lecture 2: financial statements analysis. financial statements balance sheet income statement the...

Lecture 2: Financial Statements Analysis

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Page 1: Lecture 2: Financial Statements Analysis. Financial Statements Balance Sheet Income Statement The Statement of Cash Flow

Lecture 2: Financial Statements Analysis

Page 2: Lecture 2: Financial Statements Analysis. Financial Statements Balance Sheet Income Statement The Statement of Cash Flow


國揚實業銀行負債達 160億 國揚實業負責人侯西峰及關係企業驚傳跳票事件,已引起與國揚實業等關係企業往來銀行的高度緊張;據往來銀行主管指出,單單國揚實業一家公司在銀行的負債約一百六十億元,而到目前為止,國揚實業等關係企業在各銀行的貸款,繳息都很正常,惟因近來有關國揚財務不佳的傳聞不斷,加上侯西峰個人已經跳票,是否影響到國揚未來的營運,已經引起各往來銀行的高度關注。  銀行主管並指出,目前最讓往來銀行擔心的是,由於國揚及其關係企業在國內各銀行金融機構的負債相當可觀,股票質押數量亦大,加上最近其關係企業中央票券經營出問題,預估該集團過去透過央票發行的商業本票到期後,可能就此「斷後路」,進而引起一連串的連鎖效應。  不過,往來銀行主管強調,由於迄今國揚實業並無異常狀況,銀行不致對該公司抽銀根,只是在動用貸款額度時,把額度「控制」得嚴格一點,例如動用貸款額度必須提十足的擔保品等。  據統計,到今年九月底止,單單國揚實業在國內二十六家金融機構就有總計高達一百八十七億二千六百餘萬元的貸款訂約額度,而動用額度亦在一百五十六億二千九百萬元以上。  至於主要的往來銀行及約訂貸款額度,則包括合作金庫三十七億八千三百萬元、第一銀行三十三億六千餘萬元、華南銀行十五億零七百萬元、富邦銀行十七億一千二百萬元、中華銀行十一億五千萬元、土地銀行十億一千三百萬元、萬泰銀行九億元以及中聯信託八億三千萬元。此外,包括華信、慶豐、安泰以及各票券公司亦有數千萬元到數億元的貸款額度。節自(中國時報)1998.11.10

國揚建設董事長侯西峰在民國 87年十一月初爆發個人跳票五千萬元事件,並因此導致漢陽集團旗下國揚、廣宇等股股價暴跌,國揚股甚至因此淪落到即將暫停交易的地步。國揚建設的股價從 10月 27日的高檔$52狂跌至 11月 19

日暫停交易時的$21.3。重新交易後,在民國 88年 9月 15日的價格是$3.3。證期會深表重視國揚事件,前往調查國揚大股東與子公司之間的財產交易,其價格是否合理,是否有大股東惡意掏空公司,將轉投資公司股票以低買高賣的形式套給子公司。如果事先能詳細分析國揚建設的財務報表,是不是可以及早預測到這樣的結果。

Page 3: Lecture 2: Financial Statements Analysis. Financial Statements Balance Sheet Income Statement The Statement of Cash Flow

Financial Statements

• Balance Sheet

• Income Statement

• The Statement of Cash Flow

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年/月 Sep-87 Jun-87 Dec-86 Jun-86 Sep-87 Jun-87

