lisa astolfi, anna paola canevari, luca marescotti: modulo15 annexes eec-modulo16-ws2016 ver.01

a cura di Luca Marescotti DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2676.7126 Licenza Creative Commons Conoscenza e tecnologie appropriate per la sostenibilità e la resilienza in urbanistica Knowledge and Appropriate Technologies for Sustainability and Resilience in Planning diLisa Astolfi, Funda Atun, Maria Pia Boni, Annapaola Canevari, Massimo Compagnoni, Luca Marescotti, Maria Mascione, Ouejdane Mejri, Scira Menoni, Pierluigi Paolillo, Floriana Pergalani, Mauro Salvemini è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione 4.0 Internazionale. Based on a work at Permessi ulteriori rispetto alle finalità della presente licenza possono essere disponibili presso

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Page 1: Lisa Astolfi, Anna Paola Canevari, Luca Marescotti:  Modulo15 annexes eec-Modulo16-ws2016 ver.01

a cura di Luca MarescottiDOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2676.7126

Licenza Creative CommonsConoscenza e tecnologie appropriate per la sostenibilità e la resilienza in urbanistica

Knowledge and Appropriate Technologies for Sustainability and Resilience in Planning diLisa Astolfi, Funda Atun, Maria Pia Boni, Annapaola Canevari, Massimo

Compagnoni, Luca Marescotti, Maria Mascione, Ouejdane Mejri, Scira Menoni, Pierluigi Paolillo, Floriana Pergalani, Mauro Salvemini è distribuito con Licenza

Creative Commons Attribuzione 4.0 Internazionale.Based on a work at Permessi ulteriori rispetto alle finalità della presente licenza possono essere disponibili presso

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Page 3: Lisa Astolfi, Anna Paola Canevari, Luca Marescotti:  Modulo15 annexes eec-Modulo16-ws2016 ver.01

Conoscenza e tecnologie appropriate per la sostenibilità urbanistica - Knowledge and Appropriate Technologies for Sustainability in Planning - 29 febbraio - 04 marzo 2016 - Modulo 15

Modulo 15Misurare che cosa? efficacia, efficienza, sostenibilità, resilienza? USA vs UE e le European Green Capital

Luca Marescotti.

Un tempo, non molto tempo fa e con leggi tuttora valide, l'urbanistica si misurava in termini molto semplici: il fabbisogno abitativo, la capacità insediativa, il rapporto tra edilizia pubblica e edilizia privata (per calmierare il mercato, si diceva), gli standard urbanistici, la realizzazione di servizi. Gradualmente, sotto una spinta più o meno sotterranea, sono prevalse altre idee. Il piano è troppo vincolistico, non è flessibile, gli standard urbanistici non misurano tutti i servizi (quelli commerciali, in particolare) o forse non sono altro che un'urbanistica da ragionieri, le programmazioni sono frutto di una mentalità sovietica, e poi ci sono altri problemi: il piano si modifica per generazioni, il piano si concreta con la progettazione urbana a scala architettonica, che poi diventa semplicemente non il termine di Jan Lubicz-Nycz ripreso da Bruno Zevi la urbatecture/urbatettura (Zanelli 2 0 1 0) (Zevi 1973), ma la progettazione urbanistica. Intanto, la disciplina si sposta verso altri livelli e il piano si fa racconto e narrazione.Il tema della sostenibilità nasceva in quegli anni con il congresso di Stoccolma del 1972 (UNEP United Nations Environment Programme 1972) e sono gli stessi anni in cui emerge l'altro tema moderno, la resilienza, ma l'urbanistica sembra preferire le metafore alle misurazioni. In Italia specialmente negli anni '70 del secolo scorso ci si trova di fronte al paradosso istituzionale della contemporanea presenza del riformismo e dell'immobilismo, se da una parte si cerca di intervenire sulla legislazione, anche se fortemente osteggiati, dall'altra parte la loro applicazione è tenuta in stallo, come l'equo canone che invece di normalizzare il mercato della casa lo liberalizza senza controllo. Nel campo urbanistico si promulgano legge regionali che gareggiano negli obiettivi di integrazione e di visione strategica dell'ambiente e poi si discute a lungo sulle salcelte per la cartografia regionale lasciando passare infruttuosamente il tempo (Canevari e Marescotti 1985) e di fronte all'aprirsi dell'enorme potenziale del mondo digitale ci si arrovella sulla differenza tra un SIT o GIS, tra un sistema informativo territoriale e un sistema informativo geografico, senza venire a capo (Alberti et al. 1995) (Alberti 1996).I dibattiti, sempre in quegli anni, sull'efficacia o sull'efficienza del piano si spengono senza lasciare traccia: ad impossibilia nemo tenetur1. Forse sono ancora troppo pochi nel 2016 i risultati concreti e utili? O forse non sono note sufficientemente le ricerche in corso?Quindi la domanda su come valutare una città non è che una premessa per dare un senso pratico alla valutazione ambientale strategica.Dunque, per iniziare vi sono diversi itinerari possibili, sulle classificazioni delle città, cioè le analisi comparate delle città, oppure il discorso sulle scelte di investimenti pubblici o privati.

Le analisi comparate (ranking) e “la vertigine delle liste”

La miglior città del mondo? Le opinioni sono molto diverse. In Wikipedia troviamo tre diverse graduatorie:

1. Most Liveable Cities Index [ lifestyle magazine Monocle], che si fonda su diversi indicatori quali la sicurezza in rapporto ai crimini denunciati, le connessioni internazionali, il clima e i

1 Nessuno è obbligato a fare l'impossibile.


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Conoscenza e tecnologie appropriate per la sostenibilità urbanistica - Knowledge and Appropriate Technologies for Sustainability in Planning - 29 febbraio - 04 marzo 2016 - Modulo 15

giorni di sole, la qualità architettonica, i trasporti pubblici, la tolleranza, l'ambiente e l'accessibilità a zone naturali, la progettazione urbana, le opportunità di lavoro, lo sviluppo di politiche proattive, la sanità. Tra 25 città messe in graduatoria la migliore è Portland, Oregon, USA.

2. Liveability Ranking and Overview [Economist Intelligence Unit's]: la disponibilità di beni e servizi, bassi rischi alla persona e infrastrutture efficienti. Tra 70 città in graduatoria la migliore è Hong Kong, Repubblica Popolare Cinese.

3. Mercer Quality of Living Survey: Tra alcune decine di criteri include la sicurezza, l'istruzione, l'igiene, la sanità, la cultura, l'ambiente, le possibilità di svago, la stabilità economica e politica, i trasporti pubblici e la disponibilità di beni e servizi. Tra 221 città messe in graduatoria la migliore da sei anni è Vienna, Austria.

Potremmo vedere altre liste specifiche per le città italiano, come hanno fatto Legambiente e Ambiente Italia, comparando vivibilità e qualità ambientale, dove il lato oscuro potrebbe stare nella qualità dei dati che trasmettono gli enti locali. Basta cambiare i termini delle analisi e tutto cambia, cosicché nessuno potrebbe mai dubitare che sia possibile costruire una lista che inizi con Montalcino, Milano oppure Napoli.Se da una parte potremmo notare quanto il tutto sia molto soggettivo, perché la qualità è una proprietà nominale e perché i numeri sono una forma di poesia e perché -aggiungo- possono manipolare l'immagine che uno si fa del mondo. D'altra parte, non si vede emergere con chiarezza un'eventuale parte giocata dall'urbanistica, se non forse nelle infrastrutture e nei trasporti, nel far salire o scendere di graduatoria una città, né i suoi legami con il territorio.Ma la realtà è molto più complessa: l'esploratore ha attraversato il mondo, ma il suo racconto non è il mondo. Occorre rivisitarlo e reinterpretare le carte per comprendere il suo punto di vista e il mondo stesso.

La singolarità europea e le motivazioni delle Green Capital

Per l’Unione Europea il fuoco dell’attenzione converge verso la trasformazione delle città in baluardi difensivi dell’ambiente. Proprio l’Europa, continente urbano per eccellenza, costituisce un laboratorio di dimensione eccezionale, come lo statunitense Beatley rimarca(Beatley 2000) (Beatley et al. 2012), il che accresce il valore della sperimentazione, dei metodi di valutazione e della diffusione di nuove strategie e di concreti risultati (per esempio: Dige 2011; Kienast et al. 2011; EEA 2012).La UE ha scelto un'altra strategia per valutare e confrontare la sostenibilità urbana con il premio “European Green Capital” attivo dal 2009, fondato sul riconoscimento di un approccio globale che l'urbanistica deve e può avere per sviluppare positive condizioni sociali economiche e ambientali dimostrato attraverso raccolte consistenti di dati significativi. Questa strategia fu promossa con il Memorandum di Tallinn sottoscritto nel 2006 da 16 città europee allo scopo di segnalare le città capaci di pianificare e attuare attrezzature collettive, virtuosità economica, standard urbanistici e standard ambientali, con misure confrontabili nonostante i diversi contesti geografici, architettonici e culturali. Lo scopo principale consiste nel diffondere e incoraggiare l'adozione progressiva di obiettivi sempre più ambiziosi, descritti da una lista di dieci indicatori rilevanti testati nella prima selezione (Berrini e Bono 2010), poi rivista e ampliata (European Green Capital 2015), così giungendo a dodici indicatori.In coerenza con gli obiettivi della sostenibilità e della sussidiarietà l'Unione Europea ha agito su più piani: lo European Soundscape Award con cui sib vuole diffondere la difesa dal rumore nelle città 9, le certificazioni ambientali Eco-Management and Audit Scheme EMAS; gli investimenti ambientali


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Conoscenza e tecnologie appropriate per la sostenibilità urbanistica - Knowledge and Appropriate Technologies for Sustainability in Planning - 29 febbraio - 04 marzo 2016 - Modulo 15

promossi dal VI Programma d'azione ambientale (Sixth Environmental Action Programme) o dalle Strategie tematiche per l'ambiente urbano (Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment).

Nell'insieme è evidente che si tratta di interventi non strettamente urbanistici, ma che hanno in comune la capacità di plasmarsi su processi di governance nati da mutui scambi top-down/bottom-up, locale/globale, comune/ regione/ stato/ Unione Europea. Freiburg, per esempio, adotta principi sociali e urbani in una visione ecologica e si mette in competizione come città verde partecipando alla Solarbundesliga. La Solarbundesliga è il campionato tedesco iniziato nel 2001 che promuove l'uso di energie rinnovabili classificando le città in funzione dell'energia ottenuta da solare termico, fotovoltaico e dalla combustione del legno.Il campionato, costruito dal basso e sostenuto di leggi federali e regionali, stimola socialmente la drastica riduzione della dipendenza dal petrolio e delle emissioni di anidride carbonica. Sull'esempio tedesco,oltre duemila comuni e 36 milioni di abitanti, altri paesi membri dell'Unione hanno sostenuto il programma Intelligent Energy Europe, grazie al quale nel 2012 sono stati selezionati 12 comuni tra Francia, Germania, Italia, Repubblica Ceca e Ungheria come migliori casi nell'uso delle fonti rinnovabili.

In conclusione

I fattori di successo sono condivisione sociale delle politiche, capacità di combinare strategie unitarie su più fronti, capacità di attuare piani e programmi, monitoraggio e registrazione dei risultati conseguiti anche in termini di efficienza e di efficacia. In Germania, per esempio, si è potuto adottare nel 2004 una legge federale sul consumo di suolo in Germania anche perché nelle singole regioni (Land) da un decennio si controllavano politiche territoriali, usi e consumi del suolo.I diversi temi trattati ci mostrano sia diverse metodologie a confronto che richiedono attente analisi e valutazioni, sia una visione assai più aperta della nostra disciplina.

RiferimentiAlberti, Marina. 1996. «Measuring Urban Sustainability». Environment Impact Assessment Review

16: 381–424.Alberti, Marina, Lorenzo Bagini, Luca Marescotti, e Marta Puppo. 1995. I sistemi informativi

ambientali per l’urbanistica. A cura di Lorenzo Bagini e Luca Marescotti. Milano: Il Rostro.Beatley, Timothy. 2000. Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Washington, DC: Island

Press.Beatley, Timothy, Michaela Brüel, Wulf Daseking, Maria Jaakkola, Lucie Laurian, Rebeca Dios


Contributo locale al riscaldamento globale; Contributo locale al cambiamento climatico globale;Mobilità locale e trasporti pubblici; Trasporti locali;Disponibilità di aree verdi pubbliche; Aree verdi urbane che incorporano l'uso sostenibile del territorio;

Natura e biodiversità;Qualità locale dell’aria; Qualità del locale ambiente;Iinquinamento acustico; Inquinamento acustico;Produzione e gestione dei rifiuti; Produzione di rifiuti e gestione;Consumo idrico; Consumo di acqua;gestione delle acque reflue; Trattamento degli scarichi fognari (le acque reflue);

Eco innovazione ed occupazione sostenibile;Gestione locale dell’ambiente; Gestione ambientale dell'autorità locale;Uso sostenibile del suolo Rendimento energetico.


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Conoscenza e tecnologie appropriate per la sostenibilità urbanistica - Knowledge and Appropriate Technologies for Sustainability in Planning - 29 febbraio - 04 marzo 2016 - Modulo 15

Lema, Dale Medearis, Marta Moretti, Luis Andrés Orive, e Camilla Ween. 2012. Green Cities of Europe Global Lessons on Green Urbanism. A cura di Timothy Beatley. Washington, DC: Island Press.

Berrini, Maria, e Lorenzo Bono. 2010. «Measuring urban sustainability, Analysis of the European Green Capital Award 2010 & 2011 application round». EEA, European Green Capital.

Canevari, Anna Paola, e Luca Marescotti, a c. di. 1985. La cartografia per l’urbanistica e l’architettura. Milano: Clup.

Dige, Gorm. 2011. Green infrastructure and territorial cohesion. The concept of green infrastructure and its integration into policies using monitoring systems. EEA Technical report 18/2011. Copenhagen: EEA European Environment Agency.

EEA. 2012. Urban adaptation to climate change in Europe. Challenges and opportunities for cities together with supportive national and European policies. EEA Report 2/2012. Copenhagen: EEA European Environment Agency.

European Green Capital, a c. di. 2015. «European Green Capital Award 2018. Guidance Note».

Kienast, Felix, Jochen A. G. Jaeger, Tomáš Soukup, e Christian Schwick. 2011. Landscape Fragmentation in Europe. Joint EEA-FOEN Report. EEA Report 2/2011. Copenhagen: EEA European Environment Agency.

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme. 1972. «Stockholm 1972 - Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment».

Zanelli, And rea. 2 0 1 0. «Una parola per costruire — -». Rivista IBC - Istituto per i beni culturali della Regione Emilia-Romagna

Zevi, Bruno. 1973. Il linguaggio moderno dell’architettura. Guida al codice anticlassico. Torino: G. Einaudi.


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Analysis of the European Green Capital Award 2010 & 2011 application round

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The authors of the European Green Capital Award 2010 & 2011 report are: Maria Berrini and Lorenzo Bono, Ambiente Italia ( The report has been reviewed by the following members of the European Green Capital Award 2010 & 2011 Evaluation Panel:

o Birgit Georgi European Environment Agency Indicator area(s): Sustainable land use and availability of public open areas

o Matthias Ketzel Danish National Environmental Research Institute Indicator area(s): Quality of local ambient air

o J. Luis Bento Coelho Instituto Superior Técnico (TU Lisbon) Indicator area(s): Noise pollution

o P.J. Rudden Irish consultancy RPS Group Indicator area(s): Waste production & management

o Beate Werner European Environment Agency Indicator area(s): Water consumption & Waste water management

o Henrik Gudmundsson Technical University of Denmark Indicator area(s): Local mobility and passenger transportation

Full responsibility for the content of the report lies with Ambiente Italia (research and consultancy, Italy).

May, 2010

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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 4

2. LOCAL CONTRIBUTION TO GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE ....................................... 7

3. LOCAL MOBILITY AND PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION ..................................... 12


5. QUALITY OF LOCAL AMBIENT AIR ...................................................................... 22

6. NOISE POLLUTION ............................................................................................. 27

7. WASTE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT ...................................................... 30



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The European Green Capital Award,

background and objectives

The European Green Capital Award (EGCA) is

the result of an initiative taken by 15 European

cities and the Association of Estonian cities in

May 2006 in Tallinn. The 15 cities were Tallinn

itself, Helsinki, Riga, Vilnius, Berlin, Warsaw,

Madrid, Ljubljana, Prague, Vienna, Kiel, Kotka,

Dartford, Tartu and Glasgow. The initiative was

turned into a joint Memorandum submitted to

the European Commission in which they

proposed the establishment of an award

rewarding cities that are leading the way in

environmentally friendly urban living.

The aim of the award is to promote urban

sustainability and the sharing of best practices

between cities.

The Award's objectives are threefold, namely to: a) reward cities that have a well-established record of achieving high environmental objectives, b) encourage cities to commit to ambitious goals for further environmental improvement and sustainable development, and c) provide a role model to inspire other cities and promote best practices and experiences in all other European cities.

All cities from EU Member States, Candidate

Countries and European Economic Area

countries which have more than 200,000

inhabitants can apply for the award.

Read more at:

Theoretical framework for the Award

The title rewards a number of different

elements of environmental achievements in a

city. The evaluation criteria are based on the

following 3 aspects:

1. The 'greenest' city

The Award rewards the 'greenest' city in

Europe based on the city's state of the

environment as defined by the performance

levels relative to each of the proposed


2. Implementation of efficient and innovative

measures & future commitment

The Award rewards the city that has

implemented the most innovative and efficient

environmental measures and which has shown

that it is committed to do the same in the


3. Communication and networking

The Award rewards a city which can act as a

role model and inspire other cities to boost their

efforts towards a greener urban environment

by sharing experiences and promoting best

practice among European cities and beyond.

