le meridien st julians hotel & spa goes dark

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  • 8/2/2019 Le Meridien St Julians Hotel & Spa Goes Dark




    For the fourth consecutive year, Starwood Hotels and Resorts around theglobe joined together for Earth Hour 2012.

    Le Mridien St Julians Hotel & Spa in Balluta Bay staged the Earth Hour 2012 onSaturday 31 st of March.

    St Julians, Malta - March 31, 2012

    By spending an hour in the dark last saturday, Le Mridien St Julians Hotel & Spa joined millions around the world to send a powerful message about a brighter futurefor the planet. The property turned off its lights in observance of Earth Hour, theglobal environmental awareness event created by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).Last year, Earth Hour 2011 became the biggest Earth Hour ever. A record 135

    countries and territories joined the global display of climate action. Iconic buildingsand landmarks from Asia Pacific to Europe and Africa to the Americas switched off.People across the world from all walks of life turned off their lights and came togetherin celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common our planet.

    To underscore the environmental dedication of its parent Starwood Hotels & ResortsWorldwide, Le Mridien St Julians Hotel & Spa applied energy-saving measures duringthis iconic Earth Hour. Management turned off the exterior signage lighting and allnon-essential interior lights. They used candlelight in appropriate public areas such asthe hotels Lobby and KuDTa Lounge. To avoid paper waste, traditional hard-copyinvitations to hotel guests were replaced by in-room television messages. Indeed, in-house guests, patrons and media joined for an informal stand-up reception in theLobby area, where they were treated to a Welcome drink proudly wearing the EarthHour colours. The official Earth Hour 2012 video was projected on a giant screen forall to see and the start of Earth Hour was marked by Le Mridien evening ritual,whereas hotel associates lit up the many candles spread around the area, on asoothing yet powerful instrumental track. Guests were then invited to the KuDTalounge to embrace the candle-lit atmosphere whilst enjoying an extended HappyHour at the bar. The ambiance was complemented by the pleasant unpluggedperformance of guitarist Mark Rapa.

    For the occasion, the hotel also partnered up with GX-1, the first club to launch LESMILLS programs in Malta. During Earth Hour, from 8.30pm till 9.30pm, Anita Mullen,owner of GX-1, organized a relaxing VIP BODYBALANCE outdoor class on the terraceof the hotels lobby. BODYBALANCE is the Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates workout that buildsflexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centered and calm. Controlledbreathing, concentration and a carefully structured series of stretches, moves andposes to music create a holistic workout that brings the body into a state of harmony

  • 8/2/2019 Le Meridien St Julians Hotel & Spa Goes Dark


    and balance.

    "Linking a Bodybalance class with Earth Hour allows us to create awareness betweenthe connection of Body, Mind and Earth . explains Anita Mullen. We all know we are

    responsible for our own body and mind... now we all need to start takingresponsibility for our planet. Although we only get one life, Earth gives life over andover again and it is our duty to help keep this a healthy, natural and infinite process ."

    This outdoor candle-lit class was a tremendous success and participants loved it. GX-1holds a varied and fun weekly schedule of effective work-outs, presented by CertifiedLES MILLS instructors, at the Fitness Center of Le Mridien St Julians Hotel & Spa.More information can be found on www.gx-1.eu .

    Earth Hour is drawing strong support from Starwood hotels around the globe. Lastyear, unlit hotels offered striking visual imagery that provided an apt symbol of Earth

    Hour. 150 Starwood properties from the EAME division (Europe, Africa, and Middle-East) took part in this glorious event

    Switching off the lights is a simple environmental gesture that must come across asa celebration , emphasizes Franco Vella, General Manager of Le Mridien St JuliansHotel & Spa. We wanted to go beyond a mechanical energy saving moment hencewe invited all our patrons to take a stand with us by sharing the magic of a candle-lit evening.

    This year marked Starwoods fourth annual participation in Earth Hour, making it oneof the biggest worldwide companies to make a global statement with a voluntary hour

    of darkness.

    More information at earthhour.org
