leifear ú iúil 2016 - donegal county council · 2019-08-29 · aras an chontae leifear 6ú iúil...

1 Ceantar Bardais Inis Eoghain Oifig Riarthóir na gCruinnithe Aras an Chontae Leifear 6 ú Iúil 2016 FOGRA CRUINNITHE Beidh Cruinniú de Ceantar Bardais Inis Eoghain siúl Dé Mháirt 12ú Iúil 2016, ag 12.30 r.n. in ISP Carn Domhnach. DO GACH BHALL DEN CEANTAR BARDAS INIS EOGHAIN A Chara, Iarrtar ort bheith i lathair ag an gcruinniú seo Ceantar Bardais Inis Eoghain. Tá Clar an Cruinnithe le seo. Mise, le meas _____________________ p.p. Riarthóir Cruinnithe **************************************************************************** Municipal District of Inishowen Office of Meetings Administrator County House Lifford 6 th July 2016 NOTICE OF MEETING A Meeting of the Municipal District of Inishowen will be held on Tuesday 12 th July 2016 at 12.30p.m. in the Public Services Centre, Carndonagh. TO EACH MEMBER OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF INISHOWEN Dear Councillor You are summoned to attend this meeting of the Municipal District of Inishowen. The Agenda is attached. Yours sincerely ___________________ for Joe Peoples Meetings Administrator

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Ceantar Bardais Inis Eoghain Oifig Riarthóir na

gCruinnithe Aras an Chontae Leifear

6ú Iúil 2016


Beidh Cruinniú de Ceantar Bardais Inis Eoghain siúl Dé Mháirt 12ú Iúil 2016, ag 12.30 r.n. in ISP Carn Domhnach.


A Chara, Iarrtar ort bheith i lathair ag an gcruinniú seo Ceantar Bardais Inis Eoghain. Tá Clar an Cruinnithe le seo. Mise, le meas

_____________________ p.p. Riarthóir Cruinnithe


Municipal District of Inishowen

Office of Meetings Administrator County House

Lifford 6th July 2016


A Meeting of the Municipal District of Inishowen will be held on Tuesday 12th July 2016 at 12.30p.m. in the Public Services Centre, Carndonagh.


Dear Councillor You are summoned to attend this meeting of the Municipal District of Inishowen. The Agenda is attached. Yours sincerely

___________________ for Joe Peoples Meetings Administrator



1. Consideration of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the

Inishowen Municipal District held on 16th June 2016

2. Consideration of the Minutes of the Municipal District of Inishowen Meeting held on 16th June 2016

3. Planning Services (Green)

4. Environment Services (Blue)

5. Roads & Transportation

6. Housing, Corporate & Cultural Services (Yellow)

7. Community & Enterprise

8. Correspondence



ON THE 16TH JUNE 2016 at 12.30pm

Councillors Present: Cllrs Rena Donaghey, Paul Canning, John Ryan, Albert Doherty, Nicholas Crossan, Martin McDermott, Martin Farren, Jack Murray, Bernard McGuinness.

Officials Present: John G McLaughlin, Director to Inishowen Municipal District, Aideen Doherty, A/Area Manager Housing & Corporate Services, Seamus Canning, Senior Staff Officer, Seamus Hopkins, Area Manager Roads & Transportation, Eunan Quinn, Senior Executive Planner, Paddy Doherty, Divisional Manager, Community & Enterprise. Cllr Rena Donaghey opened the meeting at 12.30pm. It was proposed by Cllr McGuinness, seconded by Cllr Crossan and agreed to adjourn the Annual General Meeting until 1pm. On the resumption of the meeting, Cllr Donaghey, the outgoing Cathaoirleach addressed the members prior to the election of the new Cathaoirleach. Cllr Donaghey stated that she had enjoyed her year as Cathaoirleach adding that it had been an enormous privilege to represent the people of Inishowen. Cllr Donaghey stated that she was very proud to be the first councillor to wear the new chain of office for the Inishowen Municipal District. She stated that it had been a very busy year and she expressed her appreciation to her colleagues, the officials and all the staff of the Municipal District for their support and cooperation throughout the year. The members in turn thanked Cllr Donaghey and commended her for representing the Municipal District with great dignity and hard work over the past year. There was also great praise for the Leas Cathaoirleach Cllr Martin McDermott. 1. Election of the Chathaoirleach Cllr Donaghey invited nominations for the position of Cathaoirleach. Cllr Bernard McGuinness was proposed by Cllr John Ryan and seconded by Cllr Martin McDermott. As there were no other nominations, Cllr McGuinness was duly elected as Cathaoirleach of the Inishowen Municipal District for 2016 – 2017 Cllr McGuinness took the chair for the remainder of the meeting. Cllr McGuinness began by thanking Cllr Ryan and Cllr McDermott for proposing him for the position. He also thanked the outgoing Cathaoirleach and commended her for representing the peninsula both at home and abroad during her time as Cathaoirleach.