現金約當現金 5,252,013 4,468,868 4,245,934 1,201,151 短期借款 14,318,034 13,077,267

短期投資 2,058,349 2,939,028 2,207,911 536,762 應付商業本票承兌匯票 1,301,401 1,441,148

應收帳款及票據 205,616 147,569 429,174 511,960 應付帳款票據 945,988 1,539,185

其他應收款 80,864 105,067 25,574 53,637 應付費用 193,762 179,574

短期借支 0 0 0 0 預收款項 1,649,274 1,628,570

存貨 23,160,385 22,603,927 18,642,705 17,747,256 其他應付款 23,643 6,139

預付費用及預付款 84,667 76,076 67,516 76,954 應付所得稅 0 11,445

其他流動資產 680,161 685,798 673,000 365,715 一年內到期長期負債 1,000,000 0

流動資產 31,522,055 31,026,333 26,291,814 20,493,435 其他流動負債 45,103 37,161

長期投資 4,770,410 4,944,199 4,652,690 219,579 流動負債 19,477,205 17,920,489

土地 53,820 53,820 53,820 0 長期負債 0 1,039,553

房屋及建築成本 39,981 39,981 46,423 6,443 遞延貸項 0 0

機器及儀器設備成本 0 0 0 0 退休金準備 6,565 5,492

其他設備成本 678,707 681,379 665,796 628,975 遞延所得稅 0 0

固定資產重估增值 8,609 8,609 8,609 8,609 土地增值稅準備 18,737 18,737

固定資產累計折舊 51,939 47,090 38,241 34,228 各項損失準備 0 0

固定資產損失準備 0 0 0 0 什項負債 110,996 119,570

在建工程預付設備款 0 0 0 14,290 其他負債及準備 136,298 143,799

固定資產 729,178 736,699 736,407 624,089 負債總額 19,613,503 19,103,841

遞延資產 6,304 6,924 20,917 7,694 普通股股本 10,802,754 10,791,672

無形資產 0 0 0 0 特別股股本 0 0

什項資產 46,494 44,896 44,511 35,096 預收股款 0 0

其他資產 52,798 51,820 65,428 42,790 增資準備 0 3,526

資產總額 37,074,441 36,759,051 31,746,339 21,379,893 資本公積 6,067,845 6,043,185

法定盈餘公積 290,250 290,250

特別盈餘公積 0 0

未分配盈餘 277,850 504,256

長期投資跌價損失 0 0

外幣換算調整數 22,245 22,327

庫藏股票 0 0

股東權益總額 17,460,944 17,655,216

負債及股東權益總額 37,074,447 36,759,057


Page 5: Lecture 2: Financial Statements Analysis. Financial Statements Balance Sheet Income Statement The Statement of Cash Flow

Balance sheet

• Assets = Liability + Equity• Current assets

– Cash, bills, and currency

– Marketable securities

– Accounts receivable

– Inventories

• Plant assets

– Gross plant and equipment gross plant assets

– Accumulated depreciation

– Net plant and equipment

• Intangible assets

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• Current liabilities

– Accounts payable

– Wages and salaries payable

– Current portion of long-term indebtedness

– Short term bank loans

• Long-term liabilities

– Notes and bonds

– Capital lease

– Deferred taxes:

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• Book value of equity • Par value• Additional paid-in-capital• Treasury stock • Retained earnings

Page 8: Lecture 2: Financial Statements Analysis. Financial Statements Balance Sheet Income Statement The Statement of Cash Flow

The income statement

• Revenues - Expenses = Income

• Sales or revenues

• Cost of goods sold

• Gross profit

• Operating profit

• Net income

• Earning available to common shareholders

Page 9: Lecture 2: Financial Statements Analysis. Financial Statements Balance Sheet Income Statement The Statement of Cash Flow

年/月 Sep-87 Jun-87 Dec-86 Jun-86

營業收入淨額 4,754,094 3,128,284 9,030,920 2,330,891

營業成本 3,528,834 2,375,163 6,438,614 1,772,982

營業毛利 1,225,260 753,121 2,592,306 557,909

營業費用 597,923 392,733 707,600 194,856

營業利益 627,337 360,388 1,884,706 363,053

利息收入 135,799 106,420 183,390 27,667

投資收入/股利收入 74,382 167,299 24,903 840

處分投資利得 100,841 125,424 88,903 19,795

投資跌價損失回轉 0 0 111,397 111,397

處分資產利得 0 0 3,623 1,750

兌換盈益 1,658 1,658 0 0

其他收入 19,596 5,528 27,280 12,942

營業外收入合計 332,276 406,329 439,496 174,391

利息支出 181,132 140,959 155,322 522

投資損失 662,441 298,910 11,191 1,417

處分資產損失 4,940 0 191 0

其他損失 10,243 7,259 9,096 3,984

營業外支出合計 858,756 447,128 175,800 5,923

稅前淨利 100,857 319,589 2,148,402 531,521

所得稅費用 44,386 36,715 183,905 65,442

本期稅後淨利 56,471 282,874 1,964,497 466,079

每股盈餘(元) 0.05 0.27 3.14 0.83

加權平均股本 10,708,300 10,666,430 6,252,690 5,620,400


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The statement of cash flows

• Cash flow from operating activities

• Cash flow from investing and financing activities

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The Sources and Uses of Cash

