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1 Lecture Note on AMS 213A: Numerical Linear Algebra Winter, 2018 Instructor: Dongwook Lee ([email protected]) This lecture note has been produced in collaboration with Prof. Pascale Garaud and Skylar Trigueiro

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  • 1

    Lecture Note on AMS 213A:Numerical Linear Algebra

    Winter, 2018

    Instructor: Dongwook Lee ([email protected])

    This lecture note has been produced in collaboration withProf. Pascale Garaud and Skylar Trigueiro

  • Contents

    1 Introduction and basic tools 3

    2 Solutions of systems of Linear Equations 28

    3 Solutions of overdetermined linear problems (Least Square prob-lems) 59

    4 Eigenvalue Problems 91

    5 Singular Value Decomposition 120

    6 Iterative methods for the solution of linear systems 132


  • Chapter 1

    Introduction and basic tools

    1. Course Description

    This introductory course is designed to teach you fundamental topics in Numeri-cal Linear Algebra. As described in the introduction to our textbook, numericallinear algebra is really a course in applied linear algebra, in which we learn (i)applied problems where techniques of linear algebra are used in real life (ii) andhow to solve them numerically.

    Over the course of this quarter, will cover the following topics (not neces-sarily in this order):

    • How to compute solutions of well-posed linear systems of equations Ax = busing such as Gaussian elimination, LU factorization, and Cholesky fac-torization. We will also see a few examples of where such problems mayarise in various applied mathematical research questions.

    • How to compute approximate solutions of overdetermined linear systemof equations Ax ≈ b, such as one that may arise from linear least squaresfitting problems. Primary topics include normal equations, orthogonaltransformations, QR factorizations, and some popular orthogonalizationmethods such as Gram-Schmidt, and Householder transformations;

    • How to find the eigenvector and eigenvalues in eigenvalue problems Av =λv. Eigenvalue problems arise in a wide ranges of science and engineeringfields and play a key role in the analysis of their stability for instance.Topics include numerical approaches that allow us to compute eigenvaluesand eigenvectors (e.g., power iteration, Rayleigh quotient iteration, QRiteration).

    • Singular value decomposition and its applications.

    • Finally, how to solve linear systems of equations using iterative methods,which are usually more easily parallelizable than direct methods. Thisincludes simple methods such as the Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and SuccessiveOver-relaxation methods, and more sophisticated Krylov methods includ-ing Conjugate Gradient, GMRES, Lanczos and Arnoldi methods.


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    In addition to these topics, we will also spend some time learning about sta-bility issues that arise specifically from the numerical treatment of linear algebraproblems, because numerical arithmetic (specifically, floating point arithmetic)is not exact. Finally, we will also have a mind towards the use of some of thesealgorithms in high-performance computing, and will discuss, when appropriate,issues such as storage, computing efficiency, and parallelization. For furtherinformation on that last topic, see the AMS 250 course.

    In this first Chapter, we begin by reviewing some basics of linear algebra,and introduce some definitions that will be used throughout the course. Notethat this is not meant to be a course on Linear Algebra, but rather, a very briefrecap of material that you should already be familiar with and that is a pre-requisite for the course (e.g. AMS 211 for instance, or any undergraduate LinearAlgebra course). We will then continue by looking at the issues associated withfloating point arithmetic and their potential effect on the stability of matrixoperations.

    2. Matrices and Vectors

    See Chapter 1 of the textbook

    2.1. Matrix and vector multiplications, component notations, innerand outer products

    2.1.1. Basic operations and component notations Given an m×n matrix A,it has m rows and n columns. Its components are expressed as (A)ij = aijwhere i = 1, . . . ,m spans the rows, and j = 1, . . . , n spans the columns. Thecoefficients aij can be real or complex.

    We can compute the product of A with a vector x as Ax = b, where x hasn entries and b has m entries. Written in component form, this is

    Ax = b→ bi =n∑j=1

    aijxj for i = 1, . . . ,m (1.1)

    This can also be interpreted as

    b =

    a1 a2 . . . anx1x2. . .xn

    = x1a1 + x2a2 + · · ·+ xnan (1.2)where the ai are the column vectors of A, showing that Ax = b effectivelyexpresses the vector b in the space spanned by the column vectors of A.

    Being a linear operation, multiplication of a vector by A has the followingproperties:

    A(x + y) = Ax + Ay (1.3)

    A(αx) = αAx (1.4)

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    It is easy to show these properties using the component form (1.1) for instance.

    We can also take the product of two suitably-sized matrices. Suppose A isan m × n matrix, and B is an n × l matrix, then their product C = AB is am× l matrix. Component-wise the product is expressed as

    cij =n∑k=1

    aikbkj for i = 1, . . . ,m and j = 1, . . . , l (1.5)

    Another way of interpreting the matrix multiplication is column-by-column mul-tiplication:

    C = AB = A

    b1 b2 . . . bl =

    Ab1 Ab2 . . . Abl (1.6)

    Recall that, in general, matrix multiplication does not commute so AB 6= BA.

    2.1.2. Other basic matrix operations The transpose of a matrix A of sizem × n is the n ×m matrix AT whose components are (AT )ij = aji. Note theswitch in indices, so the rows of AT are the columns of A, and vice versa.

    For linear algebra with complex matrices, the notion of transpose must bereplaced with that of the adjoint. The adjoint of a complex matrix A of sizem × n is the n ×m complex matrix A∗, which is the complex conjugate of thetranspose of A, so that (A∗)ij = a

    ∗ji. Note that the following applies:

    • The transpose and adjoint operations are nearly linear in the sense that(αA+βB)T = αAT +βBT though one must be careful that (αA+βB)∗ =α∗A∗ + β∗B∗.

    • The transpose and adjoint of a product satisfy (AB)T = BTAT and(AB)∗ = B∗A∗

    A symmetric matrix satisfies A = AT . The complex equivalent is a Hermi-tian matrix, which satisfies A = A∗.

    2.1.3. Inner and outer products. It is sometimes useful to think of vectors asmatrices. By default, vectors are thought of as column-vectors, so that a column-vector with m components is an m × 1 matrix. However, it is also possible toconsider row-vectors, where an m-component row-vector is a 1×m matrix. It iseasy to see that we can create a row-vector by taking the transpose (or adjoint,for complex vectors) of a column vector.

    With these definitions, we can then define the inner and outer products ofcolumn- and row-vectors as:

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    • The inner product is the product of a 1 × m (row) vector xT with am× 1 (column) vector y, and the result is a scalar (a 1× 1 matrix):

    xTy =


    x1iyi1 =


    xiyi (1.7)

    For complex vectors, this becomes

    x∗y =


    x∗1iyi1 =


    x∗i yi (1.8)

    • The outer product is the product of a m × 1 (column) vector x with a1×m (row) vector yT , and the result is an m×m matrix whose componentsare

    (xyT )ij = xi1y1j = xiyj (1.9)

    Again, for complex vectors this becomes

    (xy∗)ij = xi1y∗1j = xiy

    ∗j (1.10)

    2.1.4. Range, Nullspace and Rank The matrix operation x → Ax is a func-tion from Cn to Cm, which, as we saw, returns a vector Ax that is a linearcombination of the columns of A. However, depending on A, the operation Axmay generate vectors that only span a subspace of Cm, rather than the wholeof Cm. We therefore define the range of the matrix A as the range of thefunction Ax, namely the subspace of Cm spanned by all possible vectors Axwhen x varies in the whole of Cn. Having seen that Ax is necessarily a linearcombination of the columns of A, we have the theorem:

    Theorem: The range of A is the subspace spanned by the columns of A.

    The nullspace of A is the set of all vectors x such that Ax = 0. Its dimensionis often written null(A) and called the nullity.

    And finally the column rank of A is the dimension of the space spannedby its column-vectors, and the row rank of a matrix is the space spanned by itsrow vectors. Even if the matrix is not square, an important property of matricesis that the row rank and column ranks are always equal (we will demonstratethis later), so we usually refer to them simply as the rank of the matrix. For amatrix A of size m× n, we have that

    rank(A) + null(A) = n, (1.11)

    i.e. the sum of the rank and the nullity is equal to the number of columns of A.

    A full rank matrix is a matrix that has maximal possible rank: if the matrixis m× n, then the rank is equal to min(m,n). This implies that the nullity of afull rank matrix is n −min(m,n), and is 0 if the matrix has m ≥ n (square or

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    tall matrices) but greater than 0 if the matrix has m < n (wide matrices). Fullrank matrices with m ≥ n therefore have an important property:

    Theorem: Given an m× n matrix A with m ≥ n, it has full rank if and onlyif no two distinct vectors x and y exist such that Ax = Ay.

    The same is not true for matrices with m < n, however.

    2.2. The inverse of a matrix

    The notion of inverse of a matrix only makes sense when considering squarematrices, which is what we now assume in this section.

    A full rank square matrix of size m × m is invertible, and we denote theinverse of the matrix A as A−1. The inverse A−1 is also of size m×m, and bydefinition, satisfies the following property:

    Ax = b⇔ x = A−1b (1.12)

    for any vector x in Cm. By analogy with earlier, we therefore see that thisexpresses the vector x in the space spanned by the columns of A−1. Now,suppose we construct the m vectors zi such that

    zi = A−1ei (1.13)

    where the vectors ei are the unit vectors in Cm. Then by definition, Azi = ei.This implies

    AZ = A

    z1 z2 . . . zm =

    Az1 Az2 . . . Azm


    e1 e2 . . . em = I (1.14)

    where I is the identity matrix. In short, this proves that AA−1 = I, and it caneasily be proved that this also implies A−1A = I

    There are many equivalent conditions for a matrix to be invertible (alsocalled non-singular). These are, for instance:

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    Theorem: For any given square matrix of size m×m, the following statementsare equivalent:

    • A has an inverse, A−1.

    • rank(A) = m (the matrix has full rank)

    • The range of A is Rm (or Cm, for complex matrices)

    • null(A) = 0 (the nullspace is empty)

    • 0 is not an eigenvalue of A (see later for definition)

    • 0 is not a singular value of A (see later for definition)

    • det(A) 6= 0

    An important property of the inverse is that (AB)−1 = B−1A−1. In com-bination with the transpose or the adjoint, we also have that (AT )−1 = (A−1)T ,and similarly (A∗)−1 = (A−1)∗. For this reason, you may sometimes also findthe notations A−T or A−∗ to denote the successive application of the inverseand transpose/adjoint – the order does not matter.

