kubernetes 101

Kubernetes 101

Upload: jacopo-nardiello

Post on 11-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Kubernetes 101

Kubernetes 101

Page 2: Kubernetes 101

whoamiDevOps Engineer @ Spreaker


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What to expect

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A Kubernetes primer

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Tips, tricks, sweat and bloodreal life experience bringing k8s to produc5on

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High-load system

Distributed architecture

Our whole infrastructure is on AWS

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Our pain points

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Underused machines

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Autoscaling would take minutes

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Non-athomic provisioning makes it difficult to roll-out upgrades or migrate services

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The solu)on: Docker!Perfectly determinis/c, ephemeral, light-


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Unfortunately containers are just half

of the equa3on

Real costs will emerge as you try to make containers work


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(Opinionated) Orchestra1on framework to organise and deploy container-based


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Agnos&c sandbox where you provide the desired state of your

services/apps. Kubernetes aims to take care of everything else

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From the outside Kubernetes is a black box

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But inner mechanisms makes it a complex beast to master

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We got the cookies!a.k.a. features

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Self-healing servicesHealth checks on your containers,

rescheduling failing jobs

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Dynamic scalingEnsure current state and scale your pods (but

it's s4ll on you to scale the nodes)

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Networking and rou/ngRoute traffic to your containers

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Efficient physical resources usageScheduling containers on physical/vms nodes

according to their effec7ve needs

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Enough talking

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$ kubectl get nodes

NAME STATUS AGEip-172-20-0-209.eu-west-1.compute.internal Ready 47mip-172-20-0-210.eu-west-1.compute.internal Ready 47mip-172-20-0-211.eu-west-1.compute.internal Ready 47mip-172-20-0-212.eu-west-1.compute.internal Ready 47mip-172-20-0-213.eu-west-1.compute.internal Ready 47m

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kubectl is your local CLI command center.

You can issue commands to the cluster either by kubectl or directly calling REST APIs exposed by the master

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We got the nodes, we are ready

Our first container on kubernetes!

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YAML all the things!

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PodsA pod is a group of one or more containers. Pods are the smallest

deployable units that can be created and managed in Kubernetes.

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Replica(on ControllersA replica*on controller ensures that a specified number of pod

“replicas” are running at any one *me

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DeploymentsPod + Replica-onController

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apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1kind: Deploymentmetadata: name: dummy-workerspec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: dummy-worker spec: containers: - name: dummy-worker image: jnardiello/forever env: - name: SOME_ENV_VAR value: envvarvalue resources: limits: cpu: "256m" memory: "128Mi" requests: cpu: "5m" memory: "8Mi"

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ServicesA Kubernetes Service is an abstrac0on which defines a logical set

of Pods and a policy by which to access them.

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kind: Servicemetadata: name: dummy-worker-servicespec: ports: - port: 80· targetPort: 8000 protocol: TCP selector: app: dummy-worker externalIPs: []

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There are different types of servicesNodePorts, proxied by the master

LoadBalancer, crea'ng an actual ELB on AWS

Ingress [beta] - WARNING, do not use

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Deploy the containerh"ps://asciinema.org/a/7c42c8itmyz3982p6fmo9ecvi

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Resilient applica,onsh"ps://asciinema.org/a/2bxo51ond7ac4haaguneingmv

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Kubernetes is truly amazing(for POCs)

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Ba#le-tested clusterA long way before reaching produc4on ready

There will be blood!

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Opinionated Logging

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Opinionated Monitoring

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Master skynet, then implement your own solu4on

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Custom metrics-based AutoscalingOpsFactory/Kappa

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These topics are for another /me(We should probably do Kubernetes102)

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