population use a mobile phone

Access by PC, Laptop, PDA, Smartphone, Mobile device

Internet usage1995 45M2000 420M2007 1 billion + 2009 1.7 billion and growing

Norton Online Lifestyle Report

2009 Computer Industry Almanac

Worldwide number of Internet users

Original image: 'swiss-memory' Jamin GrayReleased under an Attribution-ShareAlike License

(Est. world pop 6.7 billion)

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Countries onlineTop 15 Countries In PCs In-Use (worldwide 1.190)

 Year-end 2008 PCs In-Use (#M) Share %

1. U.S. 264.1 22.192. China 98.67 8.293. Japan 86.22 7.244. Germany 61.96 5.215. UK 47.04 3.956. France 43.11 3.627. Russia 36.42 3.068. Italy 35.69 3.009. South Korea  34.87 2.9310. Brazil 33.30 2.8011. India  32.03 2.6912. Canada 27.63 2.3213. Mexico  19.13 1.6114. Australia 17.01 1.4315. Spain 16.71 1.40Top 15 Total 853.9 71.70

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A majority of online adults indicated they cannot live without Internet access.

Internet access topped the list of necessities for the UK, Germany, Italy, and Brazil.

Most adults in the U.S., Canada, France and Australia would prefer not to live without their car

Adults in China and India are most attached to their cell phones.

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Searching and Exploring

Original image: 'Google logo - spring 09' by: Matt HammOriginal image: 'Google's 9th Birthday - September 27, 2007' Justin Original image: 'Google' by: Jürgen Plasser

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Searching and Exploring

Online beauty and fashion advice has become popular globally with nearly 3 to 4 in 10 online users seeking advice.

Another report mentions that in the countries surveyed, more than 35 percent of users said they go online at least weekly to look for information about a product. *

Original image: 'carbon black mac eyeshadow smoky eyes' by: courtney r Original image: 'MAC‘ by: unknown

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Searching and Exploring The Internet exceeds the offline world as a source of key information about the world we live in. Most online adults spend at least one hour per month both reading news from online sites/blogs and from a print outlet.

Times online Tech and Web image: 'laptop news‘ by: zen Sutherland

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Searching and Exploring - Travel

People in the UK are by far the largest users of online travel sites, with 81 per cent booking their travel online. Australia is second to the UK with 67 per cent

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Searching and Exploring - Travel

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Which are the best seats on planes?

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Original image: 'My social Network on Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and MyblogLog' by: Luc Legay

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Socialising Spaces

Original image: 'IMG_5299.JPG‘ Tantek Çelik




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Making friendsHalf of adults globally have made friends online. Of those users, approximately 60-80 per cent have translated some of these online friendship to their offline world

40-60 per cent of online adults globally prefer their online friendships the same amount or more than their offline friendships

The UK’s adults feel more comfortable than their European counterparts socialising online. Twenty eight per cent say they feel confident in doing so compared to 21 per cent in Germany and just 16 per cent in France.

Globally, China leads the pack with 44 per cent of adults claiming to feel confident socialising online.

30-40 per cent of online children have made friends online.

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Living Online (your customers)

Original image: 'IMG_1596‘ by: Tantek ÇelikOriginal image: 'Joey and April working on their keyboarding skills' by: Michael Surran

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Need a recipe? Making playdough?

Photo © Frankie Forsyth, all rights reserved.

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Missed a MasterChef episode?

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Need to do some Professional Development?

Australian Flexible Learning Framework Online Events. Screenshot by Jo Kay

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Want to learn how to draw online? Ask a digital native, or…

@ Frankie Forsyth. All rights reserved.

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View a step by step video on Youtube (quality not guaranteed!)

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The vast majority of online children in the world use the Internet to help with schoolwork, with the exception of Japan.

The UK is third highest with 95 per cent of responding children using the Internet for schoolwork

Mathletics and Spellodrome

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Original image: 'azimuth‘ woodley wonderworks

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Learning for all – hole in the wall computers

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Learning /Meetings – online classrooms

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Original image: 'thursday morning desk' by: Tony Delgrosso.

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Buying, Selling, Shopping

Original image: '1026purchases' by: air tank

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ShoppingThe UK is ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to shopping online, with 96 per cent of adults responding that they shop online at least sometimes. Germany is second to the UK, with 93 per cent. China (86 per cent) and Brazil (80 per cent) had the lowest positive responses

Half of all global online users feel confident shopping online

Compared to their parents, the UK’s children have significantly less confidence in shopping online with just 32 per cent feeling confident or very confident shopping online.

China’s children are the most confident online shoppers – 69 per cent offering positive responses

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Keeping track - Igoogle

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What can you do online?

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What can’t you do online?

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Original image: 'Oh, of course. Now I see.‘ Doug Shick

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Web cam

Strahan Web Cam 9.30 am 12/8/09

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Frankie Forsyth – offline

Photo © Frankie Forsyth, all rights reserved.

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Frankie Forsyth – onlineOwn Website Edna sandpit






Plus other people’s web spaces!



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Interested in more?

Contact me: Email: [email protected] Skype: frankieforsythTwitter: frankiefFacebook: Frankie ForsythDelicious links: frankieforsyth

Phone: 613 (03) 6278 9292

A copy of this presentation is available at

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Thank you

Original image: 'Rainbow Cafe's door knob' CarolineReleased under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

Contact me: [email protected] and on skype: frankieforsythA copy of this presentation is available at