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St. John’s Mission Statement is ‘To know Christ better and make Christ better known’ Linked with the Diocese of Mara, Tanzania

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St. John’s Mission Statement is ‘To know Christ better and make Christ better known’

Linked with the Diocese of Mara, Tanzania


Services this month 7th February Sunday Next before Lent 9.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.15am Holy Communion 9th February Shrove Tuesday 7.30pm Music & Praise Service Joint service at St. John’s 10th February Ash Wednesday 7.00pm Holy Communion Joint service at St. Hilda’s 14th February 1st Sunday of Lent 9.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.15am Worship Service 21st February 2nd Sunday of Lent 9.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.15am Holy Communion 28th February 3rd Sunday of Lent 9.00am Holy Communion 10.15am Family Service


A New Year and a Fresh Start. As you all know – well you should, I’ve been on about it ad-nauseam, we are now entering a new phase in the life of both St Hilda’s and St John’s. We have to face facts, and one fact is that many members of our congregations are not getting any younger. As someone said, everything living is either growing or decaying, nothing stays the same, it’s true both for us and our church. But fear not, the Lord is with us, and we have plans…..

One plan which may have a big initial impact is the change in service times on a Sunday. This is necessary because it is the only way I can be with both churches every Sunday (but not doing everything every Sunday!). I have to be there not only because the Bishop said I had to, but also because I want to and because I need to. It is disjointing to be, regularly absent from the churches I belong to and difficult for people to chat to me and liaise about all the details regarding what happens through the week. To be present is also the only way I can be an active part in how we approach our worship to God, how we develop it, and how we can change to grow.

Some may question the need to change anything, but to put it bluntly, it’s change or die. If we always do what we’ve always done we will always get what we’ve always got, and what we’ve got in our recent history isn’t the sort of growth that should be happening. I say ‘should’ because both churches have so much to offer, so much enthusiasm, talent and love, and there is such a need out there for God. So much healing that needs to be done, so many disjointed, lost and lonely people that God loves, and we have to love them too. It’s all about salvation. Anyone who has loved someone knows that standing by and carelessly doing nothing while they suffer is not an option, even if it means a personal cost to us. So we need to think afresh, and act afresh while we still have the energy. Getting older means not bouncing or adapting so well, so we have to grasp the nettle and go for it now, change won’t get any easier by putting it off!


Moving into an unknown future isn’t easy. We regularly talk about faith, now we need to practise it. I don’t yet know how God will work but I do know that (given a chance) He will work, we just need to give Him that chance, and roll with it. God always has had better ideas than I have, so I’m not inflicting my desires on anyone, just trying to listen to God, as God talks through you, the faithful congregations. We need to question our age old habits, shelve our personal preferences and focus on what is the best way to reach out to new people, new generations, otherwise our churches will die with us. If that happens, then so be it, but it won’t happen on my watch, without a fight. God has not called me here to close his witness to these parishes, to turn out the light of Christ as the last one leaves. God has called me, and all of us, to bear witness, to get that light burning brighter, to spread the message of hope and love wider, and to practise it. This won’t be easy, or comfortable, but nothing worth doing ever was. Let’s put behind us all negative thoughts, all self-centred objections, and be creative, prayerful, generous and flexible, as we work together to do something new for God’s glory, for St Hilda’s, and St John’s! (Feel free to shout hooray! at this point.)

Rev Neal

St John’s Prayer Breakfast

Saturday 13th February 8.30am in the Church Hall Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18(NIVUK)


Food and Support Drop In – Christmas Day 2015, & 2nd and 9th January 2016

The Christians Together Trustees, Volunteers and Management at

The Food and Support Drop In And The Gathering Place

Would like to wish you

A Very Happy New Year.

We pray that

The God of Love and Peace

Will keep you throughout this coming year

Christmas Day 2015

WOW. What a wonderful day. Thank you to everyone who helped or donated towards the day. People were just turning up with items of food and other goodies throughout the day. We had 36 volunteers whose hard work and joy made the day so special. Some on their own and others with their families who wanted to share their Christmas with others. Over 100 people dined with us. After the meal we were entertained by Steve from New Beginnings Church who sang for us. It was amazing. Saturday 2nd January

On Saturday 2nd January we gave out 85 parcels which included 4 for new people plus 3 to families who attended with 7 children. Saturday 9th January

On Saturday 9th January we gave out 84 parcels which included 2 for new people plus 6 for families who attended with 13 children. We had 42 volunteers. Donations

Thank you all for your very generous donations over the Christmas, both with food and money. It has been phenomenal. However, there are still items which we have to buy in each week because we always run out. These are-


Tinned Rice Pudding, Sauce for Pasta, Curry Sauce, Coffee, Tinned meat, Tinned meals, Toilet Rolls, Washing Powder and Washing up Liquid.

