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“A intolerância religiosa e as Relações Internacionais”

Por Hannah Belle França Duarte





Papers e Artigos............................................................................................................15



A bibliografia é praticamente na lingua inglesa, o que existe sobre o tema de intolerância religiosa relevante para o trabalho na língua portuguesa é escasso, enquanto que bastante abundante em língua inglesa.

As pesquisas foram feitas principalmente por meio do portal da USP, e o site Ebrary, algumas bases de dados como o do PEW e o site do governo norte-americano também foram bastante úteis. A maior parte da bibliografia são livros ou capítulos de livros, apesar de haverem artigos bastante interessantes.

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Fontes jornalísticas estarão praticamente excluídas da bibliografia, uma vez que elas são muito tendenciosas, especialmente se tratando da intolerância praticada por alguns grupos islâmicos, o que prejudicaria a pesquisa.



ADIB-MOGHADDAM, Arshin. What is the Clash of Civilizations? Contrapuntal Reflections. In: MAHDAVI, Mojtaba &ANDY Knight, W., eds. Ethics and Global Politics : Towards the Dignity of Difference?: Neither End of History nor Clash of Civilization. Abingdon: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2012. P. 27 – 42. [COMPRAR NOS EUA]

ALI, Shaheen Sardar. ‘Sytematically closed, cognitively open’? A Critical Analysis of Transformative Processes in Islamic Law and Mislim State Practice. In:VERSEN, Hans Raun & CHRISTOFFERSEN, Lisbet & PETERSEN, Hanne. Religion in the 21st Century: Challenges and Transformations. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2010. P. 119 – 140. [COMPRAR NOS EUA]

AN-NA`IM, Abdullahi A. Human Right and the Imperative of Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Na Islamic Perspective. In: GOLDEWIJK, Berma Klein, ed. Religion, International Relations And Development Cooperation. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2007. P.305 – 322. [COMPRAR NOS EUA]

AYOOB, Mohammed. Self-Proclaimed Islamic States. In: AYOOB, Mohammed. The Many Faces of Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Muslim World, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2007. P. 42 – 63.

ADDICOTT, Jeffery & BHUIYAN, Md Jahid Hossain & CHOWDHURY, Tareq M.R.. Globalization, International Law, and Human Rights, Oxford Scholarship Online, Inglaterra, 2012.

AHDAR, Rex & Leigh, Ian. Religious Freedom in the Liberal State, Oxford Scholarship Online, Inglaterra, 2013.

AYOOB, Mohammed. The Many Faces of Political Islam. In: AYOOB, Mohammed. The Many Faces of Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Muslim World , Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2007. P. 152 – 170.

BEYER, Peter. ‘Fundamentalist’ and the Pluralizations of Value-Orientations. In:VERSEN, Hans Raun & CHRISTOFFERSEN, Lisbet & PETERSEN, Hanne.

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Religion in the 21st Century: Challenges and Transformations. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2010. P. 37 – 50. [JÁ está listado]

BOSCO, Robert M.. Introduction: Religion as a NationalSecurity Enigma. In: BOSCO, Robert M.. Configurations: Critical Studies of World Politics: Securing the Sacred: Religion, National Security, and the Western State. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014.P. 1 – 12.

BOSCO, Robert M.. Religion and International Security: Theory and Method. In: BOSCO, Robert M.. Configurations: Critical Studies of World Politics: Securing the


Sacred: Religion, National Security, and the Western State. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014.P. 13 – 26.

BOSCO, Robert M..Securitization of Religion: The Basic Discourse. In: BOSCO, Robert M.. Configurations: Critical Studies of World Politics: Securing the Sacred: Religion, National Security, and the Western State. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014.P. 27 – 45.

BRADLEY, Mark. Iran and Christianity : Historical Identity and Present Relevance. Londres: Continuum International Publishing, 2008. (VER NOS EUA, 34 NO AMAZON!!!!)

BURLEIGH, Michael. Sacred Causes: The Clash of Religion and Politics, From the Great War to the War on Terror, Nova York: Harper; 1ª Edição, 2007.

CASANOVA, José. Religion Challeging the Myth of Secular Democracy. In:VERSEN, Hans Raun & CHRISTOFFERSEN, Lisbet & PETERSEN, Hanne. Religion in the 21st Century: Challenges and Transformations. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2010. P. 19 – 36.

CESARI, Jocelyne. Muslims in the West after 9/11: Religion, Politics and Law (Routledge Studies in Liberty and Security), Routledge : Routledge, 1ª Edição, 2010.