    3. Orthogonal vectors and matrices

    See Chapter 2 of the textbook

    3.1. Orthogonality of two vectors

    The inner product defined in the previous section, when applied to two realvectors, is in fact the well known dot product. It therefore has the followingproperties:

    • The Eucledian length of a vector is defined as ||x|| =√

    xTx (or byextension, ||x|| =

    √x∗x for complex vectors)

    • The cosine of the angle between two vectors x and y is given by

    cosα =xTy

    ||xT ||||y||for real vectors or cosα =


    ||x∗||||y||otherwise (1.15)

    • Two non-zero vectors x and y are therefore orthogonal provided theirinner product x∗y = 0. If the vectors are real, this means that they lie atright-angles to one another in Rm.

    From this definition, we can now define an orthogonal set of non-zero vectors,as a set in which every possible pair of vectors is orthogonal (i.e. all membersof the set are pair-wise orthogonal). An orthonormal set is a orthogonal setwhere all vectors have unit length, so ||x|| = 1 for all x.

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    Orthogonal sets have a very important and very useful property:

    Theorem: The vectors in an orthogonal set are linearly independent.

    Linear independence means that it is not possible to write any vector in the setas a linear combination of other vectors in the set.

    As a corollary, it is sufficient in Cm to find m orthogonal vectors to have abasis for the whole space Cm. Using the orthogonality property, it is then veryeasy to express any vector in Cm as a linear combination of this new orthogonalbasis. Indeed, suppose we have the orthonormal basis {qk}k=1,...,m, and we wantto write the vector b in that basis. We know that it is possible, i.e. that thereis a series of coefficients βk such that

    b =m∑k=1

    βkqk (1.16)

    To find the βk coefficient, we simply take the inner product of this expressionwith qk (using the fact that the basis vectors have been normalized), to get

    βk = q∗kb (1.17)


    b =m∑k=1

    (q∗kb)qk =m∑k=1

    (qkq∗k)b (1.18)

    where the second expression was obtained by commuting the scalar and thevector (which can always be done) and re-pairing the terms differently. Whilethe first expression merely expresses b in the basis {qk}k=1,...,m, the secondexpression writes b as a sum of vectors that are each orthogonal projections ofb on each of the qk, and identifies the projection operator onto qk as the matrixqkq

    ∗k. This property will be explored at length later in the course.

    3.2. Unitary matrices

    An orthogonal matrix is a real square matrix Q of size m × m, satisfyingthe property QT = Q−1, or equivalently QTQ = I. Extending this to complexmatrices, a unitary matrix is a complex square matrix Q of size m × m,satisfying the property Q∗ = Q−1 or equivalently Q∗Q = I.

    Unitary (or orthogonal) matrices have the interesting property that theircolumns form an orthonormal basis. To see this, simply note that the ij coeffi-cient of the product of two matrices is the inner product of the i-th row vectorof the first matrix, with the j−th column vector of the second one. In orderwords, in the case of the product Q∗Q, and calling qj the j−th column of Q,

    (Q∗Q)ij = q∗iqj = Iij = δij (1.19)

    where δij is the Kronecker symbol. This proves that the pairwise product of anytwo column-vectors of Q is 0 if the vectors are different and 1 is the vectors areidentical – the set {q}k=1,...,m is an orthonormal set.

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    Another interesting property of unitary matrices is that their effect pre-serves lengths and angles (modulo the sign) between vectors, and as such theycan be viewed either as rotations or reflections. To see why, note how theinner product between two vectors is preserved by the action of Q on bothvectors:

    (Qx)∗(Qy) = x∗Q∗Qy = x∗y (1.20)

    This in turn means that the Euclidean norm of a vector is preserved by theaction of Q, and this together with the interpretation of the inner product asa dot product, also shows that the cosines of the angles are preserved (withpossible change of sign of the actual angle)

    4. Eigenvalues and singular values

    See Chapter 24 and Chapter 4 of the textbook

    4.1. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

    4.1.1. Definition Let us now restrict our attention to square matrices A ofsize m×m. If a vector v satisfies the property that

    Av = λv (1.21)

    for any scalar λ ∈ C, then this vector is called an eigenvector of A and λis the eigenvalue associated with that vector. Eigenvectors represent specialdirections along which the action of the matrix A reduces to a simple multipli-cation. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues have very general uses in many branchesof applied mathematics, from the solution of PDEs, to the analysis of the sta-bility of physical problems, etc. We shall see some of these examples later in thecourse.

    Note that eigenvectors are not unique but they can be scaled infinitely dif-ferent ways: if Av = λv, then for any nonzero scalar γ, γv is also an eigenvectorcorresponding to λ because A(γv) = λ(γv). For this reason, we usually considereigenvectors to be normalized. This tells us that the fundamental object of inter-est is not really any particular choice of eigenvector, but rather the direction(s)spanned by the eigenvector(s).

    A few definitions: the space spanned by all eigenvectors associated with thesame eigenvalue λ is called the eigenspace corresponding to λ. Within thateigenspace, multiplication by the matrix A reduces to a scalar multiplication.The set consisting of all the eigenvalues of A is called the spectrum of A.Finally, the largest possible value of |λ| over all the eigenvalues in the spectrumof A is called the spectral radius of A, and is denoted by ρ(A).

    4.1.2. Characteristic Polynomials The equation Av = λv is equivalent toconsidering a homogeneous system of linear equations(

    A− λI)v = 0. (1.22)

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    Recall that this system has a nonzero solution v if and only if A − λI issingular, which is further equivalent to,

    det(A− λI

    )= 0. (1.23)

    The relation in Eq. (1.23) is a polynomial of degree m in λ, and is calledthe characteristic polynomial pA(λ) of A, which can be written as,

    pA(λ) = λm + · · ·+ c1λ+ c0 (1.24)

    = (λ− λ1)(λ− λ2) · · · (λ− λm) (1.25)

    with ck ∈ C (or ck ∈ R for real matrices). The roots of pA(λ) are the eigenvaluesof A. Note that this implies that even if a matrix is real, its eigenvalues may becomplex. Finally, to find the eigenvectors, we then solve for each λk,

    Avk = λkvk. (1.26)

    Example: Consider the matrix

    A =

    [2 11 2


    The characteristic polynomial of this matrix is

    (λ− 2)2 − 1 = λ2 − 4λ+ 3 = (λ− 3)(λ− 1) = 0, (1.28)

    therefore has two distinct roots λ1 = 1 and λ2 = 3, which are the eigenvalues ofA. To find the eigenvectors v1 and v2, we solve(

    2 11 2


    )= λk



    which tells us that 2x1 + x2 = x1 for v1 and 2x1 + x2 = 3x1 for v2. This thenshows that

    v1 =


    − 1√2

    )and v2 =




    where both eigenvectors have been normalized. �

    Note: This illustrates that when seeking eigenvalues and eigenvectors ana-lytically, one usually first solves for the characteristic polynomial to find theeigenvalues λk, and then find the eigenvectors. As we shall see in this course thenumerical approach to finding eigenvectors and eigvenvalues is very different.This is because the characteristic polynomial turns out not to be too useful as ameans of actually computing eigenvalues for matrices of nontrivial size. Severalissues that can arise in numerical computing include:

    • computing the coefficients of pA(λ) for a given matrix A is, in general, asubstantial task,

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    • the coefficients of pA(λ) can be highly sensitive to perturbations in thematrix A, and hence their computation is unstable,

    • rounding error incurred in forming pA(λ) can destroy the accuracy of theroots subsequently computed,

    • computing the roots of any polynomial of high degree numerically is an-other substantial task.

    4.1.3. Multiplicity, Defectiveness, and Diagonalizability Since the character-istic polynomial can be written as pA(λ) = Π

    mi=1(λ − λi), we can define the

    algebraic multiplicity of a particular eigenvalue λk simply as the multiplicityof the corresponding root of pA(λ), i.e., how many times the factor (λ − λk)appears in pA(λ).

    By contrast, the geometric multiplicity of λk is the dimension of theeigenspace associated with λk. In other words, it is the maximal number oflinearly independent eigenvectors corresponding to λk.

    In general, the algebraic multiplicity is always greater or equal to the ge-ometric multiplicity. If the algebraic multiplicity is strictly greater than thegeometric multiplicity then the eigenvalue λk is said to be defective. By exten-sion, an m×m matrix that has fewer than m linearly independent eigenvectorsis said to be defective.

    Example: The matrix

    A =

    [1 1−1 3


    has pA(λ) = (λ−1)(λ−3)+1 = (λ−2)2 = 0, hence has an eigenvalue λ = 2 as adouble root. Therefore the algebraic multiplicity of λ = 2 is 2. Let’s assumethat there are two linearly independent eigenvectors v1 and v2. If v1 = (x1, x2)


    then x1 and x2 must satisfy x1 + x2 = 2x1, or in other words x1 = x2 sov1 = (1/

    √2, 1/√

    2)T . Similarly we seek v2 = (x1, x2)T , and its components must

    satisfy −x1 + 3x2 = 2x2, or equivalently x1 = x2 again. This shows that v1 andv2 are actually the same vector, which implies that the geometric multiplicityof λ = 2 is only equal to one. This eigenvalue is therefore defective, and so isthe matrix A.

    Example: λ = 1 is the only eigenvalue with algebraic multiplicity two for bothmatrices: [

    1 10 1

    ], and

    [1 00 1

    ]. (1.32)

    Its geometric multiplicity, however, is one for the first and two for the latter. �

    If m×m matrix A is nondefective, then it has a full set of linearly indepen-dent eigenvectors v1, · · · ,vm corresponding to the eigenvalues λ1, · · · , λm. If welet D be the diagonal matrix formed with all the eigenvalues λ1 to λm, and V

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    is the matrix formed by the column vectors v1 to vm (in the same order), thenV is nonsingular since the vectors are linearly independent and we have

    AV = VD (1.33)

    To see why, note that

    AV =

    Av1 Av2 . . . Avm =

    λ1v1 λ2v2 . . . λmvm (1.34)


    VD =

    Vλ1e1 Vλ2e2 . . . Vλmem =

    λ1v1 λ2v2 . . . λmvm(1.35)

    Multiplying on both sides by V−1 yields

    V−1AV = D. (1.36)

    This shows that A is diagonalizable, i.e., can be put into a diagonal form usinga similarity transformation.

