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Page 1: Leadership 360 Coaching Report Sample - mdshongkong.com · Sample Chris Williams ABC Company Coaching Assessment This Leadership Coaching Report presents the assessment results and

Sample ®Leadership 360

Coaching Report

Chris Williams

ABC Company

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Chris WilliamsABC Company

Coaching Assessment

This Leadership Coaching Report presents the assessment results and coaching suggestions for

Chris Williams at ABC Company. It is based on the completion of assessment instruments

measuring motivations and approaches to leadership. This report is organized into the following



Assets and Potential Challenges

Based on the assessment results, this section presents a narrative summary of assets as well as

some of the potential challenges Chris Williams may encounter in fulfilling the responsibilities

of the role. As with all multi-rater assessments, it is common to find some observer perceptions

that differ from the self perceptions of the individual leader as well as some that differ from the

perceptions of other observers. While there are many reasons for these differences in

perceptions, the most common reasons include variations in observer experiences with the

individual leader, variations in observer expectations, and behavior variations the individual

leader demonstrates because of the different relationships he/she has with observers.

This section presents several Coaching Suggestions that can be used to help Chris Williams

develop in key areas of leadership. To be successful in sustaining any change, it is important to

ultimately narrow the developmental focus to incremental shifts on just one or two leadership

dimensions. Many suggestions are presented as options in this report in order to provide a variety

of choices for the individual leader.

Coaching Suggestions

Role Profile

Chris Williams, along with observers, completed the Leadership Effectiveness Analysis (LEA)

questionnaire, which measures how a person approaches the leadership role in terms of 22

dimensions. This section shows the individual and observer scores on the 22 Leadership

Effectiveness Analysis (LEA) variables.

Leadership Requirements Match

This section summarizes the information presented in the LEA profile by identifying those

dimension scores which fall within the targeted leadership requirements range as well as those

dimensions that fall below the targeted leadership requirements range.

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Chris WilliamsABC Company

Coaching Assessment


Based on the profile for Chris Williams, the following characteristics are likely to contribute to

potential effectiveness in the role:

Potential Assets from Self and All Observer ratings:

1. Keeps others enthused and engaged; builds emotional commitment; can be dramatic and inspiring;

operates with energy and intensity; can inspire emotional expression in others

2. Persuasive and convincing; likely to try to influence others’ points of view; uses language to build

commitment for ideas; can be an effective advocate for ideas or initiatives

3. Assertive and competitive; pushes to achieve results; can be forceful in the face of obstacles; works

well in a challenging environment; does not shy away from conflict or debate

4. Works hard and sets high standards for achievement for self and others; emphasizes the importance

of being serious about goals; strong work ethic; ambitious and willing to work hard to achieve


5. Friendly, sociable and outgoing; has an easy and informal way with others; socially skilled; likes to

establish a friendly atmosphere in teams; easy sense of humor; at ease in social situations

Potential Assets from All Observer ratings:

6. Strong identification with the leadership role; comfortable taking charge and leading and directing

the efforts of others; addresses conflict and comfortable making decisions; seeks to be influential

7. Practical, concrete approach to work; likes to be hands-on and is alert to the need for action as it

presents itself; has a preference for practical, simple solutions; can respond quickly

Potential Assets from Self, Peer and Direct Report ratings:

8. Very direct and straightforward; provides frank and direct feedback; let’s people know where they

stand; quick to clear up ambiguity; does not shy away from delivering difficult messages

Potential Assets from Boss and Peer ratings:

9. Delegates; allows others’ freedom to make mistakes; gives people a chance to try out their own

ideas; enlists the talents of others to get things done; asks for help when needed

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Coaching Assessment

Potential Assets from Self and Direct Report ratings:

10. Takes own counsel; highly independent thinker; works well with autonomy; trusts own instincts;

confident in own opinion; self-directed

11. Persistent, follows-up; stays on top of tasks and goals until they are complete; strong

follow-through efforts; keeps promises; not easily discouraged; will not give up easily; needs little

external motivation for self-discipline

Potential Assets from Self only ratings:

12. Responsive and supportive to those in positions of authority; will turn to more senior resources for

direction, decisions and information; likely to be loyal to the organization; conscientious and

generally willing to follow the organizational rules

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Coaching Assessment

Based on the profile for Chris Williams, the following characteristics may potentially reduce

performance and potential in the role:


