lehigh valley natural awakenings february 2014

February 2014 | Greater Lehigh Valley and Far West NJ Edition | www.healthylehighvalley.com FREE HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET feel good • live simply • laugh more LOVE MAGNET Draw True Love Your Way Rethinking Heart Health Pioneers Re-examine Cardiac Care Eat More Chocolate! It’ Great for Hearts and Weight Loss Rethinking Heart Health The Surprising Keys to Cardiac Wellness

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Page 1: Lehigh Valley Natural Awakenings February 2014

1natural awakenings February 2014February 2014 | Greater Lehigh Valley and Far West NJ Edition | www.healthylehighvalley.com



feel good • live simply • laugh more


Draw True Love Your Way

Rethinking Heart HealthPioneers Re-examine

Cardiac Care

Eat MoreChocolate!It’ Great for Heartsand Weight Loss

Rethinking Heart HealthThe Surprising Keys to Cardiac Wellness

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27 HEALING HURT A Hawaiian Mantra Lets Love Back In

28 LOVE MAGNET Katherine Woodward Thomas on Drawing True Love Our Way by Debra Melani


32 RETHINkING HEART HEALTH Pioneering Doctors and Patients Reinvent Cardio Care by Linda Sechrist


40 CHOCOLATE AS HEALTH FOOD Boosting Diets and Heart Health by Judith Fertig


44 CYCLES OF SPIN Returning to its Heart-Healthy Origins by Janet Osen

46 CARDIAC CARE FOR PETS How to Keep Little Hearts Humming by Dr. Shawn Messonnier

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers fi nd cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fi tness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the prod-ucts and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

7 newsbriefs

18 healthbriefs

24 globalbriefs

28 wisewords

26 ecotip

27 inspiration

30 community spotlight

40 consciouseating

42 healingways

44 fitbody

46 naturalpet

49 calendar

56 resourceguide

62 classifieds









HOW TO ADVERTISETo advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 610-421-4443 or email [email protected]. Deadline for space is the 12th of the month prior to publication.

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5natural awakenings February 2014

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is a not-for-profit, educational, and humanitarian NGO engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. The organization operates globally in 151 countries. For more information visit www.ArtofLiving.org

Live with Joy, Purpose and Confidence.

Within you lies vast, untapped possibilities waiting to be discovered. Through the Happiness Program this potential is set free and you gain a greater vision of who you are. You find you have the power to create a joyous life that is on-purpose, the confidence to stretch and grow beyond limiting beliefs, and the ability to lead a deeply fulfilling life.

Tools for Your Expanded LifeAs a Happiness Program partici-pant you will learn to master several practical and powerful tools that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

The Challenge is in the Mind In today’s demanding, distracting world the mind is stuck in the past and the future. But happiness is here and now. It cannot be experienced when one is stuck regretting

yesterday or worried about tomorrow. During the Happiness Program you will discover your unlimited power and freedom - not as a concept, but as a direct experience

The Solution is in: Sudarshan Kriya®The centerpiece of the Happiness Program is the Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful technique that uses specific, natural rhythms to get you unstuck. Sudarshan Kriya, time tested based on ancient Vedic knowledge, yields con-tinued growth.

What is Sudarshan Kriya?Sudarshan Kriya incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath which harmonize the rhythm of the body, mind, and emo-tions and brings them in tune with the rhythm of nature. Thereby, elimi-nating stress, fatigue, and negative emotions such as anger, frustration, and depression; leaving you calm yet energized, focused yet relaxed.

Benefits of the Happiness Program"The secret lies in our own breath. Through breathing exercis-es, certain breathing techniques and some practice of medita-tion, we can rekindle positive vibrations within and around us." -- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of the Art of Living Foundation

; Reduced stress ; Greater sense of joy, happiness and enthusiasm ; Experience more confidence ; Development of interpersonal skills

Rediscover YogaYoga is often considered as just the physical exercises, but this is just a beginning - physi-cal exercise is just one part of it. Next comes the breath and the mind. Sudarshan Kriya, a technique taught in the Happiness program takes you to the deepest meditation where body, mind and breath become one rhythm, connecting to the source of life within.

Upcoming Happiness Program

The Happiness Program

Feb 20th - 24th & every monthWeekdays 6pm - 9pm Weekend 9am - 3pm5630 W Tilghman St Allentown PA

484 893 0622 / [email protected] @ http://goo.gl/fPmhC1 www.artofliving.org/allentown

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PublisherReid Boyer

Local EditorBeth Davis

Local WriterBeth Davis - Linda Sechrist

Assistant EditorsS. Alison Chabonais

Design & ProductionSusan McCann


Ad ProductionMarci Molina


Advertising SalesReid Boyer

[email protected]

To contact Natural AwakeningsLehigh Valley Edition:

PO Box 421Emmaus, PA 18049

Phone: 610-421-4443Fax: 610-421-4445

[email protected]

© 2014 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be repro-duced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.

Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed lo-cally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call for a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business.

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Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy based ink.

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What an amazing presence our heart is, pumping life-giving oxygenated blood to all parts of the body. This tireless workhorse, the size of a fist,

averages 72 beats per minute, or 2.5 billion beats over a 66-year lifespan, circulating 4.7 to 5.7 liters of blood a minute. The human heartbeat can be detected as early as 22 days after conception, well before the brain has developed. My friend Dian Freeman, a certified nutritionist specializing in holistic health, says it is clear to her that the heart controls the body.

Ancient peoples so respected the heart that they considered it the seat of intelligence while for us it symbolizes the center of human emotions. Our lan-guage reflects this; we may speak from the heart, commune heart to heart, feel heartache or follow our heart.

We all know what a broken heart is; it takes the joy out of living. But rather than blaming another for mistreating and hurting us, we need to identify how we gave our power away and ignored our deepest needs. Starting this month, we can resolve all kinds of toxic relationships by taking ownership of the role we originally played and continue to play in each dynamic. According to relation-ship counselor Katherine Woodward Thomas, this usually requires us to over-turn false core beliefs about our self that dim our light and typically define our choices and behaviors. We can then learn to firmly yet thoughtfully speak our truth in every situation, thus changing our life story.

In particular, I am learning that seeing with my heart enables me to be more truthful with myself. It thus enables me to be more confident in my decisions, so that I feel I’ve made the best choice possible for myself and others in a given situation.

Linda Sechrist’s feature article, “Rethinking Heart Health,” explores the unseen links between our heart and mind and the vital role that our emotional health plays in good cardiac care. Meanwhile, medical science is taking progressive steps in using simple noninvasive diagnostic tools and natural supplementation solutions for reversing heart and circulation conditions. In his article, “Improving Cardiovascular Health”, local chiropractor Dr. Tom Wachtmann offers encouragement for those diagnosed with heart disease.

We also have encouraging news about “Chocolate as Health Food” in honor of Valentine’s Day and the issue focus on heart health. Why not try out cook-book author Judith Fertig’s Conscious Eating recipes with someone you love? If the special day is a reminder that you have yet to find the love of your life, your go-to magazine can help with that too, via NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com. You just might meet the kindred spirit you have been looking for all your life. Are you ready to meet your soul mate?

Let the insights you read in these pages help you rewrite your future,

Reid Boyer, Publisher

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7natural awakenings February 2014

newsbriefs Partner Yoga for Valentine’s Day WeekendA special Partner Yoga class will be

held from 2 to 4 p.m., February 16, by Yoga Loft teachers Deanna Nagle and Brian Toseland. Couples will begin by connecting to each other through breath-ing and meditation, recognizing the divine in their partner and themselves, and then progress to heart-opening partner yoga to flow, stretch, breathe, release stress, and laugh.

Participants will learn to let go of inhibitions and enjoy the divine dance of partner yoga. Couples will finish with partner relaxation poses, helping each other relax deeply with assisted stretches and breathing techniques, leaving both feeling refreshed, connected and supported.

The Yoga Loft offers a variety of yoga classes for begin-ner through advanced students, as well as specialty yoga, tai chi, Pilates and belly dance classes and workshops with local and international teachers. Their yoga teacher certifi-cation is registered with the Yoga Alliance and for those that want to deepen their knowledge of yoga or become yoga teachers themselves.Cost is $35 per couple. Location: The Yoga Loft of Bethle-hem, 521 E. 4th St., Bethlehem. For more information, call 610-867-9642 or visit TheYogaLoftOfBethlehem.com. See ad, page 17.

Rumi Rocks the Coffeehouse at GreenshireGuitarist and songwriter Michael

London and poet Lisa DeVuono will celebrate love with a concert and reading celebrating the poetry of Rumi, the great 13th-century Sufi poet, from 4 to 7 p.m., February 16, at Greenshire Arts Consortium, in Quakertown.

London has always been drawn to ecstatic experiences and the feeling of a larger reality that was bigger than the self, and in Rumi he found the possibili-ty of transcendence and words that were just as powerful as the music he has always felt at his core. He also resonates with the Medieval lyrics that speak so directly to us, with central themes and issues of living with passion and true joy.

London’s musical journey began with singing, and then he went on to become an instrumentalist, learning to impro-vise and accompany dancers with atmospheric and lyrical guitar work.

Location: 3620 Sterner Mill Rd. For more information, call 215-538-0976 or visit GreenshireArts.org. See ad, page 47.

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Create Good Health from Head to ToeAnthony Ashley Hair De-

sign, LLC, is hosting an open house from 6 to 8 p.m. on Monday, February 17 in Al-lentown. Guests can learn how to be healthy from head to toe by using organic and all natural hair color and makeup. Master stylist Alyssa Keyser will be sharing the benefits of using organic products for hair and skin. Nutrition expert Angie Fenstermaker will offer tips and tools on how to eat clean and live a healthy happy lifestyle, with samples and recipes to try.

Anthony Ashley Salon offers ongoing education and classes on natural and organic makeup and hair. “In reality the hair business is not about hair at all”, states owner Nina Tulio. “It’s really about making people feel their best from the inside out. We share life moments with people like getting married, having children, In most cases we know more about them then their own families. Our mission is to change the way people feel about themselves by creating an experience they will never forget and a feeling they will always remember”

Location: 1740 W. Allen St. RSVP to 610-434-0180 and visit AnthonyAshleyHD.com. See ad, page 16.

February Seminars at Herbs To Your SuccessThe Wellness Spa, in Nazareth, will host Love Your

Healthy Heart—Engage the Power of Oxygen, on February 5, where attendees will learn the reasons this element is so vital to heart health. The oxygen bar will be open from 6 to 7:30 p.m. for $10.

At Germ Busters—Don’t Let the Cold and Flu Season Stop You, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., February, 20, taste an immune-boosting smoothie and other natural recipes to combat germs for $10.

Herbs To Your Success—The Wellness Spa provides high-quality spa services and was voted the 2012 Nazareth Area Chamber of Commerce’s Award of Excellence Winner. Owner Vanessa Sabatine’s personal success in weight management has allowed her to help many clients through the maze of claims and advertisements and customize a plan of health that fits any lifestyle.

Location: 64 S. Main St. For more information, call 610-365-8996 or visit HerbsToYourSuccess.net. See ad. page 24.

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Enrollment Open at Seven Generations Charter School

Applications at Seven Generations Charter

School, in Emmaus, Penn-sylvania, are now being accepted for kindergarten through eighth grade until February 13. Applications will be put into a lottery

which will take place on March 4. Applications received after February 13 will be entered on a waiting list.

The Seven Generations Charter School is a non-tuition, Pennsylvania sanctioned Charter School where students from every grade level engage in activities focused on sustainable living, environmental stewardship and respect for our planet and all living things. It is a school with excellent academic standards that is also a place where students learn citizen-ship and develop the skills to succeed as they improve the overall quality of life in their communities.

Location: 154 E. Minor St. For more information, call 610-421-8844 or visit SevenGenerationsSchool.org/page.phtml/contact.

Online Radio Emphasizes Role of Natural Health CareA special Rethinking Health Matters

online radio show, hosted by Natural Awakenings National Editor Linda Sechrist from 3 to 4:30 p.m. EST, February 7, will highlight the importance of independent media in informing the public about natu-ral health care options. Guests will include several Natural Awakenings publishers and Scott Tips, president of Natural Health Federation, an inter-national educational nonprofi t that protects access to healthy food and supplements and alternative therapies without government restrictions.

Additional guests are Joanne Quinn, Ph.D., executive director of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, which collects clinical data to advance nontoxic, cost-effective therapies, plus international research consul-tant Ferdinando Pisani Massamormile. Also participating are Dr. James Forleo, author of Health is Simple, Disease is Complicated; Dr. Constance Casebolt, owner of South Caro-lina’s Greenville Functional Medicine; and Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo.com, the world’s foremost open-access, natural medicine database.

To listen, visit Rethinking Health Matters at BlogTalkRadio.com/greenmedradio .

Imagine... a school where childhood is nurtured, not rushed.

Imagine... time for the arts and time to play outside, every day.

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11natural awakenings February 2014

Thrive Wellness Offers Comprehensive Holistic TrainingThe Thrive Wellness Center, in Kingston, Pennsylvania, is offering holistic health

care practitioner certifi cation courses for anyone interested in learning about natural health. Sanctioned by the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine, the courses offer continuing education credits (CEU) are available for registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and licensed massage therapists.

This program is designed to prepare students to work with clients using tradi-tional Chinese obser-vations, iridology and Japanese hara study, herbal medicine, food as medicine, home-opathy, supplements and essential oils. Student must complete eight levels for certifi -cation. Each level is an independent module, so they may be taken out of sequence, ex-cept for the fi nal level, clinical treatment.

Curriculum includes Level I: Anatomy, Physiology and Medical Terminology; Level II: Detoxifi cation and Pathol-ogy; Level III: Aromatherapy and Herbal Medicine; Level IV: Energy Medicine and Homeopathy; Level V: Iridology and Japanese Hara Analysis; Level VI: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Observations; Level VII: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Tongue and Pulse Analysis; and Level VIII: Clinical Treatment of Ailments (10 cases).

Students will interview a client, perform observations, make recommendations and test remedies. This is a 20-hour class. Class times may change, depending on students’ availability. After completion of this program and submission of the writ-ten exam, students will receive a certifi cate from the American Naturopathic and Holistic Association.

Cost is $325 for each level (discounts for early payment). Location: 647 Wyoming Ave. Register by calling 570-283-0111. For more information, visit ThriveWellnessKingston.com. See ad, page 7.

Training Herbalists, Physicians, Nurses, Veterinarians, Nutritionists, & other healthcare professionals in the art and science of Clinical

Herbal Medicine for over 30 years.

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This two year course includes:

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APPLY NOW for our 2014–2016 On-line or On-site program starting September 16, 2014

For more information, please contact us:

www.herbalstudies.orgoffi [email protected] 908-835-0822

Good herbalists treat people, not diseases, and in our program we strive to teach the skills necessary so that each student can accomplish that goal.


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A Few Drops Can Change Your Life!

A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that iodine deficiency in the developed world has increased fourfold in the past 40

years and now affects nearly three-quarters of all adults. Taking the right kind of iodine in the right dosage can rebalance thyroid function and restore health to the thyroid and the whole body.

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Natural Awakenings Detoxifed Iodine is 100 percent natural, raw iodine in an ethyl alcohol solution. We thank all those that are benefiting from this product and enthusiastically telling us their great results.

Available only at NAWebstore.com My wife, who suffered from extreme fatigue and other symptoms, saw a dramatic increase in energy after just a few days of taking the natural iodine drops. Now if she misses a day, she’ll end up falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon, like she used to do before taking the iodine. It works!

~ AaronMy doctor told me that I had a hypothyroid condition, prescribed medication and was happy with the follow-up test results, yet I noticed no positive effects on my overall well-being. Within two weeks of using the Natural Awakenings Detoxified Iodine, I had more energy, felt more awake and enjoyed clearer thinking and greater peace of mind. People even comment that I look younger. I am a fan!

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A Few Drops Can Change Your Life!A Few Drops Can Change Your Life!A Few Drops Can Change Your Life!

Living Joyfully Expo Set for ReadingRadiant Light Holistic Healing and Teaching Center

invites people of like mind and heart to the Living Joyfully Holistic Healing and Metaphysical Expo from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on March 1 and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 2 at the Riveredge Restaurant Grand Ballroom in Read-ing.

Over 70 exhibitors at the expo will offer services including chiropractic care, wellness centers, Shamballa healing, ion foot cleanse, hypnotherapy, massage, Reiki, Ascended Master attunements and intuitive readings. Products for healthy living will also be available includ-ing energy jewelry, spirit art, aromatherapy, therapeutic oils, meditation tools, healthy gifts, books, crystals and gems. Free lectures will be held on both days.

Admission is $7 per day. Riveredge is located at 2107 Bernville Road, in Reading. For more information contact Sylvia Seward at 484-760-9844 or visit RadiantLightCen-ter.com. Vendor booths may still be available.See ad, page 8.

Ionic Footbath Specials at Hartzell’s PharmacyDuring the month of February, Hartzell’s Pharmacy, in Cata-

sauqua, is offering a relaxing, 30-minute ionic detox footbath for half price ($15). By using Hartzell’s reward card, frequent customers get a free sixth footbath free after purchasing fi ve.

“Eliminating toxins is the fi rst step in giving the body a chance to heal itself”, states Owner Robert Hartzell. “The pores in the feet are the largest so it the logical place to eliminate toxins. An ion is a charged atom or molecule that has gained or lost an electron, thus creating an electromagnetic fi eld capable of neutralizing oppositely charged particles such as toxins found in the human body.”

Because most toxins and heavy metals in our body are posi-tively charged, they are neutralized and more easily eliminated via natural channels. “Detoxing should be an initial step in any weight loss program,” says Hartzell.

Location: 300 American St. For more information, call 610-264-5471 or visit Hartzells.com.

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13natural awakenings February 2014

Chiropractic Open House in BethlehemAn open house

with healthy living practitioners Dr. Nicole Muschett, DC, Dr. Brian Straka, DMD, Barbara Smith Counseling and Radcliffe Therapeutic Massage, will be held from 6 to 8 p.m., on Thursday February 27, at Dr. Muschett’s chiropractic offi ce in Bethlehem. Guests will meet the doc-tors and staff, receive free running shoe checks, mini health evaluations, chair massages, raffl es, light refreshments and more.

Dr. Muschett specializes in athletic injuries, with an emphasis on correcting and preventing musculoskeletal, connective tissue injuries and biomechanical imbalances. Her extensive clinical experience and ongoing active participation in sports gives her a unique approach to treating athletes of all ages, from fi rst-time runners to professional marathoners.

Dr. Muschett’s expertise covers all athletic injuries, as well as common aches and pains. She has extensive experience in treating pain on the back, neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle, and tendonitis/bursitis, numbness and tingling in arms and legs. She uses a whole-person approach combining the best hands-on-technique and state-of-the-art physiotherapy and rehabilitation procedures.

Location: 3005 Brodhead Rd., Ste. 182-185. For more information or appoint-ments, call 610-419-6550 or visit ChiroRunner.com.

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Buy 1 regular smoothie & get a second regular at 1/2 price. Expires 2/28/14One coupon per customer per month.

Informed ...Foods & SmoothiesFresh & Made to Orderfrom 15 Smoothie Choices“Real” Organic Yogurt Bar &Fresh Made Organic Veggie Juices

2374 Seipstown Rd.Fogelsville • 610-285-4158

Homemade All Organic Trail Mix, Coconut Water, Coconut Oil & More!

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newsbriefsA Spoonful of GermanyNadia Hassani, author of the book and blog Spoonfuls of Germany

(SpoonfulsOfGermany.com) will be signing her cookbook, hand-ing out tasting samples, and answering questions beyond the bratwurst and sauerkraut stereotype of German food from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., February 15. At the Easton Farmers’ Market winter mark.

Easton Hospital and Easton Farm-ers’ Market have joined forces to bring you the best in local food and local healthcare. February is Cardiac Month at the EFM Winter and Easton Hospital has a whole line-up of heart-healthy activities planned. Stop by for American Heart Associa-tion recipe cards, free blood pressure screenings and a free pedometer each week in February.

February 1: The Cardiac Rehab and Support Group will hold a hands-on lecture on At-home Exercise; February 8: The Cath lab and echocardiogram teams will offer a hands-on CPR demo and training; February 15: Get a free lipid profi le; February 22: Cardiac Rehab, with lecture on Benefi ts of Heart Healthy Exercise.

The Easton Farmers’ Market winter mart is located at 325 Northampton St. every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visit EastonFarmersMarket.com for more information. See ad, page 25.

Balance Vibrations for Increased WellnessMae Dae Mentoring, in in West Allentown,

is offering Quantum Biofeed-back, a cutting-edge vibrational technology for stress management and business or personal growth. The pain-free, non-invasive, comput-erized protocol measures current stressors relating to an individual vi-brational energetic signal that identifi es physical and emotional blockages that may not be consciously apparent. Then, the system introduces a series of clearing frequencies that harmonizes the individual energetic signature to reduce negative stressors.

Owner Michelle Redden states, “The system encourages you to be the best ‘you’ that you can

be. Our program suggests which items need to be balanced and then provides frequencies for those out of range. It enhances the connections between your mind, body and soul, and clients have seen improvements in pain levels, aller-gies, sleep disturbances and emotional issues such as fear, anxiety, depress and anger. The system does all the work, while the client can relax and enjoy the process.”