    4.1.4. Similarity transformation, change of base Let A and B be two m×msquare matrices. Then A is similar to B if there is a nonsingular matrix P forwhich

    B = P−1AP. (1.37)

    The operation P−1AP is called a similarity transformation of A. Note thatthis is a symmetric relation (i.e., B is similar to A), since

    A = Q−1BQ, with Q = P−1. (1.38)

    A similarity transformation is simply a change of base for matrices, i.e.B can be interpreted as being the matrix A expressed in the basis formed bythe column vectors of P. As such, many of the geometric properties of A arepreserved. To be specific, if A and B are similar, then the followings statementsare true.

    1. pA(λ) = pB(λ).

    Proof: Then

    pB(λ) = det(B− λI)= det(P−1(A− λI)P)= det(P−1) det(A− λI) det(P)= det(A− λI)= pA(λ). (1.39)

    since det(P−1) = 1/ det(P) for any nonsingular matrix. �

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    2. The eigenvalues of A and B are exactly the same, λ(A) = λ(B), and thereis a one-to-one correspondence of the eigenvectors.

    Proof: Let Av = λv. Then

    P−1AP(P−1v) = λP−1v, (1.40)

    or equivalently,Bu = λu, with u = P−1v. (1.41)

    Also the one-to-one correspondence between v and u is trivial with therelationship u = P−1v, or v = Pu. �

    3. The trace and determinant are unchanged. This can easily be shown fromthe fact that the characteristic polynomial remains the same:

    trace(A) = trace(B), (1.42)

    det(A) = det(B). (1.43)

    4.2. Singular values and singular vectors

    By contrast with eigenvectors and eigenvalues, singular vectors and singularvalues have a very simple geometric interpretation and do not require the matrixto be square in order to be computed. We therefore consider here any matrixA of size m × n. The notion of singular values and singular vectors can beunderstood easily if one notes first that the image of the unit ball in Rn (ormore generally Cn) is a hyperellipse in Rm (or more generally Cm).

    Example: Consider the matrix A =

    (2 10 1

    )then if y = Ax, and we only

    consider vectors x = (x1, x2)T such that x21 + x

    22 = 1, their image y = (y1, y2)


    satisfies y1 = 2x1 + x2 and y2 = x2 so that x2 = y2, x1 = (y1 − y2)/2 andtherefore

    (y1 − y2)2

    4+ y22 = 1 (1.44)

    which is indeed the equation of a slanted ellipse (see Figure 1). �

    Figure 1. Image of the unit circle after application of the matrix A.

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    Based on this geometrical interpretation of A, we define the singularvalues of A as the lengths of the principal axes of the hyperellipse that is theimage of the unit ball. They are denoted as {σi}i=1,...,k, and are usually ordered,such that σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3 · · · ≥ σk > 0. Note that k could be smaller than m.Then we define the left singular vectors of A, {ui}i=1,...,k, which are thedirections of the principal axes of the hyperellipse corresponding to σi. Finally,we define the right singular vectors of A, {wi}i=1,...,k, such that Awi = σiuifor i = 1, . . . , k.

    Further properties of the singular values and singular vectors, together withhow to compute them, will be discussed later in the course.

    5. Norms

    See Chapter 3 of the textbook

    In much of what we will learn in this course and in AMS 213B, we will needto have tools to measure things such as the quality of a numerical solution incomparison with the true solution (when it is known), or the rate of convergenceof an iterative numerical algorithm to a solution. To do so usually involvesmeasuring the size (loosely speaking) of a vector or a matrix, and in this respectwe have several options that all fall under the general description of norms.

    5.1. Vector norms

    5.1.1. Definitions of vector norms A norm is a function that assigns a realvalued number to each vector in Cm. There are many possible definitions ofvector norms, but they must all satisfy the following conditions:

    • A norm must be positive for all non-zero vectors: ||x|| > 0 unless x = 0,and ||0|| = 0.

    • ||x + y|| ≤ ||x|| + ||y|| for any two vectors x and y. This is called thetriangle inequality

    • ||αx|| = |α|||x|| for any vectors x and any real α.

    A large class of norms consists of the p-norms. The p-norm (or lp-norm) of ann-vector x is defined by

    ||x||p =



    . (1.45)

    Important special cases are:

    • 1-norm:

    ||x||1 =n∑i=1

    ∣∣∣xi∣∣∣ (1.46)

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    • 2-norm: (also called the Euclidean length, defined in the previous section)

    ||x||2 =




    xTx (1.47)

    • ∞-norm (or max-norm):

    ||x||∞ = max1≤i≤n

    ∣∣∣xi∣∣∣ (1.48)As we shall see, different norms come in handy in different kinds of applicationsalthough in practice the most useful ones are the 1−norm, 2−norm and ∞-norms.

    Figure 2. Illustrations of a unit sphere in R2, ||x|| = 1, in three differentnorms: 1-norm, 2-norm and ∞-norm.

    Example: For the vector x = (−1.6, 1.2)T , we get

    ||x||1 = 2.8, ||x||2 = 2.0, ||x||∞ = 1.6. (1.49)

    5.1.2. The Cauchy-Schwarz and Hölder inequalities When proving varioustheorems on stability or convergence of numerical algorithms, we shall sometimesuse the Hölder inequality.

    Theorem: For any two vectors x and y,

    |x∗y| ≤ ||x||p||y||q, (1.50)

    where p and q satisfy 1p +1q = 1 with 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞.

    The bound is tight in the sense that, if x and y are parallel vectors (suchthat x = αy for some α), the inequality becomes an equality. When applied tothe 2−norm, the inequality is called the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.

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    5.2. Matrix norms

    5.2.1. Definitions of matrix norms Similar to vector norms, matrix normsare functions that take a matrix and return a positive scalar, with the followingproperties:

    • ||A|| > 0 unless A = 0 in which case ||0|| = 0.

    • ||A + B|| ≤ ||A||+ ||B||

    • ||αA|| = |α|||A||.

    We could, in principle, define matrix norms exactly as we defined vectornorms, by summing over all components aij of the matrix. In fact, a commonlyused norm is the Hilbert-Schmidt norm, also called the Frobenius norm:

    ||A||F =



    |aij |21/2 (1.51)

    which is analogous to the 2−norm for vectors.

    An interesting property of this norm is that it can be written compactly as||A||F =

    √Tr(AA∗) =

    √Tr(A∗A). However, aside from this norm, other more

    useful definitions of norms can be obtained by defining a norm that measuresthe effect of a matrix on a vector.

    Definition: The matrix p-norm of m× n matrix A can be defined by

    ||A||p = supx 6=0


    . (1.52)

    In practice, what this does is to estimate the maximum amount by which thep−norm of a vector x can be stretched by the application of the matrix. Andsince any vector can be written as x = αx̂ where x̂ is a unit vector in thedirection of x, it suffices to look at the action of A on all possible unit vectors:

    ||A||p = supx̂||Ax̂||p (1.53)

    Some matrix norms are easier to compute than others. For instance, bythis definition, and by the definition of singular values, we simply have

    ||A||2 = σ1 (1.54)

    that is, the length of the largest principal axis of the image of the unit ball.

    Let’s also look for instance at the case of the 1−norm, for an m×n matrixA. We begin by computing

    ||Ax̂||1 = ||n∑i=1

    aix̂i||1 ≤n∑i=1

    |x̂i|||ai||1 (1.55)

  • 18

    using the column vectors ai of A, and the triangle inequality. Then, using thefact that ||x̂||1 =

    ∑ni=1 |x̂i| = 1, and noting that ||ai||1 ≤ maxi ||ai||1 for any i,

    we have

    ||Ax̂||1 ≤n∑i=1

    |x̂i|||ai||1 ≤ maxi||ai||1


    |x̂i| = maxi||ai||1 (1.56)

    so ||Ax̂||1 ≤ maxi ||ai||1. As it turns out, the inequality becomes an equalitywhen x̂ = eI , where I is the index i for which ||ai||1 is largest, so the maximumpossible value of ||Ax̂||1 over all possible unit vectors x̂ is indeed maxi ||ai||1. Inshort

    ||A||1 = maxj


    ∣∣∣aij∣∣∣ (1.57)It can similarly be shown that

    ||A||∞ = maxi


    ∣∣∣aij∣∣∣ (1.58)Finally, the p− norm of diagonal matrices is easy to compute: ||D||p = maxi |di|,where di is the i-th diagonal component of the matrix D.

    5.2.2. Properties of matrix norms Similar to the Hölder inequality, it is possi-ble to bound the norm of a product of two matrices. For any one of the p−normsassociated with a vector norm, or for the Hilbert-Schmidt/Frobenius norms, wehave

    ||AB|| ≤ ||A||||B|| (1.59)In general, the inequality is strict. However, in the special case where one of thematrices is unitary (orthogonal), and where we use the 2−norm or the Hilbert-Schmidt/Frobenius norms, we have

    ||QA||2 = ||A||2 and ||QA||F = ||A||F (1.60)

    6. Properties of Machine Arithmetics

    See Chapter 13 of textbook + additional material on computer representation ofnumbers from various sources

    So far, we have merely summarized the most salient results of Linear Algebrathat will come in handy when trying to design numerical algorithms to solvelinear algebra problems. Up to now, every result discussed was exact. At thispoint in time, however, we must now learn about one of the most importantissues related to the numerical implementation of numerical algorithms, namely,the fact that numbers are not represented exactly, but rather, approximately, inthe computer.

    Most computers have different modes for representing integers and realnumbers, integer mode and floating-point mode, respectively. Let us now take alook at these modes.

  • 19

    6.1. Integer mode

    The representation of an integer number is (usually) exact. Recall that we canrepresent an integer as a sequence of numbers from 0 to 9, for instance, as anexpansion in base 10:

    anan−1 · · · a0 = an × 10n + an−1 × 10n−1 + · · ·+ a0 × 100. (1.61)

    Example: Base 10

    159 = 1× 102 + 5× 101 + 9× 100. (1.62)

    However, the number base used in computers is seldom decimal (e.g., base 10),but instead binary (e.g., base 2) where one “bit” is either 0 or 1. In binary form,any positive integers can be written as

    anan−1 · · · a0 = an × 2n + an−1 × 2n−1 + · · ·+ a0 × 20. (1.63)

    Example: Base 2

    159 = 1× 27 + 0× 26 + 0× 25 + 1× 24 + 1× 23 + 1× 22 + 1× 21 + 1× 20

    = 100111112. (1.64)

    A signed integer is typically stored on a finite number of bytes (recall, 1 byte= 8 bits), usually using 1-bit for the sign (though other conventions also exist).