Potential Challenges from Self and All Observer ratings:

May sometimes demonstrate more enthusiasm, emotion or energy than is useful in the situation;

may be less effective when there is a need to be the calming influence in a situation; being

constantly on the go may unintentionally create some degree of chaos


May attempt to persuade and convince when listening would be the better approach; may

occasionally come across as self serving or calculating; may come across as overly invested in own



Tendency to be less organized; less attentive to details; less systematic in work methods; can be too

vague in providing guidelines; less careful in following procedures


Less attention to long-term implications of issues and actions; less time spent on analysis and

planning; may be too reactive or too short-term focused; may not think ahead; may not anticipate

problems or consequences


Little effort invested to keep emotions in check; less likely to be reserved especially under stress or

in a highly emotional situation; may sometimes say things that would be better left unsaid; may

respond too quickly when waiting would be wiser


Less focused on helping others; less willing to compromise; may not accommodate to support team

goals; may pursue own priorities without considering the needs of the team; less likely to go along

for the sake of harmony


May fail to review and learn from past practices; may take longer to learn from mistakes; may be

less cautious regarding risk; may take less time to evaluate consequences; may be less attentive to

upholding organizational traditions


Potential Challenges from All Observer ratings:

Less likely to thoroughly present or explain ideas and viewpoints or to pass along information; may

be less precise or clear in setting expectations; may communicate only on a need-to-know basis;

inadequate communications may cause frustration with others


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Coaching Assessment

Potential Challenges from Self, Peer and Direct Report ratings:

May come across as too aggressive and overbearing; may unnecessarily take an adversarial

approach; may see too many things in terms of win/lose outcomes; may argue when discussion

would be more constructive


Less emphasis placed on building and using expert knowledge; may not take the time to develop

specialized skills; may be less effective when working with colleagues or customers who expect

greater expertise; may risk not staying up-to-date in industry or area of expertise


Potential Challenges from Boss and Peer ratings:

Less attentive to monitoring progress toward goals; less emphasis on follow-through activities; may

sometimes be too loose in setting deadlines; may start more activities than can finish; may pay less

attention to the later phases of projects or more complex tasks


May have difficulty taking independent positions; may be too reliant on the opinions of others; may

be less effective when working independently; may not feel confident taking action without

validation or confirmation


Potential Challenges from Boss and Direct Report ratings:

Less likely to seek opinions of others; may not get the input needed to make the best decisions; may

have difficulty building commitment if others’ ideas are excluded or rarely solicited; may be

reluctant to learn from others


Potential Challenges from Peer and Direct Report ratings:

May sometimes come across as too controlling; may fail to let others take the lead; may be less

open to the influence of others; may come across as too power oriented


Potential Challenges from Self and Direct Report ratings:

May sometimes become too demanding or have unrealistic expectations; may not effectively

balance people needs with results orientation; may overwork self and others, potentially have a

negative influence on quality


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Coaching Assessment

Potential Challenges from Self only ratings:

Hesitant to consider new ideas or approaches; less open to taking risks; less concerned with

challenging outmoded assumptions and methods; less likely to respond as quickly in fast changing



Less concerned with immediate responses and quick reactions; may be less attentive to the

day-to-day activities; may have less of a sense of urgency; may tend to be less hands-on and

sometimes generate somewhat impractical solutions


Potential Challenges from Boss only ratings:

May sometimes act too quickly without thinking through implications; may oversimplify some

complex problems; may become more focused on immediate needs and lose sight of the longer term



Less likely to be influenced by those in authority; less attentive to organizational mandates and

rules; may take on the role of the “devil’s advocate”; comfortable challenging the organization and

more senior colleagues


Potential Challenges from Peer only ratings:

May sometimes appear too friendly and gregarious; may be taken less seriously in more formal

environments; at times may be overly social and take longer to get down to business


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Coaching Assessment


Chris Williams scored lower on Strategic, indicating somewhat less emphasis placed on taking

a long-range, broad approach to solving problems and decision-making. This may result in

spending less time in objective analysis, thinking ahead, and planning than is ideal. This may

reduce effectiveness when the role requires this individual to:

• Be future and long-term oriented

• Anticipate challenges, risks, interdependencies, and opportunities

• Be effective at strategic planning

• Utilize strong analytical thinking skills

By first determining the context (situations, relationships, projects, etc.) where the expanded use

of Strategic will add value, experimenting with one or more of the following coaching

suggestions will help Chris Williams become more effective in the use of Strategic in the

leadership role:

1. Identify the strategic objective – A leader employing Strategic is anchored in outcome and

purpose. Questions such as: What are we trying to accomplish? What does success look like?,

How is this aligned with our strategy?, are examples of questions that help keep the leader and

others focused on following courses of action that support key outcomes.