The indicator areas

Evaluation of the cities' efforts is based upon

the following 10 environmental indicator areas:

- Local contribution to global climate


- Local mobility and passenger


- Availability of local public open areas

- Quality of local ambient air

- Noise pollution

- Waste production and management

- Water consumption

- Waste water management

- Environmental management of the local


- Sustainable land use.

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The 35 applicant cities for 2010 & 2011

Applicant cities 2010 and 2011 awards

Amsterdam, Netherlands

• Bordeaux, France

• Bremen, Germany

• Bristol, United Kingdom

• Cluj-Napoca, Romania

• Copenhagen, Denmark

• Dublin, Ireland

• Espoo, Finland

• Freiburg, Germany

• Hamburg, Germany

• Hannover, Germany

• Helsinki, Finland

• Kaunas, Lithuania

• Lisbon, Portugal

Łódź, Poland

• Magdeburg, Germany

• Malmø, Sweden

• Munich, Germany

• Murcia, Spain

• Münster, Germany

• Oslo, Norway

• Pamplona, Spain

• Prague, Czech Republic

• Riga, Latvia

• Rotterdam, Netherlands

• Sabadell, Spain

• Stockholm, Sweden

• Tampere, Finland

• Toruń, Poland

• Valencia, Spain

• Vienna, Austria

• Montpellier, France

• Vilnius, Lithuania

• Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

• Zaragoza, Spain

Evaluation of the 2010 & 2011 applications

In 2009, the first evaluation round took place in

order to select Europe's Green capitals for

2010 and 2011.

Thirty-five cities, covering 17 European

countries, applied for the 2010 and 2011

European Green Capital Awards.

The applicant cities sent applications

describing results achieved, measures taken

and short and long term commitments for each

indicator area, as well as their proposed

programs of actions and events to disseminate

experiences and best practices.

The eight finalist cities

The data produced by the 35 applicant cities

was assessed by the Evaluation Panel with the

specific purpose of selecting eight finalist cities.

Various methods of evaluation (quantitative

and qualitative, objective comparisons or

individual expert assessments, final cross

check evaluations, etc.) were applied by the

Evaluation Panel to analyze the data.

The eight finalists were:









On the basis of an additional transparent

evaluation process, the European Green

Capital Award Jury made their final decision

and announced the City of Stockholm as the

2010 European Green Capital, and the City of

Hamburg as the Award winner for 2011.

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The aim of this report

The aim of this report is to make the data from

the finalists' applications available to other

cities in a systematic manner in order to inspire

and provide them with ambitious benchmarks.

This has been done by:

- In depth analysis and reporting on the eight

finalists' achievements, goals and practices in

a useful manner;

- Providing evidence on the best results and

highlighting the best practices, in order to

promote positive competition aiming to achieve

the most ambitious goals possible;

- Reporting the available quantitative data in a

clear manner, with tables and graphs and,

where possible, with appropriate comparisons;

- Integrating quantitative data with qualitative

descriptions of good practices, in a manner that

inspires other cities.

Structure and approach of this report

The report is organized in eight Chapters (eight

and not ten), because the analysis of four

indicator areas, Local public open areas /

Sustainable land Use and Water consumption /

Waste water management have been

integrated into two chapters).

Policies are described with qualitative

information, and a selection of local, best

practices developed by the eight cities are


The report elaborates on the data which was

presented by cities in accordance with the

Award application forms and on additional

documentation provided during the evaluation

rounds. In a few cases, where data provided by

cities was not comparable, (e.g. different years

or units of measure, only qualitative answers

available, etc.), other data sources (e.g. EEA or

Eurostat) have been used, or the

“benchmarking” approach has been avoided.

The reporting activity was structured towards

producing as much useful information as

possible with the available data.

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Introduction Climate change is at the top of the World global

Agenda. EU has set ambitious targets (20-20-

20 climate and energy package1) and cities are

to play an important role in meeting these


Local policies aiming to reduce CO2 emissions

and increase energy efficiency and renewable

uses, generally part of city strategy, are already

in place in the form of activities to reduce and

avoid air pollution, reduce car congestion,

improve water and waste management and

increase green areas.

In their applications the cities were asked to

provide information on the baseline as well as

the policies and targets in relation to the

following indicators:

- CO2 per capita and trends (1990 – 2005)

- Carbon content in electricity

- District heating

- Greenhouse gas reduction target

CO2 per capita and trends CO2 calculation methods, when applied at local

level, often differ greatly so comparison data

must be evaluated carefully.

None the less, interesting information emerges

when studying the information from the eight


1 The 20-20-20 „climate and energy package‟ was agreed

by the European Parliament and Council in December 2008 and came into force in June 2009. The three main targets of the package are: a reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions of at

least 20% below 1990 levels; 20% of EU energy consumption to come from

renewable resources; a 20% reduction in primary energy use compared with

projected levels, to be achieved by improving energy efficiency.

Oslo is the city which shows the lowest CO2

per capita emission (2.4 t/inh). This data may

be explained by the widespread use of

electricity based on hydropower, a district

heating system based to a large degree on

heat derived from waste incineration, and a

well developed, rail-based public transport


Oslo is followed by Stockholm where the per

capita emissions of 5.4 t registered in 1990

decreased to 4.0 t/inh in 2005. Part of this

improvement can be related to the transport

sector, where the emissions decreased from

1.6 to 1.3 tonnes per capita between 1990 and

2005. This is again thanks to the low car share

of the modal split (this is further explained in

the next chapter on local mobility and

passenger transport) and to the fact that

70,000 vehicles in Stockholm (9%) are ethanol,

biogas, hybrid-electric or ultra-low emission

vehicles. All inner city buses operate on biogas

or ethanol and 50 % of the waste-lorries and 40

% of the taxis are bio fuelled or Hybrid. 75% of

fuel stations offer ethanol or biogas and all

petrol sold in the city contains 5 % ethanol.

Like Stockholm, Copenhagen scores a 26%

CO2 per capita reduction in the period 1990-

2005, reaching 4.9 t/inh. A significant causative

factor in this reduction is the full expansion of

the district heating network and cleaner fuels in

CHP stations (CO2 emissions from CPH

stations has halved since 1984).


City t/inh

% from

transport 1990-2005

Amsterdam 6.6 33% 12%

Bristol 5.4 na na

Copenhagen 4.9 20% -26%

Freiburg 9.3 22% -13%

Hamburg 8.8 41% -25%

Muenster 6.3 32% -22%

Oslo 2.4 58% -8%

Stockholm 4 33% -26%

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The German cities, Freiburg and Hamburg in

particular, show the highest per capita

emissions: respectively, 9.3 t/inh and 8.8 t/inh.

At the same time, Hamburg is the city that has

experienced the highest emissions decrease

(in absolute value), being able to cut the per

capita emissions by 2.87 t (-25%). Main factors

were: A decrease in energy consumption from

housing and a decrease of the electricity

consumption of households and small

businesses. Since 2004, emissions from

transport have been falling in accordance with

the national emissions, due to higher fuel

prices. Since 1997, Hamburg is subsidising

solar thermal plants and, as of today, more

than 36,000 m² of solar collectors have been

installed. The same programme subsidised bio-

energy plants, with a total power capacity of

14.5 MW. The municipally owned housing

associations have also improved the energetic

performance of some 65,000 residential units

in the past 10 years. This has made it possible

to avoid 75,000 t of CO2 per year, which

represents a 22% reduction in emissions.

CO2 per capita emission







































In Freiburg, the drop in CO2 emissions (-13%)

was achieved by active local policies which

have led to decreased energy consumption by

industry, households and businesses, as well

as in transport. Today 50% of Freiburg‟s

electricity is generated within the city, largely

through combined heat and power generation

and the percentage of nuclear energy has also

been reduced below 25%. Approximately 4% of

electricity is currently generated from

renewable energy sources: 1.5% wind energy,

1.6% biomass, 0.85% solar panels and 0.2%

hydropower. Freiburg has 9.8 MW of solar PV

panels and 13,000 m2 of solar thermal panels


Amsterdam is the only city where the per capita

emissions increased from 5.9 in 1990 to 6.6 in

2006, despite a rather good diffusion of

renewable energy, particularly wind power.

Today 80 megawatts of wind energy is

produced within the city limits, including the

port area. The port wishes to expand this to

100 megawatts.

No available data for Bristol.

Carbon content in electricity

Although data on electricity consumption

derived from Renewable Energy Sources

(RES) are difficult to compare, the available

data on the carbon content of electricity are

analysed as follows.

Electricity carbon content



































g C




Regarding the carbon content of electricity, the

cities tend to report a value related to the

national energy mix, not being able to account

for the local electricity production‟s ratio.

For example, Amsterdam (where 37% of

households use electricity from RES) considers

the composition of the Dutch fuel mix largely

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representative for the fuel mix of the city (1

kWh of electricity produces 616 g CO2).

Hamburg imports “only” 80% of its electricity

from the national grid but reports the emission

factors of the national energy production (584 g

CO2/kWh). The city declares a 12% of

electricity produced from RES.

Freiburg does not use the German factors and

the value reported - based on the GEMIS

methodology - is higher than Hamburg's (683 g

per kWh). A record of the CO2 intensity of the

overall energy consumption of the city

(kgCO2/kWh) has not been kept in Freiburg

(they declare a 4% of electricity produced from


In Oslo most of the electricity supply comes

from renewable hydropower. During limited

periods the electricity supply may contain a

fraction of fossil derived energy imported from

overseas; however this is more than

compensated by exports of hydropower out of

Norway at other times. Even if precise figures

for the size of this fossil fraction are not

available, they consider the CO2 content equal

to zero.

Also in Stockholm the carbon intensity is very

low (103 grams of CO2 per kWh in 2005),

thanks to the widespread use of renewable

energy (as national average the data provided

is 61% and 70% is used for the district

heating). About 70% of the municipal

administrations use electricity from renewable

resources (hydro and wind). There are also

12% of households buying electricity

ecolabelled as from RES.

District heating

Scandinavian cities have a long tradition in the

development of district heating technology and

show the highest percentages of connected

inhabitants. Today, 97% of Copenhagen is

connected to a district heating system. District

heating is mainly a product of surplus heat from

electricity and/or industrial production, energy

from waste incineration plants and bio fuels

and other renewable energy sources.

Inhabitants connected to district heating






































In Stockholm almost 70% of the population has

access to district heating. The share of

renewable energies used for the energy

production is about 70% (including waste

recovery). The emissions of greenhouse gases

have dropped with 593,000 t since 1990 as a

result of conversion from oil to district heating.

Furthermore, a new district cooling system

contributes to an annual environmental gain of

approx. 60,000 t CO2.

The other cities, with the exception of Bristol,

show a percentage of connected inhabitants

ranging from 10% to 20%.

In Amsterdam not only household, but also 500

large companies are connected to the network.

A lot of the heat is produced by the Waste and

Energy Company which converts biomass from

waste and biogas from the sewer.

Long Term Energy Storage (LTES) in the

eastern port area of Amsterdam

On the Oosterdoks island, a long term energy

storage (LTES) will be realised in order to supply

energy to 180,000 m2 of commercial and industrial

buildings (offices, other facilities).

The LTES system has a heat and cold distribution

network from where all the required cold and heat

for the buildings is supplied at the right

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temperature. Heat is generated centrally with

reversible heat pumps, supplemented by bio-fuel

powered central heating boilers at peak demands.

The cold is also generated with reversible heat

pumps. The pumps utilise the stored heat and

cold from the ground water to provide the

necessary heating and cooling. All buildings have

separately metered connections, so that users

can be charged for their own usage.

Compared to traditional installations (gas-fired

boilers and air-cooled compression cooling

machines) it is forecast an annual amount of

approximately 3,200 tonnes in terms of CO2

emissions that will be cut. This corresponds to the

amount of CO2 avoided that could be provided by

means of approximately 8,050 solar panels a


Greenhouse gas reduction targets and


All the cities have in recent years adopted

specific strategies to cut their greenhouse gas

emissions. Some of them, like Copenhagen,

Hamburg and Stockholm, identified both short

period targets (to be reached by 2015) and

targets related to a longer period (20-30 years

and also 50 years long). Copenhagen and

Stockholm committed themselves to become

carbon neutral cities.



Short period


Medium period


Long period


Amsterdam -40%

Bristol -80%

Copenhagen -20%

(base 2005) carbon neutral

Freiburg -40%

Hamburg -20% -40% -80%

Muenster -40%

Oslo -50%

Stockholm -25% carbon neutral

Stockholm City Council has adopted a target to

reduce the greenhouse gas emissions to 3.0

tonnes CO2 per capita by 2015. The City

Council has also set a long-term target to

continue to reduce emissions of greenhouse

gases at the same rate as between 1990 and

2005. This is a step towards Stockholm

becoming a fossil fuel free city by 2050.

In 2007 the city council of Copenhagen

adopted “The Metropolitan Milieu” with the aim

of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 20%

from 2005 levels by 2015. The plan will

consider possible ways of achieving a climate-

neutral Copenhagen within 20 years.

In a comprehensive “Strategy for Climate

Protection” published in late 2007 and updated

annually, Hamburg committed itself to reduce

CO2 emissions by 2 million tonnes until 2012 –

about 20% less than the 1990 figure,

representing a per capita reduction of

approximately 25%. The city aims to reduce

CO2 emissions by 40 % until 2020, and

endorses the joint European target to reduce

CO2 emissions by 80% until 2050.

The City of Oslo adopted a strategy for

reducing climate gas emissions in 2003. This

laid the foundations for Oslo‟s climate and

energy action plan which was adopted by the

City Council in 2005 and stated that by the year

2030, Oslo‟s climate gas emissions will be

reduced by 50% compared to 1990. The Oslo

region‟s public transport company has decided

that by the year 2020, use of fossil fuels for its

buses will be phased out. Heating oil will be

phased out in municipal buildings by the end of

2011 and fossil energy for heating will be

phased out entirely by 2020.

The Freiburg municipal set the City's new

objective for climate protection in 2007: a 40%

CO2 reduction by 2030. Short period targets

have been set to obtain 10% of electricity from

renewable energy sources by 2010. 1.2% of

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the city‟s electricity should come from solar


In 2007, the Municipality of Amsterdam

approved the New Amsterdam Climate, a

strategy that aims to achieve a 40% CO2

emission reduction by the year 2025 for the

entire city (compared to the level in 1990). In

addition, the municipality itself aims to set a

good example becoming climate neutral by

2015. Buildings, public lighting and the

municipal transport facilities must consume

less energy and must make as much use as

possible of sustainable energy. For functions

where fossil fuels are still unavoidable,

possibilities for carbon setoffs will be


The first target adopted by the city of Muenster

aimed at cutting down one quarter of the CO2

emissions from 1990 to 2005. The communal

climate protection balance for the year 2005

showed a factual saving of 21%. Due to these

encouraging results a new target has been set

by the city council in March 2008: to cut CO2

emissions by the year 2020, by at least 40%

(reference year 1990). Furthermore, the

renewable energies are supposed to obtain a

20% share in communal energy supply.

In 2004, the city of Bristol adopted the Bristol

Climate Protection & Sustainable Energy

Strategy and set the target to reduce CO2

emissions by 60% by 2050, from 2000

baseline. This is 1.2% per annum. Between

2005 and 2006, the first years of quality

assured, comparable data, emissions were

reduced by 2%. In 2008 a new Green Capital

Action Plan was adopted and the previous

reduction target is currently being reviewed as

part of a research project with Bristol University

which will set 5-yearly voluntary targets.

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Introduction Mobility patterns and policies are of paramount

importance for the urban environment and

quality of life. A strong dependency by cars and

the quality of public transport affect parameters

such as air quality, noise, street accidents, city

livability and children safety, health depending

on mobility lifestyles, fossil energy consumption

and production of CO2.

The Data analyzed in this report concerns the

eight EGCA finalists' efforts in reducing car

dependency and shifting modal split towards

means which are more sustainable.

The indicators include:

- Availability of cycling infrastructures, with a

special focus on cycle tracks and lanes

(km, km/inh, km/m2)

- Public transport (population leaving <300 m

from PT stop; low emission PT)

- Private car ownership (n/inh)

- Modal share (%), with a focus on trips not

longer than 5 km.

Availability of cycling infrastructures Cycling infrastructures contribute to promoting

cycling by making it faster, safer and more

comfortable to cycle, even if it is clearly not the

only factor of importance. The infrastructure

offered by the finalist cities varies significantly.

For example, Amsterdam has more than 500

km of cycle tracks and lanes, but there are also

900 km of roads (60% of the total amount) with

speed ramps and a maximum speed of 30

km/h, a traffic management solution that could

be considered very bicycle friendly. It really

makes the difference because if we consider

only cycle tracks and lanes, the Amsterdam per

capita availability is 0.67 m/inh, while

considering the “enlarged cycling network” the

value rises up to 1.87 m/inh.


City Separate

d tracks


with lanes




easy to


km km km km

Amsterdam 400 100 na 900

Bristol 39 32 95 na

Copenh. 309 40 39 na

Freiburg 120 20 149 130

Hamburg 1,500 200 630 1,755

Muenster 293 3 210 na

Oslo 201 30 14 6

Stockholm 760 na na

In Hamburg, as well as an extensive cycle lane

network of 1,700 km, there are an additional

630 km of cycle routes and pathways along

green areas and 1,755 km of streets with a

maximum speed of 30 km/h.