    In Fortran there are two common ways to represent integers, normal andlong types. The normal integers are stored on 4 bytes, or equivalently 32 bitswhere one bit is reserved for the sign and the rest 31 bits for the value itself.On the other hand, the long integers are stored on 8 bytes which are equivalentto 64 bits, where one bit for the sign and the rest 63 bits for the value.

    As a consequence for a given integer type there are only finite numbers ofintegers which can be used in programing:

    • for normal 4-byte integers: between −231 and 231,

    • for normal 8-byte integers: between −263 and 263.

    This means that any attempts to reach numbers beyond these values will causeproblems. Note that we have 231 ≈ 2.1 billion which is not so big a number.

  • 20

    6.2. Floating-point mode

    The base 10 notation (decimal) for real numbers can be written as

    anan−1 · · · a0.b1b2 · · · bm= an × 10n + an−1 × 10n−1 + · · ·+ a0 × 100

    +b1 × 10−1 + b2 × 10−2 + · · ·+ bm × 10−m, (1.65)and by analogy we write a real number in base 2 (binary) as

    anan−1 · · · a0.b1b2 · · · bm= an × 2n + an−1 × 2n−1 + · · ·+ a0 × 20

    +b1 × 2−1 + b2 × 2−2 + · · ·+ bm × 2−m, (1.66)

    Definition: We note that we can only store finite numbers of ai and bj asevery computer has finite storage limit. This implies that there are cases whenreal numbers can only be approximated with finitely many combinations ofai and bj . The error associated with this approximation is called roundoff errors.

    6.2.1. Standard notations In fact, the numbers are not stored as writtenabove. Rather, they are stored as

    2n(an + an−12

    −1 + · · ·+ a02−n + b12−n−1 + · · ·+ bm2−n−m), (1.67)


    2n+1(an2−1 + an−12

    −2 + · · ·+ a02−n−1 + b12−n−2 + · · ·+ bm2−n−m−1). (1.68)

    In the first case an can be chosen to be nonzero by assumption, which nec-essarily gives an = 1. The first is referred to as IEEE standard and the secondas DEC standard.

    Example: The representation of 27.25 in base 2 becomes


    = 1 · 24 + 1 · 23 + 0 · 22 + 1 · 21 + 1 · 20 + 0 · 2−1 + 1 · 2−2

    = 11011.012, (1.69)

    which can be written in two ways as just shown above:

    11011.012 =



    )IEEE standard,



    )DEC standard.


    Definition: In general, this takes of the form of

    x = 2k × f, (1.71)

    where k and f are called the exponent and mantissa, respectively.

  • 21

    6.2.2. Standard Fortran storage types: double vs. single precisions There aretwo standard storage types available in Fortran. In addition to them, one candefine any new type as needed in Fortran 90 and above. The two standardstorage types are

    • single precision : type REAL(SP). Storage is on 4 bytes (i.e., 32 bits =1 bit for sign + 8 bits for the exponent + 23 bits for the mantissa),

    • double precision : type REAL(DP). Storage on 8 bytes (i.e., 64 bits = 1bit for sign + 11 bits for the exponent + 52 bits for the mantissa).

    Note: The bits in the exponent store integers from L to U , where usually, Lis the lowest exponent, a negative integer; and U is the highest exponent, apositive integer, with

    U − L ≈

    28 for single precision,

    211 for double precision,(1.72)


    L =

    −126 for single precision,−1022 for double precision, (1.73)and

    U =

    127 for single precision,1023 for double precision. (1.74)�

    6.2.3. Floating-point arithmetic and roundoff errors Arithmetic using floating-point numbers is quite different from real arithmetic. In order to understand thislet’s work in base 10 for simplicity. If we represent π in, say, DEC standard, we


    • a representation up to 2 decimal places (significant digits) is 0.31, and

    • a representation up to 6 decimal places (significant digits) is 0.314159.

    For a given number of significant digits (i.e., a given length of mantissa),the “distance” between two consecutive numbers is dependent on the value ofthe exponent. Let us consider the following example.

    Example: Suppose we have 3 possible values of the exponent, k = −2,−1 and0, and 2 digits for mantissa. Positive numbers we can possibly create from this

  • 22

    condition are

    0.10× 10−20.11× 10−2

    ...0.98× 10−20.99× 10−2

    all separated by 10−4 (1.75)

    0.10× 10−10.11× 10−1

    ...0.98× 10−10.99× 10−1

    all separated by 10−3 (1.76)

    0.10× 1000.11× 100

    ...0.98× 1000.99× 100

    all separated by 10−2 (1.77)

    Here we note that the continuous real line has been discretized which inevitablyintroduces roundoff errors. Also, the discretization does not produce equi-distance uniform spacing, instead the non-uniform spacing depends on the ab-solute value of the numbers considered. �

    Note: The floating-point arithmetic operation is not associative as a result ofroundoff errors. To see this, let’s consider a case with 6-digit mantissa. Let’stake three real numbers,

    a = 472635 = 0.472635× 106, (1.78)b = 472630 = 0.472630× 106, (1.79)c = 27.5013 = 0.275013× 102. (1.80)

    We see that the floating-point operation fails to preserve associative rule,

    (a− b) + c 6= a− (b− c). (1.81)

    In the first case, we have

    (a− b) + c = (472635− 472630) + 27.5013= 5.00000 + 27.5013

    = 32.5013, (1.82)

  • 23

    whereas the second case gives

    a− (b− c) = 472635− (472630− 27.5013)= 472635− 472602.4987︸ ︷︷ ︸

    more than 6 digits hence must be rounded off

    = 472635− 472602= 33.0000. (1.83)

    As can be seen the error on the calculation is huge! It is of the order ofthe discretization error for the largest of the numbers considered (i.e., a and bin this case). �

    6.2.4. Machine accuracy � It is a similar concept – now with the question ofwhat is the largest number � that can be added to 1 such that in floating-pointarithmetic, one gets

    1 + � = 1? (1.84)

    Let’s consider the following example:

    Example: Consider 6-digit mantissa. Then we have

    1 = 0.100000× 101, (1.85)

    and then1 + 10−7 = 0.1000001× 101. (1.86)

    However, the last representation exceeds 6-digit limit and hence needs to berounded down to 0.100000× 101, resulting

    1 + 10−7 = 0.100000× 101. (1.87)

    This implies that the machine accuracy is � ≈ 10−7. �

    Note: For floating-point arithmetic in base 2, with mantissa of size m, we have

    � ≈ 2−m =

    2−23 ≈ 10−7 in real single precision,

    2−52 ≈ 10−16 in real double precision.(1.88)

    6.2.5. Overflow and underflow problems There exists a smallest and a largestnumber (in absolute value) that can be represented in floating-point notation.For instance, let us suppose that the exponent k ranges from -4 to 4, and themantissa has 8 significant digits. This gives us that the smallest possible numberin base 10 is

    xmin = 0.10000000× 10−4 = 10−4−1, (1.89)

  • 24

    and the largest possible number is

    xmax = 0.9999999× 104 ≈ 104. (1.90)

    Therefore in general, in base 2, we have

    xmin = 2L−1 =

    2−127 ≈ 10−38 in real single precision,

    21023 ≈ 10−308 in real double precision.(1.91)

    xmax = 2U =

    2127 ≈ 1038 in real single precision,

    21023 ≈ 10308 in real double precision.(1.92)

    If the outcome of a floating-point operation yields |x| < xmin then an under-flow error occurs. In this case x will be set to be zero usually and computationwill continue. In contrast, if |x| > xmax then an overflow error occurs, causing afatal termination of program.

    7. Conditioning and condition number

    See Chapter 12 of the textbook

    Having seen that numbers are not represented exactly in the numerical world,one may well begin to worry about the effects of this approximate representationon simple things such as matrix operations. In other words, what happens (forinstance) to Ax if the entries of x are only known approximately, or if the entriesof A are only known approximately? Does this have a significant effect or a smalleffect on Ax?

    As it turns out, this notion is quite general and does not necessarily onlyapply to matrices. It is called conditioning and is more generally applied toany function of x.

    Loose definition: A function f(x) (where f and x are either scalars or vectors)is well-conditioned near the point x0 provided small perturbation δx aroundx0 only lead to small perturbations δf = f(x0 + δx) − f(x0). A problem isill-conditioned if a small δx leads to a large δf .

    What small and large mean, in this definition, can depend on the application ofinterest. We would also like to create a number (the condition number) thatcan become a diagnostic of the conditioning properties of a problem. To do so,we now introduce the following more mathematical definitions.

  • 25

    7.1. Absolute condition number

    For a fixed x0, we define the absolute condition number at x = x0 as

    κ̂(x0) = lim�→0


    ||δf ||||δx||


    where δf was defined above. This is therefore the limit, when � tends to 0, ofthe maximum possible value of ||δf ||/||δx|| over all possible δx whose norm isless than or equal to �.

    If the function f(x) is differentiable, then we can write δf = J0δx in thelimit δx→ 0, where J0 is the Jacobian of f (i.e. the matrix of partial derivatives)at x = x0. In that case

    κ̂(x0) = lim�→0


    ||δf ||||δx||

    = lim�→0



    = ||J(x0)|| (1.94)

    for any p−norm. In short,κ̂(x0) = ||J(x0)|| (1.95)

    7.2. Relative condition number

    In many cases, especially when working with floating point arithmetic, it makesmore sense to establish the conditioning of relative changes ||δf ||/||f || rather thanof ||δf || itself. To do so, we consider instead the relative condition numberat x = x0, defined as

    κ(x0) = lim�→0


    ||δf ||/||f ||||δx||/||x||


    Using the same trick as above for differentiable functions f(x), we then have

    κ(x0) =||J0||||x0||||f(x0)||


    The relative condition number is more commonly used in numerical linear alge-bra because the rounding errors (which can be the cause of δx and therefore δf)are relative to a given x0, see the previous sections.

