life in nauvoo the beautiful! the nauvoo temple: it was built between january 1841 and may 1846. it...

Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful ! The Nauvoo Temple : It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three years. It was used for less than six weeks after it’s formal dedication .

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Page 1: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful!

The Nauvoo Temple:

It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three years.

It was used for less than six weeks after it’s formal dedication.

Page 2: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

Map of Nauvoo

Page 3: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

Red Brick Store

Page 4: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

Joseph’s Office in the Red Brick Store

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Second floor of the Red Brick Store. The first endowments in this dispensation were given here on May 4th, 1842.

Page 6: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

A daguerreotype of the Nauvoo Temple. A daguerreotype is an early photographic process with the image made on a light-sensitive silver-coated metallic plate.

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An Original drawing of the front

Page 8: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

An Original Drawing of the Back

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An Original Drawing of the Floor Plan

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A Original Drawing of a Pilaster

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A Rare Original Picture of the Nauvoo Temple

Page 12: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

How did we get the original architect’s drawings?

In 1946, Vern C. Thacker, a resident of Wasatch County, Utah received a mission call to serve in the California Mission under President Oscar W. McConkie. Elder Thacker had carefully saved his Navy pay during the three years of service and was thereby able to finance his mission without any help from his parents. Because Elder Thacker’s savings permitted him to buy a car, he was assigned with his companion to the large area in the Mojave Desert, including the town of Boron. This little town is best known for the “Twenty Mule Team” borax mine located nearby. One day while tracting, he and his companion, Frank Gifford, both felt inspired to stop at a small home.

Page 13: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

A man named Leslie M. Griffin invited them in and during their discussion mentioned that he was a descendant of William Weeks, the Nauvoo Temple architect. Mr. Griffin was not a member, and the two missionaries visited him several times to discuss the gospel. Elder Thacker’s mission was almost over and Mr. Griffin knew it would be their last time to visit. He went into the back of his house and returned with what looked like a three-foot roll of paper, yellowed with age, and secured by a rubber band. He explained that it was the original plans for the Nauvoo Temple. He asked if Elder Thacker would deliver the plans to the headquarters of the Church in Salt Lake City when he returned home from his mission. Elder Thacker assured him it would be an honor. He returned with the plans tucked in the trunk of his car.

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Shortly after his return home, Brother Thacker called the Church Offices and was referred to Brother A. William Lund, Assistant Church Historian. Brother Lund was delighted to receive the plans and immediately wrote a letter enthusiastically thanking Mr. Griffin for his “wonderful gift.” The drawings had already been photographed and placed in a steel locked safe for safekeeping.

The plans had been lost to the Church when William Weeks became estranged from the Church soon after the migration to Utah.

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William Weeks left the church and the state of Utah in 1848. Brigham Young wanted him to be the architect for the Salt Lake City Temple so he sent him with the Saints to the Salt Lake Valley. His assistant Truman Angel saw the Nauvoo Temple to it’s completion.

Needless to say these plans were useful to the architects in planning the new Nauvoo Temple.

It was in the 1999 spring General Conference that President Gordon B. Hinckley announced the rebuilding of the Nauvoo Temple.

The plans and drawings of the first Nauvoo Temple were the only original copies that existed (Experience of Vern C. Thacker by Becky Cardon Smith).

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The Nauvoo Temple

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While discussing some of the details of the building with William Weeks, the temple architect, Joseph stated, “I wish to carry out my designs, I have seen in vision the splendid appearance of that building illuminated, and will have it built according to the pattern shown me” (HC, 6:196-97, 5 February 1844).

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Another source informs us that there “were a great many questions asked Brother Joseph about how he kept the pattern of the temple in his mind so perfect. …He said, ‘When a true spirit makes known anything to you in the daytime, we call it a vision. If it is a true spirit it will never leave you, every particular will be as plain fifty years hence as now (Kate Woodhouse Kirkham, Daniel Stillwell Thomas Family History, 30, cited in Joseph Heinerman, Temple Manifestations (Salt Lake City: Magazine Printing and Publishing, 1974), 48).

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Elder Parley P. Pratt said, “Who instructed Joseph Smith in the mysteries of the Kingdom, and in all things pertaining to Priesthood, law, philosophy, sacred architecture, ordinances, sealings, anointings, baptism for the dead, and in the mysteries of the first, second, and third heavens many of which are unlawful to utter? Angels and spirits from the unseen worlds (JD, 2:44, 6 April 1853).

The tradition that heavenly messengers were involved in revealing the pattern for the Nauvoo Temple, and that Joseph Smith then dictated those details to the architect, was repeated at least until the 1850’s (J. W. Gunnison, Westminster Review (London), January 1853, 214).

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On Earth as it is in Heaven:

They were arranged in their proper cosmological order as someone would view them while standing upon the earth and looking up into the heavens; first they would see the moon, then the sun, then the stars.