Due to the fact that this type of data is not

available for all eight cities, the following

analysis has only reported on cycle tracks and



City km m/inh km/km2

Amsterdam 500 0.67 2.28

Bristol 71 0.17 0.65

Copenhagen 349 0.69 3.95

Freiburg 140 0.64 0.91

Hamburg 1,700 0.97 2.25

Muenster 296 1.06 0.98

Oslo 231 0.42 0.51

Stockholm 760 0.96 3.64

With regard to the availability of cycle tracks

and cycle lanes, Muenster, Hamburg and

Stockholm have the highest per capita values

(about 1m/inh).

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Availability of cycle paths and lanes





































Hamburg, also due to its dimension, has the

most extensive cycle network, with a total

length of 1,700 km. It consists of tracks running

parallel to roads for motor vehicles as well as

of independently routed cycle paths, and has

been in existence for over 30 years.

However, if we consider the length of the cycle

network compared to the extent of the

municipal area, Copenhagen scores the

maximum “cycle network density” value,

accounting 3.95 km of cycle tracks and lanes

for each km2. The Stockholm area is well

covered too (3.64 km/km2) followed by

Hamburg and Amsterdam (about 2.3 km/km2).

Copenhagen and Muenster: priority to the bike

Copenhagen has set the objective of becoming

the world‟s best cycling city. Today 36% of the

capital‟s inhabitants use a bicycle to go to work or

study. The municipality wants to increase this

share to 50% by 2015. It is therefore investing in

new cycle tracks, trails, parks and safety projects.

The Green Wave is the sequenced traffic lights for

commuters put on several of the city‟s main

arteries which have been set so that cyclists do

not have to stop for red lights. In the municipality„s

road projects, very high value is given to cycle

tracks, often over cars or parking needs.

In Muenster, bicycle transport is also a top priority.

The entire municipal area is crossed by a network

of safe bicycle trails. The fact that the citizens of

Muenster make use of the area-wide bicycle lane

network gladly and frequently is helped by three


the bicyclist-friendly topography of the city;

the installation of 304 km of separate bicycle

lanes along all main artery roads;

the car-free promenade of 4.5 km all around

the old town which is reserved for cyclists and

pedestrians and fulfils important functions (up

to 1,500 cyclists per hour, at peak times,

make use of this “bicycle highway”).

Public transport

The density and service level of the public

transport network plays a very important role in

the sustainable mobility of a city. In Hamburg,

Amsterdam and Copenhagen the share of

population living within a 300 metre radius of

local public transport stops (hourly or more

frequent) is very close to 100%. In

Copenhagen, 98% of the population lives

within 350 metres to the high frequency lines.

With the exception of Bristol, all the cities score

very high, around 90% to 100%.

Population living <300m from a public transport stop






































Data about low emission public fleets is rather

difficult to compare because each city provides

different interpretations of the technical

features required for a public means of

transport to be considered “low emission”

(buses with emissions which are 50% or more

below EURO IV standards as regards NOX or

particulate matter). Nevertheless, Stockholm

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and Amsterdam seem to be the cities which

have invested most resources in reducing the

emissions related to their public transport fleet.

In Stockholm County 65% of the public

transport (based on person-km) is classified as

low emission, including rail traffic. All rail traffic

operates with certified renewable electricity. All

buses operating in the inner city run on

renewables. Some 50 buses run on biogas and

the number will be doubled the coming years.

Stockholm Transport also uses some 400

ethanol buses and a few ethanol hybrid buses.

In 2008 25% of the bus fleet in the whole

region ran on renewables, and the target for

2011 is 50%.

In Amsterdam only 20% of all public transport

journeys is by bus. The other 80% of journeys

by public transport is by emission free trams,

metro or trains with no local emissions. 98% of

buses are equipped with a CRT filter:

(Continuously Regenerating Trap) that reduces

fine particles more than twice as low as the

EURO IV norm. Although, NOx emissions do

not reach a similar level. 15% of the buses of

the transport company meets the - stricter -

EEV NOx norm, but does not achieve the

required 50% NOx of the euro IV norm.

Private car ownership

The car‟s ownership rate (Source: Eurostat) is

very low in the eight cities (except for Bristol) if

compared with the EU15 national average

(around 500 cars every 1,000 inhabitants).

Amsterdam and Hamburg show very low

values, under 300 cars/1,000inh.

Registered cars





































0 in


Modal share

Even if some differences could be due to

different morphological conditions, innovative

policies and mobility lifestyles have a great

influence in the modal share, especially

referring to short distances (less than 5 km,

that generally are the high majority of urban



City Foot Bicycle


transport Car+moto Other

Amsterdam 61% 25% 14%

Bristol 26% 6% 15% 52%

Copenhagen 29% 26% 17% 28%

Freiburg 26% 31% 18% 25%

Hamburg 40% 16% 11% 34%

Muenster 23% 46% 8% 23%

Oslo 50% 7% 10% 32%

Stockholm 68% 25% 8%

All the cities – with the exception of Bristol –

aim to contain the car use. Stockholm has

reached definitely the best results, with only

8% of short trips made by car, while the other

cities‟ values are between 20% and 30%. In

particular, policies aiming to increase the “soft”

mobility have been successful: in Amsterdam,

Muenster and Stockholm more than 60% of

short trips are done walking or by bicycle. Also

other cities record a value which is higher than


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Modal share (trips <5km)







































public transport



In Amsterdam 38% of all journeys are currently

made by bicycle and in the city centre this

increases to 57%. Amsterdam residents now

use a bicycle on average more frequently than

a car.

Amsterdam: low-traffic city centre and

widespread car sharing system

Amsterdam residents decided on a low-traffic city

centre in a referendum in 1992. The number of car

journeys from and to the city centre has dropped

strongly from 58,900 in 1995 to 40,100 in 2007: a fall

of 32% (whereas the population remained stable).

This drop in car traffic seems to have no negative

economic effects, in view of the increase in price per

square metre for offices and housing in the city

centre over the same period.

The centre of Amsterdam has the highest car

sharing use of the Netherlands, with 200 car sharing

spots. Since 1995, the municipality makes fixed

parking spaces available to car sharing providers.

Amsterdam as a whole city has 740 car sharing

spots. 90% of all housing in Amsterdam is within 400

metres of a car sharing spot and in the Ring, where

60% of all housing is concentrated, 80% has a car

sharing spot within less than 100 metres (96% within

less than 250 metres).

In Stockholm 68% of all trips in the inner city

(usually not longer than 5 km) is done walking

or by bike and 25% by public transport. The car

use has been limited only at 8%. During peak

hour 78% of all trips to the inner city are by

public transport.

The congestion charge in Stockholm

After a seven month testing period, from August

2007 the congestion charge in Stockholm city centre

is permanent. The fee is imposed on Swedish

registered vehicles driving into and out of the

Stockholm inner city zone on weekdays between

6.30 a.m. and 6.29 p.m. Vehicles are automatically

registered at “control points”. Traffic and emissions in

the city centre decreased by at least 10-15 percent.

The emission reduction due to the congestion fee

has been calculated to be equivalent of 30,000

tonnes of CO2 for the year of 2006.

Before the introduction of the congestion scheme

there were a majority opposing it, but once people

saw the benefits many citizens changed their minds.

At the referendum in September 2006 the majority

voted for the continuation. It was re-launched on 1

August 2007 and the opinion polls now show a

majority in favour of the scheme.

In recent years Freiburg has been successful in

introducing sustainable mobility measures in its

long term planning documents. The Land

Development Plan (LDP), approved in 2006,

requires that all new residential and

commercial areas would be assessed in terms

of their potential ramifications on the transport

system. The latest version of the „markets and

commercial centres concept‟, approved in

2008, has the aim to prevent commercial

centres from appearing in the “open

countryside” This is to ensure that local

populations continue to be supplied with

everyday necessities avoiding unnecessarily

long journeys.

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Freiburg: new car free district

Two new districts have been created in Freiburg

during the past 10 years: the „Rieselfeld‟ district

(11,000 inhabitants) and the „Vauban‟ district, (5,000

inhabitants). For both of these districts a major

objective was to provide them with an

environmentally friendly traffic scheme.

As the Rieselfeld district was developed it was

simultaneously connected to the tram network. The

tram runs right through the heart of the district, in

such a way that no housing or workplaces are more

than 500 m away from the nearest stop. The tram

was in operation right from the beginning of the

development, so that new residents could get used

to basing their travel choices on local public


Connection to the tram network was an issue of

central importance also for the Vauban district. Here

however, even more ambitious objectives in terms of

environmental policy were pursued: a large section

of the residential area is car-free, or more precisely

„parking space-free‟, i.e. residents may bring goods

to their front doors using their vehicles but must park

the vehicles themselves in collective garages outside

the area. Residents can declare themselves „car-

free‟, in which case they do not have to purchase a

parking space. This project is by far the largest car-

free project in Germany and has attracted much

attention worldwide.

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The land use pattern, as part of the urban

design, lays out the conditions under which

cities can function. Compact cities with high

densities of people and jobs per built up area

and brownfield re-developments enable cities

to reduce their ecological footprint by reducing

the urban land take and soil sealing, the energy

demand for heating and cooling, and the

transport demand per capita. Furthermore

compact cities patterns could help in enabling

more walking, cycling and more efficient public


Nevertheless, compact development needs to

be balanced with sufficient green urban areas

as a prerequisite for a liveable city. Cities are

human habitats; thus, good access to green

urban areas, their high quality and multiple

usability are even more important than their

absolute share of the municipal's area.

Data analyzed in this report shows the eight

EGCA finalists' efforts in these directions.

Indicators used are:

- Built up area

- Population density

- Building on brownfield

- Availability of public green areas

- Population living <300m from a public open


Built up area

In Hamburg the land used for housing and

traffic purposes accounts for a 60% share of

the total area. In Amsterdam this share is about

50% and in Stockholm 45% (35% are business

and residential areas, and 10% consists of


Roads or buildings take up only 1/3 of Oslo‟s

and Muenster‟s municipal area.

Built up area
























The Oslo strategy of preventing urban sprawl

The population of Oslo has grown with 50,000

new inhabitants the last 10 years (10% of total

population). Virtually all new housing in Oslo has

been built within the existing building zone, and

not on virgin land outside the building zone. The

densification takes place in most parts of the city

built up area, mainly in the more central parts of

the city.

The overall strategy of preventing urban sprawl

has been Oslo‟s policy for many years. This

strategy primarily includes densification around

collective transport networks and nodes as well as

improvement of the public transport system. In

addition, building in the green belt around the city

is strictly prohibited. The policy for coordinated

urban land use and transport was adopted in the

Urban Ecology programme 2002 and the City

master plan in 2004.

The goal is to develop favourable conditions for

being able to live in the city without owning a car.

The main strategy to obtain this goal is to improve

the public transport system. Nine nodes in the

public transport system were designated as

prioritized areas for urban development and

densification. An important pre-requisite for this

2 No available data submitted in the applications of

Copenhagen, Freiburg and Bristol.

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strategy is a development with low car parking


The municipal master plan adopted in June 2008

assumes an increase of 60,000 households by the

year 2025, with 2/3 to be built within or close to

the inner city. If this prediction is realized, the

density of inhabitants in the inner city is expected

to increase by more than 25 %, while the density

of the outer city will see a more moderate

increase of up to 15%. The development of the

new Fjord city (redevelopment of harbour

brownfields), with a total area of 226 ha is

expected to absorb a significant amount of

projected growth in the inner city.

Population density

Copenhagen is the most compact city, with a

population density of 5,708 inhabitants for each

km2, followed by Stockholm (4,141 inh/km2)

and Bristol (3,732 inh/km2). The lowest

densities (about 1,000 inh/km2) are the ones of

Oslo and Muenster.

If we consider the density of built up areas

(data available only for 5 cities), Stockholm and

Amsterdam show values (respectively 8,000

and 7,000 inh/km2) that are, more or less, twice

than the average densities of Hamburg or Oslo.

Muenster has the lowest density, also referring

to built up areas (3,000 inh/km2).

Population density



























density -

built up





The new development schemes in

Copenhagen, mainly consisting of mixed uses

(dwellings, office, space, retail, leisure etc), are

characterised by a very high density: 350-400

inhabitants per Ha, three times more than

Stockholm (112 inh/Ha) and Bristol (140





Density built up areas

Density new developments


2 inh/ km

2 inh/Ha

Amsterdam 3,412 6,856 100

Bristol 3,732 Na 140* Copenhagen 5,708 Na 350-400 Freiburg 1,434 na 120 Hamburg 2,331 3,918 200

Muenster 925 2,983 100

Oslo 1,211 3,595 38 Stockholm 4,141 8,032 112

Hamburg‟s urban planning has identified

significant areas (30%) within the inner city

consolidation that will be progressively realised

through the development of vacant sites and by

adding floors. HafenCity is a new development

project for reuse and requalification of part of

the harbour area, with a very high population

density: one third of the area (60 ha) is being

used to build 5,500 residential homes for

12,000 new inhabitants, equating to a

population density of 690 inh/Ha. At the same

time, Hamburg‟s residential building policy also

provides for new terraced and detached

housing of a considerably lower population

density in the peripheral urban regions, such as

the new city district of Neu-Allermöhe (12


In Freiburg, during the 1990s, the construction

of two new large districts that now host nearly

7% of total population began: Rieselfeld

(11,000 residents) and the former military site

of the Vauban (5,000 residents). Both districts‟

proximity to the city centre and good local

transport connections enable and demand high

but manageable population densities about 120

inhabitants per Ha.

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Amsterdam's development within city limits is

aimed at creating municipal environments in

high densities. High offices around the

Amstelpark and in the Zuidas new district are

the trend even if the highest numbers of

residents and employees can still be found in

the centre (>250 residents + employees per

hectare). About ten sites have been

transformed into residential-work areas, with a

joint share of approximately 25 % residential.

Over the next decades this may well grow to

50%. In most cases the population density in

these new projects amounts to 100 residents

per hectare or more.

Building on brownfield

Not all cities adopt a harmonized definition of

the “brownfield” concept so the following data

should be taken with some care.

Bristol, Oslo and Copenhagen show the best

capacity in containing the urban sprawl,

avoiding new developments on virgin and

undeveloped land.

In Bristol all new offices and light industries and

most residential developments have been built

on brownfield areas (since 1997, 93% of

16,000 new homes). The percentage is lower

for industrial and warehouse developments

(nearly 45%).

Building on previously undeveloped land plots

in Oslo was limited during the period 2002 to

2006 to 20% of new buildings over 100 m2,

while 80% were built on previously developed

or brownfield sites.

From 2001 to 2007 a total of 14,400 new

dwellings were built in Copenhagen.

Approximately 80% was on brownfield sites

either as densification in existing

neighbourhoods or in relation to major

redevelopment schemes.

In the same period, 25,000 new apartments

were built in Stockholm; more than 1/3 were

built in larger brownfield areas. Similar

percentages have been recorded in Muenster,

where approximately 25% of the residential

building areas (1,825 dwelling units) were

provided in derelict or reorganisation areas

during the period from 1997 to 2004. This

share rose to more than 38% from 2005 to




Built land Building on browfields

% %

Amsterdam 50% na

Bristol na 45%(industrial) - 93% (houses) (1997-2007)

Copenhagen na 80% (2001-2007)

Freiburg na na Hamburg 60% na

Muenster 31% 38% (2005-2007) 25% (1997-2004)

Oslo 34% 80% (2002-2006)

Stockholm 45% 30% (2000-2007)

Freiburg is a continually growing city with a

current total of almost 220,000 inhabitants.

Space-saving housing developments became

the chief aim of the new Land Development

Plan (LDP) 2020 (effective in law since Dec

2006). The Plan is based on a realistic demand

forecast incorporating the potential for central

urban development, which is to be exploited as

a priority. In terms of results, the LDP 2020 has

taken the decision to reduce by 34 hectares the

land available for housing than its predecessor

of 1980.

Availability of public green areas

Stockholm is the city with the highest

availability of public green spaces3, 6,8704 Ha,

36% of all land area. This means that there are

3 Not all cities adopt a harmonized definition of the “green

areas” concept so the following data should be taken with some care. 4 Only the total amount has been given, without specifying

the different kind of green areas (parks, allotments, recreational areas, sport facilities, etc….)

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86 square meters of green areas for each

inhabitant. Within the city of Stockholm eight

areas of natural and cultural reserves are

protected to secure biodiversity and

accessibility for the citizens. The green areas

of Stockholm are still of a coherent structure in

many parts of the city, the so called ecological

infrastructure, which is also of great importance

for the flora and fauna in the community.

Stockholm’s Ekoparken

Nationalstadsparken also called Ekoparken, is

unique in the world. In 1994 a large piece of land

and water area in a big city area was set apart

and protected by a special law in order to

preserve its nature and culture in our time and for

future generations. Nationalstadsparken is a

unique experiment in cohabitation of city and

nature, a method for keeping a heritage in culture

and nature alive in a world of change.

The other city showing a very high value of per

capita public green areas is Oslo, with 52

m2/inh. The central third of the municipality of

Oslo consists of built-up area, whilst the outer

two thirds are protected forested areas known

as "Marka". The Oslo City Council has decided

to protect the Marka because of its importance

for the city‟s visual character and environment,

as well as for recreation (lakes for bathing,

rivers and lakes for fishing, marked cross-

country skiing trails…).

Hamburg and Bristol have just less than 40

m2/inh of public green areas, while the other

four cities record values around 30 m2/inh.