    Example 1: Consider the function f(x) =√x, whose derivative (Jacobian) at

    any point x > 0 is 0.5x−1/2. The relative condition number

    κ =

    ∣∣∣∣f ′(x)xf(x)∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣ x2√x√x

    ∣∣∣∣ = 12 (1.98)is finite and small, suggesting a well-conditioned problem. Note, however, thatthe absolute condition number

    κ̂ =∣∣f ′(x)∣∣ = 1

    2√x→∞ as x→ 0 (1.99)

  • 26

    suggesting ill-conditioning as x→ 0. Should we worry about it? The answer isno – this is a specific case where we care more about the relative changes thanthe absolute changes in δx, since it doesn’t make sense to take the limit x→ 0unless |δx| also goes to 0. �

    Example 2: Consider the function f(x1, x2) = x2 − x1. The Jacobian of thisfunction is the row-vector J =



    )= (−1 1). The∞-norm is the sum of

    the absolute values of the components of that row (see previous section), namely||J||∞ = 2, so

    κ(x1, x2) =||J||∞||x||∞|f(x1, x2)|

    =2 max (|x1|, |x2|)|x2 − x1|


    In this case, we see that there can be serious ill-conditioning in terms of relativeerrors when x1 → x2. This recovers our earlier findings for floating point arith-metic that the truncation errors are always of the order of the largest terms (herex1 and x2), so the relative error on x2−x1 can be huge compared with x2−x1. �

    7.3. Condition number of Matrix-Vector multiplications

    Suppose we consider the function that takes a vector x and multiplies the matrixA to it: f(x) = Ax. In this case, by definition the Jacobian matrix J is thematrix A, so we can immediately construct the relative condition number as

    κ(x0) =||A||||x0||||Ax0||


    Generally speaking, we would have to stop here, and evaluate κ. However,suppose we know that A is an invertible square matrix. Then if we write x0 =A−1Ax0, we have, by this equality, that ||x0|| = ||A−1Ax0|| < ||A−1||||Ax0||using the matrix multiplication bound discussed in the previous section. So

    κ(x0) =||A||||x0||||Ax0||

    ≤ ||A||||A−1|| (1.102)

    regardless of x0, for any non-singular matrix A.

    7.4. Condition number of the solution of a set of linear equations

    Suppose we now want to solve the linear system Ax = b, where b is knownexactly, but some uncertainty exists in the entries of A. What are the impactsof this uncertainty on the numerical evaluation of the solution x? Since solvingthis problem requires computing the function x = f(b) = A−1b, which is amatrix multiplication by A−1, we can use all of the results of the previoussection to show that the condition number of this problem is bounded by

    κ(b) ≤ ||A−1||||A|| (1.103)

    as before.

  • 27

    7.5. Condition number of a matrix

    The quantity ||A||||A−1|| is so important and comes up so often that it is oftenreferred to simply as the condition number of the matrix A, cond(A). If weuse the 2−norm to compute it, then ||A||2 = σ1, and it can also be shown that||A−1|| = 1/σm. In that case,

    cond(A) = ||A||||A−1|| = σ1σm


    and the condition number of A can be re-interpreted as being related to theeccentricity of the hyperellipse image of the unit ball.

    The following important properties of the condition number are easily derivedfrom the definition using the 2−norm, and in fact hold for any norm:

    1. For any matrix A, cond(A) ≥ 1.

    2. For the identity matrix, cond(I) = 1.

    3. For any matrix A and nonzero γ, cond(γA) = cond(A).

    4. For any diagonal matrix D, cond(D) = maxi |dii|mini |dii| or in other words, is the

    ratio of the largest to the smallest eigenvalue (in absolute value).

    Final remarks:

    • These results shows that if A is ill-conditioned, then numerical algorithmsthat are prone to round-off errors will have problems both with simplematrix multiplications by A, and with matrix multiplications by A−1 (orequivalently, with solving any linear problem of the kind Ax = b).

    • The reason for this is that the condition number effectively measure ofhow close a matrix is to being singular: a matrix with a large conditionnumber has its smallest singular value very close to zero, which means thatthe matrix operation is fairly insensitive to anything that happens alongthat singular direction. Another way of seing this is that this directionis very close to being part of the nullspace. A matrix with a conditionnumber close to 1 on the other hand is far from being singular.

    • Notice that the determinant of a matrix is not a good indicator of nearsingularity. In other words, the magnitude of det(A) has no information onhow close to singular the matrix A may be. For example, det(αIn) = α

    n.If |α| < 1 the determinant can be very small, yet the matrix αIn is perfectlywell-conditioned for any nonzero α.

    • The usefulness of the condition number is in accessing the accuracy of so-lutions to linear system. However, the calculation of the condition numberis not trivial as it involves the inverse of the matrix. Therefore, in practice,one often seeks for a good estimated approach to approximate conditionnumbers.

  • Chapter 2

    Solutions of systems of LinearEquations

    There are many problems in science and engineering that requires the solutionof a linear problem of the kind

    Ax = b, (2.1)

    where A is a square m×m matrix, and x and b are both m-long column vectors.In what follows, we will assume that the problem is non-singular, that is, thatwe have somehow already demonstrated that det(A) 6= 0.

    1. Examples of applications that require the solution of Ax = b

    1.1. Fitting a hyperplane to m points in Rm

    Given 2 distinct points on a plane (R2), there is only 1 line that passes throughboth points. Similarly, given 3 distinct non-aligned points in 3D space (R3), thereis only 1 plane that goes through all three points. Given 4 distinct non-coplanarpoints in 4D space (R4), there is only 1 hyperplane that goes through all fourpoints – and so forth! Finding the equation of this hyperplane requires solving alinear system of the kind Ax = b. Indeed, the equation for an m−dimensionalhyperplane is the linear equation

    a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 + · · ·+ amxm = const (2.2)

    where x = (x1, . . . , xm)T are the coordinates of a point in the hyperplane, the

    coefficients {ai}i=0,...,m are real numbers, and the constant const is arbitrary andcan be chosen to be equal to one without loss of generality. Given m points inthe hyperplane denoted as x(1), x(2), . . . , x(m), we therefore have the system ofequations

    a1x(1)1 + a2x

    (1)2 + · · ·+ amx

    (1)m = 1

    a1x(2)1 + a2x

    (2)2 + · · ·+ amx

    (2)m = 1


    a1x(m)1 + a2x

    (m)2 + · · ·+ amx

    (m)m = 1 (2.3)


  • 29

    which can be re-cast as Ax = b with

    A =


    (1)1 x

    (1)2 . . . x


    x(2)1 x

    (2)2 . . . x



    x(m)1 x

    (m)2 . . . x


    , x =a1a2. . .am

    and b = 11. . .


    (2.4)The solution of this equation is x = A−1b provided A is nonsingular.

    1.2. Solving a partial differential equation

    Suppose we want to solve the PDE




    with some given initial condition f(x, 0) = f0(x). As you shall see at lengthin AMS 213B, a simple way of solving the problem consists in discretizing thisequation both in space and time: letting space be discretized as a series of closelyspaced {xi} so xi+1 − xi = ∆x, and similarly time be discretized as {t(n)} sot(n+1) − t(n) = ∆t, we rewrite the PDE as the discrete equation

    f(n+1)i − f



    (n)i+1 − 2f

    (n)i + f



    where f(n)i ≡ f(xi, t(n)). This is called an explicit scheme, because we can then

    simply write the solution at the next timestep explicitly as a function of thesolution at the previous timestep.

    f(n+1)i = f

    (n)i +




    (n)i+1 − 2f

    (n)i + f



    This can actually be cast more simply as the matrix equation f (n+1) = Cf (n)

    where C = I + ∆t∆x2

    M and

    M =

    . . .

    . . .. . .

    1 −2 11 −2 1

    . . .. . .

    . . .

    and f (n) =






    In this algorithm, f (n+1) can be obtained simply by matrix multiplication. How-ever, this explicit algorithm is subject to satisfy a strict stability constraint (seeAMS213B for more information), and better results can be obtained, both interms of stability and accuracy, using a Crank-Nicholson scheme, in which

    f(n+1)i − f





    f(n)i+1 − 2f

    (n)i + f





    f(n+1)i+1 − 2f

    (n+1)i + f



  • 30

    that is, by evaluating the time derivative half way between the timesteps t(n) andt(n+1). This algorithm, by contrast with the previous one, becomes Af (n+1) =Bf (n) where A = I− ∆t

    2∆x2M and B = I+ ∆t

    2∆x2M. In order to advance the solu-

    tion in time, we therefore have to solve a matrix problem for f (n+1). In principle,this can be done by finding the inverse of A, and evaluating f (n+1) = A−1Bf (n)

    at each timestep. While both examples require solving a matrix problem, their

    practical use in large-scale computations (e.g. fitting many hyperplanes differ-ent sets of points, or advancing the PDE in time for many timesteps) is quitedifferent. In the first case, each set of points gives rise to a different matrix A,so the problem needs to be solved from scratch every time. In the second caseon the other hand, assuming that the timestep ∆t and the grid spacing ∆x re-main constant, the matrix A remains the same each time, so it is worth solvingfor A−1 just once ahead of time, save it, and then simply multiply each newright-hand-side by A−1 to evolve the solution forward in time. Or somethingsimilar, at the very least (as we shall see, things are done a little different inpractice).

    2. A little aside on invariant transformations

    To solve a linear system, we usually transform it step by step into one thatis much easier to solve, making sure in the process that the solution remainsunchanged. In practice, this can easily be done in linear algebra noting thatmultiplication of the equation Ax = b by any nonsingular matrix M on bothsides, namely:

    MAx = Mb (2.10)

    leaves the solution unchanged. Indeed, let z be the solution of Eqn. 2.10. Then

    z = (MA)−1Mb = A−1M−1Mb = A−1b = x. (2.11)

    These transformations, i.e., multiplication by a non-singular matrix, are calledinvariant transformations.

    2.1. Permutations

    A permutation matrix P, a square matrix having exactly one 1 in each row andcolumn and zeros elsewhere – which is also always a nonsingular – can always bemultiplied without affecting the original solution to the system. For instance,

    P =

    0 0 11 0 00 1 0

    (2.12)permutes v as



    = 0 0 11 0 0

    0 1 0


    = v3v1v2

    . (2.13)

  • 31

    The same permutation matrix applied to a 3 × 3 matrix A would shuffle itsrows in the same way. More generally, permutation matrices are operations thatshuffle the rows of a matrix.