Cllr McGuinness stated that he is looking forward to working with his fellow members, and with the staff for the year ahead. He added that he had several important issues that he would be promoting during his year as Cathaoirleach. He stated that he would be highlighting the peripherality of Inishowen and he wanted to encourage support for services and for industry in the area. Cllr McGuinness stated that all employers in the area must be assisted in every way possible. He added that the connections that have been made with the Diaspora must be developed to help create employment opportunities here and in our traditional sectors such as farming and fishing. Cllr McGuinness stated that the Inishowen area has been badly affected by emigration. He also highlighted the issue of the defective block work and the implications for the council’s own housing stock. He added that the Expert Panel must be allowed to carry out its work and that everything should be done to ensure that the problem is addressed.

2. Election of the Leas-Chathaoirleach The Cathaoirleach invited nominations for the office of the Leas-Chathaoirleach. Cllr John Ryan was proposed by Cllr Paul Canning and seconded by Cllr Nicholas Crossan. There were no further proposals. Accordingly, Cllr Ryan was declared Leas-Chathaoirleach of the Inishowen Municipal District for 2016-2017. The members paid tribute to Cllr McGuinness and commended him for the important issues that he highlighted and intends to keep to the forefront of his term as Cathaoirleach. They added that Cllr McGuinness is held in very high esteem amongst his colleagues and officials of Donegal County Council and they wished him good luck for his year ahead. John G McLaughlin, Municipal District Manager, expressed his gratitude to the out-going Cathaoirleach and Leas Cathaoirleach for their efforts and cooperation over the last year. He welcomed the new Chathaoirleach and Leas Cathaoirleach and wished them well. This concluded the business of the meeting. Certified __________________________ Date _________________________ Cathaoirleach



JUNE 2016 AT 1.30pm

Councillors Present: Cllrs Rena Donaghey, Paul Canning, John Ryan, Albert Doherty, Nicholas Crossan, Martin McDermott, Martin Farren, Jack Murray, Bernard McGuinness.

Officials Present: John G McLaughlin, Director to Inishowen Municipal District, Aideen Doherty, A/Area Manager Housing & Corporate Services, Seamus Canning, Senior Staff Officer, Seamus Hopkins, Area Manager Roads & Transportation, Eunan Quinn, Senior Executive Planner, Paddy Doherty, Divisional Manager, Community & Enterprise, John Gallagher, Senior Engineer, Water & Environment Services.

Reports Presented: Environment Section Update Report. Roads & Transportation Follow up Report. Roads Schedule of Municipal District Works 2016 Progress Report. Planning Services Update Report. Housing & Corporate Services Update Report. Community & Enterprise Update Report. An Cathaoirleach, Cllr McGuinness welcomed everyone to the meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Canning, seconded by Cllr Crossan and agreed to adjourn the meeting until 2.15pm. 16.44 Consideration of the minutes of the Inishowen Municipal District Meeting held on 10th May 2016. On the proposal of Cllr Rena Donaghey, seconded by Cllr Paul Canning, the minutes of the Inishowen Municipal District meeting held on 10th May 2016 were agreed. In response to a query regarding the Tenant Purchase Scheme, the Area Manager confirmed that the operation of the new scheme will be reviewed by the Department at the end of the first year. 16.45 National Driver License Centres There was a lengthy discussion in relation to the operation of the NDLS service by the Road Safety Authority. The members of the Municipal District were strongly of the view that the location of the nearest centre in Letterkenny was too far for residents of Inishowen to travel. It was agreed to write to the Road Safety Authority and to the Minister for Transport to request that a review of the locations of the NDLS centres is


undertaken and that consideration is given to providing an outreach service in the Public Services Centre in Carndonagh. 16.46 First Aid – First Responders The Area Manager for Housing & Corporate Services stated that she had discussed the First Aid – First Responder proposal with the Director of Service, Garry Martin following the May Municipal District meeting and that he was supportive of the proposed pilot project, however he also stated that there would be a funding requirement which had not been provided for in the current year’s budget. The Members acknowledged the response but requested that a meeting be arranged with the Director of Service for Emergency Services and Mr Padraic O’Riordan Area Operations Manager with the National Ambulance Service to discuss the proposal. 16.47 HOUSING & CORPORATE SERVICES The Area Manager for Housing & Corporate Services Aideen Doherty advised that the Central Planning Unit has requested that workshops are arranged to discuss Local area Plans for Bridgend and Carndonagh. It is intended to have a Draft Plan ready for the full Council meeting on 26th September. In advance of this date, the Central Planning Unit would like to schedule two workshops with the elected members, in July and in early September. It was agreed to hold the workshops on 29th July 2016 at 2pm and on 5th September 2016 at 2pm in the PSC, Carndonagh. 16.47.01 Housing Workshop The Area Manager for Housing & Corporate Services Aideen Doherty stated that the Housing and Corporate Services report had been circulated. The members raised the issue of housing land availability and the recent invitation for expressions of interest issued by the Housing Construction Section. It was agreed to arrange a workshop to consider the housing land availability, housing capital programme and the defective block work issue. The workshop will be held on 12th July 2016 at 3.30pm. 16.47.02 Staff roles and responsibilities It was agreed to send details to the members of all staff in the PSC Carndonagh to include staff roles and contact details. 16.47.03 Workshop arrangements It was agreed that in future, where possible, workshops that are scheduled to take place outside the date of MD meetings, should be held in evenings at 7pm to facilitate members who are working during the day.