Availabity of public green areas










































City Public open areas pop living < 300 m from public open



Amsterdam 33 71%

Bristol 38 na Copenhagen 28 79% Freiburg 32 100%

Hamburg 39 89%

Muenster 32 95% Oslo 52 94% Stockholm 86 90%

Accessibility of public open areas

The accessibility of public open areas is very

high in all the cities. Amsterdam shows the

lowest rate of population living less than 300 m

from a public green area (70%5), followed by

Copenhagen (80%). All the other cities6

evaluated that more than 90% of their citizens

comply with this standard of accessibility to

public open areas.

5 96% including waters

6 No available data for Bristol

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In 2007 a citizen poll in Stockholm showed that

8 out of 10 citizens estimated that they visited

close situated parks and green areas regularly

every week. 9 out of 10 were satisfied with the

possibilities of access to public green areas.

In Freiburg the green areas are distributed

relatively evenly throughout the city and can

therefore be reached on foot within a matter of

minutes. On average, citizens of Freiburg are a

maximum of 150-300 metres away from their

nearest free time and leisure area. This is the

results of urban development policies aiming at

increasing the amount of green spaces, but

also their closeness to the new settlements.

Population living <300 m from a public open area



































The presence of a networked system of open

spaces is an important prerequisite in order to

guarantee to the citizens the highest

accessibility to green areas. In Hamburg it has

been considered also a fundamental

prerequisite for ecological and social

development of the city as well as for

maintenance the structural qualities in terms of

natural landscape. Radial landscape axes and

the two tangential green rings form the

principal structural elements of the open space

network. This basis is supplemented by

recreational hubs serving half-day and all-day

recreation: district parks, regional parks and

local recreation areas. In order to sufficiently

provide the population with green and open

areas for leisure, sport and recreation within an

appropriate distance of residential areas, the

landscape axes and green rings are

complemented with a compact open area

structure comprising individual spaces such as

parks, playgrounds, sports fields and

allotments. These individual areas are

interlinked with each other as well as with the

landscapes axes and green rings via a network

of green corridors and paths. Thanks to this

network, approximately 90% of Hamburg‟s

population, live within a maximum distance of

300 metres from a public open area.

The green ordinary Muenster

In 1965, Muenster was one of the first cities in

Germany to establish a green structures policy:

A comprehensive conception for the development

of open spaces that has a decisive bearing on the

urban development. It was advanced constantly -

and still is until the present day. When it comes to

making decisions as regards the development and

utilisation of green areas and free spaces, the

green ordinary of Muenster constitutes a reliable

basis for politics and administration. It provides for

the development of green, leisure, and

recreational areas as well as the area-wide supply

of playgrounds, allotments, and cemeteries.

It guarantees the city‟s ecological and climatic

qualities to persist and even be expanded in the

future. Furthermore, it is a substantial contribution

to the land utilisation plan, thus establishing

principles to base decisions on as to which open

spaces have to persist at any rate, due to their

significance for the city, and which ones are to be

developed further.

In 2004, the council of the municipality of

Muenster decided to introduce the integrated city

marketing and urban development concept,

aiming at cultivating Muenster into a city with both

maximum quality of life and of experience. In

terms of this purpose, Muenster is perpetually

evolving also as regards both size and quality of

its green spaces. In this context, the surface of

public green spaces and playgrounds has been

increasing, within the past decade, by a total of


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Air pollution in European cities is still a critical

issue, due to the impacts that pollutants

concentrations have on citizen health,

particularly severe for elders and children.

Most of the EU cities have still not achieved the

goals established by the EU Air Directives.

Data analyzed in this report show the eight

EGCA finalist cities' efforts in reducing

pollutants concentrations and people's

exposition to them.

Air quality data from cities‟ applications

(provided to the European Green Capital

Award) are not completely homogeneous. In

order to fill the gap, the authors of this report

have used the European air quality database

(managed by European Topic Centre on Air

and Climate Change) to cover the missing data

and make the comparisons more reliable7.

Data showed for each city (year 2007) could be

represented as:

the average value of all the values

registered by the monitoring stations

the maximum value registered by the worst

monitoring station .

Values are referred to air monitoring stations

installed within the urban area, divided into

traffic and background stations8. In some cases

7 In cases where the data reported by the city in their

application has differed from data reported in the Air Quality Database, the data from the application has been chosen. 8 Traffic station: monitoring station located where the

pollution level is determined predominantly by the emissions from nearby traffic (roads, motorways, highways). Background station: monitoring station located where the pollution level is not influenced significantly by any single source or street, but rather by the integrated contribution from all sources upwind of the station (e.g. by all traffic, combustion sources etc. upwind of the station in a city, or

(Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Muenster) only

one traffic or background monitoring station

has been reported.

The indicators used are:

- Fine Particulate Matter (PM10)

- Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

- Ozone (O3)

Fine particulate matter (PM10)

With regard to fine particulate matter (PM10)

concentrations: the annual means‟ average

values are all under the 2010 limit value of 40

µg/m3 (Directive 2008/50/EC), both for

background and traffic stations. The limit value

related to the maximum number of days (35)

per year with a daily mean over 50µg/m3, has

been exceeded only in Copenhagen and

Stockholm. Copenhagen‟s value is related only

to a single traffic station, while in Stockholm the

59 days reported are the average value coming

from three traffic stations (the maximum value

recorded is 75 days)9. All the urban

background stations show pollution levels

respecting the limit values.



Days > limit

value (traffic)

Days > limit value


Annual mean


Annual mean (background)

number number µg/m3 µg/m


Amsterdam 22 3 32 26 Bristol Na 15 22 20 Copenhagen 60 na 34 24 Freiburg 22 na 33 Na Hamburg 22 13 29 23 Muenster 31 9 32 23

Oslo 21 15 27 22 Stockholm 59 5 36 17

by all upwind source areas (cities, industrial areas) in a rural area). 9 Almost all the exceedances occur in the winter period

November to April mainly due to the use of studded winter tyres in Sweden.

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Days > limit value


Days > limit value


Annual mean


Annual mean (background)

number number µg/m3 µg/m


Amsterdam 22 3 32 26 Bristol na 15 22 20 Copenhagen 60 na 38 24 Freiburg 22 na 38 na Hamburg 27 23 31 26 Muenster 31 9 32 23 Oslo 31 19 28 22 Stockholm 75 5 42 17

PM10: yearly number of days > limit value




































urban traffic



limit value



PM10: yearly number of days > limit value





































urban traffic



limit valueug


The annual mean limit value of 40 µg/m3 has

been respected in all monitoring stations, with

the exception of Stockholm, which has a

maximum value of 42 µg/m3.

PM10: annual mean























urban traffic



limit value



PM10: annual mean


































urban traffic



limit value



However, the two cities are in a favourable

position for achieving a definitive improvement

as described in the following.

In Copenhagen, PM10 remained at the same

general level between 2002 and 2007. Levels

varied only slightly during this period, largely

due to meteorological conditions. The

municipality had declared the objective of

achieving 10 concrete initiatives in 2010 which

will result in fewer Copenhageners being

affected by traffic pollution: the PM10

concentrations are predicted to fall by 10% in

relation to the 2007 level.

In Stockholm, the trend for PM10 has remained

unchanged over the past five to ten years in

urban background, while in traffic hotspots a

slight downward trend has been monitored.

The public transport system has been a crucial

factor to improve air quality: the share of trips

to Stockholm city centre taken by public

transport increased from 57% to 64% the last

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ten years. In the morning peak hour the share

increased from 72% to 77%.This trend is

expected to continue due to relevant political


Use of charges and subsidies to reduce PM10

concentration in Oslo

The air quality action plan of Oslo has resulted in a

steady improvement in the figures for the number of

exceedances of the daily mean value for PM10: in

2007 - for the first time - none of Oslo‟s measuring

stations recorded more than 35 exceedances.

A combination of several measures, including

charges and subsidies, has been effective in

reducing PM10 concentrations. In particular:

The introduction of a charge on the use of

studded tyres has increased the share of stud-

free tyres from 50% to more than 80% and

reduced dust created by road wear. (see Figure)

The measure is self-financing and any profit

made is invested in improved winter road


In order to reduce congestions and to finance the

necessary investments in the public transport

system, Oslo City, Oslo Region and the Ministry

of Transport agreed on the introduction of a toll

ring taxing car traffic entering the central part of

the city. 20% of the toll income went to

investments in public transport, and the rest to

build tunnels under the city to save the built up

area from pollution, traffic accidents and barrier

effects, and to improve car traffic flow on the

main road network.

Reduce particle emissions from wood burning

stoves. There are around 63,000 wood burning

stoves in Oslo. In order to increase the share of

clean burning stoves, citizens can apply for a

grant from the City of Oslo‟s Energy Efficiency

Fund. In the period 1998-2008, a total of NOK

12.3 million has been granted for the

replacement of ca. 4,400 stoves with new and

more efficient ones. This is estimated to have

reduced the annual particle emissions in Oslo by

35.2 tonnes.

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

As regards the annual mean for nitrogen

dioxide (NO2), the EU limit value is in the

Directive 2008/50/EC set to 46 µg/m3.

In Hamburg, Freiburg, Amsterdam10 and Bristol

the average values registered by traffic stations

exceeded this limit. Both in Hamburg and

Freiburg the concentrations monitored in

background stations are about 1/3 of the

concentrations monitored in traffic stations.




Annual mean NO2


Annual mean NO2

(background) Days ozone > limit value

µg/m3 µg/m

3 number

Amsterdam 53 31 2

Bristol 47 30 3 Copenhagen 45 19 3 Freiburg 58 20 33 Hamburg 65 25 7

Muenster 48 23 18 Oslo 44 na 4 Stockholm 44 13 0




Annual mean NO2


Annual mean NO2

(background) Days ozone > limit value

µg/m3 µg/m

3 number

Amsterdam 53 31 2

Bristol 56 34 3

Copenhagen 52 19 3

Freiburg 68 20 33

Hamburg 72 40 11

Muenster 64 23 18

Oslo 47 na 4

Stockholm 50 13 0

If we consider the 2010 target value of 40

µg/m3, all the cities, with the exception of

Muenster, have not still reached the target at

the street stations, and the maximum values

registered were all above the limit of 46 µg/m3

expected for 2007. The three German cities


Only one monitoring station has been reported.

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show the highest maximum values, more than

40% higher than the limit value. Considering

the average levels, Oslo, Stockholm and

Copenhagen are rather close to the 2010

target (only about 10% above), while other

cities like Amsterdam, Freiburg and Hamburg

are still far from it (from 32% to 63% above). All

the background annual means, with the

exception of the Hamburg‟s maximum value,

are below 40 µg/m3.

NO2: annual mean

























urban traffic



target value



NO2: annual mean


























urban traffic



target value



Almost all cities have introduced good

measures and future plans with the aim of

reducing NO2 concentrations.

In 2006, the Freiburg Regional Council

together with the City of Freiburg approved the

Freiburg Clean Air Plan with the aim to reduce

the NO2 levels. The Plan contains a technical

programme with the objective to comply with

the EU standard for NO2 by 2010. In addition to

numerous measures (e.g. planning and

building a tunnel within the city; and improving

local public transport), the Clean Air Plan also

prescribes traffic bans in the Freiburg low

emission zone affecting Euro 1 and older cars

from 2010 onwards and Euro 2 and older cars

from 2012 onwards.

The City of Hamburg presented a clean air plan

in October 2004 and an air quality

management action plan in December 2005

aiming to improve air quality and reduce NO2

concentration. Hamburg‟s municipal and public

enterprises have strongly committed to

increase the use of vehicles fuelled by natural

gas, including an incentive system for the

introduction of 1,000 new "Green Taxis" with

gas-fuelled engines. As of today, 20 natural

gas fuelling stations exist in the Greater

Hamburg area, to supply and service public

and private natural gas vehicles.

Ozone (O3)

Ozone is a pollutant which strongly depends on

meteorological conditions characterised by

solar intensity and high temperatures.

Therefore northern cities perform in general

better than the southern ones.

Freiburg, having higher NO2 concentrations

(one of the most important ozone precursors)

and a higher solar intensity, is the only city that

exceeds the number of days per year on which

the ozone value was above 120µg/m3 (8h


O3: yearly number of days > limit value





































limit value




Limit value identified in the Directive 2008/50/EC

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In 2007 there were 33 days, 8 more than the

25 allowed. In Freiburg electronic display

screens are provided in various locations

throughout the city to indicate air pollution

levels. The population and visitors are thus

kept constantly informed of air quality. In

summer, the City of Freiburg additionally runs

an ozone hotline that gives the current ozone

values measured and also issues „ozone

warnings‟ in the event of excessive ozone

levels (180 μg/m³ per day) including behaviour

indications (the first city in Germany to do so,

introduced in the 1980s).

Public Information on Air Quality in Bristol

A number of methods are used to communicate

air quality matters to the public, ranging from

surveys and consultations on specific schemes to

bespoken web sites for public issues. A bi-annual

newsletter is published and distributed to

residents and partner organisations to notify

customers of developments in air quality.

Bristol‟s web site on Air quality was set up to

deliver close to real time air quality and

meteorological data to the public and researchers

( Data from

ten monitoring stations are available via the site.

The web site was further developed to provide a

“kiosk” type product, which can be viewed by the

public in council building foyers etc.

Bristol is participating in the European project

CITEAIR. Bristol has, in particular, been involved

in the development of a Common Operational

Website (COW) which enables participating cities

across Europe to compare air quality data in

close-to real time using a Common Air Quality

Indicator (CAQI). A CAQI for background and

roadside pollution is shown on the COW.

Bristol uploads a data file to

( on an hourly basis and

the web site displays current and recent air quality

classifications for roadside and background

locations. The site has been running with high

reliability for about three years.

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Noise affects urban quality of life, both during

the day and at night and stems from numerous

sources such as public works and loud music.

However, traffic is the main and more

continuous source. Most EU cities have

difficulty in achieving the goals set by the Noise

Directive, either because they do not respect

noise value limit and/or are late in adopting the

correct noise measurements and plans.

Data analyzed in this report show the eight

EGCA finalist cities' efforts within this field.

The quantitative indicator used is the number

of people exposed to road noise. Information is

completed by a review of the main policies

adopted by cities.

People exposed to noise

The Noise Observation and Information

Service for Europe (NOISE) database of the

European Environment Agency provides a

picture of the numbers of people exposed to

noise generated by air, rail and road traffic in

102 large urban agglomerations. EEA data

about the % of people exposed to road traffic

are available only for Amsterdam, Bristol,

Copenhagen, Hamburg and Stockholm.



exposed to Lden >55

People exposed to Lnight >50

Amsterdam 35% 20%

Bristol 95% 78%

Copenhagen 36% 32%

Hamburg 18% 13%

Stockholm 35% 20%

These data differ quite a lot from the data

reported in the applications submitted by cities

for the European Green Capital Award12.

Regarding people exposed to Lden > 55dB(A),

only for Stockholm and Hamburg data reported

in the application are similar to the EEA


Comparisons cannot easily be made as data in

the applications are not consistent.

For example, Muenster reports very recent

data (2008), but related only to areas subjected

to major exposure (main roads traffic) and

older data (2000) with a higher coverage.

Copenhagen, on the other hand, reports the

values of people exposed to road noise with

Lden at over 58 dB(A), which is the national

guidance limit for new buildings, instead of 55


Hamburg's values about the percentage of

people exposed are clearly divided into

different source of noise: road, rail, air, industry

and commerce. In other cities this difference is

not so clear.

People exposed to road noise






















Lden >55 dB(A)

Lnight >50 dB(A)

Considering only the EEA database, Bristol is

the city with the highest noise values. Nearly all

the population (95%) is exposed to Lden higher


Data reported for Amsterdam, Freiburg, Muenster and

Oslo refers to overall noise and not to road noise. 13

Regarding people exposed to Lnight, the EEA database

reports 50-55 dB(A) as the lowest band, so it is not possible to calculate the percentage of people exposed to Lnight >45 dB(A), as required in the application.

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than 55 dB(A) and 78% to Lnight higher than

50 dB(A). The situation is better in the other

cities, especially in Hamburg where only 20%

of people are exposed to Lden > 55 dB(A) and

Lnight > 50 dB(A).

About 1/3 of the inhabitants of Amsterdam,

Stockholm and Copenhagen are exposed to

Lden > 55 dB(A), while the percentage of

people exposed to Lnight values > 50 dB(A)

ranges from 20% (Stockholm and Amsterdam)

to 32% (Copenhagen).

Stockholm’s noise abatement policies

The city of Stockholm has assessed noise since the

early 1970s. Since 2002 the whole Stockholm area

has been mapped to fulfil the European noise

directive. Today the noise map is very detailed (2 x

2 m grid). Ten years ago two continuous monitoring

stations, where the noise level is measured on an

ongoing basis 24 hours a day were installed.

Since the beginning of 1970 until now, about 50 km

of noise barriers have been built and about 46,000

windows in more than 15,000 dwellings along 110

km roads has received reduced noise as a result of

protective actions. Environmental zones for heavy

goods traffic have been introduced and vehicles

older than eight years are prohibited to go to the

inner city of Stockholm. The trial with congestion

charges were introduced in 2006 and have been

studied with respect to noise. The results of these

noise abatement policies are significant. In 1970

220,000 people in Stockholm were exposed to

levels above 35 dB(A) inside their homes, and

today this number is reduced to 20,000.

