list of benefits of drinking coffee

List of Benefits of Drinking Coffee By:

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Post on 24-Jan-2015



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DESCRIPTION List of Benefits of Drinking Coffee Coffee is not only a great way to wake up in the morning. Coffee is good for you. The list of benefits of drinking coffee continues to get bigger. On this site we promote healthy organic coffee because of its lack of impurities and high quality. But no matter if you drink Panama mountain grown organic coffee or one of the great Colombian organic coffee brands or simply regular Arabica coffee here is a list of benefits of drinking coffee. In this article we list the benefits of drinking coffee and give a little background info and a link to go to for more info. Read on for our list of benefits of drinking coffee. Cancer Drinking coffee is related to decreased rates of cancer. More Organic Coffee Can Lead to Less Colon Cancer Organic coffee antioxidants are one of the benefits of drinking organic coffee. It turns out that one of the antioxidants obtained during the process of roasting organic coffee may well reduce the risk of getting colon cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in the USA. Methylpyridium is produced as a breakdown product of the antioxidant trigonelline during the roasting process for organic coffee. Reduced Endometrial Cancer Incidence in Coffee Drinkers Researchers have noted a reduced endometrial cancer incidence in coffee drinkers. Data from the Harvard School of Public Health Nurses’ Health Study indicates that high coffee consumption is related to a twenty-five percent lower incidence of cancer of the lining of the uterus, endometrial cancer. Endometrial cancer is the most common type of cancer of the uterus. The incidence of this disease is related to estrogen levels. High levels of coffee consumption have been found to be related to lowered estrogen levels. Diabetes Drinking coffee is related to a reduced incidence of Type II Diabetes. More Organic Coffee Can Lead to Less Diabetes More organic coffee can lead to less diabetes. Drinking organic coffee reduces the incidence of Type II diabetes, the type that affects 95% of people with the disease. This has been known for some years but until recently no one really knew why. Now researchers at UCLA have found what may be the reason. It turns out that there is a protein called sex hormone-binding globulin. Its normal job is to regulate sex hormone activity in the human body. Researchers have long suspected that the same hormone has an effect on the development of Type II diabetes. How does organic coffee come into the picture? Drinking coffee increases the body’s levels of sex hormone-binding globulin.


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List of Benefits of Drinking Coffee


Page 2: List of Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Coffee is not only a great way to wake up in the morning. Coffee is good for you. The list of benefits of drinking

coffee continues to get bigger. On this site we

promote healthy organic coffee because of its lack of

impurities and high quality.By:

Page 3: List of Benefits of Drinking Coffee

But no matter if you drink Panama mountain grown organic coffee

or one of the great Colombian organic coffee brands

or simply regular Arabica coffee here is a list of benefits

of drinking coffee.By:

Page 4: List of Benefits of Drinking Coffee

In this article we list the benefits of drinking coffee

and give a little background info and a link to go to for

more info. Read on for our list of benefits of drinking coffee.


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Drinking coffee is related to decreased rates of cancer.

More Organic Coffee Can Lead to Less Colon Cancer


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Organic coffee antioxidants are one of the benefits of drinking organic coffee. It turns out that one of the

antioxidants obtained during the process of roasting organic coffee may well

reduce the risk of getting colon cancer, the second

leading cause of cancer death in the USA.By:

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Methylpyridium is produced as a breakdown product of the antioxidant trigonelline during the roasting process

for organic coffee.


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Researchers have noted a reduced endometrial cancer incidence in coffee drinkers.

Data from the Harvard School of Public Health Nurses’

Health Study indicates that high coffee consumption is

related to a twenty-five percent lower incidence of cancer of the lining of the

uterus, endometrial cancer.By:

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Endometrial cancer is the most common type of cancer of the uterus. The incidence of this disease is related to

estrogen levels. High levels of coffee consumption have

been found to be related to lowered estrogen levels.


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Drinking coffee is related to a reduced incidence of Type II

Diabetes.More Organic Coffee Can Lead to Less Diabetes


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More organic coffee can lead to less diabetes. Drinking organic coffee reduces the

incidence of Type II diabetes, the type that affects 95% of

people with the disease. This has been known for some years but until recently no

one really knew why.By:

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Now researchers at UCLA have found what may be the

reason. It turns out that there is a protein called sex

hormone-binding globulin. Its normal job is to regulate sex

hormone activity in the human body.


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Researchers have long suspected that the same

hormone has an effect on the development of Type II

diabetes. How does organic coffee come into the picture? Drinking coffee increases the body’s levels of sex hormone-

binding globulin.By:

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Mental Health


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Drink coffee and your risk of depression and suicide are

both lower.Drinking Coffee Reduces the Risk of Depression


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An article published in volume 171 of the Archives of Internal Medicine by a team of Harvard

researchers showed a lower incidence of depression in women

who reported drinking at least four cups of coffee a day as

compared to women who reported drinking a cup of caffeinated

coffee or less each day.


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The difference was a twenty percent reduction in

incidence of new depression in the high end coffee

drinkers. The study included 50,000 women who were free of depression at the start of the study and subjects were

followed over a decade.By:

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The same researcher demonstrated years ago that

male coffee drinkers (five cups a day) have a reduced

risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease.


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A recently published study shows that drinking coffee

reduces the risk of suicide by as much as fifty percent in

coffee drinkers of both sexes. The Harvard School of Public Health published an article in

The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry.


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Researchers looked at whether or not people drank

caffeine containing beverages or not and found that caffeine

seems to be the key to the finding that drinking coffee reduces the risk of suicide.


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It turns out that drinking from two to four cups of coffee a day is associated

with a fifty percent lower risk of suicide when compared to

those who were not coffee drinkers.


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With time the list of benefits of drinking coffee will likely increase. Keep watching our

articles on

for more info.