16.48 PLANNING The Senior Executive Planner Eunan Quinn briefed the members on the planning update report circulated with the agenda and responded to any queries the members raised on individual applications. In response to a question regarding permission for windfarms granted by An Bord Pleanala, the Senior Executive Planner explained that the judicial review process to challenge a decision can only concern itself with matters of procedure in the earlier decision making process. The judicial review does not examine the merits or demerits of a particular planning decision. It can only examine the process used to arrive at the decision. 16.49 COMMUNITY & ENTERPRISE Paddy Doherty, Divisional Manager presented the Community & Enterprise report to the members. 16.49.01 Malin Head The Divisional Manager stated that the Council is expecting to receive the formal letter of offer of €400,000 for the Malin Head project. He added that the Council has made an application to Failte Ireland for Technical Assistance Support towards the cost of a master plan proposal which will include detailed design, costing and related studies required for the development of a Wild Atlantic Way Signature Discovery point. The members expressed their frustration at the length of time it is taking to get the letter of offer from Failte Ireland. It was noted that the project cannot proceed to tender until the formal offer has been received. 16.49.02 Swilly & Foyle Ferries 2016 It was noted that the Swilly Ferry Service will begin on Friday 17th June and the -Foyle Ferry service will begin in early July. The members expressed their disappointment that the Foyle ferry service had taken so long to get operational this year. It was stated that visitor numbers to the area were down as a result of the delay. 16.49.03 Rural Development Programme / LEADER The Divisional Manager stated that the Local Development Strategy was approved at the January LCDC meeting and has been formally submitted to the Department for approval. The Council has recently responded to queries raised by the Department in relation to the Strategy. The Council has also met recently with officials from the Department to discuss the roll out of the programme in the county. The members expressed their frustration at the delay getting the programme set up and requested the Divisional Manager to pursue the matter with the Department. 16.49.04 Aire De Service It was noted that the Carndonagh Aire De Service facility will be operational by the end of June 2016.


16.49.05 Buncrana School Campus The members expressed disappointment that there hasn’t been any progress identifying a site for the proposed school campus in Buncrana. The view was expressed that the Department has not addressed the need to identify a site in Buncrana with sufficient urgency. The Divisional Manager confirmed that all queries received by the Council from the Department have been responded to promptly and without delay. 16.49.06 PEACE IV The Divisional Manager stated that the Council will be delivering a Peace IV Partnership and Peace IV Action Plan over the coming months. This will involve a public consultation in each of the Municipal Districts. Donegal has received an allocation of €5,552,691 under the Peace IV Programme. A public consultation event will take place in the Carndonagh Public Services Centre on Tuesday 28th June from 6.00 to 8.00pm. 16.49.07 European Policy and Funding Unit The Divisional Manager circulated a report on the work programme of the European Policy. Referring to the Northwest Greenway Project under the Interreg VA Cross Border programme, the members stated that initiatives like the greenway are very important to enhance the local tourism product in Inishowen and to support the local ecomony. 16.49.08 Grianan of Aileach The Divisional Manager stated that Donegal County Council met with representatives of the OPW following a motion to Council relating to upgrading of Grianan of Aileach . He added that a commitment was made by the OPW to meet with local stakeholders. The Divisional Manager agreed to pursue the matter. 16.49.09 Playgrounds The members commended the work done to provide and maintain playgrounds throughout the county and highlighted areas where they would like to see additional facilities provided. It was stated that Bridgend, Burnfoot, Newtowncunningham and Carrigans/Killea would all benefit from the provision of playground facilities for the local community. There was a discussion on a request from local business owners and community groups in Buncrana that the Council should consider providing a coffee shop at the shorefront area of Buncrana. The members requested that the Divisional Manager review the use of the outdoor pursuit section of the Barrack Hill Town Park in Carndonagh to consider options to have the facility made available to the public throughout the day. The members also requested that the provision of toilet facilities at the park is considered and a response brought back to the July meeting of Municipal District.


