let’s study for the test! in november, 1806 napoleon set up a blockade to prevent all trade and...

Let’s study for the test!

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Let’s study for the test!

In November, 1806 Napoleon set up a blockade to prevent all trade and communication between Great Britain and Continental Europe.

This is called the Continental System.

The purpose of the Continental System was to make Europe self-sufficient and to destroy Great Britain

In response, the British started their own blockade– this blockade would eventually lead to the War of 1812

Click the picture above for more info on the War of 1812!

Learn about the Continental System here!!

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In an effort to get Portugal to join the Continental System, Napoleon invaded Spain during his travel to Portugal.

As you can imagine, the Spanish people were upset and quickly rebelled!

Napoleon removed the Spanish King and but his own brother Louis on the throne.

After six years of war, the British eventually aided the Spanish in order to remove Napoleon.

Nationalism was an important tool for the Spanish people. It empowered them to rebel against Napoleon!

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what Nationalism


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The alliance between Napoleon and Alexander was quickly falling apart.

In response, Napoleon invaded Russia– he did not expect everything to be destroyed

The Russians practiced scorched earth policy– the destroying of crops and live stock to deprive the enemy

Napoleon marched 420,000 troops into Russia, leaving with only 10,000 and no victory

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Following Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, the allied forces (Russia, Prussia, Sweden and Austria) joined together to get rid of Napoleon.

Weak and with a diminished army, Napoleon was forced to surrender and exiled to the Elba Island. A small island off the coast of Italy.

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The Continental System or Continental Blockade (known in French as Blocus continental) was the foreign policy of Napoleon I of France in his struggle against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland during the Napoleonic Wars. It was a large-scale embargo against British trade, inaugurated on November 21, 1806. This embargo ended on April 11, 1814 after Napoleon's first abdication.

The main flaw in the Continental Plan was that Britain still had naval dominance, which meant that Napoleon could only enforce his law on land.

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Famous paining by Goya callled The Third of May. The picture shows French troops accusing Spanish peasants of being guerillas.

What are guerillas?

Small groups that plan surprise attacks and then go back into hiding.

It was very successful during the Peninsular War.

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Name three mistakes made by Napoleon, that lead to his


What is the Continental System?

What helped the Spanish during the Peninsular War?

What strategy did the Russians use to defeat Napoleon’s Grand Army?

What island was Napoleon exiled to?