The Nauvoo Temple was a scale model of the structure of our universe (Hugh Nibley, Temple and Cosmos (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1992), 15)

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The Lord has arranged the cosmological system so that the sun, moon, and stars can be used as celestial timekeepers and prophetic indicators. Joseph Smith taught that “God has made certain decrees which are fixed and immovable; for instance, God set the sun, the moon, and the stars in the heavens, and gave them their laws, conditions, and bounds, which they cannot pass, except by His commandments; they all move in perfect harmony in their sphere and order, and are as lights, wonders, and signs to us” (Teachings, 197-98, 20 March 1842).

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Pilasters in front of the temple

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Stars and Sunstones

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Five and Six Sided Stars

Page 25: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

Stars are often used in the scriptures to symbolize the endless posterity of those who are faithful to the Abrahamic Covenant.

Everyone who is married in the temple and who keeps the covenant has the assurance that he will have eternal increase, that his posterity will be like the dust of the earth and the stars of heaven in number.

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To the early Saints of our dispensation this emblem was known as “The Star of the Morning.”

It is well-known that the morning star is the brightest object in the sky just prior to the breaking of dawn. The reason for its unusual brightness is that this star (actually the planet Venus) “borrows” its light from the sun, which is directly below the horizon.

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An Original Moonstone

Page 28: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

These crescent moons, carved with faces that were turned towards the ground, were identified by W. W. Phelps as “new moons” (Letter to the Prophet’s brother William Smith, 25 December 1844, cited in N. B. Lundwall, comp., Temples of the Most High, collector’s edition (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1993), 47).

The new moon was very important in ancient Israel for indicating the proper time of certain temple festivals.

As a sign that the Savior’s Second Coming is near, the moon --- along with other heavenly bodies --- will cease to give off its light to the earth.

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An Original Sunstone

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On 15 May 1844,while Josiah Quincy visited the temple site in company with the Prophet, he heard the following conversation take place: “Near the entrance to the Temple we passed a workman who was laboring on a huge sun, which had been chiseled from the solid rock… ‘General Smith,” said the man, looking up from his task, ‘is this like the face you saw in vision?’ ‘Very near it,’ answered the Prophet” (Josiah Quincy, Figures of the Past from the Leaves of Old Journals [Boston: Robert Brothers, 1896], 389).

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Brigham Young said the sun is depicted as rising.

The trumpets on the sunstone are held by hands that descend from above the sun’s face, implying that they originate in the heavenly realms.

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The Baptismal Font:

First and foremost the font is a receptacle of life-giving water.

The ancient Israelites saw the ox as the symbol of the tribe of Joseph.

The baptismal font, resting on the backs of the twelve oxen, can thus signify that the burden of vicarious work for the dead has been laid upon the tribe assigned the task of restoring the house of Israel in the last days --- the birthright tribe of Joseph.

Joseph explained that the Lord commanded that the baptismal font be placed below ground level in order for it to symbolize the death and resurrection of the recipient of this ordinance.

Page 33: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

“There was a font erected in the basements story of the Temple, for the baptism of the dead, and healing of the sick, and other purposes; this font was made of wood, and was only intended for the present use; but is now removed, and as soon as the stone cutters get through with the cutting of the stone for the walls of the Temple, they will immediately proceed to cut the stone for and erect a font of hewn stone. Some members of the Church thought that the twelve oxen might be overlaid with fine gold (Times and Seasons, 4:126).

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The Nauvoo Temple

It was the fifth temple contemplated by the early Church and the second one built.

Can you name the others?

Page 35: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

D&C 124 is the revelation in which the commandment to build the Nauvoo Temple was received.

On April 6th, 1841 the cornerstones were laid which included a Bible with an Apocrypha (D&C 91, fifteen books) cut out and pasted in it (Reynolds Calhoon’s idea).

The first baptisms for the dead were performed in the temple on the 21st of November, 1841.

From December 10th – February 7th, 1846 there were over 5,600 endowments performed.

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The official prayer of dedication was offered by Orson Hyde on May 1st, 1846.

On the 9th of October, 1848 the interior of the temple was burned by an arsonist.

On May 27th, 1850, a tornado demolished three of the exterior walls.

In 1856, the last remaining wall was leveled for safety reasons.

It was on May 4th, 1842 when Joseph Smith Jr. began to administer the ordinances revealed to him in the second floor of the Red Brick Store.

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Just for fun!

Which temple is the largest?

1. Salt Lake City 253,015 sq. ft.

2. Los Angeles 190,614 sq. ft.

3. Washington D.C. 160,000 sq. ft.

4. Jordan River Utah 148,236 sq. ft.

5. Provo Utah 128,325 sq. ft.

95. Colonia Juarez Chihuahua 6,800 sq. ft.


(Data from 1995)

Page 38: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

ProclamationsProclamations go to the World!