• Sources UsesDecrease in nay asset Increase in any asset

Increase in any liability Decrease in any liability

Net profit after taxes Net loss

Sales of stock Dividends paid

Depreciation and other Repurchase or retirement of stock

noncash charge

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年/月 Sep-87 Jun-87 Dec-86 Jun-86

稅後淨利 56,468 282,875 1,964,496 466,078

不動用現金之非常損益 0 0 0 0

折舊 14,072 8,862 11,865 5,347

攤提 0 0 0 0

投資收益權益法 0 150,460 12,873 0

投資損失-權益法 93,578 0 0 1,417

現金股利收入-權益法 0 0 0 0

短期投資處分損(益) 490,631 282,071 -111,397 -111,397

固定資產處分損(益) 4,940 0 -3,431 -1,750

長期投資處分損(益) 0 0 0 0

準備提列(迴轉) 3,220 2,145 2,359 1,179

應收帳款(增)減 223,557 281,603 2,829,592 2,746,806

存貨(增)減 -4,517,680 -3,961,222 -10,779,417 -9,883,969

應付帳款 增(減) -422,968 170,229 588,746 1,626,122

─其他調整項 營業 147,960 76,968 700,673 438,256

來自營運之現金流量 -3,906,222 -3,006,927 -4,809,386 -4,711,908

短期投資出售 -311,069 -983,187 -1,793,484 -100,432

出售長期投資價款 0 0 0 0

長期投資(新增) 250,275 179,944 4,385,292 15,500

處分固定資產價款 7,471 0 7,339 2,038

固定資產(購置) 19,233 9,140 143,497 30,894

─其他調整項 投資 -24,897 -14,467 103,668 -34

投資活動之現金流量 -598,004 -1,186,740 -6,211,263 -144,822

現金增資 0 0 7,656,779 0

支付現金股利 0 0 0 0

支付董監酬勞員工紅利 17,658 17,658 80 80

短期借款新增(償還) 5,537,895 4,436,874 4,910,781 4,330,475

長期借款新增(償還) 0 0 0 0

發行公司債 0 0 2,000,000 1,000,000

償還公司債 7,567 0 0 0

庫藏股票減(增) 0 0 0 0

─其他調整項 理財 -2,363 -2,616 4,617 32,997

理財活動之現金流量 5,510,306 4,416,600 14,572,096 5,363,394

匯率影響數 0 0 0 0

本期產生現金流量 1,006,080 222,933 3,551,447 506,663

期初現金約當現金 4,245,934 4,245,934 694,486 694,486

期末現金約當現金 5,252,013 4,468,868 4,245,934 1,201,151

本期支付利息 203,382 160,031 34,811 522

本期支付所得稅 214,225 137,966 76,552 52,442


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Book Value vs. Market Value

• Book Value

• Market Value

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Financial ratio analysis

• Financial ratio analysis involves methods of calculating and interpreting financial ratios in order to assess a firm’s performance or status.

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• 1. What is the definition?

• 2. How to calculate?

• 3. Is the number food or bad?– Time-series analysis– Cross-sectional analysis

• 4. Why?