For more information or to make an ap-pointment, call 601-600-0066. See ad, page 60.

Saturdays 10am– 2pm 325 Northampton Street Easton

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Farmer Brian Bruno with daughter, Lainey at Apple Ridge Farm

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DermaClear will simply feel good putting it on. Cooling and soothing, the Calcium Montmorillonite/Calcium Bentonite clay penetrates pores and open areas of the skin and pulls out toxins and inflammation.

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A Decadent Valentine Treat for the FeetIn honor of Valentine’s Day, Iyashi Wellness Center Foot

Soak Spa, in Allentown, is offering a three-step chocolate spa treatment they call the most decadent ever.

Experience a luscious chocolate paradise by relax-ing in an oasis of skin-soft-ening oils. This treatment begins with a delicious warm Peruvian chocolate scrub made with Peruvian chocolate, cocoa butter, coconut oil and pure cane sugar to slough dead cells and reveal softer skin.

Then a warm chocolate liquid masque is applied to the feet with a soft brush to allow antioxidants to enter the body, while relaxing and sipping on hot chocolate. Finally a Peruvi-an chocolate bliss crème, made with cocoa butter and natural emollients is applied to the feet while relaxing in chocolate heaven. A chocolate bonus treat caps off the experience.

Cost $60 (reg. $120) with ad through February. Gift certifi -cates are available. Location: 509 N. 22 St. For more informa-tion, call 484-239-3215 or visit IyashiSpa.com. See ad, page 11.

Women sought for Postpartum Depression Clinical TrialThe Lehigh Center for Clinical Research is currently study-

ing the effects of a non-drug treatment for women with postpartum depression. Many women choose to rely less on medications during pregnancy and brest-feeding, and the study uses an FDA-approved, non-medication, non-invasive transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy as a core treat-ment for new mothers. Study participants from 18 to 50 years old are eligible for no-cost treatment and com-pensation for time and travel.

Studies have shown that about one in eight new mothers suffer from postpartum depression, a serious illness that can occur in the fi rst few months after childbirth, miscarriage and stillbirth, and symptoms can last for months. Treatment for postpartum depression makes for happier moms and babies, strong bonding during breastfeeding, better physical health and more energetic interactions with other family members.

Interested mothers should call Lehigh Center for Clinical Re-serch at 610-820-0342 or visit LehighCenter.com. See ad, page 51.

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newsbriefsA Happy 25th Anniversary at Garden Gate February marks the 26th anni-

versary celebration for Garden Gate Natural Foods in downtown Allentown. 2014 also marks the 65th year of continuous operation of the store. Throughout the entire month the store will offer special sales and daily gift basket giveaways. Each $5 minimum purchase receives a raffl e ticket for a chance to win that day’s gift basket drawing. Shoppers can also accumulate tickets throughout the month for an end-of-month grand prize drawing.

“Garden Gate has operated as a health store for over 50 years at the same spot,” states owner Richard Samar. “We ap-preciate our loyal customers, who have made the last 26 years possible. Stop in during February and you will be pleasantly surprised to fi nd that we are not only smaller and friendlier but we also take the time to help you understand and choose the right product.”

Garden Gate Natural Foods is located at 17 South 9th Street, Allentown across from the Holiday Inn. They offer senior citizen discounts or 10% everyday. Call 610-433-8891. See ad, page 33.

Whole Body DetoxifyingStudies indicate that most of us have between 400 and

800 chemical residues stored in the fat cells of our bodies. To stay healthy and strong in this chemical-ridden world, it’s essential to help the body increase its removal of harmful and potentially deadly waste products. Regular, effective, whole body detoxi-fi cation using a Far Infrared Sauna in now available at Kim’s Healing Center in Easton.

Far infrared is a section of the natu-ral band of light that is not visible to the human eye, but can be felt as heat. Unlike the high heat produced in tradi-tional saunas, far infrared heat is able to penetrate the body to a depth of 1.5 to 2 inches. This stimulates the body’s cel-lular detoxifi cation process more effectively and at a lower temperature than a traditional sauna. “Over 1500 doctors and health professionals have used the far infrared sauna to help conditions such as chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, weight control and combating toxic overload”, states owner Kim Ng. “When we combine this therapy with Acupressure therapy, detoxifying foot baths and herbal products, customers see tremendous results quickly.

Kim’s Healing Center is located at 1223 Butler Street in Easton. Call 610-559-7280 for more information

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Holistic Treatment for Refl ex Sympathetic Dystrophy Complex regional pain syndrome/refl ex

sympathetic dystrophy CRPS/RSD is an insidious disorder of unknown origin of the nervous system that also can affect the musculo-skeletal system and the body’s internal organs. The hallmark of the disorder is pain which is often out of proportion

to the inciting event.The pain is usually described as burn-

ing, but can also be sharp or dull and is sometimes referred to as deep bone pain. Other symptoms may include swelling, color change, temperature change, hair and nail growth changes and movement disorders.

A holistic approach to treatment is ac-complished through the evaluation of the role of neurotransmitters and other body systems, including hormones, gut ecology, gluten intolerance, and vitamin defi cien-cies. Neurotransmitter testing can untangle complex and recurring health conditions and get to the root problem underlying symptoms.

Dr. Philip Getson, is an osteopathic physi-cian and pioneer in the fi eld of ketamine infusion therapy for the treatment of CRPS/RSD. Contact him in Marlton, NJ, at 856-983-7246. See ad, page 53.

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healthbriefsEarly Warnings of Heart Troubles Differ for Women

Women may worry more about breast cancer, but in reality, heart disease is

the top killer of American women, claiming 300,000 lives a year, 7.5 times the number that die of breast cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-tion. Although heart disease is more often perceived as a men’s issue, since 1984 more women have died of heart disease than men.

Part of the reason may be that women’s heart attacks can differ from men’s and the American Heart Association (AHA) warns that women often fail to rec-ognize the symptoms, ranging from torso aches and pains and nausea to anxiety, shortness of breath, dizziness and extreme fatigue. They may experience subtle symptoms for months and write them off as byproducts of menopause, heartburn or effects of aging. The National Institutes of Health states that 43 percent of women that have heart attacks experience no chest pain. The difference between the more subtle signs of a heart attack in women and the more dramatic signs in men may help explain why 75 percent of men, prompt-ed to act quickly, survive a first heart attack, while only 62 percent of women do, according to the AHA. “Research shows that women may not be diagnosed or treated as aggressively as men,” notes the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

FDA Moves to Ban Trans FatsHeart-clogging trans fatty acids may

soon be a thing of the past. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken the first step to re-move trans fats from its GRAS (gener-ally recognized as safe) list, effectively banning their use in food products. Trans fats, also known as hydro-genated vegetable oils, can be found in many processed foods, including baked goods, microwave popcorn, peanut butter, frozen pizza, marga-rine and coffee creamers. Created by adding hydrogen to liquid oils to turn them into a solid form, trans fats have been used to improve the texture, shelf life or flavor of foods. For more than a decade, numerous scientific studies have documented that trans fats raise dangerous LDL cholesterol and lower good HDL cholesterol. The FDA’s proposed ban would require the food industry to gradu-ally phase out all trans fats, likely over several months or years, noting their threat to health. Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said the move could prevent 20,000 heart attacks a year and 7,000 deaths. Many food manufacturers have already phased out trans fats since new nutrition labeling requirements were intro-duced by the FDA in 2006; plus an increasing number of local laws have banned them.

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Lionville Natural Pharmacy and Health Food Store309 Gordon Dr. • Lionville • Fax 610-363-5707610-363-7474 • www.lionrx.com

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Egg WhitEs Function LikE BLood PrEssurE MEdsMaintaining

healthy blood pressure is vital for long-term heart health, and scientists have now discovered evidence that a component of egg whites may have beneficial cardio-vascular effects. Researchers from Clemson University, in South Carolina, found that a peptide in egg white, one of the building blocks of proteins, re-duces blood pressure in animals about as much as a low dose of Captopril, a prescription medication for high blood pressure. The RVPSL peptide acts as a natural ACE inhibitor, functioning similar to the entire family of prescrip-tion medications that treat hyperten-sion.

thE WhoLE Fish is BEst For BLood PrEssurEOver the years, a

broad range of research has con-firmed that omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon, tuna and sardines promote heart and brain health. Now researchers at the Universi-ty of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine have found that taking fish oil supplements isn’t as effective at keeping blood pressure under control as eating an actual fish. The animal study published in the U.S. Proceedings of the National Acad-emy of Sciences shows that eating oily fish helped open ion channels, a com-plex series of membranes in the cells that line blood vessels, letting sodium, calcium and potassium in and out of those crucial cells and helping reduce blood pressure. Because fish oil supple-ments did not activate the ion channels, they didn’t reduce blood pressure in the same way.

A Different Breathalyzer Test for Heart FailureSimply blowing up a balloon may help doctors test heart function,

according to a new study from the Cleveland Clinic. Although such examinations usually require expensive and sometimes invasive proce-dures, the new test can be done in a doctor’s office in 30 seconds, according to the research findings published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiol-ogy. The patient simply breathes into a Mylar balloon, similar to a party version, and the air is passed through a machine to produce an individual “breathprint”. Researchers determined that exhaled breath contains volatile organic compounds that can be easily analyzed to determine potential heart failure.

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How Would You Like To Discover What Every Hypothyroid Sufferer Absolutely Must Know...

• Learn why, even with medication and a so-called “normal” TSH lab test, you still feel... LOUSY!• How up to 90% of Hypothyroidism sufferers (and possibly you) have an often undiagnosed auto-immune condition that’s literally

destroying your thyroid and... why your doctor has been ignoring it!• Did you know that there are 6 different patterns to Thyroid problems and only one is actually helped by medication!• That blood sugar, adrenal glands and your gut play a BIG role in thyroid health?

Ifyou’retiredofdealingwiththyroidproblems,notgettingbetterandyouareworriedaboutgettingworse,pleasecallourofficeat610-974-9911andscheduleaconsultationwithme,Dr.RaymondBenedetto,DCandlet’sseeifwecanhelp.Patientswiththyroiddisordersneed an experienced expert to guide them in the management of their condition beyond the simple hormone therapy. We’ve been helping patients with thyroid disorders day in and day out and would be happy to consult with you to discuss your individual case.

To schedule a consultation or for more information, please call 610-974-9911 or go to www.bethlehemthyroidrelief.com


Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms, When My Lab Tests Are “Normal?”

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Thyroid disease affects over 20 million people here in the United States alone. The harsh reality is that it is our female population thatisbeinghardesthit.Presently,statisticsshowover25timestheincidenceofthediseaseinwomenthaninmen.

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Nostalgia Arms Us for the FutureHaving lingering fond memories of happy times, once actu-

ally thought to be a psychiatric disorder, have now been confirmed as a healthy and, ultimately, positive activity. Most people ex-perience nostalgia at least once a week and nearly half of those surveyed reported experiencing it three or four times a week, say researchers at England’s University of Southampton. When speaking wist-fully of the past, individu-als are usually recon-structing happy memories of family and friends, and typically become more optimistic about the future, reports lead researcher and Social Psychologist Constantine Sedikides, Ph.D., who observes, “Nostalgia makes us a bit more human.” The Southampton paper, presented to the American Psycho-logical Association, meshes well with another study confirming that nostalgic memories inspire positive feelings of joy, high self-regard, belonging and meaningfulness in life. In two studies, social psychologists at North Dakota State University found that past fond memories help us become more self-confident and cope better in the present. “We see nostalgia as a psychological resource that people can dip into to conjure the evidence they need to assure themselves that they’re valued,” says lead researcher Clay Routledge.

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Zinc Orchestrates Immune ResponseMany have heard that zinc

can stop a cold in its tracks, and new research from Ohio State University tells us why; it turns out that zinc gently taps the brakes on immune responses, slowing them down and prevent-ing inflammation from spiraling out of control. The researchers’ work with human cells and animals found that zinc serves to balance the immune response within the cells so that the consequences of insuf-ficient zinc at the time of an infection include exces-sive inflammation. Of all the zinc contained in our bodies, only about 10 percent of it is readily acces-sible to help fight off an infection, notes Daren Knoell, professor of pharmacy and internal medicine and lead author of the study, published in Cell Reports. The research team suggests that proper zinc bal-ance is especially important in battling serious and potentially deadly infections. Zinc deficiency affects about 2 billion people worldwide, including an esti-mated 40 percent of the U.S. elderly.

Happy Marriage, Healthier LivesA University of Missouri expert says that people in happy mar-

riages are more likely to rate their health better than their peers as they age. Evidently, engaging with one’s spouse builds a strong relationship that can improve spirits, promote feelings of well-being and lower stress. Analyzing data from 707 continuously married adults that par-ticipated in the Marital Instability Over the Life Course panel study, a 20-year nationwide research project begun in 1980, researchers found that married people have better mental and physical health and are less likely to develop chronic conditions than their unmarried, widowed or divorced peers. Thus, researchers recom-mended involving spouses and families in treatment for any ill-ness. They further suggested that in cases of a strained marital relationship, improv-ing marital harmony would also improve health.

Bedsores and Essential OilsBarbara Fenton, Holistic Health Consultant, Aro-

matherapist, and Reiki Master offers advice on how to use essential oils for Bedsores.

Bedsores, also called pressure ulcers, may develop on the body where there is constant pressure and irritation. This can occur when someone is con-fined to a bed or chair for long periods of time and the underlying bone in-creases the pressure in areas such as the buttocks, hips, tailbone, heels, ankles, shoulders, and even backs of ears and the bridge of the nose where an oxygen mask might be sitting.

While preventing their development is the ideal situation bedsores can happen to anyone since it takes as little as two hours for a bed sore to develop. Older folks are more susceptible as their skin is thinner and more sensitive. Bedsores can become open and infected if they are not noticed or are unattended for a period of time. This can become very uncomfortable and dangerous if serious infection sets in. In this case if may become difficult to treat the bedsores, and you should seek medical treatment.Using thereupeutic essential oils like Cypress, Geranium,


Marjoram, Myrrh, Ylang Ylang,Helichrysum, Frankincense, Lavender, and Tea Tree, by Young Living Essential Oils for bedsores has been recom-


A suggested essential oil blend for bedsores is:½ oz. of a carrier oil like evening primrose in a dark glass bottle and the following essential oils.10 drops lavender6 drops helichrysum6 drops frankincense4 drops geranium4 drops Tea Tree

Gently apply direct topical application to the area 3 times per day.As always remember to contact you medical provider first. Ms. Fenton is a Holistic Health Practitioner special-izing in Aromatherapy, Reiki, and Reflexolgy is located in Emmaus, PA. She is also a distributor of Young Living Essential Oils. For more information, call 610-393-2036 or email [email protected]. See Community Resource Guide. See ad, page 58.

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globalbriefsNews and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefi ts all.

Wild ValentinesMany Animals Mate for LifeHumans like to think of themselves as unique when it comes to taking vows of togetherness. But a surprising number of other species in the animal kingdom provide sterling examples of fi delity, monogamy and lifelong pairing. Gibbons, of the ape family, are the nearest relatives to humans that mate for life. They form extremely strong pairings and both sexes are on relatively equal footing in their relationships.

Bald eagles, our national emblem, typically mate for life, except in the event of a partner’s inability to procreate.

Wolves, often portrayed as tricksters in folklore, conduct a family life more loyal than many human relationships. Wolf packs typically comprise a male, a female and their offspring, making them akin to a human nuclear family.

Swans form monogamous pair bonds that last for many years or even for life. Their loyalty is so storied that the image of two swans swimming with their necks entwined in the shape of a heart has become a universal symbol of true love.

French angelfi sh are seldom found far from their mate, because they live, travel and even hunt in pairs. The fi sh form monogamous relationships that often last as long as both individuals are alive. In fact, they act as a team to vigorously defend their territory against neighboring pairs. Other examples include albatrosses, African antelopes, black vultures, Mala-gasy giant rats, prairie voles, sandhill cranes, termites and, of course, turtle doves.

To view images, visit Tinyurl.com/AnimalMatePics and Tinyurl.com/AnimalMatesSlideshow.

Green FinanceCanada Shows the Way via Mass TransitThe government of Ontario, Canada, is issuing “green bonds” to fund the expansion of mass transit infrastruc-ture in the province. Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says, “Green bonds are a great tool to raise capital for a project with specifi c environmental benefi ts. The worldwide market for green bonds in the last year has dou-bled; it’s now estimated to be more than $346 billion in U.S. dollars.”

Source: Treehugger.com

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Look deep into nature and then you

will understand everything better.

~Albert Einstein

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Saturdays 10am– 2pm 325 Northampton Street Easton

Convenient Parking in Rear of Building Café - Live Music - Health & Wellness Programs

Sponsored by:

Raw Milk, Yogurt & Cheese Pasture Raised Meat

Farm Fresh Eggs Winter Produce

Artisan Bread Baked Goods

Coffee Vegan Specialties

Prepared Foods Honey & Maple Syrup

Wine Chocolates

Soaps Gifts

Farmer Brian Bruno with daughter, Lainey at Apple Ridge Farm

Loving LocalSmall Retailers Gaining ForceWhile online mega-shopping malls have decimated many types of small businesses around the country, the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies notes that independent bookstores are doing surprisingly well. For the last four years, their number and total sales have grown, despite the recent recession. In 2009, citizens patron-ized 1,651 independent bookstores in the United States; today their number exceeds 1,900. In addition, local coffee shops have grown faster than the largest chain’s storefronts. Bakers and specialty food purveyors, independent pharmacies and pet, fabric and stationery stores are growing, too. One reason for the good news is the “buy local” ethic promoted by groups such as the American Independent Business Alliance. Last year, sales at indepen-dent businesses in cities benefi tting from these campaigns grew 8.6 percent; those without them still increased 3.4 percent. Independents are winning customer loyalty in part by hosting and sponsor-ing events that enrich the community. The public is realizing that buying local supports area families, keeps more dollars circulating locally and strengthens a healthy sense of community that benefi ts everyone.

Source: YesMagazine.org

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kudos WGCU Public Me-dia has recognized Natural Awakenings founder Sharon Bruckman as one of its 14 exceptional women for 2014 Makers: Women Who Make South-west Florida. The award coincides with the magazine’s celebration of 20 Years in Publication, a milestone recognized nationwide.

For more information and to connect,visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.

Sharon Bruckman, CEO/Publisher

ecotipBeyond Bling True Treasures Avert Eco-HarmDone right, Valentine’s Day and gifts of jewelry go to-gether like love and marriage. Those that have no desire to support the unsafe worker conditions, widespread price fixing and waste associated with gold mining, also linked to pollution, financ- ing wars and terrorism, look for better options. They wish to have no part in underwriting standard ring-making practices which, according to the Worldwatch Institute, create tons of toxic mining waste that can persist for decades and enter the food chain. Happily, there are far more ethical choices. Alternate routes. Among many sustainable and socially responsible options, jewelry made from recycled gold, silver and titanium plus synthetic gemstones is offered by GreenKarat (GreenKarat.com) while Brilliant Earth (BrilliantEarth.com) provides antiques and also custom makes or helps customers create their own treasured gifts utilizing minerals from pure sources; the company also donates 5 percent of its profits to support communities that have suffered from unethical industry practices. Heirlooms. A son or grandson gifting a grandmother’s or mother’s cherished piece of jewelry to a spouse or girlfriend expresses a tradition of love and family connectivity, plus gives new life to precious items. Michelle Ercanbrack, a fam-ily historian at Ancestry.com, recommends using a family-treasured diamond in a more modern setting or making a ring into a pendant. “Heirlooms link the present to the past—they are part of a family narrative that can increase the present gen-eration’s sense of belonging and identity,” she says. Native American jewelry. Deborah Nelson, owner of Silver Eagle Gallery, in Naples, Florida, and Highlands, North Carolina, attests that artful jewelry by Native Americans supports their culture and forges a connection to Americana with timeless appeal. Bracelets made by Navajo Indians incorporate turquoise pieces often linked together or set in mosaic form on a sterling band. Sterling silver and golden amber sunburst rings also make good gifts. “The handmade attention to detail is a stark contrast to what’s cast in a mold overseas,” says Nelson.

Handy CurriculumShop Class Teaches SustainabilityAccording to a report in The Boston Globe, some American schools regret that they replaced wood-shops with high-tech educational forums in the 1990s. Shop class is valuable for students that may underperform in traditional academic settings and empowers them to learn and produce tangible results. Doug Stowe, a woodworker and teacher in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, writes in WisdomOfHands.Blogspot.ca, “Our society has inadvertently created a depen-dent generation of young people that don’t know how to fix things and lack even the most basic manual competence. Putting girls and boys into shop class would challenge rampant consumerism because a person is less inclined to throw out a piece of furniture and buy a replacement if they know how to fix it. “With so many cheap imports flooding stores, it’s difficult for students to gain perspective on the resources and time required to create a piece of furniture, so shop class can teach students to appreciate long-lasting quality and its accompa-nying fair price tag. In this way, shop class is linked to sustainability.”