16.50 ROADS & TRANSPORTATION The Senior Executive Engineer Seamus Hopkins presented the Roads Schedule of Municipal District Works 2016 update report to the members. He also presented the follow up report to the issues raised at the May meeting. An Cathaoirleach Cllr McGuinness thanked the Senior Executive Engineer for the excellent programme of work that continues to be carried out by his team in 2016. There was general appreciation from the members for all of the roads team in the peninsula for the great work they have been undertaking in 2016. The members requested that the focus remains on getting a resolution to the difficulties at Magherabeg School and the right turning traffic between Manorcunningham and Newtowncunningham. The Senior Executive Engineer stated that he had discussed the provision of a single white line marking at the stretch of road at Murray Motors however the Transport Infrastructure Ireland Safety Engineer rejected the suggestion. However the TII will consider a hatched area marking at the location, on a pilot basis. Following a question in relation to the road surface at Umricam filling station, the Senior Executive Engineer confirmed that the Council will take the section of road in charge and have it re-surfaced. An Chathaoirleach McGuinness stated that issues raised at meetings should be kept on a schedule until they have been closed out. He referred to the concern raised at the May meeting regarding the Brochan House Bridge. The Senior Executive Engineer stated that he keeps a database of all matters raised by the members until they are addressed, either through the normal maintenance programme or through the annual budget provision. It was agree to consider options for reporting and updating the members on issues raised in the future. Cllr Murray suggested that the Council should consider consulting the public regarding the naming of the new Cockhill Bridge. It was agreed to defer consideration of the matter until construction is underway. Cllr Canning stated that the provision of a pedestrian crossing on the Main Street, Newtowncunningham is required however he highlighted safety concerns of the school Board of Management and suggested that careful consideration will be required in the design. It was noted that Derry City FC will be playing their end of season home fixtures at Maginn Park, Buncrana from July and traffic management would be required. The Senior Executive Engineer stated that he would consider the matter in consultation with his local area roads team. Cllr McDermott asked whether the Senior Executive Engineer was aware of the timescale for replacing the water-main at Bree crossroads.


The Senior Executive Engineer stated that he would try to get a more definitive timescale from Irish Water. Cllr Donaghey requested that the Council should pursue funding for Mill Bridge and Westbrook Bridge in Buncrana now that Cockhill Bridge has been funded. Cllr Doherty requested that the footpath at Bridge Street and Foden is kept under consideration and that road signage is monitored for vandalism and theft. Cllr Crossan noted that traffic is travelling at greater speed along the Millbridge, Buncrana. He also requested that the speed limits along the Buncrana to Derry road are reviewed. He added that there are nine different zones along the short stretch of road. Cllr McGuinness referred to the negotiations with the Inishowen Co-op regarding the location of the Council’s saltbarn. The Senior Executive Engineer stated that he has been in discussion with the co-op management in relation to the matter. Cllr McGuinness requested an update on the matter for the July MD meeting. 16.51 ENVIRONMENT SERVICES Mr John Gallagher, Senior Engineer presented the Environment Update Report to the members. 16.51.01 #Big Donegal Clean Up'16 This campaign has been a great success to date. The Council has supported approximately 300 community clean-ups since the Big Donegal Clean Up was launched in March 2016. Many of these clean-ups also incorporate multiple smaller clean-ups. In addition to this many groups are not satisfied with only one clean-up and will carry out regular clean-ups throughout the year and will be continued to be supported by the Council with this work. Cllr Canning praised the Council staff for the assistance given to local Tidy Towns groups and he requested that this assistance is continued as the judging begins. He also congratulated the Carrigans residents who carried out a cleanup of the lough shore which was acknowledged by the Lough’s Agency. Cllr McDermott asked that the toilets at Malin Head are monitored closely to ensure that they are emptied and maintained regularly. He also queried the status of the report on Lagg and Ballyliffin beaches. 16.51.02 Stop Food Waste Challenge Mevagh Family Resource Centre: Donegal County Council has been working with the Mevagh Family Resource Centre over a 4 week period on the Stop Food Waste challenge. The Mevagh Resource Centre signed up 7 households to be involved in the challenge.


16.51.03 Inishowen Development Partnership: The Council has also worked with the Inishowen Development Partnership carrying out Stop Food Waste workshops as part of the Fetac Level 4 Food & Nutrition Course with LCA students in Carndonagh Community School and the Donegal Travellers Project . 16.51.04 Green Schools 2016 Donegal Awards On May 12th 2016 the Donegal Green Schools Awards took place with 58 schools being awarded with their Green Flags. 7 schools received the Green Flag for the first time for all their work over the last number of years on the area of Litter and Waste. 51 schools were renewing their green flag with one school receiving a green flag for the 9th time. This shows the dedication and commitment of schools to the protection of the environment and environment education. 10 schools renewed the green flag on the Energy theme, 10 on the Water theme, 10 on the Travel theme, 8 on the Biodiversity theme, 8 on Global Citizenship Litter and Waste and 5 on Global Citizenship Energy. 16.51.05 Pay By Weight A workshop in conjunction with Donegal County Council and the Regional Waste Management Planning Office for the Elected Members regarding Pay By Weight was held on Wednesday 15th June, 2016. The members expressed reservations regarding the introduction of pay by weight. They stated that there is still a lot of confusion in relation to the scheme’s introduction. Cllr Doherty proposed that the Council writes to the Minister to request that he introduces a national bin waiver scheme for sick and elderly people. Cllr Murray seconded the proposal. 16.51.06 Enforcement Figures 2016. Total number of environment complaints for the year to date, 561 of which 86% were for waste and litter. Total number of Fixed Penalty Notices served under the Litter Pollution Act 1997 is 66 of which 40% have been paid to date and 12% of the total was served on persons with NI addresses. 16.51.07 Coastal Report Beach Awards At an awards ceremony held in Dublin by An Taisce on May 26th Donegal County Council was successful in retaining its coveted 13 Blue Flag and 5 Green Coast beach awards. Donegal has the joint highest number of Blue Flags with Kerry County Council in Ireland. With ever stringent criteria to be met re water quality, infrastructure, etc, it is increasingly difficult to maintain these prestigious awards. This was reflected at the current awards ceremony where a number of Local Authorities were unable to maintain the high standards required and lost their flags.


