educational pioneers


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Comenius 1592-1679 (Czeck)

Role of Teacher – To be a permissive facilitator of learning to based instruction on child’s stages of development.

Significance – Helped develop a more humanistic view of the child; devised an educational method.

Influence on Today’s School – schools organized according to children’s stages of development.

Comenius 1592-1679 (Czeck)

Purpose of Education - To relate instructions to children natural growth and dev’t; to contribute to peace and human understanding.

Curriculum – Vernacular language, reading writing, mathematics, religion, history, Latin, universal knowledge.

Method of Instruction – Based on readiness and stages of human growth, gradual cumulative, orderly, used of concrete objects.

Locke 1632-1704 (English)

Purpose of Education – to develop ideas in the mind based on perception; to educate individuals capable of self-government.

Curriculum – Reading, writing, arithmetic, foreign language, mathematics, history, civil government, physical education.

Method of Instruction – Sensation; story, gradual, cumulative, learning

Locke 1632-1704 (English)

Role of Teacher – To encourage sense experience; to based instruction on empirical method.

Significance – Developed a theory of knowledge based on sensation.

Influence on Today’s School – Schooling that emphasizes sensory observation.

Rousseau 1732-1773 (Swiss French)

Purpose of Education – To create a learning environment that allows the child to innate, natural goodness to flourish.

Curriculum – Nature; the environment

Method of Instructions – Sensation; experience with nature

Rousseau 1732-1773 (Swiss French)

Role of Teacher – to assist nature; nor to improve social conventions on the child.

Significance – led a romantic revoke against the doctrine of the child depravity; a forerunner of child-centered progressivism.

Influence on Today’s School – Permissive schooling based on child freedom.

Pestalozzi 1748-1827 (Swiss)

Purpose of Education – To develop the human being’s moral, mental, and physical powers harmoniously use of sense of perceptions in forming clear ideas.

Curriculum – Object lessons; form, number, sounds

Method of Instructions – Sensation; object lessons; simple to complex; near to far; concrete to abstract.

Pestalozzi 1748-1827 (Swiss)

Role of Teacher – To act as a loving facilitator of learning by creating a homelike school environment, skilled in using the special method.

Significance – Devised on educational method that changed elementary education.

Influence on Today’s School – Schooling based on emotional security and object learning.

Herbart 1776-1841 (German)

Purpose of Education – To contribute to the human being’s moral development through knowledge and ethics.

Curriculum – Curriculum correlation, interests, morals; logics, mathematics, literature, history, music, art.

Method of Instructions – Preparation, presentation, association, systematization, application.

Herbart 1776-1841 (German)

Role of Teacher – To stimulate the learner’s intellectual and moral development by formal stages of instruction.

Significance – Devise a formed method of instruction based on the planned and sequenced lesson.

Influence on Today’s School – Schooling that stresses literary and historical materials designed to enlarge the learner’s interest.

Froebel 1782-1852 (German)

Purpose of Education – To bring out and to develop the talent spiritual essence of the child in prepared environment.

Curriculum – Songs, stories, games, gifts, occupation

Method of Instructions – Self-activity; play

Froebel 1782-1852 (German)

Role of Teacher – To facilitate children’s growth

Significance – Created the kindergarten a special early childhood learning environment.

Influence on Today’s School – Preschools designed to liberate the child creativity.

Spencer 1820-1903 (English)

Purpose of Education – To enable human beings to live effectively, economically, scientifically

Curriculum – Practical, utilitarian and scientific objects.

Method of Instructions – Sensation and the scientific method; activities.

Spencer 1820-1903 (English)

Role of Teacher – To organize instruction in terms of basic life activities.

Significance – A leading curriculum theorist who stressed scientific life activities.

Influence on Today’s School – Schooling that stresses scientific knowledge and competitive values.

Dewey 1859-1952 (American)

Purpose of Education – to contribute to the individual’s personal, social and intellectual growth.

Curriculum – Making and doing; history and geography science; problems

Method of Instructions – Problems solving according to the scientific method

Dewey 1859-1952 (American)

Role of Teacher – To create a learning environment based on the shared experience of the community of learners.

Significance – Developed the pragmatic experimentalist philosophy of education.

Influence on Today’s School – Schooling that emphasizes problem solving and activities in a context of community.

Montessori (1870-1952)

Purpose of Education – To assist children’s sensory, muscular, and intellectual development in a prepared environment.

Curriculum – Motor and sensory skills; pre-planned materials

Method of Instructions – Spontaneous learning; activities; practical, sensory and formal skills exercises.

Montessori (1870-1952)

Role of Teacher – To act as a facilitator or director of learning by using didactic materials in a prepared environment.

Significance – Developed a widely used method and philosophy of early childhood education.

Influence on Today’s School – Early childhood schooling that is intellectually and developmentally stimulating.

Counts 1889-1974 (American)

Purpose of Education – To create a new society that encompasses science, technology and democracy.

Curriculum – Social issues, history, science, technology, and the social science.

Method of Instructions – Problem solving according to social methodologies.

Counts 1889-1974 (American)

Role of Teacher – To become an educational statesperson who serves as a leader in reconstructing society.

Significance – Originated the social reconstructionist view of the school.

Influence on Today’s School – Schools designed to stimulate social planning and reconstruction.

Piaget 1896-1974 (Swiss)

Purpose of Education – To organize education in terms of children’s patterns of growth and development.

Curriculum – Concrete and formal operations

Method of Instructions – Individualized programs; exploration and experimentation with concrete materials.

Piaget 1896-1974 (Swiss)

Role of Teacher – To organize instruction to stages of cognitive development.

Significance – Formulated a theory of cognitive development.

Influence on Today’s School – Schooling organized around cognitive developmental stages.

Hutchins 1899-1977 (American)

Purpose of Education – To educate human beings to search for truth, which is found in the wisdom of human race.

Curriculum – Liberal arts and sciences; great books

Method of Instructions – Identifying, analyzing and reflecting on intellectual concerns.

Hutchins 1899-1977 (American)

Role of Teacher – To ask leading and challenging questions that stimulate students to pursue truth.

Significance – A leading spokesman for the perennialist perspective in education.

Influence on Today’s School –Schooling that emphasizes the liberal, arts curriculum.