Source: Treehugger.com

Star TrekkingVoyager 1 Enters Interstellar SpaceThe U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) recently con-firmed that after 36 years, the Voyager 1 probe crossed the boundary of the heliosphere, or the extent of our Sun’s influence, a year ago. It’s the first man-made object to venture into interstellar space. At a distance of about 12 billion miles from the Sun, the latest data indi-cates that Voyager 1 has been traveling through the plasma, or ionized gas, pres-ent in the space between stars. The jour-nal Science notes that this corroborates the existence of a long-hypothesized boundary between the solar plasma and the interstellar plasma. Voyager 2, a companion craft launched at the same time, is also expected to break the bar-rier.

Source: EarthSky.org

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Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian huna, a secret to facilitating forgiveness within;

or simply, the art of forgiveness. Four healing phrases are em-ployed in a harmonic mantra to help “make things right” or “correct the errors”. It works to cleanse hurt feelings and relieve suffering from being in an unforgiving or unforgiven state. Accord-ing to the Babylon online dictionary, Ho’oponopono is used to release prob-lems and blocks that cause imbalance, unease and stress in the self; bring peace and balance through physical, mental and spiritual cleansing that involves

repentance and transmutation; and cre-ate balance, freedom, love, peace and wisdom within individuals, social enti-ties, the world and the universe.

Ho’oponopono Forgiveness Mantra

I am sorry.Please forgive me.Thank you.I love you.

These four forgiveness phrases, both individually and collectively, help heal us and our relationships with oth-ers, especially loved ones. Each one

HEALING HURTA Hawaiian Mantra Lets Love Back In

inspiration melts hearts and heals souls. Going deeper, we can voice this mantra in communing with the divine and see the effect both within and without.

I am sorry for participating in this er-roneous memory data.

Please forgive me for not seeing the perfection in this moment, and play-ing back a universal memory I have received within me that is riddled with wrongs and errors.

Thank you for cleansing me, others, the world and the universe.

I love you. Loving the sweet divine is the greatest power or energy there is in all space. I am now loving everyone involved and affected. I know that my perceptions of them are within me, where this error first occurred and where it can be eradicated.

Like planting a seed in soil that grows into nothing of our making, the divine does the work as we allow it to work through us. As we come to consis-tently use the Ho’oponopono mantra, we may elect to select a special word as a substitute for the whole mantra to use as a touchstone, so that when we say or think this word, we are immediately clear and clean of all the pain associated with any erroneous memory data pre-sented. Our heart is healed and family or friends will return to relationships with a lighter heart. We do not need to under-stand how it works, only that it does.

Source: Adapted from VividLife.me

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After years of experi-encing love going sour, Katherine

Woodward Thomas set a goal: She would marry her soul mate within a year. Her quest inspired a surprising awakening that spurred her to look deep inside for the key that would unblock love. Thomas realized the trans-formation that enabled her success involved clear steps that could help anyone. Today, the licensed psychotherapist and rela-tionship expert has guided thousands toward successful relationships via her national bestseller, Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life, and subsequent books and seminars.

What catalyzed your Calling

LOVE MAGNETKatherine Woodward Thomas

on Drawing True Love Our Wayby Debra Melani

in “The One” pro-fessional journey?I was 41, a card-carry-ing member of one of America’s largest-growing groups—the never-mar-rieds. I had bought into the cultural belief that a woman my age had little chance of fi nding a great husband. I felt anxious and resigned, trying to come to terms with it, but

sad inside. Fortunately, at the time, I was part of a small group supportive of each oth-er’s intentions. So I set the outrageous intention that I would be engaged by my next birthday. I also recognized my longstanding pattern of attracting unavailable men who were engaged, married or alcoholics. A woman in the group said, “Katherine, I will hold that intention with you if you permit me to

hold you accountable to be the woman you would need to be in order to fulfi ll it.” Her wake-up call turned my focus from running out to fi nd love to going within to discover the barriers I had against it. Thus I began what became the Calling in “The One” process.

How does it differ from other approaches to fi nding love?Many approaches focus on the external reasons love is elusive, such as all the good men are taken, men don’t like pow-erful women or just not having met the right person. This approach focuses more on the internal reasons—going within to discover and release one’s own conscious and unconscious barriers. For most of us, a gap exists between how much we think we want love and how much we are actually open and ready to receive it. Until we bridge that gap, we will covertly keep love at bay, and won’t even realize we are doing it.

What are the most common hidden barriers to love?One hidden barrier is resentment. We only resent people to the extent that we’ve given our power away to them. Uncover your role in what happened. Even if it was 97 percent their fault and 3 percent yours, zero in on that 3 percent, because you’ll only be able to trust your-self to love again once you’ve taken that

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chiropractic • acupuncture • massage

Dr. Robert W. Livingston III, DC, L.Ac.Dr. Jennifer Bollinger, DC, L.Ac.

8026 Hamilton Blvd. • Trexlertown, PAOffice/Fax: 610.395.5509


Being Healthy isa Lifestyle Choice.Choose to LiveWell.

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responsibility. If you still feel resentful, you have not yet evolved beyond the person you were before. Another centers on old agree-ments—the spoken and unspoken,agreements we make, usually in an emotional time—such as “I’m never going to let myself get hurt again” or “I’ll never love anyone the way I love you.” Such agreements live in our lives as intentions. They may no longer be conscious, yet still set our course. Another has to do with toxic relational dynamics. To fi nd the best partnership, you need to be your best self. Maintaining a toxic dynamic drains personal power, making it hard to move forward in life. It’s vital to evolve out of this debilitating dynamic so you are in the center of your power everywhere in life. The fourth area, and probably the most important, revolves around the core beliefs you hold about both your-self and others. You might have a rea-sonably clear sense of yourself around money, career and friendship, but your core love identity might cause you to believe yourself unworthy of a qual-ity partner. Identifying and challenging

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What Better TimeTo Find That

Special Someone!Special Someone!J oin in February and recieve

a 20% Valentine’s discount using referral code “NASingles”!

20% OFF


February Special

these beliefs is critical in learning how to break free from them, helping to raise your value in your own eyes and thus in others.

You believe the best way to fi nd a needle in a haystack is to become magnetic and allow that needle to fi nd you. How does one become magnetic to love?Being centered in the truth of your own value and the real possibilities you hold for true love is wildly attractive. Love yearns to embrace us, but can’t come to us if it can’t come through us. When we shift into this place of possibility, we can become profoundly magnetic to love.

Learn more at CallingInTheOne.net, ConsciousUncoupling.com or KatherineWoodwardThomas.com.

Explore the qualities possible in an enlightened mate at NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com.

Freelance journalist Debra Melani is from Lyons, CO. Connect at DebraMelani.com.

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by Beth Davis

Garden Gate Natural Foods, Inc. is not a new kid on the block. In fact,

this health food specialty store has oper-ated in the same location for 65 years—no small feat for any business. What is it about the oldest—and smallest, at 800 square feet—health food store in Allen-town that makes it thrive? For starters, passion, dedication and a commitment to customers.

The original Garden Gate build-ing was constructed in the early 1900s and housed a dress shop until the late 1940s, when it became a health food store. Current owner and CEO Rich Samar purchased the store 26 years ago, on February 1, 1988. At the time, he was working in the corporate offi ce at PPL, but had always wanted to be a business owner. One day while eat-ing his lunch, he began looking over the businesses that were for sale in the local newspaper and noticed a listing for a downtown natural food store. One month later, he was the proud owner. After 35 years, he took an early retire-ment from PPL to help run the store with his family and partner, Sally Harris. Samar says the move changed his life—and he’s never looked back.

Natural, healthy living had always

Extending the Family with Knowledge and Warmth

been on Samar’s radar. With a family history of heart disease, strokes and high blood pressure, Samar became aware of the importance of healthy living early on. As a teen, he began taking vitamins and supplements, which became a way of life for him. His uncle, who became a vegetarian in 1954, particularly infl u-enced him. “He lived in Washington D.C., and when he would come for a visit, my two cousins and I would be excited to see what Uncle Stevie would bring to eat on this trip. He was the one who truly opened my eyes to trying something different.”

Today, he and his staff try to do their part to open the eyes of others by sharing knowledge and information that is crucial to good health. That means spending as much time as necessary with customers. “When a customer comes into our store we take the time to show them around so they know what we have,” he explains. Patrons will fi nd a wide array of products including vita-mins, supplements, herbs, personal care and frozen and refrigerated items. They have a selection of ready-to-eat veg-etarian sandwiches and salads, organic produce, raw cow and goat milks, meats and cheeses and assorted gluten-free products. “In a nut shell, we have a lot of what the big box stores do not have,”

notes Samar.Personal service is a priority at

Garden Gate. If they don’t have a product customers want, they will do their best to order it for fi nd something comparable—a simple gesture, but one that seems rare these days.

Samar says that in order to sell something, one must have two very im-portant things: one must believe in and know their products and it has to be a lifestyle one follows. That’s not a prob-lem for the folks at Garden Gate. Col-lectively, he and his team have about 100 plus years of using and believing in natural products. This has been their way of life and they’re happy to share. To help spread the message and assist patrons in making better lifestyle choices, they even insert informative articles into shopping bags.

While they work hard to provide outstanding service and an inviting atmosphere, Samar credits much of the store’s success to its customers. “Over the 26 years since I’ve purchased Garden Gate, I have been so fortunate to meet so many exciting people that have shared so much knowledge and warmth. This store over the many years has allowed me to have an extended family of many brothers and sisters and to watch them all grow up.

“Sally, my mother and I believe 100 percent that our customers are why we are here this long,” he states. “When people come into our store it is such a warm feeling to just say ‘Hi’ and see the smile on their face. The mom and pop stores, so to speak, are the backbone of what America is about.”

Although owning a small business is not easy, Samar says the rewards are more than worth it. “I leave after the end of the day and I feel good inside knowing I am very fortunate to be able to do this. It’s a job that you never get bored. For me, it’s having a goal and a dream and working toward it every day. Like the rising and setting of the sun, each day is a new day—one fi lled with surprises!”

Garden Gate Natural Foods, Inc. is lo-cated at 17 S 9th St., in Allentown. They are open every day and accept all major credit and SNAP/EBT cards. For more information, call 610-433-8891.

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mastersof bodywork


Has Been Proven Effective In:Relieving Back Pain Boosting ImmunityReducing Anxiety

Lowering Blood PressureTreating Migraines

Decreasing Carpel Tunnel Symptoms Easing Post Operative Pain

Alleviating Side Effects of Cancer

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West Lehigh ValleyJust West of Rt. 100 Between Rts. 78 & 222


Empower Yourself24 Types of Bodywork

IncludingCancer Massage • CranioSacral • LomiLomi Hawaiian • Shiatsu

Lymphatic Drainage • Neuromuscular • Thai Yoga MassageTragar® • Feldenkrais • Therapeutic Oil Massage

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Marie RuxtonChronic Pain & Movement Therapy

Myofascial Release TherapyMind-Body MakeoversTherapeutic Massage

PA #MSG002015 NJ #18KT00415900

628 Chestnut St • Emmaus • 610.965.2500 www.marieruxton.massagetherapy.com

• LMT, CN •

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RETHINKING HEART HEALTHPioneering Doctors and Patients

Reinvent Cardio Careby Linda Sechrist

to improving heart health highlighted in his book, The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up, and an upcoming PBS special, concern lifestyle factors capable of shrinking plaque, improving circulation and strengthening the heartbeat. “Abnormal plaque growth is preventable 90 per-cent of the time,” states the president of Masley Optimal Health Center, in St. Petersburg, Florida. While conducting research on the heart health of nearly 1,000 patients over a period of 20 years, Masley sus-pected that the traditional assessment approach of measuring cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure didn’t effectively address the biochemistry within arteries. Testing intima-media thickness (IMT) using a simple 10-min-ute external ultrasound confi rmed it. The test bounces high-frequency sound waves to measure the thickness of the cartoid arteries’ innermost two layers on either side of the neck. “This valuable tool allows for an estimate of arterial age. A healthy, young cardiovascular system has less plaque and an unhealthy, old one has more,” advises Masley. IMT, a useful tool for preventing future heart attacks and strokes, differs from standard carotid Doppler ultrasound, which looks for artery obstructions suggest-ing surgery. A practitioner of functional medi-cine, Masley explains heart-related diagnoses differently than his allopathic counterparts. “Rather than diagnosing high blood pressure as hypertension, I categorize it as not enough exercise, not enough fruits and vegetables, high emo-tional stress and excessive body fat.” To optimize heart health, Masley employs a broad, holistic matrix of op-tions that enhance the cardiovascular system—the interactions among diet, activity level, weight, environmental toxins, hormones, stress and bio-chemical factors such as blood sugar control and infl ammation levels. He prescribes heart-healing foods that simultaneously help to manage the aging process, following a customized, heart-friendly supplement plan; engag-ing in exercise that strengthens the heart and arteries; and learning how to better manage stress.

In 1977, Dr. Dean Ornish began to think beyond an allopathic medicine paradigm that defi ned the reversal

of cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease (CHD) and the hypertensive diseases such as heart fail-ure and stroke, as physiologically im-plausible. Undaunted by the challenge of funding his research, he pushed for-ward. Results of his foundational 1986 to 1992 Lifestyle Heart Trial, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, proved that individuals with preexisting coronary atheroscle-rosis that make intensive, integrated lifestyle changes can begin to experi-ence improvements in their condition after as little as one year without using lipid-lowering drugs. Based on his 30-plus years of clini-cal research, Ornish and his colleagues further showed that fi ve years of follow-ing proper nutrition, fi tness and stress

management—which must include love and support—can reduce symptoms of CHD and other chronic conditions. He remarks in Love & Survival: 8 Pathways to Intimacy and Health that despite nu-merous studies showing a medical basis for its occurrence, the reason why CHD is reversible is still the subject of debate. Ornish’s work has paved the way for a growing corps of pioneer-ing integrative physicians successfully collaborating with patients to reduce the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States.

Plaque the CulpritThe cause of cardiovascular disease is arterial plaque, a fi ne layer of fatty material that forms within the arter-ies and blocks blood fl ow. It is largely the result of food and activity choices, plus the degree of infl ammation in the arteries. Dr. Steven Masley’s three keys

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He contends that cardiovascu-lar events remain the top cause of death because individuals are largely unaware of treatment options before they get into trouble. More, “Most people falsely assume that their con-dition has been fixed with a medical procedure and/or drugs, and that a lifestyle change isn’t necessary.”

Cholesterol’s Bad RapDr. Stephen Sinatra, an integrative cardiologist, anti-aging specialist and bioenergetics psychotherapist in Man-chester, Connecticut, has also shifted his heart health paradigm. He now prescribes a combination of conven-tional medicine, food, supplements, mind/body strategies and natural heal-

ing methods. His book, Heartbreak and Heart Disease: A Mind/Body Prescrip-tion for Healing the Heart, relates many inspiring case histories that address the psycho-emotional component of heart health and illustrate how to repair and reopen a broken heart by releasing long-repressed emotions. Following two years of Gestalt psy-chotherapy training and seven years of bioenergetics training, Sinatra likewise realized that heartbreak was one of the major causes of heart disease. An expert in the field of natural cardiology, he had once believed that cholesterol and fat were the primary causes before 40 years of treatment research taught him otherwise. “Cholesterol is not the reason

Love and intimacy are at the root of what makes us

sick and what makes us well, what causes sadness

and what brings happiness, what makes us suffer

and what leads to healing.

~ Dr. Dean Ornish, Love & Survival

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for heart disease,” advises Sinatra, founder of HeartMDInstitute.com and author of The Great Cholesterol Myth. “The body produces and needs cho-lesterol to convert sunlight to vitamin D, to make sex hormones, vital semi-permeable membranes for the body’s trillions of cells, plus bile salts for digestion. Even your brain makes and uses cholesterol to build connections between the neurons that facilitate learning and memory.”

Real PerpetratorsSinatra names the real perpetrators of heart disease—stress, inflammation and overeating sugar and processed foods containing saturated fat. He counsels that the heart benefits less from a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet than one low in carbohydrates and higher in healthy fats, overturning widespread medical mantras. Also, a high-fructose, high-grain carbohydrate diet raises triglycer-ides, increases the risk of metabolic syndrome and contributes to insulin resistance, causing the liver to produce more cholesterol, as well as more inflammatory, low-density lipopro-tein cholesterol (LDL) particles, all of which increase the risk for CHD, diabetes and stroke. The American Heart Association (AHA) estimates that metabolic syndrome, which affects nearly 35 percent of American adults, may overtake smoking as the leading risk factor for CHD. The AHA currently is focused on increasing awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of women. Its Go Red for Women campaign empha-sizes the vital need to take preventive basic actions, including adopting an ex-ercise routine, healthier diet and doctor visits for appropriate non-invasive tests.

Essential SpiritDr. James Forleo, a chiropractor in Durango, Colorado, with 30-plus years of clinical experience, maintains that health is simple, disease is complicated (also the title of his book). He counsels patients, “If mental stress is present in your life, you owe it to your cardiovas-cular system to change to a healthier lifestyle. Your life may depend on it.” Forleo has recognized that an indi-vidual’s state of mind can be a big help or hindrance in maintaining a healthy heart. “The heart represents a differ-ent realm of experience entirely, one that cannot be explained by logic and reason,” comments Forleo. He champions the link between maintaining normal spinal function and healthy heart function, along with supporting the inner presence of Spirit, which he calls the healthy heart’s ultimate elixir. “Its essence relaxes the heart, opens the mind to possibilities greater than itself and provides the per-spective that the heart and the mind are complementary,” he observes. He explains that when our emo-tions get bottled up, something in our heart or circulation has to give. “If you or someone you know experi-ences heart problems, chances are that unresolved emotions lie directly below the surface,” he says. “There are excep-tions, and genetic problems can explain many heart defects, but heart problems don’t usually show up unless emotions are involved.” Forleo’s concept is supported by the work of Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., executive vice president and direc-tor of research at California’s Institute of HeartMath. His research papers include The Energetic Heart: Bioelec-tromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People. “Today, evidence suggests that the

It is no coincidence that we address our physical

and emotional heart by the same name. Our physical heart usu-

ally reflects the state of our emotional

heart, and vice versa.

~ Dr. James Forleo

heart may play a particularly important role in emotional experience. Research in the relatively new discipline of neurocardiology has confirmed that the heart is a sensory organ and acts as a sophisticated information encoding and processing center that learns, remem-bers and makes independent functional decisions that don’t involve the cere-bral cortex,” advises McCraty.

To Happy HeartsPioneering integrative medical doc-tors Masley, Sinatra, Forleo and Mona Lisa Schultz, who also holds a Ph.D. in behavioral neuroscience, agree that in matters of heart disease, emotions take center stage. Schultz, who recently co-authored All is Well: Heal Your Body with Medicine, Affirmations and Intuition, with Louise L. Hay, a lead-ing founder of the self-help movement, applies her 25 years of experience as a medical intuitive with the best of West-ern clinical science, brain research and energy medicine. Shultz observes, “Every illness has an emotional component, which tells us intuitively that something or some-one in our life or environment is out of balance and needs to be addressed. Our use of language—such as frustra-tion makes our heart race, anger boils our blood—and our common sense are telling us what we don’t need more studies to confirm. If we can’t deal with our anger in a timely fashion, name our feelings, respond effectively and release them, we increase our chance of illness, ranging from hypertension to cardiovascular events.” According to the American Jour-nal of Cardiology, the U.S. spends 10 percent of all healthcare dollars for cardiovascular disease prevention and medical management versus 90 percent on medical treatment proce-dures and hospital care. For individu-als interested in taking charge of their heart health, working with a physician that embraces the emerging paradigm of integrative lifestyle changes and prevention can be a drug-free, life-saving decision.

Linda Sechrist is the senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Visit ItsAllAboutWe.com for full interviews.

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by Dr. Thomas B. Wachtmann DC

According to the American Heart Association, over 82 mil-lion Americans have at least one type of heart and blood

vessel disease, or cardiovascular disease (CVD). The most common form is found in over 76 million people known as high blood pressure, also called hypertension. In addition, 27 million Americans are diagnosed every year with heart disease and another 8 million have been affected by stroke.

Heart disease includes numerous problems, many of which are related to a process called atherosclerosis, a condi-tion that develops when plaque builds up in the walls of the arteries. This buildup narrows the arteries, making it harder for blood to flow. If a blood clot forms, it can stop the blood flow and cause a heart attack or stroke.

A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked by a blood clot. If this clot cuts off the blood flow completely, the part of the heart muscle supplied by that artery begins to die.

An ischemic stroke—the most common type—happens when a blood vessel that feeds the brain gets blocked, usually from a blood clot. When the blood supply to a part of the brain is shut off, brain cells die. The result will be the in-ability to carry out some of the previous functions as before, like walking or talking. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel within the brain bursts. The most likely cause is uncontrolled hypertension.

Congestive heart failure means the heart isn’t pumping blood as well as it should. The heart keeps working, but the body’s need for blood and oxygen isn’t being met. This can get worse if it’s not treated.

Arrhythmia is an abnormal rhythm of the heart. There are various types of arrhythmias; the heart can beat too slow, too fast or irregularly. All can impact how well the heart works

Improving Cardiovascular Health

and may not allow it to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs.

Heart valve problems, such as stenosis or regurgitation, don’t allow the valves to open enough to allow adequate blood flow or allow the blood to leak backward, respec-tively. Mitral valve prolapse is when the valve leaflets bulge or prolapse back into the upper chamber, allowing blood to flow backward through them.

