liturgy schedule religion question of the...

First Sunday Of Lent February 18, 2018 8:30 Morning Prayer, Rosary, Monday through Friday Monday, February 19 Lenten Weekday 8:00 James Baroni 7:00 Liturgical Ministers Evening of Recollection Tuesday, February 20 Lenten Weekday 8:00 Albert Dubray Wednesday, February 21 Lenten Weekday 8:00 Justine Supan Thursday, February 22 The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle 8:00 Diana Metro Friday, February 23 Lenten Weekday 8:00 Elsie Shipta 3:30 Living Stations of the Cross 7:00 Stations of the Cross Saturday, February 24 Lenten Weekday 1:00 Sobocinski / Ferrell Wedding 3:15 Confessions 4:00 Phyllis Lapeus Sunday, February 25 Second Sunday of Lent 8:00 Living & Deceased Members of the Ray Hanzlick Family 10:00 People of the Parish 12:00 Stefania Helinski Liturgy Schedule the following members of our Parish community: Marianne Toma, Nan- cy Moczulski, Mary Dowling, Marge Konkowski, Richard Movens, Irene Burke, Dennis Radke, Bonita Pentek, Linda Wright, Bob Ra- fal, Kathy Zarycki, Joan Hrovat, Jack Pekar, Bill Exton, Dolores Nose, Robert Govang, Bernie Nenadovich, George Cooke, Larry Piechowiak, John Rozmarynowski, Robert Phipps, Marie DiCola, Joann Reddinger, Baby Ryan Martin, Sheila Sillasen, Richard Rosberil, Karen Styler, Sarah Burket and Mark Pennington. The names will remain in the bulletin for two weeks. Please call the Parish office for more information. If you have a special intention you would like remembered in prayer, please call Lillian Neptune @ 216.662.5464. Religion Question of the Week What is an Altar Stone? Did You Know? Did you know that St. Benedict Catholic School, supported by St. Monica Church and St. Martin of Tours Church, is now in its sixth year of operation? One Liner “God judges us by what we do, not by what others say “. Answer to the Religion question of the week located on page 4 of this bulletin, under the collections. Our sincere sympathy and prayers are extended to the family and friends of Lynda Petit who was buried this past week. May she and all our dearly departed, rest in peace. Join us this week after the 8:00am & 10:00am mass- es. Hosting will be members of the PreCana Team & Lectors. Hosting next weeks social will be members of the M.H. Knights of Columbus. Liturgical Ministers Evening of Recollection Our annual Evening of Recollection for all Liturgical Ministers will take place on Monday, February 19, 2018 at 7:00pm. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Ushers, Mass Coordinators, Music Ministers, and Adult Servers are all requested to attend. WEDDING BANNS I II Shevelle Ferrell & Stephen Sobocinski Parish Office Closed Monday February 19th The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, February 19th in observance of Presidents Day. The office will reopen on Tuesday, February 20th at 8:00am. Sorry for any inconven- ience. Festival of Praise and Confessions Please come join us on March 12th, 2018 at 7:00 PM in the church for a Len- ten Festival of Praise. The local North Coast Spirit Teens Encounter Christ retreat community will be sponsoring the event, bringing musicians to lead us in songs of praise of our Eucharistic Lord. Confessions will be heard throughout the evening. This will be a great time to spend with our Lord as we journey through the Lenten season and prepare for our Lord’s passion! CRS Rice Bowl helps us encounter Lent. We are called to love our neighbor. But, like the scholar in the scrip- ture passage, we may find ourselves wondering, “Who is my neighbor?” This Lent, CRS Rice Bowl—Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten faith-in- action program, will help us answer that question. We are invited to reflect on how an encounter with our neighbor—as companions on life’s journeys—can be transformative. We will see how our prayers, fasting and alms can support those worldwide who are forced to flee their homes to find safety or better opportunities. Through CRS Rice Bowl, we hear stories from our brothers and sis- ters in need worldwide, and devote our Lenten prayers, fasting and gifts to change the lives of the poor. Each day of Lent, individuals are invited to use the Lenten Calendar—included with every CRS Rice Bowl—to guide their Lenten almsgiving. These daily almsgiving activities—for example, give 25 cents for every faucet found in your home—help fami- lies reflect on the realities of our brothers and sisters around the world and how they can be in solidarity during the Lenten season. How will you contribute to the culture of encounter this Lent? Congratulations to our newly baptized Christians: Camden Neil Sopkovich-Schorpp and Cash Brad- ley Jacob and their families.