Policies against noise pollution

Denmark has imposed traffic noise

requirements for new residences since 1984. In

Copenhagen, new constructions must meet

requirements for acceptable noise levels with

regard to traffic. Noise on the most heavily

affected side of the building may not exceed 68

dB(A) and there must be one façade where the

noise level is lower than 58 dB(A). Outdoor

spaces should not have noise levels above 58

dB(A). Indoor noise levels should not exceed

33 dB(A). The municipality of Copenhagen has

for the last 10 years taken part in tests using

noise-reducing asphalt for maintenance and

new construction of roads which carry more

than 2 000 cars per day and where the speed

limit is over 40 km/h.

In Amsterdam, the concentration policy to

manage the control of car traffic - introduced in

1994 - has resulted in a main car network:

motorways, provincial roads and local main

routes with a high traffic volume. The high

concentration of traffic on these main roads

has caused significant localised air and noise

pollution, while other roads and residential

districts have been spared (especially 30 km/h

zones). In comparison with a greater spread in

traffic control, the concentration policy ensures

that fewer people are exposed to higher (noise)

pollution from traffic. The most important

measures identified by the municipality to

restrict the nuisance for these residents are:

Housing construction projects subjected

to high noise levels should receive

compensation, e.g. extra conservatories

or closable balconies.

Houses must have a quiet side: a wall

that is not directly exposed to noise

levels above the threshold value.

When work is being carried out on the

roads in the main network, noise-

reducing asphalt is used as a rule for all

new road surfaces.

Some of the cities‟ efforts to reduce exposure

of the populations to noise (especially from

road) have been concentrated in improving or

preserving the acoustical environment in

particular “quite areas” where the noise level is

lower than the average level of the urban area.

Measures or provisions to implement or

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increase quiet areas were especially

highlighted by Oslo.

Quite areas in Oslo

The Oslo‟s noise mapping has identified a number

of areas which may be suitable for designation as

quiet areas. Defining, establishing and protecting

such areas through traffic management, noise

screening and regulation of industrial activities will

be an important part of noise management in Oslo.

Quiet areas have been defined as “Areas which

can offer recreation, outdoor experiences and/or

cultural activities in surroundings sheltered from or

distant from dominant noise sources”. Noise levels

should preferably be below 50 dB (A) in at least

part of the quiet areas. Projects involving the

placing of road traffic in tunnels, especially along

the seafront, will be an important part of city

planning activities, and is likely to greatly improve

conditions in a number of potential quiet areas. A

number of small scale projects have also been

suggested, such as pilot projects for various types

of acoustic design, noise barriers and means of

access to quiet areas. Quiet road surfaces, a focus

on cycle lanes and footpaths are also important

measures within the city centre.

Muenster‟s policies tackling the noise problem

have been mainly concentrated in traffic

calming measures. More than 150 municipal

residential areas were transformed into 30

Km/h zones by the late 1990s. In addition,

there are several areas that incorporate zones

with traffic-calming devices. The measures

package of the municipality of Muenster also

includes the introduction of a traffic

management system ensuring fluent traffic at

low speed levels along the major axes.

Also in Freiburg speed restriction to 30 km/h,

primarily in residential areas, has been one of

the main policies to reduce noise pollution. It

has been evaluated that 90% of Freiburg

inhabitants live on roads where the speed is

limited to 30 km/h. For new constructions or

significant changes to transport infrastructure

measures, noise certificates are also drawn up

as part of obtaining planning permission and

noise protection measures are set down. Over

the past 10 years, numerous active (grass

railway embankments, low-vibration rail

support systems) and passive noise protection

measures (noise protection for buildings) were

carried out as part of the construction of the

new tramlines. For over 10 years now, the City

of Freiburg has on a voluntary basis and with

the help of State subsidies promoted the

construction of noise protection windows in

heavily affected areas of the city. Around 2,500

residences have already been equipped in this


Hamburg airport’s take off and landing fees

In 2001, Hamburg airport introduced take-off and

landing fees that are incremented in line with noise

levels. While an aircraft designated under noise

class 1 (less than 72dB(A)) will be charged just 5.50

euro for each take-off and landing, an aircraft of

noise class 7 (more than 87 dB(A)) will be required

to pay 1.35 euro Over and above this, restrictions on

nocturnal air traffic are also in place. Scheduled

take-offs and landings for regular charter and

scheduled flights of passenger aircraft are

permissible between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. Any traffic

between 12 midnight and 6 a.m. requires an

exemption certificate in each individual case. In

addition, take-off and landing fees also increase after

10 p.m. (take-off) and 11 p.m. (landing).

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Introduction Waste was chosen as one of the key

evaluation parameters for the EGC award as it

is one of the most critical aspects of living and

environmental protection. It also impacts

significantly on other parameters including

saving of non renewable raw materials, climate

change and protection of soil and water

production sources.

Data analyzed in this report show the eight

EGCA finalist cities' – and citizens' – efforts in

reducing, collecting and managing waste as

sustainably as possible. Indicators used with

the aim of underlining good performance in

waste reduction and good practices in

increasing waste recycling, energy recovery

and landfill use avoidance, are:

- Household waste production (kg/inh and

variations in the last 5 years),

- Waste management: household waste

disposal (% of recycling, incineration with

energy recovery and landfill).

Waste definition

To analyse waste data it is important to

highlight the definition of “municipal” waste:

“the total of household and commercial waste

collected together but excluding industrial

waste”14. It must be noted this definition,

deriving from EU law and policy, is not used in

the same way across the eight cities. In

Hamburg, for instance, an extensive

interpretation of the definition has been used,

accounting for a big amount of commercial and

industrial waste. On the other hand, in Bristol,

Oslo and Muenster municipal waste is about

only 10% higher than the household waste


Directive 2006/12/EC

alone. Copenhagen and Amsterdam do not use

the concept of “municipal waste” at all,

because they have separate management and

accountability systems for household waste

and for commercial and industrial waste.

For this reason the data in the table below,

under column “Municipal” should not be used

for comparison.

The focus, more appropriate for comparisons,

should be the production and the management

of the waste fraction strictly defined as

“household waste”.

Waste production

The household waste production ranges from

397 kg/inh to 490 kg/inh. Freiburg managed to

contain the household production under 400

kg/inh, while Stockholm, Bristol and Oslo have

a per capita production around 410 kg/inh.

Household waste production






































City Household Municipal


(variation last 5


kg/inh kg/inh %

Amsterdam 436 na -4%

Bristol 410 448 -18%

Copenhagen 469 na 7%

Freiburg 397 na -1%

Hamburg 479 865 -6%

Muenster 490 549 -1%

Oslo 413 467 1%

Stockholm 409 597 na

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In Bristol the amount of household waste

generated per person in the last five years has

fallen from 500 kg/inh in 2002 to 410 kg/inh in

2007, a reduction of 18%. In Hamburg, for the

same period, the fall has been 6% and in

Amsterdam a reduction of 4% is seen. The

data demonstrates that a reduction in waste

production is clearly possible thus decoupling

waste generation from economic activity.

Copenhagen appears to be the only city

showing a relevant increase of household

waste production (7%).































Household waste annual production: variation in the

last 5 years

Freiburg: promotion of waste-preventing behaviour

The City of Freiburg applies waste fees as an

incentive to avoid waste. The citizens can choose

between residual waste bins with a capacity of 35,

60 or 140 litres, and a weekly or fortnightly

collection. Several households in a single

residence can join forces to form a single

„disposal community‟ and use one or more

residual waste bins together. Many large

residences have waste chutes to enable residual

waste to be collected individually and charged for

according to the household generating it. The €8

per year “compost discount” promotes home

composting. Parents also receive a financial

subsidy if they use reusable cloth nappies for their

babies and toddlers. Freiburg citizens thus profit

directly from their commitment to the cause.

The „commodities market‟ is another measure

designed to prevent waste. Freiburgers can

dispose of their second-hand goods at bulky

waste collection sites and recycling plants. Any

furniture, household goods, books etc. received in

good condition are then sold on a „commodities

market‟ – at a small fee – to any takers. Extending

the lifespan of second-hand articles is an

excellent way to avoid waste.

Household waste management

The following table shows how the eight cities manage their waste. WASTE MANAGEMENT

City Recycling Incineration with energy

recovery Landfill

% % %

Amsterdam 43% 57% 0% Bristol 37% 0% 63%

Copenhagen 25% 74% 2%

Freiburg 67% 33% 0% Hamburg 28% 72% 0% Munster 74% na na

Oslo 30% 65% 5%

Stockholm 27% 71% 2%

In Freiburg, a well functioning integrated waste

management system enables very high

performances in the recycling of materials

(67%). The remaining amount of waste is

incinerated with energy recovery, therefore

resulting in zero landfill. Also Muenster shows

a very high recycling rate (over 60%) thanks to

a waste management system that combines

household separate collections and Mechanical

Biological Treatment for residual waste (it must

be clarified that the Mechanical and Biological

Treatment 'products or outputs' have to be

further treated by landfill or by incineration).

Muenster: separated collection and recycling

In 1996, the largest portion of waste in Muenster was

disposed in landfills. Based on its waste

management concept, the city intended to reduce

this level of landfilling, also in order to comply with

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the legal requirements. In 2006, landfilled waste was

reduced by 83,000 tonnes compared with 1996

figures. In return, the utilisation ratio has increased

from 50% to 84%. This is due to the development of

a door-to-door system for the separate collection of

waste and to a mechanical-biological treatment plant

for residual waste.

Four separate waste bins, each with its own colour

are provided to households for residual waste,

biowaste, paper and plastic and aluminium and tin-

plate. Glass can be put in containers provided in

residential areas. Ten recycling points accept all

sorts of waste, large amounts of garden waste,

batteries, metal etc. and ensure proper disposal of

these materials. Unwanted household goods as well

as garden waste, larger electrical appliances and

furniture are collected once a month directly from the

citizens‟ homes.

Furthermore, incentive systems for waste avoidance

based on bin size and type has been created. A “free

of charge” paper bin has been introduced to

minimise residual waste, together with a very small

and thus cheap bin for residual waste (35 litres).

Additionally, in order to reward waste separation, the

bio-waste container is subsidised as opposed to the

residual waste bin.

The mechanical-biological waste treatment (MBT)

plant extracts further recyclable material from the

residual waste, leaving the residual material to be


In Hamburg, Stockholm and Copenhagen the

household recycling rate is under 30%, but only

a very small portion of waste goes to landfill.

This is due to very high levels of incineration

(+70%) with high levels of energy recovery.

Stockholm‟s district heating uses the energy

produced from household waste, about 60

GWh heat is produced annually (9% of the total

amount of heat), which supplies more than

16,000 households. The incineration of

household waste with energy recovery

generates ash which is landfilled. This is equal

to 2.4% of the total amount of household waste

collected in the City of Stockholm. The

incineration process also generates clinker; this

is equal to 16% of the household waste arising

and is used for landfill capping or as a

construction material.

Household waste disposal






























In Hamburg there are currently five incineration

plants within the city limits, which treat

municipal waste thermally for energy recovery

by cogeneration of heat and power. In total,

these plants produce 1,270 GWh heat,

supplying the district heating network and

231,678 MWh electrical power (year 2006).

In Copenhagen the incineration plant is also

connected to the central heating system. In

total the waste generated by the Copenhagen

municipality (household, commercial and

industrial waste) supplies 140,000 households

with heating and electricity (829 GWh heating

and 202 GWh electricity).

Stockholm: mechanical waste collection system

In the city district Hammarby Sjöstad –

internationally known as an eco-profiled

residential and business area – mechanical and

pneumatic systems for waste collection have been

introduced. These systems require less manual

collection resulting in a safer worker environment

and reduced environmental impact from waste

collection and associated transportation of waste.

Mechanical waste collection system are:

stationary and mobile vacuum suction


large compacting containers and large

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containers partly under ground;

waste collection systems with waste grinders for food waste.

Another innovative project is food waste disposers

connected to tanks. A food waste disposer grinds

the food waste which is then transported to a tank

by water flushing or vacuum action. This solution

presents a number of advantages when compared

to the conventional one. The personnel in the

kitchens don‟t need to walk with bags to the

garbage room. Collection from these tanks is by

sludge vehicles. Furthermore, the food waste now

doesn‟t need to be pre-treated and can be used to

produce biogas for vehicle fuel at the waste water

treatment plant using Anaerobic Digestion.

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Water is the basic resource for human life. Its

quality and uses impact significantly on citizen

health, soil and nature quality, urban life.

Climate change will affect water availability and

increase risks related to bad land and water

management. A good water management

could contribute to minimize energy

consumption and related climate gas


Data analyzed in this report show the eight

EGCA finalist cities' – and citizens' – efforts in

reducing water pollution and consumption.

Indicators, used with the aim to underline good

performance and good practices are:

- Households subject to individual water


- Per capita household water consumption

- Water losses in pipelines

- Separated rain water management

- Phosphorus and nitrogen‟s abatement rate

Water metering

The proportion of urban water supply subject to

individual water metering is about 100% in

Muenster (included all municipal buildings) and

90% in Copenhagen and Hamburg. Oslo and

Bristol show the lowest percentages, ranging

from 20% to 30%.

In Copenhagen, since 1999 the law has

demanded that water meters be installed for all

properties connected to the general water

supply. For properties consisting of several

apartments, only one water meter for common

invoicing is provided, but it is possible to have

voluntary agreements for apartment-based

water invoicing using individual water meters.

Households subject to individual water metering



































The installation of apartment water meters is

prescribed also under the Hamburg Building

Regulation. These regulations have applied to

new buildings since 1987, and since 1994 it

has been prescribed that all old buildings must

be retrospectively fitted with apartment water

meters by 2004. Hamburg is the only federal

state in Germany to have implemented the

retrospective obligation to install apartment

water meters in old buildings. The Senate has

given financial subsidies for the retrofitting of

apartment water meters.

In Stockholm, all water sold is metered but only

detached houses have individual metering. For

flats in apartment houses, there is generally a

meter for each property and the residents pay

a standard rate.


Household consumpt.

Household consumption

(10 years variation)

Pipeline losses

Household having

water meters


l/inh day % % %

Amsterdam 146 -6% 3,0% 52%

Bristol 153 2% 18,7% 26%

Copenhagen 117 -12% 8,0% 92%

Freiburg 97 -13% 11,0% 54%

Hamburg 110 -12% 4,2% 90%

Muenster 132 -7*% 3,9% 100%

Oslo 176 -18**% 20,0% 33%

Stockholm 200 na 17,0% na

* related to the period 2001-2007

** related to total consumption

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Water consumption

Water consumption data related to the

business sector is generally limited and not

comparable, therefore, only the domestic

consumption will be analysed, being fully

aware that this represents only a part of the

total consumption. But local policies can

achieve important results in this field as already

demonstrated. Cities differ from each other in

relation to water availability, so water saving

policies can assume a different priority level in

local agendas.

Household water consumption





































h d


In Freiburg water consumption fell from 111

litres per inhabitant per day in 1997 to 97 litres

per inhabitant per day in 2007 (-13%), the

lowest value of the eight cities. A similar

decrease has been monitored in Hamburg,

where per capita daily consumption has

reached 110 l/inh (-12%). Both cities are

significantly below the national German

average for water consumption (126 litres per

inhabitant). Copenhagen is the third most

performing city, with an average household

consumption of 117 l/inh and the political

commitment to reduce this value to 110 litres

per person by 2010 and 100 litres per person

by 2012.

The highest consumption has been monitored

in Oslo 176 (l/inh) and Stockholm (200 l/inh).

Water losses in pipelines

Amsterdam, Muenster and Hamburg show the

lowest rates of pipeline losses (less than 5%).

Amsterdam‟s water network has a very low

percentage of leakage losses, about 3%, and

in two neighbourhoods this percentage

decrease to 1,6%.

Muenster have managed to minimise the water

leakages (3,9%) thanks to acoustical leak

detection and continuous piping network

review. In Hamburg, approximately 1/5 of total

pipelines water network is inspected every

year. The introduction of an active leak

monitoring system allowed Freiburg to reduce

leakages from 15% to 11% over the past 6


Total water losses in the pipeline network, in

general, have been calculated as difference

between the amount of pure water supplied

and the total water consumption, including

unmeasured usages or measuring differences.

In Hamburg, for example, the conveyance

losses in the pipeline network excluding

measuring differences represent 75% of the

overall water loss. Copenhagen, on the other

hand, reports that water loss in the mains

network is approximately 5% whereas true

unmeasured usage is approximately 3%.

Water losses in pipelines

































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Proactive Leakage Management of

Copenhagen’s network

KE Water has sought to keep leakage at a low level

by systematically conducting leakage surveys,

rehabilitation and management of the pipeline


The pipeline network has been systematically

investigated since 2001. The investigations are done

by area, with the loss in an area being recorded and

possible leakages found with the help of electronic

equipment. During the first investigation in 2000-

2004 an average of 35 leakages were found each

year, amounting to a water loss of 500 000 m3 (1% of

the total water volume supplied in 2004).

In 2001 it was decided to rehabilitate the network on

the basis that the entire mains would be rehabilitated

over a 100 year period. This means that 1% has to

be renovated per year, approximately 9 km. Pipeline

renewal is carried out according to rehabilitation

plans which are adjusted on an ongoing basis. The

speed of rehabilitation has been determined using an

estimate of what is needed to assure a high security

of supply through continual rehabilitation of the

pipeline network. Focus has been on the

rehabilitation of supply lines in inner Copenhagen

and of main supply lines made of cast iron in areas

subject to heavy traffic.

Rain water management

In Amsterdam, 75% of the sewage system

operates with separated rain water

management; in 25 % of the area, water is

collected by a combined sewer system.

Approximately half of the municipality area of

Freiburg uses separate channels for sewage

and rainwater. Over 90% of the organic

pollution load transported in Freiburg via

channels in the form of domestic sewage or

rainwater is directed to the central treatment

facility. Combined waste water overspills and

discharge points for rainwater channels are

fitted with treatment facilities so as to prevent

placing excessive loads on the water system‟s

natural ability to clean itself.