Carotid artery disease, aortic aneurysms and peripheral artery disease (PAD) are probably the three most serious non-cardiac vascular diseases that afflict Americans and are certainly the ones that produce the most potential for death, disability and dismemberment. Carotid artery disease typically occurs when the carotid arteries, the main blood vessels to the brain, develop a buildup of plaque called atherosclerosis, or become too hard and inflexible called arteriosclerosis. When the buildup becomes severe it can cause a stroke, which can be fatal or permanently disabling.

Aortic aneurysms occur when the wall of the aorta progressively weakens. This causes dilation or bulging of the vessel. If not diagnosed and treated, the aneurysm will grow larger and eventually rupture. An aneurysm that ruptures has an 80 percent fatality rate. The vast majority of people with aneurysms are never diagnosed until they experience fatal rupture. If the aortic aneurysm is electively detected and treated, the risk is more in the range of 2 to 3 percent.

PAD is a blockage in the circulation to the arms or legs due to atherosclerosis or other diseases. PAD can impair circulation to the extremities and lead to serious disability or amputation. Between 25 and 30 million people over 70 have PAD. These people are three times as likely to die of heart attacks and strokes as those without it.

The good news about all of this is that most of it can be prevented. To a large extent, it is our choice whether we get cardiovascular disease or not. Diet, exercise and proper nu-tritional supplementation are key factors that can be imple-mented if one is willing to make some changes.

Diagnosis of the ProblemResearch shows that symptoms and disease are simply

the end result of something else gone wrong. Functional Diagnostic Medicine is a diagnosis and treatment system that gets at the root causes of illness without surgery or drugs and provides a detailed assessment of the body at the cel-lular level and various systems within the body. By using the knowledge gained from proper screenings, health problems can be accurately treated at the source. The screenings can also provide advanced warnings for those in danger. High quality screenings can reveal those at greater risk for the leading killer (heart disease) and disabler (stroke) by using the data on portable diagnostic ultrasound images.

Supporting the Body to Heal ItselfNitric oxide is an emerging secret for powerful cardio-

vascular protection. Only recently identified, scientists were

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What is a Carotid Artery Screening?

A carotid artery screening, also known as a duplex scan, is a non-invasive, ab-breviated vascular ultrasound study done to assess the blood flow and wall

structure of the arteries in the neck that supply blood from the heart to the face and brain. There are six carotid arteries – three on each side.

The term duplex refers to the fact that two modes of ultrasound are used—Doppler and B-mode. The Doppler portion evaluates the velocity and direction of blood flow to indicate stroke risk and the B-mode obtains the image of the intima and media wall thickness for heart disease risk.

A carotid artery screening is used to assess possible blockage or narrowing of these arteries before any symptoms occur. Plaque (a build-up of fatty materials), thrombus (blood clot) and other substances in the blood stream are easily identi-fied. It is not necessary to wait until these factors create a symptom—or even worse, death.

What do we do if the carotid arteries become blocked? Think F.A.S.T.Face – Is one side droopy? Is your smile crooked?•

Arms – Can you raise them together? Can you control movements?•

Speech – What did you just say? Repeat your address – sound right?•

Time – Call 9-1-1 immediately. Time lost is brain lost.•

Twin Ponds Integrative Health Center in West Lehigh Valley, is hosting a Carotid Artery Ultrasound and Blood Pressure Screening from 3 to 8 p.m., February 19. For more information, call 610-395-3355 or visit BaselineMedical.net.

awarded a Nobel Prize in 1998 for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a sig-naling molecule in the cardiovascular system. Since that time, significant evidence has come forward on its incredible potential and myriad uses.

When nitric oxide levels in the arteries become deficient, the barriers break down, cardiovascular protection is lost and the heart is more susceptible to defect. As a potent vasodilator, nitric oxide expands the arteries, which in turn help regulate blood pressure and enhance the blood flow to vital organs. Nitric oxide is naturally produced in the endothelial cells of the arteries, but as a gas, it only has a lifespan of a few seconds.

Nitric oxide cannot be brought in from the outside, but its production can be stimulated through amino acids and antioxidants, such as arginine and citrulline. These elements can markedly boost production of nitric oxide and stabilize the molecule, preventing it from being inactivated by oxygen radicals. Several key nutri-tional products may be recommended, which have been extensively documented to have a positive effect on either reversing cardiovascular disease, or preventing it in the first place.

One supplementation product I recommend is packed with pharmaceutical grade l-arginine, an amino acid that the body converts to nitric oxide to help en-hance the cardiovascular system. Formulated in collaboration with leading research-ers and cardiovascular specialists, l-arginine also helps improve immune function, helps to build muscle and reduce adipose tissue body fat and may boost energy levels.

For the best possible heart health, it is imperative that we know our own per-sonal risks and then make educated decisions to support our bodies natural healing processes.

For more information or to schedule an evaluation, call Dr. Thomas B. Wachtmann DC at Twin Ponds Integrative Health Center at 610-395-3355

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Fighting Disease on a Cellular Levelby Dr. Joe McCord

Often called “the building block of life”, the cell was discovered in 1665 by British scientist Robert Hooke.

Nearly 200 years later, scientists identifi ed the cell as the fundamental functional, structural and biological unit for all known living organisms.

The human body contains somewhere in the neighbor-

hood of 100 trillion cells. It’s an unfathomable number, but we know that these microscopic units are essential for maintaining life. Cells make up tissues, such as bone tissue and muscle tissue. Tissues in turn compose organs, which of course, carry out the body’s vital processes and functions. Cells also make up the skin and glands; they line the blood vessels and make up muscles. Cells also compose the brain, spinal cord and nerves. In essence, cells provide the frame-work of the entire body.

It’s plain to see how extraordinary and crucial these minuscule wonders are for each of us. And yet, each day billions of our cells are attacked, damaged and even killed by harmful invaders, including oxygen and peroxides also known as free radicals. This unremitting attack on cells, known as oxidative stress, is the primary mechanism of the aging process. The free radical assault on our cells is a natu-ral function, however, poor diet, internalized toxins, lack of exercise, dehydration and poor sleep negatively affect the body’s natural defense mechanisms. If not mitigated by the body, oxidative stress can lead to chronic infl ammation, a root cause of many debilitating diseases and premature ag-ing.

Your body already contains the information to effectively combat oxidative stress. Built-in functions can counteract damage and replace dead cells with new ones. Completely eliminating these forces is not possible, however signifi -cantly reducing oxidative stress by increasing antioxidants in the body has been proven to slow the aging process and improve many health issues. There are two types of anti-

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oxidants. Direct antioxidants are available from nutrient-rich, whole foods such as carrots, cantaloupe, pumpkins, apricots, squash, mangos and many others. While direct antioxidants are no doubt available from a good diet, they are not nearly as effective at removing free radicals as indirect antioxidants, a network of enzymes made by the body designed to defend against oxidative stress.

The primary indirect antioxidant and regulator of longevity is a protein messenger enzyme called Nrf2. Nrf2 communi-cates with our DNA and delivers a wake-up call to our genes, telling them to increase what our body is already programmed to do—fight aging and oxidative stress at the source of aging, free radicals. When activated, Nfr2 enters the nucleus of the cell and turns on hundreds of genes known as survival genes. Survival genes are defensive, stress-responsive, cytoprotective genes that enable cells to survive in the face of several differ-ent kinds of stress and injury, especially oxidative stress.

Many supplement companies have spent millions of dol-lars developing oxidative stress products with mixed results. I have devoted the past 40 years dedicated to finding the key to eliminating chronic inflammation because I know what effect it would have on reducing disease. We have now unlocked the secret to activating Nrf2 and defending cells against oxida-tive stress like never before. Our peer-reviewed formula con-tains five natural ingredients proven to eliminate 1 million free radicals every second which results in a reduction of oxidative stress levels by an average of 40 percent in just 30 days. This exciting work slows the rate of cellular aging and can reduce the risk of degenerative diseases for everyone.

Dr. Joe McCord is the LifeVantage Director of Science, four-time nominee by the Nobel Prize Committee, discoverer of the anti-aging enzyme Superoxide Dismutase and recipient of the Elliott Cresson Medal from the Franklin Institute. Visit AB-CLiveIt.com for an informational video. For more information on LifeVantage products, visit MyLifeVantage.com/kenknerr or call Independent Distributor Ken Knerr at 610-914-8956. See ad on this page.

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“Research tells us that 14 out of any 10

individuals like chocolate,” quips cartoon-ist Sandra Boynton. American chocolate lovers buy 58 million-plus pounds around Val-entine’s Day, according to Nielsen Research. Ideally, the dark treat would be as healthy as a salad or an apple. Fortunately, accumu-lating research is on the way to giving plant-based chocolate superfood status. All chocolate starts with cacao beans, seeds from the pods of the tropical cacao tree that thrives only in hot, rainy climates in Africa, Indone-sia and South America. Local soil and climate conditions determine flavor characteristics, much as with grapes. Harvested beans are fermented to cre-

CHOCOLATE AS HEALTH FOODBoosting Diets and Heart Health

by Judith Fertig

ate the chocolate taste and then dried. Af-terwards, chocolate

makers add brand-specific

ingredients to the cacao solids.

“The percentage number on a bar’s

wrapper represents the weight that actually comes from the cacao bean content,” says Robert L. Wolke, professor emeritus of chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh and author of What Einstein Told His Cook: Kitchen Science Explained. “The higher the number, the lower the percentage of sugar and the less sweet, more bitter and complex the flavor.” This is significant because dark chocolate contains higher levels of an-tioxidants which can help reduce cell damage, according to the Integrative Medicine Department at the University

of Michigan, in Ann Arbor. Alex Whitmore, founder of Taza Chocolate, in Somerville, Massachu-setts, recently had one of its bars lab tested for antioxidant levels, called ORAC, or oxygen radical absorption capacity; the higher the value, the more antioxidants. Taza Chocolate’s 80% Dark Bar had a 65 percent higher ORAC than Himalayan goji berries, famed for being a superfood. “This is very high for a chocolate bar,” notes Whitmore. Cocoa also serves as a superfood for cardiovascular and metabolic health, report two recent studies from separate teams of Harvard School of Public Health researchers. A 2012 me-ta-analysis of clinical trials published in the American Journal of Clinical Nu-trition concluded that consuming dark, unsweetened cocoa powder and dark chocolate can improve blood pres-sure, vascular dilation and cholesterol levels, plus reduce metabolic precur-sors like diabetes that can lead to heart disease. In 2011, Eric Ding, Ph.D., a Har-vard School of Public Health epidemi-ologist and nutrition scientist, reviewed short-term trials of subjects ingesting 400 to 500 mg per day of flavonoid-rich cocoa, which he equates to 33 bars of milk chocolate or eight bars of dark chocolate. While Ding feels this is an unreasonable amount to eat because of the extra calories from sugar and fat, he states, “Supplements with concentrated cocoa flavonoids may perhaps be help-ful for garnering the benefits discovered.

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The key is getting the benefi ts for heart disease while avoiding the calories, and for that, chocolate bars are not likely the best solution.” Another observational study pub-lished in Nutrition shows that eating dark chocolate might help keep the pounds off for teenagers. Researchers with the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence program at the University of Zaragoza, in Spain, knew that chocolate consumption in adults already had been linked to lower body mass index. They found that chocolate consumption was also associated with lower total and midsection fat in Europe-an adolescents, reports Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo.com, a natural health research database. “The quality and cocoa content they used in their research is probably much higher than in America,” says Ji. “From my perspective, it appears that even when researchers don’t control for type, the results across the board are rather startling. Even American subjects, pre-sumably eating common milk chocolate bars, see benefi ts.” So, this Valentine’s Day—and every day—we can happily relish that one-ounce piece of artisan dark choco-late melting slowly in our mouth and know we’re doing it for pleasure and for health.

Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFoodAndLifestyle.blogspot.com from Overland Park, KS.

Vegan Chocolate PieServe this with fresh raspberries and enjoy a little romance.

Yields 8 servings

Chocolate Wafer Crust6½ oz dairy-free chocolate wafer cookies, crushed into fi ne crumbs1 Tbsp maple or date sugar3 oz vegan buttery stick (such as Earth Balance), melted and slightly cooled

Chocolate Filling13 oz dairy-free semisweet chocolate chips (such as Ghirardelli)1/3 cup strong brewed coffee1 tsp vanilla extract1 lb silken tofu, drained1 Tbsp honey1 (9-in) prepared chocolate wafer crust

Preheat the oven to 350° F.

For the crust, combine the cookie crumbs, sugar and melted vegan buttery stick. Press this mixture fi rmly and even-ly into the bottom, up the sides and just over the lip of a 9-inch metal pie pan. Bake on the middle rack of the oven un-til the crust is set and appears dry, 18 to 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool completely, about 1 hour.

For the fi lling, melt the chocolate chips with the coffee and vanilla in a me-dium metal bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water, stirring often with a spatula. Combine the tofu, melted chocolate mixture and honey in a blender or food processor until smooth, about 1 minute. Pour the fi lling into the crust and refrigerate for 2 hours or until the fi lling becomes fi rm.

Vegan Hot ChocolateA comforting way to enjoy the benefi ts of chocolate on a cold day.

Yields 4 servings

2½ cups plain rice milk3 Tbsp maple or date sugar3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder½ tsp salt½ tsp vanilla extract1 pinch ground cinnamon1 pinch cayenne pepper

Bring the rice milk, sugar, cocoa pow-der, salt, vanilla extract, cinnamon and cayenne pepper to a simmer in a sauce-pan over medium-high heat. Remove from the heat and whisk until frothy. Serve immediately.

Source: Recipes courtesy of Judith Fertig

Chocolate Cookery

Chocolate Artistry

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 61

million adults in the United States are currently at risk for serious vision loss, and The National Institutes of Health estimates that 1.75 million people in the country have age-related macular degeneration. The Glaucoma Research Foundation reports that 2.2 million individuals around the nation have glaucoma, the leading cause of blind-ness. Clearly, millions of people suffer from vision problems, whether from these two conditions or others. The good news is that, no matter what our age, there are things we can do to help save our sight.

“Most people don’t do a whole lot to take care of their eyes or vision,” ex-plains Dr. Edward Kondrot, founder of the Healing The Eye & Wellness Cen-ter, in Dade City, Florida. “Vision is so very important, yet it is something they don’t pay much attention to preserving – at least, until there are problems and their vision starts to be affected.”

Kondrot, the only board-certified ophthalmologist and board-certified

homeopathic physician in the world, recommends following these 10 steps to help protect our sight.

Forget prescription drugs. Each •year, over 2.6 billion prescrip-tions are provided to patients around the country, according to the CDC. Pills often have side effects and alternate routes are available, ones that will help our vision.Focus on health. It’s important to •live a healthy lifestyle, which in-cludes getting plenty of exercise and sleep.Eat Right. A well-balanced diet •is essential to maintaining a healthy body and healthy vision. Eat fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamins and nutrients, such as butternut squash, kale and zucchini.Exercise the Eyes. Exercises exist •that improve eye health. Rolling the eyes in a circular motion and focusing on near and far objects is beneficial for eye muscles.

Understand the connection. It’s im-•portant to understand the connection between being healthy and protect-ing our health. For example, one of the biggest risk factors for getting glaucoma is being diabetic.Learn all you can. Knowing the •various things that can help or harm one’s vision is critical. Read about the natural and alternative methods for helping to preserve sight.Take Preventive Measures. If you •are susceptible to a particular eye disease, learn what you can do to reduce your risk.Protect the Eyes. Blue light from •electronics can damage our eyes at night as well as excessive UV rays. For those working late into the night, try blue blocking glasses for protec-tion.Choose wisely. Those who want to •work with a physician to meet their vision needs should seek out one that is qualified to offer alternative therapies. Be Diligent. Eye exams can catch •symptoms of diseases and illnesses such as diabetes, nutritional deficien-cy, liver disease and Alzheimer’s. If caught early, many of these diseases can be preventable.

“Much of the information that people get about protecting their eyes is not all that accurate or effective,” adds Kondrot. “I have spent my career helping people to protect their vision and improve their sight.”

Glaucoma, for example, impacts so many people, yet there continues to be many myths and misinformation regard-ing the best way to prevent and treat it. Kondrot is out to change that. “It’s a shame that so many people live a life of compromised quality due to glaucoma, when they clearly do not have to,” he explains. “People continue to do so be-cause of all the incorrect information that is perpetuated. The myths need to be put to rest once and for all.”

Glaucoma sufferers should know that not getting enough chromium in the diet can lead to a decrease of glucose in the ciliary muscles, which can cause an elevation of the eye pressure. Chromium is found in foods high in calories, eggs, molasses, red wine and grapes, and the fat in red meat. Undergoing chelation therapy, will remove heavy metals from

Holistic Solutions to Eye DiseaseDr. Edward Kondrot

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Dr. Conrad G. Maulfair, Jr., of Maulfair Medical

Center, says Dr. Edward Kon-drot hits the nail on the head with his recommendations and treatments for eye disease. “We have been successfully treating people with macu-

lar degeneration and other diseases utilizing chelation therapy and other IV treatments,” he says.

Maulfair states that remaining in good health as we age is the answer to aging grace-fully; we need good eyesight for a high quality of life. “Dr. Kondrot treats glaucoma with chelation therapy, much like our results with macular degeneration, the microcirculation in the eye is improved by addressing the toxic metals and ionic calcium status, remember, you are also improving circulation throughout the body. We also utilize a specific intrave-nous protocol for macular degeneration with good results.”

Studying up on the importance of good nutrition should be a priority when our eyesight starts to fail, according to Maulfair. He and his staff give seminars in the hopes of educating attendees that function in the body deteriorates long before there are symptoms. “Utilizing factual information in the improve-ment of diet and lifestyle is the key to retain-ing all our faculties as we age,” he notes.

Maulfair Medical Center is located at 2970 Corporate Ct., Ste. 1, in Orefield. For more information, call 610-682-2104 or visit DrMaulfair.com.

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the body, which are very toxic to the optic nerve, and improve blood flow to the optic nerve. Another therapy called Microcurrent, which is a weak electrical stimulation that improves blood flow, reduces inflammation, and stimulates cellular activity.

The relationship between vita-min C and cataracts is another issue he hopes to bring to light. Scurvy is a disease caused by vitamin C defi-ciency. The disease causes weak-ness, anemia and a breakdown of connective tissue within the body. Kondrot suggests that cataracts may be a form of focal scurvy.

“When you look at what we know about scurvy and what we know about cataracts it just makes sense that the two issues have a common thread,” he notes. “The common thread between the two, which can help naturally restore vi-sion in those with cataracts, is that of vitamin C.” Bridging the diseases together, it has been shown that when cataracts de-velop, the amount of vitamin C in the area surrounding the lens decreases.

His revolutionary book, 10 Essentials to Save Your Sight, tackles these issues and more, while of-

fering a homeopathic and alternative approach to maintaining eye health. He says it took him a decade to pen the book, which is founded on a vast amount of research.

His therapies are aimed at help-ing those with macular degenera-tion, glaucoma, cataracts and dry eye, among other conditions. He says whether one already has sight problems or not, the information in the book can help lead them to vi-sion restoration, as well as helping to avoid any vision loss.

To learn these proven therapies, Dr. Edward Kondrot is offering “Training for using Microcurrent” workshops on March 1 and 2 in Phoenix, AZ, for patients that need help repairing their vision, as well as medical doctors or optometrists who would like to learn more about alternative therapies that can help patients with vision prob-lems.

Additional conferences for medical doctors interested in learning proven alterna-tive therapies to help pa-tients with vision problems will be held in Nashville TN on March 12 and 13 and in Dade City, Florida on September 6 and 7.

For more information, visit HealingTheEye.com.

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CYCLES OF SPINReturning to its Heart-Healthy Origins

by Janet Osen

Like many newly minted sports, “Spin” has at its center a near-mythical figure: its creator, Jonathan

Goldstein—better known as Johnny G—by most accounts a unique eccentric with an unheralded passion for cycling. In 1987, while training for the renowned The Race Across America bike event, a mega-marathon 3,100-mile race from Los Angeles to New York, Goldstein was struck by a car and nearly killed. It produced an epiphany: Building an indoor bike simulating the outdoor experience would create a novel workout that would incorporate cardio training and emphasize a mind-body connection. With the formation of Mad Dogg Athletics in 1994, the Spinning craze began rolling. Rolling Stone magazine named it the newest hot exercise and by 1996 there were 1,000-plus Spin-ning centers in 30 countries.

True to FormConceived as a form of cardio biofeed-back, the activity keyed on training the heart muscle aerobically using a

heart monitor. The original goal was to provide an “aerobic base” by working at 65 to 80 percent of one’s maximum heart rate, making the heart a more effective pump and increasing oxygen levels throughout the body. The Spin program follows the prin-ciple that participants will train aero-bically for six to 12 weeks prior to a

Latest Spins on Original SpinHydrorider: Lightweight aluminum, rust-proof bike affords aqua cycling in the pool.

RealRyder: Bike innovation tilts and moves with participants’ body weight to more accurately simu-late outdoor cycling.

High Tech: Onboard computers track resistance levels, cadence and heart rates designed for preci-sion rides.

