living a soul-oriented life · 2013-10-29 · did you ever hear someone tell you to “stop...

Living A Soul-Oriented Life (the workbook) Elisa Romeo

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Page 1: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic

Living A Soul-Oriented Life(the workbook)

Elisa Romeo

Page 2: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic

Have You Ever Wondered that Age Old Question: “Why Am I Here?”

You came here for a reason...In fact, several darn good reasons.

Your Soul knows why.

Your Soul knows why you made the arduous trek of descending from the subtle world of energy and vibration to this dense world of physical matter.

You wanted to embody your Soul in glorious physicality, right now, right here, on planet earth.

Your Soul knows the unique gifts you bring to the planet. It wants you to remember that miraculous feeling of joy, unique to your being, that brings your specific way of loving into this time/space dimension.

You are from formlessness, but are now in form. And in this busy, hectic, world of light and dark, good and evil--it is easy to forget why you came and who you really are.

This workbook will help you remember. It is a tool to help you look for clues and explore what your mission is on this wondrous spinning ball called earth.

Let’s get this party started.

Page 3: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic

My StoryI never planned on being “spiritual”. In fact, I never planned on being “psychic,” for that matter. My Soul thrust some pretty intense spiritual experiences on me that forced me to understand the truth of that old phrase, “We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

We Are Not ONLY Our Bodies

After an out-of-body experience in a meditative state I realized that there is much more to our identity than what we believe.

We Each Have A Soul That Has Specific Plans For Us

In a meditative state I met my Soul. She was another entity, a goddess in her own right, who had a specific agenda for my lifetime. After that experience I was able to see and communicate with other’s Souls directly. I had a direct connection to the greater being, of others.

We Live On After Our Bodies Die

My father came back to visit me as a spirit after his sudden and unexpected death. He has taught me about what happens as we cross over and how to communicate with those on the other side.

Sidenote: I use the term “She” for the Soul. Most of my clients are women and I like to use the feminine when possible. If your Soul is male, by all means, change it out to “He”.

Your SoulYour soul is the oldest, wisest and most loving part of yourself.   She is the you, outside of your stories and beliefs, that exists behind your ego.  She is the accumulation of all the wisdom and experience that you have gathered over lifetimes. 

Living a soulful life is about receiving and surrendering to the Soul’s “marching orders”.  It’s about placing the Soul as the North Star of your life and learning to orient around Her mission for you.  Then, the ego becomes Her trusty assistant, Her faithful devotee.  You get out of your own way and learn to ask how you can best serve Her, daily.  You can’t serve Her and be Her hands and heart in the world if you don’t know and love Her.

Know that you are on purpose.  You are meant to be here.  The world longs for you to be your full expression.  Your Soul has never left you.  Your mistakes have not trapped you, but serve as kindling for your authenticity.  It is never too late to let go and fall into who you truly are, always have been, and always will be. page 3

Page 4: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic
Page 5: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic


When you feel into the nature of your Soul, how does She feel to you? Circle the adjectives below that resonate.

Peaceful ~ Graceful ~ Fiery ~ Expansive ~ Playful Reverent ~ Grounded ~ Watery ~ Feisty ~ Whimsical Introspective ~ Outrageous ~ Powerhouse ~ Strong ~

Loving Social ~ Thoughtful ~ Creative ~ Visual ~ Expressive ~ Open Calm ~ Confident ~ Inventive ~

Connected ~ Joyful

Do any others come to mind?

What images or color(s) would you associate with Her?


Spend several minutes a day contemplating the question: “Who am I outside of my thoughts?” Begin to feel yourself as the energy that exists between your thoughts. Who are you as a Being, outside of your ego-identified reality of your name, roles, job, family and culture. This is a great question to bring to your journal. Allow your mind to play and have fun with the question. page 5

1. Recognize You Have A Soul

Half of the battle in getting closer to your Soul is simply coming to the realization that She is for real. Part of you is existing, simultaneously, right now, on another vibrational plane. You DO have a Soul that is an all-loving guide, orchestrating every event in your life. That means the good, but also what you judge as, the bad...All for the Soul-Stretching purpose of catapulting you to surrender into your true nature: your beautiful and specific way of living your joy and being your unique version of Love on this planet. Start to get curious about who She is and what Sheʼs up to.