Connectivity to

waste water


Rain water separated


Removal of substances from all treated waste water

% % P % N

Amsterdam 99,6% 75% 91% 87%

Bristol 100% 0% na na

Copenhagen 100% na 90% 84%

Freiburg 100% 50% 92% 80%

Hamburg 100% 0% na 78%

Muenster 99,8% na 97% 94%

Oslo 99,6% 0% 93% 69%

Stockholm 100% 50% 98% 70%

In Stockholm about 50% of the storm water

(urban run-off) is transported along with the

waste water to treatment plants. The rest is

transported to minor lakes. Stockholm has

many lakes and water sheds which are highly

valued for recreational purposes. These lakes

and water sheds have been classified with

respect to recreational and environmental

value and the impact of storm water has been

taken into consideration on each one of them.

In order to reduce the load on central treatment

plants, the new Waste Water Treatment Plan of

Copenhagen undertakes to perform rain water

drainage of new city developments and of

larger renovation projects according to SUDS

(Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems)

principles. The new Ørestad district which was

founded in 1996 and today covers 150

hectares was equipped with a tripartite system.

This sends black water to treatment plants, roof

water runoff to recreational channels and road

runoff to be purified before being discharged

into recreational channels.

In Copenhagen the discharge of waste water to

receiving waters has also been reduced by

establishing draining basins. The frequency of

annual overflows has been reduced from 20-70

per year to 2-6 per year. The volume of water

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discharged to the harbour has thus been

reduced from 1.6 million m3 waste water per

year to less than 300,000 m3 per year.

Stockholm’s storm water strategy

Stockholm City has adopted a strategy which

defines the need to treat different kinds of storm

water entering different receiving waters. The

strategy focuses on 4 principles; source control,

detention and infiltration, a scheme for treatment

and cost effectiveness. Stockholm Water Co. has a

special storm water charge which encourages

property and estate owners to treat storm water

locally. Several storm water treatment facilities

have been built in Stockholm in recent years.

Lake Älta, purification of storm water from roads.

Surface water runoff from a nearby road is received

in Kasby bay in Lake Älta. To prevent dispersal of

the pollutants, a shield, an artificial basin consisting

of rafts with textile-screens below water level, has

been built in the inner part of the bay area. The

rafts are also used as a pedestrian link between the

opposite shores in the bay. The main aim is to

reduce heavy metals and organic compounds.

Purification of storm water flowing to Årsta bay

Årsta bay-area, a part of Lake Mälaren, receives

large amounts of storm water from buildings,

industries and roads. More than half of the total

inflow of storm water arrives through two tunnels.

These tunnels have been rebuilt to handle

purification of storm water. Large sedimentation-

tanks that clarify the water have been constructed

close to the mouths (completed in 2007). A

pumping plant, aiming to remove sediment from a

lower part of the Årsta tunnel, will be constructed

during the next few years as well a process for

removing oil from the storm water.

Waste water treatment

The waste water treatment plants of

Stockholm, Muenster and Oslo are able to

remove more than 90 % of phosphorus (P). In

Muenster the nitrogen‟s (N) abatement rate is

over 90% too, while in Stockholm and Oslo it is

only 70%.

Removal of substances from treated waste water



























Very high percentage of removal, both for P

and N, are related to the treatment plants of

Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Freiburg (all

ranging from 80% to 90%).

Separation of yellow waters in Hamburg

Sustainable waste water management has been

a top priority in Hamburg for more than a

decade. In addition to the urban concept for

public toilets in Hamburg, which are all equipped

with energy and water saving technologies,

urinals have been installed in critical and overly

polluted locations. The urinals operate without

water, and the urine is separately collected and

transported to reduce waste water volume.

Urine makes up only around 1% of the volume of

waste water, but is responsible for the majority of

nutrients contained in it. Furthermore, specific

pharmaceuticals are introduced into waste water

via urine. Without treatment, such undesired

residue medication ends up in lakes and

waterways. The separate collection of urine is

also significant because nutrients and

phosphorus can be removed (85% of nitrogen

and over 90% of phosphates), separated by

pharmaceutical and – as recyclable materials –

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used for alternative purposes, such as fertilisers.

On the basis of these positive results, Hamburg

is endeavouring to develop the separate

collection of urine on a larger scale.

In Amsterdam the purification sludge that is

released during the purification process is

transported to the Waste and Energy Company

in two flows: biogas (methane) and sludge.

Both flows are power sources for the Waste

and Energy Company (as well as solid

domestic waste). 94% of the potential energy

of the residual flows is recovered in this way.

The heat and electricity released in the Waste

and Energy Company is returned. All waste

water treatment plants, sewer pumps and other

installations or buildings obtain electricity from

the waste and energy centre. The heat is used

for the digestion process and the electricity for

the purification process.

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Integrated approaches and new management

tools are very useful to deal with the amount of

different environmental aspects the cities have

to tackle.

A vision, a strategy, an action plan should be

set. Moreover Environmental Systems or

Agenda 21 cycles provide, by means of target

setting, monitoring procedures, audits, public

participation, a structured way to support this

comprehensive approach.

To strengthen local government credibility, all

commitments assumed in local Action Plans

should be first of all applied to the local

administration itself, so giving the good

example in managing properly “its own house”.

A rationale and innovative energy management

of the public buildings and a green public

procurement policy could positively influence

the local market and citizen behaviors.

This chapter reports how the eight EGCA

finalist cities perform in relation to the following


- Environmental Management Systems (EMS);

- Green Public Procurement (GPP);

- Energy efficiency and management in public


Available information from the cities varies

significantly rendering quantitative comparison

quite hard. Consequently, the cities'

information has been analyzed in a more

qualitative way, in an effort to showcase best

practices and a source of inspiration for other


Environmental Management Systems (EMS)


Three ISO 14001: Waternet, the organization

responsible for supplying drinking water and

purifying the waste water; Waste & Energy

Company; and District Osdorp, one of the

districts of Amsterdam with a population of


In 2007, the Port of Amsterdam was awarded

the PERS-certificate (Port Environmental

Review System).


The City Council has been developing and

implementing environmental management

systems since 2000. Currently six out of the

seven council departments (approximately 80%

of total council employees) are registered

EMAS and ISO 14001. The one remaining

department is to be completed during 2009.

The Council‟s Direct Service Organization

(Contract Services), which provides transport,

catering, cleaning, grounds maintenance, and

joinery services, has a certified environmental

management system (EMAS).


Environmental management activities are

rather common in the public administration‟s

work but there are no offices or services

certified EMAS or ISO 14001.


The number of employees working at

institutions with a certified environmental

management system has more than doubled

from 3,800 to 7,700 in 2007. Furthermore,

approximately 12,000 employees are working

in institutions which are in the process of

introducing environmental management. In this

way, there is an important and necessary

progress in relation to the goal to introduce

environmental management in all institutions.

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Hamburg Municipal Sanitation Department and

Hamburg Water Company are EMAS certified.

Eleven municipal bodies have participated in

the Ecoprofit project with the aim of

systematically implementing cost-saving

environmental measures. Additionally

environmental management procedures have

been adopted and can be used as the basis for

the future adoption of certified environmental

management systems such as ISO 14001.


In Muenster, quality and environmental

managements have been introduced

throughout the Civil Engineering Office.

The forest cemetery, a public administration

building (hosting 300 workers) and the public

utility company have been certified according

to the EMAS scheme.


There are 291 municipal units with certified

environmental management systems. 13 are

certified according to ISO 14001, this includes

large agencies and enterprises such as Agency

for Waste Management, Agency for Urban

Renewal, Oslo Port Authority and Oslo Metro

Operations. The rest are certified according to

the national standard Eco Lighthouse (smaller

agencies and offices, urban district

administrations, schools, day care facilities



In the City of Stockholm, an Integrated

Management System (IMS) is used by all

departments and municipal companies.

Environmental aspects are integrated into the

Integrated Management System and all

organizational decision-making. The Integrated

Management System covers factors such as

environment, quality, and public procurement

Three housing companies and the water

company are certified ISO 14001.

Green Public Procurement (GPP)



paper food vehicles green


Amsterdam 40%

Bristol 61% 14%*

Copenhagen 50%

Freiburg 72% 70%

Hamburg 30% 100%

Muenster 100%

Oslo 97%

Stockholm 12% 55% 70%

* 14% municipal buildings and schools; 100% street lighting


Sustainability is standard in Amsterdam's

municipality wide framework contracts, not only

giving priority to environment aspects, but also

to social aspects (e.g. social return and

compliance with ILO standards).

Sustainable procurement is standard in:

- public lighting

- cleaning services

- work clothing

- public space furnishing

- pew buildings (sharp EPC requirements,

FSC quality label, CO2 neutral (since 2008)

- renovations of old buildings

The purchase amount cannot be indicated yet,

but a cautious estimate is that the total amount

of framework contracts amounts to approx.

20% of the purchase volume.

Amsterdam is targeting 100% sustainable

procurement in 2010. This is the case for all

central framework contracts.

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The percentage consumption of eco-labelled,

organic and energy-efficient products as share

of the total consumption is not measured

directly. However, energy efficient and other

sustainable products are considered in

corporate procurement arrangements. For


the latest fleet of pool cars consume less

than 120 g/ km CO2;

use of FSC/ CSA certified sustainable

timber in the municipal joinery (53%);

54% of stationery is recycled, or from

suppliers with ISO14001/ EMAS


61% of paper purchased is from recycled or

FSC sources;

45% of soil compost used in nursery

gardens is peat-free;

14% of green electricity purchased for

municipal buildings and schools; 100% of

electricity purchased for street lighting is

from renewable sources.


By the end of 2009, 60% of food served in the

municipal kitchens and canteens should be

eco-labelled (75% by 2011).


In accordance with a decision of the municipal

Council, construction products must meet the

„Blue Angel'15 criteria in order to be permitted

for use. Following this fundamental decision,

the Blue Angel criteria are already used as a

basis for tenders by the municipal

administration in various sectors. All

government agencies when procuring electrical

equipment have to give priority to products

meeting the Blue Angel criteria.


The Blue Angel was the first and one of the most well-

known eco-labels in Europe

Printing and photocopying is now

predominantly done on recycled paper (72% in

administrations and schools).

Municipal canteens now use exclusively Fair

Trade coffee, tea and cocoa.

Under a decision from the municipal Council,

the municipal vehicle fleet is to be upgraded as

soon and as extensively as possible to vehicles

powered by natural gas or biogenic fuels.

Accordingly, more than 2/3 of current leased

company cars run on natural gas (35 vehicles).


Including the share of renewable energy

contained in the national production mix

(approximately 13% in 2007), 100% of the

electricity used for public buildings in the years

2008 – 2010 can be attributed to renewable

energy sources.


Since the early 1990s, 90% of the recycling

paper has been procured with the “Blue Angel”.

An increase of the portion to 100% by 2010 is

envisaged due to the high quality of new

recycling papers. The procurement of copiers

with the "Blue Angel" has also been mandatory

since 2004, with the portion amounting to

almost 100% today. Computer and screens

have been required for many years to be

certified according to Energy Star 4.0 or an

equivalent standard. The portion of this

equipment is 100% by now.

The municipal canteens pay attention to

predominantly local products. Furthermore,

some products are procured from ecological

cultivation and/or fair trade: potatoes (100%),

vegetables (30%), coffee, tea, and cocoa



The only available data is about office paper:

97% is eco-labelled (Nordic Swan label). The

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municipality has 40 different binding

procurement contracts including criteria to

promote sustainable products and services.

The main categories are: working clothes,

small and medium sized cars, electricity,

computers and printers, soaps and detergents.


The city used approximately 532 GWh

electricity in 2007 and two thirds (370 GWh)

was eco-labelled. This includes 25 out of 33

administrations in a joint agreement. In the

coming purchases of electricity, the other eight

administrations will sign agreements for eco-

labelled electricity when the present

agreements run out in 2010. Thus Stockholm

will have 100 % eco-labelled electricity in 2010.

The objective for the city of Stockholm is to

apply the Purchasing Policy and Guidelines at

100 % of the city‟s purchases.

Energy efficiency and management in

public buildings

Data on energy performance in public buildings

are quite difficult to compare. The table below

shows that good energy performance is

possible, as in Freiburg (117 kWh/m2, even if

related to one single building) and in Muenster

(135 kWh/m2). Other cities score around 180

kWh/m2 (even if in Amsterdam and Oslo the

cases relate only to schools).


City energy

consumption (heating)

energy consumption (electricity)

energy consumption


kWh/m2 kWh/m

2 kWh/m


Amsterdam 181


Copenhagen 150 50 200

Freiburg* 97 20 117

Hamburg 141 42 183

Munster 120 15 135

Oslo 181

Stockholm 181

*Consumption related to a single building

Good measures beyond good results


Since 2004 the municipality has applied the 'ten-

year-pay-back period measure': all (energy)

measures that pay themselves back within ten

years are compulsory for municipal buildings.

Thanks to this measure, in the new district office

Zuideramstel, for instance, completed in

December 2008, 70 to 80% energy can be saved

compared to an average office.


Between 2002 and 2006, thanks to saving

measures, electricity consumption fell by 5% and

heating consumption by 7 %.


7million€ are invested yearly for energy

refurbishment in schools.


In 2008, a renovation programme started for 30

buildings saving energy of up to 40%.


Several communal administrative buildings have

been refurbished during recent years. 80% of all

employees work in three of these buildings. Heat

consumption in two of these administrative

buildings adds up to 43 kwh/m² and 83 kwh/m².

The target towards nearly zero emission

public buildings

The recast of the Energy Performance of

Buildings Directive (November 2009) calls for

“nearly zero emission public buildings” by the

year 2018. The target could be reached also by

using renewable energies and rational use of

energy, but buildings' standard target is the

most important action a local government could


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By 2015: city‟s own energy use must be CO2

neutral; schools must reduce energy

consumption in new buildings to 105 kWh/m2

and in rehabilitated buildings to 120 kWh/m2

(current consumption is 181 kWh/m2).


At present: the construction of all new

buildings, including municipal buildings must

provide <40 kWh/m² (yearly heat


By 2011: the construction of all new buildings,

including municipal buildings, must provide the

passive house standard (<50 kWh/m², yearly

heat consumption).


By 2012: renovation of all schools <200

kWh/m² per year (in 60 schools CO2 savings

will be more than 20%)


At present: the construction of new municipal

buildings must provide <50 kWh/m² (yearly

heat consumption).

By 2015: existing buildings' average

consumption are to be decreased, thanks to

technical measures and a comprehensive

campaign, to <100 kwh/m² within a period of

five years ((current consumption is 135



Phase out 95% of all oil burners in municipal

buildings to be replaced with district heating,

biomass or geothermal heating/heat pumps.


2006-2011: the city‟s own energy use must be

decreased by 10%; the construction of new

municipal buildings must provide less than 30%

consumption below the compulsory Swedish

standard (80 kWh/ m² instead of 110 kWh/ m²).

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European Green Capital Award 2018

Guidance Note

April 2015

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1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 2

1.1 EXPLANATORY NOTE ON INDICATORS ................................................................................ 2

1.2 FORMAT OF APPLICATION ................................................................................................. 3

1.3 SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION ........................................................................................... 3

1.4 TRANSLATION .................................................................................................................. 4

2 INDICATOR AREAS .................................................................................................................. 5

2.1 CLIMATE CHANGE: MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION ............................................................... 6

2.2 LOCAL TRANSPORT .......................................................................................................... 8

2.3 GREEN URBAN AREAS INCORPORATING SUSTAINABLE LAND USE....................................... 10

2.4 NATURE AND BIODIVERSITY ................................................................................... 12

2.5 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY ..................................................................................................... 13

2.6 QUALITY OF THE ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT ........................................................ 14

2.7 WASTE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 15

2.8 WATER MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................... 17

2.9 WASTE WATER TREATMENT ........................................................................................... 18

2.10 ECO-INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABLE EMPLOYMENT .......................................................... 19

2.11 ENERGY PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................ 20

2.12 INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT .................................................................. 21

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This guidance note should be read in conjunction with the Application Form for the European Green Capital Award 2018. The Application Form may be downloaded in the 23 EU languages as per the application portal. It may be completed and submitted in any of the 24 official EU languages.

The Mayoral Declaration is available in English, French and German. It must be completed and submitted in one of these languages.


This note provides information on how to interpret the indicators and types of information cities must provide when applying.

The 2018 Award Application Form has 4 sections per indicator:

A. Present situation. Describe the present situation, e.g. the relevant infrastructure and systems that are in place and the relevant state of play with respect to environmental performance. This section should also cover governance arrangements and responsibilities. Also, include information on any relevant disadvantages or constraints resulting from historical, geographical and/or socio-economic factors which may have influenced this indicator area. Quantitative information/data should be provided to support the description, including at the minimum, the specific data requested for each indicator.

B. Past performance. The aim of this section is to make clear how the present situation described in section A has been achieved. This should describe the strategies, plans and measures that have been implemented over the last 5 to 10 years. Comment on which measures have been most effective. Where available, quantitative information/data should be provided from previous 5 to 10 in order to show recent trends.

C. Future Plans. Describe the future short and long term objectives and the proposed approach to achieve these, including any additional strategies and plans. Include the measures adopted, but not yet implemented, and details for future measures already adopted. Emphasize to what extent plans are supported by political commitments, budget allocations, and monitoring and performance evaluation schemes.

