lawlessness is lawlessness. anarchy is anarchy is anarchy ......“lawlessness is lawlessness....

Lawlessness is lawlessness. Anarchy is anarchy is anarchy. Neither race nor color nor frustration is an excuse for either lawlessness or anarchy.” ~ Thurgood Marshall ~ Canada Canada: A Totalitarian State-in-Progress by David Solway Political Philosopher William Gairdner has assembled a virtual mountain of evidence for his claim: Bill C-25 seeking to impose “diversity” on all corporations; financial penalties against organizations that do not comply with government programs; a teeming brigade of government surveillance “Inspectors,” that is, spies -- wage spies, speech spies, feminist spies, pay- equity spies, Human Rights spies; paralegal bodies known as Human Rights Tribunals with the power to levy crippling fines, bankrupt families and shut down businesses, to impose prison time for contempt of court, and to compel conformity via “re-education.” stateinprogress.html#ixzz6EDQ28sLm Canada: Seeding the State with Totalitarianism

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“Lawlessness is lawlessness. Anarchy is anarchy is anarchy. Neither race nor color nor frustration is an excuse for

either lawlessness or anarchy.” ~ Thurgood Marshall ~


Canada: A Totalitarian State-in-Progress by David Solway

Political Philosopher William Gairdner has assembled a virtual mountain of evidence for his claim: Bill C-25 seeking to impose “diversity” on all corporations; financial penalties against organizations that do not comply with government programs; a teeming brigade of government surveillance “Inspectors,” that is, spies -- wage spies, speech spies, feminist spies, pay-equity spies, Human Rights spies; paralegal bodies known as Human Rights Tribunals with the power to levy crippling fines, bankrupt families and shut down businesses, to impose prison time for contempt of court, and to compel conformity via “re-education.”

Canada: Seeding the State with Totalitarianism

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At the end of 1988, already a young family, we moved to Canada to embrace the values of freedom of speech, freedom of (or from) religion, gender equality and a healthy respect for debate and discussion. It took some time to absorb all this and feel empowered to speak out. Thirty years down the road, can I do this in Canada today? The answer is a resounding “no!” Is Canada beginning to resemble the theocracies we left behind? Yes, because Canada is starting to show signs of totalitarianism.

Foul Play Suspected as Third Train Derails in a Month After Far-Left Call for Sabotage The incident is one of three train derailments that have taken place in February across Canada staring with the derailment of 32 cars near Guernsey, Saskatchewan, on February 6th. A fire engulfed 19 of the cars and 1.2 million litres of crude oil was spilt as a result of the derailment. Canada's transport minister has admitted far-left protesters aligned with an anti-pipeline group have been sabotaging railway infrastructure.

Climate zealots have taken Canada hostage. And our PM is missing in action

Anti-pipeline is far too narrow. These are the anti-industry, anti-energy, anti-Alberta, climate-change save-the-worlders who have been harassing the country for years. The difference is in the past week they’ve upped their opposition, and from one end of the country to another decided to muscle their way to a victory by a storm of blockades, protests, traffic obstruction, and in the case of Victoria, B.C., actually shutting down the people’s legislature.

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The Candice Malcolm Show: Trudeau has no idea how to get our economy moving again Justin Trudeau bows to a foreign despot, turns a blind eye to anti-gay persecution, says he admires fascist China and he has no idea how to get our economy moving again.

Left-Wing Websites Instruct Activists to use Thermite to Destroy Canadian Infrastructure

Two far-left extremist websites are offering detailed instructions and maps on how to sabotage rail lines and other critical Canadian infrastructure. The websites in question, North Shore and Warrior Up, instruct readers to disrupt Canada’s rail, pipeline, road, and communications networks. In one North Shore blog post, the author calls for people to stand in “solidarity” with Wet’suwet’en protestors by attacking rail routes. North Shore describes itself as a place for far-left extremists from southern Ontario to gather and organize.

Canada is Falling Apart with Daniel Bordman Canada is in disarray right now. The Liberals are attacking the West, the Conservatives have a terrible crop of candidates and don't sleep on China, because they might be in charge of the whole thing if we blink. On top of all this we have a fake first nations society trying to shut down the country and we have somehow turned a convicted terrorist into a celebrity. Not Jaspal Atwal, but Omar Khadr, however both are in the news this week. What a mess.

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B'nai Brith Canada Launches Lawsuit Against Federal Government

B'nai Brith Canada has filed a lawsuit against the federal government, citing its failure to comply with a motion to list Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), in its entirety, as a terrorist organization. The action, specifically launched against both the government and the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, comes about five weeks after B'nai Brith, the Council of Iranian Canadians and the Justice 88 Campaign publicly urged the implementation of a motion passed by the House of Commons in June of 2018.