CHUBIN, Shahram & EHTESHAMI, Anoushiravan & BYMAN, Daniel L.. Iran's Security Policy in the Post-Revolutionay Era. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 2001. [Não encontrei]

CLAWSON, Patrick, and Rubin, Michael. Eternal Iran : Continuity and Chaos. Gordonsville: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.Ebrary

CLOKE, Paul. The-Ethics and Radical Faith-Based Praxis in the Postsecular City. In: MOLENDIJK, Arie & BEAUMONT, Justin & JEDAN, Christoph, eds. International Studies in Religion and Society: Exploring the Postsecular : The Religious, the Political and the Urban. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, , Volume 13, 2010. P. 223 – 242. [Não encontrei]

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COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. Iran: Time for a New Approach. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2004.

CRISTI, Marcela. Civil Religion and the Spirit of Nationalism. In: CRISTI, Marcela. From Civil to Political Religion: The Intersection of Culture, Religion and Politics. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001. P.187 – 121.[amazon] [ NO AMAZON, 14]

CRISTI, Marcela. Stante-Directed Civil Religions in Comparative Perspective. In: CRISTI, Marcela. From Civil to Political Religion: The Intersection of Culture, Religion and Politics. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001. P.135 – 164. [ NO AMAZON, 14]

CRISTI, Marcela. Theoretical Fundations. In: CRISTI, Marcela. From Civil to Political Religion: The Intersection of Culture, Religion and Politics. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001. P.15 – 46. [ NO AMAZON, 14]


CRISTI, Marcela. The “Problem” of Legitimacy, Power, and Politics. In: CRISTI, Marcela. From Civil to Political Religion: The Intersection of Culture, Religion and Politics. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001. P.91 – 133. [ NO AMAZON, 14]

DALLMAYR, Fred. Dialogue among Faiths: The Dignity of Religious Difference. In: MAHDAVI, Mojtaba &ANDY Knight, W., eds. Ethics and Global Politics : Towards the Dignity of Difference?: Neither End of History nor Clash of Civilization. Abingdon: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2012. P. 115 – 126. [procurar nos EUA, 52 no amazon]

DANIEL, Elton L.. History of Iran. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2000. [Procura nos EUA]

DRINAN, Robert F.. A New Global Right: Religious Freedom. In: DRINAN, Robert F.. Can God and Caesar Coexist?: Balancing Religious Freedom and International Law. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. P. 1 – 7. Amazon

DRINAN, Robert F.. Religion in the Structure of the United Nations . In: DRINAN, Robert F.. Can God and Caesar Coexist?: Balancing Religious Freedom and International Law. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. P. 30 – 47. Ibidem

DRINAN, Robert F.. Religious Freedom and the Muslim World. In: DRINAN, Robert F.. Can God and Caesar Coexist?: Balancing Religious Freedom and International Law. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. Ibidem

DRINAN, Robert F.. The Dimensions of the Freedom of Religion and Conscience. In: DRINAN, Robert F.. Can God and Caesar Coexist?: Balancing Religious Freedom and International Law. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. P. 8 – 29. Ibidem

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DRINAN, Robert F.. When Governments Repress and Persecute Religion. In: DRINAN, Robert F.. Can God and Caesar Coexist?: Balancing Religious Freedom and International Law. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. Ibidem

DURWARD, Rosemary. God, the State and War. In: DURWARD, Rosemary & MARSDEN, Lee, eds. Religion, Conflict and Military Intervention. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2009. P. 33 – 51. [Procurar nos EUA, 37 no amazon]

EHTESHAMI, Anoushiravan, and Zweiri, Mahjoob, eds. Iran's Foreign Policy : From Khatami to Ahmadinejad. Reading: Ithaca Press, 2008. [Procurar nos EUA]

FALK, Richard. Religion and Humane Global Governance, Londres:Palgrave Macmillan; 1ª Edição, 2001(Ebrary) e amazon

FALK, Richard.The Challenge of Genocidal Politics in na Era of Globalization. In: FALK, Richard. Human Rights Horizons: The Pursuit of Justice in a Globalizing World. Londres: Routledge, 2000. P. – 173 – 187.ibidem


FALK, Richard. The Geopolitics of Exclusion: The Case of Islam. In: FALK, Richard. Human Rights Horizons: The Pursuit of Justice in a Globalizing World. Londres: Routledge, 2000. P. 147 – 164. ibidem

FISCHER, Michael. Iran : From Religious Dispute to Revolution. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003. Amazon