D. References. List supporting documentation, adding links where possible. Further detail may be requested during the clarification phase. Documentation should not be forwarded at this stage.

Each section must be completed within the stated word limit given at the end of each individual section and can include graphs, tables, diagrams and photographs. All graphs etc. should be included within the application form itself. Appendices will not be accepted.

Applicants will only be assessed on the content of the application form. Incomplete application forms will not be assessed i.e. applications with missing indicator areas or missing sections within an indicator area.

Note: Sections A, B & C are considered on an equal basis as part of the technical assessment and ranking will be devised based on the information provided in these sections.

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Section D – References; will be used solely for clarification/verification of data purposes. Experts are not required to read additional information.

Good Practices; will be solely used for informative purposes and will not be considered as part of the technical ranking but must be completed. Good practices submitted may be used in the Urban Environment Good Practice & Benchmarking Report.

The Introductory section is for informative purposes only.

Information to be included:

Include clear plans and objectives in the context of European Legislation. Detail, where possible, your city's compliance/non-compliance with EU Directives and legislation.

It should be clearly noted if figures provided are for the city itself or incorporate a larger area/region.

Applicants should highlight integrated approaches to environmental management. The experts who will evaluate the application are only required to assess their primary and co-evaluator indicators. Where cross linkages between indicators/initiatives exist, they should be noted at each point.

Where possible please identify active community groups/stakeholders within the city in the relevant indicator area and also highlight how you have engaged with these groups in the course of your policy development.


The format of the template of the application form should be adhered to.

All documents must be submitted in word document format and uploaded through the application portal. An additional pdf file may be provided if desired.

All word limits must be adhered to. Any words above the specified limit will be removed and may leave application responses incomplete. Text included in the body and heading of graphics/images/tables will not be included in the word count. This is to be within reason and cities may be contacted at the Secretariat’s discretion.

There is a limit of 15 graphics/images/tables per indicator. An additional 2 graphics/images/tables are allowed in the Good Practice section.


In order to submit a complete application form the Mayoral Declaration must be signed by the Mayor or highest ranking City Representative and uploaded together with the completed application form.

The application form must be submitted in 12 individual files, one file for each indicator area. Each file must be a word document and labelled correctly e.g. Indicator 1_Hamburg, Indicator 2_Hamburg etc.

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Please follow steps 1 to 5 as described on the website.

All queries should be directed to the Secretariat: [email protected]


The technical assessment process is conducted in English. As such any applications submitted in other EU languages will be issued for translation.

Applicants requiring translation must complete the checklist as contained on the application portal.

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City Introduction & Context

Use this section to provide an overview of the city and a context for the 12 indicator areas. It will act as information for the Experts and should set the scene for the application as a whole. Include any major local constraints, contentious infrastructure/environmental projects and initiatives. Where possible please identify active community groups/stakeholders within the city in the relevant indicator area. Although it does not form part of the 12 indicator areas and will not contribute towards ranking, this section must be completed to present a full application for assessment.

The Secretariat will carry out a detailed background check on applicants' compliance with European legislation and governance.

If the city is involved in a legal procedure under any European directive, or has been condemned by the European Court of Justice, information on progress towards compliance should be provided.

Complete the 12 Indicators under the following sections:

A. Present Situation – focus on describing the present situation (include data, numerical information, figures, graphics etc), including relevant infrastructure and systems, the relevant state of play with respect to environmental performance and information on governance arrangements and responsibilities. Information on the specified indicators should be provided, but other data can also be included.

B. Past Performance – focus on the measures implemented and associated trends for the last 5 to 10 years.

C. Future Plans – focus on realistic and achievable plans, the objectives that these contain and the measures that will be used to achieve these.

D. References – for clarification purposes only

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The EU has targets to be met by 2020, including reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of at least 20% below 1990 levels, 20% of EU energy consumption to come from renewable resources, and 20% reduction in primary energy use, to be achieved principally by improving energy efficiency. Legally binding targets have been set for each Member State.

Whether or not national governments have established legal requirements or targets for local authorities on climate change, applicant cities will be expected to show that they are able to establish a CO2 emissions baseline for a specific year using an internationally recognised methodology (providing specific references), identify the main sources of emissions, set achievable territorial targets aligned with EU objectives, take action to reduce emissions (justifying the decisions on the implemented policies and measures), and continuously measure and monitor their progress towards agreed targets year by year.

In reporting their actions on climate change, applicants should demonstrate awareness of the contribution of their city to implementation of these EU targets, highlighting strategies and measures which contribute to meeting national obligations.

Evaluators will look for demonstrable reductions of CO2 emissions across a range of functions and sectors (including activities not under the direct control of the municipality), using complementary measures well-tailored to local circumstances and covering the whole geographical area for which the local authority is responsible.

When reporting on the specific indicators in Section 1A:

• Note that explanatory leaflets on their preparation are available within the Reference Framework for Sustainable European Cities1;

• The methodological approach used should be explained. Make clear whether or not this addresses both direct emissions (from sources within the city boundary) and indirect emissions (from goods and services provided outside the city but consumed inside the city). Mention the main sources of data and the sectors covered by each indicator, distinguishing between national and local information sources;

• Emissions from shipping and airports should not usually be included in the calculations for transport;

• Report any EU-ETS installations located within your city but do not include their emissions in the calculation of the indicators;

• The measure for carbon content in electricity – Tonnes CO2 per MWh – should be based on consumption and should not include production. All the efforts of the city to reduce this parameter should be explained.

Since cities have a key role not only in mitigation of climate change but also in managing its impacts, applicants are also asked to describe their approach to EU's Adaptation Strategy, in response to the EU's Adaptation strategy. This point should include the works performed to identify and improve the adaptive capacity of the city (its ability to adjust to climate change, to moderate potential damages, to take advantages of opportunities or to cope with the consequences) and its vulnerability through for 1

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instance the development of a comprehensive local adaptation strategy and/or integration of adaptation to climate change into existing relevant plans. If the city has an integrated approach to both mitigation of climate change and adaptation to its impacts this section can be used to highlight in particular any smart (‘win-win’) measures undertaken or planned which help both to reduce emissions and improve resilience.

Green Infrastructure (GI) solutions form part of an overall climate strategy to help cities adapt to or mitigate the adverse effects of climate change (see EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change).

GI will also be a necessary adjunct to reducing the carbon footprint of transport and energy provision, mitigating the negative effects of land uptake and fragmentation, disaster risk mitigation and boosting opportunities to better integrate land use, ecosystem and biodiversity concerns into policy and planning.

Applicants are advised to take account of EU policy to mainstream climate adaptation across all policy sectors and may find it useful to refer to specific initiatives for cities such as Mayors Adapt.

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The responsibility for urban mobility policies lies primarily with local, regional and national authorities. Nevertheless there are key European strategies that applicant cities should take into consideration. These include the European Commission’s Transport White Paper, ‘Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area’ (2011), which emphasises the need for clean urban transport and commuting, and sets goals to ‘Halve the use of ‘conventionally-fuelled’ cars in urban transport by 2030; phase them out in cities by 2050; and to achieve essentially CO2-free city logistics in major urban centres by 2030’2. The Commission’s 2013 Communication ‘Together towards competitive and resource-efficient urban mobility’ emphasises the importance of the adoption of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), as well as for more action on urban logistics, for smarter urban access requirements and for the coordinated deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)3.

In the section on the Present Situation (2A), cities are encouraged to provide information (for both local passenger transport and urban freight transport) on:

• Transport infrastructure and vehicle numbers; • Mobility flows for different modes; • Infrastructure management tools, including ITS; • Existing modal shares; • Alternative mobility schemes, such as car sharing; • The use of alternatively-fuelled vehicles; • Any relevant disadvantages or constraints of relevance to transport; and • Governance arrangements and responsibilities.

In Section 2A: four indicators must be provided:

1. “Proportion (%) of population living within 300 metres of an hourly (or more frequent) public

transport service”. If the indicator cannot be provided from existing GIS or other data, please provide a best estimate. The data and calculation method for all figures should be described.

2. For all journeys under 5km, proportion of these journeys undertaken by: i) car, ii) public

transport, iii) bicycle, iv) by foot and v) other provide the modal split (%) of all journeys of under 5km that start and/or end in the city.

• Journeys made by car should include those journeys made as a passenger, as well as a driver.

• For public transport, please include journeys by any type of public transport present in the city (e.g. buses, trams, trolleybuses, light rail, and other rail services) even if these are privately-operated.”

• If ‘other’ forms of transport are used please state what is covered by any figure presented for ‘other’.

If it is not possible to supply the modal split for journeys of less than 5km, please provide the “Modal split (%s) of all journeys that start and/or end in the city”.

3. “Proportion of buses operating in the city that are low emission (at least Euro V)”, Provide (or

estimate) the share of buses in the urban transport fleet (owned by the city or region, or by private operators operating in the city or region) that have certified low emissions that meet at least the EURO V emissions standards (i.e. that meet either EURO V or EURO VI or equivalent).

2 3

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Section 2B (Past Performance) should focus on the plans and measures that delivered the current situation, while Section 2C (Future Plans) should focus on the city’s future plans, including relevant objectives, and the measures that are being, or will be, put in place to deliver these.

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Urban sprawl and the spread of low-density settlements is one of the main threats to sustainable territorial development. By 2020, 80 % of Europe's population is likely to live in urban and peri-urban areas. Urban design inspired by a sustainable land use concept is contributing to good living conditions for city dwellers and at the same time reducing the environmental impact of the urban fabric. This is usually best achieved through strategic urban planning following a more integrated approach to land management.

The Guidelines on best practice to limit, mitigate or compensate soil sealing (SWD(2012) 101 final/2) collect examples of policies, legislation, funding schemes, local planning tools, information campaigns and many other best practices implemented throughout the EU.

This will contribute to neighbourhood revitalisation to an improved quality of life. At the same time, it will allow for better ecosystem services, including flooding control, the provision of habitat networks and ecological niches, and an increased recreational value (COM(2013) 249).

Regulation relating to this indicator area includes the following:

The 7th European Environment Action Programme (Decision No 1386/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013) is promoting integrated approaches to planning, building and managing in a sustainable way cities and urban settlements, in which long-term environmental considerations are fully taken into account alongside economic, social and territorial challenges. The Programme underlines that environmental considerations including water protection and biodiversity conservation should be integrated into planning decisions relating to land use so that they are made more sustainable, with a view to making progress towards the objective of ‘no net land take’, by 2050.

Further policy which may also be relevant includes; the Soil Thematic Strategy (COM(2006) 231), the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy (COM(2011) 244), the Communication on Green Infrastructure (COM(2013) 249), and the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), the Pesticides Sustainable Use Directive (2009/128/EC).

Detailed comments:

• Green and blue areas: indicate what percentage of the private green and blue areas (water bodies, wetlands etc.) are publicly accessible; Soil sealing: Soil sealing means the permanent covering of an area of land and its soil by impermeable artificial material (e.g. asphalt and concrete), for example through buildings and roads. Green sites, including those parts of settlement areas not covered by an impervious surface like gardens or sites covered by permeable surfaces should be excluded from the sealed surface area. If this information is not available, please make an estimate what part of the residential areas are sealed and what part are permeable surfaces and use this factor in the calculations; Please communicate the procedure that you have used for this calculation;

• Green infrastucture can be defined as a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services. It incorporates green spaces (or blue if aquatic ecosystems are concerned) and other physical features in terrestrial (including coastal) and marine areas. On land, green infrastructure is present in rural and urban settings.

• Brownfield sites are derelict and underused or even abandoned former industrial or commercial sites, which may have real or perceived contamination problems. Bringing them to

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beneficial use, thus saving precious greenfield sites, normally requires coordinated intervention on the part of owners, local authorities and citizens living in the neighbourhood.

• Public green areas are defined as:

o public parks or gardens/forests, for the exclusive use of pedestrians and cyclists, except green traffic islands or dividers, graveyards (unless the local authority recognises their recreational function or natural, historical or cultural importance);

o green open-air sports facilities, accessible to the public free of charge;

o private green areas (agricultural areas, private parks, forests), accessible to the public free of charge.

• Make note of regard taken for hygiene, public health and biodiversity and relevant risk assessment to ensure that the use of pesticides is minimised or prohibited in certain specific areas such as areas used by the general public, vulnerable groups, protected areas, areas for the establishment of conservation measures or for areas recently treated.

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The technical assessment for Indicator 4 is designed to explore how much information each city holds for its natural spaces and biodiversity, how well it manages them and what plans it has for future management and for the engagement of citizens and stakeholders in improving biodiversity. A good application on this indicator will include mapping of habitats and sites, and an explanation of particular local challenges and resources. It will show how the city protects habitats and species whilst trying to increase and improve biodiversity. We are keen to learn what the city has done in the past and what plans it has for the future. Applicant cities will be aware of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy and especially of its target 1 on improving the status of all species and habitats protected under EU nature legislation. In addition, target 2 proposes that “ecosystems and their services are maintained and enhanced by establishing green infrastructure and restoring at least 15 % of degraded ecosystems.” The Europe 2020 Strategy also links to biodiversity through action on climate change. To demonstrate that nature and biodiversity are protected there should be a description: of the status of natural species (including trends in increase/decrease); of protected habitats and other open spaces, both green and blue, which are used by wild species. A summary of city policies and the range of measures taken to protect, enhance and buffer biodiversity in the city should be given. The natural and semi-natural spaces may include parks, school sports fields, roundabouts/traffic islands, other grassed areas, woodlands, street trees, river corridors, and green roofs and walls. It is expected that the city will have an action plan to promote local biodiversity which will contain these details. This plan will include objectives, measures taken and planned, and an explanation of how actions will be funded to achieve the city’s aims. Enhancing biodiversity may take the form of protection from harm and disturbance, increasing the size of natural areas or improving management. Conservation actions taken in compliance with the EU Nature Directives for habitats and species in Natura 2000 sites should be noted and whether they are subject to management plans. Policies and plans for other nature conservation sites, and the condition of those sites, should be included; these may include sites of national or local city level importance. Other measures to be reported may include improving the connectivity between nature sites to permit migration, foraging and breeding, e.g. installing ponds and opening-up canalized waterways, and other measures to protect the resilience of biodiversity (such as reducing night-time lighting or noise disturbance). Special actions may be taken to favour particular species and habitats, such as providing nesting sites or planting food sources (e.g. nectar-rich species and seed-bearing species). Management of both green and biodiversity spaces that employs ecological methods and safeguards species from ecotoxicological products will be noted. Article 12 of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive 128/2009 and other legislation concerning water quality is also relevant. Appropriate action on invasive species should also be in process in line with EC Regulation 1143/2014 on invasive alien species which entered into force in 2015. Measures taken to protect native biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as to minimize and mitigate the human health or economic impacts that these species can have should be discussed. Please outline all activities which raise public awareness of your city’s biodiversity (sites and species, including the Natura 2000 network). Also, tell us about opportunities provided for citizens to engage with natural spaces and receive training. Research into local issues including climate change impacts may be another contributing approach to the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity. The assessment of bids will take into account the context of the city and the pressures it faces, the current status of biodiversity and the achievements of past protection work, the monitoring of wildlife and its management as well as what use is made of monitoring information. Applicant cities should provide evidence of commitment to agreed plans and funding from a range of sources to back the city’s aspirations for its nature and biodiversity. It is important that good maps are given to show locations of sites, their context and connectivity.

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The selected indicators are described in the European Union Directive 2008/50/EC of 21 May 2008 on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe.

The target and limit values are set to protect human health. Member States should take action in order to comply with the limit values, and where possible, to attain the target values.

• The target value for ozone (8 hour mean) is 120 µg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 25 times a year averaged over three years.

• The limit value for the annual mean of NO2 is 40 µg/m3.

• The limit value for PM10 (daily mean) is 50 µg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 35 times a year.

• The limit value for the annual mean of PM10 is 40 µg/m3.

• The target value for PM2.5 is 25 µg/m3 in 2010 and becomes a limit value in 2015.

• The limit value for hourly NO2 with a threshold of 200 µg/m3 should not be exceeded more than 18 times during a year.

For presented air quality data specify the type of measurement station (e.g. traffic, urban background, regional background).

For the annual concentrations of NO2, PM2.5 and PM10 provide a quantitative assessment of the contribution from local sources and from long-range transport for these pollutants as a percentage. For example, for annual mean of NO2 at traffic measurement stations about 75% originates from local sources and 25% from long-range transport. The contribution from long-range transport should ideally be determined to represent the administrative boundaries of the city. The purpose of this assessment is to estimate how much of observed concentrations can be managed by the city.

Using Green Infrastructure in an urban environment can help mitigate the urban heat island effect. -Lower humidity in urban areas due to the absence of vegetation and the increased absorption of energy from the sun caused by dark asphalted or concrete surfaces are the main reasons inner city areas are often many degrees warmer than their surroundings. This phenomenon, known as the urban heat island effect, can have serious consequences, particularly during hot periods. Green infrastructure can reduce exposure to pollution in two ways; improved air quality due to trees and vegetation in an urban environment and greening of transport corridors can reduce pollution concentrations.

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The Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC) is one of the main instruments to identify noise pollution levels and to trigger the necessary action both at Member State and at EU level. The Environmental Noise Directive applies to noise to which humans are exposed, particularly in built-up areas, near schools, hospitals and other noise-sensitive buildings, like residential buildings, and in noise-sensitive areas, like public parks or other quiet areas in an agglomeration, and in quiet areas in open country.

The city must provide clear information on the municipal policies regarding the reduction of noise and the improvement of the acoustic environment as well as the protection of good sound environments in the municipal area. Details must be given on urban noise data, on noise abatement actions both already adopted and envisaged for the future, and on urban soundscape management considering the protection of existing good acoustics zones and implementation of quiet or sound improved areas.

