lessons learned student revelations our purpose and philosophy revealed

Lessons Learned Student Revelations Our Purpose and philosophy revealed

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Page 1: Lessons Learned Student Revelations Our Purpose and philosophy revealed

Lessons LearnedStudent Revelations

Our Purpose and philosophy revealed

Page 2: Lessons Learned Student Revelations Our Purpose and philosophy revealed

Finishing the marathon showed me how strong I am and how with determination, commitment and positivity anything that seems impossible can actually be achieved.

Our Greatest Lesson

Page 3: Lessons Learned Student Revelations Our Purpose and philosophy revealed

To conclude, because of SRLA I know that I will also be successful throughout my life journey because I have proved to myself that I am capable of challenging myself and achieving anything I want because I am a persistent and determined individual.

Proof of What We Teach

Page 4: Lessons Learned Student Revelations Our Purpose and philosophy revealed

After completing my first marathon, I was respected way more than before by my classmates and others around me. I knew if I could push through a marathon through all the cramps and all the pain, then I could push through any of the challenges in school or life itself being thrown at me.

The Rise in Self Esteem

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I am and feel a lot more healthy than ever before. I stopped drinking soda because of running and that makes me feel healthier as well. It hurt my stomach and slowed me down so I quit and drank more water. I didn’t realize how much soda was hurting me. I used to eat donuts as my breakfast. Then I learned that Bananas are the best breakfast for a runner and now I eat one a day (I learned that from my coach).

Health Improves w/o Lectures

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I was beginning to think that running would forever cause me problems when out of the blue, in the weeks approaching the 18-mile race, my pain from running went away and I was increasing my speed. Running had started becoming second nature to me! I started gaining confidence in my running and when it actually came time for the marathon, I was full of positive energy and optimism.

The Training Routine and Trust

Page 7: Lessons Learned Student Revelations Our Purpose and philosophy revealed

Running in SRLA has shown me that if you make small goals that lead to a big goal eventually the big goal comes. Now I want to make a new goal, going to college.

Becoming a Goal Setter

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I no longer ran away from my troubles. I was no longer that lonely and depressed young teenager who was hiding. The acceptance I received from my Students Run LA teammates moved me forward. I started to become upbeat, perky, and full of life. I began to make others laugh and in the process I started to laugh. I developed a bold character. I allowed my wings to spread out and break the cage I was trapped in. I learned that I did not have to live in the past and that my past did not define me.

Benefits of Being Part of a Team

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I have discovered that I am a human with the potential to reach the goals I desire if I work hard. Students Run LA demonstrated to me it is never too late to fulfill a dream/goal. During my participation in Students Run LA for two years, I had no parental or family support; my guidance and support came from my team and coaches.

Who Leaders Become for Their Students

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To my luck the doctors told me I could still run the marathon. This injury made me realized that I wasn’t alone, I had people right beside me who cared. Like this race, I pushed myself against the pain I had suffer but I didn’t realized that I couldn’t do it alone. Even the strongest people need help once in a while.

Support Makes the Difference

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It’s not the trophies, medals, or victories we all get, but it’s the hard work, determination, and dedication each individual puts in to make the victory happen. The medals no longer represent my worth or existence, instead they became the story of my success.

The “Forever” Experience

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Prior to finishing the marathon I always set low easily achieved goal for myself to avoid self-disappointment. Now that I have attempted and finished 3 season of SRLA and started and finished 3 marathons I know now that I can do more than just the minimal.

Expecting More from Oneself

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Participating in this program has changed me in a positive way in a personal, emotional, physical and academic aspect. Thanks to the program I have set a new goal for myself: go to college. With all the opportunities I have, I will be the first college graduate in my family. I will have a career. I will be successful. Despite the circumstances, I know I can do it.

Building on Goal upon Goal

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Through my experience in SRLA, I met high achieving students and college students in great colleges. From then, I decided to surround myself with successful virtuous people.

Runners are Upwardly Mobile

Page 15: Lessons Learned Student Revelations Our Purpose and philosophy revealed

As a student running the LA Marathon I didn’t know what to expect at first, but over the course of five years I’ve experienced bonds, friendships, hardships, and high standard goals. Since I’ve joined the LA marathon I’ve seen many faces helped out students complete a race, keep their moral up and have fun doing it. Running alone is a major pain in the butt so whenever I would run I would try to get a little group going to enjoy the race, enjoy the scenario, and just have fun doing it.

The Community Aspect

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Not only did that run change me by achieving a personal challenge, it encouraged me to be courteous to others. I remember walking around the 14-mile mark, and I felt heavily exhausted. Out of nowhere, a random student jogged past me, telling me, “C’mon man, don’t give up!” I felt a little defeated because of how fast he was jogging at such a distance. Although, after that spontaneous interaction, I pushed myself to start jogging again, keeping that statement in mind, “Don’t give up.” As I continued to jog, I would pass by other people walking as well. When I would approach them, I tell them motivational statements that range from, “C’mon, don’t stop don’t stop.” To “there you go, finish strong!” After random interactions of supportive students, it came to my realization that the 18-mile run was not another run it was truly a Friendship Run.

Helping Each Other Win