Page 6: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic


You do not have to be sitting in the lotus position on a yoga mat, chanting to New Age Music, but you do need to be able to calm your mind. What are the top 3 ways that you slow down? Swimming, walking in the woods, cuddling your cat, gardening...where do you recharge, refuel and realign with your Soul?





Learn to see meditation for what it is: the most profound form of Self Love available. Schedule some regular weekly time to actively calm your mind. Do one of the above activities that you identified, or simply sit (in front of a candle helps to keep the mind from wandering). A popular practice is to imagine your thoughts as clouds; watch them float by instead of attaching to any one in particular. Meditation takes practice, so don’t get frustrated. Just keep showing up to meet yourself, and you will soon find that you will crave, prioritize and cherish this “me” time. page 6

2. Get Still

You gotta get still to hear your Soul: We have to Know Her to Love Her. The only way we get to know Her is by learning to quiet the daily noise in our minds. We turn down the external noise from media, marketing, the daily “to doʼs”, and lifeʼs constant stressors. This makes room for our own internal guidance. I once told a meditation teacher that I was “too busy” to meditate. She responded that the busy times are the most crucial times to be meditating. We need to center ourselves to do our lives clearly and on-purpose.

Page 7: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic

3. Pray

Smoke-signals to the Divine...This is what happens when we pray. Don’t let the “p” word scare you. There is not a right way to pray, and this doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with religion. This is how you talk to the invisibles, the spirit world, the dimension where your Soul resides.


How do you feel about prayer? We often feel the need to reach out in prayer during a crisis--on a turbulent plane ride, or when faced with a health concern for ourselves or a loved one. Yet, what if we build the practice of connecting before the crisis.

How do you currently pray? Do you ask for things (petitions)? Do you ask questions and listen for answers? Give thanks? What are your hopes and fears regarding prayer?


Devotion is the name of the Soul Game. We learn to humble our ego so that we can serve the CEO of our Soul.

Practice putting your head onto the ground for a moment before you begin to pray. This is a physical ritual that humbles the analytical ego to allow another mode of knowing to appear. When your head is on the ground, it is lower than the heart. This gives your overworked mind a chance to relax and listen to your Soul. page 7

Page 8: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic

4. Feel Your Heart

Our western culture values the head over the heart. We are programmed to be analytical, proof-seeking, missiles of achievement. Yet, there are other ways of knowing besides reciting facts, referencing studies or calling in “experts”. Heart Intelligence uses the heart, the most miraculous wisdom organ in the body, to navigate life. This is the Soul’s way of speaking to you through feeling.


Are you more likely to make a decision based on your head or your heart? Do you have any judgments on heart-based knowing (Is it naive? impractical? foolish?) Was heart intelligence valued in your family? How much do you trust your heart knowledge and what would you need to trust it more?


Get to know your heart: After several deep belly breaths, place a hand on your heart. Take the time to actually listen to your heart beat. Send gratitude to this wonderful organ that is beating your life alive. Practice thinking of different topics: people, events, memories. After each topic feel into your heart. Do you feel constrictive or expansive? Do you feel warm or cold? Do you feel vulnerable and softened or defensive and rigid? Begin to use these indicators as somatic body feedback from that wise, intuitive teacher, the heart. page 8

Page 9: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic

5. Shed the “Shoulds”

Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic raw foods? Daily exercise? That new book everyone’s been telling you to read? These things can all be good for you if you are doing them from a place of self-love. But if you are motivated to do them based on what you “should” be doing, you have joined the always popular “Perfectionism Club”. Fear-based motivations are super-sneaky, so watch out for them.


We’ve all got a couple “shoulds” lurking around the recesses of our consciousness. What are your top “shoulds” that suck your life-force dry? What would your life be like if you could release these imprisoning beliefs?


Whenever you find yourself ‘Shoulding all over yourself,’ try this affirmation:

“I release the idea of what my life should be, for the life my Soul wants for me.” page 9

Page 10: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic

6. Cultivate Joy

One of our biggest clues guiding us to our Soul Mission is where we feel joy. Joy is the language our Soul uses to speak to us when She is in agreement with our actions. When we feel that high vibration of joyfulness we are sure to be residing in Soul Territory.