FORTMAN, Bas de Gaay. The Sacred Realm: Domain of New Threats and Challenges. In: FRERKS, Georg, & GOLDEWIJK, Berma Klein, eds. Human Security And International Insecurity. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2006. P. 153 – 164. [Não encontrei]

FOX, Jonathan & SANDLER, Shmuel. Local Religious Conflicts are International Issues. In: FOX, Jonathan & SANDLER, Shmuel. Bringing Religion into International Relations. Gordonsville: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. [ AMAZON]

FOX, Jonathan & SANDLER, Shmuel. Toward a Theory of International Relations and Religion. In: FOX, Jonathan & SANDLER, Shmuel. Bringing Religion into International Relations. Gordonsville: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.ibidem

GHANEA, Nazila. Islam, Humna Rights and Religious Intolerance: The case of the Baha’ís of Iran. DARK, K. R.. Religion and International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000. P. 113 – 139. [ Não encontrei]

GHEISSARI, Ali, ed. Contemporary Iran : Economy, Society, Politics. Cary: Oxford University Press, USA, 2009. [ Amazon]

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GOLDEWIJK, Berma Klein. ‘New Wars’ and The State: The Nexus Religion-Human Security. In: FRERKS, Georg, & GOLDEWIJK, Berma Klein, eds. Human Security And International Insecurity. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2006. P. 65 – 100. – tá mais pra cima

GOLDEWIJK, Berma Klein . Resurgence of Religion, International Relations and Development Cooperation: Main Challenges Ahead. In: GOLDEWIJK, Berma Klein, ed. Religion, International Relations And Development Cooperation. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2007. P. 23 – 56. Ebrary

GOPIN, Marc . Between Religion and Conflict Resolution: Mapping a New Field of Study. In: GOPIN, Marc. Between Eden and Armageddon : The Future of World Religions, Violence, and Peacemaking. Cary: Oxford University Press, 2002. P. 13 – 32. Ebrary

GOPIN, Marc . Systematic Recommendations for Intervention in Contemporary Conflicts. In: GOPIN, Marc. Between Eden and Armageddon : The Future of World Religions, Violence, and Peacemaking. Cary: Oxford University Press, 2002. P. 199 – 228 Ebrary


GORSKY, Philip S.. Recovered Goods: Durkheimian Sociology as Virtue Ethics. In: GORSKI, Philip & KIM, David Kyuman & TORPEY, John, eds. Post-Secular in Question : Religion in Contemporary Society. New York: New York University Press (NYU Press), 2012. P. 77 – 103. Ebrary

GUNNING, Jeroen. Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence, Nova York: Columbia University Press 2008. [ 16 no amazon]

HAAR, Gerrie ter. Religious War, Terrorism, and Peace: A response to Marc Juergensmeyer. In: TSURUOKA, Yoshio, & TER HAAR, Gerrie, eds. International Studies in Religion and Society: Religion and Society : An Agenda for the 21st Century. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, Vol. 5, 2007. P.19 – 28. Amazon

HACKETT, Rosalind I. J.. Religious Dimensions of War and Peace: Introduction. In: TSURUOKA, Yoshio, & TER HAAR, Gerrie, eds. International Studies in Religion and Society: Religion and Society : An Agenda for the 21st Century. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, Vol. 5, 2007. P. 3 – 6. Ibidem

HANAFI, Hassan. Cultures in Conflicts or Dialogue? Alternative Models. In: MAHDAVI, Mojtaba &ANDY Knight, W., eds. Ethics and Global Politics : Towards the Dignity of Difference?: Neither End of History nor Clash of Civilization. Abingdon: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2012. P. 239 – 244. Procurar nos EUA.

HANSON, Eric O.. Religion and Politics in the International System Today, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2006. Amazon

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HASSAN, Riffat. Religion, Ethics and Violence: Developing a New Muslim Discourse. In: GOLDEWIJK, Berma Klein, ed. Religion, International Relations And Development Cooperation. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2007. P. 161 – 186. Tá mais pra cima

HASSAN-YARI, Houchang. Clashology within Islam: Not Civilisational, but political. In: MAHDAVI, Mojtaba &ANDY Knight, W., eds. Ethics and Global Politics : Towards the Dignity of Difference?: Neither End of History nor Clash of Civilization. Abingdon: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2012. P. 71 – 82. Tá mais pra cima

HAYNES, Jeffrey Religion and Development: Conflict or Cooperation?, Nova York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. [ Procurar nos EUA, 6 dólares amazon]

HAYNES, Jeffrey. Religion and International Security. In: HAYNES, Jeffrey. Religion and International Security : Religious Transnational Religions and Soft Power. Abingdon: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2012. P. 59 – 76. Ebrary


HAYNES, Jeffrey. Religion and politics in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. In: Religion and Politics in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Abingdon: Routledge, 2010. P. 1 – 20. No meu computador, pasta tcc

HAYNES, Jeffrey. Religious Transnational Actors and Soft Power: Shia Networks in Iran and Iraq. In: HAYNES, Jeffrey. Religion and International Security : Religious Transnational Religions and Soft Power. Abingdon: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2012. P. 131 – 142. Ebrary, TÁ ALI EM CIMA

HAYNES, Jeffrey. Routledge handbook of religion and politics. Londres: London Routledge New York, 2010. Biblioteca USP, IMPRESSO!!