Bands Classes: Resistance bands attach to a sliding track on the ceiling to tone abs, arms and chest.

Fusion: Classes combine Spin with other workouts like yoga.

“Race Day”—a special ride performed at a steady anaerobic threshold gener-ally at 85 to 95 percent of maximum heart rate. Anaerobic threshold, or AT, is the point at which the body accumu-lates lactic acid in the muscles faster that it can be removed. “Aerobic base building creates a strong foundation for increasing one’s lactate threshold,” explains Lorey Pro, a master Spin instructor and assistant director of fitness and wellness at Louisiana State University. “Riders can increase their tolerance for anaerobic exercise.” “The metabolism’s foundation is strengthened by aerobic base building. Without it, the body will fall apart if the athlete moves right into anaerobic threshold training,” explains Shannon Derby, a master Spin instructor and certified group fitness and personal trainer at Mountain’s Edge Fitness Cen-ter, in Boulder, Colorado. In contrast to indoor cycling, Spin requires that exertion rates be correlated to levels based on maximum heart rates, and revolutions per minute (RPMs) or pedal strokes be kept at pre-specified levels. According to Pro, Spin should combine mind and body training by using a variety of heart rate zones to im-prove health, fitness and performance. Instructors take participants through a series of rides known as Energy Zones, each serving a specific purpose like endurance, strength or recovery. Terri Arends, a master Spin instructor and group fitness director at

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the Jewish Community Center of Dallas, Texas, attests that without such rides, the aerobic foundation crumbles. She likes to put riders through “kicking Spin rides and moments of Zen that allow riders to let go and fi nd their inner athlete.”

Lost in TranslationIn today’s typical Spin class, no one wears a heart monitor. While some gyms and boutique facilities offer endurance or strength rides, most conduct only interval rides featuring top 40 music selections and a loose interpretation of the prescribed movements, positions and cadence rates. “Interval rides tend to get picked most,” observes Derby. “There are many different kinds and they are fairly easy to teach and well liked, even though that isn’t what the offi cial Spinning program recommends.” Del Lugo, a Spin instructor and fi tness professional in Suffern, New York, who works at the nearby Torne Valley Sports Complex and Lifeplex Health Club, says he rarely sees classic Spin done anymore. In Lugo’s world, Spin should be simply a “fun, safe experience with the instruc-tor endeavoring to instill enthusiasm and encouragement.”

Moving ForwardOne key indicator of whether a fi tness activity is a trend and not a fad is the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) annual Fitness Trends survey. In 2012, Spin made ACSM’s top 20 list of fi tness trends, citing it as “one of the most popular group exercise programs in the commercial sector.” Yet it fell off of ACSM’s list last year. Reviving the original training pro-gram may prove helpful in preventing potential Spin burnout. Workouts were originally designed to culminate each week in a meditative, low-impact recov-ery ride to allow for rest and recovery, which is pivotal to any successful fi tness program. The key to Spin’s continuity may be in moving cycling back to its origins—re-educating participants about how best to use Spinning to maximize desired results for body, mind and spirit.

Janet Osen is a freelance writer in Rock-land County, NY. She is a certifi ed Spin instructor currently working toward her 200-hour yoga teacher certifi cation.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Symptoms that suggest a dog or cat’s heart is not pumping effec-tively include coughing and fatigue

from light exercise. Before the signs are evident, it is far better to check for heart disease during regular twice-yearly visits to the veterinarian. Using a stethoscope, a skilled doctor can pick up telltale heart murmurs during the examination. A fairly common problem with cats, heart disease tends to occur as cardiomy-opathy, an issue with the heart muscle. In most dogs, where cardiomyopathy is

Cardiac Care for PetsHow to Keep Little Hearts Humming

by Dr. Shawn Messonnier

rare, it usually involves damaged heart valves, resulting in “leaks” that allow blood to flow in both directions. Upon an initial diagnosis of heart disease, one of two mistakes in treat-ment routinely occur: Either a doctor prescribes strong cardiac medications to “prevent” heart failure from happen-ing (even though no medication has been shown to prevent heart failure), or he takes a wait-and-see approach, only intervening when the disease progresses to irreversible heart failure.


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The better approach is to do fur-ther testing and evaluation at the first sign of a murmur, including chest X-rays, an electrocardiogram (EKG) and a cardiac ultrasound to classify the stage of the disease and determine if conven-tional medications can help. Follow-up visits every six months allow the doctor to identify the point at which heart dis-ease has progressed toward impending heart failure. In general, pets with either a dis-eased or failing heart can benefit from supplements. Individual regimens vary, based on the nature of the patient’s case.

Omega-3Fish oil contains beneficial docosa-hexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapen-taenoic acid (EPA) unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. The principle metabolites derived from the metabolism of EPA and DHA tend to be anti-inflammatory. Contrariwise, omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in warm-weather vegetable oils, produce pro-inflam-matory mediators. Because omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids compete with each other to be converted to active metabolites (pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory) in the body, decreasing the intake of omega-6 fatty acids and/or increasing dietary omega-3 fatty acid levels, available through fish oil, is generally considered beneficial. The differing numbers identifying omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids simply refer to where the carbon-carbon double bonds are positioned in the molecules. Supplementing with fish oil may also reduce the occurrence of athero-sclerosis, thrombosis, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, heart failure and sudden cardiac death by decreasing inflammation throughout the body, including in the heart.

Coenzyme Q-10Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), also known as ubiquinol or ubiquinone, is a naturally occurring antioxidant synthesized in most tissues in the body. The highest concen-trations are in the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas. In the diet, CoQ10 is found in foods such as organ meats, poultry, fish, meat, nuts, soybean oil, fruits, veg-etables, eggs and dairy products.

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The Professional’s Handbook of Complementary & Al-ternative Medicines explains that CoQ10 is used in electron transport in mitochondria—small organelles inside cells that convert carbohydrates and fats into energy. It reports that stud-ies in people with hypertension showed a reduction in systolic blood pressure through CoQ10 supplementation. Benefi ts of such therapy studied in people with a heart that has failed in its pumping ability showed increased improved heart function and proper dilation of the blood vessels for improved circula-tion. It is proving to be one of the best nutrients to help an ailing heart.

HawthornThe herb hawthorn is highly regarded for its suitability in the treatment of heart disease due to its fl avonoid and other antioxi-dant content. It provides several benefi cial effects for the heart—helping to maintain a normal heart rhythm with decreased risk of arrhythmias; bolstering the force of heart muscle contraction; in-creasing coronary blood fl ow; and decreasing the organ’s energy demands. It acts like angiotensin-1-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors such as the medicine Enalapril, used to help regulate blood pressure and reduce the workload of a failing heart. While other therapies can be used to help pet heart pa-tients, these three are a sound starting point. In some cases, they may be suitable instead of medications that can cause side ef-fects to the kidney and liver, or at least allow for smaller doses. Natural remedies provide a gentler alternative.

Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the award-winning author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. For more information, visit PetCareNaturally.com.

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Greenshire Arts ConsortiumUpper Bucks, Near Lake Nockamixon

3620 Sterner Mill Road, Quakertown PA www.greenshirearts.org 215-538-0976

Please register for all activities.

Past Lives Revisited: Feb 1, 10 am – 12 noon - Do you have unresolved issues from past lives that are altering your life today? Past life issues may impact your current life, thus influencing your soul’s growth. Learn how to recognize your issues, and practice specific techniques to heal and neutralize those issues. Experience freedom and joy in this lifetime! Rev. Tina Frazier, hypnotherapist. $20.

Highly Sensitive People, Support Group: Feb 5, 19, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm - Does the world overwhelm you? Have you been called shy, timid, inhibited, or introverted? These labels miss the nature of a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). This group views the as-pects of the HSP as strength rather than weakness. HSP’s are creative and productive workers, thought-ful partners, and intellectually gifted people. This group helps HSP’s embrace their sensitivity. Rev. Tina Frazier, spiritual mentor, hypnotherapist. $20.

Yogic Health: Feb 11, 7 pm - 8 pm (2nd, 3rd, 4th Tues) - Explore ancient practices of yoga and various ways to create a home practice and address personal needs. As yoga is a non competitive art all levels of physical ability are welcomed. $80/eight sessions. Pro-rated.

Coffee House: Rumi Poetry and Guitar ConcertFeb 16: 4 pm Appetizers, 5 pm – 6:30 pm Concert - Love nurtures and sustains us, and through it we come to know ourselves and others. Rumi, Sufi poet, reveals our connection with Self, Humanity and the Divine. Let’s celebrate love with a concert by guitarist and songwriter Michael London and Rumi poetry reading by Lisa DeVuono, poet. $20 and appetizer.

Reiki II: Feb 8, 10 am – 5 pm. $200. 8 CEs avail-able.

Improving Whole Body Health: Weds, 9 am – 10 am - Learn how to relieve stress, increase circulation, enhance natural flow of energies. Explore techniques from meditation, yogic traditions, breath practices, and chakra movement to restore, heal, empower. Kristen Allis Urffer. $80/eight sessions, pro-rated

Meditation: Weds, 10:30 am – 11:30 amTechniques to create a personal meditation practice, to condition body, mind and breath, to focus attention toward restorative wellbeing. Visualization, guided meditations help to move past outer layers of thought into core consciousness. Kristen Allis Urffer. $80/eight sessions, pro-rated.

Drumming Circle: Feb 1, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pmVal Hopkins. $20.

Spiritual Discussion: Feb 4, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pmRev. Arlene Curley. $20.

Mindfulness Meditation: 2nd and 4th Weds, 6:30-8:00 pm - This facilitated meditation class is for anyone who wishes to meditate with others and be supported energetically on a regular basis. Barbara Gordon, M.A., LMFT. $10.

calendarofeventsNOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 15th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email [email protected] for guidelines and to submit entries. No phone calls or faxes, please. Or visit http://www.healthylehighvalley.com to submit online.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1High Blood Pressure Relief with Effortless Medi-tation™ - Greg Schweitzer. Join this Introduction Class and learn about this “natural technique” that helps reduce stress and anxiety, the triggers that release hormones contributing to high blood pres-sure. 9:00-10:30 am, $20, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610.395.3355

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2Chakra 101 – With Alicia Wozniak. Use the labo-ratory of the physical body and the breath body to move through the energetic system of the Chakras. The senses will be your guide through this body exploration with movement, aromatherapy, mantra, journaling and sharing. 4:30-7pm. Easton Yoga, 524 Northampton St, Easton. 610-923-7522

Pilates Tension Release – Foam Roller Workout with Paola Montes. Access your abdominal wall, strengthening it, and improving balance. Use the roller to open the fascia, bones and organs. Finish feeling longer, in balance, and like you rolled away tension and stress. $65. 2pm. The Yoga Loft, Beth-lehem. Call to reserve 610-867-9642

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3Tea & Play for Moms and Tots – Enjoy a cup of tea while your little one explores the beauty of a Waldorf nursery. Learn more about the Waldorf approach to early childhood. Children birth to age four welcome. 10am. Call to register 610-982-5606. River Valley Waldorf School, 1395 Bridgeton Hill Rd, Upper Black Eddy.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5Love Your Healthy Heart - Engage the power of oxygen. Learn why it is so vital to heart health. Take a spin and try the oxygen bar. $10. 6pm. Herbs to Your Success, 64 South Main Street, Nazareth. RSVP to 610-365-8996.

Yoga 101: Introduction to Yoga for Beginners– Cultivating inner awareness and identifying areas of the body that feel tight and restricted the student learns to release and open. We will be using traditional beginner’s level postures to build your body awareness and mobility in a supportive and caring setting. Series 2/5-3/26. 5pm & 7:30pm. Easton Yoga, 524 Northampton St, Easton. 610-923-7522

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6Guided Nutrition Assessment – Suffering from chronic disease, or just wanting to plant yourself on the path to optimal health? Certifi ed nutritionist Gina Medvedz, CNC will use her expertise, along with your spirit guides, to allow the healing to begin. $50. Health Habits on Rt. 873 in Schnecks-ville. Call for an appointment: 610-767-3100.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7Free Intro to Yoga– Increase fl exibility and reduce stress with this beginner’s yoga class. 6:30pm. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem, 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem. Please call to reserve. 610.867.9642

Y12SR 12-step Program – For anyone working with addictive patterns or affected by those patterns in others. No previous yoga experience is required, please wear comfortable clothing. 7pm. Donation. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem, 521 East 4th St, Bethle-hem. Please call to reserve. 610.867.9642

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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11Weight Control Group Program – 4 sessions: Tues. Feb. 11th and 25th 2014 & March 11th and 25th, 2014 6-7:30pm. $175 includes Manual, CDs, & DVDs. For more information or to register contact: Bev Bley, L.P.N;C.M.Ht. at C.H.A.N.G.E. 610.797.8250 or email [email protected]. Coopersburg location.

The Dynamic Duo – Learn how the conscious and subconscious minds can work in unison and harmony to enhance your health, happiness and productivity. 6-7:30pm. Cost $25. For more information or to register contact: Bev Bley, L.P.N;C.M.Ht. at C.H.A.N.G.E. 610.797.8250 or email [email protected]. Coopersburg loca-tion.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12Heart Disease Relief with Effortless Medita-tion™ - Greg Schweitzer. Researchers say high cholesterol and high blood pressure are two major causes of heart attacks. Join this Intro Class to understand how this meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety which are underlying causes. 7:30-9:00 pm, $20, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610.395.3355

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13Free Intro to Tai Chi – with Hilary Smith. Increase strength, and improves the fl ow of energy in the body. As a form of exercise Tai Chi has been shown to lessen the pain of arthritis by strengthening the muscles around the joints. It also improves balance and cardiovascular health. 7:45pm. The Yoga Loft 521 E. 4th St. (3rd Fl.) Bethlehem. 610.867.9642

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15Vedic Chanting – Learn the Ancient Healing Mantras of India. Join Christi Rutkowski, E-R.Y.T. and friends in an evening of sacred sound. Learn to pronounce some of India’s most sacred mantras, chant them together then meditate. 6-8pm, $10 dona-tion, potluck, kids FREE! Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7Monthly Asana Intensive – With Jessie Thompson. Designed for intermediate to advanced students and yoga teachers, serving to introduce new levels of un-derstanding of the postures and the practice of yoga. We refi ne techniques found in fundamental postures. 4pm. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem, 521 East 4th St, Beth-lehem. Please call to reserve. 610.867.9642

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8Work/Life Balance for Busy Moms – Shonda Moralis. Are you struggling to balance career and stay-at-home options? In this brief introduction, you will learn to use mindful strategies to clarify career choices that align with your core values & true self. 9am-noon, $49, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 484 772.5395.

Herbal Therapeutics for Allergies and Hay Fever- Herbalist Karla Parker will help you understand your allergies and how herbal therapeutics can alleviate many symptoms and boost immune response. Hands-on herbal preparations with handouts. 1:30-5pm, $50, must pre-register, Call: 484-515-8356, Quiet Heart Yoga, Fitness & Holistic Health, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9Mediation for Everyone – With Stephanie Tade. For anyone who has ever said “I could never meditate, I can’t sit still”, “my mind is too busy” or “I have too much going on, I don’t have time!” or even “I’m just not a meditator”. Time for discussion and q&a. 4pm. The Yoga Loft, 521 E. 4th St. (3rd Fl.) Bethlehem. Please call to reserve. 610-867-9642

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10Overcoming Fear - Stephen Hoog, Shiatsu Prac-titioner & Macrobiotic Counselor, will present a body-mind energetic view of the emotion of fear. He will offer suggestions for affi rmations, acupressure points, pelvic releases, and food to help overcome a wide range of phobias. 7-8:30 pm, $45, Twin Ponds Ctr., West LV, 610.395.3355


Tuesday, February 18, 6pm Join us for a free, informal Question and An-swer Forum with Dr. Michael Jude Loquasto ND, PHD, DC. Bring your health related ques-tions and benefi t from Dr. Mike’s 50 years of experience in Natural Health. Understand how chiropractic internal medicine, custom herbal formulations and non-invasive oral chelation can benefi t you. All are welcome with RSVP. Held at A Natural Medicine Clinic, 2571 Baglyos Circle, Suite B-27, Bethlehem. Call 484-821-1460 for a reservation.


HERBAL OUTREACH CLINIC1st Monday of the month

By AppointmentThis sliding scale teaching clinic is held once per month to offer expert herbal and nutritional advice to economically challenged people seek-ing relief from chronic disease. The fee for clients is from $0 to $$$ based on what they can afford. The $0 client can even get herbs for free. Do not let lack of money keep you from your best possible health. Appointment required. 908-689 6140. Changewater Wellness Center, Changewa-ter NJ. ChangewaterWellnessCenter.com


FULL BODY REFLEXOLOGY TRAININGFebruary 22 & 23 - 10am-5pm

Lebanon. PALearn techniques in the Natural Electro-Magnetic Process® for head-to-toe alignment. Full Body Refl exology can be added to your massage practice or it can be a stand alone session. Great for starting a new business! No background or knowledge in refl exology required. Approved Provider #155 NCBTMB 12 CEU hrs. Cost: $400 includes 2-day class, manual and certifi cate. For more information email: [email protected] or call Dr. Gwen Ward (717) 228-0612. Register with a friend and save! Overnight accommodations available upon request.



Checking out an Olympic-themed yoga class, held every Sunday in the month of February at Easton Yoga. Come ice skating on the mat with dancer’s pose! Go snowboarding in a standing wide-legged pose! Take a trip down the luge in locust pose! Each class will be geared towards several winter events, that will focus on specifi c parts of the body. These classes will help to build strength and endurance. Harness your inner yogi-olympian and go for the ‘Om’. Easton Yoga, 524 Northampton Street, Easton. 610-923-7322. EastonYoga.com


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High Blood Pressure Relief with Effortless Medi-tation™ - Greg Schweitzer. Join this Introduction Class and learn about this “natural technique” that helps reduce stress and anxiety, the triggers that release the hormones contributing to high blood pressure. 9:00-10:30 am, $20, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610.395.3355

Healthy Aging Seminar – A lively discussion of the problems of aging including heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and lack of energy. The causes are not what you have been led to believe. Chela-tion therapy will be fully explained. Noon. RSVP 610-682-2104. Maulfair Medical, 2970 Corporate Court Orefi eld.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16The Breathing Class – With Megan Ridge Morris. Develop a deeper understanding and awareness of your breath. Each workshop begins with a gentle physical poses followed by different breathing techniques that help to release tension and stress, and create an overall feeling of balance. 4pm. The Yoga Loft, 521 E. 4th St. (3rd Fl.) Bethlehem. Please call to reserve. 610-867-9642

Partner Yoga – With Deanna Nagle & Brian Tose-land. Learn to let go of inhibitions and enjoy the divine dance of partner yoga. You will leave feel-ing refreshed, connected and supported. 1-3:30pm. The Yoga Loft 521 E. 4th St. (3rd Fl.) Bethlehem. 610.867.9642

Yoga 101: Introduction to Yoga for Beginners– With Leigh Orner-Carnese. Cultivating inner awareness and identifying areas of the body that feel restricted the student learns to release and open. We use traditional beginner’s level postures to build your body awareness and mobility in a supportive and caring setting. Series 2/16-4/6.

4pm. Easton Yoga, 524 Northampton St, Easton. 610-923-7522

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17Meditation 101 – With Sarah Parker-Givens. Explore meditation techniques from various tradi-tions. Each class will begin with gentle warm-ups on the back in order to prepare the body for seated meditation. This four week course will include postures, chanting, hand gestures, breath practices and meditation. Series 2/17-3/10. 5:30pm. Easton Yoga, 524 Pine St, Easton. 610-923-7522

Open House – Learn how to be healthy from head to toe. Master stylist Alyssa will be sharing the benefi ts of using our organic products for your hair and skin. Tips and tools on how to eat clean and live a healthy happy life style. Samples and recipes for you to try. 6-8pm. Anthony Ashley, 1740 W Allen St. Allentown. Please RSVP 6104340180

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18Free Intro to Tai Chi – with Hilary Smith. Increase strength, and improves the fl ow of energy in the body. As a form of exercise Tai Chi has been shown to lessen the pain of arthritis by strengthening the muscles around the joints. It also improves balance and cardiovascular health. 5pm. The Yoga Loft 521 E. 4th St. (3rd Fl.) Bethlehem. 610.867.9642

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19Love Yourself to Health: Client Appreciation & New Website Celebration! Offering: Carotid Artery & Blood Pressure Screenings ($95), FREE CLASSES: Pilates & Pain Free Walking Analysis Classes (new students only), FREE LECTURES: Cardiovascular & Nutrition, Meditation, FREE


Box 421 Emmaus, PA 18049 • P: (610) 421-4443 • F: (610) [email protected] • www.NaturalAwakeningsMag.com

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DEMO: Vibroacoustic Chair – music, goodies, draw-ings! 3-8 pm, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Call to register 610.395.3355

Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention – Baseline Medical. Don’t be a statistic! Know your risk in 10 minutes with this noninvasive Carotid Artery Ultra-sound Screening and Blood Pressure Check. And, if needed, learn how your vascular condition may be helped - naturally. 3-8 pm, $95, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Call for appointment 610.395.3355.

