lifetime career support

Life Time Career Support

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Life Time Career Support

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Today’s best and the brightest face different careers than their earlier generations

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The “typical” traditional career

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Traditionally you started your career by picking the right company to work for - fitting your skills, strengths, and aspirations





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In addition to picking the right company, the next step was to convincingly make your mark before 40…




25 40 Age

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… which would set you up for "making a real difference" between 40 and 55




25 40 Age55

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This would put you in a position to be able to leverage after 55 (or prepare to retire)




25 40 Age55

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What is different in today’s typical career?

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Today's best and brightest will no longer have a single career defining employer - but more likely more than five or even ten

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Demographics will also force today's best and brightest to pursue much more extended careers




25 40 Age55

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And they will have to do so in an altogether substantially more dynamic, complex, global, and faster changing environment

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So what does this mean?

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First of all, the increased business dynamics fuel the risk of professional irrelevance during a career

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Which is unfortunate as extended careers require just the opposite: we need to stay professionally relevant much longer




25 40 Age55


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On top of that, our multi-company careers frustrate the consistency and continuity of our career and development support

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In short: Ouch!

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What to do?

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It is prudent to rethink our ideas of an ideal career

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It is no longer only about how quickly you can make a real difference - but with extended careers - it is as much about for how long you can continue doing so




25 40 Age55


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The faster changing business environment also erodes the value of a single career learning curve



l) Co



25 40 Age55

Learn & Grow

Capitalize on Experience

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Instead it will become paramount to indefinitely maintain our ability to learn and grow



l) Co



25 40 Age55

Learn & Grow

Capitalize on


Obsolete Experience

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It is also prudent to rethink what we require in terms of career and development support


Career & Development Support


Multi-Company Careers


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So what about Career & Development Support?

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For starters, Career & Development Support used to be either good or not so good, now it is certainly discontinuous and inconsistent

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This makes it prudent to see how we can create multi-company focused career & development support to complement in-company offerings


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For example, by providing a means for a company independent personnel file - much like the (future) computerized patient records in healthcare

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Or for example by assuring availability of, and access to, comparable skills and personal driver assessments…

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… providing input to Career Coaching specifically focused on Multi-Company Career progression

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Access to a core career development curriculum can help individuals to close gaps in their formal development

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Another thing to consider is how to create and maintain true professional peer groups across multiple companies for informal career support

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Last but not least, new ways of matching the career needs of individuals with the contribution needs of companies will have to be explored

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What does it all mean?

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More so than ever your career is now really your own responsibility - and things have become more complicated on top of that

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Fortunately there is a growing number of tools to help you manage your career and development

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Leaving you with a potentially much more rewarding and durable career progression.......!