HAYNES, Jeffrey. The Politics of Religion a Survey.Londres: Routledge, 2006. Biblioteca USP IMPRESSO!!

HOLLIDAY, Shabnam J.. Defining Iran : Discources and Counter-Discources of Iranian National Identity. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2011. Não encontrei. Mto caro no amazon. Ver nos EUA

HOOVER, Dennis R. & SEIPLE, Robert A.. Religion and Security: The New Nexus in International Relations. Nova York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004. AMAZON

HURD, Elizabeth Shakman. Politics of Secularism in International Relations. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. Ebrary

HUSSAIN, Monawar. Islam and the News In: MITCHELL, Jolyon & GOWER, Owen, Eds. Religion and the News. Abingdon: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012. P. 129-138 3 dólares amazon

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HVITHAMAR, Annika. Nationalism and Civil Religion. What is the Difference?. In: HVITHAMAR & WARBURG, M., eds. International Studies in Religion and Society: Holy Nations and Global Identities: Civil Religion, Nationalism, and Globalisation. Boston: BRILL, Volume 10, 2009. P. 99 – 119. ebrary

IVERSEN, Hans Raun & CHRISTOFFERSEN, Lisbet & PETERSEN, Hanne. Religion in the 21st Century : Challenges and Transformations. Farnham, Surrey, GBR: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2010. ebrary

JETTOT, Stéphane. Diplomacy, Religion and Political Stability: The views of Three English Diplomats. In: ONNEKINK, David, ed. War and Religion after Westphalia, 1648–1713. Ashgate Publishing Group Abingdon, 2009. P. 89 – 102. Ebrary

JONG, Dennis De. Freedom of Religion and Belief in the Light of Recent Challenges: Needs, Clashes and Solutions. In: GHANEA-HERCOCK, Nazila & STEPHENS, Alan, eds. Studies in Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights: Does God Believe in Human Rights? : Essays on Religion and Human Rights. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, Volume 5, 2007. P. 181 – 206. Ver nos EUA, mto caro no amazon

JOHNSTON, Douglas & SAMPSON, Cynthia & JIMMY CARTER. Religion, The Missing Dimension of Statecraft, Oxford University Press, Inglaterra, 1995 amazon

JUERGENSMEYER, Mark. Religious War, Terrorism, and Peace. In: TSURUOKA, Yoshio, & TER HAAR, Gerrie, eds. International Studies in Religion and Society: Religion and Society : An Agenda for the 21st Century. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, Vol. 5, 2007. P. 7 – 18. Amazon

KATOUZIAN, Homa. Persians : Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Iran. Cumberland: Yale University Press, 2009.KHANBAGHI, Aptin. Fire, the Star and the Cross: Minority Religions in Medieval and Early Modern Iran. London: I.B. Tauris, 2006. Ver nos EUA, 12 no amazon

KATOUZIAN, Homa. Persians : Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Iran. Cumberland: Yale University Press, 2009.Ibidem

KILLE, Kent J.. UN Secretary-General and Moral Authority : Ethics and Religion in International Leadership. Washington, DC, USA: Georgetown University Press, 2007. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 21 April 2015.

LELLIS, Lélio Macimino & HEES, Carlos Alexandre. Introdução à teoria do direito à liberdade religiosa In: Manual de Liberdade Religiosa, Ideal Editora, 2013. GOOGLE

LERNER, Natan. Religion and Terrorism. In: Studies in Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights: Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights : 25 Years After the 1981 Declaration. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, Volume 2, 2006. Ebrary

MALM, Andreas & ESMALIAN, Shora. Iran on the Brink : Rising Workers and Threats of War. London: Pluto Press, 2007. Amazon, 4 dólares

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MAMDANI, Mahmood. The Secular Roots of Radical Political Islam. In: GOLDEWIJK, Berma Klein, ed. Religion, International Relations And Development Cooperation. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2007. P. 129 – 152. Mais em cima

MAHDANI, Mojtaba &ANDY Knight, W., eds. Ethics and Global Politics : Towards the Dignity of Difference? : Neither End of History nor Clash of Civilization. Abingdon, Oxon, GBR: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2012. ebrary.