Canada: Official describes use of taxpayer funds for Muslim Voting Guide as “weird”

Wilfred Laurier’s “Islamophobia” exposé is aligned with the Saudi-funded Bridge Initiative at Georgetown University. The “Islamophobia” “Fact-Sheets” issued by both Wilfrid Laurier and the Bridge Initiative are aimed at defaming anyone whom the researchers (Zine et al) deem to be “Islamophobic” (including me). Canadian taxpayers should not be paying to advance defamation and antisemitism. It is “weird” at best, as well as criminal under Canada’s existing hate laws. Enforcing the Law is Racist!

Enforcing the law is racist, Andrew Scheer gives the speech of his career, Conservatives are not welcome in the democratic process and a Liberal buys ads to shut down jobs in Alberta.

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The Canadian Nationalist Party has filed a civil lawsuit against the City Of Saskatoon To date, our constituency has violated no hate speech legislation and initiated no violence. Yet, from the very outset of this campaign in early 2017 to the end of the 43rd Federal Election we have experienced systemic discrimination on the basis of nothing more than our political stance of Canadian nationalism. This denial of the Canadian Nationalist Party, a federally-sanctioned political party, to receive publicly-funded services demonstrates that our government is engaging in taxation without representation.

Tough-Skinned and Big-Hearted: Christie Blatchford, 1951-2020 – Mark Steyn

It is easy (as I can attest) to be a star columnist, but far rarer to be, as Christie was, a star reporter - the one who made heads turn when she entered a courtroom because her presence signified that the trial was a big deal. That world is dead: the big press conglomerates bungled their transition to the Internet, and made the same mistake as all those railroad companies at the dawn of manned flight who failed to grasp they were in the transit business rather than the train business.

Courage, compassion and common sense: Interview with Dr. Leslyn Lewis, CPC leadership candidate

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Conservative Party leadership candidate Dr. Leslyn Lewis joined me to talk about her background and the left wing media's narrative of what a conservative is supposed to be. In this interview, Dr. Lewis covers jobs in Alberta, immigration issues, foreign aid, Stephen Harper and more.

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C3RF Update – 21 February 2020

This week's update asks the question; is Canada a "rule of law" nation? One might wonder given the special treatment that is afforded certain groups - even as these same groups implement their agendas unimpeded by the government laws and policies that everyday Canadians must respect. One might also wonder if its about time to level the playing field and restore the "inalienable and universal" rights that are the birthright of all Canadian citizens. Rights that the original framers of the Charter intended to reign supreme.

The Environment

Child miners aged four living a hell on Earth so YOU can drive an electric car His name is Dorsen and he is one of an army of children, some just four years old, working in the vast polluted mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where toxic red dust burns their eyes, and they run the risk of skin disease and a deadly lung condition. Here, for a wage of just 8p a day, the children are made to check the rocks for the tell-tale chocolate-brown streaks of cobalt – the prized ingredient essential for the batteries that power electric cars.


Freedom of Speech

The Chilling Legacy of the Rushdie Affair

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So let us grant Rushdie the right to his bygones. Yet let us also recognise that he is, in actual fact, a hero. With the exception of one brief and desperate faltering, Rushdie understood the principle he had been conscripted to represent, and he stood firm for it. ‘What is freedom of expression?’ he famously said. ‘Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.’ In 1995, still in hiding and under 24-hour guard, he surfaced to say this: ‘If someone is trying to silence me, then I should find a way of speaking back with increased force. If someone is trying to subject me to an attack of what you might call hatred, then I should not return hatred for that hatred. I should try to return instead all the generosity and openness of heart that is possible through literature and art.’ These are the words I hope – but do not expect – I might have the courage to say if I were ever tested.


Free Speech and Religion in France

Macron entered the debate over a specific issue that arose when a 16-year-old French girl, a self-declared lesbian named Mila, took part in a live broadcast in her Instagram account in which she responded to personal insults by a Muslim man who called her a dirty lesbian and other objectionable names. She then called Islam “a religion of hate.” As a result, she was verbally attacked and threatened, was unable to go to school, and was forced into hiding. The legal, as well as moral, question was whether she had provoked religious hatred by what some regarded as blasphemy or was entitled to free speech.

Who pays to protect free speech on campus A decision in January by the Alberta Court of Appeal could put the onus on universities to cover the costs of facilitating free speech. The whole situation only came to a head in 2016, when the pro-life club applied to do it all again. The university said yes, but given the previous year’s brouhaha, demanded that the club cover security costs—an estimated $17,500, with a

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$9,000 deposit up front. It was a price Duteau and company could not and would not pay. “It wasn’t our group causing the disruption,” she says. “We followed all the rules. We were very careful to make sure to set everything up in a safe and respectful way.