We would be extremely grateful if you could concentrate on these items only if possible over the next few weeks.

Donations of Money

May I remind everybody who donates money via cheques to make the cheques payable to; “CHRISTIANS TOGETHER CALDERDALE” If you are happy to support any of the Christians Together Projects please leave the cheque blank on the back. If you wish your donation to be only for the Drop In, please write “Drop In” on the back. the Drop In, please write “Drop In” on the back. Our bank details can be found by contacting the Treasurer via The Gath-ering Place. Please leave your details for us if she is not in. GIFT AID forms are also available. With kind regards to you all


On behalf of The Food and Support Drop In C/o The Gathering Place, 1 St James Road, Halifax, HX1 1YS Telephone 01422 647390 Mobile 07975 718093

Why not drop in for- COFFEE & COMPANY

at St. Hilda Church

starting at 2.00pm every Wednesday

Bring a friend, make new friends

Morning Prayer Saying the Office

9.00am every Tuesday at St. John’s and Wednesday at St. Hilda’s .


February 2016 10.30am

Mrs Margaret Seed

‘Missionary in China’


St Hilda’s and St John’s will be holding a joint Music and Praise Service

On Shrove Tuesday, 9th Feb. at 7:30pm at St John’s Warley

This will be an opportunity to have fun and Praise God through music,

featuring a band of extraordinarily talented musicians (hmmm…)

on guitars, drums, keyboards and even a violin!

Be there – or miss out!


Thank you to those who joined in our Wave of Prayer Service on Saturday 9

th January from 10 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. in the Church

Hall after the Prayer Breakfast. It was a lovely service learning more about our new Link Diocese overseas. Our AGM took place in the Church Hall on January 19

th at

7.30p.m. This is the new Triennial for our new Diocese so elections took place and decisions made for our Branch. The Branch will still be run by Committee with myself as Coordinator, Yvonne, Barbara, Brenda and Joan sharing Secretarial work, Jean as Treasurer and Pat and Adele as Committee members. February 1

st will be the MU monthly get together for coffee at

Harvey’s from 2.30 p.m. to 4p.m. so do go along for coffee and a chat. Our afternoon meeting in February is on the 4

th at 2.15p.m. at

Joan’s. The speaker will be our own vicar, Neal. February 8

th at 12 noon will be the first of our monthly MU Midday

Prayers at the Minster. It is hoped different branches will lead these on a rota system. Our evening meeting is on February 17

th at 7.30p.m. in the

Church Hall when the speaker will be Rev Linda Maslen on her ‘Christian work in Calderdale’ Please book these dates in your diaries and we look forward to seeing you at any of these events. Visitors are always welcome. SUSAN


Find us at:- Short URL:

The deadline for contributions to the March Newsletter is 24th February to: David 330693 [email protected]

February Diary

Tuesday 2nd 9.00am Morning Prayer, The Office, at St. John’s Wednesday 3rd 9.00am Morning Prayer, The Office, at St. Hilda’s 2.00pm Coffee and Company from 2.00pm at St. Hilda’s Thursday 4th 2.15pm Mothers’ Union 6.45pm Song Group practise Saturday 6th PCC day away Tuesday 9th 9.00am Morning Prayer, The Office, at St. John’s 7.30pm Music & Praise Service at St. John’s Wednesday 10th 9.00am Morning Prayer, The Office, at St. Hilda’s 2.00pm Coffee and Company from 2.00pm at St. Hilda’s 7.00pm Holy communion at St. Hilda’s Thursday 11th 6.45pm Song Group practise Saturday 13th 8.30am Prayer Breakfast Tuesday 16th 9.00am Morning Prayer, The Office, at St. John’s Wednesday 17th 9.00am Morning Prayer, The Office, at St. Hilda’s 2.00pm Coffee and Company from 2.00pm at St. Hilda’s 7.30pm Mothers’ Union Thursday 18th 6.45pm Song Group practise Monday 22nd 10.30am Warley Coffee Club Tuesday 23rd 9.00am Morning Prayer, The Office, at St. John’s Wednesday 24th 9.00am Morning Prayer, The Office, at St. Hilda’s 2.00pm Coffee and Company from 2.00pm at St. Hilda’s Thursday 25th 6.45pm Song Group practise

Uniform Organisations Meet weekly through term time. Rainbows Tuesday evening Beavers Wednesday evening Brownies Tuesday evening Cubs Friday evening Scouts Friday evening Explorer Scouts Wednesday evening

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