16.51.08 Water Safety As per Irish Water Safety directions, Beach Lifeguards are now installed full time in Bundoran with Rossnowlagh initially provided with weekend cover in June. Other beaches in the county will also have Lifeguards provided. To meet the requirements of the specified full time Lifeguard cover, over 40 full time working Lifeguards are employed to provide the service, including cover. A new App has been developed by our in-house IT section to record the location and condition of our beach ringbuoys. This involves GPS technology with all data being stored centrally for examination. This allows a comprehensive review of this lifesaving infrastructure around our coastline and allows for better co-ordinated maintenance of same. Staff are currently rolling out the survey of these ringbuoys and carrying our repairs, as necessary. 16.51.09 Beach Maintenance Beach preparations are now in full flow ahead of the Bathing Season (June 1st to September 15th). With the Northern Ireland bank holiday and recent spell of good weather the county is seeing a surge in visitor numbers to our many beaches. Waste bins, signage, flags, portaloos, Lifeguard Stations, etc, are all now, once again, in place across our beaches. Mobile Litter Units, Litter Wardens Lifeguard Supervisor and Coastal Officer are servicing and maintaining all the required services, 7 days a week. Dooey, Lisfannon and Drumnatinney beaches are scheduled to have improvement works completed shortly addressing historic drainage, parking and access difficulties. Bundoran required much remedial works at the promenade (sand removal) and sea pools. The Bundoran promenade, Seashell public convenience and Lifeguard station are all currently being painted, sponsored by Dulux, with the work conducted by the CE Scheme. The Senior Engineer confirmed to the members that the disabled access toilet at Moville green will be re-opened. 16.51.10 Take Over of Estates There was a discussion regarding the take-over of estates in the county with particular reference to addressing concerns in relation to the operation of waste water treatment plants in estates. It was acknowledged that the planning service is currently working with residents and developers to resolve outstanding problems in estates, using site resolution funding from DOEHLG and available bonds. The members called for a workshop to discuss the problems in estates in Burnfoot and Bridgend. The Senior Engineer suggested that a workshop to focus on those two estates should be held to consider the options to resolve the issues, in conjunction with representatives of Irish Water.


16.52 Radiotherapy Services in Northwest Cllr McGuinness briefed the members on the new services soon to be completed at Altnagelvin, Derry. He stated that the new service which will be in place in 2017 will revolutionise cancer care for patients in the north west of Ireland. It was agreed to request a meeting with representatives of the HSE to discuss the proposals for radiotherapy services before the end of the year. 16.53 Piers and Harbours Cllr McGuinness requested a report on the piers and harbours in Inishowen. He noted the importance of these facilities to the promotion of tourism in the area. He added that we have an excellent Marine Engineer in the county and we should arrange to invite him to meet the MD before the end of the year, 16.54 Coastguard Services Cllr McDermott gave the members a briefing on the facilities available to allow the coastguard helicopter to land in different locations in the peninsula. 16.55 Mobile Phone Coverage in Inishowen Cllr Crossan stated that the mobile phone coverage in Inishowen has deteriorated significantly. He enquired whether the Council should consider contacting the service providers to highlight the problem to them. 16.55 DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was agreed that the July Meeting of the Inishowen Municipal District will take place at 1pm on Tuesday 12th June 2016 at 12.30pm. Certified: ______________________ Cathaoirleach Date: ______________________



3. Community, Enterprise & Planning Services

Planning Control Report

Inishowen Municipal District Meeting – 12th July 2016

Content: 1. Summary of planning applications for the District

2. Appeals (Received & Decisions Notified).

3. Significant Cases (incl. Transboundary applications)

4. Other case types [Part 8’s etc]

5. AOB


1. Summary of Planning Applications For Each Municipal District

Period Apps Recd Granted Refused Deferred

Decisions < 2 months Invalid

Donegal 01/01/16-31/5/16 175 113 15 40 71 36

Glenties 01/01/16-31/5/16 183 93 28 48 50 30

Inishowen 01/01/16-31/5/16 185 97 20 38 70 28

Letterkenny 01/01/16-31/5/16 166 103 12 26 82 28

Stranorlar 01/01/16-31/5/16 105 63 11 20 39 22

County Totals 784 469 86 172 312 144


2. Appeals

Appeal’s Received (01/06/2016-29/06/2016) - none REF NO APPLICANTS








Appeal’s Decision Notified (01/06/2016-29/06/2016) None










3(a) Significant Applications received from 26/05/2016 to 24/06/2016

Ref No Applicant Type Date

Received Development Description








(b)Transboundary Applications

Ref.No: N.I. Ref.No: Date

Rec'd App./Contact Type

Description / Location

Case Officer


TB 12/03 J/2011/0082/F 08/10/2013 D.O.E. N.I. Further Environmental Information and Revised Plans

Amendment to Windfarm at Crighshane & Crighdenis, Killeter, Castlederg.