2. Assess the long-range picture – Keep looking forward with the intention of doing the best to

anticipate the long-term consequences and opportunities to potential ideas, solutions and course

of action. Regularly ask: Where will this lead us in one year, two years, or three years from


3. Understand the implications - Actions always have a ripple effect. Assess the broader

implications of ideas and actions by exploring the answers to questions such as: What is the

implication on customers, suppliers, investors, etc.? What supporting conditions do we need for

this to be successful? Who has to be convinced for this to be approved? How does this fit in to

the other three initiatives we're working on?

4. Develop plans – Indentify the major steps needed to successfully achieve the final outcome,

such as interim goals, time frames, resources needed, etc.

5. Anticipate the future – Make time to look forward and anticipate the future. Stay on top of

trends and shifts in the industry, market, and customer patterns. Engage others in this

forward-thinking focus by asking questions such as: What challenges and/or opportunities might

come up in the near and longer term? What will our customers want? Where is the industry

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Coaching Assessment

headed? How might changes in the economy impact us?

6. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of solutions and potential actions – Analysis does

not have to be exhaustive to provide valuable insights. Take the time to determine the type and

depth of analysis needed to help ensure decisions are well thought-out before moving forward.

7. Continually remind self and others of the links between tactical activities and strategic

objectives – In fast-paced environments, it is easy to get lost in the process of tactical activities

and lose sight of the strategic intent. Make time in one-on-one meetings, group meeting, and

written communication to remind people about the ultimate goals and objectives for the

organization, unit, or project.

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Coaching Assessment


Chris Williams scored lower on Structuring, indicating somewhat less emphasis placed on

ensuring things are well organized and orderly. This may result in spending less time ensuring

things are done in a precise, methodical manner than is ideal. This may reduce effectiveness

when the role requires this individual to:

• Organize tasks and activities

• Increase efficiency through structured, systematic approaches

• Provide very clear and specific instructions

• Ensure that rules and processes are established and followed

By first determining the context (situations, relationships, projects, etc.) where the expanded use

of Structuring will add value, experimenting with one or more of the following coaching

suggestions will help Chris Williams become more effective in the use of Structuring in the

leadership role:

1. Systemize tasks to ensure consistency– Develop a step-by-step process for important and/or

repeated tasks to ensure they are done thoroughly and consistently.

2. Document processes, policies, procedures, and guidelines for tasks – Write these down

and store in accessible places. Have more structured colleagues review and critique these

written documented processes on a regular basis to guide and structure activities.

3. Emphasize the importance of doing things right the first time - While fixing mistakes,

redoing tasks, and creating several versions of something are all considered acceptable, it

reinforces the tendency to be less attentive to detail and accuracy the first time through.

Increasing expectations of doing things right the first time reinforces the need to be more

organized and methodical.

4. Take a methodical approach to tasks and activities – A slower, more careful pace allows

for time to check details and thoroughness. Slow down the process of action long enough to

ensure the output has a high level of detail and is well organized.

5. Organize work surfaces and physical and electronic files – There are many tips, tools, and

products designed to make it easier to organize our physical environment and both our paper

and our electronic documents. Begin experimenting with these to find those that work best for

you and the environment and materials you are trying to organize. Make time daily and weekly

to keep your physical environment organized.

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Coaching Assessment

6. Learn from colleagues who have become more organized and structured – While there

are valuable tips and ideas to be learned from colleagues who are more naturally structured,

some of the best ideas for increasing your use of Structuring can come from colleagues who

were once less organized and have developed their own mechanisms for increasing their

effectiveness in this area.

7. Use technology tools to support organization – Online calendars, reminder systems, task

organizers, etc. all are easily available tools to help organize in an increasingly electronic world.