    2.2. Row scaling

    Another invariant transformation exists which is called row scaling, an outcomeof a multiplication by a diagonal matrix D with nonzero diagonal entries dii, i =1, . . . n. In this case, we have

    DAx = Db, (2.14)

    by which each row of the transformed matrix DA gets to be scaled by dii fromthe original matrix A. Note that the scaling factors are cancelled by the samescaling factors introduced on the right hand side vector, leaving the solution tothe original system unchanged.

    Note: The column scaling does not preserve the solution in general. �

    3. Gaussian elimination

    Chapter 2.2 of Numerical Recipes, and Chapter 20 of the textbook

    Recall that in this chapter we are interested in solving a well-defined linearsystem given as

    Ax = b, (2.15)

    where A is a m × m square matrix and x and b are m-vectors. The moststandard algorithm for the solution of linear systems learned in introductorylinear algebra classes is Gaussian elimination. Gaussian elimination proceeds insteps sweeping the matrix from left to right, and successively zeroing out (usingclever linear operations on the rows), all the coefficients below the diagonal. Thesame operations are carried out on the right-hand-side, to ensure invariance ofthe solution. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

    ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

    → ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 ∗ ∗ ∗0 ∗ ∗ ∗

    0 ∗ ∗ ∗

    → ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 ∗ ∗ ∗0 0 ∗ ∗

    0 0 ∗ ∗

    → ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 ∗ ∗ ∗0 0 ∗ ∗

    0 0 0 ∗


    The end product is an upper triangular matrix, and the associated set of linearequations can then be solved by back-substitution. Here is a sample algorithmdescribing the steps required for Gaussian elimination.

  • 32

    Algorithm: Basic Gaussian elimination:

    do j = 1 to m− 1![loop over column]if ajj = 0 then

    stop![stop if pivot (or divisor) is zero]

    endifdo i = j + 1 to m![sweep over rows ri below row rj]

    ri = ri − rjaij/ajj![zeros terms below ajj and transforms rest of matrix]

    bi = bi − bjaij/ajj![carries over same operation on RHS]


    Note that the operation ri = ri − rjaij/ajj is another loop over all terms inrow ri. It guarantees to zero out all of the elements in the column j below thediagonal, and since it only operates on rows below the diagonal, it does notaffect any of the terms that have already been zeroed out.

    This algorithm is however problematic for a few reasons. The first is that itstops if the diagonal term ajj is zero, which may well happen even if the matrix isnon-singular. The second problem is that even for non-singular, well-conditionedmatrices, this algorithm is not very stable. Both problems are discussed in thenext section. Finally it is also quite wasteful since it spends time calculatingentries that we already know are zero. More on this later.

    It is worth noting that the operations described in the previous algorithmcan be written formally in terms of invariant transformations. Indeed, supposewe define the matrix M1 so that its action on A is to zero out the elementsin the first column below the first row, and apply it to both the left-hand-sideand right-hand-sides of Ax = b. Again, we repeat this process in the nextstep so that we find M2 such that the second column of M2M1A becomes zerobelow the second row, along with applying the equivalent multiplication on theright hand side, M2M1b. This process is continued for each successive columnuntil all of the subdiagonal entries of the resulting matrix have been annihilated.

    If we define the final matrix M = Mn−1 · · ·M1, the transformed linearsystem becomes

    Mn−1 · · ·M1Ax = MAx = Mb = Mn−1 · · ·M1b. (2.17)To show that this is indeed an invariant transformation, we simply have to showthat M is non-singular. The easiest (non-rigorous) way of showing this is tolook at the structure of M, through an example.

  • 33

    Example: Consider

    Ax =

    2 1 1 04 3 3 18 7 9 56 7 9 8


    = 3610


    = b. (2.18)The first question is to find a matrix M1 that annihilates the subdiagonal

    entries of the first column of A. This can be done if we consider a matrixM1 that can subtract twice the first row from the second row, four times thefirst row from the third row, and three times the first row from the fourth row.The matrix M1 is then identical to the identity matrix I4, except for thosemultiplication factors in the first column:

    M1A =

    1−2 1−4 1−3 1

    2 1 1 04 3 3 18 7 9 5

    6 7 9 8

    = 2 1 1 01 1 13 5 5

    4 6 8

    , (2.19)where we treat the blank entries to be zero entries.

    The next step is to annihilate the third and fourth entries from the secondcolumn (3 and 4), which gives the next matrix M2 that has the form:

    M2M1A =

    1 1−3 1−4 1

    2 1 1 01 1 13 5 5

    4 6 8

    = 2 1 1 01 1 12 2

    2 4

    , (2.20)The last matrix M3 completes the process, resulting an upper triangular

    matrix U:

    M3M2M1A =

    1 1 1−1 1

    2 1 1 01 1 12 2

    2 4

    = 2 1 1 01 1 12 2


    = U,(2.21)

    together with the right hand side:

    M3M2M1b =


    = y. (2.22)We see that the matrix M formed in the process is the product of three

    lower-triangular matrices, which is itself lower triangular (you can easily checkthis out!). Since lower triangular matrices are singular if and only if one of theirdiagonal entries is zero (which is not the case since they are all 1), M is non-singular. �

  • 34

    Example: In the previous example, we see that the final transformed linearsystem M3M2M1A = MA yields MAx = Mb which is equivalent to Ux = y,an upper triangular system which we wanted and can be solved easily by back-substitution, starting from obtaining x4 = −3, followed by x3, x2, and x1 inreverse order to find a complete solution

    x =


    . (2.23)Furthermore, the full LU factorization of A can be established as A = LU

    if we computeL = (M3M2M1)

    −1 = M−11 M−12 M

    −13 . (2.24)

    At first sight this looks like an expensive process as it involves inverting a seriesof matrices. Surprisingly, however, this turns out to be a trivial task. Theinverse of Mi, i = 1, 2, 3 is just itself but with each entry below the diagonalnegated. Therefore, we have

    L = M−11 M−12 M



    1−2 1−4 1−3 1

    −1 1 1−3 1

    −4 1

    −1 1 1 1

    −1 1



    12 14 13 1

    1 13 1

    4 1

    1 1 1

    1 1


    12 14 3 13 4 1 1

    . (2.25)Notice also that the matrix multiplication M−11 M

    −12 M

    −13 is also trivial and is

    just the unit lower triangle matrix with the nonzero subdiagonal entries of M−11 ,

    M−12 , and M−13 inserted in the appropriate places. (Notice that the similar is

    not true for M3M2M1.)

    All together, we finally have our decomposition A = LU: 2 1 1 04 3 3 18 7 9 56 7 9 8

    = 12 14 3 1

    3 4 1 1

    2 1 1 01 1 12 2


    . (2.26)�

  • 35

    While we have proved it only for this particular example, it is easy tosee how the proof could generalize for any non-singular matrix A, and in theprocess, suggest how to write down a much more compact version of the Gaussianelimination algorithm:

    Algorithm:do j = 1 to m− 1

    Mj =


    1−aj+1,j/ajj 1



    −am,j/ajj 1

    A = MjAb = Mjb


    Note, however, that creating the matrix Mj and multiplying both A and bby it at every iteration is very wasteful both in memory and time, so this morecompact version is never used in practical implementations of the algorithm. Itis only really useful for illustration purposes, and sometimes for proving theo-rems.

    In any case, the resulting transformed linear system is MAx = Ux = Mb = y,where M = Mm−1 . . .M1 is lower triangular and U is upper triangular. Theequivalent problem Ux = y can be solved by back-substitution to obtain thesolution to the original linear system Ax = b. This is done simply as

    Algorithm: Backsubstitution of Ux = y (U is upper triangular):

    xm = ym/umm ![stop if umm is zero, singular matrix]

    do i = m− 1 to 1![loop over lines, bottom to top]if uii = 0 then

    stop ![stop if entry is zero, singular matrix]endifsum = 0.0 ![initialize to zero first]do k = i+ 1 to m

    sum = sum + uikxkenddoxi = (yi−sum)/uii


  • 36


    • Some algorithms simply return the solution within the RHS vector y in-stead of returning it as a separate vector x. To do so simply replace thelast operation with yi = (yi − sum)/uii, which gradually overwrites theentries of y as they are no longer needed.

    • It is very easy to do the same operations at the same time on many RHSvectors y. To do so, create a matrix Y formed by all the RHS column-vectors and perform the Gaussian elimination and backsubstitution onthe whole matrix Y at the same time (see, e.g., Numerical Recipes for anexample).

    4. Gaussian elimination with pivoting

    We obviously run into trouble when the choice of a divisor – called a pivot –is zero, whereby the Gaussian elimination algorithm breaks down. The solutionto this singular pivot issue is fairly straightforward: if the pivot entry is zero atstage k, i.e., akk = 0, then we interchange row k of both the matrix and the righthand side vector with some subsequent row whose entry in column k is nonzeroand resume the process as usual. Recall that permutation is an invariant trans-formation that does not alter the solution to the system.

    This row interchanging is part of a process called pivoting, which is illus-trated in the following example.

    Example: Suppose that after zeroing out the subdiagonal in the first column,the next diagonal entry is zero (red line). Then simply swap it with one of therows below that, e.g. here the blue one. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 0 ∗ ∗0 ∗ ∗ ∗

    0 ∗ ∗ ∗

    P−→ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 ∗ ∗ ∗0 ∗ ∗ ∗

    0 0 ∗ ∗

    (2.27)where the permutation matrix P is given as

    P =

    1 111

    . (2.28)�

    Problems do not only occur with zero pivots, but also when the pivots arevery small, i.e. close to or below machine precision �mach. Recall that we have�mach ≈ 10−7 for single precision, and �mach ≈ 10−16 for double precision.

  • 37

    Example: Let us consider the problem

    A =

    (� 11 1




    ), (2.29)

    where � < �mach ≈ 10−16, say, � = 10−20. The real solution of this problem is(xy


    ( 11−�1−2�1−�




    However, let’s see what a numerical algorithm would give us. If we proceed with-out any pivoting (i.e., no row interchange) then the first step of the eliminationalgorithm gives

    A =

    (� 10 1− �−1




    2− �−1), (2.31)

    which is numerically equivalent to

    A =

    (� 10 −�−1




    ), (2.32)

    in floating point arithmetic since 1/� ' 1020 � 1. The solution via back-substitution is then

    y =−�−1

    −�−1= 1 and x =

    1− 1�

    = 0 (2.33)

    which is very, very far from being the right answer!! We see that using a smallpivot, and a correspondingly large multiplier, has caused an unrecoverable lossof information in the transformation. Also note that the original matrix here isfar from being singular, it is in fact a very well-behaved matrix.