P Kelly Active

TB 13/04 C/2013/0248/F 08/11/2013 D.O.E. N.I.- Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure

Windfarm at Windy Hill P Kelly Active

TB 14/01 J/2013/0287/F 07/01/2014 D.O.E. N.I. Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure

Windfarm at Meenamullan near Killeter

P Kelly Active

TB14/03 J/2014/0124/LCB 28/04/2014 D.O.E. N.I. Consultatation Installation of Street Lighting ballards at Clady Bridge (Listed Building), Urney Road, Clady

P Kelly Active

TB14/04 J/2011/0433/0 17/04/2014 D.O.E. N.I. Addendum to Environmental Statement & Information

Major mixed use cross border development

P Kelly Active

TB15/01 J/2014/0624/F 10/02/2015 D.O.E. N.I. Initial Consultation

Wind Turbine at 290m S.W. of 30 Creevagh Road, Co. Derry

P Kelly Active


Ref.No: N.I. Ref.No: Date

Rec'd App./Contact Type

Description / Location

Case Officer



LA11/2015/0066/F49/F 05/05/2015

Derry City & Strabane Disctrict Council

Initial Consultation

erection of a single wind turbine - 30m hub height with 17.3m blades, associated access and 2 no. electricity cabinets on lands 250m N.W. of 9 Elagh Road, Derry

P Kelly Active

TB15/04 J/2013/0187/F Appeal Ref.No: 2014/A0180

08/09/2015 P.A.C. Johnathan Nelson

Appeal Procedures

Extension to of consented Seagronan Windfarm Ltd

P Kelly Initial Consultation


Part 8 Inishowen MD received/ Finalised since last meeting - None

Ref No Location Section Received Description Finalised




Inishowen Municipal District Meeting

1. Bring Banks

New Bring Bank locations have recently been installed at the following locations in the


Stranorlar - Old Fire Station, Main Street, Stranorlar

Letterkenny - Letterkenny Centra, Circular Road, Letterkenny

Letterkenny - Aura Leisure Centre, Sallaghagrane, Letterkenny

The Council is delighted to have secured these new sites in recent times and the total number

of bring banks locations for the County is now at 74, 7 of which are located in Letterkenny.

The Council is continually seeking to increase the number of bring bank locations and is

encouraging local communities to contact the Council with any proposed new sites.

2. Bin Your Gum When You're Done!

On June 30th, Cllr Terence Slowey, Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council launched the

"Bin your gum when you're done" campaign in Donegal. This launch was part of a national

education and awareness campaign which includes a four month mass media advertising

package with T.V., outdoor, print and online, a secondary schools education programme,

distribution of point of sale materials to retailers and sponsorship of three awards in the Tidy

Towns competition. This campaign is organised by the Gum Litter Taskforce which includes

representatives of the chewing gum industry, Department of the Environment, Community &

Local Government, Food and Drink Industry Ireland, local authorities and civic society.

The campaign has seen huge success to date with the National Litter Pollution Monitoring

System results showing an overall decrease in people dropping gum from 26% when the


campaign started in 2007, to 11% in the latest results. The results of the attitudinal research

carried out by Millward Brown on behalf of the GLT during the 2015 campaign saw the

highest numbers to date reporting they never drop gum.

This is the second year of the latest campaign, the result of a new agreement between the

Department of Environment, Community and Local Government and Food and Drink

Industry Ireland (FDII) representing the gum industry, to fund a national gum litter awareness

programme from 2015-2017.

3. New Regional Cleaner Communities Campaign launched

A new "Cleaner Community Campaign" involving both Donegal County Council and the

Derry City and Strabane District Council has been launched under the umbrella of the North

West Regional Development Group.

This campaign will see both Councils working together with communities along the border to

facilitate community clean-ups and local environmental initiatives.

The North West Regional Development Group which is jointly led by Donegal County

Council and the Derry City & Strabane District Council has been set up to promote co-

operation and collaboration on a cross border basis in a number of key areas including in the

area of sustainable development and environmental initiatives.

Community groups including sports clubs, tidy towns groups and environmental groups who

are interested in getting involved should contact Suzanne Bogan Donegal County Council on

074 91 53900 or John Quinn Derry City & Strabane District Council on 028 71253253.


