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Ma n g o s t e e n CHINAWAT YAPWATTANAPHUN Laboratory of Pomology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.

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Laboratory of Pomology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Tropical fruits


Introduction to Thailand1

Important Tropical Fruit Crops2

Utilization of mangosteen3

Phylogenetic relationships of mangosteen4

Plant regenerate from seed segments of mangosteen5

Tropical fruits

Kingdom of ThailandLocation: Thailand is situated in the heart of the Southeast Asian mainland, covering an area of 513,115 sq.km. and extends about 1,620 kilometresfrom north to south and 775 kilometresfrom east to west.

Thailand borders the Lao People's Democratic Republic and the Union of Myanmar to the North,the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Gulf of Thailand to the East, the Union of Myanmar and the Indian Ocean to the West,andMalaysia to the south.

Tropical fruits

Kingdom of Thailand

Climate: Thailand is a warm and rather humid tropical country with monsoonal climate. Temperatures are highest in March and April with average temperature of 28 degree Celsius to 38 degrees Celsius and humidity averaging between 82.8 percent to 73 percent

Seasons: Summer: March to May, Rainy: June to October, Cool: November to February.

Southern part : Summer : March to MayRainy: June to February

Tropical fruits

Kingdom of Thailand

Land Used 1.13%20.40%






Land Utilization

Forest land

UnclassifiedOther crops

Vegetable and flowers

Fruit crops

Field crops

Paddy land

Housing area

Source : DOE 20001

Tropical fruits

Kingdom of ThailandThe Land of Tropical Fruits

Tropical fruitsImportant Important Tropical Fruit CropsTropical Fruit Crops

Tropical fruits

Scientific name: Durio zibethinus Murr.

Thai name: Thurian


Mon Thong,

Chani, Kan Yao,

Kradum Thong

“King of Tropical Fruits”

Tropical fruits


Scientific name: Nephelium lappaceum L.

Thai name: Ngo


Rong Rian,

Si Chomphu

Fruiting season:

May - September

Nutrition value: high in calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C and pectin

Tropical fruits


Rambutan has a unique pleasant sweet flavor

Rambutan, de-seeded, put in pineapple and

canned in syrup is very popular among foreign

customer of canned fruit

Thailand is the world’s largest producer and exporter of canned


Tropical fruits


Scientific name: Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk

Thai name: Khanun

Cultivar: Thong Prasert,

Leung Bangtoey

Fruiting season:

January – May

Nutrition value: high in vitamin A, sulfur, calcium and phosphorus

Tropical fruits


Scientific name: Citrus maxima Merr.

Thai name: Som O

Cultivar: Thong DiKhao Nam Phueng

Fruiting season:

August - November

Nutrition value:

high in vitamins C and A

Tropical fruits

Scientific name: Sandoricum koetjape Murr.

Thai name: Krathon

Cultivar: Tap Tim, I La,Pui Fai

Fruiting season:

May - July

Nutrition value:

high in phosphorusand vitamin C


Tropical fruits

Scientific name: Cocos nucifera L.

Thai name: Maphrao

Cultivar: Nam HomNam Wan

Fruiting season:

All year round

Nutrition value:

high in calcium and phosphorus


Tropical fruits

Wax apple

Scientific name: Syzygium samarangense Merr.&Perry

Thai name: Chomphu

Cultivar: Tabtim Chan,

Thun Klao,

Phet Sai Rung

Fruiting season:all year round

Nutrition value: high in vitamin C and phosphorus

Tropical fruits


Scientific name: Garcinia mangostana L.

Thai name: Mungkhut

Cultivar: -

Fruiting season:

May - September

Nutrition value:

high in calcium,phosphorus, vitamin C

Tropical fruits


Mangosteen is a medium tree,

with 7-12 m high, It has a straight

trunk, symmetrically branched to form a

conical crown.

Tropical fruits

Leaves are opposite, ovate

or elliptic-oblong, Leaves about 15 -25 cm long and 6-11 cm wide. A leaf

is dark green color.


Tropical fruits

Flower are solitary. There are 4 sepals

and 4 petals. Sepal is round and curve.

Petal is ovate and pink color


Tropical fruits


Fruit is always best eaten when fresh. The weight of fruits varies between 75-120 g and fruits contain 2-3 well

developed seed.

Tropical fruitsUtilization of mangosteen and related species

Tropical fruits

Garcinia mangostana, ‘Mungkut’

Water 79.2Protein (g) 0.50Carbohydrates (g) 19.8Citric acid (g) 0.63Fibers (g) 0.30Calcium (mg) 11.0Phosphorus (mg) 17.0Iron (mg) 0.90Vitamin A (carotene) (IU) 14.0Vitamin B (thiamin) (mg) 0.09Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)(mg) 0.06Vitamin B5 (niacin) (mg) 0.10Vitamin C (mg) 66.0

Composition of mangosteen fruits (Component Per 100 g of aril)

Tropical fruits

Garcinia mangostana, ‘Mungkut’

The fruit rind of mangosteen is

also used as the ingredient of

soap, shampoo and conditioner. The fresh fruit

are used in icecream as a


Tropical fruits

Phylogenetic relationship of mangosteen and several wild relatives revealed by ITS sequence data

Tropical fruits

Materials and methods

DNA extraction DNA purification

Amplification ITS regions

Sequencing Alignment

Phylogenetic Analysis

Tropical fruits


Consensus tree

Tropical fruits

Neighbor-joining treeStrict consensus tree


Plant Regeneration from Seed Segments of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.)

Tropical fruits


Mangosteen seed

Tropical fruits


Kyoto University