Free Lecture: The Heart of Good Health - Dr. Tom Wachtmann, DC & Gale Maleskey, RD. Learn why natural supplements, especially scientifi cally backed ProArgine-9+, the highest quality l-arginine supplement in the world, is good for every health condition, especially the cardiovascular system 6:30-7:30 pm, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610.395.3355

Free: Walk for a Healthy Heart, Movement Analy-sis – with Betsy Wetzig. Learn how your walk can cause you chronic pain and keep you from exercise important for your heart’s health. Attendees receive 10% discount toward regular classes ($75/6 classes, privates $85), 5:30-6:30 pm, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610.395.3355

Free: The Heart & Pilates – Char Brummundt. Join this class, free for new students, and experience what these fun and powerful exercises can do for align-ing and strengthening your body. Exercise is one of your heart’s best friends. 6:30-7:30 pm, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610.395.3355

Free Demo: De-stress Your Heart – Meg Deak. An easy way to de-stress for a happy, healthy heart with the multi-layered sounds you hear and feel in our vibroacoustic chair. Feel what deep relaxation is all about! 3-8 pm, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, call for your time 610.395.3355

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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22Channeling with The Little One - Sheryl Blumen-thal, global spiritual teacher, healer, and author is a pure vessel who shares heartfelt, divinely guided messages through her rare abilities. CD provided in private sessions. 2/22 & 2/23. $85 half hour/ $125 per hour for Private Sessions. Call to schedule: 484-515-8356, Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown.

Sacred Rhythms – With Joe Hough. Explore the power of sound, rhythm and music to heal: mind, body and spirit. Drums will be provided and you are welcome to bring your own noise maker! No experience necessary, all ages! Potluck after, $10 donation! 6-8pm, Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356.

Prevent & Overcome Injuries - Free Class with Carol Siddiqi. Gentle Feldenkrais® lessons allow you to observe how you move, notice any unneces-sary tension, and improve your overall coordination. Learn simple movements to prevent and overcome injuries and develop overall good health. 11am – 12 noon, Twin Ponds Center, West Lehigh Valley, Register 610-395-3355

Digestive Health Seminar – Dr. Maulfair will be discussing digestive health and the relationship to auto immune disease. Learn his approach to digestive problems. Free. Noon. RSVP 610-682-2104. Maul-fair Medical, 2970 Corporate Court Orefield.

SUNDAY, FEBRUAY 23Relax Deeply – Restorative Yoga with Alysha Pfe-iffer. We use yoga props such as blankets, bolsters, sandbags, and more to elevate and support the body. Use various breathing techniques to quiet the mind and calm the body. This monthly class is great for those who want to release tension and stress from their lives. 4pm. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem, 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem. Please call to reserve. 610.867.9642

Yoga Under the Sphere – With Alicia Wozniak. As a collaboration between the Nurture Nature Center and Easton Yoga. A class designed to help you think about the health of our planet and the health of our bodies. $15. 5:30pm. Nurture Nature Center, 520 Northampton St, Easton. 610-923-7522

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24Easing Anger - Stephen Hoog, Macrobiotic Coun-selor, will present an energetic view of anger as a pattern of behavior; explaining how the body is reacting & give suggestions for acupressure points, affirmations, food, and herbs to help bring about a more constructive emotional response. 7-8:30 pm, $45, Twin Ponds Ctr., West LV, 610.395.3355

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25Smoking Cessation Group Program – 3 ses-sions: Tues. Feb. 25th 2014 & March 11th and 25th, 2014. 7:30-8:30pm. Cost: $150 includes Manual, CDs, & DVD. For more information or to register contact: Bev Bley L.P.N;C.M.Ht. at C.H.A.N.G.E. 610.797.8250 or email [email protected]. Coopersburg location

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26Heart Disease Relief with Effortless Meditation™ - Greg Schweitzer. Researchers say high cholesterol and high blood pressure are two major causes of heart attacks. Join this Intro Class to understand how this meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety

FAMILY HERBAL HOME REMEDIESThursdays 5:45-7pm March 6th-April 24th

Herbalist Karla Parker will help you heal yourself and your family at home with herbal remedies made simply from your own garden and grocery store. Learn tools and techniques to successfully support your family’s health naturally. 484-515-8356, Quiet Heart Yoga, Fitness & Holistic Health, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown (Lower Macungie) PA 18106, Unit #7. www.quietheartyoga.com

savethedate WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19Free Lecture: Heart Disease Relief with Ef-fortless Meditation™ - Greg Schweitzer. Join us to learn about the research and benefits of this scientifically validated and physician recommended technique. It is a powerful tool to reduce stress and anxiety which are big contributors to heart disease. 3-4 pm, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610.395.3355

Free Intro to Tai Chi – with Hilary Smith. Increase strength, and improves the flow of energy in the body. As a form of exercise Tai Chi has been shown to lessen the pain of arthritis by strengthening the muscles around the joints. It also improves balance and cardiovascular health. 10am. The Yoga Loft 521 E. 4th St. (3rd Fl.) Bethlehem. 610.867.9642

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20Germ Busters – Don’t let the cold and flu season stop you. Taste our immune boosting smoothie and other natural recipes to combat germs. $10. 6pm. Herbs to Your Success, 64 South Main Street, Nazareth. RSVP to 610-365-8996.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21Nutritional Live Blood Cell Analysis – A unique method of examining a small droplet of blood to reveal information on the general wellness and nutritional needs of the individual. Blood screen-ings along with a 20-30 minute consultation are performed by Gwen Ward N.D. $60. Health Habits Natural Food Store on RT 873 in Schencksville Call 610-767-3100 to schedule

Open Practice – With Sandra Kessel. Join other yoga practitioners to learn and gain inspiration from in each monthly session, and be able to take what you learn from this personalized practice to help guide you every time you are on the mat. 4pm. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem, 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem. Please call to reserve. 610.867.9642

Prenatal Yoga and BOLD Method for Birth – Strengthen the uterus and pelvic muscles, improve circulation, aid in digestion, exercise the spine and increase overall comfort. Alleviate many of the dis-comforts of pregnancy such as nausea, constipation, varicose veins, swelling, back pain and sciatica. Includes journaling and a form of deep rest and meditative self-inquiry. Series 2/21-3/14. 5:30-7pm. Easton Yoga, 524 Pine St, Easton. 610-923-7522

DANCE THE NIGHT AWAYDance Instruction and Events

Gas House Dance HallValentine’s Dance Social – Saturday, Febru-ary 15 7-10pm. Featured dance is the Rhumba. No partner or previous dance experience nec-essary! $10 admission includes lesson from 7-8pm, open dancing (ballroom, latin, swing, hustle) from 8-10pm, and light refreshments! Instructor and DJ, Con Gallagher.

Dancing for Weddings – Saturday Feb 22, 1-3pm. With Master instructor Con Gallagher. Get ready to feel confident and natural on the dance floor at that special event. $25/ person.

Learn to Bellydance – New session begins the week of Feb 24th.

Choose from our wide selection of classes for all levels: Bellydancing, Swing, Salsa, Hoop-ing, Yoga, and more!

For more info call 610-443-0707 or visit www.thegashousedancehall.com. Gift Certificates and Private lessons available. 311 Front Street Catasauqua. Free parking.


Gestures, in love, are incomparably more at-

tractive, effective and

valuable than words.~ François Rabelais

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Wellness Services for Natural Balance Specialists in FDA Approved Thermography and

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)

Mention this ad. Receive a $25 discount on your Thermogram.

Non-Invasive Thermal Infrared Imaging Assessments* for: · Diseases of the Breast · Chronic Pain Syndromes · Peripheral Neuropathies · Fibromyalgia · Peripheral Vascular Disease · Thyroid Dysfunction · Dental inflammation/infections · Sinus related disorders

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which are underlying causes. 7:30-9:00 pm, $20/ Intro Class, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610.395.3355

Beginner Bellydancing – Feel creative and femi-nine while getting a sensual workout! 6-7pm. $65/ 6 weeks, $15drop in. The Gas House Dance Hall, 311 Front Street Catasauqua. For more info call 610-443-0707.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27Asana 101: Centering in Balance Postures – With Sarah Parker-Givens. Learn to be centered. The best poses to develop that sense of center are balancing poses. Explore how to build a well aligned & strong foundation as well as allowing students to explore beginner thru more advanced variations of a variety of balancing asanas. Series 2/27-3/20. 7:30pm. Eas-ton Yoga, 524 Pine St, Easton. 610-923-7522

Open House - Dr. Nicole Muschett, DC, along with Dr. Brian Straka, DMD, Barbara Smith Counsel-ing and Radcliffe Therapeutic Massage. Meet the doctors and staff, running shoe checks, mini health evaluations, chair massages, raffles, light refresh-ments and more. 6pm-8pm. 3005 Brodhead Road, Suites 182-185, Bethlehem. Call for more informa-tion. 610-419-6550

Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging for Breast Health Assessment – Dr. Getson. This is a safe, non-radiologic, and pain free state-of-the-art, FDA approved technology that detects changes at the cellular level in early stages of some diseases. Call 856.596.5834 for appointment at Twin Ponds Inte-grative Health Center, West Lehigh Valley

Free Lecture: Healthy Finances, Healthy Heart – Rima Hirsch. Knowledge is power! Women, take

the financial stress out of your life for a healthier life. Join us to learn how you can achieve financial security by planning for your retirement years and children’s inheritance. 6:30-7:30 pm, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610.395.3355

Hooping for Fitness – Burn those calories by hav-ing fun, being silly, and moving your body! Hooping is for everyone of all ages. 7-8pm. 6 week session is $65/6 wks, $15 drop in. The Gas House Dance Hall, 311 Front Street Catasauqua. For more info call 610-443-0707.

SATURDAY, MARCH 1Beginner Bellydancing – Feel creative and femi-nine while getting a sensual workout! 6-7pm. $65/ 6 weeks, $15 drop in. The Gas House Dance Hall, 311 Front Street Catasauqua. For more info call 610-443-0707.

Spring Fling Open House – Quiet Heart Yoga. Meet our teachers and healers, try out sample classes, see a belly dance performance, get a chair massage and mingle! Registration discounts for next session for attendees. 1-6pm, FREE, Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356.

SUNDAY, MARCH 2Exploring the three Koundinyasanas – With San-dra Kessel. In this workshop, you will explore the three Koundinyasanas: Eka Pada Koundinyasana I, Eka Pada Koundinyasana II, and Koundinyasana. Learn how to prepare and open the body and mind to achieve these dynamic poses. 2:00-4:30pm. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem, 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem. Please call to reserve. 610.867.9642

REIKI LEVEL TWO CERTIFICATION Saturday & Sunday March 22-23

Reiki Level 2 deepens your ability to harness Reiki energy. Learn specific techniques and three Reiki symbols to help you heal yourself and others. $225/ 240 day of event. Includes Reiki II Manual, Three different Attunements, learn with experienced practitioners! 1-6pm both days, 484-515-8356, Quiet Heart Yoga, Fitness & Holistic Health, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown (Lower Macungie) PA 18106, Unit #7. www.quietheartyoga.com



Experience Reiki in its original beauty and sim-plicity. Learn (Jikiden) Reiki, with no Western ties. This tradition has a history of success with chronic illness. A safe and effective treatment over many years. A very simple, non-religious therapeutic treatment that works whether you believe in Reiki or not. Includes all ideas and methods not previously taught in the west from instructors who are accredited and members of Jikiden Reiki Institute, Kyoto, Japan. 528 Main Street Bethlehem. Contact Paula Michal-Johnson at 484-686-7388 [email protected], visit www.classicalreikipa.wordpress.com for details.


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Care Alternatives Volunteers – Care Alternatives is actively recruiting Reiki Practitioners, Certified Massage Therapists and Comfort Volunteers to im-pact the lives of Hospice patients. 866-821-1212.

sundaySunday Services – Metaphysical and non-denom-inational. Rev. Lloyd Moll, Pastor - Unique Sunday services 10:30am. All welcome! St. John’s Church of Faith, 607 Washington St Allentown. 610-776-7211

Yoga/Level 1&2 – Pick up the pace a bit from the Level 1 classes and begin to introduce intermediate poses. Learn how to safely practice deeper varia-tions of the poses they learned. 10:30am Yoga Loft, 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem. 610.867.9642


Blissful Blend Yoga - Fusion class blending dif-ferent styles of yoga. Includes postures, breathing, relaxation, chanting and meditation. Heal yourself from pain, trauma and stress-related difficulties. No experience necessary! 12noon. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356

Raja (Classical) Yoga – Offers philosophy, pos-tures, breathing techniques, cleansing practices, relaxations and specific meditations. Handouts included. No exp nec. 5:45pm, $11 in adv or $13 walk-in. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga – An energetic & flowing class, focusing on aligning your body, mind and heart for an optimal flow. Precise instruction cre-ates clarity in practice and encourages openness in daily life. 7:30pm, $11 in adv or $13 walk-in. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356

Prevent & Overcome Injuries – Carol Siddiqi. Gentle Feldenkrais® lessons allow you to observe your movement, notice tension, and improve your coordination. Learn simple movements to prevent and overcome injuries. 5:45pm, $75/6 classes, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610-395-3355

Pilates: Towel & Foam Roller – Have fun as you strengthen your back, shoulders, and improve core strength while stretching and toning on mat and with towels and foam roller. Ask about private and duet “reformer” sessions. 6-7 pm, $75/6 classes, Twin Ponds, W Lehigh Valley, Register 610-395-3355

Yoga Restorative – Carol Siddiqi. Helps you perform daily activities pain free and with greater ease by developing deeper self-awareness using the basics of Kripalu Yoga combined with the gentle movements of Feldenkrais®, 7-8 pm, $88/8 classes, Twin Ponds W LValley, Register 610-395-3355

Open/Vinyasa Flow Yoga – With Esperanza Brizuela-Garcia. 9:30-11 am. Kula Heart Yoga & Wellness Center, 3400 Bath Pike (512/Center St.) Suite 201, Bethlehem. 610-597-5616

Therapeutic Yoga - Svaroopa® yoga dissolves the deepest layers of tension for pain relief and healing. Enjoy lasting effects for more energy, better sleep and an easier and more joyful living. 11am. 862-354-3704. Lift Easton 54 S. 2nd Street, Easton.

Yoga/Gentle & Level 1 – Work at a slower pace to build strength and flexibility. A great place to start if you are new to yoga, or have not been physically active in a while. Restorative postures and breath work for healing and relaxation. 6pm. Yoga Loft, 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem. 610.867.9642

Yoga for Health – A physical (hatha) style yoga class for the mind, body and spirit--without the im-pact and stress to joints. Improve strength, posture, flexibility, balance and lung capacity. Balance the nervous system. 6-7pm. Allentown YMCA & YWCA, 425 S. 15th St. Call 610-434-9333.

Community Exchange Time Bank - When neighbors exchange services everyone benefits. Group Orientations held on the Third Monday of each month at The Center for Healthy Aging at LV Hospital, 17th and Chew Streets, Allentown. 610-969-2486.

tuesdayBetter Parent/Child Connection - Enjoy a deeper connection with your child when you have fun wig-gling, giggling, moving, and dancing with colorful props in a creative way! Children 4-7, 9:30am, parent /child $15, additional $5, Privates available, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610.395.3355

Pain Relief Movement Training – The simple, easy exercises of Coordination Pattern™ Training can help you release chronic pain and stress of knees, hips, back, and neck while improving the way you function, both physically and mentally. 7–8 pm, $75/6 classes, Twin Ponds Center, West LV, Register 610.395.3355

Acupuncture, Joy & Happiness – Rochelle Au-bert. Love your Heart with the Acupuncture Joy & Happiness Points – or – manage your pain with Acupuncture that provides relief for many condi-tions. Community Sessions - ~30 min $35. Twin Ponds Center, W LehighValley, Call to RSVP. 610-395-3355

Raja (Classical) Yoga – Offers philosophy, pos-tures, breathing techniques, cleansing practices, relaxations and specific meditations. Handouts included. No exp nec. 12noon & 5pm, $11 in adv or $13 walk-in. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356.

Traditional Middle-Eastern Bellydancing – Ex-plore Egyptian and Near East movements, music, and culture. Improve strength, coordination, balance, and grace. 6:45pm. $88/8wks, session starts 3/4/14. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356.

Mat Pilates – With certified Pilates instructor Paola Montes. 5:30-6:25pm. $15. Please call to reserve your space. 610.867.9642. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem.

Open Level Yoga – With Gary Grube 5:30-7 pm Kula Heart Yoga & Wellness Center3400 Bath Pike (512/Center St.) Suite 201, Bethlehem. 610-597-5616

Open Level Yoga – Class with Krissy Matthew. 9:30-11am. This class runs on Thursdays also. Kula Heart Yoga & Wellness Center, 3400 Bath Pike (512/Center St.) Suite 201, Bethlehem. 610-597-5616

Encore – Cancer Support and Exercise Group. All female cancers may become a part if this group. This YWCA program has been in existence for over 30 years. 6:30-8pm. Allentown YWCA, 425 S. 15th St., Allentown. 610-434-9333.

New Warrior Training Adventure – Sponsored by The ManKind Project. The training adventure provides men an opportunity for focused self examination and personal growth. A local MKP men’s group meets in the Lehigh Valley every other Tuesday. For more info call 866-820-1691 or visit MKP.org.

MAREA Meeting – Monthly meetings of the Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Association held the last Tuesday of the month. Open to the public and free of charge. Held at TEK Park in Breinigsville at 7p.m. Get involved with promoting green energy. Visit www.themarea.org for more information.

Community Reiki Clinic – Collaborating prac-titioners serve all who want to experience the healing benefits of Reiki. 1st Tuesday of every month. Sessions are 20 minutes each. 6-8:30pm. RSVP required to 610-739-4201. Church of the Manger, 1401 Greenview Drive, Bethlehem. Near Westgate Mall


Family Yoga – A fun way to teach children yoga and get your own practice in! Learn about your mind-body connection, balancing, coordination, breath-ing, stretching and relaxation. 4:30pm, $11 in adv or $13 walk-in for 2. $5 extra pp. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356

Raja (Classical) Yoga – Class offers philosophy, postures, breathing techniques, cleansing practices, relaxations and specific meditations. Handouts included. No exp nec. 10am, $11 in adv or $13 walk-in. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356.

Tai Chi – A gentle martial art defined as “meditation in motion,” tai chi is an exercise that teaches postural alignment, balance, physical control and whole-body coordination, stimulates the brain and maintains over-all health. 5:30pm. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown, 484-515-8356.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga – An energetic & flowing class, focuses on aligning your body, mind and heart for an optimal flow. Instruction creates clarity in practice and encourages openness in daily life. 6:45-8pm, $11 in adv or $13 walk-in. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd, Allentown. 484-515-8356.

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Self-Discovery thru Movement – A fun class to feel physical release, stress reduction, and greatly connected to “self.” 10 basic rhythms and move-ment patterns we all use in daily life while exploring yours. 10am, $115/6 wks or $20/class, Twin Ponds Center, W Lehigh Valley, Register 610-395-3355

Pilates Combo Class – Char Brummundt. Mat work with apparatus. Helps with chronic spine, joint, mus-cular, and neurological issues. 6-7 pm, Twin Ponds Center, W Lehigh Valley, Register 610-395-3355

Tai Chi – Improve strength and promote calm and harmony by improving energy flow. 11am. Please call to reserve your space. 610.867.9642. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem

Yoga for Health – A physical (hatha) style yoga class for the mind, body and spirit--without the im-pact and stress to joints. Improve strength, posture, flexibility, balance and lung capacity. Balance the nervous system. 6-7pm. Allentown YMCA & YWCA, 425 S. 15th St. Call 610-434-9333.

YogaStretch® – A style of yoga for active older adults. Includes a variety of safe and fun yoga postures. Using a chair for support. Build flexibility and endurance. Breathwork is coordinated with postures. 1:30pm. YMCA/YWCA, 425 S. 15th St. Allentown. 610-434-9333.

Easton/Bethlehem Area Lyme Support Group – Meets the 1st Wednesday of month to discuss and answer questions. 7pm. Country Meadows, 4035 Green Pond Rd., Bethlehem. Open to public. Contact Heidi at 610-882-2253.

Spiritual Healing and Meditation – 7 PM - 9 PM - 1st Wednesday of each month. Weather permitting. Everyone is welcome. St. John’s Church of Faith, 607 Washington Street Allentown 610-791-2641

Vinyasa Flow Yoga – With Carmen, Mixed level, modifications provided for all poses. Kim’s Healing Center in Easton, 6:00-7:15pm, by donation. Kim’s Healing Center, 1223 Butler St., Easton. 610-559-7280


Pilates, Morning Stretch - A great intro to Pilates. Have fun as you strengthen your back, shoulders and improve core strength while stretching and toning. Ask about private and duet “reformer” sessions. 9:30am, $75/6 classes, Twin Ponds. 610-395-3355.

Pain Relief Movement Training – The simple, easy exercises of Coordination Pattern™ Training can help you release chronic pain and stress of knees, hips, back, and neck while improving the way you function, both physically and mentally. 7–8 pm, $75/6 classes, Twin Ponds, W. LV, 610.395.3355.