Donegal County Council is seeking your support in participating in the ’Donegal Battery

Recycling Campaign 2016’. The Battery Recycling Campaign involves Donegal County

Council outreaching to Tidy Towns Groups to distribute battery collection boxes with

promotional posters and leaflets within your community e.g. Local schools, community

centres, post offices, shops & businesses by 1st September, 2016. (Battery boxes and all

promotional materials will be delivered to you during the week of 22nd

August, 2016).


The full battery boxes will then be required to be brought to a central location, nominated by

yourself e.g. Local Council Office, local library, local community centre or local Recycling

Centre by 30 September 2016 where they will be collected for recycling. Every battery that

is collected for recycling goes towards a monetary donation for the LauraLynn@HOME

service that is provided by LauraLynn, Irelands Children’s Hospice.

5. WEEE Collection Days

Donegal County Council are currently organising FREE Waste Electrical and Electronic

Equipment (WEEE) and Battery Collection Days in August 2016. Please see details



Donegal Bathing Water Quality

The 21 Designated Bathing Waters around the coast are now entered in to their prescribed

sampling programme, pre-approved with the EPA and agreed by An Taisce. This is

undertaken by our Laboratory staff who collect, analyse, record and report the waters

sampled. Over 300 individual water samples will be collected and analysed to meet the

Bathing Water Requirements over the summer. The results are reported to both the EPA and


the general public via website (www.splash.ie) and on the beach notice boards. The sampling

season starts on June 1st and ends on September 15

th. The maximum interval between Blue

Flag samples allowable is 17 days. The Maximum interval between designated bathing

waters samples is 31 days. Sampling must take place no more than 4 days after the date

specified in the monitoring calendar agreed with the EPA. Adhering to these intense, very

prescriptive, programme conditions requires dedicated commitment from our Coastal Water

Quality Technician and County Laboratory support team.

Under the Bathing Water Directive, until 2013 waters were classified as ‘Good’, ‘Sufficient’

or ‘Insufficient’. From 2014 bathing waters are now classed into four quality categories;

‘Excellent’, ‘Good’, ‘Sufficient’, or ‘Poor’ with a minimum target of ‘Sufficient’ required to

be achieved for all designated bathing waters. The new standards are almost twice as strict as

those previously applied and assessment is undertaken on a 4 year data set rather than

annually. Blue Flag and Green Coast beaches must attain ‘Excellent’ water quality to receive

these prestigious awards.

Owing to the high quality coastal waters in Donegal, the majority of our Designated Bathing

Waters were upgraded from ‘Good’ to ‘Excellent’ classification under the stricter parameters.

The table below shows the consistently high standard of bathing water Donegal enjoys since

monitoring began. These classifications assure visitors to our coast of the water quality

enjoyed in Donegal. Continuing to maintain this level of water quality by monitoring and

maintenance is crucial to same.


BATHING WATER NAME 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002

Ballyhiernan, Fanad Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Bundoran Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Carrickfinn Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Culdaff Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Dooey Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Downings Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Drumnatinny Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Fintra Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Killahoey Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Lady's Bay, Buncrana Good Good Good Good Suffic Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Suffic

Lisfannon Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Magheraroarty Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Marble Hill Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Murvagh Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Naran Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Portarthur, Derrybeg Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Suffic

Portnablagh Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Portsalon Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Rathmullan Good Good Good Suffic Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Suffic Good

Rossnowlagh Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Stroove Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Table 1. Water quality classification at Designated Bathing Areas 2002-2015.


Beach Wheelchair

On the 3rd

June a beach accessible wheelchair was launched on Rathmullan Beach in

partnership with Rathmullan Sailing Club (see Picture 1). This pilot project is an extension

of Donegal County Councils initiative to improve access to our beaches for all. The beach

accessible wheelchair will be available by prior arrangement with Aengus Kennedy of the

Rathmullan Sailing Club (contact 086 812 3019).

Picture 1. Beach accessible wheelchair on Rathmullan Beach.

Beach Lifeguards

The Beach Lifeguard induction was recently conducted in the Stranorlar Training Centre and

involved participation of the Irish Coastguard who coached the Lifeguards on helicopter

rescue manoeuvres and technique (see Picture 2). As per Irish Water Safety directions, 44

Beach Lifeguards are now installed full time on 14 beaches across the county as shown in

Table 2 below.


Picture 2. Coastguard staff coach Beach Lifeguards as part of their Induction Training.