After Nearly Dying At The Hand Of A ‘Bernie Bro,’ Steve Scalise Attests To Their Violence

Perhaps the most infamous example of Bernie Bro violence occurred in 2017 in what became known as the congressional baseball shooting, wherein Scalise and three other victims were shot during a practice for the congressional charity baseball game. James T. Hodgkinson, who federal authorities identified as the shooter and who died in a shootout with police, was a staunch Bernie Sanders supporter and fit the Bernie Bro descriptor, which has come to encapsulate the segment of Sanders’ insufferable and intolerant far-left supporters, who are mostly young, white males apparently motivated at least in part by racism and sexism.


Heartbroken Dad of Trans Teen Breaks Gag to Beg

For End of ‘State-Sponsored Child Abuse’

‘I had a perfectly healthy child a year ago, and that perfectly healthy child has been altered and destroyed for absolutely no good reason,’ Rob Hoogland says. For the past 11 months, Robert Hoogland, a father in Surrey, British Columbia, has been forced to watch as his 14 year-old daughter was “destroyed and sterilized” by court-ordered testosterone injections.

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Google, Twitter

Twitter Just Made Ideological Defamation Its

Official Corporate Policy

It is one thing for Twitter to claim it wants to police violence, threats, and private information. They have a responsibility as a platform to do that. But that is not what this is. Twitter clearly wants all the powers and privileges of being a major news publisher, including shutting down opinions according to its own priorities, but with none of the costs or responsibilities. That’s unacceptable. If Twitter wants to control content and censor users based on their political views, then lawmakers need to treat the company as the obvious publisher that it is.

Ted Cruz speaking with Dr. Robert Epstein on

Election Meddling – this is a MUST watch

Professor Robert Epstein told Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) that Google is manipulating voters "on a massive scale," using tools that it has at its disposal exclusively, and that "no one can counteract them." Epstein warned the Senator of big tech election meddling that he called "invisible," "subliminal," and more powerful than anything he's seen in 40 years of behavioral sciences.


United Nations

Why do we put up with the United Nations?

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The fact is that the United Nations serves absolutely no useful purpose. It is an organization run by thugs, socialist failures, Islamists and tiny municipalities parading as sovereign nations, who do nothing to stop unjust wars or improve the lives of anyone anywhere. The “diplomats” assigned to the United Nations spend their days arguing motions that lead nowhere, they devote approximately 98 percent of their time and energy to condemning Israel, they scoff at U.S. laws (about $15 million annually in unpaid tickets), they jet around the world attending virtue-signalling events and conferences, their “peacekeepers” are routinely responsible for exacerbating the problems wherever they are assigned and they administer a near infinite number of agencies and branches accomplishing nothing but providing very lucrative employment to United Nations staffers.

Around the World


France: Macron Vows Crackdown on Political Islam French President Emmanuel Macron has announced new measures aimed at countering political Islam in France. The changes would limit the role that foreign governments have in France in training imams, financing mosques and educating children. Macron also vowed to fight what he called "Islamist separatism" and to lead what he described as a "Republican reconquest" aimed at reasserting state control over Muslim ghettoes — so-called no-go zones (zones urbaines sensibles, sensitive urban zones) — in France.


'Migration is an Organized Invasion'

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke Thursday of the mounting migratory pressure on Hungary’s southern border. Orbán, one of the

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few European leaders to speak out against immigration, revealed that many countries refuse to reject migration because "it’s forbidden to say so in Europe."



Build Bibi Build!

The UN Human Rights Council’s release Wednesday of its blacklist of companies with financial ties and business relations with Israeli Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria is a reminder of Israel’s vulnerability and the vulnerability of Jews worldwide. The vile, bigoted list, which singles out for boycott firms that do legitimate business with law-abiding Israelis just because they are Jews is yet another example of the UN-led international community’s anti-Jewish bloodlust.

Okay, Israel, What Have You Done For Us Lately?

Read twelve of the recent astounding achievements of Israel - from making water from air to BioBee, a harmless pest control. They never stop giving their gifts to the world despite the rampant anti-Semitism.

United Kingdom

Grooming Gangs and Indifferent Police: What Have We Learned After Rotherham? One of the most enraging things about these reports is that, in many cases, they say the officials responsible for botching the investigations are no longer identifiable. South Yorkshire Police claim not to have been able

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to identify the police officers who dragged their heels as evil men exploited children. The Manchester report, meanwhile, limply states that its authors: [have] been unable to clarify who was the gold commander for Operation Augusta; however, it would have been likely to have been an officer of at least chief superintendent or assistant chief constable rank.