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Financial Ratios

• Liquidity

• Asset Management

• Debt Management

• Profitability

• Market value

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Sep-87 Jun-87 Dec-86 Jun-86

財務比率分析 公式 (九個月) (六個月) (十二個月) (六個月)

短期償債能力流動比率 流動資產/流動負債 1.62 1.73 2.00 1.56

速動比率 (流動資產-存貨)/流動負債0.39 0.43 0.52 0.18

資產管理存貨週轉率 銷貨收入/存貨 0.21 0.14 0.48 0.13

應收帳款回收天數應收帳款/(銷貨/365) 21.99 29.48 18.38 88.57

固定資產週轉率 銷貨/淨固定資產 6.52 4.25 12.26 3.73

總資產週轉率 銷貨/總資產 0.13 0.09 0.28 0.11

負債管理負債對總資產比 負債/總資產 0.53 0.52 0.48 0.66

賺得利息倍數(TIE)EBIT/利息費用 1.56 3.27 14.83 1019.24

獲利力能力淨獲利邊際 淨利/銷貨 0.01 0.09 0.22 0.20

基本獲利力 EBIT/總資產 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.02

總資產報酬率 淨利/總資產 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.02

普通股權益報酬率淨利/普通股權益 1.07 5.46 30.03 10.89

市場價值股價 50.5 54 62 68

帳面值 16.31 16.55 26.55 12.83

本益比(P/E) 每股市價/每股淨利 718.20 101.81 19.73 82.00

市價對帳面價值比市價/帳面價值 3.10 3.26 2.34 5.30Du Pont 方程式ROA =淨獲利邊際 x總資產週轉率0.002 0.008 0.062 0.022ROE =淨獲利邊際 x總資產週轉率x權益乘數0.003 0.016 0.118 0.065

or = ROA x 權益乘數

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• Current ratio: current assets/current liabilities

• Quick ratio(acid-test): (current assets-inventories)/current liabilities

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Asset Management

• Inventory turnover: sales/inventories

• Days sales outstanding:receivables/(daily sales)

• Fixed assets turnover:sales/net fixed assets

• Total assets turnover:sales/total assets

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Debt Management

• Total debt to total assets: total debts/total assets

• Times-interest-earned (TIE):EBIT/interest charges

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• Profit margin on sales:net income available to common stockholders/sales

• Basic earning power (BEP):EBIT/total assets

• Return on total assets (ROA):net income available to common stockholders/total assets

• Return on common equity (ROE):net income available to common stockholders/common equity

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Market value

• Price/earnings (P/E):price per share/earnings per share

• Market/book (M/B):market price per share/book value per share

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Du Pont Equation

• ROA =profit margin x total assets turnover

• ROE =profit margin x total assets turnover x equity multiplier

or = ROA x Equity Multiplier

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Long-term financial planning

• Financial planning formulates the way financial goals are to be achieved. The end result is a financial plan.

• Goal: growth

• Basic financial policy:Capital budgeting decisions - The firm’s needed investment in

new assets.Capital structure policy - The degree of financial leverage the

firm choose to employ.Dividend policy - The amount of cash the firm pay to the

shareholders.Net working capital decision - The amount of liquidity and

working capital the firm needs on an ongoing basis.

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Pro Forma Statements

• A financial plan will have a forecasted balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows.

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Assumptionsrevenue growth rate 30%cost of good sold / sales 90%interest rate 9%tax rate 50%depreciation rate 10%Net working capital expands in proportion to the increase in revenuefixed asset/sales ratio is fixeddividend payout/net income 60%assuming no equity issue, and debt is used to cover expenditures

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1988 1989 1990Income statementRevenue (REV) 2,160 2,808 Cost of good sold (CGS) 1,944 2,527 Earning before interest and tax (EBIT) 216 281 Interest (INT) 36 59 Rearning before taxes 180 222 Tax 50% (TAX) 90 111 Net income 90 111

Balance sheetsAssets Net working capital (NWC) 160 200 260 Fixed assets (FA) 740 800 1,040 Total assets 900 1,000 1,300 Liabilities and Equity Debt (D) 400 400 655.6 Equity 500 600 644.4 Total liabilities and equity 900 1,000 1,300

Statement of cash flowSources Net income (NET) 90 111 Depreciation (DEP) 80 104 Operating cash flow 170 215 Borrowing (dD) - 255.6 Stcok issues (SI) 64 - Total sources 234 470.5 Uses Increase in net working capital (dNWC) 40 60 Investment (INV) 140 344 Dividends (DIV) 54 66.5 Total uses 234 470.5

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作業• 編列“大有塑膠公司”的財務預測報表及做財務比率分析