Beach Full Time Lifeguard


Dates of Cover During

Bathing Season

1 Bundoran 3 Lifeguards, 7


June 4th to end of August. W/e

cover in Sept to 11th


2 Carrickfinn 2 Lifeguards, 7


July 1st to August 31st

3 Culdaff 2 Lifeguards, 7


July 1st to August 31st

4 Downings 3 Lifeguards, 7


July 1st to August 31st

5 Fintra 2 Lifeguards, 7


July 1st to August 31st

6 Killahoey 2 Lifeguards, 7


July 1st to August 31st

7 Lisfannon 2 Lifeguards, 7


July 1st to August 31st

8 Marble Hill 2 Lifeguards, 7


July 1st to August 31st

9 Murvagh 2 Lifeguards, 7


July 1st to August 31st

10 Narin/Portnoo 2 Lifeguards, 7


July 1st to August 31st

11 Portsalon 2 Lifeguards, 7


July 1st to August 31st

12 Rathmullan 2 Lifeguards, 7 July 1st to August 31st



13 Rossnowlagh 6 Lifeguards, 7


Full cover July & Aug. W/e

cover in Sept to 11th

14 Stroove 2 Lifeguards, 7


July 1st to August 31st

Table 2. Beach Lifeguard service allocation per required beach.

Facility Access

Improvements continue to access to our various facilities. Recently disabled parking spaces

have been installed at Shrove Blue Flag Beach and the Public Conveniences, Moville (see

Pictures 3 and 4 below). These works will continue to be rolled out across the County.




Municipal District of Inishowen Meeting 12th July 2016

Corporate Services

Area Office Daily Transactions

Stranorlar Carn L/kenny Donegal Milford Dungloe Total

1/6 - 30/6 1220 1718 3261 1748 825 1320 10092

12.1% 17.0% 32.3% 17.3% 8.2% 13.1% 100%

Housing Services




Casual Vacancies

HAP Applications



Inishowen Municipal District

Housing Grants Report at 30th June 2016

Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability







2014 36 24 7 5 0

2015 56 33 7 13 3

2016 16 2 2 6 6

Mobility Aids Grant






2014 4 2 1 1 0

2015 3 3 0 0 0

2016 4 1 1 1 1

Housing Aid for Older People Grant







2014 21 13 8 0 0

2015 21 17 2 2 0

2016 13 6 2 2 3

Housing Loan Report at 30th June 2016






Standard Loans 2014 5 1 4 0

2015 0 0 0 0

2016 3 0 1 2

Tenant (Incremental) Purchase Scheme 2016 29 no. applications have been received to date in 2016





14 Radharc na Trá Breige 2 Nov-15 Re-offered

29 Gaddyduff 2 Nov-15 Re-offered

21 Abbey Park, Manorcunningham 2 Feb 16 Available

18 Gaddyduff, CLonmany 3 Feb 16 Offered

15 The Cottages, Burnfoot 1 Mar 16 Under repair

7 Pump Street, Carrigans 3 Mar 16 Under repair

154 Millbrook, Malin 3 Mar 16 Under repair

28 Clós Phadraig 3 April 16 Under repair

27 SlIabh Sneacht, Buncrana 2 April 16 Under repair

43 Clós Phadraig 3 May 16 Under repair

16 Miller’s Way LTL 3 May 16 Under repair

4 Radharc na Trá Breige 3 May 16 Under repair

32 Dún na nIarlaí 2 May 16 Being Assessed

211 St Paul’s Park, Greencastle 2 May 16 Being assessed

23 The Four Acres, Buncrana 4 June 16 Being assessed

HAP Tenancies

Municipal District January February






Donegal 49 60 72 90 101 107 142

Letterkenny 287 315 372 409 424 446 450

Glenties 29 39 64 81 87 104 107

Stranorlar 65 75 92 106 118 132 142

Inishowen 62 81 100 125 144 165 178

Total 492 570







HAP Update 2016 at Jul 4th 2016

Local Authority 2016 HAP Tenancies


2016 Active HAP Tenancies (Increase from 1st Jan 2016)

2016 RS Transfers

(Increase from 1st Jan 2016)

Avg. Weekly Set-up 2016

Weekly Target

% of Target

3 Week Trend - Avg. Weekly


Carlow County Council 175 158 109 7 8 84% 6

Clare County Council 441 400 197 17 15 113% 18

Cork City Council 461 437 309 18 15 118% 15

Cork County Council 524 437 181 20 20 101% 19

Donegal County Council 567 503 265 22 20 109% 18

Galway City Council 75 75 16 3 14 24% 6

Galway County Council 163 161 29 6 12 52% 10

Kildare County Council 337 334 141 13 20 65% 16

Kilkenny County Council 168 121 7 6 8 81% 7

Limerick City & County Council 305 215 29 12 18 65% 15

Louth County Council 323 243 65 12 13 96% 13

Mayo County Council 192 185 40 7 12 62% 8

Meath County Council 179 175 9 7 12 57% 8

Monaghan County Council 81 62 3 3 3 104% 3

Offaly County Council 111 101 0 4 7 61% 3

Sligo County Council 107 101 22 4 4 103% 5

South Dublin County Council 479 429 172 18 20 92% 16

Tipperary County Council 404 361 176 16 14 111% 24

Waterford City & County Council 217 142 7 8 13 64% 9

Dublin Regional Homeless Executive* 260 246 0 10 0 N/A 20

Grand Total 5569 4886 1777 215 248 87% 240




13th September 2016




8. CORRESPONDENCE Inishowen Municipal District Meeting