Stab City: No one dares speak the truth about young black men stabbing each other to death on the streets of London. Katie Hopkins

Politicians know these black lads are not voters. They have no voice in the media. No one is howling with indignant rage. Even the mothers of the slain are silenced by the gangs they fear. Those who should be held to account can look the other way. And they do. Sadiq Khan has obstructed the Metropolitan Police in their efforts to grip the gang problem in London.

United States

Very Sad, Shocking News

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It is with a very heavy heart I report to you tonight the shocking and terrible news that our good friend and incredible patriot, Phil Haney is dead. Details are few, but he was murdered, found somewhere near his abandoned car, shot in the chest. He had been missing since Wednesday. Rumor has it that Phil was about to return to DHS. We don't know any more at this point, but if he was killed because of what he knows, this is a significant escalation in the Red-Green Axis war against America. I will let you know when I learn more. Phil was a wonderful man, a dedicated patriot and a devout Christian. We can take some comfort knowing that he is with the Lord and once again beside his beloved Francesca, who was taken by cancer last year.

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It was Obama, not Trump, who weaponized government against political opponents

The media frequently buries stories that might hurt political candidates or policies they support and will continually run false stories against political candidates and policies they oppose. How else can it explain the years of fake stories on Russian collusion, seeking to destroy white Christian boys for wearing MAGA hats, trying to destroy Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh with no evidence, the false "Hands up, don’t shoot" narrative? How many people are the media willing to destroy in order to get power back for the Democrats? Isn’t that pure weaponization and revenge? Remember these incidents?

CAIR foiled: Raymond Ibrahim to speak at U.S. Army War College next week I am scheduled to lecture about my book, Sword and Scimitar, at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle Barracks next week. As American Thinker readers may remember, The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) fought hard against exposing the future leadership of the US Army to the real history of Islam’s war on infidels since its founding by Mohammed.

Other Articles

Douglas Murray reveals the very high price his friend Jordan Peterson has paid as a martyr for free speech At no point has he held himself out to be a saint. And not once has he

suggested that he has all the answers. Jordan Peterson is a remarkable

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man. But he's still a man, with all the frailties and failings that condition

involves. His daughter says that he is on the mend. And I know I say on

behalf of millions of people: 'Get well soon, my friend. Our world has need

of you.'

Inoculating Against Islam

One reason that Kafirs (non-Muslims) convert is that they do not know the complete Islam. They are only told about the first stage of Islam – loving what Allah loves. Converts are never told that the final stage is to hate what Allah hates. Allah hates the Kafir and Kafir civilization, such as free speech and equal rights. The convert has been exposed to the “good stuff,” but does not know the full doctrine of a dualistic Islam. The other side of the “good stuff” is darkness such as jihad, abuse of women and slavery.

The Terrorists Migrating into Europe

“Based on French intelligence material, a clandestine 'external operations' division of ISIS in January 2014 sent its first of 'at least' 21 well-trained operatives to Europe camouflaged among refugee and migrant flows...more fighters trained by ISIS in Syria traveled the migrant routes alone or in pairs at the rate of every two to three months through the balance of 2014 and early 2015” according to the Times."

Former member of al-Qaeda says there is “no such thing as a rehabilitated jihadist”

I’ve been pointing out for years that de-radicalization programs are an abysmal failure everywhere they have been implemented. The whole premise of “de-radicalization” is that Islam is a religion of peace that jihadis misunderstand, twist, and hijack. Since that is a false premise, and warfare against unbelievers is actually taught in the Qur’an and Sunnah, “de-

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radicalization” focuses on other issues, such as “anger issues” that the jihadi may have, his feelings of “alienation,” and the like. But since none of that changes what the Qur’an and Sunnah say about warfare against unbelievers, it doesn’t “deradicalize” the jihadi at all.

Western Governments Play a Key Role in Successful Honor Killing Escapes

A woman who has been humiliated, battered, and death threatened almost daily from childhood on; who has not been taught that she is an individual and, as such, entitled to human rights; does not believe she has an identity other than that of daughter, sister, wife, and mother – how can such a person suddenly decide that her life is worth saving and that she is entitled to both freedom and happiness?


It Depends on the Interpretation

When you mention a Koran verse or a hadith that a listener does not like, they may answer: It all depends on how you interpret it. Pew Research asked one billion Muslims how they interpret Islam and the results are interesting.

We Remember Sophie Scholl and Hans Scholl

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The White Rose Movement was a German anti-Nazi group formed in Munich in 1942. The members of the White Rose advocated nonviolent resistance as a means of opposing the Nazi regime. The students of the White Rose risked all, motivated purely by idealism, the highest moral and ethical principles, and sympathy for their Jewish neighbors and friends.

“Stand up for what you believe in even if you are standing alone.”


Act! For Canada

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