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First Sunday Of Lent February 18, 2018

8:30 Morning Prayer, Rosary, Monday through Friday

Monday, February 19 Lenten Weekday 8:00 James Baroni 7:00 Liturgical Ministers Evening of Recollection Tuesday, February 20 Lenten Weekday 8:00 Albert Dubray Wednesday, February 21 Lenten Weekday 8:00 Justine Supan Thursday, February 22 The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle 8:00 Diana Metro Friday, February 23 Lenten Weekday 8:00 Elsie Shipta 3:30 Living Stations of the Cross 7:00 Stations of the Cross Saturday, February 24 Lenten Weekday 1:00 Sobocinski / Ferrell Wedding 3:15 Confessions 4:00 Phyllis Lapeus Sunday, February 25 Second Sunday of Lent 8:00 Living & Deceased Members of the Ray Hanzlick Family

10:00 People of the Parish 12:00 Stefania Helinski

Liturgy Schedule

the following members of our Parish community: Marianne Toma, Nan-

cy Moczulski, Mary Dowling, Marge Konkowski, Richard Movens,

Irene Burke, Dennis Radke, Bonita Pentek, Linda Wright, Bob Ra-

fal, Kathy Zarycki, Joan Hrovat, Jack Pekar, Bill Exton, Dolores

Nose, Robert Govang, Bernie Nenadovich, George Cooke, Larry

Piechowiak, John Rozmarynowski, Robert Phipps, Marie DiCola,

Joann Reddinger, Baby Ryan Martin, Sheila Sillasen, Richard

Rosberil, Karen Styler, Sarah Burket and Mark Pennington. The

names will remain in the bulletin for two weeks. Please call the Parish

office for more information. If you have a special intention you would

like remembered in prayer, please call Lillian Neptune @ 216.662.5464.

Religion Question of the Week

What is an Altar Stone?

Did You Know?

Did you know that St. Benedict Catholic School, supported by St.

Monica Church and St. Martin of Tours Church, is now in its sixth

year of operation?

One Liner

“God judges us by what we do, not by what others say “.

Answer to the Religion question of the week located on page 4 of this

bulletin, under the collections.

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are extended to the family and friends of Lynda Petit who was buried this past week. May she and all our dearly departed, rest in peace.

Join us this week after the 8:00am & 10:00am mass-es. Hosting will be members of the PreCana Team & Lectors. Hosting next weeks social will be members of the M.H. Knights of Columbus.

Liturgical Ministers Evening of Recollection Our annual Evening of Recollection for all Liturgical Ministers will

take place on Monday, February 19, 2018 at 7:00pm. Extraordinary

Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Ushers, Mass Coordinators,

Music Ministers, and Adult Servers are all requested to attend.


I II Shevelle Ferrell & Stephen Sobocinski

Parish Office Closed Monday February 19th The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, February 19th in

observance of Presidents Day. The office will reopen on

Tuesday, February 20th at 8:00am. Sorry for any inconven-


Festival of Praise and Confessions Please come join us on March 12th, 2018 at 7:00 PM in the church for a Len-ten Festival of Praise. The local North Coast Spirit Teens Encounter Christ retreat community will be sponsoring the event, bringing musicians to lead us in songs of praise of our Eucharistic Lord. Confessions will be heard throughout the evening. This will be a great time to spend with our Lord as we journey through the Lenten season and prepare for our Lord’s passion!

CRS Rice Bowl helps us encounter Lent. We are called to love our neighbor. But, like the scholar in the scrip-

ture passage, we may find ourselves wondering, “Who is my neighbor?”

This Lent, CRS Rice Bowl—Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten faith-in-

action program, will help us answer that question.

We are invited to reflect on how an encounter with our neighbor—as

companions on life’s journeys—can be transformative. We will see how

our prayers, fasting and alms can support those worldwide who are

forced to flee their homes to find safety or better opportunities.

Through CRS Rice Bowl, we hear stories from our brothers and sis-

ters in need worldwide, and devote our Lenten prayers, fasting and gifts

to change the lives of the poor. Each day of Lent, individuals are invited

to use the Lenten Calendar—included with every CRS Rice Bowl—to

guide their Lenten almsgiving. These daily almsgiving activities—for

example, give 25 cents for every faucet found in your home—help fami-

lies reflect on the realities of our brothers and sisters around the world

and how they can be in solidarity during the Lenten season. How will

you contribute to the culture of encounter this Lent?

Congratulations to our newly baptized Christians:

Camden Neil Sopkovich-Schorpp and Cash Brad-

ley Jacob and their families.