Iyengar Yoga, Levels 1&2 – Preliminary poses with an emphasis on alignment, strength, balance, and flex-ibility. Props used to assist they go deeper into poses. 7pm, $88/8 class, Twin Ponds, W.LV, 610-395-3355

Blissful Blend Yoga – Fusion class blending dif-ferent styles of yoga. Includes postures, breathing, relaxation, chanting and meditation. Heal yourself from pain, trauma and stress-related difficulties. No exp nec. 9:30am. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown.484-515-8356.

Bellydance with Veils – Amala Gameela will teach how to manipulate the veil with simple traveling steps and basic arm paths to create beautiful body alignments with a fun choreography. 7:15pm. Next session starts 3/6/14, $88/8wks. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356.

Open Level Yoga – With Krissy Matthew. 6-7:15pm. Kula Heart Yoga & Wellness Center, 3400 Bath Pike (512/Center St.) Suite 201, Bethlehem. 610-597-5616

Student Massage Sessions – 50-55 minute super-vised massages done by students. $30. 2-9pm by ap-pointment. Health Options Institute, 1926 2nd Street, Bethlehem. 610-419-3535.

Monthly Peace Vigil – 2nd Thursday of every month, 4pm at the south approach to the Hill-to-Hill Bridge, 3rd & Wyandotte Streets, Bethlehem. Contact Vince 610-216-8103, or Tom 610-882-1136 for info.

Tai Chi – Improve strength and promote calm and harmony by improving energy flow. 6:30-7:45pm. Please call to reserve your space. 610.867.9642. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem

Stress Relief Coaching Group – Join others in a group setting to manage stress with multiple holistic approaches. 9:15am or 5:15pm. $25 session. Creative Holistic Therapy, 3037 S. Pike Avenue (Rte 145) #105, Allentown. 610-282-0709 to register.

Free Herbal Consultations – Learn a natural way to address health and wellness issues. Herbalist available for Free Mini Consult, Every Thurs. 11am -5pm. David Harder RH (AHG) at Nature’s Way, 610-253-0940.

Community Exchange Time Bank - When neigh-bors exchange services everyone benefits. Group Orientations held on the 1st Wed. of each month 6pm. Lehigh Valley Hospital, Muhlenburg Campus, RT22 & Shoenersville Rd, Bethlehem. 610-969-2486.

Mat Pilates – With certified Pilates instructor Paola Montes. 5:30pm. $15. Please call to reserve your space. 610.867.9642. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem.

Yoga/Level 1 – With Megan Ridge. Learn correct alignment and breathing in fundamental yoga postures. 9:45-11:00am. $15. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem. 610.867.9642

fridayBeginner’s Yoga – Bonita Cassel. Attention to alignment and self love make this class a perfect one for those beginning or challenged with limitations. 10-11 am, $88/8 classes, Twin Ponds W LV, Register 610-395-3355

Kripalu Yoga Restorative – Carol Siddiqi. Greater self-awareness by learning the basics of yoga and the gentle movements of Feldenkrais® will help you perform daily activities with greater ease, pleasure and without pain.11:30am. $88/8 classes, Twin Ponds, W Lehigh Valley, Register 610-395-3355

Matter of Balance – Emphasizes practical strate-gies to manage falls. Make changes to reduce fall risk at home and exercise to increase strength and balance. $25/8 wks, Allentown YMCA & YWCA, 425 S. 15th St. 610-434-9333.

Encore – Cancer Support and Exercise Group. All female cancers may become a part if this group. This YWCA program has been in existence for over 30 years. 9am. Allentown YWCA, 425 S. 15th St., Allentown. 610-434-9333.

Yoga Flow/Level 1&2 – Learn how to safely align their flow and practice deeper variations of the poses they learned in Level 1. For those with some Level 1 experience and are looking for more. 9:30am. Yoga Loft, 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem. 610.867.9642

Yoga for All – With Scott. Come together to cel-ebrate life and to feel good. All levels and ages welcome. Donation. 5-6pm at Kim’s Healing Center, 1223 Butler St., Easton. 610-559-7280

Raja (Classical) Yoga – Offers philosophy, postures, breathing techniques, cleansing practices, relaxations and specific meditations. Handouts included. No exp nec. 11am. $11 in adv or $13 walk-in. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356.

saturdayRaja (Classical) Yoga – Class offers philosophy, postures, breathing techniques, cleansing practices, relaxations and specific meditations. Handouts in-cluded. No exp nec. 9am, $11 in adv or $13 walk-in. Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown. 484-515-8356.

Free to Be Me – Yoga for adults with cognitive disabilities. Fun and simple yoga classes for adults with special needs. Improves coordination, flex-ibility and strength, stress-relief and emotional management. 10:45am. Free to 1 adult and 1 friend, Quiet Heart Yoga, 5531 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown 484-515-8356.

Therapeutic Yoga - Svaroopa® yoga dissolves the deepest layers of tension for pain relief and healing. Enjoy lasting effects for more energy, better sleep and an easier and more joyful living. 11:30 am. 862-354-3704. Lift Easton 54 S. 2nd Street, Easton.

Grief Support Group – Every 3rd Saturday. Join this professionally mediated group session to help move through the stages of grief and move forward in a supported, positive manner. Free. Gail Elaine Tinker Psychotherapy3005 Brodhead Road Bethlehem, East entrance. Call to reserve 610-216-4319

Yoga/Align & Refine – In this class you will pay detailed attention to your posture and alignment in your yoga poses working towards creating a strong, flexible and well balanced body.10am. Yoga Loft of Bethlehem 521 East 4th St, Bethlehem. 610.867.9642

Adult Autism Support Group – By & for those on the spectrum to discuss their concerns and strategies for success. Free. 1st Saturday monthly. Noon-2pm. 3005 Brodhead Rd, East Entrance, Bethlehem. Call Gailelaine 610-216-4319 for info and register.

Gamblers Anonymous Meeting – If you have a gam-bling problem please join us every Saturday morning from 11am-1pm at St. Luke’s Hospital, Bethlehem in the Education Center. Rm 111. For more information call 215-872-5635.

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communityresourceguideConnecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Commu-nity Resource Guide email [email protected] to request our media kit.


BALANCED ACUPUNCTUREHeather Shoup, L.Ac.2299 Brodhead Rd., Suite ABethlehem, PA 18020610-393-7589www.balancedacupuncture.net

A patient centered wellness com-munity, where treatment is indi-vidually tailored. Heather pro-motes health and wellness by creating balance in the body. Acupuncture specializing in anxiety, depression, digestive, and cancer support.

CLASSICAL 5 ELEMENT ACUPUNCTUREJ.L.Collins M.Ac.,Lic.Ac.,NCCAOM Diplomat2020 Downyflake LaneAllentown, PA 18103610-317-6064

THE PULSE REVEALS THE TREATMENT. Relieve the pain and suffering whether mental, emotional, or physical by deter-mining and treating the caus-ative factor. Maintain the im-provement with seasonal treat-ments. Worsley trained practi-tioner with 30 years clinical/diagnostic experience. Offering

cancer treatment support. Helping you along the journey. Licensed in PA, Nationally certified..

LEHIGH VALLEY ORIENTAL MEDICINE CENTREMing ming and David Molony101 Bridge StreetCatasauqua, PA 18032610-264-2755

Acupuncture and herbal medicine with capable, experienced practitioners. Practicing acupuncture in the Lehigh Valley since 1988. Acupuncture, herbs, dietary consultation, and

other aspects of Oriental Medicine provide a com-plete healing system for health and regeneration, enhancing the outcome of Conventional care

LIVING ARTS ACUPUNCTURE ANDORIENTAL MEDICINE Lisa Baas2358 Sunshine RdAllentown, PA 18103610-841-9300 Lic. # OM 000054livingartsmedicine.com

Board certified and licensed Acupuncturist, Dietary and Lifestyle counseling, Chinese and Ayurvedic Herbs, Laser Acupuncture, Magnetic therapy (A.R.T. ) Autonomic Re-sponseTesting for Detox and more. 20 years of holistic heal-ing.

LIVEWELL INTEGRATED HEALTH LLC Dr. Robert W. Livingston III, DC, L.Ac. Dr. Jennifer K. Bollinger, DC, L.Ac. 8026 Hamilton Blvd. Trexlertown, PA 18087 610-395-5509 LiveWellIntegratedHealth.com

LiveWell Integrated Health offers traditional Chinese acupuncture, chiropractic, body work, and nutritional and lifestyle coaching. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice....choose to LiveWell. See ad, page 28


EASTMAN ACUPUNCTURELaura Eastman, MS, MAc, LAc1617 Hamilton St.Allentown, PA484-619-3882eastman-acupuncture.com

Traditional acupuncture practiced in an open setting. Effective for treating acute sprains/strains, pain (chronic, arthritis, low back), headaches (including migraines), allergies, depression, digestive is-sues, support for lifestyle changes, infertility, PMS, anxiety, stress and

much more. Personalized treatments for your physical, mental and emotional health delivered at a flat rate of $20. M 12-5, Tu 8:30-12, W 8:30-12, Th 2:30-6:30, F 12-4 and Sa 8:30-12


YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILSMarilyn York, Independent Distributor # 4896561-877-436-2299, ext. 2MarilynYork.VibrantScents.com

Young Living has specialized in growing, distilling, and selling therapeut ic-grade ,organic Essential Oils for 20 years. Over 130 therapeutic-grade essential oils, and essential-oil enhanced nutritional supplements & products. Income opportunities

option is also available.


MARIE RUXTON THERAPEUTIC MASSAGEMarie Ruxton CMT, CN628 Chestnut St., Emmaus, PA 18049610-965-2500

Marie is a certified massage therapist trained since 1997 in Advanced Myofascial Release Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Reiki, Ear Candling, Homeopathy and Holistic Nutrition. Offers comprehensive custom bodywork for those wanting to overcome chronic pain and movement prob-lems. Sessions range from a (2 hour) Head to Toe meltdown mas-

sage to “Just Neck and Head” massage for those needing stress relief. See ad, page 31.

QUIET HEART YOGA, FITNESS & HOLISTIC HEALTH5531 Hamilton Blvd., Unit #7Lower Macungie, PA 18106 www.quietheartyoga.com484-515-8356

Offering a variety of mo-dalities, including Deep Tis-sue, Hot Stone, Ayurvedic, and Pre-Natal Massage, Herbal Poultice, Reiki, Shi-atsu, Pranic Healing, Sha-manic Healing, Past Life Regression, Crystal Healing, and more; we are dedicated to improving and balancing

mental, spiritual and physical health. Join us for classes in Yoga, Bellydancing, Drumming, Chanting, Reiki, Tai Chi, QiGong and Herbal classes to create movement and freedom in your spirit!

ROOTS OF VITALITYKelly Kark, LMT2591 Baglyos Circle C-44Bethlehem Pa 18020484-554-7530 • www.rootsofvitality.com

Licensed massage therapist with over 12 years experience in the medical field. Offering Medical Massage, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue Massage and Power-strips FDA approved pain device. Specializing in pain relief, injury recovery, mobility and over all wellness. Insurance accepted.

Handicap accessible. Don’t just feel good for a day, feel good for a lifetime.

Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.

~Marcus Aurelius

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LIVEWELL INTEGRATED HEALTH LLC Dr. Robert W. Livingston III, DC, L.Ac. Dr. Jennifer K. Bollinger, DC, L.Ac. 8026 Hamilton Blvd. Trexlertown, PA 18087 610-395-5509 LiveWellIntegratedHealth.com

LiveWell Integrated Health offers traditional Chinese acupuncture, chiropractic, body work, and nutritional and lifestyle coaching. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice....choose to LiveWell. See ad, page 28.


CAREER WELLNESS PARTNERSBarbara Berger, CPC, CCC Allentown, PA484-862-9523Barbara@CareerWellnessPartners.comCareerWellnessPartners.com

When work and true self aren’t aligned, it affects our integral well-ness. I provide Career Coaching to help align who you are with what you do or how you do it. Special-izing in women in transition, mid-career professionals and college students.


BLAzE SUCCESSElizabeth SanchezCertified Business & Lifestyle Coach44 E. Broad St. Suite 120Bethlehem PA 18018610.417.0665www.blazesuccess.com

Recalibrate for your life’s true potential, Restore balance, Recon-nect with meaningful relation-ships, Rediscover and achieve your dreams, Revitalize with clar-ity and focus. Elizabeth has been working for over 18 years offering individual and group sessions to

empower clients to live life in magnificence. Call to schedule a free “Magnificent Life Assessment”


NEW LEAF WELLNESS CENTER21 Main StreetClinton, NJ 08809908-333-4146 NewLeafWellness.com

Offering colon hydrotherapy, detoxification, wellness coach-ing and other services to cleanse, maintain and restore health. Colonics are a hygienic and safe method of removing toxins, can boost your immune system, restore proper ph in the body and restore regular bowel movement.


RCG COUNSELINGEaston, PA610-258-5000rcgcounseling@rcgcounseling.comwww.rcgcounseling.com

RCG Counseling under-stands that families can be a source of great sup-port and joy, and they can also have challenging dynamics and relation-ships. We are committed

to providing quality counseling services to restore balance to families and individuals. Call or e-mail today to set-up your free consultation.


MEG DEAk MCAT, LPCLife Rhythms @Twin Ponds Integrative Health Center610-504-4830WWW.LRSOUNDENERGY.COM

Are you looking to free yourself from stress overwhelm and anxiety? Do you need better ways to release anger, fear, guilt and sadness? Are you ready to shift from chronic worry to enduring optimism? Call Meg today for a no-charge 20 minute

strategy session to see what’s right for you.


Smart Solutions and Creative Holistic Therapy3037 S. Pike Ave. #105Allentown, PA 18103610-282-0709 www.creativeholistictherapy.com

A holistic counselor and coach, using hypnotherapy, chakra en-ergy clearing, Reiki, mindfulness & more to help you shift from limited, fear-based thinking, be-lieving, and behaving patterns into living from your magnificent essence. Experience joy as you resonate with higher vibrational frequencies in all aspects of your life.

GAIL-ELAINE TINkER, M.S., R.M.3005 Broadhed Road #20Bethlehem, PA 18020610-216-4319ge@tinkerpsychotherapy.comwww.tinkerpsychotherapy.com

Get results for your depression, anxiety, fear, insomnia, trauma, chronic pain, and family issues (including adult autism). In private practice for 8+ years, from serious diagnosis to ‘getting life on track’ via coaching, your unique needs are attended warmly, profession-

ally, confidentially, and respectfully. Talk Therapy, Relaxation, Reiki, Art, and natural modes empower YOU. Call for free consultation.


PEGGY SHANNON NUTRITIONPeggy Shannon, MS, [email protected]

Migraines, Fibromyalgia, Bloat-ing and Digestive Tract prob-lems: These all have symptoms caused by or worsened from food sensitivities. Targeted diet therapy can improve or eliminate these symptoms. Call for a free consultation. Peggy Shannon

MS RD, Licensed Nutrition Therapist

FUNERAL SERVICES NICOS C. ELIAS FUNERAL HOME, INCNicos C. Elias, SupervisorAllentown, PA. 610-433-2200www.eliasfuneralhome.com

Mr. Elias offers several different green and eco-friendly funeral plans using biodegradable cas-kets, preservation without chemi-cals, and earth friendly paper goods. A natural, back to the earth approach. Biodegradable urns for those choosing cremation. Also

offering assistance with home-based funerals


LEHIGH VALLEY INSTITUTE OF REGENERATIVE MEDICINEMikhail Artamonov, MD1004 Van Buren Rd.Easton, PA 18045610-438-4460LehighValleyIntituteOfRegenerativeMedicine.com

We offer a cutting-edge therapy to grow your own hair without surgery or medication. Platelet Rich Plasma from the patient’s own blood stimulates the growth of blood vessels in the scalp, enhancing and creating new hair follicles. This procedure reverses

hair miniaturization and pattern baldness with a safe, natural and simple procedure.


HEALTH & WELLNESS NURSE NAVIGATORS, LLCKathleen DeVaul, MSN, RN, CHC420 Hamsher AvenueTopton, PA 19562484-661-6786www.hwnursenavigators.com

Offering integrative health coaching services that are individualized to meet your needs and goals. Find out how to lose weight safely, in-crease your energy, and live an abundant life. Specializing in preventing and managing chronic diseases, gluten sensitivity and gluten allergy. Let us help you navigate your path towards well-ness today. Please call for your free

initial health consultation!

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58 Lehigh Valley www.healthylehighvalley.com


PATHWAYS HOLISTIC CENTER4833 Chestnut StreetEmmaus, PA 18049610-966-7001healing@pathwaysholistic.comwww.pathwaysholistic.com

Celebrate YOUR life. Holistic Nursing, Life Coaching - All lev-els. Massage, Raindrop Therapy, Body Ecology Specialist. Gut health specialist, Lifeline pro-gram. Never duplicated Nutri-tional Meals, fresh green drinks, wheatgrass, sprouts and more,

Journey Within with LIFE & SOULutions. Feel safe to feel and express your emotions. Design your own package.


BARBARA FENTON, H.H.P. Reiki Master/Teacher – AromatherapistEmmaus, PA 18049610-393-2036www.barbarafenton1.com

Offering Reiki, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Crystals, Well-ness Classes and Retreats. Help-ing women find their inner bal-ance and to empower them to become more active participants in their personal healing through

a holistic approach to life. Barbara Fenton is also an independent Distributor of Young Living Essential oils. Visit ww.youngliving.com/abiba to purchase or for income opportunity info.


C.H.A.N.G.E.Beverley S. BleyCoopersburg, PA610-797-8250, www.4change.com





Counseling, Hypnotherapy And Naturally Generated Excellence

Lose Weight, Stop Smoking, Eliminate PhobiasControl: Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Pain & AngerHypnotherapy Certification ClassesCall for a Sample Hypnotherapy Class CD & Registration Information

Enhance Your Health,Happiness & Productivity!

Bev Bley L.P.N., C.M.Ht. Certified Master HypnotherapistFree Phone Consultations: 610-797-8250 • [email protected] • www.4change.com

Certified Master Hypnotherapist. Control stress and anxiety, depres-sion, pain and anger. Lose weight, eliminate smoking. Hypnotherapy certification and hypnobirthing classes. See ad, page 27.

OPTIONS HYPNOSIS 561 Main Street, Suite 290Bethlehem, PA 18018484-893-0096www.optionshypnosis.com

D i s c o v e r t h e POWER of your unconscious mind. With hypnosis, you CAN overcome stress, pain, depres-

sion, or fear. You CAN successfully manage your weight and quit smoking - whatever is keeping you from the life you want. We offer a variety of effec-tive techniques. FREE consultation. See ad, page 21.


EFFORTLESS MEDITATION Twin Ponds Integrative Health Center628 Twin Ponds Rd., West Lehigh Valley610.395.3355www.twinpondscenter.com

Destress, revitalize and be healthier with scientifically validated and physician recommended Effortless Meditation. Experience rest deeper than sleep! Greg Schweitzer taught for Deepak Chopra, M.D. and other notables for 30+ years. Introductory classes and a 10-hour course.

MANTRA MEDITATION YOGAPaul Wilson, D.Ay6730 Geissinger Rd.Zionsville, PA484 695 [email protected]

Meditation is nourishment for the soul. Experience the deep calm within you. Learn a simple but profound technique that brings rest to the body, clarity to the mind and effectiveness in action. Paul has been a teacher of Mantra Medita-tion Yoga for forty years and also

gives Ayurvedic consultations.


CAROL SIDDIQI FGNA, RYTTwin Ponds Integrative Health Center628 Twin Ponds Rd, West Lehigh Valley 610-395-3355www.twinpondscenter.com

The Feldenkrais Method reconnects the body to its natural movements, focusing on the relationship be-tween motion and thought. It works with the nervous system, rather than muscles or bones, to improve ev-eryday motion, such as walking, running, golfing, biking, yoga, posture, breathing, etc.


COSMETIC AND NATURAL DENTISTRYCarol Sherman DDSWilliam Baron DDS2600 Newburg Rd.Easton, PA 18045610-252-1454www.beatacarlson.com

Dr. Carlson begins with a Natural or Holistic approach to enhance your physical health and

eliminate any compromise to the immune system. Mercury free, non-surgical periodontal treatment, tooth whitening, cosmetic makeovers and herbal support in a gentle, relaxing and caring atmosphere. See ad, page 29.



Lehigh Valley Professional Center2571 Baglyos Circle, Suite B-27Bethlehem, PA 18020 * 484-821-1460www.drmichaelloquasto.com

Specializing in Natural Medi-cine for over 25 years, Dr. Lo-quasto holds doctorates in Natur-opathy, Nutrition and Chiropractic Internal Medicine. He is also a Master Herbalist as well as a certi-fied Clinical and Dietitian Nutri-tionist. Dr. Loquasto offers cus-tom formulations for specific conditions and non-invasive chela-

tion therapy. In addition the following tests are done at the clinic: live cell microscope, circulation test-ing, EKG, pulmonary lung testing, bone density, x-ray, scanning for foot & ankle problems, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels and blood testing for diabetes and other health issues. Cold Laser Ther-apy for pain. The goal is to restore and/or maintain a healthy lifestyle.