Experiment with organizational tools available on your computer, smart phone, and/or tablet.

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Coaching Assessment


Chris Williams scored lower on Restraint indicating less emphasis placed on maintaining a

low-key, understated demeanor. This may result in sometimes coming across as less reserved or

formal than is ideal. This may reduce effectiveness when the role requires this individual to:

• Remain calm in stressful situations

• Take time to respond rather than react quickly

• Avoid dramatic or emotional reactions

By first determining the context (situations, relationships, projects, etc.) where the expanded use

of Restraint will add value, experimenting with one or more of the following coaching

suggestions will help Chris Williams become more effective in the use of Restraint in the

leadership role:

1. Stay calm and reserved in communications – Choose words carefully, use fewer words,

and eliminate words or phrases that suggest elevated emotion.

2. Develop a calming practice – Take a walk, meditate, keep a journal, talk to someone outside

the work environment, or practice deep breathing. The use of Restraint comes best from being

calm and reserved. Develop a practice or set of practices that helps you come back to this state.

3. Use smaller, more limited gestures and facial expressions - Speak in quieter tones. The use

of Restraint is largely signaled by these reserved, non-verbal indicators.

4. Speak and move more slowly – A calmer, slower pace of movement and speech is one of the

keys to Restraint. Practice slowing down your speech and movement below your normal pace

and observe the impact both on yourself and on others.

5. Diminish emotional expressions – Assess where you are most likely to express emotions

more dramatically or intensely. These represent good opportunities to practice a more reserved

expression of your emotions. Practice stating your emotions directly (e.g.. "I am getting

frustrated.") rather than acting out your emotions. Seek feedback from others on your initial


6. Take time to respond and think things through before talking – Delay responding to

written or verbal communication until you are calm and are ready to communicate in a more

reserved manner.

7. Stay focused on the more business-oriented, less emotional aspects of a topic or

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Coaching Assessment

exchange – A key in the use of Restraint is the practice of placing more emphasis on the

business-oriented aspects than the emotional aspects in the situation. Practice distinguishing the

emotions from the business content and responding in ways that prioritize the business content.

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Coaching Assessment


Chris Williams scored lower on Cooperation, indicating less emphasis placed on being

accommodating to the needs and interests of others. This may result in being seen as less helpful

and less willing to compromise than is ideal. This may reduce effectiveness when the role

requires this individual to:

• Be helpful and accommodating to colleagues

• Be willing to compromise

• Put own interests aside for the common good

• Go along for the sake of harmony when needed

By first determining the context (situations, relationships, projects, etc.) where the expanded use

of Cooperation will add value, experimenting with one or more of the following coaching

suggestions will help Chris Williams become more effective in the use of Cooperation in the

leadership role:

1. Put the team's interests first – Determine where your interests and the interests of the larger

body are different, and increase the number of times you choose to support the larger body's

interests over your own.

2. Be willing to compromise, seek common ground – As soon as you become aware of

differences in opinions with others, begin to look for ways that you can modify your position to

facilitate compromise.

3. Seek opportunities to be helpful – Look for instances where people are struggling to

complete activities and offer your efforts to assist in moving to successful completion.

4. Promote cooperation within the team – Communicate and reinforce the expectation that

members of a team will help each other, look for opportunities to accommodate each other, and

seek to compromise when they encounter differences.

5. Be willing to defer personal objectives to help colleagues – Increase the number of times

you put others' objectives ahead of your own. Look for ways to delay your objectives in favor of

offering needed resources and priority to your colleagues' objectives.

6. Respond quickly and convincingly to requests for help – When others seek help, respond

quickly and wholeheartedly with your assistance.

7. Let others know you are available to provide assistance – At the beginning of initiatives,

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Coaching Assessment

let people know you are available to help. Let people know the type of assistance you can

provide. Make sure to restate your offers for assistance as projects proceed.