What is Causing so much Chaos in America? Over the past six decades there has been much chaos in the American Culture. In the past five years it has come to a head as seen in the divisive split within our politics. What is causing so much division? Why are so many of us at loggerheads with each other? Why can’t our Congressional leaders talk to each other in a civil manner? There is a reason for this, namely, we are living in a time of “Social Engineering”. Many of us grew up in a time when belief in God was a funda-mental value. In our eyes, God was an All Powerful Being who had a long-term relationship with America. God’s moral precepts were a guiding force on how we lived our lives. Right and Wrong were determined as to how we followed the Ten Command-ments. We celebrated religious holidays as a nation. It was virtu-ous to be a member of a religious congregation. Then the change came. People on the “Far Left” began to influence our American value system. It started gradually. Their Dogma was the Separation of Church and State. They told us we could not pray to God in our schools. They began to attack reli-gious symbols in our government buildings, and on our govern-ment properties. They replaced the Ten Commandments with Political Correctness. They took the word “discrimination” and changed its meaning. They used it to attack our moral values, and to replace them with their own immoral ideas. They infiltrated the American Universities, the News Media, the Movie Industry, and our Government with their constituents. They made it Un-American to express any religious values in our schools, in our government assemblies, in our workplace, and even in our enter-tainment industry. They attacked all established Religions with a vehemence unheard of in American History. Then they blamed Religious people for all the problems in our country. They finally told us that God has no place in America. Now they try to pass laws forbidding religious people to practice their beliefs in public. The end result is a division of our nation into two factions, the “Far Left” and the “Far Right”. What happened to the middle ground? In recent months, many Americans have begun to rebel against this tyranny. The “Far Left” is beginning to realize that all people do not think as they do. This “Far Left” is running into op-position from the silent majority who believe in God. The “Far Left” are now fighting for their very lifestyle. They don’t want to admit that people have values other than theirs, so they use their News Media, their Universities, their Movie Stars, and their Gov-ernment officials to mute this silent majority. As a result of this movement, American culture is sharply divided. What is the role of Religious individuals in this divided cul-ture? Now is the time for our Silent Majority to take a stand, but this action can not be done with violence or lies. We must use the time-tested strategy of prayer and example. We must pray to God every day for our country. We must practice our moral values in everyday life. We must talk about our religious beliefs to those who will listen. We must be ready to be mocked by those who don’t accept our views. We must, no matter how painful, “love those who persecute us”. We must conquer our opposition by showing them there is another way of living in America: a way that is based on love of God and love of neighbor. We must put these fundamental values back into our Society. Yes, there is division in America, but it can be solved! Let us do our part to make America what our Founding Fathers in-tended it to be: “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. Fr. Thomas Haren

First Sunday Of Lent February 18, 2018

FLOWER ENVELOPE On the Easter Flower Envelope, you are encouraged

to remember your deceased loved ones. We ask that

you please PRINT the names on the envelopes.

These names need to be turned into the Parish

Office the week of March 19th, no later then Palm

Sunday in order for them to be posted in the Rockside Road vesti-

bule for Easter.

Strudel Sale is Coming! Catholic War Veterans Auxiliary will be holding a Strudel

Sale on Saturday, March 10th and Sunday

March 11th. The Strudel will be available by

the Server’s Sacristy after all masses. The deli-

cious Strudel will be supplied by Lydia, for-

merly of Buckeye Rd. The cost is $8.00 and

they will be offering Blueberry (new), Apple, Cherry, Apri-

cot, and Cream Cheese. The Auxiliary has once again in-

creased their order from last time!

Malley’s Easter Candy Sale St. Benedict School is sponsoring a

Malley’s Easter Candy Sale beginning

February 12th. Forms are due back

with payment, by February 28th if you

plan to have your order delivered to

the school. If you are placing an online

order and having your order shipped

directly to your home, you can do so until March 26th. Forms

are available in the back of the Church and in the school of-

fice. Questions? Call the school office at 216.662.9380.

Thank you!