    As it turns out, we can easily cure the problem by interchanging the two rowsfirst, which gives (

    1 1� 1




    ), (2.34)

    so this time the elimination proceeds as(1 10 1− �




    1− 2�

    ), (2.35)

    which is numerically equal to(1 10 1




    ), (2.36)

    in floating-point arithmetic, and whose solution is x = (1, 1)T . This time, weactually get the correct answer within machine accuracy. �

  • 38

    The foregoing example is rather extreme, but large errors would also occureven if we had �mach � � � 1. This suggests a general principle in which wewant to make sure to always work with the largest possible pivot, in order toproduce smaller errors in floating-point arithmetic, and stabilizes an otherwisevery unstable algorithm. Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting therefore

    proceeds as below. At step j, find p = maxk=j,...,m |akj | and select it as the j−thpivot. Then switch the lines j and K (if j 6= K), where K is the value of k forwhich |akj | is maximal before zeroing out the subdiagonal elements of column j. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗akj ∗ ∗

    ∗ ∗ ∗

    → ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗akj ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗

    ∗ ∗ ∗

    → ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗akj ∗ ∗0 ∗ ∗

    0 ∗ ∗

    (2.37)Note that it is possible to use full pivoting, i.e. by selecting a pivot from all theentries in the lower right submatrix below the element ajj . In practice, however,the extra counting and swapping work required is not usually worth it.

    Algorithm: Gaussian elimination with Partial Pivoting:

    do j = 1 to m− 1![loop over column]Find index K and pivot p such that p = |aKj | = maxk=j,...,m |akj |if K 6= j then

    interchange rows K and j![interchange rows if needed]

    endifif ajj = 0 then

    stop![matrix is singular]

    endifdo i = j + 1 to m![loop over rows below row j]

    ri = ri − aijrj/ajj![transformation of remaining submatrix]bi = bi − aijbj/ajj![transformation of RHS vector]


    Finally, note that there is a slight oddity in the algorithm in the sense thatif a whole row of the matrix is multiplied by a large number, and similarly thecorresponding entry in the RHS is multiplied by the same value, then this row isguaranteed to contain the first pivot even though the actual problem is exactlythe same as the original one. If you are worried about this, you may considerusing the implicit pivoting algorithm, where each row of the augmented ma-trix (i.e. matrix and RHS) is first scaled by its largest entry in absolute value(see Numerical Recipes for detail).

  • 39

    5. Gauss-Jordan elimination for the calculation of the inverse of amatrix.

    Chapter 2.1 of Numerical Recipes

    Gaussian elimination (with pivoting) works very well as long as the RHS vec-tor(s) b is (are) known ahead of time, since the algorithm needs to operate onthe RHS at the same time as it operates on A. This is fine for applicationssuch as fitting linear functions to a set of points (as in the first example above),where each new set of points gives rise to a new matrix problem that needs tobe solved from scratch. On the other hand, as discussed above, the evolutionof the solution of the PDE using the Crank-Nicholson algorithm from timestepst(n) to t(n+1) requires the solution of Af (n+1) = Bf (n), where the right-hand-sidevector Bf (n) changes at each timestep t(n). In this case it is better to calculatethe inverse of A, store it, and then merely perform the matrix multiplicationf (n+1) = A−1Bf (n) at each timestep to advance the solution (although, see alsothe next section on LU factorization).

    A very basic and direct method for obtaining and storing the inverse of amatrix A is to use a so-called Gauss-Jordan elimination on the augmentedmatrix formed by A and I.

    Definition: Let us introduce a form called augmented matrix of the systemAx = b which writes the m × m matrix A and the m-vector b together in anew m× (m+ 1) matrix form: [

    A∣∣∣b] . (2.38)

    The use of augmented matrix allows us to write each transformation step of thelinear system (i.e., both A and b) in a compact way. Note that we could havedone this for Gaussian elimination too.

    Example: Consider the following system using Gauss-Jordan elimination with-out pivoting:

    x1 +x2 +x3 = 42x1 +2x2 +5x3 = 114x1 +6x2 +8x3 = 24

    , (2.39)

    which can be put in as an augmented matrix form:

    1 1 1

    ∣∣∣ 42 2 5

    ∣∣∣ 114 6 8

    ∣∣∣ 24

    . (2.40)

  • 40

    First step is to annihilate the first column:1 1 1

    ∣∣∣ 42 2 5

    ∣∣∣ 114 6 8

    ∣∣∣ 24


    1 1 1∣∣∣ 4

    0 0 3∣∣∣ 3

    0 2 4∣∣∣ 8

    , where M1 = 1−2 1−4 1


    Next we permute to get rid of the zero (so there is some basic pivoting involved):1 1 1

    ∣∣∣ 40 0 3

    ∣∣∣ 30 2 4

    ∣∣∣ 8


    1 1 1∣∣∣ 4

    0 2 4∣∣∣ 8

    0 0 3∣∣∣ 3

    , where P1 = 1 1


    . (2.42)Next row scaling by multiplying a diagonal matrix D1:

    1 1 1∣∣∣ 4

    0 2 4∣∣∣ 8

    0 0 3∣∣∣ 3


    1 1 1∣∣∣ 4

    0 1 2∣∣∣ 4

    0 0 1∣∣∣ 1

    , where D1 = 1 1/2



    Next annihilate the remaining upper diagonal entries in the third column:1 1 1

    ∣∣∣ 40 1 2

    ∣∣∣ 40 0 1

    ∣∣∣ 1


    1 1 0∣∣∣ 3

    0 1 0∣∣∣ 2

    0 0 1∣∣∣ 1

    , where M2 = 1 −11 −2



    Finally, annihilate the upper diagonal entry in the second column:1 1 0

    ∣∣∣ 30 1 0

    ∣∣∣ 20 0 1

    ∣∣∣ 1


    1 0 0∣∣∣ 1

    0 1 0∣∣∣ 2

    0 0 1∣∣∣ 1

    , where M3 = 1 −11



    In this example the right hand side is a single m-vector. What happensif we perform the same procedure using multiple m-vectors? Then we get theaugmented matrix [

    A∣∣∣b1 t b2 t · · · t bn] . (2.46)

    We see that the same operation can easily be performed simultaneously on in-dividual bi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

  • 41

    Especially, if we choose m vectors bi = ei then the matrix formed by thesecolumn vectors is the identity matrix I. In this case we see that Gauss-Jordanelimination yields the inverse of A, that is, the solution of AX = I.[

    A∣∣∣e1 t e2 t · · · t en] = [A∣∣∣I] −→ · · · −→ [I∣∣∣A−1] . (2.47)

    Quick summary: The process of calculating the inverse of a matrix by Gauss-Jordan elimination can be illustrated as in the following pictorial steps:

    ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ 1 0 0 0∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ 0 1 0 0∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ 0 0 1 0∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ 0 0 0 1 −→

    1 ∗ ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ 0 0 00 ∗ ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ 1 0 00 ∗ ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ 0 1 00 ∗ ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ 0 0 1


    1 0 ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ 0 00 1 ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ 0 00 0 ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ 1 00 0 ∗ ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ 0 1 −→

    1 0 0 ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ ∗ 00 1 0 ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ ∗ 00 0 1 ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ ∗ 00 0 0 ∗

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ ∗ 1


    1 0 0 0

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 1 0 0

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 0 1 0

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 0 0 1

    ∣∣ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ (2.48)

    where the matrix on the RHS of the last iteration is A−1. �

    Note that pivoting is just as important for Gauss-Jordan elimination as it isfor Gaussian elimination. As a result, here is a basic algorithm for Gauss-Jordanelimination with partial pivoting. This assumes that C = [A

    ∣∣B] where A is anon-singular m ×m matrix, and B is m × n matrix consisting of all the RHSvectors. If B = I, then the algorithm returns A−1 in the place of B. Otherwise,it simply returns the solution to AX = B in that place.

  • 42

    Algorithm: Gauss-Jordan elimination with Partial Pivoting:

    do j = 1 to m![loop over column]Find index K and pivot p such that p = |cKj | = maxk=j,...,m |ckj |if K 6= j then

    interchange rows K and jendifif cjj = 0 then

    stop ![matrix is singular]endifrj = rj/cjj ![scale row j so diagonal element is 1]do i = 1 to m

    if i 6= j then![loop over all rows except j]

    ri = ri − cijrj![transformation of remaining submatrix]



    6. Operation counts for basic algorithms

    The two main efficiency concerns for numerical linear algebra algorithm are:

    • time efficiency

    • storage efficiency

    While these concerns are mild for small problems, they can become very seriouswhen the matrices are very large. In this section, we will rapidly look at thefirst one. A good way of estimating the efficiency and speed of execution of analgorithm is to count the number of floating point operations performed by thealgorithm.

    Example 1: Matrix multiplication AB, where A, B are m×m matricesIn computing C = AB, we have to compute the m2 coefficients of C, whicheach involves calculating

    cij =m∑k=1

    aikbkj (2.49)

    or in other words, m multiplications and m additions. The total operationcount is therefore of order 2m3, although because multiplications and divisionsare much more costly than additions and subtractions, operation counts usuallyignore the latter when they are dominated by the former. So the number ofoperations in matrix multiplications is ∼ m3. �

  • 43

    Example 2: Back-substitution of Ux = y, where U is an m×m matrixRunning through the algorithm we have

    xm =ymumm

    → 0 add/sub, 1 mult/div

    xm−1 =ym−1 − um−1,mxm

    um−1,m−1→ 1 add/sub, 2 mult/div

    xm−2 =ym−2 − um−2,m−1xm−1 − um−2,mxm

    um−2,m−2→ 2 add/sub, 3 mult/div


    x1 =y1 −

    ∑mk=2 u1,kxku11

    → m− 1add/sub and m mult/div (2.50)

    This gives an operation count of order m(m+1)/2 multiplications/divisions, andm(m − 1)/2 additions and subtractions, so a gran total of ∼ m2/2 multiplica-tion/division operations per RHS vector if m is large. If we do a backsubstitutionon n vectors simultaneously, then the operation count is m2n/2. �

    Operation counts have been computed for the algorithms discussed so far forthe solution of linear systems, namely Gaussian elimination + back-substitutionand Gauss-Jordan elimination. This gives, for n right-hand-sides

    • Gaussian elimination + backsubstitution: of order m33 +m2n

    2 +m2n

    2 .