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Coaching Assessment


Chris Williams scored lower on Conservative, indicating somewhat less emphasis placed on

being cautious and prudent in decision making. This may result in repeating past mistakes or

being less careful than is ideal. This may reduce effectiveness when the role requires this

individual to:

• Carefully manage risk

• Thoroughly evaluate alternatives to find a more cautious option

• Respect and repeat what has been done in the past

• Assess the limits and risks associated with change

By first determining the context (situations, relationships, projects, etc.) where the expanded use

of Conservative will add value, experimenting with one or more of the following coaching

suggestions will help Chris Williams become more effective in the use of Conservative in the

leadership role:

1. Expand understanding of historical practices - Learn organizational and departmental

history, understand what has been done before (both more and less successfully), and build a

solid understanding of the values and beliefs that are important to the organization's history.

When possible, align your actions and decisions to these historical practices and beliefs.

2. Expand understanding of lessons learned from the past - Take time to reflect on lessons

learned from experience, incorporate these lessons into decisions and actions, and share the

lessons you have learned with others.

3. Conduct more thorough assessments of risk - Take time to reflect on lessons learned from

experience, incorporate these lessons into decisions and actions, and share the lessons you have

learned with others.

4. Define the safer, more prudent alternatives - Asking questions such as: Can we do this at a

slower pace? Is there an option that has less risk? Is there an alternative that does not involve as

much change? will help define more cautious and moderate alternatives.

5. Thoroughly investigate before taking action - A leader employing the Conservative

dimension carefully assesses all elements of what is needed to avoid risk or failure before

moving forward. What are all the elements needed to be successful and avoid risk?

6. Use solutions that have been found to work in similar situations - the proven solution.

The Conservative dimension is intended to support a cautious approach to moving forward.

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Coaching Assessment

The newer the course of action, the greater the unknown factors, the greater the chance of

increased risk. Solutions that have worked in similar situations provide a more "tried and true"

course of action.

7. Test new ideas carefully before fully implementing - Run simulations, focus groups, and

pilot projects to test ideas before they are fully implemented. This helps to ensure that potential

risks and problems are identified while the scope of the execution is still limited.

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Coaching Assessment


Chris Williams scored lower on Communication, indicating somewhat less emphasis placed on

setting clear expectations and keeping others well informed. This may result in being less clear

and providing less information than is ideal. This may reduce effectiveness when the role

requires this individual to:

• Ensure that expectations are clearly understood

• Keep others well informed on a regular basis

• Express thoughts, ideas and viewpoints clearly and thoroughly

By first determining the context (situations, relationships, projects, etc.) where the expanded use

of Communication will add value, experimenting with one or more of the following coaching

suggestions will help Chris Williams become more effective in the use of Communication in

the leadership role:

1. Explain thoughts, ideas and expectations thoroughly - Communicate messages so that the

listeners understand, rather than just delivering the message thoroughly enough to confirm your

own understanding. Provide details, give examples, draw a picture - use mechanisms like this to

ensure your message is delivered to your listeners completely.

2. Keep constituents well informed - Find ongoing ways to keep people updated. Schedule

regular electronic and/or in-person updates. Remain focused on the ongoing communication that

follows the initial communication.

3. Practice repeat communications - Messages are more apt to stay in listeners' minds when

they receive or hear them multiple times. The more important the message and/or information,

the greater the need for repeat communications.

4. Check for understanding - Ensure the listener has taken in the information as intended. Ask

the listener to summarize the message, or you can summarize and review key points at the end

of written and verbal communication and/or send a follow-up message after a communication to

confirm understanding.

5. Use multiple forms of communication - Use individual discussions, meetings, presentations,

email, etc. to reinforce messages. Consider creating a shared electronic site to post updates and

relevant information for projects, etc.

6. Clarify the information others need to meet expectations - Ask questions such as: What

information do you need to start this project? and What information is needed to fix this

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Coaching Assessment

problem? The better you understand the information needs of the listener, the more likely you

will provide the information needed to ensure the listener completes the task or project as