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MARSDEN, Lee. Hijacking the Human Rights and HUmanitarian Assistance Agenda. In: MARSDEN, Lee. For God's Sake: The Christian Right and US Foreign Policy. London: Zed Books, 2008. P. 85 – 113. ebrary

MARSDEN, Lee & SAVIGNY, Heather. Towards a Theorisation of the Link Between Media, Religion and Conflict. In: MARSDEN, Lee & SAVIGNY, Heather, eds. Media Religion and Conflict. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2009. Mto caro no Amazon, ver nos EUA

MIRSEPASSI, Ali. Democracy in Modern Iran : Islam, Culture, and Political Change. New York: New York University Press (NYU Press), 2010 Amazon, 2

MOJAHEDI, Mohammad Mahdi. Humna Rights and Mislim Forms of Life: A pluralist Approach with Especial Emphasis on Iran. In: GOLDEWIJK, Berma Klein, ed. Religion, International Relations And Development Cooperation. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2007. P. 187 – 216. Mais em cima

MOTTAHEDEH, Roy. The Mantle of the Prophet, Londres: Oneworld Publications, 2ª edição, 2008.Ebrary

MUKHERJEE, Kunal. Islamism and Neo-fundamentalism. In: DURWARD, Rosemary & MARSDEN, Lee, eds. Religion, Conflict and Military Intervention. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2009. P. 17 – 32. Mais em cima, no amazon tá mto caro


MUNRO, Sarah. Forget-Me-Not, Iran. Bristol: Intellect Ltd., 2011. Ver nos EUA 14 no Amazon

ONNEKINK, David. Introduction: The ‘Dark Alliance’ between Religion and War. In: ONNEKINK, David, ed. War and Religion after Westphalia, 1648–1713. Ashgate Publishing Group Abingdon, 2009. P. 1- 16. Ebrary

PETITO, Fabio & HATZOPOULOS, Pavlos, eds. Religion in International Relations : The Return from Exile. Gordonsville: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003 Ebrary

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RAKEL, Eva Patricia. International Comparative Social Studies : Power, Islam, and Political Elite in Ira : A Study on the Iranian Political Elite from Khomeini to Ahmadinejad. Leiden: BRILL, Volume 18, 2009.

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SANASARIAN, Eliz. Religious Minorities in Iran. Port Chester: Cambridge University Press, 2000.SARGENT, Wendy M.. Civilizing Peace Building : Twenty-first Century Global Politics. Abingdon: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2007. Ebrary

SCHIMMEL, Solomon. The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs: Fundamentalism and the Fear of Truth, Oxford Scholarship Online, Inglaterra, 2008. DOWNLOAD, TÁ NO COMPUTADOR!

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SNYDER, Jack. Religion and International Relations Theory. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. Amazon

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SOFAER, Abraham D.. Taking on Iran : Strength, Diplomacy, and the Iranian Threat. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 2013. 6 dólares Amazon, procurar EUA

STUMPF, Christoph A.. Religion and Society : The Grotian Theology of International Law : Hugo Grotius and the Moral Foundations of International Relations. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2012. Ebrary

TALHAMI, Ghada Hashem. Terrorism across Nations: Jihad, Terrorism and their Critics. In: MAHDAVI, Mojtaba &ANDY Knight, W., eds. Ethics and Global Politics : Towards the Dignity of Difference?: Neither End of History nor Clash of Civilization. Abingdon: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2012. P. 293 – 304.Mais em cima

TEMPERMEN, Jeroen. State-Religion Relationships and Human Rights Law : Towards a Right to Religiously Neutral Governance. Leiden, NLD: Martinus Nijhoff, 2010. ebrary

THOMAS, Scott. Global Resurgence of Religion and the Transformation of International Relations: The Struggle for the Soul of the Twenty-First Century. Gordonsville: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. ebrary

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THOMAS, Scott. Religon and International Conflict. In: DARK, K. R .. Religion and International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000.P. 1 – 23. (?)

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VAN DER VER, Johannes A. Religious Liberty in Political Perspective. In: VAN DER VER, Johannes A. & ZIEBERTZ, Hans-Georg, eds. Empirical Research in Religion and Human Rights: Tensions Within and Between Religions and Human Rights. Leiden: BRILL Volume 2, 2012. Ver nos EUA, mto caro amazon

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