lessons learned: using spark and microservices


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Post on 23-Feb-2017




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Who I am

• Software engineer for 15+ years

• Consultant at Ippon USA, previously at Ippon France

• Favorite subjects: Spark, Machine Learning, Cassandra

• Spark trainer

• @aseigneurin

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• 200 software engineers in France, the US and Australia

• In the US: offices in DC, NYC and Richmond, Virginia

• Digital, Big Data and Cloud applications

• Java & Agile expertise

• Open-source projects: JHipster, Tatami, etc.

• @ipponusa

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The project• Analyze records from customers → Give feedback to the customer on their data

• High volume of data• 25 millions records per day (average)• Need to keep at least 60 days of history = 1.5 Billion records• Seasonal peaks...

• Need an hybrid platform• Batch processing for some types of analysis• Streaming for other analyses

• Hybrid team• Data Scientists: more familiar with Python• Software Engineers: Java

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Technical Overview

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Processing technology - Spark

• Mature platform

• Supports batch jobs and streaming jobs

• Support for multiple programming languages• Python → Data Scientists• Scala/Java → Software Engineers

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Architecture - Real time platform• New use cases are implemented by Data Scientists all the time

• Need the implementations to be independent from each other• One Spark Streaming job per use case

• Microservice-inspired architecture• Diamond-shaped

• Upstream jobs are written in Scala• Core is made of multiple Python jobs, one per use case• Downstream jobs are written in Scala

• Plumbing between the jobs → Kafka


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Architecture - Real time platform 2/2

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Messaging technology - KafkaFrom kafka.apache.org

• “A high-throughput distributed messaging system”• Messaging: between 2 Spark jobs• Distributed: fits well with Spark, can be scaled up or down• High-throughput: so as to handle an average of 300 messages/second, peaks at 2000 m/s

• “Apache Kafka is publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed commit log”• Commit log so that you can go back in time and reprocess data• Only used as such when a job crashes, for resilience purposes

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• Currently PostgreSQL:• SQL databases are well known by developers and easy to work with• PostgreSQL is available “as-a-service” on AWS

• Working on transitioning to Cassandra (more on that later)

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Deployment platform• Amazon AWS

• Company standard - Everything in the cloud• Easy to scale up or down, ability to choose the hardware

• Some limitations• Requirement to use company-crafted AMIs

• Cannot use some services (EMR…)• AMIs are renewed every 2 months → need to recreate the platform


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Strengths of the platform

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• One Spark job per use case• Hot deployments: can roll out new use cases (= new jobs) without

stopping existing jobs• Can roll out updated code without affecting other jobs• Able to measure the resources consumed by a single job

• Shared services are provided by upstream and downstream jobs

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A/B testing

• A/B testing of updated features• Run 2 implementations of the code in parallel• Let each filter process the data of all the customers• Post-filter to let the customers receive A or B• (Measure…)

• Can be used to slowly roll out new features

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Data Scientists can contribute

• Spark in Python → pySpark• Data Scientists know Python (and don’t want to hear about Java/

Scala!)• Business logic implemented in Python• Code is easy to write and to read• Data Scientists are real contributors → quick iterations to production

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Data Scientist code in production

• Shipping code written by Data Scientists is not ideal• Need production-grade code (error handling, logging…)• Code is less tested than Scala code• Harder to deploy than a JAR file → Python Virtual Environments

• blog.cloudera.com/blog/2015/09/how-to-prepare-your-apache-hadoop-cluster-for-pyspark-jobs/

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Allocation of resources in Spark• With Spark Streaming, resources (CPU & memory) are allocated per job

• Resources are allocated when the job is submitted and cannot be updated on the fly

• Have to allocate 1 core to the Driver of the job → unused resource

• Have to allocate extra resources to each job to handle variations in traffic → unused resources

• For peak periods, easy to add new Spark Workers but jobs have to restarted

• Idea to be tested:• Over allocation of real resources, e.g let Spark know it has 6 cores on a 4-cores server

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Micro-batchesSpark streaming processes events in micro-batches

• Impact on the latency• Spark Streaming micro-batches → hard to achieve sub-second latency

• See spark.apache.org/docs/latest/streaming-programming-guide.html#task-launching-overheads• Total latency of the system = sum of the latencies of each stage• In this use case, events are independent from each other - no need for windowing computation → a

real streaming framework would be more appropriate

• Impact on memory usage• Kafka+Spark using the direct approach = 1 RDD partition per Kafka partition• If you start the Spark with lots of unprocessed data in Kafka, RDD partitions can exceed the size of

the memory

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Resilience of Spark jobs

• Spark Streaming application = 1 Driver + 1 Application• Application = N Executors

• If an Executor dies → restarted (seamless)