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Chris WilliamsABC Company

Coaching Assessment

Leadership Effectiveness Analysis™

Creating a Vision10 6020 30 40 50 70 80 90 96+


5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

Conservative ™ Æ £ ¯

Innovative ™ Æ £ ¯

Technical ™ Æ £ ¯

Self ™ Æ £ ¯

Strategic ™ Æ £̄

Developing Followership10 6020 30 40 50 70 80 90 96+


5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

Persuasive ™ Æ £ ¯

Outgoing ™ Æ £ ¯

Excitement ™ Æ £ ¯

Restraint ™ Æ £ ¯

Implementing the Vision10 6020 30 40 50 70 80 90 96+


5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

Structuring ™ Æ £̄

Tactical ™ Æ £ ¯

Communication ™ Æ £ ̄

Delegation ™ Æ £ ¯

Following Through10 6020 30 40 50 70 80 90 96+


5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

Control ™ Æ £ ¯

Feedback ™ Æ £ ¯

Achieving Results10 6020 30 40 50 70 80 90 96+


5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

Management Focus ™ Æ £ ¯

Dominant ™ Æ £ ¯

Production ™ Æ £ ¯

Team Playing10 6020 30 40 50 70 80 90 96+


5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

Cooperation ™ Æ £ ¯

Consensual ™ Æ £ ¯

Authority ™ Æ £ ¯

Empathy ™ Æ £ ¯


= Self

= Boss(es) = Direct Reports


¯ = Peers

North America n=91964 (Jan2012)

LEA SD Ranges for Samples

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Conservative: Studying problems in light of past

practices to ensure predictability, reinforce the status quo

and minimize risk.

Innovative: Feeling comfortable in fast-changing

environments; being willing to take risks and to consider

new and untested approaches.

Technical: Acquiring and maintaining in-depth

knowledge in your field or area of focus; using your

expertise and specialized knowledge to study issues in

depth and draw conclusions.

Self: Emphasizing the importance of making decisions

independently; looking to yourself as the prime vehicle

for decision making.

Strategic: Taking a long-range, broad approach to

problem solving and decision making through objective

analysis, thinking ahead and planning.


Persuasive: Building commitment by convincing others

and winning them over to your point of view.

Outgoing: Acting in an extroverted, friendly and informal

manner; showing a capacity to quickly establish free and

easy interpersonal relationships.

Excitement: Operating with a good deal of energy,

intensity and emotional expression; having a capacity for

keeping others enthusiastic and involved.

Restraint: Maintaining a low-key, understated and quiet

interpersonal demeanor by working to control your

emotional expression.


Structuring: Adopting a systematic and organized

approach; preferring to work in a precise, methodical

manner; developing and utilizing guidelines and


Tactical: Emphasizing the production of immediate

results by focusing on short-range, hands-on, practical


Communication: Stating clearly what you want and

expect from others; clearly expressing your thoughts and

ideas; maintaining a precise and constant flow of


Delegation: Enlisting the talents of others to help meet

objectives by giving them important activities and

sufficient autonomy to exercise their own judgment.


Control: Adopting an approach in which you take

nothing for granted, set deadlines for certain actions and

are persistent in monitoring the progress of activities to

ensure that they are completed on schedule.

Feedback: Letting others know in a straightforward

manner what you think of them, how well they have

performed and if they have met your needs and



Management Focus: Seeking to exert influence by being

in positions of authority, taking charge, and leading and

directing the efforts of others.

Dominant: Pushing vigorously to achieve results through

an approach which is forceful, assertive and competitive.

Production: Adopting a strong orientation toward

achievement; holding high expectations for yourself and

others; pushing yourself and others to achieve at high



Cooperation: Accommodating the needs and interests of

others by being willing to defer performance on your own

objectives in order to assist colleagues with theirs.

Consensual: Valuing the ideas and opinions of others and

collecting their input as part of your decision-making


Authority: Showing loyalty to the organization;

respecting the ideas and opinions of people in authority

and using them as resources for information, direction,

and decisions.

Empathy: Demonstrating an active concern for people

and their needs by forming close and supportive

relationships with others.

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The following table illustrates how Chris Williams scored on dimensions identified as

leadership requirements.


Boss Peer Direct ReportSelf

Below RangeStrategic Below Range Below Range Below Range

In/Above RangePersuasive In/Above Range In/Above Range In/Above Range

In/Above RangeCommunication Below Range Below Range Below Range

In/Above RangeFeedback Below Range In/Above Range In/Above Range

Below RangeManagement Focus In/Above Range In/Above Range In/Above Range

In/Above RangeProduction In/Above Range In/Above Range In/Above Range

In/Above RangeConsensual Below Range Below Range Below Range

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Chris WilliamsABC Company

Coaching Assessment


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Chris WilliamsABC Company

Coaching Assessment

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