There have been only five times in the history of the Church when proclamations have been issued by the First Presidency:

#1. 1841

This proclamation thanked the State of Illinois for letting the Saints gather there and letting them establish the Nauvoo Charter. It was an invitation for “all” people to gather to Nauvoo. It also explained the restoration of the Gospel and the true Church of Jesus Christ.

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#2. 1845

This proclamation was sent to the leaders of all the world to testify that the true Church had been restored to the earth and that it would be wise and prudent for them to seek it out.

It was an invitation for the world to repent and be baptized and to gather to Zion. It also bore record of the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum.

It was the only proclamation that was not written by the First Presidency of the Church.


(There was no 1st Presidency)

Parley P. Pratt wrote it to fulfill D&C 124:1-11.

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#3. 1865

The First Presidency wrote a proclamation to the world which taught that all new doctrine for the Church would come through the current President of the Church.

#4. 1980

It was read at the Peter Whitmer Sr. farm home located in Fayette, New York.

It was in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Church.

President Spencer W. Kimball presided at the Priesthood session of General Conference.

It discussed the growth of the Church over the past 150 years.

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#5. 1995

“The Proclamation to the Family”

It contains priceless doctrine on gender, roles of women and men, and the responsibilities of parents raising their children.

Page 42: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

A Tribute to Emma Hale Smith

D&C 25 “An Elect lady”

v.16 This revelation is to “all women”

Page 43: Life in Nauvoo the Beautiful! The Nauvoo Temple: It was built between January 1841 and May 1846. It took all the peoples time and energy for nearly three

Joseph asked her father for her hand in marriage and he refused. So, Joseph and Emma eloped.

Emma had no intention of marrying when she left home, but when she met Joseph she realized that she preferred him over any other man she knew.

Emma was older than Joseph by about a year and a half.

She had a strong Methodist background.

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We have no record that Emma ever saw the plates.

She was the first President of the Relief Society (1842).

She lost six of eleven children.

In her first twelve years of marriage she lived in nine different states.

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She married Lewis C. Bidamen on Dec. 23rd 1847, three years

after the death of Joseph.

Emma did not have any children with Lewis, though she did help to raise his.

Emma died in Nauvoo at the age of 74.

She was meticulous about her dress and appearance.

She was 5 feet nine inches, brown hair, brown eyes.

She was described as “well turned,” and of “excellent proportion.” Joseph said she had “splendid physical development.”

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She loved to sing and was largely responsible for the first hymn book in this dispensation.

Emma scribed for Joseph and said that she marveled how Joseph could dictate to her hour after hour, and when returning after meals, or after interruptions, he could once again begin where he had left off, without either seeing the manuscript or having any portion of it read to him.

In her 24th year she said, “I believe Joseph to be everything he professes to be.”

She was baptized on 28 June, 1830 by Oliver Cowdery.

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Lucy Mack Smith wrote:

“I have never seen a woman in my life, who would endure every species of fatigue and hardship, from month to month, and from year to year, with that unflinching courage, zeal, and patience, which she has ever done; for I know which she has had to endure…She has breasted the storms of persecution, and buffeted the rage of men and devils, which would have borne almost any other woman” (History of Joseph Smith,190-91).

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Emma has been criticized for not following the leadership of Brigham Young and going west with the Saints after the death of Joseph.

Criticism left her to exclaim,

“I have no friend but God, and no place to go but home.”

She married Major Lewis Bidamon and was his wife for thirty-two years.

On one occasion she said, “I have always avoided talking with my children about having anything to do with the church, for I have suffered so much I have dreaded to have them take any part of it.

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Her health failed rapidly in April 1879. Emma’s family rallied to her side the evening of 29 April 1879.

Her son Alexander recalled hearing his mother call, “Joseph, Joseph, Joseph.” Joseph Smith III reported seeing his mother extend her left arm and hearing her say, “Joseph! Yes, yes, I’m coming.”

(Yes, Lewis Bidamon was still alive, he would live for twelve more years).

She died at 4:20 a.m. on 30 April 1879. She was buried next to her husband, the Prophet Joseph Smith.

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Lewis C. Bidamon

On 23 December 1847, about three and a half years after the death of Joseph Smith, the Prophet’s widow, Emma Hale Smith, married Lewis Crum Bidamon.

Bidamon was born 16 January 1804 in Smithville, Virginia. He was 14 when his family moved to Ohio.

Major Bidamon served as a commanding officer for Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk Indian War.

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He became the stepfather of the Prophet’s five children.

Before he married Emma he had been married twice, and was the father of two daughters.

Lewis was known for his profanity, drinking, and infidelity, but Emma expressed affection for him and accepted his shortcomings.