    • Gauss-Jordan elimination : of order m32 +m2n

    2 .

    so the latter is about 1.5 times as expensive as the former for small m, but 33%cheaper for m = n. In the case of matrix inversion, however, if we cleverly avoidcomputing entries that we know are zero anyway (which requires re-writing theGE algorithm on purpose), the operation counts between GE and GJ are thesame, and about m3 in both cases.

    Finally, suppose we now go back to the problem of advancing a PDE forwardin time, save the inverse, and apply it by matrix multiplication to each newright-hand-side. In this case, the matrix multiplication of a single vector at eachtimestep takes m2 multiplications and m2 additions.

    7. LU factorization

    Chapter 20 of the textbook

    Another very popular way of solving linear systems, that has the advantageof having a minimal operation count and has the flexibility to be used as in thePDE problem, in a deferred way with multiple RHS vectors but the same matrixA, is the LU algorithm. The idea is the following. Suppose we find a way ofdecomposing the matrix A as

    A = LU (2.51)

  • 44

    where L is lower triangular and U is upper triangular. In that case, the systemAx = b is equivalent to LUx = b, which can be solved in two steps:

    • Solve Ly = b

    • Solve Ux = y

    The second of these steps looks very familiar – in fact, it is simply the samebacksubstitution step as in the Gaussian elimination algorithm. Furthermore, wesaw that Gaussian elimination can be interpreted as a sequence of multiplicationsby lower triangular matrices to transform A into U, and this can be used toconstruct the LU decomposition.

    7.1. Relationship between Gaussian elimination and LU factoriza-tion

    Ignoring pivoting for a moment, recall that transforming the matrix A via Gaus-sian elimination into an upper-triangular matrix involves writing U as

    U = MA = Mm−1 . . .M1A (2.52)


    Mj =

    1. . .

    1−lj+1,j 1

    −lj+2,j. . .

    .... . .

    −lm,j 1

    and the coefficients lij are constructed from the elements below the diagonal ofthe matrix Mj−1 . . .M1A (i.e. the matrix obtained at the previous step of theiteration process).

    It is easy to show that since all the Mj matrices are lower triangular, thenso is their product M. Furthermore, it is also relatively easy to show that theinverse of a lower-triangular matrix is also lower triangular, so writing MA = Uis equivalent to A = M−1U which is in LU form with L = M−1! All that re-mains to be done is to evaluate M−1. As it turns out, calculating the inverse ofM is actually fairly trivial as long as the coefficients lij of each matrix Mj areknown – and this can be done by Gaussian elimination.

    Indeed, first note that if we define the vector lj = (0, 0, . . . , 0, lj+1,j , lj+2,j , . . . , lm,j)T ,

    then Mj can be written more compactly in terms of lj as Mj = I − lje∗j . Wecan then verify that M−1j = I + lje

    ∗j simply by constucting the product

    MjM−1j = (I− lje

    ∗j )(I + lje

    ∗j ) = I− lje∗j + lje∗j − lje∗j lje∗j (2.53)

    Now it’s easy to check that e∗j lj is zero, proving that MjM−1j = I. In other

    words, finding the inverse of Mj merely requires negating its subdiagonal com-ponents. �

  • 45

    Next, another remarkable property of the matrices Mj and their inverses

    is that their product L = M−1 = M−11 M−12 . . .M

    −1m−1 can also very easily be

    calculated. Indeed,

    M−1i M−1j = (I + lie

    ∗i )(I + lje

    ∗j ) = I + lie

    ∗i + lje

    ∗j + lie

    ∗i lje

    ∗j (2.54)

    The last term is zero as long as i ≤ j, which is always the case in the constructionof M−1. This is because e∗i lj = 0, because the product would be equal to thei-th component of the vector lj , which is zero as long as i ≤ j. This shows thatM−1i M

    −1j = I + lie

    ∗i + lje

    ∗j , and so L = M

    −1 = I + l1e∗1 + l2e

    ∗2 + · · ·+ lm−1e∗m−1,

    which is the matrix

    L =

    1l21 1l31 l32 1...

    .... . .

    . . .lm1 lm2 . . . lm,m−1 1

    These considerations therefore suggest the following algorithm:

    Algorithm: LU factorization by Gaussian elimination (without pivoting), ver-sion 1:

    do j = 1 to m− 1![loop over columns]if ajj = 0 then

    stop![stop if pivot (or divisor) is zero]

    endifdo i = j + 1 to m

    lij = aij/ajj![create the non-zero coefficients of lj]

    enddoA = A− lje∗jA![Overwrite A by MjA]


    �Note that the operation A = A− lje∗jA can either be written component-wise,or as vector operations as written here, in which case the most efficient wayof doing this is to evaluate first e∗jA then multiply by lj . Also note that this

    algorithm doesn’t discuss storage (i.e. where to put the lij coefficients, etc... ),and as such is merely illustrative. At the end of this algorithm, the matrix Abecomes the matrix U and the matrix L can be formed separately if needed bythe combination of all the lj vectors, as discussed above.

    A common way of storing the entries lij is to actually put them in the matrix A,gradually replacing the zeroes that would normally occur by Gaussian elimina-tion. This is very efficient storage-wise, but then prohibits the use of the compact

  • 46

    form of the algorithm, requiring instead that the operation A = A − lje∗jA bewritten out component-wise. The end product, after completion, are the matrixL and U stored into the matrix A as

    u11 u12 u13 . . . u1,m−1 u1ml21 u22 u23 . . . u2,m−1 u2ml31 l32 u33 . . . u3,m−1 u3m... . . .

    . . .. . . . . . . . .

    lm1 lm2 . . . lm,m−1 umm


    Algorithm: LU factorization by Gaussian elimination (without pivoting), ver-sion 2:

    do j = 1 to m− 1![loop over columns]if ajj = 0 then

    stop![stop if pivot (or divisor) is zero]

    endifdo i = j + 1 to m

    aij = aij/ajj![create the lij and stores them in aij]do k = j + 1 to m

    aik = aik − aijajkenddo

    ![Updates A]enddo


    �This algorithm can now directly be implemented in Fortran as is. Also notethat because the operations are exactly the same as for Gaussian elimination,the operation count is also exactly the same.

    7.2. Pivoting for the LU algorithm

    Chapter 21 of the textbook

    Since LU decomposition and Gaussian elimination are essentially identical –merely different interpretations of the same matrix operations – pivoting is justas important here. However, how do we do it in practice, and how does it affectthe LU decomposition? The key is to remember that in the Gaussian eliminationalgorithm, pivoting swaps rows of the RHS at the same time as it swaps rows ofthe matrix A. In terms of matrix operations, the pivoted Gaussian eliminationalgorithm can be thought of as a series of operations

    Mm−1Pm−1 . . .M2P2M1P1Ax ≡ Ux = Mm−1Pm−1 . . .M2P2M1P1b ≡ y(2.56)

    where the Mj matrices are defined as earlier, and where the Pj matrices arepermutations matrices. We already saw an example of permutation matrix ear-

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    lier, but it is worth looking at them in a little more detail now. The matrix Pjswaps row j with a row k ≥ j. If k = j, then Pj is simply the identity matrix,but if k > j then Pj is the identity matrix where the row k and j have beenswapped. For instance, a matrix permuting rows 3 and 5 is

    P =


    10 1

    11 0

    (2.57)By definition, applying PjPjA = A which shows that P

    −1j = Pj . Also, it’s

    easy to verify that the product APj permutes the columns of A rather than itsrows.

    Let’s now go back to the product Mm−1Pm−1 . . .M2P2M1P1. By contrastwith the unpivoted algorithm, where we were able to show that Mm−1 . . .M1is a unit lower triangular matrix, it is not clear at all that the same propertyapplies here – in fact, it doesn’t! However, what we can show is that

    Mm−1Pm−1 . . .M2P2M1P1 = M′P (2.58)

    where M′ is also a unit lower triangular matrix (different from the unpivoted M)and where P = Pm−1 . . .P2P1 is the product of all the permutation matricesapplied by pivoting, which is itself a permutation matrix.

    Proof: To show this, consider for simplicity a case where m = 4. Let’srewrite it as follows

    M3P3M2P2M1P1 (2.59)

    = M3P3M2(P−13 P3)P2M1(P

    −12 P

    −13 P3P2)P1 (2.60)

    = (M3)(P3M2P−13 )(P3P2M1P

    −12 P

    −13 )(P3P2P1) (2.61)

    ≡ (M′3)(M′2)(M

    ′1)P3P2P1, (2.62)

    whereby we can define the M′i matrices as

    M′3 = M3 (2.63)

    M′2 = P3M2P

    −13 (2.64)

    M′1 = P3P2M1P

    −12 P

    −13 (2.65)

    These matrices look complicated, but in fact they are just equal to Mi withthe subdiagonal entries permuted by the pivoting (as opposed to the whole rowspermuted). To see why, note that in each expression the permutation matricesoperating on Mj always have an index greater than j. Let’s look at an example

    – suppose we consider the product P2M1P−12 , and say, for the sake of example,

    that P2 swaps rows 2 and 4. Then


    1−l21 1−l31 1−l41 1

    P−12 = 1−l41 0 1−l31 1−l21 1 0

    P2 = 1−l41 1−l31 1−l21 1


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    This easily generalizes, so we can see that the matrices M′j have exactly thesame properties as the matrices Mj , implying for instance that their productM′ = M′3M

    ′2M′1 is also unit lower triangular. We have therefore shown, as

    required, that M3P3M2P2M1P1 = M′P where M′ is unit lower triangular,

    and where P = P3P2P1 is a permutation matrix. �Having shown that the pivoted Gaussian elimination algorithm equivalent

    to transforming the problem Ax = b into

    M′PAx = M′Pb ≡ y (2.67)

    where M′PA is an upper triangular matrix U, we therefore have

    PA = LU (2.68)

    where this time, L = (M′)−1.

    What does this all mean in practice? Well, a few things.

    • The first is that we can now create the LU decomposition just as before,but we need make sure to swap the lower diagonal entries of the matrix Las we progressively construct it. If these are stored in A, as in version 2of the LU algorithm, this is done trivially!