• If the Driver dies, the whole Application must be restarted• Scala/Java jobs → “supervised” mode• Python jobs → not supported with Spark Standalone

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Resilience with Spark & Kafka• Connecting Spark to Kafka, 2 methods:

• Receiver-based approach: not ideal for parallelism• Direct approach: better for parallelism but have to deal with Kafka offsets

• Dealing with Kafka offsets• Default: consumes from the end of the Kafka topic (or the beginning)• Documentation → Use checkpoints

• Tasks have to be Serializable (not always possible: dependent libraries)• Harder to deploy the application (classes are serialized) → run a new instance in parallel and

kill the first one (harder to automate; messages consumed twice)• Requires a shared file system (HDFS, S3) → big latency on these FS that forces to increase the

micro-batch interval


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Resilience with Spark & Kafka

• Dealing with Kafka offsets• Solution: deal with offsets in the Spark Streaming application

• Write the offsets to a reliable storage: ZooKeeper, Kafka…• Write after processing the data

• Read the offsets on startup (if no offsets, start from the end)• ippon.tech/blog/spark-kafka-achieving-zero-data-loss/


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Writing to Kafka

• Spark Streaming comes with a library to read from Kafka but none to write to Kafka!

• Flink or Kafka Streams do that out-of-the-box

• Cloudera provides an open-source library:• github.com/cloudera/spark-kafka-writer• (Has been removed by now!)

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IdempotenceSpark and fault-tolerance semantics:

• Spark can provide exactly once guarantee only for the transformation of the data

• Writing the data is at least once with non-transactional systems (including Kafka in our case)

• See spark.apache.org/docs/latest/streaming-programming-guide.html#fault-tolerance-semantics

→ The overall system has to be idempotent

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Message format & schemas• Spark jobs are decoupled, but each depends on the upstream job

• Message formats have to be agreed upon• JSON

• Pros: flexible• Cons: flexible! (missing fields)

• Avro• Pros: enforces a structure (named fields + types)• Cons: hard to propagate the schemas

→ Confluent’s Schema Registry (more on that later)

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Potential & upcoming improvements

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Confluent’s Schema Registrydocs.confluent.io/3.0.0/schema-registry/docs/index.html

• Separate (web) server to manage & enforce Avro schemas

• Stores schemas, versions them, and can perform compatibility checks (configurable: backward or forward)

• Makes life simpler :✓ no need to share schemas (“what version of the schema is this?”)✓ no need to share generated classes✓ can update the producer with backward-compatible messages without affecting the



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Confluent’s Schema Registry

• Comes with:• A Kafka Serializer (for the producer): sends the schema of the object to the Schema Registry before sending the record to Kafka

• Message sending fails if schema compatibility fails• A Kafka Decoder (for the consumer): retrieves the schema from the Schema Registry when a message comes in


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Kafka Streamsdocs.confluent.io/3.0.0/streams/index.html

• “powerful, easy-to-use library for building highly scalable, fault-tolerant, distributed stream processing applications on top of Apache Kafka”

• Perfect fit for micro-services on top of Kafka• Natively consumes messages from Kafka• Natively pushes produced messages to Kafka• Processes messages one at a time → very low latency


• Pros• API is very similar to Spark’s API• Deploy new instances of the application to scale out

• Cons• JVM languages only - no support for Python• Outside of Spark - one more thing to manage

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Kafka Streams

Properties props = new Properties();props.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "xxx"); props.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9093"); props.put(StreamsConfig.ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_CONFIG, "localhost:2182"); props.put(StreamsConfig.KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass().getName());props.put(StreamsConfig.VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass().getName());props.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "latest");KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder();KStream<String, String> kafkaInput = builder.stream(“INPUT-TOPIC");KStream<String, RealtimeXXX> auths = kafkaInput.mapValues(value -> ...);KStream<String, byte[]> serializedAuths = auths.mapValues(a -> AvroSerializer.serialize(a));serializedAuths.to(Serdes.String(), Serdes.ByteArray(), “OUTPUT-TOPIC"); KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, props);streams.start();


Example (Java)

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Database migration• The database stores the state

• Client settings or analyzed behavior• Historical data (up to 60 days)• Produced outputs

• Some technologies can store a state (e.g. Samza) but hardly 60 days of data

• Initially used PostgreSQL• Easy to start with• Available on AWS “as-a-service”: RDS• Cannot scale to 60 days of historical data, though

• Cassandra is a good fit• Scales out for the storage of historical data• Connects to Spark

• Load Cassandra data into Spark, or saves data from Spark to Cassandra• Can be used to reprocess existing data for denormalization purposes

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Is the microservices architecture adequate?

• Interesting to separate the implementations of the use cases

• Overhead for the other services

Is Spark adequate?

• Supports Python (not supported by Kafka Streams)

• Micro-batches not adequate

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Thank you!@aseigneurin