Bidamon died 11 February 1891 in Nauvoo, Illinois (Jenson, Andrew, Latter-day Saint Biological Encyclopedia, 4 vols. 1901-36, Reprint, Salt Lake City: Western Epics, 1971).

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The Relief Society

Joseph Smith stated that, “The Church was never perfectly organized until the women were thus organized” (Church History in the Fullness of Times, 248-49).

John Taylor wanted to call the Relief Society “the Nauvoo Female Benevolent Society.” It was organized on March 17th, 1842.

The women present at the meeting persuaded Joseph to call it the Relief Society. Emma was the first president of the organization. She served for two years. It disbanded when the Saints went west and started up again in 1860. It was officially reinstated in 1867.

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Joseph will have to go to hell to get her!

Now Latter-day Saints, I want to say this to you, when a man lifts his heel against the counsel that we give him, I know that man will apostatize, just as sure as he is a living being, unless he repents and refrains from such conduct. Brother George A. Smith has been reading a little out of the revelation concerning celestial marriage, and I want to say to my sisters that if you lift your heels against this revelation, and say that you would obliterate it, and put it out of existence if you had the power to nullify and destroy it, I say that if you imbibe that spirit and feeling, you will go to hell, just as sure as you are living women.

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Emma took that revelation, supposing she had all there was; but Joseph had wisdom enough to take care of it, and he had handed the revelation to Bishop Whitney, and he wrote it all off. After Joseph had been to Bishop Whitney’s he went home, and Emma began teasing for the revelation. She said --- “Joseph, you promised me that revelation, and if you are a man of your word you will give it to me.” Joseph took it from his pocket and said --- “Take it.” She went to the fire-place and threw the revelation it in, and put the candle under it and burnt it, and she thought that was the end of it, and she will be damned as sure as she is a living woman. Joseph used to say that he would have her hereafter, if he had to go to hell for her, and he will have to go to hell for her as sure as he ever gets her (JD, 17:159, Brigham Young, August 9th, 1874).

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The Prophet Joseph Smith remarked in the meeting that afternoon how he rejoiced in the love of his faithful wife Emma, who had given her hand, her heart and her soul to him in Harmony, Pennsylvania, when first he had been called to the work of the Lord, and had braved all these difficulties with him; and he made this remark, that whatever happened to Emma, he would go, if he had to go to hell, to find her and bring her home, that she might share with him the blessings of his exaltation as she had shared with him his sufferings. He rejoiced greatly in the anticipation of these external family relations in the future (Collected Discourses, Vol. 5, Franklin D. Richards, October 5, 1896).

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“Two of Emma’s children came to him as just from there mother --- all so nice and bright and sweet.” “Benjamin, look at these children. How could I help loving their mother; if necessary I would go to hell for such a woman.” Johnson added, “…although at the time he had in the mansion other wives younger and apparently more brilliant --- yet Emma the wife of his youth --- to me appeared the queen of his heart and of his home” (Johnson, My Life’s Review, 107). (E. Dale LeBaron; BYU Studies Vol. 32, No. 1, 190)

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Charles C. Rich called at the mansion house in Nauvoo to go with the Prophet on some appointment they had together. As he waited in the main lobby or parlor, he saw the Prophet and Emma come out of the room upstairs and walk together toward the stairway which apparently came down the center.

Almost at the same time, a door opposite opened and a dainty, little, dark haired Eliza R. Snow (she was heavy with child) came out and walked toward the center stairway. When Joseph saw her, he turned and kissed Emma goodbye, and she remained standing at the banister. Joseph then walked on to the stairway, where he tenderly kissed Eliza, and then came down stairs toward Brother Rich.

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Just as he reached the bottom step, there was a commotion on the stairway, and both Joseph and Brother Rich turned quickly to see Eliza come tumbling down the stairs. Emma had pushed her in a fit of rage and jealousy; she stood at the top of the stairs, glowering, her countenance a picture of hell. Joseph quickly picked up the little lady , and with her in his arms, he turned and looked at Emma, who then burst into tears and ran to her room. Joseph carried the hurt and bruised Eliza up the stairs and to her room. “Her hip was injured and that is why she always afterward favored that leg,” said Charles C. Rich. “She lost the unborn baby” (Historians Corner: BYU Studies Vol. 22, No. 1, 89-90).

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Eliza Roxcy Snow was sealed to Joseph in 1842 as a plural wife and lived in the Smith home for six months. She was later married to Brigham Young in 1844 for time only.

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“At present the Prophet Joseph’s boys lay apparently in a state of slumber, everything seems to be perfectly calm with them, but by and by God will wake them up and they will roar like the thunder of Mt. Sinai” (JD, vol. 4, 6).

There is apparently a vision of Joseph taking Emma to a mansion where she hugs Jon Carlos; when she asks Joseph where the rest of their children are. He tells her they have to be patient (Beloved Emma, Chapter 36, 173).