krupskaya (1925) young pioneers, how women can help.docx

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  • 8/10/2019 KRUPSKAYA (1925) Young Pioneers, How Women Can Help.docx


    Young Pioneers, How Women Can Help

    Source:Workers Weekly, July 3, 1925

    Publisher:Communist Party of Great BritainTranscription/HTML Markup:Brian Reid

    Proofreader:David Tate

    Public Domain:Marxists Internet Archive (2009). You may freely copy, distribute,

    display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works.

    Please credit Marxists Internet Archive as your source.

    The bourgeoisie of all countries understands to a nicety what a great power the

    experiences of childhood have over people, and for this reason it endeavours to bringthe children up in the bourgeois spirit from their earliest years.

    The clergy, the teachers servile to the bourgeois Government, the unprincipled penny-a-

    line childrens authors and the grasping cinema proprietors all work feverishly in this


    During recent years the bourgeoisie has resorted to the Boy Scouts system for

    organising the children in detachments faithful to the old order, Camping, bivouacs,

    amusing games, sportsall these interests so engross the children that they do not know

    that in these organisations they are being quietly caught in the net of bourgeois ideas,

    and that they arebeing trained as the servile slaves of capitalism. The Fascist childrens

    organisation in Italy, the Belilla, is based on the same principles as the Boy Scouts.

    A Million Russian Pioneers

    On the other hand we see the Young Communist International, aided by the Communist

    Parties, striving to organise a Communist Childrens Movement.

    In Germany the childrens groups are very well organised. The children do not let

    themselves be caned in the schools, refuse to say prayers, help the workers on strike,

    collect money for hungry children, and for all these things they are often taken to the

    police station, where they conduct themselves manfully. The Childrens Movement

    organises them and trains them in manliness and the will to struggle.

    Here in Russia the Childrens Movement has also begun to grow. The participants in

    this Movement, aged from eleven to fourteen, are called the Young Pioneers, of

    which there are now already about a million.
  • 8/10/2019 KRUPSKAYA (1925) Young Pioneers, How Women Can Help.docx


    It is important that the Childrens Movement be as closely as possible connected with

    the workers organisations, especially the womens.

    What can the working women do for the Young Pioneers? Conscious working women

    can, above all, carry on wide agitation among the women workers and peasants, who are

    not class conscious, explaining to them what are the Young Pioneers.

    Explaining the Movement

    Participation in the Young Pioneers organisation gives workers children friendship

    with their comrades, many happy experiences and a knowledge of the working-class

    struggle. It also arouses their curiosity. This must all be explained to those working and

    peasant women who do not like their children joining the Pioneers and scold them for it.

    It must be explained to them that it is no less important for the girls than for the boys to

    join the Pioneers. The girls must not be tied down to the home, but from the early years

    should be accustomed to being together, in one organisation with the boysto be with

    them on a comradely footing.

    Young Pioneers desire, to work, they want to have industrious hands; in fact, they want

    to be able to do a great deal, and they are prepared to learn from whoever can teach

    them. The working women are capable of a great deal, let them transmit theirknowledge to the Pioneers.

    The working women can find a thousand ways in which to help the Young Pioneers to

    grow up as steadfast fighters, capable workers for the future, and good Communists.