Detail municipal strategies for noise management, involving stakeholders and the local population, information and education campaigns performed and planned regarding noise, costs undertaken and budgets for future measures. Regarding the present situation, noise data should be provided, at least on the share of population exposed to total noise values of Lden (day-evening-night indicator) above 55 dB(A) and above 65 dB(A) and to total noise values of Ln (night indicator) above 45 dB(A) and 55 dB(A). In addition, figures for noise exposure to individual noise sources (e.g. road, rail, air, industry, and leisure/entertainment) can also be provided for a better portray of the present situation. Technical advice on the calculation of noise exposure data is to be found in the position paper “Good Practice Guide for Strategic Noise Mapping and the Production of Associated Data on Noise Exposure” - European Commission Working Group Assessment of Exposure to Noise (WG-AEN), Version 2, 13 January 2006. Where available, information/data for the previous (5 – 10) years should be included to show trends. Information on existing or planned quiet areas, or sound improved areas, should also be included. Recommendations and advice concerning quiet areas shall be found in the “Good practice guide on quiet areas” – EEA Technical Report No 4/2014. The description of the measures implemented over the last five to ten years to improve the urban sound quality and to increase awareness to noise should highlight whether these measures are part of an overall and long-term noise management plan.

• Comment on which measures have been most effective;

• Explain how the implemented measures have influenced the present situation;

• Refer to stakeholder involvement, communication with the population, and plans to preserve areas where the acoustic environment is good;

The short and long term objectives for the quality of the acoustic environment and the proposed approach for their achievement must be described in detail together with assigned budgets.

• Emphasize to what extent plans are consolidated by commitments, budget allocations, and monitoring and performance evaluation schemes;

• Refer to stakeholder involvement, consultations, and actions to manage and preserve urban and open country quiet areas.

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The Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) sets out the basic concepts and definitions related to waste management, such as definitions of waste, recycling, recovery etc. The Directive describes basic waste management principles such as the waste management hierarchy, polluter pays principle and extended producer responsibility and includes targets to be met by 2020 (50% recycling for municipal waste, 70% for construction and demolition waste).

The Directive requires that Member States adopt waste management plans and waste prevention programmes. However waste management is also considered in a wider context having regard to objectives for sustainability, resource efficiency and low carbon growth as set out in the 7th Environment Action Programme (EAP) and the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe (2011).

More specifically, the 7th EAP includes specific objectives for waste management to be met by 2020 (reduction of food wastage, decrease of waste generation, high quality reuse and recycling rates, no energy recovery from recyclable waste, elimination of landfilling of recoverable waste). Therefore information provided should include references to how waste management is considered and managed in this wider context.

• Waste data provided should primarily relate to 'household and municipal waste', i.e. household and commercial waste, collected on behalf of or by the municipalities, unless otherwise specified in the application form. Household waste is defined as all waste generated by a household including residual, recyclable materials (e.g paper, plastics, glass etc) bulky and green waste. The definition of municipal waste4 is ‘waste generated by households, and also includes similar waste from sources such as shops, offices and public institutions’. Be specific if using a different definition of municipal waste;

• You may also include information relating to the management of 'construction and demolition' and other industrial waste to demonstrate overall approach to waste management. This should be shown separately;

• Reference to 'measures' must include compliance with the EU Waste Framework Directive in terms of the preparation and implementation of 'waste management plans' on either a municipal or regional basis. The extent of segregated waste collections into separate waste streams, where they exist, will be assessed in addition to the percentage municipal waste recycling rate and future targets;

• Data on waste prevention and management for different waste streams should be provided and compared to the existing EU legally binding targets but also to the objectives of the 7th EAP;

• Waste prevention shall be as defined in Article 29 & Annex 4 of the WFD;

• Where specific packaging waste data is not available for the city or only available at a national level then measures to promote the prevention, reuse and recycling of packaging waste should be outlined;

• When providing details of separately collected wastes, include the types of waste collected and types of collection systems (e.g. drop off points, civic amenity, kerbside, other initiatives);


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• When considering the “polluter pays” principle, refer to Article 14 of the WFD;

• When describing measures for treatment of residual wastes, information should be provided on any energy recovery measures such as landfill gas utilisation, Waste to Energy and where applicable, the relative efficiency of the recovery measures (e.g. combined heat & power).

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The Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water Resources is the EU policy response to challenges to our water resources. It outlines actions that concentrate on better implementation of current water legislation, integration of water policy objectives into other policies, and filling the gaps in particular as regards water quantity and efficiency. The objective is to ensure that a sufficient quantity of good quality water is available for people's needs, the economy and the environment throughout the EU.

The Blueprint focuses on the development of key tools and measures for the implementation of current EU water legislation such as the Water Framework Directive (WFD). In this context relevant indicators include:

• The status of water bodies identified under the WFD and which are relevant at city level.

• For households, units should be litres/capita/day. For industry, agriculture, small business and tourism, water demand values should be reported for each sector both as total amount of used water (in cubic meter/year) and as share of total water consumption in the city (%). For the industry sector, please include water demand for cooling in energy production;

• If your city is a tourist destination, detail the variation in water demand during the tourist season;

• Provide trends of water demand per sector during the last 5-10 years. Explain what sector-specific technical measures have been put in place to improve water efficiency (e.g. water saving devices, network rehabilitation, water recycling/reuse), what incentives have been chosen (e.g. pricing, taxes, subsidies, metering, product eco-labelling, building rating), and what institutional and regulatory changes accompanied the implementation of measures (e.g. were they mandatory or voluntary) to reach the current situation;

• Give details of technical, nature-based, economic and institutional measures planned to improve water management (from both demand and supply side) for each sector, including possible use of alternative water sources.

• Give details of measures aimed at preventing/reducing impacts of floods and droughts and at improving the status of water bodies within the city, e.g. restrictions implemented.

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Applicants should provide relevant information in the context of current EU Water legislation (mainly the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD5) and the Water Framework Directive WFD6) and requirements that result from the legislation.

Regarding part 2 of indicator 9A: The %-rates of the total annual generated waste water load connected to primary, secondary and tertiary treatment, or treatment more stringent than secondary (referring always to the highest treatment level which is applied in the treatment plant) do not necessarily coincide with the %-rate of the total annual generated waste water load connected to waste water collecting systems, as there is the possibility that a specific % of the total annual generated waste water load is connected to waste water collection systems but not (yet) to an Urban Waste Water Treatment Plant (UWWTP). P.e., collecting systems, primary treatment and secondary are defined in the UWWTD. For the purposes of the application form, the following minimum treatment efficiencies define a tertiary treatment: organic pollution removal of at least 70-90% for BOD5 and 75% for COD, and at least one of the following: a) nitrogen removal of at least 70-80%, b) phosphorus removal of at least 80%, c) further treatment necessary to fulfil other Council Directives, e.g. microbiological removal, according to needs. It is the nature of the area of discharge, if considered as "sensitive", what will determine the needs and requirements to comply with.

Regarding part 3 of indicator 9A: The population not connected to waste water collecting systems might be served by individual and appropriate systems. Examples: on-site systems (e.g. septic tanks, constructed wetlands), which achieve different treatment levels. Another option is that the waste water is stored in water-tight cesspools and transported to an UWWTP by truck. In case of on-site systems, estimate the treatment level achieved (i.e. primary, secondary, tertiary treatment level). In case of transport to UWWTPs, please provide information on the treatment performance of the plants.

Regarding part 6 of indicator 9A: If data on incoming and discharged loads is not measured, please provide an expert judgment.

5 Directive 91/271/EEC 6 Directive 2000/60/EC

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Applicants should discuss plans, programmes and policies in the context of promoting eco-innovation and sustainable employment in the city. The focus should highlight innovative approaches of how technological and non-technological eco-innovations are supported or directly implemented by the applicant city. Applicants should also consider policies aiming to create jobs in green sectors.

Jobs in ‘green sectors’, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste recycling, green chemistry, organic farming and green construction, should be included when discussing issues associated with sustainable employment.

Include data and information on how ‘eco-innovation and sustainable employment’ has developed over time. For example, show how the share of the city budget dedicated to support environmental R&D developed during the last five to ten years (also as a percentage of total budget), how the number of jobs in green sectors changed over time and how the city is implementing public procurement of innovation.

Provide information about the timelines of future plans (section 10C). Discuss whether the city takes active steps in promoting the application and diffusion of eco-innovation by different departments of the city but also by industries within the city boundary.

Include information on budgets for future plans and strategies, note if these are secured or not.

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Sustainable energy performance plays a central part in the EU’s 2020 strategy which aims at reducing carbon emissions by 20 %, increasing the share of renewable energies by 20 % and increasing energy efficiency by 20 %. The Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC), the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2010/31/EU), the Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC), the Energy Labelling Directive (2010/30/EU) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) are relevant to this indicator.

• Current development or Action Plan refers to City Plans or Strategies, formulated and adopted over the last 5 to 10 years which are now being implemented, such as Sustainable Energy Action Plans through the Covenant of Mayors.

• The energy mix refers to the share of different energy sources which help meet the energy demand of the city. The dynamics and details of the energy mix over time and future plans for such highlight the intentions of the city in terms of its renewable energy transition. If possible, demonstrate an understanding of the economic, ecological, technical or other (aesthetic, social, infrastructural, cultural) implications of different energy strategies.

• Flexible, efficient and well-coordinated compatible and integrated District Heating and Electricity Systems can be key components in a city's energy mix.

• Increasing energy efficiency is a key strategy for achieving a carbon neutral energy system, but it is equally important to lower energy demand through campaigns and incentives for citizens, organisations, companies and public institutions.

• Refer to the built environment of the city in current Development or Action Plans and the current Status of the energy performance including buildings, industry, tertiary and transport sectors.

• For 2050 the European Commission has long-term goals for a 80-95% reduction of greenhouse gases – which require large and systematic investments in energy efficiency, energy substitution and new renewable energy.

• For future and in particular long-term future energy plans, you may also include systems visions about Transport and Food systems. Built, Transport and Food systems represent three important energy sectors – in particular for renewable energy – with potentially conflicting and/or supplementing uses in the overall future energy system. The use of Green infrastructure can contribute to energy efficiency.

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The various dimensions of urban life – environmental, economic, social and cultural – are interwoven and successful urban management requires an integrated approach. Measures for environmental protection and improvement should be combined with those for physical urban renewal, education, economic development and social inclusion. Strong partnerships between citizens, civil society, the local economy and the various levels of government are a pre-requisite for effective action.

This approach is especially important given the seriousness of the challenges that European cities currently face, from demographic change to job creation, social progress, and the impacts of climate change. Effective local responses to these challenges are critical for achieving the smart, sustainable, inclusive society envisaged in the Europe 2020 Strategy.

For guidance on integrated environmental management, see the Reference Framework for European Sustainable Cities (Governance chapter), and the 2007 Integrated Environmental Management, Guidance in relation to the Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment report.

A number of practical tools exist to strengthen protection of the urban environment in promoting more integration. One of them is an Integrated Environmental Management System (IEMS) – a strong voluntary commitment by the city to act on its environmental problems. A well-developed IEMS helps avoid conflicts by considering competing demands from various policy areas and initiatives (economic well-being, competitiveness, health, environment, spatial planning), and by setting long-term goals.

EU guidance on IEMS in urban areas provides best practice examples and experiences.

Use this final indicator to describe your integrated approach, ambition and leadership in environmental policy, detailing ambition and vision. Highlight the organisational and management structure of your administration. This section may be brief, but should make clear how the environmental quality of the city is safeguarded, and the priority of environment in relation to other policy fields.

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Conoscenza e tecnologie appropriate per la sostenibilità urbanistica - Knowledge and Appropriate Technologies for Sustainability in Planning - 29 febbraio - 04 marzo 2016 - Modulo 16

Modulo 16Dallo spreco del territorio all’approccio “smart”, prevenzione e monitoraggio nel governo del territorio - Annapaola Canevari.

Urbanistica e protezione ambientale per la sostenibilità delle trasformazioni territoriali

A che punto si trova l’Italia riguardo i temi della sostenibilità e della qualità del territorio e dell’ambiente urbano?

Una risposta che ci fotografa in modo impietoso ma veritiero si trova nelle parole con cui il presidente di Legambiente Vittorio Cogliati Dezza apre il XXII Rapporto sulla qualità ambientale dei comuni capoluogo di provincia - “Ecosistema Urbano 2015”.

“Le città sono per l’Italia ….. un possibile cantiere di innovazione, un’industria capace di creare lavoro rigenerando e conferendo qualità e sicurezza agli spazi pubblici e alle abitazioni.

L’agenda delle cose da fare è già scritta da tempo: la smartness, la mobilità nuova, il recupero urbanistico e la riconversione ecologica degli edifici, il corretto ciclo dei rifiuti, l’oculata gestione delle acque e la messa in sicurezza dal rischio idrogeologico, l’agricoltura urbana e periurbana, lo sviluppo della città digitale, la cura della persona, della scuola, dell’educazione.

C’è la necessità del passaggio dalla saggistica, dall’analisi e dalla conoscenza dei fenomeni, alla realizzazione concreta delle soluzioni.

Questo cambiamento, questa trasformazione delle città italiane è in atto? A guardare i dati di Ecosistema Urbano, in realtà, l’elemento che appare dominante è quello del ristagno.”

Sulla base di un set di parametri e indicatori, il documento classifica la qualità dell’ambiente nel nostro paese ed evidenzia una serie di problemi irrisolti che complessivamente possono essere ricondotti alla incapacità della pianificazione urbanistica, e del governo del territorio più in generale, di invertire la ratio delle decisioni parziali, legate a logiche di settore spesso contradditorie tra loro, che conduce ad uno spreco di risorse assolutamente inaccettabile.

A fronte di questa situazione la presa di coscienza della rilevanza delle questioni inerenti il suolo e la sua tutela è testimoniata dalla sintesi definitoria del termine suolo che l’enciclopedia Treccani ha approvato nel dicembre 2014. La definizione riprende i contenuti e le parole della dichiarazione dell’Unione Europea “Strategia tematica per la protezione del suolo” (2006), arricchendola con due concetti fondamentali: il fatto che il

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Conoscenza e tecnologie appropriate per la sostenibilità urbanistica - Knowledge and Appropriate Technologies for Sustainability in Planning - 29 febbraio - 04 marzo 2016 - Modulo 16

suolo è una risorsa sostanzialmente non rinnovabile e la necessità di tutelarlo per garantire la conservazione delle sue importantissime funzioni biologiche, socioeconomiche e ambientali.

Purtroppo la tutela del suolo e del territorio, la sua messa in sicurezza e la sostenibilità dello sviluppo restano troppo spesso degli “slogan” cui non corrispondono provvedimenti conseguenti e azioni concrete per combattere lo sprawl territoriale e quello che può essere definito un vero e proprio spreco del territorio.

Infatti i più recenti atti legislativi (per lo più decreti) sono caratterizzati da aspetti di progressiva deregolamentazione e le opere pubbliche (spesso inutili) sparse sul territorio sembrano farci tornare a quel passato in cui “sviluppo” coincideva con “cemento”.

Alcuni tentativi di approccio differente si cominciano ad intravvedere da parte di amministrazioni e di comunità locali più sensibili e partecipi: si tratta ora di allargare e diffondere queste nuove esperienze e soprattutto di radicarle nella pratica urbanistica e di governo del territorio.


ISPRA – Atti del convegno Recuperiamo terreno, sessione poster vol. I . Milano, 6 maggio 2015

ISPRA – Atti del convegno Recuperiamo terreno, sessione poster vol. II . Milano, 6 maggio 2015

ISPRA –Il consumo di suolo in Italia. Rapporti 218/2015

Silvia Ronchi (CRCS) – il consumo di suolo delle infrastrutture lombarde – 2014

AmbienteItalia – Ecosistema urbano – XXII rapporto sulla qualità ambientale dei comuni capoluogo di provincia 2015

AmbienteItalia – Ecosistema urbano XXII edizione – Best practices - 2015

Gregory D. Squires, Urban sprawl. Causes, consequences and policy responses, Urban Institute Press, Washington, 2002

EEA – report Urban sprawl in Europe, the ignored challenge, 2006

UN Habitat – global report on human settlements 2009. Planning sustainable cities

UN Habitat for a better urban future - Planning sustainable cities, Un-Habitat practices and perspectives 2010

ISPRA – Pianificazione locale l’Agenda 21L e la nuova generazione di piani – quaderni ambiente e società n. 13/2015

ISPRA - La comunicazione ambientale sui siti web dei comuni italiani – Rapporto 244/2015

David Fanfani, Francesco Berni, Alessandro Tirinnanzi – Tra territorio e città. Ricerche e progetti per luoghi in transizione. Firenze, University Press 2014

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Conoscenza e tecnologie appropriate per la sostenibilità urbanistica - Knowledge and Appropriate Technologies for Sustainability in Planning - 29 febbraio - 04 marzo 2016 - Modulo 16

Comprendere i cambiamenti climatici. Pianificare per il cambiamento – Quaderni Urbanistica3 – n. 5/2014

Francesco Sbetti, Francesco Rossi, Michele Talia, Claudia trillo – Il governo della città nella contemporaneità. La città come motore di sviluppo. Tema 1: la rigenerazione urbana come resilienza – Dossier di Urbanistica Informazioni n. 4/2013

Maurizio Carta – Stockholm re-silient – Palermo 2015

AA.VV. – The Resilient City – TeMA, Journal of Land Use , Mobility and Environment – Napoli 2012