PHILLIP GETSON, D.O.Family Physician · Board Certified ThermologistServing Bethlehem, Easton and Fogelsvillewww.healththroughawareness.com www.tdinj.com(856) 596-5834

A board certified family physi-cian for 35 years and co-founder of Health Through Awareness in Marlton, NJ. An internationally recognized expert in the diagno-sis and treatment of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Com-plex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD). An advocate for health and preventive medicine cham-

pioning thermography as an early diagnostic tool for many health conditions including breast health.Certified by four Thermographic Boards. Outreach assessments available in PA. See ad, page 53.

MAULFAIR MEDICAL CENTERConrad Maulfair, D.O.2970 Corporate Court, Suite 1Orefield, PA 18069610-682-2104www.drmaulfair.com, www.purelyyoudetox.com

Dr. Maulfair is an Osteopathic Physician bringing four decades of knowledge and experience in alternative, complementary medicine to his patient care. Help for all conditions and all ages. Offering Chelation Thera-py, Hubbard Method Sauna de-toxification – Purely You, and

many other treatment programs. Maulfair Medical Center brings the best of both worlds to their pa-tients. See ad, page 33.

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59natural awakenings February 2014

MJA HEALTHCARE NETWORkMikhail Artamonov, MD PhD1104 Van Buren Road, Suite 101Easton, PA 18045610-438-4460MJAHealthcare.com

Combining Allopathic (West-ern) medicine, Oriental medi-cine and the newest medical technology to offer patients complete and personalized health care. Certified in Physi-cal medicine and rehabilitation, Pain medicine, Independent

Medical Examination and Addiction Medicine, Electrodiagnostic Medicine, Medical Acupuncture, Functional and Anti-Aging Medicine.See ad, page 3.

WOODLANDS HEALING RESEARCHFamily, Environmental and Preventative MedicineNicholas DiMartino, D.O.5724 Clymer RdQuakertown, PA215-536-1890

Woodlands Healing Research Center is a family practice sup-porting individualized natural approaches to health. We offer lifestyle and nutritional consul-tation to achieve optimal health and vitality. We also offer com-plete women’s services includ-

ing GYN, menopause, osteoporosis and bio-identical hormone therapy. See ad, page 10.

NATURAL HEALTH DALLAS WELLNESS CENTER, LLCDebra E Dallas, PhD, MIfHI, DCNT4048 Freemansburg AvenueEaston, PA 18045610-253-1977, dallaswellnesscenterllc.com

Dallas Wellness Center is a health oriented center that recognizes each person as an individual. We offer Iridology, Thermographic Imaging, Nutrigenomics and Nutrition, Hair Analysis, and Ion Cleansing. When people have been everywhere else and are still sick, they come visit us. See ad, page 39.

ROBERT E HARTzELL RPH, CCNShelley Surber RD, LDN300 American StreetCatasauqua, Pa 18032610-264-5471 ext 237

Offering our successful (FLT) First Line Thera-py, and Ultra Lite thera-peutic Life style pro-grams. Our programs will help with weight concerns; blood sugar

concerns, cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. Let us help to implement healthy changes into your life. Change your life, Take back your health. Call for an appointment See ad, page 14.

TWIN PONDS INTEGRATIVE HEALTH CENTER628 Twin Ponds Rd., West Lehigh Valley610.395.3355www.twinpondscenter.com

Let our world class practitioners help you relieve stress, renew your over-a l l hea l th and achieve more in your life. Our ser-

vices are appropriate for people of all ages. Call today for more information or to register for a private session, class or workshop. See ad, page ??


AUTHENTIC EASTERN HEALTH LLCPing Zhao ND, IIPA Certified Iridologist3005 Brodhead Rd., Suite 100Bethlehem 18020610-866-9087www.EasternHealth123.com

The Natural Way to Health. Using Iridology, Sclerology and Tongue Analysis to identify the parts of the body that may be in an overactive or underactive state, and where pain or inflammation is originating from. Promoting a healthy balance and prevention of disease using Herbal & Nutrition Consultation

along with Therapeutic Acupressure and Tai Chi, Qigong exercise.

MIA DARLING, N.D.Maulfair Medical Center2970 Corporate Court, Suite #1Orefield, Pa 18069484-272-2055

As a Naturopath, I am trained in both prescription drugs and natural supplements and herbs. I work with you, not just a lab value. I take the time to listen to you and to educate you on how your body works, including how foods, sup-plements, and exercise. Whether you are trying to reverse or prevent

a health issue, there are solutions to address the root cause of disease. See ad page ??

NATURAL HEALTH PROMOTION LLCTina Stashko, N.D. PhD MIfHIEmmaus, Pa. 18049610-965-8132naturalhealthpromotion.net

Specializing in preventative healthcare, digestion and nutrient absorption, and thyroid and ad-renal health. Modalities such as iridology, sclerology and bio-chemical balancing enable the development of your unique program for optimum health. These programs are easy to fol-

low and incorporate into your daily life. Reach your full health potential! See ad, page 13.

NUTRITIONAL TECHNOLOGIESNicholas Theodorou ND5 Stonecroft DriveEaston, PA 18045610-258-1894Nutritek.net

“Dr. Nick” Traditional Naturopath. Get and stay healthy. Proven Five-Point Program teaches you about eating a wholesome diet, prudent exercise, the proper use of supplements, getting quality sleep and reducing stress. Inter-nationally recognized expertise on nutritional supplements including glu-

tathione enhancement! Free mini-consults! Call or email for information.


WELLNESS SIMPLIFIEDDian FreemanMorristown, NJ973-267-4816www.WellnessSimplified.com

Nutritionist Dian Freeman and staff nutritionists LuAnn Peters - Brenda Woodruff of Dian’s Wellness Simpli-fied in Morristown, NJ, offer private nutritional consultations, Applied Kinesiology and Ondamed biofeed-back sessions. Dian also teaches classes and a nutritional certification course in preparation for the national

Certified Nutritional Counselor (CNC) exam. Also, to address energetic and vibrational healing, a variety of crystal and energy healers are available by appoint-ment and LuAnn mixes personalized formulas com-bining various Bach flower remedies. See ad, page 17.


ALICIA RAMBO-WOSNIAk Center for Healthy Living @ Easton Yoga524 Northampton Street, Easton, PA 18042610.923.7522www.eastonyoga.com

Are you in a food rut? Want to lose a few pounds? Feeling sluggish and unmotivated? Whole foods detox-ing is what your body need. I offer customized detox plans and whole-body care. Over 10 years of well-ness experience through yoga and now offering wellness coaching through lifestyle and nutritional

counseling. Free Health Consultations, call now!

INTEGRATIVE NUTRITION Gale Maleskey, MS, RD, LDNTwin Ponds Integrative Health Center628 Twin Ponds Rd., West Lehigh Valley610.395.3355www.twinpondscenter.com

Learn how to live a healthier life, recover from serious illness, lose weight, gain energy, and develop life-sustaining habits, using a coaching-based, integrative nutri-tion approach. Gale Maleskey is a registered dietitian, licensed Well-ness Coach, and trained at Dr.

Andrew Weil’s Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. Call for a free 20-minute, get-acquainted chat.

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60 Lehigh Valley www.healthylehighvalley.com

THE JOYFUL ELEPHANTMichelle M.L. Trent, NET, CPTFood Coach and Certified Personal TrainerBethlehem, PA484.515.6603JoyfulElephant.com

Providing food coaching, menu planning, and hands-on cooking demos. My training is in plant-based diets for weight loss and disease prevention and reversal as seen in the film Forks Over Knives. I support, motivate, and encourage you to reach your wellness goals. I help you to try

new recipes and broaden your skill set so that you can feel confident in preparing healthy, tasty meals.


COUTNEY kREMPASkYCertified Personal TrainerNorthampton, PA610-462-5142

Take little steps for big changes! Get healthy and fit in a private setting without the intimidation of a gym. Specializing in wom-en’s fitness. Personal training sessions that focus on you and only you. Let me help you achieve your health and fitness goals through one-on-one cardio and

strength training. Contact me today to make an appointment or for group fitness schedules.


LIFE’S PATH REGRESSION THERAPYSaucon Valley, PA 18015610 [email protected]

Regression hypnotherapy helps you remember events from your past that may be the root-cause of your prob-lems today. Whether your

subconscious mind revisits earlier times of this life, or past lives, you will be amazed at its vast knowledge, and the therapeutic effects of the pro-cess. You can connect to loved ones from the other side, and discover who you are as a soul, where you are coming from, and where you are heading.


ALEXANDRA T. MILSPAW, M.ED., M.ED., LPC1 Bethlehem Place, Suite 408Bethlehem, PA 18018www.alexandramilspaw.com484-894-1246

Sexual health counselor and educator utilizing NLP and Mindfulness-based approaches. Learn easy, quick techniques to move towards healing your life and relationships by reprogram-ing your nervous system’s re-sponse to stress and pain. “Breathe. Believe. Be.” Any-thing is possible!


CLASSICAL REIkI PENNSYLVANIAPaula Michal-Johnson, Ph.D. Classical Reiki Pennyslvania484-686-7388IntheHeartofReikiLV@gmail.comwww.classicalreikipa.wordpress.com

Consultations & Reiki sessions to promote health, wellness and recovery from physical, emo-tional and spiritual trauma. Co-founder of The Pennsylvania Reiki Consortium and autho-rized teacher of the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto, Japan. Teach-

ing Reiki nationally and locally. Reiki I, Shoden, Reiki II, Okuden, Reiki III, Shinpiden.

LEHIGH VALLEY REIkITara Gallus, Reiki Practitioner & TeacherBethlehem, PA610.739.4201www.lehighvalleyreiki.com

Supporting you in living a fuller, more healthy, balanced life. Relax, relieve stress, and improve your overall physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. Consultations, private sessions, & Reiki classes. Co-founder of The Pennsylvania Reiki Consortium and ABMP Mem-ber. 15 years of experience. Trained

in Western, Traditional, and Jikiden Reiki Practic-es.

MAE DAE MENTORINGMichelle ReddenWest Allentown, [email protected]

Encouraging you to be the best “Me” that you can be using Quan-tum Biofeedback, a cutting edge computerized technology that as-sesses and harmonizes an indi-vidual’s energetic signature. Re-duce stress to help reduce pain, sleep disturbances, allergies and address emotional issues such as

fear, anxiety, depression and anger.

SHUMEI361 E. Main StreetKutztown, PA 19530484-788-8328 [email protected]

Jyorei was developed by Mok-ichi Okada in Japan in the early part of the twentieth century. It is a simple yet profound healing art in which spiritual Light is focused on others. One Jyorei session usually takes about ten minutes. No fee is requested for

the session, although donations are accepted. Hours: Mon, Thu and Fri 3pm-5pm; Sat 1pm-3pm


ANDREI kAzLOUSkI 188 Shiloh Court • Whitehall484.695.8265 • www.si-rolfmethod.com

ROLF METHOD OF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION - highly effective hands-on approach for improving posture, alleviating chronic pain, increasing energy level , and enhancing flexibility through restoring your body to its natural state of alignment. Enjoy moving

freely again! Board Certified Structural Integrator CM and Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. See ad, page 21.


LIESHA GETSON, BCTT, HHCServing Bethlehem, Easton and Fogelsvillewww.healththroughawareness.com 856-596-5834

A Board Certified Thermo-graphic Technician has imaged thousands of patients for many types of health concern and administers outreach thermo-gram assessments in several eastern PA centers regularly. A Holistic Health Counselor and is a member of the American

Association of Drugless Practitioners. A founding partner of Health Through Awareness in Marlton, NJ, a cooperative wellness center that provides a variety of alternative services to facilitate healthy living including nutrition and lifestyle counseling, Reiki, thermography, and biopuncture. Liesha. See ad, page 53.



3247 B Wimmer Rd. Bethlehem, PA 18020610-865-4348www.AnimalTherapyCenter.com

Dr. Gabriel-Fraynert is a veteri-narian certified in medical acu-puncture for animals since 2005. She has been practicing Integrative Veterinary Medicine using both conventional and holistic modalities, including Chinese and Western herbs, Homo-toxicology/Homeopathy, and Nutraceuticals. Dr. Gabriel-

Fraynert feels an integrative approach allows for greater breadth of treatment options for many un-derlying and or/ pre-existing medical conditions.See ad, page 47.


kRISTEN FENSTERMACHER VMD3247 B Wimmer Rd. Bethlehem, PA 18020610-865-4348www.AnimalTherapyCenter.com

Dr. Kristen Fenstermacher is a equine veterinarian certified in veterinary chiropractor by the International Veterinary Chiro-practic Association . She pro-vides chiropractic services for cats and dogs at the Animal Therapy Center. See ad, page 47.

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VYOLET ALBANO CMP, RM, CM3247 B Wimmer Rd. Bethlehem, PA 18020610-865-4348www.AnimalTherapyCenter.com

Vyolet Albano is certifi ed canine massage practitioner who com-pleted her certification at the Integrated Touch Therapy School in Circleville, Ohio. Having an interest in non-invasive modali-ties for addressing animal pain, she is also a Master of Chi En-ergy, Reiki and Quantum Heal-

ing. Vyolet provides massage and reiki services for dogs and cats at the Animal Therapy Center. See ad, page 47.


PAMELA MUELLER PHD DVM3247 B Wimmer Rd. Bethlehem, PA 18020610-865-4348www.AnimalTherapyCenter.com

Dr. Mueller is a veterinarian with advanced training in exercise physiology and canine rehabilita-tion. We welcome dogs with neurologic problems, sports inju-ries and post surgical pa-tients. Aquatic exercise can re-juvenate geriatric pets and condi-tion competition companions. See ad, page 47.


BETH kENNY MPT, CCRP3247 B Wimmer Rd. Bethlehem, PA 18020610-865-4348www.AnimalTherapyCenter.com

Beth is a physical therapist with 20 years experience, including special education in canine anat-omy and rehabilitaion. She uti-lizes many of the same rehabilita-tive techniques and therapies developed for humans to help your companion animals recover from injury, surgery, or to im-prove life in their golden years.See ad, page 47.


MJA HEALTHCARE NETWORkMikhail Artamonov, MD PhD1104 Van Buren Road, Suite 101Easton, PA 18045610-438-4460 • MJAHealthcare.com

Lose up to 20 pounds in 6 weeks with medically supervised weight loss. We take a personal-ized approach to weight loss based on science. The continual body composition monitoring included in our program ensures the weight loss is truly coming

from fat, not muscle. Ongoing behavioral counsel-ing teaches people how to work with their body’s natural tendencies to lose weight and keep it off. See ad, page 3.


kULA HEART YOGA3400 Bath Pike, Bethlehem610-746-5852 • www.kulaheartyoga.comFacebook: Yoga at Kulaheartyoga

Bringing community of the hearts together as we embrace diversity & celebrate life. Diverse yoga classes, certified/registered yoga teachers, Yoga Teacher Training, Kid’s /Family yoga ,

Therapeutic, Restorative, Anusara Inspired, Kundalini, Prenatal, & Pilates. Workshops with internationally renowed teachers. Massage therapy services in our beautiful wellness center. New student special $30 for 30 days unlimited yoga.

THE YOGA LOFT521 E 4th St., 3rd Floor (above Cantelmi’s Hardware)Bethlehem, PA 18015610-867-YOGA (9642)www.theyogaloftofbethlehem.com

The Yoga Loft offers quality yoga instruction for students of all levels in a variety of styles. We also offer workshops and other special events, Certified Yoga Teacher Training, Belly dance, Tai Chi, Prenatal Yoga, and Mat PilatesSee ad, page 17.


ELEVATIONS YOGA THERAPY Cyndee Gischel Graham CSYT Svaroopa® Yoga Therapist 2230 Corriere Rd. Easton Pa610-653-0904

Elevate your body, your mind and more. This therapeutic style of yoga reaches into and releases deep-seated layers of spinal ten-sion by using precise angles, blankets and hands on personal-ized adjustments so that the body opens gently yet deeply from the inside out. Reduce stress. Relieve

back pain. Restore energy and enjoy increased fl ex-ibility. This class is for everyone. No experience necessary. Classes Mon & Fri 10am. or Wed 1pm. Private sessions also available. Call for evening classes.


Natural AwakeningsCelebrates 20 Yearsof Conscious Living

Read What People Are Saying About

Natural AwakeningsNatural Awakenings provides helpful information on natural health and en-vironmental issues with a consistently positive perspective and tone, which is not always easy considering how serious and intimidating some of these topics are. It’s a rarity.

~ Sayer Ji, founder, GreenMedInfo.com

Publications like Natural Awakenings reach many people and I’m so glad to be able to share a voice beyond the propaganda.

~ Melinda Hemmelgarn, Food Sleuth

I have changed so much over the last year finally realizing that life is so much bigger than me. I love this Earth and all the wonders that are a part of it, and your magazine contributes to my appreciation.

~ Theresa Sutton, Connecticut

It is unusual to see your level of writing and consciousness in a free publica-tion. Thanks for a great work.

~ Kaih Khriste’ King, Arizona

Natural Awakenings magazine is the only advertising I use for my practice other than word of mouth referrals and it has brought us new patients consis-tently especially now that we advertise monthly. The quality of the leads is great and we really enjoy helping the holistic-minded patient. The publisher is great to work with and truly wants to see the business succeed. We plan on always advertising with Natural Awak-enings and expanding our presence in the magazine.

~ Cate Vieregger, DDS, Colorado

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62 Lehigh Valley www.healthylehighvalley.com


Big Brothers Big Sisters – Needs volunteers for chil-dren living in Phillipsburg. Please call today to learn how you can help a child grow up. 908-689-0436 or [email protected]

Healers Wanted – Help us to aid in the healing environment at Pocono Medical Center. Seeking volunteers for the Complementary & Alternative Medicine Program. Interested practitioners in Reiki and massage, artists and musicians please contact Jill Howell at 570-476-3443 or email [email protected] .

Hunterdon Helpline – Looking for caring volunteers! Spend an hour a week with a senior, tutor an ESL/ GED learner, or become a translator (looking for all languages). 908-782-4357 [email protected]


Hypnotherapy Certifi cation Classes - 150 hours. “At Home” and/or classroom environment and “hands-on” practice experience. Reasonably priced! Payment plans accepted. For more info or to register contact Bev Bley L.P.N;C.M.Ht. at C.H.A.N.G.E. 610.797.8250. Coopersburg area.

Aromatherapy Certifi ed Course Online – A solid introduction to the science and art of Aromatherapy in 6 weeks or the course can be taken in your own time, to fi t into any schedule. Reasonably priced. For more info or to register contact Barbara Fenton at 610-393-2036 or [email protected]


The Dale & Frances Hughes Cancer Center in East Stroudsburg is looking for an Acupuncturist who is willing to provide services at the center 1-2 days a week. This will be a patient pay service. A Request for Proposal (RFP) is available by contacting Jill Howell at 570-476-3443 [email protected]. All proposals must be returned by March 15th.

Vegetarian Café Co-Creator – Seeking invested co-creator for healthy café in South Allentown. Restaurant quantity food preparation and nutritional expertise required. Investment required. Serious inquiries only. 610-737-4882.

Love scented candles? We are looking for distributors www.getnaturalwaxcandlesnow.com 908-319-2455 for more info.

Coming Next Month

The Latest LOCAL FOOD TRENDSGood at Home and On the Go

Established Pennsylvania Academy For Sale - DOE Licensed. Growing demand. Call 267-424-4549.

Licensed Massage Therapist – Independent contrac-tor, needed at Twin Ponds Center. We are located just west of Rt. 100, off Schantz Rd. in the west end of Lehigh Valley. Please call 610.305.3355.


Tai Chi and Qigong DVDs – Aleve many health ail-ments by practicing Tai Chi and Qigoing any where and any time with quality DVD instruction. Simple to learn and can be practiced by anyone, young or old. Advanced through Expert levels available at Eastern-Health123.com

Hypnotherapy CDs and DVDs – Weight Control, Smoking Cessation, Insomnia, Personal Development, Stress Management, Procrastination. Prices: CDs $29- DVDs $49. Call Bev at 610.797.8250 or order through “products” section at www.4change.com Mention this ad for a $5 discount!

Herbal Packs, Lavander Packs and Cool Downz – various styles, shapes and patterns. Prices: $7-$25. Call Bev 610.797.8250 or order through “products” section at www.4change.com www.4change.com.


Do you hear voices? – You are not alone. Support groups forming in Stroudsburg. Contact Paul Boggia at 570-421-3670.

Migraines, Fibromyalgia, IBS – These all have symp-toms caused by or worsened from food sensitivities. Targeted diet therapy can improve or eliminate these symptoms. Call for a free consultation. 484-623-4133 Peggy Shannon MS RD LDN CLP www.peggyshan-nonnutrition.com


Beautiful Offi ce Space – Tannersville PA location offers a quiet and relaxing environment in a holistic healthcare center. Relatively quiet professions such as business or life coaching, architecture, counseling, therapeutic, are desirable. Handicap accessible. Please call 570-332-4365 for more information.

Twin Ponds Integrative Health Center – A conve-niently located beautiful, relaxing environment, offers hourly/daily rates for room with capacity of 50 people. Great for workshops, seminars, etc. Located just west of Rt. 100 between Fogelsville and Trexlertown, call 610.395.3355

Large open space available to rent hourly – In Bethlehem yoga studio with wood fl oors, lots of light and free parking. Please contact [email protected] or 610-867-9642.

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63natural awakenings February 2014

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