What are your most joyful memories from childhood? What are the most joyful stand-out moments of your life? What are some “bucket list” items that if accomplished, would give you some high-octane joy? Do you see any common threads, patterns or links between these events?


When you are feeling joyful learn to recognize the soul grace of the moment. Hold those moments with reverence and know that this is when you are consciously connected to the Divine. Start to identify what about those situations lights up your Soul. Cultivate joy. Be unapologetic about showing and receiving your Joy. Celebrate other’s joy. When we are joyful we give others permission to also live their Soul’s highest plan. page 10

Page 11: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic


List some people, places and things in your life that are not serving your Soul?







Get comfortable saying “No” to a soul-sucker. Avoid the date with a friend you would rather skip; get OK with knowing your truth. Say “No” to that meeting you dread. What are 3 small actions you can take now to shed unnecessary and unnourishing things from your life? Make room for the Soul things that inspire you.



3. page 11

7. Strip

We often hear about “gaining skills”, “building a resume” or “developing confidence,” but some of the most courageous parts of aging involve shedding. Strip away the excess and downsize the inauthentic.

Page 12: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic

8. Dream

Growing up I wanted to be a cowgirl--independent, strong and free. Those 3 words are also perfect descriptors of my Soul. We can look to our dreams to remind us of our Soul Nature.

Inquiry What were the dreams that caught your attention when you were younger? Did you have any inspiring role models that you looked up to? How ‘bout now? What day dreams of adventure or travel do you have? Do you have any Soul models whose fierce ‘Them-ness’ inspire you and give you permission to be more truly ‘You’? (Anais Nin, Frida Kahlo, Martha Graham, Jane Goodall, Arundhati Roy, Annie Dillard and Marion Woodman are some of mine.) What are the films, movies, books and practices that support your relationship with your Soul?


When was the last time you’ve allowed yourself full permission to day dream? In the bath, cuddled up with a cozy blanket, or on a walk in nature--allow yourself to hang out in reverie and play with your imagination. page 12

Page 13: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic


What are your most proud moments?

Imagine you are on your deathbed (I know!). Imagine you could have achieved anything that you wanted in life. What accomplishment would make you the most proud?


Notice when you are not claiming your Bigness. Watch your language this week and try to notice if you are not owning some of your accomplishments. Find something this week that you can claim with pride. page 13

9. Be Proud

Did you ever hear the phrase, “Donʼt hurt your arm, patting yourself on the back.” Well, although it has been classified as a sin, pride tells us what we value. Aristotle considered Pride a virtue. Weʼre not talking about egotistical, in-your-face Pride, but a Soulful recognition of your specific talents and gifts.

Page 14: Living A Soul-Oriented Life · 2013-10-29 · Did you ever hear someone tell you to “Stop Shoulding On Yourself?” “Shoulds” are instant life-suckers. Green smoothies and organic

10. Trust

Because the Soul speaks through the often undervalued modes of feeling, dreaming and sensing in the dark, it is easy to doubt, second guess or write-off Her messages. Reserve judgment. Drop the control. Quiet the inner critic. Learn to surrender, soften and open.


Where is your Soul calling you to trust life more? Are there ways you can drop the control? How do you feel about resigning from the job of micromanaging the universe? Do you believe you will be supported if you soften, trust and surrender?


Feel the support of the universe. Look to the natural world to remember how to trust your true nature. Spend time watching birds fly and marvel at their own trust of their wings. Watch a cat, stretch, complete in it’s total knowing of its cat-ness. If it’s springtime, seek out new buds that are surrendered to their process of becoming flowers. Remember that there is always growth underground in the winter, and hibernation, rest and death are all part of the life process. page 14

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Elisa Romeo speaks Soul. Using her background as a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist as well as her ability to see the human energy field; she goes straight to the root of the issues and reconnects you to your Soul Voice.  Elisa merges Depth Psychology with Mysticism and brings it into a divinely modern and feminine form.  

Elisa is an author, workshop leader and speaker. She is available for individual Soul Sessions via the phone, worldwide.  Her next book, "Meet Your Soul" will be published by Hay House in 2014.