Recent Pro Life Legislation

In recent days there has been much done to promote the

Sanctity of Life, and to protect the Conscience Rights of

Health Care Workers in America. It is important that we

acknowledge what our Congress and President have done in

this regards. (1) On January 19th, The President set up a new

agency in the Department of Human and Health Services. It is

called the Agency for Religious Liberty. The mandate of this

Agency is to protect the religious conscience rights of Health

Care Workers who do not want to work in the “abortion indus-

try”, or work in other immoral procedures of the hospitals in

which they are employed. (2) Earlier last week the House of

Representatives passed a law called the “Pain Capable Act”

which forbids abortions of babies after twenty weeks of ges-

tation due to the fact that they can feel pain. The Senate in-

tends to bring this issue to a vote very soon. (3)The President

declared January 22nd, the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

(legalizing abortion), to be called “National Sanctity of Human

Life Day”. We commend the bravery of those who stand up

against the mainstream culture in America which rejects the

value of Human Life and the Conscience Rights of Religious


Fr. Thomas Haren

OFFERTORY COLLECTION Feb. 3rd / Feb. 4th Regular Sunday Envelopes $ 6,209.00 St. Monica Fund $ 581.00 Children’s Envelopes $ 16.00

Parish Activities MONDAY, February 19 Parish Office Closed 7:00 Liturgical Ministers Evening of Recollection (+) TUESDAY, February 20 3:00 Faculty Mtg (AR) 4:00 Athletic Practice (g) 6:00 Bible Study (F) 6:45 SVDP Mtg (p.o. kitchen) 6:45 Boy Scouts (c) 7:00 MH K of C (AR) 7:00 Bereavement Ministry (cmr) WEDNESDAY, February 21 12:00 Tai Chi (J) 3:00 Fish Fry Prep (c) 4:00 Athletic Practice (g) 5:30 Walking with Leslie Sansone (J) 8:00 Ushers Mtg (c) THURSDAY, February 22 3:00 Fish Fry Prep (c) 4:00 Athletic Practice (g) 6:00 Ward 7 Block Watch (AR) 6:30 DHNS Mtg (J) FRIDAY, February 23 2:00 Fish Fry Prep, Clean up (c) 4:00 Fish Fry (c) 6:30 Snowflake Dance (g) SATURDAY, February 24 7:30 Men of the Vine (ocu1&2) 9:30 FHC Retreat (c) SUNDAY, February 25 8:00 / 10:00 Coffee & Donuts (c) 2:00 Baptist Group (AR) 2:00 GS World Friendship Day (g)

To help build an endowment fund, please consider remembering St. Monica Church in your Will.

First Sunday Of Lent February 18, 2018

Answer to This Week’s Religion Question

What is an Altar Stone?

Answer: This is a flat stone, consecrated by the Bishop, that con-

tains relics of saints who were Martyrs. This Stone is placed in the center

of the Altar. During the Mass the Consecrated Bread and Wine is placed

on this Altar Stone.

Spelling Bee Champion

Congratulations to Marindia Long, the St. Benedict Spelling

Bee Champ! Marindia will be representing our school at the

National Spelling Bee at Tri-C on March 10th. If she ad-

vances, she will head to Washington DC to compete at the

National Scripps Spelling Bee! The entire school community

is very proud of all of our students who participated in the

St. Benedict Spelling Bee!

Save the date…..

Saturday, April 14th

10:00 am—2:00 pm

Sponsored by St Monica, Cleveland Clinic, and

Catholic Community Connection

Sandwich Saturday Join us on Saturday, March 3rd at 9:00 am

in the Parish Office for the next Sand-

wich Saturday. Come and help prepare pea-

nut butter & jelly sandwiches for the homeless

and those in a Front Steps Housing. Thank you to all those

who have contributed, and continue to contribute, to this min-

istry in any way!

Readings for the Week of February 18, 2018 Sunday First Sunday of Lent Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 Monday Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-5, 6-7, 16-17, 18-19; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle 1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4, 5, 6; Mt 16:13-19 Friday Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7a, 7bc-8; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday Second Sunday of Lent Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10

First Sunday Of Lent February 18, 2018

Wednesday Night Dinner @ the Garfield Hts. Hall Granger Road Hall BEEF STROGANOFF Dinner consists of: Beef Stroganoff, noodles, vegeta-

ble, salad bar, Roll & butter Costs: Adults - $10 ..... Children Under 12 - $8



DINNERS BY: LORI'S CUSTOM CATERING RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: 216-662-2277 mailbox # 2 DUE BY MONDAY FEBRUARY 26 - NOON The Isabella Guild will also be selling fresh bakery

The Garfield Heights Ward 7 Block Watch will meet

Thursday, February 22nd, at 7:00 PM in the St. Augus-

tine Room of St. Benedict School. Nonperishable items for

the St.Vincent DePaul Food Pantry would be appreciated.

ALL ARE WELCOME! For more information, please contact

Nikki Majka, 216-310-6514.